2016 SUMMER SESSION II (8-WEEK) June 9 - August 4, 2016 2016 Summer Session II Courses ....................... 2-33 Distance Learning Courses ............................... 34-42 Evening/Weekend Courses .................................... 42 SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 A-S 320 A&S • Arts and Sciences 020 020 College of Arts and Sciences A&S 350 220 PERSONAL STRENGTHS & CAREER DEV A-S 3.0 020 020 Prereq: Junior or senior status. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson A-S A-E • Art Education A-S College of Fine Arts A-E 120 020 A-E 665 220 A-E 686 020 A-E 695 020 A-E 748 020 PATHWAYS TO CREATIVITY IN THE VISUAL ART A-S ISSUES IN ART EDUCATION A-S TEACHER LEADERSHIP IN ART EDUCATION A-S Prereq: Candidates must be enrolled in one of the Advanced Preparation Teacher Leader Programs in Art Education to take this course. Candidates must also have completed A-E 685 Action Research in Art Education as a prerequisite. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Richards INDEPENDENT WORK: ART EDU 020 A-H 502 020 021 A-H 748 020 A-H 780 020 A-S 020 A-S 130 020 020 Prereq: Graduate standing in the department and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Richards MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH A-S A-S 200 020 A-S 280 220 220 780 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Richards 020 A-S 795 020 SAVS 215 Staff Staff 3.0 SAVS 222 Adams Adams 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Art major, senior standing, grade point average of 3.0 within the department and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Adams COORD STUDIES / ART STUDIO 3.0 Prereq: Art major, junior standing or above; grade point average of 3.0 in department. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Adams EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION 1.0-15.0 Prereq: Upper division standing; written statement of objective, recommendation of a studio faculty member and the approval of the department chairman and the Office of Experiential Education. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Adams PRINTMEDIA: CONTEMPORARY PRACTICES 3.0 Prereq: A-S 520 or consent of instructor. MTWR 01:00PM-04:50PM STU SAVS 242 *** To Be Arranged **** STU MFA STUDIO THESIS PRJCT Wischer Wischer 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Normally taken during final semester of graduate study. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bibbs PROBLEMS IN DESIGN 3.0 Prereq: Twelve credits in upper division studio work and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Bibbs INDEPENDENT RESEARCH 3.0 Prereq: Twelve credits in upper division studio work and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Bibbs AAD • Arts Administration EXPERIENTIAL EDU IN A-H & VIS STUDIES 1.0-15.0 College of Fine Arts Prereq: Any 100 level-level course in Art History & Visual Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Jensen MUSEUM STUDIES II: INTERNSHIP AAD 399 3.0 020 Prereq: Completion of A-H 501 with a grade of “B” or better; approved learning contract. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Jensen *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Lovejoy MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH AAD 499 020 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Brzyski INDEP WORK: ART HISTORY ARTS ADMIN PRACTICUM 1.0 Prereq: Arts Administration major or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff INTERNSHIP IN ARTS ADMIN 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Completion of AAD 299. Controlled enrollment; Administration Learning Contract is required. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff Arts AAS • African American Studies College of Arts and Sciences 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing in the department, 18 credits in art history and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Brzyski AAS 235 220 INEQUALITIES IN SOCIETY 3.0 (Same as SOC 235.) Prereq: SOC 101 or CLD 102. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cale ABT • Agricultural Biotechnology TWO-DIMENSIONAL SURFACE MTWR 09:00AM-11:50AM STU College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 3.0 SAVS 111 DRAWING MTWR 01:00PM-03:50PM 767 1.0-3.0 College of Fine Arts 102 521 020 020 A-S • Art Studio A-S 399 3.0 BLACK AND WHITE DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY INDEP WORK: ART STUDIO 020 3.0 Prereq: A-S 103. MTWR 08:00AM-03:50PM STU *** To Be Arranged **** STU 395 020 3.0 Prereq: Candidates must be enrolled in one of the Advanced Teacher Leader Programs in Art Education to take this course or by instructor permission. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Richards INTRO TO SCULPTURE MTWR 09:00AM-11:00AM STU *** To Be Arranged **** STU 398 3.0 Prereq: A-S 130 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/21/2016 MTWR 01:00PM-04:50PM STU SAVS 242 Wischer *** To Be Arranged **** STU Wischer 020 020 NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWR 12:00PM-02:50PM LEC SAVS 209 Ettensohn College of Fine Arts 399 380 020 3.0 A-H • Art History A-H 355 PRINTMAKING I Staff ABT 395 3.0 STU SAVS 250 INTRO DIGITAL ART SPACE TIME Staff 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWR 09:00AM-12:30PM STU SAVS 210 Goodwin INTRO PHOTOGRAPHIC LITERACY 020 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Dickes *** To Be Arranged **** STU Dickes 2 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Agricultural Biotechnology major and consent of appropriate instructor before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Webb SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 ABT 399 020 EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 1.0-6.0 AEC 780 020 021 022 Prereq: Consent of the instructor, chairperson for the Agricultural Biotechnology degree program and completion of a learning contract before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Webb College of Arts and Sciences Gatton College of Business and Economics 420 ACC 202 420 ACC 221 220 ACC 222 220 ACC 302 020 ACC 324 020 ACC 403 020 ACC 407 020 ACC 619 020 AIS FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I MANAGERIAL USES OF ACCOUNTING INFO AIS ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS I AIS Smigla AIS Prereq: Acceptance into MBA program, other graduate program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smigla AIS Prereq: Acceptance into MBA program, other graduate program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smigla 3.0 AIS AUDITING 720 AIS 3.0 CONCEPTS OF INCOME TAXATION AIS AEC 580 720 020 021 AEC 749 020 AEC 767 AN 020 220 Zannoun 4.0 Prereq: AIS 101 or RAE 140. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 12:00PM-01:50PM LEC O T 09 Alkhateeb *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zannoun INTER MOD STANDARD ARABIC 3.0 Prereq: AIS 102 or RAE 141. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC INTER MOD STANDARD ARABIC Zannoun 3.0 Prereq: AIS 201 or RAE 240. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC O T 09 Alkhateeb *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zannoun ARABIC FOR BUSINESS AND MEDIA I 3.0 Prereq: To enroll in this course, students should have completed four semesters of Arabic (AIS 101, AIS 102, AIS 201, and AIS 202). Alternatively, the students should seek the approval of the course instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zannoun ARABIC FOR BUSINESS AND MEDIA II 3.0 Prereq: To enroll in this course, students should have completed five semesters of Arabic (AIS 101, AIS 102, AIS 201, AIS 202, and AIS 311). Alternatively, the students should seek the approval of the course instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zannoun INDEPEND WORK IN ARABIC: ISLAMIC STUDIES 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND ADV INDEP WORK IN ARABIC / ISLAMIC STDS *** To Be Arranged **** Zannoun 1.0-3.0 IND Zannoun ANALYZING BUSINESS OPERATIONS 3.0 Prereq: (1) Completion of all college pre-major requirements; (2) Admission to Upper Division in Business and Economics. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee-Post College of Medicine ANA 395 1.0-3.0 020 021 022 ANA 503 0.0 020 021 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Reed RSD ELEM MOD STANDARD ARABIC ANA • Anatomy and Neurobiology 6.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor, director of undergraduate or graduate studies and completion of a proposed plan of learning objectives and outcomes prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hu *** To Be Arranged **** IND Maynard *** To Be Arranged **** 300 Anderson Prereq: Nine hours in agricultural economics or economics, permission of instructor and department chairperson and completion of learning agreement prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 4.0 LEC Gatton College of Business and Economics 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND DISSERTATION RESEARCH *** To Be Arranged **** AN • Analytics Prereq: Junior standing and ACC 202 or consent of the Director of the School of Accountancy. NOTE: Course start date 07/08/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 08:00AM-10:00AM LEC BE 299 Pope SPEC PROBS AG ECO 495G ELEM MOD STANDARD ARABIC 3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 020 021 395 720 Prereq: ACC 301 and ACC 324 or consent of the Director of the School of Accountancy. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 MTWRF 08:00AM-10:00AM LEC BE 299 Wilhelm EXPERIENTIAL LRNG IN AEC 312 3.0 Prereq: A grade of C or better on ACC 201 and ACC 202 or consent of the Director of the School of Accountancy. NOTE: Course start date 07/08/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-12:00PM LEC BE 291 Williamson AEC • Agricultural Economics AEC 399 311 720 Prereq: ACC 301 or consent of the Director of the School of Accountancy. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-12:00PM LEC BE 291 Clark ACCOUNTING INFO SYSTEMS 202 020 720 2.0 INTERMED ACCOUNTING II 201 720 2.0 ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS II 102 020 720 3.0 Prereq: ACC 201 or BE 161 and BE 162. TR 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC BE 291 101 720 3.0 Prereq: Successful completion of 27 semester credit hours. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC BE 291 Miller INDEP STUDY IN ACC 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor and department chairman. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Tyler *** To Be Arranged **** IND Reed *** To Be Arranged **** IND Schieffer AIS • Arabic and Islamic Studies ACC • School of Accountancy ACC 201 SPEC PROBS IN AEC ANA 609 010 ANA 748 2.0 Staff 020 3 INDEPENDENT RES IN ANATOMY & NEUROBIO 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Biology or psychology majors with sophomore, junior, or senior standing and consent of a faculty member. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Franklin *** To Be Arranged **** RES Gerhardt *** To Be Arranged **** RES Duncan INDEPEND WORK IN ANATOMY 3.0 Prereq: An introductory course in Biology, Zoology, or Botany and consent of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hatcher *** To Be Arranged **** IND Deane EDU STRATEGIES IN ANAT SCIENCES 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the graduate certificate program in the Anatomical Sciences or the permission of the course director. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hatcher MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 ANA 749 020 ANA 767 020 ANA 790 020 021 DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 ASC 399 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cass DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** ASC 767 2.0 RSD RESEARCH IN ANATOMY 020 021 020 Cass; Geddes ASC 782 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES *** To Be Arranged **** RES 020 Springer MacPherson ASC 783 020 ANT • Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences ANT 160 220 ANT 311 220 ANT 399 020 ANT 581 020 ANT 749 020 ANT 768 020 ANT 769 020 ANT 790 020 ANTHROPOLOGY OF GLOBALIZATION AST 191 020 AST 192 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff FLD / COMM BASED ED IN ANT 220 AST 310 1.0-15.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor and department chairman; completion of departmental learning agreement. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Anglin INDEP WORK-ANTHROPOLOGY 020 AST 395 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Major in anthropology, standing of 3.0 in the department and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Anglin DISSERTATION RESEARCH 020 ARC 457 720 721 ARC 499 RES CR MASTERS DEGREE B&E 102 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE 020 Anglin B&E 103 0.0-12.0 RSD RESEARCH PROBS IN ANT Anglin 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Admission into the graduate program. *** To Be Arranged **** RES 020 Anglin B&E 104 020 720 721 ARC 658 020 DESIGN STUDIO VI Newman SP PROB ANIMAL NUTRITION 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Matthews SP PROB REPRODUCT PHYSIO (SUBT REQ) 4.0 Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff THE SOLAR SYSTEM 3.0 MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC CP 155 Staff STARS, GALAXIES AND THE UNIVERSE 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wilhelm TOPICS IN ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 3.0 Prereq: To be announced with subtitle. MTWRF 01:00PM-02:00PM LEC CP 397 INDEPENDENT WORK IN ASTRONOMY Staff 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Major and a standing of 3.0 in the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ng MICROSOFT OFFICE SP – WORD 0.0 Prereq: Premajor status in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Martin-Curry MICROSOFT OFFICE SP POWERPOINT 0.0 Prereq: Premajor status in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Martin-Curry MICROSOFT OFFICE SP – EXCEL 0.0 Prereq: Premajor status in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Martin-Curry BA • Business Administration 6.0 Prereq: ARC 355 with a grade of C or better. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Gatton College of Business and Economics Biagi DESIGN STUDIO VII BA 6.0 749 TOPICS IN ARCHITECTURE 3.0 LEC LEC BA Biagi Scroggin DESIGN STUDIO VIII BA 6.0 Prereq: ARC 457 with a grade of C or better. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Biagi 0.0 020 767 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 020 *** To Be Arranged **** 768 020 ASC • Animal Sciences DISSERTATION RESEARCH Prereq: Registration for two full-time sems of 769 res cr following successful compl qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Troske Prereq: ARC 455 or ARC 456 with a grade of C or better. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Biagi *** To Be Arranged **** STU Scroggin Prereq: TBA. *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD Gatton College of Business and Economics College of Design 020 *** To Be Arranged **** B&E • Business and Economics 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Anglin ARC • Architecture ARC 456 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor and department chairman and completion of a departmental learning contract before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Leed *** To Be Arranged **** EXP LaBonty AST • Astronomy CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MODERN WORLD *** To Be Arranged **** EXPER LRNING IN ASC 2.0 RSD RES CR MASTERS DEGREE Troske 1.0-6.0 Note: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Troske College of Agriculture, Food and Environment BAE • Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering ASC 395 College of Engineering 020 021 022 SP PROBLEMS IN ASC Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND 1.0-4.0 Bewley Bridges Lindemann BAE 450 020 021 022 023 4 SPECIAL PROBLEMS *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 IND IND IND IND Agouridis Stombaugh Adedeji Crofcheck SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 BAE 750 020 021 022 BAE 767 020 SP PROB IN BIOSYS ENGI 3.0 Prereq: Approval of chairperson of department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** 023 024 025 Montross Crofcheck Dvorak BIO 395 Nokes BCH • Biochemistry 020 College of Medicine 021 BCH 395 020 BCH 640 020 021 BCH 749 020 BCH 767 020 RESEARCH IN BIOCHEMISTRY Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES *** To Be Arranged **** RES DISSERTATION RESEARCH 024 025 026 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT BIO 152 220 BIO 155 020 BIO 199 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 BIO 355 720 BIO 394 020 021 022 IND IND 033 IND PRIN OF BIOLOGY II 035 IND IND LAB FOR INTRO BIOLOGY I 036 IND 1.0 IND RES EXPERIENCE IN BIO Prereq: Will be set by instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC RESEARCH IN NEUROSCIENCE Prereq: BIO 152 and BIO 302 or PSY 312. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB *** To Be Arranged **** LAB *** To Be Arranged **** LAB IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY BIO IND IND RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY Van Cleve 1.0-3.0 IND RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY Voss 1.0-3.0 IND 397 RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY 020 Smith 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY 798 Seifert 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY Prereq: BIO 308 and BIO *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** Sargent 1.0-3.0 044 020 021 022 Rymond 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Rucker 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** BIO Palmer 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 043 Osborn 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 042 O’Hara 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 041 Morris 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 040 Osterhage Cassone Cooper Crowley Debski Famulski Gleeson Harrison Jones Krupa McLetchie Mirabito Morris O’Hara Osborn Palmer Rucker Rymond Sargent Seifert Smith Van Cleve Voss Weisrock Mirabito 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 039 0.0-1.0 LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB BIO STUDY ABROAD: RESEARCH IN KENYA 038 McLetchie 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Prereq: Math ACT of 23 or above or MA 109, past or current enrollment in CHE 105. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MWR 11:00AM-01:30PM LAB BS 108 Xiang Krupa 1.0-3.0 5ESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 037 Jones 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Prereq: C or better in BIO 148 or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Danley Harrison 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 Gleeson 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 034 Famulski 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 Prereq: Math ACT of 24 or above, or MA 109, and past or concurrent enrollment in CHE 105. MTWR 09:00AM-10:40AM LEC BS 116 Jones NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Debski 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 032 Crowley 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 031 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY I *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Cooper 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 029 College of Arts and Sciences 020 IND *** To Be Arranged **** 028 Cassone 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 027 2.0 RSD IND *** To Be Arranged **** 0.0 Osterhage 1.0-3.0 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Mendenhall BIO • Biology 148 RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-9.0 1.0-3.0 IND *** To Be Arranged **** 023 030 BIO RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** 022 3.0-12.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Staff Staff Staff RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** INDEPENDENT WORK IN BIOCHEMISTRY *** To Be Arranged **** LAB LAB LAB Prereq: BIO 148, BIO 152 and BIO 155 or equivalent. Completion of at least one of the Biology core courses (Cell Biology, Evolution, Genetics, Physiology, Ecology) is strongly recommended. 2.0 RSD *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** Weisrock 1.0-3.0 IND Westneat 1.0-3.0 309. LAB LAB LAB RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY Staff Staff Staff 1.0-9.0 (Same as MI 798.) Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Garvy BME • Biomedical Engineering 3.0 College of Engineering Seifert BME 748 1.0-3.0 Staff Staff Staff 020 5 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Patwardhan SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 BME 767 020 BME 768 020 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** CE 791 SP DESIGN PROBS IN CE Patwardhan 020 1.0-6.0 RSD 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of chairperson of department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wang Patwardhan CHE • Chemistry BMI • Biomedical Informatics College of Arts and Sciences College of Public Health CHE 105 BMI 730 220 PRINCIPLES OF CLINICAL INFORMATICS 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim 020 020 BSC • Behavioral Science 220 CHE 107 College of Medicine BSC 767 020 BSC 790 020 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD 020 Fernander RESEARCH IN MEDICAL BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE CHE 111 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES 020 Wilson CHE 113 CDS • Conjoint Dental Sciences 020 College of Dentistry CDS 748 020 CDS 768 020 CHE 197 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 020 021 022 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES De Leeuw RES CREDIT MASTER’S DEG *** To Be Arranged **** CHE 230 020 1.0-6.0 RSD CHE 231 De Leeuw CE • Civil Engineering 020 020 College of Engineering CE CE 351 INTRO ENVIRONMENTAL EGR 220 Prereq: CHE 107, MA 214, PHY 231, and engineering standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/18/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MWF 09:00AM-11:50AM LEC RMB 309 Wang 395 020 CE 482 420 CE 595 020 CE 748 020 CE 749 020 CE CHE 232 767 020 CE 768 CE 769 CE 790 020 020 020 INDEPENDENT WORK IN CE 3.0 020 CHE 233 020 020 1.0-6.0 CHE 395 Prereq: Consent of department chairperson and the instructor and engineering standing. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Yost ELEM STRUCTURAL DESIGN 3.0 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 Prereq: CE 382 and engineering standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/21/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 05:30PM-09:00PM LEC OHR C112 Peiris INDEPENDENT WORK IN CE 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of department chairperson and the instructor; with engineering standing. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Yost MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Wang DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Wang DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Wang 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD Wang 0.0-12.0 RSD SP RESEARCH PROBS IN CE Wang 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of chairperson of the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wang 6 GEN COLLEGE CHEMISTRY I 4.0 Prereq: Math ACT of 23 or above (or Math placement test), or MA 109, or MA 110, or the Community College course CHE 102R or CHM 100. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 MTWRF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC CP 320 Staff M 10:15AM-11:30AM REC CP 320 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Testa GEN COLLEGE CHEMISTRY II 3.0 Prereq: CHE 105 or CHE 108 or CHE 110 (with a C or better in any one of these prereqs). MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC CP 139 Blue GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB I 1.0 Prereq or coreq: CHE 105. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 07/20/2016 M T W 01:00PM-03:00PM LAB CP 8 French GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB II 2.0 Prereq: CHE 111. Prereq or coreq: CHE 107. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 07/20/2016 M T W 01:00PM-04:00PM LAB French GEN CHEM WORKSHOP II Prereq: Concurrent registration in TR 01:00PM-03:00PM DIS TR 01:00PM-03:00PM DIS TR 01:00PM-03:00PM DIS 1.0 CHE 107 required. CP 111 Blue CP 103 Blue CP 183 Blue ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Prereq: CHE 107 and 113 or 115. MTWRF 08:00AM-09:00AM LEC CP 3.0 139 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB I Staff 1.0 Prereq: CHE 113; prereq or concur: CHE 230 or CHE 236. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 07/20/2016 M T W 09:10AM-10:10AM LAB Patwardhan M T W 10:10AM-11:50AM LAB CP 336 Patwardhan ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II 3.0 Prereq: CHE 230 with grade C or above. MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC CP 139 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB II Staff 1.0 Prereq: CHE 231; prereq or concur: CHE 232. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 07/20/2016 M T W 12:00PM-01:00PM LAB CP 320 Patwardhan M T W 01:00PM-02:40PM LAB CP 336 Patwardhan INDEPENDENT WORK IN CHE 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Declared major in Chemistry; CHE 230, 231; CHE 232 or CHE 226; GPA of at least 3.0 in CHE courses. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Anthony *** To Be Arranged **** IND Atwood *** To Be Arranged **** IND Brock *** To Be Arranged **** IND Butterfield *** To Be Arranged **** IND Cammers *** To Be Arranged **** IND Clouthier *** To Be Arranged **** IND Crocker *** To Be Arranged **** IND DeRouchey *** To Be Arranged **** IND Glazer *** To Be Arranged **** IND Graham *** To Be Arranged **** IND Grossman *** To Be Arranged **** IND Guiton *** To Be Arranged **** IND Guzman *** To Be Arranged **** IND Kekenes-Huskey *** To Be Arranged **** IND Kim *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ladipo *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lodder *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lovell *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lynn *** To Be Arranged **** IND Meier *** To Be Arranged **** IND Miller *** To Be Arranged **** IND Odom *** To Be Arranged **** IND Richards *** To Be Arranged **** IND Risko *** To Be Arranged **** IND Spielmann *** To Be Arranged **** IND Testa *** To Be Arranged **** IND Watson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wei *** To Be Arranged **** IND Yang *** To Be Arranged **** IND Yates SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 CJT 749 CHI • Chinese Culture and Language College of Arts and Sciences CHI 102 020 CHI 395 020 CHI 495G 020 BEGINNING CHINESE II 020 4.0 CJT Prereq: CHI 101 or RAE 150 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:50AM LEC Staff INDEPEND WORK IN CHINESE ADV INDEPENDENT WORK IN CHINESE *** To Be Arranged **** 020 021 CJT 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND CJT Rogers IND 020 220 CIS 111 020 220 CIS 112 020 220 CIS 300 020 220 COMP AND COM I 020 Rogers CJT 781 020 021 022 023 3.0 CJT 3.0 790 020 Prereq: CIS 110. TR 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC LCLI 301 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ACCELERATED COMP AND COMM II (CIS) 780 020 CJT NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC LCLI 301 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff COMP & COMM II 769 1.0-3.0 College of Communication and Information 110 768 020 CIS • Communication and Information Studies CIS 767 DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD RSD Staff Staff 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTOR’S DEGREE Staff 0.0-12.0 Prereq: Satisfactory completion of Qualifying Examination (third year). *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Staff SPEC TOPS COM: (SR) 3.0 Prereq: At least one year of graduate study in communication. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Ivanov DIRECTED STUDY IN COM 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND RES PROBLEMS IN COM Frisby Staff Barnes Cohen 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Completion of all required first-year courses in the doctoral curriculum and consent of Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cohen CLA • Classics College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 Prereq: AP English Composition score of 4 or 5, an ACT English score of 32 or higher, an SAT verbal score of 720 or higher, or acceptance into the University’s Honors Program. TR 09:00AM-11:30AM STU LCLI 302 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** STU Staff CLA 135 STRATEGIC BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL COM (W) CLA 480G 220 CLA 191 220 3.0 Prereq: Upper division status in accounting, analytics, communication, economics, finance, management, marketing, or permission from instructor. MW 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC LCLI 302 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Spence 020 GREEK / ROMAN MYTHOLOGY 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CHRISTIANITY, CULTURE, & SOCIETY 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vogel STUDIES IN GREEK & LATIN LIT: GREEK BIBLE 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MWF 10:00AM-11:40AM LEC Murray CLD • Community and Leadership Development College of Agriculture, Food and Environment CJT • Communication, Journalism, Telecommunications (Graduate) CLD 305 020 College of Communication and Information CJT 650 220 CJT 696 020 CJT 700 020 021 022 023 024 CJT 748 020 DISTANCE ED: DELIVERY 220 CLD 362 3.0 (Same as EDS 651.) Prereq: Master’s degree. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTERNSHIP IN COMM 220 CLD 395 3.0 020 021 022 023 024 025 Prereq: Admission to M.A. program and 18 hours of graduate work. Consent of DGS required. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Staff DIR READING IN COMM 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing in communication or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Helme *** To Be Arranged **** IND Real *** To Be Arranged **** IND Anyaegbunam *** To Be Arranged **** IND Huber *** To Be Arranged **** IND Limperos MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH CLD 399 020 021 022 023 0.0 CLD 402 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff 020 7 RESEARCH METHODS IN CLD 3.0 Prereq: Major standing and CLD 300 (may be taken concurrently). *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Garkovich FIELD EXPERIENCE IN CLD 3.0 Prereq: Junior standing, majors only. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Garkovich SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN CLD 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND EXP LEARNING IN CLD Hains Maurer Hains Garkovich Strode Weckman 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor and completion of learning contract. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Maurer *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ricketts *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Weckman *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Weckman PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP 3.0 (Same as EDL 402.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 T 09:00AM-11:30AM DIS Lewis SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 CLD 403 020 CLD 404 020 CLD 748 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 CLD 758 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 CLD 768 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 CLD 780 020 021 022 CLD 790 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 036 LEADERSHIP & COMMUNICATION 3.0 (Same as EDL 403.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 09:30AM-11:30AM DIS Richardson CLM • Clinical Leadership and Management CONTEMPORARY LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS CLM 501 College of Health Sciences 3.0 (Same as EDL 404.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 R 09:00AM-11:30AM DIS Richardson THESIS RESEARCH IN CLD 020 021 022 023 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Dyk *** To Be Arranged **** RES Epps *** To Be Arranged **** RES Garkovich *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hains *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Harris *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hustedde *** To Be Arranged **** RES Jones *** To Be Arranged **** RES Namkoong *** To Be Arranged **** RES Ricketts *** To Be Arranged **** RES Tanaka *** To Be Arranged **** RES Vincent *** To Be Arranged **** RES Zimmerman *** To Be Arranged **** RES Nah CREATIVE COMP IN COMM AND LEAD DEV *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** IND IND IND RESEARCH IN CLD *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** CME 395 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 Dyk Epps Garkovich Hains Staff Harris Hustedde Jones Namkoong Ricketts Tanaka Vincent Zimmerman Nah 720 721 722 Prereq: Engineering standing. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC *** To Be Arranged **** LEC *** To Be Arranged **** LEC 020 CME 749 020 CME 768 020 CME 769 020 CME 780 020 CME 790 020 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Engineering standing and approval of the chairman of the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Anderson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hilt *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bhattacharyya *** To Be Arranged **** IND Dziubla *** To Be Arranged **** IND Payne *** To Be Arranged **** IND Knutson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Grulke *** To Be Arranged **** IND Berron TOPICS IN CHEMICAL ENGR CME 748 1.0-6.0 SPEC PROBS IN CHEM ENGR CME 599 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 3.0 Grulke Grulke Seay 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time sems of 769 res cr following successful compl qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff RES CRED MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** RES CRED DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 RSD Staff 0.0-12.0 RSD SPEC PROBS IN CHEM ENGR Staff 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Approval of the departmental director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Knutson RES IN CHEM ENGINEERING 1.0-9.0 Prereq: Consent of the Director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff CNU • Clinical Nutrition College of Health Sciences 3.0 Hains Epps Namkoong CNU 782 1.0-6.0 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Warren Warren Warren Warren College of Engineering NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Dyk *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Epps *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Garkovich *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Hains *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Harris *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Hustedde *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Jones *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Namkoong *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Ricketts *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Tanaka *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Vincent *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Zimmerman *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Nah SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN CLD 1.0-3.0 (Same as HHS 501.) Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* CME • Chemical Engineering 3.0 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES PRACTICUM IN CLM Dyk Epps Garkovich Hains Staff Harris Hustedde Jones Nah Namkoong Ricketts Tanaka Vincent Zimmerman 020 021 SPECIAL PROBLEMS 1.0-6.0 (Same as DHN/NS 782.) Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bruckner Thomas COM • Communication College of Communication and Information COM 101 020 COM 249 220 COM 252 220 COM 287 220 8 INTRO TO COMMUNICATIONS TR 3.0 11:00AM-01:30PM LEC MASS MEDIA / MASS CULTURE Desantis 3.0 Prereq: CIS 110, CIS 111. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTRO INTERPERSONAL COM 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PERSUASIVE SPEAKING 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lowe SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 COM 311 720 COM 313 220 COM 315 220 COM 325 020 COM 395 020 COM 399 020 021 022 COM 449 210 COM 572 220 PATIENT-PROVIDER COMMUNICATION 3.0 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 Gordon 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Parrish UNDERSTANDING WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Real INTRO TO ORG COMM CPH 748 3.0 Prereq: Communication major; others need departmental approval. TR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC EGJ 225 Staff INDEPENDENT WORK 1.0-3.0 020 Prereq: Communication major, departmental approval, and completion of learning contract prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Cohen INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICAT CPH 759 020 021 022 023 026 028 029 030 031 032 034 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of Department Internship Director prior to registration, and completion of departmental learning contract. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Miller *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Miller *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Miller SOCIAL PROCESSES AND EFFECTS OF MASS COM 3.0 CPH 767 Prereq: COM 249. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Savage CPH 650 020 CPH 719 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 CPH 729 021 023 024 025 CPH 739 020 021 023 024 RESEARCH 0.0 IND STDS IN HEALTH MGMT POLICY *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 020 DOCTORAL CAPSTONE RES Prereq: CIS 110, CIS 111. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CPH 996 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 IND STUDIES HEALTH BEHAVIOR 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in a Public Health degree program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Crosby *** To Be Arranged **** IND Crosby *** To Be Arranged **** IND Vanderpool *** To Be Arranged **** IND Swanson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Alexander *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Stone *** To Be Arranged **** IND Studts MGMT OF PUBLIC HLTH ORGANIZATIONS CPH 997 3.0 020 Prereq: College of Public Health major or by permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Costich IND STUDIES EPIDEMIOLOGY CPH 999 1.0-3.0 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 Prereq: Enrollment in a Public Health degree program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Sanderson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Sanderson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Fleming *** To Be Arranged **** IND Browning *** To Be Arranged **** IND Moga *** To Be Arranged **** IND Abner *** To Be Arranged **** IND Christian *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Chesnut *** To Be Arranged **** IND Coker *** To Be Arranged **** IND Brown IND STDS OCCUP ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH Costich Costich Riddell Holsinger Prybil Scutchfield Wackerbarth Ingram Carman Mays Borders 2.0 Browning 0.0 RES PUBLIC HEALTH PROJECT OR DISSERTATION RES Sanderson 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Completion of the Dr.P.H. Determinative examination. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Borders *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Holsinger *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Watkins *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Rowles *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Mays *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Crosby *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Swanson *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Sanderson *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Scutchfield *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Brown *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Mannino *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Browning DOCTORAL PUBLIC HEALTH FIELD PRACTICUM 2.0-4.0 Prereq: Admission to the Dr.P.H. program, completion of MPH/ MSPH core or equivalent, second year status, or approval of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Carman DIR STUDIES IN PUBLIC HEALTH 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Admission to the Dr.P.H. program, consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Borders *** To Be Arranged **** RES Holsinger *** To Be Arranged **** RES Sanderson *** To Be Arranged **** RES Mays *** To Be Arranged **** RES Crosby *** To Be Arranged **** RES Riddell *** To Be Arranged **** RES Browning *** To Be Arranged **** RES Scutchfield *** To Be Arranged **** RES Fleming CS • Computer Science College of Engineering 1.0-3.0 CS Prereq: Prereq: Enrollment in a College of Public Health program or consent of instructor. This is a controlled enrollment course; see instructor for additional information. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Mannino *** To Be Arranged **** IND Prince *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bunn *** To Be Arranged **** IND Johnson IND STUDIES BIOSTATISTIC *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-3.0 LEC IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND CPH 949 020 Chen Fardo Huang Nagarajan Kavuluru Kim Shelton Dressler Wang Westgate Staff Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Alexander HEALTH CAMPAIGNS & COMMUNITIES 3.0 College of Public Health 020 021 022 023 024 025 027 028 IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND Prereq: Approval of DGS. *** To Be Arranged **** RES CPH • College of Public Health CPH 649 *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 101 020 020 CS 115 020 020 1.0-3.0 CS Prereq: Enrollment in a Public Health degree program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Kryscio *** To Be Arranged **** IND Kryscio *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bush *** To Be Arranged **** IND Charnigo 215 020 020 9 INTRO TO COMPUTING I 3.0 MWR 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC FPAT 253 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 TF 10:20AM-11:20AM LAB RGAN 103 Staff INTRO TO COMP PROGRMMING 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MWF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC MMRB 243 Staff TR 09:10AM-10:10AM LAB RGAN 103 Staff INTR TO PGM DESIGN ABSTRACTION / PROB SOLV 4.0 Prereq: CS 115, 221, or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MWF 02:00PM-03:15PM LEC RGAN 103 Staff TR 12:40PM-02:40PM LAB RGAN 103 Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 CS 221 020 020 CS 275 020 020 CS 1ST CRSE IN CS FOR ENGRS 2.0 DHN 480 Prereq: Not open to students who have received credit for CS 115. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 TR 11:30AM-12:30PM LAB RGAN 103 Staff MW 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC MMRB 243 Staff DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 020 DHN 591 4.0 Prereq: MA 113 and CS 115. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MWF 10:00AM-11:15AM LEC MMRB 112 Staff TR 10:00AM-12:00PM LAB MMRB 112 Staff 395 INDEPENDENT WORK IN CS 020 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND 020 021 DHN 768 1.0-2.0 020 021 Jaromczyk DHN 782 CSD • Communication Sciences and Disorders 020 DHN 814 College of Health Sciences CSD 647 020 CSD 649 220 CSD 654 020 CSD 659 020 CSD 677 020 CSD 768 020 CSD 788 LANG DISORDERS IN DEVELOPMENTALLY YOUNG 3.0 020 DHN 816 Prereq: Graduate status in CODI or RHB or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC CTW 0415 Page COMM, AAC, TECH FOR IND ASD 3.0 020 CLINICAL ROTATION IN SPEECH-LANG PATH DIP APHASIA AND RELATED DISORDERS 020 DIP RES CR MASTERS DEGREE DIP 3.0 020 1.0-3.0 LEC LEC VARIABLE TOPICS IN CSD: BEHAV NEUROPLAST 020 DIS Andreatta 1.0-3.0 LEC INDEPENDENT STUDY IN COMMUNICATION DIS 651 Stemple 1.0-3.0 LEC VARIABLE TOPICS IN CSD: ADVANCED DYSPHAG DIS 1.0-3.0 695 020 SPECIAL PROBLEMS Brewer Bastin 1.0-6.0 (Same as CNU/NS 782.) Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND FOOD SERV SYSTEMS MGT II: SUPERVISED PRCT Bruckner 3.0 Prereq: Admission to UK DHN Supervised Practice Program (SPP); concurrent enrollment in DHN 518 and DHN 816. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Schwartz MED NUTR THERAPY II: SUPERVISED PRACTICE 3.0 Prereq: Admission to UK DHN Supervised Practice Program (SPP); concurrent enrollment in DHN 518 and DHN 814. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Combs Prereq: Graduate status and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC HUMAN NUTRITION AND WELLNESS 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cavanaugh RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 RSD SPECIAL PROBLEMS - DIP Cavanaugh 3.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Cavanaugh QUANT ANALYSIS IN BUS DECISION MAKING 3.0 Prereq: MBA standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/25/2016 MWF 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC BE 391 Gillette INDIVIDUAL WORK IN DSIS 3.0 Prereq: Consent of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Troske International Affairs Olson CST EMD 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Schwartz INTRODUCTORY NUTRITION MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH EAP • Education Abroad Program EAP 431G 220 RSD RSD Suiter 1.0-6.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment DHN 212 1.0-6.0 Gatton College of Business and Economics Capilouto DHN • Dietetics and Human Nutrition 220 (Same as NS 768.) *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** DIS • Decision Science and Information Systems Stemple EAP 400G DHN 101 RES CRED MASTERS DEGREE Stephenson Adams 1.0-6.0 RSD VARIABLE TOPICS IN CSD: PRIN OF LARYNGEA 795 020 VARIABLE TOPICS IN CSD VARIABLE TOPICS IN CSD: SLP IN THE NICU 768 020 Prereq: Graduate status in RHB or CODI or consent of instructor. TR 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC CTW 0415 Marshall *** To Be Arranged **** 748 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Graduate status in CODI, successful completion of 6 hours of graduate clinical practicum and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Morris *** To Be Arranged **** CSD 789 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND The Graduate School 3.0 Prereq: Graduate status in CODI or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 12:00PM-02:30PM LEC CTW 0415 Morris *** To Be Arranged **** 023 1.0-3.0 CLIN ORIENTATION IN COMM DISORDERS *** To Be Arranged **** 022 SP PROBS DIETETICS / HUMAN NUTRITION DIP • Diplomacy and International Commerce *** To Be Arranged **** 021 Prereq: Consent of instructor and senior status in the Dietetics Didactic Program. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff (Same as EDS 662.) Prereq: EDS 601, EDS 661, EDS 662. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:00PM-05:30PM LEC Ault Prereq: Graduate status in RHB or CODI and consent of instructor. 020 DIETETICS PRE-PROFESS PRACTICE 1.0-6.0 3.0 JP Prereq: CHE 105 or CHE 103 or CHE 108; plus, past or concurrent BIO 103 or BIO 148 or BIO 152 or BIO 208. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Tincher EAP 435G EC 10 EDUCATION ABROAD UK 0.0 Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic advisor, the program director and Education Abroad at UK. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden EDUCATION ABROAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM: TFE 0.0-1.0 Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic advisor and Education Abroad at UK. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden EDUCATION ABROAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM: TPE 0.0-1.0 Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic advisor and Education Abroad at UK. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 EAP 436G KR EAP 440G KR EDUCATION ABROAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM: ISEP 0.0-1.0 EDC 607 Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic advisor and Education Abroad at UK. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden EDUCATION ABROAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM: BUS 220 0.0-1.0 EDC 610 Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic advisor and Education Abroad at UK. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden 020 EDC 620 ECO • Economics Gatton College of Business and Economics 020 EDC 730 ECO 201 020 210 ECO 202 020 210 ECO 391 020 021 ECO 395 020 021 022 ECO 401 020 ECO 402 020 ECO 610 020 ECO 767 020 ECO 796 020 ECO 797 020 PRINCIPLES OF ECO I 3.0 020 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-12:00PM LEC BE 191 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Patel PRINCIPLES OF ECO II 021 3.0 EDC 748 020 3.0 EDC 749 020 3.0 Prereq: GPA of 3.0 in major, approval of instructor and chairman. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hoyt *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Minier EDC 750 INTERMED MICROECO THEORY EDC 767 020 3.0 Prereq: ECO 201 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher and ECO 202 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 MTWRF 11:30AM-01:30PM LEC BE 235 Staff INTERMED MACROECO THEORY 020 EDC 768 020 EDC 769 3.0 020 Prereq: ECO 202 or equivalent and ECO 401 taken previously or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-12:00PM LEC BE 283 Staff MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS EDC 781 020 EDC 791 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing, MA 123 or its equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/22/2016 MWF 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Scott DISSERTATION RES CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** SEMINAR *** To Be Arranged **** 020 2.0 RSD RESEARCH PROBS ECONOMICS 1.0-9.0 EDL 402 Prereq: Permission of the Director of Graduate Studies is required. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Minier 020 EDL 403 College of Education 220 EDC 533 220 EDC 575 020 020 021 PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS 3.0 020 (Same as EDP 522/EPE 522.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland TEACHING LITERACY ACROSS DISCIPLINES EDL 404 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Henry MODERN EDUCATNL PROBLEMS: KY RDG PROJECT DESGN & IMPLEMENTATN OF READING INSTR 3.0 Prereq: EDC 619, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/28/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 TWR 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Almasi PROBLMS OF SCHL CURRICLM PROBLMS OF SCHL CURRICLM: ECON EDUCATION 3.0 PROBLMS OF SCH CURR: BLUEGRASS WRTG INST 3.0 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Shake DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Shake INTERNSHIP INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS DESIGN 3.0 Prereq: Consent of program coordinator. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RES CR MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Shake 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Anglin 2.0 Shake 0.0-12.0 RSD INDP STUDY CURR & INSTR Shake 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of the Director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Shake RSRCH PRBLMS IN CURR & INSTR 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of the Director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Shake College of Education Minier EDC • Curriculum and Instruction EDC 522 3.0 Prereq: Teacher certification and EDP 203. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 MTWRF 12:40PM-03:20PM LEC DH 323 Sandidge EDL • Educational Leadership Studies Minier 1.0-6.0 SEM DISCIPLINE & CLASSROOM MGMT NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rintamaa Prereq: STA 291 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 08:00AM-10:00AM LEC BE 233 Staff MTWRF 09:00AM-11:00AM LEC BE 233 Staff INDIV WORK ECONOMICS 3.0 NOTE: EDC 607-220: Contact Dr. Anglin at ganglin@uky.edu for information regarding this course. Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anglin NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 MTWRF 09:00AM-11:40AM LEC DH 135 Vimont Prereq: ECO 201. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 09:00AM-11:00AM LEC BE 235 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ECON & BUS STATISTICS INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN I 020 EDL 627 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/29/2016 MTWRF 09:00AM-03:00PM LEC DH 355 Shake *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Shake NOTE: EDC 575-020 is by application only. Contact Dr. Shake at 859257-5676 or mcshak1@uky.edu for information. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: EDC 575-021 is by application only. Contact Cary Pappas at 859-257-611 or caryolyn.pappas@uky.edu for information. LOCATION: Kentucky State University. 220 EDL 628 220 11 PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP 3.0 (Same as CLD 402.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 T 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Lewis LEADERSHIP & COMMUNICATION 3.0 (Same as CLD 403.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 09:30AM-11:30AM LEC Richardson CONTEMPORARY LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS 3.0 (Same as CLD 404.) Prereq: Admission to the program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 R 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Richardson SCHOOL FINANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES 3.0 Prereq: Program status or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Young SCHOOL LAW AND ETHICS 3.0 Prereq: Program status or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 01:00PM-05:00PM LEC Bathon SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 EDL 664 220 EDL 677 220 EDL 703 220 221 EDL 771 220 EDL 785 220 221 TECH LEADERSHIP FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 3.0 EDP 782 NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Nash SCHOOL SYSTEM ADMIN 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 3.0 Prereq: Admission to program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Bjork LEADING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 3.0 Prereq: Admission to Department program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-11:30AM LEC Browne-Ferrigno S 12:30PM-03:30PM LEC Browne-Ferrigno SEM IN LEADERSHIP 1.0-9.0 Prereq: Admission to program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-11:30AM SEM Lewis INDEPENDENT WORK IN EDUC LEADERSHIP EDS 395 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 020 College of Education 220 EDP 605 020 EDP 610 220 EDP 670 020 EDP 708 021 022 EDP 748 020 EDP 765 020 021 022 023 EDP 767 020 EDP 768 020 EDP 769 020 3.0 (Same as EPE 522/EDC 522.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland INTRO TO COUNSELING: TECHNIQUES I 3.0 Prereq: Acceptance to the graduate program in counseling psychology with the following major codes: RECO, EGCO, CPEC, ECPY, ECPC, CNPS, ESPP, ESPY, ECPP, or consent of instructor via permit. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC DH 323 Reese THEORIES OF LRNG IN EDUC EDS 514 020 3.0 201 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 04:00PM-06:00PM LEC DH 323 Usher PSYCHOEDUCTNL STRATEGIES OF INTERVENTION EDS 516 3.0 Prereq: EDP 640, EDP 669 and admission to School Psychology Program. NOTE: Course start date 07/05/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 TR 09:00AM-02:00PM LEC Briggs INTERNSHIP IN ED, SCHOOL, COUNSELING PSY 220 221 222 720 0.0-9.0 EDS 517 Prereq: Completion of a minimum of one year of graduate study in the department and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Hammond *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Rostosky MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 201 EDS 546 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Tyler INDEP STDY IN COUNS PSYC 720 EDS 558 1.0-4.0 220 221 720 720 Prereq: One year of graduate work in counseling psychology and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Reese *** To Be Arranged **** IND Rostosky *** To Be Arranged **** IND Stevens-Watkins DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Prereq: One year of graduate work in educational psychology and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Campbell *** To Be Arranged **** IND Danner *** To Be Arranged **** IND Fedewa *** To Be Arranged **** IND Guskey *** To Be Arranged **** IND Crowell *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ma *** To Be Arranged **** IND Reese *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hammer *** To Be Arranged **** IND Parnell *** To Be Arranged **** IND Rostosky *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ruble *** To Be Arranged **** IND Toland *** To Be Arranged **** IND Tyler *** To Be Arranged **** IND Usher *** To Be Arranged **** IND Stevens-Watkins *** To Be Arranged **** IND Fisher College of Education Prereq: Consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** RES Bjork *** To Be Arranged **** RES Browne-Ferrigno PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS 1.0-3.0 EDS • Special Education 3.0 EDP • Educational and Counseling Psychology EDP 522 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN EDUAL PSYCHOLOGY EDS 600 2.0 220 221 222 Tyler 1.0-6.0 Tyler EDS 601 0.0-12.0 Tyler 220 221 12 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN EDS *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND INSTRUCTIONAL TECH IN SPEC EDUCATION Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Lane Staff Staff Staff Staff 3.0 Prereq: EDS 375 or EDP 203. NOTE: Course start date 06/20/2016; course end date 06/30/2016 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LEC TEB 240 Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LAB Bausch PRINCPLS OF BEHAV MGMT & INSTRUCTION 3.0 Prereq: EDS 375 or permission of the instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday MTWRF 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Jung ASSISTIVE TECH IN SP EDU 3.0 Prereq: EDS 375 or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/05/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LEC TEB 240 Bausch TRANSDISCIP SVCS STU W / MULT DISABILTS Prereq: EDS 375 or EDS 600. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC ISSUES IN SPEC EDUCATION 3.0 Grisham-Brown 1.0-9.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Grisham-Brown *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Grisham-Brown SURVEY OF SPECIAL EDUC 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan APPLIED BEHAV ANALYSIS 3.0 Prereq: Completion of EDS 516 or equivalent, with a grade of “B” or better. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MW 09:00AM-02:00PM LEC Allday MW 09:00AM-02:00PM LEC Allday SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 EDS 603 220 EDS 612 220 EDS 616 220 EDS 640 220 EDS 641 220 EDS 649 220 221 EDS 651 220 EDS 660 220 EDS 661 220 EDS 662 220 EDS 663 220 EDS 721 020 EDS 748 020 EDS 767 020 EDS 768 020 EDS 769 020 EDS 789 020 021 220 BEHAV CONSULTATN IN SCHL 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601 or equivalent; EDP 671 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday EDV • Vocational Education ADV PRACT: SPECIAL ED EDV 749 College of Education 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Graduate standing; major in special education. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Allday PROF ETHIC BEH ANALYSIS III 1.0 Prereq: Entrance into the Board Certified Behavior Analyst program, Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis program or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Allday ADVANCED ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 020 College of Engineering EE 020 020 EE 1.0-9.0 Prereq: EDS 514 and EDS 600, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: VIA INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Baird *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Bausch DISTANCE ED: DELIVERY 3.0 EE 3.0 020 EE 3.0 *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RES CR DOCTORAL DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** RSD INDEPENDNT STUDY IN EDS INDEP WORK IN ELECT ENGR INDEPENDENT PROBLEMS MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH DISSERTATION RESEARCH DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RES CRED MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Chen 0.0-12.0 RSD SPEC PROBS ELECT ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Lu 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CRED DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD Prereq: 18 hours of graduate courses. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* 020 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cramer 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 784 Heath 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cramer ADV PRA ELECTR & COMP ENG EE Smith 1.0-3.0 Prereq: 2.5 standing and engineering standing. *** To Be Arranged **** IND 780 020 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND EE 783 3.0 Prereq: PHY 232, MA 114. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hannemann 769 EE Chen 1.0-3.0 Chen Cheung Liao Staff Walcott Zhang Smith 1.0-3.0 IND RES PROJ IN ELEC ENGR Zhang 3.0 Prereq: Approval of student’s MSEE advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Chen 2.0 (Same as RC 767 and IEC 767.) Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. EDS, RC, or IEC Ph.D. Programs *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Crystal RES CR MASTERS DEGREE ELECT CIRCUITS / ELECTRON EE 9.0 0.0 4.0 Prereq: MA 114, prereq or concurrent; PHY 232, 242. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 MTWR 02:00PM-02:50PM LEC OHR C053 Cheung F 02:00PM-03:30PM LEC OHR C053 Cheung 768 020 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Crystal CIRCUITS I EE 020 (Same as RC 721 and IEC 721.) Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. EDS, RC, or IEC Ph.D. Programs. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Bishop DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 767 020 3.0 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 749 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601 and EDS 660, EDS 661, EDS 662, EDP 671. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWRF 08:00AM-03:00PM LEC Spriggs PRACTICM EDS PERSON PREP 748 020 EE (Same as CSD 649.) Prereq: EDS 601, EDS 661, EDS 662. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:00PM-05:30PM LEC Ault ASD INSTITUTE 595 020 Prereq: EDS 601 and EDS 660. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:30PM-06:00PM LEC Spriggs COMM, AAC, TECH FOR IND ASD 395 020 EE Prereq: EDS 601. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:30PM-06:00PM LEC Spriggs ADV INSTRUC STRAT ASD 305 220 EE (Same as CJT 650.) Prereq: Master’s degree. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CHARAC & INSTRUCT STRAT ASD 211 3.0 Prereq: EDS 640, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Bausch ADV PRAC: SPEC ED TECH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff EE • Electrical Engineering 3.0 Prereq: EDS 600 or equivalent or permission of instructor NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LEC Bausch ASSIST TECH ASSESSMENT DISSERTATION RESEARCH EES • Earth and Environmental Sciences College of Arts and Sciences 1.0-6.0 Crystal EES 110 0.0-12.0 Crystal 1.0-6.0 220 Prereq: Minimum of 12 semester hours in graduate work and approval of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Grisham-Brown *** To Be Arranged **** IND Baird *** To Be Arranged **** IND Baird NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 EES 170 220 13 ENDANGERED PLANET INTR TO ENVRNMNTL GEOL 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Ratajeski BLUE PLANET: INTRO TO OCEANOGRAPHY 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Freeman SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 EES 395 020 021 EES 748 020 EES 749 020 EES 767 020 EES 768 020 EES 769 020 EES 790 020 SPEC PROBLEMS IN GEOLOGY 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND ENG Moecher Freeman MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH College of Arts and Sciences 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Woolery DISSERTATION RESEARCH ENG 130 0.0 020 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Woolery DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR FOR DOCTORS DEG 020 Woolery RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** ENG 440G 2.0 RSD RSD LITERARY ENCOUNTERS 3.0 NOTE: No prerequisites. Does not fulfill ENG premajor requirement or provide ENG Major Elective credit. Provides ENG minor credit. Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWR 10:00AM-12:30PM LEC Carter STUDIES IN BRITISH LIT: SHAKESPEARE ALOUD 3.0 Prereq: ENG 330 Text and Context or consent of the instructor. Fulfills ENG Major 400-level course requirement. Provides ENG Major Elective credit and ENG minor credit. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 09:10AM-11:20AM LEC Foreman ENS • Environmental Studies Woolery 0.0-12.0 RES IN GEOLOGICAL SCI English College of Arts and Sciences Woolery 0.0-6.0 ENS 395 Prereq: Approval of instructor and Director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Woolery 020 INDEPENDENT WORK 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Environmental Studies Minor, 3.0 G.P.A., consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Atwood EGR • Engineering ENT • Entomology College of Engineering EGR 199 720 EGR 240 720 EGR 390 720 EGR 394 020 EGR 399 020 021 TOPS IN EGR: GERMAN ENGINEERING College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the College of Engineering, or permission of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Balk GLOBAL ENERGY ISSUES *** To Be Arranged **** 020 021 3.0 LEC EXP LEARNING IN ENGINEER OR COMP SCI ENT 395 Holloway 3.0 0.0-1.0 Prereq: Admission to the BS/MBA program. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM COOPERATIVE ENGR EDUCA EPE 522 1.0 Prereq: Approval of Coordinator of Cooperative Engineering Education. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Balk *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Balk 220 EPE 619 College of Education 220 EPE 785 220 LEAD AR SCHOOL RENEWAL I 3.0 Prereq: Admission to MEd program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM PRA* Richardson 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 EM • Engineering Mechanics College of Engineering EM EM 302 MECHAN OF DEFORM SOLIDS 220 Prereq: Registration in the College of Engineering or consent of chairman, and EM 221; prereq or concur: MA 214. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hanson 313 220 DYNAMICS 1.0-3.0 IND IND Sharkey Palli College of Education Anderson ELS • Educational Leadership Studies ELS 620 Prereq: ENT 300. *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** EPE • Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation Prereq: Engineering standing and consent of DUS and instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Seay BS / MBA SEMINAR INDEPENDENT WORK 3.0 EPE 790 3.0 020 021 022 023 024 027 028 029 Prereq: Registration in College of Engineering, EM 221; prereq or concur: MA 214. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wu EPE 797 220 14 PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS 3.0 (Same as EDP 522/EDC 522.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland SURVEY RES METHODS IN EDU 3.0 Prereq: EPE/EDP 557 or an equivalent course; an introductory statistics course. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Bradley INDEP STDYS IN ED POLICY STDYS & EVAL 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Permission of department chairperson required. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bieber *** To Be Arranged **** IND Goldstein *** To Be Arranged **** IND Angelo *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jensen *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bradley *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ferrare *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lee *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jones *** To Be Arranged **** IND Thelin *** To Be Arranged **** IND Tice *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hearn INTERNSHIP IN EDU PLCY STDS & EVALUATION 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Twelve hours graduate course work in the department and permission of the director of graduate studies. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Goldstein *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Bieber *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Angelo *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Jensen *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Bradley *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Jones *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Thelin *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Tice HIST RESEARCH ON EDUCATION (DL FORMAT) 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** RES Thelin SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 128 EQM • Equine Science and Management *** To Be Arranged **** 129 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 020 EQUINE SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP 131 132 135 Undergraduate Education EXP 396 137 Prereq: Completion of Experiential Education Learning Contract and submission of contract to Career Center prior to course registration. 101 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: AGRICULTURE *** To Be Arranged **** 102 105 106 *** To Be Arranged **** 108 *** To Be Arranged **** 110 *** To Be Arranged **** 111 *** To Be Arranged **** 112 *** To Be Arranged **** 113 *** To Be Arranged **** 114 *** To Be Arranged **** 115 *** To Be Arranged **** 116 *** To Be Arranged **** 117 118 *** To Be Arranged **** 119 *** To Be Arranged **** 121 *** To Be Arranged **** 123 124 *** To Be Arranged **** 125 *** To Be Arranged **** 126 *** To Be Arranged **** 127 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Staff EXP 157 3.0 158 Staff Staff 159 3.0 160 15 EXP Staff 3.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 Staff EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: PHARM 1.0-12.0 *** To Be Arranged **** Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: NURSING *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: NURSING *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: MEDICINE *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 3.0 Staff 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: MEDICINE *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 156 Staff 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: LAW *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 155 Staff 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: LAW *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 154 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: HEALTH SCI *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 153 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: HEALTH SCI *** To Be Arranged **** Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 122 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 152 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: FINE ARTS *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 120 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E 151 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: FINE ARTS *** To Be Arranged **** Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 150 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 149 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 148 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 147 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 146 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 145 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: EDUC *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 144 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: EDUC *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 143 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: DESIGN *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** 108 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S 142 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: DESIGN *** To Be Arranged **** Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** 107 Staff 1.0-12.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: DENTISTRY *** To Be Arranged **** 141 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: DENTISTRY *** To Be Arranged **** 140 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: AGRICULTURE *** To Be Arranged **** 104 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: AGRICULTURE *** To Be Arranged **** 103 139 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: C&I *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-12.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: C&I *** To Be Arranged **** 138 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: C&I *** To Be Arranged **** EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: C&I *** To Be Arranged **** 136 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: C&I *** To Be Arranged **** EXP • Experiential Education Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 134 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 133 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** Prereq: Junior standing (minimum of 60 earned credits), at least 12 hours of EQM core courses, 40 hours of verifiable previous work experience in the equine industry, a GPA of 2.0 or above and an approve learning contract. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* LaBonty Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E *** To Be Arranged **** 130 EQM 399 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: B&E EXP Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 161 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: PHARM 1.0-12.0 *** To Be Arranged **** 162 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: PUBLIC HLTH *** To Be Arranged **** 163 *** To Be Arranged **** 165 *** To Be Arranged **** 167 Staff 1.0-12.0 Staff 1.0-12.0 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: GRAD SCHOOL EXP 397 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK 129 3.0 Staff EXP 130 Staff Prereq: Completion of Experiential Education Learning Contract and submission of contract to Career Center prior to course registration. 