Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area Gaoyuan Liang Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute Network Centre Abstract: This paper discusses current grounding standards still maintain 2000V earth potential design issues of present electric power plants, regulation value unchanged even though the system transformer substations in high soil resistivity area, short circuit capacity is growing, therefore, it is much by incorporating the actual engineering data of a strict on the permissible value of grounding grid 220KV substation, analyzes the impact degree of contact potential and step potential. According to the grounding design parameters to earth potential, recent situation analysis of engineering design, it is contact potential, and step potential. It also can be very difficult to drop ground resistance below used as a reference point for peers to discuss in DL/T621-1997 industrial standards. The following engineering design. article will emphasis on exploring current grounding design issues and solutions of present electric power Key Words:High Resistivity, Electric Power plants, transformer substation in high soil resistivity Plants, Transformer Substation, Grounding, area, by incorporating the actual engineering data of a Design 220KV substation. The main object of grounding design for electric 1. Overview power plants and transformer substation is that Along with the rapid demand growth of urban designing a desirable grounding grid to meet power residential electric load, there are increasing number system operational requirements, ensure the safety of of 220KV transformer substation are seat in city as personnel and devices. A low resistance grounding distribution substations in order to meet the electrical grid obviously benefits the safe running of the load distribution requirements. The major features of equipment and personnel against harmful shock. those transformer substations are: small-scale sites, However, there are many factors contribute to the using GIS on 220KV and 110KV high-voltage safety grounding of electric power plants and electrical equipment, occupying less area. transformer substations. Considering the expanding of current electrical network capacity, there is no safety The increasing power system capacity has cased high guarantee of equipment and personnel even though earth fault currents in those substations. Therefore, the the grounding grid can be maintained at a low outstanding resistance level. There is no direct connection between grounding issues design in are: transformer small substation grounding area the resistance of overall grounding system and a (5,000~10,000 m ), high soil resistivity (typically harmful shock to persons. Electric power plants and 500~1200Ω·m or higher), lack of condition to lay the transformer substations with relatively low grounding external grounding. Although electric power plants resistance can be very dangerous. On the contrast, by occupy larger area than transformer substations, it is careful designing the grounding grid, those with still a tough challenge in designing ground grid when higher grounding resistance will become more secure the soil resistivity is higher and earth current is (1). The following paragraph will discuss the factors escalating. In addition, DL/T621-1997 industrial and the solutions when designing safety grounding for 2 Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 1 Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 Electric Power Plants, Transformer Substation in high Step potential difference is the ground surface voltage soil resistivity areas. when the distance between the feet of a person is 0.8m. Because the voltage decreased in soil when earth fault currents or lighting currents flow into ground, where 2. The safety grounding design factors the soil resistivity contributes voltage difference the and solutions most. In the uniform soil, the step potential difference The aim of sound safety grounding grids design is that is small due to the lower soil resistivity. Likewise, the to provide a lower enough secure access point on step potential difference increased due to the high soil earth potential, contact potential, and step potential for resistivity. However, it is far more complicated in the electric power plants and transformer substations. non-uniform soil condition. The soil resistivity is still the main drive of step potential difference on human Contact potential is formed when earth-fault current elements, see formula below (3), flow through equipments and generates distribution Step potential difference (Allowable Value) Us(V) potential on the ground surface, the voltage exists where the distance from ground surface to equipments is 0.8m horizontal and 1.8m vertically. As a matter of Us(V)= Ut(v)=(174+0.17ρf)/ Maximum Grounding Step (3) potential difference fact, the existing mesh of grounding grid generates voltage between every point on the mesh to grounding. The maximum contact potential difference is the Usmax(V) Usmax(V)= Ksmax Ug (4) voltage (maximum value) from the centre of mesh to the earth electrode of grounding grid. When operators working with charged equipment shell have grounding Usmax - Maximum