CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Power Inverter An Inverter is

1.1 Power Inverter
An Inverter is basically a converter that converts DC-AC power.
circuits can be very complex so the objective of this method is to present some of the
inner workings of inverters without getting lost in some of the fine details. The word
„inverter‟ in the context of power electronics denotes a class of power conversion
circuits that operates from a dc voltage source or a dc current source and converts it
into ac voltage or current. Even though input to an inverter circuit is a dc source, it not
uncommon to have this dc derived from an ac source such as utility ac supply. Thus,
for example, the primary source of input power may be utility ac voltage supply that is
„converted, to dc by an ac to dc converter and then „inverted‟ back to ac using an
inverter. Here, the final output may be of a different frequency and magnitude than the
input ac of the utility supply [1]. Typical Applications such as Un-interruptible Power
Supply (UPS), Industrial (induction motor) drives, Traction, HVDC.
1.2 Multi Level Inverters (MLI)
Numerous industrial applications have begun to require higher power apparatus
in recent years. Some medium voltage motor drives and utility applications require
medium voltage and megawatt power level [26]. For a medium voltage grid, it is
troublesome to connect only one power semiconductor switch directly. As a result, a
multilevel power converter structure has been introduced as an alternative in high
power and medium voltage situations [65]. A multilevel converter not only achieves
high power ratings, but also enables the use of renewable energy sources. Renewable
energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind, and fuel cells can be easily interfaced to a
multilevel converter system for a high power application [3].
The concept of multilevel converters has been introduced since 1975. The term
multilevel began with the three-level converter. Subsequently, several multilevel
converter topologies have been developed. However, the elementary concept of a
multilevel converter to achieve higher power is to use a series of power semiconductor
switches with several lower voltage dc sources to perform the power conversion by
synthesizing a staircase voltage waveform. Capacitors, batteries, and renewable energy
voltage sources can be used as the multiple dc voltage sources. The commutation of the
power switches aggregate these multiple dc sources in order to achieve high voltage at
the output; however, the rated voltage of the power semiconductor switches depends
only upon the rating of the dc voltage sources to which they are connected [6].
Although multilevel inverters were basically developed to reach higher
voltage operation, before being restricted by semiconductor limitations, the extra
switches and dc sources (supplied by dc-link capacitors) could be used to generate
different voltage levels, enabling the generation of stepped waveform with less
characteristics have made them popular for high-power medium-voltage applications
but the large number of semiconductor switches in these inverters, result in a reduction
both of the reliability and efficiency of the drive. Therefore, many power electronic
researchers have made great effort in developing multilevel inverters with the same
benefits and less number of semiconductor devices [7].
1.2.1Importance of multilevel inverter
The importance of multilevel inverters has been increased since last few
decades. These new types of inverters are suitable for high voltage and high power
application due to their ability to synthesize waveforms with better harmonic spectrum
and with less Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Numerous topologies have been
introduced and widely studied for utility of non-conventional sources and also for drive
applications. Amongst these topologies, the multilevel cascaded inverter was
introduced in Static VAR compensation and in drive systems [18].
The Multi-Level Inverter [MLI] is a promising inverter topology for high voltage and
high power applications. This inverter synthesizes several different levels of DC
voltages to produce a stepped AC output that approaches the pure sine waveform. It has
the advantages like high power quality waveforms, lower voltage ratings of devices,
lower harmonic distortion, lower switching frequency and switching losses, higher
efficiency, reduction of dv/dt stresses etc. It gives the possibility of working with low
speed semiconductors in comparison with the two-level inverters [19].
1.2.2 Main feature of Multi-Level Inverter (MLI)
1. Ability to reduce the voltage stress on each power device due to the utilization of
multiple levels on the DC bus.
2. Important when a high DC side voltage is imposed by an application (e.g. traction
3. Even at low switching frequencies, smaller distortion in the multilevel inverter AC
side waveform can be achieved (with stepped modulation technique).
