a broadrangeof Distrlct Purpose.The purposeof thisdistrictis to accommodate of bothresidents needs to servethe serviceestablishments retailandcommercial andthe public. B. Districtshallbe PermittedFrincipalUses.Landand buildingsin the C Commercial provided purposes, occupancy exceedsa tenant no single usedonlyfor thefollowing findsthatthe proposed floorareaof 20,000squarefeetandthe ZoningAdministrator of Section5.6 E. of this Regulations usesatisfiesall of the DistrictDevelopment lndustryClassification North American refer to the Numbers Sector Ordinance. on the effectivedateof in effect and Budget; System,1997;Officeof Management thisOrdinance.A completelistof usescanbe obtainedin the Townshipoffice. andFood$ervices(Sector72) 1. Accomrnodations Waste and SupportServices(Sector56) but excluding 2. Administrative (562) Services and Remediation Management (Sector71) but excludingsexuallyoriented andRecreation 3. Arts,Entertainment businesses Services(Sector61) 4. Educational (Sector62) 5. HealthCareand SocialAssistance (Sector software,bookand music 51) suchas newspaper, o. Services Information publishers butexcludingsexuallyorientedbusinesses (Sector55) and Enterprises of Companies 7. Management 8. Personaland LaundryServices(812)butexcludingsexuallyoriented businesses Services(814) 9. PrivateHousehold ScientificandTechnicalServices(Sector54) suchas legal,tax 10. Professional, services anddesignservicesandveterinary preparation, engineering Services(Sector92) 1 1 . PublicAdministration 12. RealEstateRentalandLeasing(Sector53) (813) andSimilarOrganizations Civic,Professional, Grantmaking, 1 3 . Religious, directlyto the consumer thatsellmerchandise 1 4 . RetailTradeEstablishments (Sectors44 and45), but excludingsexuallyorientedbusinesses,drive-thru exceeding2,000squarefeet. outdoorsales,and buildings businesses, yards, mill work,if conductedin a completely including and sash lumber 1 5 . Retail enclosedstructure. (Sector42) 16. WholesaleTradeEstablishments towers 17. Essentialservicesbutexcludingtelecommunications use a principal accessory and incidentalto 18. Usescustomarily C. with UsesPermittedwith SpecialConditions.Landand buildingspermitted provided purposes, no singletenant shallbe usedfor the following specialconditions occupancyexceedsa floorareaof 20,000squarefeet,the ZoningAdministrator andfurtherprovidedthatthe are satisfied, findsthatthe tollowingconditions of Section5.6 E. Regulations proposedusesatisfiesall of the DistrictDevelopment of thisOrdinance. are thatall operations Services(811)provided 1. RepairandMaintenance enclosed structure. a completely within conducted as accessory to a principalusesubjectto the following Businesses 2. Drive-thru conditions: 28 Servicelanesshallbe designedfor a one-waytrafficflowonly. Sufficientvehiclestackingspaceshallbe providedso thatmotorvehicles streets,and highways. on sidewalks, will not interferewithcirculation physically fromcustomer separated function shall be The drive-thru c. parkingareas. The physicalseparation shallbe achievedthrough structures. structures,curbs,islands,or otherpermanent homedevelopment HomeSaleswhenpartof a manufactured Manufactured providedthe requirements of thisdistrictare met. subjectto thefollowingconditions: Outdoordisplayand salesof merchandise to a principaluseon the samelot. a. Outdoorsalesshallbe accessory for saleshallbe limitedto paved b. The outdoordisplayof merchandise surfaceareas. c. All repairand serviceshallbe donewithinan enclosedbuilding. d, All outdoorstorageof trash,vehiclepartsandsimilaritemsshallbe areasand publicstreetsand screenedfromviewfromresidential highways. (Sector233)andSpecialTrade GeneralContracting Building,Developing, (Sector235)providedthatall operations, materials, andsupplies Contractors enclosedstructure. are conductedand storedwithina completely witha permitted contractors Contractors equipmentstorageyardsassociated provided in is located the rearyard the outdoorstorageof equipment operation and is screenedfrom viewfrom residentialareasand streetsto a heightof eight(8) feet abovethe ground. distric{subjectto the PermittedCommercialUsesthat abuta residential followingbufferingrequirements: maydetermine thatadjoiningusesarenot a. The PlanningCommission as requiredby andthat minimallandscaping or buffering, incompatible Review, is