102 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: AGRICULTURE *** To Be Arranged **** 103 104 *** To Be Arranged **** 105 *** To Be Arranged **** 106 *** To Be Arranged **** 107 *** To Be Arranged **** 108 *** To Be Arranged **** 108 *** To Be Arranged **** 110 111 112 *** To Be Arranged **** 114 *** To Be Arranged **** 116 *** To Be Arranged **** 118 *** To Be Arranged **** 121 *** To Be Arranged **** 122 *** To Be Arranged **** 123 *** To Be Arranged **** EXP EXP Staff 1.0 EXP Staff 1.0 EXP Staff 1.0 EXP Staff 1.0 IND GRADUATE LEVEL EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION Staff 1.0-9.0 Prereq: Completion of Experiential Education Learning Contract and submission of contract to Stuckert Career Center prior to course registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff GRAD LEVEL EXP EDUC PF 1.0-9.0 Prereq: Completion of Experiential Education Learning Contract and submission of contract to Stuckert Career Center prior to course registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Staff FAM 251 220 Staff FAM 253 Staff 1.0 220 Staff FAM 254 1.0 Staff 220 1.0 FAM 352 Staff 1.0 Staff 020 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: MEDICINE Staff 1.0 Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: LAW EXP FAM • Family Sciences 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: LAW Staff 1.0 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: HEALTH SCI EXP Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: HEALTH SCI *** To Be Arranged **** 120 Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: FINE ARTS *** To Be Arranged **** 119 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: FINE ARTS 101 102 103 104 105 Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: ENGR *** To Be Arranged **** 117 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: ENGR EXP 651 Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: EDUC *** To Be Arranged **** 115 Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: EDUC 101 102 103 104 105 Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: DESIGN *** To Be Arranged **** 113 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: DESIGN *** To Be Arranged **** Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: DENTISTRY *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Staff 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: GRAD SCHOOL *** To Be Arranged **** EXP 650 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: UGE *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: DENTISTRY 135 Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: C&I Staff Staff 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: UGE *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: C&I 134 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: B&E Staff 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: B&E 133 1.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: A&S Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: SOCIAL WORK *** To Be Arranged **** EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: A&S *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0 Staff 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: SOCIAL WORK *** To Be Arranged **** 132 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: PUBLIC HLTH *** To Be Arranged **** 131 Staff 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: PUBLIC HLTH *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: PHARM *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Staff 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: PHARM *** To Be Arranged **** 128 EXP EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: NURSING *** To Be Arranged **** 127 EXP 168 *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 1.0 EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: NURSING *** To Be Arranged **** 126 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: UGE *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: UGE EXPERIENTIAL FIELDWORK: MEDICINE *** To Be Arranged **** 125 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: SOCIAL WORK *** To Be Arranged **** 166 1.0-12.0 EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: SOCIAL WORK 124 Staff EXP EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION: PUBLIC HLTH *** To Be Arranged **** 164 EXP Staff 220 1.0 Staff 16 PERSONAL / FAMILY FINANCE 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Durbin HUMAN SEXUALITY DEV BEHAVIOR & ATTITUDES 3.0 Prereq: Three hours in social or behavioral science. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hans LIFE COURSE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ISSUES IN FAMILY SCIENCES 3.0 Prereq: Restricted to majors in Human Environmental Sciences; and Family Sciences minors only. Junior or Senior standing required. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWR 09:30AM-12:00PM LEC Pennington NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smith SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 FAM 499 420 420 FAM 699 020 FAM 748 020 021 FAM 749 020 FAM 767 020 021 022 FAM 768 020 021 022 FAM 769 020 FAM 785 020 021 022 INTERNSHIP IN FAMILY SCIENCES 3.0 FR • French Language and Literature Prereq: FAM 251, 352 and 360, junior or senior standing. Family Science majors only NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC Durbin *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Durbin FIELD EXPERIENCES IN FAMILY SCIENCES College of Arts and Sciences FR 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Open to HEIE, HEFD, HEFE and HEEC majors only with prior consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Kim MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 020 FR DISSERTATION RESEARCH 020 FR 020 FIN 395 020 FIN 410 020 FIN 695 020 0.0 FOR 748 020 021 022 023 024 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH 3.0 Prereq: FR 201 or three years of high school French and placement test. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff INDEPENDENT WORK IN FRENCH STDS 3.0 Prereq: Major, junior or senior standing, 3.5 grade point average in the major, consent of instructor, and approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Rogers FSC • Food Science College of Agriculture, Food and Environment *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RSD RSD RES CRED MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** Hans Heath Vazsonyi 020 Hans Parker Werner-Wilson FSC 399 0.0-12.0 RSD ADVANCED PROBLEMS IN FAMILY SCIENCES FSC 395 1.0-6.0 RSD RSD RSD RES CREDIT FOR DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 020 Hans GEO 160 220 GEO 172 3.0 220 GEO 261 1.0-6.0 220 Prereq: GPA of 3.0 in major, approval of instructor and chairman. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jordan INVESTMENT ANALYSIS GEO 365 3.0 Prereq: ACC 301, ACC 302 (prereq or coreq), ECO 391, and a grade of C or better in FIN 300. MTWRF 12:30PM-02:30PM LEC BE 283 Staff 720 GEO 399 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND 020 GEO 406 Jordan 720 GEO 431 720 GEO 452G 1.0-6.0 020 Prereq: Permission of instructor and department chairman. A departmental learning agreement must be completed prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Contreras *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Cox MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor and department chairman and completion of a departmental learning contract before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Newman LNDS / PEOPLE NON-WEST WLD 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Karan HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 Prereq: ECO 201, ECO 202, ACC 201, ACC 202, MA 123, STA 291 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-12:00PM LEC BE 283 Staff FIELD BASED EDUC IN FOR EXPER LRNING IN FSC College of Arts and Sciences Smith Hans Vazsonyi CORPORATION FINANCE INDIV WORK IN FINANCE 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Completion of learning contract and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Newman GEO • Geography Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND INDIV WORK IN FINANCE SP PROB IN FSC 1.0-3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 020 021 4.0 Prereq: FR 101. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:50AM LEC Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 020 FOR • Forestry FOR 399 395 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of FAM 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hans Gatton College of Business and Economics 300 202 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hans *** To Be Arranged **** RES Heath FIN • Finance FIN 102 GEO 560 020 GEO 655 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Lhotka *** To Be Arranged **** RES Barton *** To Be Arranged **** RES Contreras *** To Be Arranged **** RES Cox *** To Be Arranged **** RES Price 020 GEO 748 020 17 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC GLOBAL DYNAMICS OF HEALTH & DISEASE Schein 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Shannon SPEC TOPS REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY: OAXACA 3.0 Prereq: Any 100-level geography course or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Froehling INTERNSHIP IN GEOGRAPHY 3.0 Prereq: Junior or senior standing in the major. *** To Be Arranged **** IND FIELD STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY: OAXACA Prereq: GEO 200. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB POLITICAL ECOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Froehling 3.0 LEC WORLD GEOGRAPHY FOR TEACHERS MTWR 12:30PM-02:20PM Schein 3.0 Froehling 3.0 LEC INDEPENDENT WORK IN GEO Staff 3.0 Prereq: Restricted to Geography majors with GPA of 3.0 or above in the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Schein SP STUDY SYSTEMATIC GEO 3.0 Prereq: Appropriate 500-level course work in systematic or topical geography (e.g., Conservation, Urban, Climatology, Cartography). *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ehrkamp MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Ehrkamp SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 GEO 749 020 GEO 767 020 GEO 768 020 GEO 769 020 GEO 772 020 DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 HA • Health Administration Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Ehrkamp DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** Ehrkamp 1.0-6.0 RSD 0.0-12.0 RSD 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Approval of director of graduate studies. *** To Be Arranged **** RES HDI 020 720 GER 202 020 720 GER 395 020 720 GER 781 020 601 020 HDI College of Arts and Sciences GER 201 020 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ehrkamp GER • German Studies GER 102 IND STUDY IN HLTH ADMIN 602 220 BASIC GERMAN 4.0 HDI Prereq: GER 101, or one year high school German or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:50AM LEC Staff INTERMEDIATE GERMAN 3.0 Prereq: GER 102, or equivalent or placement test. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC INTERMEDIATE GERMAN 020 020 Staff HDI Prereq: GER 201, or equivalent or placement test. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff Prereq: Permission of instructor; *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND 603 604 3.0 INDEP WORK IN GERMAN 220 HDI 1.0-3.0 3.0 in German courses. Rogers Rogers INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN GERMAN 605 020 1.0-3.0 HES 100 220 020 GRN 767 020 GRN 785 020 021 022 GRN 786 020 021 022 *** To Be Arranged **** Prereq: None *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** INTERDISCIPLINARY SUPPORTS 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sheppard-Jones NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 INTERDISCIPLINARY SUPPORTS PRACTICUM 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 F 09:00AM-09:50AM LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTERDISCIPLINARY LEADERSHIP SEMINAR 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sheppard-Jones INTERDISCIPLINARY LEADERSHIP PRACTICUM 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Staff INTRO TO PROFESS IN HES 1.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 TR 01:00PM-02:15PM LEC EH 308 Lianekhammy College of Health Sciences Watkins HHS 395 1.0-6.0 SEM SEM SEM INDEPENDENT READINGS IN GERONTOLOGY Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sheppard-Jones HHS • Human and Health Services 2.0 RSD INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN GERONTOLOGY 2.0 3.0 Prereq: Acceptance into the Graduate Certificate in Geront ology. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Rowles DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT INTERDIS APRCH NDS PERSONS W / DIS PRAC College of Agriculture, Food and Environment College of Public Health CERTIFICATE PRACTICUM IN GERONTOLOGY Costich HES • Human Environmental Sciences Prereq: Permission of Director of Graduate Studies. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Minkova GRN • Gerontology GRN 602 1.0-3.0 The Graduate School Ehrkamp SP RESEARCH PROBS IN GEO 785 HDI • Human Development Institute Ehrkamp RES CR FOR DOCTORS DEG *** To Be Arranged **** HA 2.0 RSD RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** College of Public Health 020 021 022 Rowles Watkins Hunter HHS 455 1.0-6.0 IND IND IND 020 HHS 501 Rowles Watkins Hunter 020 021 022 023 GS • The Graduate School INDEPENDENT STUDY IN HHS Prereq: Admission to HHS *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-3.0 Program or consent of instructor. LEC Bruckner LEC Skaff LEC Warren RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IN HHS 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES PRACTICUM IN HHS Capilouto 1.0-3.0 (Same as CLM 501.) Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Warren Warren Warren Warren The Graduate School GS 695 020 GS 699 020 SPEC PROB COLLEGE TEACH AND LEARNING HIS • History 1.0-3.0 College of Arts and Sciences Prereq: Submission of the GS 695 Proposal Form one semester in advance. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Grubbs HIS PRAC IN COLLEGE TEACHING HIS 108 020 3.0 Prereq: EPE 672; GS 610 (or equivalent); consent of instructor required. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Grubbs 109 220 HIS HIS 18 351 HISTORY OF THE U.S. THRU 1876 3.0 MTWRF 11:00AM-12:00PM LEC HISTORY OF THE U.S. SINCE 1877 Christianson 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Gatling Book TOPS U.S. HIS SINCE 1789 020 MTWRF 02:00PM-04:00PM LEC 353 TOPS EURO HIS SINCE 1789 020 MTWRF 09:00AM-10:00AM LEC 3.0 Christianson 3.0 Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 HIS 395 020 HIS 595 020 HIS 695 020 HIS 748 020 HIS 767 INDEPENDENT WORK 3.0 ICT STUDIES IN HISTORY 220 3.0 Prereq: To be denoted by the instructor. MTWRF 02:00PM-04:00PM LEC INDEPENDENT WORK ICT 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 220 Petrone ICT 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Petrone DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** 202 Christianson 2.0 RSD 395 002 ICT ICT 020 201 Prereq: Major and standing of 3.0 in the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Popkin Undergraduate Education HON 352 220 ICT STUDY AND TRAVEL ABROAD Prereq: Sophomore status and any two of the following: HON 151, 152, 251, 252, or departmental Honors course, section or option in the Inquiry areas, or permission from Honors Program. 720 STUDY AND TRAVEL ABROAD: SUBTITLE REQ *** To Be Arranged **** 721 STUDY AND TRAVEL ABROAD: WHERE ARE ALL T *** To Be Arranged **** HON 395 020 HON 398 001 002 003 004 005 EXP ID Snow 720 721 722 3.0 ID Prereq: Students of junior-senior status, good standing in Honors Program and written permission from the Director of the Honors Program. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff 020 HP 748 020 SUMMER INTERNSHIP ID 421 720 721 722 ID 422 720 ID 428 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Two semesters of course work or consent of the Director. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* White MASTER’S PROJECT RES 359 720 721 College of Design 699 321 15.0 HP • Historic Preservation HP 020 ID 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES White 559 720 721 ID 748 IBS • Integrated Biomedical Sciences 020 College of Medicine IBS 609 020 RESEARCH IN IBS 3.0 EXP EXP INFORMATION IN SOCIETY Zeadally Foxworth 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INFORMATION SEEKING 3.0 (Same as LIS 601.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 3.0 (Same as LIS 630.) Prereq: LIS 636 or LIS 637 or LIS 638. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Joo College of Design 3.0 Prereq: Upper division standing, membership in Honors Program, consent of Honors Director. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Medina SENIOR HONORS CAPSTONE 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor and approval of proposal. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Tsikerdekis ID • Interior Design Farrell; Jones EXP INDEPENDENT WORK 630 220 3.0 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN ICT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 601 3.0 (Same as IS 202.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTERNSHIP IN ICT 220 HON • Honors Program TECHNOLOGIES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES 020 021 600 3.0 (Same as IS 201.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 596 Petrone ICT GENERAL INFORMATION SOURCES INTERIOR DESIGN INTEGRATED STUDIO Prereq: ID 222. *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 5.0 STU STU STU SPECIAL TOPIC IN INTERIORS Staff Lucas Scroggin 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Junior standing or consent of instructor prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lucas *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Scroggin INTERIORS STUDIO V 5.0 Prereq: 10 Credit hours of ID 321. *** To Be Arranged **** STU *** To Be Arranged **** STU *** To Be Arranged **** STU INTERIORS SENIOR THESIS Prereq: ID 466. *** To Be Arranged **** Staff Lucas Scroggin 5.0 STU INTERIORS TRAVEL SEMINAR Staff 9.0 Prereq: ID 326, Interiors Experiential Preparation; successful completion of two vertical studios (ID 370) and faculty consent. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff SPECIAL TOPIC IN INTERIORS (SR) 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Senior standing or consent of instructor prior to registration. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lucas *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Scroggin MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Lucas IEC • Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 1.0 Prereq: Admission to IBS curriculum and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff College of Education ICT • Information Communication Technology IEC 623 College of Communication and Information ICT 200 220 INFORMATION LITERACY & CRITICAL THINKING 220 3.0 IEC 721 (Same as IS 200.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 020 19 ADV PRAC: INTERDISCIP EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 3.0-9.0 Prereq: Admission to Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff PRACTICUM IN SPECIAL EDUC PERSONNEL PREP 3.0 (Same as RC 721 and EDS 721.) Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. EDS, RC, or IEC Ph.D. Programs. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Bishop SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 IS • Information Studies KHP • Kinesiology and Health Promotion College of Communication and Information College of Education IS 200 220 IS 201 220 IS 202 220 INFORMATION LITERACY & CRITICAL THINKING 3.0 KHP 110 T KHP 120 (Same as ICT 200.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff GENERAL INFORMATION SOURCES 020 KHP 200 3.0 (Same as ICT 201.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff TECHNOLOGIES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES 720 KHP 220 3.0 720 (Same as ICT 202.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff KHP 230 220 KHP 300 ISC • Integrated Strategic Communication 220 College of Communication and Information ISC 261 020 020 ISC 311 020 ISC 341 020 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND WRITING 720 KHP 395 3.0 Prereq: ISC pre-major status; ISC 161; keyboarding 30 wpm. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 01:00PM-03:00PM LEC EGJ 52 Wickline *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Wickline ETHICAL, LEGAL, SOC ISSUES 020 720 721 3.0 Prereq: Major standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Jeong STRATEGIC PUBLIC RELATIONS 722 723 3.0 KHP 415 Prereq: For ISC majors, concurrent or previous enrollment in ISC 311 and ISC 321; for all others, admission to upper division in the College. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Anyaegbunam 020 020 ISP • International Studies Program 021 021 International Center ISP 599 020 STUDY ABROAD 022 022 1.0 KHP 420G Prereq: Approval by each student’s academic dept, Registrar, & Office of Internat prog. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Ogden 020 720 JAT • Journalism, Advertising and Telecommunication KHP 445 College of Communication and Information KHP 577 JAT 395 020 021 022 023 JAT 399 INDEPENDENT STUDY 020 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND 020 021 Ryan Urch Hertog Barnes KHP 678 INTERNSHIP 720 Prereq: Admission to upper-division, fulfillment of internship prerequisites for the major, and approval of internship director for the major. 020 INTERNSHIP: MAS *** To Be Arranged **** 021 1.0-3.0 EXP INTERNSHIP: ISC *** To Be Arranged **** 022 020 Clark KHP 695 1.0-3.0 EXP INTERNSHIP: JOU *** To Be Arranged **** KHP 687 Whitlow 1.0-3.0 EXP 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 Ryan JOU • Journalism College of Communication and Information JOU 535 220 HISTORY OF JOURNALISM 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Farrell AWESOME ABS 1.0 020 MTWR 08:00AM-09:00AM HPR SB WEIGHT TRAINING MTWR 09:00AM-10:00AM HPR Staff 1.0 SB HIS & PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL ED & SPORT 126 Staff 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/01/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Crist SEXUALITY EDUCATION 2.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Mark HUMAN HEALTH & WELLNESS 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Fenollar-Bataller PSY & SOC OF PE & SPORT 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cormier NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Day INDEPENDENT STUDY IN KHP 3.0 Prereq: Major and 3.0 standing in area or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Clasey NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Mark *** To Be Arranged **** IND LaCoe NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/01/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Crist NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Day BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT 4.0 Prereq: ANA 209, PGY 206, Math ACT of 23 or above (or Math placement test), or MA 109, or MA 110. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 MTWR 01:00PM-02:15PM LEC SB 213 Staff T 02:15PM-03:30PM LAB MDS B01 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MTWR 01:00PM-02:15PM LEC SB 213 Staff W 02:15PM-03:30PM LAB MDS B01 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 MTWR 01:00PM-02:15PM LEC SB 213 Staff M 02:15PM-03:30PM LAB MDS B01 Staff PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE 3.0 Prereq: ANA 209, PGY 206 or equivalent. Junior, senior or graduate standing. TR 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC SB 123 Clasey NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC LaCoe INTRO TESTS & MEASUREMNT 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC SB 123 Cormier PRAC IN KINESIOLOGY AND HEALTH PROMOTION 3.0-6.0 Prereq: KINE, HEPR, KHPR majors only. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* SEXUAL HEALTH PROMOTION SEMINAR Bennett Bennett 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Mark PRACTICUM IN SPORT MANAGEMENT 3.0-9.0 Prereq: HPER, KHPR majors (Sport Management) or consent of advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Parker IND STDY IN KINESIOLOGY & HLTH PROMOTION Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND – continued on next page – 20 130 1.0-3.0 Erwin Fleenor Mark Abel Shapiro Beighle Clasey Ickes Parker SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 KHP 695 029 030 031 032 033 034 720 KHP 748 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 KHP 767 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 KHP 768 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 KHP 782 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 IND STDY IN KINESIOLOGY & HLTH PROMOTION, continued 1.0-3.0 LIS *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bergstrom *** To Be Arranged **** IND Fettrow *** To Be Arranged **** IND Johnson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Noland *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bollinger *** To Be Arranged **** IND Pohl NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Mark MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 220 LIS *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 0.0 RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** IND RES KINESIOLOGY & HLTH PROMOTION *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 641 220 LIS 648 220 LIS 672 220 221 222 LIS Clasey Abel Beighle Erwin Shapiro Noland Ickes Johnson 676 220 LIS 690 220 LIS 1.0-6.0 RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 636 220 LIS 2.0 RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 630 220 LIS Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Shapiro *** To Be Arranged **** RES Abel *** To Be Arranged **** RES Beighle *** To Be Arranged **** RES Erwin *** To Be Arranged **** RES Fleenor *** To Be Arranged **** RES Ickes *** To Be Arranged **** RES Noland *** To Be Arranged **** RES Parker *** To Be Arranged **** RES Mark *** To Be Arranged **** RES Pohl *** To Be Arranged **** RES Clasey *** To Be Arranged **** RES Bergstrom *** To Be Arranged **** RES Fettrow *** To Be Arranged **** RES Johnson *** To Be Arranged **** RES Bollinger DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 601 Shapiro Abel Beighle Erwin Fleenor Ickes Noland Parker Mark Pohl Clasey Bergstrom Fettrow Johnson Bollinger 695 221 222 223 MA Shapiro Abel Beighle Erwin Fleenor Ickes Clasey Mark Bergstrom Fettrow Johnson Noland Bollinger Parker Pohl 109 020 021 021 220 MA 111 020 021 021 MA College of Communication and Information 510 220 LIS 600 220 CHILDRENS LIT & RELATED MATERIALS 113 020 020 021 021 220 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Reynolds INFORMATION IN SOCIETY INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 3.0 (Same as ICT 630.) Prereq: LIS 636 or LIS 637 or LIS 638. