WDS'10 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, 28–32, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7378-140-8 © MATFYZPRESS Data Acquisition System and Data Processing for the New Thomson Scattering System on the COMPASS Tokamak M. Aftanas Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic. Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Republic. P. Bı́lková, P. Böhm, V. Weinzettl, J. Stöckel, M. Hron, R. Pánek Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Republic. R. Scannell, M. Walsh Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Abstract. The Thomson scattering (TS) will be one of crucial plasma diagnostics of the COMPASS tokamak. This newly build-up multi-point system consists of two Nd:YAG lasers (1.6J at 1064nm, 30Hz each) and cascade filter polychromators with avalanche photodiodes. It will enable measurements of both the electron temperature Te (20eV − 5000eV ) and density ne (1019 − 1020 m−3 ) profiles with spatial resolution up to 3mm in the vertical direction in 56 spatial points. The uniquely designed complex data acquisition system based on fast analog digital convertors (1GS/s) reflects the need to retrieve/digitize the signal originated from scattering process of the laser pulse lasting less than 10ns. This paper presents a detailed review of the architecture of the control and the data acquisition (DAQ) r system and its features. LabView will be used as a main layer for the TS data acquisition. Routines specifically written for controlling the DAQ of TS on COMPASS are presented. Moreover, control tool developed for calibrating r procedures by Labview of the TS is shown. Introduction COMPASS (COMPact ASSembly) is a divertor tokamak, reinstaled recently in the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. in Prague [Pánek et al. [2006]]. It was operated originally at UKAEA (now CCFE), Culham, UK. COMPASS (R = 0.56m, r = 0.2m, I = 320kA, Btor up to 2.1T and pulse length up to 1s), it is the smallest tokamak with a clear H-mode and an ITER-like plasma geometry. COMPASS is equipped with a unique set of copper saddle coils for resonant perturbation techniques. Many diagnostics have been designed and are being built [Weinzettl et al. [2010]]. Neutral beam injectors (NBI) heating and lower hybrid (LH) systems will be implemented to reach relevant plasma conditions. Proposed COMPASS scientific program is focused on studies of pedestal, H-mode and plasma-wall interactions. The new high resolution Thomson Scattering (TS) system shall contribute to this aim by detail measurements of both the electron temperature and the density profiles. Therefore, high priority is given to the spatial resolution namely at the plasma edge and in the pedestal region. The TS, as a noninvasive technique, is a powerful tool to determine electron temperature Te and density ne from Doppler-shifted and broadened monochromatic light. Due to the low scattering cross-section, the diagnostics leads to a complex design and considerable requirements on the construction. Thus the practical implementation is quite demanding and limits the diagnostic. For TS on COMPASS, two independent Nd:YAG lasers (1064nm, 30Hz, 1.5J each) were used to produce highly intense monochromatic light. The light scattered by the plasma is then 28 AFTANAS ET AL.: DAQ FOR THE NEW TS SYSTEM ON THE COMPASS collected, divided into 5 spectral channels by means of filter cascade [Bı́lková et al. [2010]], and detected by avalanche photodiodes located inside the polychromators. Signals from the photodiodes are digitized and consequently ne and Te are determined. Data Acquisition Requirements for data acquisition are quite tough. Three main parameters has to be fulfil. Each laser pulse has a duration about 10ns. Proper sampling rate is necessary to fit the time evolution of low and noisy TS signals with reasonable resolution, moreover signals from all 120 channels (28 polychromators, 4 or 5 channels each) have to be acquired simultaneously. These signals are synchronously digitized by fast and slow Analog-to-Digital Convertors (ADCs). The r fast ADCs (NI PXI-5152) convert data with high throughput of 1GSample/sec, sufficient 8bit resolution and good inter-channel skew < 300ps. These ADC cards (2 channels in each ADC r card) have 8M B/channel onboard memory and are housed in 4 chassis (NI PXI-1045). First r chassis, so called master chassis, has embedded computer (NI PXI-8110, Intel Core 2 Quad r Q9100 processor) and triggering and timing cards (NI PXI-6653 and PXI-6652) to synchronize remaining 3 chassis (slave chassis). The master chassis is able to store data, perform calculations r and communicate (NI PXI-8331) with the slave ones via MXI-4 technology (78M bytes/s) and with the slow ADC cards and COMPASS control system (CODAC) via ethernet ([Valcárcel et al. [2009]]). The slow digitizers (D-tAcq ACQ196CPCI) have 16bit ADC per channel for true simultaneous analog input with sampling rate of 500kSamples/sec. Two slow ADC cards are used, each 96 