• • iwn» feiJfjl line of - timmm I y 'i , , ' A' * * , ' ■ H A Vs » F«rLQSDOS.sa-arie,3r,eaUitg —• ~. J,,™ ,-c , t j, . ' .... .. .... _ I • a &•• a Chriatcaarcii. throcsboat Hie Colony. • ; > ,• I - i I M s SHIPPING COM- VIA 810 DS JANEIRO. l ri^HECompans'eMagni- j 'jgjB^jTONfitABIRO,' - -1 1 X-"flcenbateamer ' ' • ' '4163 Tons, HMJOH.?., •' J. &"BONji.. R.N.R., .Commander. W® t* DESPATCHED" from Welllngfeon " os .SATURDAY, lera APRIL. I fI * f *" - W I|. shipping .' , company, ■ LIIO.TED"* TOOL ABB GEAIM SHIPS • TOR. LONDON.. I ||l|||k ' Tons." Class., Ships. 'I Itjsi&saa "* Haafteis ... C&«yi3g W«o2, -- fS ToSalL *.. 2502 WAV I March March 88 '.. t »■ ,- iii i ,< ' |tos'£6jsal»&o<, apply to fES COMPANY'S OFFICES, Lyttalsoa aad Obristohttrofa._ SaiPPIN© OOM. 3 I • •• I I I . '^^Sf^^^^ f I 1 t| J I I I■ f UJ I 1 t ' , *ff>TT 4 • • CmBUSdK . - / ' i '' - • -i as to put Raijv?as t . ' -Z> f : ' 1 1 WIHS foUoTfitsg VSSaKiS * *l J i ' Cafecity =**»»»-»«.» iroß I X!B 1 ; ffiS?* I S SOO ICOAI 2103 *.I.SAI ■■• ««» ". " %y^i^~^~~"' aj ,1 1 "' ' - <t< ■«: .J^f^ '* ?S? ipaicntß throtigh the Asajdation are Sampled alongside by ISxpert 58 ; i "»*. - i A. H. "TURNBULL, , -"•"* , nil BBIGHTLING, ft'AILWAY CAESAQB Paid-up . ' ' '|j4gANi3Kp 'bSlfoop fesga;,. .**■">• . , - , ' ' > ,. - ' • •" •;■■"•"■' .' , . JSNORMOUS SHOWS. POSmVTELY LAST TOUR NIGHTS. ;; *. TO-NIGHT, v '- ... ' lost Opportunity of Seeing i '- DICKTheTURPIN'S RIDE TO YORE. :,:.,Vl BLACK BESS, ,j, m OF BONNY : : .. . ' 'S4I HIG ... , •• H~iT"B a j,•i J :.labt <IML , JL ■■; Telephone 192. : 154 WORCESTER • 5635 ; - Partnership . , ' . -Art Union. - ' '' - - . 7643 '* Wonderful" Kid'Gtovcs, O "R. IKGOLD'S Q» & lid pair. ffesß theiou Si>ecMite -draper. galeae? ia roiaavjng tartaroaa adhesldtos. Ie bcantiQes, stren gtheaaand preserves > from ■theTeftefe'aad Qtsma Tae orcacfaalso, of thssalabsious aad diainfeciins properties the Paste, attains? a swoecnesa and ttagranoe thopossessor: truly'geatefulto once Jriai d it, never Persons trha ■ggg any other preparatioa. jm<& ft'lNGOLiys Wondeffal" Kid Gloves, them. SpeeiaUte ®, &i lid waar.- 3>ry - - " ; all ■ I>rapev._ fpHSES IN A OCACH. - T E L _ At T- vO Booksellers L B T, H.ODOING a'LARGE BTJSINES^, ■ (*<•■-■ jSSr • ' i, Sβ; nix 2, 23 M; No, • v WHOtSSASE.OF , ." CHA?P£LI» a»4 POHDEB. '®9 Caahsl . . - CSiriistohaKsfe. , N' A' " • LAND BROKE&. ■ , M1'ENSUSD Transfer ' (Under Act, lbS5) and The Land 1 AGENT. ' PBOPISKTY Stamps. Sel! to Hevsoue Uceased foe Ssle at Mew Brighten. Belfast ■CJECTiONS S&Geak&sn, for Sale ®r IS and ana '' -- • Sohinond.Xinwood . " -' qorner ! SOE NTS - -j 1 - ises ; „ Adrupg^n. otChnafcety Lane. JAPANSSS - Sgg D CIGARETTES ." FIBS FLLCieAEETTES, ; : THBEB CASTLE CIGARETT2S. : i BAVIES ASJD LAMB, : T' """ 'H RB M , E ,1 1opP«SitJa ßalJ*nOrn*' ,ii ' r COJL GX - ■» ' . ■- - - 3• THURSDkY, . Dominations '., • *■ 1 vi - , -"■■■ ' ■. ;■■.'; ■ -: | ' . -. , -- '' , ' «159 • bjr a lady .living afitismS?,' » WAXTKO, §**■»* Companion • no 'safety MuhaJf? ?«m SCC3 «uired « APPIy by letter to J* WAKTEDTbTMarrSI Couple, SituatloiC 0 swaaseiHoat of any piac® K) or I" so enonmbuiaoe.hotel or +.w trti3b; ■ Address Posfr «� Office, A. B. $B| WANTED ««», joonn . bheeP Kan-; capital required anauaJ income £&w, slngio maaabonß pre« 1? 15,8 esnerionco not accessary. * '•JS?* Management oFsheepHSliimir WANTED, seven years in la>it placet; sltwle; good wreraneea; good aoge. Apply Ik A. C, Pauss 931 ANTED, for to%?ii7irislngTo' Man as %JSJ ,f ¥ aroom aa«i «oocCamaa, and-to make himsolf useful about tho hoxiss. -Moat bo experienced anil have goal jaferences. Apply by letter, enclosing s&uie, to Box I, P.0.,. Chrlstchurch, Offlca. . '• • %$& Manchester "street, for all classes of Son-ante, Male or Fonole, on® o£ tlio first boaa tide labour 'agents in Chslsfe* church. ■ "TS7|rANTED, Employoie to apply to M» ?f ltonald. Ma&c&egcjrscrees <oc Marriott Cpapleaagd Donald, * ■ ■ "ITiTANtED, General Sorvante (tam&W wit* IJγ .references, to know situations free McDonald'g, Manojjgstjarjatcoot. ; Employers to apply to" Mβ"" Doa&ld ■ to? Uradenors, Grooma, os _ ~ Cooka. • ; WANTED, '_ toPuroh^ec7l^r7^'i>nditt price, Clsarles Fttrdi«, ANTED city, atats ________ , • lS> __„ Tcnd'eraT«»r >Sliinffling*sb6ufc 20 -.. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ gjs ■_-___ KD, toSolT, FirsF-elass Phoiogriiphie Set, vory cheap, Is7NoiUiSe3i;,Ciiriat* WANT church. U7S "ANTED to sell, cheapT~Fhaß!S**by W Moor "a&d 'Son.' Owae? leatfnsr \h® distsict. Apply Uov. W. B. Marten, ' ,: Kaagiora. _ _ _ _ __ ■ ■■ immediately, by '.-_-.:...'.:.'. WANTED, Board two youngl acd Itestdoaoo tdthla ten Eolnntos , Wallsfrom Ora,niners(iuaxe. Applyto •'Ophelia,"PsesbOfiico, Wi oFponiesr ataafi WANTSO,;to 11 hands; oAe sls-years-old, aafl, on® fouryeara; both one ooJaur; good movera la or si»gl_a liamoss oc. saddle;. pass trams quietly; a satisfactory trial given. Apply to WANTED~to Sell, Farm of SO acrss as Halaweii, Dv>olllug-houno nnd outbuildings. This farm Jβ vory suitable for poulfyy or pig farm, and us it must bss eoSfi as v » willrefuse VBO atraaged." Hamili-and square. offeh Terms Jahjijjon, Cafchodml . -. cbxeo-oFfonrtaonthe* WANTSjptoliStriot Honae ot seven x&axka, totli, ■■ Fcunajshed room, wftßkiiOuso with copper, &c, quarter o- , ' anaoroof land, juat off P&pauoi roi«L Rent very low. itainili aad Jahijeon, CathodraC *'■J .;' I ••■'' ot mi~fhEei .totTQßerprail Holly square, rcfed, contßinV ¥ «iJrass Paddooks-oa ing atout an acre <.aeb, suitable loi' tailch cowa « or horses. Apply to Mc Franks, 19S Hertford street; or to vv. Acton*Aouuns. 7»tt ■ Buyers for WANTED, Cheap. Must; sol!,, Wanfc nioaoy, Railvmy Attoinnoa'g, atr?ot. [ Ijsaso, To (abonc), W'ANTSO. t«bliui? and tieue Spriiisrswa. V/. ft* tttmiioj? (aasooiatua _^ oh £ T?ith «-E -_522VJ2,_p ailSii &»!f £00 iiorcEorU streiito ®TnEV ."OA7Ro-*iotr7—Good, ffsrvsut-?' ttiv.-ori J, No COIASQK-FOdtBALt- 1VSlL • treated. stroat, Trianglo. ■•.-.•• r JiC'«Jolosuf>i? esr WANTS!), Chains on Loes toad, \Vairfrl Valley. | Wot particulars, apply at the Cks&i Mine Qlenroy.' PASKJTROTTING ■ CI.U®. rcanef+joSS : ■ ' INSTRUCTION' ; ■ s kenf> a -Situatlato as Help by a JiTus*l6~tony for 10s {k.l , worf,h ASi &3, Brro«g, rotiahU), Twood 'Ircaiaiirij, as JUouurgaa ac«i Coaipaay'a. Kaiapoi "■TUESDAY, , At-Bp.ta. 25* 155 15t> 786 i 157 7i7J» £01 7390 1101 1503 35J56 8U& 8058 153 4378 li 3 939 . SS6 106 614S 1163 591 153 169 160 ltil 104) • . 802S . ., ' .1-^..- - TclephOßO W.4KTKIJ , Intimr. tx adopi3!30; ; tioa fCtooke*' Housomalds ; Bomeatlcated oaly 181 Colombo street. General Burvants, &o. 9fi ffliASiESfispocialCaroiu ScloctingoJlOlassoa NEW BRIGIiTON ' PIKR" COMPANY, Servants, Men or Woiaen tcoaauif o2 -JLW^ITISP. patrons seoeivlas pfoiapc attention r. Mts Ri'pwte With Odvijplee, SECOND *ANNU'A'ii" "Q'S|IB^E! S2ett'B3wiS6"iS |»lotifihiu«>n, Lpkborerg, Farm ..Hti;?4Bs PiougliJfcU3£¥£No cf iha aboffa Company will Bien,' Youths, Hotel Honda, Woiaoa Gooks W heldoQ MONDAY, April 46h, ac ffUOE'S Honeeuaids,Generals,Nurses, Monthly Nurses, MO'JCISL, Tuaza street, 7.39 p.m. Hoiisokaeperti!, Lady Seipa, Lad3.&e.:- ;: Map '• Busvfess: .'' i To receive Report and' Balance' Shoet, and 'a 2,3, 03? ANTED, to Buy for Kieot Di?tfOtors. roomed Cottage. Apply, Gtatiag price, O. CURTIS, Secretory. 831 to Baggd a®d Dttfiy, l-H Colompo street. SYDENHAM, SYDENHAM "ANTSI?,- to Eaiit a Farm from ia to l£o SS CHKS3 CLU3.-All paraoas -who fond acres with house. Apply to it. Buff. efChess, and all dsalrou» ot Jearalns*. would 4*gHß3 Ofilca, '_ ,_ oblige by meeting on TtfURtiDAV JSVSSBIKG, to Hun* from 5 to 20 acres &nS 3lst ißat.. in the Hoom g£ ihe OddfeOov/o* hou4e. Apply, Bagga aad l)u£Tjr, 131 at 8 p.m., to aswiafc ia fprming Hall, .; ».-■■-.■..■ ■ a Ciub for fiSydenbam, Aijy peisoa who ia Colombo street. willingto Join and cannot opiae, would'Oblige "ISTANI?Sβ, to Sell, ssveral good Farms, a note stating suoii b?lor© Eho ff -'from 20 ■ aares to. $09 acres. .Full ColomSjo from Baggs and. oi^ini?—icwoujd be eouatssl to ea© el tho pai'tioalaris ■stippottem MestingeaifetJ.. by.&. .„ r ;.O4RgBR.-_ KNOWN— W. Woods, Cora ltealef, is now prepared, to supply every dceoriptloa of Horn and Cattle Feed 6& BeMgious B@r@ißii. Mill Prices. Chaffcucting for private pturcios atlowest rate?, wiui despatois. Luwor High stSKset, A-ftentss for Christinas Bros,' Celebrattiii OEV. ©EO. O. 2 Flour. GooUa deliTerod daily. ■' »:ST. JOHN'S OHO&CB, ANTKU, Bayers for Gnna Sulfa iis Real Leather, aeo our window. EL At&ln* LATJMER SQUAEIi eoa, Mancheator street. i ■ ISTAK-TBB, Peopio to Get Married znd Bay 1 TU«SDAY,*,WSJBNSS©AY, W¥ cheir-FuruiEure as Atkinson'3, Maocheater street. -'>> ~, KNOWN ~ Tho RataspoEgei? Piano hsa a powulal aud brilliaas tone. FOOR SSRVICJES DAILY. Bowman as,(i Sea., | guarantee evu"y Piano w¥ MestJag ?.3O bsH. Uowmaaaad'Sffa, HorefOKi street f !St|tA-NTISD Sgaa.-Bibl®litjadiEs KNOWN—Oar~New Anttuaa now Opeaed up es Kaikoura. Iγ p.m.—Childrea'a Meetins. "IT Goods ayeCaroy. * Joaeycligaa.nd ____„ KNOWN—ff you reqafre good Flanneis, Blankets, Caliooed, or Sheetv Hyxaa Books Provlfl*e* -' go to W.McCUu* sad Uo,, p"BiQ High atreec Ko _• ~ KNOWN, that U, J, Ogier, Cabiafet Blafete and Upholsrurer, few .Removed Srom SSJ Uarh&ia street to prumisea OSSord tt.rraoe,ness Britlsb Hocbl. ITuraituro i Eeaovatcft as3d Ee-«pfeolßfcsrea ca aiost Lady Help; ; '' • - W~~~~~ - , W" WTaNTISD, ..- : WANTJSO.: .. ' - .' JSBUBB'S JfSSBBiiU .; .' - . It 63 iSis , ' Izew, .. . < , . • W-AN®EB WAMD~Wo - -• ' ** ~- ... mqß WANTS© WANTKD a n .' . ' ™__ To Soil, SJxitchef'e Shop.rtwclling-honso, 'StatoHnfir, &o.; Five-roomed WANTED, Hotsse and. SiS'i'cotned House, lisa whole atttntiU I ing en i-aerc, prioo \im, good position, Christ* chttcch.'E.,- Oity. W; A. iiardiug,{associated !-. WMTANTBD, , aad SsA>_2oi> Haeford^eet, Buyers for Beautiful Skia" Rugs. Very ff Maocheeije;rattest....- ~ i W"™*""ANTKD aufi.■ _ _ Bagjjtj and JJssJjfy, To t Mouse, ijisteea cheap. £L Atfeiaaoa, ; ":. ' Taviatsos m roosss. batJx-room, &»., - • .' • " ' " _ , . > ____™™» WXnfCD, • , aad S<_a), 10J 'iernfo d j tie 1!!) 5 D'JlTblr \ty>» *idenco cf Li?J t Roob s heth, *eaiiery, 3 a &".» miiiafc-ciaasoisiar; po'toJl aa taruea, oichiiid, ned padcSoefc, iet tt. P uto. bt ibliTsg, £.ct,walUf cmdy t< carfie tv v nZ Ah'n UfpUra,, t'^thed/ai _, EQuaj;: %"STANTFD, to S '11, tl i ttni'jqpfted l#ca§9™of V» •«■ riraMPto Kou'l, drit y v la&rl bast ness, eim.Htd. ia a, :ood po'ttl a er Otelsichuioh. Full pinoiarj liom E'eji aud tTith. J. Bov> 3an W^XTT3rto™Sc , , , ™^_™,m^™»ra DuUy, 131 Colombo_t OT p t tore ■fn" tie dl'f-iict, v , n *lm of WANTED 'Vta ci to Cbr* ifur l)tit J, on Sj« iU<Jj i, a s, ftoctl «lv*esitss* splendid ore" j>r r nrl hoasc and O! tLaiMI > 4[S. I «ca fiiO y a, at4§« Ba teSju and Pally, _t. low j^f,*^. ANTED, tk »■ *ocx irtM«T Poertnclwa Iβ v o£ Jo'iatt- BUCHH'y Uar<Q*. ______ ___ ~,,1^ "sflOwN-f" ta" tJ-o (kUtHWA'it'VJjM WAKT?ii Br ,•> , . t , . . •- , I» for ?J _,_ lUCKQ-tJunri', ft ' , "fenUlT'Preer^lria E* for ihis luoatJi JafsJ SKriKGOLU'S * .> - _~ mlM at- -- - | ' .Patent" Slsa at -Juo'esen. Msswtfe £SSIj JSS2, IMPOI7KI>KI>, paseii iiaSe TWO SHEiiy.t tipofi" t "WcndeifuV Kid i» lid pair. Cempara tbsia. • o> b&@» Biiiaeroßs te n^ mm&i® C«ssa»l ?fl® BeESU>s-ssS &jhx ITscuh'S Bsllwas „ _ SsJSjATOtlim, Golaspas (?fg3 E) fc» Pdirtfesulare OF A GIGANTIC AUgjIOH SALE OF - »— MaSsMIMCBNT FOEWI- ." -, _^ G*T street. Pre a ffiHK A Feat? oro &r-s •o. f- : S<ss. J. % ■ „ l< jr SOWlt&Nea&ffMg. „ , „. , "< 'it Mt U «y, <n H chum- aad iJI. ■ To hto 4£a3a;si&B& hyt J. Bowsnas osfl Saa* 1 el si , ,. Still , )MWMW , , _ < _,: _ *'' —»-»_^__~™»™» ©""~BHl >J MARVKLuOUS ia all the world 1>.!.& HolSowiroand ~liazors and Stiapa . Conitr Colombo BEbT Aitkea t.sd KO"-ertBaßantyae'eK suui. topposito s . WAITED 3efSea?suiswal!uw forfe; osssearaad frsnt tilt; no biamds -vldfele. JX aos tabued Sergc-a. Beat wiil fee sola c» Boba. Fcarnopght !saS.&t at sweets , . ' ' l l l , - . "vi~H lll iv V.JUHfiASTfiB .PJk&K." - Goods, moderate chttfßCS. i; M*~"STM) "Perions" t ,- _mi T- .. 'spobjsSj Foi'ks, Crr.cts,-&a* rsssiiversd "■ IP . t: cSboK ■ ■ •t, ' , WAKfKU .jT-SPBCSAIi ©BNSBAS* MSBStNG ■' water '■ laid oa thrdNaghoar; gotq, gas stabling, opacb-bousio, S&c, Hereford fst«!oe» City.. Capital Ten-roomea Kovase, Oxford teemc& weat. To Let;, large, welMlctcd Shop, flve-reoroetl dwelling-house," High etreet, ■ Christohurcb, 153 a woqlc. W. X, Hardtosi fit;)Ho s* (is oc ated ■with J, £owsnan aafi fc?rd streot.__ To Sell. "Pf nthem," ihto qu.iru.ra o£ au actt. slsn laid, ri* ©• roomed houeo ou fo io Us foarl«.fion' ;" ase, dn ry, <i oii-houe eoullory, t) ggc it 3, cow Jxcd, frj., enry co, voioaf>« very pprMli »rardv i »vpid d» k fruit} n h.t , c tro » Owicri t<, v.sj for £fo t"» fisla. c<., ad will tncfiflce for 4*M, crops fnchtu-1 2 'i» roruS. I<»p_nui. IV. Jt. ti.irdtug ~;,.,^s!ss X pt,cu ro ied to j»i i" crk. H. Harri-*» KNOWN—itcod's IfueiaisMng 7^3 of the Warehouse, The largest etocf; ot gooa Gaahoi street. J%. store Oorpa will be beM as &h,@ OMerly Lxi,vi"e!*cu{l 1>« -s.ft» ? t-r, ctostt to So©m at^hte'cilQCk," Secoud-feaad Furaicure Sa New 2k:;il&M to open to £ a \y r oki, Ji. ti.l otnichargeCod THIB (TOSSWAYfEVEMIHa, 29sh INST. ic'w »' AdJf .* ¥6|a i'ring 't'o'™Bi5:U Bosiaess—lEQCOTtant Keac Properties to send for oar Frineiid Bassia acd ■• q&ptala, ■ Msts._ lont Hmdol rtriufi.. c«6«v u> £=et» severalgood Houses front obuuaid * ffi ,-S to od ra }on l> >v- , *.«-• tSTA?i'I*SB mm<s to Glsht rooms. Foe pa.rtioalars eystc Vγ w ,Cßt;;*!i V Ivew rod <-^2^.l^it f v , keys apply , ~, , •' aad and I3i Colomi3o Sporte. Sfegsp Duft i)?w a of<KV'» CnrtsdEC, ~ strear, AX HoteL i-cd f IV'd, f i'j 1»« (, be.,5 , •ce'ci KMOWN—Goossaemr, Khu©MBINgIX ATHIiSTIO" * SPORT 8»' SIITISO o 'uodorar palcca ww a t>?tints, uy Glagoj. Wise. Firs; Prize at nuts t s,vb CiiUcJWb », c J. Arm* r fftom I C.A. &ad P.A. Hovember Show. 1831. John Worloi, & O vl< m__«___-■** *v. m™m J!f^ ,C.A.A,C. iijn> C.F.C. ,V Koi»ißßOo,6ftTwaan eiraet. Liawood. w.'lFi. <«p lwu«d BAIT'aiN--r*Ji KNOWiJ-TowDenolj isilious ~A , i. R*tU.i *-r»a /I feu. oiu o; B and Idret FilJa loasitttde nervous psoairatiaa, fesaaie woakcasd. Sifld ye« a JL o¥erywfcere,prlco Is. Look £og coupan. SATUEDAY, APRHj ts©, 1892. < "STKTAirrEDKNOWN-BtttteraadlE'ffgs.freßh l*»rk«? MjAT SACKS, HOBDI.E, fdcb *'.» f,«-U ff daOy, at wholesale price, fine.soCuce&s ci.lfa Tribe, iliifilL'ii* "* M, bost Hams ft]d, ifiueat Eoll B.scoa Id, Sida T fo'"Ji. vll Pare i*ard 3. Aafe iScho-Jl 6d, Cd, Su|t> /pIHiSAr Bacoo at T. fnt c It-cry, MiWiully ?a<»xsii for Prico iast» ; nl / jud i* s. \ , i»xt m -oi Mat.^r. KNOWN—'i'owcend'a Bilious filtured _„„„„ E.nd Mver Pills euro sicls lieadocbts, thep o B tllaiti'to*— T OOTi.—etmyeft £cob> Harwell oa W&i of wans of a|sperito, ciepyegiea ot spteiis. Sold i»«Jii 'j-E-x i».t,C. piles • Is. coujmuj. j> S?ft A i»ao ._r]M Maseh.ollo B&tk. Ksd sad White CXJW, everywt.ew, Look for s«w®pS tat ©sr oaa ia milk. Fiv© % r->K HUttf, 7» fl." I'siMSN"wifilaa"it1'siMSN"wifilaa"it to feels advantage laterssatioa for the nscdveiy m thetote} their Boots or Slia«6to_B,iU, S7I fgnHS latest FssMons Ja Haat2es, Jsokets, , Moufcr s£h near KwyLi •*>{ iiu or-. ,lv 1" Boa|&&ede s^ ! M.J CluJto. ClstSisasdF&K,, J.IMlssatyne Ji Co. r fieU(JiblaelE.aadtanCULlJli: Bad ebest; saispd Koy. wiiite 85*ak oa Ffasdor OF ENC'f*&ND" BQOIS BSFO??, ! Mewas&ed as retursiafr to ißi C&sfeel street ""Can¥Eo""Bliaeii~snp«io? x West. sao %jrEKTIiBMEN'S sa. D.I.Q. „„.,„. s > Leather BAQ, coataislaS "¥ OST, a t&ie 'Goloehea Balmorsle fefeysssfflt; JLJ two Pbkcs, JtJeney, ,fr», i p.. h> f'ii Wren* i: id 1 aj.g : mro- -StTv!"EL -as wsWJ; atea, a Moasofes Lettei?, <*lwffl S^^4gff^^s||f£r^ |^:i| Lhoi , ,, f> taec ),I.t"- t # uti j «< •• Iatiuvtistp* ts' «t M,ORXJSN'3'.BU'IIiI>iSGg. ISB _, jjjfti a^wm!»»«wwwwH»^a»wtLii«)iiiiiiiiiiiiii,>jiiii>fii»».iaii Importer'of Books, ■ Staiisuory and > |ljri«iiiiiu.,wlfi gw<iiw»»6<w«^ .■ .. . y 1W 105 107 103 IU9. 110 HI 112 113 114 8137 , ' ■ J. -MARSHALL, 7~Cfc MrT. S. Wesi-on. Solicits?, Jftesfe» s«ars 2s 88, " ■".* 54 fitSO 65 3H3 53 763S 57 5661 £310013 59 7745 80 3508 61 8527 62 731J6 63 2257 M 7876 465g 162 SSI3 t>33 163 7111 3U4 4563 1015 65 3252 115 6185 165 183& 11$ .456 16S 51534 CX, 6C3 67 6467 ■ 117 M>7' l&T 2174 MS 50H5 18 Ism' ''& 1335 "H8 ®S7 1(53 3759 19 4416 69 2(isi -119 2<£s 30 5583 70 BlSi -120 6628 170 7318 71 2315 .121 16ilS 171 W0 21 7909 j5354 1074. laS-fiSSI 72 172 54?22 73 aSS J2i. 878? 173' 61SJ ---23 -229? 24 ®>l- 74 8147 " K4'Blß 171 4970 143S 27a UU 25 7051' I&im 125 12S Jl2l-~I7G SSS 2S 6162 '7fiieffcJ» It- 73553 . 127..Z539 i«,5493. .87 -1510 78 5487 I*S 2355 178 Si#4 28 4541 -129 179 I<BB3 .29-JS92 -79 "30 6373 80 1331" 130 '5721- 180 3280SI ISl' S ISI 670 3615 7*J7 ---31 82 5538 IS3 5503 182- £269 2i- SB2 (W7l 83 7SSS 133 753 183 &10 33 84 675P 134. 201 ISA SSO9 34 2SS) J35 6315 1>55 8170, 35 SS77 85 7ti7o 133 7257 ISO 8177 *36 551 S3 810S 87 lU>i2 133 137 Csi 187 j>73l' 37. 3367S8 53&S 3S 4SJ3 5703 188 OUSO 189 6393' 30 55ii SO 233S 139 3378 140 9i94 E974 ISO ?424 ■40 8031 80 -18:37 S3i ?^S Si 42.53 41 4951 H211)045 S3 2263 IEJ 7379 42 5i"3 143 3323 »3 -«S'JO £93 8523 43 7674 Ui 4631 10197" Si 7746 1242715 Mr ISS fiSH <J3 8703 H5 "45 C277 S6 59G3 140 10-'T 19S £297 ■48 6029' Sf5546 197 5075: 4TT751 *«• BS.SS 29i0 193 3819,48 10193 83 7673 U8 ---i9" 9151 '" 8$ S&SI 15310243 159 181. 200 S7-'l 3J& SSI7 a» 4063©> The Art Uaion was arawa iv ths presence of as ths CoimcU the foSowiug '__ ChsmTKrSi— „ "' ', His Worsfeipthe-Mayor, Mcssra W. Harris, Lfesissos, S, £fanalng, Craig, C, C. f>. E. O. Asaby. .M. Gray, W.F.-TfcosisOß, aaa other T. inembcra cf -the Usecuiive ana Art Union Canunittee. Prizes can he clatoned every svening: tfeis as j2ie betweea sevea aad frsa ■week .',-■■■ chop. '' ' For particolaraappiy to " -' l^r CSKMiSTS,- CASHJfiL STREET. Bftry 3693 7610 403 7537 S 2659 S 8500 10 4115 11 SOO9 12 5701 13 805 U 6129 15 10884 16 1538, x 17 9169 Uβ - 151 10irS4fr IU2 7344 52 SU3S 63 571 i 5 6 7 - LIMITED THEOBOWN BREWTBRYCa. Christ'chnpch. "NABOB" ■. TEA. _ IS SIIOISS 3 7327 3 5311 the* nicst complete cleanse?. It is entirely 1 free from any ingredieat-injarioES to the eaaaiel,aad Is dlstlaguisfced by its eitraordi- • • WILKINSON, '■' H. STBSET, KSST STRiKGEfS. j •GOULD & OO,? j | CHEAP .ASP NOT I>AMAGEJ>. at of S^ LIKES aiES'S d&souat £NBVERAL Cash only. Most l>3 sold to make seem for new stock. | No reasonable offer refoasd. ' is the | Now time £cr bargains. " Prepafed O3dy ! ART UNION ;.CAEBOLINK. Pries, la Sd . _ WINKING NUMBERS. t<13URE BRIGADE s J i i Jill: CATHEDRAL SQUARE, Sole Ageats for Canterbory. " „ and C0.," as hitherto. "Aclaad, Dudley March, 1892. Uated thia 28th 969 C. THORNTON DUDLEY. I FLETCHER, HUMPHREYS and CO., (TOOTH PASTE), ._ , . *Thcßu"ainess\4illinfatnro be Carried on by Mj-eolf alone under the Style or Finn of Xα CJiaapagae Quarts and Plate. Hogsheads and Barrels. §S& •. S'ALB OF t . ifotides ........ once. 11000? STOUT, •• ■ I ( WEBIfESDAY -- *.****.'■ "• T3E 1 POACH. A book for.ton?. afi ■■ ;! . CAIWEHBUEY . PARTNEKSHIP subsisting, bsfifeen I tbalateTHOMAd having b«-en DISSOI.v'ISD By the iieath of the said 'lliomaa i«lnnd, ALL CLAIMS Afrainst thePartnership miiet \}& SENT m to ate &t> DTDIAK'PALE ALE'AND ' .. ,' ; Judgeof Assessment Court. 313 CSLBBRATED ■•'-■* . i ACTS BOROJJ.CtHOF.LYTTEI/?ON.' ' Kapal." - _ end female fervauM. .McDonald, Afaneheacev ?S2£—_—u™~__ sfaKclicstor cTjfsst. SisT eiKERAE.'-MESTISiG MS3 fpKE ANNUAL Mosiwr'n lo~Svfi7"HF fU> BCUliaiiflNI>S— J, Will be hetd in the ifolp, csdcllenc * references; iatatio'K ■ ', TTCfll-t'ttils Ilosfo ol 4 rooms, uculto-j.% CI/ , ROOMS, -Cuupks, aofornllj ; Monthly Nurso ; StAlwotß &c, a!?© poodou >Velt fenced sJbtt&Mid m Coa, ' STUDENTS George Augustus Preece, Judgeof tba Mougbman ; Scrv&ots, &c. Bequirea -^h»rp, ferenco .street, five miautca from Po;fc Ojlio', OK Court ior tno Cotipio Ploughman, cottage; .._ I. • A COACH. The Boole" of tits ONBS MONTEPS . "Wai . ; < c Assessment Borough,doheroby give noticothat a &itt!og of the Afcsessmont Cou:t for the 'said 33tfcngh. "Wftl bo-holden at thO'Heeldens Ma«isfcrate'«l Conrthoage at- LytteUoa oa ■ WSDNIfiSDAYi STREET. theSQSh day of MAHWH, lS&taS Hooii. aod STOUT. Given under my hand, s,t Ctews&vhuzch, tfrU - , r AMKNDING THIS SAME.. J : SSSUETOH BACINGJi ; : ; '. J , - _- -. . , :: r assessuent court. ■ RATING ACT,; 1876, AND-THE " . : Hereford stieet. .. . & COMP.; LIMIX, rriHßSpe IS A '. • .' • .-'-•' AT Season. - _ i "■■ •• 1 , : - { - ' ''.vWiaatedi...' Preßentatioa"or the "Wirta" Srlvkt J, Cap to the Ohrlstohuroh Fire Brigade j 'Mil take place during the evening. Tbo Wianios Team will appear in nniform. TO-MORROW (WSDNESDAY), ■ " ' ' , ' ' '' •HairSrssssFS sad Toba&sonlsts, ; . iat Cdlcaibo street, / ■ Citsi-csal sod IroQ3va!l kinSe. Speeiaiite *S3 4itteea ea«-Kobssrs. IroaisionaeTs, Comer pair. ■ Sfee 29 Ud .?S^g Ball^airon, (SciarabQ ssid CSts&si streets Draper, ._,. r±, —-«-'--. *;_t :J-'—— : *"AVtSana&dxlobe2t» SJ and' im ? «md Ca*ii«l ssreaf foWoe Corner Roberta, iry» *s>lki AHK<i6 arti PMCEFONE 0 PENNY * EEMBLE,! MIBS M¥BA ■ •AUSTJEkAIiiIN WINES.; LOANS -.GfiANTBD GENERAL CARBIEB. \& *"*B®a4allißf(mnadoiire Cartago eapj^icfl 'JOHN BKIGHTLtNG. Telephone No. 373 Statiors. AKNOUKCEMSNT, mtrTkbhbls, '• PERSONS CANTSHBURY. OF CONTKACTOa ?.nca».» n i >; »■ au~ &EMBLE COMEDY ' WIJIBS, SPIRITS. "IIES LOAN ASSOCIATION' HIGH Shippers are recinesSed' to cotnspafca reqaifements as early as o-t , r... ' , CHOCOLATi-MENIER, . s •' ■■ UrnwF ■ and ' ' April r rjs OP THS r FROM " ELGINSHIRE. » *° ' , fipfHRES lis ffeb t OHURCa ' - ESTAIL DJSLIV-SRIE3 ANY PART OF TOWN Atfl> DISTRXCT AT LOW CASH KATES. ' DHESS^CUTTINa Offices-193 freight can b* to on appUcaUoa at tie offlees. I4 * -- . : ':j WESfPOUT' GOALBROO&DAJiB '' HALF TONr MOORE, MANAGER, Sailing ' Anmsemeats. 9IR3T APPEARAKCS X£T CaaiSXS • "' • COLONIAL AND ENGLISH BOOTS HIGH-CLASS AND SHOES.' Have been Class -■'" MONDAY, APRIL 4. j OR THE LIFE AND DEATH UPON . '. '' • WALTER~j". and other Vessels will be . ..' >"--s GRANUf FASHie^BLSCOMKDY SSIASON, j Oonftnenclng ~ -—-j „, . ' —' '_; COAL ARRIVALS. ' be or' Continent during ' 1 ' MY . "from 'westfort. ow APPROVED FBESHOLD SSOUEITIES," bj- the Assooiation to H'S «§#%fT Chartered SOAB GRAIN for th© United kt ' .. .. . - ' ' '-' IN ANY SUMS ■•laaijTffiß -■ MFffi '; - - '. -. - ' .- . FIEMAHIIT. INVEST-. ffAEMESKS, CO-OFSRATIVK OF CANTEBBURY* y J1 j7 _ ■ aS9 rm m-m a TUESDAY, ®fh MABCiEL ~" JOHN r. GRSpSSON..^ 9a " j NOTIC&. WIFE, MARY cnERH&NO, tovlng tUft6.witb.oo* LEFT UStorthelottrth' caxiee, r Heteb? GiveNotice lfe»e £TOL.NOT BE RESPONSIBbK FOB ANY QKBTS CONTttACTKD BY HER.—Dated this SSfe.day of GEBMAN©, Pialfc March, 1832. monger, Linweod. SWp APPLES. ■« ". '; COROJfET CIGARETTB3. PJSKINSULA STKAM SHIP COMPANY, LIMITSD. asid -otliar oiseaimseancespar- «-aa Kaikoura, mass I •te^i Ig **utßaW«t» tihte v anan^ed. Bafß effeeightaad isassage, appiy to aiOiiAM, CTTFP. and I „_ 'A"-i I .. .. | 'EBBUCTIOK -i "GBBAT ,": ■IN COALS. - -: B*"™" Sa7^ fea?'?a^Visati: 'U f • i f .. ' .• ■ - I ;| : ' SepsSTnent can be made either at a ■ Used period or by instalments. , • .. , CUBRBKI RATES'OS* IKTEBSST. -4, | ■: AND MAHL&I! OBYICB3 WILL r"*" , , : ' G. M'CLATCHIB & v - ' j H | 5.50 Haroh 31st.' FUSE INSURANCE m a.ia. 5-gfl •• Gla-} .. , • asSoa'sß&ysJ Prid'ys 11 a.m. 10.^ ~|V.3a89--,*Toeß11 a.m.. lasf ~ lumcs 11- sum. MJS ..|t dO, I j THtJBSDAIT, 1 , .:' ' street. ' _»: I' f ..{ atangana vial isVdhs?, Wellington,} KidSieves; O R. IN GOLD'S."Wonderfal" £r% 2s. lid *;pair. '. KsaailnQ them. fiLigh Eli ¥"Ml? I j gj.ta, i | 12.10 J PsMie HotiMß. ANKUAZs IB3UIZU&QS HOCTOAY. , A J — .. ißotcraa. I I 9.30 WiSBNESHAY, March 30fch. "•; ~ ■ Net Cash when ordering or' on delivery. ' ifaHereford street.' 7603 Mag- •• mSE iCfgo. 63C0 Tons, 5250-HQrse Power, and moee superbly-fitted Steame? -?AgeaS for the London The and others. Tl/fISS KBATING etc? seea in the New Zealand waters, liress-outtißjs Association, IfJ. Scieatiflc 'K.B,—Same special lines of Cbablie, Santerne Dress-cutting, Girls' High School, Teacher of ITia be despatchedaa above, Christohuroh, &o.) bolda Classes daily, at So, and Champagne, suitable for'the Oyster Ssasou, Worcester streetE&sL ■ Wmm tSXPKLTON, •.. '£B& GOLDSN APPLE CIDES, DRESSMAKING In"3jLl JTS BSANOEES.. OH BATORDAY, APRIL Paper Patterns cupplied. Bodices cut leS» tocoamand of HerbsrtiS, Gseansfereet. aad flvteg, pries Ss. > * The Firstof all Brands, A COACH. Worth readiag. IN ffIHKEE ia l&s fetteation of iatendiag 4139 laspsctioaot satcples in-sited. • Jli aM to tMs' Steajner, early applioatioa toe K.INOOLU'S ** Wonderful" Sid Uloves,* A fine selection of HAVANA'and other a £3 lid pair, iasj&osfc tihcai. High, teas feeing desirablor _a® numerous appilea street. CIGARS. ■% I I , OIHS, Company's TUBSIMI': :Jf&ltCH. 89 1893 r hhhminfill I _aaj.Nel3oa Naptsr, ,, 14s'.' ' ?0R LONDON, VIA 810 BE JANEIRO. I ' WS2.IIHGTONI ■27s "Bβ* pou ONE- TON.'-.,' ' pany;s uns. I' Totia'' • ' ' WB fMXQW-40S PBK; TON, ' iTVn. MaS fiotearfcJ &ul&£eKxmKie j Tosawera , " Qrzdtt, TaHow,Flax, &C, at in ygß^Ay v M«K>h_g?thr"' ... || POSXCEUJUiSXtS I , WAKAtU.',; H CUFfSR SHIPS t * will bs"dißpatehed J.3underr— k #«— ——*—! «-— ** ! I . - -rj-...r f Sseataer, !iWELE.IKGXOK,} Piaroa a,aa I t mt ,n _:_gfflAl3Eß3 S&tH as nadw:~ _Ofcrtiaftrtoa _ tHHT.. (Via intermedlate porfa)~ - o! Passeagers have already is a aiimljesappUcatlon for bertlia la auIi 4« 3- I Sf'sealanb, t ' —— STEAMEBs" .. .. .. .. FOR LONDON, '- j tare. I Daub • by eqnailr sttftaiie I I •» - ** *" * ~ GRAND AFTERNOON PERFOKMANCIL Children Admitted for 6d. i Erenlag, a New Programme, coflmiss To-Morrow fcogEO & Auek-1 eluding with the Grand NationalLiver'I * RSQUIBSS an* Anscralia's Premiere Actfeai, Sailiag Da'S?" land j i • Mararoa 9.30 NOT TI7B BHAi»L pool Steeplechase. £.30 i i | Steamers from Lytteltoa DiSLIVERIBSo* APPLES Istheonly Axißtrallan Draaiatio Aotreas who ! lr¥ j •*RJBPHBR Tarauaki, ©ad { 45,2s 6dandONE SHILLING, | CISTIE OTH'APBU-.; ; CI ::.< ;'..; v•.' Pakeha „ 3SM J Match luus h&lFthe HONOUR of chaUeogltse the Prices f j (Takapana SEasu&au 1-5.30 -9.38 2 ■v i;i..M&LlN@ius&-C©MPvR, LonfiD, ; Preeaacd Public Opiuloas of London, which " Mamarf No hall price to the Pife. I ' 3583 3"| 'April Mauri „ May O2» and all tmasimoas in proclaitaing 27!1 April Ist. I .-072i ■ j;.t--a j..v-;-.■■■■■< ■.-:■> ■ •■'•Wbfeeator'gtcegfa were Mataraa he? wortbr of taking a Leading Posiuoa oa j• 3322 » June to gain early admission and to avoid la order amdj Raogatira { 33i0 AKABoi the Bngllaa Stag®. i -' I p.mi I Jaly t&e crash at the ticket waggoa, purch&ao your | -'12.10 f Doaedia :. l Penguin 4 "• Tiokats duriug the fiay at MUaor and ThompSecond cla<ss passages cy Mail Steamers AC!Rim. ■ PIC: II ITho? Boa's, reserved chairs; EsHck'sand &t Whlsca 3, "Hereby: from Thirty-five Guineas.. is gnosis*, vial IJOfICK Glvea.'ttat.tto i J tobacconists, for Stella and Pit. j% TUBSSQUE ATLAS PUBWSBING CO.. Wellingtoa | *Wakatipu I 2.40 ] Wβ Play Lytteltoa SATUEDAY NEXT, ia the WOOL, TALLOW~AND PRODUOB liTO.v beingf arCSomptoy iaieoraoratea »Kgadyjer cargo Thursday. Supportedby a 1005 Apßolofeid Afternoon and Evening. I Of all kinds carried &t ColoDy of New'-South' Walea. nas April gad. CUKRiSNT K&.TES. SPECIALLY SELECTED METROPOLITAN j LOWIfST No. 148CASHSLSTKKSET.CHSISTQjSumCH, -.--.-.; tfeepae-. panioulara ca aa or of --J All "■ -Sferliag.obtained oy applies as an OSice Place Business fw ,„, COMPANY,-, .-. son to ■ above-meatioaeft Apt. Picton, and} \ iaangttrateher, Season with the. i am. noae of section 1 of the WillFamous EDWARDS. BENNETT aad CO.. j Rofcorua j 9.5 } 9.SW NeJaoa Comedy Farcical ot ,' i rDALSJSTY and CO. ivrn.. ! Napier, Gis-1 | | { NATIONAL HOJ&TGAGJB Attorney for the B6id^CJ«ai|iaay«^ aad AGBNCf borne, 020 j ( and j COY. OB- M.Z., Ltd. I (JaaebMicol ( 4 I 9.30; Auckland Loading Agents. UTTHE SUPREME COUST OF- NEW&SA" " (JByHamiltoaAide), ' MONDAY. April ;4tb. LAND, WELLINGTON DISTRICT, ,<\ ; played UNE As iaLondon for 400 Nlghfejafc Avenne OHIRB DIRECT ■ Wellington, I f 1 WKDiSKSbAY,' of'JOJICH. IS8& Theatre, andrecently-perfonnea for 60 Nights ! and| 1 Nelson i J Bijou : STSAMERSj lat Melfeouraai 4g Nights at Tfteatre,. Omapew Weetport ..) | L25 | 9.30 ITimanjOamarul readirigr bf thtf affidavits of Mar* CritetJon Theatre. Ss-duey; long ssasoua ia ..ATJTUMN MEETING., ~ | f Ii audOugocUß.. | Brnnner EEaaife KEttYand James and ana taviag jusjoonAdelaide, Brisbane £30 1 9.30 reapetet&eelyfiled iatbis CaaffWifc I ordered Duneain. ciudeda Six lights' Rcaiu OTAGO TO LONDON. TUESDAY, April sth. that the Public Trustee shall bo Ateiini* & trator of all the real end personal estate of iTo be sucoeeded durins. t&e« Seasoa by th@ j ,' I PORtCHALMEBS j ELDERSLXE 3750 tons lSObb.p, Holmes, Margaret late .of Christ- i prodcotioQ of tho Fanciest; FafcleaA Louisa p.m. 4th am> sth, 1892. MAY I 4 churct), in the Provincial i»istrlot of CanterBlUir.andMel-1 Comedy oa record, oatited,; ; |Tβ Anas faoarue 12.10 1 Hop FIFESHIR7.. 5000tons' 2400 h.p. bury, widow, deceased. By the Court. J I i '."' A N fi" ■': ;\ (Signed) R.G.THOMd9. ; ■I -;:■,,.'■,': Wellington & gloss ao 9 p.m. on * Br-Hatry -J a m« Deputy Registrar. 5100 tone 22)0 tup. i NAIBNSHIEB Nioholte sM. W,;lissl;ocq' :i ; | Penguin { 5,30 J 9.3 > Nelson j. HolJoway, &£.), with W, SATURDAY, APRIL 9ra, 1892. 6100 tons -25C9b.p.. NOTIQga. MORAYSHIRE to this estate are ret SPfIOIAL indebted 3 of thei? the amosata naeeted to Pay over 300 Nights at Comedy 7 auy mc, Postal ■SSOURSION SBABON. several accounts to or to Monef Theatre, IroadoD, and also with eaotraous. The above Magnificent steamers,which have weeklypapers and printed programme*. having Accounts against success is Melboarcaand Sydaoy, and recently Persona ' all been specially built for New Zealand trade, .Daring the Month of AIARCH RETURN Order Office.are 775 requested to ssnd them to M? | -•_ ( inDaaedJivT and make aa average passage Of fqriy-sis days, TIUKJjSTS will be issued at KXCUJiSIOtf the estate HAMILTON, Chiistchurcb, on or RA.TI&S over all tho Qompanj-'e liiuea, avadt J. J. M. CoaJedy-Sranaa, / j LANCASTER CLUB. willbe despatched at regular intervals. Aod the Beautiful day APRili the fcreb of WEDNESDAY, Bteftmers are fitted throughout with ablefor THEEK MONTHS from date of issae before nest, on tiho printed forms which can' be obshadow; •/ ELKCTRIC XiiaHT, and accomisoiiatioa ia the JoUawins EVENTS £ ? \fc ."^iMoara! "MOMINATIONSfor for the purpose from any ©f Fuz. &ora Auckland—Ovaiati, Early. tained providedior3fsSaloon,pßs33Dgeya. CLOSIS on SATURDAY NEXT, the r N.B.—Any Account not sent in by the day Sot-tusUi&tpsriAcrQh^a eo©futurei3TO.es, " TORS&aad SjkuWA, from AuoJtiaaa— »Vc»tau! t STBWABDESB is carried. 2ud -April, ac the EMPIKB HQTEL,:namedmay :, OTAGO Early. SALOON PASSAGE MQNSF £35. I V-' -'.- i..MRX.ST. CLAIE, HAJhorciP Maiueit Trot (saddle), of J!0 soys, j TO LONDON. I Public Trustee. ! IS? RepsaseayiTf g<g Tiisa Myta Noraitaation 103. One mils. i ThroughTickets issued by nnderaJgaadffoia Wellington, Handicap Fotvi Trot (havuess), of 15soys. ! Office, Public Trust i LYTTBLTON TO LOjtfDOtf a,t £3$ 53. *irijaßtoxaxQi CO; 8® #msTi4'NG. wmsTUNo. Ci. 25thMarob. 1882. Nomaialiou 7s Two miles. Managers, j For fuller particularsapply to the Kastsr Handicap Trot, Class Trofc (saddle), TUKNBULL., MaKTIN and CO., ! Kespectfally ask 1 Mio^AiiirLs\ns, of 50 sove, domination '203, Two mites. Australian Mnuisi provident Buiidiaggf Act; Notices. MACHINE PKQPKiiSTQRS New Zeal&nd Sifiiecr &b& Siager. Handic/jp Sbxlikg- Teox (saddle), of SO Land Transfer street. Oanedin. To take Cbiq opporcucity of-securing their sofa, Nominai.loD 03. Oao mile. " .oMOm>^JSLLOWS'HAIsL, Supplies from the following Auti&in Handicap, Class Trot (harness), FORKAIKOUBA AND WELLUJGT,ON. WEDNESDAY, MAKCH SOUS, 1832. "OS-60 sove, Nominatioa 295. Twomll«>a.' ! By ep«ciai r«jg.ues&. (siddle), of Iα sove, ~--- • Handicap Pony7sTrot Taking Cargo for transhipment to I?&xt6n t I 6d. Two miles. Nomination. EBTFIS, of Aacklasd, Napier, New.Plymousn, Waosaaoi, | MICHAEL Handicap R President's She several Tkot (saddle), of 25 is herebySlven that andb!eiihtiia. _, j AfiWCASTLB, TWTOTICE for Loodoa, will giv&aa 4ML jp?iorto leaving aova, NToiuination ICs, One mile, parcels of Laud fcerein-fter described KXaißal'lON JS OF fed WKSOTMMO,Handicap (harness), of 25 W&a SrawAû3* Taoi Tho Ship of the wiil be bought wiLl WHissla tho foiiGwinfj eoloa :~*'The Meeksove, domination. 10a, One mile. J Land Transfer Act,, 18&5, unless caveat £or- ing BLsd," variation (Websr); '*Stag, Sweel ■' before 23th L-BATTRAY, Diddlsg" the same be lodged c A. pa,car ■ JHifi3" La. Ssrensfca" <Brags> ; ggg.: ; Secretary. j_ ' ''' -' ' Oj>e?at!o 4irs, ifeataaio,"Homa, Stress Hisioe" NOW OXSOHARGING HER FULL CARGO AW*IUIB92:— Wujjam etafep 2 (vjiriatieKs), 6938. Edward i?©PEB-lf Metlioy, and wiUSiag "Becaus® 1 op fieatipa lovo fe?o sp • (EtObcTte-oa),.'' e"fh© roods 27 ,-■'..'Wiatela '■; la espeeted to S&il'for th© bTjovb > j ■ 260aTON9OP lU. Borough oJ Sumaer. C?o«ttipica b? Lass" (Sssphsa Adams). <, ■„ applicant. On TUESDAY,' .MARCH t ; aceampanimeat. Piano coal, superiok Kn>DEy-16 pero&oe, juarS 7004. nsa LYDiA A I ;■•• SIME'^vBEGISfEY,.. } AdxsiSe ion~23 ar.d Is. O«sprs'op?sn 7.SQ, cqbxAtep.m. *'"■■ of Kurwl Sectioa 26, 'fowa B«WiOt.oJ ID6&C9 8 sharp. 171AnuagKMtsfief, "-fetehoag ST. ; Mnwood. Ocoapied by •'Clara' iuotasa -PA&SG sauplied by SSessra KSlasr —end" CIiASSS&s lS&]uE ABD FEMALE Latest cargo 3.50 pm. goods. 939' ftß -7003. -ALBERT LBES-2 aC«3S,' S.S. WARaATJCA, SERVANTS ON-TEUS BOOKS. ; For freight) or paasage, apply tjo t 189, partof Kural Ssctiop.loi, Btocir XV., hotal servants, EiaSa and femala mSCBARGIXG THIS DAY.Chrietchprch Surrey Dis«?ics. Occupied CHESS aEATIS. Reootmneiids. ," Strong; youths for farms waltint; KINSEY and Ctt; ABd by apDlicaut. Chrtatcbaroh sodLyttcteOttr^ Good married couple? for Seams, sSatioras, &a. 939, ||t WEEKLY ARRIVALS 7010. Harry I/Evick-107 acres,.' Hural fpKB Cfe&t9?l>u?7 Chdas CSttW istaisd com- ■ ■waitinß oiigageimoat3 Stfcttcj»<»-W2CS;'I4-20raiid-142a1. Blocks XIL it ostocIngaCLASKFORNOISr-MEMBBitSI Sfousokoa-jisr, very 'crusbvrortbf. claaa, and " " OX7BXN& THBESHINa SEASON " \.,_ /\ ! StaUlct. *7h© &?M3WU3cf Ifi*V3Jad; tKe and V 11.,, Hororata Survey, TiiSre reliablOk town or country ..:,. WBSATB'AWAysXN'.STboB: Unoccupied. Ji > chr.t.TJ whatever, aqs -those whs P}otigb.men TfaUin, ea(ffine*-aeat, fiiofc-elasa ! * OJsjssss ara Diagrams maybs inspectedat this o&fie, jaou Wi3U la attsaa shs t© i yULL A SUPPLY > > "■ Coeiteewe, Sfjxtioa and thtcshins machine hands Bated i this iKfed day, of IfJQ, at the apply &t tjje Cl»fcsoo2», > Olthe-CeTebsas-ed ■ > r Cithedsal Rcuare, bot-wcea 7 a&d jQ.Sd p.hi. oa Grain «iari,-or3 wa,ltiuy engagements. : Lan.43 Registry 0%?, .C&ristcburoh, isttep Wanted, couple, aiun head plonghni&s, wifo J. at. fcj,Ai,Hia.Ji, TOESOAY3 oy FHIiIAYS. ',or<by 1 ■ i ! "-' addreflS'}d 4 * rb& Son. s&eeaitesjr, * :. lAna »€»ateJrbar# CGok,bulre, <Sso. Registrar,^^ ,' ' ' ■ | 3^tlict i Cha&Ciab/OlU'letsbuech., -* SSI4 Wanted, rfrst-cjass hotol cook "are T>BLtVKRING 'tlio BSSIf SCREKKEO NEWCAHT-LB C3OALS J 1 SJOoh&rgo wcm j,loyow for male ccryantu, "Assessment Cbur^",,' Bosiatry, 17A Awnnga -48b inChristdhtufoh aadi Is&eiediato SubUrSia ■.».,' £*<?> o:a CA&0O il" M :! I} Dspar- . ,n , M ~__ .1,, »;&!; ■fTTStioa steamship compan 2 ofnkw , ' , Beric „ 4?S4|Jeti&insß jl?rteltfa tAinli"s SOiSi SiroarE iAp?US3 f Coptic „ ai4B|KeE3ysoa| j May 28 |JaaeSs ionic 4753JKidler i' , 'April . Steaiac? r^Ji «.!————-,"^ls^: Iβ WeUiSb'a ja% i&' f»w? i fen ■ I ;Bffii»r" .. lirrni nn-imiHiiiiaiiMM, T2S* is S wLIiSIOH CQMPAin SOIAL 2.1 AIL STHA2ieHSF3 5 r Janeiro miTeaeriffa:— ,'i #3^^^*'_**l^-«»---———"— —~~T""" 7* ■——— ©HRBSTCBEUeCH: tfae Ooremmeae fc? the Co&wsranes c? hs? Hafestys MafliS, win ceKsassh thesis .Ooveraiaest) t RS apcaiated to L ' " ThePress. , VOL. XiaX EN 8.133 : _3 * • ■ -*■- avi= , ,, ©?,»i e>sv" -«~ <JHAEBAi!» aad Cciapass raQ«keCS3ia?n Two«<i Tttjiaeet* m JU to boy gmtiil Kaiipoi itM BS, weartii lis fed* , Miasm »attoaa> *»-**«s&s»-? — "* I " • " -' ™ w& OASES OF gSBOSSNE, : '" • ' ' *?, Which hs Is Selling ab ' ;- TO-DAY. d® 1®weonnilwwjwrlea i*• Jβ vw® doia 4u% MbsiKilsiStions Toai :!*i»jjtet«t-<te■■•!s-'N;2L m'engageant 4essaysr les remedes extraito M6re Marie-Joseph Aofc|% Jea.ai fait usage aendant'.quelqaetemps,etjepste r foas amcmer qae je aa'en fsuit parfalteens •Hβ'eont'toaiquea'et fortifiaiats.. ; itat)uvs.• Yeuiil&ss ils Ifc-Bi ■M^rb-©o Bs3jet'des6a«r©vsax. -pool 1© soulag©d'ua® ma4a vafae® !imat meat ded~ uris&lee' htu&aines, mc paraas-. a&ntaaseaptibles d'&fenSeraax. industries !ide la colonie, et devoir etre en naSme • OfTwoTinSi s !"-' I wiSfc YOU PLEA&E . OU.&Q* , Muaket Tobacco, the finest dark tobacco extent, 4s 10d perlb * ', All 6s 3d Kins of Win© Sap 6*3 3d Finest Koller Flour, 251b 3a 2d,sClbSa4a, 100ibl2a5d5 2«J0U)iM8 Inglewood Silk. Dressed 2s ild, 5s lOd, ; Jls sd,2& Fsesh Salmon 7£d per tin Sreeh H«rring3 6|a per tin Mullet ?|d per tin Kippered Herrings 9d per tla Kippered Mackerel Iβ psr tin Bloater Paste 4d per tin Finest Factory C&eese 7d per lb New Currants s&d, Extra Fine tid New Raisins 7d s Extra Fine 8d New Soldan»as 7d, Extra Fine 8d New Feel 83, with Citron Is Dessioated Cocoanut, Is per lb 9& New Figs Bd, Sstra Eiue I Is 8d ' '' ; .. " - *. ' ..~ . , OASHEL '''Vl ".O f. "v-,, >' . \;-,/,.,,., ■*' -j*,.- «« .15 «-i ot•* *v " ..s :,. '.. doi. .t ,ti, m»i 1 •- Jo .• ,'i *r,y - -»: *.• J-■ < « i.;tJ.''-i t.'»w»e«tVi f , "*r 'A i " I •* . , - !■• m Bags Ss . i J •""" - --' ,' » ' _, ,„ Xfr. IMB LA BAOHOU3, Wellington, French Gonsulate, ';' lH ! ' • . '> • - lacoo "Be&vtrifS. - - • . r, ~ ;" . Opposite the Cs£e, OHIiY-BliiCS - .... ,;, i OF BUSINSSS»-161 COJLOMBO ' li. _ .nil . . ... ... .. S/? •. nil, ' . •-■ -... . , ' . ,• ' -' "1' '■ - '' "" ' : . _ KAEANA. | WHEN . h/iBM®, QEM&WBUMMffi\ r' " i " ■" ■■■ ' -, upset the etomacn A nttmbe?©£ by neglecting to tafes their meals 5.% and othe?©. again regular st&tsu '«ftti'toeieesa fefc aetoepasttcalai .''£nkn'toeae'.'eauaeathe;. saacMiseiry oas of osder aad does not ran smoothly, Lats ! , ' sappers-sdsooreoaeof-the .erases .olof-»p? setting ta«~ digestive ozgaas. How tea sco, -la meeting an old©©* does •■» B»a,rhaT© a merry evening, &n& oSesb&"the a®s6 ;©a®sg 'tesclbfy.: isosa th&•'■'••'■• 'da® -" .■'■' '■' '■''"■ "'-■' Sjsibb'Maey Joseph'.AtfSTOS'j, ia hes amofjgss fch© ©teiste -of ifew is a very 35ealaaci*- M® discovered tfeer® complaiots-in ,. ' ' -- lor these ■oi«':6wa"'vegetation,, and, affcer exgmi* j m'eattngfor;» number o£ years, braugbl forward ,taa medicine : - .IRONMONGEEa :" IHardwarb 3fSBCHANT^ , . . mm®B,kh IMFOETEES -' * w stb3bt, ', *'•*■; .j and high .- FOBD STRESS hbhs. CHRISTCHURGHe ~. •JBNGUSH, ] :, >4a OS , . '' H'ARDWABE «J1 Branches, which they ©fieringat ara aow LOWEST POSSIBLE Boom £o? Eztesslra *a urde? to Shiposenta shortly to anrivea WHBELWBZ^Hm. OOACHBUILBSES> c SmLDBBS', As© FAiHSSS® SSCEPTXONA& BAHGMHS Z2I Baßffea, Ee»isfe«af Grates,.Stevaa, Hat&le aad Sats Masfcsl^leeas, sTenderg3 TJJes for ffre-ireaai, Coal Scuttles, Chands ©??, X&saps, SSeetro-gSased Wares. Cto&By, gad Aii Fssolshlsg f&ois. • : ; _. -. . - : , i,:--:; •;; •. . ■ ' * ' johm b. »pecial!ty ofSwo- isaay ' '• , J feuctub - » __ i ..'