Square D Low Voltage Dispenser Disconnect (LVDD) Solution

Low Voltage Dispenser Disconnect
Integrated Power and Control Solutions
Square D IPaCS Controls for Fueling Applications
Changes that affect you:
Latest revisions to the 2011 National Electrical Code (NEC) states that all power including communication, data
and video circuits leading to or through dispensing equipment must have a remote means to disconnect from the
source of supply.
National Electrical Code 514.11
Circuit Disconnects. (A) General. Each circuit leading to or through dispensing equipment, including all associated power,
communication, data and video circuits, and equipment for remote pumping systems, shall be provided with a clearly identified and
readily accessible switch or other approved means, located remote from the dispensing devices, to disconnect simultaneously from
the source of supply, all conductors of the circuits, including the grounded conductor, if any. Single-pole breakers utilizing handle
ties shall not be permitted.
National Electrical Code 514.13
Provisions for Maintenance and Service of Dispensing Equipment. Each dispensing device shall be provided with a means to remove
all external voltage sources, including power, communication, data and video circuits and, including feedback, during periods of
maintenance and service of the dispensing equipment. The location of this shall be permitted to be other than inside or adjacent to
the dispensing device. The means shall be capable of being locked in the open position.
Square D IPaCS by Schneider Electric can help you meet the 2011 NEC compliance requirement and increase site
safety with our new Low Voltage Dispenser Disconnect (LVDD) solution.
Product Features and Benefits Include:
Available Models:
1. Complies with 2011 NEC Article. 514.11 and 514.13
2. UL Listed Design
3. Individual Dispenser Disconnect means for:
Dispenser Data
Intercom & Speaker
Loyalty Card Systems
Video / Cat5
4. Single point of disconnect capability for Power
AND Low Voltage circuits when installed with
DMEX Dispenser Manager Solutions from
Square D IPaCS.
5. Compatible with all Dispenser Manufacturers
6. Compatible with any Fueling Control System
7. Compact Modular Design saves wall space
8. Suitable for both New and Retrofit Construction
9. Rated for Nema 1 Applications
LVDD-V-4S up to 4 dispenser application
12” Tall x 16” Wide x 8” Deep
LVDD-V-8S up to 8 dispenser application
24” Tall x 16” Wide x 8” Deep
LVDD-V-12S up to 12 dispenser application
For additional information contact your local
Square D IPaCS Petroleum Distributor, Petroleum Rep or call the
Square D IPaCS Technical Support Team at: 1-800-868-9662.
28” Tall x 20” Wide x 8” Deep