Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ CEQ Products Schöck Isokorb® type module CEQ 2 The Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ transmits loads from earthquakes from the balcony into the floor slab in interaction with the Schöck Isokorb® type CM, the Schöck Isokorb® type CMD or the Schöck Isokorb® type CV. The Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ1 absorbs shear force parallel to the insulating layer. The Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ2 absorbs shear force parallel to the insulating layer, pressure and tensile force normal to the insulating layer and positive moments. Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 121 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Section/element arrangement Balcony CEQ Interior slab Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ with type CM steel studs, facing shell and insulation layer in between Balcony Interior slab Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ with type CV, supported balcony with steel studs, facing shell and insulation layer in between Position of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ The Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ should be located in the insulating layer. Products Orientation of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ Attention: the Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ does not have a symmetrical design. The tension bar must be at the bottom. — The tension bar must be at the bottom. — The horizontal shear force bars are always 113 mm [4 7/16"] from the bottom edge of the Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ and the underside of the slab. — Pay attention to installation orientation and show a cross section view on the design drawings. Element arrangement Interior slab CEQ Type CM ≤ e/2 Interior slab CEQ Balcony Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ with type CM indirect support 122 Type CV ≤ e/2 CEQ Support Balcony CEQ Support Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ with type CV indirect support Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Concrete cover/expansion joints Concrete cover CC The concrete cover of the Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ2 is set to 40 mm [1 9/16"]. Interior slab CEQ h H Balcony CC 40 mm [1 9/16"] 80 mm [3 1/8"] ℓ 100 mm [3 15/16"] Concrete cover of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ ≤ e/2 (e.G. 5.65 m) ≤ e/2 (e.G. 5.65 m) ≤ e/2 (e.G. 5.65 m) [18'-6 7/16"] [18'-6 7/16"] [18'-6 7/16"] Schöck dowel type ESD Schöck dowel type ESD Expansion joint Expansion joint type CM type CV type CM CEQ l The Schöck Isokorb® CEQ modules may be arranged with maximum spacing of 1/2 of the expansion joint distance of the Schöck Isokorb® type. These are shown in the respective product chapter. The illustration shows the example of combination with the Schöck Isokorb® type CM. The expansion joint spacing shown in the illustration corresponds to a temperature difference of ∆T = 70 °C [126 °F]. type CM Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ expansion joints in combination with Schöck Isokorb® type CM Note: — The maximum expansion joint spacing must be verified by the Engineer of Record (EOR). Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 123 Products Expansion joints (recommended balcony length) Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Type designation/product cross-section/overhead view of product Type designation in design drawings Schöck Isokorb® type Concrete cover CC = 40 mm (1 9/16"] The following type designation identifies the Schöck Isokorb® type that is required. The type designation is indicated on the design drawings. The type designation is printed on the sticker of the Schöck Isokorb® module as a recognition feature. CEQ with fire protection Units 180 mm 180 mm kNm Concrete strength ≥ 27.5 MPa (4,000 psi) (7"] (7"] (kip-ft) 190 mm 190 mm kNm (7 1/2"] (7 1/2"] (kip-ft) 200 mm 200 mm kNm (7 7/8"] (8"] (kip-ft) 210 mm 210 mm kNm 719 mm [2'-4 5/16"] 80 mm [3 1/8"] CEQ2 4.9 – (3.6) 5.4 – (4.0) 6.0 – (4.4) 6.5 – 719 mm [2'-4 5/16"] Interior slab CEQ2-H200-R90 H Type/load capacity Isokorb® height Fire protection Products Isokorb® height H Balcony Type designation in design drawings CEQ1 Suitable Slab Thickness CC CC = 40 mm [1 9/16"] 740 [2'-5 1/8"] H = 200 mm [7 7/8"] 740 [2'-5 1/8"] — — 124 Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Type designation/product