-.•- l~ •' TIOV ' > ' ,«. (He3^ Corceff Hchfleldstoat), , Qn>SNTSnadeet&k@a om msaSßessssaMe fer Amfa^eese TersaaAnd OiSSUiulSS&l&* weOSUb ' Sβ MOOIFAMrimH , - ' "" J■ • ' j ' by the Itattent or] 1 BudetowdwMr| ,c .' . '' , • ( .1 . b — i ,• l JOHNSOF &■■ COUZINS R HALE & , (>rr ;: ' : . . DO - _ - Rmk , -. '" - , -r-;.i:^£:**;• - " "-"*•-*■ .. * *** ~ . , . ,'' ' v - ■ -, ', ' • - ,, v " * . ** , ',' ',, . ' . ,. - _ .- ' ,• v , t l ~ : ' - , ' . ' -, , '■' '' .',,'' ' < . ' ' ,, ", ' , ,•■ ,, ' , , i. i t* . : Ho >, and gemmae to ask what fee has to puij in ia to rise—tho bad;, c? iln y the pja<j» of these felss doolriaea I Moword an,? t""! ">• eats fchs food LECTURES. of MS lias put anything £a the plico 0! poster lib &311—t?,; .lie f*3?>, , 't; th"eso okl faadmse&s, •.....-. w n) r.'i swnary»fc?i*' t r;' This ia a depreciated consciousness of t<r,u* .>: cad, oufc, report of f/J'bsjw The following is a on with whidi %jq dlo the Bible-talk givea to the Students of God's truth ana- "being, «ad oi exsataoa. "1 feithbyMr Worthingtos at Oddfellows ! the pajxft of those who claim theexclusive 0! f>l.o ttesD £i^a»ie-."-' j " .the teaching of ous Lprd. orthodosji, Hall,_March27th,lãl2;— ~._'. Lo fluid-—" Oto i" .•!>.• j right to Sfijl. Bias PBUST, THH SOiaißSj AHU TEM ~''...Wh'ea'. the' falsehood of the fall was moraland fcau" b ?' >/o sb.r- a'Jy i ,; idea of God ' ■ ■■' * ■■•' ■ ■fiasfeaned' to ..the mea'a ". .-. •.- sHAaisss. t- --""-■''--'•■ ; people, Jcsaa, I2.QKiidj **novcp 3Effg^,r* ,1"..\.■'.:.. Jell also*, Thej said that? ha waa a God of ---damontei doeteiso?, h f'i « l For I toy miSo yots, tb&ii eieept your iovo and, bat author©! life.&xtd cteatk,.o! to'th-jpsguH ok'raenlt/an is? pghtepnmess shall esceed therightaooEness good, and evil, tho vaciliatiiigj changeful, "modern oreaodoiv < tof the Scribes smd Ehariseea, ye shall in no uacort&ia'victim"of Ms owa Treaknosg, nad conihxusn, of paganism, past or c sly ?•>„'':, cast enter into thekingdom olfeeavea."— man'waa tlie playtMng9 the dupe, the sub* and a "«ry litf!« «.!' h * Matthew,'?., 2a jscfe ol <?'O?i's mistekss. TMs vras tho c«a- Ob.r Ist." In this thought! ther® are three cardinal ditioa-whea Jestu ca tho platioem Ho coadudod by ruylv;* <> ' points. First, tbara is a goal, aa objsoij, a !of Jiffisisa cxjQßaeaee. S?faey as that iiisology ii corrutife, end ih-V CQstiays s. destination to ba rsssaed or God crtsated" fcrath aad caor, and iupl> in ectraptlng ; &a& l, ,\ V-". i attained, this is the kingdom of heaven, the matter, M£© and Jeans eaid th?fe a itsoll vo mc ," ife 'foiiafeia could aofc hung forth ewe&t> vi.io?? Chuseh purposeand.deeira of every man,f is attainablo on certain conditions, that? i@ and bitter, t&aaetmoaa.:in£;thrt& God Li M; '■■.' nghteonsnesß-;;.sßdi' lastly* >tibat create ct»aiiictiag ,-tid lYra nl i> r ■ li God is" tho titled Soclr! Rnvaiv exceed a certain (Xuality, sutb.oro? Mjhtj tsutilisad loTOj tbeb otp> «Byn~."l{ tho ChuuLtt r, "»'>.■ that of the Scribes &nd Pharisees. ■darkasssj error, and could' »o? iaclsaci rid 4c,'" w~i / ?« At tillsssffiEiorabk cecasioa as the history; Mav®b&{,a eoaeeiTOd ol by Biviae ralsd, i'iittritior. ! tH H-iVrthc*" of ourLord he had ss&ched & distinct er&j asad ea so cskfecasa cutaido c*£ tsxaai. the time for pointing out ©m>r aadseparate secse. c; "-5 *J L J ; ctjpy of ing hisfollowers from the world and from With oa© hmi. JTcaes grasped tho IFatittfr, ixitßili he tin'-' k, rhs \n)l < the worldly worship '•'©£.■ that'< day had,: Mid witt the oth«? Mo rs&chsd down to His teeme*if<'»'Mo y«ia, «irC u^.; arrived, until this time ho bad proclaimed H.C ATSON'S RETVW _ -■• " , ,n : " J , '' s ' r%ht®otis-i o£ the J®wg , theip national corraptioa - : ~, > ' $ ■■ - » ', ' ' : ; : i sight of through , -. r 1. Ohrisfc aims at uuitlajj, I! o *> v:V. dividing its into cwdo end rreL, Baring tho courses <r tho Iw'.j referred to, Da, MgtiT a. •„,*' 5 ,'' aa authority, aa<l o qrotit'en v> him to support the icJiusssTu '!.. /, Momerio w&3 fos: nrmv •$ eva r the Church o£ Su-rlind, rf, ;•*■, lessorol JLogic nsti McH| %■:!;„ ,*< College, h« f q "row ?}. * -. . . . ..-beliered -that :thefe? leadeat had eomo direct of they opposed th@ advent-of a a©w QodV aiidwho teacher proclaimed a new doctria© seenuDgly antsagosiatie to theirs. Tto.tra® meaalag of th©'_ Mosaic;"'law 'had ■|jeea'losfe; . 4 ■ . ---preserved, though tho b>rj, tl 4/" covered -with velvet—or eorsa ol a descried ipbh s-i k, •*> resosoil&t-od, a**l i?'.i>AsJn?'». fed witU import cv stiauir »<.-» Charckbodraps-d H blnch. -.it, be & reqtumu, ia !ioaw; ivjfV • dead ashes thoy <?oiiihi|*. J L f, priests bo taught, hy tl\ |.\vi'>(nave failed to tJaJi tbai/fr v , . . • t power by splendid cjilcr, 3,, d.'■ com® the g&r&hhed c.jvaiehrcs <a '?„ —or through tho sochl tovdon \',i'S» ' tho tyranny of tho ?JiJc lo -"*«,, . '- '**know of. ' '' ; • ,• . _ : . ; aadb«ijf is itci oonat-vib i»"oh:»r ; of the spasmodic, hyakricii i,r\ , "'efforts that descend* lutes o >"" ' " ventina potson.il q.iia it i, ?, when the Charuh for. 3 £tik>2 i »«s■*.' : . r ■ taib-' , To prove tlio truth of tlii-j « : ! " , -\ The word person goes for uofchisg; 1' it ia derived from two Latia words, $&r aad Boaad through, hence meaaisis a mask." This is tho highest form of life, and h«ee is th© highest concept 6f God to I am willing ca aeeojjfc 1 im rw au *«'"<.-■ r•' ■this teacher. In a reccnti Jntarvnt? Hβ continues, logt word has person Londoa ho eaid~" i'ho nJo-i *'-»*r«s" ** The By what th»t< meaning-, aow." authority I rule, sapectjao much $?iv2<l»i? jfa, By tha authority of this theologian 1 of Ma <!e¥otcP3 ej djj £va «!i!<" <" Wβ not it ia that Again, do ase mnso ; maa—stagnation! is t.!h ecol-,K^S- 1 no& be deceived with a per cenl bonus at li months hence, whenyon can all thiukera aad philowphsra, wiAh law Juefcia proportion c 3 Ih> Kγ.' .gee the same cla&i of goods 10to 50 nee cent, exceptioas,, do not ol form? bat* of eaecatedtho clergy b"r»>!no 7 * ■• ■ ; power, inteliigeace,.'spe&k, less from small shopkeepers. aad will." In that underataadiog them, and vJfoo 4 S If you want the best value in GLASS. CHINA, CUTLER., PLATED statement the personal God of his first ©$ the Church wo nUtr-iK- » WAR-, aad USEFUL GOODS statement k destroyed absolutely, and the Ohiiroh itself majr cor cl<?c~» J, ,f 0 laaaad&arj personality is changed into will, intelligence, it o> r and pt>«er. of tho CSi-fafijKj ?5»o uay ]i 22S CASHSL STREET. fche But listen sftmo aashorifcy dnutc4 by'oiiagain j ** There must be form (Next to __• Duggan, painter)* .dstLanded—American Scrnw Top BofeUea at to everything to our minds. If distinafc logical lecturer «? 4\fl—|,£i" '\\«> -.-&_! from anything elee it must have foi-rn." Mpatiorie'% ooQilaot as c t c^ 1 lowest cash price, ''.'■..'' <ni .... i i i i ." Everything connected with Infinite Baing oritioiajag iUp ChwcU i/m ./ must be received with the greatest caatioa. Hβ was ordalacti po a pjfeihjrp. h I hope no when clothed in such statements. Church belonging io "")' i t'L.Vi '. ;■.".'.,. •»'*-'■ Again, Principle, is more objectioiisiblo Bishops,, t>ut of a CbuccSi of ihrj; L ' >By SpecialAppointment to his Excellency the thanpersonality, oecause it nofchmg.' would attack anything ia lhefJh>\,/ 11(. i Sail ot Onslow and preceding Governors. How atrange that th© dictionary should say trary to Christ'a teaching Jj.» : COMMISSIOIf principle maaaa beginning} commoncemtnts, Churoh hSiri. losfe its iitrtueaeo o."' source, origin, fundamental substance, cultars, and no longis? nk-,, STABLES, if con- laiaiatey the be?1!? inoa fret. 178 AH- 189 Q-_3UC~aa_a Ste___ W_s_. j energy, primordial cause, » with, this, h® wooM cay f;&at aitiea. In a half cot.ttiry» vi .i> --fflndans, Brougham- and Haasomafor ,Hlp fronted eojr<i;s "cal~} tMakers} reform, will sad do not' usethe pMlosopliera Drags at CacwPrices. Four-in-hand aud ever? of tho aiiion, tv «*, deaoriStion of Carriage on Eire, Unequalled •word in'its teas sense, sad that hia school leefcual Wedilngf Turn-oats. ) had a differentmeaning £or it, Boca its not iafluanco whatever ovcif vh0i.T?. .,. 1 La_!ea aad Gontlomsn'a Hacka always oa Dr. Moaiosb the : preciv; 7 hand. Horses bought and mid on mms-tmbm,, euggest a quaslioa to themlad9 whenroad- origin' of pricsta.. Ho r iva- »-,< i ing,, thai to© escssHeiit old m&a, oar Dtjau, Horses carefully fcr-_M to h&meso. " '■ , ; Teiephoa© No. 197attended Irons tl &,_*. tui IS iriterpr^ta' tho per&ooality ©I God in one maa did not think whea i,-» p—_ _!o_r caba not in, best on nt&nd sent, ; M&y, aad this high bat ooQctvintly root'rrijij; e-ltr in another way. psisat D_____AlN and CO, ; -, i The, ohisi olSciaf of eccleaiastidsm here piiilosophiaiag. Ho cccck<JoA " ■;' ')',..) ■.;."..., ,'.Pfopaeto-l! j mak,es.ths etatemesJj .that tho doot-rinu 0! aaowia porsoa o? porcoj i \,\, ,> the Aloassieal is a felsa and ho thought tho bost %rdjr o£ iv»\ dootsine, tio-% taught hj the mg@s tow bj bribery, whi«!i 5I CONUDRMW S ANTED. pernieloat Churoit, ®e4 is eonfcradioted afc tho oi;her knows to fall whoa luocl, ",,', . Ids dioces© .by'aaofehesr high priest, hlmsell nothing delighlsd lina ii"For the pofjioss of eserciaingf tb# ori&* gd of „ a,, _, naUfey of our jon-gsteFS'at tne'coming ~Bs© Blehop Btends l>efor© a ferga oaHgre- blood. H'.'v. " Christmas and. New Tear ..par-jpp,-tbg gatioa -asd discusses hell, denying feat' M$ be Bsosii accoptabiu M tho gOßiicsHji «-, 2? "■ Company■will giv@;on« ChuKli teaoheate, whenthe ciorgyman of a Dr. M., W&toburt..'Watch of their new watc-BS to the boy and gfe* irabosbau poxiah ©reaches a literal hsii honx Tfae priests wero goaUouicn ~7>a ■ to Bqtjaro tho gode—lou tv nnder sixty yearo of age who will eendT in tbdpareittbof Dives, mdLassros. lil •tho bess..-ongUi-i pan, joke, eonnndrami Kβ Bishop of■ this diocese iteads In the the orthodox ttpatyiw ©f tl.g ,V . ? asrosti© ■on tha sannLvai from these Cathedraji "and states thai ea© wl>p epcake charade os?. ■ « Ay» ** watch to the Wate?bory Watch Company oath©totrUQfcioa H o 0> j then describe<l cvf/ff-sl', ; A of t'a® dovil is.putting P.O. Bos 1*99,Doaedlo, not lateg than7tfi up a stew effigy whib aa nofe £o.u«l ia ~,., the iacuinoen-i of of tha fi?i-iiiiiy 9 Jannaay, '92. .Acrostics mnst not be any grocaclc" ■dun kUbh'x to f?> * " mora ajptrus® "than -the third --problem id another'parisa grata npon paper the' statea roaoo3bo«'* }.'» I', Euclid, pans not. mors than ordinarily spent that he who'denies a personal devil gh&mo villainous, and any jokes submltte- mnsti denies the authenticity of the Scriptures. of feh© Ai ia,ia:iiv £ ;d \ >,/ >)■• be pungent enough to dawn on t_e „vQr4 One of the chairmea at a lec&ure l&st, week rola,, a ehftractos age Seofeohman within one .week from the fintla time arid iaclisaMoa to say tbjit 0 Cicero taid, v Ego period of adndniacmtioa..' Aay.cbmmu-i*! literal hell is. -false,' whan within the last hut fee Eoglteh \ 'or<\ c ;„'! ,* ,r cations which do. not como np to these .six moatM he stated ia-writing that he who samo tbiiigs rcieas's r us),tu\ t 3 ;■ 1 standards wffl-EOt-fa©:utilised, and if any-* ;' >*• ■ a literal hell denies the aufchosifcj of a dlrasfi thing mora than usually brilliant appears denies classical the Bibla. swMnia^." nay© will advertising evei-yon© oar in s$ Mtmbmzbsg thto, wliea the Bisliop to its,- -The fonjj chancs- of- laying olalsacaught ./p? '' of t!io the plasfces has' by 1 his 'official efctesraaea deairoyed veracioaa angler, who of Paris trout. in. " Three Men in a Boat 1I verbal msgirafeioa, the teaching of the ,la .aoasearu U.*:t,r niU ttlicoSsgbiu'-j V/i*'-, will be nowher® with the people who wfll j Churchregarding feell, the tsaolungof the to |)kaw That vr«. fi-vo fo-'I v have confcribated ©vary- smart thing th_f3 j Cfeesdj, a»»<S his Chizrch's" d.oo« tons©? " .j yt.a?3 " receive. wa te4 —tom&j s c-. *?;t> 3s- ,• -". a?id 'denied a after yeara toc,f,o **« I trifi© ,• of 'the'.' Atoasiasat, <k mn*" w "■.«.* i* is it aoSs«.-questioa gertia-snt r hi^priest. /;" RESU3OITATIO.N v • f., l| only to recall the exhibition of I rJ the fundamental <lool» im i «$* ",' philosophy and ethics d jsphywl i<\ last week in tho treatmcut of h,\\,\, ,which theOhisrcH rhonUl l>3 l<- ' "/'' and will. Pat listens JEfoME" powar,"intel%eii<s©, Persraiality. is. the highest term of lif« w® and worldliness 5 its principles weira misiaaxtd its'cosnsjaads misapplied, ":■ §0 ® sr® Two MMkJwßovtattfc i THE OPTICIAN assi the FITTIN blinded were" tasy by years' of "bigotry and * POSETIFELY INJUiUOtJS-fe T PASIEMT.@® mMStlngpasses sre B©H-rightssttKsess' that they ; eoald not loolc THE'. SI eR,?I-. -o . ! 1beyond-the lcoita of theirvcreedsiuui dig-; cerate trus mesuning of Jeaus j Folders, tt@pp!i@i'@a Sp6etul-.a, Goods, tot&® Bvszy dam of Optleal s atartasl! ,lie showed th© selatioja befcwses the old 'as&i —~" aelicQ, aSßaaSlwoEkgaasaafes^ /-— V&e feas fjeea -estacked the new, clofeblag the Mosaiolaw withlovfe epidemic of lα- and.ejxlowiag it: vuih. Efe.- ■.;..> Jgjj Willi tie f fESeasafenws Ih&l it is very lowering; to Judging th® Hasiresa's ssotivs.by itlieir general ayeteSj fe«diag tfes aasd fekaS & they.?feeli©TCd him $0 \fe©. avasarperi pasndtteS to BOTOB O. -MOBtJOl? ANHEOSSOIK BWJTOB BEFEEENCBS kincbyCfelafeoysli, sli t-hroagh the Gtriying for &m& BQGtQB 9L Q» ©U?aMft ef, * of waiknsts aa«i'; they' elenoiincsd; I* & MAMHIHG. of IMS' 'V. j t^. J as & Haspßemer' aad.-'a aeyii ''They. Mmthat; seesssary some Sw»i *tt Is Mg&lj bs kvkeo to bring eaw-him .as the reflection .of'their, owa l?onis madlclua shooid a foe, isstcad of. a friend. ■ ■ They: proper standards, boto more. ctrfemcissd him front their eooietyj ;^asfe: Mm c&sssa If not famedtete^ develop© mid ;oai of .their' plac«s :ol worship,-and &$Mj: • serious eomplaiata sn»y mowgefk md .cracißed Mm, " 'his own, to give tfesa the light ©f •'•tJrtttlh,; (lAfS CO.), Oaslew eoajLord &as .'Ka Ebccellesey and they seceired him ao§, aad:.la t&& RAtT,. TENT, CWTBMQi ■ sssualca&sd W&A& asd* &© 2oc&-to MosliSS'Marj Joseph mge.puahed; the aa& HOPS and TWINS-MAKEES, i.- f*> AiiiNtrt.'fkafe A© remedy 44 KASAaAj"' ss- fciind ';. •"". ;. ■ ;■ ■treaaar©' dow^ftad.teodit'-tuider&totb' i& his and asrssJl, opinion, i% psspsuM by* Wβ { ; ■ : Public «ia& ParchassS l&a stand. at .' 'and General B Beg fe& Ipfann the taking sama, his a esps-rlenesfa owa m>m Bosißsss ol Mes@2B B. HALB aad CO., CbriatdJtoefe, w© etoll OontißU© to piEfecfc.tonie s&4 she. ask, Why did they not recogaisa &&: ean> ©§»#*-' Bttbi£e.iß&y ana Tsry fortifying, as Csmr ItOα Is the same ats'i® sad Sh® Oovsssor .SavioQ3r|,..Poor-'miogaiided high pdesfr sed. Sfefe®M£&stes wliSi Mssass B.? ; of,'4ldi| ,eoloaf w©®Mbo* β-aciltestl- scribe aad. Phariwe i. .Tfe® world rejected 5 aatee Sic same GoodMateid&t sztd " siwajsasted im, Him Ihenj, aadii 19jects,flisa Tiie: , ,-r iiapersoaal Jesus is in the midst o£;tke" ■(gggflgggg,, ■ 6 teoabled with a world to>da>y, m Hs said, L», I am with sg®fSS£S wto ©£® you always." Th© angel *at the saesasion Ctoash as ©a ©fias sfleofc £coxb Issfiaeaza give to «mTpastfcralerlJ jsesested c temps. , & fall "trials and I§ mule eaid that h© would cam® &js&£n la the ©loadj 9 * aai Ihe proEuso laas bsaa InlSlled,- for the * cloud ofblind belief wMeh hrajg oves His • may fee as wd Sβ meatloa tea that has psurfced, &ael ii© CSiris& has Him# SsrMilss ss® ssl cheap asai assly j gfS3lJ&tSsll©S«. teS SSO HIM© lip la SSCS ; appeased ©acs nsorsj 5 tie gates h%vs beea eeaseal»,Sga tea 4&*fc *&ey raay s§ first iiltedj asd tSte King of Glory Jsa o&sa© m &ls Is nol so, | with health t'j -. he sick, hops to, tii© siglitagpess a& flcMatheiire?? mmw aascermg fcesH- j oprassssd, and ;^. _• and charity to aJL racsiisls wMds osv® oses seeelvea e i iet m lesra y, Isesoa from fefen history proaziaixffis eualliesl t&sl wlae la being of the period £ha& oraeliei Him. & their fe&s worsMp that orevented the JswiJ Willi tlsoî psjsracffis w&o laSiT© gSvea fee SmiM la Hi feme % thms , , Introdacea. &as©dis3 a Ida!. crsvioßslT net of principle, ife wsa oera' ra®distess M© ; msmM fmshe? ttaa moral. refigioa a fertel & ofkMs Ife# SkaSasa lasv© srseefesi Cefesva&el wt «wSd »®jlaly asfe tboee. Into Mow fiti® timefe? Fsmsfeislag How® Imps** theasani bottles la tons sad mat© rather tfaaa of lots for Qo& mi. sad Itoesi w w> sale of dgtsleaa with as to Wke Itsva bsl ©revioaely dealu the geal of yefc this feas fee«a dssns by snaa., Bublie gopalsmty aa4. EBoot&s, fees"fcfetels©&<*»wJieseowxb^tooue «us caa ®|i estas^©feetteeWaeefci*n theiraspiration., gad ??as their god,' Agaasfe mmsmnwssiMm B w « from the maaafesfesres1 efifi i»vii« thai iaBAHA sSdlytemembnr that Is this eztsrasl salf-iighwKjasEesSslesjs warasd tevLHKtt&ajs I® til® systeia, ®&& that aHse. Escepfe yout 8 Laxem Sfeocks always kepi of Hopes, I&ifis* Swla£& Hsl&J?aEsj'M©j*B» corafe&t *."MAEUEA. exceed ma> rlgkteQasasss of caste aad class, Tarpaulins, Tenfes, flags and CMsMsip^lsJ®. C©Bgfet es Broadsitß of professioa sad vKh vqr _. ; shall sot eater the ELioj§d©m ofaudHsaTes. y© The mast proißaseat; fea««r© of th« seof to-day is this wrj eelf-nghtesasaesa. How often w© hear tute remark, nothing better she oldrdMoßi ..<,.,-... ; .-,- '-■ » | IJE am perfectly satkSedtfeu* ';; with t&a faith oTsfly -c- ■-' ; ft /- --j " ? t ' ' ?v j> j> U iiiß i>l Goda, * " v- V\' r • ' , . ' ' ' ■! ■• and Pharisees and fusjsiahed by mz,\ ' _ ' :i - .-W. andpreached a aew empirs, diTOMßggoM© Hs had-revealed to excite ths eaoßgh. of tionof the^Jewish .sects, aad.to show tie wide dSECsrebce betweep prs-i oepte and th© daily praciaca of the Scribes' g^tef CHBISTCHUSCHr.: , _«'--' :r- FlftMD to ' Hs« " ; - parjiosSßisiS^asa. HEW ZSALAND. :;i ' .'■,».* '.^>j! ■- tote, . V W^4s*S!^ IBxs GLASSBS snP OTTis!3*!2~ - I'JVr.'.''?»':" w OPTICUS' JfiWE^LEB.'Aα, "taelea sa4 Bye tAX M ChoroughlyoEder — , , • ' ' - '' , -' : HOBSBToOVISBGL ttmt fitlSSi, SEYOLTEPA AVMV . 'it W' Complete Assorimest^ - t t>h& fee© el Ike AMERIOJIR, AND CONTINSSTAIj _.. ■ staafiSe Invite Inspection Stheic LAEGE AND VARIED SPOOK ~ , / ,• hacago tive, distorted sense, ia which spiritual 4 /-" ■•■■■-.-:.EARANJfe' ■; ----Dβ. Labochst-sb, a Chemist ol theFtofe j Jlaeolty ©f Paris, to whom of th© &M ? 601b, & 4Jd; lOeafe,,- ISi M j Class, Were Sent, i%Ylls fl,n Best BmnSa Boiler,. 251b 1t?f sa?s j—" It'is an essel« ,I? A lOidj 100lib»i!lij AAjXJMk) Hl?.!jagH sample® Silk deesseii, gab.|3i l®Bfel}itt«-!Tonic, aaa I coasiderit-efeis "' oiCinchona iv I . i superior-eo.'Uie .preparatioa »>■; SpsfkiingCrystals, 2|oi Good WMte. Maeafc sifaffectiome of che stomach. It has given 2£3; aoowdrOli, GTtiiAts ,,, 3jia£,£a;ab OUlarjß.J^^ j;;v# «... ,a. as, prepared as you seat it, the moat satis* ' "..' says -. j ■; COSII.ACTOBS 20 SSS HSSW ZEA. UFTQl3"__J*esh Herrlass.§M to, feSd doz; Cntfctag'sSilmda! 84 tftuVs i&fiSoa: Coo&fcall factoryre#aits. Sister, sheHasoesd j *it fe>r many years extensively and suceeas.-'-a '•-•-—---* LAUD €O¥£BKME£i% \ £ > lully frithiu^refa ql evm-y age and coa; .a. < that in a few ""' -1&6itutian« and she..noticed i^fU A CBL_33ja£def!ycompetition at Is Sd.'lß Ba, 88," , •ttJi.vfj. «.). ia did not agree at' first*.-bafe by /'j . j , .*. [ ; csaes f ' dimioiahiag. to- dos® good reaoltsfol~., ; 'lowed. Saa rasiSFkad sstoaisiiiaß good 222 C^I^MBOSTREET (Late GXa>,|TjBSXX CooKHAMHoDa3&. results old psopl-3 s w&o had nslsieti thei? coitsfcStatlons by the abuse of in> "aacTatifierlng sl&®s having turaed over new leaf. (LAKE S. HASBB&0SI), Kawana, Marsh, i^B. MA23AH,—S cespectlolly thank ~-!,-».•.> JEjlJa® • ; have donalor mc. You AND BBTAHi whatyoe yotifos WHOLESALE T / h&v@ saved my life. Yoo* msdkme : , ' , .-. BT CSIHG MISFimiSfG is invalQabla,. X wish ~l©oaid &setura £os youe feindnesv* make 50a -V ; t'x v> <' . XiXKE TKESSo',*'"*,1 i . * ' Head of a se»B<l Adc-uutcs— tlis COACH FACTORY thhms ace not» realised. Some of the high\ r;;. (_£ta__slsed ©yes Twe_fcy-Sve Yean.) priests of fco-day, who profess to teach tn® peopfe ol Jesus Christ, hare annoncced tte& M'ghtiMJtisaesa daring tho past woek. j followißg statement hta been xoade by Alr*ro- , _Jffl'ajOM^ -^IAaSI tm 4Nsfiß,:'mouth-piece of the Mgti -prfesfe. .4 6 '>. » :•* -BOT_Jr»_R_;' '' s KJ ' A '- * These lira hia words—" Wβ kno\T befog aa j ETR-._Ta 'Esatte,-the BUfOIUB lowest; VICTOR-- ANB fona fef bsing is sSamce; we advance from matter to vegatac.' Carri-ges and Trass tiv@ life, thsia ATEST IMl_zb-' to f "sontieafc life, then to &4 Cars from lOagtad an. America, and aro .inafonctjfre life, to intelligence, to j maßUlact*ari*ig the saras of the best material .tsoearaWe, eombi-fllnK aSectioas, 'to emotions, $n<| to epiritaality* j and workmanship 9txengt- wittt light-eas of -weight and draughts in "AS ascsadiag scale ol the theory of BteeFbe-is osed ia idaeejaf Irant-ritero praft- .bsiag." i We _av® received �arr -atteriißf •anss-eites '""One whoota&ds -to tcsacH fchesiatsmenfeof tes!a_Ks_l_~frcj_m_ayGf th© leading eitJ-Stss Jesus Christ, that QwL h$ spirit, s»k®a the aad others in our colony, spe_kins in the asssjftioa thtit spirit is tho ©Sleet ol laattor, highest termaoi the appearance, comforl, and. evolve from matter, aad is produced by wearing qualities of our goods. We _kv© feaken the largesta _i_b«- .of Med®—) and throagh matter. Again, this ecuso Prises, and Certiacateg awarded fas carriage mosthpiece makes tbia .statement; "Ihs builders in Canterbury, having sained-.tne Mghesjt fona' of life kaowa to aa is exPtesidenfaCßpof the A. and P. Assoolatloa of New _.__-—d presssd. ia power, intelligence and will.5. for the mostpaints manufacture. That |a a vary esceliaat dafioitioa of & We inviteinspection of our large and.varied msia.: \, veMoles sow in our -how aißorfcrasat oflargest These words, he gays, ar® appropriated and most, varied assortRooms, The t__ber employedin carriage boi-U-g: for the purpose o£ describing persojmsity. mentofZealand, all well matured and seasoned Then the highest form of life is personality, nNew and the words used to dsscribo it ax» ' < I T. TAYLOBji OASHEL STEBIT. | •" \ .. .. .' ' —« • ... «»• »' , ; ' ... ~ ' - •;- ' , maty toMl® and forfeitfiofS. Be good euoagfe to convey to thelSev. labours; Mother my©onar&fcal&fcions onlse?relief of ttoey are of 'great Yslue for the htunaa miseries, and'appearto mc capable of furthering colonial industry, and •should at the same time bo profitable go those goaS wcrka which an© seeks to realise. Accept, my dear doctor, the assuranc© l^ -- • CEITBBION , l !,,, „ ,"i-... '. , I GoodWhlftgiOryiltf SAg&tHfrper lb ParramattaLima Juice lOd. Shlifrlstjl Ptoeafc New Currants spperlb Sparkling White GryafeJlSa«ar 2id per Preserving Sugar, Queensland, ajdper Finest NewValenciaEaiefns 7dper lb i SnowdropSugesM per JbGkMJdOldßieaieaßsisineedjpefffb { Fineefc Paramatta Lime Jaica 10d per bottle ~ ' Preserving Sugar, Mnlliquin, 2gd per lb Finest New Sultacas 8d per fi> Blosg's Easpbexry 3d Ford v megssIs M jiae FinestCaliforulan Muscatels Is per lb Mauritius Snowdrop, •■ ;t tiatottla > Crushed Loaf, SJd per lb, per cwt. cask Orangeand Lemon Feel 9dper lb ,' 7. 1* AiV. '• "■« ■ meat, '-' ■ •', for butter preserving s Preservitas, ii tt , " ■■■ by'Experts are pronounced the BEST.' yagainst When Tasted others perlb JJa3d &c, s j couttseSlow Teapots, Japanese goMPtfife A elegant { €%lon, of Good S Tea, , A Strong line Farallir A "f J, ■%$■ flavor, enpplieawheia spsot oi fine tea, 2s 9cl taining ?' SouchoneFlavor ally foi: ; Fancy Baskets, containing |ib fla© tea, Rich Ripe Full-bodied China, Jg 2eSd Indian and Ceylon Blend, Q;S AX> Ceylon, veif fins tMe& goldeSi "' liquor £*, :«. Caddie and lib of tea, 2s v' unequalled by any other firm -• FinestpiekedCsjlon, " HouoaaBlended Teas— Finest Panyong, China, Dar©leva-.. JMCIB Honqua," 23, in Clb or 121b tins Sd per jeeUng, todiao and Ceyloa OS Aβ ' Grown only on At Pekoe Blsnd ■ rSA. tSon of the islana \ la 61b o* ™» j : In Mb md lib pa«&ets 51b, Mb, 121b and S)lb tins, 401b boxes | reduction " .t, j lb on tins and base®, ", per redapbioiii Mit Siswheap, Is 6d Wβ Import and Buy in the Cheapest' Markets, and "no firm has better facilities | Best Pearl Sago, l£d perlb for giving Good Value; therefore we asr® determine <MS aoliOiSSg, Wholesale ox ..' *.i v 2d per lb m&u, eSaligive bsttssr va&e& thaa Flake Tapioca, /. --'- '' per lb * Best Bio Tapioca, . : ; Good B4ee,2d psr ib Oatmeal, hsd psr bag ./. Gear's Coraed or Boiled Beet «» toe digestive orgsiaa am out of -tiaSjls order a good reliable TOjQlo is Whole Ging©?. 8d per Iβ. to required bring them back to theis aormal state. - -_• KfaODSS* T ■. S1N1S1? SSONE FLOUB— ■'" , : _»'-b B. Wellington, INVALID S. ißth September, VBSL Fees {or Dormitory Patients Redwood to Mt Dkab Doctob,—■ 15s Pear Weak. to ::.■'....-...:. I feel grateful 6© ?<wa for- yearadvice For p_rtic_U_s apply *' Tha Secretary," fay tae%m»e4ies extracted from New OF *" HOME Eβ*. Square. Chi-istohuro-. Seaiaod nlanta, aad prepared by the CaiAadr-l I have Slothes Maty Joseph Aubert. and am la I so&© ft time, toed the*'- lor BEWARE OF THE MONOPOLIST AND posiiioo to 'inform yoa that I have foana SUPPORT SMALL TBA_r|_sa -It'frill payyon, '-> them pes£s&tis satisfocsoiry. They are .'• ' .; . TO 5s 6d PES TIN AMU " • '■ ' ; v ;:w ! 'rest, iso ; .-./""■" ,~,Kflßoesm& WATEtIWMTE, PATI9JT TAS ■;' LI«U Ife'to VBB CASB, REDUCED * ; ; •. ,:":s'ir } 0.1.C. ■'. - KINCAID'S '. " Ds. file L, Baohoub. Ctoasul©6FjsQgaiSj w siuiagfeoa. ---• — j f t',/ r ]. *&c mes seatimeats distingn®kNSj^Q-^- j AND COLOMBO, / fDgUpgp.>rj j: *' rn>>;iT IJ !I "Vfc. '{3r:i .'..■'/>. c'j*£ ->i ,"•:>'■' ' : -» «- * ! imi »'*. i*r >..*A i t -I ,«'•»-, ' Of, ■>• '->'',' s '«•.*! zinrh~ ?A.T '" '-< 'I-' ■r oeavres aont * * Doctear, 1assamnce v Ascepteg* raosa cfcer / ,r J " ■*.. .j Ne"w Muscatels, Is to per box Uoa New Dates Gd, Bsbra Fine Feaohes, la w> New Apricots, Pears, and cM • is Gooseberry Wine, 2s4d i Tomato Wine, Is 4d I Eider Wine, Is3d Ginger Wine, Is (Ml ; Dandelion Wme, Is 8d English Kaspberry Vinegar, la 4d to '• i '".-'•.,'!. J , : emps profitable® Mx bonn© Jttile poa&aitt la realisation. TO BjB,F^BSKKT^.lViii TeSIU . . .- , •-, 1 ' *"" i tn '],'*' •■" rocenb vtll'.i ?t' «»y lisat Christ fcj -,v high priestj wi itj u*.:>r>,*\r more? they d© ar>ij ho* ■-, I-• ! * Adaai, tlit, 3?al;hue «2 v I,- n ~'. ofthos®who are perfectly satisfied with their it has dooel fo? theia, ho%& how msxch much they caa application ife bsssa to fchsfe i'daily life, &&d you find them o&happy, an 3downtrodt!e», and. rick. Saltation ia to shea?, a thing liaf wiU fructify somotimo, .somewhere, after '' •,- ■ thft"*"" AS ; death. mystery h»i ferns <! J <': : LQBD OHSLOW WL, BfiSOS'g, •of ..the Chaceu, ami wiih it ho,-» '?, All things ia man's cdacegtioa : I I -'. ,;" C-r-tteOiarc- S__ss"s "Faetery, ~ | were lowered in and hj that story of his extinguished and her fsuwr «o ," Mother Mary «j^%s "_. __„USl4WJ_*3He^street, supposed fall, producing tho condiiioa loro boys ore her nriiioca an'i {«„ 'fiKmiSS opfato fe» „<**. B*. a tefcser where the false sease dweffs to-day, a iwgh-. over hor." *■ Cod Fish, Loch' Fyne White Herring in brine, "Silvorea "or iioch Fyne Fresh Herrings, the true ".Caller Herrin'," Gorgona Anchovies Jα t ; : '•!-- Also Boneless • A fOSOX&Ii IJNE. ,- _ ,* gixiwth is tfMtoal Bay* a nothing bat dissatisfaction da move a man forwar<iiatothsKiapdomofl}.saven. Aekany BASUB'.TS mm -/ : R-hib iscEMiiscf; &I.OTHBB ". OS OD9 »Qd PER TIN, OB 10s 6d PEE CASE' ;'" -" , , ~, Nothing tnsfc the mills i»? ia the greatest afcumbling-blosk to progtfsss ; T '*: • '" ' *'"*!■ * TAP3, ,160 ' . ~ £-■ £ — HeSleaii ~- r ~ S \ T. TAYLOB : - -_-_B'':P_e_SS TUESDAY MAUCH '£$.. 189--- 2 hrotimm aud -isought to life thorn inVo tho Kiagdom of Heaves. Hit. erpkltdal inrsxohed to God, =.tj CGisr.% reached upinto ihe lieaTea of Bivino csvftad dotpa fspotsgh fesla iaco ous aSairs s aud lilted—ylte,?, vi an. To am.or* sfcand Hiinjis to abHo. in' Hb'lifo j tozuisHmi is feo ioto the Tray, A psnoaai apprebi-asioa of Jcsoa trill s&to no aa% fos kea-vaa is Effsched paruH&lity. To ths :e?iC23 o! iho disciplea JeiiTis was personality and the Ciadsts -C7S3 untsaea, oMToagh Hs repeatedly tiled to correct tna w c«or s efe laofc said, 4*3t> ia espedionb for you thafs Xgo way." Sho gricat, the smte, sud Ffaarlsca of t-o-day tiss t'SMBg t&c-lx backs 1 .©a the imjvssosM Jo*.aa, fclj.3 uaKtsfej, jost &s tho;3 el old tstaed ftom ihs porsoaal . , Jesus, , , _ fcld." Ho mrAwj? •' , < * ' ,' ' *' aow i*uw h\™ * _> ,. woisM tXIVt 13 rsr the Klagdon. 01' «-k w\ss, 0 \ 'j theory, it , oorao tk© v/orld .-a Cii . its elai*ns must dj c)'?,il;\ii ',-*•? )»',ni,- l I'lio hifix gaifcfe the fo," o; w 36 h v,> -i appeal toti'-isliiit'** -«'. •, ,*' n *:/ n dpologyfcir Ipedlsr: iHapasti error— <r;* inwn ibr ?:l (^i>« wJu""?, ItiO&ocksm destroy without ral«■,?!? a In aounoa the aisbli 0" '<u"Ji l rr : t •wktch dcthfont.? >> r the ffclso kiHj"?s ft»tti *.iutl" '1 * of < call :s.ni\%,: ~ 2.\ The cataract; of sease still eoreia <;ii© spirittsal ©ysj, and Mdes the spiutaal iw'a yicldiß s aJiifii.v r J I."; M being; frk, leligioa 0! to-day hag divided willnos fn-f&fe M' cl '. aisa into " ■"l ; t iat'-I ' lastea<l ol uniting them in lutely tijjhii, -lew*, it "wiß aot heol tl»e sick, despito tbe iw &Z.& " '« *'* > '.declsoretl'3& shafe will hoal ail Popatentj i: Ti&t iiifi UA- i->" r rt Instead cf proclaimiag peaco oaeartLaad Tho anjerivy ctciF. >1 >c -good-will to"3vms<ls mans, it proolaiias ms to aad oho.o s atirdci"?, T :'< \•> i the kails, siad to the hil* 6i tit® Laife, tlio s'viv Lei un cawo faa, .war oS aacrefe apsassijiatics, of pubMe ostracism, of hats, Istole»nc9 and aiisrepi'estja**ia znik is tr; !>»,'* !S tetioa, HSBfesadi of to so-caL'ed ©Tit .-la© Aft,,ejtels of tho tho /Ham i»U I'O,*, f .f F f J&ckbitera, lavestora ol tMHt;as the gotxghti to itU tb •wc'-Icl <if i 'despibsiul, tho implacable, end felits tiu- tho vrorLl baa rejc?t~tl 11. . sei.'eifalj are exfaauateJ to multiply eisteJiss© sad eonfiis* pad Phsriwi'a ">j ms fj' would cnie? fho K"ls» 'J*/- ;( for the Church CwMcfe wo qaderstosdnot ia the coll-Eip"atsoi'~"jo' -' tins ssetaslvej .saptrefiliGSM mnsa ia whf.ch WOl"<i Of \hr O'l i "the't«mis.ttsed] Dutiß afes broafcH OVist', Cvi |ivl v; _«! <~ iaolading all who call themselves of tho becomes <hV V'sl jl* i Charch ol .Ohrist)i-wHiis jrespea&ißg %h& 1"? ritou >r. " presaxae* of people asid sects, -we rago mv« Je."ir rfT'i't*" fioaesl iaslsl tlsal thinklostksia- exceed tUi*, rc'iet. i". gsiTeSj that the 'fj&sfe "'is s. poo? tMsker J:or with the high jvi.-t3 ci >_: 1 the pwaeafe, and thafe tkakiag throaglt a cenruro,r>" .All I 1 higk »ri®Jt, scribe, or Phadsea is dav««y aa eW to prec-cut- ih» u-i as»sem-safe, Sfeera Is a© thought in the were poi,«blo v s ua. i v*" ;~f wide expEinse of eternity that is no 6wifcliia platlon of thflui ri?'ht< ws ! the icqg<a sad ceaseiaasaeif of ©very aoaa. «zcccd tlici of the U il>..■ >' Thß"(Mmchf hee high !Too2coo<l thnt ifcr.jutv to *-i' .r_'u i» " iw' estate, aod become ao apologist. She •oth ssaS' a? rtrncls on c 'defesrivs, nsiaiiiniß" pJioat cL".t .cla' fli j*. n.iii"' <,i t (S., dostriaa and dogma, thinly dkgolssdl tmcier fraio of ehiftisg \Tluca mea,a sac recognLjosaJi w>^rfM<*' a:? *:•";;, 3 h*',</e ,\ »f thiag Is tho month of a bishop, arolKei v/hwa v/c thiog "fh.n dsfiaed bj a «leaa 3 aud, still ts cteruiftyj) deep r.-sd vM< '•-'-' ■ v ,' - -4 - ,t ' < , ,, - :. <' '>.'' , ', e s • i ' ' «v '' "' f la tho mouth o. & sabordl- fall ivod rc«.wi c& il!.o tv:nc lastaad of gtowiag in fotftloi6 of Ood in ii.:fiir *,s ''* E<rery day our rio;Ll2ou< gracs, tho wail of tits!i%& the aaj.ee &nd cral4e>a3s.ji& ©i. tbe cfiho, tho iatolcßuu;@ ©I ti» Phame9» all rove the ecer£y of o"ui*oicxas*!ij\ « " dteliaeof tkoCtiarch th.onga a> ffolly sur- ihe maaiff "tat i-jh ahl m\> laastfe© jfcvcn tnu i<,?, ■?••«■* *passing that ol Isajel ©1 &M, usgr<iatercosfTOiea. TioCharch is with- the cocooßtmtt'-n fl'-'&uUe '• t* out* spiritual gni&anct, las tjoad«|jo to ccnsat*«s; find t«;o »"»* .r -do world!j desoats. She divides jitoi" icio rric9ts xihs bcjhj, .'lit! u'o V" '< Breiabfttoimftg, WesloyasSj, j>tothodist.s» and It dues you alaud wilMa at 1,, Auglican£! s instead of tuailEg theia in tao fesss to bo jvu r. , lora of OhsM. Ckwcck followers &m &i& wiUi a® solid food* aßytMssg Is gi%ea k> amid ail tho shifting <■-'» •''. thsm» hswsver oetwom ®a 5it^ras&d. w&y hxsstf afeoai yoa« priesthood, < v « '' • y aflonfl? f *~~ " I TEADEES &IXD PROPERTY OWNERS, note Bo&taess' Parttcalara a afc rf**rCßliYsoliciting ffi if occasion offers, the II i ioot, 3? ,„ 1 j xionts Collected. Heturas, . BROS., PRODUCE STOR^» I *.»4IK AND J si- ASAPH STREET, 5 .w GHPPLY < j < ; "***" | 793 r ,33158(S .- • , and SONj WHKELBbCathedral square. - ) I ;oHB'AP' f f - I " ig C j ' § 3 '. "? n v * ! £ * t-i *"* % ' i -= PALAIRET. p>—»«- :'{ W-ASBE HoCKXEY LIMITED : II $ '!t ' CteUs?Entrance from Cathedral Squar* its Stoefc of WiaesTnd Spirits held by this embraces every needful variecycor $-Ssnaiy or special use. Assorted doseas of Liquors are ppHe ;j,sel?cr invalid purposes. Spsuial arrangements made £az:erParties. IseU-tip iiia Cases provided for Meet 41* '■': "■' i* V '='. Wines packed and for warded,freight paid, Co i&yPortiu Now Zealand, on receipc of remit* ssws of satisfactory £e£ereace. A choice seieotioa of finest Indian and Cigars. • .s ;? 3 ""angus patent ' i -WST AND FOBCE PUMPa - . t fgIHS advafttages claimed for this PUMP 4 '& arc: ThQ substitutionof a BRASS VALVJS -,: |jf the old Leadier Clacfcer, which h&s always annoyanca and iaeoiivenieace ta .-■ "tea a great Vi'hb require tho gsrvices of a Pump. : t1 Qlfheso Pumps aro Kasier to Work than any :iiiwt and are Thoroughly Rtliable; owing to of a Water Cn&mbex they are -h!;- e,fs,construetloo J.vjrays ■primed. iSSY NKVKR REQUIRE WATER - -r •"-' FOUitSy INTO .' THjSar. da iiIJGUS PATJBNT LIFT PUMP will."" vrajiilorycars vdchoutrepair, Pries from 18a, '■■ ''"iW&US PATENT FOKOK PUMPS for Easo, ."', .S?ssjjiicity sed Dnrabilitj' are n«s to bs Sur■->' fromi'is. -.•'■ '= •,' AK&DS PATENT VALVES caa bo Fixed to sny Hlp.fi of Old Pumpat a Smtili Coat, malsing ,: tA 014 Paiap as Good as" New. " c J at<iSEs PATEKT LIFT am» FORCE PUMPS. Bssp Well Cylinders and Windmill Pumps. 191 TUAM STREET, Chriatchurch. 877 '■". • r I I op @a*,~.:.*:- ,, "ECLIPSE . . 1-- J Jf THE ■■ % b I SESD FOR PhiUiS I ''LISrS." - : W, H. PRIC£»- Ihesa Foaisdsp, Pursu Maker, •&&, | Pateatea ai34 Maonfactucer, CABtiYLS STREET, S^iIICNHAM. 6315 't- Si % , I ■; I 5 I , I I I |L is "S'3 J § ,|_, •Jf ;S I ,|% % :| j 4 I- I I I |r :jij I $ .«§ f 1 | I I - - AU Wool Colonial Blankets, l^^^ J*ds x .. IMPORTED Tlie eeneroS iodez eloao will he worth tlae other iofosst&Cioa supplied by WILFRED BADGES,, Solicitor, Cfcrlstefrozeh* 577 , - "- - - IMITATION WELSH , OED.ERS.', •:.' _ \. \ ..,'.."s£ STRANGE "'" jM>vanged;; : ,• H . . -— , s iISlilkdrlSlTOlA , - £250,000,000 ikHi« .. - ....... COATES & CO., 3 I • .' . . *~ . "' ;r: :- - -• '. CONSULTED FOE SPECTACLES; DAILY. ' mftke.oilers. Beans hava mot ~ ff !^ ,4 rectftepcthe defects of each.eye; and in frames . . . ', , ■~ .* , • yc&Diaxu officer 1. . -W. H- SYfiES, MQ t H.D., i.Se ~. soworpoßd: 'ssESSfts- nhtsm & co, laduding— *i»tnt CourtShoes latestTie Shoes Qkcs B3a with Plat Heela 0307 other Lines now offeringat Very Moderate Prices. HFR ASSUBANCS SOCIETY LIMITED. Wawood. : •■ ptin., .. • -.■■-- -- Christchukcs Os'siob 208 AND 210 HIGH STKEBT. .** • • . .—. 1884 35ea's Patent Slippars. to 189a FUNDS, lafsßts' Ankle Straps. Date. Kid Battoa and Lace Shoes .« Slat March. 1384 ctSs. 31at March, 1885 CJeaaemea'eCoCTfc and Dress Shoes. 31st March, 18S6 AND BOYSMBOOTS OF KVERY 31st March, 1887 DJiSCRIPTION. 31st December, 1887 31st December, 1888 31st December, 1889 aaaPßlCfi. 31st December, 1890 ' ■ - Christchurch,,lßfflL_ FUBNISaSS ■ AT THB LOWEST CHARGES. Polißbed Colfins fraxa &i 109. Please Note the Address—Corner North and 133 Colombo sireat. TeleEase Belt. Office, 'r bose.3B7. ;l. ••^.; ;' I_ . . W"© W.4LTSHS- .. '" NEW BUSINESS. THE STOCK '' " Sam AsureS " Period. IS KEPT WELL ASSORTED 31st March, 1885 £1;1S1,864 Year ended UPHQLSTERES, AND UNDKRTASEa, Itovtex iiigh 'street, 31sfe Mat-ch, 1886 ftSBKAST ARRIVALS OF NKW GfOODS. Year eaded 31st An&airoag's, ■ ,-, ■ opposite ; 1,305,060 March.lSST Year ended Jpunerals Furnished ia the besfi stfleaetite fear ended 31st December, 1887 1,469,788 ovrtsst earreac rates oa snortess no&oe. RJ COLONIAL BOOTS sewa --. scoimcra "510 : Year ended 313t December, 1883 We have the , 1839 1,895,563 31st December, ended *4P,SJSST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. Year ended 31st December, 1890 1,938,100 Year O CASINBTMAKSK. ,. the Last Year LARGE STOOK cf the Celebrated Note.—The New Business for thoSadety tfea BftAND. Kvery Pair ateolntely "maintained the position, of ,^ 1to*- give of all British Life oa the List THIRD • e&W ag Honest Wear. Offices {some 97 in number). Kequirameats are SPECIAL TABLED wli o laiow the trooWe ie keepißK Combining Life Assurance widx3av£nga Bank. d sirls prepay afc«* β^ool4 v*3l6 Fall particulars may. bs obtalae* oa application to O&ce. »»IaSS?v %iU UNIVERSAL CO-OPSBATIVB BOOT -•.&HD.--SHOE COMPANY HIGH&TEEIET. ■ . - , , W. T. Bis&icS Agent for Caaterbiay,. HARRISON DAVIS, SnpariatcadeoßCi AgSata. ?S& S&Z eala»d. ABT G 15 -,AS» *5 jgTi \Wm , , • - to 44* per 4961b, Kew Zealand ?Vheat—Loag-berned, fine, 43s &d to 44a per 4961b. New Zealand Whsst—Short-berried, fine, 41e to 42s par 4361b. 'Australian Fiour—SupsrSse, 27a 6d to 28s $d per 2?0lb gro?a. Australia -Floor—Patsat, 29s to SQs 6ti per 2801b gross. New Zealand Barley—Ho. 1, 2§a fco 353 UNFEEGEDEHTEB, - ONSAIiEAT COHEN'S crrr i«oan and disCOUNT OFF2CSS, t> ISS Colombo street, At.Uaprace&tnted.XsOvrFdc«s»i Kor instance— Genuine ROTHKRSAM'S SILVER h&YBR WATCHES. from £2 103, aiaiQdS new, - frith three yearns Jaraatee. aTs©, per 504ibs. New Zealand Peas—Average, 30s to 25s per 5041b. ■ New Zealaad Peas—Wriakle, 35s to fSOs per 5041b. • New Zealand Cockaloot—Fine,, 60s to S2a per 1121b nett. New ZealandCocksfoot—Coaomon, 34s to 40s ■ 1f0*....%*&*&& Hemp -Baring the past four weefis four public auctions Have been held, and 4300 bales offered, of which 2300 bales were sold at and after the sates. Shortly after the date of 'issue :■'.ais /impro?saieiit in demand took' place, brouglit about by sn increase ia.theeijqairy from, the United StafesiSisal. ~fe>. Ifee.jrapid Prices oonsequeatly afebaeed at the earlier auetioHS, lormedium aa<iall lower qualities, to>-foe' extend of fmtn1 2Qbi toSOs per-ton, kiQdß_o« , i ** - up Bußisjesa in. Christdsrarofis— "price'£l S3, now 47s:6d. VH" Snits, iisoal Worsted Suits 5Sa to nieastire, tverth £4 10a. Beat Saddle Tweed Tfousara 17s. First of eyery class cutte?. Ready-mads Ciothiag fieacrloUoß at almoss balf price. , Uselsaa aaoting prices, The goods mu3C be seuL 21. J, oSlorafao ssceet. Faaoy -- muaisjed . 'stationary/, at the ad- , vance, a slightly easier teudeacy becoming apparest towards tiis close.