TR AINER IMPLEMENTAT I O N Man ual Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Career Profile Ray Shorkey “enjoys electrical work in and of itself.” He believes that “being an electrician is a career that provides you with a variety of work, and is challenging both mentally and physically. There is a sense of satisfaction in building something [and] then see it completed and operating properly.” seeing Shorkey is currently a journeyman electrician and lead-man at Merit Electric in Fort Collins, Colorado. Describing his responsibilities on a typical day, he says, “We start early, usually six or seven in the morning, and, depending on the job, work between eight and twelve hours. As a lead-man you must be aware of the job schedule, plan and prioritize tasks for your crew, and ensure that the needed materials are available to complete those tasks. In addition to your own tasks, you need to be available to assist your crew members with questions and troubleshooting.” Additionally, he notes, “Some jobs or projects don’t always work out as planned. Sometimes you run into a situation that wasn’t already taken into account, or even known about. You have to solve problems quickly, using the resources that are available. Time management is also a challenge. It requires planning to balance everything and to be able to prioritize. It takes practice to think clearly in stressful situations.” Because the challenges of managing projects and crews are so many and so diverse, “proper training and education are important,” Shorkey states. “The more knowledge you have, the more value you hold in your field.” Shorkey endorses IEC programs (like the one he completed at the Rocky Mountain chapter) because it “teaches theory and provides you with a deeper knowledge of the electrical trade than you learn in the field.” He adds, “The education you receive at IEC is also instrumental in preparing for your journeyman license exam.” 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 108 122 13/02/12 6:12 PM © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Chapter Outline A. The Atom (Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2, Figure 5-3, Figure 5-4, Figure 5-5) B. Electric Charge (Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7) C. Electricity—Electrons in Motion 1. Valence Electrons 2. Free Electrons and Electron Flow 3. Ions 4. Static Electricity a. Practical Applications of Static Electricity (Figure 5-8, Figure 5-9) b. Nuisance Charges of Static Electricity D. Electric Sources 1. Direct Current 2. Alternating Current E. Magnetism (Figure 5-10) 1. Magnets 2. Fields, Flux, and Poles (Figure 5-11) 3. Electromagnetism (Figure 5-12, Figure 5-13) 4. Magnetic Devices Explain that when we apply voltage to a conductor, we are merely “exciting,” or moving, the electrons that are already present in the conductor. Some students have the misconception that the application of voltage forces electrons into the conductor. Remind students that any exposure to dc should be treated with the same respect afforded to ac voltage. Explain that where ac can cause a severe shock, the same can occur with dc, along with the added damage of severe burns. Dc is not commonly used because it can’t be transmitted long distances. Ac can be transmitted for long distances with the use of a transformer to increase the voltage and thereby decrease the current level. Help the students understand that magnetism is a basic concept of electricity. Explain that everything that is run with electricity, whether ac or dc, will involve the use of magnets or magnetism. Explain that all magnets produce “lines of flux”; it is important to understand that lines of flux orient themselves North and South and that the magnetism flows in the flux lines from North to South. The lines of flux, however, are stationary and do not move. Chapter Outline Key Terms THE ATOM Air-core magnet Ampere-turns ELECTRIC CHARGE Atom Atomic number ELECTRICITY—ELECTRONS IN MOTION ELECTRIC SOURCES Compound Conductor Electrical current Electromagnet Electron MAGNETISM Element Free electrons Ions Iron-core magnet Law of charges Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: [Review Questions 1. Identify the three principle parts of an atom. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [Review Questions 6, 7] 2. State the law of charges, and describe its importance to current flow. [Review Questions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] 3. Explain electron current flow, and contrast direct and alternating current. [Review Questions 14, 15] 4. Describe current flow through a conductor, and discuss why heat is produced. [Review Questions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] 5. Define magnetic terms, and discuss magnetic principles and concepts as they relate to electricity. Life Skills Covered Managing Stress Critical Thinking Take Action Magnetic field Magnetism Molecule Neutron Nucleus Permanent magnet Permeability Polarity Poles Proton Reluctance Residual magnetism Saturation Static electricity Temporary magnet Transformer Valence shell Life Skill Goals The life skill goals covered in this chapter are Managing Stress, Critical Thinking, and Take Action. You will practice the reading strategies introduced in Chapter 2. You will also be asked to think about how you are fitting reading into your schedule. Finally, as in every chapter, you have opportunities to check your understanding throughout the chapter. 124 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism Where You Are Headed Identifying the parts of an atom and understanding the laws of charges will help you realize that electricity is not magic! There are real and practical reasons why and how current flows through a conductor. Atomic theory, laws of charges, electron movement (current flow), and the basic principles of magnetism are all building block materials. And like the foundations of the houses and buildings you will someday be wiring, this information will serve as the foundation for more advanced electrical topics. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Introduction It has been over 250 years since Ben Franklin discovered two kinds of electrical charges. It has been almost 200 years since Hans Oersted and Michael Faraday developed ideas of electric fields, currents, and magnetism. At about the same time, British electrician/ engineer William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet. Because of these men and other pioneers in the fields of magnetism and electricity, we enjoy watching television, listening to our stereos, surfing the Internet on our computers, and heating our food in microwave ovens. This chapter covers the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism; learn about the forces that improve the quality of our lives. We learn about atomic theory to help us understand electricity, but few of us realize that much of an atom’s mass is in its dense nucleus, which stores enormous amounts of energy. This energy can be released by breaking up the nucleus. Why is this important? Our understanding of this basic atomic structure has been used as the basis of nuclear power plants and many modern medical applications, such as radiation therapy for cancer and medical imaging used for noninvasive medical testing. This knowledge has also enabled scientists to make weapons. The advent of atomic weapons influenced the way World War II ended, its aftermath, and the power plays between nations at work today. How long do you think it will take you to read this chapter? When do you think you can fit that much time into your schedule? Practice SQR3. • Survey through Section 5-1, The Atom. • Skim through the section. Take a look at the pictures. Read the Self-Check questions at the end of the section. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 110 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 125 • • • • Create the questions you are going to answer by reading this section. Read this section. Take some notes. Find the answers to your questions. Recite these answers. Review. Go back and highlight the main points in the section. Add to your notes. Atom the smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its identity. Element a group of identical atoms. Molecule consists of two or more atoms. The Atom An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its identity. A group of identical atoms is called an element. All matter is composed of atoms. Whether we are discussing metal, wood, or glass, they are all made up of atoms. Before we go any further, let’s take a step back and look at some useful terms. The smallest particle of a substance that still has all of its characteristics is called a molecule. A molecule consists of two or more atoms. If a molecule of metal is divided into smaller parts, it is no longer metal. There are over a hundred different types of atoms and as many elements as there are atoms. A few of the more common elements are iron, nitrogen, and oxygen; important elements in terms of electrical conductivity are copper, silver, and gold. Figure 5-1 lists the table of elements. FIGURE 5-1 Table of elements. ATOMIC VALENCE NUMBER NAME ELECTRONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 111 Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllum Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SYMBOL H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Ma Al Si P S Cl A K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr ATOMIC VALENCE NUMBER NAME ELECTRONS 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Cesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATOMIC VALENCE SYMBOL NUMBER NAME ELECTRONS SYMBOL Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bl Po At Rd Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Artificial Elements 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf E Fm Mv No Lw From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. 5-1 13/02/12 6:12 PM 126 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 112 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Electron an elementary particle carrying one unit of negative electrical charge. Proton found in the nucleus and has a positive electrical charge. Neutron a small particle that possesses no electrical charge and is typically found within an atom’s nucleus. Nucleus the very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom. FIGURE 5-2 © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Compound exists when two kinds of atoms combine chemically. Because there are so many different materials in the world, most materials are made up of more than one element. When different kinds of atoms combine chemically, they form materials referred to as compounds. Two very familiar compounds are table salt and water. Table salt is made up of the elements sodium and chloride; water is made up of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. Because we need to develop an understanding of what electricity is, let’s take a closer look at the atom. There are three principle parts of the atom. They are the electron, proton, and neutron. An electron is an elementary particle carrying one unit of negative electrical charge. The proton is found in the nucleus and has a positive electrical charge equal to the negative charge of an electron. Neutrons and protons have about the same weight, but the neutron has no electrical charge. Figure 5-2 illustrates a helium atom. The nucleus is the very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom. The electrons revolve around the nucleus in an elliptical, or oval-shaped, path. The orbiting electrons have a negative charge, the protons have a positive charge, and the neutrons display no charge. Because the neutron has no charge, the nucleus has a net positive charge. The element type is determined by how many protons are in the nucleus. Helium, as already noted, has 2 protons in its nucleus; copper has 29. Helium atom illustrating electrons, protons, and neutrons. Electron Neutron - 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 112 From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning + + Proton 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 127 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM FIGURE 5-3 113 Positive charge of a proton with lines of force extending outward. FIGURE 5-4 Electron lines of force. Electron Atomic number equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 113 From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. + From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning Proton The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. Figure 5-3 shows that the positive charge of the proton produces lines of force that extend outward in all directions. We saw in Figure 5-2 that the electrons orbit outside the nucleus. Although an electron is about three times larger than a proton, the proton weighs over 1800 times more. Because electrons are negatively charged, the lines of force produced by an electron come in from all directions. See Figure 5-4. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of the atom similar to the way the Earth rotates around the sun. In atoms that contain more than one electron (all atoms except hydrogen), each electron has its own orbit. It is possible for two or more atoms to share common space; in many materials, closely spaced atoms share both electrons and space. Figure 5-5 shows the electron orbits of an atom. The two electrons closest to the nucleus are said to occupy the first shell, or orbit, of the atom. This first shell can only have two electrons. Atoms that have more than two electrons, like iron, with 26 electrons, must have a second, third, and fourth shell, or orbit. Have you ever heard the expression “Opposites attract and likes repel?” Well, much like the magnetic poles of a magnet repel if like poles are brought together and attract if unlike poles are brought together, the law of charges states that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. This basic law will help you understand the importance of attraction and repulsion of electrons and protons in the atom. 13/02/12 6:12 PM 128 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 114 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM FIGURE 5-5 Electron orbits. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Nucleus From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning Electron There are many key terms in this chapter. It would be a good idea to create some flashcards. Put the term on one side and the meaning on the other side. Find someone in class or at home to quiz you on your words. Self-Check 1 1. List three common elements. 2. What are the three principal parts of the atom? Polarity the type (positive or negative) of charge. Law of charges opposite charges attract and like charges repel. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 114 5-2 Electric Charge Electrons and protons exhibit electric charges of opposite polarity. Polarity refers to the type (positive or negative) of charge. The proton possesses a positive charge, and the electron is negatively charged. As illustrated in Figure 5-3, these charges produce lines of force. A basic law of physics, known as the law of charges, states that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Figures 5-6 and 5-7 illustrate this law. 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 1 1. Answer: Iron, nitrogen, and oxygen; important elements in terms of electrical conductivity are copper, silver, and gold. 2. Answer: Electron, proton, and neutron. TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 129 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM FIGURE 5-7 Proton Electron + - From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning Unlike charges attract each other. Like charges repel each other. Proton Proton + + From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. FIGURE 5-6 115 When considering the electric charge of an atom, the neutron can be ignored because it has no electric charge. An atom such as helium, illustrated in Figure 5-2 in its natural state, is electrically neutral. Helium has two protons in the nucleus and two electrons orbiting the nucleus. Even though the electrons and protons are electrically charged, the net electric charge is zero. Electricity is not magic. Current is simply electrons in motion. Next, we learn how those electrons are put into motion. What was the most important thing that you learned about electric charge in this section? 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 115 13/02/12 6:12 PM 130 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 116 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Self-Check 2 1. What does the law of charges state? 2. Define polarity. 5-3 Electricity—Electrons in Motion • • • • • • © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Practice SQR3. Survey through Section 5-3, Electricity—Electrons in Motion. Skim through the headings. Take a look at the pictures. Read the Self-Check questions at the end of the section. Create the questions you are going to answer by reading this section. Read this section. Take some notes. Find the answers to your questions. Recite these answers. Review. Go back and highlight the main points in the section. Add to your notes. As an electrician, it becomes very important to understand the chemical reactions and electric currents that occur in the outer shell of an atom. This section will define this outer shell, where materials such as conductors come together, free electrons can escape, and positive or negative ions are created. Static electricity will also be discussed; this transfer of electrons from one object to another has both practical and problematic applications. Valence Electrons Valence shell the outermost shell, or ring, of an atom. Conductor a material that readily conducts electricity. The outermost shell of an atom is referred to as the valence shell, or ring. Electrons located in this valence shell are called valance electrons. These electrons are atomic particles involved in chemical reactions and electric currents. The valence shell cannot hold more than eight electrons. A conductor, for example, is comprised of a material that contains between one and three valence electrons. A conductor is a material that readily conducts electricity. One of the forces that helps to keep electrons in orbit is the force of attraction between unlike charges. The closer together two particles of opposite electric charges are, the greater the electrical attraction between them. So, the attraction between the proton in the nucleus and the orbiting electron decreases as the electron gets farther from the nucleus. Because of this, valence electrons are more loosely held than the electrons in the inner shells. Here are a few characteristics of valence electrons: • • 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 116 They can be more easily removed from the atom than electrons in the inner shell. Valence electrons possess more energy than electrons in the inner shells because the farther an electron is from the nucleus, the more energy it possesses. 