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Joo FOUNDATIONS OF INFO TECH 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff LAW LIBRARIANSHIP 3.0 Prereq: LIS 601 and LIS 602, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PRACTICUM 3.0 Prereq: Completion of 18 hours of graduate work in library and information science and consent of course coordinator. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff SCHOOL MEDIA PRACTICUM 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education Program and consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff SPECIAL TOPICS IN LIS: GOV DOCS 3.0 (Same as ICT 690.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INDEPENDENT STUDY IN LIS 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff College of Arts and Sciences LIS • Library and Information Science LIS 3.0 (Same as ICT 601.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim MA • Mathematics 3.0 IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND INFORMATION SEEKING MA 114 3.0 020 020 021 021 022 022 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Oltmann 21 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 3.0 Prereq: Two years of high school algebra and a Math ACTE score of 21 or above or a Math SAT score of 510 or above; or MA 108R; or appropriate score on the math placement test or grade of C or better in MA 111. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTWRF 08:30AM-09:50AM LEC Staff MTR 01:00PM-02:20PM REC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTRO TO CONTEMP MATH 3.0 Prereq: Two years of high school algebra and a Math ACT score of 19 or above, or MA 108R, or math placement test. MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTR 01:00PM-02:20PM REC Staff MTWRF 08:30AM-09:50AM LEC Staff CALCULUS I 4.0 Prereq: Math ACT of 27 or above, or Math SAT of 620 or above, or MA 109 and MA 112, or MA 110, or consent of the department. Students who enroll in MA 113 based on their test scores should have completed a year of pre-calculus study in high school that includes the study of trigonometric functions. Note: Math placement test recommended. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWRF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC Staff MTWR 10:20AM-11:20AM REC Staff MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTWR 11:30AM-12:30PM REC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CALCULUS II 4.0 Prereq: A grade of C or better in MA 113, MA 137, or MA 132. MTWR 10:20AM-11:20AM LAB Staff MTWRF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC Staff MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTWR 11:30AM-12:30PM LAB Staff MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTWR 11:30AM-12:30PM LAB Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 MA 123 020 220 MA MA FINITE MATH & ITS APPLIC 020 021 Prereq: MA 109 or equivalent. MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC 213 MA MA 214 020 021 748 749 020 MA 767 MA 768 MA 769 MA 778 020 020 020 020 MAT 247 Staff Staff 220 MAT 470 Staff Staff Staff Staff 220 MAT 595 3.0 Prereq: MA 114. MTWRF 08:00AM-09:00AM LEC MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC 020 MA CALCULUS IV MATRIX ALGEBRA & APPLS 020 MA College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 3.0 Prereq: MA 114 or MA 138 or equivalent. MTWRF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC MTWR 10:20AM-11:20AM REC MTWRF 11:30AM-12:30PM LEC MTWR 12:40PM-01:40PM REC 322 611 MAT • Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles 4.0 020 021 720 020 MA CALCULUS III Prereq: MA 213 or equivalent. MTWRF 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC *** To Be Arranged **** LEC 398 4.0 Prereq: Math ACT of 26 or above, or Math SAT of 600 or above, or MA 109 or appropriate Math placement score, or consent of department. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 162 020 020 021 021 MA ELEM CALC & ITS APPLICS INDEP WORK MATHEMATICS 020 Staff Staff Staff MAT 790 3.0 020 Staff Staff MBA 600 020 3.0-9.0 MBA 601 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH MBA 602 020 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff 020 MBA 630 020 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** MCL 510 Staff 020 Staff MCL 575 12.0 RSD MATHEMATICAL SEMINAR Staff 020 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM IND STUDY MERCH&ISING, APPAREL &TEXTILES 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Restricted to seniors and graduate students with contractual agreement. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wesley RESEARCH PROB IN ID, MERCH, & TEXTILES *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 RES Jackson RAPID IMMERSION IN ACC 3.0 MTWRF 08:00AM-03:00PM LEC RAPID IMMERSION IN DECISION MAKING *** To Be Arranged **** LEC LEADERSHIP *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 3.0 LEC PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT R Staff 3.0 Staff 1.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 09:00AM-11:00AM LEC Foster College of Arts and Sciences 6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE 3.0 Prereq: MAT 315, MAT 350, MKT 320. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee MCL • Modern and Classical Languages 2.0 RSD RES CR MASTERS DEGREE INTERNAT’L MERCHANDISING Gatton College of Business and Economics Prereq: Major in mathematics, a standing of at least 3.0 and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff DISSERTATION RESEARCH 3.0 Prereq: Three hours in sociology or anthropology; three hours in psychology. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Miller-Spillman MBA • Master of Business Administration 3.0 Prereq: Mathematics or Mathematical Sciences major and a standing of 3.0 in the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff INDEP WORK MATHEMATICS DRESS AND CULTURE MCL 650 Staff MAP • Mapping 720 TEACHING METHODS: YOUNG & BEG STUDENTS 3.0 Prereq: Admission into MATWL or TESL Programs. MTRF 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Bailey INTRO TO LNGSTCS AND LANG STRUCTURE 3.0 MTRF 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC TOPS IN INTERCULTURAL TEACHING: L2 PROFIC Staff 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Master’s in Teaching World Languages program, a world languages program, or permission of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Dubravac College of Arts and Sciences MAP 671 220 MAP 672 220 MAP 673 220 INTRODUCTION TO NEW MAPPING ME • Mechanical Engineering 3.0 College of Engineering NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook PROGRAMMING FOR WEB MAPPING ME Prereq: MAP 671 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook DESIGN FOR INTERACTIVE WEB MAPPING 395 INDEP WORK IN MECH ENGR 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 Prereq: Consent of department chairperson via permit. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Herrin *** To Be Arranged **** IND Parker *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lu *** To Be Arranged **** IND Baker *** To Be Arranged **** IND Badurdeen *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bailey *** To Be Arranged **** IND Grana-Otero *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hanson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hoagg *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jawahir *** To Be Arranged **** IND Karaca *** To Be Arranged **** IND Martin *** To Be Arranged **** IND McDonough *** To Be Arranged **** IND Rouch *** To Be Arranged **** IND Saito *** To Be Arranged **** IND Seigler 4.0 4.0 Prereq: MAP 672 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook – continued on next page – 22 1.0-3.0 SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 ME ME 395 INDEP WORK IN MECH ENGR, continued 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 501 220 ME 748 020 021 022 ME 749 020 ME 767 020 ME 768 ME 769 020 020 ME 780 020 ME 790 020 IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND MECHANICAL DES WITH FINITE ELEMENT MTHDS MI • Microbiology and Immunology Smith Sekulic Stephens Tagavi Trinkle Wenk Wu Winter Staff Li College of Medicine MI 020 *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** MKT 430 020 *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 *** To Be Arranged **** MFS 784 020 220 520 MLS 480 3.0 220 520 MGT 341 020 020 MGT 697 020 1.0-6.0 Hardesty MLS EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT 3.0 Prereq: Admission into the Medical Laboratory Science Program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Campbell *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Campbell CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY PRACTICUM 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Successful completion of MLS 460 and MLS 465. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Butina *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Butina College of Engineering 3.0 MSE 395 Maginnis 020 021 022 MSE 748 3.0 Prereq: STA 291, ECO 201, 202 and ACC 202, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 11:30AM-01:30PM LEC BE 199 Davis BUSINESS LAW I 3.0 Prereq: MKT 300. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/10/2016 LOCATION: BERLIN, GERMANY. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hapke MSE • Materials Science and Engineering Gatton College of Business and Economics 020 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 020 McDonough Prereq: Approval of student’s advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Same as MGT 430.) Prereq: MKT 300, MGT 301. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 11:30AM-01:30PM LEC BE 233 Andersen Prereq: Consent of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND MLS 450 McDonough MGT • Management MGT 301 Garvy SERVICES MARKETING MANAGEMENT 3.0 INDIV WORK IN MARKETING 1.0-9.0 (Same as ME 501.) Prereq or concurrent: Engineering Standing, ME 344 and ME 205; or Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rouch RESEARCH PROJECT IN MFS Garvy; Perry 1.0-9.0 (Same as BIO 798.) Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES MKT 695 College of Engineering 220 RSD RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY College of Health Sciences 3.0 RES MECHANICAL DES WITH FINITE ELEMENT MTHDS *** To Be Arranged **** Garvy 2.0 MLS • Medical Laboratory Science McDonough MFS • Manufacturing Systems Engineering MFS 501 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT McDonough 0.0-12.0 Prereq: Approval of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND RESEARCH IN MECHAN ENGR 720 Martin RSD SPEC PROBS IN MECH ENGR MKT 435 2.0 RSD RES CRED DOCTOR’S DEGREE 798 3.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Gatton College of Business and Economics 0.0 RSD MI SPEC TOPS IN MICROBIOLGY MKT • Marketing 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time sems of 769 res cr following successful compl qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES McDonough DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 767 020 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES McDonough *** To Be Arranged **** RES Martin *** To Be Arranged **** RES Herrin DISSERTATION RESEARCH MI 020 3.0 (Same as MFS 501.) Prereq or concur: Engineering Standing, ME 344 and ME 205; or Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rouch MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 710 020 MSE 749 3.0 Prereq: Junior standing or consent of the instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 09:00AM-11:00AM LEC BE 199 Davis (Same as MKT 430.) Prereq: MKT 300, MGT 301. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/08/2016 MTWRF 11:30AM-01:30PM LEC BE 233 Andersen MSE 768 LEADERSHIP, COMMUNICATIONS & ETHICS MSE 781 020 020 MSE 769 020 3.0 020 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 TR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Wilkinson MSE 782 020 23 INDEP WK MATERIALS ENGR Prereq: Department major *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-3.0 and approval of chairperson. IND Balk IND Beck IND Zhai MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff RES CREDIT MASTER’S DEG *** To Be Arranged **** RES CRED DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-3.0 IND SPEC PROBS, LIT & LAB *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 0.0-12.0 RSD SPEC PROBS, LIT & LAB *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-6.0 RSD LAB Cheng 3.0 Yang SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 MUS 271 MUC • Class Instruction in Music 020 College of Fine Arts MUC 196 020 MUC 596 020 MUS 273 OPERA WORKSHOP 020 1.0 MUS 350 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB McCorvey OPERA WORKSHOP 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB 020 McCorvey MUS 395 MUP • Music Performance 020 MUS 435G College of Fine Arts NOTE: MUP courses are individual instrument courses for music majors. Non-Music majors may take the one credit hour courses by permission of the School of Music. 220 MUS 560 FEES FOR MUSIC PERFORMANCE COURSES: $100 per semester for applied music lessons regardless of credit hours; instead of the $100 fee, guitar courses (MUP 123, 223, 323, 423) have a $500 per semester applied music fee for lessons regardless of credit hours. Students taking lessons on more than one applied music instrument are charged the $100 fee for each course. The fee is in addition to tuition and fees and is payable by the deadline for paying tuition and fees. 220 221 222 MUS 561 020 ALL REGISTRATION IS BY PERMIT ONLY. For further enrollment information please contact the applied teacher with whom you wish to study. 020 MUP 223 020 MUP 323 020 MUP 423 020 MUP 558 020 020 MUP 658 020 020 MUP 758 020 020 CLASSICAL GUITAR *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** MUS 578 1.0-3.0 STU CONDUCTING Staff 1.0-4.0 220 Prereq: MUS 358 or MUS 364 or MUS 365, or consent of instructor. MTWRF 11:15AM-12:30PM STU Johnson *** To Be Arranged **** STU Johnson CONDUCTING MUS 601 220 1.0-4.0 Prereq: MUS 358 or MUS 364 or MUS 365, or consent of instructor. MTWRF 11:15AM-12:30PM STU Johnson *** To Be Arranged **** STU Johnson MUS 625 CONDUCTING MUS 662 020 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. MTWRF 11:00AM-12:15PM STU *** To Be Arranged **** STU 220 Johnson Johnson MUS 663 MUS • Music 220 College of Fine Arts MUS 100 220 221 222 223 MUS 123 020 020 MUS 140 220 MUS 200 220 221 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC MUS 666 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff BEGINNING CLASSROOM GUITAR 220 MUS 693 3.0 220 Prereq: Students must have little or no knowledge of classical/ general guitar playing. If students have some experience, ask about MUP 123, Guitar Lessons. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:10AM-11:10AM LEC FA 107 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 F 09:10AM-10:10AM LEC FA 107 Staff ACOUSTICS OF MUSIC MUS 694 020 MUS 695 020 3.0 MUS 719 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Deen MUSIC FOR LIVING 002 Prereq: MUS 271. MTWR 10:00AM-10:50AM LEC Staff 2.0 FA MUSIC ED WKSP: DALCROZE INSTITUTE 002 Staff 1.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/05/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 MTWRFS 08:20AM-05:00PM LEC Vasil INDEP WORK IN MUSIC 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Major in music and a standing of 3.0 or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Arnold ANATOMY FOR MUSIC THERAPY PRACTICE 3.0 Prereq: Music therapy major or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Goforth ORFF SCHULWERK 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Junior standing in music or approval of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Goforth ORFF CERTIFICATION ORFF CERTIFICATION: LEVEL I 2.0 ORFF CERTIFICATION: LEVEL II Vasil 2.0 ORFF CERTIFICATION: LEVEL III 2.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/20/2016; course end date 07/01/2016 MUS 561-022: Workshop fee required. MTWRF 08:20AM-04:15PM LAB Vasil Staff CLASSICAL GUITAR *** To Be Arranged **** 022 Staff 1.0-3.0 STU FA THEORY II-WRITTEN THEORY NOTE: Course start date 06/20/2016; course end date 07/01/2016 MUS 561-021: Workshop fee required. MTWRF 08:20AM-04:15PM LAB SCFA Single Vasil 1.0-3.0 STU CLASSICAL GUITAR *** To Be Arranged **** 021 Staff CLASSICAL GUITAR 2.0 MTWRF 08:20AM-04:15PM LAB 1.0-3.0 STU Prereq: MUS 171, 173. MTWR 09:00AM-09:50AM LEC Prereq: Junior standing in music or approval of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/20/2016; course end date 07/01/2016 MUS 561-020: Workshop fee required. PREREQ FOR ALL MUP COURSES: Satisfactory audition and/or approval by instructor. MUP 123 THEORY II-WRITTEN THEORY 3.0 020 021 022 023 Prereq: Sophomore standing. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson 24 ANALYSIS & STYLE SURVEY 3.0 Prereq: MUS 372 or equivalent. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Deen FOUNDATIONS IN MUS EDU 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sogin CHORAL LITERATURE 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. MTWRF 08:30AM-11:00AM LEC FA 006 Johnson DALCROZE APPROACH I 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson DALCROZE APPROACH II 3.0 Prereq: Successful completion of MUS 662 or equivalent and permission by instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson ADVANCED ORFF SCHULWERK 1.0-3.0 Prereq: MUS 561, equivalent to Level Two Orff Schulwerk Teacher Training, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil WORLD MUSIC FOR TEACHERS 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTERNSHIP IN SACRED MUSIC 1.0 Prereq: Completion of 12 hours in the M.M. in Sacred Music program or by consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Robinson INDEPEND WORK IN MUSIC 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing in music and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Sogin INDEP WORK IN MUSICOLOGY 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Four to six hours of graduate credit in area of specialization and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Brunner *** To Be Arranged **** IND Glixon *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hallman *** To Be Arranged **** IND Pen SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 MUS 748 020 MUS 749 020 MUS 750 020 MUS 766 220 MUS 767 020 MUS 768 020 MUS 769 020 MUS 780 020 021 022 023 024 025 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 NS DISSERTATION RESEARCH NS 020 021 NUR 200 3.0 020 Prereq: Permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Hudson DISSERTATION RES CREDIT RES CR MASTERS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** NUR 520 1.0-6.0 Sogin 0.0-12.0 RSD DIRECTED RESEARCH IN VOCAL LITERATURE 020 Sogin RSD RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE NUR 393 2.0 RSD 220 Sogin 1.0-3.0 220 Prereq: MUS 618 and MUS 620 or permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Arnold *** To Be Arranged **** RES Lugo *** To Be Arranged **** RES Bender *** To Be Arranged **** RES McCorvey *** To Be Arranged **** RES Lawrence-Calkins *** To Be Arranged **** RES Clay 220 220 220 NUR 767 NRE • Natural Resources and Environmental Science 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment NRE 320 720 NRE 395 020 NRE 399 020 021 022 023 NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENVIRON ANALYSIS Prereq: BIO 150/152 and CHE 105. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC IND STUDY IN NAT RESOURCES AND ENV SCI 3.0 Paratley; Price 3.0 NUR 771 Prereq: Consent of appropriate faculty and a plan of learning objective approved by the NRCM Internship Coordinator. *** To Be Arranged **** STU Paratley EXP ED IN NAT RESOURCES AND ENV SCI 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Consent of appropriate faculty and approval by NRES Internship Coordinator. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Stainback *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Matocha *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Arthur *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Jacobsen NS • Nutritional Sciences College of Medicine NS 749 020 020 NS 767 020 NS 768 020 020 021 DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RES CRED MASTERS DEGREE (Same as DHN 768.) *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RSD RSD *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 0.0-12.0 RSD RSD SPECIAL PROBLEMS Staff Staff 1.0-6.0 (Same as CNU/DHN 782.) Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bruckner Thomas College of Nursing 1.0-3.0 SEM IN MUS ED: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC EDUCAT RES CRED DOCTOR’S DEGREE NUR • Nursing Prereq: Four to six hours of graduate credit in area of specialization and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Sogin *** To Be Arranged **** 782 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Sogin IND WORK-MUSIC EDUCATION 769 020 020 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Sogin NUR 781 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 2.0 Staff 1.0-6.0 Brewer Bastin Bastin FOUNDATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING Prereq: Admission to the professional Nursing program. Coreq: NUR 861. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NURSING RESEARCH INTERNSHIP 1.0 Prereq: Admission to the professional nursing program *** To Be Arranged **** IND Linares SP TOPS IN NURSING (SR) 3.0 Prereq: Variable, specified when topic identified. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/09/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2.0 Ashford Brockopp Burkhart Frazier Hahn Hatcher Howard Lennie Lock Moser Reed Chung 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Admission to PhD program in nursing or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Ashford *** To Be Arranged **** RES Burkhart *** To Be Arranged **** RES Chung *** To Be Arranged **** RES Dekker *** To Be Arranged **** RES Forren *** To Be Arranged **** RES Frazier *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hahn *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hardin-Pierce *** To Be Arranged **** RES Hatcher *** To Be Arranged **** RES Lennie *** To Be Arranged **** RES Moser *** To Be Arranged **** RES Mudd *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Linares *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff *** To Be Arranged **** RES Salt *** To Be Arranged **** RES Tovar *** To Be Arranged **** RES Welsh INDEPENDENT STUDY IN NUR 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Admission to Graduate Program in Nursing or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Biddle *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ashford *** To Be Arranged **** IND Burkhart *** To Be Arranged **** IND Dekker *** To Be Arranged **** IND El-Mallakh *** To Be Arranged **** IND Forren *** To Be Arranged **** IND Frazier *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hahn *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hatcher *** To Be Arranged **** IND Howard *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lennie – continued on next page – 25 2.0 SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 NUR 781 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 NUR 902 210 NUR 910 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 NUR 917 220 220 220 220 220 221 221 221 221 221 NUR 918 220 220 220 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN NUR, continued *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND NURSING LEADERSHIP IN HLTH CARE SYSTEMS 220 Brockopp Moser Mudd Okoli Staff Hardin Salt Welsh 220 NUR 919 3.0 220 Prereq: Enrollment in Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, NUR 900 or awarded MSN degree, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC NURS 501C Howard 220 CLINICAL RESIDENCY 220 3.0 Prereq: Completion of all DNP required course work with exception of NUR 930. *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Anderson *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Biddle *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Brockopp *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Butler *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* El-Mallakh *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Hardin-Pierce *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Howard *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Jensen *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Kloha *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Scott *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Stefaniak *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Tovar *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Warshawsky *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Williams TECH FOR TRANSFORMING NUR HEALTHCARE 220 220 NUR 925 220 NUR 930 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce QUALITY AND SAFETY IN NURSING AND HC 3.0 Prereq or coreq: NUR 915, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 06/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff RES METHODS IN ADV PRACTICE NURSING 3.0 (Same as NUR 602.) Prereq: Graduate statistics course and NUR 924, admission to DNP program, graduate programs in nursing, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC El-Mallakh PROB IN ADV PRA NUR Prereq: Admission to DNP Program, and completion of second DNP specialty course with clinical experience (5 credit) or consent of instructor. 