KEY PHYSICS221 EXAM 1 FALL 2OO4 QUESTIONS WORTH 2 POINTS. Four identicalbricks of massm andlabeledA to D arearrangedas shownin the figne andmove togetherwhenthey arepushedwith a constantforceF alonga roughsurface(with friction). A B C 1. D Find the valueof the ratio of the net forceson blocksA andD, &gla. F*p' a. ll4 b. t/3 @, d.3 e.4 2. Block D pushesblock C with a certainforce F . The magnitudeof the force exertedby block C on blockD is: a.0 b.x c.+ d.+ @f, rnr andm2hangfrom the ceilingasshown Two blocksof masses in the figure. 3. Find the tension in the string betweenthe two blocks. a. T: mtg fQr:-ti \-.-/- 4. T=(mr+mz)g d. T: (mr - mz)g e. T: (mz- mr)g If the systembeginsaccelerating upward(because it hangsfrom the ceiling of an elevator, for instance),the tensionin the stringbetweenthe blocks: a. Increases if m1 <rfi2 no matterwhat is the relationbetweenthe masses. Gl"creases c. Remainsthe same d. Decreases no matterwhat is the relationbetweenthe masses. e. Decreases if m1( In2 5. The figure shows sketchesof fotr identical projectiles each launchedwith the sameinitial speed,but with different angles. Which shell will be in the air the longest? c) D) E) A B C D All projectileswill be in the air for the sameamountof time. 6. Which plot of a*(t) is consistentwith the v*(t) plot shownbelow? D) --t €- - t-_ !o*(s) E) "-(t) \o t(s) IfA + 0thismeansthat 7. A )e r v B )e l vl c )# + 0 o a;)t*t+ -E) trasto be changing' lVl A **q * : 1 kg, is tied to a roPeandis undergoinguniform circularmotion on a frictionteti, hotitontal table. (The figure is view from above).Which of the following changeswill increasethe tensionin the rope the most? 8. A) Doublem andhalver' B) Doublem and doubler' C) Doublevs anddoubler' v6 andhalver. @oouble Doublevs, doublem anddoubler' E 9. by a fttt ng*e showsa masssuspended is tied rope The system. pulleyirope/chain omut the ceiling andfloor andthe whole systemis at rest. Which of the following is tnre? (NOTE: T1 is the tensionin the rope andT2 andT3 arethe tensionsin the two chains.) A) Tr :T2: Ta B) Tr:T3oTr<Tz =Tz,Tr > Tr €.-Tt : Ts, Tr < Tz (- EODfz ) T 1< T z < T s QUESTIONSWORTH 3 POINTS. A I .00kg stonegluedto the endof a 30.0-cmlongrod movesclockwisein a circleon a ftictionlesshorizontaltablewith increasingspeed(fignrebelowis seenfrom above). Directionof motion 10. Which of the following vectorsis the bestdescriptionof the directionof the acceleration of the stoneat the positionshownin the figrne? A 1l. The gluewill snapwhensubjectto a forcelargerthan50.0N. At how manyrevolutions per minuteis the stonetravelingwhenthe gluesnaps? a. 83.5rpm b. I l0 rpm @tn rpm d. 135rpm e. 210rpm Bob throws two balls A and B from the edgeof a cliffinto a plain as shown in the figure below. Ignorepoint Theinitialvelocitiesoftheballsdr€v6:Vli *vzj and vB:vzi,withv1,v2)Q. P for the first two questions. 12. Which ball will hit ttreplain first? a. b. Goth Y e. 13 Ball A Ball B ballshit the groundat the sametime. It dependson the ratio of the massesof the balls,ma/ms. It dependson the ratio v1lv2 Find the manimumheightabovethe startingpoint that ball A will reachif vA - (3.0i + 4.0j) n/s. a. 0.46m Aslm c . 1 . 3m d. 2.Am e. 2.8m 14. Point P is located7.00m awayfrom the baseof the cliff. Bob'shandis 20.0m high above the plain. How far abovePointP doesball A pass?