Step Potential Difference; Ksmax Coefficient of Maximum Step - access, it is crucial to avoid potential electric shock hazard by limiting contact potential difference within Potential Difference a security level. Earth potential rise is cause by a grounding fault, the voltage rise in ground grid when earth current flows The formulas to calculate allowable contact potential through electrode. The shift of potential caused by difference value (Ut(v))and grounding grid maximum increasing earth potential is not only threat the contact potential difference (Utmax(v)) are showing as equipments and operators, but also creates potential below: counterattack voltage hazards to local equipments. Contact Potential Difference (Allowable Value) Ut(v) The index of earth current and grounding resistivity are earth potential. Ut(v)=(174+0.17ρf)/ Grounding Grid Maximum (2) Earth potential Ug(v) Contact Potential Difference Utmax(v) I - Ground short circuit current, A Utmax=KmaxUg Utmax - Ug (v)=IR Maximum R – Earth resistance of grounding devices Contact Potential There are many factors contribute to above three elements, somehow, the most influential ones are Difference; Ktmax earth fault current (I), duration time (t), shunt - Coefficient of Maximum Contact coefficient of overhead ground wire (K), soil resistivity Potential Difference (ρ), ground surface resistivity (ρf), uniformity of soil resistivity etc. Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 2 Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 The following paragraphs will also analyze the considering double-layer soil requirements, influential factors and solutions to new contact and step potentials are 773V, 2483V. As above three security elements in grounding grid the ground resistance is 2.5Ω, the earth potential value design. An existing GW substation design data will be is as high as 28170V, far more great than standard used to demonstrate influential factors and degrees in 2000V. In order to reach the requirements, the ground grounding grid design elements. resistance should below 0.1Ω and it is 4% of the The original parameters of a substation grounding original value, which also suggested minimizing soil design are listed as below: (ρf =2500Ω·m), the resistivity down to 34.8Ω·m. Duration time of ground short circuit (fault) The argument is focused on how to maintain the safety of GW substation grounding grid while the current, t:0.6s ground resistance cannot be reduced. Maximum current of earth fault (maximum shunt coefficient), I:1.5kA to grounding design parameters Uniform soil resistivity value (including the seasonal coefficient), 2.1 The impact of earth fault duration time As shown on Chart 1, the variation curves of contact potential and step potential move with earth fault duration time. It is quite obvious that the fault :500Ω·m duration time has a great impact on safety issues. Available grounding grid area (109*92m), S: operating much safer. For instance, when fault cleared 10028m2 in 0.1s, contact and step potentials are 819V, 1657V. Surface resistivity of cushion macadam (moist), When it is in 0.6s, the contact and step potentials are 334V and 676V, the allowable voltage are all ρf: 2500Ω·m According Therefore, fast fault clearing will guard substation decreased to 40% of its value in 0.1s. The fault to DL/T621-1997, devices duration time has a greater influence to contact grounding at Electric Power Plants, Transformer potentials and step potentials, especially between Substation “should dominate horizontal manual 0.1~0.9s. In reality, the switch breaking time and grounding grids”. GW substation proposed to adopt protection operating time of circuit breaker units that compound are mostly relied on the type of equipments and grounding grids electric which combined horizontal and vertical grounding electrodes. By manufacture which normally cannot be changed. Also engineering calculation, the allowable contact and it would be too expensive and unrealistic if the step potentials are 334V, 676V respectively. If changes have to be made. Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 3 Gaoyuan, LIANG 2.2 The impact of ground surface resistivity to grounding design parameters Year 2010 surface. For instance, GW substation sets pebble isolation layer with 2500 Ω · m, the number flat steel required for horizontal ground are 600m (weight Chart 2 demonstrates the impact of ground surface 2.226t), and it meets step potential requirement by resistivity to contact potentials and step potentials. It setting up a 20m mesh distance. Otherwise, the shows that ground surface resistivity has a greater number flat steel required for horizontal ground would impact to the allowable vale of step potentials than be 20000m (weight 75.4t), and the mesh spacing is contact potentials. Therefore, it is more effective to 1m which is more than 33 times more than setting adopt quarantine measures when improving step pebble isolation layer. potential hazard. In engineering design, contact Hence, adopting isolation layer method is more potentials can be limited by using high soil resistivity economical wise for substations occupy small area. material on operating platform. But rain is a critical element where