1. A go-kart`s top speed is 607200 feet per hour. What is the speed in

1-3 Convert Unit Rates
The rate is 322,000 meters per hour.
1. A go-kart’s top speed is 607,200 feet per hour. What
is the speed in miles per hour?
SOLUTION: Use 1 mile = 5,280 feet to convert the rates.
6. Model with Mathematics Seth traveled 1 mile in
57.1 seconds. About how fast does Seth travel in
miles per hour?
SOLUTION: Use 60 seconds = 1 minute, and 60 minutes = 1 hour
to convert the rates.
The rate is 115 miles per hour.
3. A peregrine falcon can fly 322 kilometers per hour.
How many meters per hour can the falcon fly?
SOLUTION: Use 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters to convert the rates.
The rate is 322,000 meters per hour.
The rate is 63 miles per hour.
9. Which One Doesn't Belong? Circle the rate that does
not belong with the other three. Explain your
SOLUTION: 500 ft/minÍž Sample answer: All of the other rates are equal to 60 miles per hour.
Determine this by changing all of the rates into miles
per hour.
88 ft per second:
6. Model with Mathematics Seth traveled 1 mile in
57.1 seconds. About how fast does Seth travel in
miles per hour?
SOLUTION: Use 60 seconds = 1 minute, and 60 minutes = 1 hour
to convert the rates.
500 ft per min:
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The rate is 63 miles per hour.
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1-3 Convert Unit Rates
The rate is 63 miles per hour.
9. Which One Doesn't Belong? Circle the rate that does
not belong with the other three. Explain your
SOLUTION: 500 ft/minÍž Sample answer: All of the other rates are equal to 60 miles per hour.
Determine this by changing all of the rates into miles
per hour.
88 ft per second:
12. Model with Mathematics Write and solve a realworld problem in which a rate is converted.
SOLUTION: Sample answer: Andrew was driving at a speed of
42 miles per hour. How many feet per second was
he driving? Convert 42 miles per hour to feet per
Andrew was driving 61.6 feet per second.
20. A model airplane flew a distance of 330 feet in 15
seconds. Select all of the unit rates that are
equivalent to the speed of the model airplane.
500 ft per min:
SOLUTION: Determine the speed of the model airplane, then
determine the speed of the other rates using the
same units.
Model airplane:
1,440 mi per day:
1320 feet per minute:
1056 feet per minute:
12. Model with Mathematics Write and solve a realworld problem in which a rate is converted.
SOLUTION: Sample answer: Andrew was driving at a speed of
42 miles per hour. How many feet per second was
he driving? Convert 42 miles per hour to feet per
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So, 15 miles per hour and 1320 feet per minute are
the same speed as the model airplane.
1-3 Convert
Unit Rates
Andrew was driving 61.6 feet per second.
21. The table shows how far some of the world's fastest
animals can run in different lengths of time at their
top speed. 20. A model airplane flew a distance of 330 feet in 15
seconds. Select all of the unit rates that are
equivalent to the speed of the model airplane.
SOLUTION: Determine the speed of the model airplane, then
determine the speed of the other rates using the
same units.
Model airplane:
1320 feet per minute:
Select the correct top speed to complete the table.
Which animal had the fastest rate of speed?
SOLUTION: Find the speed in miles per hour for each animal, then
fill in the chart appropriately.
1056 feet per minute:
So, 15 miles per hour and 1320 feet per minute are
the same speed as the model airplane.
21. The table shows how far some of the world's fastest
animals can run in different lengths of time at their
top speed. Quarter Horse:
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1-3 Convert Unit Rates
Quarter Horse:
So, the cheetah has the fastest rate of speed.
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