CTP Preparedness Mainstreaming CTP – RC/RC Movement approach to NS CTP Preparedness OCHA/CaLP CTP & Coordination CTP Preparedness RC/RC Movement CTP preparedness framework Enabling systems Communication & coordination NS CTP operational readiness (aim of POA) Resources & capacity Preparedness for NS to be operationally ready to deliver CTP based response at scale in emergencies. Work on 4 tracks: 1. Enabling systems 2. Programme tools 3. Resources and capacity 4. Communication and coordination Programme tools CTP Preparedness Self-assessment of the 4 tracks – one step in the process Self-assessment Enabling systems 5 4 3 2 Communication and coordination 1 0 Resource and capacity Programme tools CTP Preparedness Pillar 1 – Enabling systems Enabling systems Dimension 1: Vision and Strategy. 1. To what extent is there active support from NS senior leadership? 2. How strong is our overall strategy for CTP institutionalization? 3. To what extent is our adoption of CTP based on credible evidence? 4. To what degree is there a plan of action to achieve CTP institutionalization? 5. How consistently are you considering cash transfer as a response option? Dimension 2: Organisational structure. 1. To what extent is there active support from NS NHQ and branches? 2. To what extent we have the right structure in place to support CTP at all levels (field and HQ)? 3. To what extent is there segregation of duties to effectively implement CTP? 4. How well are the policy elements related to CTP adhered to? Dimension 3: Managing Processes. 1. To what extent do we have standardised processes that enable CTP implementation? 2. To what extent has the standardised processes been tested? 3. To what extent is the standardised processes utilised at all levels (NHQ, chapter, subchapter)? 4. To what extent do our processes enable a cost-efficient and effective modality selection? 5. Describe how integrated CTP is in the contingency plans? 6. How would you rate the current instruments used for cash distribution and reconciliation? CTP Preparedness Potential Activities Enabling systems 1) Developing or adapting contingency plans for CTP. 2) Research and prepare most appropriate cash transfer mechanism. 3) Develop CTP SOPs. 4) Adapt financial system. Programme tools 1) Assessment (e.g. market) tools adjusted for CTP. 2) NDRT trained and prepared for CTP. 3) Agreements templates etc. set-up. 4) Adapt M&E systems. Resources & capacity 1) Train staff and volunteers. 2) Simulation exercises. 3) Peer to peer exchanges. Communication & coordination 1) Develop advocacy messages (internal and external). 2) Coordinate actions with other organisations. 3) Develop and share case studies and learning with other organisations. CTP Preparedness RCM CTP Preparedness Guidance CTP Preparedness Stage 1: Prepare and analyse Step 1: Documenting the pre-disaster baseline Step 2: Develop and analyse scenarios Step 3: Identify the gap in CTP preparedness CTP preparedness is linked to existing preparedness and response processes Enabling systems Current capacity and context is understood, analysed and documented Potential blockers have been identified and advocacy has been effective to allow the CTP preparedness process to succeed Market assessments have been completed Stage 1: Prepare and analyse Standard tools are used or adapted to the local context, and used for Programme tools Resources and capacities Communication and coordination contextual analysis development of a CTP baseline development of disaster scenarios identifying stakeholders and engaging with them appropriately The capacity of the National Society at NHQ and branch level to provide scalable and timely CTP has been assessed, and gaps identified. CTP actors, networks and other stakeholders have been mapped and considered Specific internal CTP advocacy is considered and undertaken as required CTP Preparedness Stage 2: Develop and Implement CTP Preparedness Step 4: Develop the CTP Building Blocks Enabling systems Step 5: Mainstream CTP into key areas Step 6: Implement the CTP preparedness POA The NS auxiliary role includes a reference to CTP The National Society is committed to mainstreaming CTP, and this is reflected in strategic and operational plans, and in the CTP preparedness plan. CTP is included in all the plans of all departments and functions that contribute to enabling systems, and this is reflected in CTP SOPs. CaLP resources are known and available. Standard tools are used or adapted to the local context, and used for Programme tools Stage 2: Develop and Implement CTP Preparedness The creation of a CTP Technical Working Group and the appointment of a CTP focal point Self-assessment of CTP preparedness and capacity Draft of NS CTP SOPs guidance and template Identification and contracting of financial service providers Mapping of donors and trends Development of simulations Resources and capacities The NS CTP structures and building blocks are created, inclusive of all stakeholder departments, and functional Training is available for NS staff and volunteers from logistics, finance and admin, from HQ and Branches. CTP is included in contingency plans and stocks, including systems, cards and kits, and registration processes Pre-agreements are established with third parties and financial service providers Partner and/or donor resources are mapped, identified and confirmed Communication and coordination CTP coordination is prioritised and properly resourced CTP is located within the NS communications strategy Beneficiary communications materials are prepared, and ready to be adapted Other communications materials such as FAQs, talking points, audiovisuals, case studies are prepared and ready to be adapted. CTP Preparedness Stage 3: Review, learn and improve Step 9: communicating and sharing learning Step 7: evaluating levels of CTP preparedness Step 8: learning through CTP operations There is an open and transparent attitude to review, evaluation and learning within the National Society. Enabling systems CTP learning is used to identify remaining obstacles and improve CTP processes. Internal and external reviews are used to identify opportunities for learning and improvement. The National Society is open to learning from outside, including outside the Movement, and joins with others to share learning. Standard tools are used or adapted to the local context, and used for Stage 3: Review, learn and improve Programme tools Reporting on the progress of the CTP preparedness project Evaluating the level of CTP preparedness External evaluation of CTP operations Developing case studies Internal capacity exists to effectively monitor progress in the CTP preparedness project, and in CTP operations Resources and capacities Documentation and review are adequately resourced with people, time and money, and senior leadership engage with learning processes Measures are in place to monitor and review the accountability of third parties and financial service providers working with the National Society. Communication and coordination National Society fully engages in a range of networks and platforms for exchanging CTP experience. Learning opportunities are properly documented and disseminated.