-■'A eoasidera- abfe arrival business, aggregatiag "aboat 9(H> .toas; good fair Welttogton,' was done towards tfee end of last abath at sntSftraTAKD -VIGOUa l&s 'cif. from -£2l "'December-January :e,ad r JanQtoy-Febsnary. shiprasst. Lsrg« sales of Manilla have been effected, at froia £29 5s WSSS-.'iSß-e.i.f. for fair cotxeoti, smd the market; closes firm at the latter figure. Sisal, after adysaeing to. £26 per- ton. ex qjjay has givenwwasys thepreaeat eppUaace!».--G,B.' pii€»;.|»elsjg £g4-'per.tosu W® quote ?-r-'"" •*.».,. Certain Cure tor Nervotß Uelnhty, Weakensoft, Superior bright hemp, 524 to £25 teg; Losaep, lodiKesUoa. Itbeiiaiatuja. Back per ton. .<■:■.■:: ■ ■ ■ ache, Bladder and'Saauey fiouoles, ImpoGood medium, wsU. dressed, J223 10s to i tence, &c , „ „ , •'"■ -'"■ '■ '■■"' ■■'■ Full Information for Ferzn&aeat Cure Per- £24 per ton. :<<' "-•'" Bosially by P«vet Free, ■ • ■1 per ton. ■■fiair to medium.'£22 to wk. SOTilAJftf, MsOicalJSJecfridaa. Fair to medium, slightly strawy, S2G 10s Utt MoatcsaJ etrees, tlferistcliurch. _- - ~ ' : •■• U>£BSLVh 'timetm*-- :■ ;, _ t - : «»• fZti ?T* : The following is Missus Balfottb, GtfTHRiE and Co.'s report datedSanFran- • • ' ! %3,onr last letter was dated 9th alt., aad in'the interval export business has, ruled J very:qmet ;in sympathy wiih European wheat markets, and the price of No. 1 wheat has declined to about Idol 67£e per cental f.o.b. The weather has up -to this time been very favourable, and tho outlook for the new'crop from to-day's standpoint ia excellent. Freights to the United Kingdom remain in about the same position. There is little or no inquiry for tonnage, and 20s iron vessel for orders ia more or less a nominal quotation, while for new crop loading ia August 32s 6d is possibly obtainable. .At Portland, Or., and Tacoma, Washington, a very limited business is passing, and the position is unchanged. Hops continue firm at about 22 cents per Ib. , .Exchange—.Wβ quote bankers sixty days' sight bills on London at 4.36^d015; merchants' do do d03.35£d015; merchants' do do on Sydney, 4.70d013; . LYTTELTON. Mokday, March 28. (Before H. Allwright and J. Hamilton, JLaecemy.— Esqs., J.P.'e. J. McCarthy was charged stealing the sum of 12s 24d from J. ! with Smith in the Eden H<*use boarding house, Dublin street, Lyttclton, during Friday night last, and X. Dowd wit& receiving the knowing ib to ba stolen. J. Smith Jsame deposed to sleeping at the house in questioa on Friday night. Ho had- 12s 2£d in hia pocket, which he placed in his waistcoat pocket, and hung the waistcoast at tho head !of his bed. Accused McCarthy occupied the same room, and was awako when he pat cisco, 3rd March :— • ! i tho money as described. In the 'morning he found the money was gonel Saw the accused drinking together at tho Empire Hotel and asked McCarthy about the money, when he denied knowing anything about it. Informed the police of Ma loss. The money was in four 2a pieces, earn© ehillings aad sixpences, and 2|d in coppers. Miss Riordon, barmaid at the Empire Hotel, deposed to the accused drinking there and Dowd tendering a 2a piece i& payment. William Hoseock, of the s.s. • Ardle, deposed to Dowd asking liiia o» Thursday night to give Mm as much aa would pay for his bed, as he had no money. Constable T. McCormiok deposed to arrestSITTINGS AT NISI PRIUS. ing the accused oa the charge. McCarthy had no money on him when searched, bub ; Monday, MAEiqH *28. Dowd had three 2s pieces, 6d, and 2|d ia (Before his Honour Mr Justice Dennieton.) coppers. Constable Fitzgerald deposed * The civil sittings of the Court were"re- to the .money being found on Dowd. said he had got it from & -. SUmed at 11a.m. -.~ ■;■:;.;.■;.;.;/■,.;;■;./.;.•■..;-■. He mate of Ma on tho b.s. Ardle, 'He* AM) CLEARTT V. ffABD CO., LIMITED. Carthy said ha had nothing to,say in SUPREME COURT. .-■ - •Iα this case John. William Cieary yraa defence. Dowd called the cook of the schooner Crest of the Wave, who deposed plaintiff and Ward and Co., Limited, deto giving him some money on Friday fendants. set; down,for trial night, in two shilling pieces, and early oa The case ,had. been a-common before his Honour and jury of Saturday morning giving him some more counsel money in sixpences tuul euUlings. Sergeant twelve, but on the Court announced that it had been agreed to dis- O'Mailey drew the attention' of the Bench pense with the jury,and try the case before to the fact that the money found on Dowd njta Honour alone. An attempt was also corresponded exactly with the coins stolen, matTe'to settle "the case amicably B but failed. with tha- exception, of tho-shilling or two Hotel. The Bench ; The-statement;of claim .alleged that an spent at tha j|,gr,eamQnt yr&a entered into between plain- considered the casa proved against both tho and .dated Jan.. 20fch sentenced 1892, accused, and tiff defendants them to fourteea s whereby it was agreed that plaintiff should days' imprisonment. lease from defendants the White Horse ■Drunkenness.—R. Miller and J. CameHotel for five'years, and purchase the fur- ron wore each fined ss, with the usual niture, stock aiid effects at a valuation. If; alternative, for drunkenness. The latter was.' subsequently agreed between plaintiff was also sentenced to fourteen days', imand defendants, 'under date of January 29fch, prisonmeafc for using obscene language % ,' that defendants shpni|d, in consideration London street. of. plaintiff paying a goodwill of £100, repay, one. haft of the same on ,-his KAIAPOI. taking possession, aacl on this agreeMonday, Maech 28. ment plaintiff signed a letter stating his wilimgness to pay the'sum of iSIGG as (Before Captain Q. A.,Preece, 8.M., aad S, goodwill to Mrs Savage. A valuation of L. Wilson, Esq., J.P.) the stock, furniture, &c. , was made oa the Doa ■REGiBxa.4TiON.-~W. Stark, who.had 9th February, and on- the lObh February plaintiff paid defendants £373,19aId, being been fined for neglecting to register a dog ajnopnfc of valuation of stock, &c., together in his possession, in January, was again with £100. goodwill under the agreement, summoned, the Borough Registrar syid executed a counterpart of tho lease of the registration fee had not boca paid. the•« hotel for five years. The plaintiff Defendant said he thought. he was done alleged that he had repeatedly requested with the matter when ho paid the fine. _B|? the defendants to put; him in possession consent .the. case was allowed to bt> with* of•'the'hotel and premises, and the furni- drawn, defendant■ paying registration fee "" ■ ture, stock,'&g., as purchased by him, but 10a and costs sa.'" Crvii* Cases. —Moore aud Baker if they declined and refused to do so, and still and declined. The plaintiff Captain Cook, a Maori, dBI* 17s ; no apjpearauco of the Captain; judgment for pktafcil& further alleged that he had paid the valuators for valuing, the sum of £1113 a7d, aad B. Hopkins v J. Berry j judgment !<W .■■'-■ L '.'■ that he had demanded from the defendants plaiatili. thereturn of the sum of £37319sId paid hy Mm for the purchase of the furniture and BOARD OF GOVERNORS. effects'and for the license and, goodwill of the-White Horse Hotel, but the defendant had refused to return the same. The The ordinary meeting of tho Board ol plaintiff therefore prayed judgment for. tho Governors was hold &■; 3 p.m. yesterday. Pr«« return b£ the sum of £373 19a l<l as paid by cent—Mr P. de o. Males (Chairman), the him with interest therein from, February Bialxoo of Christchnrch, Captain Oarsia, Hon» 15th for the sum of £19 15s 7&, expenses 0. T.*Peacock, Messrs R. Beetham, H. B. incurred hy him in connection with Webb, L. Cohou, W. iMoutgomory, F, D, such lease and valuation, and for S. Noavo, B. Weotenra. W. C. Walker,. the sum of £125 as damages. Tho W. Chryetall, E. W. Feeeday, J. V, statement "of the defence denied all Colborne-Veel. the material allegations of the statement of Apologies were received from Messrs A claim. It-wa3 further alleged that, in put- S. It. Ehodea, M.H.R., and Mr J. V. suaace.of; the agreement and the authority Rosi, coEtaiasd thoreis, the defendant Com"Mr Westksba, for Mr Spnokmatfj pany negotiated with Mr Savage for a moved :—" Tliat in futuro the estuantes foj surrender of -the lease, and for "the gale to the year be xranugi aphed and ciroutated tiie plaintiff of the goodwill of ntock and amongst members of the Board of Goverraora furniurter of tho hotel; and that Mra at least four dayu be:ore the mooting of the Savage agreed with the defendant Company, Board*,at which, it is proponed that they j?*cti«g as agents for the plaintiff, to sell tho should bo presented for cpnsideratioa &u<3 stock and furniture to. plaintiff bu adontion." p-nd to accept .aIIGO for Mr Vsel seconded the motion, tvhicfa was £he goodwill. A valuation v;a& xnsdo carried. on the Oth February,,. asd .possession Tho following gentlemen were elected to was delivered to the plaintiff, who entered fill the vacancies on the High Bchooi the and on the busipremises carried iipon Boards :--~Aku.toa, Mr O. J. Black,? ness." The plaintiff, on tho lOfch February, Mr (ko. Jno. Leech ; Waitnate, paid to the defendants the mm oi £573 19a Raitgiora, Mclveo. Id, for the purpose of paying th(i same to The report of th ■; Special Committee o! ■Mrs S&vago as the price of the stock, the School of Agriculture wns read an under,,, The furniture,. license and goodwill. The Bpccibl Committee appointed by eke —'"' to confer with a &uu-G'oniinitiL&Q oJ .defendants.; were subsequently informed Board that Mrs. Savage ■ had/, ro posses- ■tho Lincoln 'College Bonrd of Advice, oa rthe hotel and ■• premises, -and jnaf/tero as to tho appropriation of the had forcibly expelled him from thehotel fanus of tho School "of A-jriewli tiro foe The defendant Company refrained there- genoral as raided Ly tho Collets pmpose.i, upon fronr handing Mrs Savage the Royal Commission :n 3839, b-.*g to report ;of defen'sum £373 .'l9s Id. The have been held. TLe that iivo "dants alleged t that they had always Coramittc-3meetings recommends £ov the oi>;>roval of "been" ready and Willing ta "return the Board tho draft Bill iiov; laid <m the pkintiff ,3.03., Id table, vd'ieh Bill Is«ji obtained stim of er.neikiij .tlse. the,plaintiff refused, aad, still refuses of tho Committee of tho Helicalthe .but oi" Ajjricul;to- accept the same, and the. defendasfc turs, and o! the Lincoln Collego Bcwtd <>l Alleged ;that they had made a legal tender Ativica. In tha event of tho Ban.nl adopting 'of-tiesum witfa"6pe? .cent. Interest&s ftorn tbe draft EiU, and -ts being passed through ;th6 lobh day ■of ■February, but fee plaintiff. the Legislature, the result will be as follows: TefusecL to accept the same. "."■■'. —Th« Colleges v/ilibe li-",b!<i >o the Schoc! oi MrKippenlJerger appeared for the plaia- Agriculture for tho sum of £28X2 i(h and itiff, ."Mr' /Georg© Harper lor the Ide-. uutilsuuh time ?.3 that cmotuit is p«if.s of* fendahts. an annual interest j.:ivment of say £160 ISa l .■ Mr Kippaaberger opened the case for th,e 'J?ho will be handed ovor to thet and called evidence. Scliool o£ Tcehnieal SJciouco will b:> Habln fco iiplaintiff, proceeded -After-the «ase had soms disthe am of i« tho Seiiool of Ayricitlcuro for ■tance it ttcss agreed between the learned £2237 10i, with an annual interest paytnenf> ■Ooaasel *ia the case to settle" the matter, of .'-"wy £131 5s until the capital nmounfc is "involyeS by tho plaintiff accepting the paid off." paid by him and interest and-'his The report of :he Committee at tito \&mouiiif costs tip. to the time of ihe filing of the School of Agrieulfcete was read as un/3er :— amended statement oi defence** The {Jonunitteo recommcad? tho —1. To agree to the draft Bill now laid beforS the Board, vsilh a view to the fettlementof acooaats ta to the appfopriatsoM MAGISTERIAL. atul of tho for tho porpoises of the -School of Technical SeJenca of'certam invnh CHRISTCHUROH. balongiiig to the Solicol of A<nicnhucc. 2, To authorise the College Solicitor to take ■•.;.' .;'. '.' x Monday, Makes'2B.' ail necessary slr.ns for the jsurnoso of f-*■ {Before E. Carry and P. Cunningham, moting the Bill he tho a&xt. Hcr/sion of the <■■•;•."-• ,•-■•■■■•' <££,-'&) ■;,:-.■; ; General Assembly. S. iv the event oi the the Hoikcs <jf PurlSajp^TraKEsrsESS.—Thomas Gray,. for this Bill passing throH<ji'i l\'offeace, on the- suib wes.fitjed 10s, as he did not appear. ment, t-o consent to the t!i-J raw (jaeutioiiei in tha Bill) Fsill Robert of \LaMckBY,-—-John Pscty ®nd .-05000 -~ a;>.--rt respectively, thirteen*-and nine of 6 per otr.t. psr --usmni ho'tng ■ were charged with stealing 2b from. for tho purple o£ sstiblisbiMg a schema ox -"i•the tiU'of Mr A. Eitehie's shop, inColoml}©- echolarthip-', tec&l> oat tho Sthftul -*"*-i5by "street, 'oa- Friday. Tiie former admitted ---culture, nuder conditions to h"to suuii 'having taken'the tnoncy. The other boy tJi.3 BorirJ. 4. To connent helped him to'.epead Jt» ahipa bi-'ing opan to Ch;: wkola cMony, and 'admitted -Bench said they did not- like* t>6 convict that theoiantinr«icas uirlr-rwhich '-l;.oy may .in saeh cases so; ioag as the parents would l>3 awarJcd may b(,> Isold,ofif «lc-jliv*i, «6 lh« 5. .'administer necessary punishment.;. ■ Mr four jiriiiciDil c-ntrco ■Bender said-he.hetieved the boy 3 had.been To invite tha Bocks of Education throajthschoUr.ihfiM punished, and tho Beach accordingly dia- oa& tho colony ti cat:».LUsh tenable at the Lincoln School oi Ayriciueh&rged them with a caution." •. ■ by tht Attempt to Comsjis Umcmn.—William tare, on condifioiw if Hylaad, a.yoathaboat twenty yeara of age, ] Board of Governor. ." .51r B. WEsT3J.'.aA j inoveu—" That ihs attemptiitg to commit, ..Was'■■ charged Cymniitteo ami the -saicHe by ..strangling himself. Mr.Peaderj report of the Spa;ui -eaid'he'."believed the accused- Wishs; weak'in dntfu BUI, as laid v,mn the table, l>B flp« his uiincl, and.'therefore he.had ©sked Dr.- proved. Meares; to* exaraiae.' him.; :The cm® waa re« j Mi- Kiutvs seconded the motion, whisk* massded till the following day for J>t. I after soiao discusai'jjj, was carrLci?, ' , > ' ; ,- . : .• , : ' . . .' ., - - ■ : , . ' ' The finestcollecticu fn cbs City of ~ Biamoni and Gem Rusgs, and all kiada of Jewellery, at abouthaif tne price aUiurued elsewhere. KVfiti'g AHTIGLis; WAIUJAKTEi> GENUINE. _AH klßtisof ValaabkefcakealaSse&aßgecf ; Boughtfor Cash.. . i and 'have Money aa nsual. Lowest sates oa goods . New Zealaad Oats—Heavy, 27s to 293 6d per Imperial quarter. New Zealand Oats—Ordinary, 2Sa 6d to HKSTOIt£.O Adults, from sS2 IGs. Farther coEcessioss ia 'By Using my Hj'gio-Bneiirfc AjpSancsal ease? of genaiiie dA 156 ,3 8, / ■ ■ over twenty years* exG. B. oaving had ■. Sent on JSaayTewas bo jmy Address. peneaes in the co!obf and itt Kaglaad sts an; ISJ2,* ■ "ChrUtehtircii. Undertaker, slwmld be samcieat guarantee "I am very gratefsilfos 'year efligicat trtaitthat orders eatrustea J» oia cace will be falcayoaxs, my case suffered t\&a bud! f«? znencin I @tfi s upplied out. .T2se .Trade fally casrfea electric belts, Hearse or Coach 00 shortest uotics. Bα benefit, acd all ac douvlo cbe east of joar Asapli Darham aad St. Addresa—Corae'f r: • To-day's quotations, ex granary, are as > follow:— ■ Australian Wheat—South Australian, 43s • IVKSAIG3 , : HEALTH,MANHOOD BARRILL,: ■ -UNDERTAKER. CON-: therefore be looked for. 26s 6d per Imperial quarter. New Zealand Beans—No. 1, 36s to S9a fUNJBRALjBEFOEM.\ -■ HOLUNGSWOBTIL -. -. • season's refjuiraißents, any. improvement in values in the near future cannot i °» pgp44Blb. NewErigbtoiu. Gα S Private Residence, 211 Kiiaaera streefc Teiepiiose >'o..HS. ; ...... ... . , , Christdmrch, -. . 471,355 556,074 RAND .., 666,5*2 CNBSRTAKSRS. jfORNISHKD ia Towa or FUKEEAIS j 740,155 outlie shortest notice, «nd~ at the 863,281 CoanQT ratesPelisiied GoScs -m Biinu or ..;* 1,050;573 lowess ::..-.; 1,196,414 «^ 43 VICTOEU STREET. : «. - a oldest Established FisnaiaCanterbmy. Adults' Funerals Irom £2 Ite, Childrea'ado Jrom&l ICs, Folisted Coffinsfrom £X Amonot. * , BOOT» SHOE ana CLOG 'H. SCBIiBIIW, mfBSRTAKER. '.- £385,269 ... ... a : . • .. •. • . -'-W.Hi PAYNE , «.rf ;..::. .m?oii-'_ •. fi J 1127. ST., : <^m L/, /' S ONOSRTAKSR, Sealand, iSacablished ' — - B Oldesc Finn iv Mew PROGRESS OF THE SOCI ETY, Also, .' ' last., a* &30 COLONIAL MUTUAL &&BIIS FELT AND KID SLIPPERS. t ■ • - - •■' ■• : * 0 ?6 Opened a SPLENDID SHIP- - limited demand, at a 2s per 5041b. for tha. Public Cemetery, Bad Lege, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. Jfo? Bronchitis, Diphtheria; €*>n«fas. Coide, oom% LA'MB,-Undertaker, Rheumatism, and all Side Diseasesifc haauo 35 lachfield street, Telephone SGI. equal. ■ "' STREET, COIiOMBO Sold by the Proprietor. TaoaaAS 'Holloutat. Opposite Eden George'3. 9M7 New (Oxford street, Jjondon. and by MediFriends of Mr Riord&u are respectfully ne vendora ttooughQttt She world. ALFEBD OELBSB??. that the Faceral o£ his late Jt infopaaed " BEAE> OFFICE— Wiie'M&ty, will leavs his reaidence, Bealey P E Jj V'S tos the Catholic Cemetery, DarSeld, ac UHIVERSAL CO-OPERATIVE 160, HBBBFOBB ST. OHBISTOHTTBOS road, lp,m. ea Tuesday, MaiciiSSUt. Cores a li. F, SYMONDS. THB BOOT AND SHOE COMPAITY; Ucdertakor, HIGE STKEKT, a' ; Oα* "SPECIALITB" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES fitted with Lenses, cor"Peas-rThere 'fia» b©ea- a -material <leclist® for Comfort Appear- in tha value of all seed deseriptio»3, the is tested ;by our ance are, ia nearly allcases, supplied AT ONClfl, .'after-- the beiag; sow practically v.'oVeey ■ axA agents, or (in pi-eference) on febe prescriptioos of ophthalnaic sarKeoae.; c for New Zsgtknd eoyp are The Medical Profession and all interested Sα Optical Science are invited to se® fcliia quotations ■ ; v- ■ ■-' ■ ■. ■ beautiful test and all the latest improvements iv Lenses and Frames as ■ advised by quite nominal. ■ '■■'" Cocli^foot—The enquiry fcas been quiet, ';"; '-. : .'"? .v.i.;-:---•■■■■-• .-■_ lie m ost Eminent Oculists. ! fresa., arrives, quotations with receat. &ndt .. New Zealand ruin lower. The bulk:of HEALTH FOftALI& lor .';• Funeral Hotices. ■ nOSUWWAY'B VILW AgI>. OINTAtUNT /; the seed offered has beea only of-'moder&te mHE PWa porifr the blood, msre&b all dla qiislity, and ii haa 'cpaseqaectly had to Frioadsof the late Dandoare Mrs.J. I!3TAS. ISS3.' the 14ver," Stomach, Kidneys compete with Aiaericau seed. With tSo J, orders fPHB J. respeetfuUy invited to ofattend her aud Bowels, oftiad are invaluable in all com present inactive DIRECTORS demand, stocks would ra ,» funeral, to leave George plaints incidental to fomalas. Mr H WEBS, lsl I?, P. GL'NHUIGKAM B% 4A KeHy, Sc Albans, TMs Day (Tuesday), 29th Ttae Ointment ta the oaljrreliable retnedyfi de appear to be more than sufficient for tsie ; a J N. LAZAEUS A-N-.D:CVO., *' '' ° ... f ■ -. • -- SPECTAC tia. I IJNXON - .. t , _. _ < ; PAPPS, ;"/• - ■ .T. H. ' & CO- ' , ' •/,;.. 1 Agency Company, Limited, report oa - ; (Before R. Beetham, Esq., M.) R. Civil, Cases.—Tramway Company v. Stewart; claim £2 Sa. Mr Msherfor the ■' I'Tow the defendant did not appear,, Frbzsn,'M^i'ts—-The weather.'during'-the' tympany ;was the defendant's psßt'tnontHoas for tho most part been of a ciray crossed thegiveo thnt "tram lino in Papanui Road mild ■c&aracter, but with moderate supplies on the night of November 22nd. Tito engine of all kinds of meat, values have been vreil came m to eollwion, and on pulling maintained, while during the last few days, fottad •deep *»� wiih a refcarn to » colder temperature, tho bottom nof his ?** demand teas improved, and values foi* mosfc the engine to dnvy. Damage ww done to tho amount saw naed for. descriptions have exhibited a firmer ten- Judgmentwas for the plaintiff company for dency. Continental mutton and American the amount claimed witkeosta and npanaes >beef have come to haad on a lighter scale, of wxtae-wes, £2 9s 6d, Arkle v pMiitiu, but supplies of the latter were move clam £6 feud. Mr Lua for plaintiff! plentiful this morning. Values' during Mr Bruges for defendant. This was a case the month have ruled low. Fresh u» whsch a contract to lease a section ol arrivals' of frozen meat from New tond m Fapanui had l>een made between H. Zealand have been very light, and Marks and the defendant. Tho claim was Qonsequently stocks have undergone a resisted on the ground that when the further reduction. The enquiry has contract was signed Marks agreed con-to tinuedsteady throughout, and an advance cancel it if defendant, after further of fully £d per Ib haa been established, the consideration, so wished. It was also market closing firm at our quotations. objected that under the Statute of Frozen lambs have been marketed in limited Frauds the void, contract was because tha quantities, and they have latterly met a hind belonged to Miss ready sale at from 6|d to &s<l per ib. Stocks did not appear in the Arklc, whoso name contract and who bofchoi Australian and Now Zealand beef was unknown in tho transaction to thede> havingWen very light, and shipments from feudant. Evidence had been taken at a America having fallen off, values have previous sitting, it being proved thai marked a sharp advance, hind-quarters now Marks was the agent of the plaintiff, and realising from 4:] dto 4gd, and fore-quarters argument on tho law point was now heard. from 4d to 4|d per Ib. after which judgmentwas for plaintiffby de« In the provinces there has been a good fault with costs. Leave was given to appeal. prices have b«en some- Judgment went for plaintiff ! enquiry, but while compared with costs ia what irregular, as with London Whttto v Rowan, £10 10s. TradesAuxivalues, a tirm feeling prevails at the close. hary Company v. McCarthy was adjourned tillAprU 12fch. ■■ The Nbw Zealand Loan and Mebcah- ' COLONIAL"iLANNELS:* *' '. £19 to £20 '•' ■ : ■ ■ ■ 1515 to £21 per tea.- ■; '' ■! * HacfeleiJ'Tow, ; £B'to:£7 per ton. V SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. LONDON MARKETS. ; -eearaewad strawy, ;Cosn«n6a— iiper'ton. ■"'.' :, ---'." 3 ! I MARKET REPORTS. i BLANKETS. .■ ' ' -. J. -SBM." THOMPSON, _ palr J - euo laerch&nts, money paid for thtj whole of the four -rolumee. Circular pwted free to any address, and au .- 8 eelicitecs, bankers, • per - ' &ttti&£ by Ut3increased saios. •- .' b a, y&§: a machine caU ana see'tha Popular and the ' CHSAPSST SSWIKa MACHINE IK THE World. A Large Stock efiEilitring Machines. --.. - ■ .. /BHS NEW HOMO is the Lightest Runifiog I All Wool Colonial Blankets, 2|ydsx 2yds, usual AU Wool Colonial Blankets, • ' * o!ajajrstWia jr j! fucjjinCjajjdqaiokivg&ia3 JL eoßSdcnca of all who use it- a face which ia ;], IJ " I ' *« Wβ append a few quotations:— All Wool Colonial Blankets, 2Jyda r SIWIHG MACHINES." I I ■" ' FOUft VOLUMES. EachFully Jndesed as&Sld© Note4» ttoeenfc PtisKeia, ahispass. Price IS6. ■ VOI* JL—For sheep fajrm©ss. raaholdera, owners, firoal bodies j«oparty stock ' cTwbsts, liceased vicsasllera. Paeje iaa» VOL3. IEL and SV. oootoia aQ law «rf New Zealand so£ cimfcamea ib Vela I. andH. Prica 15seafik, Tbe Qoveiraracat , FREE POSTAGE throcEhout- H@w Usaland , we havejrarehaeeaon such advantageous terms as will enable reliable Blankets and Flannels atprices that cannot fail to be appreciated, Heeda of Families, Housekeepers, Hotel Proprietors, Station Owners and ""^ ;.;;;;;;;. :-.,,MONEY.WB S ■oeiat eeductiom: 5 -is 4 ' ??JT^ND^ '■■ -MQTUAL LIFE- A&BBUTHM ,• ' laepectlOßi ■ - i ' ,, - I TO-DAY, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, K^j{ When we shall offer the pnblic upwards o£ Seven J?anar^ of Palre o£ Blankets and Two Hundred and Fifty (250) P eces • ' . NORWICH " PUMPS, VToieh ha¥e taken tha Bighest Awards FOR ' .Cmirr, SIMPLTGIT ¥, and DURABILISY, .' Aad Superior Workmanship \ 18SS, DunedTn TS9O, 3|e3boumO;lßß9; .©eßteßlKi ss4Hlpie9S Honours cbriscchurcti A. and P. ; t. IN approaching winter. ** PUBLIC AND , LAWS FOE FIFTY » YEABSSH£UUIHQ& .-.-'■ ;tele 'the markets for colonial produce, under date fLondon, 20th February, as follows :— £ Wool—The First Series of Sales for the {current year, which commenced on 26th Imported Blankets, small sizes speciality. pair price 6s 6dper Sale January, will be brought to a conclusion to* Bills Discounted Daily and Renewals Effected. Imported Blankets, Ifyds x 2|yds, usjial price 19s 6d " * f'?' occupied twentyjmorrow. It will thus nave ' " 6d pftr pair. ■ price ' Sale 16s • I OFFICES—272 LICHFIfiLD STIUBST. thres sittings, the catalogues embracing Imported Blankets, 2yds x 2£vds, uaaal price 22s 6d Established 18S». a |315,138 bales, gijing daily average of Sale price 16s 6d per pair. as compared with 13,685bales bales, 6i 13,614 VICTORIA LOAN AND DISCOUNT Imported Blankets, Siyda x 2Jyds, usual price 23a ' v Sale price 19? lid per pair. |in the corresponding series of last year. AGENCY, There was a numeranoe attendance both of Imported Blankets, 2fyds x 3yds, usual pride 87a Bα ( Manchester Street Sale price 29f« 6dper pair. Hpma and £sreign buyers on. the opening (Near Union Steamship Co.'s Office). reductions. proportionate Scarlet; Blankets at Gentian Bloc, Grey and day, but while competition was fairly active, there was, on the whole, a want of fliuE above Agency is Prepared to Advance ' JL SanssofMoueyffom£2oaadupwArdßapon i" confidence In the bidding. Values displayed* first and SecondMortgages, Shares, JUegacaea, the most ■considerable irregularity, but for Liens on Crops, and Bills' of Sale on Farm Colonial Flannels, usual prices 1? 2jd, Is 6Jd, Is 9d, and 2s per yard White part ruled in buyers' favour, and by the Stock ac a Low Kate of Interest. Sale prices Is, Is 2Jd, Is 6*d, and Is BJd per yard. BillsDiscounted Daily. Is 6Jd, andle 104 P«s yard close of the first week, as compared with Shetland ColonialFlannels, usual prices Is |d. Is 1«d, H. MARKS, Fifth 1891 rates, saedium and inferior Is 3£d, aad Is (Bd per yard. prices OJd, Is Sale Manager. Iβ lod per yard 7047' ■greasy .merino marked a depreciation of Orkney Colonial Flannels, usual prices Iβ-*d, Iβ 3id, Is "~~ ~~" AIONBY TO LBNU. I Sale prices Did, Is Is 3JcL, and Is 6d per yard. fully per lb, while washed and scoured merino and fine greasy crossbredruled id to fSIHE Undewigrned faas for INVESTMENT* Id per lb lower. Good merino in the' h •JL VARIOUS SUMS from £100 to £15,000, aft JLoweatKates ofinterest, on mortgage or town, grease, suited for American require10|d yard per and Is country, or suburban properties. Borrowers ImitationWelsh Flannels, usual prices l(Hd, Is 2£d, Is 3|d,yard. ments, was unaltered, other descripcan p»y off the.whole or .portion of the moneys Is Is Is 6dper M, Hd, Sale prices %&, and though somewhat irregular, beiog advanced on git-ing short notice-. Sums uader ■ tionSj Is 4Jd, Is 7Jd s and Is lOid per yard Saxony Welsh Flannels, usual prfces Is £100 foriavestment on reasonable terms. without material change. With the proyard. 6§d per Is l|d,aßd Sale Is Is lid, prices lljd, DEACON. EDWD. R. gress of the sales the weakness further :■,;;..■:'.>■. .-r, ;■ Solicitor.' developed, the bidding from the French: Hereford street Chambers, LETTER • section of the trade becoming more re; Hereford atreeo * Blankets or Flannels sent in execution of letter or post order, if not approved, can stricted, while the American demand, more be returned. especially fox fine crossbreds in the grease, shewed a marked'falling off. Wool of a hats J&ONETFTor INVESTMENTin faulty ctt&rscfcQr proved increasingly difficult. various sums from £200 to £1000 and of sale, while coarse and medium erossbreds,upwards upon approved Freehold Security, from 8 per cent, interest. Stuns between £3wO for which rates at: first were fairly well and £5000, upon very flrst-class securities, can strojwi'ted, receded quite £d per lb. At the be arrangedat a lower rate of interest. reduced leVel of rates competition, during JOXNT and ANDREWS,, w street, ' 205 Gloucester CHBISTOHUBCH. the last few days, has been rather more ' ' ,: . Chrlfltehuroh," 703 but prices continue to exhibit animated, ■':.:..:. MONEE FOR .INVESTMENT, " "T considerable irregularity, and having regard to the increased supplies in course of transMONb¥"fOR INVESTMENT TTTTBrhave mission to this market and to the various ■.■!•?; .on;.,:; .•:■.. . -:■ manufacturing districts, and to the tenor of PRBBSHOLD SHCURITX v reports received from the principal AtLowest Cnrrsati Rates. GRKAT REDUCTIONS IN QROCBRIES TO REDUCE STOCK.BBfOBa,STOOK-TAKINQ recent *•':' centres of the wepllea industry, both here DUNCAN. COOTffiamL and MARTIS.' and on the Continent, there is but little =■■..-■: Cathedral 3qa&ra. ~J_ •'•368" room for sanguine anticipations as regards PROVISION the near future. BBfALHR. CASH GROCKR AND. qn£y'. * -'*"'■■■ iprogress has Cora Market—Considerable he is. making in the Price of Groceries, as Aβ TITOULDcaII attention to the Reductions ON;APPROVED PERSONAL OR OTHER been made since the date of ouri&st/jsgue in W" -wiahes to Seduce bio Stock for Annual StooK-takinp. SECURITY, Candied Orange and Lemon Peel, 8d ~_ Best Brands KoUer Flour, 251b, 3s Sd the preparation of the ground for the spring Cocoa, Kry a, 1- 3d par^t> In Soma to Salt Borrowers, and Repayable bs Best Flfauf, SOlb, 6s M Brand Roller sowing, ,the weather ;for the most part; a, o H ■: ..--. ■ may .baarranged, :■, i v. ,,:-..-, BeatßrandHoUerFloar,Xot»lb,l2s6d v J? S2 :u^ iii??&-uLiaJM « P* ilbisBtt s.JlblOa, Cojjda, Oridbury '_ having been favourable for field work. The -OILLS DISCOUNTED. Mortgageg, Lqane Vinsw!: Silkdressed 501b 53 Sago and Taplqc* appearance of the autumn-sown crop is con««*$ i> &&, Negotiated. Business- Booka- of oWbllsfid "iradesinen and Oshera-Kept. o? .Sapervised. FineacSUkdressed, 2001b, 19s 6a geec J«a»"».R»°e.2ld, sidered to be favourable, bat the youag Barley, ad mt Balance Sheets Prepared,' iiccuratiely showing Sugar, Fine Wniw Crystal* 2Jd plant is undoubtedly backward for the time trading results toi Id come tax purposes. Finest Split Peas, *1 per lh, «flt>9a Sugar. Finest in the Market. 2}d Coffee tenrand daily). la 2d, Is 4d and Is M Sngar Good Brown Sugar, 2id of year. There has bean a marked change Branson's Essence of Coffee, Iβ per bottle BOBERT HAKDIE, Fine Now Currants, sjd in-the climatic conditions during the past BJacklng, 4dper doz Finest Now Sid Currants, ACCOUNTANT, LAND AND COMMISSION few day8, sharp frosts, accompanied by ojd per doz Black Nowßitt3ln3,Td AGENT. ■ Jtiice, Is Id per bottle Ship'a Lime snowstorms, having been experienced Finest NewSultanas. 7}d 6 GRAIN AGENCY BUILDINGS. Finest Californian (layers) MuscatoUea. lid plb Parramatta Lime Juice, 10d per bottle throughout; this country "aswell as oa soriie HIGH STBEiST, CHRISTCHUKCH. Kasp, Pineapple 8735 FlntßtCaHfornianMu3catelleff,in2lb boxes. Is Assorted.CordiaSa,-Lemon, parts of the Continent. Deliveries of home&o.,ll<ipor-botUe. 6deacn bores, 8d Kerosene, 63 and 63 0d per tin grown wheat have been on a fairly liberal Finest Californian Mnscatellea, In lib " ;Tc y seated feut .the condition ha-? not altogettesic Insurance Compdhies. Flneat New Figs, 8d perlb leach Jams, 5dper tin, is 6d doz TSAS-As our Teas are so well known in Chri3tchurch, it is needless for us to say more been satisfactory, while values have further WSaJOMiIi.VIA.Xj UNIUiN Ji.tiSUUAJSVB. VKJM bout them than that wearegiving especially good value at presentia-fckem. receded, the Imperial averages for the past PANY LIMITED OF (LONDON). PROVISIONS..;,, respeciively 34s 10d, 33s " .",.-*. lour weeks being 32s FineatAkaroaCbeess,sd; Qnaif'a Finest Bacon, Capital, £2,500,000. J 3d per quarter. lOd, 33s Id, and Finest New PJymonth,6d ._'.'/ Quaifa Finest KoU.GJd The "spot" enquiry generally-has been 1 Supplies o£ Fieali Bdtterand Egg3daily. TEWERY•aescriptioiToTs'lßK and MARINE Quail'sFinest Hams, BJd exceedingly dull, the abnormally heavy JJ* BUSINESS accepted at LOWEST All otner goods sola at equally low prices. Oall and see and uronure a Price Llab." CURRENT BATES OP PREMIUM, supplies in granary md~ afloat- having eserTelephone No. 2a. is 195 and 197 iIIOH BTOVJBBT. The Addreaa Liberality Prompt Settled with and Claims cised a depressing effect on the market, in tude. CUFF and GRAHAM,consequence of which it has not been Managers for Cancerbory, v IOS Mancae* tee street. Christctnirao. practicable to maintain prices. Australasian wheat has suffered to a smaller estent than TORS ' fpBX other sorts, quotations for these receding fully Is per 4961btowards the middle cf the |tfSUKANC® indoth. In'view of the prospects of -a HEAD OFFICE-NORWICH. EN6LANR f&lliug off in shipments from America in the near future, most of the forward contracts &«!»».. havinginow been fulfilled,'a batter feeling has prevailed during the last few daye, an ■"'-' OOULIST-OPT'ICI A'N-S, ':' improved business haviag been transacted London, CAX.ctrri'A, and 281 and 283 Collins Street, MstßOtjaNS, §&%bi&w wvUv Losses Paid at rather better rates. and pfomptdtrnde BY APPOINTMENT TO H. E. THE MARQUIS Oh DU^ERIN/IBS-VIPBROY 'Oats—-Notwithstanding sdmewhafcliberal ; OF INISIA, &c, J, M. HEYWOOD and uO., arrivals, New Zealand sorts of good average v Cathedra!,square, Otiriasoharolt, HAVE APPOINTED -" -■ quality have met & fairly good enquiry at a Aseats£Qiro.3,aGoroiin?' '• reduction of from Is to Is 6d on the ■~ Tlm.ru Ag cG. / quotations ruling at date of our last JBWBLLEBS, 218 COLOMBO STBEET, -' ' circular, but ordinary and inferior qualities continue difficult of sate. The Gripen,on ■•. .SOLE AGENT EOB OEftISTCHXJEjQH. .•' •■ passage, has act yet been disposed of. The ©F AUBTRALABIA, Sight; of Testing (patent Cynisea, from Lyttsltbo^,with about 7,055 Who h&ve been thoroughly instructed Iv our system 4354), wnicn is now being universallyadopted* quarters, November B. L.>-is aow'on sale also, but buyers show httla inclination to AND M&T BE . . - r.Jr.-.Ficalc3,&c. l, j> " - 18124858 (JANUARY 1. •■■, con3anction with the Great Sale bow proceetUnfr. we have arrange*, to holtf a SPECIAL SALE of BLANKETS and FLANNELS On Personal Security, Bills of Safe, Mortgages, Interest under Wills. Or any tangible security of any kind. Having agents in XttstraHa aad London we are prepared CO Make Advances on Wills a •. . . Co & WINS AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, South British Chambers, tffBZTOBJ) tiTiUSicr CHRISfCHUROH « . BOOTS, GENERAL AGENT and LAtfD BROKER we U&dED ysdo-the Land Traaster Act, Prices, as provided -srersdoooat Schedule Sums of Money to Lead WtissAst. AnjrInterne. /Wst Rates of Sections forSale elaewhere. jfowlbSslitaKiJ'inwMja, Offices: scieec and Oxford terrace, fvseeref Armagh(close to the bridge). OzSSsteaurssh jn E°f Pre9aK jSIO to £10,0005, FLANNELS. ' ~ : CASHEL STREET. 203Opposite Whitcombe & Tombs. 8222 I n -- , . . • • , " '- ■ Buffitoess £fcti<£& "jt&DGER'S STATUTES" WHOIiTIiAW OF B&W ZBAI*&HO QKNESAL. SPECIAL SALE OF BLANKETS AND TcFHHiS~- IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE, . .."'.*' TO-DAY, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. asoa abOV IT In SUMS from j .ATKINSON. i 'j - money - ' ". IMPORTANT ANNODNGfiMENT. I i street. Ail trafisactians strictly corifieiea&aL j B g BULLER GORGB. (XSSARD aad LOUGHNAN, SoSelteis. retarnesd from a very met .Hereford street, Christcharcii, S««(S«ful MP 6,1 t 11? Camera | 72 and Southbridge. then up Rineea aad «• f Neisbawards, through the. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY OF THE BULLER. (Bos Si, P.Q.X, baring been exceptionaUy fine fcnre TfceW"j; iorCiu»ate enough ro secure a c «)aas Negatives of these lovely F a on-, t%% tl^''Rri w oar previously extensive j3!ES3 ra, y,e w3. Kovv ou Sale, las Boz. ' ~~ Hotel. Z*huqb granted oa persoualol a»y security, repayable by easy isss&luieata per arrangement. Bills discounted and renewed daily. Private'entrance, City HotelRisht-oZ. way, leading through from Colombo toCaebei etc Plaat fn atteQtion. Gloucester street. City gT current RATES, Quality Guaranteed. Wanted aconce. GfMO nhaffSacfcs Wβ- '' Barley, Split Peas, linseed Meal, andaU dea- c COWLISHAWeaa FISHER. Moaey Acconunedatiea ad a /CHEAPESTCity Cohen's I*oaa, Biscooßtaud Pswo Offices, No. 186 Colombostreet, adjoioi&s Pearl ffis^& * orders reesivejjrompt GARRICK, l/STE have several earns o£ HONES TO LEND, at 6 per cent* oa approved FRESHOLD SECURITY. WTNW-WILLIAMS and SOW. 6981 211 Hereford street, Qiri&eha&cb, MONEY. MONK¥- JSiONB*' """■ and «p«f?o 13UU Acooimre Prompt ! * cnwentrates. MONEY, ant | jjandAgent. '- to SUMS tram LEND, a*i Buslagag Hotieea. i-t waa TO ■»* aPJJMfis. oa Ap£9.500 l«/9t#vv *M» orovefi Security, at imresS 335 23n HEREFORD STREET. General Commission Hoase . ' the press '.Tuesday march 20 iss& : ' . , '' -, ** •■ * -. '.^!he : . • ■■ ..with" , , i I M«res* evidence <; •■■*:; ■■■ ■ .' ' Tbe Board then iuiloumodU' 4 SHIPPING. eeeoad For liyttelton ,'/ •* '' Ps__*_ o_ *.as Alook, for New Zealand M-J-CH. i>. -.6 _tot Quarter 14 Foil Moon ra Lust Quarter 2tf « ISewMooa Calculated .. ... _£e_& Time. H. _- 6 0 4 0 ~ Seiooa — Mr J. 1?«e; catsia—Messrg E. Sesger, We ¥/iiliacason, 8. Caapman ; steerage—Mr, Mrs Miss Gadd, Miss E, King, S-ir J. Sadd. and For WelHngt«a—Saloon—llSssiesF, Webb, P. Baldwin, J, Holmes; eecoad Messra 6rsy, J. -'Hamilton, A. Bast,- 3. Laird.' Fos Nsplts—St^es&se-- Ml-sa Oalaghaa, ; Woe -pieton^—Steevage^Ms Galbraitfa. W&t Gzeyxaoath—Second'cabitt —Miss E. Millingcon, Mr W. For -Aielson—-Second cabin—Mis® ;B*, BroKTQlzig. Wor Auoklaad—&coad <abiis —Messrs W.,Snm&, A. Bafson, C. Bigland ; steerage—Mr. Miss and Meisfer: Presland, Mf and Mrs Hoonan, Misses Nooaan (4), Master Hoorian, Ms.«. • ' 43a.m. _?wn 46a.u„* „&,_}. PORT OF LYTTELTON. WsAxntß Report—Monday, March 28. Wind, S.W., Clear sky. MrS.a.Bkingill. 9 a.m. noon. 5 p.m. 30-09 30.U 30.14 Barometer SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. 61 66 68 Thermometer ''-■-■V '■■■ OKBHtmoA, Maseli m Hiob Wateb—Tuesday, March 20. Sailed—T&kaptma, s.s., for the Soatb. i.28 ; evening, 4.M. Passengers—Meadames Pssebble, Birch* ■ Morning, Brown, aad Cooper, Misses Milne* Lake, Son rises, &i7a.m. ; sees, 5.54 p.m. p.m. 6.33 sets, a,m.; Birch, and KeUy. Pastor Birch, Messrs S, o\3o rises, Mooa M. Baker, J. J. Neave, C. S. Wright, F. Aitfceh, J. Bigg, H. Faltoa, Master GUI, WEATHER FORECAST. u the Canterbury cricket) team, and tea w Captain Edwin telegraphed to Captai the steerage. Shsk yesterday as follows:—lndications WffiLiNGTONs Mareli 28. strong north-east to north and west pas., Tarawera, for MelSailed— jrindsand a_>o for rain; glass fail again JLA _JU_ i - SPECIAL" GREAT IMPORTATION OF ' BI*ANKETS. :-\,"■ . . . ~ PURCHASES LABQK OF LOCAL MANUFACTURES UNUSUALMf •,.- •. At Wonderful Frioes for the Coming Winter. HITHEBTO I TEfi LAKGB3T KANGE <0F QX7AIJTXES EVEBgKIIH*AT,VALUES '* ' '\\ UNHEARD OF. r;. ,j : J\ " * Sea Sallowing onotatioas and seed tor samples:— - - ' ■ i ■ J ' 9-4«bs., -. mm ii ' Bs6a»erp»ir Salldperpair 10s9dperpair Ils6dpsppaiir ' , - tii , I2s6dperpair 13s6dpee pair 14s6d per^pak 15s 6d per pair l®s 65 per pair 21s per pair ' ~ .1 ' "A i ~.