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 2 1. Answer: The law of charges states that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. 2. Answer: Polarity refers to the type (positive or negative) of charge. TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 131 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 117 Self-Check 3 1. What is a conductor? 2. When does the attraction between the proton in the nucleus and the orbiting electron decrease? Free Electrons and Electron Flow © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Free electrons valence electrons that have been temporarily separated from an atom. Electrical current the flow of electrons. Valence electrons that have been temporarily separated from an atom are called free electrons. They are not attached to any particular atom. Only the valence electrons in the outermost orbit can become free electrons. Recall that the nucleus and the attraction of the protons keep electrons in the inner shells held tightly. A valence electron can be freed from an atom when energy is added to the atom. This energy permits the loosely held valence electron to escape the force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus. A free electron possesses more energy than it did as a valence electron. Electrical current is the flow of electrons. Heating an atom or subjecting an atom to an electric field provides the necessary energy to free the valence electron. After traveling a short distance, the free electron enters the valence orbit of a different atom. When it returns to orbit, some or all of the gained energy is released in the form of heat. This is why conductors become warm when current flows through them. If current through a conductor becomes excessive, a fire may result. Self-Check 4 1. What are free electrons? 2. Define electrical current. Ions Ions atoms that have more or less than their normal complement of electrons. The departure of a valence electron leaves a previously neutral atom with an excess of positive charge, or more protons than electrons. Atoms that have more or less than their normal complement of electrons are referred to as ions. When an atom has an excess of electrons, it becomes a negative ion; when an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion. The amount of energy necessary to cause a valence electron to become free is different with each element. The number of an atom’s valence electrons determines how much energy is required to create a free electron. Typically, if there are fewer electrons in the valence orbit, less energy is required to free that valence electron. Self-Check 5 1. How does an ion become positive? 2. How does an ion become negative? Static electricity the accumulation of an electric charge on an insulated body. Static Electricity Static electricity is a common phenomenon that all of us have observed at one time or another. Static electricity is the accumulation of an electric charge on an insulated body. An example of static electricity is the shock we feel when walking 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 117 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 3 1. Answer: A conductor is comprised of a material that contains between one and three valence electrons. A conductor is a material that readily conducts electricity. 2. Answer: The attraction between the proton in the nucleus and the orbiting electron decreases as the electron gets farther from the nucleus. Self-Check 4 1. Answer: Free electrons are valence electrons that have been temporarily separated from an atom. 2. Answer: Electrical current is the flow of electrons. Self-Check 5 1. Answer: When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion. 2. Answer: When an atom has an excess of electrons, it becomes a negative ion. 132 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 118 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM across a high pile carpet and reaching for a metal doorknob. Another example is hair clinging to a comb. The best example of natural static electricity is lightning, but it is potentially harmful. Lightning occurs when a static charge builds up in clouds that contain large amounts of moisture. Most lightning takes place within a cloud, but discharges from cloud to cloud and cloud to ground are common. All of these discharges have one thing in common; they all involve the transfer of electrons from one object to another. A lightning discharge, or bolt, has an average voltage of 15,000,000 volts. Practical Applications of Static Electricity FIGURE 5-8 © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Most of the practical applications of static electricity do not operate by taking advantage of static discharges. Useful applications of static electricity generally make use of the forces caused by the repulsion of like charges and the attraction of unlike charges. These forces are used to move charged particles to desired locations. An example of this application would be removing dust particles from the air. Figure 5-8 illustrates how air is forced between negatively charged rods and positively charged plates. The device in Figure 5-8 is referred to as an electrostatic dust precipitator. Dust particles are given a negative charge; they are attracted to positively charged plates removing the dust. Spray painting is another application that works on the principle of electric charges attracting and repelling. A high-voltage grid is placed in front of a spray gun. An electronic air cleaner. Charged plates ( – ) High-voltage DC power supply – Airflow 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 118 From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning + Charged wires (+) 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 133 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Spray painting using static charges. Object to be painted receives a negative charge. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Wire grid used to charge particles of paint is positive. – + Spray gun From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning FIGURE 5-9 119 A positive charge is applied to this grid. The object to be painted has a negative charge. Figure 5-9 shows how static charges are used in spray painting. As the paint droplets pass through the grid, the positive charge causes electrons to be removed from the paint droplets. The positively charged droplets are attracted to the negatively charged object. Using the static charge paint operation, less paint is wasted, and the object has a more uniform finish. Nuisance Charges of Static Electricity Static electricity is the static charge that accumulates on a person’s body as he or she walks across a carpet. Although static charges have some useful applications, they are often a nuisance. Here are some examples of nuisance static charges: • • When reaching for a metal doorknob or other metal object, the discharge in the form of an electric shock can be painful. Static buildup while walking across a carpeted floor happens because carpets are made of nylon or other types of insulators, and heating systems generally remove moisture from the air. The installation of a humidifier usually prevents the buildup of static charges. A static charge causes clothes moving through the dry air in a clothes dryer to cling together. Synthetic fabrics, which are the best insulators, retain electrons more than natural fabrics do. So, synthetic fabrics build up the greatest static charge. You may already know that batteries, fuel cells, and solar cells produce direct current. This current always flows in the same direction. You may have also heard the term alternating current. This type of current reverses, or alternates, 60 times per second (in the United States). The next section examines both types of electric sources and their defining characteristics. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 119 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 6 1. Answer: • Static electricity is the static charge that accumulates on a person’s body as he or she walks across a carpet. When reaching for a metal doorknob or other metal object, the discharge in the form of an electric shock can be painful. Static buildup while walking across a carpeted floor happens because carpets are made of nylon or other types of insulators, and heating systems generally remove moisture from the air. The installation of a humidifier typically prevents the buildup of static charges. • A static charge causes clothes moving through the dry air in a clothes dryer to cling together. Synthetic fabrics, which are the best insulators, retain electrons more than natural fabrics do. So, synthetic fabrics build up the greatest static charge. 2. Answer: Static electricity is the accumulation of an electric charge on an insulated body. 120 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Self-Check 6 1. List two examples of nuisance charges of static electricity. 2. Define static electricity. 5-4 Electric Sources Little is commonly known about the early days of current and the so-called “War of Currents.” In the 1890s, a bitter rivalry took place between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. Edison adamantly supported his direct current (dc) delivery of electricity, whereas Tesla and George Westinghouse were developing alternating current (ac) delivery systems. The only real casualties in this “war” were the animals Edison publicly electrocuted using Tesla’s high-voltage ac system. Edison did this to prove the dangers of alternating current systems. There are several methods of providing the power required to set a valence electron free, including chemical, magnetic, and photovoltaic, to list a few. The two major categories of electric sources are direct current (dc) and alternating current (ac). Direct Current A direct current (dc) power source provides a voltage whose polarity and output voltage never change direction. Dc power sources provide two terminal devices: one terminal negative and the other positive, with respect to each other. Direct current sources of energy include batteries, dc generators, and electronic power supplies. Self-Check 7 1. What never changes in direct current? Alternating Current Transformer an electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage. Alternating current (ac) power sources produce a voltage that periodically reverses polarity and magnitude. An example of an ac power source is an ac generator. Alternating current has one major advantage over direct current; the voltage can be increased or decreased by using a transformer. A transformer is an electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage. When electric current runs through a conductor, a magnetic field is produced. Magnetism makes possible the operation of motors, transformers, and even your doorbell. The next section discusses magnetism, electromagnets, and some of the devices that work because of this force. Self-Check 8 1. What is one major advantage alternating current has over direct current? 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 120 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 7 1. Answer: Polarity and output voltage. Self-Check 8 1. Answer: The voltage can be increased or decreased by using a transformer. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. 134 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 135 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 121 Practice SQR3. • • • • Survey through Section 5-5, Magnetism. Skim through the headings. Take a look at the pictures. Read the Self-Check questions at the end of the section. Create the questions you are going to answer by reading this section. Read this section. Take some notes. Find the answers to your questions. Recite these answers. Review. Go back and highlight the main points in the section. Add to your notes. 