220 3.0 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO PRIM CARE 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff Prereq: Admission to DNP program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC NURS 502A Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 06/24/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/15/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/29/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Page; Teasdale NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 06/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Hampton PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS F 221 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO ACUTE NP 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff 222 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO C N S 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff 223 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PEDS ACUTE CARE NP 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Scott 224 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: FAMILY NP 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff 225 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PSYCH MENTAL HLT NP 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff 226 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PEDS PRIM CARE NP 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Scott 227 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: NURSING MGMT 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NUR 981 1.0 Prereq: Enrollment in Doctor of Nursing Practice program, Prereq: NUR 916, NUR 919, and written capstone proposal approved by student’s DNP advisory committee or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC NURS 502A Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 06/24/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 07/15/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 07/29/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 032 033 034 035 036 037 26 IND STUDY IN NURSING 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in Doctor of Nursing Practice Program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Aleshire *** To Be Arranged **** IND Hardin-Pierce *** To Be Arranged **** IND Anderson *** To Be Arranged **** IND Biddle *** To Be Arranged **** IND Butler *** To Be Arranged **** IND El-Mallakh *** To Be Arranged **** IND Okoli *** To Be Arranged **** IND Howard *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jensen *** To Be Arranged **** IND Kloha *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lock *** To Be Arranged **** IND Tovar *** To Be Arranged **** IND Scott *** To Be Arranged **** IND Scott; Stringfellow *** To Be Arranged **** IND Stefaniak *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wheeler *** To Be Arranged **** IND Williams SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 PAS 663 OFP • Orofacial Pain College of Dentistry OFP 748 020 OFP 768 020 220 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH PAS 664 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Okeson RESIDENT’S CREDIT FOR MASTER’S DEGREE 220 PAS 665 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Admission to the Orofacial Pain graduate program and consent of the Director of Graduate Program. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Okeson 220 221 PAS 669 ORT • Orthodontics College of Dentistry ORT 660 020 ORT 748 001 020 ORT 790 001 220 ORTHODONTIC DIAGNOSIS PAS 670 2.0 Prereq: Admission to a postdoctoral program of the College of Dentistry. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Beeman MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 220 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Huja *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff PAS 671 RESEARCH IN ORTHODONTICS PAS 678 220 1.0-5.0 Prereq: Admission to orthodontic graduate program of the College of Dentistry; special permission. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Huja 220 221 PA • Public Administration PA 602 PA PA STRATEGIC PLAN PUB / NONPROF 020 Prereq: PA 621 and PA 651. MTWR 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC 711 INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC ADM 020 767 PDO 610 Staff 3.0 Prereq: MPA program status or consent of MPA program director. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 020 PDO 620 2.0 *** To Be Arranged **** 796 INDEP STDY PUBLIC ADMIN 020 Prereq: MPA program status and consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Denison RSD Staff 1.0-3.0 020 PDO 630 PAS • Physician Assistant Studies 020 College of Health Sciences 220 221 PAS 660 220 PAS 661 220 PAS 662 220 GERIATRIC CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physician Assistant graduate program, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Fahringer CLI PRACTICUM IN PHYSICIAN ASST STUDIES 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** STU Grace *** To Be Arranged **** STU Chatterjee INTERNAL MED CLERKSHIP 6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Schuer EMERGENCY MEDICINE CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Wyant PSYCHIATRY CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Fahringer HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Chatterjee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Chatterjee College of Dentistry 3.0 020 PAS 653 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Powdrill PDO • Pediatric Dentistry The Graduate School PA SURGERY CLERKSHIP INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH & DISEASE PDO 790 3.0 020 PEDS DENT SEMINAR I PEDS DENT SEMINAR II PEDS DENT SEMINAR III RESEARCH IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in Pediatric Dentistry/College of Dentistry M.S. degree program. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Nash FAMILY MED CLERKSHIP College of Medicine PEDIATRIC CLERKSHIP PGY 412G 3.0 220 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Bennett OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY CLERKSHIP PGY 504 020 PGY 630 3.0 020 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Collett PGY 749 020 27 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the College of Dentistry’s Master of Science degree program in the Pediatric Dentistry track, and completion of PDO 610 and 620. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Staff PGY • Physiology 6.0 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the College of Dentistry’s Master of Science degree program in the Pediatric Dentistry track, and completion of PDO 610. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Staff Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wyant *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wyant Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Chatterjee 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the College of Dentistry’s Master of Science degree program in the Pediatric Dentistry track. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Nash PRIN OF HUMAN PGY LECT 4.0 Prereq: One year biology or PGY 206. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Park-Sarge INDEP WORK IN PHYSIOLGY 2.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Speck ADVANCED TOPICS IN PHYSIOLOGY 1.0-3.0 Prereq: PGY 502 or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC DISSERTATION RESEARCH Staff 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 PGY 767 020 021 022 023 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 2.0 PHY 241 NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Smith *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Ambati *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Estus *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Staff PGY 791 RESEARCH IN PHYSIOLOGY 020 Prereq: Permission of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES 020 PHY 242 1.0-15.0 Staff 020 PHY 395 PHA • Pharmacology 020 College of Medicine PHA 630 020 021 022 023 PHA 749 020 PHA 750 020 021 PHA 767 020 PHA 769 020 PHY 401G SP TOPS IN PHARMACOLOGY Prereq: Consent of course *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-3.0 director. LEC LEC LEC LEC Swanson Porter Hadley Kilgore DISSERTATION RESEARCH 220 221 222 223 224 225 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff RESEARCH IN PHARMACOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** PLS 395 Staff 0.0-12.0 RSD 020 021 022 023 Staff PHS • Pharmaceutical Sciences PLS 399 College of Pharmacy PHS 780 020 SPEC PROBS PHARMACEUT SCIENCES 020 021 2.0 PLS 748 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Black 020 PHY • Physics PLS 799 College of Arts and Sciences PHY 160 020 PHY 211 020 020 020 021 021 021 022 022 022 PHY 213 020 020 020 PHY 231 020 020 PHY 232 020 020 PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY FOR TEACHERS MTWRF 04:00PM-06:00PM LEC CP 292 GENERAL PHYSICS 020 3.0 PPA 395 Prereq: PHY 231; concur: MA 213. MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC CP TR 08:00AM-09:00AM REC 155 SP TOPS PHYSICS / AST ELEM / MIDDLE / HS TCHRS 1.0 Prereq: Open only to elementary, middle school and high school teachers. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley RESEARCH IN PHYSICS *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 RES Gorringe SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PLS 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of appropriate instructor before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Wheeler *** To Be Arranged **** IND Williams *** To Be Arranged **** IND Geneve *** To Be Arranged **** IND Lee EXPER LEARNING IN PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Complete learning contract before registration. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Wheeler *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Downie MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Coyne RESEARCH IN PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Goff IND STUDY PLANT PATH 020 PPA 767 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** 1.0-4.0 Vaillancourt 2.0 RSD Kachroo College of Pharmacy PPS 760 020 020 PPS 993 Staff Staff 220 4.0 153 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Major and a standing of 3.0 in the department. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Ng PPS • Pharmacy Practice and Science 4.0 GENERAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS INDEPENDENT WORK IN PHYSICS Prereq: Consent of appropriate instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND 020 5.0 CP Prereq: PHY 241; concur: PHY 232. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 12:30PM-02:30PM LAB CP 254 Staff College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Prereq: PHY 211 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 10:30AM-12:30PM LAB CP 167 Staff MTWRF 09:00AM-10:00AM LEC CP 153 Staff TR 08:00AM-09:00AM REC Staff Prereq or concur: MA 113. MTWRF 10:20AM-11:20AM LEC TR 09:00AM-10:00AM REC 1.0 PPA • Plant Pathology 5.0 GENERAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS GENERAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS LABORATORY Staff Prereq: A working knowledge of algebra as obtainable in MA 109 or MA 110 or MA 112, or an ACT math score of 25 or above, or a SAT math score of 590 or above. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 10:30AM-12:30PM LAB CP 165 Staff MTWRF 09:00AM-10:00AM LEC CP 155 Staff TR 10:00AM-11:00AM REC Staff MTWRF 09:00AM-10:00AM LEC CP 155 Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 12:30PM-02:30PM LAB CP 165 Staff TR 11:00AM-12:00PM REC Staff MTWRF 09:00AM-10:00AM LEC CP 155 Staff TR 08:00AM-09:00AM REC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 02:30PM-04:30PM LAB CP 165 Staff GENERAL PHYSICS Prereq or concur: PHY 231. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 12:30PM-02:30PM LAB CP 290 Staff College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 2.0 RSD 1.0 PLS • Plant and Soil Science Hadley Hadley RES CR DOCTORS DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 020 1.0-5.0 RES RES DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** PHY 790 GENERAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS LABORATORY Staff Staff 28 SPEC TOPICS PHARM PRAC SCI 4.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. TR 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 01:00PM-03:00PM LEC Staff AMBULATORY CARE PRACTICE 6.0 Prereq: Admission to the fourth year, College of Pharmacy; and permission of the instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 PSY • Psychology PT • Physical Therapy College of Arts and Sciences College of Health Sciences PSY 100 220 PSY 215 210 PSY 223 PSY INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY PT 4.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 4.0 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 220 311 LEARNING AND COGNITION 220 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY 215 or 216 and PSY major or minor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 220 PSY 395 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 PSY 399 020 PSY 639 020 021 022 023 024 025 PSY 708 020 PSY 790 020 BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 3.0 3.0 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY 215 or 216 and PSY major or minor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sharrett-Field IND WORK IN PSY 1.0-3.0 PT Prereq: Major in the department with a standing of 3.0 in psychology courses. A signed contract between student and faculty member must be filed in the departmental office prior to enrollment in the course. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Archer *** To Be Arranged **** IND Arthur *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bardo *** To Be Arranged **** IND Gervais *** To Be Arranged **** IND Bhatt *** To Be Arranged **** IND DeWall *** To Be Arranged **** IND Fillmore *** To Be Arranged **** IND Friedrich *** To Be Arranged **** IND Golding *** To Be Arranged **** IND Gervais *** To Be Arranged **** IND Milich *** To Be Arranged **** IND Prendergast *** To Be Arranged **** IND Segerstrom *** To Be Arranged **** IND Smith *** To Be Arranged **** IND Zentall FLD BASED / COMM BASED EDU 220 520 Prereq: Successful completion of PT 603. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Malone *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Malone 686 815 020 520 PT 821 220 520 PT 830 220 520 1.0-6.0 PT Prereq: Permission of instructor and department chairperson; filing of a learning contract with department office and office for Experiential Education; completion of 12 hours in psychology with an average GPA of 2.5 in psychology courses. PSY majors, juniors and seniors only. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Lorch PRAC PSY ASSESS AND INTERVENTIONS PHARMACOLOGY II 021 022 023 025 026 028 029 030 032 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 528 529 532 3.0 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PSY 312 PT Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY major or PSY minor, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 604 838 020 520 PT 0.0 Prereq: PSY 636 and enrollment in graduate program in clinical psychology. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Baer *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Susman *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Martel *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Jasinski *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Risk *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Burris PT INTERNSHIP IN CLIN PSY PT 839 020 520 840 020 520 0.0 856 Prereq: All course work in doctoral program in clinical psychology, approved dissertation proposal, and consent of Director of Clinical Training. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Smith RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** RES 220 520 12.0 Akins PT 877 220 520 29 SPECIALTY ELECTIVES 1.0 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Admission to Physical Therapy Professional program and active enrollment in the first semester of the professional curriculum or beyond or consent of the instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Harrison *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hazle *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Malone *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kelly *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Marshall *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Harrison *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kitzman *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hazle *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Malone *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kelly BASIC CLINICAL SKILLS 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy professional program and successful completion of the spring semester (first year of the professional program). *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English; Kelly; Noehren *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English; Kelly; Noehren MGMT OF VASCULAR & INTEGMNTRY DIS 2.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy professional program and successful completion of the first year. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kelly *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kelly DIAG IMAGING, SCREENING & INSTR 2.0 Prereq: Successful completion of the previous second year courses in physical therapy. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hazle; Nitz *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hazle; Nitz PHYSICAL THERAPY INTERNSHIP II 6.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy professional program and successful completion of the first two years of the professional program. *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English; Lee *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English PHYSICAL THERAPY INTERNSHIP III 6.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy professional program and successful completion of the first two years of the professional program. *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English; Lee *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English; Lee ADV CAPSTON INTERNSHIP IV 7.0 Prereq: Course work preceding this in the professional program. *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English; Lee *** To Be Arranged **** CLI* English; Lee THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE I 2.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy professional program and successful completion of the spring semester in the first year. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English CARDIO-RESPIRATORY THER 3.0 Prereq: Students must have successfully completed first year of program NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 PT 890 020 520 PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 1.0 RHB 769 Prereq: Admission to the Physical Therapy program, completion of all course requirements in the program or permission of the course instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Darbee *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Darbee; Harrison 020 RHB 787 RC • Rehabilitation Counseling 020 College of Education RC 516 220 RC 560 220 221 222 RC 630 220 221 RC 710 220 221 222 223 RC 721 020 RC 730 220 221 222 RC 782 020 021 RHB 788 MEDCL &PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS DISABLITS II 3.0 020 (Same as SW 516.) Prereq: College level courses in biology and psychology or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers SUPPORTED EMP, IND LIVING, & TRANSITION RHB 789 020 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Rehabilitation Counseling Program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers; Sheppard-Jones *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Maxwell; Rogers *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers; Sheppard-Jones PLACEMENT SVCS & TECH IN REHAB COUNSELING RM 020 RTM 499 020 RTM 690 020 RTM 748 3.0 020 021 RTM 768 3.0-9.0 020 021 SOC 101 420 Crystal Bishop SOC 235 T SOC 304 020 College of Health Sciences 020 RHB 767 020 SOC 350 0.0 020 Prereq: Admission to the Rehab Sciences Ph.D. program. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Mattacola DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RSD INDEPENDENT STUDY IN RHB 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Rehab Sciences Ph.D. program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Mattacola RES APPRENTICESHIP IN REHAB SCI 1.0-9.0 Prereq: Admission to the Rehab Sciences Ph.D. program or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Mattacola GRAD PRACT RADIATION MED 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Graduate standing in the bioradiation or medical sciences, plus consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Molloy HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM INTERNSHIP 6.0 Prereq: C or better in HMT 120 or MAT 114, HMT 210 or MAT 120, HMT 270 or MAT 237, HMT 350 or MAT 315, RTM 340 and RTM 345 plus 100 approved hours of pre-internship experience. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff IND EXP IN RETAILING AND TOURISM MNGMNT 6.0 Prereq: Graduate student standing. Approval of department and student’s plan of work committee. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Wesley MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: All course work must be completed before registration for the course. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Easter *** To Be Arranged **** RES Wesley RESIDENCE CREDIT FOR THE MASTER’S DEGREE 1.0-6.0 Prereq: All coursework must be completed before registration for the course. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Easter *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Wesley College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 DISSERTATION RES IN REHABILITATION SCI Prereq: Admission to the Rehab Sciences Ph.D. program in communication disorders or physical therapy or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Mattacola SOC • Sociology RHB • Rehabilitation Sciences RHB 749 1.0-4.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND TEACHING APPRENTICESHIP IN REHAB SCI RTM • Retailing and Tourism Management Prereq: A minimum of successful completion of one year in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program and RC 710 and consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:30AM-11:00AM LAB Harley; Rogers NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 05:30PM-08:00PM LAB Greer; Rogers NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 05:30PM-08:00PM LAB Mundt; Rogers DIRECTED IND STUDY 660 3.0 (Same as IEC 721 and EDS 721.) Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. EDS, RC, or IEC Ph.D. Programs. *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Bishop INTERN IN CLINICAL REHAB COUNSEL Prereq: Admission to the Rehab Sciences Ph.D. program. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Mattacola College of Medicine Prereq: A minimum of 12 graduate hours in Rehabilitation Counseling and consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:30AM-11:00AM LEC Harley; Rogers NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC Feist-Price; Rogers NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Rogers; Ysasi NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Greer; Rogers PRACTICUM IN SPECIAL EDUC PERSONNEL PREP 0.0-9.0 RM • Radiation Medicine Prereq: A vocational theories course, RC 520 and 620 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Flanagan-Jessee; Rogers CLINICAL PRACTICUM IN REHAB COUNSEL RESIDENCE CREDIT FOR THE DOCTORAL DEGREE SOC 395 020 2.0 Mattacola 30 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 06:00PM-08:15PM LEC Friesen INEQUALITIES IN SOCIETY 3.0 (Same as AAS 235.