Conversion Steps - White Plains Public Schools

Name ___________________________________________ Date ________________
Conversions Homework
Conversion Steps:
Start with the known rate. If there is one unit, put this over 1. If there are two units,
place one above the other.
b. Match units top to bottom so that they cancel.
1 𝑦𝑑
c. Make each known conversion into a fraction. For example: 1 yd = 3 feet  3 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡
d. Stop when you get the units you need.
1) Tania owns 110,000 square feet of land. How many acres is this? (43,560 sq. ft = 1 acre)
2) Rashon is running the 200-meter dash for his school. How many feet is this? (1 meter =
1.093 yd, 1 yd = 3 feet)
3) The speed of sound is 344 meters per second. What is this speed in meters per hour?
4) A model airplane flies 18 feet in 2 seconds. What is the airplane’s speed in miles per
(5280 feet = 1 mile)
5) A vehicle uses 125 tablespoons of gas to go 125 yards. How many miles can the vehicle
travel per gallon of gas? (256 tablespoons = 1 gallon)
6) A giraffe can run 32 miles per hour. What is this speed in feet per second? (1 mile =
5280 feet)
7) Car A travels at 65 miles per hour and Car B travels at 40 meters per second.
Which car is traveling at a faster rate? Justify your answer. (1 meter = 1.093 yd, 1
mile = 5,280 feet)