Definition and Implementation of the Semester Credit Hour Rowan

Definition and Implementation of the Semester Credit Hour
Rowan University complies with the definition of the semester credit hour as stated in the New Jersey
Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.2 “Definitions”):
“Semester credit hour” means 50 minutes of face-to-face class activity each week for 15 weeks
(or the equivalent attained by scheduling more minutes of face-to-face class activity per week
for fewer weeks in the semester) in one semester complemented by at least 100 minutes each
week of laboratory or outside assignments (or the equivalent thereof for semesters of different
The Administrative Code further defines the academic year in relation to the semester credit hour
(N.J.A.C. 9A:1-2.1 “General Program Standards”):
The regular academic year, regardless of organization, should fall within a 10-month period and
should include at least 30 weeks, or the equivalent in duration, of regularly scheduled studentfaculty instructional activity, including final examination periods but excluding holiday and
summer sessions.
The Rowan University Academic Calendar Guidelines for 2012-2017 reflect construction of the academic
calendar in adherence to the above definition:
The academic semester shall consist of a minimum of 15 weeks of instruction, inclusive of
testing. Every effort shall be made to insure that 75 days of instruction, inclusive of finals week,
are provided and no semester shall have fewer than 74 total days. These 75 days will be
distributed in a fashion to approach 15 meetings in each of the five weekdays with no weekday
to have fewer than 14 or more 16 meetings.
Credit hour assignment occurs through the curriculum approval process. New courses and associated
credit hour assignments as well as changes to existing credit hour assignments are reviewed by the
University Senate Curriculum Committee, the Office of the Provost, and the Registrar. New degree
programs and changes to existing degree programs also follow this approval process and undergo Statelevel reviews where appropriate.
Traditional residential classes are scheduled by the Office of University Scheduling, which utilizes a
standard Contact Hour Grid. All Rowan University courses are constructed and scheduled in the Banner®
student information system by Ellucian.
Course scheduling configurations utilized by University Scheduling that conform to the above definition
Three 50-minute sessions per week (3 credits)
Two 75-minute sessions per week (3 credits)
One 150-minute session per week (3 credits)
Two 75-minute lecture sessions plus one lab session of 2 hours and 45 minutes per week (4
Two clinic/project sessions of 2 hours and 45 minutes per week (2 credits)
One 50-minute session per week (1 credit)
One 100-minute session per week (2 credits)
Programs in Music include instructional time that does not follow typical course configurations. These
programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music and conform to the standard as
described in NASM Standards Excerpt on Credit and Time Requirements. Professional Applied (4 credit)
and Major Applied (2 credit) lessons meet for one hour per week over the 15 week semester. Secondary
Applied (1 credit) lessons meet for 1/2 hour per week over the 15 week semester. Additional practice is
expected outside the weekly lesson. At minimum, three hours per week is expected for Secondary
Applied lessons, six hours per week for Major Applied Lessons, and 12 hours per week for Professional
Applied lessons. Total amount of practicing needed may vary above those limits from student to
The Division of Global Learning & Partnerships specifies the following contact hours requirement for
online courses in its Developer/Instructor Handbook:
Since online courses are a simulation of traditional, face-to-face courses, the requirement for
37.5 contact hours for a 3-credit course (that’s 12.5 hours per credit) persists. Contact hours are
simulated online using voice-over lectures, discussion activities, virtual office hours, and other
tools. Developers/Instructors are required to incorporate tools and activities that will cover the
37.5 hours of contact time for the course. Of course, for hybrid courses, face-to-face meetings
serve as contact time. The Instructional Designer will facilitate the management and
incorporation of simulated contact time.
The lengths and structures of terms are shown on the Global Learning & Partnerships Course Schedule
website at
The lengths and structures of terms for the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University and the Rowan
University School of Osteopathic Medicine are governed by and documented through their accreditation
bodies, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and the Committee on Osteopathic College
Accreditation (COCA), respectively. An overview of the four-year curriculum and structuring of terms for
CMSRU is posted on the school’s website
( Overviews of the Integrated
Competency-Based Curriculum and Problem-Based Learning Curriculum at SOM are posted on the
school’s website (
September 2015