„ i , ' i /- IWIUMIIMI • , <** Extra Large, Three Quarter, or 10-4szß. Fall Double, or 12s6d per pair lTfegdWifftialr 24a6dperpMr 22a6dpernair 29s6dperpaur 3Sapersair 2Ss6dperpair 45sper,pair 14s 9d per par16s 6d per pair 17a 6a par pair 19s 6d pevpair per pair 20a 64 pw pair : " , 11-4eusa; „ « 184.cc. * , j- 27s 63 per pair 19s 6d per pair 21s6dperpair 25s6dperpair 27e6dp©rpair 35e par. pair Aesivkd—March 27. * jjrunner, s.s., ■ 3&» 6d per pair ', , •* 'If*"'T , Arrived—7.4o a.m., Sailed—s.3o p.m., telton.: Sailed—6.4s V.m., telton. telton. .: . . :. ■ Jr--:' 1 ONE HORNSJBY'S THE NEW DAYISJ i srs COMBINED' : I TEJS WORLD'S CHAMPION. Waratea, tcom Ljt- Eotoraa, for LytBttWF, M«reh 28. Maxaroa, for Lyt- COMMERCIAL. *_.. aUu by Messrs H. S« Fitter and Sons report da ifebruary; 20th that—"The Aoracgi, the first ship subject to the nevr clause Iα HUDSON AND C 0., the Bill of Lading, has just finished disDIRECT IMPORTERS, charging, and we are glad to * say the 80 COLOMBO STREET, CHRIBTCHURCH condition of the meat generally was very satisfactory. A few claims were made SAXLEB—Mareh 28. ■ for badly broken legs and for some few 3runner, s.s., 540 tons, Waller, for carcases damaged by ice, htsM we have Wellington, Nelson and Westport. Union much pleasure in saying there were no Steamship Company, agents. -. . ,. , '• . >! . CO.*S' \ SONS, COLOMBO STREET ,- ; ', . aoftsheep,7353 • •-.-, CBBISTCaXJBOH. Omapere, s.s., 601 tons, Phillips, for Dunedin via Timara and Oamaru. of GOLD and SILVSR DAILY MEMORANDA—Tues, Mar. 29. B* ABGS STOCK Union Steamship Company, agents. watches, r ■Crest of tha Wave, 58 tons, Cameron, Ali* BHBEPOWNBBS AUCTIONS. JSWSLLERY, DIAMOND GOODS, &a, lor Stewart Island, in ballast. J. B. Way, DESIKECL'EA.N FLOCKS, Matson and associated with H. Co.. the agent. Xβ eonfitaatly beias angmeESed by Imports.. •■.". National M.A, Co., of N.Z., Limited, Wool ia the Best CondltioH, With the at their Booms, at 2—Sugar. HSW AND CHOICE IMPORTATIONS, ■ SHOULD USB i *' * Akaroa—Prom Akaroa—-31 sks seed, 27 Todhunter, Jennings and Co., at Lincoln, xaseacheese, 1 bale skins, 3pkgs. sag a All Articles mnr&€S in plain Sgpre?, at 12—Farm property, live-' and dead Idberel purck&saa, allowed on cash , Cbroydon Lass—From Waitapu-S4,OOotft aU Dissoacs stock. "timber. THE GREAT AMERICAN SHEEP* DIP. Agantafcs? MEETINGS,- __fl7_____l!l_v &».'.': Lily—Prom Greymouth—so,oooft Umber. ■ jji-" :...\i-- ■• JB, DOMBAAIH, 53,000f6 Kaipara CO.'Q Prom LAZARUS and ■ ■ Be-anee—• Christoburblt. Gloucester street—Circus. -..,.' ©13 '7-'-.'"'.~ timber. Chamber of Commerce—Chess Club, at 7. PATENT SPECXALXTS SPECTACLES, Dunedin—From Napier—ll66" sleepers, Canterbury CollegeFootball Club*—at &.-.:; 10 crates. A New Systsm of messoriag, adjastang, c&3 _,'■'"."■'"' -."-",.' Sydenham Bifle Volunteers Meeting, Brunner From Dunedin —4 cases •■•*■ at & *-''~'' 1 ■' ; '■• ■.-•■ ""■■'•"■ '-; ;? esßßsins psrleob visioo, 'tobacco, 1 qr-cask wine, 94 chests tea, 428 mats sugar, 22 boxes soap, I. hhds, 2 MAILNOTICES. ranges, 30 cases blue, 5 bdls iron, 88 bars do, 1 bale paper, 10 casks oil, 10 drums do, Mails close fo? the following places as SO tins, lead, 43 cases, 47 pkgs. From Oamaru—l23 bales wool. Prom Akaroa— tmder, eiabjccti to the nece&s&ry aiteratioiae :■— SB cheese, 203 eases do. (TOE NEW RAINPROOF LADIES' DRESS Omapere—From Wellington—B7 cases TUESDAY, MARCH 29. _7 boxes and butter, 44 cheese, 91 boxes SERGE, For Donedin, per Tarawera,atll.lo a.m.5 pkgs sundries. Prom Blenheim—lbox. late lee letters, 11,20 sum.; guard's van* :. | 12.10 p.m. train. WHJ.KOTSPOT. EXPORTS. For Kaikoara, per Wakata, at 3 p.m.; ...Penguin —For Wellington—Us cases NOT SHRINK, WILL p.m.; guard's letters, van, late fee 3.15 fruit, 9 pkgs ranges, 2 cases brandy, 4 v ■ '■' axle arms, 73 sks onions. 1 bicycle, 11 sks 4 p.m. train. NOT AFFSOTED BY SEAWATER, For Northern Forts, pc? Botorua, at BREWEJSS seed, 60 do beans, 2 bales leather, 1plough, 4,29 p.m.; late fee letters, 4.85 p.m.; A. fell wage og these SSeautiful Seizes ts be 6 sks salt, 2 cases bacon, 1 box candles, 1 FAVORIT® CHRISTOHUEOH keg nails, 7 bales bay, 37 eases, 5 trusses; guard's van, 5.50 p.m. train. had from '■• 19 pkgs. For Nelson—Bo boxes soap, 5 WEDNESDAY, MARCH. SO. 'SPASKUtNQ "sks seed, S pkgs. For Pa-tea—2 cases. and Continent ol Kingdom, ForUnited Fort? ■For Foxton—l4 bags seed, 3 pkgs. via Briadisl, Point de Galle, •Picton—7 sheep, 1 pkg. For New Ply.Tobe obtained in China, Japan, &c and also mouth—s sks seed. For Wanganui—2 India, Australian Colosies, per express HOGSBKADS, BARRELS ANB ; CHRIBTCHUBCH 'AND TQSARU. for jbicycles, 7 cases, 13pkgs. -For Blenheim connect with s.s. Tarawers sfc Fort —16 drums dip, 3 sks seed, 6 pkgs. For (to Chalmers), follows:—Ordinary as letters, All * Hokitika—4 pkgs. For GreYmouth—B &t 10.30 a.ol. I late fee letters, 10.46 BREIYERT cases fruit, 45 fire bars, 13 pkge. For a.m. j guard's van, express, 12 a.zo. Note— jpaHBSSTOHTJRCH : jam Napier—l plough, 11 pkgssundries. This mail will be due in Londoa on May <U •'..'• bales Saikoura—2 Jane Douglas—For DRAUGHT "TOR AT 1892. PRINCIPAL 02$ cornsac-s, 2 hhds ale, 5 eases kerosene, 17th, Northern ports, per Mangana* For at SS bdls standards, 27. pkgs. -..-. p.m.; Iste fee letters, 4.35 p.aau; Brunner—For Wellington—l 2sks onions, 4.20 5.50 p.m. vaa, train. guard's 1 pkg bacon, 26 eases fruit, 25 sks bran. AFSIL L For Wanganai—l6 bales hay. For BlenGreymoath—3B For heim—ll bags salt. For Chatham Islands, per Kahn, afe7.43 scks onions, 3 cases cheese. For Westport p.m.; late fee letters, 3 p.m.; gaord'e Tan, have JUST OPENED a First-class -"•I", scks potatoes, 6 scks grass seed, 5 2jotc£ p.m. train. «aces bacon, 5 scks meal, 30 do sharps, _i Eos South America, United Kingdom 2203 AND PSNTa m QUARTS ./ WATERPROOF COATS, do oats, SO bags fionr, 30 scks do, -Specks aad Continent of Europe per s.s. Doric, Large Sizes, with Slesvaa and Besg Capes., pollard, 11 do onions, 10 do wheat, 1 calf, as follows:—Ordinaiyletters, at 7.45 p.m.; Alee, i. late fee letters, 8 p.m,; books and newsWakatu—For Kaikoura—lߧ6rams, 40 papers; 7.30 p.m.; money orders, 4 p.m.; A FEW SILK OPERA CLOAKS. pkgs. 25 cases kerosene, sugar. mats registered letters and parcels, at 5 p.m.: ~ Y&rs lightia weight. guard's van, 9.5 p.m. train. This mail will -The Jessie is hourly expected torn be due in London on 12th May. Edithbarg, L.A., with a cargo o£ salt for U Su Ek Mi £A> k 1 I3j :-. THIS "Messrs Berry and Company. man street, . i'he s.s. Brunnei*, Captain Waller, arINGS , LAEGBSP rived at 6 p.m. las& night. Left Danedin ■>■'■-■ ■ NewOveffcoafeaftd Akaroa on the 25th iastaut, Titnara 23th, ia Boys'CtotMng AND . Hew Styles fine Mokdat, Mabcs 28, oa 27ta. at 12.45 p.m. Experienced and New Hosiery and Gloves and Ties weather' throughout the passage, J"ob CHBiSXOHirsca Meesrs J. EdCHOICEST NewSeatves IBS PARIS ;T i.U08, --'j, New Collars and Shirts arrived as above. ™~,j wards, P. Franklin, F. &. Floran, J. C. STOCK NewFlexible Feic Mats arPhillips, Omapere, Captain OPENED A BRANCH e£ Ms Dbq Tha s.s. W. Osley, M. A. H. Walden, ~ Barrett, G. New Soft Felt.Hats edla SstablisbmeJat ia tha well-knowa Xt«ed at 12p.m. last night with a general Mrs W. J. Piper, Mr B. Driimmond, wife Tjravelliag'aod otheff SVSB New <CaiMi' ttisea In Hfe'lJ.-. s&eetj opposit-a Wallace board. She child, Mr, Mrs, Miss and Master eesteo and the'Frisco mails on New"Bibles in Boys' Caps and Co., Chemiats. He considers to do justiso leilTWellington afc 7 a.m. on Sundaymorn- and SHOWK Ne-5? Bags and Umbrßllas Steele, Mrs Barley, Messrs W. Hutchison, By GITINQ AN SXTSU. PAlfi Public t»the ing, having met; with a fresh norch-easfcHon. C. £». Bowen. OF TBOUSaBS WITH EVERY* SUIT. , ,BX Vβ* 'erlj wind and fine weather, and arrived as Fob TniAjm—Ms G. Sichardson, Miss The Preseac Display of Spring "Stales and Walker. Noveltlea ia of ranuyual magaifioeacs, M. &t>ove. Bemstoa has spared,ao efibrs fea urosups the The Wellington Evening Post o£ Friday very latest pcedcstioss of the Sagllah and which Xnßpeoiioa Mapu, -wsufe invited. yachb ■gays:—The " VISITORS TO Continental markets. His saleotioa is a; very CHRISTCHURCH. ashore at Thorndon on Wednesday aiizhfc, iarge and varied gatcerns so ehoeae this HAIiJINSTEIN BROS., was floated cif aboufe I o'clockoff :; from. To dress w@li &■■>& score a success, m life, e 'Hoxsii.«Mr;J. '£velt^--Jttn.; WABSsa to liaul her at Esta,bliehmeat,' 1 Tallcriag go efforts to tiha'Paris wherd Eaoyiiiag. All Thos.■ 'Goverdalei a good fit is guaranteed ia ths iatssft style or blah water yesterday were unsaocessf al, ChieajKO,'j U.S.A.s--Mr, Miss €i i-Br f,jl Ttoara recurned, ■■; Brind,: Melson;: money Harman end it was only after Mr B. E. CluififcosiTirolJ» under Mattel,'H&nover; Mr Carl ZoaJJer, -Aoek* and others h&d placed empty casks AN EXTSA PAIR OF TROUSEBS Mrsj and..-Master-Cliesney» ,- ALES, LOWEY, this mom.- land; tier bilge that she was Soated strength 6 $iiren Saifc, ■ ■ ia with of Hokifcika; Mk li. 0, Pareto, Welliasfcoai Ina, To give an idea ot the Beighmaa* WelllarfoB; E. Mr E H. that Mr may it be mentioned her timbers, welUogton; Mr J. A. Pike, although she w&3 considerably bumped Kilsoar, • -IMFEBIAL BOOT BEPOT, Mr J. W. Bunby, BIBBS about after going ashore, she has not WeiiinKton; 107' OASBBIt STSISf. > G. Mr H. Statham, Dunedin; Mp 'XI toa: making and is not COMPANYOF -HSW ° sprung a single plank, HARRIS havfrur received hi® Fiswt Bleiboarns Mendel"fTST" j Mr L. W. W. Caponj ;© drop of water. ©I AUTUMNand -WINTSiS We' Shipment capital &%m,m.i sohn, Daaedia; Ms H. D. Levinsohn, Stoapelra eadDuko of WestminaGOODS; ex i Aackiaad.; Mr and Mrs Fox and son, FAPI-UP CAPITAL sad 4? 91 A ftftfl ter, is aow offering a fine assortment of all PASSENGERS R.M.S. ARAWA. Waikari; Mr Jaa. Patcerson, BaaediQ; IQualities of of sfca?e!ioM®ra. "Willi BniiifflitedilaMll!# Ms? Gaorge Isoadoa; BOOTS AND BHQSS Xilon, Following are the passengers booked ps? Mc Alex. Firsasd Miariaonska of all kinds ®s®s®s/s& "Adapted," "X" In ••Pinetto,"aaid"Beetive," Mesopotamia; M*, at lowest cwrentratep, &.M.S, Arawa, which sailed from London, McMillan,Basny ©tSiss raakess atpslces twatensKHJfi, Park; Mr and Mrs Gassidyj A. corasr Manager. ii43.efy,comcetiKoB« February 19th:— Buildiags, of CasSiel aai child, Queensland ; Mr ©rainAgeaey High streets, ! JJI deeetionoQS of Boots and Sboss made t<4 First saloon—-For Teaerifffe—Mff H. B. jDmsnmond &na Bargains :—Men's Stroag "Fox. Mr Osbara Fuller, Mr Joha Gane, HMvilla Gray, Tisaara | Mr MfccheJls Safe-ageats thg§ngl3u?®& tto fEOflsca, Sea mease?©,at special 10s 6i, it-:iflies' Svsning Shoes as DonediQ. Shoot6?3 P. M. «. Blrs Gane, Mr B. C. Coode, Mr « » » and, Mrs Mkad© Silppata at & Sd. Ladled F.ngEeli ML Hotel—.Colonel at Day, Miss TsßSStHtrs Mrs Canaeher, Conacaer, Miss Oaiopd SSjoea 'sc fs. Parcels £orwarfied by Day* Mr W. 3>. Mass Thomson and valet, Creagh, London; Miss Creagh, Losdon; Faroes S*osbt4»feDXpare of colsjfly. Adteas— J. Cresghj London; Master 3, W. HAREIB, Miss Toloile, Mr Thos. More!, Miss Master j Mr J. T. M, TwoHiey, DSMTA& Imserisl Boos Dfipot, ■' •MeNafr., Mr E. W. Kobsrfcson.Mraßobert- C?refi,glJ, Loadoa THE -, CSHRISTOmmOH Temuka; Mi? James Willie, Auckland; STRBfeff. ... m Wi&W&h SORSSBr,-, «on, Mrs Logic, Mrs E. Lucas, Hr Wm. He Walter Bowles, Wellington; Mr sad Corner ~o£ Caahel and. Mgh stress. Dr. F. Belbsa, Miss Butler. Mrs Butler, G. BichasdTiniara; Mr E. Mrs flavlocfe, MOHE-g McGiilSH3E iKVSSXMKHT ©a -darka, For Capetown—Miss Llojd, FseeSiOldEesrariEy. downey, Mr A. D. Bobinson, Mr soa» Wellington; Mr and Mrs R, D, BobmsoQ,. Mr T. L. M. Ca?s- Sydcey, Hew South Wales j Mr A. w. a o. n. meares, gUB&JSON -,■ DENTIST^; Mff Jooa Satoiifie, wrfshf.MfesCartwrlsht. ForSlclboarne— Gvsrea, Duaedia ••' SoUeitor, and Sirs Mr England; Haddersfield, B. Mrs Ogefitlag Fos, Fos, J.Trevor added to tkeir EssMasd WWA"VS MrQ. Ccates, Mr 55 ®3S Gloucester street. ; White, G. lATSST SCSISMIiIIO Mr W. Young, W$L-hslbeteMev Masssrece aad Dansdin Sxe J. Viseounfe P. Bryan, :Mr iaPFIiIANOBS from Sugl&aS -an4 "Amertm, Ferrard, Mr S, B, Sha-er. For Sydney— WaagaauL Testa aaa Wests Habz Hoteu —Mr J. B. eoa&liDg-taieim cottsteKst Misses Taylor and Baaean, For Auckland on w& H©Wese Psinaiplss edapttog: Falßaera'ooa; Ms? 25 Jackson, Beattires —Mr Harold Swithinbanfs, J.F.,and Talec. Black, them, to the moatb wlfthos&paSa, H@si:&arami Meant; Somers; liana, I»awreac©; Mr For Port Chalmers—Miaa Boekea. For Is appssrsEco, dara'als, &a 4eft. fcke .Soas dufcha; Mr W. M. Todd, Moderate Cost,' WanganttE—Mr Geo. Bollard, Br, John Mr Jones. Inch Jameo Fisher, Sytlaey; Ms O-sakis Mr Besley. fceitca.MrW.P. &T aaBQBBDnniL'S' ,low. A SiBrGtWASTIKGAI. TOOTS, SSs.' Sydney; Mr X. Adaois, Secondsaloon—For Tenenffe—Mrl<Tank S. F. Gaslick, fcomo^-MQli^. Mr G. O. Monfcro3e, Australia ; COMPIiISTB SET Sarsoa. For Capetown—MrE. Broagfafcon. Sydney; Mr G. and P.a and Masters 'SQfPSON AHB WILLIAMS'. "For Melbourne—Mrs Is. M. Smith, Miss Mrs, Miss« Class WorkSBHteaifeaed. Cireas; Ms- Lams, Smith, Sir A, A. Smith, Ms L. Wirth (2), Wirth's High eJseafe €laiistslißrclu H©w Ms Wright, Yoskj taaS to afoß sat aSassb Mr Sydney; fsplaeefeS'jasss For •"We ? "Aiaerley s Mrs Gwsndoliuo Nelson. Myra KembSe Company. immediat-ely affces teeaj as feai, Clairj St. Charles ACCOUHI ra.d slfies, H. Macquera, •Sydney—Mr .wQiasui r©-sa<Ki®l agala tssst &® CosES'a Honffi. —Mr Qcorga Kettle- .stamp Biiodiagfj kaps Iα s?o£k. SpsciiU roliags Wtt&ley. For Hobarfr-Mr *. G-. escm'chatge wheiaev^r'aeossßaxT 'out Bradford; & £©w da^s notice Hong made to order at Watooa, Mr Kocg; Mainwell, Piaat, For Fort Chalmers—Mrs J. Painless Estxaotions by the aid o2- Hits©® ISK VSLOPSS—iUi sizes and qualities, from Kellf( Yorkshire; 'Ostf&e land. Miss M&idand, Miss M, llaitland, Mr and Mrs Bawson -<ffiaa adnadnaetenS; &m3&* Wm~'tas' cheap circolarto tho Bestiianci.-jaaae Bunedia; -J» Ateet* .Mr Mr sa; Bscmcaoa, Sd, C. Admimstratioa, Murray, Miss J. Cuminshaici. *&o various tea&s saw fesisg ■Mr M. Mrand l&s MscCrackeßj Haylaad, Hcs?3 oiattaadaaee 9 a,m. to 3jp.M. used,from Ispar paskeS to theEes& HandJ?or Auckland—Eev. W. H. Johastor,, Mra Blair, PattersoQ, Oamara; iieat.« Casfe; D. Mr Johnston, Miss Giadya Johnston, Miss Residence, India i Mr. and SUNDAY at aai -FASOMMSHIS-Ml Miss Colonel Ellisfcon, Jfttrie Johnston, Mr A. J. Nprkett* Mrs E. N. Senior,' England ;• Captain OASEMi SfBSET. OOBNER OF BJSBAtiie alsos aseti, &esded TMs Baed and Plymouth— For New ; Annie Glrvao." •' Plate STREET* ■ DOES Danedln; Mr P. ■ Campbell. AadaSsoa, Special lEdttka of For Lytteltozi—Mr G. •H. Aiss S. DI&EIBS, fffl Bsrretfe, Edlnbasgli; Mr G. J. Hamlifeja, sg& Ho. Is conMdsssa tfca bssfe. Ail Surges? We. letts* Biarlsa Teles&oas— Fairlie Fairlie Creek; Sfi A. H. McLsan, ;: Blta»ao«ritoStq6is.__i..._ ..L..._ i l l fOT Third salcou—For Capetown—Mp Sana. MrßolliEfc, Ashborton. Pooley. For TownsTille—Mr T. Headra, Greek; alel■Mr C. Stick, Mrs M. Diamond. Forair PIAMOa FIAMOSo H. VISTORAT THEHANMAR boarae-Miss Mary Sommerfiela, Hy. J. SPRINGS. Mr Eodgkrosoo, Hodgkinsoii, Mr Thoa. Hodeklnson Mr Wm. Hudson, The following is a list of visitors at the; Xernan, Mr Win. Crawford. Mr Samuel *w> WfViTI?Tie For Sydney—Mies Nelson, Miss A. Ryan, Hanmer FMhs Hofc Springs for the week ■|J AHB Mary Percy. Mr H. Bernaseoni. Ms- iLLtrsd ending.March 27fcii s—MessrsH. Manning,; J. Guild, W. Mclseod, p. Bay, B, Shaw, Thos. Mcfiatyre, James Wilson, Mr F. S. S. Bl»ekbanie, Fefcer meCoasMeik, W.]I ■-CoUedge. For Porfe Chalmers Cooper. Miss 3. Cooper, Mr J. BleCasron, A. Low, Joha McArtlias ,-'W.'--Hyde,-A.; BODING -PBBSBMTS.TBBTZZ For Tajlor.'T. H. Laew, Joseph Weeto, A.' BPKQ&SI* QiJOTATIQHS TOE "SSB Geddee, Mise Mary MOHIAIA BIAMOK© ©BOBS, H. Wiliacy, Mr J. Sloan, .H.-- Wssber* Tfeoa. Bsnrifct., .J. UalF, ■Jγ.. SGHJQMvWe 6-Q-GIB WWEMSRS PIsATB Wm. ifctchen, Mr ,M. Peterson,-' H. C Strlpfcon, A. B.BEy®afc,' Ms C, Snaitu, SirGaffney, from ISaglaad. Tit.9 bsst; Ms- A. SlaCTire. B* Pavldsoß, J. Herd, Meßdameaßatefeer, lEiaJCHffa Use oM BRAHBi; Wife sad Bf--Istasb ssetltols to GaSiey, Miss M. teilsscsia cas® Hall, Lahmerfe, 3". Patesv For Wellington-Mr J. Sidebottpm, Mr J. Bege, Weston, I»sncß, Bern "W.B. Campbell, GGH!HOira "Finfcag© €%t&3&S3 B. son, J. Konis, Mr Fred Moore. Mr PatoceKerS. Byres, Bobert Erwia, Mesdames Flyaa, Hestor, rfsh Miss Maivßrosnan, Miss Nswi GI«KHCAIIUf WHISCT. WATOSMASSB "F. 23L <$h® ■ IXZBBCT HtPOETER, Mr B. Croaley, Mr A. Oilijw, F. Baldwin, T. GOSSHS 1 <|> <|» Et®S Mr C. Groorabridf?*, gaXtVAaad ASD JBWELLBR, ;D. Misaee' Edi& 'Pyoe, A. -Bryast, New G. Bison: For -*� «ts> ««S»» <� <«SB> G4iBSIiKEJIBfWSST, GHMBTCEURC3E At Suuaniajs,'B.-Stewart, M. 3. Chamberlain,/ Cor, M? J. Vicary. F«r Aapier—Ma FORT ■ nWflpT For t'isr.^riie—iiv George Patfci- £&nee,'G» BaKeSt, M. McEredy, Batcher. jtetdSk t^. nr ~ feakes for week assl CIMESS Jffi feh© Tawar KSBT L. O* Fmell, Total asmter of imlMs SHiVA Auckland-Mlee m ; Dry Bodda. laa.-.";-.-.■■"■■ ■■■■'■ ■'■■•■ Bale SHSSET USB OSBI "• -■' Mrs E, iioaoran, MrB. , I3OSENS Esfim Dry BHIEBY 'Xesaerii PASSENGERS PER THETONGARIRO. MONEY. BAVANN&B ' ' .--. — -- : " - .G. CQATES & : —: : ' • -- I I GARBOIi ORTSTAJU ' ' ' 218 COLOMBO STEEBT; . - - ' _ .. - - ' ' EXPRESS. — " , : .-• ~, ' -. * .. .. , - :' " .. - ' .. , " ' ; ii-'e s s rs"""'lß[y; b;b-s, ,. • . • ' "FACTORT,. <' _ • • » - • • ■ % •MrK ' — ' , : * F«■ - : - : : MSfIBfISto.OSS I SHeWdß* 'SBBSSSMS a raoMi|. The following is a Hat ot thepaaaeueeKS which aznvea at Fer& ser the Tongariro, on Friday nigßfc:— J.D.Wil?lrir ForDunedin—Saloon—MrsGall wallop of "Walker, Mr I sscosa Mies S. H.Squire. Gasnaya—ssupoa For Mr «~Jkiv, Smith, Mrs aad Miss Smifca. ©master, SoMeioer aad STotast? PaMle. ; ' ikk&tiaßtMi , ' ' * MAS ' 'SJL ' •, : . ', , , ' ' SHOWING, . * SPAOSUTEHNGERNS PER WB , , .- ,. , '• , WEEIP'ETI^ R"W..-B«PJBB4-pO. • ' 2S4S—CMas, Csyloa, osd ladiaa. - GiTEEBsIE SQUABE, ' _ __ -- t wTtHO¥PB'OH. - , .. ©UAEAKSio " , J - POBE, Caapaw QaaHtr* ,: 'WBntx'Vßuat asacanpAHi,; : v — . ' " " - OASES NEW GOODS, NOVELTIES FOR THS SEASON. - ' s BEST DRESSMAKING, 12s 6D* SHAW, ROBmSON fe CO., THE HALL* High stseeit Chrletchurch. - TOCORRESPONDENCE. Owing to the demands on our spaca a number of lattsrs to the editor are held over. BIRTHS. Bbal.—On March 23th, at Eyreton, the wife of Mark Be«l of a son. BsiOE,—On March 22ad, at London street, the wL?s of J. T. Brice of a Lytteltosa, ■ .•, SOB, MARRIAGE. <Joo»wrw—ELMstis.~On March 24th, at St. Paul's Mane©, by' the father of tbo EdWardt-Mal&bj Goodwin? at briSei of the late Cracrolt, third ,, ' son Frauds . oLLlyecpool, to Sophia John Catherine, second 'daughter' of the Eev. ■ ..'John' Blmslie. M, mlalstte.' 'of :■§!, ; Paul'® Church, CJiristcharch. . k >■ , , ,' or between v«\.v>]'3 ii' u .•;,, r " land,'buli it ia aLa cir^'u I'.i/i---communication bciv.v.'a d'..i ""„', land, it beinj n».c>v:r,v, '. !«ad (with tho c-icepuo-i <.c tioa over opoa pi-ji,-;.') , ,-, elevation in order to r-J(;'» itself. At B*ja, iiom c'jm!UUAioi.tc distance, and ; an oli v.^ ..-1 stncj tin: uliht'': suffiowatly high, c:m S\ U;vJ ]■; the saasts 0? shii-;, t v-r. sh o •, ;> , Tas pcwsibilitiea of -' - •, commuuicaticn l Londoa and New York without : mentioned. If, says the writer, r <were sibat up to ft great height 01. with a condenser and held to tho csV a ropo in which there was a strand w and another similsrly equipped %,--•■■ npjkt XoQ<ion» a circuit woek! thronjjh earth and air without tho 1 wires for transmission, through ' messages .couid be flashed at c < t ■ • ' .. ' " , ' • .. ' — " „..// .6ERMAR AStfAIBS *„• 5 epeed thin his .- e?et been S • ... ... ' Lγ of the earth's socSmq. It, trite.', bul it is itapoasibb allpsioa • " s, - . , ,, < . , • • ' .. v. J • ' « ,, " , v , , ' J0 1, cosßiaiiUj.*! c£ > ,* k > ,11 i.-,■*;,? . .. - " • > < . ': , , " * t ',i;,."J;0.:, *..• constitcitioaal Ia -> -' bstS t T/b.O lifts*! CJi '•j future arCiele we puooose to gi¥o as t*Me'iifee etry'ti ■ -. * „ < of the sehomoj %a& cnc!oa?(tiir Ac«&iedillf; l-o Ie;, > «t»io f n "i. to weigh its m@m& &td demerits. ;ho ' had jrovfiA ti-jtwj ,, , r « __ ■ • «»- » - THEDAY. OF NEWS _ .. . — - , *_ , , 1 - • _ "" , I I 1 > ' ,, •, ' ' ,' • MENT. , ' .. '-" '" ,, ' , ••' - 1 - ' ''*"• J, •, ■... . , >> to } , ■ other system. Att that k new.; v. -"j is to locate the coadensora at v f,J.''.: height fe> 6vorooasß the t-.mv WHOTSOB MUEBBB—THB « JACK THB, RIPPER* 9HEOB¥-i Othftr^stros.'TWH'■'«"••j (i '*"f TOPIHCFSE DAY. "SVHOASfS CARIEB IN' AUS- ■ 6gftfc W '11-CHTO Oad I'liS^,-",, f .„■ TRALIA...VB&nj, hnb suv>t a floi cl i. ,'. DEATH OF WALT WBITK&S «," fi tixpedteth. nothing "Bpssaxa h.% that m fasMSKCcI by this- ckunplou ;. ANGLO-NEW Z&ALA2H) COM* MERCIAL NOTES a %s,t®p arid aro Hkoly to jji'ovk'v ».-„,, 6 for h® efcall»©t be dis&jjwiafced/* ia CANTERBURY GOHiEftB BOARD' role a w.fea esfiag, feu& V&eso ii at least <<n© with all the *goi<i filling •* h-. •" .„ 3 ao&a la the mdkl £o> whoiu .ffe.enus-fily somo time. OF'GOVERNORS ,CRICEBT EHGLAH© v AITS* doss aoii apply, its, loaf es ISJlsos li'rca .„ TRALIA..* «.•■„. 6 woslimUespees'feasli woadeto ife© OVEBIiAHB TRIP TO MUjFOSB ani faoiisfj afc bis srcaord cne Maa* .„ .„ ,„ SOUND 5 .ALLEGED DAMAGE BY WHIXa „ ,• 6 fiads theto erwy jmiifllcwtloa lor thafc Jfe;» Tv"/?s IForM gives MIKINOHEWS 6 espectatioa. fiao accosafc ©*? Cat t?ms4%> latest invention an § LETTERS TO THB EDH?OR .« fall for February ai C<\ ■•" t® a practical issae. wMelij, i£ espied I.6&inch; iho be&vJysi a!; Kfi*** ■ will protest atsmsa His at saa fco &n enorm* 21.02 iiiskes. which fcde* ous extent. It- is a system ,! -, c"3 Ia tl.e gsspModoiaias.sis&ti©3 saa fea carried oa has bean set asulo for extension of tba UU j> shore sMpa '•• at end the betwc&ii sMpa sea* system. Press. The oa distant poiats of laud, sad this sabsoAiiiiEOSD itAMCxotrs Pre;.- h lutelj without the aid of wires. A cas« la is Bnderstood Uxuu a n'l,! 5 t prosecafcioa 11 , I ~.' TMU2 ESRDCAHY, 9,1892. girea of the tsss to which the invest, or maliciour upoK Mr Georgi. Cone, but.a ';'*, [ ETVHIOLSPFARGTY OVERNooaid h® fHi& ia mid-Atjlaatic. It is sup- at the instance of S* l>. .-. " , posed that all ttie ships afloafe sre fitted I fcbe result o! a ptfl^onfci' We referred bde% the ®%hm day to with the proper apparatus. An ocean [ latter for cafcfclOMksah , hu, v the KJsnifeal impexfeetleas 'of the li&er down,, sad may slak unless sreceafclj. —4u JkucVKsrl ®%st@ia ©£ pairty ia H©w Essisfaace srn¥«g qpk&ky. Hot a ship is Fsßso^Aa.' tbo pa".a»ft t"!- ?*;* ! Zealand! bufe ia om article ire ea- ia sight's bsfc aa oferafcoi? skilled ia fihe to-day (Monday) pn*> Fu" ; " ;. 'deavoufoi ratlisff to asesrtefs about fco U&K-3 chs ttt \\ «''.! •> ■ of Mora© chamofceira xnanipathers »0 m&texials far the fonaafcioa lataa a toy located terrace B«pti ?t Oα h; -."., 01' /' ia tlie chart and v & K'-»s <>? c "'" of real parties foet® tltaa to dlstsass gained iau.'jy ~ :i°,.s." .i' the larger emestioa ©2 Its saesifea. tha Big&ilS'Sar© taransmittedto a ship a'a&j ability, AuoH.in'l. ia l Qn, this- orciifilois wo propose to dowa bolow tho Itomoa. This %*mi<e\ sta> "Litn<l3 Itoi.o i' A«:fii."f '. pesliapa 'sailiag ,smali & is "ico elups oag f<; {,«. <:;.-, ; -alaqe before readera reasoaa why oi , hi fu< r ',, tß."1 ." a ledeag efibft should ba made t© BBsaE to sender any aestiteaot\ I»mt spoon v Dob v?p.s ' oMiuaN-"! t»» ' solto febe pf&blsm as sppled to the sli® trojfa her signals astii tlsej eie© ifiijusctiou @aoth@B by (SMtghft vessel somewEere coloay. ia. deing so, wa proposa 'to Lewi / deal with tha questioa .quit© apart OTtMa s> »4iaH of» saj» tbfaty ualea, aad "Littlo miseoa aad %/ii*iOr.sp:s. '&'? J from partj as thoy sow this opTStlsa is eoatiatxsd oatil l,he fees, vrsa filed !*J th* fCi"? r>. ■*'. p &a<! pttrely oa tit sieilts of the case assas© seacfesa a ship big saongfe to feo ©£ the pLintisZ 11> -.* vs: itself. alito t& nid so I«g® n Teassl. All Ciia j Ova task Is all the ©sslss itom feappsas ia His «sQ«i»a ©f feaJi-aa-honi; afc 1 the fact; that the subject! came the cutsido. lMj.s Mg sWpj hati'ag get tJio paraded foi' i<.j i-xa ,," '■ -"■_ ~" a j&yifcalloQ, oa P.vJ'v" up lasfe seseloa In fJr-.e Houss of saeacage, sites lie? courcs* if aeessasrj, trera forfcy-jiiu:' jifi ,v if, Bepresent&siTOiSj wl&ea s Comialtlsees ffiasl lining fonsd lisa etessies Mclatyso. IV Iγ { :,i .v galectad from both sides of tine Hoassj otsed in field n. creWj, aud exoi sad jpasssngero teJics 0-2! lies ere&tioa OtoutJ, :m f reported stscragly is favear of a 4be t.Vu-ri Vt !l '' * r eiiaßge, fisa Oomialtteo coiMiaf®s ©f MlEes Iffiuds Sham safely at tfeiir Mr, Fiaafsa3 dcstiaatlsa or# if s&o is bound tlsa Saturday £lic?3»<oa ; (*</*.» Sh.o Hoa, Mr. k&opa «,h®s algaals woi'k- the batten WC3 '-wIC, \i I.;c Captais Bα*. Kswm&h, M?, ofeer j ■ M?, lag uatil she finds a Teasel goiag might bt j tx|-o<«u -"is It ny« Hob. Sir Josis i Ms, I, We Thohsost, Hea, to tiio paii te Trhica fcfeo ft.'fit jaexabSi"!:I*7 3C5 \>jy>J\ for there h> %mi ."' JJr. Wasb au.d Mr. O'Cohos, Tfee steaa«i; v?os Iwo&d and tranships »lua, r ilk otrong gis-.ts pamgrspli &etess,9ir firs& la the -report sessiscd ;pcopk. Ia £ac <as© oJ corps will hold r Chi: $li©w®i what the ¥i©wß oi th® Com>• land ia a desa© fog, asd ratter Qh&verao?** ea mitte® were. la ih&k ofluifta. It BaceEMiiask»wlio»sho was, ©a soon so Tho last lr*uf,tt;r-iad n *>tlii •" Elerosene, 150 tco'f, isid,, **"Maay aai tosj seziotu &h® got T?!IMa feisty isilos ©I Isad she Besfc ease, J» H» Ho&KiSssiJ«?« Co , •• arils are iswf goabty mih. c©a!a©wtM easaisaissto mfc tics© om* THE - -, > M THE BEHRBTO SIA DISPUTE" v ■, , rslmngo i» cuv I results of the sugf.tt3i-.cd a ariaii,§snieEt3, CONTENTS. l received botweAi ohi't. ;\"." siderable dii»cAui 0, tmd Biimala iroui ship to chip* co.-.isu, 3&n bo established between ' dktaaee apart; or serosa the b'?j;.. aad even oceans." _ -. - olocivu-rIL people Irccdora to v&w aocording to DEATH. thei? udbift'ss&d opiafssgj T/ifclioa* tho I tjcih, i.adj, !j, 01 ■ii HtfßßEi-..—On March 28th, at his late necessity of supporting xihcM tb/fj 'y> residence,of? Poulson street;, Addington, of f T>lat?A?C3, •"Id.' > ji.' i ,">*? to bo wiongfc? Uriah, th© beloved husband of Christiana shore illness 3 aged serving p&rty Hurrell, affcer Ttcm vdid j "svpijjht* 'i.'i '.".c ; Auckland papers please other '* sjisfey--v© years, niorma were peitsfced oat c;s ILo "* ; j oj. .".. copy. , v <: mimiaum tho iiuiuedou-;ik, j,)l hoaxes, tet-ns, nnd elo?^ior.« Pack's ptemino < a girdle round about tho <. ■ forty minutes." The realm of fry' daager.of being bmtea hj tbat c' ■ thiamodens Pack lay 3 beforj f proposal by which the s-imoi -.„ eh© earth asay be brought isio the great; centees of eivilisr! '-,■ tanes may be -ftunihilatwd by " -1 elemanfca which, separate oao w., ( another provide tho very saern-s ,' &" :J -proceeding- .the 'Committee launlcation. naively addj whick has been felt to Thb "strong? mas** erase al Jf<,, jmeweit the doublepurpose of making probably seoeira fresh Maputo 55.1 th'e wosk...-pleasant) at the time and performances of fcho latest; ?-; u>,! „difficult to. any suceseding Ministry popular favour,, who, discardin •>• ,: taking office with the intention of pur- feats of strength perfometf h, ;' * suing &"Knoreprudent and honest polic j." has gone in, for making; hi* Anyone, "at all' acquainted with the may us® the term, by Mα to, 1% \ political.. history of the" colonies Sullivan, America's v/dgM-ia, ■wiitßO doubtj. admit that the above ia pion, is, s« might bo 5av.; .!*, v, & perfeatly iiir and" unbiassed- afeafceextraction* aad is of m\ln>-, '* •' asent-'oi the poaitioa, sad that .any appearanc© givmij no "r>tYv practical, {schema to remedy the more abnonaal mascol%r ?<glaring svils of 'the eyitam should ---however, appc&ratscej .\. to fche House oeitfal, for comm#ad tttal? nofe oaly the woin")w \ feuii to the, douatry, s>?«t;c« ''' ."The-praotioal qussfeloa is s Oaa say he goes and i&o'de>. h,wls'' 1 system'*be ;■ adopted which will': &m® a crane weight S6lb !««?-, • r.ro the .'.effect': of"porifymg ouf political life and, restoring, fco Parliameafi the lag fee co?d io '■..in,;1 st control.'. O¥sr. she aSkfes ■of tho floualxy ia his tc3th,» "'\t n> i,,. which the rspreseatatlvss of fehs people with what 1% «3erofi "dxr. fr ;,\ ■. Tiso it l v should undoubtedly eajoj. Tise Oora« iitj. aofe v,)j; dees mention '. t< ■ *. \ ol -laittee. war© opinion that it is qttifes th,3 '• ,;o'.polssiblo-to' ©ffeeo, §a§ts, © fe!oi'Bi.3 &:ad ittvesfcigatloi. on but, ci:> v, they drafted a selaeai© based ©a the this iu-iiieci''in » imodel of the Swiss constitution, sommoa of Tho pdo f8i v , 'whiefe* .ia their oplaioo s '■woteld oat r« *' ; bring about the following results; Its goes to fclie well is to Parliameats a .'real super- steoagesl aofe of tct.th r,vf*hu 1 1 vifould mm. fclso t?h>» itc;-ivl vision led control over all legislative to play &fashiOß, each'-'-a Mc1 "• administrative acsioa. It would ;and aeburis aa"'Executive"'composed, of iM astonishes tho B|«3ot'it>?s I»; °\! best'men ia Parliament',best Baited to himself oa his hattdn, aacl -jiiil" I the work to bo dene, aad so placed possfcioa lifting a heavy py\ L that they could seak tho public wel- grotosi with his teeth. AffcK ;*'■• st faxe, lißfci'asaEieilod hf partf c«a- esercJae ooiaes tho giscs ds \ sidei'e.titoas and undegtudod by tho, tho evening. Aβ fcjpL.» J. f .«preofeico 0! stsats|esas to scoure soma 10 cwt ia * 2W ' t thok own positione." It would atco gwingiaj, plutforas tv ,s s": with, v give to tho represenfefciTCs of the J xh " Kiabracing all the leading -. , -~» > \ v " " NOWSHOWING. f] - • *i>, " ,: 100 •- " . v "I have di:,co?CT;oa \h>~\ { elerafcioa hs oM.ih »v ,:. ...." earvafcure oi tho on-,li',: ■ reduce to tho iaicrn.,i:i abaorptioß, ckvttio vol. ->..- ",nalliug carried oa by ir.thtation. x.\V « of wires comi.-dinfjsi:.:!i Cn This discovery b eljveifUv -i .1 telographiu{;*'sc>-0.i3 >' -/' avoiding tho u.;p- <>," '.**-'' •> b .rr,-;. y, for'comraoniestiu:* \ r - **', jf f Waahiaefton p.itout oi;k» ~■;, ■ ' • , This principle in¥ol7od \\\",i \i-such aa important iisvcui.-'on \ 'Edison Ia hie "[ , , ■■ , ■ OENTLEMEH'S PALE ALE AHB EXTRA WATERPROOF COATS. NOW — ■" ' STOUT , • — FAI*E & BITTER ALES J. BALLANTYME & CO.; ' -- . Aeua'sad learn Isss esaet 'liaioas,bf xu&og tlx& «unti ,<rendered impossible. and spring from, the sjstem of parly government hose; that it is uneuitadi •to "saoix ""a colony a® ■ New Zealand ;; aad that' is other colonies, and even 'similar ©■vils have beau! lit! ia degree consequent ■ i fsllij varying--only eiroumstaticea.'.&nd or ■ :<di£EerentL. pbsffifs oi the system*" jA; fter.."..'poiatingf' out that even ia | England the a|Bt@ia ii feaking down, a ? ..i,.few. CONTAINS [the .report goes oa to gay that a vsaiety' of circumstances exist' here THE ASCENT OF EGMONT—An In«>m- which .-dot, "not: exist: at Home, which , parable Outing—By tha- Bey, P. W. make ib desirable that aaj .system ol MARK TWAESr IN EUROPE—V. The Government adopted here "should ""■"""Cradle of Liberty—The Shadow Face res6-upoa well trndersfcood laws,* aiid ef the Jong Ecau—The King and the be ''adapted to our particular circuaa.;'/■■kindUy'Ameri«iaStzan^iK:> ;/'*■ | st&scea and requirements. ■ The posiSTORY—By the Author of "Helen's tion' of; th® Imperial Parliament NEW is so Chaut«teq«ans," chaps. ; r.jß^aef*-*•" Vastly.' different to oar House of Representatives thac.a syafcem which AN ALLEGED SPECIFIC FOB. INtolerable'there may work great ILUENZA. mischief hero. The -House of. Com* THE VENERABLE BEDE. Bftojtts contains some 64'G and THE WINDSOR MURDER Poetraxx only exalted station, stsroiig infiaenue, -•'■■■ THIS MUEBKEES.' o»". transcendent ability caa' place a ;«fJDAVID eRIEVE." mem&si? withiu reach ol a seat in IKEE's RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS. the Cabinet.. Hera a> larga proHALL'SFREEZING PROCESS—A Saving pprjaoa pi oue members probably of Four-fifths of the Powe? Required- believe taemSekea to be quite How the CJarixmic Acid Gaa is Used. eligible for office." Therefore the THE pAIRY INDUSTRY—An Interview constant temptation to members to withMrDavid Wu&ois. ; straggle "not for the common good of FARMERSAND POULTRY—ByFancies. the nation, bufc lor the possession of LADIES' MAGAZINE Autumn and and power is tar greater in this Winter Fashions on View in our Shops pl&oe A system, —A Lady's Letter from Auckland— eoloay than in England. —Gossip-^Vol-au-Vents. consequently, which gi?es importance to* the power of controversy, and By THE GRAND NAT3ONAIi the far mor© important qualiignores Captain Cottoh. ■ fication "of administrative ability M is EDITORIALS—The English jockey Club not) Suited to a young colony like this. and the Victoria Racing Clvb The Turf Register," 1891-92—Living—" Totali- JSfo,r ar© these byanyraeaas theonly evils eators Doomed Atn&t&ur Trotting airismg from* the system. By constittiClubs—Betting on Amateur Sport. practice a Ministry must resign , A highly interesting tionai when an, important measure intro"DONCASTER/ Story dealing •with in the ducedby them has beaa rejected. This, Career of the now Defunct Stallion. &is'pointed out ia tli© report, leade to A NEW STARTING MACHINE. the miaohievous practice of allowing TURF TOPICS—By "Sm Laukoelcw." Bills to drop whene?eir their passage ROUND THE WORLD—By *tO?SBK?j!B." becomes,, doubtful, and compels the N.Z. HORSES IN AUSTRALIA.,.,.. v Ministry, for the time being, to ,f beFOOTBALL—Notes and Correspondence. "come followers, rather than wise and leaders,, and it almost CRICKET—The Wanderers in Auckland. « SPECTATOR" AT THE HAWKE'S BAY "necessarily compels a 'Ministry MEETINGS : r.>.\).r-:.-d *• under the instinct of eelf-preserrato 'pande? to bjij popular SPECIAL BEPORTS, OF NEW ZEALAND MEETINGS -ON 'ST. «• delusion of the hour, instead of .. .PATRICK'S DAY. ".making a stand against shortaighted THE ATHLETES IN AUCKLAND— popular impulses." But what the , Special Comments. ~ ~ ; ;, v ,.ivf eoionieSj the report goes on to say, has DRAMATIC DOINGS—By Peospbbo." most to deplore is the fact that e&ch AND ALL THE SPORTING NEWS OF Ministry is tempted t© X intrench THE WEEK. itSipcjsition, and buy off opposition by te©>- ©ipandlture of publio money,' IMPERVANAS..,,--. .8. MANHIH.€I.& C0.,;;;; • AND "REFEREE," — EDWARD REECB ANDi ! ; . PRESS : with all the baet Sewing ia theWorld at the F M»<< Contest pCHEESHING MACHINE. • ' .usRIS EXHIBITION, t! i Award, sc GOLD MEDAL, was obtained the DAVIS VERTICAL FEED. \ , Price £850. Wnolraalo asd Estail, .-.;. :'.,-.!■■ . . -» ■— • ' SEWING MACHINE lew : bourne via Soatfe and Hobarfc. Passengers—Misses Cameron, Yeaag, Cooper, Bowe, Oessweli, Shand, felorimpson, WignaU <2), Mssdamea Taylor, Gilbert, .Thteowwrtosdtrogaecnrine each valuetecbmmeaadedtoJez«e Blanketa for the coining McGsw, Dick, Gilbert, Davis sad child, Institutlonß and Cotintar Storekeepezs,and evetyonelikely chlldrea, Haylodk, Davey .-and- two ~ Whitaker,Sir F. B.Beil, MessrsLiciitenc V/ steia, Carmichael, Bailer, Taylor, AnderB. KAELKNSTEIN, K. C BROWN, J^ M«iaeger« son, Shortbridge,BeUjßaQson (2>, Derrett, * Chairman ofDirectors. ~ WMtaker, Handyslde, Kearas, Hawkins, Swan, IrrUlicson, Loc&hsdge, THEONLYVERTICALFEED Champion, Todd, Davey, Phiilios. JSay]ock, Poole, MeArra, Masters Blake and Brindsndtweaty steerage. Post CKAiMEES, March 28. IN THS WORLD. noon. .. •• ' Single Bed," ...... 540 tons, Waller, from Dunedin, via Timara and Akaroa. PasThomJohnstone,Eecles, sengers—Misbea son, Mesdames Phillips and child. Cool, Messrs Adams, Taylor and 6 steerage. Union Steamship Company, agents. March 28. Omapere, S.S., 601 tons, Phillips, from Westport via- Wellington. Passengers— Budvister, Mesdames Jack, Soler, Messrs MoLittle, Martin, Soler, Keir, Steath, Pherson, Richardson, Thomson, Waul; union MeLanghin, and eight steerage, Steamship Company, agents. ■ Croydon Lass, schooner, 51 tons, Moore, _rom Waitapu. Cuff and Graham, agents. Beliance, schooner, 5. tons, Johnston, from Kaipara, Cook Bros,, agents. ■ Lily, schooner, 8. tons, Bloom, from Greymouth. Cook Bros., agents. s Annie Bill, schooner, 121 tons, Cameron, from Thames. J. B. Way, agent. Jane Douglas, 5.5.,.9 a tons, Whitby, from Kaikoura. Cuff and Graham, agents. Wakatu, s.s., 115 tons, Wills, from and Co., agents. Kaikoura. Kinsey DaneUin, schooner, 63 tons, Berguson, from Napier. Master, agent. • WEEKLY PftE^^CßS©^, JIJJU9S-,r B9 r •.. , : -. 5 -Wxsbsoe -■ ■ Oar Mci» gg3SE^sa.--;&.'"EeBer»«"-N(s. 2953, BS";3f meeting of theabove corps will be held boßcae coErespon.dent apun famishes aa lip, has been vested in the Orford Boa the m orderly isterestiatg' budget of sews aboutfixe sapj to-night at *Ight <tel<xfc* ; • Board lor a gravel pit. Wiadsog latiederer, iadudiag a DAseEKOTJS Goods.—Gelatine dynamite; room, DriHshed grounds. was on view in 'poeeoi' ■- -■ *■■■ - , K.*BA2rmsT oll h®B commissi been issued fco Waltey this fames Jackson of the B. Battery, and ;sßer getic offices deserves congratulation on ■■•..... Mg-pgoEiotieH. Misikg.—Mr James Henderson has re-, tie following telegram from the of the No. 2 Dark Mining Eeeftoa:— «2330z amalgam deaa up.'* tons, £«3ia 86 Wβ le&H2 that TSB PROHIBITION CABS. Sydenham Licen* &» appeal caso of the !?„„ Committee has been fixed for the week in May, and that SklSobert «3mdand Mr Caygfll tare been retained at behalf of the Committee. The case will be beard a* Wellington. — lt <£ VyprELTOH Hasbqihi Boabd.—The liyfrr New Zealand 'sifilewr* annouacea that he aa entertainment is fche 03<iwill fellows* Hall prior to Ms departure for ■' tracfc fpoai a letter "retired hf & gentleman in dmsfeehtwoa froz» a cbrsespoadeat in England hm toaen placed, afe'ctrasSispoial for publications—"l caunoi titanic you sufficiently for',all.. ths cara aiid tfouble you have takea ovgr my afiaira. How that you nave seal; the £SQQOaway s I have no other interest in Hew Zeakscl thaa the mortgana oa ———.■ .1 am glad to get my aonej pst of the eoxmto when the GoTerasaaai is jassuißg c© a , . . ' *fJS "~Sinooo - ! ' ** Ktkau" .Office.' 203ec. Eraos Ssec, . ....... : .• .■-•.- ,■ ■:■ -- . ' . : =, ' : r: .- - ' : ' . . - M, it was decided to write, to the .feaietbosy Frozen Meat Company poiniw that ft mattet injurious to feh iuf otrt allowed to Sow down the draiaTinto fed rifer the Society -would be compelled to take action. It- was decided' to field & j ffiseiisg of the Coaceil oa April 25hh, and I Ik .fi&BD&l saesfcisc? of Iha Sooiefcj was ased fox April- 28th. After making smogme&tsfor the opeaing of the shoothg sesaoa .aad tmns&QU&g & Isrge ,0? routine bssiseES, the msst&ag < 'fesaisafed. SrsffiSKAK Bosovsh Cotrarara.- —-An eroiaary fortnightly saeefciag of the Sjde&tasa Borough Cosxscil *®m held at f p.sj. yesterdaj, wlea t&ere were preaesfe ' *-Hb''*WorsMp fes lllayor* md'C&'Jjs»» , flfcter/Brotm,Bttdd, Smith,T&yl<%, leg* i§w& sad Jssaaes, Apslogiss were jpe« es-iva| fos fee afeseaoa of Vm. White sad Soffs?, A lefclei 'was read feon* the feteim-gIH Borough Council, clterag a> *isHSjgJae, aearij aeV, for sal©,'the pries The water supply system ren, fcaiag "iaiel ifeua&eeesaary. Thelefcter , , , The jfepor& -was .adopted, sad tiie feea adjourned. ■ . . , Ber vices . , , all th&ti ©oald fee dssiredS, a&d ths mstdi" eadsd oonsideraibly ia favoar of -SprfAgfbl<3> the gam© wan mttch enjojed by bofe sides, the feoms team eateeia a Jjo&pltaM© taiaiag-- **a© maaasr. IShe foUowisg is the »salt «f tilia seveml aetu played s—Ladies Benabies —Msffl Eolselfc ssd Miss M- ColSlaEt; (Spring&eld) beat Efes Batlow aad Miss GdßaHaed IIobes" (Asnat;}, 6— Dotiblea—Miss A. Ooltha?fc aid Jaaksoa Misa Moos© and Bass? {SpriJjgfield.