5-5 Magnetism a force field that acts on some materials, but not on other materials. Magnetism Magnetism is a force field that acts on some materials, but not others. Physical devices that possess this force are referred to as magnets. Lodestone is a natural magnet. However, magnets used today are all manufactured. They are made from alloys containing elements such as nickel, copper, aluminum, and iron. Many of today’s instruments operate because of magnetism. A compass is an example of such a device. A compass works on the principle that a small, lightweight magnet balanced on a nearly frictionless pivot point turns toward the north. Why? It is because the Earth itself contains magnetic poles. Figure 5-10 illustrates the positions of the true North FIGURE 5-10 The Earth’s poles. True North Pole Magnetic flux lines Magnetic south pole N Polar axis S Magnetic north pole 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 121 True South Pole From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. • • 13/02/12 6:12 PM 136 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 122 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Temporary magnet acts as a magnet only as long as it is in the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet or an electric current. Magnets The two general types of magnets are known as permanent and temporary. Permanent magnets are magnets that do not require any power or force to maintain their field. A temporary magnet acts as a magnet only as long as it is in the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet or an electric current. Magnetic materials from which permanent magnets are made are called hard magnetic materials; materials from which temporary magnets are made are known as soft magnetic materials. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Permanent magnet a magnet that does not require power or force to maintain its field. and South Poles, referred to as the axis of the earth. This figure also shows the positions of the magnetic poles. Note that magnetic north is not located at the true North Pole of the earth. This is the reason why navigators must distinguish between true north and magnetic north. The angular difference between the two is known as the angle of declination. Self-Check 9 1. What is the difference between permanent and temporary magnets? Fields, Flux, and Poles Magnetic field the result of the force of magnetism. To better understand magnetism and devices that operate because of magnetic fields, such as transformers, motors, and loudspeakers, we must develop a basic understanding of magnetism. A magnetic field is the result of the force of magnetism. The magnetic field extends out from the magnet in all directions. The invisible lines of force that make up this magnetic field are known as magnetic flux. Figure 5-11 illustrates how lines of flux surround the entire magnet. Magnetic lines of flux. From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning FIGURE 5-11 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 122 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 9 1. Answer: Permanent magnets are magnets that do not require any power or force to maintain their field. A temporary magnet acts as a magnet only as long as it is in the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet or an electric current. TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 137 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Poles the two areas (ends) of a magnet where the magnetic force is the greatest. 123 A magnetic field is stronger where lines of flux are dense. Where lines of flux are sparse, the field is weak. The lines of flux are most dense at the ends of a magnet. So, the magnetic field is strongest at the ends of the magnet. The ends of a magnet are referred to as the magnetic poles and are designated north (N) and south (S). Magnetic poles are the two areas (ends) of a magnet where the magnetic force is the greatest. Lines of flux are always assumed to leave the north pole and enter the south pole of a magnet. Bringing the north (or south) poles of two magnets together will create a repelling force. If you bring a north pole of a magnet close to the south pole of another magnet, a force of attraction is created. So, unlike poles attract each other. 1. A magnetic field is the result of what? 2. Where is magnetic force the greatest on a magnet? Electromagnetism Electromagnet an object that acts like a magnet, but its magnetic force is created and controlled by electricity. Electricity and magnetism cannot be separated. Whenever an electric current runs through a wire, a magnetic field is created. An electromagnet is simply an object that acts like a magnet, but its magnetic force is created and controlled by electricity. Electromagnets operate because current flowing through a conductor produces a magnetic field around the conductor, as illustrated in Figure 5-12. FIGURE 5-12 Magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. Current flowing out Current flowing through two conductors in the opposite direction 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 123 Current flowing in Current flowing through two conductors in the same direction From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Self-Check 10 13/02/12 6:12 PM Self-Check 10 1. Answer: The force of magnetism. 2. Answer: A magnetic field is stronger where lines of flux are dense. Where lines of flux are sparse, the field is weak. The lines of flux are most dense at the ends of a magnet. 