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 220 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cale CLASSICAL SOC THEORY MTWR 01:00PM-02:40PM TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY: SERIAL KILLING 3.0 LEC Motl 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 10:00AM-12:15PM LEC Staff INDEPENDENT WORK 1.0-3.0 Prereq: SOC 101 or CLD 102, SOC major or minor, GPA of 3.0 or above in the department, consent of faculty. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Renzetti SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 SOC 399 020 SOC 565 020 SOC 748 020 SOC 749 020 SOC 767 020 SOC 768 020 SOC 769 020 SOC 780 020 SOC 790 020 SOC 792 020 SOC 797 020 PRACTICUM IN SOCIOLOGY 1.0-12.0 STA 296 Prereq: SOC 101 or CLD 102, SOC major or minor, consent of instructor and learning contract. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Renzetti INDEPENDENT WORK 020 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Graduate student status; undergraduates with consent of instructor only. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Liberato MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 220 0.0 402 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Liberato DISSERTATION RESEARCH STA 569 0.0 220 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Liberato DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** *** To Be Arranged **** 020 1.0-3.0 STA 768 Liberato 1.0-6.0 IND COMMUN DEVEL PRACTICUM STA 767 Liberato IND RESEARCH IN SOCIOLOGY 020 Liberato 1.0-6.0 IND RESEARCH IN RURAL SOC *** To Be Arranged **** Liberato 0.0-12.0 RSD SPEC PROBS SOCIOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Liberato 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CREDIT DOCTOR’S DEG 020 STA 749 2.0 RSD RES CREDIT MASTER’S DEG STA 693 020 Liberato 1.0-9.0 020 020 SPA 151 SW 220 SPA 201 020 SPA 202 020 020 SW 020 020 SW 220 221 420 505 020 SW 516 3.0 Prereq: SPA 102 or consent of department and placement test. MTWRF 09:10AM-11:10AM LEC Staff INTER SPAN IV (SPOKEN AP) 3.0 220 Prereq: SPA 201 or consent of department and placement test. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 09:10AM-11:10AM LEC Staff SW INTRO TO STATISTICAL REASONING 580 020 021 College of Arts and Sciences 020 021 444 3.0 STA • Statistics STA 210 395 4.0 Prereq: Prior college or high school Spanish or other experience with the Spanish language roughly equivalent to one semester of college study. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via Internet. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTER SPAN III (SPOKN AP) 370 220 SW Prereq: SPA 101 or consent of the department and placement test. MTWRF 10:10AM-11:30AM LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff SPANISH FOR HEALTH PROF Prereq: MA 113, MA 123, MA 137, or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 09:00AM-10:20AM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/27/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 06:00PM-09:20PM LEC Staff APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS 4.0 Prereq: MA 109. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff BIOSTATISTICAL PRACTICUM 1.0 Prereq: STA 603. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Staff DISSERTATION RESEARCH 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Wood DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT 2.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Wood RES CR FOR MASTERS DEG 1.0-6.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/201 *** To Be Arranged **** RSD Wood College of Social Work College of Arts and Sciences ELEM SPAN II (SPOKEN AP) 3.0 SW • Social Work Prereq: Approval of the Director of the Community Development Program. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Liberato SPA • Hispanic Studies SPA 102 STATISTICAL METHODS AND MOTIVATIONS 220 3.0 221 Prereq: Any course in the new Quantitative Foundations area of General Education beginning Spring 2012. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 MTWRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff MTWRF 12:00PM-01:20PM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 TR 06:00PM-09:20PM LEC Staff 222 223 224 225 226 31 FINANCIAL SOCIAL WORK 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Gillen INDEPENDENT WORK 1.0-4.0 Prereq: Major, standing of 3.0 overall GPA or consent of dean, and consent of advisor and instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Cook-Craig EDUCATIONAL PRACTICUM I 5.0 Prereq: Open to social work majors, SW 300, SW 421, SW 430 NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 05:00PM-06:50PM SEM Srivastava *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Srivastava CHILD WELFARE SERVICES *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 LEC MEDCL / PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS DISABLTS II Stivers 3.0 (Same as RC 516.) Prereq: College level courses in biology and psychology or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers TOPICAL SEMINAR IN SW 3.0 Prereq: Open to the students of social work or consent of instructor. TR 09:30AM-12:00PM SEM Cook-Craig NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 M 05:30PM-09:30PM SEM Doss NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 05:30PM-09:30PM SEM Doss NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Flaherty NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 TR 01:00PM-03:30PM SEM Otis NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Ferrell II NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Sanford NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Whitaker NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Godlaski SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 SW 616 220 220 221 221 SW 640 020 020 021 021 520 520 SW 702 020 220 SW 722 020 220 SW 730 020 SW 742 020 020 SW 767 020 SW 769 020 SW 780 020 520 SW 786 020 SW 787 020 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE IN SCHOOL SETTINGS 3.0 TA NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 W 05:30PM-09:30PM LEC Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-09:30PM LEC Lazzari NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lazzari FOUNDATION PRACTICUM 020 TA TA 020 TA 395 020 TA 499 020 780 020 MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH RES CR MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** INDEP STUDY IN THEATRE *** To Be Arranged **** College of Medicine SUBSTANCE MISUSE, VIOL, RISK MANAGEMENT TOX 767 TOX 749 020 3.0 020 Prereq: Completion of SW 600, SW 601, and SW 635, or admission to the MSW program with advanced standing, or permission of instructor. TR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Godlaski NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 01:30PM-05:30PM LEC Godlaski TOX 768 020 TOX 769 020 TOX 780 3.0 020 TOX 790 Prereq: Admission to the MSW program with advanced standing or completion of SW 600, SW 601 and SW 635. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 09:30AM-12:00PM LEC Lazzari NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-12:30PM LEC Flaherty EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FOR SW 020 CLINICAL SW PRACTICUM II TSL Craig Prereq: SW 740, SW 750, SW 728, SW 730 or concurrent. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 T 03:30PM-05:20PM PRA* Weeks *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Weeks *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR DOCTORS’S DEGREE 0.0 Prereq: Registration for two full-time semesters of 769 residence credit following the successful completion of the qualifying exams. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Staff DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT *** To Be Arranged **** RES CR MASTER’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-6.0 RSD RES CR DOCTOR’S DEGREE *** To Be Arranged **** 2.0 RSD Staff 0.0-12.0 RSD SPEC PROBS IN TOXICOLOGY Staff 2.0 Prereq: Consent of graduate advisor. *** To Be Arranged **** RES RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY *** To Be Arranged **** Staff 1.0-4.0 RES Staff 720 Prereq: Students must be enrolled in the TESL Graduate Certificate course of study. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Dubravac ESL INTERNSHIP 3.0 3.0-9.0 Prereq: Student must be in good standing in the TESL MA program. MTRF 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Bailey *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Dubravac 0.0-12.0 INDEPENDENT WORK UK • University Wide Royse 3.0 Undergraduate Education Prereq: Major, graduate standing of 3.0 overall GPA, or consent of dean, and consent of advisor and instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Royse *** To Be Arranged **** IND Slone DOCTORAL RESEARCH PRACTICUM UK 3.0-6.0 090 DEVLPMNTL UNIV CRS: TITLE TO BE ASSIGNED 020 MTWR 10:30AM-11:45AM LEC Robinson NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 07/22/2016 MTWRF 08:30AM-09:50AM LEC Robinson NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 07/21/2016 MTR 01:00PM-02:20PM LEC Robinson 021 Prereq: Completion of 1st year of doctoral study. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* DOCTORAL TEACH PRACTICUM Royse 021 3.0-6.0 Prereq: Completion of 1st yr of doctoral study. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* UK 100 Royse 020 021 022 UNIV CR: TITLE TO BE ASSIGNED 1.0 1.0 Prereq: Will be set by instructor. TR 11:00AM-12:15PM LEC TR 01:30PM-02:45PM LEC MTWR 12:00PM-12:50PM LEC Brereton Staff Karantabias UKC • UK Core 3.0 Undergraduate Education NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MWF 09:00AM-10:15AM LEC Staff INDEPENDENT WORK DISSERTATION RESEARCH ESL TEACHING PRACTICUM 020 720 Royse Prereq: Successful completion of qualifying exam. *** To Be Arranged **** RSD CREATIVITY & ART OF ACTING Jones 597 TSL 697 2.0 RSD IND College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 DISSERTATION RESIDENCY CREDIT Jones 1.0-3.0 TSL • Teaching English as a Second Language 3.0 Prereq: SW 718, SE 724, and Psychopathology II. TR 09:30AM-12:00PM LEC 1.0-6.0 RES TOX • Toxicology 3.0 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Jones Prereq: SW 600, 601, 602, 630, 635, 650 or concurrent. NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 06:00PM-08:00PM PRA* Sutphen *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Sutphen NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 06:00PM-08:00PM PRA* Scanlon *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Scanlon NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 M 05:30PM-07:30PM PRA* Hutchinson *** To Be Arranged **** PRA* Hutchinson College of Fine Arts 120 768 020 TA • Theatre TA 748 UKC 310 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Major, filing of prospectus at time of registration, and consent of chairperson. *** To Be Arranged **** IND Jones 020 020 PROFESSIONAL THEATRE INTERNSHIP 220 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Overall GPA 2.5, Upper Division standing in Major, or consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Jones 32 HUM INQUIRY UD: SR 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 MTWR 11:00AM-01:30PM LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Marksbury NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 VS • Veterinary Science WRD • Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Media College of Agriculture, Food and Environment College of Arts and Sciences VS WRD 110 395 020 021 VS 748 020 SP PROBS IN VET SCIENCE 1.0-4.0 Prereq: VS 350, 351; consent of instructor. *** To Be Arranged **** IND *** To Be Arranged **** IND MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH 020 Issel Adams 020 0.0 Prereq: All course work toward the degree must be completed. NOTE: Registration for this course is not available via myUK. For enrollment information contact the Graduate School at 257-4905. *** To Be Arranged **** RES Howe 021 021 022 022 023 220 WRD 111 220 WRD 203 220 WRD 204 220 33 COMP & COMM I 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 MTRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 MTWR 02:30PM-03:50PM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 MTRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 MTWR 02:30PM-03:50PM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 MTRF 10:00AM-11:20AM LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/07/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 MTWR 02:30PM-03:50PM LEC Staff MTWR 10:20AM-11:35AM LEC Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff COMP & COMM II 3.0 Prereq: WRD 110 or CIS 110. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff BUSINESS WRITING 3.0 Prereq: Completion of University Writing requirement or new general education communications (6 hour) sequence. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff TECHNICAL WRITING 3.0 Prereq: Completion of University writing requirement. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES AN • Analytics Second Summer Session 2016 Distance Learning Programs Gatton College of Business and Economics AN The following Distance Learning Program courses are being offered for Second Summer Session 2016. Specific information regarding connection and system requirements for courses offered via Internet are listed under each individual course listing. ANT 160 220 ANT 311 College of Arts and Sciences 220 220 3.0 Prereq: Junior or senior status. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson 220 ISSUES IN ART EDUCATION CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MODERN WORLD 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ANTHROPOLOGY OF GLOBALIZATION 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff College of Arts and Sciences AST 192 College of Fine Arts 665 3.0 AST • Astronomy A-E • Art Education A-E 220 Prereq: (1) Completion of all college pre-major requirements; (2) Admission to Upper Division in Business and Economics. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee-Post College of Arts and Sciences A&S • Arts and Sciences PERSONAL STRENGTHS & CAREER DEV ANALYZING BUSINESS OPERATIONS ANT • Anthropology Visit the Distance Learning Web site at: www.uky.edu/ DistanceLearning/ at the beginning of the semester for log-in information. A&S 350 300 220 3.0 STARS, GALAXIES AND THE UNIVERSE 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wilhelm BIO • Biology Prereq: Candidates must be enrolled in one of the Advanced Teacher Leader Programs in Art Education to take this course or by instructor permission. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Richards College of Arts and Sciences BIO A-S • Art Studio 152 220 PRIN OF BIOLOGY II 3.0 Prereq: C or better in BIO 148 or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Danley College of Fine Arts A-S 280 220 220 INTRO PHOTOGRAPHIC LITERACY BMI • Biomedical Informatics 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Dickes *** To Be Arranged **** STU Dickes College of Public Health BMI AAS • African American Studies 730 220 PRINCIPLES OF CLINICAL INFORMATICS 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim College of Arts and Sciences AAS 235 220 INEQUALITIES IN SOCIETY CE • Civil Engineering 3.0 Prereq: SOC 101 or CLD 102. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cale College of Engineering CE 351 INTRO ENVIRONMENTAL EGR 220 Prereq: CHE 107, MA 214, PHY 231, and engineering standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/18/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MWF 09:00AM-11:50AM LEC RMB 309 Wang ACC • School of Accountancy Gatton College of Business and Economics ACC 221 220 ACC 222 220 ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS I 2.0 CHE • Chemistry Prereq: Acceptance into MBA program, other graduate program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smigla ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS II 3.0 College of Arts and Sciences CHE 105 2.0 Prereq: Acceptance into MBA program, other graduate program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smigla 220 34 GEN COLLEGE CHEMISTRY I 4.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Testa SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES COM 315 CIS • Communication and Information Studies 220 College of Communication and Information CIS 110 220 CIS 111 220 CIS 112 220 CIS 300 220 COMP AND COM I COM 449 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff COMP & COMM II 210 COM 572 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ACCELERATED COMP AND COMM II (CIS) 220 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Real SOCIAL PROCESSES AND EFFECTS OF MASS COM 3.0 Prereq: COM 249. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Savage HEALTH CAMPAIGNS & COMMUNITIES 3.0 Prereq: CIS 110, CIS 111. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** STU Staff STRATEGIC BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL COM (W) UNDERSTANDING WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION CSD • Communication Sciences and Disorders 3.0 College of Health Sciences NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Spence CSD 649 CJT • Communication, Journalism, Telecommunications (Graduate) 220 COMM, AAC, TECH FOR IND ASD 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601, EDS 661, EDS 662. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:00PM-05:30PM LEC Ault College of Communication and Information CJT 650 220 DISTANCE ED: DELIVERY DHN • Dietetics and Human Nutrition 3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Prereq: Master’s degree. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff DHN 101 220 CLA • Classics DHN 212 College of Arts and Sciences CLA 135 220 CLA 191 220 GREEK / ROMAN MYTHOLOGY 3.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CHRISTIANITY, CULTURE, & SOCIETY CLD 362 220 RESEARCH METHODS IN CLD ECO 201 210 ECO 202 210 COM 252 220 COM 287 220 COM 313 220 PRINCIPLES OF ECO I 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Patel PRINCIPLES OF ECO II 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 3.0 EDC • Curriculum and Instruction FIELD EXPERIENCE IN CLD College of Education 3.0 Prereq: Junior standing, majors only. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Garkovich EDC 522 220 EDC 533 College of Communication and Information 220 3.0 Prereq: CHE 105 or CHE 103 or CHE 108; plus, past or concurrent BIO 103 or BIO 148 or BIO 152 or BIO 208. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Tincher NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Garkovich COM • Communication COM 249 INTRODUCTORY NUTRITION Gatton College of Business and Economics College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 220 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Schwartz ECO • Economics 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vogel CLD • Community and Leadership Development CLD 305 HUMAN NUTRITION AND WELLNESS MASS MEDIA / MASS CULTURE 3.0 220 Prereq: CIS 110, CIS 111. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INTRO INTERPERSONAL COM EDC 607 3.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PERSUASIVE SPEAKING 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland TEACHING LITERACY ACROSS DISCIPLINES 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Henry INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN I 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anglin EDL • Educational Leadership Studies 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lowe INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS College of Education 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Parrish EDL 627 220 35 SCHOOL FINANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES 3.0 Prereq: Program status or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 09:00AM-11:30AM LEC Young SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES EDL 628 220 EDL 664 220 EDL 677 220 EDL 703 220 221 EDL 771 220 EDL 785 220 221 SCHOOL LAW AND ETHICS 3.0 EDS 601 Prereq: Program status or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 01:00PM-05:00PM LEC Bathon TECH LEADERSHIP FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 220 221 3.0 EDS 603 NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Nash SCHOOL SYSTEM ADMIN 3.0 220 Prereq: Admission to program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 09:00AM-12:00PM LEC Bjork LEADING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE EDS 612 220 3.0 EDS 616 Prereq: Admission to Department program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-11:30AM LEC Browne-Ferrigno S 12:30PM-03:30PM LEC Browne-Ferrigno SEM IN LEADERSHIP 220 1.0-9.0 EDS 640 Prereq: Admission to program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-11:30AM SEM Lewis INDEPENDENT WORK IN EDUC LEADERSHIP 220 EDS 641 3.0 220 Prereq: Consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** RES Bjork *** To Be Arranged **** RES Browne-Ferrigno EDS 649 220 221 EDP • Educational and Counseling Psychology EDS 651 College of Education EDP 522 220 EDP 610 220 PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS 220 EDS 660 3.0 (Same as EPE 522/EDC 522.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland THEORIES OF LRNG IN EDUC 220 3.0 EDS 661 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 04:00PM-06:00PM LEC DH 323 Usher EDS • Special Education 220 EDS 662 College of Education EDS 514 201 EDS 516 220 221 222 EDS 517 201 EDS 558 220 221 EDS 600 220 221 222 INSTRUCTIONAL TECH IN SPEC EDUCATION 3.0 220 Prereq: EDS 375 or EDP 203. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LAB Bausch PRINCPLS OF BEHAV MGMT & INSTRUCTION EDS 663 3.0 220 EDS 789 Prereq: EDS 375 or permission of the instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday MTWRF 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday ASSISTIVE TECH IN SP EDU 220 BEHAV CONSULTATN IN SCHL 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601 or equivalent; EDP 671 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 02:00PM-04:30PM LEC Allday ADV PRACT: SPECIAL ED 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Graduate standing; major in special education. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Allday PROF ETHIC BEH ANALYSIS III 1.0 Prereq: Entrance into the Board Certified Behavior Analyst program, Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis program or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Allday ADVANCED ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 3.0 Prereq: EDS 600 or equivalent or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LEC Bausch ASSIST TECH ASSESSMENT 3.0 Prereq: EDS 640, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Bausch ADV PRAC: SPEC ED TECH 1.0-9.0 Prereq: EDS 514 and EDS 600, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: VIA INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Baird *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Bausch DISTANCE ED: DELIVERY 3.0 Prereq: Master’s degree. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff CHARAC & INSTRUCT STRAT ASD 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:30PM-06:00PM LEC Spriggs ADV INSTRUC STRAT ASD 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601 and EDS 660. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:30PM-06:00PM LEC Spriggs COMM, AAC, TECH FOR IND ASD 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601, EDS 661, EDS 662. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET using ADOBE CONNECT. MTWR 03:00PM-05:30PM LEC Ault ASD INSTITUTE 3.0 Prereq: EDS 601 and EDS 660, EDS 661, EDS 662, EDP 671. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWRF 08:00AM-03:00PM LEC Spriggs INDEPENDNT STUDY IN EDS 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Minimum of 12 semester hours in graduate work and approval of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Baird EE • Electrical Engineering College of Engineering 1.0-9.0 EE NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee SURVEY OF SPECIAL EDUC 3.0 Prereq: Completion of EDS 516 or equivalent, with a grade of “B” or better. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MW 09:00AM-02:00PM LEC Allday MW 09:00AM-02:00PM LEC Allday 3.0 Prereq: EDS 375 or permission of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/05/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 08:30AM-01:30PM LEC TEB 240 Bausch ISSUES IN SPEC EDUCATION APPLIED BEHAV ANALYSIS 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan MTWR 01:00PM-03:30PM LEC Flanagan 36 305 ELECT CIRCUITS / ELECTRON 220 Prereq: PHY 232, MA 114. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hannemann 3.0 SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES FAM 352 EES • Earth and Environmental Sciences 220 ISSUES IN FAMILY SCIENCES 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Smith College of Arts and Sciences EES 110 220 EES 170 220 ENDANGERED PLANET INTR TO ENVRNMNTL GEOL GEO • Geography 3.0 College of Arts and Sciences NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Ratajeski BLUE PLANET: INTRO TO OCEANOGRAPHY GEO 160 3.0 220 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Freeman GEO 172 220 GEO 261 ELS • Educational Leadership Studies College of Education ELS 620 220 LEAD AR SCHOOL RENEWAL I 220 602 220 HDI EM 220 313 DYNAMICS 220 Prereq: Registration in College of Engineering, EM 221; prereq or concur: MA 214. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wu 220 3.0 EPE 619 HES 100 220 220 EPE 797 220 HIS 109 220 3.0 3.0 ICT 200 220 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 220 FAM 253 220 FAM 254 220 ICT 220 ICT 3.0 Prereq: Three hours in social or behavioral science. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hans LIFE COURSE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 201 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Durbin HUMAN SEXUALITY DEV BEHAVIOR & ATTITUDES INTERDISCIPLINARY LEADERSHIP SEMINAR 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sheppard-Jones INTRO TO PROFESS IN HES 1.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 TR 01:00PM-02:15PM LEC EH 308 Lianekhammy HISTORY OF THE U.S. SINCE 1877 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Gatling Book College of Communication and Information NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** RES Thelin PERSONAL / FAMILY FINANCE 2.0 Prereq: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sheppard-Jones ICT • Information Communication Technology FAM • Family Sciences FAM 251 INTERDISCIPLINARY SUPPORTS College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 Prereq: EPE/EDP 557 or an equivalent course; an introductory statistics course. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Bradley HIST RESEARCH ON EDUCATION (DL FORMAT) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Shannon HIS • History NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Toland SURVEY RES METHODS IN EDU 3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment College of Education 220 GLOBAL DYNAMICS OF HEALTH & DISEASE HES • Human Environmental Sciences EPE • Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation PSYC & EDUC TESTS & MEASUREMNTS 604 3.0 Prereq: Registration in the College of Engineering or consent of chairman, and EM 221; prereq or concur: MA 214. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hanson EPE 522 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Schein The Graduate School College of Engineering MECHAN OF DEFORM SOLIDS HUMAN GEOGRAPHY HDI • Human Development Institute HDI 302 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Karan 3.0 Prereq: Admission to MEd program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM PRA Richardson EM • Engineering Mechanics EM LNDS / PEOPLE NON-WEST WLD 202 220 ICT 3.0 600 220 NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 07/07/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ICT 601 220 37 INFORMATION LITERACY & CRITICAL THINKING 3.0 (Same as IS 200.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff GENERAL INFORMATION SOURCES 3.0 (Same as IS 201.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff TECHNOLOGIES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES 3.0 (Same as IS 202.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INFORMATION IN SOCIETY 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INFORMATION SEEKING 3.0 (Same as LIS 601.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES ICT 630 220 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 3.0 LIS Prereq: LIS 636 or LIS 637 or LIS 638. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Joo 641 220 LIS IEC • Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 648 220 LIS 672 College of Education IEC 623 220 ADV PRAC: INTERDISCIP EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 3.0-9.0 220 221 222 Prereq: Admission to Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Staff LIS 676 220 IS • Information Studies LIS 690 College of Communication and Information IS IS IS 200 INFORMATION LITERACY & CRITICAL THINKING 220 (Same as ICT 200.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 201 GENERAL INFORMATION SOURCES 220 (Same as ICT 201.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 202 220 TECHNOLOGIES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES 220 3.0 LIS 221 222 223 3.0 HISTORY OF JOURNALISM TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PRACTICUM 3.0 Prereq: Completion of 18 hours of graduate work in library and information science and consent of course coordinator. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff *** To Be Arranged **** EXP Staff SCHOOL MEDIA PRACTICUM 1.0-12.0 Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education Program and consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Staff SPECIAL TOPICS IN LIS: GOV DOCS 3.0 (Same as ICT 690.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff INDEPENDENT STUDY IN LIS 3.0 Prereq: Consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff *** To Be Arranged **** IND Staff College of Arts and Sciences (Same as ICT 202.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff MA MA College of Communication and Information 220 3.0 Prereq: LIS 601 and LIS 602, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff MA • Mathematics 3.0 JOU • Journalism JOU 535 695 LAW LIBRARIANSHIP MA 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Farrell 109 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 3.0 113 CALCULUS I 4.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 123 ELEM CALC & ITS APPLICS 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 4.0 MAP • Mapping KHP • Kinesiology and Health Promotion College of Arts and Sciences College of Education KHP 230 220 KHP 300 220 HUMAN HEALTH & WELLNESS MAP 671 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Fenollar-Bataller PSY & SOC OF PE & SPORT 220 MAP 672 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cormier 220 MAP 673 LIS • Library and Information Science College of Communication and Information LIS 510 220 LIS 600 220 LIS 601 220 LIS 630 220 LIS 636 220 CHILDRENS LIT & RELATED MATERIALS 3.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Reynolds INFORMATION IN SOCIETY INTRODUCTION TO NEW MAPPING PROGRAMMING FOR WEB MAPPING DESIGN FOR INTERACTIVE WEB MAPPING 4.0 Prereq: MAP 672 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook MAT • Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles 3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment INFORMATION SEEKING MAT 247 3.0 (Same as ICT 601.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kim 220 3.0 MAT 470 Prereq: LIS 636 or LIS 637 or LIS 638. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Joo FOUNDATIONS OF INFO TECH 4.0 Prereq: MAP 671 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Oltmann INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 07/11/2016; course end date 09/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Zook 220 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 38 DRESS AND CULTURE 3.0 Prereq: Three hours in sociology or anthropology; three hours in psychology. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Miller-Spillman INTERNAT’L MERCHANDISING 3.0 Prereq: MAT 315, MAT 350, MKT 320. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lee SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES MUS 666 ME • Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering ME 501 220 MECHANICAL DES WITH FINITE ELEMENT MTHDS 220 MUS 693 3.0 Prereq or concurrent: Engineering Standing, ME 344 and ME 205; or Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rouch 220 MUS 766 MFS • Manufacturing Systems Engineering 220 College of Engineering MFS 501 220 MECHANICAL DES WITH FINITE ELEMENT MTHDS NUR 520 220 220 College of Health Sciences 220 MLS 480 220 3.0 220 Prereq: Admission into the Medical Laboratory Science Program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Campbell 220 220 CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY PRACTICUM 1.0-4.0 NUR 902 Prereq: Successful completion of MLS 460 and MLS 465. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LAB Butina MUS • Music 210 NUR 917 College of Fine Arts MUS 100 220 221 222 223 MUS 140 220 MUS 200 220 221 MUS 435G 220 MUS 560 220 221 222 MUS 578 220 MUS 601 220 MUS 662 220 MUS 663 220 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff ACOUSTICS OF MUSIC 220 220 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Deen MUSIC FOR LIVING 3.0 220 Prereq: Sophomore standing. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson 220 ANATOMY FOR MUSIC THERAPY PRACTICE 220 3.0 Prereq: Music therapy major or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Goforth ORFF SCHULWERK 221 1.0-3.0 Prereq: Junior standing in music or approval of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Goforth ANALYSIS & STYLE SURVEY 221 221 3.0 Prereq: MUS 372 or equivalent. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Deen FOUNDATIONS IN MUS EDU 221 221 3.0 NUR 918 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sogin DALCROZE APPROACH I 3.0 Prereq: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff SEM IN MUS ED: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC EDUCAT 3.0 Prereq: Permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Hudson SP TOPS IN NURSING (SR) 3.0 Prereq: Variable, specified when topic identified. NOTE: Course start date 06/09/2016; course end date 06/09/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Kurtz-Ogilvie NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NURSING LEADERSHIP IN HLTH CARE SYSTEMS 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, NUR 900 or awarded MSN degree, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC NURS 501C Howard TECH FOR TRANSFORMING NUR HEALTHCARE 3.0 Prereq: admission to DNP program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC NURS 502A Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 06/24/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/15/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/29/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Lake; Page; Teasdale; Warshawsky NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Page; Teasdale NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 06/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Hampton NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Hampton PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS 1.0 Prereq: Enrollment in Doctor of Nursing Practice program; prereq: NUR 916, NUR 919, and written capstone proposal approved by student’s DNP advisory committee or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 3.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson DALCROZE APPROACH II WORLD MUSIC FOR TEACHERS College of Nursing Prereq or concurrent: Engineering Standing, ME 344 and ME 205; or Graduate standing or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rouch MLS EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT 1.0-3.0 Prereq: MUS 561, equivalent to Level Two Orff Schulwerk Teacher Training, or permission of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Vasil NUR • Nursing 3.0 MLS • Medical Laboratory Science MLS 450 ADVANCED ORFF SCHULWERK 3.0 Prereq: Successful completion of MUS 662 or equivalent and permission by instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Anderson – continued on next page – 39 SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES NUR 918 220 220 220 220 220 NUR 919 220 220 220 220 220 NUR 925 220 NUR 930 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS, continued F 01:00PM-04:50PM PAS 660 LEC NURS 502A Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 06/24/2016; course end date 06/24/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 07/15/2016; course end date 07/15/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Course start date 07/29/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 01:00PM-04:50PM LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Frazier; Hardin-Pierce QUALITY AND SAFETY IN NURSING AND HC 220 PAS 661 220 PAS 662 3.0 220 Prereq or coreq: NUR 915, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/16/2016; course end date 06/16/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 06/23/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/14/2016; course end date 07/14/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Course start date 07/28/2016; course end date 07/28/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 08:00AM-11:50AM LEC Warshawsky NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff RES METHODS IN ADV PRACTICE NURSING PAS 663 220 PAS 664 220 PAS 665 3.0 220 221 (Same as NUR 602.) Prereq: Graduate statistics course and NUR 924, admission to DNP program, graduate programs in nursing, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC El-Mallakh PAS 669 220 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR PAS 670 Prereq: Admission to DNP Program, and completion of second DNP specialty course with clinical experience (5 credit) or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 220 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO PRIM CARE ** To Be Arranged **** 221 CLI PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO ACUTE NP 220 1.0-5.0 PAS 671 Staff 1.0-5.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** CLI Staff 222 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: ADULT GERO C N S PAS 678 1.0-5.0 220 221 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** CLI Staff 223 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PEDS ACUTE CARE NP PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: FAMILY NP PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PSYCH MENTAL HLT NP 227 PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: PEDS PRIM CARE NP PGY 412G 1.0-5.0 220 1.0-5.0 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Collett SURGERY CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Powdrill GERIATRIC CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Physician Assistant graduate program, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Fahringer CLI PRACTICUM IN PHYSICIAN ASST STUDIES 1.0-6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** STU Grace *** To Be Arranged **** STU Chatterjee INTERNAL MED CLERKSHIP 6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Schuer EMERGENCY MEDICINE CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Wyant PSYCHIATRY CLERKSHIP 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Fahringer HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION 2.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Chatterjee *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Chatterjee PRIN OF HUMAN PGY LECT 4.0 Prereq: One year biology or PGY 206. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Park-Sarge PHY • Physics College of Arts and Sciences PROB IN ADV PRA NUR: NURSING MGMT PHY 401G 1.0-5.0 220 221 222 223 224 225 PAS • Physician Assistant Studies College of Health Sciences 220 221 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY CLERKSHIP NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** LEC Scott NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff PAS 653 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the PA curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Bennett College of Medicine 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** CLI Staff 226 PEDIATRIC CLERKSHIP PGY • Physiology NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** CLI Staff 225 6.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant program and successful completion of the didactic portion of the curriculum. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Chatterjee 1.0-5.0 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 ** To Be Arranged **** CLI Scott 224 FAMILY MED CLERKSHIP INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH & DISEASE 3.0 Prereq: Enrollment in the Physician Assistant Program. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wyant *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Wyant 40 SP TOPS PHYSICS / AST ELEM / MIDDLE / HS TCHRS 1.0 Prereq: Open only to elementary, middle school and high school teachers. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Straley SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES PPS • Pharmacy Practice and Science RC 222 *** To Be Arranged **** 630 PLACEMENT SVCS & TECH IN REHAB COUNSELNG College of Pharmacy PPS 993 220 AMBULATORY CARE PRACTICE 6.0 220 221 Prereq: Admission to the fourth year, College of Pharmacy; and permission of the instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** CLI Staff RC 710 PSY • Psychology College of Arts and Sciences PSY 100 220 PSY 215 210 PSY 223 220 PSY 311 220 PSY 312 220 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY 220 4.0 221 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 222 4.0 223 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY major or PSY minor, or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY RC 3.0 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff LEARNING AND COGNITION 220 3.0 221 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY 215 or 216 and PSY major or minor. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 222 SOC 235 220 PT PT PT PHARMACOLOGY II 220 Prereq: Successful completion of PT 603. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Malone MGMT OF VASCULAR & INTEGMNTRY DIS 1.0 SPA 151 2.0 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Kelly 830 DIAG IMAGING, SCREENING & INSTR 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Hazle; Nitz 2.0 856 THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE I 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC English 877 CARDIO-RESPIRATORY THER 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Darbee 220 2.0 220 RC 560 220 221 MEDCL &PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS DISABLITS II Prereq: A minimum of 12 graduate hours in Rehabilitation Counseling and consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:30AM-11:00AM LEC Harley; Rogers NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC Feist-Price; Rogers NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Rogers; Ysasi NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-08:00PM LEC Greer; Rogers INTERN IN CLINICAL REHAB COUNSEL 3.0-9.0 Prereq: A minimum of successful completion of one year in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program and RC 710 and consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/10/2016; course end date 07/29/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 F 08:30AM-11:00AM LAB Harley; Rogers NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 05:30PM-08:00PM LAB Greer; Rogers NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 R 05:30PM-08:00PM LAB Mundt; Rogers INEQUALITIES IN SOCIETY 3.0 (Same as AAS 235.) NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Cale SPANISH FOR HEALTH PROF 3.0 Prereq: Prior college or high school Spanish or other experience with the Spanish language roughly equivalent to one semester of college study. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 LOCATION: via INTERNET. *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff College of Arts and Sciences 3.0 STA 210 220 221 3.0 STA 296 Prereq: College level courses in biology and psychology or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers SUPPORTED EMP, IND LIVING, & TRANSITION 3.0 STA • Statistics College of Education 516 CLINICAL PRACTICUM IN REHAB COUNSEL College of Arts and Sciences RC • Rehabilitation Counseling RC Prereq: A vocational theories course, RC 520 and 620 or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Flanagan-Jessee; Rogers SPA • Hispanic Studies 604 821 3.0 College of Arts and Sciences College of Health Sciences PT Rogers; Sheppard-Jones SOC • Sociology 3.0 Prereq: PSY 100 or equivalent and PSY 215 or 216 and PSY major or minor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Sharrett-Field PT • Physical Therapy PT 730 LEC 220 STA 569 3.0 Prereq: Admission to the Rehabilitation Counseling Program or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers; Sheppard-Jones *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Maxwell; Rogers 220 41 INTRO TO STATISTICAL REASONING NOTE: Course start date Part of Distance Learning *** To Be Arranged **** NOTE: Course start date Part of Distance Learning *** To Be Arranged **** 3.0 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Programs, (859) 257-3377 LEC Staff 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Programs, (859) 257-3377 LEC Staff STATISTICAL METHODS AND MOTIVATIONS 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS 4.0 Prereq: MA 109. NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff SECOND SUMMER SESSION 2016 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES SW • Social Work Second Summer Session 2016 Evening and Weekend Courses College of Social Work SW SW SW 370 FINANCIAL SOCIAL WORK 220 NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Gillen 516 220 580 TOPICAL SEMINAR IN SW 221 222 223 224 225 226 616 220 220 221 221 SW SW 3.0 Prereq: College level courses in biology and psychology or consent of instructor. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Rogers 220 SW MEDCL / PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS DISABLTS II 3.0 702 Gatton College of Business and Economics ACC 201 3.0 Prereq: Open to the students of social work or consent of instructor. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/01/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 M 05:30PM-09:30PM SEM Doss NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Flaherty TR 01:00PM-03:30PM SEM Otis *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Ferrell II *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Sanford *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Whitaker *** To Be Arranged **** SEM Godlaski SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE IN SCHOOL SETTINGS 420 ACC 202 420 SUBSTANCE MISUSE, VIOL, RISK MANAGEMENT 722 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE CE WRD 111 SOC 101 420 3.0 220 WRD 203 220 WRD 204 STA 210 420 220 STA 296 3.0 402 3.0 3.0 Prereq: Completion of University Writing requirement or new general education communications (6 hr) sequence. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff TECHNICAL WRITING 3.0 Prereq: FAM 251, 352 and 360, junior or senior standing. Family Science majors only. NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 W 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC Durbin *** To Be Arranged **** PRA Durbin INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 06:00PM-08:15PM LEC Friesen College of Arts and Sciences Prereq: WRD 110 or CIS 110. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff BUSINESS WRITING INTERNSHIP IN FAMILY SCIENCES STA • Statistics NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff COMP & COMM II 3.0 College of Arts and Sciences College of Arts and Sciences 220 420 Prereq: CE 382 and engineering standing. NOTE: Course start date 06/21/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 M T W 05:30PM-09:00PM LEC OHR C112 Peiris SOC • Sociology NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff COMP & COMM I Smigla ELEM STRUCTURAL DESIGN 420 420 3.0 WRD • Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Media WRD 110 Prereq: ACC 201 or BE 161 and BE 162. TR 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC BE 291 482 FAM 499 3.0 Undergraduate Studies 220 3.0 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 S 08:30AM-12:30PM LEC Flaherty HUM INQUIRY UD: SR MANAGERIAL USES OF ACCOUNTING INFO FAM • Family Sciences UKC • UK Core UKC 310 3.0 Prereq: Successful completion of 27 semester credit hours. NOTE: Course start date 06/13/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 06:00PM-08:30PM LEC BE 291 Miller College of Engineering 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/11/2016; course end date 07/30/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 01:30PM-05:30PM LEC Godlaski S FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I CE • Civil Engineering NOTE: Course start date 06/15/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 W 05:30PM-09:30PM LEC Staff NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff NOTE: Course start date 06/14/2016; course end date 08/02/2016 Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 T 05:30PM-09:30PM LEC Lazzari NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Lazzari 220 220 ACC • School of Accountancy 3.0 Prereq: Completion of University writing requirement. NOTE: Part of Distance Learning Programs, (859) 257-3377 *** To Be Arranged **** LEC Staff 42 INTRO TO STATISTICAL REASONING 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/23/2016; course end date 08/04/2016 TR 06:00PM-09:20PM LEC Staff STATISTICAL METHODS AND MOTIVATIONS 3.0 NOTE: Course start date 06/27/2016; course end date 08/03/2016 MW 06:00PM-09:20PM LEC Staff