lX, Site Plan acceptable. Article findsthatadjacentusesor useslocated b. \A/herethe PlanningCommission attributable to outdoor on oppositesidesof a street,will be incompatible buffershall a landscaped storage,parking,loading,or similaractivities, of be requiredadjacentto the commonpropertyor streetlineconsisting walls, fencing. Said of vegetation, and berming, decorative combinations districtto an buffershallscreenthe activityfromviewof the residential opacityot 85%at leastto a heightof six (6)feetfor interiorsideandrear yards. Fencingaloneshallnot be considered to be acceptable screening and shallnot be usedin frontor streetsideyards. Suchscreeningshall not exceeda heightof three(3) feet in a frontor streetsideyard. a. b. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. D. Uses Permittedbv Special Use Permit,Landand buildingspermittedby Special providedthe Planning LandUse Permitshallbe usedonlyfor the followingpurposes, Regulations of Section5.6 E. findsthat all of the DistrictDevelopment Commission satisfied and further Standards subjectto the General and of this Ordinanceare of ArticleVlll of thisOrdinance are satisfied. SpecificRequirements 1. SexuallyOrientedBusinesses. Towers. 2. Telecommunication PUDs. 3. Mixed-Use 4. Municipally ownedoutdoorstorageyards. 29 5. E. exceedinga footprintof 20,000squarefeet. No Singletenantoccupancies shallexceeda footprintareaof 90,000squarefeet. singletenantocc,Jpancy regulations shall DistrictDevelopmentRequlations.Thefollowingdevelopment District. within Commercial the C applyto all usesandstructures LotWidth 1 . Minimum Height Structure 2. Vlaximum Yard Front 3 . Vlinimum lnteriorSideYard 4. Vlinimum StreetSideYard 5. Vlinimum RearYard 6 . Uinimum g0 FT 1) 35 FT 25 Ff 2t3) 3) 25 FT 2)3) 25 Fr 25Fr ") r) As measuredat thefrontbuildingline. SeeSection3.18for accessmanagement requirements. lineunless Lotwidthon US-31andM-66shallbe at least150feetas measuredat the right-of-way of Section3.18arefullysatisfiedor the lot requiresno direclaccess thespacingrequirements to thehighway. a Off-streelparkingandthe displayof merchandise for saleshallnotbe locatednearerthe street.or linethantherequiredbuildingsetback. Highwayright-of-way t) Rnyyari abuttingor acrossa streetfroma C4ommercialor l-lndustrial districtmaybe reducedto 10feet,exceptthatno reductionin anyyardabuttinga publicstreetshallbe permitted.Fora by a personas a unat, of morethan10 acresthat is plannedanddeveloped consisting development distridmaybe reducedto 0 feet,exceptthatno anyyardabuttinga C4ommercialor l-lndustrial in anyyardabuftinga publicstreetshallbe permitted. reduction F. Districtshallbe All usesin the C Commercial ProceduralFequirements. Review. withArticlelX, SitePlan processed in accordance JU ARTICLEIX SITEPLANREVIEW 9.1 INTENTANDPURPOSE complyfullywithTownship Siteplanreviewis intendedto insurethatdevelopments servicedby andareableto be adequately ordinances andstate,andfederalstandards with publicservicesandfacilitieswhilemaintaining a highdegreeof compatibility andthe naturalenvironment. surrounding development EXEMPTIONS 9.2 SITEPLANSREQUIRED: A. altered,no change Slte PlansRequired.No buildingshallbe erectedor structurally on any shallbe commenced andno grading,or excavation in useshallbe permitted Article has of this plan requirements meets all the parcel that of lot or untila site beenapprovedby the PlanningCommission. B. of lotsabuttingUS-31,M-66,and BoyneCity Exemptions. Withthe exception may Commission plans for all uses,the Planning required shallbe Roadwheresite of the Submission plan that determines reviewwhenit exemptthe followingfromsite with a siteplanwouldserveno usefulpurposeandthe proposedusecompliesfully ordinancerequirements: accessto/frompublic thatrequireno newor additional 1. Accessorystructures roads. of a principalbuildingby lessthan 10 per centof the existing 2. An enlargement for willnot resuttin a requirement grossfloorareaprovidedsuchenlargement additionalparkingor accessto a publicroad. 3. A changein a principalusewheresuchchangewill not resultin the expansion surface,additionalaccess, an increasein impervious of an existingstructure, to the existingsiteconditions. or otheralterations dwellings exceptthatanysuchdwellinglocatedin a critical 4. Oneandtwo-family duneareashallnotbe exemptfromsiteplanreview. businesses. 