(Usethe sameinitial velocity asin the previousquestion). a.36m b. 15m c . 8 . 1m .- @2.7m e. Ball hitsgroundbeforereaching PointP. I '\ a A smallbox of massm = 2.0 kg startsmovingup an inclineangled30" with respectto the horizontal.The speedof the box at the bottomof the incline is 3.0 m/s, andthe magnitudeof the box'saccelerationis 6.0 m/s2. 1 5 .Howhighverticallyabovethestartingpointdoestheboxgo? 0.20m 0.38m 0.65m 0.75m 0.87m a. "'J | d. e. 16. Determinethe csefficient of kinetic friction betweenthe box andthe incline. ( ^ --t b. c. d. e. , Fk= 0.13 lrk = 0.26 Itk= 0.57 ltk = 0.93 Pt = 1.2 17. A puck moveson a horizontal,frictionlesstablewith constantspeedv alongthe x-oris. A constantforceF : Foj is exertedon the puck betweentr andt2. Selectthe best descriptionof the trajectoryof the puck. 18. it with an initial A boatin a channelis 1000m awayfrom a wall andapproaching of with a marimum acceleration velocityof 3 m/s. If the boatcanaccelerate : I x 10-3m/s2,andthe crewtriesto preventa crash,whatwill the ship'svelocitybe lal when(if) it hits the wall? ,-, S)2.6m/s B) 2.0m/s C) 1.5m/s D) l.l m/s E) Shipavoidshitting wall. 19. A river flows southwith a speedof 20 km/hr. If a boatcantravel at a speedof l5 km/hr with respectto the water,at what angel,0, will the boathaveto point so asto go straight acrossthe river? A) 36.9" B) 41.4" c) 48.6" _4\zs.o' C}*Oossible for any angle. snrT eFrO A ball is tossedup into the air andit comesbackto its startingpositionafter4 s. How high abovethe startingpositiondid the ball reachat its highestpoint? Take g = l0 m/s2 and ignore air resistance. 20. A) 100m B) 80m C) 50m @3f 2t. A 12kg block is on an inclinedplaneas.shown. Whatis the minimumvalueof static friction, pr, neededsothat the block will not startto slide? .-- a \ 0.42 (. B)fi.47 c) 0.s0 D) O.el E) r.00 22. A:5?-:J+8 B:? -sj -gt The angle betweenA and B is A) 00 q4. iL47' E) 110" 23. A particlehasa time dependent acceleration a(t) = (6$) t -14 S for positivet. If the particlehasa velocityof 20 m/s at t : 0, how far will the particlemovebetweentimes t= 0 andt: l0s? A) 46m B) 180m ir3oom ( _-p / 5 0 0 m E) 1000 m 24. A cubicfoot of an alloyis at reston a table. Thedensityof the alloy is 7.00g/cm3 What is the size of the normal force acting on the cube? A) 68.6N B ) 1 . 1 8x 102N @t.e4x 103N D ) l . l 8 x 105N E) 1.94x 106N 25. A massM is attachedto a ropethat risesvertically,passesovera pulley andthenextends horizontaltyto anothermass(or a wall). Whichropewill be underthe mosttension? andfrictionless. andtreatpulleyasmassless Treatropeasmassless B) A) 'Crrt )\s=/'rtn=O FtrrcTrov) c) ir\s--o.l pr.t O.ot E) All ropeshaveequaltensions. fs= ,}^p-a ( gr Fucrr"'o) .l ; EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION 26. An objectthatmovesrapidlythroughthe air feelsa forcecalledair dragthat is similarto friction. Air dragopposesmotionandhasa magnitud. lfo*gl : DvZ. (D is the drag coefficient.) If we drop a ball from a very high buildingthis dragforcelimits the maximumspeedof the falling ball. The limiting speedis calledthe terminalspeed.Use Newton'sFirst Law, Newton'sSecondLaw and/orunit analysisto determinewhich of the following is the correctform for terminalspeed. B) D/IvIe c) Ms/D E) 1ffigo