channels, 400M Hz RISC processor, 512M B onboard memory. Schematic layout of the the DAQ system is shown in the Figure 1. The fast digitizers have been tested and are ready to be tightly synchronized with the reference clock by the phaselocked-loop technology. The data acquisition will be triggered by the laser pulses and thus the laser timing is for now the limiting factor of the real-time TS on COMPASS. Modular design of TS DAQ allows future expansion of the digitizers and possible laser triggering by the embedded computer in the master chassis of fast digitizers. The data will be acquired in segments. Each segment represents one laser pulse or double pulses in case of firing lasers simultaneously or with very small delay (< 1us). All segments together will be downloaded after the experiment (plasma shot) from the onboard memory of each digitizer to the embedded computer of the master chassis where the raw data will be processed. Spectral and Raman calibration data will be stored there and it will have access to Figure 1. Scheme of the TS on COMPASS with the layout of the triggers and data flow. 29 AFTANAS ET AL.: DAQ FOR THE NEW TS SYSTEM ON THE COMPASS the slow sampled background radiation from the slow ADCs and the laser energy data from energy monitor. The scattered signal will be integrated, the calculations of Te and ne performed (relativistic formula for TS Naito [1993]) and results send via ethernet to CODAC. Control and calibration routines r LabView is used as programming language for controlling the ADC system and polychromator calibration procedures. Basic ADC control program was provided by manufacturer. These routines were modified with respect to system layout and triggering was implemented. Two main calibrations are necessary to perform - spectral and intensity calibration [Scannell r [2009]]. LabView routine was written to automate the spectral calibration. These calibrations are being carried out (Figure 2). r Figure 2. Spectral calibration in progress. Routine written in LabView . Figure 3. Parameters of collection optics: F/# numbers and back image of the fibers for the edge TS spatial points. 30 AFTANAS ET AL.: DAQ FOR THE NEW TS SYSTEM ON THE COMPASS Error analysis During the design process several calculations were performed while keeping ne , scattering angle, F number and length of scattering volume constant [Aftanas et al. [2009]] to obtain relevant information about expected parameters of the COMPASS TS system. These analysis were done with the MAST team and using MAST IDL codes [Scannell et al. [2008]]. As the last built part of the COMPASS TS system, designed parameters of collection optics [Bı́lková et al. [2010]] were taken (Figure 3) and simulations were performed to evaluate qualities of the design by estimating expected Te and ne errors. For such purpose simulations for varying input parameters have been modified. Angular effect, different spatial resolution, F number and expected electron temperature and density profiles were taken into account. The error on scattered signal was modeled as contribution of Poisson distribution, background light and amplifier noise error. In the Figure 4 input profiles of Te and ne (continuous line) are shown with the simulated values (the dots and the error bars). Finite length of scattering volume (spatial resolution) caused small distortion of the fitted pedestal width (become wider). Relative error of fitted pedestal width for given profiles is below 5%. Conclusion The data acquisition system is being built. Unique synchronization of the channels was implemented. Fast digitizers were tested and the layout of the DAQ was designed. It allows flexible measurements in the different laser firing modes and the system can be synchronized with the central timing unit. New simulations were performed with respect to real parameters of the system and expected plasma profiles. Estimated errors are sufficiently low to determine pedestal shape and position. Existing routines are being modified and extended. New routine was tested and is ready to use. Figure 4. Theoretical (continuous line) and simulated (dots and error bars) ne and Te profiles. Finite spatial resolution caused broadening of the fitted pedestal. 31 AFTANAS ET AL.: DAQ FOR THE NEW TS SYSTEM ON THE COMPASS Acknowledgments. This work was supported by Czech Science Foundation, grant 202/08/H057, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic IRP #AV0Z20430508, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CR #7G09042 and European Communities under the contract of Association between EURATOM/IPP.CR No. FU07-CT-2007-00060. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. References Pánek, R. et al., J. Czech Physics, 56 (Suppl. B), B125-B137, 2006. Weinzettl, V. et al., lecture on COMPASS Programmatic Conference, IPP AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, April 2-3, 2009, available at http://server.ipp.cas.cz/ vwei/work/diagnostics2009.pdf. 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