5. Home-based 9.3 SITEPLANREVIEWPROCEDURES A. ProceduresFor All Site Plans. the a formalapplication, 1. OptionalSketchPlanReview. Beforesubmitting the review to Commission applicantmayrequesta meetingwiththe Planning project.Thepurposesof the optionalsketchplanreviewmeetingareto allow sketchesof the the opportunity to presentpreliminary applicant the prospective priorto proposeddevelopment andseekinputfromthe PlanningCommission sketch of the plans. in course the made preparation Statements of detailed the binding cornmitments to be legally planreviewmeetingshallnot be construed on the Partof eitherParty. shallapplyfor siteplanreviewnot lessthan30 2. Applicatidn.An applicant the date on whichsuchsiteplanshallbe reviewedby the days before calendar (7)copiesof theapplication, support Seven Commission. Planning plan Planning Commission to the shallbe submitted andsite documentation, of this to the standards andrequirements Chairfor reviewaccording Ordinance. 3. 4. B. PlanninqCommission ChairReview.ThePlanning Commission Chairshall officialsfor commentsand circulatesite plansto the appropriate as to theirconformance recommendatrorrs withapplicable standards and requirements. Approval:Refenal. Oncethe PlanningCommission Chairdeemsthe siteplan to be complete,the siteplanshallbe refenedto the PlanningCommission for review. lf modifications are recommended, the applicantshallbe notifiedin meetingso thatadjustments advanceof the PlanningCommission canbe madepriorto suchmeeting.A siteplanshallbe deemedapprovedonlyupon the signatureof the ZoningAdministrator. PlanninoGommissionReview. Oncea siteplanis forwarded to the Planning shallreviewthe siteplanaccording Commission, the Commission to the standards of thisArticle.The Commission shallapprovethe siteplanif it is in and requirements is in substantial conformance withthe requirements of the zoningordinance, page (see 40) witha PUDor PRDMasterDevelopment Plan,andis compliance Townshipplansand consistentwiththe TownshipMasterPlan,otherapplicable ordinancesand stateandfederalstatutes.lf the PlanningCommission findsthatthe withapplicable site planis not in conformance Townshipplansandordinances the plan, statingthe reasonsfor denialin writing. Commission shalldenythe site 9.4 SITEFLAN REQUIREfrIENTS. A. SubmissionRequirements. 1. SupportDocumentation. At a minimum,the followingsupportdocumentation shallbe providedwiththe application: full name,address,telephone a. The propertyowne/s and applicant's numberand proofof ownership; b. A signedstatementthatthe applicantis eitherthe owneror officially actingon behalfof the ownerof the property; c. The nameand addressof the engineer,architector landscape architect who preparedthe siteplan; d. Projectdescriptionincludingthe totalnumberof structures, units, parking feet residents, of floor area, bedrooms,square spaces, employees,customers,and relatedinformation; e. The tabulationof the grossand netacreageof all parcelsin the project; f. Existingland uses,zoning,andexistingstructures on andwithin100feet of the subjectparcel; g. A writtendescriptionidentifying the probableprojectimpactson the and services(streets,schools,utilities), existinginfrastrupture the natural andthe sunounding environment neighborhood andthemeasures to be emplbyedto mitigatesucheffecti. 2. SitePlan. The site planshallconsistof an accuratereproducible drawingor the siteand areaswithin100feetof the site. Siteplans drawings,illustrating shallbe sealedby a registeredarchitect,engineer,or landscape architectand shallbe drawnto scaleand renderedon a minimumsheetsizeof 24 inchesby 36 inches.Siteplansshallincludethefollowing: a. Legaldescription,propertylines,lot lines,propertydimensions, and setbacklines; b. Scale,northanow,dateandvicinitymap; 61 Roadlocationsandnames,existingroadand alleypavementand rightofwaywidths,the locationandwidthof existingandproposedutility the sizeandlocationof existingand proposedpublicutilities, easements, buildingservicelinesandwellsandthe locationand numberof curbcuts anddriveways; anda detailedgradingplanat two (2)foot contour d. Existingtopography intervals; siteamenities andanysignificant e. Locationandtypeof existingvegetation project; and howtheywill be alteredby the of waterbodiesand courses,floodplains, f. Locationandelevations drainagewaysandwetlandsandhowtheywill