} feeat feom' £?»? « : , * ,— -- - oessW ■ uosiSva : • *' wim. - '' ' NEWS. CABLE matob, Ibefetwsa the ■ |j4wk lEsmSiS.—A &ni A&xa&t Clxjbs' ■wm placed ■at Ans&fc ©a Sfttoxd&y» fcke velfefeej? beisg • : : ' ' ■ . Is. over' , ; ■ , A~; "Em World eaems to be in were con- seceptioa mos& enthusiastic, and is uateraJly most Wesleyaa Chuxcb, Lyttalton, gratifying to oa.- With the Queen's best ducted on Sunday morning and evening by the segards.—-AUSBE3?." Eev. "W. Tiasley, pastor of the chteroh, Washikq Wa/tsbiiOO- Bbidqb. ■-- The -who bau 3 Hat returned from & month's surface of the htsge blocks of uupoiiahed North. chtirch is the Xolanch Tiie holiday graaite that'form th® arches aad parapets was vary prettily decorated. There were of Watasloo Bsidg©! are grimy to a degree lasgc- congregations both "morning aad which has a ■ serious" eyesore.■ ". 'T.ho choir undet the leadership ■Under these beoosae" circumstances (says the DaUy of Ms 6. jLscfbmaa'fljng special aaafcheaas at Netcs) the Strand" Di3teict Board of.Works both services.—-A harvest; tbanksgiviag has determiaed to ask the London Coatity service tc-ck pIiMJO in t-ho Lsascoa Freaby- Council to assign to the Board the work of terian Clrareii on Sunday. Tha' pastor, washing the bridge. The task will be fche Wo Grans., preached an eloquent assuredly ao light one. Mere wstes will esssaos feom DouteronoEjy,B chapter*?£& fe> do litfcle, or the winter and summer sains 10th. vessea. "Tne church wag crowded,and '-'trouUt suffice. There mtiat be hard scrab■Stable bymas sad sa aathem were coa« i)ipsj, together with such aa expenditure srltet-e5 by the β-liois,'—- The saawal ■'of'■ soap that ife-isaay almost be expected'to; sesirkes of tte up'- the price of that article ia the, ia the feswacks, %ms. 'Salyftties Jxisj market. .' ■: v ■■':'■' oa Simday.' Thesrs whs & gooit LeestsSifun&jr StaS-Captais muster and Casteis Scavaus. The Mrs barrsolsa wea*s pssfuEely dseorated, aad all the serdcss "Were crowded. A ha?¥Qsfe iield oa Saaday th&aksfitiviag sssurice HASTES?- Harvest'atthanksgiving the *fc»eieaA Hish Sohooij.—A' meeting .of 'Board of ©oreraors was held yeatsria the Bead Board Office. *«s*& were present—Messrs G. J.- Leech /jajsaaft, ©—0, 6—-1. Gentlemen's Singles beat Bathesford •Painßaß), H. Elaokett, H. Boyd, Qy .Coaa ~-SLfebe!fe *-Fsltoa, I. Euddsaklan, and J. JeSjfistoa. {Asnit), 6—S, 6—4; Baws (SouthbrMge) reported' that "'Mr Cock- beat Miacfeia X&aßat),6-8, 6—85 Jack(Aiisist};, |aia»_&e lesse-j of the reserve* bad. mgs'sed soa ISoatlibnege) baat Bstlott laad. 8~2, 6—S.- oentiemen*s Doubles—Colt* baildisg3.o& beat If oMaa fut&SQ report-ed that'the selidol acco'tssts hsxti aad Bs«?e (SpringSeld) beea audited ,by the Goyemmeafe and Moore <An&&&), ■6-L% 6—o; lacksoa aad certified ©§ «>wesfc, 'Tfeese and Eobeit (Springfield) teat MiacMsand »os Qse receipts to hare beea—Beast Bat? (Ann&t), 6—2, 6—Si Dawe sad and *^l&stKjhooi fees £272. Sapendituire— Colthaxt (SpnsgSeld) beat «f. feaknea £150 ?s 3d, salaries ..£4BO ,2s, Barlow (Asaas), 6—3, β-s. Sprajgfield *-r. calanca £5 14s Sd. A letter.was .read wa&. 16 sela k> aothing—96 gamsa **083 Mr Bo«ef Heaomastes, reporting $hQ to Sβ. has feeea mselvaa r of some of the-Baagiora'papils, Tae toUowfeik letter of WiacSester j— Major Clara Wftteretoa Basks, Mary Ebeh Geckbgs,',Ssq.~l Pegieg B' Arsotfc, ssd E. Boil, "March 12th. opals ofEfe Tpaag and t&e aidiag that-their work compared dulyreceivedare weli'plessea jnta them•swraaaJiiy with thai oi pupils of- sascli sayself.sreW© well esecated, faitMal like,, They seiools. <£h® Board esp?®ss*dits. aad "a credit to your establish., thought tiie meat.- Tours respectfully, J. A.:Xoaog.. at the resale sro-coa* wfieefeed feToarablj' «a"the The Eden Geoege Co., ia the echoot -A- letter staafcly teeeivisig'-letters spsakmg in fes; ,«sf opals received end tha Hating was rea-3, asMsg lor tering terms fact that numbers of pemms axe giving gpios o! fae school bttildings sad groups tts«CTiaiasiiMi'-to paW!sh-thete letttas.'ss a HsSo?? ijiruwett, together with a wmt -to 'the holders of deposll exhibitionat'titi World a ilskets taafe f*« tfostot opsfeand e&Maets will at Chicago. Th© Chairman-.atefod aaa.i»pass« Is© predaceft fa a&wuSlsas' T , » DEATH OF WALT WHITMAN. Ssisas AusseSaUcHt—Eleotria SelegfspJi—Copyright Hew Yoke, Marefe 2T, Walts Whitman is dead. Wtds Whiimars, ths American poet, came from Holland and English immigration stock, and was bora ou "Long Island, Hew York, in 1819. In his. youth he was apprenticed botli to th© printing and carpentering crafts, ■ haying -had a plaia in the public schools. He abandoned these,komtfcr, for fehe scholastic and 30-arsalistio 'professions. In bis yotaige? days kg was a great walker (sad mado long journeys oa -scotthrough the United States and Gacada. Hβ lived and worked in New York nntil 2862, when h& left for Washingtoil and the front of the Civil War,, during which he devoted Mmsslf to xmxsiag ths •srotusded in the. hospitals of Yirgixda and WasbingtoQ, asd of 'this tiaie he "km leit a pifdfol account in Ma "books "Spscimea Bays. "ffis.: iatease■ smU eoatisraed persoiial- occupat-loaj trhile'fpr etsp two yeais .Sic followed the Amyjresalted in a sevejpe. prostratioa "and paralysis si theend of the contest, from -which fee suffered ever since, tturagh. his taind/re* ' « e?^*^ , * - . - : - • Press Asaodatkm—Electiia Telegraph—Copyright PAYMENT! OF • , MEMBERS BILL.' Two Unionists voted' lor the Payment of Memberj, Bill and four Liberals against. Mx (Esdsfema and Mr Cham- .j berlain did Sot) toS©, j »<■'*■■ .:■, EMPIRE 'LEAGUE.' ■ ■ ! Mr Howard "VWanb hm given notice to ask why, if taa self-governing colonies are now able to join oommerciai Leagues admitting foreigners, England is unable to form aa Empire 'League. '....,• ; ■, ■' ■'■ ■ . ;. : - : '" BARON HXRCH'S COLONY. Baron Hirseh spent a quarter ol a million sterling on th© Jewish colony which he formed in the Argentine Bepublie. The natives were unfriendly to the settlers. ' BANKS. -..; 1 -~ THE \ The Statist declares thae. the Australian Banks are trading overmuch la English deposits, and says that it is aa"itosound policy to. have liability aad asisfca on opposite sides of the world. i\ THE MONEY MARKET. ' ' AMMiGAMATIOig:,.Of- HSWSPAPERS.; The Freeman's Journal hm absorbed t\LQWaUonal Press on terms extremely; advantageous to tfa® proprietors of the latter paper* Ms Dillon haa been appointed Chairman of the new Com-■ : ; ■ ■'. . ■-,.;' '. ■■/■' WOOD-PAEHELL THE WILL CASK pany* '.'■'tlade? the eetfelsmeß& arrived at th.B: and; She-hi; Mrs Parnell xetUiffi ;Wood: family agreed to diyide.viieiHie interest with Captaiu O'Shea and afterwards with the children of hex firjife husband v : - « , ' .. - -. ' ' Tallow—MediimaWui#o% *£q& ;-bmi. Th&£ttgliSh wheat Market i$ he&tfy and iaactive j Gpntitkeut&l is dpllf aiti4; : ■Am.ericsua,.de'pre_Bßß(i."! .Forward: busl-r _. • ness in cargoes from the Auatralaaian colonies is active. Arrivals of foreign' Premier, shipoients are moderate. There*, ai*s: by & majority p? 233. '• no cargoe.3 of Australasian coast;, or Iα porta of call. W&aafc declined sixpence. ■ has* : The total arrivals of wool up to date numbar 350,000 bales, iocliiding 40,000 ftorn Cape Colony, The Caps is expected to supply 50,000 -bales.. Buyers anticipate there will be a fall' (excepting in crosao£ a breds and auperio? meriaos), as coasumeirQ are unabld-to eopa viith. ths supplies. It is believed copper may possibly touch £50. It Is Bofc sxpsoted fchas ths miaos will agree to a limitation of the output, suggested from Ameffies. The London m&rkec views the confederation with disfavour. A syadieato is buying freely. • .- _ Silveris at 5s 4 7-16th. The Standard say® its will drop to 2s Sd shortly, ' ,> '* . SzOHOT, March SB, • ■ • < ' - ' .- beaa'^rested. THE PORTUGUESE MNAMOIAL ' > JBSB COIHAGE. W&SMMGSQWg' MsSQh 27, *£h& fees cousage isa suffered a • * - Tli«s 'tff¥efopßd uueipected streagth. Tfei> siippdffcsra of -ihs siteer saaas faqweyesf, are a©6 d&salesij aad am am&giag a «afifsaco of pasfclek, &¥ea . sfceamsrsj " iacludifig two was* Biscuits - , ■ raided, a Is fevaaablj r^ flastiag, tJcdaSsg &y&eiot&Gs a«t,?es.gsm% eyacaSs "anowdtopss, aaemtsaeSi. ssatiajtKß Sobs, Lißesl& Cia"isJdjiwcJj4 earfcaia ssmsiy 4e» iadii-, telegraph—ltom the Bluff.) MELBOURNE, March 22. Piiblio interest in the Windsor Anxder Continues unabated. The information contained in the cable messages from England e/afcive to the discovery of the, murder at Raishili baa created a great sensation. The poMce are firmly persuaded of the identity of the man Barron Swanson, arrested in Western Australia, with Albert Williams, tha alleged Windsor murderer, as well aB with Frederick Bayley Dsenxb3gB who un* doubtedly committed also the murdera at capacityr.t tho _rhe cablo has /iven - • = ': '' ; ■•■ B&rahilL ■ Th© first clue to Williams'a identity with by afforded a woman who Deeming was resides in Riley street, Sydney, and who j called upoß the Inspector of Detectives and j informed him that tho description of tha"< : had, j known soma years before. She explained that Beaming had wifch Ms wife and two 'children lodged at her ■ house, and' that somewhere-'about; the- 27fch of January last he had called, to Eβ© her. H© told hec he had travelled in South Africa, South America, and England h<? $&w her, and that, his wife died at Johaanesberg in :Hβ had just returned South Africa. from England and had left his childrea with his eister in Liverpool. She had sot saen him siacs. She further statadthafc h& waa wearing several diamond ■jiagSj.a diamond, scarf xiag and carded a .curious walking stick, which was of- ebony, 'or black wood and Had- upo'ri it £ gold' ring like & wedding' ring.''■■■ln -Melbourne-WilMaitoa had employed o> jeweUes to let- his 1 - ' • Wat laTaif&s assa ' Cbiidtea* aa<i T©a BisealSa-' , : " sooa fell in lova witft llto eUeaf Miss . joined , disitace preyed oi Lorao iv South Africa, iroio v/hcrn Iw y/ent Homo to rc-i.pucar in IS-jvorhy, %w\v etsoucjh a Hull, iv Yorkshii;. complew account of his exploito in t!u«» jujiqhboiu'hood h".a bucn obtained Lt A*o'tr:ilia from two souruts. One is Mv VWI.L-ter, tiio Governor of Hull O;w>l, whu in now in, Melbourne oa a tone for his hiuUb, and x: for frauds on. jowollc.-s Deeming ixw-i<\ 'inna mouths in IfulJ Oiol Mr Wob'jti- i-j :'nV\* conversant with h a eriuios, cuid i-j a!-:> nblit to identify him. The othoi ."nwo, ; o, .Misa Steel, the oiotcr oi' a well known resident at Strathtiold, who has forwunlcd; to Ilia Svctm-y papers a loiter winch she roedV'Kl fa May,' 1880, from. 0, friend in. Botn my, giving an account o£ Williams' marrufo in that town. Miaa Staal'3 coiToepoiuicnfc after meafciomag saver d privato jxattiera coiv tinuea :— I muni* give you. aa account of m event which haa caused Ci groat amounif o£ osoi',o-mertt in Boverlry. Some t'jno at tl*o b.fctsr part* ol laqfc yoars .18li9 s J, thiul. ia j3ovcm« b'jr, a gentlc-'i&n n&'nod c-ua« to Beverlejr ami task lo%'mf" v"«,tlt **< Mca M&tho;>on, a widow vritli two Jaii) /ut'sit wlw * he had a large in Kev/ftvk. J?.i fill ■vraa a very largt; sluscp fa.va.er fp*?m Aue» tralia oa si busmen visit- to this, country, appointing agent , to soli his lio wan in Hull doiag thi?» but thought ho woui4 like to spead a lif.tio whilo in Isav r'oy. TIo , . w&s a;«wav,l of tho hjjj career : imprisonment, (This Kie tesm defeated the Aostz%> ships, ha¥e feeea iaiasd st raaa, ; ciwisg $o pstrolsam eatcbiizg fir©. Haas by an isanings and tioa oi liriEgiag a aiassg--feßa^; ,Md colonies I© play t&ree "tesfe fD£ aftcrsieaa tea, aas Aaitessnls-% tewls's Oswego It ia expected t&s £«s»a will Biscuits siad OsJa&s* a In •AasiraUai2BS6 Becetaber, Bax&? oa few© t&eiceilla ; ■ XiONDON, Slaxch C7. sssao "Arab" Tea, ft's s© aa<3Wα defieSeas aay I 13iepHjjeeft ol as ®axlj Tlslfe of &team of i.ikagjaßilsa [feoit otns coßSffisroOTaaifT.] Matheson. Sho %iit3 a ehowj ff.Arops yy by sorfe of yirl, who ha J beeu and Scotland, grandp«-reat3 in dv« ctitotl for a( puhl"c fichool is-acbor, iiHnburffa, AftiK spent twoyeat.iafe< .<iv tlio death of htjc h<11; homo for her VicTuion end mother in failing health, gave up collog? au,d remainttj at h'juie to aa-'tibt in '.n.* housework. Tliu g«"ibl.'maa. %>aa not very ittij« posses" jui|;f ia apgcsr»voc«, balovr "-ml pl-Jn in height, very touvj ft'cfy. Mi«J thelaep, and scruinl/ v Mathctou v/is j\i-,o iwonty-oitrj. lio tola bar ho vr-xi wnttv £ICOO 1 ynv , ml Pha thought that, ouajlife not to be fcJuwm away asd £O accepted ."jua, Ifo rohavct? iti tha K'.os*- lihcrat v,'ay> jnonoy eoemiug n> ofo,ws tohim. He to lake hby_n>i»tj ij»!y out deivuif, coo cant! 7, come ttin v ; tx v» li(S«kii aad pai *, <'-ud r.fc u.Uv? h« k tTonld drivL. lie; himself ia a yr :v £ *;vh% ?su;f,L»ays>, and ho 3fl< d» Lei* They woro luarried o«» J-ho If.tk jJcb""T-.uyf li>£o. th<n-o t7t:x cslj" IS-.'. 8; coupluj at thj woddinu t«e;" had »lir*/» ftud y.utv and the Pou'i'k',y ei.rmjjcj 1 1 r.'j hn carrwgej wore rut fraud HulL rA'»ie Ivefor® ordered thexa a "the T.'cd'Jiii/j hu tit© StaUoirHotQl, Hull, to tin f/ciufkmea iv llu|l •Ssrh«a ccquv-iul-nioho h*d d> m aid wLoni Lo had J;® agoati £01* his "you.?. A& a \tvltt'is,'-;ptwen.tr W bit brido nc> houjAt, a L'vjw caia " BEsisU€2lO2f 01? WAMHIFS, AUSTRALIAN. BEVEKCJIy. ■■■ *" ' AWUISLTRM'C N AREER. ; ■ st©ml;;defe&t. CRICKET. Mbleoubne, March 28, The Governor baa received a cable message from Lord Eira'teford stating that if Mr Webster, ex-Ck>ve,raor of Hull gaolj who is now ©a a visit to Melbourne, identifies Williams, the identity o! the BainhHi murderer wUI.he complete. Pbbxh, March 28. Mc Maynes, Swansoa's solicitor, now denies that the prisoner made any confession to him. c&gks — . manner. 'brobesMre, Wales* where her father worked in 'the .quarries. She met and slurried Wiliiama at Birkcnheod, atid by a curious .comcidence the Key. Mv Jisaa, of Birkcnhead, who performed the ceromony, was a friend of ono of the lo%era Lying in tho is • house at Woolloomooloo. Mrs Deeming A 'RUSSIAN- LOAN.- •' hj he? old landlady as abouf) described ' ia issuing, through £h© sft Sin ixi height, stoutly bails, with e> coraof almost olivo tint, buiiU dark .Imperial Bank o! lit. Petersburg, a eyes and bright black Lair. Sho railway loaa o! twelve millions at 41 twinkling ioH of animal spirits and' she aaet hw per'ceat. ; I was husband at .this time seemed ,is happy aa , A&SEST^OJ 1 A MANDABIN. ] Icoald be. Soon after' her atxivtvlofin. Sydney er hoabaiid wds coavicfed stealing MoxQ Koisto, Maroh Sβ, j 1bhrass fittings, the property oi: Mftsara j. 1 Chan Han, & .Mandariaj alleged to j Sldnnet and Co., by whom .he vras emb© responsible fox: the eirouiatioa of, ployed, and was sentenced to sis weeks' - Brass Asiasifitioa—Elesiiis T-ik"3fij}h-~Co2p;igliS • hy these demonstaatio'ns* Daring his confinement in Albany gaol h© secured a glass bottle which he smashed and with one of tho'pieces chopped off his moustache, altering bis appearance ia aa extraordinary (By hotel. mm niime j Gaa< LTfla n is now Btuv.-ard on hoznl \\w towt of William:; oi- Deoiuiu.: *• that of tl,at avd aviwjyod 9 wilU fS* r w Capt. Walker for a for pjssa-e himiolf and * to South Africa, familY and joined the vcraol before she left tho dock, but that Mis Ward did not make her appearance anti! tho Uarossa was.paa«Ui» through tho bridso, and then the captain saw thafe she waa far advanced in pregaancy. Ho wry. angry, and told Ward tbit nad he known of the womaa'e condition, lio would not have given hima passagebecause hz had no stewardessand no lady paaaongep. On the paasago. the brothers If owe accused Ward of stealing their gold,aeaia and informed tho captain. This becoming known on board, tho man was shunned. VV hen within a £cv days o£ arriving oil" Sfc. Helena, Mrs Ward was confined of a male infant, and was by her hnsibaad ; and the steward. attended Ward said that'ho' would tho child after. Capo .St, Erancit, Jchristen Oa arrival afc St. ilelena ho agreed to pay :tho passage of the two Howesback to Caps* town. They went ashore 'therefore with that underatandinu, just as one of Donald Carrie's steamers, which Heap believes to have bean the Dcjjrobin Castfo, putin en route for tho Cape. Ward protended that -he was not going in her, but just as th,o steamer was about to woigli anchor, lie' and hia family .stepped on board, end tho brothers ■ Howe .were* left behind ■ pcani* .Captain Walker kindly, arrauged .for a passage for them by the next steamer. .Ward displayed ;% quantity .of dlsmoade .while'on board the Barpssa, and. made.a present of one to tho steward, one .to tl\o .captain, and two to the carpenter.' Ho said that he was then making for the 'South African diamond fwlda. Ho himself &3 a and t'njdac"?, tan? ,eaid thr.t ho luid been c»<-,-.;': cd in EsluJjitu-a. Swanson was quite Mm, ™ . police traced out tlw who The EofchseMlds state thatthe relief funds subscribed in Eaglani have besa the means of prajentiag eao*mous.moEtality. •, SHIPHNG AND MAILS. } lynch b,; described as a youngfeh. with da« complexion and dark hair,woman,' one of the children was a girl about and.yeaw five .of age, while the other, aho a girl, to be abouti three-or four ycir. oIA scotned to find if Ward waJ identical with In order the .... sustained coloniesWelve months ' -' .testimonial lathe foam'of a,pcrsa of goM amongst -the sat>serit>eEs 'losing Jjard Tennyson, aaad'"la "he'- xeceived th© leoagratulationa of' *'Htterafceara ** ia all of the world oa 'the occasion of Sis parts '"serentidth 1" birthday. Hk i)€st-ks.owii f s*Brßia -Kforks are ""'Leaves of Orass," Vistas.3' ; Saps," end to War£ b 'by his wife, whom ha had nturciod In 1380. . She ia described by tho landlady with whom k> Sydney as TSfe FAMINE. ! "they lodged whsa they a twicsl Welsh lass. She made bo secret St. Fmsmsme .; x s Maxoh;27, -I her antecedents. Her maiden ssarao was Terrible distress - ia_ prsvaieat at' 'of Mari© James,'and she vrcs bcra iv Pern- Mhexßon* - * &rstt.™ bee° The Premiere selsmag to murdered wife's wedding linginfio a walking serajoa on. eooialism which was* the ! stick, and this was strong evidence, 'thereoause of a riot last weefei s.aid the fore, that he and the wan whom'the woman ,e6vernm?nt .would sot; permit th©:j described as Deeming were one' p.nd the pulpit to b@ turned iato a political came. Since then very roll details iiava been tribune. They would rather close the ! obtained of Doaming's colosiial caxoer, Orde«) had bsea given to ©s- ishowing that he worked in Sydnay, Mel.' dh'urob.Bß. .pel PosbsSj'®! Scotdfa Jesuit, jfos deil¥Br- boOTQOj Adelaida laand Eockhaoipton 'Sydney in 1881 arrived' ing a sermoa insalfciag the a?my« The jUesralag nd sooa obtained' employiasufc 'at Jfaia leader- of the Catholin party replied \ jatrade ejfter plumber. a 8a thatthe ,cauroh would accept a repubMo | Ha arrived he took lodgings ia Biyley street, but not revolutionary doctrine®. The Woolloomooloo,, and had sot beeis in tho before ha a Press Asaod&tba—Eleatrio Telegiaph—Copyriglit. ; Jw» tljab wey the r,?bbe< o£ theiv money the day Ijofora Barauu Bailed,'and the* oraafy. expressed taeir suspicions ol ww the only person who knew thit who■ tiiev had tho gold, and where they kept ib m their room, w!u>h ite frequently viafted. Ihe money was j.toloa on tho evonina of January oUth or the morning of the 3lst, 1883, from a portraantcaa fjaloaguiff to the Howes, which was in tho room at tne man Williams published in.the newspapers! with the description of a. man named I 'agreed Frederick B&yley Deeming, whom she CANADA AND'ENGLAND. "Ottawa March 27. H. Lauyier.asseicts that every party ia Canada is loyal to England. : THE CHICAGO INHIBITION. ,' ' Bskmjs, March 27* The -Reichstag hm voted a hundred t of 'Gar-' thousand for the 'm M THE ARKETS. [ veyingSwanson at Bsverley and York. They smashed the windows, called Swanson & murderer, wad threatened ! The of a million of gold; from: the BothsshEd vaults, and the Bshring Soa orisia, tare had the effect \ 'pt/disMrbing the'aloaey market.'.' ."y 7; SCHEME. ', * iiolesa t-!ie Joneriesa law is oliaaged, -Ths mines of SoaaQliaQc% ia Claili, creditors «c raMag a prosp;aigsMs dt-n&ntisxm&xsa.' outpafj at ■tesft sgalnst the Portiigaesa •Simuclai scheme,' mid' claim 'that a board of eoatroli should b@ 6rea£sd. ■DEFEAT Of AEAB gLATiS Hie Ageacy Company, -■ ■ l4SßoH > Ma?ea2. she follawisg aalils messags fecelfed ; K'®ws bas ten feetiral from the ,, dated LoKtloa, M&mh 25th :-— Sasfe Ooast of- Africa that s garfsy of Tallow daU pf sal©, Quotatioas FoEtugaese tra¥©llisg iefeatsi a tmsei UEohaHged siass last tolegrasi. of Araba nosx li&k® Frozen MaaS Market weaken. aad HbsmtodlSOO slaves. Fxics of beef Ima |d ps? Ib AEGBNTDf E AMI> THE UMTSb' Hβ entered the since iasfe report. Quotations seminal. THE aiained - STATES. Government service in Washington, re- Pries of lautt-oa and latsb has declined, The Liberals of the Argentias £a?e lltq lie \whea west to tiring in 1574, per lb siaca lass rajscxefc. refused to agraa to iraciprositj with at 'Csanden, New Jersey." la 188?? f<l the United St&tea. MsEngfish admirers-presented him with'a S*- Ssess had been pmewsd. Th© *«Ws sspost oa th© stte&dwM--*M all efe© ipeal coinpsfcliloa Iβ g^ofes>- EtsaAanahtiafe-iSlseteis Sa3ageaJ&~43egj*lgfcs' fee aaa approved.' A letter on. B&etnda*f SIR WffiUM£ BOBQfSOH. Urn' h$ Dr. Hufcehiaaon, of New m^oQa fsam, Marek 28. »|»a,sse aad Head-sesd, -tb& Ms? -MiiiMSiKe ■ -liaa■ Sk William Eobiasoa intsnds to * ?ssoa t|j e ! report tbe Boara S" Ha |ty»rg ; fto' fat® *'S sot fake any medallr appoisfeeS" photographer to the eoloajj Ma continued sc&oa ia too saattesf. 'Of Ossloy,' ated -also sjelrara feesHeSei th« A Bis Bbop.—-Now is the .'time' .-fot Bail and $tegss Iα Baglaad irasadeirißg It iaa&« the Cootttew &Bd fraßy. d Slssfek bays also b©saplsaaai fe3 lay in stipply of teotab®& ha sisosld geaiaia the?e. paferosssa upoa Mm, as* aa tte price Bas folles to coaler as®» BASK SUSPEHBEO *°t f W aljaeraaiiy low figure, aad at peesal tennmembla ©111®photos .distfepis&ed of waom may sp-odmea sonasss, BkosidmoM. g««tHais cfasapet be 50' pcs thewfop sto^of Mmmmzm, 28. Messrs WaideE Bros.- aai «w «* the tfeej aze-sdling best if&te. wiiW Tks tkssM&t BauMsg Campaaj lias is ttem&gKiy appreelatei pcs fan, O2 10s 64 pcs? em© ,«f Nβ o»® afeoaid miss seeisg tlie 'fete3| eusjJOTslecl pajmeat attar a saeesssfel eS noveltj of photographic arfcnowesisibited ©siStsnes of tmmiy-smren. years., Tfes cresses, bridal and' Maud &&d deposits "smotial to arranged at Naikn teffis> «ttsU«iUy the'assets ise- sUttd to be woEth Idaoola. road, CbrisEcharcb. -awoitttawat^lefe ■■■" : "w«» wii&4r»S»J ■ ■ ; fz? ,: '' Gazette, be som© yery curious circoia-! 'Paris, March 27. staucas attaching to the disposal of tho many at t/hicsgo. Temps considers that; England Ze foUomag communication from the late » .M. EOCHEFOET SENTENCE©. Priaca Consort,, dated Balmoral, Augaat! showing remarkable forbearance -,'. March 27. Bad, IS6O, which,.was seeealiy brooghs the dispute. to tho hansmes at © Isondoa auctioneer's. LokdoNj Majch 27. ■EochefortJj who is afi present liv"ML rooms s—** I ani maeh obliged ta yon The Times says that the party ing in London, lias been seatansad to for having thought of m€r yesterday, aad leaders in the United States are beat- a year's Imprisonmeat. shall weas the pretty pin you sent mc ia yosr resaeiabrance. We have, indeed, the ■;, ing the big drum of Nationalism, but \ -POLITICAL ,SBBMOMSI'r best secorants of our eldest whose the people cannot respond to the call. B£ LoEbatj, to wposfe. af feesnooiSj, ia tit© Prebfoleton Pra Cfesreli. Th& Pastor Bar. 2&.Wrights, preached ®m exoslleafs serEKSa* taMag as Ms text Jamtes v.f. "SiechttrGls.i?ssmoßt! fe W, Gea asking tha OoEscii to sesaisi&e. their dgeisioa not td complete' ..the' ssjk&ltmg tt© footpath £0.. CJoMoa '^*6st-' Mtes soasideratloa it 'vm ;rs« ®d?ei t&sfc the Council eoald aofc «d its *ey to alter their previoua 4edsioeu ? "'A &S® «f ,the Local Authorities' Aa<Mt Bin to the Fiaaace Committee* Committee reported tbat the since last meeting bad ,been—» SfeateHil secosmt M 9 12b 4d, separate «sanißt3 £3S 17s 4d, total £8% 8s S3. &«eoaats to the amount of. d&KW,lBif 3d _.. . ' i Mali kdossnified against all claiiaa for dsmage, - , : Our Wsddiagfeon correspondent -writes s— Threshing operations have been'"very much retarded by the Ista nana, asad those who have not beaa careful in the baiidiagof theirstacks will sniftes s coeSocisst.— 'An ordicsr/ eidersblaloss- Some I liesr are-wet fcoss Acci.iHAKsATiosr k>o to Boitoas. Oar Culverden oorse> j moating of tlas iJonnail of fche fees Society of Canterbury tsrs3, held a« postdeat writea .—The long spell oi Tflia had pal: a complete stop fe> IS3 ?>•£•?, sresfcerday, when there t?ere pre- Triads we Lavo W. <3r. Meddiaga {is the ail kinds of farm work. ladeed" farmess dnir); H. O. Eorbes, A. H. Oilhier, W, p,re beginaing to fear the results o£ the T, CkaxlevoQc!, I>r. Moorhoisse, and H. P. late weS \?eatbas aad are longing for wiad Birch, Secretary. Cosrzespondoa.ee was aad suashsae. Saia ceaaed to fall ia this rssii relative to the drais constructed district oa Thtirudsj eveaing 3as6 'and it is fwsa the nexr fellxacngeEy afc Belfast to now- espssted that pionghing will b© reShe rives Waimak&tisi. Parsassion w&s sumed without £tirthe_r delay.' Threshiag, zested by tho Stive? Bossd fco_ construct j which ia one or two iastaacas had begun, "fthe drain oa condition that i& be kept j caaaot possibly fos se-commeaeedfor' quite' prop-sly flushed, and that the Board ba another" T/eek. . : celebeatsd fey a tea ia the Town Hall m --The tables were presided over by the Mesdames Hili, Esightsand Eiohie, and Missea-Baniettj Harper, Bust, Quigley, Doak aad Joaes. Atter the tea aa ©atertaiuraent tras given, at which the Ms Parsoasoa presided. Mr Baraefet iead the and balaace-siieei, which annual report showed a credit balane3oS £2. The Chairman gave a shosfe addssss; and the foUowing took parts in the programme for the entartaiaasaat--Alice Aifikeri, ©e?teda Bigby» Maggie Els3ell, Boyle aad.Knight, aad-Aies, Ai&ea. Ths saaweraasy aamea was h@ld oa; Sunday,; 27th ■ Msreh, whek the Sβ?. Ms Chapmaa'- preached isoraißg aad eTOSiag.' Tii©'iiaU- was prettily.decorated mfSgt Sowers sad evergreens' by, Mrs Knight. ■ ■-■'THfl WBATHiSB AHl>-TECS HaeV^ST.— , . aad seven persons ißJtired, The Presidents ia taking stsps to make any one depositing esploaives in , as blotter. , of fwTlT h ths commanded S?Iw? f l • r,H? ie ; accomjaaicS by Ward «S» , Or? !10ll!f, f' fee Whew dSTS A ' Lootojv M&yeV 2.6. Deeming'e confession as to hia comBsbun, March 27. M The German Catholic Prea® is mittal of two of the " Eipper was first ia published murders tho with the taunting she fact that no crisit used' to happea evening journals, and created &'tremendous sensation. Opinions regardunder the Bismarck regime. truth of the coafession are .Sere liehkttsoht* leader of the Social ing'the Democrat party, asserted that the very conflicting. The Scotland Yard officials do not believe Beaming's military system was gnawing the possibility of of the European nations. Hβ-advo* statement but admit the 8, cated the tnpisfosimatioa of aportiida Ms being the " Ripper, as Ma moveof the amoy iato mOitis and de- ments in 1888, when six of the murders nounced the annesation of Alasce and were perpetrated,' are"unkaown.' His othez~moveme&tß ara consistent with Eorraine as a crims and a blunder. Dwmiag freToa CJsprivi defended the separa- the theory of guiletts Jack the Sippet's" queafclydiscussed him, affirmof the held by tion 6flficsß ing that the Chancellor of the Empire crimes, and is known to li&vo possessed ought not to be involved ia a erisia a aumber of kniyes. The Head of the Criminal Investiwhich affected Prussia only^ The Federal Council of Germany gation Department thinks of trying has recommended the construction of to eeoura Beaming's remand to Eng;. ■ '■'... strategic railways at a cost) of half a land. '. million. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■' - Albany, March 28. During the journejfrom Perth large crowds of people, among whom were a HOME AND FOREIGN. a numberof rioters, met the train con•* bees arrested. Foreign aaarcMets are bsiag expelled from Fraaco. The house of ilia barrister who prosecuted the Anarchists, has been wrecked by aa explosion of ~ IK TH3 JToETH ISLAHB. AKPIiBtGBOWIHe A; 'Wellingtoa telegrasa ■ says —J- Mr —The fii'th. Kißiveraary o£ this school was •■Seaalcffli the official instructor in fruit ealtuse, has just retameS from a visit ol inspection of the district* estendiug front b».to.PalmersSoa via She West :Coast, 'thence to Woodville and back via Wairsj&|ia» Hβ reports that the district genersily, with the exception of Featherstoai Isiavosahie to fruit-growing, bafc regeeta 'feat maay of the orchards chow neglect, sad the savages of scaley blight were apparent. '. ■ S"a®-.,Bivy G. .o.' (Jsusb's Mission.— 'Early yesterday morning a special prayer •>**ig«tsigiras held, and ia the: .'.aftesnooa Bibls' residing and a children's meeting were held at St. John's church, Latimer ■' te eonneotios with the Mission"of ''ike'Bevi' J. 0.: Grabb. At 7.30 p.m. "there was an Evangelistic service, which the severe&d geatlssaaa conducted* aad at which h© delivered a powerful address is eum>orfc of the object of his mission. service special and approTbfoT3<ihost the priate'lijiaas vere siuag7 The congregation ts-as a large one. The bomb factory recently un- eaythed feas lie&eUquasreers at Kavachal, Th© cMof of ths coaspiracy has not t "..■.■■. ■■ Pabis, March 27. . pph. of Wfflianu, the Windsor aowlero*, THE "JACK THE BIPPER" THEORY. cm beea clearly McaUac-d by two indeoeja- MENBED. the public street guilty ©£& capital oSence. Paeb, March 28. The outrage perpetrated on the barrister who prosecuted the Anarchists was carried out in such a manner that the dynamite was placed on the landing, and when it exploded it destroyed the stairs and shut) off the retreat of the ©Tenijagf Mc North sssg two tenor the occupants. Every effort was made gongs," Good Night Beloved" m& "The from outside to rescue the inmatea, Message." a»& Miss M. Fearaa sang two and ultimately all, with one exception,; songs with mtjeh parity of tone and alive by means of a fire; e3s>resaion. Mr J. B. North recited, and were got) out The concussion smashed the Miss Lacy JTorth played a pianoforte solo escape. Up to the and accomr>&nied the various songs excel- windows in the vicinity. lently. The Jenny Lind apparatus was present ho arrests have bean made in explained by Mr Horth at some length and connection with'the outrage. also the vowel scale card. PsasasNTAxioN.—Yeaterday afternoon a presentation was made to Mr J. Olhvier in LABOUK QUESTIONS. oommexaor&tionof Ms eightieth, birthday. The gathering took place at Arenas' Cafe de Paris, Mr T. S. iWeston occupied the Press AffloeiatifflJ—Bleetria lel^apix—<3<^righti! i chair, and there was a goodly master of the HOURS OF LABOUR pit MINES. friends oiMc Ollivier. The Chairman in liONJaoisf, Maroh 27. making the presentation spoke ofthe many Morgan has given Pritchard Mr rendered by the recipient, public services sad the feeling of affection felt for him by notice to introduce a Bill ahortlyj all classes of the community. He then in limiting the hours of labour in mines the name of his many friends presented Mr to eight far persons unefer twenty-one, OUivier with a gold mosnted pipe, bear- and restricting the employmeub of inscription:—"Pre- women and children. ish tie followingOilmen? sented to Mr John oa the occurseacaof hiseightiethbirthday." MrOllivier CABMEN ON STRIKE. ■")'.{ responded in r few wellchosen words, and Pabis, Maroh 27. ■ after the toasts of Mr Arenaa and the cabdmers have gone, One thousand Chairman had been dona justice to the J on strike in, Paris. proceeding terminated. Cabiotoh Dommh Boasd*—The powers of tha administrators of the Government fesva baea delegated to Messrs J. THE BEHRINGSEADISPUTE. O'Hslionin, E. Bennett, J. Gross, J. Dotorman, J. Skaa, J3k Davidson and J. Pesss AsEecistion—El&Bteio.XclggE&ph--Copyiigii6» Inch, in respect of the recreation reserve WAsmHOxdN, March 27. of 7£ acres, section 280$, at Carletoa, near The United States GdvernmenS will Oxford. Dbsttaij Esaktnbbs. J. Irving, send tho following vessels Co H. H. Pries and P. Moßean Stewart aro the Behring Boa sealing grounds :— appointed the Local Board of Examiners The warships Charleatoa s Baltimore under the Dentaats Acta. and Boston, gunboat; Yorktown, sloopaj Adams, ?»angeir and- Mohican,, the Thb JmrmvPiou os 1vrsm Le^sboat.—The Hsvenu© vessels Bush, Crown, Bear, Yicsajof Hythe, Kent (Mr Hall), is en- and Albatross. deaTooriag to tssae the necessary funda to New York Merald condemns enableMm to place in the fine old Nonaan I The parish chorsh of that town a stained-glass both President Harrison and Lord window, as a memorial to the inventor of Salisbury and says the adoption ol an the lifeboat, Lionel Lukia, whose remaias, indemnity i? worth any sacrifice. The steaage to say, are interred is the churehNew York Post generally supports ya?d so near to the sceae of the recant aad Salisbury. Lord wreck of the which Beaveane, memorable brought into promiaeat ffeqoisitiois the 1 A call of the Senate has been made seridces of several lifeboats on that part to decide upon the ratification of the o£ the coast daring the terrible storm of treaty to-morrow. November 11th tost. The inscription on The report) is revived .thato Euesia the tomb narrates' that Lionel LuMn -wda bom inDuomon, Esses, on May 18fcb, and the United States intend to take! 1742j that in 1767 he became a member concerted action. of the Coachmskers* Company in London, Business is not shaken by the' aad snbsequently settled ia Hythe, where incident! as yet. > 1834, he died on February 16th, "This re the Sea' negotiations Behring The the first who liionel LaHawss built & lifeboat, and was the original investor of dispute have been published. The that prisciple p£ safety by which means Marquis of Salisbury wired oa Saturmany lixrea aad lauch property have he®n day that he waa willing, oa the final preserved from shipwreck, pad he obtainedj desision -of the nsrbitratoss, that? tbey SJa© King's patent ia the year 1785." AH. INX2EQS 2IH<}LSCTHB,O3S SSSiPEINOa'< should aaaess tho -damages duo to the Consort's.—There, most*; .says ■ the JEW sealsra from th's loslag side, Crci4HQ,—Mr J..8. Morris, s membe? of "Com* Mto" Harbour Board Improvement! morning at eleven the Bicycle Tonyiag: Club, lias just inietae s»e yesterday a large amount ol important returned from & bicycle ferar of the West siirtsk whenconnection with the port of Coast. He .reports tha roads to ba Ie tarinen i» really first-clsss coadifcioa for cyclists, aad discuasios. i vfeteltos was under auaiveraary ia very enthusiastic about the teip generS Bbi Chusch.—The Sunday,school ally, a special feature of the scenery oeiag -rlh-JB»t bdfc WeaUtfaa special services, which ij the twelve .mile, aveaue, rendered mors --qrelebiatod by by the .rate with, La the ehLch oa Sunday. The beaufeifal thif preached in the | wealth of csizsson. blossoms. ~'.'.-■' v D? Lucas of Ontario congrega-1 '.AOGIDBST TO ATsSESHINft MaOHIHK.— who were aanoua j Aa accident ocearred oa Saturday to i££, mdmmj people were enable to obtain j Messra MoAlpines*... threshing, KacMae � hear him was the number ia the whilst st work oa the Homebosh Estete. so great In to shift to fresh, atacks esSg Dosic—Captaia Jennings informs the endeavouring traetioii engine beeatae embedded in s °P"I^oa there is any the soil, whicli, os account of the recent thsS if' ®L* fjoia fever at Eio de Janeiro he j wefc wealiar, is very soft, and broke'its j azle. The delay caused by the accidoat ni take csES that no commuaication 6 silore* Att e3 l l sopply of will be e> great inconvenience and loss afc to enable the steamer the present busy tiiae. •■■■,' ; / northern fort if, neceasaryi | Theatbicai..—Mr J. Sfc. Ciair, the agent is s,^o3l required ao | in advance of Miss My?a> Kemble, arrived takes oa board at Bid fog! last night to make, arrangements £o? the commeneezneat! of'the season here, wMch y°UQS Daaa tnowa as Liver- opens on tie '4th inst. at the Theatre Abbess was recently fined£5 andl Soyal. The season in Danedin, h&a beaa got keeping a disorderly house, was moat; successfcsl and no "doubt it will be lasted oaa charge of committmentto gaol equally so here. In Invercargill last for one lEoath for aon-paymsnt of the finei j sight, Mr Sa&selle, who will appear here kjjfcjjiyiaged to elude the police fornearly j at Easter, made his debv,t'm Hew. Zealand veefcs. A clae was however obtained,i before a> large audienea and .&shi®vac| .& at the complete sJiccass. '-,■■■,,' ; ©fcich Ksalted'in the man's arrest Moore at Bingsland j ,' iMFBOvsMmrasiH.EAKCupBA.—The Eaa« hou3s of & zian named aighfe by acting Detectivo giora municipal authorities hme lately oa --•.■' been.csrrykig out several improveraenta in, •■■•■-,-■ Karesct regard to the extension, ol asphalt paveg£lT3 .—Tiie following is the handicap for ment and concrete side cimnnala, which tie Fifly Yards' 3£ace for the Captain's add much %a th@ appearance of the trophy for unsuccessful competitors in the borough. The manner ia which the saontiily saces during the past season, to public works,in 'reg&rd'to the streets and m® earned out, give c. decidedly be mwa on Thursday aexfe, sfe §43 p.m.:— footpaths,, H. N; good appearacce to 'the town, besides Ssis6lfftt—J. M.J. WafcsOT srarateib, Sargeant 4sec, W. T, adding immediate"Value- to the properties ! Isdsrson 2sec, Itaas s|3ecj seeoad heat-—"W. Halliday benefited, met the Borough; Gounoil de-. fisrstcb, M. P. Jewi3S 3sec, A. Brabaer serves credit to; the jiiaaner lax which the Harket 7secj third heat—A. improvements are being e&tendecL, 2b is AsocTm H. lioaisloQ 2sec, J. Eaves Ssec, A. Hj Jewiss ezpected that; shortly the public clock; :E, Saeddon 'JJsea j fourfch Seatr—J. which tiaa beesfor some timeunder OEder, B, DffiDcaa W. P. Andeasoa Bjsec, E. will be plasedis the turreto£ the Post * STRATEGIC RAILWAYS RECOM- TaSesrapih—Caffpi&fi Press -JM»gM&ttar-ut«l engineer, aad aald J&fcfr-be CMae from feydncy. It was tfeafc be was dressed remarkably wellnoticed ead'fejra «sr» oa ringa, « and that hia wwmmm-'sm ?^ nateopgaontßkst to thafc of Ma fetfo. seemed, shabby and neglected. A photp- THE WINDSOR MURDER. GERMAN AFFAIRS. ANOTHER DYNAMITE OUTEAGE. _ ~...'..- ... » I/oss of CAPiriX.-rThe following es- ■ London. *w~ ANARCHISTS IN FRANCE. telegraphed to the the Blngt. Tss CiECtrs.—Thers was a very large attendance last si|£hfc at the circas, every part of -the teat being filled. In 'the first; past o£ the programme Miss. HEarisela Wirta aaade hog first appearance. this season in a statee acfe oa horseback, and also iaths invisible wire act. The other. items in the first part were selected from the repertoire of the Coaanany. The concluding gtortioa of the programme was "Dick Turpm's ride to Tork," in which Ms T. Wirts as Bick, Mr G. Wirfeh as Tom King, and -Mr J. Wirfch 83 Sammy, were ¥e?y good. The act was admirably carried ,01st. ■ The prograiame wiR fes repeated toaight, aad to-saorrow there will ba a change of programme. Taa Jbnhy l&tm Method.