NPL Industries Private Limited Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed Project of Manufacturing of Textile Binders & Auxiliaries Location at: S.No. 748/P, 750/P,777/B/P, 780/P, Village : Bidaj, Kheda, Gujarat AUGUST 2012 Prepared By: Ramans Enviro Services Pvt. Ltd. SF –23 & 24, Camps Corner, Near AUDA Garden, Prahaladnagar Ahmedabad 380 015 Phone: 079-26937472. Fax: 079-40064440, EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat PAGE NO. SR. NO. TITLE I II III IV IV V CONTENTS LIST OF ANNEXURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES Copy of TOR ISSUED FROM MoEF COMPLIANCE OF ADDITIONAL TOR I - IV IV V-VI VIII-IX X-XIII XIV-XVIII CONTENTS SR. NO. PAGE NO. TITLE 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION Purpose of the report The Project Proponent Brief Description of the Project Justification of the Project Scope of Study 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Type of the Project Location of the Project The Project 2.3.1 Landuse breakup within plant area 2.3.2 Product profile 2.3.3 Resource requirement Raw material requirement Energy requirement Water requirement 2.3.4 Manufacturing Process 2.3.5 Major Equipments Sources of Pollution 2.4.1 Liquid Effluent 2.4.2 Gaseous Emissions 2.4.3 Solid & Hazardous Waste Generation Rain Water Harvesting Green Belt Development Plan Environment, Health & Safety Compliance to various Statutory Guidelines Corporate Social Responsibility 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.11 2.46 2.47 2.47 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 3.0 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 Introduction Micrometeorology of the area Wind rose Air Environment 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.4 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad I EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.9 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Ambient Air Quality Location of AAQ Monitoring Stations Baseline Data Water Environment Noise Soil Baseline data Physical Characteristics Chemical Characteristics Land-use pattern Ecology Introduction Sampling Locations Socio-economic Environment Demographic Structure Economic Structure Basic Amenities / Village Level Infrastructure ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES Introduction 4.1 Identification of impacts 4.2 4.2.1 Identification of impacting activities 4.2 4.2.2 Identification of Environmental Attributes 4.2 Impact Assessment 4.4 4.3.1 Impact on Water Environment 4.4 4.3.2 Impact on Air Environment 4.6 Air pollution dispersion modeling of stack 4.6 emissions 4.3.3 Impact on Land / Soil quality 4.18 4.3.4 Impact on Noise Environment 4.19 4.3.5 Impact on Biological Environment 4.20 4.3.6 Impact on Socio-economic Environment 4.20 4.3.7 Impact on Occupational Health & Safety 4.21 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Objective Environment Monitoring & Control Proposed Monitoring Program Reporting schedules of the monitoring data Infrastructural Requirement 6.0 6.1 6.2 RISK ASSESSMENT Introduction Hazardous materials to be handled at Proposed Plant Hazardous Conditions due to Release Quantities 6.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.8 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.14 3.14 3.16 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.59 3.60 3.62 3.67 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.11 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad II EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.5 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 6.7.4 6.7.5 6.7.6 6.7.7 6.7.8 6.7.9 6.7.10 6.7.11 6.7.12 6.7.13 6.7.14 7.0 Pool Fire Vapour Cloud Explosion Dispersion Toxic Cloud Effect & Consequence of Release of Hazardous Chemicals Thermal Effects Delayed Ignition and Explosion Toxic Release Release & Outcome Scenarios Consequence Analysis Introduction Model used for Consequence Analysis Consequence Analysis for Release Scenarios Rupture of 200 L Methanol Drum Rupture of 1250 L Vinyl Acetate Container Rupture of 200 L Styrene Drum Rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile Drum Rupture of 200 L Ammonia Solution Container Risk Mitigation Measures Introduction Risk Mitigation Measures Handling of Hazards General Working Conditions Safe Operating Procedures Work Permit System Emergency Preparedness Material Handling Communication System Accident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis Safety Inspections Risk Mitigation Measures for Spill Safety Management System Occupational Health Surveillance Programme 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.19 6.23 6.26 6.29 6.31 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 PROJECT BENEFITS Improvement in Physical Infrastructure Improvement in Social Infrastructure Employment Potential Other Tangible Benefits 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Introduction Administrative aspects for EMP Operational philosophy Environment Management Cell 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.0 8.1 8.2 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad III EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Environmental Management Practices Water environment Air environment Land / Soil quality Noise environment Occupational Health & Safety 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.6 9.0 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION 9.1 – 9.11 10.0 DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANTS ENGAGED 10.1 – 10.4 LIST OF ANNEXURES ANNEXURE NO. A B DESCRIPTION Lease agreement between VITPL & NPL Copy of 7/12 order of land of project CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad IV EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 2.1 Physical Environmental Setting in vicinity of the Site 2.3 2.2 Land use break up of the Site 2.3 2.3A Major Product Profile 2.4 2.3B Detailed Product Profile 2.4 2.4 Raw Material Consumption 2.7 2.4A Storage Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals 2.9 2.5 Energy Requirement 2.9 2.6 Raw Water Quality 2.10 2.7 Details of Water Usages 2.10 2.8 Major Equipments 2.46 2.9A Details of Effluent Generation 2.48 2.9B Details of Effluent Treatment Plant 2.49 2.10 Details of Air Pollution Control Systems 2.50 2.12 Details of Solid / Hazardous Waste 2.50 3.1 Micrometeorological Data 3.2 3.2 Sampling Locations 3.4 3.3 Ambient Air Quality Status of Study Area 3.6 3.4 Water Quality Parameters (Ground water sources- 3.9 Borewell) 3.5 Water Quality Parameters (Surface water Source- 3.11 Pond 3.6 Noise Level Data 3.13 3.7 Particle Size Distribution of Soil samples 3.15 3.8 Physical Characteristics 3.15 3.9 Chemical Characteristics 3.15 3.10 Landuse statistics of the Study ar4ea 3.16 3.11 Enumeration of Species – Flora 3.21 3.12 Species – Fauna and Avifauna (During Visit) 3.53 3.13 Villages covered under Study Area 3.59 3.14 Demographic Structure of Study Area 3.60 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad V EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.15 Distribution of Workers and Non-workers 3.63 3.16 Distribution of Workers into sub-categories 3.65 3.17(1) to Availability of Basic Amenities in Study area 3.69 – 3.84 3.17(20) 4.1 Impact Identification Matrix 4.3 4.2 Resultant Concentration Value 4.9 4.3 24 hr incremental increase in GLC of SO2 (µg/m3) for 4.11 the proposed scenario 4.4 24 hr incremental increase in GLC of NOx (µg/m3) for 4.13 proposed scenario 4.5 24 hr incremental increase in GLC of PM (µg/m3) for 4.13 proposed scenario 5.1 Environment Monitoring Schedule 5.2 6.1 Storage Capacities of Hazardous Chemicals 6.1 6.2 Damage Effects Due to Overpressures 6.14 6.3 Illustrative Damage Effects due to Overpressures 6.14 6.4 Release and Outcome Scenario 6.15 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad VI EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4(A-1) TITLE PAGE NO. Map Showing Site Location Layout Map of the project site Water Balance Diagram Mass balance diagram of Styrene Acrylic Printing Binder Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Khadi Binder 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.12 2.14 2.4(D-1) Mass balance diagram of VAM Acrylic Printing Binder Mass balance diagram of Styerene Acrylic Khadi Binder Mass balance diagram of Styerene Acrylic Flock Binder Mass balance diagram of Co-polymer PVA(Polysol) Mass balance diagram of Homo polymer PVA (Polysol) Mass balance diagram of Homo polymer PVA (Polysol) Mass balance diagram of Lamination Adhesive Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic BOPP Tape Adhesive Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic BOPP Tape Adhesive Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Paint Binder 2.4(D-2) Mass balance diagram of VAM Acrylic Paint Binder 2.24 2.4(D-3) 2.4(D-4) 2.4(E-1) 2.4(F-1) Mass balance diagram of Styrene Acrylic Paint Binder Mass balance diagram of Acrylic Thickner Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Leather Binder Mass balance diagram of Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Mass balance diagram of Loop Accelator 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.4(F-3) 2.4(F-4) 2.4(F-5) 2.4(F-6) 2.4(F-7) 2.4(F-8) 2.4(F-9) Mass balance diagram of Dispersing Agent Mass balance diagram of X-Core Alkali Neutraliser Mass balance diagram of Sequestering Agent Mass balance diagram of Peroxide Stabilizer Mass balance diagram of Dye Fixing Agent Mass balance diagram of Foaming Agent Mass balance diagram of Wetting Agent 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.4(F-10) Mass balance diagram of Wetting Agent 2.37 2.4(F-11) Mass balance diagram of Ammonium Stearate 2.38 2.4(A-2) 2.4(A-3) 2.4(A-4) 2.4(A-5) 2.4(B-1) 2.4(B-2) 2.4(B-3) 2.4(C-1) 2.4(C-2) 2.4(C-3) 2.4(F-2) 2.13 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.29 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad VII EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.4(F-12) Mass balance diagram of Micro Amino Silicon 2.39 2.4(F-13) Mass balance diagram of Cationic Softener 2.40 2.4(F14) Mass balance diagram of Reactive Softener 2.41 2.4(G-1) Mass balance diagram of DOM 2.42 2.4(G-2) Mass balance diagram of DBP 2.43 2.4(G-3) Mass balance diagram of DBM 2.44 2.4(G-4) Mass balance diagram of DOP 2.45 2.5 Line diagram of Proposed Effluent Treatment Plant 2.57 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.3 Wind rose Diagram for the month of December 2011 to February 2012 Sampling Location Map Landuse Distribution of the Study Area 3.5 3.17 3.4 Landuse map 3.18 3.5 Satellite image 3.19 3.6 3.7 4.1 Distribution of workers and Non-Workers Distribution of workers into sub-categories Isopleths for Concentration of SO2 due to emission from stacks for proposed scenario Isopleths for Concentration of NOx due to emission 3.66 3.67 4.12 4.2 4.14 from stacks for proposed scenario 4.3 Isopleths for Concentration of PM due to emission from stacks for proposed scenario 4.16 6.1 Maximum Concentration Foot Print for rupture of 200 L Methanol Drum 6.17 6.2 Flash Fire Envelope for rupture of 200 L Methanol Drum 6.18 6.3 Intensity Radii for Pool Fire for rupture of 200 L Methanol Drum 6.19 6.4 Maximum Concentration Foot Print for rupture of 1250 L Vinyl Acetate Container 6.21 6.5 Flash Fire Envelope for rupture of 1250 L Vinyl Acetate Container 6.21 6.6 Intensity Radii for Pool Fire for rupture of 1250 L Vinyl Acetate Container 6.22 6.7 Maximum Concentration Foot Print for rupture of 200 L Styrene Drum 6.23 6.8 Flash Fire Envelope for rupture of 200 L Styrene Drum 6.24 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad VIII EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 6.9 Intensity Radii for Pool Fire for rupture of 200 L Styrene Drum 6.25 6.10 Maximum Concentration Foot Print for rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile Drum 6.26 6.11 Flash Fire Envelope for rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile Drum 6.27 6.12 Intensity Radii for Pool Fire for rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile Drum 6.28 6.13 Maximum Concentration Foot Print for rupture of 200 L Ammonia Drum 6.30 6.14 Flash Fire Envelope for rupture of 200 L Ammonia Drum 6.30 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad IX X XI XII Untitled Page Page 1 of 1 Minutes of 33rd f EAC (Industry - II)meeting dated 21st & 22nd March 2012 33.4.9. Organic Chemical Unit at, 780/P, 750/P, Village Bidaj, District Kheda, Gujarat by M/s NPL Industries Private Limited (TOR). Ministry vide letter dated 14th November, 2011 has awarded the TORs for Organic Chemical Unit at, 780/P, 750/P, Village Bidaj, District Kheda, Gujarat by M/s NPL Industries Private Limited. Now, project proponent has informed that plot area has been reduced from 14552 m2 to 9486.90 m2 and after revised land acquisition, the survey nos. of the plot are 777/B/P, 780/P, 748/P and 750/P, Village Bidaj, Near Vraj Integrated Textile Park, Taluka & District Kheda. The Committee recommended the proposal for amendment in the TOR regarding change of the plot location. XII 7/25/2012 COMPLIANCE OF ADDITIONAL TOR AWARDED BY MOEF TOR NO. DESCRIPTION OF TOR COMPLIANCE 1 Executive summary of the project Refer Chapter 9 2 Justification of the project. Refer Section 1.4, Chapter 1, Page no. 1.3 3 Promoters and their back ground. Refer Section 1.2, Chapter 1, Page no.1.2 4 Regulatory framework. Refer Section 1.1, Chapter 1, Page no. 1.1 5 A map indicating location of the project and distance from critically/severely polluted area Refer Section 2.2, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.2 for Project location Refer Figure no. 2.1 A for location map Project location is @ 25 Km away from Ahmedabad which is critically polluted area as per ministry’s O.M. dated 13th January, 2010. 6 Project location and plant layout. Refer Section 2.2, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.2 for Project location Refer Section 2.3.1, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.3 for Plant layout 7 Infrastructure facilities including power sources. 8 Total cost of the project alongwith total Refer Section 2.1, Chapter 2, The project location is in the vicinity of VITPL, an industrial textile park being developed, hence, basic infrastructure facilities are available. XIV 9 10 capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures. Project site location alongwith site map of 10 km area and site details providing various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius. Page no. 2.1 – 2.2 Refer Section 2.2, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.2, Figure no. 2.1A & Table no. 2.1 Refer Section 3.7, Chapter 3, Page no. 3.16 11 Location of National Park/Wild life Refer Section 2.2, Chapter 2, sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km Page no. 2.2, Table no. 2.1. radius of the project. There isn’t any national park / wildlife sanctuary/ reserve forest within 10 Km radius of the project. 12 Details of the total land and break-up of the Refer Section 2.3.1, Chapter land use for green belt and other uses. 2, Page no. 2.3, Table no. 2.2 13 List of products alongwith the production Refer Section 2.3.2, Chapter capacities and list of solvents and its 2, Page no. 2.4 & 2.5, Table recovery plan. no. 2.3A & 2.3B 14 Detailed list of raw material required and Refer Section,Chapter source, mode of storage and 2, Table no. 2.4, Page no. 2.7 transportation. & 2.8 15 Manufacturing process details alongwith Refer Section 2.3.4, Chapter the chemical reactions and process flow 2, Page no. 2.10 to 2.44, chart. Figure no. 2.4 (A-1 to ) (B-1 to) (C-1 to ) (D-1 to ) (E-1 to ) (F-1 to 15) (G-1 to 4) 16 Action plan for the transportation of raw Refer Section,Chapter material and products. 2, Table no. 2.4, Page no. 2.6 17 Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary. Ambient air quality monitoring at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial coverage from project site as per NAAQES 18 Refer Section 3.2, Chapter 3, Table no. 3.1, Figure no. 3.1, Page no. 3.2 – 3.3 Refer Section 3.3, Chapter 3, Page no. 3.4 to 3.8, Table no. XV 19 notified on 16th September, 2009. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction. One season site-specific micrometeorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except monsoon) for PM 10 , SO 2 , NOx including VOCs shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall take into account the predominant wind direction, population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water and noise monitoring shall also be included. 3.3, Figure no. 3.2 For micro meteorological data refer section 3.2, page no. 3.2 – 3.3 For AAQ data refer section 3.3, page no. 3.4 – 3.8 For water quality data, refer section 3.4, page no. 3.8 – 3.12, Table no. 3.4 & 3.5 For noise intensity, refer section 3.5, page no., 3.13, Table no. 3.6 20 21 22 Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseous emissions within permissible limits. Design details of ETP, incinerator, if any, alongwith control of Dioxin & Furan, boiler, scrubbers/bag filters etc. Refer Section 2.4.2, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.49, Refer Section 2.4.1, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.47 – 2.50, Figure no. 2.5 Details of water and air pollution and its Refer Section 4.3.1, Chapter mitigation plan 4, Page no. 4.4 – 4.5 for water pollution and its mitigation Refer Section 4.3.2, Chapter 4, Page no. 4.6 -4.17 for air pollution and its mitigation 23 24 25 Action plan to control ambient air quality as Refer Section 4.3.2, Chapter per NAAQES Standards notified by the 4, Page no. 4.6 -4.17 for air Ministry on 16th September, 2009. pollution and its mitigation An action plan to control and monitor and dispersion modeling. secondary fugitive emissions from all the sources. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on siteXVI 26 specific meteorological features. Air quality modelling for proposed plant. Permission from the concerned Authority for the drawl of 150 m3/day water. Water balance chart including quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused and effluent discharge. Water is to be sourced from VITPL which is being developed adjacent to the site. VITPL has obtained permission from CGWA for withdrawal of ground water. The wastewater will be reused / recycled back in process as well as utilities after providing due course of treatment, so as to curtail down fresh water requirement. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Action plan for ‘zero’ discharge of effluent as proposed shall be included. Explore the recycling of process water. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Action plan for the disposal of fly ash generated from boiler shall be included. Precautions to be taken during storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals shall be clearly mentioned and incorporated. A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with cement manufacturers indicating clearly that they will utilized all the organic solid waste generated. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and solid/hazardous waste in TSDF. Risk assessment for storage for chemicals/solvents. Action plan for handling & safety system. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area Refer Section 2.4.1, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.47 – 2.49 Refer Section 2.4.3, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.50 Refer Section 6.2, Chapter 6, Page no. 6.2 – 6.11 Not applicable Membership of CETP is not applicable for this unit. Refer Chapter 6 Refer Section 2.6, Chapter 2, XVII Page no. 2.53 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be included to harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water. Occupational health of the workers needs to be carried out. Action plan may be included Socio-economic development activities shall be in place. Refer Section 2.5, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.51 – 2.52 Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure shall be provided. EMP shall include the concept of wasteminimization, recycle / reuse / recover techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on the same shall be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs. Refer Chapter 8 Refer Chapter 6 Refer Section 2.8, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.53 Refer Chapter 8 Refer Section 2.1, Chapter 2, Page no. 2.1 – 2.2 Will be part of REIA report on completion of public hearing. No case is pending against the unit. Part of REIA report. XVIII CHAPTER 1 1.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Project For g rowing m arket demand o f t he textile b inders a nd a uxiliaries C hiripal Group ha s in tended to es tablish t he m anufacturing u nit named M/s N PL Industries Private Limited. Very f ew qualitative m anufacturers are there in the market, hence with the intention of better market supply and business development NPL Industries has planned to establish the unit. NPL Industries P vt. L td. in tends to s erve the c ustomers t hrough p roduction of textile b inders, t extile a uxiliaries, a dhesive e tc. through inno vative technology. NP L is looking for service driven business, to work closely with customers t o m eet t heir s pecific need s a nd henc e, d elivering s atisfying and efficient solutions. The unit has a vision for the future; hence, it is working on developing niche products for industries other than textiles like paint, leather, paper, packing and surface coating. The u nit in tends to engage i tself in manufacturing o f s ynthetic a dhesives and a crylic b ased em ulsions f or the p aint and textile ind ustries in commitment to world class standards. The p roposed establishment f alls u nder the Item 5 (f) o f Schedule I of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification dated 14/09/2006 under the provisions o f E nvironmental P rotection Ac t, 1986. The location o f t he proposed project is not within the any notified industrial estate; hence it will be treated as Category A project. As p er No tification, f or Category A Project, it is nec essary to obtain Environmental C learance C ertificate (ECC) from the M inistry o f Environment & F orest (MOE&F), GOI, New D elhi. A s a p rocedural p art i t i s necessary to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study as per ToR approved by Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) of MOE &F. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 1.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat NPL I ndustries had applied to E AC in prescribed F orm -1 f or o btaining Environmental C learance a nd w ere c alled f or the s coping m eeting on 20/10/2011. Based on the application submitted and discussion held during the s coping m eeting , TOR w as is sued b y E AC v ide letter no . F. N o. J 11011/382/2011-IA I I (I) dated 14th November, 20 11. TOR w as a mended in terms of project l ocation (S. No.) as well as project area during the EAC – Industrial P rojects I I, m eeting dated 2 2nd March, 2012 . The copy o f TO R awarded by EAC along with its compliance status is the part of the report. 1.2 The Project Proponent Ahmedabad is the main city in Gujarat for the business of Textile industries. Textile binders and auxiliaries are an important material for textile industries. Considering the m arket need , Chiripal G roup h as in tended to es tablish a new u nit f or textile binders a nd a uxiliaries. The p roposed location also a n ideal location, a s i t is in the v icinity of Integrated textile p ark b eing developed. The details of key personnel of the unit are as follow : • Mr. J aiprakash Devkinandan Chiripal is t he director o f C hiripal Industries L td. H e is a C ommerce g raduate w ith an experience of more than 30 years in textile industrial sector. He plays the key role in expansion a nd im plementation o f p rojects. He is a k ey p erson f or overall s upervision o f p olicies laid d own b y the B oard of D irectors and actively contributes in recruiting quality Human Resource. • Mr. Sanjay Premchand Bindal is the director of Chiripal Industries Ltd. He is a Commerce graduate with an experience in chemical division of textile industrial sector for m ore than 15 years . He l ooks after the matters r elated to production, s ales, m arketing, f inance a nd manufacturing. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 1.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 1.3 Brief Description of the Project The unit will be established at Village – Bidaj, District – Kheda, Gujarat State, which is in the vicinity to National Highway – 8. To g ratify t he market d emand o f textile b inders a nd a uxiliaries, M /s NP L Industries Pvt. Ltd. has deliberated to establish the manufacturing unit. The proposed p roject will b e es tablished in @ 9500 s q.m. area. For t he proposed project p ower r equirement will b e @ 2 00 K VA a nd w ill b e satisfied through local electricity grid of Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. Fresh w ater r equirement w ill be @ 1 63 KLD satisfied t hrough water distribution system of VITPL . Lignite will be used as fuel. The estimated cost of the proposed establishment is @ Rs. 1737 Lacs. 1.4 Justification of the Project Chiripal group is the leading group in textile s ector. S ince m any years the group is w orking in this s ector and ha s a g ood exp erience for the s ame. This group has many units in textile sectors and has intended to establish a new unit for manufacturing of textile binders and auxiliaries, which are very useful materials for textile products. Demand of the textile binders and auxiliaries has been raised from last few years in textile units and processing units. There are few manufacturers are available o f textile chemicals in India but a ll o f t hem ha ving their o wn limitations. So, there is better market for new manufacturers of Bopp Tapes. One of Bopp film plant is also there near this proposed area. So, it will also help us to grow in adhesives. Due to lake of skill and capacity, adhesives and p aint binders are b eing im ported from C hina a nd hence, there is good scope for these products. In Ahmedabad, there are numerous Textiles, Tapes and Paint units. The unit intends to fulfill raw material requirements of chemicals, binders, adhesives and auxiliaries with saving of various additional costs CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 1.