1.2.3 Advantages of Multi-Level Inverter (MLI)
A multilevel converter has several advantages over a conventional two-level
converter that uses high switching frequency pulse width modulation (PWM). The
attractive features of a multilevel converter can be briefly summarized as follows.
1. Staircase waveform quality: Multilevel converters not only can generate the output
voltages with very low distortion, but also can reduce the dv/dt stresses; therefore
Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) problems can be reduced.
2. Common-Mode (CM) voltage: Multilevel converters produce smaller CM voltage;
therefore, the stress in the bearings of a motor connected to a multilevel motor drive
can be reduced. Furthermore, CM voltage can be eliminated by using advanced
modulation strategies
3. Input current: Multilevel converters can draw input current with low distortion.
4. Switching frequency: Multilevel converters can operate at both fundamental
switching frequency and high switching frequency PWM. It should be noted that lower
switching frequency usually means lower switching loss and higher efficiency.
Unfortunately, the multilevel converters do have some disadvantages. One
particular disadvantage is the greater number of power semiconductor switches needed.
Although lower voltage rated switches can be utilized in a multilevel converter, each
switch requires a related gate drive circuit [40]. This may cause the overall system to be
more expensive and complex. Plentiful multilevel converter topologies have been
proposed during the last two decades. Contemporary research has engaged novel
converter topologies and unique modulation schemes.
1.3 Types of Multi-Level Inverter
Currently, in terms of topology, multilevel inverters can be mainly divided into
three major groups [44]:
“Cascaded multilevel inverters”: These inverters include several H-bridge
cells (Full-bridge inverters) connected in series. One leg of a cascaded multilevel
inverter is shown in Fig1.1. In the same figure, it is possible to observe the structure of
one individual cell [48].
Fig. 1.1 Cascaded multilevel inverter.
“Diode-clamped multilevel inverters”: These inverters use clamped diodes and dc
capacitors in order to generate ac voltage. This inverter is manufactured in 3, 4 and 5level structures. The 3-level structure is known as “neutral-point clamped (NPC)”
and is widely used in medium voltage, high power drives [23]. One leg of an NPC
inverter can be seen in Fig .1.2.
Fig. 1.2 NPC inverter.
“Flying-capacitor multilevel inverter [79][50]”: In this topology, semiconductor
devices are in series and their connecting points are clamped by extra capacitors, as it
can shown in Fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3 Flying-capacitor inverter.
1.3.1 Other Multi Level Inverter
1. Generalized Multilevel Topology.
2. Mixed-Level Hybrid.
3. Multilevel Converter.
4. Soft-Switched Multilevel Converter.
5. Back-to-Back Diode-Clamped Converter.
1.3.2 Hybrid and Asymmetric Multi Level Inverters
The topologies mentioned before are typically called “symmetric multilevel
inverters”, because the dc link capacitors have the same voltages [66]. Asymmetric
multilevel inverters have the same topology as symmetric ones; the only
difference is in the dc link voltages. However, the asymmetric multilevel inverters
can generate higher number of output voltage levels with the same number of
semiconductor switchers in symmetric ones.
Therefore, in these inverters the
efficiency is improved by using less semiconductor devices [32] and more complicated
switching algorithms; while, output filters are very small or even removed. One leg of
an asymmetric multilevel inverter is shown in Fig.1.4.
Since the different cells of asymmetric inverter work with different dc link
voltages and different switching frequencies, it is more efficient to use
appropriate semiconductor devices in different cells. For example, using IGCT
integrated (Gate-Commutated Thyristor) switches which are suitable for high voltages
low frequency applications, in higher voltage cells decreases the power losses.
These inverters are called “hybrid multilevel inverters [31]”. A hybrid inverter which
uses several types of semiconductors has many advantages Active power is
transferred by semiconductors with low losses and high reliability and the output
harmonic spectrum is improved by other semiconductors.
Fig. 1.4 Asymmetric multilevel inverter.
1.3.3 Symmetric Multi Level Inverters
symmetric multilevel inverters are characterized by the fact that the voltages
across the different dc link capacitors are equal[59], importance to mention that the
switches applied in the symmetric inverter have the same off-state voltage.