cross-section/overhead view of product Cross-section/Overhead view of product Balcony Interior slab 223 mm [8 3/4"] 80 mm 223 mm [3 1/8"] [8 3/4"] 113 mm [4 7/16"] H H = 180 - 250 mm [7 1/16"] - [9 13/16"] CEQ Product cross-section of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ1 Balcony Interior slab 131 mm [5 3/16"] 100 mm [3 15/16"] 80 mm [3 1/8"] 223 mm [8 3/4"] Products 223 mm [8 3/4"] Overhead view of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ1 Balcony Interior slab 719 mm [2'-4 5/16"] 80 mm [3 1/8"] 719 mm [2'-4 5/16"] 113 mm [4 7/16"] 740 740 [2'-5 1/8"] [2'-5 1/8"] H H = 180 - 250 mm [7 1/16"] - [9 13/16"] Product cross-section of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ2 Balcony Interior slab 13.5 mm [9/16"] 127 mm [5"] 36.5 mm [1 7/16"] 100 mm [3 15/16"] 13.5 mm [9/16"] 42 mm [1 5/8"] 36.5 mm [1 7/16"] 719 mm 719 mm [2'-4 5/16"] [2'-4 5/16"] 740 mm [2'-5 1/8"] 80 mm [3 1/8"] 740 mm [2'-5 1/8"] Overhead view of Schöck Isokorb® module CEQ2 Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 125 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Configuration/design Schöck Isokorb® length and configuration Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ1 CEQ2 Isokorb® length [m] 0.1 [3 15/16"] 0.1 [3 15/16"] 180 - 250 [7"-9 7/8"] 180 - 250 [7"-9 7/8"] 1ø8+1ø8 1 ø 12 + 1 ø 12 – 2 ø 12 Isokorb® height [mm] Shear force bars Tension bars, bottom Design CEQ Balc ony ΦΦΦMn: Design value of positive moment ΦVn: Normal design force normal to insulating level. ΦVn: Design shear force parallel to insulating level. Interior slab ΦVn ΦNn ΦMn y x Products Schöck Isokorb® type CEQ sign convention Note: — The Schöck Isokorb® consists of metric components. — reinforcement bars ø 8 correspond to 5/16" — reinforcement bars ø 12 correspond to 1/2" 126 Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Design Product selection table as per ACI 318-11 Concrete cover CC = 40 mm (1 9/16"] Ultimate (factored) Moment Resistance ΦMn Ultimate (factored) Normal Force Resistance ΦNn Ultimate (factored) Shear Resistance ΦVn CEQ1 Isokorb® height H Suitable Slab Thickness Units 180 mm 180 mm kNm (7"] (7"] (kip-ft) 190 mm 190 mm kNm (7 1/2"] (7 1/2"] (kip-ft) 200 mm 200 mm kNm (7 7/8"] (8"] (kip-ft) 210 mm 210 mm kNm CEQ2 Concrete strength ≥ 27.5 MPa (4,000 psi) – – – – 4.9 (3.6) 5.4 (4.0) (4.4) 6.5 (4.8) (8 1/4"] (8 1/2"] (kip-ft) 220mm 220 mm kNm (8 5/8"] (8 3/4"] (kip-ft) 230 mm 230 mm kNm (9"] (9"] (kip-ft) 240 mm 240 mm kNm (9 1/2"] (9 1/2"] (kip-ft) 250 mm 250 mm kNm (9 7/8"] (10"] (kip-ft) 180 - 250 mm 180 - 250 mm kN 29.4 (7" - 9 7/8"] (7" - 10"] (kips) (6.6) 180 - 200 mm 180 - 200 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 (7"-7 7/8"] (7" - 8"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) 210 mm 210 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 (8 1/4"] (8 1/2"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) 220 mm 220 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 (8 5/8"] (8 3/4"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) 230 mm 230 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 (9"] (9"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) 240 mm 240 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 – – – – CEQ 6.0 7.1 (5.2) 7.6 (5.6) 8.1 (6.0) 8.7 Products Schöck Isokorb® type (6.4) (9 1/2"] (9 1/2"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) 250 mm 250 mm kN ±13.3 ±29.8 (9 7/8"] (10"] (kips) (±3.0) (±6.7) Notes — The design values relate to the individual element. — ΦMn and ΦNn do not occur simultaneously. The Engineer of Record (EOR) must consider the interaction between bending moment and normal (axial) force. Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015 127 Schöck Isokorb® C-line type CEQ Checklist ~ Have the factored member forces at the Schöck Isokorb® connection been determined at design level? ~ Has the critical concrete strength been taken into consideration in the choice of design table? ~ Have the requirements with regard to fire protection been determined, and has the relevant suffix (-R90 or R120) been added to the Isokorb® type designation in the design drawings? ~ Have the maximum permissible expansion joint distances "e/2" from the fixed point been taken into consideration? ~ Has the moment resistance of the CM/CEQ assembly been reduced (by 1/1.1) to account for the installation of the CEQ module? Products CEQ 128 Schöck USA Inc. | +1-855 572 4625 | | Technical Manual Aug 2015