—Last.night Mr A.-JL Hostij gave at St. Michasl's Schoolroom the second demonstration of th© Jenay Liud method of singing, when these waa & very good attendance. _Mr Horth in Ms lecture gave a practical demonstration of voice production, and took for his subjects position, breathing, and projectiOß of tone. In the course of Mr M. Lewis, the ofAethabbt.—A Captain's nesday eveaisg next CABLE EWS N otbi-EWEws: GABLE'^NEWS: 4 Tboot.—There <letaile4 of his life is Australia, foj? MrA. Finb wMdow on Saturday a desoriptloaof.bis msmsga sfe Befedey W. J. fWitiiig and disehargiasr same we classed troat, weighingfine 121bs, sad of Ms Journey xmder arrest feom the erening a jjs specially d&ugeroos goods within by a.-Leastou'eagles inHaU's Creek. Southern Crossto.Perth. This infora&tioa sieaniag of the Dangerous Goods Act, caaahfc —Oα Novs& -Ehtbbtaikheht. Wedis specially Pjbsss from A geligmite and fuses asd detonators .; was Tj^-i»j^s ;:OTBSDAT-,|a^jtf33a or FoUd silver t.icked br*-t»rt nx &tt r/Vick sizes, «nd a diamond i*i lioc Sfwfe 190 gafxca'Sj und tvhielt t-lw Uα w>401 ; J. a hair \vii«a sho wna ixiarriud. b?acol"tt itai well, b ifc there vaa ncno 'd jjmoa<ie ftuod citoagh to suit!*'«» xh XTtt)?s iiefepcas» 30 one \yjis ordereo from London. the b,ortyiaooii of ihi'CQ uecb jr snnlk of Engbad and returned fco Bevwr?»fj?. twft thj Lequmißf of Mftrdi. TLw ?y c6 theStation Hold &aJ| on Frca'' !,¥.'». laft lior in ilso hotelt nfin* r»aa gohj,j to <;,«t> i-havi'd ?ju* r^o ,; 1!.! scon, to iack, ''ufr bLo hsn 11 ■>*?£? swn Ma eiEcs, It c.ppsata Jia to lisa jcT/f.llor?and obtibiod the bri'rii&t' ;a ordered froia loaders, necitefe ftnd ring t<a attach, in r!i fjt ik® .ratl tIKV.-a ! ?re« valaoof £285, paid lor -~iU* two vroua articlej hy had cUcqua-j- bat; bouu; Sis-iiu-Juy b -U-Lolji'-iv ws closed, cik: v;h»j\ ®n Link ■Rail , ; very much mpoa tho mind- of aia wise, and from a cheerjj lively girl sis.c chauged to a moody, IrretiCTg T/omaia. i Dtmnlng aexl remoFcd toa Melboarao, and we find Mm hem ia 1883, plamber ia ,th.c employ of Messrs JolmBaaks and Son? SsMxrko"fittest. Ho proapsred co well fchnti'of ia S~nly of that year lie weab to Kockhamptoa; 'Qneaaslaadi, and ehortlj jifterwards started business on bits ovm accou&t there. Whence 'he weat to Sydnef. ia 18So, «k! estaiblishod himself ia PblUip titroefc. •Jjsotlies, oMld was bora to h'la 6Lere in IBS 6 at which time Bc-n!ng fave Ms own &gs ps to.j'-i.y-tlii.rse. ri!hea we Isave for two j"ea.j familiar record rupeated, laxxjrles a pony camaga) t debts, dim?, a fires £nd fiaaLy in Beeem'bsj', ICS7, ltocmtag, who fcad iso far dabbled oaly ia larccay, attained'tbe 'hohour 'of frauctulcat bankssativa invustiverito ! His isad not raptcy. foraakta Msa, for bs thoagMfellj a«i\xrtL-i!.yd at tMs Jojaetars that 16 beaoved Bajley llcemiG''* to re-jpair lortliWitii feo to dais aa iulicntence j X&verstooii la • r , » , Icoday iaon*iag tho cheque , vtr. i4v«* to ; lit" autJ,sed h« v <tj wrurant v/pi fused it><* <j*c?t -W£c traced to Monlo Vi.ko > ~>» fhj c*ly tirak cot. Hf» Ji£.d (uvea cr « prei-vjiti he s r,/ >■. afl In-- outfit, which \,-- di<s lu«f» good one, asd all the rjoary He Lad persaaded lw to tcAV &H I c~ 4scupt .1 iiw jw6" iv'm, ?>_ 'dbes. ?t w. «j <k,v. n j«4 }}**{ Lii-don* aad bo liM dt'&«iP-3J tL.r tA'£» t) (; t t, \jti t«w luggage, bat foMßii awaltlog Slim, hut the cr*idit<sr3 did not it. lie even tool; b<v v» ?JvEy : x ij r-dt,; swallow tho Baitj sad the ft.*al(. wvj a f, ,B a "'-< «Lo fmuv&fa quatre dfksure va the Xa»olrency Toad *it, cad f o.*{,)>u'ciild \; (';,Ah zj Cbort3s aad a committal for Ixli ! £0. larevaxicatioiio Oa lib release, a fo?7 ">" J vi days" aits? the €hxiifca&3 ol 2&87» things and j»s is haJ taken «i- J looked black, for in tfee interval it. had. kid if\/. kAt,''lift *,Js4* x*ct tratsipireil thafe tho £a£»lvcat'» cccousra ■n hole tlia/ w*w & dtop iv ware ecaked." Tfce tkto Ix4como for di&- ol iii'ji'oiiiQ'u.unk'i.Pii'i-l'c:, good re : "« 'to-- cztSnra.'-* f;p' i r jpca^ire appeidng:, aad Bsejnasg left, 33i© nest news ©I Mia comes from AdaMds, Aboafc tho cud of Bocsabcr IC3?, s ©? the fceaiamag of January, 185S, a a»n j arjJtlitTli tosra.' the assis of W. /s*'d, swadl \rlio I wlio wa* fVzs Vo-> Tlileo was &ccomp&nied by a "sreffi&B pariljif as for Ma snfo asa two cMM»ca, a**2i sea at Ade-1 ccalcjic-i fd uiit mot]' laUe in one of the Adelaide Cota^%sxy & j ids Jv-r Ck v i .ti vr«vu r'fso.1 Mfcs J.ifttlw3«a Bteaxasra from Melboanis or Sfdnev. He cntod for bis fcigisay pafe at aa hotel &t Bort Adelaias, and about a month or live "weeks stayt'd «"t until they eoald go* a t» South rrr*' f ;j." Shig oa t'ia , :,:« So Africa, At div c-anie mid T/:re slaving l« vc rawm.'j to «. iv Ho\to V!ir?jMg tliH swf tro brotherr named STore, aaJ Wara sfnsc& ap as acqaaincaocs vitk iiham> IFb&j T,l <" * '" for;* tuVf <v: u.ir a,*l pAtttcaUtiy «--ctiv« '/d d* to pixels ol asasvra&etjt tosothor. | r,atJ * *t& cop; .rjltiF"* nonovas t, w,n ti ju< Ward at that tisua isrs? itpsrdsd as a ia '~ and of ifes mystary l>j the the people livisg thsr<s. He i.pm&sed to I aed I bo/»iTea Any iscopa il» have BHsaty of toosey sud , w>ir& iKre v;.5 so ironcy ' *' • , ' 1 1 - * I f ,| ., , ■ ' ". by bis fisst '¥if% %Lor« b> -"^l «n 6 THE PRESS TUESDAY MARCH 29 1892. Ti " The telegrams published in the Melbourne papers from Perth sfcat<» that when ''tnestedat Southern Cross the warrant was read over to Swanston, his latest name, and he immediately said "I Mam innocent. I know nothing about; it. The constable custody at the hotel until the .Kept him in following Monday morning. Daring his gtay there he frequently endeavoured to obtain further particulars of the charges against him from the police, who told him that all they knew was that they had received instructions from the '•Victorian Police Department through the Perth police office to arrest him under the name of Albert Williams on the charge of having murdered Emily Williams. Hβ said that his name was not Williams but Swanston. On Monday morning he left inthe coach for York, a distance of 100 miles from Southern Cro3B. The police party teavelled only by day and rested at night. handcuffed Swanston was all the time, at night he slept handcuffed, and the watch over him by turns. police kept She party reached York late on Thursday evening. Hundreds of persons waited for hours to see the prisoner arrive, and there -was much excitement when they came. Swanston was confined in the lock-up all -aight. The party left York early next morning by train. The railway platform ■and all the approaches were crowded •With people, and the crush was jbo great that the police had to handle the crowd rather roughly in order to force their ■W&y to the carriage. Swanston maintained cheerful mem, and before entering the carriage spoke to two ladies who were on the platform, saying, "You need not look •at mc, ladies; lam not guilty." At one of « i»heBide stations he made some remarks pro- testing his innocence and declaring that he come back with his character cleared. Whe; prisoner strongly resented every at4einpt made byBtrangers to look at him. Ho alsofoiled several attempts that were made "to photograph him by changing his seat At Guildford the crowd on the was immense, large numbers of ■jjersons haying come-up from Perth by ex-1 •press for the purpose of looking at the -priBOBeR Some of them tried to force away paid a visit with Mr Brown to the Company's siding, situate at the southeast corner of the city, and inspected the briquette-making machiaery at work. The machine is very strongly constructed, and is capable of turning out twenty-five briquettes per minute, each one weighing l|lb; a day\ output being six tons. The composition consists of the ordinary coal slack and tar, twelve gallons of the latter reduced by boiling to eight gallons, being added to a ton of slack. The tar is brought from the gasworks and emptied into a 200-gallon tank, fromwhence it is pumped into two 400-gallou tanks overhead. These two larger tanks are fitted with steam-tight jackets, and the tar isboiled into pitch l>y the agency of steam, the boiling reducing it as befores&id by one-third. The contents of one ANGLO-NEW ZEALAND COMMERCIALNOTES. SPORTING. TARANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. NEW PLYMOUTH, March 23. The following acceptances have been received for the Taranaki Jockey Club's meeting :— Jockey C_ub Handicap, of 250 Bom *.»» mile and a half. The Dreamer I Scot Free i St, Mai IZiochNeaa -tarns IWefca |-.warnsRose IW-isper Prestiero Krina II W__n_. Handicap, of 50 soys. One mile. Tbe Dre__ter IMelas IMasteet Fleta kMab ITaUoch Torpedo | Weka j FivraG Hanmc-P. of 60 son Six fnrionga. tank are used while -the other is Heather Bell j Phormiam 8 Weka j boiling, the latter operation taking some Cretonne Tenax|3dapcap ! Torpedo Loch Ness ill-*! or The twenty thirty hours. pitch is run Prestige .-•• I ..;-.;■. | into a horizontal receiving chamber at the !__> IKS' Bracelet, of 60 soys. One mile and required rate, and the alack is shovelled in a naif. at. the same time. A spindle with pro- The Dreamer IMelas I Tattler upon | it revolves within the Doras jections 1 cylinder and mixes the materials, and it is then forced into another vertical cylinder, SPRINGSTON RACES. into which steam is passed for the purpose of completely liquifying the pitch so that it following nominations have beea The will the more readily mix with the slack. received: Rotating blades work within the cylinder Hubble Handicap, of 15 eovs. One mile sad to complete the mixing process, and carry a half. the material into the first of tlxree Tornado I Chestnut j Masonic chambers in a revolving barrel very Loo Wallace J JCixactwick Bimilar to the chamber cylinder of a Farmers' Plate, of 10 eovs. One mile. revolver. A. pair of plungers, one from Alice HawI Preston I No Name either side, shape the briquette in the Chora 1Doric I CornRose chamber. The barrel then partially revolves Grey Gelding i Dandenong -1 Masonic Barney Balroney Allen I I Chestnut and brings another pair of plungers into — • j \ operation, which exert upon the briquette a Matartki Open Handicap Trot, of 20 som Two pressure equal to ten tons to the square miles. inch. The next partial revolution of the Unknown Twilight Little Ciiarm 1 barrel causes a single plunger to push the Connemara (Lily iWnispec complete briquette into a trough, from Maid ot Ulster | LornaDoOa J Sunlight , Young Irving-1 Siivertbreaa whence they are lifted into barrows and Victor i ton I Ringwood I carted away to the drying ground. Two Bob Blue Gown I Oddfellow I to jets of water are small used keep the chambers cool and enable the plungers to work freely. The machine is driven by a 12-horse power Ruston and Proctor engine, and the chief action, that of the plungers, is given from eccentrics on a main shaft. The machine was perfected for Mr Mowll, a Dover coal merchant, by Mr Messenger, marine engineer on the London, Chatham and DoverT&ailway. The briquettes quickly harden as thay cool, and in a few days are ready for use. A stage is justbeing erected for drying. 100 tons at a time. The briquettes can be produced at the same cost as West Coast coal, a&d the present demand is greater than the supply. They are very handy and clean for household purposes, and make a good and lasting fire. They I SPKmasroH- Cop, of.25 eoye; One mile and a halt. Bay Kins Kttmarnoofc I Corn Rose ! Jfiria-go-braßh l Doric J SUver Pina Loo I I District Trot of 1080V8. Two miles. (Te-1 Loma Boon Shamrock IL j Charlie vendole'e) I Nellie little Cnarm I (Holmes) I jKilroneT Unknown Gladys Lean i Maid I Lady Jane ; Silver Thread Last Chance I Never Seen [I Them Roller Coaaemara | FtYiNO Handicap of 15soys. 'Sixforlonga. j Cora Rose AUceHaw- | MatariM 1 Masonic tborne I Preston Grey Gelding Fire Fly j Nora Barney Aden Dandenong [Kimiamock Eria-KO-Bragh j I Ons Mile Tbot, of 10 sove. Blue Gown Little Charm Never Been are also foundto be first class for steaming Chance Them Lily purposes, and the steam threshing mills are Last Young CharUe B*airNell Imngtoa (Cowan's) Adam taking all that can be manufactured. The Spinawav Oddfellow industry at present employs a foreman, Lizzie Twilight Charlie Woolloof engineer, and four youths. From the iTevendale'd) I mooloo Whisper success that has attended the venture there Maidof Ulster Maid of Sunlight Rochlea Nellie (pony) is no doubt that a considerable, trade will Kikoney Maid be done in the new form of fuel. , ' .. . ' I . ' : . . ; On Willisana 'taking hie place in the dock stead, so that for a. time that land became \%pt the Perth, police court, the courti was valueless, and the water found its my into 4guickly crowded to escess, and Willieisas the back portion of thehouse. The next tobe amused at the public aiixiaty indication, however, showed that in future get a sight of him, but it was impossible matters would probably keep on getting sop Mm to hide the nervousness which seriously worse. This was the flood of 1838, "■aSbcted him'when he had been'charged" and it probably carried less, wafer than the <6?ith the offence of- murdering his wife, and flood of 1886, yet nevertheless it showed ordsr was mads- for the police to the growing tendency of the blocking of the [supply tho prisonei mth » list of the river by. overspreading tailinga upon a gesticles belonging to Mm in theirpossession. larger;. area of land, though the water: HSs was remanded for eight days, and will did nofc rise to the house, ; In 1890 probably be brought up again on Tuesday Bortoa obtained small damages, and got mexfe. A passage was made through the an injunction. The Government had chosen quietly removed to iiis to interfere with the remedial measure Wseowd, aad he was ■■■ seeiL ■"-•.•'•'■ .•■■■-■■■■ in Williams' physiognomy may be noted receding forehead, decidedly lacking \& low Hα. fexeadth, the brow somewhat projecting, blue and keen, a clear cut short nose eayea t&ssa fiaa nervous nostrils,-a heavy blonde j-aaoiaft&ehec[uits concealing the character of mouth, and-then'' comes the most Jthe jsnarkedphysiognomic trait, a broad, square, »rojecting cMb, displaying a capability of ffematy such as is attributed to Williams. *Bst for this th© appearance of the man is (distinctly pleasant. The statement that Jfka Is o! gentlemanly appearance is, how- : jev®r, absurd. He is rapidly becoming sad losing the freshness of colour in Perth. JerMcli h.® had when h© arrivedPerth believe * S!ae poHe© authorities in ths Ripper" aro ttjhifctiWßlmins and "Jack theory to a great exSeatieal.' eaafc based on a comparison of the Mates contained in articles found ia Hhs accused man's posssssios, which seeia tto fit in woaderfully weUs on the s&et that among the ladies'clothing found in Ibis possession is a long dissecting knife, and A special instantaneous powder ins clsansog lfc. By a passage from the books in bis ajossession which would giye him such a 4S Jack ffiaowledge of acatooay as it is knowa fth© Bippsr" possessed, besides one or two gmall threads of evidence which are sow on &hei? vrsy to Perth from Southern Cross. HTfae poliea hers say that the only descrip/fcien the London police ever had of Jack the Bippsr' was that of a. man answering 'the prisoner's descriptioa, aad he 'told the •woman who was able to give this descrip*sioa, and who barely escaped with her life, that he was an engineer. Amoagst the articles found on Swaaston were the certi« ficate of his maniags as A, Albarfe Wil- Their' is. *' liams with Esiily Lyda Mafesrs, A NEW FUEL INDUSTRY. MAKOTACTUBE OF BRIQUETTBS. Borton had taken, and who wds projecting to stop persona'from interfering with his property, for they had chosen toparalyse Borton's actions and to permit mining and sluicing, to go. oa in such a .way that witnesses would tell it was inevitable that disastrous results must ensue. There ms &v<sty prospect* of the amouat of miniag increasingj and the evil effects on the river increasing at amuch greaterratio. The past summer had been very dry, but sluicing went on, and the river being low the block went on increasing until in'the month of February lest a flood occurred again. It was uot. a very large flood on account of the body of -water being larger than what had been seen before, but because of the obstructed state of the riverbed it acted in @> mors destructive manner than it had ever done previously. The effect had been to turn the main body of water towards the house and buildings. The water rose into the front part of the house, which was ona higher level, and the family were engaged daring the night saving furniture T>y taking it to tae second storey. The water was densely charged with tailings aad silt, and this was spread, over a great area of land. Ten ton 3of silt were dug out of the study. What would happen ia the future was this,,that thebar or block would steadily accumulate inthe river and would steadily advance iap the river in : such, a" way that a portion of the river would inevitably become a fiat* incapable of carrying even a moderate fresh, ana it was to be anticipated that an ordinary; fresh, snch as occurred every year, would travel over Borton's laad, taking & course of its own. The river would change its course.. A small fresh occurred a week ago, and it bad ant effect which would' be called "a flood ia fbtmfflp- yeara., ; Ife".'eeafe water ' down between ' c Borton's.'. house' and the eliffe, andate? Hooded some of the paddocks.' Learned counsel weat on to show the area of laad which wouldb© Affected, amounting to about 3GQQ acres, with Imildings worth J35009, gardens, shrabbery s thirteen miles . . '•' : "of fencing, && ■ ■ Evidence was then taken for the complainant, aa<s wm not concluded when the , - To the Grey Valley Cfeal thehonour of having introduced into the in Court rose.,. '■ ~;. ; colony a new feature fa thQ o£ the shape of a planb for tte briquettes from slack and .'coal ta& »m .Leeky*r*s T© Dabksh Gsbt H&ie, also wel»elieve, the-only ammmmy w toe salolsa? -HeSr ■Ee»fcorer-I»-the-qnlekeat, kind in the Southela Hemisphere. TOe mor© afieefcs than feesf, safeafci;-eeewless, plant was first erected by the Company in. onv other. -Thft'«olo)P- -psnsdaeed is moafc •- Wellington, but the mamiger of the Gtast- tj BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. LONDON, Febrtsary 20. ■/ .' A ehorfc time leek and the frequenters of Bank of New Zealand meetings expected to have something sensational set before them, wherewith to gratify their taste for excitement. Now all is calm and ordinary, the storms'of .loss having subsided with the feir weather of what is apparently a steadily progressive prosperity. The half-yearly general meeting of. the Bank was held on thelOfchinst. at the Gity Terminus Hotel, Mr R. H. Glyn presiding. Instead of the anxious feces of former days, pleased expectation was the prevailing characteristic of most countenances. This sanguine forecast was justified by the opening rear arks of the Chairman, who stated that the Bank con tinned to make steady and satisfactory progress. The deposits in the colony conIt was not possible to compare accurately the accounts of the 30fch of September with those of the 31st of March, bat the expansion of their business had been a little tinued to increase steadily. salwA " tosl£y©rts — Sslphae: Is tin.only church bianeh, Si? Thos. Bzpvm, Ctasfc- BasUst* the €3ompaDy to send it clowa For lavaUfie and '.IteUcate Children Arrqwrost aad Te» Blscalfca; church with a view chiefly'to. opsalsg v® a trade with proprietors of ihsmdng laius, .ara direcS: from thethe patent; fuel being eminently emtaolafor, eeßseq.aeaay steaming s& well as hcogshold purposes, Growers fco the coneumers, Yestesday a regre3gatativ9 of the KBM3 |j§s values I&stih& pablic. ' : •") ■ - * ASSOCiASiOK TELMBAMS.) -^'V.-AUCKLAND, March 28. cise a Bill passed by a majority of the Colonial Legislature. Theirs was The Government Bank, and it was their duty to serve any Government that might be in power. The Bill, was an experiment, and they would watch it withvery great interest; "b'ut-it was surely fair to say that should it bring with it a modicum of the evil which had been predicted in England for it, the . , . -■■ ■■.■. . A .... a: " debenture-holders in the mode which ap- peared to be intendedby theclause. Some doubt, however, had been created by the reply which' Mr Rhodes, of the Northern Company of New Zealand, had received from Mr John McGowaSj of the Property Tax INspartment in. Wellington, as to the indebtedness that would come under the Act from that Company ■to the New Zealand Government, Mr McGow&n placing under the income tax a tax of 5 per cent, upon the interest on debentures. He (the Chairman) had been ■Investment; . . . ''' • , Iβ the market* ~ - - mine, the . .' > of CAMEKAS, LCNSE?. ' . fact BUYERS wiUdo well to linjnr wl»>. L i"»!, graphs', t "•>-<• everything jn cor.uectlors roy , yartea Stack of AppiiMtiu. Krtn>lC •■ i Speciality. Also, ft Hupp ',- c Ocode, Photographic CU.'imon i mill Icficnt order* tftkt<n ior asiy uu%U\,i,' ' < luvitcd. ©orreagandanca E..BEAKDSLEY, Importer of Photographic Maovk'-* FmoAiU, W Manchester strcor, Chriotohui*:, .-. MARQUIS~"" It and the mine same w."gxub, j, llißttT. a, LOSDOB, VKTKIttNARY SURGEON. applies Pro- gress. A let of other liaea have irregular TIMARU. business >at£about former-tates. Alexander <% JLL the DOMESTICATED ./ANIK4?". Dredge, 4s 6d to ss; Bi{* liiver, 6a 9d to A TREATED in UIdtSASKi. 7s 3*l j CuQiberknd, los 9d to 16s 3d} Aαvice and MwUoino sent to any part of *S ou receipt uf sj-uipioeia Fiery Cross, 33 to Ss 6d ; Globe, 15a 6d to colony postal for 21s. ordei; %Sl16a j Inkesrnaa, 5a to 5a 6d ; Keep It Dark, 13s 6A. to 14a ; Edward, 3s to 3s 3d 5 Hercules, Is to Is 3d ; No. 2 Dark, 2s 10d to f43 2d; Pandora, 6d to 9d; Progress, 15a COMB# €OMB COMI, 5(1to 15a 9&; Scotia, 6d to 8d; Drake, la J ii2d to Is to; Alpin©, 15s 6d to 16s; Wealth, 2s to 2s Gd." ! . I "William' JJomhsoh, [PRE 33 ASSOCIATION SELEGBAMS.] " BEEHIVE BOOT reliable evening journal, on Wednesday :— 'The market quotations for New Zealand The Loyal Perseverance Lodge, Woolston, and Australian mutton dropped ia London last week to 2sd per lb, and we are told that held -its <£a*rterly meafeing on Wednesday at that price the import trade is seriously evening, when there was a fair attendance And ask and compare qu*Ucyan3 jeopardised. The Antipodean grower, it of membetß, also district officers P.Q.M. •"•■■■ ■-.■"/.•■ :: , . " ' . STORK ?vh. Bro. Woods«»dD.6.M. Bro. W. Hayward. No one will be pressed to Buy, C.vu. wee received from Loyal and we are sura you will ba jr>* Albion Lodge, South Australia, informing Astonished. /the Lodge that OQO of their members had ALL THESE TVir<L'Bn m. visitied a sick member of this Lodge sad re••■•. .'AT'PBIOfiS BSLOW '£ST. ported Mm -improving. Ths ejection of then proceeded medical officer sad S.S. ENGLISH CCST ■with', Dr. -Moorhouse bsiog elected medical offi.car, aajd Brq. W. Hartshorn E.S. V.Q. The goods at® all l» fair eoiulitk;Bco. J. Gatehouse and the E.S. were then .duly.installed by. the.Leoture Master, P.Oi PRICES 'WONDIIBFUL, .Bro.: ■J.o.Gough,- with D.G.M. Bro. W. H»ywQ,rd aad-P.G. Bro. J. Coiea acting as BARGAIN S. BAEG As I ■ AT THn conduQtots..: Two new members wer© pro* ■possd BBSHIVE BOOT STOR/. and ,oa© initiated. The basinesa cqaeludisd the Lodgo was having closed b;f Come quickly, como oavly, fn.j :•* the MM. |iec®ipt3 for the evening, £92. don t bay you will b» t:er.fed clv; \" The.qutterly Bitinmoned meeting of th© Loyal -Kakpoi Lodge, L0.0.F.J.M. U, t was Sesar® Boots ■ and Shoos no«-7 held on Tuesday oyosing, thp ]SLO. Bro. selves ami ciiS dt^;. IG. McGregor greaiding. The delegates reported en the busmsss cone at the iato CASES BJOTS /tin • , , certain dulness ia the market through the Christmas supplies of poultry, gams, &c., not.being quite exhausted. It always takes, a month, or two for people to rub down to District messing and rcsaivd a vote vi uiusb bo -,oM -jucu.; the normal beef and mutton. slaughter prices, rrpa decided thanka fo? their cervices. It /,' ; ,to MISCELLANEOUS. ths asnivcrc?ry of tho Lodga Jv ;*..,. Datziel's special cables to the "Times by holdins a dianor and Eockl about tfaa HEMEMMLtf, on Australasian affairs are making quite a middle ox May. Threo candidates wara sensatioir, andhave given thesoutherncolonies proposed for. mambarahip. Pjscaipts ior tha Ove* SOO pair of Bojtrs w< t I an amount of valuable publicity which they evcaia^p £60 10.x 3d. SATURDAY, ran Vm never needed more than a& fche preseiit The quaj-torly raeeting of the Recolutiou oC 13, Sojjt and moment. They'have also had the indirect Divkiou, From 8 a.m. to 10 p.% effect of stirring up the somnolent " Reufcer'* Temperance, was bold r-t. RuntjiofA o:» the the transmis- Thariday evening in TewvulAS IXall. boll trpf to something like activity in to routiati sion of Australasian news. As, however, Thoro was good vat a - "*,, ' U BBMEMBim7""Bl: : business " f;one important _ , tion, and will hardly be grudged reasonable Government assistance in their praiseworthy efforts to exploit the industrial resources of SHEEP SALE AT AMBERLEY. New Zealand through the medium of the most powerful factors in English journalism. Despite the strikes which have menaced Messrs 3EL Matsora and Co. sold f.fe various departments of the New Zealand; 'Amberky"'yesterday ©b©us; 8000 sheep, trade the few it during past yeara* shipping and the gale "waa successful, biddings being does not appear tfi&t tho relations between 'spirited, sad 'every tins was sold ■vpthoul the New Zealand Shipping Company and reser?e. FrlcsS obtained were—942 ''iiQerjjMj their employees are otherwise? than friendly. ewes,' low coadjtloa,".4e 7«i jc 29? orosSoK^ Last Wednesday week the Directors of the lambs, 8a f>d;-.3§Q m'esfef .Ss'M' to Iβ latter Company entertained their staff,in" 8d j'2B4 eiSf &»<J etght?£b&fcb merino wfetlseti,. the Limehouse Town Hall, the invitatioaja 6a '2d ;' 'M's'h&lihrsd tvrb'tooth''ewes, 2{k being issued to their dock workmen and to ■lld'?'..p?''Eier'itio ©wes, 409' twt>, the crews and officers of their vessels in ■foHJs-feati'isix-toof'h'merlna 'wet-ters &s Sd j t Sir who is just now port. John GoraS, 6&i;- JBsnEo laaibtj '4s ad; 4l> two-toot»a keeping himself in evidence on every side, ■-12s;' '4d;: 33. h&i£bred two-toot is managed to make the journey to tho JEa?£ 24?. saerias Isjute {eallsj), End, and presided with his usual quiet- :Ss ;;3d j' 152 teo and foar-fcoata Itaiibml aplomb. Mr Dawes, the indefatigable, ■l6wifea "fead''w«tSia3rs, I3s| 295 isalfbi-ai tw4«-. was also' present, as well as ,Mr '•toothUs. ."■ Mssafs W, Bast and; F. 0»* Johnson, the Viee-Preaidcnfc of the ■Tatei sliip had. gooiJTsiss oj iliaaf,- Mc Mr Leonard Harper :Tris&div gild Mr Mc"; Company, and 'Mto" too ill -feo '■ -'■■ loyally backed them up. Soaga cask ;atteßd.. ,; ; '• ■•'■•'• ." mastication magic " variedthe process of and the digestion of directorial pxlresage. Before the close of the proceedings, bir CORRESPONDENCE. John Gorst addressed thoa* present, nn& remarked that the object c£ their auaur.l gathering was to bring employers and IRRIGATION. employees more closely .together, and that iHB so Eoraim or she tbess. such an association woold.be of tho greatest advantage to the representatives of both Sib, —Jllo*sr mc to fejilyto Mr Last's capital and labour.. The eotsrt&ia&enfe cHticinn <if nay Lwac of fcUo l?tb fasicat, concluded by the. singing of the National- He acknowledges ibav there ivfti .» vexs,* Anthem and hearty cheers for. theLosdos: tioxLH dck,y of two ncatbs fsr vrijfca h<? and colonial Boards. V .-. ; cotnoboly is uipojriblt" ,1 r-f, '■■■" Fairplay," the well-faown shipping' wlj»g tlis Qov«tuai"at did, not «'Ut[crcc3t<l journal, is the smartest specialist orgatt-ia- to bc'sjjo(vl<?4go receipt of ts," J*t>«rd'a Its editor "Has a great knack "of Mt.i: 7 hone Mr I.«g.'i v?W K'tt!© telling home truths,'and patting them Sis trouble in Hsdiug vrho is li>le for this most incisive "this dsiar. way. la the Week's iis'ia On F«brji»"y tfer dmrie** tie bas the following oa *s <3oloiiial.Secarir |-»cUxo.! in tlw "G&wfti,8 ties "-:—" Comparing -with prices ruling. '.& and rccoh'ed here or ftafc-sd that r year &<p we find tliafc Queensland Inscribed issues have fallen over 10 per cent., "Victor!* apfoirir its'ia:*ilag OSccra »ud and Nqw South Wales 9 per cent,,. New pUeiA "fJy.lforch lOfch the GoverarsoaS Zealand and South Australtaa 1 par cent,* loand, As»? consultbg i!-s T.c.v/ OfSecfa, Tasmania 5 per cent.. That "the best.', that only on© Rstammg Oiacor was recherished colonies of the British Crows quired to conduct the election. The Sesieshould hays suffered such a decadence of tary tocsived i*. oa the 3.4tb. Oα iss 16th credit in so short a time, is marvel* no got a qn&rom at Eaagiora, was rccom> lous. The troubles in South America,, mended for tho appointniont, nnd po*stsd however, have led to more circumapectioa a reply the game sight. I think tHa in ail matters of leading. The Australian will «Sisp33s of tSjs sanl acadlock ia op. Colonies, with a host o£ other States, have pointmea'i 0!EsSuraiug CSffiecr. 1 think if been asked to toe the Hue and have failed $© the Government consnltci the Irw officers oa do bo satisfactorily. The debts of Australia, svery litl.le"m«tiorit vonld pubKc range from. £35 to £63 mc head, md yet baslße2-3 ffceatly, Ia this c«3 ii wouW h& « are not satisfied. Other colonies are made this they dl£feroKcea from I'obruary 21th to content with an indebtedness of £9 to £15 Mv,reh 14th. Mr Lagar rpeaks of thr taSsa head. The consequence is that & set has p«yera ockiog the members oi the T/at« jrbeen .made against Australian stocks, sad r» Board to resign. Surely Mr Lii£?r (or further borrowings discouraged. Pulled rip his good authority) ksows that the press xt suddenly in theircareer of spendthrift ex- m. mbsra are the Chairmen oi five Bα&d penditure, these colonies do aofc know how Boards and are membons by vlctixo o! thf>ir to act or how to meet their liabilities. T&© offi.es uafcfl i&© Board is «l«st«di,—Yooi-s. position is a critical one, aad it is. com- &o.t plicated by the necessity, from a political Taos. Pashbit. point of view, of providing funds for the empioymeEt of labour* with an ey© to the labour vote; a policy of which the foil SOCIAL EVOLUTION. financial efecta have yet to lbs seen., TO TOB roifOß OP TU& PSXS3. .' : : " " .. . ' -: ■' ■•■ ' ' ' ' Tbe best medicine ia 'existence Is CoiM' mans Asm Son% Eueslypte Kactmet tot colds, coagha, consumption, bronchitis* gravel and kldner complaints, liver-©bra* plaints and fevers of sii Matte. So cha§ you are not impssed apoa bj-woodi terps* ses tiiat eaels bottle tears the.Tires of Llle and'oar..signature, Colemsse and Sons, Cootammidra, N.S. Wales, wlfcho^fe. thin it is a..fraud. For goat, rfeesimstlsm, •sctatlcs, tiy osjt special-Etiesalypi©-Oil, 2os bottis la .3d. Jtfrarsied .meials esi dl»---lomas, Sidney, Adelaide aad 'Meihonrae. beat!or all competitors.- Sold eTerpw&ere. Lives CoMP2.&xssxs.—Br, Kisg-s Band* Ilea- am 'dalsala©. Liver FIHs s Tritboae Mereorr, area poteat rsmoiy; remove all Liver asd -Stojaaeh'-'Complaints,BUloae.Eeaa, Hea«^»,Sicksess sSkoisMe Pales, Hs&rttsurar lodigfestioor* Made/only.in Lonaos. Sold ev®??wlssre.~&nd 6olJi« - -■-Yesais,' cdekei r . , jreatenlay. -It POOTBA3JL3, , BOXING GL^YiV 1 IN GOTAT VAPin ;. ,, B*or above QoocJt v--e ara pr^r^rcl Sjjpetel Quotation' to Vltiln roajj* "", eooilitgs<»Boa, . C2 v;::a 4111>lJli!.TI0;u s /'■ ., " 7'Oft C, Wbfeh ive . Jrt Jif!/'0"^. ..rov jiAioUwr *Istte?o£ .f!i J.;.ii. it« i OlilVSlßWßtt kJi» k«gt4)3) 'J s.t,!* f Bipa s AND Cα Cl^steui^a&sG" ta Coct'ic-r. | mf\7 a I re a v H if f< h'Trr' ''Jr ( ~ , PiJ' ci" "1 <':<' Ns^oGi;^r.^.l '"„' * SUPERIOR WAKTJ?O , that "Tho ratelilntr* f .? I!, '«■'(' > . ,"' ''' ' " I ation. ster/ of The Cheucajsqiiaruj,'* ■fcbich you ara j-oblishing ia tha 4 * V/ts'i 3 I )• Pfst * fL a p-ncticftl to I f-nv. ihfir .% i-» 11< 't effect by evoJatloa, that stel agitators 1 aSKseoM to <Uly 'IjS'-u %"d ehj.j?atana prefca to vis'j to a&ei by rsvcslutiore, " h the /' vrPA"e }>oi.*«, f,i» J!«.U> t dlFectson. It teaches e » SocL.l E"oljtioVj'» vhole &i~'K Ah<>, u> .i Is againijj Coel?l Esvolatioa." All this.c- **l>l9. wf.trr pnii," *, iug men res,lia? th?fc vacs ecof c exhta ? -sr Vfc, RS-α C.;ii! dVI hi ,1 v tliososiffil foaproirjmertfc el t{i-3 p"»>|jk. \ <• o I.'tv""», orohas l} h,rn\ prookcis :o bs teasidsred ia f.av Ur*s 'h.s« proTsmtsi'. if to be brought elmb vf&hiW I firn>, 'Mr t<r?^.« II ! '*" 1, a ft jremsiplcaof Joities«n 1 cc mi* on Lallamjr'o C2532. Ihsftttard * is &a_ alrtard sMt, asd esrfcamly j-.i c» nn- yicana, J-'r.ncfcvt', .< m n«; ** r •»'',')<■» <' < '■- ., «» I fscoimnend oar local rafowers to tes4 I ittliorpitjij, *yv'tij,-, ) i kj. I rJfeir to, &ad 1 coagrati'li»to ?ho seeders sbossld.:<trisk only "AraV-ass Editor oj: the " Weekly Frca" tipoa. hia 3 V. "Sash" brand of Te»s £s«sd Bt4dM» Ja«3gm©a{' ia selectiag gaels an axoelkaS SL/ tegs', tJtr !'{-'. <■ I pc? Ib; 'refireshing, invigoraliag, ■$£&. tak for pSibHss.fcio».—-foars, 4c., Company had imported into this country economical*—lAbys.) i.SJCeeft ■■ -'- Jj, for ]' .wti * Id"ANDSOMFJiV--Fu"a>\ piaciLalik on to Vj �taiwan.hy of " ' '' - .'. BGAKB Aim yo*ir ra® H; - * <* , r? (".mou'i/.!!! i/'.,, >! *' i> BE LAVAL'S ORI2A 1, 1 S» 1:. IfaanJy t* OT.Ei'fV BEEEIM© BEAFEP. / tea&ida, to - U\l It il'C*. f<"J v" CextntryOrdoEi Of taqulrt*"?"t" executes or d ta, issao of is a stagy m ths rif-h© sqass , STRUTF:; FEOM 03 6l> tJPWAEi/S JsJß,r~Xxes<i wife tofcrest the letter o! Iβ "Chrlstiwa Socmliet'" 4 HABDWARB MB]lOHAN'i,\ WAVE liAH'k. JUST * MASON, ' , ~f AHB CO., . :: London.. MABOM9 ,I J ■. BOOT STOIvE, HIGH BTRBB T, ; ' .- W« ROB1HSOM& tiC- B. Meredith, who wai electedV/.P. oa the newspapers. * s Dalziei's" are desirous of opsniag of the Division. Tho scceipta for New Zealand their connecthe evening were £45 12b (ti. much extending ; , , through, and ona or fcwo diccuscsd. A /v.t»taro in tbo evehinr'ebiu.ine?- r/aa tb.3 pa;-.inj» vp of a respect, "bocird vnth the nnin'» of th'S P.V7.P.C. irom s/ho o^'jinj •?£ tl-o Diviiio;* in 1873. Th'j firsfc na-mo" v/aa thr-fc o£ Bro. Renter's" have no Press connection with Australasia escept through the Melbourne "Daily Telegraph" and "Evening Herald," they are in no very good position to rival their poshing young rival, which has established relations with a powerfulsyndicate of the leading New Zealand and Australiaa ' ROODS' -. . : as. COMPANY. The same day a< rather more contentious meeting was held ;.of the "NationalMortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited," the proceedings of which were made interesting'by somd remarks of the Chairman, Mr H. B. Grenfel!, which called forth aiprofcest from, the Ageat-GeueraL In moving the adoption of the report, Mr Grenfell said that, as he hinted at their last meeting would be the case, when the colonial Parliament met last year they passed ?ill,.which was now to a certain extent in force, carrying with it graduated taxation and other methods of getting in reyeaue. The Bill, however, contained a clause by which it was proposed to lay an income tax. on debenrare holders. They had seen that sundry articles and speeches had been written and made upon the subject, but not long ago they received a letter from their General Manager in New Zealand informing them that ho thought that the .effect of the Bill had been rather exaggerated, and that he believed, so far 8,3 their Company was concerned, they would not have to pay more under the new taxation than under the old Property Tax Act. The Prime Minister of New Zealand had stated that it 'was not intended that there should- be any duplicate taxation. The Agent-General of the colony in this country had also written a letter to The Times," in which he had declared thafetherewasneve? any intention-of taxing auestioa. . c!£j HIGH STREET, GREYMOUTS, March 28. £str& Reaftoe gold returns are as follows: Have bought the Largesfe and Haa| —No. 2 tJark, 2320z of amalgam from 86 tons (cleaix tip); lakerman, 8Eoz» of amalgam OF from 130 tons'; Progress; 286az of Amalgam from 185 tons; Alpine, 2300z of amalgam BOOTS'; AND SHOES from 200 tons; Fiery, 23502 of amalgam from 100 tons. PBRB.S. BUCKINGHAM. DUNEDIN, March 28. fdllowing raining returns are to The" Hoy Company, 390s 14dwta of tisement by sending out a circular with ah hand COMB, COME. Dredging Company, lOOoz <30MB extract from your issue of November 16th, gold: Waipapa of amalgam adwts ; Bis Mile Beach Cony 1891, detailing the opinions expressed by ; ON ■■■';.■■ 12Ioz 'KMwts of Jutland ; '. amalgam pany, Lord Bosebery and five other eminent English authorities on the haif-doSess Flat, 3Q03 4dw;fe of gold; Sand Hills Com? BATXm&AY, 12tli of BEO carcases of New Zealand mutton forwarded panyj 13oa4dwts. The-United Hercules obtained 108oze of to them by Lord Onslow, through the . gold for eleven days running. medium of the MessrsFitter. The following very alarmist *' note" on Walk right into the the present ruling price of New Zealand LODGE MEETINGS. mutton appeared, in the Star," anot very; seems, doesn't mind supplying ua at 3j4; of property they retained, and possibly by he can still make Id per. tpound profit at the time the Bill got into operation they that figure. Bub whenit .comes to 2£d ■he might redtfee'their property very consider- declines to do business. So that New Zeaably, i ■ Their realisations from the; 31st of land mutton—which is as a rule far better March,: torthe 30th of September Jrad eating than the average, home-grown: article amounted to about £84,000, but in the —is practically a drug, in the market. course of about two, months they would Although it may be sold at profit in ,Londoa have a very large public sale of property in at 3£d per pound, nobody can be got to buy the South Island, partly pastoral and partly it within a penny of that figure." From what I gather the paragraph, in agricultural, amounting to about 340,000 question is about on a par as regards acres. .'.. •.. t .• as•"..■.• The proceedings terminated they began accuracy with a good. deal that gets inserorgan of metropolitan with felicitations, several shareholders tion in the half-pennyprice quoted last week making congratulatory observations, after Gladstonianism, the for best New Zealand mutton being 2s lid ; which the meeting closed. 