1.4 Different Switching Methods to Reduce Harmonic Distortion
Together with the converter topology, great effort has been addressed from the
research community in investigating different switching methods for these inverters.
This is mainly due to the fact that the adopted switching strategy impacts the
harmonic spectrum of output waveforms as well as the switching and the conduction
power losses. In case of multilevel converters, three switching methods are usually
1. “Selective Harmonic Elimination”. In this method, each switch is turned on
and turned off once in a switching cycle and switching angles are usually chosen
based on specific harmonics elimination or minimization of output voltage Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD)[57].
2. “Carrier-Based PWM”. In this method, drive signals of switches are derived from
comparison of reference signal with carrier signals.
3. “Space-Vector PWM”. The space vector modulation technique is based on
reconstruction of sampled reference voltage with help of switching space vectors of a
voltage source inverter in a sampling period [52].
1.5 Cascade Multi Level Inverter
Cascade Multilevel Inverter (CMLI) is more recent and popular type of power
electronic converter [62] that synthesizes a desired output voltage from several levels
of dc voltages as inputs [24]. If sufficient number of dc sources is used, a nearly
sinusoidal voltage waveform can be synthesized. CMLI offers several advantages such
as, its capabilities to operate at high voltage with lower dv/dt per switching, high
efficiency and low electromagnetic interference [EMI]. CMLI is one of the most
important topology in the family of multilevel and multi pulse inverters. It requires
least number of Components with compare to diode-clamped and flying capacitors type
multilevel inverters and no specially designed transformer is needed as compared to
multi pulse inverter. It has modular structure with simple switching strategy and
occupies less space.
A cascaded multilevel inverter is discussed to eliminate the excessively large number
of component.
1. Bulky transformers required by conventional multi pulse inverters,
2. Clamping diodes required by multilevel diode-clamped inverters, and
3. Flying capacitors required by multilevel flying-capacitor inverters.
1.5.1 Features of CMLI
1. It is much more suitable to high-voltage, high-power applications than the
conventional inverters.
2. It switches each device only once per line cycle and generates a multistep
staircase voltage waveform approaching a pure sinusoidal output voltage by increasing
the number of levels.
3. Since the inverter structure itself consists of a cascade connection of many singlephase, Full-Bridge Inverter (FBI) units and each bridge is fed with a separate DC
source, it does not require voltage balance (sharing) circuits or voltage matching of the
switching devices.
4. Packaging layout is much easier because of the simplicity of structure and lower
component count.
5. Soft-switching can be used in this structure to avoid bulky and lossy resistor capacitor-diode snubbers.
6. For real power conversions, (ac to dc and dc to ac), the cascaded-inverter needs
separate dc sources. The structure of separate dc sources is well suited for
various renewable energy sources such as fuel cell, photovoltaic, and biomass, etc.
7. Connecting separated dc sources between two converters in a back-to-back
fashion is not possible because a short circuit will be introduced when two backto-back converters are not switching synchronously.
1.5.2 Advantages of CMLI
1. The regulation of the DC buses is simple.
2. Modularity of control can be achieved. Unlike the diode clamped and capacitor
clamped inverter where the individual phase legs must be modulated by a
central controller, the full-bridge inverters of a cascaded structure can be
modulated separately.
3. Requires the least number of components among all multilevel converters to achieve
the same number of voltage levels.
4. Soft-switching can be used in this structure to avoid bulky and lossy resistorcapacitor-diode snubbers. These advantages are our motivation to work on the
harmonic analysis of the cascaded Three-level, Five-level, Seven-level, Nine level
&Twenty seven level inverters.
1.5.3 Cascaded H-Bridges MLI (Multi Level Inverter)
Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) configuration has recently become very popular
in high-power AC supplies and adjustable-speed drive applications. A cascade
multilevel inverter consists of a series of H-bridge (single-phase full bridge)
inverter units in each of its three phases. Each H-bridge unit has its own dc
source, which for an induction motor would be a battery unit, fuel cell or solar cell.