using pebble Considering the surface soil resistivity has greater isolation layer, the resistivity sharply drops when the impact on the allowable value of contact and step ground surface is wet or rain. Therefore, it is quite potentials, ground electrode material usage can be important to wear insulating shoes when entering reduced by paving high resistivity material on the operating areas in raining days or wet seasons. In the uniform soil environment, there is a negative resistivity. It has a much obviously result to decrease linear correlation between earth potential and soil contact and step potentials by reducing soil resistivity Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 4 Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 rather than earth potential. And the grounding grids According to the calculate formula, there is a positive become secure when resistivity drops down to certain linear correlation between earth potential and earth lower value. In applied engineering, it is difficult and current. It is an effective method to maintain low earth expensive to reduce resistivity partially, not to potential, maximum contact and step potentials of mention dropping down to certain lower value. From ground grid by decreasing system earth fault current, above analysis, in order to meet contact potentials, it increasing ground current distribution, and cutting is un-realistic and un-achievable to reduce earth down earth current. In practice, system capacity, resistance from 2.5 Ω to 0.1 Ω, even though by impedance, and operating methods are determining investing great amount of labour and material. earth fault current. Also fault current in two-phase and For example, a substation in Shenzhen city, the single-phase grounding can be limited to certain point measured earth resistivity was 3.08Ω before applying by any resistance reducing measurements, even though recommended adopted the methods of connecting restricting system operation. With the system capacity earth to trench, system adjustment. to earth However, decrease fault earth current it is not potential will by replacing soil, adding resistance reducing agent, and expending, increasing burring earth deep, earth resistivity only dropped accordingly. To decrease earth current, the ideal down to 2.6Ω, however, the investment was increased method is increasing the diversion effect of overhead 7,000,000. Even with the recommended “explosion ground wire, but should considering the affect from grounding technology” which could reduce earth wiring tower potential. resistivity by 20%~50%, only reached to 0.62~1.5Ω. It still does not meet owner required 0.5Ω. When decrease contact potential to 1243.5 ~ 3108.8V, still 2.4 The impact of grounding grid size to grounding design parameters does not meet standard specification of 444.1V. It is For the grounding grid has sufficient area, there is a quite challenge to maintain earth potential at 2000V as negative linear correlation between earth resistance well as resistivity reached to 0.1Ω. and square root of ground grid area. With larger All above, soil resistivity contributes the most to earth ground grid area, earth resistance is relatively smaller. potential, while ground surface resistivity affects Hence, it is an effective way to decrease earth contact and step potentials the most. In conclusion, the resistance by increasing ground grid area in the design. most effective way to solve contact potential and step As shown in chart 3, when doubling the ground grid potential issues is that paving high resistivity isolation area, earth potential and earth resistance are all layers on the ground. decreased by 30%. If grounding the lowest resistance part of soil, the result will be more remarkable. But 2.3 The impact of earth current (or shunt coefficient parameters ) to grounding design from the practical perspective, on few electric power plants and substations at the seaside could achieve it, the rest simply lack of land to adopt this method. Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 5 Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 2.5 The impact of grounding material quantity to grounding design parameters To certain grounding grid, increasing the amount of potential difference from centre of mesh to grounding grounding material can effectively decline grounding electrode, and step potential. For instance, there are contact potential, especially to step potential. As show cases, in foreign countries where the operation in chart 4, it demonstrates the reflection of contact and platform is made from 0.6m * 0.6m (1) metal mesh. step potential to horizontal grounding material However, it is not economic wise to solve the quantity. Mainly because of the additional grounding excessive contact and step potential issues by material, horizontal adopting excessive grounding material. Reasonable grounding electrode, not only reduced mesh spacing use of grounding material and control project cost are of ground grid, the ground surface potential must be considered in design. especially by increasing distribution became more even, but also solved the is more than 6~7 times (4). Take GW substation for In summary, by measuring grounding grid of existing