3s Id. All the against 3s to to 33 Id NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY same, though prices have not fallen, there is competition for Captain 80 struck with this that he called upon the Clark's District Champion Belt, Colour- Agent-General, who had told him that he Sergeant Skinner, of the Victoria Rifles, was Chairman of Committees at the time won with 107 points. Sergeant Doughiyy the Act was passed, that he regarded the therifle champion, was amongst the competi- clause which was held to carry this power tors, finishing fifth with 100 points, Though: of taxation ais & very foolish oae, but that the day was fin© there was a variable wind. he absolutely adhered to what he stated in Mrs Cadman has somewhat improved in his letter to *� The Tunes," and that they health. might make their minds quite easy that The Canterbury cricketers left Onehuaga there would be no attempt to tax the Comat nine o'clock this morning for Wanganui pany or the debenture-holders in respect to and Napier. They play Napier on Thursday tke debentures. He therefore thought they and Friday. The Auckland Cricket Assor might take the word of the Prime Minister ciatioa gavethem a hearty "send-off" at and of the Agent-Geaeral that there was ao th© Railway station. intention at all of acting upon the clause in WELLINGTON, March 28. If that were so the taxation on The Premier has received a letter from he Company would be no greater—in -the Agent-General desiring to be supplied fact, he believed that it would be somewhat with details of the working of fche labour less—under the new Bill than under the old Bureau. Mr Perceval explains that the Property Ti*x Act With regard to the information is required by the Colonial colony generally, the increase in its prosEmigrants' Society. perity was continuing much as before. There are 26S entries for the Athletic They had heard of great floods in Christchurch, and that district, bus these had Club's meeting after Easter. Morris, alias Phillips, was remanded to ceased to give any anxiety s according to a Tasmania to-day on a charge of alleged telegr&aa whicli ap^ir*-!ia "TheTimes"' ..>.-.. rape in that day~••■-■ Isolations,under the Laud and Income TheTimes dfrelu oaths importance of Assessment Act 1891, appear in the Mr" GrenfeH'e "stuteicesta ia one of those to-night. "Gazette" bald paragraphs which axa all its city ,■■■■■ NEW PLYMOUTH, March 2a editor i&du%e3 himself ia the "Money has: been sub.-M.H.R., 'Mr M. Smith, article,," ■pcEiiaed & as witness for thedefendants ia The "spescli and the comment naturally v Ballascs and called up Mr Perceval, who was not likely the libel case Hutchison "■•■■ :■■■'■ .■■ "Boyle.to sit "quietly under allegations which, FALMERSTON NORTH, March 28, had he admitted, their truth, would have A single mm a&med Johs Call, thirty proved Mm guiity of something like disshot; of was the accidentally years age, in loyalty to tfte Government which sent Mm back, near Bunnythorpe, yesterday morn- to represent the colony in London. The foling, hj & young man named Henry lowing letter ia Tibe Times" embodied Ms " 3>eath was almost instanta- version of his interview Bowlings. with Mr Grenfell:— neous. Both • the mea were oat after *• Sir,—Iα the report o£ the general meeting pheasants onCull's farm. of the National Mortgage and Ageaey ComDUNEDBT, March 28. pany, published to-day, the Chairman ia Mγ A. H3II Jack, general manager of the reported' i©~-Itav'e stated that he had seen National Insurance Compaay, was eater» the Agent-General for -New Zealand, who tamed at lunch to-day by the heads of the had expressed the opinion that a certain Insurance Companies, and presented with clauss ia the Tar; Aafc was * a very foolish an address oatlieeveof Ms departors fov one.' It ia obvious tb&t in my position I Eagland. should nevosr have made use of sucJi an exIHVBECAEGILL, Mardi 28. pression :n refereoco to &a Act,passed by At daybreak this moralßseight steaks of the Legiu&fcure of the colony I lepreseat. bate on the farm of Wia. SasmderSj I quoted--the statements made by the Grdper'sBusb, were destroyed hy fire. 31sa Premier ,-.oS.';the-.colony'.'that- it was not stacks were supposed to emtmi about 1600 intended to tax fche same money twice over, bushels of grain, and there vms no itssat- sud I xelerrenS fco.eejrtaia interpretations anes. 'Tiss' firs'is baMevei' to have teea gives t© fell© clause as foolish, bat that is ■willally started. ■ ■ very different.—l am, sir, your obedient ■servant, Wesiby Pssceval, Agent•' ; , GeueraL"' ;"• AmoQgtihe Jraxe'aed Yaltuble' books la W)AN MSRCANAND ZEALAND Ihate of there HEW Devonshire's libxoxy the lafce iura-©iw{s&iß Mr femes P&yn) of -which ■ TIIM AGENCY; COMPANY, LTjD. ■ '. there aws': no '-ilepHeatee anywhere,' aiad. Sir John Gorst.had a rosy statement to *wtis&Is* still*rooter no oji© male te' the 'shareholders* of' the New Zea-"The' following.-ate has ©Tee iread thesis. Loaa .and MercantileAgency Company, some of them 1:— **.P*»y ■Vere/'.Ss -forty land on the sth'iost. Sα began. with ■volomes^;"Tft4i>olest'osTaliw ©ufc of My limited, "of Zimmerman, the statement -that the operations of the Company -were divided into a Josra aad by Himself; "Bojls,, on SSeata"; "VoJtalre, Volaey,Volta, fchree yola ;-** Barrow mercantile agency business. Willi regard WessS sad Tfea Bscol*'; 'on the Gommoa to the latter, tke Directors -srere happy to " le^ioaa" of ■ Baanigfter," by Lord Stair. state that it had not oaly continued to eliovr These cwiotfs titles were sapslled to tbe steady &yery great advance.. Iα I>ak© by Thomas Hood for lettesiag. cer- the importation of wool—by far the largest taln ehma voloTQes. and moat importaat branch of theirageacy Hyslop'a Teas when ones tried aye always used m prefereuea fco siay others business—the number of bales which the In the rifle 1""i Mortea's building. dthc3i\l Just Anhed. &x Rinrni«.kA, a Liari* ■ moat of Wineor and Nowtoa'd />'-,< » *-«-^ Materia Moderate Prices. Country ordera promptly auoadaa ts, j- , the Ksighbouring 'Bnshzesß Notice. ~~ v" ■ ■return", and the shaies have steady ouyors jat l ad<?aneed rates. Glo'ee appear at to .. I-ii I" ii ARTISTS' The following is the Stock Escha»ge report The battery return* of amalgsun received on Saturday last amoanfe to the handeoine toial of 2&?Os, the contributing .Cffinpsmiea ■baiag the Gtob-a, Progiias, Cum« berland, Alpine, Dark, Inkoriuan and Fiery Cross. Three 'days* washing at the Alexandra dredge gave. 3?os of clean gold. A ■.divideal of Is per 36,000th share was de'elated "in' the Globs to-day, repressafcing £1800. "This has beea race week both at GreymoQth and hero, and the course of baatse&i' hatt been Bbraewhat interrapted ia -consequence. Several lines have beea inquired for from outside, indicating an early revival of business. 'Thereis noaaw mmiug feature, but. active work is well distributed ovet a large portion of the field, and the yield of gold is good. Tha Ciimbeslatid cleaning up gives a splendid usual forward pricet ftheir is yieldirig well. The (rmirrnil By Special' Appolnlzncii'toiita '-;• >t.,.. "** * tfcc Oovtr..or. (Br Tm^a&AVß.) . 11 " --- . ZNEW EALAND. MINGNEWS. over £200,000 in round figures. He took it Company. that the best evidence that the Bank was NOTES ON THE FROZEN MEAT improving was the fact that the Directors TRADE. an had found themselves able to declare A very important new venture has been interim dividend (at tbe rate of 5 per cent, shape of a Freetrade Meat, per annum}, which they were absolutely launched in the Carrying Company, Limited, unable to see their way to do last year. Produce and of the New Zealand The Estates Company, in which the Bank of which Mr Johnson, Shipping Company, and Mr Palmer-Jones had a very large interest, was only able to (late Secretary of the same Company) are make up its accounts once a year—to the is only £50,000, but 31st of March—but they had had sufficient Directors. The capital and to spare for the dividendwhich had as the Company means to make a speciality been declared, and whatever came to them of exploiting the frozen meat trade in the front the Estates Company would be dealt provinces, its start may be regarded as an incident in the annals of New with next half-year. The Bank had not importantcommercial relations with Great been involved in'any and had lost no Zealand Even that cynical journal "Fair money on the numerous failures which bad Britain. occurred in Melbourne .and other parts in Play ia eulogistic in its regard. Messrs John S. Fitter and Son, the well Building Societies and so-called Banks. meat salesmen in Leadenhall Market* With regard to the new Land Tax Bill, ho known have given New Zealand frozen meat, themdid not think it would be becoming of any one- in bis position to criti- selves, and the Press an excellent adver- - : - [FKOM Otm, COBBSSFOXDSKT.] good sense of the colonists would induce them to modifjf itin some way. Ao regarded the banking part of their business, tlae Bill did not add in any way: to their taxation, but it, hit them through the Estates Company, and would considerably affect the dividend they would get from that Company. The amount of■ taxation thty would says:—Recently Wellington telegram A pay would, of course, depend on.the. extent couple Trottiug Club 3have beeu the Sautters. I It was stated in Perth that the prisoner of ."would be brought as far as the central rail- ACTION BY A BOATING CLUB. a formed in the city, and each claim the "#ay station, in the heart of the city. To tee Wellington Trotting Club, 000 title of %eeauji this idea a large body of mounted has secured a track at Johnsouville, some, SBd foot police marched down to the central six uiiles out of town, white the other (PKE3S ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) Bay railway station, and a large police van also intends to race on the old Island 23, March AUCKLAND, coarse. Each Club has ifcs programme drove to the same place. This, however, was In the Besident Magistrate's Court but, one giving £135 in stakes and the done with a view of misleading the public to-day, the Waitemata Boating'Club sued other £120, and atranga to oay both feave as to the real intention, which was to take decided on the Queen's Birthday as the ithe prisoner out at the East Perth Station. the Auckland Regatta Club for £40, the convincing day. As the'dates'clash the first prize m the Champion Whaieboat "Here, owing to the precautions just menrowed on January 29th, in which Clabsmast suffer, and it; may probably tioned, it was hoped there would be no Kace, collapse, their as but Hctle in (crowd. This intention, however, leaked the Waitemata crew though first were, dis- result interest is taken here in tnac sport, which, qualified the that fouled the ground they on cut, and several hundred people attended at JSTorth judging; from previous trotting races vrae Shore. The solicitor for the defence not of a character likely to iaapire the the East Perth Station, where the police a the by persons statement twelve in put of several police public witb confidence. mggonetfce, in charge the prosecution A Press Association telegram from escorted by troopers, received the prisoner named as plaintiffs that Counsel Dacedin says that Waddell has severed and drove him to the Waterside lock-ttp, was made without their authority. the plaintiffs obtained an adjournment his connection with Messrs HazJett and followed by a crowd on foot, in for decide upon the course of action. Hβ Stepheuson's stable, wbieb. is temporarily and on horseback, those num- to being considerably increased as they subsequently, stated that in-. the- interval in cnarge of Bishop. of the individuals named had been drove through the streets. When the certain train reached tho Central station thousands expelled from the Club, and the resignaTHE OVERLAND TRIP TO of *ners, women and children, of ail ages and tions of others previously sent in had been He therefore MILFORD SOUND. accepted. agreed ; to conditions, were collected there, ana/when -they saw they had been duped the cries of strike their names from the list of plaintiffs. execration were very loud, but this display The:Magiatrace said the case niuat proceed Our Lumsden correspondent telegraphs: -of ill temper lasted only for a moment, and according to the original summons. Counsela I —-Mr. and Mrs John Watson, of the Grand for the obtained plaintiff eventually Dunedin, and a member/ofthe.staff rushed down street vain they the in the either to discontinue Hotel, tiopeof seeing'the prisoner alight. When further adjournment, of the Press have just returned from the or amend the list of plaintiffs. the action Sw&sstea alighted at the East Perth Railtrip,to the Lakes TeAnauand Manapouri and* Milford Sound, Mra Watsoa ia the way station haiideofled, he jumped out of first lady who has.: performed the double ■ the team as it drew up, and turning to the ■ DAMAGE BY ALLEGED police said jauntily," Where a the journey to Milford Sound and I.overland carriage ? " He looked travel worn, and a back again. Mrs Haslam, °f Christchurch, MINING. I of the distinction of being the first lady could be detected "good anxiety ; ! has tourist to make the single journey. The ■in his countenance, but -to the casual ; jparty, were under the charge of Mr Quinton ■observer he seemed saraeh at bis ease. Hβ (KBXSS ASSOOIATION TELEGEAM.) McKinnon, whodiscovered the pasa bearing evenput on an air of bravado. The exciteDUNEDIN, Match 28. i "his name, and .opened up the route which is mentr throughout Perth was intense; a iaxge The case John'Bortbn the Minister v of number of work people having knocked off destined to become one of the greatest -work in order to see Swansfcon. of Publio Works, a claim for £10,460; attractions which New Zealand iiaa to tourist. The SutherA fellow passenger of Sw&nston's, from damages, for declaring the Marewhenua offer .to> the has Melbourne to Albany, supplied the river and tributaries as "ffatereourses into land Falls were of course visited, and a most .enjoyable day was spent in comfollowing particulars to the press:—"He stated that his osly relation, a sister, had which tailings and mining debris can be pany with thsiTj discoverer, Mr Donald sdied in India, and that he had now made discharged, by which the plaintiff's' land Sutherland, in exploring the beauties of ■sip hia nnnd to get married, as he was will be, injuriously affected, was commenced Milford Sound, where Mr Sutherland haa naming £20 a week. He asked mc to ta-d&y before Mr Justice Williams, and is built "a most comfortable house for visitors. '■lallow him to pay Ma addresses to my niece, not likely to be concluded before Thursday. 'The party speak in the most glowing terms ?aged 19, who' was also travelling with Messrs F« K. Chapman-and T, J. Hoakiug lof the magnificent scenery along the whole jmHj? wife and family. I discouraged appear for the plaintiff; Sir B. Stout and jline of route. It may be added; on the not !#iig, as I was authority of Mr McKinnoa, thatthe Pebss satisfied with his creden- Mr T. B. C. Haggitt for the Minister. is theiirafc professional joutHials. Afc Albany ho wanted to take my Mr Chapman, in opening, said it would representative «»iece out for a. drive, but I would aot b© proved that the effects of sluicing agfiist who has visited the SutherlandFalls. allow it. He also asked her at Ereniantle isad 'been to aead 'down tailings, "in- Th© yacht St. George left Milford ; Sound M she would like to go to Southern Cross to crease the depbsiu largely in later for IJobart, on the 21st instant, having sasnyhim. He tola-me that he isad two years, and alter the course of the river. spent about three, weeks in the West v Ptoses of his sister's clothiog. He used to In 1886 there was a flood which washed Oo&st Sounds* ; ■ '$&& about Bis 'sister with tears runniag away the Railway bridge, cast a'consider-Hβ a ;dowj Mb-cheeks. appeared, to be yery able amount of tailings, upon portion of ,-aSbctionats, especially to children." Bortoß's land at a point below the home- , , (P__3S -SSOOXI-fON ___"EQE_M.) had increased from 5&.015 in 1830to 124,661 in 1891; while the'gross* value of the wool j imported, tlkragh the price was somewhat lower, had increased from £1,393,620 to £1,675,186.' The Company were, in fact, the largest importers of wool in the world' "from New Zealand and Australia; and the whole of the produce imported into London by theCompany, including wool, amounted to in lßSo,sad to £2,050,585 in 189L It was not wise to criticise the New Zealand Government or New Zealand legislation; bixfc he thought it right; to consider what effect it might have apon their own and kindred Companies. If New Zealand imposed iranecßssaryburdens, the eJfbcfc would be to diminish the capital invested in the country, and thus retard the development, of the country. The withdrawal of capital would inevitably lead to an increase of -interest. At the same time the prospective legislation of New Zealand need give the •Company no alarm. Latest reports from New Zealand and Australia showed that there had been a large increase in the number of sheep. In Australia the number of sheep in 1890 was 85,800,000, and in 1891 97,800,000,an increase of 12,000,000, while in New Zealand the increase was from 16,100,000 in 1830, to 16,700,000 ia 1891, an increase of 600,000. Tuva the gross increase in thenumber of sheepwas 12,600,000, and thia in spite of the immense importation of frozen mutton yearly into thisj country, There was generally every prospect of continued prosperity for the - subseeff as his cousin for awhile, but quently admitted that she was Mrs of the two conversations were Deeming. The of course always conducted, in the presence of a warder, and thus It was that Mr Webster beard Deeming blame his wife for telling the police v» here lie had gone after his Sight from England, He spoke so swughly to her. concerning thia that Mr Webster-upon one occasion remarked that he would not be surprised if he murdered her upon his release. He was convicted in September, 1890, and released in July last year. He appears to have gone straight to where his wife and four children i ftainhill, were murdered in August, and he was married in September to Miss Mather. In December the couple arrived in Melbourne, end on March 3rd of this year Miss Mather's murder was discovered. March 23. ' * ■' WHE ..PRESS '.-TUESDAY -/ MJk^m t 39 \ 1892 Hotels, , WARNERS " " . FAMILY AED COMMERCIAIi HOTEL . (Kear the Cathedral.) A LL Oorrssposfiencs careful!? Attended to* -c Telephoae, Ko, IS. W. F. WAKNSK. gjgj ' *' ' "riiSiNus HOTEL, •OPPOSITE ' family ACID . Proprietor*, FROffSSSIOKAL HART HOTEL .WHITE HIGH STREET, CHEISTOHDBCH. GHXB,O£OI>IST with. john"neill beia§ with replete la ths eeatre at tee elty a TAILOR TAEIFF— Per Week, £3 2a. lyases onedisl Arrangements forFamilies aS Tksatdcs* Ccmpsailes, ™ . fQsSTitii . and Qsbx& istke Hast Centrally Situated, and is aaßiowle-siged to bg tits Eiost Comfortable »tp I FIT WEli AND WEAR WELL.* BOOTS OUB PReIIiIr a GoodThing. • select ftom. Charges moderate. , 676 3V3T ARRIVED, Direct from tbeManxi£actareTß,_ LARGE ASSORTMENT of TWEEDS and SUITINGS, Tha Veiy Latest and Best Patterns. A, 3§EGQa • •assaAtetSf i ," BOOTS. iBOOT 14SHIGH STREST, ,; wSts«B»6a«« CHBISTOHOBca. CHKISTCHUSCH. fglßß Fropriete? of tills Esnowaed Hotel Jl &R3 much pleasure %& iafonaiag bis FatroP-3 and thePablic fca goaoral that ho haa fast completed much-neoded alterations in hie . . ___ - I - Telephone—No. 255. FRANCIS ARENAS, U : '. - ._... Cashel street. , . SWCABO'S G.LC, 222 Colombo streeft W.PmiE, Faraler,. PLCJMBEBS GASFXTTEBS, ELKCTEIC BSLLHANGERS, BRASS FOUNDEHS Cashel street. " *. •> Saddler, TIN AND IRON-PLATS WORKERS, - c , " ' W. m TBAVIS, st« Aeaph street* UfALLACEand CO., Chemists, Si lUAM STEEET WEST. CHEISTCHU 'Ofl. High Bfcreet. ■ ' ' ' »« "art*.* CSttlsfcehnich, of AH . TELEPHONE KO. 118. HAVE FOB S A LifeA Gold Medal was awarded mc afc the -I? ; ■ t', Brasswoi'k Plumbers' Christeirareh Ushibition end First) and Waftenrfties (Blade aa& Down Pipe* at Fittings Award ChrisDchorch. and Ware Steam Highest Sanitary , " ■ S. -- • ..'.-. . ca . ,, . * • MJDIM ' HTd ofw&fEßeblsJasd i iATHIIOOMS Cold Water), ~ , FOUNDER* '" . „ . - > - [ I jj } I .' . oH£ltsls MODERATE, SOTESi BUSEJ3 9 g SOTBL* fea® el ffigh aaS Manohsstsr CHSISTCHOBCE, NA J| I * |. J P. 8. MUBBAY, < .' . OWN FOETEAIT ,O». OPAL H - AT . BULL'S. DUTCH ANDCabinets, Cα One Ooal ami Twelve BuraiSed Cabinets, IGs per doa. 17s ' oa srraagemeats can be la&Sa 338£lea£!g& to ■ '■'." P.- BUBK&- GITS SfESST, OSSI31! 3IIGHT POKTSS. ftc, " I ■ IJ,. I I II 11 '' ~ v .•: ! ! - I . Buttoned Boots 7s lid, worthies --r?*d\* 3 Mett'eShoocingßooteßaed Men'sHeavy Nailed Bluchers 5e.9d „,.. ~ '- AnaHondrodsotiahas Spbce .* iWANT THE TOKY BMST . ... will Not Allow taQttote.-* .. • s.i . , x Stts Hsfie to ■ »S H •'.. e e OrSerT" Hals lifcKiressed. ' , - "' . . . TO KACKE'ES RKSIJRUJSG - • «. «. ~£2 «, W. F. WARNER, Agenfe, Waroer'a Hotel. '' " 10s Per Dozes. Chargo Escept fog Groups, .■ JNO. reORNION, BOOTMAKBB, 11Victoria street, next to Trent's. 8867 : .•' > ; ; ■OAINTBfB"ANIJ" DBSOOBATOB, . 90 COLOMBO STREET, ; , Pamphlet-*" Decorative Art as applied to Interior £®-.Wa Sey, pceti free on application. Vf WQ • IS* "V & I, O SS COLOMBO ETHEST, and RETAIL OIL, and GLASS_MB;SOBL&JKt7 COLOft t&a .Polish to ** My sideaoard looks qaite nsw again." floors, &c I couldnoti wish for a better. To be obtained through your Ironmonger or SIi P PEE BOTTLE, oSI SHILLING Wholesale acd Bsfcaii: EAMSAY POLISH, 89 Coloisbo street. i'HS . INDIGESTION OAN BE ''CUBED. So ait Han, v MedicalBerbalißt, 162Aramglz street, Chiifltchßsoh. -. Deaf Sir,—BVjt teas years I have beea martyr to bogsbl&. I nave tried all kinds 6£ romodies Vf mthous av&iL I deolad niysKS of many lands of food out stillXge« so better, and I had lost all odp@ Gf over i>oing oared, b%t eeetasf you had cured so saaay people Iα Christohvtrah, some cS' wkom li&ew well,'? thonght I would yoa a trial as a lass resource, and: I sisgß always be 6!iankfal I fiici, for after taldag foiy; o£ y oos Mixture and two bosqs xf ycur Pills lamas well aa eves I was in m? HStv I caall bo mast hajjpy for tbe besafit; of soy follow safforors to verify the abovo.stotsiaoßt', ettfee?: fjsssejsaliy or by lette?.—Yoas3 tosf gsatsfuliy, * TaOSMS J§£S>SE2DBS, ' J •"" Sesfcpa of Chuech Csmstery, : Barba4oes street ' ivi OhrisßClitirfifii ' .- - -. . -- -' *' " in, 1,........„.,. ~,...M s^ „. Mi, . . WANTED KNOWN-That J. Logic, street has bought) out T, Yatea*Boot) ? makera Stock. SALE COBOIINCE3 SATURDAY, MA March, for One Month. Comeearls and Secure Bargains, Logic's Prices win euit all clasaes. Hfcami quality unsarpassod. coo Pairs Booc3 a»d Shoos afe Hall UaasJ !Price. Come toLoglo'a and eso foryorselfes. i,..^ SPRIGS H Of HAmpIE ' FMIK^i VIA I CHRJBTCHUROH AND CULVSRDE^ STEAM COACH FACTORY, ThroußQ Tlctet, Train and Coach TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, and DAILY WROU "PTTA.VB on SALE— Dog Carts, Cambridge JLS. Carte, Ladies' Rustic Carte, Gigs, 1 NOVEMBER in so APRXEi ton/ Second-hand Landau, Buggies,Waggons, &a» JACK'S PASS TEMPERANCE HOTEft,' &c. Eepaira on most reasonable terma. Qeatle* men'a Carriages a Speciality. * Patroalaed by ||§yLil,»£jMl Qovernoi; His KxcoUeney^fe^^^Se s* L®vd Oaslow Speciallyadapted for Invalids as the NearoaC Houso to tiio Sprtogas CHBISTCHCBOH Btsggy provided Fi-eaoiCharEOtOttad^rO!* VICTORIA STREET, CBRISTCHUSGH. :V.f.v;7.-/:- •• . IiAmiSUT. F«jbel atoJJ CASHEL STREET WSSI Sesa Office , '' i i : «■■■ CHARGKS, 6a vek DAST. Weekly Press " liSad, OITT LI¥EEY AND BAt® ! ..". STABLES, BLIGH'S TEMPEEANOE HOTEL .; _»™ and "FOUR JL# WHEEL-BUSffia. CA3»,UOGOAUTS. BUaaißS HANSOM, Board and Realdenoe, Very Mcderafca Terms, andLadies' and dentiemou's S ADOLB HAQKS ON HIKE. ■~" •■.: -; ■ '..>. Meals aiseSl hmstk Good Accommodation for Horaea and Trap® afc Reduced Ctorgia by the Moatli o? Ysar. - , . . . .-:. ! ig Four-ia-Hand Teams for Football, CriekoU, iand Picuio Paxtlc:. Specially Catered for. Weekly Ticket: Ss per dozen. The above Hotel has been renovated, and is 0W conducted by Mr JohnBligh,proprietor ai BU&H'S OABDENi; NEW BEIOETON Booking Offloa ' ios Saaisyaido, HblswqU, An4 f> .' : rt ,t. -* ; . y*'.jt., V.'. , J * ;; ' * ' ' " "' 1 ' ' _ < * * . '"J ,ri l . X diioed at Ibis Studio to" Press a»d generalpublio fetr to eroellency and snperiority to the ordinaryclasa of cheap vfatk. as produced at oth§s C. H. MANNING Is consKinfcli.'iaattondaaea and does Ms own operating, c&sreby thorough sacisf&ctloQ tohis p&tro&s. All worn executed by him ia tharouglily guaraaceed glinted imtil phased. Orders finished promptly to time epedSsd-.weaker — ' • -•' B E AND "' ■•'! •.>■ • " "jm - 088 BRAND Is the BEST IBON MADE 088 ESAISI> la IaOS ®ADE 088 33EAND is the XJGHXEST HU>N MADB \OBJB BBAHD has three times the sale akaay 088 BBAND is the ONLY FBBST CLASS pn; " SOLD IN NEW ZEALAND. ' .mmaktmmmse ' '"' ' , ■n tDAI , : , , , OULVEkIScII &S H MANNINCpHOTCrAETIS!!? | rstnifH 14s. Oivodna ~.*'' - j • ilium WaSfgoaetUj ", «***ft. « " t WiiLt,tt for- Mi»af"4p» ?«* Qvas'j uAuxa , letters piwmpfc4f€wli uiwent tole<mi«3 f.tteadeti u>* HvwlaA Gaucher Parcoie lioubui and Sk4ifo, Bagflea, SaddlD Horaes t>4 iram«Uat« Isfra. Ora««t atlos, thmuali post or "aiKJ succh o prwnjjt rttts K.B.—JJlf iisfottisatioa glvm €o®& xi"id SeaU To«rlafc Agents* Cathedral trtntrcu Chdit^ versa, ' . PICKLES AHB SAOOSS, , GEeOEP FOR BAYWABD BRO3.'I£aKUFAOTURS. ABKTQim * FarccsisaadOrilersicfe ct Soro^ri;jt*3t3bsc& ttiQ Market, 20 FIRST AWASD3 TO 1890. GO¥SItt?OE*S BAX O9AOIL wniii 313 ■#\H and fiiKther notke s tSseCi«?SiiNOiiS B&X If Ci&ACE. vriU IiOM JiAJLY. loaviiw hytp.nu Leaving tl.a Bay ac 8.15 e»t«. aad 3»li ! c X is. J. J.a p,ui. ';MoWraiENTAL MASON, ®SS3. , Eafeali!Sh"6dxasS, ■. ' " '"'' CORNER'of CASHEt and MONTREAL &«„ ,&&• AND A SURE' PBEPABEO ONIJY BY 1 a COACHBOTS Ijctwuen If E*FE¥?: H .NOT OEBEATSD U2^SKTV t-r Wjg Matviawood SSBav&iind ing Saturdays. "* ' '" IM4 UMr ft '!!4 Boats aa3 Saddle ee "" * 4 j- , t , Coayayt :a, tbapb. Fwprtefc*. J^uei6»%^ois222£S^£iSJSi«» Mites Hofcdi MOUNT BOMBBS fS»METnT3E»BOyA COACHRun* eaoU T U H&DAY, TEOTS* Chxlstchurch, SatUKi's. for b'ljrlss* IromHocd'aHote'.Mtimt elWßjnsinetmk Soraaiid AWord x' oriMt, thera e^nm.tt ?'s;*iKi IKff-AS JOL & Choice Selectloia Daft'e Coach feoifl MetiiTeß, wutuiajs &NZ&& ci Moaaments, Mm& ,, Stoacß, FtaiJiaga, £%, a£ ."" InecrJptisss cot &nrtosbu?.t, 23s roters *t?» in Ceasetery and General Effpafca c ouo. All Ofdfesa win fcave tossc3lste g.tteatioo_ I A! MAIL Snowd*3rev*r/ COivCH If.a.'fl-j riontMf'vi im Will} AX rQEWMit aad ■en arrival of 'Xraj.a torn Crtiwtfcimt«.i, zotnea* : .". i / alEeutlou ■ i?iii.ciaS&rwa«t*.d torrffttv&rj? H' c«sJj : oaMf-fc giv«ii to i?4i,,ur r'/V** ST-AnsiieaSSj''-usls JJsA , O*.rated 'iteselias If tfaooasade of cases. Kα Jr-ri Hoops or Bte«' Spjtoss. sTstti\-ntii Basoaadteia-forf JSiEtSiieafißwy. Perfect littinsXrasseeseaS,by matt. Ifjroawaiife tl»« S3EST»B"iad p> Pamphlet Bf©- S. , AHit in Jews via Latauitxifet Jack's Faaa, November lee to April 30th, iKssqirafcsj froza WKffifcta; HammerPloioa Daily daring samiuorrjfcnratcMS and every Tuewi&y asid Saturday, Mosd&ya a.t*d Tliursdaya &m May ls?6 ta Occotwr 3181. during wiafcor months, Tlurougfl itatiir t Ticket 1-* aro la,modafc otosfc' Tuesday, Tintnj church Hallway Station every day aud Frld&y. Tickets available Kβ! £«ts9 (,£ iaauo. Firat 3v*a coasli 'weeks from day TO lIOTHEUMAM, WAJAW Ooaeh loavc* Oulvordtsn £osc Hotl:eslmns'Mi4 Wajau daily. Mttiraing Stom. %VtUuu kMf Mowitiy's cuaciv t> Waiau coaocet-o wftfeeoaeSs W«J> £or KttUiOura,leu ejQS Tacsdaj'n, utediay ia Kiiikouni, ruLufaluK TJiasfi4%S« coach luaves Saitoura Blasxiielxa TtorsKi&s^ Ciilyerdea 25t, i-ctera £3, Uulrordeu ?■<> BleaJs«i3in—Siaylle -fiS rvtwa £■% Oulvexdea u> UiMam«3p"J?lalßa—ySa33ia *Cx SrflOS. D3£KIUSXT, ~,,■« \ " ' *ad George of Wales, the ifcyt of Onsiow, Lord Harris, Sir W. if.-JD. Jtrroia, Admiral Fairfejc. Sir, A. MxxagsovQ Sir W. Eobinsoa ®r F. BrocsJßo, &&, feccsa tiaea to' Ma caps. taflitieaas&Photogr&sbie artiabol repute« C3iilfirensaadoastaiiyc2. Paso, esprosaloa ■softness, briiliaacy aad geaaral £Salsii pard ' HOT SPRINGS^.: DERBETTS lIOYAJU MAO. CQAOHB& (A fIIHS only Coaches carrying MailsNorth for Fry* JL Cttlv«raea, toave Hotel, Baily pezmittiag. «aaas» ■ ThedistSngaished patronage received tty O. -H. Manningfirom fchelff K.H. the Prißsss "Viotoe ASKTOUB' .■-JK'-B-S'-.JBfl BJi, * - -- • ON SALE BY ALL IBONBfQNGSBS AND MEBCHANSB. 7 . . 1 THSBEST IH SHS WOSLD 'Vt, " ..!..!" cum Btjssia , ( euiogtseciby Iroth mc ©2? Eille«esree..aSfJtftbasse,ja.gKitA . MQVMT ■ sss» 'BOMS:RS'TAIID C\VE3nJIB» HOYAUJIAttCOACf. fpifg above O»t oh Umks Hoof* IXoUAt& .£ tb«» l."AWnddi& IS«dlwa% A'.TMiJ ©1 GOLD AND OTHER MEDALS AND /WJL AWABUa. " Eepftlrs Neatly aadCfaeaplyBxeeatod. I|f Je LOGIE, J aisti, 133L. ;_ paoenibar Jjl1 ' '" * :i » other." '■*• For cleansing and polisldag woodwork, margla of ■ BROOCHES, BRACB HAIH WORK OF DESCRIPTION EVERY MADS ORDER. HOKXTIS* « Proprietors OXBORDTKRRACS WEST. ?'.■;•• .0 A/BTN-BVS, CleaseS |»<l 68a. AND . • OASSIDY,, YOUNG aad C0.,. 3fqe solid value, tey him; .W.. "SEY ,' | GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON , ¥EENAXONI». TOBACCONIST* and -: MONEY/ ■■' ORB TQS&BSh '* \ t WE CAN GET FO& 0138 if '-■-!-;■.■ , JOHN ERODES, <Lato of Holbertfe) M£s AHD CAp -18? HIi»H STBSSST, 2?ezEßurke's Hotel. RETURN- 25 Any Style or Positioa, ■-•"■' -"•-.., ':. 2u?j;oubs, BdfEm mm legs TRY TMTTF't Q. * ' ULCEEa. FOISCEIMS© t -. -t -. ;CORNER HIGH AND LICHFIELD SlftEßS* CHILBLAINS ; SWKAS! GALL, O0BN§!, M.I- I. &-S I. E ABaOTHSES F 01-LO« ¥. BUNIONS, OJJJ SOEES, ABSCESSES 'IT" " ™° .»* BIJ Looking for the Very Beat BOOTSIn Ckristohtsrchf B V Willing to Pay a Fair Price and Get Foil Value in Eetcrnl i, CONTRACTED 'FO^-^ | ?I , ii Itia ft Bi« Drop on Boots, and Mills BottOnu' BARGAINS EVERY ONE OF THEM, n't Send lor these Goods nest Summer; they wiPba all Goae ia LT^l^%&>. Soems. •- I ■ P I I I 1 RefEfeSsieac Sadies' ■I '•;»" Women's Oxford Shoe* 3a 114 ' ' Womea'aE.& Boots 4e lid Women's Kid ,' MONTk JUST GAZE AT HIS PRICES,, 'j& BYERB, \ CHASc f" . ' , • ' ,. -' ',, , Has decided to HOLD' A CLEARING SALE FOR ONE S ', sad CONFEmQNSR i pASmTCaos: (LateA,Bafefcea). ■ * -• SIOSTSSSS -BUILDIMOa. i f .. -jft/pLLS FIBS£ PBISEBUNEDI&I SSHIBXXZON j :Ij a< TH3 &&EATEBT SATISS'ACISON .Sd>lO-Sia HIGH DOWN GO THE PRICES. r ACCOMMODATIONiaCfarieli. _A eaiisdi©aiateSl«ssSl£eascaable TenaA - ARTESIAN WELL& BANKS* LICHITELD STBEET. -«-* Gsascaateed,. 113 Viotoria street, Cfariaschareh streets, BO*, Ooia> AND SBOWKK BAIHB L ' • '■•-■;■•:'; ,\' ] A. E. FOTTS & QO- i ■■-•- ' - ■■ aS3O?'o Sfa!!ie& * ■S3 6&&0MBQ S2ESST. SS HoU a^ • ■ DISSOLUTION Off PARTNERSHIP. LAVATORIES. &0,, THE STOCK OF AftS Us? Geaeral Convcoiesea at Hie Mete* ■®tU feo found uastirpassGji fejaay HSM.TK .XSSPORSESiS, SANATORIUM :V33308S SO CoßSistingof Aro SpeclaUy Oat-esod Zoz* I_. Us S3o has fead "spasially oojnstmeted a of Ma I SST©rc4 co&vevaace far the carriage " PLATS, &O-, charge. £o the Hot Spricgs frea c?tasking i ®6 IS NOW EffiALISBD ATKEDFCSS? tassis-ess en Uis premises, i sir Bugles aaS oo Hlse* i _yisJK<rs ■ Her&e-i c are notified tisat tho Haames Plaias «rlEgs eaa» ba; o-aehed daily from Cbristp ftsSKih. lictaraTislicts Mil he issued d«il7» 'lis LIOHPIBLP SfRBBT. Sm f ; SINGLS FARS j PJiOTOIMAPHE& „ .ARTESIAN" WELLS. r '" : ARTESIAN WEIiLS;,.l: '>' iaterfeatag wtbh -BEASS &LVMBEB*' GASBfTSEB, &a, ,_ REFURNWHBD, '. 4aCoiESJCKiioas «- fiie-Froprietas tes suab addea sass SHHSSe BOOM, BILMAKB BOOM BIDBOOMS, ■artesian wells. the Wlflt® as sanduasfietilasa CirculatingCylinder Cathedral Glass, Tinted, Boot Boilers Gas Chandeliers, Brackets Castiron, Zincand Gaa Globes,, Plaia and Baths in Galvanised Steel Ornamental Tinsmiths' Furniture Gasfifcfcers* Bequistfces ' ; to SttsS wl<& m? FftSeafi ihe teiisJel? entersd iat» possossioa oS tha aawa House, -eriaieh is such a popular placeof ,J . " ssiSK! aa&o?OQC@ «as»l ttteongb Hats o£ thTwala'a Hotel) Jias pleaSsetees. ' OPSINaFISLD TO 1 Valves scopplaK tro and Che Bam Stop* slag, bat a QOBStanti INCESASEDSUPPLY Bare iaiaformlsjs the travelltog pablio ssjsst&s ths TomiSi' «ad Maliaay SUMMEB BATES. : ft JJfa ■■;-'THORNTO :, Baom&KER, 7 ®^$D ® -BROWN, ~_ lOLLI1 B mSS MOTEL MOT SPBINQS, - COACHES. Proptiotoff PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COb W. SEY, Conteootosi all Goodsin coaneefcion with the above Traces. ANKRUPTO"? SALS-HaTinß TjoaghttU* AtSj Paperhargiaga, suitaKs fo? Dinins, J9 baniirupt stoclc o£ ttallinstois Bias.* GLASS LEADLXGHT3—SamoIe Windows ma be sees @A eos? Drawing, Halls, fotaircases, g%; Studio CATHEDRAL clbourne, coopLitiins; c£ cloolai and, and Estimates Given* Designs Sabmitted Glass, Papers, Bsvel Sliver Plate British Silver Showrooms; Jewollory; for ite ia tno poubil, \/o Intoad oifcir-« Jjnii ufj«al Plate aiaas, British Plate Glass, SheeS aad i aamo «»,& ing prte* tho loa than IHc i to,—Belag ovenstoeked Iα these*iinea, w© to Colored Glass, Artists' > Moulfiiaga, Doa'b miss tiais ahiincQ to f-cuiiro br»rg?in% GAS GHAHBBLIEES, GLOBES, Weli-assbytecl y:4cof of los'os? J 0:? ii A Inspection Large BttvQ? inducements. oas and Is Soßlisti Vfßiohoa sale Offering Special S&ek" 'VIOSJ.REGAIi- i53103 ; ladies' pcM v/aroh'.e £4 SCo.f ea?o pritsg EOYAL 'AjnD TelephoneSl3. SoUdtea. AGBJiTS 0B OSBQBmgs DEEP ARTESI&B? WELLSINEBR; < 6a. Karl U.:ic9baber %&„ HssU P.&tsaa mifp f» A iffQ A "V "PAT IQ¥¥ '• OpFOsSfcs'SMaagUi CASTINGS DAILY In Brass, Gun Metal, White Metal Fhospho? Broaae, && i BXUinO. ,-* ISJCOHSMBQSTBEBT. fJIXTRACa'S S»d»*-!rB3TIMONIALS>-' Iβ i&vala&bte" fIIHS Paotographjft Wosk sow being proJPoUeb 'JQibeiug aroady Batasay any Spaofclng KAM, HTD-BAU-LIO WaAmt m&t ■ i§9_ S HANMER PLAINS; ugumuassßMa 1&. CABS.] ■ eSPSOVEBI taj>» Telephone,SSS, TC™*ranllaß&mß 33 SSES O£JiT, MOBS WATSB SAVBO Is, WASTKDi ■ 29 PEE OKMS» Sgalgbt'a and ether Buaedia Ales always , . ' . . WrtnvnsJFflreinKdoß, &c) , , .. W^llflJnkera Tabes SL'ESINGBSi LICHFIEL-B STBBET, CBBISTOBUBOBi 'tpmgg-QhASS LUNCH from 12 till S, ., • , I i. TAIXOB AND OAKLBT* • L&NO VALUATOR AMD ARBITRATOR. Properties Inspected. A_, BS3I ■ Postal address—Marshland. HOTEL 1IOHAEI)SOK?S ! BOON ASP STEVENS G. L. BEATH & CO, . . <J, S. HOWELL, Saddler, : ■ Proprietor,^ Noto Address— .22* CABHSL BIBWE W. —;.. ■'...".' ONE TRIAL SOLICITKn. ,, Espfe, A Night '- i I _ i public suppora, No Brtra •'■-- '' COBB & CO.'S MAIL ,■:. '.. ■:-; ,' ::THS -ZETLAND ARMS As Sa&DLER, &c.s Where he liope3 to receive a sliara of the SUITS SLESINGER'S :'* RHEUMATIC BALSAM estoblisfaincat.aad is now prepared to Aocom sedate Forty People. -™The siisgla bedrooms aro ofths most approved veatUat-ea Bj'Stscij vitth. all thanscessary comSorte; asd tlie Fasiils Bodroosts ara also gseeediEgl? eoiafcsraabl®. 2"his raaaiirpasisscl estabhsbmentt boiatg btiuti eatfrdty gS brie^ 5 soßcreta, iross aad tiles, jeadera is psrleouy sslo soloigsssinesga of are oaevery Sro, Baths (hot, csld asd -fioor; also. Private Sitttes-rooxos fo? femiliea; BsaeSla Bshlbitioissa •» ba aad ths fediog' BMag-rooas upstairs will &>usd eae of £ho jbcsS esmfortoble ia fch® city. The €afs •will accoiainodato Oα® Hondred sbs Tea Psopla at a sitting, aad for ifcs nsagnllicaHKJ, comfori; end appoisteisats Is nofita espollcd ia How Zesl&co. , Xhs Gufelas is Er.d3y tie Bantarvlsioa of tffie Stepiistor, ofibriaj a Ually Bill c£ Fara sepaWos Bruisss, Sprains, saySossJl or to £&© OoJohjt,, BestewsnS r&r to will fasfouKd &x. Sitosked with tfeo Bast EapeolalljBlieomatisisv&G., l'h-3 Bar adapted for Footballers-, Crlsfe 3ffiSXogßißiiß Boer; also, thsß&sSEraadsoS and sfcersj Sportsmen, ot&effSj WiiKe sns Spirits prosuritli's ia tfea markec" i oa the estabUsSi* ; atif called S&sf -tea &epscia&t7, w&de 10 a.m, to 2 p.ist, at Che ■ •"Ths-Fcotbanera'lMead, meaStOnabebiulfroa -': a megS ZabCTisi Bar Liaacheea pso- i Bar. ■ i Frlca, Ss 3d per Botfele. Lcstere. celegfarss oi? aaogsagc.3 eatnastofi 60 To be obtained isbm ail Dsalese? tiicsra will receive strictest atteatioia. or wholesalefrom MEAI*3-»ONB SHELLING; 5b per Bay* SLESIHGHB, or 80s psr Week. & Meal Tickets cars hs had at fche following E&eral GtoEgea-Sis: Tiolrata sst 12 dolOa,^ , • OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. • • | Mrs. SILK, Prints, DRAYTON, Saddle? anS Harness £*1 W. \3T* Maker, begs to annoonos thafc he has IJFSNED THOI&PREMXSEsi OPPOSITE «|« , ' HO^CS^ BBETBSasdCOL >IW NOW- ON. GILL'S DEAPERY WAEEHOUBEL ColomboSoad, Sydenham. MADE TO MBASUBK IN OUR VBRY BBST WXYUS r, «fc BM, and JWfc Ever? person who asecl them was Wines, Spirits and Ales axe the Beat that Letters &ad Telegrams ■will pleased and not s single complaint jnade esc bo purchased. Charges Moderate. theselosty years. receive prompt attsatioa. gulta Aparl; Irosa HoteL ! Uatraaee, •" EWvate SOLD BY— 6037 S..COOK, Chemist. Cashel streefi. * OAIB BE FABIS, :. rpHB NEW WEAR RESI3TIN(J TWEEDS i Are perfect) in design and tmequ&Ued for wear, tjfl NETW PATTERNS JUST TO Jomlaliea. Visitors may rely on every comfort Are approved of by all owners of Horses asd acteatioa, the Hoxißehold arrangements direct supervision of Mrs Cattle and Dogs, all throughNew Zealand and Australian Colonies. A thoroughly good Cook is n charge of the • . ! ; «____ --offing under rhe J((lQsS3et« ' i , U VIOTORIA STSEEl'iNoii to TraufeK Geaaine and Scientific Pre f S the Onlyfor theCare a! Gout, JBhea paration X &c» &c. Sciatica, matiim. LoNGUBT, Te W. Propriotor Thousands have testified .to the Career effected. ' PROPRIETOR of the above Hotel "fiIHE of the Poblio to 1 desires to call attention Pamphlets. ~; See ffia Acconimodatioa offered at) the SUMWEK centrally Iβ the most situated, 26 HOTEL. and aralhas been thoroughly Renovated and Bβ-. ' I', CHALLENGE TO THE WORLDJI! M. O'BRIEN & CO., MASPFACTUBEBS, J /. IS * IMITATED BY 'MA2TC-*SURPABSgD Ladies* Strat? Hats, Ribbons,Flowers, Feathers* &o* &c AH, atdealing Prices. * ■> NOT ONLY FIT WELL BUT WEAJR" WELL. Off THEM. CJJBAN, FRESH, EELIABLB GOODS, EVERY PADS want, ; These are what we have; these are whafc you BUY STOCK, SELLING GOOD, QUICK Sure" of Ifioa would be "Dead will pay you. 7AILOB AND HABIT HAEEB, 4S r MUST GO TOGSfTBEB, IHS TWO QUALITIES ( We've alwaysbad this in mind. «"•' A SPECIALTY. The Zinest Meltons, Boxclofch, and Beavers ever Imported into New Zealand* , Christchurch. The household aria boing underthe direatsupervision Allen (formerls Mrs Henry Taylor) is a thaigueaia will haveevery attention sfeaffistgo to their recmirements and comfort. A Said Id. charge of ths kitchen. good Cook SssKjughly m,9 Wines, Spirits and Alea are 6hsbest that Allsopp's Celebrated Burton can beparchased. The promptssi; attention paid Alees Dfacghfc. letters. toteiaSfaiDSSiid. '" BOBERT ALLEN, P^eprletoE. HOTEL, ; -v.k : -J ;-;-.».-•.. ....... :' SALE tf ■ ■ *■ OVERCOATINGS HOTEL, O!jAEMNBOM tssracd Worces&er Btreec Asa Present. FOB ONE MONTH ONLY. See Standing Advertisement Over Leader, f , -fur Drees Materials, FABI3 TAELOft ZS POIN&, -"CHYHKf WHfl BVIERY SUM? nem" Aueats, SUBELUS ° SUMMEK GOODS 6618} Colonial Goods A * . CAR ! .use BSttM ekaigo of Us per pair will to iftigae, Ciuiiitchuruh ANN UA L . 7 < OPENING AHHOUNCSMEKT«? ■■ *V U X PADS OF TROUSEBS HABIYMA.KER, WGBSMMiSBIP. STYLB aaA CUT. JL Laxge asd Assorted Stock of Tftiglttih~and to -TtslEgSS, TOURISTS, COMMERCIALS £jjO3ld Pat up at tba tern's AND BESS Tables. HighfcForte. lOesiißae 4S. (LateefCaledonian Hotel) Proprietor. ' MJC4AHI? llSiil/, WBA€*H& I EVERYWHERE. TO SHOE DEALEES Houses, patrOna ROOMS, two Aicockte WOETH CONSIDEKING. having served in Che WestEacl London HHEABSIBLB • best upon getting ; eaa rely gpACIOUS SAMPLE BOOMS, eXCffiLEKT ~*~ Colombo street (Nexti DaTis and LambJ 2affiU as; itUECh, is; 4 Chirspodlst; 204 High strest, Coiaa Ertracted Wlthoct Paiii, I ffctei. for Commercial SSt eonvacient f?.H sad otheia. «%<■ ~ c A LL Sore Feet from Coins, Xβ, Baniaas or Ingrowing Toe Nails weicoEie Ms old friends Wfie wiGbimtdelay be S&d the public generally, and *<»£«£ W. ROBINSON, WtTJj *lSdwiU fiad the Hotel JflsSy censors and coaveniesce. NEW BEI'URN. OS ] >■■■■■-■■• "WbolesaleAgeataaforC^tgrottry. 