Each SDC (separate D.C. source) is associated with a single-phase full-bridge inverter.
The ac terminal voltages of different level inverters are connected in series. Through
different combinations of the four switches, S1-S4, each converter level can
generate three different voltage outputs, +
and zero.
The AC outputs of different full-bridge converters in the same phase are
connected in series such that the synthesized voltage waveform is the sum of the
individual converter outputs. Note that the number of output -phase voltage levels is
defined in a different way from those of the two previous converters (i.e. diode
clamped and flying capacitor). In this topology, the number of output-phase
voltage levels is defined by m= 2N+1, where N is the number of DC sources. A
seven-level cascaded converter, for example, consists of three DC sources and three
full bridge converters. Minimum harmonic distortion can be obtained by controlling the
conducting angles at different converter levels. Each H- bridge unit generates a
quasi-square waveform by phase shifting its positive and negative phase switching
timings. Each switching device always conducts for 180° (or half cycle) regardless of
the pulse width of the quasi-square wave.
This switching method makes all of the switching devices current stress equal.
In the motoring mode, power flows from the batteries through the cascade
inverters to the motor. In the charging mode, the cascade converters act as rectifiers,
and power flows from the charger (ac source) to the batteries. The cascade converters
can also act as rectifiers to help recover the kinetic energy of the vehicle if regenerative
braking is used. The cascade inverter can also be used in parallel HEV
This new converter can avoid extra clamping diodes or voltage
balancing capacitors.
The combination of the 180° conducting method and the pattern-swapping
scheme make the cascade inverter‟s voltage and current stresses the same and
battery voltage balanced. Identical H-bridge inverter units can be utilized, thus
improving modularity and manufacturability and greatly reducing production costs.
Battery-fed cascade inverter prototype driving an induction motor at 50% and 80%
rated speed both the voltage and current are almost sinusoidal. Electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and common mode voltage are also much less than what would
result from a PWM inverter because of the inherently low dv/dt and sinusoidal voltage
The main advantages of multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters are as follows.
1. The number of possible output voltage levels is more than twice the number of dc
sources (m = 2s + 1).
2. The series of H-bridges makes for modularized layout and packaging. This will
enable the manufacturing process to be done more quickly and cheaply.
1.6 Total Harmonics Distortion (THD)
Harmonic currents, generated by non-linear electronic loads, increase power
system heat losses and power bills of end-users. These harmonic-related losses reduce
system efficiency, cause apparatus overheating, and increase power and air
conditioning costs. As the number of harmonics-producing loads has increased over the
years, it has become increasingly necessary to address their influence when making any
additions or changes to an installation. Harmonic currents can have a significant impact
on electrical distribution systems and the facilities they feed. It is important to consider
their impact when planning additions or changes to a system. In addition, identifying
the size and location of non-linear loads should be an important part of any
maintenance, troubleshooting and repair program [2].
1.6.1 Sources of Harmonic Distortion
Non-linear equipment or components in the power system cause distortion of the
current and to a lesser extent of the voltage. These sources of distortion can be divided
in three groups:
1. Loads
2. The power system itself (HVDC, SVC, transformers, etc)
3. The generation stage (synchronous generators)
Subdivision can also be made regarding the connection at different voltage
levels. In general, loads can be considered connected at lower voltage levels, the power
system exists at all voltage levels and the generation stage at low and medium voltage
levels. The dominating distortion-producing group, globally, are the loads. At some
locations HVDC-links, SVC‟s, arc furnaces and wind turbines contributes more than
the other sources. The generation stage can, during some special conditions, contribute
to some voltage distortion at high voltage transmission level.
The characteristic behavior of non-linear loads is that they draw a distorted
current waveform even though the supply voltage is sinusoidal. Most equipment only
produces odd harmonics but some devices have a fluctuating power consumption, from
half cycle to half cycle or shorter, which then generates odd, even and inter harmonic
currents. The current distortion, for each device, changes due to the consumption of
active power, background voltage distortion and changes in the source impedance.