be protectedor alteredby the project; g. Location, of existingand proposedstructures size,heightanddimensions proposed structures; drawingsfor andtypicalelevation streets,drives,curbcuts, of proposed h. Locationanddimensions lanesthat are and deceleration clearzonesandacceleration intersection project measures thatare management and any access the to serve M66; trafficconflictsalongUS-31and requiredto minimize walkways,bicyclepathsand other sizeanddesignof sidewalks, Location, i. areasof publicuse; j. Size,number,locationanddesignof parkingandloadingareas; k. Locationof all otherutilitieson andadjacentto the site including,but not cableTV andtelephoneservices; lirnitedto, naturalgas,electricity, buildingsand usesincluding, structures, Proposedlocationof accessory l. and storagesheds,transformers but notlimitedto, docks,flagpoles, facilities. similar m. Requiredsetbacklines,lot size,lotcoverageandanyvariancesto be requested; andlocationsof commonopenspacesand n. Proposedlayout,dimensions facilities; recreation of drainageareasand storm sizeanddimensions o. Theproposedlocation, ponds; waterdetention p. A stormwatermanagement andsoilerosioncontrolplan; of all existingand proposed q. Thelocation,size,height,andorientation signs. planillustrating the size,location,speciesand Detailedlandscaping r. plant materials; numbersof andsecuritylighting; s. Thelocationanddesignof exteriorornamental andheightof proposedfences,walls,and design,materials, t. Location, devices. otherscreening and solidwaste sizeandscreening of alltrashreceptacles u. Location, disposalfacilities; storage aboveor belowground v. Locationof anyexistingand proposed materials,and any requirement or hazardous facilitiesfor salts,flammable structures or clearzonesas maybe requiredby for containment governmental agencies. information maybe requestedby the Planning w. Thefollowingadditional Commission: the soiltypesandthe abilityof soilsto 1) A reportdescribing the proposeddevelopment; accommodate c. 62 2) 3) A tree locationsurveysignedby an engineer,surveyoror landscape architect,showingall existingtreeshavinga diameterat breast names heigntof six inchesor greater,the commonand/orscientific and the diameterat breastheightof thesetrees,plusan indication of treesto be preserved,to be transplanted,or to be removed duringsitedevelopment.Closelygroupedtreesshallbe designated the numberpresentand by the predominate speciesrepresented, the diameterat breastheightrangeof the groupor clump; A trafficstudyindicating the numbersof vehiclesthatwillbe generatedby the development, potentialareasof congestion or conflict,andthe improvements thatwill be requiredto mitigatetraffic impacts B. maywaiveanyor allsiteplanrequirements if Waiver. The PlanningCommission drainage, or alterationdoesnot affectexistingtrafficcirculation, the construction grading,relationship lighting, buffering, of buildingsto eachother,landscaping, parkingand otherconsiderations may of siteplanreview.Any of theserequirements where,in itsjudgment,suchdatawill not be waivedby the PlanningCommission bearon the decisionof the PlanningCommission. c. the Appeals. An applicantmayappeala decisionof the PlanningCommission, or the PlanningCommission Chairtothe ZoningBoardof ZoningAdministrator, Appeals. BASISFORDETERIIINATIONS. A. a Standardsfor GrantinqSite Plan Aoproval. Beforeapprovingor disapproving plan, to determine that site shallrevieweachapplication the PlanningCommission shallfind the proposeduse meetsthe followinggeneralstandards.TheCommission that eachproposeduse on the proposedlocation: to be harmonious, 1. Shallbe designed,constructed, operated,andmaintained and appropriate in appearance withthe existingor intended compatible, characterof the generalvicinityandthatsuchusewill not changethe essential in whichit is proposedto be located. characterof the areaot neighborhood to existingor futureusesin the same 2. Shallnot be hazardousor disturbing generalvicinityand will be a substantial to proper$in the improvement as a whole. immediatevicinityandto the community 3. Shallbe adequatelyservedby essentialpublicfacilitiesandservices,suchas refusedisposal, drainageimprovements, streets,policeandfire protection, for the waterand sewageservices,and schoolsor that personsresponsible of the proposeduseshall,in the opinionof the Planning establishment provideadequateprivateservicesandfacilitiesin lieuof public Connmission, facilitiesand services. sound 4. Shallminimizetrafficconflictsand maintaintrafficcapacityby employing accessm6nagementprinciples. 