1,,,,1ui.,/ m,..«i..i., Mii.,,.,, ";-;EIAGB_WOIKa W-WESSKISZ SERVICES, . CHRYSTAMi sad CO, 7301 4 , ThaiaWUfcr, T EAVE SprlngfielaTtTvery TUESDAY ana Simplicify, JJ FRIDAY oa arrival olS a.ra. from Christ church, ttrriviEg afc Cass"Hotel at 5 p.m., aad Filtering MateQoaotity of aafl Qs&lit? i amvinij at Kumara le&ve 863$ tial,Easy Methodof Caeaniaa, and Cbeapn<aß, 2p,m> Information may balad ea application I this new efcyle of FH&EB surpasses all othess All at the BeoicLug Office, In the market. •-..-..,. Ooffeß-S HOTEL,. RimaWela supplied gratisonapplication to FREDERICK STOBSY. _ . Overworked Brain, Jjidlgesttoß,&ad all Nervous Diseasea* ■' c&mmws line WIST COAOTCOACHES Zdre? Complaiutß, Hradachs; l)iplithede» .in, Busiiiesa Notices. : Rbemnataaav Ccaflg,Influanga, 1 Station, Ckristcharcn, Telepboue 302. Railway Proprietor " j COOTIE"".'" -"." GCTAEANTSEB ACBTIO . '.-ZEALAND* ~- hm,,! Easiness Notices, " SUBSET OOOT^, J. MONUMENTSand d si! Wxgsmzm .A QftaatBednsStoa findlxQvSmtmsopSi. Mβ zm®mameuwm vMJB ftSSScri^jioiiß, , ! - BLACKBCfRKS aad CX* j IC® Cashes Swiees E. | Ajssasxs; cobs A3® co» AKASOA LliSoF OOAO3S3> Oijtcjb«'!- etli MiJO S the TraJ% ,f\N aa4 aifterjtilver AJ'. ap JUttte oa Moaday, and Sjluiday. day, i4iarsd9j, aad JM&%$, r '" Aactioss , , Auctions. H. MATSON & CO., associates with ths l NATIONAL M. &A. COY. OF NJZ, LIMITED .• V '-• m ' TfiISJDAT. AT BOOMS, CASHEL STREET. TUESDAY, ISth MARCH, and CO., assoVHJTB33RS H* MATSON JjOL dated with N, M. aad A, Co. jci N.Z., .vuaited, have received instractloas to PUBLIC AUCTION, ,„. SELL BY on the above date, On account a£ whom it may concern. J.8., CEKOSTCHUBCH, Ex TALTJNB. T NS QR<SNI JLATEtJ SUGAR In lots to suitpurchasers. Terms at sale. Sale at 2 o'clock. H. MATSON and CO., Associated with RATIONAL M, and A. CO., of N.2, LTD. 1001 M - '150 - - - N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LIMITED. . (LIMITED), Manager. I* /Aoctioneera. ; ■'" ' ' li ■■- ''-''■' --- "I OV\I •i SOWMAS and SON respectfully give notice chat they have been favoured Wicn instructions -frontthe Public Trustee, as Administrator, in the estate of thelate Mts L. • «LHolmes, to , , j> . TO-MORROW, LAND , . - b> G A . O/W|/| r : . v. 1 MAQNmCENT FARM* I Lot. A. - Goodsnow on view. positively!?© ressbvs. ~ J. BOWMAN end SON, Auctioneers, I, .'»»»» lODO 200 Hereford stffset.^; Ji. ; • WALBUSS. TttAH&IQRA - : .. __ LIBERAL CASE ADVANCES Catalogues may be had on application* ■ JSORSE FKIDAY, APBIL IST, : ;- ;; 8— 99 228 ' ! "OF SALE . i FAEM AND LIVE AND; DEAD STOCK. I ?AIB Lot. : JOHN SMITH'S, LADBROOKES. SPECIAL ENTRY, Lincoln. g& account W. O. NiohoUs, Esq., White Bock Station, ACRSa FARM 3 and 1-YEAR-OLD tl/f UWBROKENFILLIES, j just) COLTS and fit for HO BS«& O~Bi DRAUGHT breaking in, a really grand Una of station SPRINGING COWS bred aorsss, vis. :— AND HEIFERS. Q 193-year-oM Coltsand Fillies, by Hornaby IMPLEMENTS, &c. 10 2-year-old Colts and Fillies, by Hornsby 14-rear-old Boan Gelding, by Fleur-de-lis dam an Aateroa mare Sale at 13 noon. Bay Gelding, by Bandoora 14-year-old Chestnut) TODHUNTER and JENNINGS, by Snndoora Mare, 14-year-old 995 Auctioneers. 14-yeas-old Pony Gelding, by Prince Charming SALE OF ■ Keen Child's Pony Jt Oft© whole to bs Sold Without Reserve. OFJ3B , 1 20 ■ ... ?2-rlsl 0a) 3-410 1 0 , 4— 91 .1. 0 V ••--61-"90 2 0" , 6—44S- 0 0 «- .00*, 7_604 "c 0 0 9—249 2 0 10-318 2 0 H—424 0 0 "- Lot. a. B. P. i 13-*195 .3 28 14—149 0 ifr 15—393 0 0 16— 83' 339 3 18— 80 0 .19—100 0 20—fflO 0 0 22— 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 '. t>ll , ate per cent. LITHOGRAPHED PLANS of the Estates from Jiava been prepared, sad can be obtained the Bank:of New Zealand Estates Company at Auckland,' and the Bank of New Zealand at Christohurch,, Dunedin, Oamaiu, TemukA Wellington, and Napier, " Or ' • .. ; TUESDAY NEXT, ' • '' • - TAI-TAPU DXSTEICT :_V '. OXFORD BAM. AND EWE FAIR. D. THOMAS CLate Matsoa, Cos and Co.), J TALUATOB, WOOL AND GBAIH BROKSB. ASHBUBTOK ■ ISffi,¥l2l^ o?'Llv BALES OF WOOL SOLD on Commission, BRAIN BOUGHT and asper AErasssejasat. COLSiABING AGENT"FOE , ' -"ACLAm BUBJ/EY • i ~ Meney 60 Lead a§ Casren* Sates. sold asd JBoßghS! oa CoiaJßiSfinck and GrainFactory SSto&M-T siaa. Csops* ®s* ResteCoHactgid. , 13AT1SKSTS, Ilrawlßga and SJWWJf^gS ?? IT; Prepaeed, Patents Obta&aed, gz&JB&SJ! <, AssDii> Colombo »tres6» C3teiss« ' < -- . I HCI CSOSSBBEI> swss |M Advances issde©a line ofgood framed are a splendidsheep. ! The abovecoastatutioasd OaaccGuatMrHarle, TWO-TOOTH CROS3BREDB ia prime condidoa Oa account! of other Clients, " I ' "i 1.,,.. mi'ir? ACLAND, DUDLEY & CO. '■' t !»i\£\ MBRINO WETHERS A ,- araha?s'sFo©lltetCoaipttsitias ifaaet Jon, Gardes andField Tools. Q, THOMAS. Auctioneer. <■ BW2SFAIR will be held on theabove date. PRESENT ENTRIES comprise— Esq, Jcom the On account A. ,M. Clnrfc GlentoiStation, MERINO SWE3 O *>£%£% iend strong Mntsm and Oα., Chriatohurch : Booth. MacdCßald and Co., ChristttteeSi Bzantfisrf Reaper and Binder Bedwood-aScaSeyßlight 'Sheep Dip . 'Mortoa and White's Laaca&bimInsurance Oα, London and ■WriKtit, Ssephensoa and Cα, Dossdia ColodS IqtestmeacCo., Dunedin ~' Katioisal Mortgage Co,, CbnstciJurek /.' THURSDAY, MAHCH 31st. IBS OXFORD ANNUAL RAM AND T e BMk Tin^ia asd Ashbarton alternately SheepsMnß, Fat* SORTNIGHSLY SALlg.of. slides, &c, 03 FrtOaya, * 8000 """ 8000 SHEEP D. THOMAS. ; - . *" - "- IN THE Xaoaaa negotiated. Sales oondnoted in town Sales 9 and oennxry onmcsbra&tonable terms. every ofaaewitianaise, furaiture, &&, &c, held Wednesday and Saturday, at the Sale-rooms, ffIODHUNTER and JENNINGS liave reJ. ceived instructions from Mr Frank Cub advanced ongoods mnx, in tot aljaolute Speacerto ; SELL BY PRIVATE TREATY His Grand FARM of 121 acres &t the TaiTapu, either as a whole or in three diviWEDNESDAY, sions of SI, acres, with Homestead and 3. H. GHiOHBIST has received inOutbuildings, 41 acres, aad 10 acres, ftifß 4SjL BtniotSona from the Importers respectively. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, SO SELL The Farm is situated oa the maia road, is in ow : ■ ' grand condition and .hear!;, eight miles from WEDNESDAY, ?ek Stos MARCH, town, one mile from dairy factory and tawsAb.tco Salerooms,Toys JS9 Manobester stxaet— ship. It is neMless forbs to sayanything about Fancy Gooda and soil in 6 Cases Assorted the Quality and productiveness or the fame v is 1 Oeae "Toilet Sets, assorted this favoured district, its.nauae aad the colonyto the other, ". 3 Trunks Ladies' Boots known from one end of say that thereis no better -lTrankChildEen'B Boots and it is eufiloianfc to 1 Case Clocks land in the colony. Immediate possession can 6 Large Assortment of Miscellausoos be gives, and the title nnder theLandTransfer Goode, coaapriainsf-Act is perfect. combs, slats and lorn, pencils, dinner ■ Foil particulars can be obtained at oar office. Beta, hearth, rugs, carpets, oiidote, TODHUNTER and JENNINGS, naadkercliiefgs cheese stands, cutlery, Land Agents, 161 Hereford street, Chrissoharoh. E.P. spoons and forks, &&, &c; also, a ggg quantity of good, dry shelving, shop and Sale at 12 o'clock. JOHNINGRAM J. H. GILGHRIST. Auctioneer. .88 • , ■ "£L :I •a mi% FAT SHEEP IflfJ -g kaa MERINO 3WS3 I- XuUv J ! ■.-;■ 3 LAMB JGHMINGRAM, Auctioneer. : C3®&najg Iα all Cm Dyeing and oiUPBRIOR despatch, ac moderate ?% braaches, Londoa. ChristArrjiger, J. from ! by Dye WorkS, 48- Oxford Terras* W. ! ichurSi I aarMooyeal Btidse. ADDS3BSSES prepared by fLLUB£INAT3SS» Cslamba eases. lα. H. Harts ! HOUSE, "LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS 71 Cathedral Square. havereceived instructions from J. S. Kemp, Esq., of Paifleld, to SBLL his splendid FARM of 718 AUKKS. T.ie land is fenced with t-oroushly siieep proof fences, all well aad aub-dfvlded into ten noddocks. a «ood Dwelling-Houb<* watered. There iaout-buildings. Thu quality and neceeaary farm good, and: it ia ia nrair of the soil & really class heart, clean ana free from weeds und rubbish. We have no hesitation iv recommending this farm as one of the beat. and cheapest in the market, and well worth the attention of any one in search of a good acd farm. Is is free from any encumbrance, as the owner means to sell, he hae placed a very low price on it to ensure a Quick eale, namely. £8 ah acre. We can arrange very WE .735^ , Well w fenced, withTwo-roomed Cottagethereon. TONSB, HORTON and CO., AttctioaeOTa._ I 7J7 ■ IW» H« NosTOSr. W. ToNKftl OLOCKS^OIiOCKS; TONKS, JSORTGN and CO. have received iasEractiona from the holders MESSRS AUCTION, On aceoaat of whom in mayconcern, SOm Ins?., WEDNESDAYiJTHB AtLwpjn., ' LARGB CASSS of CLOCKS, the very latest design, and all perfectly new. iDEt. On view on Taeaday, the UU TONKS, NORTON and CO, Auctioneers, itaad aad gatata Agenta._ JOO2 IW, H. HOBTOK. W. TOHK3.I iTWEEDa COATINGS, ITALIAN CLOTH. ■miy.V'K J?., < - leet.; I« B T, ~ • Apply SOARLBTT aad COl, 8305 '-' * Staadird Brewery. i. Messrs . : ' . •-■- - . »• ■•■-•■ • •' EdncationaL _^ STARTLING DISCOVBRY, OSWaLd METCALFE hivins found out how staminas a originate fraaraateea to euro the worst case of stammering permanently, personally, or by ooe? respondence, in two or three lessons Failure impossible. PROFESSOR ~ ; AT* STREET, MON TR E ?0, Next Attlsebrook'e Factory. CLiASasa FOR ISS" TAYLOR'S UANCING are RESUMEU. Mondaye, j to 9: Wednesday afternoons, 3.30 to 5.W. Calisthenics a. special feature. Wednesday evenings, 1 to 9, clas* for begiaaess. Oiaee. 16s,I classes to be formad when desired. Fee conrse of 12. Uoarsw from date of joining. Practice clasa, 10a Cd tho course. The modem and the original dances avtiadcally taught,, forming a varied and prstty pregrainme fur & dance. Private classes formed. Private Country classesvlaited. lessons given. Armagh !>3tf street West. 8171 TUKK.KLiU,M.A., A.UP..asa'|' B3iflV.forCHAS. 19 years Lecturer ia Modern JtV Languages to the Cantesbury College, GIVES INSTRUCTION IN FKKNCH AND GERMAN, and other brunettes of Education, eitsor Privately or in Class. Address Aberdare WM. '- • ~ ' - SEASIDB ! ; - . .. .ML* . : : WANTEf>"to~Sell.Tn ! ' : .' 4 . HOT - • , , PE| • '' ' , • ' SHAND'i BSEEFORD STREET. l> i : -- ■ • ,m ,• ' , - .- ' ' , • CASH.' CASH. • . . . ,. €ASH. J. W.PBEEY& ~.^?.f .. . *" ' ' „ ' opposite AnasU-ong }!, having thviy experience iv duuiiu'j; Dirdi. tun! Anmv' guai'antea to givo tho utmojt oiUajgp . . < ! i '> \ t' any_ orders emrustocl to lua crij moderate. Specimen Oasea uoii, on vis/* Tables •htld 'uudw ru ofdt r. 4 WAN'JBU' WANTED ' -. liaoea. G. L. Boatit ana Cα. Jackotu and Manfcj, , J I * " .-"""; t}. t ,•f * , ! ' ' llar.d or Koruo Sijmio ul, 8i Srtjsec Dot. Aimourf SoeotfA 8VivU. v-.t> ar T, i! r m-: Soap M, KoaP. ! - { n n IOAUD,] H A R L E S B A. I I* B V,' has publiaUud his now I'rlcj i. ISvesyojio ehould tirocuro oru, and lmvo a (Lete ViotorfamEallway3), through is ocforo tsioiE erdev., , |-1 I- T* Er W~AHTJ£D * QUANTITY whoro. ARCHITBOT. BUHiDINS AND S UIiV.H'YQR. ) "anted • others requiring a siica Cm/ can c EISHICR'S BUILDINGS. HERBFORD andaoleot from v imnurcd ct po*jd «o> ■. ■~ ii; -. ■■ W 9573 you ca» tod. Noro sod., goon Hoy_; P.Ol. SI'RKST, UHRte'A'UHUROiL v,"*« ' 17Sa. -"1h5T.~,v" - i " &sv& h*lih WAKTED • iBCNOWN-rrovrnTsTr"'" Sugar a|sl, V/;,u •, Brovtn T ar©bssooi^bullbkgmatseiaj3 WANTKD Snowdrop UrusUi d Lumr ,' _ JrtTlIATJEa" .* M3>WSSTJ'rk v *"*' WM6® Ha©,' sssspae-a* .:.. ,®®,W®& Wiutor WAN'i'ifiU t>. > Drapoj-a. r, . j Kauri " "/ Tot&memil JUlaeif Hoe J ' srir" Arebitmves duilyu&tho J twica BalificDeale dniiorm , fEITKNO"WN-ffow-" , i Flooring, Lining, , WA"N' M!*> KNOWN Fiano hot TIMBER, AND ".COAL MEKOHANT. ' CURRENT; . i ( tie t«nauta now waUug fa. re {~ auou6 Sight or Tea Kooran, with ." uaxiulcoavcnteitce;!, also a fov, ucrts'af*'*. jattacked, wuhla easy nUauirco of wm * '>' having auch pitiporncj to Iμ, or • Iono ciniinuuicato wit!i Allan JJojlrin" c< "I * and Op. ' , ' ,' -** , | ■*' ' t - ' '< t? i ocr. W. Salkoid. , of Lcw.nWANT&D " WHlTii , l < ootnarCashel i\sd imivuuu TENDER. accepted. (all kinds) - :~' Vi,«.li.and " ii Bowman and fcSon. .. Skirtlaga Doors and BasUes KauriFliwsaes _.. , Crystal 2Jd, L(a> f s<B, ar,T l£. Kippi'. Novcltioj ,io ToaoyoiiUa and Ct" money d ', u i }.!:, SCorri-ou, l>o\op'n.< ;; . ' i f , _ _ _ -, WAM't'EiTIiNOVVN.— ,~ ;:.--WBHA¥® LARGE ;■; . STOCKS-OF-- ' , lllllf ,! t ' '.. -— , '- _. . • .• •• , -nwlinra o^«4w .' , .,'' , ,, Allan MopMaa, Cathodi'al uinituv, rxfANTJBSU' , our order, juafc rcrKvci. '" *P !*o *r ,' batter it. JMon'B Twe«l full pange#, opcurd to-i-iasf i\U,"' You can buy Jiothin.? Dottci t'lk»-«, ». asd Co.. Tfa'i Hall, 3:«i;h f^.'J^t. •- TMBIS^;. WANSul, BIISOHEB. BUILDING r I'JJiW '> . J KNUXVN"—i !»„' ,'»i a '/ 'i qtll.'t, yowi'i: ip'iis , t Cows, calving dovn, for Sab. John Wriaht, eenlor, iloos. Jr<?» n •-;, tfesJsr f<3? tbo Witoio otthAe r,KO?.'r""iC\'* I Reijuireaiaaca a& eieiC E3t?ca csd cs L<ow<>3p pad Liver JLJilLs cum "iV.'f'" »l]|o«»aS«ctk>j>c, •'" JUST hAIT3I3 coijtiri'j, •( X ,; i wfa©TO|J|»riw Iβ. JLopte joj: »iv» v, .Stash Supplies o£ *'' "Stotiea"intending w buUd or Preifeiaescaa'arraugs 4 . .. W"anSp ' ___ "WESTPOET- a»o SfEWOASWJB ' '*• to SH'oraiact acv ."3i«i,.'i /. occapiefl By JuJ'tJ i-'iou;}it DeUveri'SStnli&rgoososaU CjSastitisa, quality be happy in every case guejfanteod, and all ac £owcss KKOWN-Jk F *«' clasraod V/e3din v r. ».t ( .YARI>3 and OfF2OE9;:«some* '' 'ff Euigst* Ginvk. and Ojj., US V"l"\ >Colombo anti'Tatuo streets. Ohwßtflhnrob,. ' WHOLBSALS YARD,-'Sfc A»ph street). Aislf> KNOW ~"- TT F.Q.Bosm daUou Sot too «) u'ifJ,'«'.; ..,;™^fjf^^ Go%*ji.''* >- * ohaeso a6 Jlro toaeivQ gtoiißds; oosUtop ii.iUiu ; ■ . i<^ r~ -, i , ,r ,* , ,, od! harbtir. Tortus tiiodocaU. .V.f-r or to Ua(tu3 Gad ])ufl>, ', i njjseti, "SmTANTEI) KNOWN-'V/u'C- 'J twtlvo aK** ft ft wenuutud s* 6a ; broaoii plus. Ud. HSi 'tsets. ft.!^' ■ targe" addition to Stoeica of 2a -Uieir Iα old gold and eJlver, 8, "Ui.u' t 1 iisig Materials in Cbrlstohuroh, Cslossba streofc, yhtUpohur ;h» -OAA Aiftft^^l TOTABA BOABJ> STijANTED KNOWjf-'SidrJ"". TV Wotchjnairi!vj'j>cl J;w»iil %'• t. to 191 ;-."We!?4wej*feeepa law©-qoftaMty High titreei. V/ctiiu j **k\ .', 1') send away at a momsara notice, raated ., '"'aNTKP KIIOV/MTtuTfc.-in,/, GST YOUE TIMSBE°DIESCT WUQM TIIB* Watchnst»htT r,u.l fr'.'l ,, ■ .; MlLLft, ANIS eSAViS MONISY. .>t Floorlrsjj sal Lltjla®- fespts -UEdes o®TO - .- ____ Iwrslga Timbeas Baltic ©sals asd &ss>]ta&tioa* Lowest Prices ob I ."" ■ ■ * ■ WOO© aaa LAUSIS,, steot, N<3. SI, .ll&aefeostcsf ©sfi ifFwSgtK Hooseiuie Coal. ir _. BSC7 '' , _. M colmjpwJ at-8» *jsff*s(ibtr? Lowei? liijjli • . WMfce, 'aaa Black Plbo ''• > . • .'. ' . 84 - fieliTcrfradi2ee&&wal£aii-:S'as » . - , wid OolomSwitroot'. '€&'AHTBDnKIf6\irNyT Gflodsfiuo'lot/ IJ vW . Piano H r .r ie - _ ' '' " V, ' > jwt-<''-<','- "l«rAllTSB KKOV.-.N' ti?" Ja- ;: Cpoater -Ozfiesa Ijwsaplly oasoteS, , *tk'i rft r veil* House, 31S Cok'tnl-j tab'", p!?."4<T, rat" <"\ ? etabllngIf required. JiOkli-ot -' feary SASHSI), BOURSES' * " >,' •ft't i rooiij, good MoaldtaEs, Shelrlne Sklrttag, aadss m'rm ready to? ■ msdlat® me* SROKMONGSM.S. *"; qqaw ANiTnastiroop* 3ft .- **' * Kauri, Beaana"Wi3lto£ >inoSioor{)Bg. Loltg 1 r ftQjaita ta?i,.'.»rv Ms j'.f teniae mm&mMsh Itoa KalgaSt Bsvaa'e aad Oalosjial Came '- , * l>sfiT Win«, sus .1 todays. J'j tt cr Ftl%® O.Ji o anss P.A. IJcoin', ( '-. jv" aatJ S®l. Joha Itobiticc-r., '- TotetStiSJ&ar})! «s4 Motae'4 ffisasi 2felttoSxg,.o^S ilxS t i>> oil IST ANTJO», «: i oic \t 3 ..«",'-, W mem, w Lsy i;;*!"* Hi. i* , " .Tuam Stecofi, SUiais—WTatdsilli, Eoad, A W& Frepar«4 «o SUPPLY as LOWEST OIJ.KR»NIt EATEa, OTOsy <lewrtptlO!i '•-' '•' of 1 ■ BPILDiNa' SgAfISBIJJS, - Pr*:. "" .i,> LJnjola f ! _ Si Bolt, WANTKjJ'to tend iit «i/ Ult'f i '" >' *'s'! tippHc utoft lafs x : OTSKR AHO.OOAJb ■*"•" • , W" W'M'ffii It.SfOWiPI.WVr* >- i . V.D.L, TisibeE asjd Ir'akug-i. fvJ CO,' .FARM TO "LET. : CHURCH PROPERTY TRUSTSBS " TSNUER3 to THEinvite TUSSDAY, MAP.CE, |iiir .• . ( and btddiny, -our own mike, at •»,{ ■' prices, i>. .sjyfeoa; Furuistntig Wareticii COL, sJCIMM''WALLSB & : ; ; ■ "*"*'" , ' ' MA.KUESS,"' ]"j%.~ OHEMICA.L WOOD, . -•■ - '' , WANTED AND COAL ■ MSSCBAKVa. \ .*' fTIMMR-: SALEIit 'LITTLE RIVIiB, "■■■BON'Ej; D-UST. the following PROPERTIES FOR BALK or EXCHANGS, some of the HAS owners of wbicb are prepared to pay cash for J( ""' • \' ImmBBB.. ..AND "UJAIi . 2CBROBANT3.; FOR SALE. &OPKINS. , . squaw. , ' '■ . ■ On Sale. 253 COLOMBO STREET(MARKET PLACE), - *■ - , ■' - Terms moderate. Saa Bathing. , " MB P. . .. ,*' - lioatu throughout, first ol&sa ouHuHdir Aims ?pA&, alsjnik'3 fconuown,e >';'•" ablo oftof will be xvfnsaiJ top t»jfi #•• owner wishes a quick s.Ac. i ,' arranged. ll&mM auti Jttaa?, t* , Ofi quart. ! Cement 1&.8.5*. 17$ Ooloiobo atfwet. Galvaßiscd Iroa jJRidsiagaudGuttOTiog ?oaco1i T: ANTISUKNO\VN--"^ Soingies Flannclt, BJankctg. iflamu-5"',.' Shirttaga, ceres, Mhectiiii.r. J)ou«;ht b • t ~. cash direct from ranktns!. Tiio i< i>, <■"■ BbAv.% RobJr* o:i »-•; t< ,1 STORE-i-TUifcK'STRBBT. Y ABDS ANl> Hft», WtgU 833 Hoaae, Qlopcester street W. Country orders prouipUy.forwarded. ALTON HOUBB, TIMARU. Th\s"I nevm&l Very eouVtuivflr. rrl 63. pjfOpetticj, flituuto la or ot«;r <;?i r •( BOARDING SCHOOL -FOR Vsx 813. GIRLS. wbiouX am ablo to ottoi at rurJi :.', V : termeas ace worth attentlo!!. li',isi ~<;;, l Principal--MiBB"LIS3AMAN. canbshfd, aad photos, vmu, ft I TRACTION : ENGINES*' ■• •' ' .> > • ■'■ "" : AGENT, ,1. n food bu-inn- ?><» " g>ofetaify»__ store, ttaeu dwelling rooms a«arv\ .' t bakehouio and oven, 10 vrhl-'h Ui-u* <* «ati! 4fcm.oa TUKSUAT. APRlii6ni. round,&ituiiu<l&\dcnluui< luco ,, ■MLfor ofTXUUA. KKSIWISKOJC. Bagg3_a»iajii£fly,_l3i_Colomb> 8 rect. * .Mad»3 aud CaaiM'l ats®@Ui tos the Trustees of. thTTitxTaa/l', the-Estate Gf th« late A. JT. "■ HftplumJ, &*>b ten iiiiiiut''*' Wivil: t>' Cit la'-M Flans asati epeoificationfl may ba *e.oa at my with good 7-roomed Ht»u»@, at'it'*' ofilce. >' "J:CMABOIBON.F.R.I.B.A., ■ fcox, tea al-o stoort β-rooirctl «tf-* ** "Oβ , ■; ,Ar^itcct,,Htrt-lor>i_Btrggt»- &4QO. Owner will givo any h fii&NDERS wIU bo misiTeS""vLtaii a* bargain. Ilamill viii Johnoan, v, t' April *th, foe BUILDING a Bqua.ro, t -RP'.near Katepol, ftur Mc A. O. WITACfe. to Suil, PamTCTin",;. Jesos. .-...■•. ■ "fTCTANTEt) Toiaplnlon Drawings, &a, may be seeaat moffloe, eis-r«OB ati Ho^u, ', Vw buildings owner's uisUuoUosia tiro OHAELKS BAILKY, t "\ ■■: Very Lulu cftt)ku,s;'AMbltsct aad'BttitdißK Surveyor, no reasonableoffw. ■' City Cbatabors,Hweford >treat> may b« had,a bargain. llaaaiU and v 813 »" Catncdr&l square. |endom«tl "Tewler," nnd ad^ fPINDERS Bayers fos- Iran undlir, ', , m aa)forrAlN'riNG dr«aiwdtQtlaeOteii X-■ Ikspccc my juwfe. fl<■ I &cat & bougaon Liucola K3ad will boreceived is the ■er«ads. trade; no middle proilu, u>, f μp to 9a.m. of Maudar. April 4th, at tue ofilco directfrom nay brothur nt iioaie. l> v<, r,l«uitab3e Board, ? f tOf t&e Aid Clu'istohuroh, Bo«Ogto 'forjale. '■■■'■ X' H. I* BOWKEK, mi < "-* •., Tftyfß EDWIN {■■ ALLAH •■ ___ can Ik» seen oa »ppUc»Uoato ••■- RIPE "XnNOUNCESIENT. AYSHS."BEAUCHAMPaaaCO. _ minim,- i "ANTtolTto Sull (auSl.s,blTti""("*'7. Shop doini; ;isjL offered the difference should the Properties exceed cheisa Iα value. Fall particulars ac office, ••> ■' ■ '■ ■ -' '•' ■ ■ sip Owners of Property wisbisg to exchange MadlysorainaaJcass with the s&ve. SSth Mosey to Lead oa -Mortgage, Lowest enrrenfc safes. •'" " ■''" '■'' "' "■' FOB : '■" " Kast Osford—2o'aisrss capital-land,, fenced' and la gz-sss, good gardss, fruifc trees, house LEASING, FOB A TERM of SEVEN ;lEAESr E£ablQ9, cowtonks & co. # 7 rooms, iron roof, verasdsli, From isSApril, igS, ptotyes, &c There is .a ruorrgaga of Sell by PubUe Atussioa, in theiffBooms, sbed, £SMea ACRES, more or less, Iα the taiS'PirQpartr-, %vMoa caa remain, aad OH IOQ for the bsJaisee owner would take comfortable 1550 ASHLKY DISTRICT, now is the WEDNESDAY, the SUtix ioat, at IL3O a.m, or sufeorba,,, occupation of Mr George Graham. C% CASES' Asserted Tweeds, Sergey cottage in city land,in garden Pdpaaui roaeS, just Meltons, Black and Colocred & and orchard, well Met out, new house 6 rooms Icall&as, &c. Sco. , dairy,'piS9rye,:.co-e%hed, &c ..To Tenders mufi* be" on priated' tanna, obtainTONKS NORTON and CO., eschauge forafew acres of good land with or able at offices of Trustees, Ohrist'e College,, Aaotioaeera. 1003 wlfchmttboose, and"will-payeast* for difference. Chriatchurch. .Richmond—l-aera land, corner section, well The highest or any Tender mot aecessasllF fenced,planted witacaoica fruit trees, house accepted. WILSOM AND SONS 5 rooms, plastered, all is firstrate order j £250 I@S5. ■ m ■ can remain on the property. Owner will A PERFECT BARGAIN. exchange for 3 or 4 acres without a house. TENDERS FOR ROTHWSLL to site, .building exchange acre linwood—4 Brighton. MUST BBS SOLEHBY AUCTION. OPOTIKJL forsSction New a Snbnrbs—Section having frontage of 33!r, en THUBSBAY~NI!XT, o'cloclc, aS S £XS' two-swrey shop and dwelling is which erected ESTATE ROOMS, IN THE OF ISAAC WALKER 1? AT OUR with counter, shelves, v {Deceased). Three-staU 5 rooms. Shoo Sttedon, TPOUR-ROOMED COTTAGHI, side entrasce for cart. st&ble, &C &&• on Section Land near flttinss, &&, gasi&id exchange forcottage property ia city. ToSydennato— Bonningtan's Stores, Willow Bank. TENDERS be reoelred wIH are SEPARATE land, on which erected J acre and fwo of $ three isooses—one of 6 rooms up pjn. the Public Trustee to 5 of the i>7 fruit; aad trees. To rooms, good-gardens, j esehasgefcrsot6 aeieata suburbs, or email met March. 1832, ,'L farm; U assyoiffisraacein value, owner .would pay cash. ,AYSBS, BEAUCHAMF, Jk-QO, JL For the parehase of the Bet&well Farm, at OpoDiki, of @stm freehold. OM ANB TO JW»W BE .AT SOLP APRIL, 1892. From iuo to 509 ar© sSoh rivfejp MONDAY, 4th TERMS., flats, the rest bsiag wplsnde saitaMe pickets gcoti bosh. All gardes, for&beep. fenced with with eoioo Otsawa— Jland in PRELIMINARY 3ofgoodquality, laid down i a English i asd ttsacfcoatpa; hoase of 4 Jarge rooms and grasses, Pii:e, £525; tiiroughont. yaddpefes, £35 esl subtlividod into hall, _plaster«S t» cash balaECO; niontliiy paymeoits, or $350 cash, Title under Land Transfer Ace 1Tk/TTSSBS Ivi sSlby been favoured public auction, bal&ne 6percsat,, 2. For the Stocfc consisting of &hmt WB® Ferry road, Ei»sar*s swd—l acrs land, oa On the Premises, Sheep aud Lambs, SO teeM at CatUo, ST. ALBANS, which are erected two looses, each 4 rooms OFFICE ROAD. and a few Horses. good of to veraadaas; & eixlet fson, The whole of the FURNISHINGS aad ssuHeiT. roofs roomed hosss, icsladlag dieiug-roam, tenants, Prise only Tensss. £35 cash; fegarocm tnoroaga and barA iitUng-room, Mtcheu re'Tebms-5 per ewt depositi with tesdet; S Quislte&j gaia. i percent, additlou i in two moataX Hhj£tMr ia a fetara adTerttemeisfi. interest; SO per cadditional ia sir saosfebt, a> ayers, vntik interesK at S psjr csat. Tiie telanoo msy Anctioaeer. remain oa mor«i*ge at6 Ssrscsae, Nlß.—The benass and land, comprising twa Tendeinito'be. addrewod- "feederft»Both> _«g acre*, to fee ■weM Fana-ta thsrPublie trustee, THOMPSON, ton; "W. by- a cteposis and to be each ~~~" WE COUKTNEy] :" marked byaßaafeer aa SURGKON DENTIST. gooa -ceafe. o£ £&© tor.cwjaty-oaa §'psj? of SOS HSSB STRSBT. CHBIS'CCHUBCB amooatof teases " ".- : ■ ■ received tasteaoOpposite 0.3.C COURTNEYJ. has Hawk to tionsfrom Mr aoi se^esasily" •.Tbe.Wenfist■o? aay tsMss Telepliose—SS& SELL BY AUCTION, Eccep»s». -* ■ ■ -Athia-Eeoms, ■ NBW PLYMOUTH, DEVON STBSBT,<ss Wellisst«m;« : ■ -■;; 1.A. Ciatt' APRIL ISeh, SATURDAY. 2 p.m., •,-: A3JB HOW TO SAYS, CoU^e, HIS SNUG FAEH, wl& weßklaMarch joa&ow••-, inteodlHß good stable, oatbaMiags, assd ctehasC • •., GO TO ■oyerthsinfaperty,, g^. §t&d The 235 acres is weH-graased, divMsS iato fuliy-watsred ssaddockSb ' CIO,, Mji'.JevieUfzsy.Ma.T'bty Clocks aaJCjHamond of New FlyaoatbteeakSoode, boughtforIQsiii 45, Special u£S&ibs i "Witbio tßree mileswater. Grieeoaber, 533 High scre«t. Cesh Tailore. $es in GAJ3BEL ffSBUBSR, OPPOSSZS OAFS. "Norton Spscdflcations '•■■'■■ My New Lists aro now ready and should be all who are in search of a good inveat-2noof<in eithor Towa op 'Country Propnriiea, Prices and cond tions to suit tne times, U3ts free do application or sent co any address.. .' IN CONSEQUEN,OK OF REMOVING "■■. '"• FOR SALS— '■ • '••; ■; INTO MEW BUILDING. BELFAST~A very convenient Cottage of 4 rooms, matcblinedaud papered, interior replete eoullery. built-in with every- convenience,"garden in excellent /a-HORSE POWER CORNISH BOILEB. copper, (cood water supply, -.■ order aud condition,- containing } acre land. $> Term?. 19S Price, £170. -HORSE POWER HORIZONTALENGINE LANS—A superior Family f, MSfcttVALE BeMdence. cootoioing 7 large rooms ia POWER PORTABLE BOILER thorough repair, fitted with all conveniences; together with one acre of land in garden and & Withlcjficror and Fittings oomplete. pflfiock. Price, £525. Very easy terms can Bβ arranged." 323 AI3O— BKLFaST—Houss of 4 room3, well built, conveoiently fitted and ful-aished, useful WATER'SEEATING APPARATUS, copper, aotiliery with a buiit-in water, with. Beveral hundred feet of pipiog. of land in cultivation as nitchon and &C4, i acre flower garden; all securely fenced and near For particularsapply ! main road. Price only £225, terms if required. MANAGER! A compact property, con- CERISTCHUROH PRESS COMPANY, LfD SYDENHAM— sisting of-one double scory House lor a rooua {3 withfire places), all rooms n.cely finished TO; FARMEES ANI> jOTHEES.I and complete with usual conveniences, in front, tho usual kitchen offices, verandahcopper. one Sec,, welt; scullery, artesian also i WE HAVE.; „•■:.■■ roomed house, good fitted in'eVery way similar. section:, each planted and The whole with fenced, only. Price, £450, and very easy « BELFAST—Two"4rootned Houses, wellbuilt ■ ; FOR SALE. and finished, scallaiy, and copper aud usual outbuildings,togetherwith J acre land. These properties are worth the attention of the CLABKSOK & CO., factory employees as the price ia toed at £18Q 8?83 RANGIORA. ( each. Small deposits down. ■,_ i&> ST. ALBAHS-i-Oomfortable House of S repair, outbuildings and rooms in thorough sheds in good order, abundant water supply, ■•;■ with main eewer. A and alldrains connected very nice section securely fenced and well FOWLER'S G ar-fi Bto SINGLE stocked'with a variety of fruit treea in good JOHN ■:■■ OYLINDSR, ■■■ ,• ■;. ~ !' ■• bearing, flower K&rden and wnall lawu in AND* 8 H.P. COMPOUND front. Price, *55550. Terms to be arranged. 187 well built new nearly ST. ALBANS—A Housed ? rooms, all plastered interior and in first class repair, every convenience in and ' WITH AUt' out, asphalt fiootpathe round bouse, good well, LATEST IMPROVgSMBNTS. $ acre of land in garden in thorough order. here last year, Mr Built Fowler's visit sines Terms to be arrangedat time of WlTii OK WITHOUT THIRD OR FAST Price, 234 sale. SPEED. SYDENHAM—Comfortable T shaped House containing 5rooma and outbuiidiags, all well H, Simons' Mill Qnolltas Roller laid out as garden built, together wita potion Silks, Qaalitas Beltisg, 2£ to 6|ia, aad surrounded with live fences, Price, £150. Terms. 168 SpecialThreshing Baads 70ft s: 51a,' , LAWES FARrFAMBD 3152 AND COLONIAL-MAD® CfIHISTCHURCH, ■ ON ■ T O ' •: - Also, ', Oa acaooat of various Clients. mODHUNTER and JENNINGS have reGUINNESS and LE CREN, instrnctio&s from the Executors Xtheceived SADDLE, and LIGHT of **fk DRAUGHT, late Predk. Gerkm HARNESS HOJSSMS, broken and anIn conjunction with orokes, including good farm teams TO SSLL BY PUBLIC AUCTION ZEALAND LOAN AND MEB THE NEW OS of a large entry, the Sale will ■ Oa aocQtuit AGENCY COMPANr,*LTD. OAMTHiE. Special at o'clock frith the 11 Sommesce Entry. Auctioneers, Timaro.' 577 BUS3. AT THE HOMESTEAD, TAI TAPU, 8 Auctioneer. ft n The.Whole of the TONES, NORTON & CO. LIVS AND DEAD STOCK. J. H. GILCHBIST UNRESERVED SALS. Foil particulars in futnre advertisement, and JENNINGS, TONKS.'nORTON and CO. will TODHUNTER H/TSSSRS J e H. GILCHKIST, BT? Rooms, Auctioneers AUCTION. M SELLAt their 894 on i A VCTIONEEit, LAND. ESTATE. AND MARCH SOTB., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, i WEDNSSDAV, At 1 p.m.. VALUATOR &8H ARBITRATOR, TSL4 ANB> SPLENDID SMALL S'AEMS I ■-• - :-■ ■; . -- , 18 T*hMs of Payment; 15 per ceat. cash, looser cent. In one year, 75 per cent, io flveyears, with right to pay off at any time. Unpaid balances to carry interest ; ' , ■' ; LIVE & DEAD STOCK. > seen,by 12—19Q 2 33 '• : CATHHa>HAL-SQtJARE,! •'•■ Adjoining Bank of New ZetUand. Telephone437. JBaniiera, Bank of AusEfalaela. (Lower Portion) ' wafGrobe, Xl HOPEINS ALLAN HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENT, To be sold in29 Lots, as follows :— A.' R. P. . -' - _ Wasted. ■• • -1 tion ia not exaggerated. ACRES (Upper Portion) acd * aa t>vv 673i t 23—112 2 10 Containing: about 4 PJRICES , 21—498 2 0 22— 60 0 0 ■"■■< has ACCSPTIO the TENDEB.ot M&S3BS RKIJ,IrY BRQjf. for the Lease of his Eexm at Halswoll. l-.WO: ::'.'-'' ■■ <\ OARtaiiK and CO. WAIPARA ROAO .BOAEdT* Havebeen placed on all these section* as the WANKED, TO BUTCHEES. oDraers are Invited up to soon oa TU.ESfSUBNDERS i for FORMING and DAY, AI?RJb ME A-N TO 3 ELL TO /let-MSTAL.L-IN(i offers 30 chains, mcroor losa. at Cifof t'a And this SHOP .lately occopled to M<*»re road. PJBJI9 aad specification ac tbij office of nnHE VALLENf)ER aod WATT, in the oeatre tiro THB LAST OPPORTUNITY j^y psMBEBTOK< ofTemnka, and known us the To Buy Direo& from Almost the Original BUTCHERY, r ; ; .•JUigtrfctEngineer. ggg ,^-,..-.. ■ PLANS now to,be~Been, and TERMS,and Premises contaia large Shop and Office, Thelistings BUILDERS. TO conjpSeta; also. SevenBooms tor of with urther particolare obtalued at the Dwelling-all in Brick. ■ , either ~ 6M INVITSD for tie KRECTo a good tenanta low rent will be charged*.. i'V- Viok of aSAkVA-l'IoN ARMF fOHTitfHiES AND'COL, ;, ßß3S(ißbrlok)atTtoa!ra. .-; y '.-. ■'■V, -; j '-'Otr' {y •.;■ Enqniro parUculars— aao conHBNKY BEREY and Co., ; ■.; •"•.;. Those deelroas oi tendering can up to 3iat Chrleteharch. saeolficacioaa, and drawluue ditious.ajt.Headquarturs Hereford street, Chriatchorch. 48 Mttucheettff APPIy" "'■■' S.A-. insc, 7128 iwcelvea J. BROWN," where tendernwiube Btreec. 882" Metchant, Tetanka. Iup tiU 4 p,m. on THURSDAY. April 7tjj. [Walter Johkson Geoeok Hamiix.l The lowest or any tender no!; nasessarily If net sold as a whole we are prepared to bell it ia separate Farms of 3£J aoree and buildings, 198 a-rrea, 130 acree and 67 acres. cnis property is. within one mile cf the Darfteid tiaHwayCountry and as there U one of tho &est atock Sales in Canterbury he d at the Darfleld Sale Yβ; ds every month, conducted by all the principal Scoek Auctionearsof Ohri tciiurcb, uJso, a monthly Slack Sale held ac tho Kirwce Yards, thi-. property possesses every ad van* tape to make it oue of tne most proiitabte farms in New Zealand, as iC ha« uudoubcedly proved to tne present owner. We have, made a personal inspection of this farm, and can assure intending purchasers that onrdescrip 20—20 0 0 j'J./ji»*v a ACRES ; • -- .• Tenders. X '* ! theQflsistcliafQhHOHiPlTAl* Fosma&ad BUILDINOS. other Hotels to Let or Sell. easy terms. 14— 39 1 27 15—168 3 16 16— 67 1 20 17—349 0 0 18—131 1 26 19—226 0 0 ARO\yHENUA, •". MADE. THISJDiLY., | Lot. A. E. P. 13— 36 Q 38 E. P.. 1—203 0 16 2—271 1 19 3—98 3 0 4—104 0 38 5—148 0 39 6— 5 2 12 7— 39 2 38 N . LANDS, To be sold in 23 Lots as follows :— 9-77, 228 AND - AqRRS LEASKHOLD of Itf 1 O To be removed from her late (residence, Oxford terrace, to Rooms, Hereford OB Btreet, forconvenience of display. 'PRIVATE TREATY. " and to-morrow's papers for See yesterday's farther particulars. % THREE MONTHS' FRES STORAGE, Fall particular? in printed catalogues. 1 g&e order of the catalogue vrill be adhered to.. AT .. -..- bopbtalsed. fr\Hß KAIAPOI HOTEL; aliO the OATS ttberep&rtieul&ramay Byordsr. THOSa i NORRI3. ! / ROOK HOTHI* SUMNSB; Mtd a ftw BAB Hccrotary. HAMILL & JOaNoON, '■ will bo ContaJnicg about j ACRESFREEHOLD and Into our Stores The whole of her -10—59- O 0 11— 50 ,1 32 BGH-CLASS FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, FOR SALE BY PUBLJO AUCTION 12— 58 338 ' ■ '■• : -■'./-.-':., At 11 o'clock, ,-..:..■: ■."■ AGENTS, &C, I '. ." V ■:_; When the following ProperUes submitted:— C ARE NOW RECEIVING Commencing at 13.noon each day, • AUCTIONEERS, « THE ASSEMBLY'ROOMS, —ox I '• TUESDAY, APML 26th, :-/: *n> WOOL and GRAIN BROKERS, 'THURSDAY and FRIDAY NEXT. KARCH 3CTH, 31st, and APRIL IST, 1892, , , SBLL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. :* JENNINGS -...-. . - COMPANY, Ltd., ' ; TODHUKTER GUINNESS and LR MESSRS TODHUNXER AND JENNINGS. ■ - ''.;.':'.._::. NBW ZEALAND BT Luncheon at 12 n00n..;. Sale at 1p m. sharp. ; -~ J. T. FORI). Auctioneer, os VJBRY GREATLY RBPUCEO RBSBBRVB T I M A E U, further entries solicited. ...-.-.. : WQIBX BXLD AT -WKfflcißßß night. 884 MESSRS . FORWARD CONDITIONED six aod-eSght-iooth MERINO WBTHERa FIkS'JM3I,ABS BORDER -LEl- o/y rf v I~ At Booms, 200 Hereford street. •. -- ESPLA N A D E ESTATES COMPANY'S PROPERTIES CR°SSBBBD liAMBS. HALFBRED WETHERS 1 5011 87 THS <Hp OF mHB BANK FIRST CROSSLAMBS MBRINO J 400 , ; Basdeij, •'■iwfeli Venetlaa blinds, cupper built in sculler?, coal shed, with abont hall-act® gawleafully stocked nicely laid oat. 8K O T I O Na gjy and ■FfilsitX KOAD, corner of Wilson'e wad— Grand qaaster-acre, t need. PAPANUI RO&1X Schme&e's s©scl-4| acresI first-class la»<l, with bouse-of 5 mama, paatlry jujd dairy, end iron rot t. BBYNI>WR-JJice comer tra&lfcsg seoiisa, 'eewite for the v&rlou* Beneficiaries in tiie one acre, flrat-clasa land. WAKBFH£LD ESTATE. ALTON—Three aereareally good land, FKND TO well fenced, road andriver freae&gge. SSLL, ADDINGTON, Ward street—Orand btSilding In ooojnscaon with themselves, ROAD-A weil-batlfc T house of 7 rooms, Mastered, scullery, fowl run, SECTIONS, well-stocked fruit garden, eoanoatecL with main drain, about quatfcer-Aore. Varying: frona Monoy to lead oa Mortgagr©. Hoxisss to Lst, QUARTER ACRE to orer THREE ACRES» J^B3 Catfaearal square, Chriatchuroh, FRONTING the MAIN STREETS. OF I&dading some THE INITIAL SALE BY AUCTION. ■■■* NOK3SAN's HOAD—Hou3q of 4 scullery, fitted with cupboards, X L - gala- 9 httt veoicnce, over rmarair-acrQ stocked wilh trait fens. ESTATE. ";*" "SUMNER. SHEEP, CROSSBttKD LAMBS OAf|A CRO£SBRED SWSS 1 •I 8A NSW ZEALAND.' Conveyanceswill meet the morning trains at Norwood to Convey purchasers to tha sale and briiig them back in time to catch train at ; FUBNITURE, * SOUTH OANTBEBUSY, SHEEP. SHEEP, SHEEP. f5675 Coroprisin? Iff THE WAEEFIELD 27 LANDS, F ABM O£>ji PRIMS CROSSBRED WETBERS and MAIDEN EWES MILES AND CO.. 965 J. T. FOttU, Auctioneer. SHEEP S U M N E R. - grspem®g fw- rpENDERf a?e-WBuntcsS m? CLS&RING end "imTANTEQ to Salt. 3J aeree of tleH JT'*" of 7 r-sosaa. Mil :WK(UmiOtlP«lioilt3oeAlOßßa' ; ;, Ar&MAN'S ROAD-Honeo and verandah, gas aad tittinfa, oatbßlMjtoge, brick waeH-houiSe, &f,ibUtt , &c Xj.f partlcalase, apply *o with about hatf-ocro ga«lea; casTesieat t© ! Ho? f !tow dcswslE osjjy required,ff lia<ri'% V »,i1 1>* bom. J ■ i ®3® .MAKAQBR. aiKLROSS STREI3T, dtc3s to North Balfc— 1 * Soji'riira'irwT" "WAUTBu to ~— Snbstantially-baUt and weU-ftßishod h(ras» ©f i s ?m ,^< ß?^fr,.Si!*Sr.» ff ,good Blx-roonu.rt and verandah, rrith every* ■coa-j xooms, • S/ALE. MAGNIFICENT _ , , gw FIBST /»/| PAT MERINO WETHERS On account Lowcliffe Estate '', HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE SALE ov •-■■ -" -'- ~ " : ESTATES"COMPANY(LIMITED). and CO. have received instraotioos from various owners to SSLL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THE MILLTON STATION YARDS, o» THURSDAY, MARCH SlsT, CANTILE AttKNCY COMPANY F. N. ROBINSON - ■' ■ FOR SALE. : \ < ' .: r Sate. LAKE & EVANS. ——————. g,., BANK OF NEW ZEALAND Oa account Sir Joha Hall, PRIME FAT MERINO SWS3 , , MiLES * J. BOWMAN AND SON- SPEC3Ia£~EKTRIES. I£Ml PRIMS CROSSBRED MAIDEN On account» client* -I Rβ MEKINO BWJES " Acc6&ntM*Davld'Gebbie, 1 1, -MOUTH CROSSBRED *7AA (VV ISS EWES, in good condition, and most suitable for breeding purposes -fBEi NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MER- . WEDNESDAY. MARCH SOxa. Oa account &H. Moore, Sag..- __ ED. COMPANY, account Waipara Downs g"| A PRIMS FAT LAMBS V Hi DsT Oβ SPECIAL BNTRY. HARLEY. YAR Oα account J. M. Bailee, WEDNESDAY, 30th MARC&, E, S. ,- . N ESTATE BANK OP NBW ZEALAND UMIT gO PBIMS CBOSSBBSDS ADDINGTON YARDS, • DDI NGf OO|\ ' ° . jL - Auctions. MILES & CO. ■ I~~[BtJGAR AUCTION" : - THfi PRESS TUESDAY BIAHCH 39 ISOS - 8 _' _ •" , WAHTlfF"K>fol'fnr;rf-" __ IzilGV? I-.V '" vi'J. " t&ereforasivot!ie cure. Try us, VS, T.tcCi 11 ',*< *«' etrset ■ W'AKTEU f»i* ssi@ Ix>qiJcq j>rices. > S, Ciffr2; f*i el BoflSloff. ■mfAKUFACJTOBKfe JSfJL W<ill«Bdl«dlldadeeff Brteke. Dmiaana d0 *~-' ., • , , ' etrcee, CJtrlatefaayea. r,7 ~' : Boj,^, Rti uj'-sap,«j "C'J ''< «.< '• 1),, ? <" I toaoßO to 199CosboJl sfcrcow ttso nes* fiber , k, , *-• *' ''' * msitesy Flpef, sll rts»» torn 2»b w* SUn ff 'in Pw«i S-Vt'" '%f .•.*'" )'" alamsteP, telmUag Usatie, Siteows, i!a«Ss refiMF-monoy prior 'A'osti.vl ■>* Acoj» Jaactloßs, Slsash Traps, asdfioTJbte TNOWrrin, *•, Ais «JrJ«b9, Fire Syp&ome, €3MEnasy Two, Floor TUes, Ftow®wfc3* ¥&&«, sad -Aw- baa Iα Stock ias &si&, Ms&% CsmsßS, Saod, Shiagla, Fire C2s.f, fee Agents fo?Rnt&srfOFd'a Hydmtalie lim®. 'oimOß, YAED3 AH©" 183 TSM.SS BTASST. Telepbosslie?, £M, l?7 WANTED ,. ' fro'iis! cms rc> city, north, cad ett ic»s«4l-3«w j; i* -•" on ??hi«?!i are trcctcX tvjch o 'jus sizes, ia 6waSijrii.€t"j, tw> *n ; buMings. OXs swnirjf &r , >, . « « '»• ' < ' , '"'* . , EAKTao' t o IMFOETiIT TO" , , -' SUBSBPOWNBBa ; P'jrcb®?» *'" " , - . aas* reasonable c3T>«r i fs3l \*.t full pardculats »"i>pir s ■»'• u-s % •o" to so!ieftor# sasoolatcfl with J. i ?ov, <on vlord itwet, „__„_,_ ; *v, A< OcU.Trim'oi : -""<vi _, Ings, «{Lx Bili«sS fronj tc> »n ;>.r ■* ewwpfioa and oa taiyfru■ p-op r< city oresIjhifbin C '_>__ mctiL " I I pins cf ' , hone® and ousbuildlflr ', rtnt Yalky, toy/ iIBSWS S»t# jott <MSffipleSe-dl ttse dip* S&eep cod Jbaaito with raw to •- r ' '<" v. it t J. Tictei were aeasueliF !I sasfifeek&iT 2«sisi» bat know ws I» n*« fo'«.?' ia' % I I»to iron wb iisf siisisEo»sm, ■s«bwi»o« slltjs lissasKEisa la toe Cartel (CrysSal) Iiaire ?ruSt trea-as »ric j fi with choice Bins, ,__, Y&lhy, 1" j »,«* t Sws,_3r«nretecly» , ___ ___ '""'' '. - Hcatboot© 1/. It. elated wish 1. Uowiafts* autt £c«» f ~.-' BtWtflt« , PJAKOiL [fpBS ebevo ©slrscl, sradU*£>£d by psraiie- I -1 Jl: sieai wta«.Hie ifiaJsm <tfall w&s fes.w #lSr lox.l Worn PiaJiu P.K VnIfy ftKPl<*l«'Flfil>bcfoivta» t>'«, -'••" .OikBBOE. ia—m&do equal tent) wats n»U< r OEXSfIi '; THE ©Btt.T AMSHIO-Mf Jb*BKHP SSF. ' , -', ' , ntr;v; i 4lieSrOilew, Castro sMrest, UfefW"' * > ""3