1.6.2 Harmonics in Electrical Systems
One of the biggest problems in power quality aspects is the harmonic contents in
the electrical system. Generally, harmonics may be divided into two types: 1) voltage
harmonics, and 2) current harmonics. Current harmonics is usually generated by
harmonics contained in voltage supply and depends on the type of load such as resistive
load, capacitive load, and inductive load. Harmonic currents can produce a number of
problems, namely: Equipment heating, Equipment malfunction, Equipment failure,
Communications interference, Fuse and breaker disoperation Process problems,
Conductor heating. Both harmonics can be generated by either the source or the load
Harmonics generated by load are caused by nonlinear operation of devices,
including power converters, arc-furnaces, gas discharge lighting devices, etc. Load
harmonics can cause the overheating of the magnetic cores of transformer and motors
[54]. On the other hand, source harmonics are mainly generated by power supply with
non-sinusoidal voltage waveform. Voltage and current source harmonics imply power
losses, Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) and pulsating torque in AC motor drives.
Any periodic waveform can be shown to be the superposition of a fundamental and a
set of harmonic components. By applying Fourier transformation, these components
can be extracted. The frequency of each harmonic component is an integral multiple of
its fundamental.
1.6.3 Current distortion
On three-phase star systems, current distortion causes higher than expected
currents in shared neutrals. A shared neutral is one that provides the return path for two
or three-phases. Currents as high as 200% of the phase conductors have been seen in
the field. This large level of current can easily burn up the neutral creating an open
neutral environment. This open neutral creates voltage swells and overvoltage. These
voltage conditions easily destroy equipment, particularly power supplies.
Another indirect problem introduced by current distortion is called resonance.
Certain current harmonics may excite resonant frequencies in the system. This
resonance can cause extremely high harmonic voltages, possibly damaging
equipment. There is one additional comment about current distortion. When the current
is non-sinusoidal, our conventional ammeters and voltmeters will not respond
accurately. To accurately measure currents that are harmonically distorted, use a TrueRMS meter. This applies equally to distorted voltages.
1.6.4 Voltage distortion
Voltage distortion, on the other hand, directly affects loads. Distorted voltage
can cause motors to overheat and vibrate excessively. It can also cause damage to the
motor shaft. Even non-linear loads are prey to voltage distortion. Equipment ranging
from computers to electronically-ballasted fluorescent lights may be damaged by
voltage distortion. If damage occurs due to current distortion, except for high neutral
current, then one solution is to reduce the distortion. There are three methods for this.
First, a passive filter can be used to reduce the current from the one or two specific
In the second method, an active filter reduces all the harmonic currents. It is
more costly and complex to use, but it works better than passive filters. The third
method involves the use of transformers. Delta-Star
transformers reduce certain
harmonics, particularly what are called zero sequence harmonics. Zigzag transformers
can also be used to reduce zero sequence harmonics, but without changing the system
type between delta and star. In addition, they can help reduce high neutral currents.
If there is concern that these special transformers or the regular distribution
transformers may overheat, then transformer de-rating, or the use of K-rated
transformers, is recommended. If high neutral currents are the culprit, then the first step
is to eliminate shared neutrals wherever possible. Where this cannot be done, try over
sizing the neutral wire so it won't overheat. If this doesn't work, then the distortion must
be reduced as described above.
There are two ways to reduce voltage distortion. Remember that internal voltage
distortion is the result of the business's non-linear loads interacting with the wiring. The
first way to reduce the distortion is to reduce the harmonic current. The second way is
to reduce the impedance of the wiring. This is done by increasing the size of the
conductors. Where the total voltage distortion is the sum of internal and external
distortion, these techniques reduce the internal contribution.