138 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 124 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Air-core magnet an electromagnet comprised of a coil wound around a nonmagnetic material. Permeability a term used to describe the measure of a material’s ability to become magnetized. Reluctance resistance to magnetism. Saturation the state reached when an increase in applied external magnetizing field cannot increase the magnetization of the material further. FIGURE 5-13 The left-hand rule. N 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 124 © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Iron-core magnet an electromagnet made by wrapping a coil of wire around an iron core. If a conductor is wound into a coil, the magnetic field is concentrated and stronger because of the added effect of each turn of the wire. Electromagnetic field strength is also affected by the amount of current flowing through the wire. If current is increased, the magnetic field strength is stronger. The strength of an electromagnet is proportional to its ampere-turns. Ampere-turns are determined by multiplying the number of turns of wire by the current flow. Wrapping a wire around an iron core greatly increases the magnetic field. This kind of coil is referred to as an iron-core magnet. Coils can also be wound around a nonmagnetic material such as wood or plastic. These coils are called air-core magnets. Air-core magnets are electromagnets that have a coil wound around a nonmagnetic material. Permeability is a term used to describe the measure of a material’s ability to become magnetized. A magnetic core material, such as iron, provides an easy path for the flow of magnetic lines in the same way a conductor provides an easy path for the flow of electrons. The polarity of an electromagnet can be determined by using what has become known as the left-hand rule. When fingers on your left hand are placed around the windings in the direction of current flow, your thumb points to the north magnetic pole, as can be seen in Figure 5-13. If the direction of current flow is reversed, the polarity of the magnetic field also reverses. Another measurement used when working with magnetic devices is reluctance, which is simply resistance to magnetism. Materials like soft iron or nickel have high permeability and low reluctance because they can be easily magnetized. However, graphite, for example, has low permeability and high reluctance. When the current is increased in an electromagnet and the magnetic strength increases only slightly, a condition known as saturation occurs. Saturation is the state reached when an increase in an applied external magnetizing field cannot increase the magnetization of the material further. A stronger magnetic field can be produced, but a larger core material is necessary. From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning Ampere-turns determined by multiplying the number of turns of wire by the current flow. 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 139 © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Self-Check 11 1. Answer: An electromagnet is an object that acts like a magnet, but its magnetic force is created and controlled by electricity. Electromagnets operate because current flowing through a conductor produces a magnetic field around the conductor. 2. Answer: The polarity of an electromagnet can be determined by using what has become known as the left-hand rule. When fingers on your left hand are placed around the windings in the direction of current flow, your thumb points to the north magnetic pole. If the direction of current flow is reversed, the polarity of the magnetic field also reverses. Residual magnetism the amount of magnetism left in a material after the magnetizing force has been removed. 125 When the current flow through the coil of an electromagnet is interrupted, some magnetism may remain in the core material. The amount of magnetism left in a material after the magnetizing force has been removed is called residual magnetism. Self-Check 11 1. What is an electromagnet? 2. How can you determine the polarity of an electromagnet? Magnetic Devices Magnetism is responsible for the operation of many devices we use every day. Some of the more common devices include measuring instruments, transformers, motors, and electromagnets. One useful characteristic of an electromagnet is that magnetic force can be varied by changing the amount and direction of current going through the coils around its core. Tape recorders, speakers, and earphones operate because of varying current that flows through the winding of an electromagnet. Some other applications of electromagnetic devices are listed here: • • • • • Scrap-yard crane with a huge electromagnet to pick up and move junked autos Electromagnetic door lock Doorbell ringer Electric motor Maglev trains Self-Check 12 1. What devices operate because of varying current? 2. List three applications of electromagnetic devices. How long did it take you to read this chapter? In what part of the day did you read it? Was it a time when you were able to concentrate, or should you find another time of day to do your reading? Summary • • 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 125 All matter is comprised of atoms, and an atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its identity. Some common elements include iron, nitrogen, oxygen, copper, silver, and gold. Self-Check 12 1. Answer: Tape recorders, speakers, and earphones operate because of varying current that flows through the winding of an electromagnet. 2. Answer: Any THREE of the following: • Scrap-yard crane with a huge electromagnet to pick up and move junked autos • Electromagnetic door lock • Doorbell ringer • Electric motor • Maglev trains 13/02/12 6:12 PM 140 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 126 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The three principal parts of an atom are the electron, proton, and neutron. The center of an atom, called the nucleus, contains positively charged protons as well as neutrons, which have no electrical charge. Negatively charged electrons orbit the nucleus. The law of charges states that opposite electrical charges attract and like electrical charges repel. The outermost shell of an atom is called the valence shell, or ring. A conductor is a material that contains between one and three valence electrons and readily conducts electricity. Valence electrons temporarily separated from an atom are free electrons. Electrical current is the movement, or flow, of free electrons. Atoms that have more or less than their normal complement of electrons are ions. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. • • Static electricity is the accumulation of an electric charge on an insulated body. Applications of static electricity include dust precipitators and spray painting. The two major categories of electric sources are direct current and alternating current. Magnetism is a force field that acts on some materials, but not on other materials. An electromagnet is an object that acts like a magnet, but its magnetic field is created and controlled by electricity. Devices that operate because of magnetism include measuring instruments, transformers, motors, and electromagnets. Applications of electromagnets include door lock, doorbell ringer, electric motor, and maglev train. Review Questions True/False 1. A molecule is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its identity. (True, False) See 5-1. 