instance, its earth potential is 28.7kV, which is 14.3 electric power plants and substation, also including times of standard 2kV. new designed grounding grid, the actual measurement plants and substations located in high soil resistivity results of earth, contact and step potentials from area, it is also not cost effective and realistic by majority substations are beyond standard. In some decreasing earth potential to standard. It is a huge cases, there are few substations are above standard challenge in ground designing to achieve a reasonable earth potential limit by 10 times, and contact potential safe ground grid when the high potential exists. For those electric power Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 6 Gaoyuan, LIANG 3. Complete Year 2010 ground grid design measurement insulated frames can be applied in real scenarios. If the ground grid is located within the fences, it is necessary to set isolation area out side of the fences By applying essential measurements to reduce and displaying “electric danger” sign to minimize resistance, the earth potential still cannot be reduced potential electric hazard to staff. If the ground grid is to the standard requirement. Grounding grid design beyond fences, the step potential must satisfy the should be focused on dealing with voltage equalizer safety standard. and isolation, especially on the particular area on ground grid. 3.1 Voltage equavalent issue on ground grid edge Theoretically, electric power plants and substations are designed on the basis of uniformed soil resistivity. Actually, soil resistivity is not equivalent either horizontally or vertically. According to DL/T621-1997 standard, it is difficult for the non-equalizing treated ground grid to meet contact and step potential requirement even if the earth potential is below 2000V. 3.3 Control cable grounding issue It is important to strengthen the control of cable grounding to prevent counterattack damage to the cable and secondary equipment. If the cable is not very long, grounding one end of cable jacket can reduce current outside of the single-conductor cable. For a long cable, both sides and the skin of the joint all should be grounded. To eliminate the EMF, both ends of shielding control cables should be grounded. The control cable jacket spacing may be too large at each grounding point, which will cause large current flows through cable jacket when earth fault potential happened. To avoid current damage, the best solution is installing a separate ground cable on cable jacket where between grounding point and parallel to the control cable. In the case of GW substation, step potential meets requirement when soil resistivity dropped down to 3.4 Telecommunication cable grounding issue 34.8Ω, however, the contact potential still needs to be It is important to isolate communication cable to avoid the shift potential damage. Communication lines need to take into measurement in design to ensure the safety of staff and communication terminal devices. In order for the substation communication terminal and remote terminal isolation, consider using fiber optic communications cable, eliminating high potential of transfer. worked on by potential equalizing treatment. Since the edge effect of earth current, there is a huge potential gradient on the ground grid edge (1). The design should be focused on dealing with the voltage equalize on grid edge. To prevent potential difference over the standard, the main measurements are: a) Increasing the density and depth along vertical electrode on ground grid edge b) Burying two or more horizontal electrode around the edge. And the inbuilt electrodes should go deeper with the distance far away from substation, which is called the “hat brim” voltage potential area. c) Changing the distance between horizontal electrodes on grid. The density of horizontal electrodes should be higher at where close to the grid edge. 3.2 Metal frame grounding issue To prevent the possible earth potential damage caused by metal frame around electric power plants and substations, connecting frame to ground grid or using 3.5 Low voltage power supply line grounding issue It is critical to isolate low voltage neutral lines to avoid the shift potential damage caused to residence from high voltage substations. In substations or nearby, neutral lines should be treated as "charged" conductor, and isolate neutral lines with substation grounding system by using insulator has a high potential resistance. Meantime, the neutral wire should be placed in a secure location to prevent staff exposed to risks, isolate when necessary. 3.6 Metal pipes grounding issue All kinds of metal pipes should be isolated to prevent shifting potentials. Pipes and metallic conductors should be connected to grounding systems to avoid internal hazard with substations. To prevent the high potential spread out along metal pipes, isolation zone should be set around Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 7 Gaoyuan, LIANG Year 2010 fences near power plants and substations. Most importantly, the isolation zone has to be in great distance to avoid nearby soil bypass. Isolation area must be able to withstand the potential difference between a substation and nearby ground earth potential. among metals, therefore personnel hazard still obvious even the potential is small on GIS shell. It is the best solution to reduce touch potential and step potential hazard by grounding 4. multi-point of GIS shell. Key factors of designing ground grid Working together with GIS manufacture to in high soil resistivity area find out the suitable grounding material size, a) Metallic fences grounding connecting In the event of earth fault grounding, there requirement, also the emphasis should be is a higher potential gradient difference near focused on DC component, switch actions fences around power plants and substations and maximum potential when earth fault caused by edge effect of earth current. grounding happened and connect equal Designers should be alerted that electric potential properly. shock hazard still exists regardless of b) d) points and shell potential System capacity development whether the fences connected to grounding System capacity should be designed by the grid or not, particularly in high soil life cycle of power plants and substation (1) resistivity area, it may be worse. rather Focusing on voltage equivalent on main development building, auxiliary workshop, and coal DL/T621-1997. By studying cases, it has transmission system in addition to booster been found that the follow-up supplement station of power plants. and optimize are difficult and expensive. Above areas are normally considered as e) than standard plan 5~10 years recommended by Note the side effect caused by un-even soil crucial parts in the design, it has created resistivity touch and step potential hazard due to large Grounding grid design is based on the mesh grounding. For example, a LNG condition of equivalent uniformed soil power plant in Guangdong province, its resistivity. Due to the actual effect, the earth potential value is 20.8kV, if decreasing designed ground grid is not safe, especially it down to 20kV, the soil resistivity needs to in high soil resistivity area. Therefore, drop from 791Ω · m to 76 m Ω. Under this followed by grounding grid construction, circumstance, step potential could still meet measuring safety standard even not laying horizontal distribution curve and eliminate unsafe electrodes to equivalent potentials. However, elements to complete setting of grounding if not paving high soil resistivity isolation grid. actual ground potential layer, the required touch potential cannot be meet even expending mesh distance up to 1m. When the earth potential is 20.8kV, it is Conclusion a) With increasing capacity of the power required to set a 37m mesh distance on system and decreasing floor area of power grounding grid to meet step potential plants and transformer substation network, it requirement. isolation is a great challenge to design grounding measurements should to take into account to grids in high resistivity area and it requires prevent grounding when staff operation designers to be more careful. The lower earth resistance does not mean a safe ground grid, and ground grid resistance is not the direct unsafe cause to personnel and device. Theoretically, no matter how much ground grid resistance is, a careful Therefore, devices. c) 5. GIS grounding As GIS could easily cause touch potential b) Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 8 Gaoyuan, LIANG c) Year 2010 designed ground grid will be very safe. On the other hand, although the ground network resistance is low, potential hazard elements are not considered in design, it is very much insecure with a grounding grid without eliminate excessively high touch potential, step potential, transfer potential. To stop 2~10kv system valve type arrester actions, methods can be adopted by 4. Yang Ziyi, 2000, The Comprehensive Analysis Of Current Substation Grounding Design 5. IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding – IEEE Std665-1995. decreasing resistance, distribute current and earth level. d) Besides decreasing grounding grid resistance to lower the earth level, it is much easier to increase shunt coefficient of overhead arrester wire to decrease grounding current. e) To decrease step potential, there are few methods can be adopted such as increasing quantity of horizontal electrodes or designing a suitable mesh size to meet requirements. Distributing the unequal layout of mesh can greatly reduce the cost of ground grid design. f) In order to limit step potential and not using excessive horizontal alternative solutions electrode, are laying the wood floorboard on operation platform, paving asphalt and gravel mixture to isolate platform or using metal ground platform. g) In power plant ground grids design, it is important to take full advantage of existing building foundations, underground water pipes to connect equal potential and eliminate dangerous potentials in entire power plant ground grid. Bibliography 1. IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding – IEEE Std80-2000 2. DL/T 621-1997 AC Electric Devices Engineering Design Manual Grounding 3. Electric (Electrical Transmission Circuit), BeiJing, 1989, Water Resources and Electric Power Press. Grounding Design of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area 9