1.6.5 Most common causes
While motor drives and commercial power supplies are most often blamed for
harmonics, the most likely culprits in the typical commercial power system is
"switched-mode-power-supplies [33]" such as those seen in personal computers and
other electronically driven devices. The typical office can have as much as 50% of its
load being determined by devices of this type. There are several methods to indicate of
the quantity of harmonics contents. The most widely used measure in North America is
the total harmonics distortion (THD) which is defined in terms of the amplitudes of the
at frequency n
, where
is frequency of the fundamental component
whose amplitude of H1 and n is integer. The THD is mathematically given by
1.6.6 The Trouble with Harmonics in Modern Power Systems
Harmonics are a distortion of the normal electrical current waveform, generally
transmitted by nonlinear loads. Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), variable speed
motors and drives, photocopiers, personal computers, laser printers, fax machines,
battery chargers and UPSs [43] are examples of nonlinear loads. Single-phase nonlinear loads are prevalent in modern office buildings, while three-phase, non-linear
loads are widespread in factories and industrial plants.
A large portion of the non-linear electrical load on most electrical distribution
systems comes from SMPS equipment. For example, all computer systems use SMPS
that convert utility AC voltage to regulated low-voltage DC for internal electronics.
These non-linear power supplies draw current in high-amplitude short pulses that create
significant distortion in the electrical current and voltage wave shape harmonic
distortion, measured as Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The distortion travels back
into the power source and can affect other equipment connected to the same source.
Most power systems can accommodate a certain level of harmonic currents but will
experience problems when harmonics become a significant component of the overall
load. As these higher frequency harmonic currents flow through the power system, they
can cause communication errors, overheating and hardware damage, such as:
1. Overheating of electrical distribution equipment, cables, transformers, standby
generators, etc.
2. High voltages and circulating currents caused by harmonic resonance
3. Equipment malfunctions due to excessive voltage distortion
4. Increased internal energy losses in connected equipment, causing component failure
and shortened life span
5. False tripping of branch circuit breakers
6. Metering errors
7. Fires in wiring and distribution systems
8. Generator failures
9. Crest factors and related problems
10. Lower system power factor, resulting in penalties on monthly utility bills.
1.6.7 A Technical View of Harmonics
Harmonics are currents or voltages with frequencies that are integer multiples of
the fundamental power frequency. If the fundamental power frequency is 60 Hz, then
the 2nd harmonic is 120 Hz, the 3rd is 180 Hz, etc. When harmonic frequencies are
prevalent, electrical power panels and transformers become mechanically resonant to
the magnetic fields generated by higher frequency harmonics. When this happens, the
power panel or transformer vibrates and emits a buzzing sound for the different
harmonic frequencies. Harmonic frequencies from the 3rd to the 25th are the most
common range of frequencies measured in electrical distribution systems.
All periodic waves can be generated with sine waves of various frequencies. The
Fourier theorem breaks down a periodic wave into its component frequencies.
1.6.8 Solutions to Compensate and Reduce Harmonics
While standards to limit the generation of harmonic currents are under
consideration, harmonic control today relies primarily on remedial techniques. There
are several approaches that can be taken to compensate for or reduce harmonics in the
power system, with varying degrees of effectiveness and efficiency.
1.7 Modulation Topologies for Multilevel Inverter
It is generally accepted that the performance of an inverter, with any switching
strategies, can be related to the harmonic contents of its output voltage [29]. Power
electronics researchers have always studied many novel control techniques to reduce
harmonics in such waveforms. Up-to-date, there are many techniques, which are
applied to inverter topologies.
1.7 .1 Sinusoidal Natural Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM)
Sinusoidal pulse width modulation is one of the primitive techniques, which are
used to suppress harmonics presented in the quasi-square wave [41]. In the modulation
techniques, there are two important defined parameters:
1). The ratio P=
known as frequency ratio
2). The ratio M =
known as modulation index.
is the reference frequency,
amplitude, and
is the carrier frequency,
is reference signal
is carrier signal amplitude. The amplitude of the fundamental
frequency components of the output is directly proportional to the modulation depth.
The second term of the equation gives the amplitude of the component of the carrier
frequency and the harmonics of the carrier frequency [53]. The magnitude of this term
decreases with increased modulation depth. Because of the presence of sin (m /2),
even harmonics of the carrier are eliminated. Term3 gives the amplitude of the
harmonics in the sidebands around each multiple of the carrier frequency.
Fig.1.5 Three-phase two-level natural SPWM with a triangular carrier wave.
The presence of sin ((m + n) /2) indicated that, for odd harmonics of the carrier,
only even-order sidebands exist, and for even harmonics of the carrier only odd order
sidebands exist. In addition, increasing carrier or switching frequency does not
decrease the amplitude of the harmonics, but the high amplitude harmonic at the carrier
frequency is shifted to higher frequency. Consequently, requirements of the output
filter can be improved. However, it is not possible to improve the total harmonic
distortion without using output filter circuits.
In multilevel case, SPWM techniques with three different disposed triangular
carrier wave proposed as follows:
1. All the carriers are alternatively in opposition (APO disposition)
2. All the carriers above the zero value reference are in phase among them, but in
opposition with those below (PO disposition)
3. All the carriers are in phase (PH disposition).
1.8 Features of VLSI
Considerable research over the past two decades focused on the design of
parallel machines and many valuable research contributions were made. The
mainstream computer market, however, was largely unaffected by this research. Most
computers today are Uniprocessor and even large servers have only modest numbers (a
few 10s) of processors. In the first conferences, many of the hard problems of parallel
machine design have been solved. The design of fast and efficient networks to connect
arrays of the processors together and mechanisms those allow processors to quickly
1) A grid is an intersection of a horizontal and vertical wire [71]. Hence the number of
grids on a chip is the square of the number of wiring tracks that fit along one edge of a
chip. As VLSI chips are limited by wiring, not devices, the number of grids is a better
measure of complexity than the number of transistors.
2) The key here is to match the design of the network to the properties of the
implementation technology rather than to optimize abstract mathematical properties of
the network. Odds of programming parallel machines have been demonstrated.
Research machines were constructed to demonstrate the technology, provide a platform
for parallel software research, and solve the engineering problems associated with its
realization. The results of this research resulted in numerous commercial machines that
form the core of the high-end computer industry today.
3) MIMD machines are preferable to SIMD machines even for data-parallel
applications. Similarly, general-purpose MIMD machines are preferable to systolic
arrays, even for regular computations with local communication. Bit-serial processors
loose more in efficiency than they gain in density.
4) A good general-purpose network (like a 3-D torus) usually outperforms a network
with a topology matched to the problem of interest (like a tree for divide and conquer
problems). It is better to provide a general-purpose set of mechanisms than to create a
specialized machine for a single model of computation.
While successful at the high end, parallel VLSI architectures have had little impact on
the main stream computer industry. Most desktop machines are Uniprocessor and even
departmental servers contain at most a few 10s of processors. Today‟s mainstream
microprocessor chips are dense enough to hold 1000 of the 8086s or 68000s of 1979,
yet all of this area is used to implement a single processor. By many objective measures
this would clearly be a more efficient architecture.
1.9 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
The most common FPGA architecture consists of an array of configurable logic
blocks (CLBs), Input / Output blocks and reconfigurable matrix of interconnects CLBs
are used for realization of main logic in FPGA. It typically consists of 4-input Lookup
Tables (LUT), multiplexors and flip-flops. LUT is used for realization of combinational
logic. It is a 16-bit configurable memory which is capable to realize all 4-input
combination logical functions. The output of the LUT can be registered to realize
sequential functions [22].
In modern FPGAs are also CLBs with more than 4 inputs integrated.