2. An electron is an elementary particle carrying one unit of negative electrical charge. (True, False) See 5-1. 3. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. (True, False) See 5-1. 4. The neutron found in the nucleus has a net positive charge. (True, False) See 5-1. 5. Protons revolve around the nucleus of the atom. (True, False) See 5-1. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 126 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 141 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 127 Multiple Choice 6. What is the law of charges? A. B. C. D. Opposite charges repel. Like charges repel. Like charges are always negative. Like charges are always positive. See 5-2. 7. Neutrons A. B. C. D. . Have a positive charge Have a negative charge Revolve around the nucleus Have no electrical charge See 5-2. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. 8. The outermost shell of an atom is referred to as the A. B. C. D. 9. A material that readily conducts electricity is a(n) A. B. C. D. . Variance shell Ion shell Valence shell Free electron shell See 5-3. . Element Molecule Compound Conductor See 5-3. 10. What is the term for valence electrons that have been temporarily separated from an atom? A. Free electrons B. Ions C. Neutrons D. Free protons See 5-3. Fill in the Blanks 11. Electrical current is the flow of free electrons. See 5-3. 12. Atoms that have more or less than their normal complement of electrons are called 13. ions Static . See 5-3. electricity is an accumulation of an electric charge on an insulated body. See 5-3. direct current power source provides a voltage whose polarity and output voltage never change direction. See 5-4. 14. A(n) transformer is an electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage. See 5-4. 15. A(n) 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 127 13/02/12 6:12 PM 142 TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 128 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 16. 17. Magnetism is a force field that acts on some materials, but not on other materials. See 5-5. Permanent magnets are magnets that do not require any power or force to maintain their field. See 5-5. 18. The ends of a magnet are called magnetic poles . See 5-5. 19. A(n) electromagnet is an object that acts like a magnet, but its magnetic force is created and controlled by electricity. See 5-5. Reluctance is resistance to magnetism. See 5-5. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. 20. 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 128 13/02/12 6:12 PM TRAINER IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism 143 CHAPTER 5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM ACTIVITY 5-1 Bar magnets. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. S Give the following directions to your students: Place two magnets on a flat surface (with like poles facing each other) far enough apart that no reaction is demonstrated. Move the magnets together to demonstrate that like charges repel, once you have asked the following questions. Place two magnets on a flat surface (with unlike poles facing each other), far enough apart that no reaction is demonstrated. Move the magnets together to demonstrate that unlike charges attract, once you have asked the following question. Electrical Theory—Law of Charges N N S From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning FIGURE 5-14 129 Materials 2 bar magnets with north and south poles identified (See Figure 5-14.) Whiteboard or chalkboard Part A Your instructor will give you directions on how to proceed. Questions 1. Explain the law of charges. 2. Explain what action will take place once the magnets are slowly brought together. Part B Your instructor will give you directions on how to proceed. Question 1. Explain what action will take place once the magnets are slowly brought together. Follow-up Questions 1. Identify some objects that use magnets to function. 2. What happens to the magnetic field when a conductor is wound into a coil? 16891_ch05_108-129.indd 129 Activity 5-1 Answer Key Part A 1. Answer: Like charges repel and opposite charges attract. 2. Answer: Following the law of charges, the magnets will repel each other. 13/02/12 6:12 PM Part B 1. Answer: Following the law of charges, the magnets will attract each other. Follow-up 1. Suggested Answers: compass, electric can openers, electric motors and generators, doorbell ringers, scrap-yard crane 2. Answer: The magnetic field is concentrated and stronger because of the cumulative effect of each turn of the wire. © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. Lab 5-1Electrical Theory—Law of Charges Task Performance Objective Sheet © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. S N N From HERMAN. Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity, 5E. © 2011 Cengage Learning Name ___________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ S Figure 5-15 Given: 2 magnets with north and south poles identified (See Figure 5-15.) Task Performance Objective: Demonstrate the theory of charges. Place two magnets on a flat surface, far enough apart that no reaction to the lab is demonstrated. Have students identify what action will take place once the magnets are slowly brought together. Scoring: Criteria Completes Completes with Assistance Does Not Complete Date Initials Student explains the theory of charges. Student relates and demonstrates the reaction of the two magnets when brought together with both north poles facing each other. Student relates and demonstrates the reaction of the two magnets when brought together with opposite poles facing each other. ©Cengage Learning 2013 Student Signature: Instructor Signature: 145 NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 146 © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization.