Substation and Equipment Grounding Summarize the current measurement equipment and techniques for evaluating the condition of energized substation grounding systems; discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each technique. Test substations with available equipment to determine effectiveness and validate a method for pinpointing the substation grounding issues. Develop recommendations for PPL on the best practice for substation grounding system testing. Substation Importance The Problem • At the heart of the transmission and distribution system • Steps up voltage to carry the electricity across long distances • Steps down voltage to bring the electricity to residential and commercial customers • Many substations were constructed over 50 years ago and electric companies do not know what condition the grounding system is currently in • The effects of corrosion through water content, pH value, soluble salt content, and soil resistivity of the soil at the different sites is unknown • With a degraded grounding systems, the likelihood of transfer, step, or touch potential rises. This is a dangerous temporary voltage that goes through equipment or personnel • Traditional testing methods currently used to test grounding systems requires a de-energized substation, which is only practical before it comes online. • When the substation is energized it is tied in with all equipment, neutral wires, transmission lines, and OHGW, it is impossible to isolate the test procedures from the background noise • No standards exist for continued safety checks on the grounding system after any substation is in-service Grounding • The ground system is a critical part of a substation • It is a network of copper wires below the ground that is connected to each piece of equipment • Offers a safe, low resistance path to earth during normal or fault conditions • Ensures operational performance of the equipment and safety of personnel on site • Provides reliable and continuous flow of electricity by preventing damage to equipment Current Test Procedures • Fall of Potential: most common procedure used for disconnected substations to measure ground resistance • Three-point method • Lazy Spike • Slope Method • Clamp-On • Wenner Four Point Method: for soil resistivity Current Equipment • AEMC Instruments: Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 • Fluke: GEO Earth Ground Testers 1623/1625 • Megger: digital Earth Tester DET2/2 • EPRI Smart Ground Multimeter Current Industry Studies Conclusions • Big gap in market for technologies that check the integrity of energized substations ground grids • The current test protocols and equipment have limited applications for in-service substations • There has been limited and inconsistent research in this area until recently • The research currently available points towards a unique (not 60Hz) current injection into the ground as best method, this allows for the differentiation of the background noise. • Coupling results of current injection with simulation software may lead to the ability to be able to pinpoint break points in ground system • Testing and Evaluating Grounding Systems of High Voltage Energized Substations: Alternate Approaches (1999) • Conventional Method • Transition Method • 70Hz Method • Practical Testing of Grounding Systems by Current Injection (2005) • The test injects a unique frequency into the ground to differentiate the background noise from the test signals • It couples the results with modeling software to understand faults in the ground grid • EPRI Condition Assessment of Substation Ground Grids: Phase 2 –Concept Testing (2008) • This study goal is to develop a method and instrumentation to determine integrity of the grounding grid that is inexpensive, reliable and easy to use • EPRI Lenox Test Grid • Injected currents into subsurface grid can be detected using magnetic pickup coils • The more information known about the grid, the better the test results Author: Megan McLoughlin Lehigh University 2011 M.Eng Energy Systems Engineering Sponsor: PPL Electric Mentors: Wayne Wittman (PSEG) David Soyster (PPL) Bob Lally (PPL) Special Thanks to: Dr. John Coulter Shaku Jain-Cocks