Multiplexors in CLB can be also used for realization of logic function with more than 4
inputs, they allows combine outputs of LUTs CLBs are used for realization of main
logic in FPGA. It typically consists of 4-input Lookup Tables (LUT), multiplexers and
LUT is used for realization of combinational logic. It is a 16-bit configurable
memory which is capable to realize all 4-input combination logical functions. The
output of the LUT can be registered to realize sequential functions. In modern FPGAs
there are also CLBs with more than 4 inputs integrated. Multiplexors in CLB can be
also used for realization of logic function with more than 4 inputs, they allow combine
outputs of LUTs FPGAs is higher. On the other hand SRAM memory does not
remember the configuration without the power, thus the configuration must be loaded
to the SRAM before the start of the FPGA function. It increases boot-time and power
Nonvolatile FPGAs use antifuses or some type of nonvolatile memory (FLASH,
EEPROM). This solution provides the advantages of lower power consumption and
higher resistance to radiation. Beside basic blocks described above, there are also some
others block integrated in most of the FPGAs. Delay-Locked Loops are used for clock
signal generation. They synchronize clock signal in whole FPGA a can be also used as
clock divider or multiplier. In some application is necessary to use a lot of memory. In
these cases, there are Block RAMs integrated in FPGA. Block RAM is usually a dualport RAM with independent control signals for each port. Because FPGAs is widely
used for DSP applications, there are multipliers, adders with Carry chain architecture,
MAC units etc. integrated in some FPGAs to increase speed of computation. The main
advantage of DSP processor in comparison with FPGA is a simple implementation.
DSP processor can be program in assembler or C language. On the other hand the
computation performance is still limited by the architecture of DSP processor and
program realization.
1.10 Advantages of FPGA
Any technique can prove its success if and only if it is been implemented in real-time.
In order to have a successful hardware implementation, the various constrains viz.
availability of equipment, durability for completion and viability of commercial
transactions should be overcome. Field programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are found
to be the most cost-effective and least time consuming with simple solutions for
designers to implement their findings in real-time environment. FPGAs are futureoriented building blocks, which allow perfect customization of the hardware at an
attractive price even in low quantities.
FPGA components available today have usable sizes at an acceptable price. This makes
them effective factors for cost savings and time-to-market when making individual
configurations of standard products.
Re-design of a board can often be avoided through application-specific integration of
our desired circuit in the FPGA - an alternative for the future, especially for very
specialized applications with only small or medium volumes. FPGA technology is
indispensable wherever long-term availability or harsh industrial environments are
involved. Another important aspect is long-term availability. Many component
manufacturers do not agree on any long-term availability. This makes it difficult or
impossible for the board manufacturer to support his product for more than 10 years.
The remarkable advantage of FPGAs and their nearly unlimited availability lies in the
fact that, even if the device migrates to the next generation, the code remains
unchanged. This is in accordance with norms like the (European standards) EN 50155
which prescribes that customized parts like FPGAs must be documented to allow
reproduction and that the documentation and the source code must be handed out to the
customer. In order to have a customized function, normally a device is programmed
and is connected to the logic blocks through the transistors as interconnectors. The
major benefit of using FPGA has two fold, one is flexibility in design and the other one
is fast time in completion of the task.
1.11 Thesis Organization
A brief outline of the various chapters of the thesis is as follows.
Chapter 1: Provides information about the inverters, multilevel inverters (MLI) and
Total Harmonic Distortion. It deals with cascade multi level inverters and real time
application of multilevel inverters, features and challenges in VLSI and advantage of
Chapter 2: Deals with review of literature survey about the generation of PWM, hence
it is applied in power inverters. It gives detailed studies of work before done and it
reviews the PWM and SPWM to be applied in various multilevel inverters.
Chapter 3: Provides information about generation of N-bit counter based PWM using
FPGA and it is applied as triggering pulse for multilevel inverters. A comparison of
Multi Level inverter is performed and analysis the THD values of seven and nine level
inverters using induction motor.
Chapter 4: Design and Analysis of Various PWM Techniques for Symmetric and
asymmetric multilevel inverters using FPGA. PWM pulses are given as triggering input
for multilevel inverters and also provide analyzed results.
Chapter 5: Discussion about the Design of proposed MFCWPT based PWM
techniques for Twenty Seven Level Inverter is presented. MFCPT and MFCWPT based
PWM pulse is given as triggering input for Twenty Seven Level Inverter. Performances
of multilevel inverters were analyzed.
Chapter 6: It deals with the results and discussions of all the methods. Provides
information about application of Twenty Seven Level Asymmetric Inverter.
Chapter 7: Concludes the overall work, which has been done. It provides highlights on
thesis work and suggestions for future work.