5. Shallnot createexcessiveadditionalpubliccostsfor facilitiesandservices. andequipment materials, or 6. Shallnot involveuses,activities,processes, persons, property, or the to any conditionsof operationthatwill be detrimental generalwelfareby emittingfumes,dust,glare,vibrationsor odors. 63 T. B. g. extentpossible,the naturalresourcesof to the maximum Shallpreserye, area. the siteand andthe intentand purposes withthe specificstandards Shallbe consistent andtheTownshipMasterPlan. of thisandotherTownshipordinances agencies of othergovemmental andrequirements Shallmeetthe standards is assured. or been obtained has already andapproval B. and--mayattachconditlons Commission ThePlanning QonditionalApprovats. to the approvalof the siteplan,for the general deemednecessary safeguards proper$rights,andto insurethatthe protection of individual welfire,for the andthe districtwill be satisfiedwhensuch purposesandspiritof thisOrdinance conditions: 1. Insurethatpublicservicesandfacilitiesaffectedby a proposedlanduseor increasedserviceand servicefacility activityare capableof accornmodating loadscausedby the landuseor activity, andconservenaturalresourcesandenergy, 2. Protectthe naturalenvironment withadjacentusesof land, 3. Insurecompatibility desirablemanner,and in a sociallyandeconomically land of use the 4. Promote power thisOrdinanceand police under of the 5. Are relatedto the validexercise proposed or activity. use whichareaffectedbythe the purposes c. imposed,if any,on the andiorsafeguards RecordinqCogditions.Theconditions and shallremain action approval record of the in the siteptansnallbe recorded andthe Commission exceptuponmutualconsentof the Planning unchanged that shallmaintaina recordof the conditions landowner.The PlanningCommission havechangedor beenimPosed. slTE PLANAMENDMENTS. except siteplanpriorto or duringconstruction tto cnangeshallbe madeto an approved procedures: withthe following in accordance to the PlanningCommission uponapplication A. Minor Ghange. A changeto a siteplaninvolvingminorchangesin the sitingof . trafficwaysand parkingareasand walkways, of utilities, the adjustment buildings, by the PlanningCommission similarminorchangesmaybe approvedor disapproved by the Chair. Chairor refenedto the PlanningCommission B. a changein the numberand involving MaiorGhanse. A changeor amendment or decreaseof overten public increase an and alleys; streets tocationoi accessesto parking spaces;a majorrelocationor percentin grossfloorareaor in the numberof in openspaceandsimilarmajorchangesshall re-sitlngof a building,a reduction A majorchangeto a siteplan requirethe approvalof the PlanningCommission. by the PlanningCommission. be approved shall beforeor duringconstruction AND REVOCATION 9.7 SITEPLANEXPIRATION A. permithas not Expiration.An approvedsiteplanshallexpireif a zoning/building plan. The site of the of approval beenissuedwithin12 monthsfollowingthe date waive or extend may,uponwrittenrequestby the applicant, PlanningCommission is the periodof timein whichthe siteplanis to expireif the PlanningCommission satisfiedthatthe applicantdemonstrates a goodfaitheffortto proceedwith construction.In the eventno suchrequestis madein writingby the applicant within the initial12-monthapprovalperiod,the ZoningAdministrator shallnotifythe applicantin writingof the expirationof saidsiteplan. lf a zoning/building permithas period beenobtainedwithinthe 12-month followingapprovalof the siteplan,but workceasesor substantialprogressis not madefor any 12-monthperiodthereafter, the siteplanshallexpireandthe applicantshallbe so notifiedin writingbythe ZoningAdministrator. Revocation.The PlanningCommission shallhavethe authorityto revokesiteplan approvalat anytime,followinga hearing,if construction of the approvedprojectis deemedby the ZoningAdministrator notto be in conformance withthe approvedsite plan. Upondiscoveryof a violation,the ZoningAdministrator mayissuea stopwork orderand a noticeto the applicantto appearbeforethe PlanningCommission. Noticeof the hearingdateshallbe providedto the applicantno lessthan10days priorto the dateof the hearing. 65