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 1.5 Scope of Study Present study has been conducted to fulfill the following objectives: • To d elineate the p roject a ctivities a long w ith a nticipated sources o f p ollution a s w ell a s E nvironmental Management System (EMS) to be adopted. • To d escribe t he p revailing b aseline e nvironmental q uality within the impact zone (study area) based on one season field studies. • To identify and predict the likely impacts due to establishment of proposed manufacturing facility. • To outline EMP describing control technologies to be adopted for mitigation of adverse impacts. • To d escribe the m easures to b e a dopted f or occupational health a nd s afety of the w orkers a s w ell a s carry o ut R isk assessment f or t he hazards associated with t he p roposed project activities. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad CHAPTER 2 2.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat CHAPTER -2 PROJECT DETAILS 2.1 TYPE OF THE PROJECT Demand of the textile binders and auxiliaries has been rising since last few years in textile and processing units. Very few qualitative manufacturers are there in the m arket, hence with the in tention of better m arket supply and business development NPL Industries has planned to establish the unit. NPL Industries P vt. L td. intends t o serve the c ustomers t hrough p roduction of textile b inders, t extile a uxiliaries, a dhesive e tc. through inno vative technology. NPL is looking for service driven business, to work closely with customers t o m eet t heir s pecific need s a nd henc e, d elivering s atisfying and efficient solutions. The unit has a vision for the future, hence, it is working on developing niche products for industries other than textiles like paint, leather, paper, packing and surface coating. The u nit in tends to engage i tself in manufacturing o f s ynthetic a dhesives and a crylic b ased em ulsions f or the p aint a nd textile ind ustries in commitment to world class standards. The p roducts o f textile a pplications w ill b e m arketed w ith the na me o f “CHIRITEX” brand. It is also having application in finishing of fabrics f various types, bonding for flock powder on various fabrics, various effects like pearl and novel etc. The products having specific application in p aint industries will be marked under brand name of “CHIRIBOND” and will have qualities like fast drying, durability, r esistance t o w ashing, s crubbing, hig h g lass a nd water v apour permeability. There will be different products for external as well as internal applications and coatings with finishes like high sheen and matt. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat The c ost for the p roposed m anufacturing p lant w ill b e @ Rs. 1 737 lacs, which in cludes cost o f l and, b uilding a nd machineries. Out o f this, approximately Rs. 5 0- 55 Lacs w ill b e toward implementation of E nv. Pollution control measures. Recurring cost towards the same will be @ Rs. 5 Lacs/ month. 2.2 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT The proposed p roject is c oming u p in the v icinity o f Textile P ark located near village Bidaj, District Kheda, Gujarat S tate. National Highway – 8 is @ 500 m d istance f rom t he p roject s ite. The c o-ordinate o f the s ite is 22°50'23.70"N & 72°36'35.00"E. The present land bearing S. No. 748/P, 750/P, 777/B/P & 780/P has been acquired by Vraj Integrated Textile Park Ltd. and same ha s b een g iven to the u nit o n L ease f or 20 y ears. The l ease agreement and copy of 7/12 is attached as Annexure A & B respectively. The l ocation m ap is a ttached as Figure No. 2.1. The l ocation is approximately @ 30 Km distance from Ahmedabad, w hich is d eclared a s Critically polluted area as per O.M. of MoEF dated 13th January, 2009. The selection of the site has been done based on following: • Existence of park • Availability of the adequate land • Suitability of the land f rom t opographical an d ge ological considerations • Minimum ha ulage d istance f or transportation of fuel a s well a s finished goods. The details o f physical environmental setting in t he v icinity o f t he project site ha ve been g iven a t Table no. 2.1 and location m ap c overing 1 0 K m radius is given at Figure no. 2.1A. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat TABLE NO. 2.1 PHYSICAL ENVIROMENTAL SETTING IN VICINITY OF THE SITE Sr. No. 1 Particulars Latitude and Longitude of the site 2 3 Nearest village Nearby Water body 4 National Highway 5 6 Heritage Site National park / Wild life sanctuary / Reserved forest 2.3 Description Distance from Site 22°50'23.70"N -72°36'35.00"E Bidaj 2.23 Km Gobhlaj 2.90 Km Tank NH - 8 @ 500m away from the site -Not within radius of 10 Km from site. -- THE PROJECT 2.3.1 Landuse Breakup within Plant Area Land ar ea acquired by M /s. N PL Industries Pv t. L td. for the p roposed project is @ 9500 sq.m., layout map of the same is shown at Figure no. 2.2. The details of landuse break up is given at Table no. 2.2. TABLE NO. 2.2 LAND USE BREAKUP OF THE SITE Sr. No. 1 2 3 Particulars Land area (sq.m.) Plant facilities Storage Area (Raw materials & Finished goods) Administrative & other buildings Utilities ETP area HW storage area Open Area & Roads Green Belt / space % of Total Area 1250.00 1050.00 13.17 11.07 245.00 2.58 4 470.00 4.95 5 270.00 2.85 6 250.00 2.64 7 3451.90 36.38 8 2500.00 26.36 TOTAL 9486.90 100.00 The p lant l ayout s hown a t Figure no. 2.2 is p repared c onsidering environmental and safety aspects and it is tentative. The unit will approach the f actory d epartment f or the a pproval o f p lant / f actory b uilding a nd CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat final plant layout will be as per approval of factory department. The layout is b eing planned c onsidering the nee d o f p lant machineries, separate storage r equirements f or different chemicals, a dministration and p arking requirement, p revailing wind d irection, nea rby inf rastructure facilities, requirement of a pproachable p eripheral r oad f or exc avation a nd emergency purpose of vehicular movement etc. 2.3.2 Product Profile Details of products to be manufactured alongiwth its quantification is presented at Table no. 2.3A & 2.3B. TABLE NO. 2.3A MAJOR PRODUCT PROFILE Sr. No. Name of Product Production Capacity (MT/M) 1 Textile Binders 1000 2 Textile Polysols 1000 3 Adhesives 1200 4 Paint Binder 600 5 Lather Binder 200 6 Auxiliaries 500 7 Plasticizers 500 TOTAL 5000 TABLE NO. 2.3B DETAILED PRODUCT PROFILE Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 PRODUCTS TEXTILE BINDERS STYRENE ACRYLIC PRINTING BINDER PURE ACRYLIC KHADI BINDER VAM ACRYLIC PRINTING BINDER STYRENE ACRYLIC KHADI BINDER STYRENE ACRYLIC FLOCK BINDER QUANTITY 1000 MT 200 MT 100 MT 400 MT 100 MT 200 MT CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 TEXTILE POLYSOLS CO – POLYMER PVA (POLYSOL) HOMO POLYMER PVA (POLYSOL) HOMO POLYMER PVA (POLYSOL) ADHESIVES LAMINATION ADHESIVE PURE ACRYLIC BOPP TAPE ADHESIVE PURE ACRYLIC BOPP TAPE ADHESIVE PAINT BINDERS PURE ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER VAM ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER STYRENE ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER ACRYLIC THICKNER LEATHER BINDERS PURE ACRYLIC LEATHER BINDER AUXILIARIES MELAMINE FORMALDEHYDE RESIN LOOP ACCELATOR DISPERSING AGENT X – CORE ALKALI NEUTRALISER SEQUESTERING AGENT PEROXIDE STABILIZER DYE FXING AGENT FOAMING AGENT WETTING AGENT WETTING AGENT AMMONIUM STEARATE MICRO AMINO SILICON CATIONIC SOFTNER CATIONIC SOFTNER REACTIVE SOFTNER PLASTICIZERS DOM DBP DBM DOP TOTAL 1000 MT 400 MT 300 MT 300 MT 1200 MT 200 MT 800 MT 200 MT 600 MT 100 MT 200 MT 200 MT 100 MT 200 MT 200 MT 500 MT 100 MT 30 MT 30 MT 20 MT 20 MT 30 MT 40 MT 30 MT 30 MT 20 MT 30 MT 20 MT 40 MT 30 MT 30 MT 500 MT 150 MT 150 MT 100 MT 100 MT 5000 MT CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.3.3 Resource Requirement Raw Material Requirement The list of raw material required alongiwth its monthly requirement is given at Table no. 2.4. It will b e p urchased f rom t he l ocal market. The d etails regarding storage of major hazardous chemicals is given at Table no. 2.4A. Energy Requirement The p ower requirement @ 200 K W will be satisfied Captive p ower plant o f Vraj I ntegrated T extile P ark L td. (VITPL). It is a lso p roposed to ins tall Diesel based D.G. set of @ 100KVA, which will be operated in case of emergency during p ower f ailure. During t he o peration of D.G. s et (@100 K VA), d iesel will be consumed @ 20 L/hour. The energy requirement in terms of power and fuel for proposed project is presented at Table no. 2.5. Water Requirement The w ater r equirement f or the p roposed p roject w ill b e f or p rocess, u tility (Boiler & C ooling), w ashing a nd d omestic p urpose. T he f resh w ater requirement of @163 KLD will be satisfied through an integrated textile pakr - VITPL w hich is b eing d eveloped j ust adjacent to the s ite. VITPL ha s obtained the p ermission o f C GWA for withdrawal o f g round water. T he copy of lease deed between VITPL & NPL Industries Pvt. Ltd. is attached as Annexure A. The r aw w ater q uality being s upplied b y VITPL is g iven a t Table no. 2.6 whereas the pattern of water usage is given at Table no. 2.7. The w ater b alance d iagram f or p roposed p roject ha s b een s hown a t Figure no. 2.3. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat TABLE NO. 2.4 RAW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 RAW MATERIAL EPICHLOROHYDRINE DMA 40 DEG METHANOL FORMALDEHYDE PARAFORMALDEHYDE BOREX MELAMINE REFINED SALT EMULSIFIER CO 400 TRO AMINO OIL 8630 AMINO OIL 4730 AMINO OIL 4910 EMULSIFIER STERO 13065 EMULSIFIER STERO 1309 EMULSIFIER STERO PEG 600 EMULSIFIER STERO 1203 ACETIC ACID MALIC ANHYDRIDE ACRYLIC ACID HYDROGEN PEROXIDE CAUSTIC SODA EMULSIFIER HEDP EMULSIFIER SA 100 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE EMULSIFIER STERO PEG 4000 EMULSIFIER STERO CSA 20 EMULSIFIER STERO COB SOPAMINE P SAWAX BW 300 PARAFIN WAX EMULSIFIER CDA DOM OT PASTE EMULSIFIER TDA 6 MOLE DTC 100 STEARIC ACID EMULSIFIER RJT 292 DEFORMER COMPOUND QTY (KGS/Month) 16400 19200 5000 17000 43730 27900 500 20000 12050 10800 750 880 440 440 710 440 260 1080 60 1980 9550 510 4050 15760 1800 6090 8280 3360 810 7600 2346 795 852 32800 1500 8000 1000 8730 3780 300 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.8 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat SR. NO. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 RAW MATERIAL CITRIC ACID FORMIC ACID BUTYL STYRENE VAM ETHYL ACRYLATE ACRYLAMIDE DBM POTTASIUM PER SULPHATE NITRASOL JR SODIUM BI CARBONATE EMULSIFIER OCA 25 EMULSIFIER RJT 329 MAA AMMONIUM PER SULPHATE LIQUER AMMONIA SODIUM META BI SULPHITE EMULSIFIER RJT 336 EMULSIFIER AOS EMULSIFIER RJT 345 EMULSIFIER SLS LIQ. EMULSIFIER X – 301 PVA GH 17 EMULSIFIER DIANOL 25 EMULSIFIER X – 405 EMULSIFIER RE – 610 EMULSIFIER ALPHOX 500 MMA EMULSIFIER L 61 ACRYLONITRILE BUTANOL & ISOMERS OCTANOL & ISOMERS PTHALIC ANHYDRIDE MALEIC ANHYDRIDE PARATOLUENE SULPHONIC ACID QTY (KGS/Month) 7660 680 757340 115840 620440 143840 22745 89600 4800 6400 3500 5678 1600 24200 1620 18680 7065 1000 2250 5200 12610 6350 17800 3880 600 3100 600 26500 2000 9200 14400 15300 6200 9800 450 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.9 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat TABLE NO. 2.4A STORAGE INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Sr. No. Name of Hazardous Chemicals Maximum Storage Quantity 1 Acrylamide 2 Ammonia 3 Formaldehyde 4 Vinyl Acetate Monomer Acrylonitrile 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 20 MT @ 25/50 Kg bag 15 MT @ 220 Kg drum / 1250 Kg container / Tank 50 MT @220 Kg drum / 1250 Kg container / Tank 500 MT @ 40 MT*1 5 MT @ 25 Kg Carboys / Container Methanol 10 MT Epichlorohydrine 10 MT Acetic acid 20 Kg Hydrogen 150Kg peroxide Styrene 75 MT Vinyl Acetate 40 MT Monomer Ammonia 10 MT Formic acid 300 Kg State of Operation Temperature & Pressure Ambient Possible type of Hazards Ambient Toxic / Flammable Ambient Flammable Ambient Flammable Ambient Fire, Toxic Toxic Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient TABLE NO. 2.5 ENERGY REQUIREMENT Sr. Particulars No. 1 Fuel requirement : Lignite / Agro briquettes for IBR Boiler 2 Power requirement 3 Diesel for D.G. set 100 KVA (for emergency) Quantity 400 Kg / Hour 200 KW 20 L/hour CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.10 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table No. 2.6 Raw Water Quality Sr. No. Parameters Unit Value 1 pH -- 7.40 2 Colour -- Colourless 3 Total dissolved solids mg/L 1276.00 4 Suspended solids mg/L 3.00 5 Total hardness as CaCO 3 mg/L 269.00 6 Magnesium hardness as CaCO 3 mg/L 50.00 7 Calcium hardness as CaCO 3 mg/L 34.00 8 Alkalinity mg/L 445.00 9 Fluoride mg/L 0.67 10 Sulphates mg/L 211.0 (Source : RESPL) Table No. 2.7 Details of Water Uses Sr. No. Source Quantity (m3/day) A Domestic B Industrial 1 Process 75.5 2 Boiler Feed 36.5 3 Cooling Make up 19.0 4 Washing 15.0 5 Others – Gardening 10.0 TOTAL 7.0 163.0 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.11 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.3.4 Manufacturing Process The manufacturing process description has been described in the section below, whereas process flow diagram has been given at Figure no. 2.4 to. The major product profile is as under : A. Textile binders B. Textile polysols C. Adhesives D. Paint binder E. Leather binder F. Auxiliaries G. Plasticizers CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.12 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (A) TEXTILE BINDERS 1. STYRENE ACRYLIC PRINTING BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate and styrene monomer. Add n-methylol Acrylamide and methacrylic acid and mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add ammonium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Add emulsifier. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 3 hrs. Temp 90 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack Figure 2.4(A-1) : Mass balance diagram of Styrene Acrylic Printing Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.13 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. PURE ACRYLIC KHADI BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix well properly. Add ethyl acrylate. Add n-methylol acrylamide and acrylic acid Mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. Take DM water and add sodium meta bi sulphite. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Add activator partly. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature by cooling tower. Addition time 3 hrs, temp 62 +/- 1deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and As per specification. Figure 2.4(A-2) : Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Khadi Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.14 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. VAM ACRYLIC PRINTING BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Add ethyl acrylate and vinyl acetate monomer. Add n-methylol Acrylamide and mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add ammonium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature By cooling tower. Addition time 3 hrs, temp 80 +/- 1deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and As per specification. Figure 2.4(A-3) : Mass balance diagram of VAM Acrylic Printing Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.15 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4. STYRENE ACRYLIC KHADI BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate and styrene monomer. Add n-methylol Acrylamide and acrylic acid and mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Add emulsifier. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 3 hrs. Temp 85 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack As per specification. Figure 2.4(A-4) : Mass balance diagram of Styerene Acrylic Khadi Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.16 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 5. STYRENE ACRYLIC FLOCK BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate and styrene monomer. Add n-methylol Acrylamide and mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add ammonium per sulphate.mix well. Take DM water and add sodium meta bi sulphite.mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 82 degree. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and Pack as per specification. Figure 2.4(A-5) : Mass balance diagram of Styerene Acrylic Flock Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.17 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (B) TEXTILE POLYSOLS 1. CO - POLYMER PVA ( POLYSOL) MONOMER VESSEL Take vinyl acetate monomer and di-butyl maleate. Mix properly. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water and add natrosol jr powder prepares colloidal solution. Hold for 1 hrs. Add buffer. Then start continuous addition Of monomer and activator for 6 hrs. Control temp 80 deg. Hold for 1 hrs. Cool and add post activation and adjust as Per specification. Figure 2.4(B-1) : Mass balance diagram of Co-polymer PVA(Polysol) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.18 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. HOMO - POLYMER PVA ( POLYSOL) MONOMER VESSEL Take vinyl acetate monomer. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate.mix well. REACTOR Take DM water add PVA powder and prepares colloidal solution. Hold for 1 hrs. Add buffer. Then start continuous addition Of monomer and activator for 6 hrs. Control temp 80 deg. Hold for 1 hrs. Cool and add post activation and adjust as Per specification. Figure 2.4(B-2) : Mass balance diagram of Homo polymer PVA(Polysol) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.19 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. HOMO - POLYMER PVA ( POLYSOL) MONOMER VESSEL Take vinyl acetate monomer. ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate.mix well. REACTOR Take dm water add PVA powder prepares colloidal solution. Hold for 1 hrs. Add buffer. then start continuous addition Of monomer and activator for 6 hrs. Control temp 80 deg. Hold for 1 hrs. Cool and add post activation and adjust as Per specification. Figure 2.4(B-3) : Mass balance diagram of Homo polymer PVA(Polysol) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.20 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (C) ADHESIVES 1. LAMINATION ADHESIVE MONOMER VESSEL Charge vinyl acetate monomer, butyl acrylate, di – butyl maleate, Di – octyl maleate, acrylamide and emulsifier ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate.mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Add emulsifier. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 5 hrs. Temp 85 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack Per specification. Figure 2.4(C-1) : Mass balance diagram of Lamination Adhesive CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.21 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. PURE ACYLIC BOPP TAPE ADHESIVE MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Add butyl acrylate and methacrylic acid. Mix well ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 82 degree. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature By cooling tower. Addition time 3 hrs, temp 85 +/- 1deg. Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and Pack as per specification. Figure 2.4(C-2) : Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic BOPP Tape Adhesive CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.22 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. PURE ACYLIC BOPP TAPE ADHESIVE MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Add butyl acrylate and methacrylic acid. Mix well ACTIVATOR Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate.mix well. REACTOR Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 82 degree. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature By cooling tower. Addition time 3 hrs, temp 85 +/- 1deg. Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and Pack as per specification. Figure 2.4(C-3) : Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic BOPP Tape Adhesive CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.23 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (D) PAINT BINDERS 1. PURE ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER MONOMER VESSEL :- Take dm water in vessel. Add emulsifier and acrylamide. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate. Add methacrylic acid. ACTIVATOR :- Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR :- Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Add emulsifier. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 3 hrs. Temp 85 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack Per specification. Figure 2.4(D-1) : Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Paint Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.24 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. VAM ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER MONOMER VESSEL :- Charge butyl acrylate and vinyl acetate monomer ACTIVATOR :- Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR :- Take DM water in vessel. Add PVA powder and prepare colloidal solution. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 5 hrs. Temp 80 +/-1 deg. Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack Per specification. Figure 2.4(D-2) : Mass balance diagram of VAM Acrylic Paint Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.25 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. STYRENE ACRYLIC PAINT BINDER MONOMER VESSEL Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier and acrylamide. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate and styrene monomer. Add acrylic acid ACTIVATOR :- Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR :- Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 85 degree. Add emulsifier. Add partially monomer. Then start continuous addition of monomer And activator for 3 hrs. Temp 85 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack As per specification. Figure 2.4(D-3) : Mass balance diagram of Styrene Acrylic Paint Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.26 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4. ACRYLIC THICKNER MONOMER VESSEL :- Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier. Mix properly. Charge ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid. Mix well ACTIVATOR :- Take DM water and add ammonium per sulphate.mix well. REACTOR :- Take DM water in vessel. Heat up to 90 degree. Start continuous Addition of monomer and activator. Control temperature By cooling tower. Addition time 2 hrs, temp 90 +/- 1deg. Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification. Figure 2.4(D-4) : Mass balance diagram of Acrylic Thickner CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.27 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (E) LEATHER BINDERS 1. PURE ACRYLIC LEATHER BINDER MONOMER VESSEL :- Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier and acrylamide. Mix properly. Charge butyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate and acrylonitrile Add acrylic acid and mix well ACTIVATOR :- Take DM water and add potassium per sulphate. Mix well. REACTOR :- Take DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier and partially monomer Then start continuous addition of monomer and activator for 3 hrs. Temp 72 +/-1 deg. Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Adjust pH and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(E-1) : Mass balance diagram of Pure Acrylic Leather Binder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.28 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (F) AUXILLARIES 1. MELAMINE FORMALDEHYDE BASE RESIN In vessel, charge methanol, formaldehyde and rec. Methanol Then under stirring add melamine, deg, borex, paraformaldehyde, refined salt Material heat up to 80 degree then reaction holds for 5 hrs. Then adjust ph. Start vacuum and collect recovered methanol Then send sample in lab for qc report Then cool and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-1) : Mass balance diagram of Melamine Formaldehyde Resin CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.29 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. LOOP ACCILATOR Charge DM water in vessel. Add emulsifier co 400 and TRO for half an hour. Hold for 1 hrs. Then cool and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-2) : Mass balance diagram of Loop Accelator CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.30 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. DISPERSING AGENT Charge DM water in vessel. Add malic anhydride heat up to 60 degree. Then cool up to 45 degree and add caustic soda for 1 hr Again heat up to 100 degree. Addition of acrylic acid and hydrogen peroxide For 4 hrs. Hold for 3 hrs. Then cool and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-3) : Mass balance diagram of Dispersing Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.31 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4. X – CORE ALKALI NEUTRALISER Charge DM water in vessel under stirring. Then add citric acid and formic acid Stir well four half hour and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-4) : Mass balance diagram of X-Core Alkali Neutraliser CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.32 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 5. SEQUESTERING AGENT Charge DM water and add emulsifier HEDP under stirring in vessel for half Hour. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-5) : Mass balance diagram of Sequestering Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.33 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 6. PEROXIDE STABILIZER Charge DM water in vessel and heat up to 70 degree temp. Then add emulsifier OCA 25, emulsifier SA 100 and magnesium chloride under Stirring. Control temp @ 70 degree Hold for 2 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-6) : Mass balance diagram of Peroxide Stabilizer CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.34 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 7. DYE FIXING AGENT Charge DM water, DMA 40 and di ethylin glycol in vessel. Then addition of epichlorohydrine for 8 hrs. Control temp @ 40 degree Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-7) : Mass balance diagram of Dye Fixing Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.35 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 8. FOAMING AGENT Charge DM water and emulsifier SLS liq. In vessel and heat up to 80 degree Then add emulsifier peg 4000, CSA 20, STERO 1203 and stero COB Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-8) : Mass balance diagram of Foaming Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.36 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 9. WETTING AGENT Charge DM water in vessel and heat up to 70 degree temp. Then added DTC 100 Then addition of emulsifier TDA 6 mole for 2 hrs. Control temp @ 70 degree Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-9) : Mass balance diagram of Wetting Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.37 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 10. WETTING AGENT Charge di – octyl maleate, methanol and OT paste Then add solution of water and sodium meta bi sulphate Heat up to 103 degree and reaction timing 4 hrs Cool and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-10) : Mass balance diagram of Wetting Agent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.38 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 11. AMMONIUM STEARATE Charge DM water in vessel and heat up to 70 degree temp. Then added stearic Acid and emulsifier CDA and ammonia Reaction timing 2 hrs. Control temp @ 65 to 70 degree Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-11) : Mass balance diagram of Ammonium Stearate CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.39 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 12. MICRO AMINO SILICON Under stirring addition of amino oil 8630, amino oil 4730, amino oil 4910 Then addition of emulsifier stero 13065, emulsifier stero 1309, emulsifier Stero peg 600, emulsifier stero 1203 and acetic acid stir well for 1 hr. Addition of water half an hour properly then heat up to 60 degree Then cool and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-12) : Mass balance diagram of Micro Amino Silicon CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.40 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 13. CATIONIC SOFTNER Charge DM water in vessel and heat up to 100 degree temp. Then add sawax BW 300, parafin wax, emulsifier CDA, emulsifier CSA 20 and refined salt Reaction timing half hour. Control temp @ 100 degree Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation. Pack as per specification Figure 2.4(F-13) : Mass balance diagram of Cationic Softner CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.41 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 14. REACTIVE SOFTNER Charge water in vessel under stirring. Add emulsifier OCA 25 and RJT 292. Then addition of epichlorohydrine for 2 hrs. Control temp 65 +/-1 deg. Hold for 1 hr. Cool and add post activation deformer. Adjust pH and pack As per specification. Figure 2.4(F-14) : Mass balance diagram of Reactive Softner CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.42 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (G) PLASTICIZERS 1. PLASTICIZING ESTER (DOM) Charge Octonal In a Vassel, Under StIrring add maleic and P.T. SA, Start heating heat it up to 150ºC, Maintan temp. for 2 to 2.5 HR., Then sent sample for Q.C. Report, then cooling and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(G-1) : Mass balance diagram of DOM CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.43 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2. PLASTICIZING ESTER (DBP) Charge N-Butanol In a Vassel, Under Stirring add Phthalic anhydride and P.T. SA, Start heating heat if up to 160ºC to 170ºC , Maintan temp. for 5 HR., Then sent sample for Q.C. Report, then cooling and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(G-2) : Mass balance diagram of DBP CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.44 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3. PLASTICIZING ESTER (DBM) Charge N-Butanol In a Vassel, Under Stirring add maleic anhydride and P.T. SA, Start heating heat if up to 160ºC to 170º C , Maintan temp. for 6 HR., Then sent sample for Q.C. Report, then cooling and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(G-3) : Mass balance diagram of DBM CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.45 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4. PLASTICIZING ESTER (DOP) Charge Octonal In a Vassel, Under Stirring add Phthalic anhydride and P.T. SA, Start heating heat if up to 150ºC, Maintan temp. for 4 HR., Then sent sample for Q.C. Report, then cooling and pack as per specification Figure 2.4(G-4) : Mass balance diagram of DOP CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.46 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.3.5 Major Equipments The list of major equipments/machinery required for the proposed production is given at Table no. 2.8 Table No 2.8 Major Equipments Sr. No. 1. 2 3 4 Name of Equipment Reaction Vessels for Binder Monomer Vessels Reaction Vessels for Auxiliaries Catalyst Tank Nos. Capacity 3 15 T 3 10 T 2 5T 2 3T 1 2T 1 1.5 T 1 11 T 2 7T 1 3T 2 2T 2 1T 3 2T 3 1.2 T 2 0.6 T 2 1T 4 0.5 T 2 0.3 T 6 0.25 T 5 Transfer pump 8 -- 6 Vaccum pump 5 -- 7 Stirrer 5 -- 8 Lift 2 1T 9 Pallet 6 -- 10 Trolley 8 -- 11 Hydraulic stacker 1 2T 12 Cooling tower 1 270 TFR CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.47 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 13 Boiler 1 3 TPH 14 R.O. Plant 2 60 m3/day (each) 15 D.M. Plant 1 60 m3/day 16 Electronic weighing scale 8 300 Kg 2 30 Kg 1 200 g 3 15 T 1 10 T 2 6T 1 40 HP 1 25 HP 1 40 HP 1 25 HP 17 18 19 Tank Weighter Cooling tower pump Fire pump 20 Diesel Generator Set 1 100 KVA 21 Crock meter 1 -- 22 Single hopper machine 1 -- 23 Padding machine 1 -- 24 Jet machine 1 -- 25 Karlfischer titration machine 1 -- 26 Scrubber drier machine 1 -- 27 Hot air oven 1 -- 28 Transformer 1 -- 29 Pannel 1 -- 2.4 SORUCES OF POLLUTION 2.4.1 Liquid Effluent As c an b e s een f rom t he m anufacturing p rocess d iagram, t he m ajor quantity of process water goes as part of product, hence, the quantity of process w astewater g enerated is l ess in c ompare to p rocess w ater consumption. The main source wastewater generation from utilities such as CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.48 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat RO plant, DM plant, Boiler and Cooling is RO reject, DM regeneration, Boiler blow down and Cooling bleed off respectively. Based o n the w ater b alance diagram s hown in Figure no. 2.3 the wastewater quantity from different sources has been estimated and given at Table no. 2.9A. Table No. 2.9A Details of Effluent Generation Sr. No. Source Effluent Generation in m3/day A Domestic B Industrial 1 Process Nil 2 Boiler blow down 0.5 3 Cooling bleed off 2.0 4 Washing 15.0 5 Others (RO r eject, & DM R egeneration, Softening regeneration) 40.0 TOTAL of Industrial 57.5 TOTAL of Domestic & Industrial 65.5 8.0 Domestic w astewater w ill b e d ischarged through s eptic tank s ystem. Wastewater from p rocess a nd u tilities w ill b e c ollected in c ollection tank and taken to neu tralization tank for c orrection o f p H. The neu tralized wastewater will be allowed to settle in Settling Tank. Supernatant from th e settling tank w ill be passed through R O system. T he product w ater w ill b e reused for process and utility within the premises. The reject will be taken to second stage RO. The product water from second stage RO will be taken to Treated w ater collection tank, w hereas r eject w ater w ill b e taken for thermal destruction. The d etails of E TP u nits have b een given at T able no. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.49 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.9B, whereas the line diagram of the proposed treatment scheme is given at Figure no. 2.5 Table No. 2.9B Details of Effluent Treatment Plant Sr. No. Treatment unit Nos Volume/Capacity 1 Screen chamber 1 1 KL 2 Oil & Grease Trap 1 15 KL 3 Collection tank cum 2 30 KL 1 10 KL with surface area neutralization tank 4 Primary Settling Tank of at least 3.0 m2 5 Treated Effluent 1 80 KL Holding Tank 6 Sludge Drying Beds 2 2.0 m x 2.0 m (each ) 7 1st Stage R.O. 1 75 m3/day 8 2nd Stage R.O. 1 35 m3/day 9 Evaporator 1 300 L/hour 2.4.2 Gaseous Emissions The sources of gaseous emission identified are from the Boiler as well as fugitive emissions from handling of raw materials. The unit proposes to install Lignite / agro briquettes based boiler of 3 TPH Capacity. The height for the boiler stack has been computed as prescribed guidelines of MoEF, based on the SO2 emission rate in KG/hr considering 100 % lignite consumption. The fugitive emissions due to handling and storage of chemicals will be handled by suitable engineering and administrative practices. The details of the Air Pollution Control Measures are given at Table no. 2.10. The proposed project location is adjacent to national highway as well as VITPL, having well established infrastructure including roads. The traffic load to be increased due to proposed project for the transportation of finished CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.50 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat goods and raw materials will be low in comparison with the entire industrial park. Table No. 2.10 Details of Air Pollution Control System Sr. No. Attached To 1 Steam boiler Fuel used Fuel Consumption Lignite / Agro @ 400 Kg/hour briquettes Stack Height in m Pollution control measures 30 m Multi cyclone 2.4.3 Solid & Hazardous Waste Generation The details of solid and hazardous waste generation and its handling and management has been presented in Table no. 2.11. Approximately 250 sq.m. area has been earmarked for storage of hazardous waste covered with pucca roof top. TABLE NO. 2.11 Details of solid waste/Hazardous Waste Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Description Category Quantity Method of Storage and per Month Disposal 2 MT Waste will b e sold a s l ow cost binders / auxiliaries 2 MT Waste w ill b e s ent to the TSDF site Process Waste 24.1 Waste from Pollution Control Facility Used Oil 34.3 5.1 50 Kg Discarded Containers / Bags / Drums / cylinders 33.3 5000 Nos. This u sed lubricating o il arising f rom D .G. S et a nd reduction g ear w ill b e collected in d rums, s tored and reused. Will b e s old o ut to authorized r ecyclers / reusers. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.51 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.5 RAIN WATER HARVESTING As p er the p roposed s cheme, r ain w ater f rom the r oof o f each b uilding; process a rea and p aved r oads w ill b e d irected towards the p ercolation wells for recharging the ground water aquifer. Description Area (m2) Total Land Area : 9486 Roof Area (approx.) : 2545 Road/Paved Area (approx.) : 3451 Green Belt Area (approx.) : 2500 Most of the rain water falling onto the garden/open area would probably percolate in the soil there itself. Thus, Rainfall Catchment area = Roof area + Road area = 2545 + 3451 = 5996 m² Intensity of rainfall in the project area Intensity of Rainfall Average Maximum (in a day) Annual Rainfall in Region : 803 mm * 102 mm /24 hrs** Monsoon Period : 35.8 days /year* 80 days ** Rainfall Per Day : 22.44 mm/day 102 mm /day Total rainfall on plot area : 11,690 m3/year 1,484 m3/day * Climatological Tables of Observatories in India by Indian Meteorological Department ** Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDM) – 10 Sept. 2010. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.52 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Calculation of total run off Average Runoff Through Roof Area Through Paved/ Road Average : : Total : Total Runoff (Runoff co- : efficient assumed 0.8) 57 m3/day 77 m3/day Maximum (in a day) [(2545) x (22.44/1000)] [(3451 ) x (22.44/1000)] 260 m3/day 352 m3/day [(2545) x 102/1000)] [(3451 ) x 102/1000)] 134 m3/day (77 + 57) 612 m3/day (260 + 352) 107 m3/day (134 x 0.8) 490 m3/day (612 x 0.8) Proposed Quantity that can be harvested: = Total Runoff x Monsoon Period = 107 m3/day x 35.8 days/year (Avg.) = 490 m3/days x 80 days (max.) = 3830 m3/year = 39,200 3/year Total Percolating Area Required: = Required Percolating Capacity / Vertical Assimilation Rate = 490 m3/ day/ (10 m3/ m2/ day) (assumed for Maximum rainfall intensity) = 49 m2 Therefore the total percolating area of the water harvesting structure should be 50 m2 (for Maximum rainfall intensity). Percolating surface area of a 0.15 m Φ Bore =πxDxL = 3.14 x 0.15 x 40 = 18.84 m2 Percolating well to be provided = 3 Thus with 3 harvesting structures, total percolating area will be 56.52 m2 which is more than required CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.53 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2.6 GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Green belt / zone will b e developed within a rea of @ 2 500 s q.m. T he services o f q ualified horticulturist w ill b e r endered t o s elect the s pecies t o be grown in the premises. Annual budget of Rs. 2.0 Lacs will be allocated towards green belt / zone development activities. 2.7 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & SAFETY The unit is committed towards the Health and Safety of workers. The unit will provide adequate number of first aid boxes at strategic locations and give training to designated person for the emergency purpose. The unit will also appoint part-time m edical o fficer f or m edical a ssistance a nd f or ens uring the better health of workers. 2.8 COMPLIANCE TO VARIOUS STATUTORY GUIDELINES Being c ommitted towards the en vironment p rotection, sustainable development a nd industrial d evelopment, the d eveloper will f ollow a nd implement the guidelines issued under Charter for Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection (CREP) for Chemical industry. 2.9 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The b asic r equirement o f the c ommunity need s w ill b e s trengthened b y organizing hea lthcare c amp, ed ucational f acilities, s kill t raining to the community, sports activities and other similar in the area. NPL Industries Pvt. Ltd. is a g roup c ompany o f C hiripal G roup, w hich is u ndertaking various CSR ac tivities as a gr oup. Through the s ocial c ommitment the group intends to p romote i nitiatives, f or the ed ucational a nd hea lth a wareness amongst the weaker sections of the society. Every year on “Director Day”, the g roup organize v oluntary B lood Donation d rive w ith the s upport o f recognized Blood Centre, at corporate office and all over the Group units. Keeping in v iew the G roup’s C SR a ctivities, Industry w ill also initiate s uch kind of activities either by providing or by contributing to local NGOs in the area, which will help in uplifting the living standards of local communities. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.55 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.55 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Figure 2.2 Layout Map of the Project Site CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.56 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Figure 2.3 Water Balance Diagram Total Water 163 Domestic 10 Industrial 146 Gardening 7 R.O. Feed 112 Softening Plant 19 R.O. Product 75 D.M. Plant 50 D.M. Water 48 Process 48 R.O. Reject 37 Soft Water 18 Washing 15 Softening Reject 1 Boiler 25 + 36 Condensate Recovery 36 D.M. Regeneration 2 Cooling Tower 18 Evaporation Losses 24.5 Boiler Blow down 0.5 Cooling Evaporation Losses Bleed off 16 2 To ETP 57.5 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 2.57 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Figure 2.5 Line Diagram of Proposed Effluent Treatment Plant CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad CHAPTER 3 3.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat CHAPTER – 3 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 INTRODUCTION To assess environmental impacts from proposed project at a specific location it is essential to monitor the environment quality prevailing in the surrounding area prior to implementation of the proposed project. The environment status within the s tudy a rea c ould b e u sed f or id entification o f s ignificant environmental issues to be addressed in the impact assessment study. The impact from an existing industrial project on its surrounding environment are m ainly r egulated b y t he na ture o f the p ollutants, t heir q uantities discharged t o the environment, exis ting env ironmental q uality, a ssimilative capacity of the surrounding environment and topography and terrain of the project s ite (its l ocation) a s w ell as the s urrounding area. I n order to id entify and establish the extent of l ikely impacts, it is essential to gather information on exis ting env ironmental q uality w ith r egard to v arious c omponents o f the environment. For c ollecting the baseline inf ormation, p rimary d ata w ere g enerated wherever p ossible a nd the o ther in formation w as g athered from s econdary data s ources. For the p rimary d ata, study a rea w as s elected th at i ncluded towns a nd v illages within 1 0 k m r adius c onsidering t he p roject s ite a s a center. 3.2 MICROMETEOROLOGY OF THE AREA A g eneral d escription o f w eather w hich includes diurnal a nd s easonal wind pattern a nd w ind direction, hu midity e tc is nec essary to id entify those CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat features o f the l ocal, s ub r egional a nd r egional meteorology that in fluence the air quality in area of the proposed project. Site s pecific m eteorological d ata f or study p eriod f rom December 2011 t o February 2012 has b een c ollected f rom weather m onitoring station l ocated at t he Vraj I ntegrated T extile P ark L td. The m aximum temperature re corded for a p eriod b etween December 2011 t o February 2012 was d uring the month o f April, 43 oC whereas t he m inimum t emperature r ecorded was during the month of February, 13o C. The relative humidity levels varied from 7 to 90. The maximum, m inimum a s well a s r elative hu midity f or a p eriod o f February 2011 to April 2011 are presented at Table No. 3.1. Table No. 3.1 Micrometeorological Data Month Dec-11 Jan-11 Feb-11 Temperature oC Maximum Minimum 34 12 32 9 33 10 humidity % Maximum Minimum 90 22 93 21 89 15 (Source: RESPL) 3.2.1 Wind rose Based on site specific meteorological data, wind roses have been prepared for t he winter s eason period between D ec-11 to F eb-12. As p er meteorological data it shows that average wind speed in the winter season is 0.51 m /s a nd with m aximum wind s peed o f 4.0 m/s and p redominant w ind direction b lowing f rom NE d uring t he morning time a nd N W d uring the evening t ime. Based on site s pecific meterological data wind r oses ha ve been prepared for the month Dec 2011 – Feb 2012. Based on meteorological data wind rose prepared for winter season is shown at Figure 3.1. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat FIGURE 3.1 Wind Rose Diagram for the Month of Dec 2011 to Feb 2012 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.3 AIR ENVIRONMENT 3.3.1 Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) The b asic o bjective of c ollection o f base line d ata f or a ir e nvironment is to identify p roject s pecific a ir p ollutants b eing r eleased int o the a tmosphere, which will have significant impact on air environment of immediate vicinity of the proposed project site. For assessment of the baseline data it is important to specify the s tudy area in r espect of the location of the proposed project at Village: Bidaj, Dist: Kheda. It was decided to study ambient air quality at 6 locations in d ifferent d irections in the p robable i mpact z one inc luding t he project site. Location of AAQ Monitoring Stations Ambient air q uality s tations w ere c hosen c onsidering the various factors l ike the most prevailing wind direction, terrain of the area, pockets of habitation, available inf rastructure f acilities like p ower s upply, a ccessibility e tc. T he location of AAQ monitoring stations are shown in f igure no. 3.2(a) and 3.2(b) and tabulated at Table no. 3.2. Table No. 3.2 Sampling Locations Sr. No. Location Direction from the Site Distance (Km) District 1. NPL site -- -- Kheda 2. Bareja NW 2.00 Daskroi 3. Bidaj NE 1.85 Kheda 4. Pingalaj SW 3.23 Kheda 5. Sarsa E 2.50 Kheda 6. Navagam SW 4.60 Kheda CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat FIGURE 3.2 SAMPLING LOCATIONS MAP CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Base Line Data The f requency of m onitoring w as twice in a w eek f or a p eriod o f 1 2 w eeks (commencing from 5th December 2011) to assess the existing sub regional air quality status. Analytical methods prescribed by CPCB were used for carrying out a ir q uality m onitoring. A t a ll t hese s ampling locations PM 2.5 , PM 10 , S O 2 , NO x and VOCs were monitored on 24 hourly basis to enable the comparison with ambient air quality standards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Based o n d ata o btained t hrough a mbient a ir q uality s urvey the s tatement showing maximum, m inimum, a verage concentration, 98 p ercentile and 7 5 percentile values a t d ifferent m onitoring locations in the s tudy a rea ha ve been computed and presented at Table No. 3.3. Table No. 3.3 Ambient Air Quality Status of Study Area LOCATION MAX. VALUE MIN. VALUE AVG. VALUE STANDARD DEVIATION 98 PERCENTILE VALUE 75 PERCENTILE VALUE PM10 µg/m3(Permissible Limit :100 µg/m3) Bareja 78.20 40.07 53.87 05.10 62.59 57.97 Bidaj 71.48 49.51 58.72 06.15 69.53 62.38 Navagam 68.02 47.50 57.87 05.23 67.53 61.78 Sarsa 63.33 39.72 53.72 06.91 62.96 57.03 Site 83.02 55.60 64.82 08.43 81.56 71.48 Pingalaj 66.21 46.17 56.17 04.97 64.88 60.18 PM2.5 µg/m3(Permissible Limit :60 µg/m3) Bareja 48.00 29.00 34.33 06.14 42.68 36.00 Bidaj 50.50 29.00 37.00 06.12 45.28 39.50 Navagam 40.68 33.47 36.79 02.06 39.56 37.88 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat LOCATION MAX. VALUE MIN. VALUE Sarsa 39.00 28.00 Site 49.00 Pingalaj 39.00 AVG. VALUE STANDARD DEVIATION 98 PERCENTILE VALUE 75 PERCENTILE VALUE 34.89 03.36 38.68 37.00 35.00 41.63 04.91 48.44 45.00 32.00 34.33 02.15 38.60 34.75 SO 2 µg/m3(Permissible Limit :80 µg/m3) Bareja 18.55 10.31 14.44 2.65 18.54 17.08 Bidaj 19.14 10.31 15.66 2.47 18.88 17.37 Navagam 18.55 9.42 14.37 02.55 18.36 16.19 Sarsa 18.84 10.21 14.07 02.78 18.47 16.38 Site 21.64 10.45 15.95 02.59 20.96 17.37 Pingalaj 20.18 11.12 15.23 02.54 19.59 17.52 NO x µg/m3(Permissible Limit :80 µg/m3) Bareja 34.76 19.57 26.89 4.24 32.80 29.93 Bidaj 34.53 18.17 26.25 3.82 33.18 28.78 Navagam 30.89 16.41 25.99 04.83 30.86 28.86 Sarsa 28.16 14.16 20.76 03.80 28.00 23.54 Site 35.40 17.27 26.42 04.58 34.31 29.43 Pingalaj 31.38 17.06 22.23 04.06 29.77 24.59 VOCs mg/m3(Permissible Limit :Not specified) (Time weighted: 8 hrs) Bareja 8.94 <0.015 1.01 2.57 <0.015 -- Bidaj 3.24 <0.002 0.43 0.98 <0.002 -- Navagam 3.95 <0.005 0.59 1.20 <0.005 -- Sarsa 1.22 <0.005 0.18 0.36 <0.005 -- Site 0.86 <0.013 0.10 0.25 <0.013 -- Pingalaj 9.96 <0.002 1.25 2.96 <0.002 -- Based on data obtained, it could be stated that, CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.8 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat • During the s tudy p eriod the a verage c oncentrations of P M10, P M2.5, SO2 and NOx are below the permissible limit at all locations • The a verage c oncentration o f a ll p ollutants a t all 6 a mbient a ir locations are found to varying in the following range: 1. PM10 from 39.72 to 83.02 µg/m3 2. PM2.5 from 28.00 to 50.50 µg/m3 3. SO2 from 9.42 to 21.64 µg/m3 4. NOx from 14.16 to 35.40 µg/m3 3.4 WATER ENVIRONMENT Water environment is widely divided into two categories: 1. Surface water : river, drains, canals, ponds etc 2. Ground water: Accumulation in deeper strata of ground. Ground water samples (from 4 locations) and surface water samples (from 3 locations) w ere c ollected a nd a nalyzed f or d rinking w ater q uality parameters i. e. p hysico-chemical p arameters a nd hea vy m etals. T he sampling w as c arried o ut once d uring the s tudy p eriod. T he m ap s howing location of sampling points is shown at Figure no. 3.2. The analysis results are presented at Table No.3.4 & 3.5. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.9 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table No. 3.4 Water Quality Parameters (Ground water sources) IS 10500: 1991 Parameters Unit Sampling Location Desirable Permissible Pingalaj Bidaj Navagam Site 5 25 -- <2 <2 <2 <2 Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable 0.2 7.5 387.66 0.3 7.3 337.96 0.2 7.5 372.75 0.3 7.8 298.2 Colour Odour Hazen -- Taste Turbidity pH Total hardness (as CaCO 3 ) Iron (as Fe) Chloride (as Cl) Residual free chlorine -NTU -mg/L Agreeable 5 6.5 - 8.5 300 -10 6.5 – 8.5 600 mg/L mg/L 0.3 250 1 1000 <0.1 561.23 <0.1 504.4 <0.1 536.37 <0.1 390.73 mg/L 0.2 -- <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 Fluoride (as F) TDS Calcium (as Ca) Magnesium (as Mg) Copper (as Cu) Manganese (as Mn) Sulphate(as SO 4 ) Nitrate Phenolic compounds (as Phenol) Mercury (as Hg) Cadmium (as Cd) Selenium (as Se) mg/L 1 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.55 0.5 mg/L mg/L 500 75 2000 200 1792 147.11 1846 113.32 1758 111.33 1362 57.65 mg/L 30 100 4.83 13.28 22.95 37.44 mg/L 0.05 1.5 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/L 0.1 0.3 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 mg/L 200 400 232.4 262.56 219.75 163.97 mg/L mg/L 45 0.001 45 0.002 18.23 <0.001 19.92 <0.001 11.29 <0.001 13.33 <0.001 mg/L 0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 mg/L 0.01 0.01 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 mg/L 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Unobjectionable CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.10 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat IS 10500: 1991 Parameters Unit Aresenic (as mg/L As) Cyanide (as mg/L CN) Lead (as Pb) mg/L Zinc (as Zn) mg/L Anionic mg/L detergents (as MBAS) Chromium mg/L Polynuclear mg/L aromatic hydrocarbons Mineral oil mg/L Alkalinity (as mg/L CaCO 3 ) Aluminium mg/L (as Al) Boron mg/L MPN MPN/100ml coliform count E.coli per 100 ml Faecal Coliform per 100 ml Sampling Location Desirable Permissible Pingalaj Bidaj Navagam Site 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 5 0.2 0.05 15 1 <0.01 <0.1 <0.05 <0.01 <0.1 <0.05 <0.01 <0.1 <0.05 <0.01 <0.1 <0.05 0.05 -- 0.05 -- <0.05 <0.001 <0.05 <0.001 <0.05 <0.001 <0.05 <0.001 0.01 200 0.03 600 <0.01 345.6 <0.01 501.76 <0.01 358.4 <0.01 404.48 0.03 0.2 <0.03 <0.03 0.04 <0.03 1 1 5 10 <1.0 35 <1.0 161 <1.0 14 <1.0 161 Absent -- Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent -- Absent Absent Absent Absent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.11 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table no. 3.5 Water Quality Parameters (Surface water Source) Parameters Unit IS 10500: 1991 Sampling Location Desirable Permissible Bidaj Navagam Colour Hazen 5 25 <2 100 Odour -- Unobject -- Agreeable Agreeable Taste -- Agreeable -- Agreeable Not Possible NTU 5 10 0.4 4.8 -- 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 7.6 7.4 mg/L 300 600 144.13 188.86 Iron (as Fe) mg/L 0.3 1 <0.1 <0.1 Chloride (as Cl) mg/L 250 1000 21.31 252.2 Residual mg/L 0.2 -- <0.2 <0.2 Fluoride (as F) mg/L 1 1.5 0.43 0.56 TDS mg/L 500 2000 254 964 Calcium (as Ca) mg/L 75 200 51.69 71.57 Magnesium (as mg/L 30 100 3.62 2.42 Copper (as Cu) mg/L 0.05 1.5 <0.01 <0.01 Manganese (as mg/L 0.1 0.3 <0.05 0.29 mg/L 200 400 14.02 151.4 Nitrate mg/L 45 45 <2.0 3.08 Phenolic mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 mg/L 0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Turbidity pH Total hardness (as CaCO 3 ) free chlorine Mg) Mn) Sulphate(as SO 4 ) compounds (as Phenol) Mercury (as Hg) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.12 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Parameters Cadmium Unit IS 10500: 1991 Sampling Location Desirable Permissible Bidaj Navagam (as mg/L 0.01 0.01 <0.003 <0.003 (as mg/L 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Aresenic (as As) mg/L 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Cyanide (as CN) mg/L 0.05 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 Lead (as Pb) mg/L 0.05 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 Zinc (as Zn) mg/L - - 0.11 <0.1 Anionic mg/L 0.2 1 <0.05 <0.05 Chromium mg/L 0.05 0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Polynuclear mg/L -- -- <0.001 <0.001 mg/L 0.01 0.03 <0.01 -- (as mg/L 200 600 163.84 243.2 (as mg/L 0.03 0.2 0.1 0.11 mg/L 1 5 <1.0 <1.0 MPN/100ml 1 10 161 92 Absent -- Absent Absent per 100 ml Absent -- Absent Absent mg/L 4 50000 -- 2.67 Cd) Selenium Se) detergents (as MBAS) aromatic hydrocarbons Mineral oil Alkalinity CaCO 3 ) Aluminium Al) Boron MPN coliform count E.coli Faecal Coliform Oil & Grease CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.13 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.5 NOISE The noise level measurement within study area was carried out so as to have estimation of back ground noise level. Measurements were carried out using a sound level meter. The map showing sampling locations where noise level was estimated is shown at figure no. 3.2. Table No. 3.6 Noise Level Data Sr. No. 1. Location Bareja Day time 64.56 LEQ (dB(A)) Night time 57.05 2. Site 69.60 64.33 3. Bidaj 56.17 41.09 4. Sarsa 60.58 49.32 5. Pingalaj 64.79 42.30 6. Navagam 71.66 56.54 During m onitoring p eriod, the L EQ (dB(A)) noise l evels varied between 56.17 to 71.66 during d aytime a nd 41.09 to 64.33 d uring the ni ght time for w hole study area. The noise level varied at the same place at different times due to fluctuations in traffic m ovements a s well a s c ommercial a nd d omestic activities going on in the study area. 3.6 SOIL 3.6.1 Baseline Data 6 locations within study area were identified for collection of soil samples. The sampling locations are shown in figure 3.2. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.14 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.6.2 Physical Characteristics Physical c haracteristics o f s oil a re delineated through s pecific p arameters, viz. p article size distribution (grain s ize a nalysis), p orosity, w ater ho lding capacity a nd p ermeability. T he p article s ize d istribution in terms o f g ravel, sand, silt and clay are presented at Table No. 3.7. Soil porosity is a measure of air filled pore spaces and gives information about movement of gases, inherent moisture, and development of root system and strength of soil. Soil porosity, water holding capacity and permeability of soil samples are shown at Table No. 3.8. 3.6.3 Chemical Characteristics Data for c hemical c haracterization o f s oil were c ollected through s elected parameters v iz. p H, electrical conductivity, c ation exc hange c apacity a nd sodium absorption ratio and are presented at Table No. 3.9. pH is a n im portant parameter ind icative o f the a lkaline o r acidic na ture of the s oil. It g reatly a ffects the m icrobial s pecies a s well a s the s olubility of metal io ns a nd r egulates nu trients availability. p H o f s tudy a rea w as f ound within the range of 7.92 – 8.59. Electrical conductivity is a measure of the soluble salts in soil, ranges from 343 – 536 m icromho/cm. C ation exc hange c apacity of s oil in s tudy a rea v aries from 186 – 233 m eq o f H +/100 gm. S odium A bsorption R atio o f s oil i n study area varies from 1.99 – 4.13 meq/kg CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.15 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table No. 3.7 Particle Size Distribution of Soil samples Sr. No. Sampling Locations 1. 2. 3. 4. Navagam Pingalaj Bidaj Sarsa NOTE: G: S: Gravel (> 4.75 mm) Sand (75 μm – 4.75 mm) Particle size distribution G(%) S(%) M+C(%) 0.0 8.0 92.0 0.0 7.0 93.0 5.0 45.0 50.0 0.0 13.0 87.0 M: C: Silt (2 μm - 75 μm) Clay (<2 μm) Table No. 3.8 Physical Characteristics Sr. No. Sampling Locations Water Permeability (mm/sec) Holding Porosity (%) Capacity (%) 1. Navagam 4.16x 10-6 28 29.9 2. Pingalaj 0.8 x 10-4 21 32 3. Bidaj 2.14x10-4 18 26.3 4. sarsa 0.89x 10-4 20 31.8 Table No. 3.9 Chemical Characteristics Cation Sr. Sampling No. Locations pH Electrical exchange conductivity capacity (micromhos/cm) (meq of H+/100 gm) Sodium Absorption Ratio (meq/kg) 1. Navagam 7.92 536 233 4.13 2. Pingalaj 8.02 430 205 1.99 3. Bidaj 8.59 343 186 3.58 4. Sarsa 8.28 470 198 2.47 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LT., Ahmedabad 3.16 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.7 LAND USE PATTERN Remote s ensing technology ha s em erged a s a p owerful tool i n providing r eliable information o n v arious na tural resources at d ifferent levels of details in a spatial form. Land use distribution in the study area has b een estimated u sing r emote s ensing technique. T he land u se pattern of the s tudy a rea ha s b een studied from s atellite im age captured by Sensor LISS IV. The villages situated within the 10 km radius of the proposed site have been c onsidered f or the s tudy of the l and u se p attern. T he land u se pattern o f t he study area is s hown a t Figure no. 3.3. Land u se / land cover m ap pr epared i s shown a t Figure no. 3.4 and s atellite im age i s shown at Figure no. 3.5. Table No. 3.10 Landuse Statistics of the Study Area Sr. Description of Land No. use 1 Built up / Habitation 2 Crop land 3 Area (Hectares) Percentage of Area 1855.71 5.90 12407.00 39.48 Fallow land 2128.56 6.77 4 Plantations 2771.42 8.82 5 Dense scrub 3157.13 10.05 6 Open scrub 2199.99 7.00 7 Water body 1779.99 5.66 8 Sandy river bed 1185.71 3.77 9 River 2285.70 7.27 10 Mud flat 1657.13 5.27 31428.34 100.00 TOTAL CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.17 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat FIGURE 3.3 LAND USE DISTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY AREA CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.18 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat DIGITIZED LANDUSE MAP OF PROPOSED SITE WITH 10 KM RADIUS BUFFER FIGURE 3.4 LAND USE MAP CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.19 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat LISS IV IMAGE OF STUDY AREA SHOWING 10 KM RADIUS AROUND PROJECT SITE FIGURE 3.5 SATELLITE IMAGE CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.20 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.8 ECOLOGY 3.8.1 Introduction Flora and fauna are important components of the environment. They are organized in to na tural c ommunities w ith mutual dependencies a mong their m embers a nd s how v arious r esponses a nd s ensitivities to anthropogenic activities. Flora and fauna describes information on various species o f trees, p lants, s hrubs, c rops a nd na tural v egetation, a nimals, birds etc and endangered species. It may be highlighted that the s tudy area is quite rich in p hytodiversity as evident by number of families and plant species recorded; as many as 178 flowering plants belonging to 61 families recorded with 55 trees, 20 shrubs, 67 her bs, 19 g rasses, 8 c limbers, 1 0 a quatic plants a nd 1 f ungus a nd 2 aquatic f erns. B esides c ommon a nimals no t inc luded in t he list v iz., c ow, buffalo, cat, dog etc., The no. of wild animals are quite high which include small mammals a nd r eptiles. T he a vifauna is a lso q uite r icher w ith 6 0 species o f b irds w hich a re r esident and migratory birds. T hus both phytodiversity, animal diversity including birds is quite high, i.e. biodiversity of the study area is quite high. It could be still richer in monsoon as many as m onsoon w eeds w ere o bserved a s d rying, s pecially climbers a nd herbaceous f lora. Further t he data eveals t hat no ne o f the p lants a nd animal s pecies r ecorded is rare o r e ndangered a nd they a re f ound anywhere and everywhere. 3.8.2 Sampling Locations Total 1 0 s ampling locations w ere id entified f or s tudy o f ec ological environment. The o bservations w ere t aken f rom d ifferent l ocations a long agriculture field, marshy land, wasteland, riverside vegetation and built up land r elated to o bjectives d elineated f or E nvironmental i mpact Assessment s tudies. T he s tudy area d oes no t ha ve any d esignated forest, national park, sanctuaries. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.21 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat A village/location-wise list of flora recorded is tabulated in Table No. 3.11. A list of avi-fauns (bird species) and animal species found during survey is presented at Table No. 3.12. The g eneral o bservation o f the s ite v isit is that none of the p lant a nd animal s pecies r ecorded is r are o f end angered. T he s pecies o f f lora a nd fauna found in the study area are common as anywhere and everywhere. Table No. 3.11 Enumeration of Species – Flora Place/Location : Devdi S. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Arecaceae Phoenix sylvestris Khajuri, Date palm Common 2 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Keri, Mango Agroforestry 3 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast tree Ornamental 4 Ehretiaceae Cordia gharaf Nana gunda, Gundi Roadside 5 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia fistula Garmalo Roadside 6 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia siamea Kasid, Siame cassia Roadside 7 Caesalpiniaceae Delonix regia Gulmohar Roadside 8 Caesalpiniaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Rambaval Ornamental 9 Caesaopiniaceae Tamarindus indica Khati amli, Tamarind Agroforestry 10 Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaiya In home garden 11 Casurinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Sharu Ornamental 12 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Planted Indian almond 13 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Motagunda, Gunda Roadside 14 Euphorbiaceae Emblica officinalis Amla, Indian Agroforestry, TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.22 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat goose berry Cultivated 15 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common 16 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshibaval Common 17 Mimosaceae Albizia lebbeck Shirish Roadside 18 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 19 Mimosaceae Prosopis cineraria Khijado Roadside 20 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gandobaval Common 21 Mimosaceae Samanea saman Rain tree, Vilayati Shirish Roadside 22 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad / Banyan Roadside 23 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Piplo, Pipal Common 24 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipli Roadside 25 Moraceae Morus alba Setur Ornamental 26 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Mitho saragavo, Drumstick Roadside/ Agroforestry 27 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri, Eucalyptus Agroforestry 28 Papilionaceae Derris indica Karanj Roadside 29 Rutaceae Murraya koenigii Mitholimdo / Curryneem Ornamental 30 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jar Common 31 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari Jaar Common 32 Sapotaceae Manilkara hexandra Rayan Agroforestry 33 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside 34 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo, Palpaliya Agroforestry & Roadside SHRUBS 1 Apocynaceae Nerium indicum Lal Karen Ornamental 2 Apocynaceae Thevetia peruviana Pili Karen Ornamental CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.23 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akado, Milkweed Common 4 Balanitaceae Balanites aegyptiaca Hingorio, Ingorio Common 5 Capparaceae Cadaba fruticosa Teliohemkand Common 6 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerado Common 7 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Common as fencing 8 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo, Castor Cultivated 9 Nyctaginaceae Bougainvillea spectabilis Boganvel Ornamental 10 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus mauritiana Motabor Common 11 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Chanibor Common 12 Verbenaceae Lantana camara Indradhanu Common HERBS 1 Acanthaceae Justicia diffusa -- Sandy area 2 Aizoaceae Trianthema portulacastrum Satodo Canal side Common 3 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Common on hedges 4 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus -- Drying moist lands 5 Amaranthaceae Digera muricata Kanjro, Lokir Common 6 Amaranthaceae Gomphrena celosiodes -- Sandy area 7 Asteraceae Eclipta alba Bhangaro On canal wall, Wet land 8 Asteraceae Grangea maderaspatana Madras carpet Drying moist lands 9 Asteraceae Launaea procumbens Motibhonpatri Common 10 Asteraceae Parthenium hysterophorus Congress grass, Goat grass Common CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.24 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 11 Asteraceae Sphaeranthus indicus Gorakhmundi Drying moist grounds 12 Asteraceae Tridax procumbens Pardeshi Bhangaro Moist grounds 13 Asteraceae Vernonia cineria Sahdevi Moist grounds 14 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Hadario Drying moist grounds 15 Boraginaceae Coldenia procumbens Okhrad Drying moist grounds 16 Brassicaceae Brassica juncea Rai, Mustard Agri. field, Cultivated 17 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia auriculata Aval Sandy area 18 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia obtusifolia Punvadio Drying moist lands 19 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia occidentalis Sundro, Kasudri Drying moist lands 20 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea carnea Besharam, Naffat vel Common weed 21 Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. -- Wetland 22 Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. -- Wetland 23 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha indica Dadari, Dadarjo Common 24 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta Lal dudhi Common 25 Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fraternus Bhoyn amli Common 26 Lamiaceae Leucas aspera Kubi Common 27 Lamiaceae Moschosma polystachyum Avachi-Bavchi Common 28 Lythraceae Ammania baccifera Jal Angio Wetland 29 Malvaceae Abutilon indicum Khapat Common 30 Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia Bala Common 31 Molluginaceae Mollugo sp. -- Drying moist lands 32 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi Road-side, Wasteland CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.25 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 33 Papilionaceae Indigofera linifolia Nani gali Common 34 Portulacaceae Portulaca quadrifida Zini luni Common 35 Solanaceae Physalis minima Popati Common 36 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Piludi Common 37 Solanaceae Solanum surattense Bhoyringni Common 38 Tiliaceae Corchorus aestuans Chunch Common 39 Tiliaceae Corchorus fascicularis -- Drying moist grounds GRASSES 1 Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris Anjan, Dhaman Common, in small patches 2 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 3 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 4 Poaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium Tarakiyu Fatetu Common 5 Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 6 Poaceae Eragrostis ciliaris Murmur Common 7 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Common 8 Poaceae Echinochloa sp. Samo Wetland 9 Poaceae Oryza sativa Paddy, Dangur Cultivated Farm 10 Poaceae Saccharum bengalense Sarkhant, Hadol Road-side & Bunds CLIMBERS 1 Aselepiadaceae Pergularia Daemia Chamardudheli Common 2 Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Galku Common 3 Menispermaceae Cocculus pendulus Valol Common 4 Menispermaceae Cocculus villosus Vervadi Common AQUATIC PLANTS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.26 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 1 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani Bhaji Trailer 2 Typhaceae Typha angustata Gha bajariyu Wetland Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Caesalpiniaceae Peltophorum pterocarpum Tamrafali, Copper pods Roadside 2 Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaiya Planted 3 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Indian Almond Planted Ornamental 4 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common 5 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshi baval Roadside 6 Mimosaceae Albizia lebbeck Shirish Roadside 7 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gando baval Common 8 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad, Banyan 9 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipalo 10 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Mitho saragavo, Drumstick Roadside & Agroforestry 11 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri/ Eucalyptus Roadside & Agroforestry Place/Location : Giramatha S. No. TREES SHRUBS 1 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akdo, Milkweed Common weed 2 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis gigantia Safed Akdo Not common 3 Capparaceae Cadaba fruticosa Teliohemkand Not common 4 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common HERBS 1 Amaranthaceae Celosia argentea Lampdi Agri. field 2 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia Kasundari, Drying CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.27 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat occidentalis Sundaro moist lands 3 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha indica Dadari,Vaichikato Banks of pond 4 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Common weed 5 Papilionaceae Tephrosia purpurea Sarpankho Not common 6 Solanaceae Lycopersicon lycopersicum Tameti, Tomato Common 7 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Popti Common 8 Solanaceae Solanum surattense Bhoy ringni Common GRASSES 1 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 2 Poaceae Samo Aquatic grass 3 Poaceae Echinochloa colonum Eragrostis ciliaris Murmur Common on sandy grounds 4 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Common throughout CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli Common 2 Curcurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Galku Common 3 Papilionaceae Rhynchosia minima Dariyavel Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani Bhaji Aquatic CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.28 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Place/Location : Bareja S. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast tree Ornamental 2 Bignoniaceae Millingtonia hortensis Buch, Indian cork tree Ornamental 3 Caesalpiniaceae Delonix regia Gulmohor Roadside 4 Caesalpiniaceae Peltophorum pterocarpum Tamrafali, Copper pod tree Roadside 5 Caesalpiniaceae Tamarindus indica Khati Amli, Tamarind Agroforestry 6 Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaiya Planted 7 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Indian almond Planted 8 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Gunda Roadside 9 Ehretiaceae Cordia gharaf Nani Gundi Roadside 10 Malvaceae Thespesia populnea Paraspipalo Roadside 11 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common 12 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshibaval Common 13 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 14 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gandobaval Common 15 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad, Banyan Roadside 16 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipalo, Pipal Roadside 17 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipali Roadside 18 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Sargavo, Drumstick Agroforestry, roadside 19 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri Agroforestry 20 Myrtaceae Psidium guajava Jamphal, Guava Planted TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.29 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 21 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jambu, Rose apple Agroforestry 22 Papilionaceae Derris indica Karanj, Kanji Roadside 23 Rubiaceae Anthocephalus cadamba Kadamb Ornamental SHRUBS 1 Apocynaceae Thevetia peruviana Pili Karen Ornamental 2 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akado Common weed 3 Nyctaginaceae Bougainvillea glabra Boganvel Ornamental 4 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Chanibor Common 1 Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata Kanta shelio, Akharo Drying moist grounds 2 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Common 3 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus -- Common 4 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia occidentalis Sundro, Kasudri Drying moist grounds 5 Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. -- Wetland 6 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha indica Dadari, Dadarjo Common 7 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta Lal dudhi Common 8 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia microphylla -- Common 9 Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fraternus Bhoyn amli Common 10 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi Wasteland 11 Solanaceae Datura metal Dhaturo Common 12 Solanaceae Lycopersicon lycopersicum Tameti Common 13 Solanaceae Physalis minima Popati Wasteland HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.30 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 14 Solanaceae Solanum surattense Bhoyn ringani Wasteland 15 Tiliaceae Corchorus aestuans Chunch Common 16 Tiliaceae Corchorus fascicularis -- Common 17 Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius -- Common GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 2 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Durva Common 3 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Mimor Common CLIMBERS 1 Basellaceae Basella rubra Poi ni Bhaji Ornamental 2 Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Galaku Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani Bhaji Trailer 2 Lemnaceae Lemna sp. Duckweed Free floating Place/Location : Umiyapura S. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Keri, Mango Agroforestry 2 Caesalpinaceae Tamarindus indica Khati Amli, Tamarind Agroforestry 3 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia siamea Kasid, Siamese cassia Roadside 4 Caesalpiniaceae Delonix regia Gulmohor Roadside 5 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Gunda Roadside 6 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common 7 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.31 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 8 Mimosaceae Pithecellobium dulce Goras amli Roadside 9 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad, Banyan Roadside 10 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipal Roadside 11 Moraceae Ficus rumphii Pipri Roadside 12 Moraceae Streblus asper Harero Not common 13 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri, Eucalyptus Agroforestry 14 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jamun, Rose apple Agroforestry 15 Papilionaceae Dalbergia sissoo Sissoo Roadside 16 Papilionaceae Derris indica Karanj Roadside 17 Rubiaceae Anthocephalus cadamba Kadamb Ornamental – Private residence 18 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar Common 19 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari Jaar Common 20 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo Roadside & Agroforestry SHRUBS 1 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akdo, Milkweed Common weed 2 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Fencing 3 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common 4 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo, Castor Cultivated 1 Acenthaceae Peristrophe bicalyculata Adhedi, Kali Anghedi In hedges 2 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi In hedges 3 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Kantali bhaji Drying moist ground HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.32 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4 Amaranthaceae Gomphrena celosioides -- Drying moist ground 5 Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare Variali Cultivated 6 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Gadariu Drying moist ground 7 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia occidentalis Kasundari, Sundaro Drying moist ground 8 Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fraternus Bhoy Amli Common weed 9 Lamiaceae Leucas aspera Kubo Sandy area 10 Lythraceae Ammania baccifera Jal Angio Wetland 11 Malvaceae Sida alba Bala Common 12 Malvaceae Sida acuta Bala Common 13 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Common weed on waste places 14 Papilionaceae Cajanus cajan Tuver, Pigeon pea Cultivated 15 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Piludi Common 16 Tiliaceae Corchorus capsularis Bor chunchi Rare 17 Tiliaceae Corchorus fascicularis Chunch Weed in agri. fields & in drying moist ground 18 Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius -- Common scattered GRASSES 1 Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris Anjan, Dhaman, Zinu Dhamnu Common 2 Poaceae Cenchrus setigerus Dhamnu At canal 3 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 4 Poaceae Chloris dolichostachyos Silariyu, Ranisikriyo Common CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.33 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 5 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Durva, Dharo, Lawn grass Common every-where 6 Poaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium Tarakiyu Fatelu Common 7 Poaceae Dactyloctenium sindicum Tarakiyu Fatelu Common 8 Poaceae Dendrocalamus strictus Bamboo, Manvelvans Single specimen 9 Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 10 Poaceae Echinochloa sp. Samo Aquatic 11 Poaceae Eragrostis ciliaris Murmur Sandy area 12 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limur Sandy area 13 Poaceae Oryza sativa Paddy Cultivated 14 Poaceae Setaria verticillata ChipatiyuMotu At canal CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar Dudheli Common 2 Papilionaceae Rhynchosia minima Dariavel Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani bhaji Trailer 2 Typhaceae Typha angustata Gha bajariu Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast tree Ornamental 2 Bignoniaceae Kigelia pinnata Sausage tree Ornamental 3 Bignoniaceae Spathodia Tulip tree Ornamental In mud Place/Location : Bidaj Sr. No. TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.34 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat campanulata 4 Caesalpiniaceae Delonix regia Gulmohor Ornamental 5 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Indian almond Planted 6 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Gunda Roadside 7 Malvaceae Thespesia populnea Paraspiplo Roadside 8 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Roadside 9 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshi baval Roadside 10 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 11 Mimosaceae Pithecellobium dulce Goras amli Roadside, Agroforestry 12 Mimosaecae Prosopis juliflora Gandobaval Common 13 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad, Banyan Roadside 14 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipalo, Peepal Roadside 15 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipali Roadside 16 Moraceae Streblus asper Harero Along borders of agri. fields 17 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Sargavo, Drumstick Roadside/ Agroforestry 18 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri, Eucalyptus Agroforestry, Roadside 19 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jambu, Rose apple Agroforestry, Roadside 20 Rutaceae Limonia acidissima Kothu, Wood apple, Elephant apple Agroforestry, Roadside 21 Rutaceae Murraya koenigii Mitholimdo, Curry neem Planted 22 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi jaar Common 23 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari jaar Common 24 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside & Agroforestry CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.35 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 25 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo, Papdi, Parpaliya Roadside & Agroforestry SHRUBS 1 Apocynaceae Thevetia peruviana Pilikaren Ornamental 2 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akado Common weed 3 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia auriculata Aval Common 4 Capparaceae Cadaba fruticosa Teliohemkand Common 5 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerdo Common 6 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Fencing 7 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo, Castor Cultivated 8 Nactaginaceae Bougainvillea glabra Boganvel Ornamental 9 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Chanibor Common HERBS 1 Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata Kantashelio, Akharo Drying moist grounds 2 Acanthaceae Peristrophe bicalyculata Kali Anghedi Common on hedges 3 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Common on hedges 4 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Kanteli Bhaji Common 5 Asteraceae Launaea procumbens Motibhonpatri Common 6 Asteraceae Sphaeranthus indicus Gorakhmundi Drying moist grounds 7 Asteraceae Vernonia cinera Sahdevi Common 8 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Gadario Common 9 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Common on wetlands 10 Solanaceae Solanum melongena Ringan, Brinjal Cultivated CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.36 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 11 Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius -- Common GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 2 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Durva, Dharo, Lawn grass Common CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli Common 2 Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Galku Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Azollaceae Azolla sp. -- Aquatic pteridophyte 2 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalini bhaji -- 3 Lemnaceae Lemna sp. Duckweed -- 4 Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea stellata Lotus, Kamal -- 5 Typhaceae Typha angustata Gha Bajario Wetland – mud Place/Location : Sarsa Sr. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast Tree Ornamental 2 Bignoniaceae Kigelia pinnata Sausage tree Zad Phanus Ornamental 3 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Indian Almond Ornamental 4 Euphorbiaceae Emblica officinalis Amla, Indian goose berry Roadside & Agroforestry 5 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo/Neem Common 6 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Desi Baval, Roadside & TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.37 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Babul Tree Agroforestry 7 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 8 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gando baval Common weed 9 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipalo,Peepal Roadside 10 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipali Roadside 11 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jambu, Rose apple Roadside & Agroforestry 12 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar Common 13 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari Jaar Common 14 Sapotaceae Madhuca indica Mahudo Agroforestry 15 Sapotaceae Manilkara zapota Chikoo Cultivated 16 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside & Agroforestry 17 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo, Papdi Roadside & Agroforestry SHRUBS 1 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akdo, Milkweed Common weed 2 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerdo Common 3 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea carnea Besharam Common weed 4 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Fencing of agri. fields 5 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common 6 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Castor, Arundo Cultivated 7 Papilionaceae Cajanus cajan Tuvar, Pigeon pea Cultivated 8 Verbenaceae Lantana camara Indradhanu Common weed 1 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Common 2 Amaranthaceae Alternanthera sessilis -- Wetland – in moist ground HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.38 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3 Asteraceae Eclipta alba Bhangro Wetland 4 Cyperaceae Cyperus brevifolius -- Wetland 5 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia microphylla -- Common on moist grounds 6 Lythraceae Ammania baccifera Jal Agio Wetland 7 Papavaraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Common weed 8 Solanaceae Datura metel Thorn apple Common weed 9 Solanaceae Physalis minima Popati/ Parpopti Common 10 Solanaceae Solanum surratense Bhoyn Ringani Common 11 Tiliaceae Corchorus fascicularis Chunch Drying moist ground 12 Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius Chunch Drying moist ground GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 2 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 3 Poaceae Dactyloctenium sindicum Farakiyu, Fatedu Common on sandy area 4 Poaceae Echinochloa colonum Samo Aquatic 5 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Common CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli Common 2 Menispermaceae Cocculus vilosus Vevadi Common 3 Papilionaceae Rhynchosia minima Dariyavel Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Azollaceae Azolla sp. -- Free floating pteridophyte, (Fern) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.39 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 2 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani Bhaji Free floating 3 Lemnaceae Lemna sp. Duck weed Aquatic – free floating Place/Location : Village Kanera Sr. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Keri/Mango Agroforestry 2 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav/ Mast Tree Planted in a School canpus 3 Bignoniaceae Kigelia pinnata Sausage tree Zad phanus Planted in a School canpus 4 Caesalpiniaceae Peltophorum pterocarpum Tamrafali Copper pods Roadside Plantation 5 Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaiya In home garden 6 Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Sharu In a school campus 7 Combretaceae Terminalia arjuna Arjun sadad Roadside 8 Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Badam, Indian almond Home garden 9 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Gunda Roadside 10 Euphorbiaceae Emblica officinalis Amla, Indian goose berry Cultivated/agroforestry 11 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo/Neem Common everywhere 12 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshi baval/ Baval tree Common 13 Mimosaceae Albizia lebbeck Shirish Roadside 14 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 15 Moraceae Ficus Vad/Banyan Roadside TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.40 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat (Urticaceae) benghalensis 16 Moraceae (Urticaceae) Ficus religiosa Pipalo/Peepal Roadside 17 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Mitho saragavo/ Drumstick tree Planted at home gardencourtyard 18 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri/ Eucalyptus Planted/ Agroforestry 19 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jambu, Roseapple Roadside 20 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar Common 21 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Piludi, Khari Jaar Common 22 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo/ Palpaliyu Roadside 23 Verbenaceae Tectona grandis Sag/Teak Cultivated SHRUBS 1 Apocynaceae Thevetia peruvinana Pili Karen Ornamental 2 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akdo, Milkweed Common weed 3 Balanitaceae Balanites aegyptiaca Ingorio Common 4 Bignoniaceae Tecoma stans Vasant Ornamental 5 Caesalpiniaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Ram baval Single specimen 6 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerdo Common 7 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common at hedges of fields 8 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo/ Castor Cultivated 9 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Common Chanibor, Ber CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.41 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat HERBS 1 Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata Kanta shelio – Akhro Wetland 2 Acanthaceae Peristrophe bicalyculata Kali Anghedi, Andhedi Throughout in hedges 3 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Throughout in hedges 4 Amaranthaceae Alternanthera sessilis -- Wetland 5 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus -- Throughout in hedges 6 Amaranthaceae Nothosaerva brachiata -- Moist grounds 7 Apocynaceae Catharanthus roseus Barmasi Ornamental 8 Asteraceae Grangea maderaspatana Madras carpet Common on open moist ground 9 Asteraceae Launaea procumbens Moti bhoy patri Common 10 Asteraceae Parthenium hysterophorus Congress grass, Goat grass Common weed 11 Asteraceae Sphaeranthus indicus Gorakh mundi Through out in drying moist ground 12 Asteraceae Tridax procumbens Pardesni Bhangaro Common 13 Asteraceae Vernonia cinerea Sahdevi Common 14 Boraginaceae Coldenia procumbens Okharad/ Basario okharad Common on drying moist ground 15 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album Chilni Bhaji Common weed in cultivated fields 16 Convolvulaceae Cressa cretica Rudanti/Falio/ Khariyu On sandy slope of pond 17 Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. -- Common on CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.42 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat wetland 18 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta Lal dudheli Common 19 Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fraternus Bhoi amli Common 20 Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum Damaro Common 21 Lamiaceae Ocimum sanctum Tulsi Common 22 Lamiaceae Plectranthus stoksii -- Uncommon 23 Malvaceae Abutilon indicum Khapat Common 24 Malvaceae Sida acuta Bala Common 25 Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia diffusa Satodi Common 26 Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia verticilata Satodi Occasional in hedges 27 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Weed in waste places and agricultural fields 28 Solanaceae Datura innoxia Kalo daturo Common 29 Solanaceae Datura metel Dhaturo, Thorn apple Not Common 30 Solanaceae Physalis minima Popati/ Parpopti Common 31 Solanaceae Solanum surattense Bhoyringani Common weed 32 Tiliaceae Corchorus aestuans Chunch On drying moist grounds 33 Tiliaceae Corchorus capsularis Bor chhunchi On drying moist grounds 34 Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius -- GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiu Common 2 Poaceae Chloris virgata Mindadiu Common 3 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.43 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4 Poaceae Dactyloctenium sindicum Fatelu Tarakiyu Sandy soil 5 Poaceae Desmostachya bipinnata Dabh Common 6 Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 7 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Wetland 8 Poaceae Oryza sativa Rice, Paddy Cultivated – agri. 9 Poaceae Saccharum bengalense Sarkhant, Hadol, Monj Wetland 10 Poaceae Setaria verticillata Chipatiyu – Motu Hedges & shaded ground 11 Poaceae Triticum aestivum Wheat Cultivated – agri. CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli Common 2 Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus Shivlingi Common 3 Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Galku Common 4 Menispermaceae Cocculus pendulus Valur 5 Menispermaceae Cocculus villosus Vevadi Common on hedges and agricultural fields 6 Papilionaceae Rhynchosia minima Dariavel Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Alismataceae Sagittaria sagittifolia -- Aquatic 2 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani bhaji Aquatic - Trailer spreading from water to land 3 Typhaceae Typha angustata Gha bajariyu Wetland Place/Location : Gobhlaj (Visited for the study of Avifauna) Sr. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.44 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat No. TREES 1 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Keri/Mango Agroforestry 2 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast Tree Ornamental 3 Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Sharu Ornamental 4 Euphorbiaceae Emblica officinalis Amla, Indian Goose berry Planted Agroforestry 5 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Neem, Limdo Common 6 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gando baval Common 7 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Saragavo/ Drum stick Roadside & Agroforestry 8 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar Common 9 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Piludi, Khari Jaar Common 10 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside & Agroforestry 11 Verbenaceae Tectona grandis Saag, Teak Agroforestry SHRUBS 1 Balanitaceae Balanites aegyptiaca Hingorio, Ingoriyo Common in hedges 2 Caesalpiniaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Rambaval Roadside 3 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerdo Common 1 Acanthaceae Lepidagathis sp. -- -- 2 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Andhedi In hedges 3 Asteraceae Grangea maderaspatana Madras carpet Wetland – drying moist grounds 4 Asteraceae Launaea procumbens Moti Bhoi patri Common 5 Asteraceae Tridax procumbens Pardeshi Bhangaro Common 6 Boraginaceae Coldenia Okhrad Wetland – HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.45 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat procumbens drying moist grounds 7 Convolvulaceae Cressa cretica Rodanti, Falio khariyu Wetland – drying moist grounds 8 Solanaceae Solanum Xanthocarpum Bhoy Ringni Common weed 9 Tiliaceae Corchorus aestuans Chunch Drying moist grounds GRASSES 1 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 2 Poaceae Saccharum bengalensis Munj, Sarkhant, Hadal Common 3 Poaceae Sorghum bicolor Sorghum, Jowar Agri. cultivated CLIMBERS 1 Pergularia Daemia Asclepiadaceae Chamardudheli Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Alismataceae Sagittaria sagittifolia -- Rooted floating 2 Azollaceae Azolla sp. -- Free floating pteridophyte 3 Hydrocharitaceae Hydrilla verticillata -- Submerged freefloating/rooted 4 Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea sp. Water lily Rooted floating Place/Location : Samadara Sr. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Keri/Mango Agroforestry 2 Arecaceae Cocos nucifera Nariel/ Cultivated TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.46 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Coconut 3 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia siamea Kasid Roadside 4 Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Sharu Ornamental 5 Euphorbiaceae Cicca acida Khata Amla Planted 6 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo/Neem Common 7 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Deshibaval/ Babool tree Common 8 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gandobaval Common 9 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipli Roadside 10 Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Mitho saragavo/ Drumstick Roadside & Agroforestry 11 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri/ Eucalyptus Agroforestry 12 Papilionaceae Dalbergia Sissoo Sissoo Roadside 13 Rutaceae Limonia acidissima In village Kothu, Elephant/wood residential area apple 14 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar 15 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Piludi, Khari jaar Common 16 Sterculiaceae Guazuma ulmifolia Bhadraksh – Khoto Rudraksh Roadside 17 Ulmaceae Holoptelia integrifolia Kanjo, Papali Roadside & Agroforestry Common SHRUBS 1 Capparaceae Capparis decidua Kerado Common 2 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia nerifolia Thor On hedged 3 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common 4 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo, castor Common 1 Acanthaceae Justicia sp. -- Wetland 2 Lamiaceae Ocimum sanctum Tulsi Ornamental HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.47 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3 Malvaceae Abutilon indicum Khapat, Kanski Common 4 Malvaceae Sida alba Kantalo Bala Common 5 Malvaceae Sida cordata Bala Common 6 Malvaceae Sida cordifolia Bala Common 7 Malvaceae Urena lobata Vagadau Common 8 Asteraceae Launea procumbens Moti Bhon patri Wetland 9 Molluginaceae Mollugo sp. -- Wetland 10 Boraginaceae Coldenia procumbens Okharad Wetland 11 Acanthaceae Hygrophilla auriculata Kanta shelio Wetland 12 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Kantali Bhaji Wetland GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 2 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 3 Poaceae Dactyloctenium sindicum Tarakiyu Common 4 Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 5 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Common 6 Poaceae Saccharum benghalense Sarkhant Hadol Monj Roadside Chamer Dudheli Common CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Azollaceae Azolla sp. -- Common 2 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani bhaji Common 3 Hydrocharitaceae Hydrilla verticillata -- Common 4 Hydrocharitaceae Vallisneria spiralis -- Common CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.48 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 5 Lemnaceae Lemna sp. Duck weed Common 6 Typhaceae Typha angustata Gha bajariyu Wetland FUNGI MUSHROOM 1. Agaricaceae Agaricus sp. Mushroom Wasteland or organic debris Place/Location : Sankhej Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Caesalpinaceae Tamarindus indica Amli, Tamarind Agroforestry 2 Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaiya Planted 3 Ebenaceae Diospyros melanoxylon Timru Agroforestry 4 Euphorbiaceae Emblica officinalis Amla, Indian goose berry Agroforestry 5 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common 6 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Babul tree, Deshi baval Common at road-side & agri. fields 7 Mimosaceae Pithecellobium dulce Goras amli Scattered Roadside 8 Mimosaceae Prosopis cineraria Khijado Roadside and in agri. fields 9 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gando baval Common at road-side & agri. fields 10 Moraceae Streblus asper Harero Common at road-side & agri. fields Sr. No. TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.49 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 11 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus Nilgiri/ Eucalyptus Agroforestry 12 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi jaar Common 13 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari jaar Common 14 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside & Agroforestry 15 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo, Papdi Roadside 16 Verbenaceae Tectona grandis Sag, Teak Agroforestry Akdo, Milkweed Common weed SHRUBS 1 Asclepladaceae Calotropis procera 2 Balanitaceae Balanites aegyptiaca Hingorio, Ingorio In hedges 3 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Fencing of agri. fields 4 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common 5 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Bordi, Ber Common 1 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Drying moist grounds 2 Asteraceae Eclipta alba Bhangaro Wetland 3 Asteraceae Sphaeranthus indicus Gorakh mundi Drying moist grounds 4 Asteraceae Tridax procumbens Pardeshi Bhangro Common 5 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Gadario On drying moist grounds 6 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia microphylla -- Common 7 Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fratensus Bhony amli Common 8 Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia -- Common 9 Papilionaceae Indigofera linifolia Nani gali Common 10 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Piludi Common HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.50 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 11 Tiliaceae Corchorus aestuans Chhunch Drying moist grounds GRASSES 1 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu Common 2 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Durva, Dharo, Lawn grass 3 Poaceae Dicanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 4 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limur Common 5 Poaceae Sorghum bicolor Jowar Cultivated 6 Poaceae Triticum aestivum Wheat Cultivated CLIMBERS 1. Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli Common 2. Convolvulaceae Ipomoea nil -- Common 3. Papilionaceae Rhynchosia minima Dariavel Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica Nalani bhaji Trailer 2 Marseliaceae Marselia sp. Marselia Pteridophyte Fern *Some drying cucurbits were also noted Place/Location : Mahij Sr. No. Family Name Scientific Name Local Name Remarks 1 Annonaceae Polylathia longifolia Asopalav, Mast tree Ornamental 2 Ehretiaceae Cordia dichotoma Gunda Roadside 3 Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Limdo, Neem Common TREES CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.51 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4 Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica Desi baval, Babul Roadside 5 Mimosaceae Albizia lebbeck Shirish Along roadsides 6 Mimosaceae Leucaena leucocephala Subaval Roadside 7 Mimosaceae Pithecellobium dulce Along Vilayati amli, Goras roadsides amli. Zad jalebi 8 Mimosaceae Prosopis juliflora Gando baval Common weed 9 Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Vad, Banyan Roadside 10 Moraceae Ficus religiosa Pipalo, Peepal Roadside 11 Moraceae Ficus virens Pipli Roadside 12 Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini Jambu, Roadside & Rose apple Agroforestry 13 Rutaceae Limonia acidissima Kothu, Woodapple, Elephant apple Roadside 14 Salvadoraceae Salvadora oleoides Mithi Jaar Common 15 Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica Khari Jaar Common 16 Sapotaceae Manilkara zapota Chikoo Cultivated 17 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa Arduso, Tree of heaven Roadside & Agroforestry 18 Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia Kanjo Papdi Roadside SHRUBS 1 Asclepiadaceae Calotropis procera Akdo, Milkweed Common weed 2 Capparaceae Capparis sepiaria Kanther Common 3 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia Thor Fencing of agri. fields CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.52 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 4 Euphorbiaceae Kirganelia reticulata Kamboi Common 5 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Arundo, Castor Planted 6 Rhamnaceae Zizyphus nummularia Bor Common 7 Verbenaceae Lantana camara Indradhanu Common 1 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera Anghedi Common in hedges 2 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Kantali bhaji Moist areas 3 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Gadario Common in moist open areas 4 Brassicaceae Brassica juncea Rai Cultivated 5 Caesalpiniaceae Cassia occidentalis Kasundari, Sundaro Drying moist land 6 Lythraceae Ammania baccifera Jal Agio Wetland 7 Malvaceae Abutilon indicum Khapat, Kansla Common 8 Malvaceae Sida alba Bala Common Wasteland 9 Malvaceae Urena lobata Vagadau Bhindo Common 10 Papaveraceae Argemone mexicana Darudi, Mexican poppy Common weed in waste places & cultivated fields 11 Papilionaceae Cajanus cajan Tuver, Pigeon pea Cultivated 12 Solanaceae Physalis minima Popati/ Parpoti Common 13 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Piludi Wild herb 14 Solanaceae Solanum surattense Bhoyringani Common weed HERBS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.53 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat GRASSES 1 Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris Anjan, Dhaman Common 2 Poaceae Chloris barbata Mindadiyu, Shiyal Punch Common 3 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Dharo, Durva, Lawn grass Common 4 Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum Zinzvo Common 5 Poaceae Eragrostis tenella Kalavo, Limor Common CLIMBERS 1 Asclepiadaceae Pergularia daemia Chamar dudheli 2 Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Doodhi Ipomoea aquatica Nalini bhaji Common AQUATIC PLANTS 1 Convolvulaceae Trailer Table No. 3.12 Species - Fauna & AviFauna (During Visit) Fauna Family Name Scientific Name Common Name 1 Boidae Eryx johnii Red sand Boa (Andhadi chakad) 2 Canidae Conis aureus Jackal (Shiyal) 3 Canidae Vulpes benghalensis Indian Fox (Lokdi) 4 Cereopithecidae Presbytis enetellus Common Langur (Hanuman langur) 5 Colubridae Ptyas mocosos Indian Rat Snake (Dhaman) 6 Colubridae Xenochrophis piscator Checkered Keel back (Dendavo) 7 Elapidae Bungarus caeruleus Common Indian Krait (Kadotaro) 8 Elapidae Naja naja Common cobra (Nag) 9 Erinaceidae Paraechinus misfopus Pale Hedgehog (Shelo) Sr. No. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.54 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 10 Herpestidae Herpestes edwardsi Common mongoose (Noliyo) 11 Hyaenidae Hyaena hyaene Striped Hyena (Jharakh) 12 Hystricidae Hystrix indica Indian Porcupine (Shahudi) 13 Leporidae Lepus nigricollis Indian Hare (Sasalu) 14 Muridae Vandeleuria oleraceae Long Tailed Tree Mouse 15 Mustelidae Mallivora capensis Indian Ratel (Ghor khodiyu) 16 Pteropidae Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying fox (Vagol) 17 Ranidae Limnonectes limnocharis Indian Cricket Frog 18 Soricidae Suncus murinus Musk shrew (Bhukhru kasturi, Chhachhundar) 19 Trionychidae Lissemys punctata Indian mud or lap shell turtle (Kacher) 20 Varnidae Varanus bengalensis Common Indian Monitor (Ghajro, Gho, Patala Gho) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.55 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat AVIFAUNA∗ Family Name Scientific Name Common/Local Name Status 1 1 Accipitridae Elanus caeruleus Blackshouldered Kite (Kapasi) R 2 Accipitridae Milvus migrans Black Kite (Samdi) R 3 Acciptridae Accipiter badius Shikra (Shakro) R 4 Alcedinidae Alcedo atthis Small Blue Kingfisher (Nano Kalkaliyo) RM 5 Alcedinidae Ceryle rudis Lesser Pied Kingfisher (Kabro Kalkaliyo) R 6 Alcedinidae Halcoyon smyrnensis White-breasted Kingfisher (Kalkaliyo) R 7 Ardeidae Ardea purpurea Purple Heron (Nadi Baglo) 8 Ardeidae Ardeola grayii Indian Pond Heron (Kani Bagli) 9 Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret (Dhor Baglo) 10 Ardeidae Egretta garzetta Little Egret (Nano Dholo Baglo) R 11 Capitonidae Megalaima haemacephala Coppersmith Barbet (Kansaro, Tuktuk) R 12 Charadridae Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper (Nani Tutwari) RM 13 Charadridae Vanellus indicus Red Wattled Lapwing (Titodi) R 14 Ciconiidae Anastomas oscitans Asian Open Bill Stork (Fati Chanch Dhonk) R Sr. No. ∗ 1 RM R RM As spotted during the visit R = Resident; RM = Resident Migrant; M = Migrant CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.56 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Family Name Scientific Name Common/Local Name Status 15 Ciconiidae Mycteria leucocephala Painted Stork (Pili Chanch Dhonk) RM 16 Columbidae Columba livia Blue Rock Pigeon (Kabutar) R 17 Columbidae Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared Dove (Kantha Lado Holo) R 18 Columbidae Streptopelia orientalis Laughing Dove (Holi) R 19 Columbidae Streptopelia senegalensis Little Brown Dove (Lotan Holo) R 20 Coraciidae Coracius benghalensis Indian Roller (Chash) R 21 Corvidae Corvus macrorhynchos Jungle Crow R 22 Corvidae Corvus splendens House crow (Kagdo) R 23 Cuculidae Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal (Ghunkiyo, Huko, Ghoyro) R 24 Cuculidae Eudynamus scolopacea Asian Koel (Koel) R 25 Daniidae Lanius schach Rufous Backed Shrike (Matiyo Latoro) R 26 Dicruridae Dicrurus macrocerous Black Drongo (Kado koshi) R 27 Falconidae Circus aeruginosus Eurasian Marsh Harrier (Panpattai) 28 Gruidae Grus antigone Sarus Crane (Saras) R 29 Hirondinidae Hirondo smithii Wire tailed Swallow (Tarodiyu) R 30 Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Common swallow RM Sr. No. RM CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.57 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Family Name Scientific Name Common/Local Name 31 Meropidae Merops orientalis Small Bee Eater (Nano Patrango) 32 Motacillidae Motacilla alba White Wagtail (Diwalighodo) RM 33 Nectariniidae Nectarinia asiatica Purple sunbird (Shakkarkhoro) R 34 Phalacrocoracid Phalacrocorax ae niger 35 Phasianidae 36 Sr. No. 2 Status 2 R Little cormorant (Nano Kajiyo) RM Francolinus pondicerianus Grey Francolin (Tetar) R Phasianidae Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl (Mor & Dhel) R 37 Ploceidae Lonchura malabarica Indian Silver bill (Tapasiyu) R 38 Ploceidae Passer domesticus House sparrow (Chakli) R 39 Ploceidae Ploceus philippinus Weaver Bird (Sugari) R 40 Psittacidae Psittacula krameri Rose ringed Parakeet (Popat, Sodo) R 41 Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus cafer Red Vented Bulbul (Bulbul) R 42 Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus leucotis White Cheek Bulbul (Ran Bulbul) R 43 Rallidae Amaurornis phoenicurcus White Breasted Waterhen (Safedchati Santakukdi) R 44 Rallidae Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen (Jal Murghi) RM 45 Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus Black Winged Stilt (Gajpau) R R = Resident; RM = Resident Migrant; M = Migrant CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.58 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Family Name Scientific Name Common/Local Name 46 Strunidae Sturnus pagodarum Brahminy Myna (Brahminy Kabar) R 47 Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis Common Myna (Kabar) R 48 Sturnidae Sturnus roseus Rosy starling (Vaiyu) M 49 Threskiomithidae Pseudibis papillosa Black Ibis (Kali Kankansar) R 50 Threskiornithidae Plegadis falanellus Glossy Ibis (Nani Kankansar) 51 Threskiornithidae Threskiornis melanocephalus Oriental White Ibis (Safed Kankansar) R 52 Timaliinae Copsychus saularis Magpie Robin (Daiyad) R 53 Timaliinae Orthotomus satorius Common tailorbird (Darjido) R 54 Timaliinae Prinia socialis Ashy Prinia (Fadkafutki) R 55 Timaliinae Saxicola torquata Common Stonechat 56 Timaliinae Saxicoloides fulicata Indian Robin (Devchakli) R 57 Timaliinae Sylvia curruca Common Lesser White throat (Shwetkanth) M 58 Timaliinae Turdoides malcolmi Large Grey babbler (Motu Lelu, Laledo) R 59 Timaliinae Turdoides striatus Jungle Babbler (Van Lelu) R 60 Upupidae Upupa epops Common Hoopoe (Ghanti tankno) Sr. No. Status i RM RM CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.59 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.9 SOCIOECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT For the p resent s tudy, an a rea of 10 km r adius ha s b een d elineated considering p roject site as c entre. The villages c overed u nder s tudy area alongwith the nea rest town a nd the d istance f rom the v illage a re depicted a t Table no. 3.13. The inf ormation ha s b een c ollected f rom secondary sources viz. Primary Census Abstract CD-2001 for Demographic and E conomic s tructure a s well a s p rimary s urvey c arried o ut (for b asic amenities available) regarding socio-economic profile. o Demographic structure o Economic structure o Availability of basic amenities Table No. 3.13 Villages covered under Study Area Sr. No. 1. Village Nearest town Raska MAHEMDAVAD Dist in Km from village 10 District 2. Kanij MAHEMDAVAD 8 KHEDA 3. Umiyapura KHEDA 18 KHEDA 4. Mahij MAHEMDAVAD 14 KHEDA 5. Bidaj KHEDA 16 KHEDA 6. Kanera KHEDA 10 KHEDA 7. Sarsa KHEDA 22 KHEDA 8. Sankej KHEDA 13 KHEDA 9. Pinglaj KHEDA 15 KHEDA 10. Kathwada KHEDA 18 KHEDA 11. Navagam KHEDA 15 KHEDA 12. Samadra KHEDA 14 KHEDA 13. Dedarda KHEDA 8 KHEDA 14. Parsantaj KHEDA 6 KHEDA 15. Gobhalaj KHEDA 12 KHEDA 16. Chalindra KHEDA 16 KHEDA KHEDA CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.60 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 17. Dharoda KHEDA 19 KHEDA 18. Chitrasar KHEDA 17 KHEDA 19. Dhathal KHEDA 7 KHEDA 20. Geratpur AHMADABAD 12 AHMADABAD 21. Devdi AHMADABAD 19 AHMADABAD 22. Jetalpur AHMADABAD 16 AHMADABAD 23. Giramtha AHMADABAD 15 AHMADABAD 24. Miroli AHMADABAD 25 AHMADABAD 25. Navapura AHMADABAD 23 AHMADABAD 26. Mahijda AHMADABAD 25 AHMADABAD 27. Naj AHMADABAD 20 AHMADABAD 28. Bareja AHMADABAD 25 AHMADABAD 30. Navagam KHEDA 15 KHEDA 3.9.1 Demographic Structure The d emographic s tructure of the v illages c overed in s tudy a rea is summarized in Table No. 3.14, which highlights information viz. households, population, and literacy. The demographic details have been abstracted from P rimary C ensus A bstract – CD- 2001 fo r Di strict Ahmedbad a nd Kheda for Gujarat State. Table No. 3.14 Demographic Structure of Study Area Sr. Villages No. Of. Population N Househo o lds Total Male Litreates Illitreates %Literacy Femal e 1 Raska 550 2779 1473 1306 1465 1314 52.72 2 Kanij 1471 7231 3779 3452 4643 2588 64.21 3 Umiyapura 292 1491 777 714 1031 460 69.15 4 Mahij 1146 5496 2844 2652 3153 2343 57.37 5 Bidaj 632 3022 1578 1444 1797 1225 59.46 6 Kanera 322 1542 799 743 878 664 56.94 7 Sarsa 389 1989 1017 972 1137 852 57.16 8 Sankej 723 3451 1774 1677 1985 1466 57.52 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.61 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 9 Pinglaj 139 651 334 317 394 257 60.52 10 Kathwada 404 2254 1157 1097 1107 1147 49.11 11 Navagam 896 4311 2281 2030 2997 1314 69.52 12 Samadra 352 1736 904 832 1017 719 58.58 13 Dedarda 303 1590 814 776 766 824 48.18 14 Parsantaj 687 4107 2135 1972 2008 2099 48.89 15 Gobhalaj 462 2469 1232 1237 1498 971 60.67 16 Chalindra 196 1066 554 512 556 510 52.16 17 Dharoda 478 2570 1345 1225 1370 1200 53.31 18 Chitrasar 324 1584 829 755 929 655 58.65 19 Dhathal 257 1182 601 581 581 601 49.15 20 Geratpur 425 1941 1006 935 1435 506 73.93 21 Devdi 449 2266 1154 1112 1363 903 60.15 22 Jetalpur 1059 5378 2953 2425 4029 1349 74.92 23 Giramtha 661 3328 1774 1554 2209 1119 66.38 24 Miroli 624 3012 1606 1406 1540 1472 51.13 25 Navapura 396 1995 1038 957 866 1129 43.41 26 Mahijda 546 2535 1317 1218 1442 1093 56.88 27 Naj 404 2076 1087 989 1300 776 62.62 28 Bareja 3080 15427 8066 7361 10145 5282 65.76 29 Nandej 1477 7642 4081 3561 5270 2372 68.96 30 Navagam 104 562 286 276 157 405 27.94 19248 96683 50595 46088 59068 37615 61% Total NOTE : A pe rson a ged 7 y ears a nd a bove w ho c an bo th r ead and w rite w ith understanding in any language has been taken as literate. It is not necessary for a person to h ave r eceived a ny f ormal e ducation o r pa ssed a ny m inimum e ducational s tandard for being treated as literate. (Source :Primary Census Abstract – CD- 2001) The significant features observed are : The total population of the study area is 96,683 The sex ratio of study area (No. of females per 1000 makes) is 911. It is observed that study area has an average literacy rate of 61% CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.62 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 3.9.2 Economic Structure The population can be divided into two groups in terms of employment : Workers a nd N on –workers. Workers a re f urther c ategorized in to M ain workers and Marginal workers. Main worker: A p erson w ho ha s w orked last year f or s ix m onths o r more. Marginal worker: A p erson who has worked last year for less than six months. Non-worker: A w orker w ho d id not w ork a t all during the r eference period of one year. Distribution of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers of total population is presented at Table No. 3.15. Main w orkers and m arginal w orkers c an b e d ivided int o f urther f our categories: Cultivators Agricultural labours Household industry Other workers CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.63 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table No. 3.15 Distribution of Workers and Non-workers Sr. Villages Populatión No. Main Workers Persons (%) Marginal Workers Persons (%) Non-workers Persons (%) Employ ment Ratio (%) 1 Raska 2779 1114 40 94 3 1571 57 2 Kanij 7231 2870 40 267 4 4094 57 43 3 Umiyapura 1491 706 47 69 5 716 48 52 4 Mahij 5496 2187 40 98 2 3211 58 42 5 Bidaj 3022 1270 42 174 6 1578 52 48 6 Kanera 1542 447 29 80 5 1015 66 34 7 Sarsa 1989 845 42 268 13 876 44 56 8 Sankej 3451 929 27 561 16 1961 57 43 9 Pinglaj 651 299 46 20 3 332 51 49 10 Kathwada 2254 475 21 313 14 1466 65 35 11 Navagam 4311 1341 31 279 6 2691 62 38 12 Samadra 1736 638 37 169 10 929 54 46 13 Dedadra 1590 805 51 103 6 682 43 57 14 Parsantaj 4107 1709 42 137 3 2261 55 45 15 Gobhalaj 2469 695 28 357 14 1417 57 43 16 Chalindra 1066 303 28 150 14 613 58 42 17 Dharoda 2570 995 39 270 11 1305 51 49 18 Chitrasar 1584 483 30 101 6 1000 63 37 19 Dhathal 1182 313 26 330 28 539 46 54 20 Geratpur 1941 603 31 62 3 1276 66 34 21 Devdi 2266 878 39 214 9 1174 52 48 22 Jetalpur 5378 1620 30 616 11 3142 58 42 23 Giramtha 3328 1269 38 278 8 1781 54 46 24 Miroli 3012 790 26 742 25 1480 49 51 25 Navapura 1995 821 41 339 17 835 42 58 26 Mahijda 2535 976 39 439 17 1120 44 56 27 Naj 2076 654 32 178 9 1244 60 40 28 Bareja 15427 4819 31 520 3 10088 65 35 29 Nandej 7642 2829 37 98 1 4715 62 38 30 Navagam 562 104 19 37 7 421 75 25 96683 33787 34.95 7363 7.62 55533 57.44 42.56 Total (Source :Primary Census Abstract – CD- 2001) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 43 3.64 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat It is o bserved that s tudy a rea ha s a n a verage em ployment r ate o f 42.56 % The distribution of workers and non-workers is shown in p ie-diagram at figure no 3.6. Cultivator: A person who has been engaged either as an employer, single worker or f amily w orker in c ultivation of u ndernoted c rops on l and owned o r held from Government or private persons or ins titutions for payment in money, kind or share in c ultivation including supervision of direction of cultivation. Agricultural labour: A person who works in another person’s land for wages in c ash/kind or share crop is regarded as an Agricutural labourer. Household industry : An ind ustry c onducted b y o ne o r m ore members o f the ho usehold a t home or within the village in r ural areas and within the precincts of the houses w here the h ousehold lives in u rban a reas. I t s hould b s maller than the s cale o f a r egistered f actory a nd s hould b e en gaged in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs of goods. Other Workers : All w orkers, i. e., those w ho ha ve b een engaged in s ome ec onomic activity d uring the l ast o ne year, b ut a re no t c ultivators o r a gricultural labourers o r in H ousehold Industry, a re ' Other Workers (OW)'. T he type of w orkers that c ome u nder t his c ategory o f ' OW' i nclude a ll government servants, municipal employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation w orkers, those eng aged in trade, c ommerce, b usiness, transport b anking, m ining, construction, political or social work, priests, entertainment artists, e tc. In ef fect, all t hose w orkers other than cultivators o r a gricultural labourers o r h ousehold i ndustry w orkers, a re 'Other Workers'. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.65 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Distribution of main workers and marginal workers in sub categories is presented at Table No. 3.16. Table No. 3.16 Distribution of Workers into sub-categories Sr. No. Villages Main Workers 1 Raska 385 2 Kanij 3 Cultivators Agricultural Labours Marginal Workers Household industry Others Cultivato rs 219 6 504 8 628 774 10 1458 Umiyapur a 106 29 10 4 Mahij 386 948 5 Bidaj 134 6 Kanera 7 Agricultural Labours House hold industr y Others 37 0 49 16 157 7 87 561 0 3 0 66 8 845 6 50 5 37 664 5 467 2 140 0 32 98 245 0 104 14 51 0 15 Sarsa 195 284 4 362 12 157 0 99 8 Sankej 367 394 8 160 3 425 3 130 9 Pinglaj 111 37 15 136 0 15 2 3 10 Kathwad a 88 174 1 212 14 268 0 31 11 Navaga m 165 460 11 705 4 138 2 135 12 Samadra 134 348 0 156 2 80 0 87 13 Dedadra 184 290 3 328 0 42 0 61 14 Parsantaj 593 605 1 510 27 22 0 88 15 Gobhalaj 229 188 5 273 30 233 19 75 16 Chalindra 82 72 0 149 2 138 0 10 17 Dharoda 268 370 5 352 5 185 1 79 18 Chitrasar 188 140 14 141 9 54 0 38 19 Dhathal 86 152 0 75 15 168 3 144 20 Geratpur 58 73 31 441 1 31 12 18 21 Devdi 172 146 10 550 34 112 1 67 22 Jetalpur 359 116 3 1142 19 47 420 130 23 Giramtha 180 293 62 734 27 89 9 153 24 Miroli 253 216 3 318 79 483 2 178 25 Navapur a 348 411 11 51 14 308 1 16 26 Mahijda 287 148 29 512 22 275 23 119 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.66 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat 27 Naj 96 105 3 450 5 55 1 117 28 Bareja 474 958 186 3201 20 208 43 249 29 Nandej 205 173 56 2395 0 8 19 71 30 Navaga m 100 4 0 0 0 37 0 0 6959 9036 500 17292 390 4016 573 2384 7.0 9.1 0.5 17.3 0.4 4.0 0.6 2.4 Total Percentage with reference to total population (Source : Primary Census Abstract – CD- 2001) It r eveals f rom the a bove d ata that m ajor p art of w orkers i. e. 47% are eng aged in other w ork than agriculture a nd ho usehold industries. Distribution of w orkers in s ub- categories i s shown in p ie-diagram at figure no. 3.7. Main Workers Marginal Workers Non-workers Main Workers 35% Non-w orkers 57% Marginal Workers 8% FIGURE 3.6 DISTRIBUTIONS OF WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.67 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Cultivators 18% Others 47% Household Industry 3% Agricultural Labours 32% FIGURE 3.7 DISTRIBUTIONS OF WORKERS IN CATEGORIES 3.9.3 Basic Amenities / Village Level Infrastructure The p rimary s urvey was c arried o ut f or g athering inf ormations r elated to basic a menities / inf rastructures a vailable a t v illage l evel a nd its adequacy and effectiveness for villages covered in t he study area of the project. Lack of proper infrastructure and accessibility to civic services are among the k ey r easons o f p oor l iving c onditions a nd s ocio-economic backwardness o f the r ural ar eas. L ack of all-weather r oads, el ectricity, drinking w ater and s anitation f acilities hig hly a ffects the s ocial a nd economic g rowth of r ural a reas. L ack o f im proper a menities a nd infrastructure a lso hi nders s ervices a nd productions o f the r ural a reas t o flourish. A lthough o ver the y ears f ocus ha s b een g iven towards c reation and d evelopment of r ural inf rastructure a nd s ervice d elivery, there a re some issues that has never could get rid off. Physical c ondition of the inf rastructure o nce c reated, w ith r egular repair and maintenance Accessibility to these infrastructures by all section of society CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.68 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Utilization of the services by those who needs it the most Quality of the services provided Along w ith the a dequacy o f the inf rastructures i t is eq ually i mportant to ensure the ef fectiveness of the in frastructure c reated and a ccessibility of basic c ivic amenities to all. In the s tudy, an a ttempt w as m ade to assess these parameters in terms of civic amenities. Services covered under this include; A. Drinking water B. Drainage system C. Health care infrastructure D. Educational Infrastructure E. Agriculture & Irrigation infrastructure F. Veterinary Services G. Civic & Public Service Infrastructure i. Gram Panchayat ii. Community hall iii. Electricity and Lighting iv. Public Distribution System v. Bus stoppage vi. Post office and Bank The d ata related to a bove m enteiond inf rastructure available a t village level as well as its adequacy and effectiveness has been given at Table No. 3.17(1)from Table No.3.17(19) . CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.69 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat A. Drinking water Access and availability of adequate and safe drinking water is one of the most b asic hu man need s. T he s tudy ha s tried to c apture aspects u nder drinking w ater provision. Al l the 30 villages reported drinking w ater supply infrastructure a vailable. T able b elow g ives a p icture o f d rinking w ater status in 30 study villages. Table 3.17(1): Status of Drinking Water Infrastructure Drinking water supply infrastructure Number of villages Percent Well built 27 90.0 Weak built 3 10.0 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 27 90.0 Fair 2 6.7 Poor 1 3.3 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Adequate 26 86.7 Partial 3 10.0 Nominal 1 3.3 Total 30 100.0 Drinking water supply service Drinking water supply arrangement It was observed that drinking water supply infrastructure was reported well built in 27 villages (90%) and reported weak in 3 villages. The villages that reported weak infrastructure are – Raska, Gratpur and Dedarda. While 27 villages also reported satisfactory water supply, 2 fair and 1 reported poor water supply. These a re the s ame v illages t hat r eported w eak inf rastructure a mong which D edarda r eported p oor w ater s upply; the s ame v illage r eported nominal a rrangement f or w ater s upply while o ther two r eported p artial CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.70 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat arrangement. T his i mplies t hree v illages need in tervention for im proving the drinking water service. Table 3.17(2) : Drinking Water Infrastructure Drinking water Infrastructure Number of villages % Tap 30 100.0% Well 3 10.0% Overhead tank 30 100.0% Tube Well 30 100.0% Hand Pump 1 3.3% The availability of drinking water supply indicates that all the 30 villages have tap water with tube well and overhead tank. Besides tap water 3 villages have dug well and one have hand pump. From the data presented above and from the discussions with community, it w as learnt that accessibility is no t a major c oncern, b ut av ailability, especially internal distribution is a concern for some villages. B. Drainage System In the c urrent s cenario w here, p opulation is c oncentrating a nd lifestyle i s changing, while open lands are shrinking, sanitation has become a major rural d evelopment is sue. P articularly d isposal o f w aste w ater is im portant to tackle water originated diseases like malaria, jaundice, diaeherea etc. The following table shows details of drainage facilities in the study villages. Table 3.17(3): Drainage Infrastructure Availability of drainage system Number of villages Percent Yes 25 83.3 No 5 16.7 Total 30 100.0 Coverage of drainage infrastructure Number of villages Percent Adequate 17 68.0 Limited 2 8.0 Minimal 6 24.0 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.71 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Total 25 100.0 Number of villages Percent Pucca 17 68.0 Kaccha 4 16.0 Half Constructed 4 16.0 Total 25 100.0 Type of drainage infrastructure Conditions of drainage infrastructure Number of villages Percent Good 16 64.0 Fair 3 12.0 Poor 6 24.0 Total 25 100.0 In 2 5 v illages d rainage s ystems d o exis t but only in 1 7 v illages i t is s erving the purpose. In two villages drainage covers the village partially and in six villages o nly s mall a rea is c overed b y the d rainage s ervice. While in 1 7 villages t he d rainage s ystems a re f ully c onstructed in c oncrete, in 4 villages it is kachha trenches and in other 4 villages drainage lines are half constructed. While looking int o the c onditions o f the inf rastructure o nly 1 6 v illages reported good conditions, 3 reported fair and 6 reported poor conditions. Further, it was observed that in m any villages drainage systems are either broken or blocked. There is no solid waste collection and disposal system found in any of the villages. C. Health care infrastructure Healthcare inf rastructure ind icates towards a ccessibility and q uality o f healthcare s ervices. In r ural a reas p eople mostly d epends o n p ublic healthcare s ervices; m inor hea lth p roblems a re t reated in hea lth s ubcentres and major problems are treated in PHCs. While a C ommunity Health C entre p rovides s ervices to a l arge a rea w ith additional capacities, equipments and expertise. The table below displays accessibility to different healthcare institutions. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.72 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table 3.17(4) : Accessibility to Healthcare Infrastructure Healthcare infrastructures Number of villages Percent Health sub center 13 43.3 Community Health center 1 3.3 Homeopathic Dispensary 7 23.3 Reg. Private practitioners 12 41.4 PHC 4 13.3 Maternity Home 2 6.7 Nursing Home 2 6.7 The v illages ha ve g ood a ccessibility t o hea lthcare institutions; 13 v illages have g overnment h ealth s ub-centres, 4 have P HC a nd o ne CHC. Ap art from t hat people a re a ccess t o 12 p rivate p ractitioners, 7 homeopathic practitioners, 2 maternal care centres and 2 private nursing homes. Of these hea lth c are ins titutions the f ollowing t able d isplays t he p hysical conditions and facilities of public health infrastructures. Table 3.17(5) : Status of Healthcare Infrastructure Type of infrastructure Pucca Kaccha Semi-pucca Total Health SubCentre 10 3 0 13 PHC 4 0 0 26 CHC 1 0 0 1 Poor Total Physical conditions Good Health SubCentre 9 3 1 13 PHC 4 0 0 0 CHC 0 1 0 1 Adequate Limited Inadequate Total Health SubCentre 9 3 1 13 PHC 4 0 0 4 CHC 0 1 0 1 Furniture and fixers Fair CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.73 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat In t hree v illages he alth s ub c entres w ere r eported to b e r unning in a kachcha b uilding. PHCs a nd the C HC ha ve c oncrete buildings b ut physical condition of the CHC reported as not so good. While physical conditions of 3 health sub-centres were reported as not so good a nd one a s p oor. The in ternal f urniture a nd fixers that r equired f or serving patients are also reported limited in 3 health sub-centres and in the CHC, w hile in 1 hea lth-sub c entre in adequacy f urniture a nd f ixers w ere reported. In addition t o t he healthcare institutions, Integrated C hild D evelopment Scheme c entres (Anganwadi) s erves d ual p urposes t o the p oor r ural communities, i t p rovides p re-primary ed ucation to the y ounger c hildren and p rovides nu tritional hea lthcare s ervices t o the younger c hildren, pregnant a nd feeding m others a nd to the a dolescent girls. In that s ense anganwadi p lays a w ider r ole a s healthcare ins titution than a n educational institution. The table b elow s hows a vailability, p hysical c onditions a nd a dequacy o f internal facilities to provide its services. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.74 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table 3.17(6): Status of Anganwadi Infrastructure Availability of Angawadi Number of villages Percent Yes 30 100 No 0 0 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Adequate 24 80.0 Partial 5 16.7 Nominal 1 3.3 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Pucca 24 80.0 Kaccha 5 16.7 Half Constructed 1 3.3 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 24 80.0 Fair 5 16.7 Poor 1 3.3 Angawadi furniture Type of Angawadi building Conditions of Angawadi building Total 30 100.0 It was observed that all the villages have Anganwadi centres; of which 25 have a dequate in ternal f urniture, 2 p artial a nd 1 no minal a rrangements. The Anganwadi building is pucca in 2 4 villages, kachcha in 5 villages and half-constructed in 1 village. While p hysical conditions o f the i nfrastructure r eveals that the infrastructure is good in 2 5 anganwadis, fair in 5 and poor in 1 village. This implies t hat inf rastructure d evelopment a long with in ternal f acility development s upport is r equired in 6 v illages; o f w hich o ne village nee d more intense support. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.75 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat D. Educationall Infrastructure Primary ed ucation s upposed to be a ccess t o c ompulsorily t o ev ery c hild as d irected b y the r ecent R ight to E ducation Ac t. G ood ed ucation facilities a re the prerequisite f or better education. T he f ollowing t able provides education facilities in the studied villages. Table 3.17(7): Accessibility to School Infrastructure School infrastructures Number of villages Percent Primary School 30 100.0 High school 13 43.3 High secondary school 5 16.7 College 3 10.0 All t he v illages ha ve p rimary s chool within the v illage. H igh s chools a re available in 13 villages, higher secondary schools in 5 villages and college in 3 villages. Since all the villages are closer to each other the educational facilities are adequate in the area. The table below displays physical conditions and infrastructural adequacy in the institutions. Table 3.17(8) : Status of School Infrastructure Type of infrastructure Pucca Kaccha Semi-pucca Total Primary School 20 10 0 30 High school 12 1 0 13 High secondary school 5 0 0 5 College 3 0 0 3 Good Fair Poor Total Primary School 21 8 1 30 High school 12 1 0 13 High secondary school 5 0 0 5 College 3 0 0 3 Adequate Limited Inadequate Total 22 7 1 30 Physical conditions Furniture and fixers Primary School CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.76 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat High school 12 1 0 13 High secondary school 5 0 0 5 College 3 0 0 3 Looking to the infrastructures, 10 primary schools and one High School was found r unning in k achha b uilding. P hysical c ondition of the building w as reported f air in 7 p rimary s chools a nd in o ne hig h s chool, w hile it w as reported poor in one primary school. The f urniture and f ixers a re a lso r eported limited in 7 p rimary s chool a nd one high s chool and r eported as p oor in one p rimary s chool/ This implies that infrastructure development is required 8 primary school and one high school and of which one primary school need immediate attention. The hig her s econdary s chool a nd c ollege inf rastructure a re r eported adequate and in good conditions. E. Agriculture & Irrigation infrastructure Irrigation f acilities are im portant assets f or agriculture p roduction a nd hence f or r ural ec onomy. T he f ollowing table d isplays t he s ource o f irrigation facilities in the study villages. Table 3.17(9): Access to Irrigation Infrastructure Irrigation water source Number of villages Percent Bore well 30 100 River 19 63.3 Canal 19 63.3 In all 30 villages bore well is the source of irrigation water i.e. ground water is used for irrigation. While in 19 villages river water and in 19 villages canal water is used for irrigation; of which 7 villages are access only to river and 6 v illages o nly to c anal a nd 1 3 v illages ha ve access to b oth type o f source. The table below shows the rivers access nearer to the villages and distance to it. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.77 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table 3.17(10): Name of the rivers nearer to study villages River No. of No. of village Percent Distance village Percent Sabrmati 4 13.3 1km 12 40.0 Khari 7 23.3 2 km 4 13.3 Vatrak 3 10.0 3km 2 6.7 Meshva 4 13.3 4km 1 3.3 Mahisagar 1 3.3 Total 19 63.3 Total 19 63.3 Four rivers namely, Sabarmati, Vatrak, Meshva and Mahisagar and a local water s tream f low a cross the villages. O f these v illages S abarmait s erves four v illages, V atrak 3 v illages, M eshva 4 villages an d Mahisagar o ne village and the local stream serves 7 villages for irrigation. Further of the villages, 12 are located within 1 km of a river, 4 within 2km, 2 within and 3km and 1 within 1km from a river. Since all four rivers are major river and water is available till summer water accessibility for irrigation can be said as sufficient in the area. Apart f rom t he r ivers the f ollowing table s hows t he c ondition o f the irrigation canal in the area. Table 3.17(11): Canal Infrastucutre Type of canal infrastructure Number of villages Percent Pucca 12 80.0 Kaccha 6 16.7 Half Constructed 1 3.3 Total 19 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 12 80.0 Fair 5 16.7 Poor 2 3.3 Conditions of canal CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.78 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Total 19 100.0 Looking in to the c anal inf rastructure, in 1 2 v illages c anal was f ound concrete s tructures, in 6 v illages a re f ound ea rthen s tructures a nd in o ne village c anal is ha lf constructed. H owever, the physical c ondition o f the canal was r eported g ood in 1 2 v illages, f air in 5 v illages a nd p oor in 2 villages. This im plies t hat accessibility o f c anal water in the v illages w here r iver water is no t a vailable need to b e further inv estigated a nd inf rastructure development intervention may be needed in these villages. Accessibility of electricity for agriculture purpose is an important factor for irrigation. Power is required to run electric motor to l ift w ater for irrigation. The electric connection agriculture use is given separately from domestic requirement. The table b elow s hows a vailability of el ectricity f or a griculture p urpose in the study villagesTable 3.17(12) : Accessibility of power for agriculture Access to electricity for agriculture Number of villages Percent 8 hours a day 24 80 No certainty 2 6.7 Whole day 4 13.3 Total 30 100.0 Power for irrigation is available for all the villages and supply is also as per the government provision of at least 8 hours a day. There a re ho wever a few p rivate d octors in the area and therefore services of private doctors are also available. F. Veterinary Services Veterinary s ervices are a lso g ood in the s tudy v illages. T here a re local dairy cooperatives provides veterinary services to the villages. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.79 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table 3.17 (13) : Details of veterinary service Accessibility to vet. Services Number of villages Percent Yes 28 93.3 No 2 2.7 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 19 67.9 Fair 6 21.4 Poor 3 10.7 Service quality Total 28 100.0 Twenty eig ht v illages r eported a ccess t o v eterinary s ervices. H owever, 6 villages r eported f air s ervices a nd 3 v illages r eported p oor q uality of services. T he in a ccessibility to veterinary s ervice in two village a nd p oor quality o f s ervices i n 3 v illages need to b e inv estigated f urther a nd appropriate support is needed to be extended. G. Civic & Public Service Infrastructure i. Gram Panchayat The f ollowing table d isplays a ccessibility a nd c onditions o f the grampanchayat infrastructure. Table3.17(14): Status of grampanchayat building Availability of GP Building Number of villages Percent Yes 28 93.3 No 2 2.7 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Adequate 20 71.4 Limited 5 17.9 Minimal 3 10.7 Total 28 100.0 Number of villages Percent 20 71.4 Furniture and fixers Type of GP Building Pucca CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.80 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Kaccha 6 21.4 Half Constructed 2 7.1 Total 28 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 19 67.9 Fair 5 17.9 Poor 4 14.3 Conditions of GP Building Total 28 100.0 It w as o bserved that g rampanchayat b uilding is a vailable i n 2 8 villages, while 2 v illages b elong to g roup g rampanchayat a nd henc e b uilding is located in s ome o ther v illage. O f these v illages 2 0 v illages r eported adequate furniture and f ixers in the b uilding, 5 l imited a nd 3 v illages reported minimal furniture. In 2 0 v illages g rampanchayat b uilding is c oncretised, 6 v illages ha ve earthen b uilding a nd in 2 villages b uilding is ha lf c onstructed. The condition of grampanchayat building was reported as in good conditions in 1 9 v illages, f air in 5 v illages a nd p oor in 4 v illages. T his i mplies t hat infrastructure related intervention is required in eight villages. ii. Community hall Community ha ll is an a dditional inf rastructure facility d eveloped b y government in v illages f or ho lding o f c ommunity m eetings, trainings, workshop etc. Community hall is a property of grampanchayat and it can rent out to community members for celebration of private social functions viz. m arriage et c f or g eneration o f r evenue a nd a lso t o hel p c ommunity members b y p roviding a ffordable f acility. The f ollowing t able p rovides details of existence of conditions of community halls in study villages. Table 3.17(15) : Status of community hall building Accessibility to Community Hall Number of villages Percent Yes 17 56.7 No 13 43.3 Total 30 100 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.81 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Type of Community Hall building Number of villages Percent Pucca 17 100 Kaccha 0 0 Total 17 100 Number of villages Percent Good 15 88.2 Fair 0 0 Poor 2 11.8 Total 17 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 15 88.2 Limited 0 0 Minimal 2 11.8 Community Hall condition Community Hall Accessories Total 17 100.0 Community ha lls a re exis tence in 1 7 v illages a nd b uilding o f all t he ha lls are c oncretised. H owever o f these, 2 ha lls w ere r eported o f p oor conditions and also of minimal accessories in it. iii. Electricity and Lighting All t he v illages a re c ompletely c onnected w ith el ectricity a nd all household have a home connection of electricity. However due to l oadshading for at least 1 hour a day power cut takes place in normal season, which might go up to 4 hours in a day in summer season. Further to ho me c onnection s treet l ighting is also a d evelopment requirement f or the v illages. T he f ollowing t able p rovide d etails o f accessibility to street lights. Table 3.17(16) : Accessibility to street lights Accessibility to Street Lights Number of villages Percent Yes 23 76.7 No 7 23.3 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent 16 69.6 Condition of Street Lights Functional CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.82 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Defunct 7 30.4 Total 23 100.0 There is 23 v illage ha ving s treet l ights. H owever, only in 1 6 villages s treet lights a re f unctioning a nd in 7 v illages a ll t he l ights a re defunct. T he inability of Panchayats to maintain them and lack of funds for purchase of tube l ights a re the r easons w hy t he s ervice is c urrently no t a vailable i n these villages. iv. Public Distribution System Public distribution system ensures smooth supply of food to the rural areas and p rovides s ubsidized food to the r ural p oor. This is an im portant s ocial safety ne t w hich p rotects the p oor from f ood ins ecurity d uring f ood shortage and during high inflation. The following table provides infrastructure detail of the PDS system. Table 3.17(17): Details of Public Distribution System Accessibility to PDS Number of villages Percent Yes 28 93.3 No 2 2.7 Total 30 100.0 Pucca 27 90.0 Kaccha 1 3.3 Total 28 93.3 Number of villages Percent Good 25 83.3 Fair 2 6.7 Poor 1 3.3 Type of PDS Shop Service quality Total 28 93.3 In 28 villages fair price shops are located within the village. The PDS service quality was found good in 25 villages, fair in 2 villages and poor in 1 village. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.83 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat v. Bus stoppage Accessibility bus service is required for mobility or rural people to reach the market, government offices, h ospitals, b anks a nd other s ervices s ince villages a re located a way f rom the u rban a reas and s uch s ervices a re available only in urban areas. The f ollowing t able s hows a ccessibility g overnment b us s ervices a nd condition bus stoppages. Table 3.17(18) : Details of Public Bus Services Access to ST Bus Services Number of villages Percent Yes 23 76.7 No 7 23.3 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Yes 28 93.3 No 2 2.7 Total 30 100.0 Number of villages Percent Good 23 82.1 Fair 4 14.3 Poor 1 3.6 Bus Stoppage Condition Bus Stoppage Total 28 100.0 State transport bus services are available in 23 villages but bus stoppages are available in 28 villages which indicate that the service was available in 5 more villages or bus stoppages were constructed but the service did not start. The condition of bus stoppage was reported as in good conditions, 4 in fair and 1 in poor conditions. vi. Post office and Bank Post o ffice is a m ajor p ublic s ervice t hat provides p ostal and f inancial services to the r ural. Ac cessibility to bank is a lso im portant s ince b eyond banking s ervices, in stitutional f inancial linkage and g overnment s ubsidy schemes are executed through public banks. The following table displays availability of post offices and banks in the study villages. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD 3.84 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table 3.17(19) : Accessibility to Post office and Banks Facility Number of villages Percent Post office 24 80 Banks 11 36.7 In 24 villages post offices are available while bank available in 11 villages. The following table shows the name of the banks available in the area. Table 3.17 (20) : Name of the banks nearer to study villages Name of the Bank Number of village Percent State Bank of India 4 13.3 Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank 1 3.3 Union bank of INDIA 2 6.7 Ahmedabad Co-operative Bank 1 3.3 Kheda-District co-operative bank 1 3.3 Bank of India 1 3.3 Bank of Baroda 1 3.3 Total 11 36.7 It was observed that nationalized and district cooperative banks are primarily serving the study area. Provisional data obtained from Census for district wise in terms of comparision of 2001 & 2011 has been presented as below : Population 2011 District Percentage decadal growth rate of population Sex- Ratio (Number of Females per 1000 Males) Population density per sq. km. Persons Males Females 199101 200111 2001 2011 2001 2011 Ahmadabad 7,208,200 3,787,050 3,421,150 27.25 22.31 892 903 727 890 Kheda 2,298,934 1,187,098 1,111,836 13.32 12.81 923 937 479 541 Source : Census Records (Website) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD. , AHMEDABAD CHAPTER 4 4.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat CHAPTER – 4 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 INTRODUCTION As a part of present EIA study, anticipated environmental impacts associated with the activity to be carried out for proposed project of Textile auxiliary and binder manufacturing unit have been identified. Various activities during the construction & o peration p hase o f the project, w hich a re likely to c ause a n impact on various environmental c omponents, h ave b een l isted. F or evaluation o f im pacts d ue to p roposed manufacturing a ctivities of the u nit, the b aseline data generated f or env ironmental p arameters p resented a t chapter - 3 of this r eport ha s b een u tilized. C hanges in the env ironmental parameters a nd their im pact, w hether s hort term o r l ong term, p ositive or negative are identified & predicted and described in this chapter. All necessary mitigative measures to combat the likely environmental impacts associated with the project activities have been listed in this chapter. Of t he v arious t echniques available for the im pact i dentification l ike checklists, m atrices networks, c ause-effect d iagrams, c omputer s imulation models et c., M atrix method ha s b een u sed f or the im pact i dentification of the project. 4.2 IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS An a ttempt ha s b een m ade t o id entify the en vironmental i mpacts associated w ith the d ifferent c omponents o f the p roject by es tablishing cause-effect relationship through impact identification matrix as presented at Table no. 4.1. This method uses a matrix format to relate project actions with environmental components. T he c olumn o f the m atrix c onsists o f a ll t he project actions (short-listed as per specific project) against rows of the matrix CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 4.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat of environmental components (attributes). If a project action is likely to make an impact on environmental component, the appropriate cell is marked. 4.2.1 IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTING ACTIVITIES Various activities involved in the proposed project are divided viz.: A. Construction phase activities B. Operation phase activities The activities identified for the proposed project under each phase are : A. Construction phase 1. Excavation 2. Foundation & Civil work 3. Transportation o f c onstruction m aterials, eq uipments & machineries 4. Installation of equipments & machineries B. Operation phase 1. Plant operation 2. Material storage and handling 3. Utilities & Services 4. Green belt development 4.2.2 IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Environmental a ttributes l ikely t o b e a ffected d ue to activities involved in different components of different phases are : 1. Water environment 2. Air environment 3. Noise environment 4. Land environment 5. Socio-economic Environment a) Employment generation b) Occupational Health & Safety CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 4.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : Kheda, Gujarat Table No. 4.1 IMPACT IDENTIFICATION MATRIX PROJECT ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Water Water Air quantity quality quality Noise Terrestrial Ecology Socio-economic Employment Generation Occupational Health & Safety CONSTRUCTION PHASE Excavation Foundation & Civil work X Transportation of construction materials and equipments / machineries Installation of machineries / equipments Plant operations Material storage & handling Utilities & Services Green belt development X X X X X X X X X X X X OPERATION PHASE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., Ahmedabad 4.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 4.3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4.3.1 Impact on Water Environment Water is es sential f or hu man, a griculture, ind ustry a nd c ommercial use. T he water en vironment broadly c overs t he f ollowing p oints f or c onsideration o f impacts : a) Industrial o perations, their ef fect on w ater quality and gr ound w ater potential of study area. b) Identifying potential s ources o f p ollutants f ocusing s pecifically o n discharge of wastewater. The total w ater r equirement f or the proposed manufacturing plant is @ 163 KL/day. The source of water supply for the plant will be VITPL (an industrial park), which is a djacent to the u nit. VITPL h as o btained p ermission o f C GWA f or withdrawing the r equired a mount o f w ater to c ater the w ater r equirement of member units. The anticipated quantity of effluent generated from the industrial plant is @ 57.5 KLD, w hich will b e treated in Treatment p lant having p rimary a nd tertiary treatment to a chieve the q uality of treated ef fluent s o a s to r ecycle /reuse in the plant. As the a mount of ground w ater to b e w ithdrawn f or p roposed p roject is insignificant t o t he a mount withdrawn by VITPL f or i ts textile p ark, there is no adverse impact anticipated on ground water quantity. As the treated effluent will b e r eused / r ecycled in t he p lant, n o d irect im pact o n any env ironmental sink is a nticipated. Moreover, VITPL ha s a lready es tablished t he r ain w ater harvesting system for recharging of ground water to compensate the amount of water being withdrawn. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Some of the mitigation measures to minimize the likely environmental impacts on water env ironment, due t o operation of the proposed p roject a re d escribed below : Sr. No. 1 Environmental Attribute Water Mitigation Measure Optimum use of water will be done for construction activities required for proposed project. Record of w ater c onsumption t o be m aintained through providing water meter at strategic location Any w astages/leakages w ill b e a voided a t all possible locations / opportunities. Proper handling of spillages if any will be ensured by introducing s pill control p rocedures for v arious chemicals. Water u sage w ill b e carefully monitored and r e-use shall be maximized to the extent possible. Proper facilities for storage of raw materials (i.e. with roof a nd p ucca f loor) w ill b e p rovided t o p revent storm water c ontamination d uring the s torage o f various raw materials. Performance of the E TP s hall b e monitored s o a s to meet with the prescribed discharge norms. Monitored d ata w ill be a nalyzed a nd r eviewed a t regular int ervals a nd c ompared with the o perating standards s o a s to take nec essary c orrective actions. Enough care will be taken to prevent any leakages / accidental spillages from ETP units in order to avoid any ground water resource contamination. The r egular env ironment m onitoring will b e c arried out through es tablished laboratory a nd the s ame practice will be continued. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 4.3.2 Impact on Air Environment The u nit ha s p roposed t o ins tall lignite / a gro b riquettes b ased b oiler o f 3 T PH capacity, Hence, f or the c ontrol o f f lue g as em issions, m ulti – cyclone will b e provided. No p rocess e missions ha ve b een env isaged f rom t he p roposed production facility. Vehicular traffic associated with the construction as well as operation phase of the proposed project f or transportation of r aw materials and f inished p roducts lead to inc reased c oncentration of S PM, NO x, CO e tc., through exhaust gases from t heir o riginal c oncentration in the surrounding env ironment, a ffecting the ambient air quality of surrounding areas. However, this effect remains localized near to the p lant s ite d uring the time o f v ehicular movement o nly. Increased level o f c oncentration a ssociated w ith exhaust g ases w ill r eturn to i ts o riginal state w ith the p assage o f time. H ence, t his im pact is env isaged a s s hort term negative and reversible in nature. Air quality will deteriorate for small period of time, during transportation, loading & u nloading o f v arious materials et c. T his im pact w ill be neg ative in na ture f or prevailing a mbient air q uality b ut i t w ill last f or s hort p eriod o f time and w ill remain confined within the plant premises. To ev aluate the im pact o f g aseous em issions o n t he b aseline a mbient a ir quality, air pollution dispersion modeling has been carried out and described in the following sub-sections: Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling of Stack Emissions The objective of air pollution dispersion m odelling is to predict the ground level concentration (GLC) f or S O2, NO x a nd P articulate M atter (PM10) d uring CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat operation o f the proposed s tacks a nd i ts im pact o n a mbient a ir quality o f the area. T he g round level c oncentrations (GLC) o f p ollutants ha ve b een computed u sing computer s imulation m odel ISCST3 S hort T erm M odel developed b y U SEPA a nd a s p er g uidelines s tipulated b y C entral P ollution Control Board, New Delhi. Methodology Prediction o f G LC v alues a re c arried o ut b y u sing B REEZE A IR S UITE b ased o n Industrial Source C omplex S hort Term Model V ersion –3 ( ISCST-3) s oftware approved b y U .S. E nvironmental P rotection Ag ency (USEPA). T his model u ses a steady s tate, s ector-averaged G aussain p lume eq uation for a pplication in complex t errain (i.e. t errain s tack o r r elease heig ht) a nd is r un u sing stability classes developed by Pasquill and Gifford. The v arious s ource v eriable were c onsidered such a s Height of S tack, Temperature, f lue g as V elocity, D iameter o f S tack a nd F uel t ype a nd loading rate. Following are the assumptions made while using the model: • The flue gas volumetric rates & source strength was calculated based on the ultimate analysis of the natural gas and its loading rate. Excess air has also b een a dded t o the a ctual a ir r equirement f or c ombustion. D etails about proposed stack are presented at Table No. 2.10. • The terrain of the study area was considered as FLAT with no flag pole. • The ea rth s urface a cts a s a p erfect r eflector of p lume a nd neg ligible physic-chemical p rocesses like no d ry a nd wet d epletion a nd c hemical transformation of pollutants. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.8 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat • Emission rates from the point sources were considered as constant during the entire period. • The m ixing height for the r egion from CPCB’s p ublication “ Atlas o f Ho urly Mixing H eight & As similative c apacity o f A tmosphere in India” has b een considered in the model. • Stability class was evaluated based on solar insolation and cloud cover. • Meteorological data for the project area has been obtained for a period starting from December 2011 to February 2012. (1) Dispersion Modeling Results The r esults o f the a ir q uality m odeling conducted f or w inter s eason c an b e summarized as: (2) 24 hourly Ground Level Concentrations The 2 4 ho urly a verage ground l evel c oncentration (GLC) values ha ve b een computed for SO2, NOx and PM considering topographical features around the proposed plant. (3) Proposed Scenario The maximum 24 hourly average GLC values for SO2, NOx and PM for proposed scenario are given in Table no. 4.3, Table no. 4.4 and Table no. 4.5, respectively. Isopleths p lotted f or 2 4 ho urly p redicted v alues f or S O2, NO x a nd P M f or proposed scenario are shown in Figure 4.1, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3. It m ay be noted from the c omputed results for the proposed scenario that the maximum 24 h ourly average G LC’s va lue fo r p roposed s cenario a s 1. 95 µg/m3 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.9 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat for SO2, 0.71 µg/m3 for Nox and 2.13 µg/m3 for Particulate Matter. These GLC’s are exp ected to o ccur a t a d istance of 7 00 m f rom the s ource towards the E direction for SO2 ,NOx and Particulate Matter. The m aximum inc remental G LCs due to the p roposed p roject for P M, S O2 a nd NOx a re s uperimposed o n the b aseline c oncentrations r ecorded d uring t he study period to arrive at the likely resultant concentrations after implementation of the proposed plant. The cumulative concentrations (baseline + incremental) of the project is tabulated below in Table no. 4.2. Table 4.2 Resultant Concentration Value LOCATION Baseline Average Value Incremental Value Resultant Value Particulate Matter µg/m3(Permissible Limit :100 µg/m3) Bareja 53.87 0.58 54.45 Bidaj 58.72 0.54 59.26 Navagam 57.87 0.52 58.39 Sarsa 53.72 1.97 55.69 Site 64.82 0.00 64.82 Pingalaj 56.17 0.61 56.78 SO2 µg/m3(Permissible Limit :80 µg/m3) Bareja 14.44 0.53 14.97 Bidaj 15.66 0.68 16.34 Navagam 14.37 0.48 14.85 Sarsa 14.07 1.77 15.84 Site 15.95 0.00 15.95 Pingalaj Bareja 15.23 0.67 NOx µg/m3(Permissible Limit :80 µg/m3) 26.89 0.19 15.90 27.08 Bidaj 26.25 0.18 26.43 Navagam 25.99 0.17 26.16 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.10 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Sarsa 20.76 0.66 21.42 Site 26.42 0.00 26.42 Pingalaj 22.23 0.20 22.43 The p redicted G LC values f or S O2, NO x a nd P M10 ha ve b een a dded t o the background levels to determine the resultant value. As it evident from the Table no. 4.2, the r esultant c oncentration values r emain w ell b elow t he p rescribed NAAQS a t a ll AAQ M locations, ind icating that the im pact on the a mbient a ir quality will be insignificant. Further, i t is em phasized t hat all t he e mission ha ve to b e s trictly c ontrolled a s mentioned in the mitigation measure. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.11 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Table 4.3 : 24 hr Predicted GLC of SO2 (µg/m3) due to proposed project DISTANCE (metres) Direction (Degrees) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000 0 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.33 0.77 1.16 1.22 1.12 1.00 0.90 0.80 1.02 1.11 1.11 0.85 10 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.32 0.72 1.08 1.14 1.05 0.94 0.84 0.43 0.26 0.18 0.13 0.06 20 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.23 0.51 0.77 0.84 0.82 0.77 0.73 0.43 0.36 0.30 0.27 0.16 30 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.22 0.42 0.57 0.57 0.50 0.48 0.47 0.30 0.17 0.10 0.07 0.02 40 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.39 0.76 1.02 1.02 0.91 0.79 0.68 0.49 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.18 50 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.39 0.76 1.02 1.02 0.91 0.79 0.68 0.49 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.18 60 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.22 0.51 0.79 0.85 0.80 0.74 0.68 0.39 0.26 0.19 0.15 0.07 70 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.30 0.59 0.91 0.98 0.94 0.88 0.83 0.64 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.39 80 0.00 0.01 0.32 0.81 1.20 1.31 1.27 1.19 1.10 1.02 0.46 0.24 0.15 0.10 0.04 90 0.00 0.02 0.44 1.13 1.72 1.94 1.95 1.91 1.86 1.82 1.69 1.81 1.85 1.77 1.28 100 0.00 0.01 0.31 0.80 1.18 1.29 1.23 1.13 1.04 0.95 0.40 0.21 0.13 0.09 0.03 110 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.29 0.59 0.90 0.94 0.86 0.76 0.67 0.34 0.42 0.51 0.53 0.43 120 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.26 0.51 0.78 0.81 0.74 0.64 0.56 0.27 0.19 0.14 0.12 0.06 130 0.00 0.03 0.26 0.46 0.93 1.39 1.48 1.45 1.47 1.48 1.22 0.91 0.73 0.60 0.31 140 0.00 0.03 0.26 0.46 0.93 1.39 1.48 1.45 1.47 1.48 1.22 0.91 0.73 0.60 0.31 150 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.33 0.75 1.08 1.10 0.98 0.84 0.72 0.33 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.07 160 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.38 0.86 1.24 1.26 1.13 0.98 0.86 0.55 0.74 0.84 0.83 0.58 170 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.25 0.55 0.79 0.81 0.71 0.60 0.51 0.21 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.04 180 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 190 0.00 0.01 0.26 0.67 0.98 1.05 0.98 0.89 0.80 0.72 0.37 0.21 0.13 0.09 0.03 200 0.00 0.02 0.43 1.11 1.68 1.90 1.90 1.86 1.81 1.76 1.58 1.66 1.68 1.60 1.21 210 0.00 0.02 0.36 0.92 1.37 1.51 1.47 1.38 1.29 1.20 0.70 0.43 0.29 0.21 0.08 220 0.00 0.01 0.20 0.61 1.14 1.47 1.46 1.33 1.29 1.27 0.89 0.67 0.56 0.48 0.25 230 0.00 0.01 0.19 0.61 1.14 1.46 1.45 1.33 1.29 1.27 0.89 0.65 0.55 0.47 0.25 240 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.39 0.66 0.89 0.90 0.79 0.68 0.67 0.47 0.30 0.21 0.16 0.08 250 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.44 0.75 0.97 0.97 0.91 0.86 0.85 0.82 0.89 0.87 0.80 0.49 260 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.38 0.77 1.10 1.13 1.02 0.90 0.84 0.45 0.25 0.16 0.11 0.04 270 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.49 1.02 1.46 1.50 1.36 1.21 1.11 0.99 1.46 1.67 1.67 1.25 280 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.37 0.76 1.08 1.10 0.97 0.84 0.72 0.34 0.19 0.12 0.09 0.03 290 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.23 0.54 0.80 0.85 0.77 0.70 0.67 0.41 0.40 0.44 0.42 0.28 300 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.24 0.55 0.82 0.86 0.78 0.69 0.61 0.27 0.15 0.10 0.07 0.03 310 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.25 0.60 0.90 0.91 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.53 0.35 0.24 0.19 0.11 320 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.25 0.60 0.90 0.91 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.53 0.35 0.24 0.19 0.11 330 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.50 0.51 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.14 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.01 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.12 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 340 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.21 0.31 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.18 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 350 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.24 0.54 0.80 0.84 0.76 0.66 0.57 0.28 0.19 0.13 0.10 0.05 Figure 4.1: Isopleths for Concentration of SO2 due to emission from stacks for proposed scenario CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.13 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Table 4.4: 24 hr Predicted GLC of NOx (µg/m3) due to proposed project DISTANCE (metres) Direction (Degrees) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000 0 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.28 0.42 0.44 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.29 0.37 0.40 0.40 0.31 10 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.26 0.39 0.41 0.38 0.34 0.31 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.02 20 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.19 0.28 0.31 0.30 0.28 0.27 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.06 30 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.15 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01 40 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.28 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.06 50 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.28 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.06 60 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.19 0.29 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.14 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.03 70 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.21 0.33 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.14 80 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.29 0.44 0.48 0.46 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.17 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.01 90 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.41 0.62 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.61 0.66 0.67 0.65 0.47 100 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.29 0.43 0.47 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.35 0.15 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.01 110 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.21 0.33 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.24 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.19 0.16 120 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.28 0.30 0.27 0.23 0.21 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.02 130 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.17 0.34 0.51 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.44 0.33 0.26 0.22 0.11 140 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.17 0.34 0.51 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.44 0.33 0.26 0.22 0.11 150 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.12 0.27 0.39 0.40 0.36 0.31 0.26 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.03 160 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.31 0.45 0.46 0.41 0.36 0.31 0.20 0.27 0.31 0.30 0.21 170 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.20 0.29 0.29 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 180 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 190 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.24 0.36 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.13 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.01 200 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.40 0.61 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.57 0.60 0.61 0.58 0.44 210 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.33 0.50 0.55 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.43 0.26 0.16 0.10 0.08 0.03 220 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.22 0.42 0.54 0.53 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.32 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.09 230 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.22 0.41 0.53 0.53 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.32 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.09 240 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.14 0.24 0.32 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.03 250 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.16 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.29 0.18 260 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.28 0.40 0.41 0.37 0.33 0.31 0.17 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.01 270 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.18 0.37 0.53 0.54 0.50 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.53 0.61 0.61 0.46 280 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.28 0.39 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.26 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.01 290 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.19 0.29 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.24 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.10 300 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.20 0.30 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.01 310 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.19 0.13 0.09 0.07 0.04 320 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.19 0.13 0.09 0.07 0.04 330 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 340 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.14 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 350 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.20 0.29 0.31 0.28 0.24 0.21 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.02 Figure 4.2: Isopleths for Concentration of NOx due to emission from stacks for proposed scenario CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.15 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Table 4.5 24 hr Predicted GLC of PM (µg/m3) due to proposed project DISTANCE (metres) Direction (Degrees) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000 0 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.36 0.84 1.26 1.33 1.22 1.09 0.98 0.87 1.11 1.21 1.21 0.93 10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.35 0.79 1.17 1.24 1.15 1.02 0.92 0.46 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.06 20 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.25 0.56 0.84 0.92 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.47 0.39 0.33 0.30 0.17 30 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.24 0.46 0.62 0.62 0.55 0.52 0.52 0.33 0.18 0.11 0.07 0.02 40 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.43 0.83 1.11 1.11 0.99 0.86 0.74 0.54 0.37 0.36 0.33 0.19 50 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.43 0.83 1.11 1.11 0.99 0.86 0.74 0.54 0.37 0.36 0.33 0.19 60 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.24 0.56 0.86 0.93 0.87 0.80 0.74 0.43 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.08 70 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.33 0.64 0.99 1.07 1.03 0.96 0.91 0.69 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.43 80 0.00 0.01 0.35 0.88 1.31 1.43 1.38 1.29 1.20 1.12 0.50 0.26 0.16 0.11 0.04 90 0.00 0.02 0.48 1.23 1.87 2.12 2.13 2.08 2.03 1.99 1.84 1.97 2.02 1.94 1.40 100 0.00 0.01 0.34 0.87 1.29 1.40 1.34 1.24 1.13 1.04 0.44 0.23 0.14 0.10 0.04 110 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.31 0.64 0.99 1.03 0.94 0.83 0.73 0.37 0.45 0.56 0.58 0.47 120 0.00 0.02 0.15 0.28 0.55 0.85 0.89 0.80 0.70 0.62 0.30 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.06 130 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.50 1.02 1.52 1.61 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.33 0.99 0.79 0.66 0.34 140 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.50 1.02 1.52 1.61 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.33 0.99 0.79 0.66 0.34 150 0.00 0.02 0.15 0.36 0.82 1.18 1.20 1.07 0.92 0.79 0.36 0.25 0.19 0.16 0.08 160 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.41 0.94 1.35 1.37 1.23 1.07 0.94 0.60 0.81 0.92 0.90 0.63 170 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.27 0.60 0.87 0.88 0.77 0.66 0.56 0.22 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.04 180 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.22 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 190 0.00 0.02 0.29 0.73 1.07 1.15 1.07 0.97 0.87 0.78 0.40 0.23 0.14 0.10 0.04 200 0.00 0.03 0.47 1.21 1.84 2.07 2.08 2.03 1.97 1.92 1.72 1.81 1.84 1.74 1.32 210 0.00 0.02 0.39 1.00 1.50 1.65 1.60 1.51 1.40 1.30 0.77 0.47 0.31 0.23 0.09 220 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.67 1.25 1.61 1.59 1.45 1.41 1.38 0.97 0.73 0.61 0.52 0.27 230 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.66 1.24 1.60 1.58 1.45 1.41 1.38 0.97 0.71 0.60 0.51 0.27 240 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.43 0.72 0.97 0.98 0.86 0.74 0.73 0.51 0.33 0.23 0.17 0.08 250 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.48 0.82 1.06 1.06 0.99 0.94 0.93 0.90 0.97 0.95 0.87 0.53 260 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.41 0.84 1.20 1.23 1.11 0.98 0.92 0.50 0.28 0.17 0.12 0.04 270 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.54 1.12 1.59 1.63 1.49 1.32 1.21 1.08 1.60 1.82 1.82 1.37 280 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.41 0.83 1.18 1.20 1.06 0.91 0.78 0.37 0.21 0.13 0.09 0.03 290 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.25 0.58 0.88 0.92 0.84 0.76 0.73 0.45 0.44 0.48 0.46 0.30 300 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.26 0.60 0.89 0.93 0.85 0.75 0.66 0.29 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.03 310 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.28 0.66 0.98 0.99 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.58 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.12 320 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.28 0.66 0.98 0.99 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.58 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.12 330 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.16 0.37 0.55 0.56 0.47 0.38 0.34 0.15 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.01 340 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.23 0.34 0.35 0.30 0.24 0.19 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.16 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 350 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.26 0.59 0.88 0.92 0.83 0.72 0.63 0.31 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.05 Figure 4.3 Isopleths for Concentration of PM due to emission from stacks for proposed scenario As part of precautionary measure, to minimize the l ikely environmental impacts on air environment due to the proposed project, necessary mitigation measures are described below: CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.17 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Sr. No. 1 Environmental Attribute Air Mitigation Measures Handling o f so ils a nd co nstruction m aterials w ill be c arefully m anaged t o minimize t he risk o f wind-blown material and dust. For suppression of dust during required construction activities, water will be sprinkled at regular interval. For p roposed project, a ll t ransferring and f eeding areas will be well covered t o a void a ny f ugitive emissions. For t he plant ar ea, p roper ventilation will be provided o n t he s hop f loor f or pr oper a ir circulation to maintain the work area air quality. Proper p reventive maintenance of f uel f iring s ystem will be ensured. Air - fuel ratio will be optimized. Efficient w orking o f p roposed AP C s ystem will b e ensured. • It will b e ens ured that the vehicles to b e d eployed a t the site should have PUC certification. In addition to the above stated process controls, development of green belt will act a s a p ollutant s ink a nd c an h elp t o c ontrol t he s pread o f p ollution i n the surrounding a rea. It will ha ve p ositive ef fect o n the s urrounding area. U nit will also p articipate i n c ommunity green b elt d evelopment p rograms to compensate the adverse effects on the ambient air surrounding the plant site. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.18 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 4.3.3 Impact on Land / Soil quality The proposed project will be established in the vicinity of VITPL, which is already developing an industrial textile park. The proposed project land has been taken on lease f rom t he VITPL, f or ind ustrial purpose, hence, there w ill no t b e any conflict in change o f landuse p attern. So, there is no im pact env isaged on existing land use pattern of the project site. Solid / ha zardous w aste g enerated from production a ctivity will b e stored separately in H azardous Waste s torage a rea w ithin the factory p remises. The hazardous waste storage area will have non-percolating RCC floor and covered roof. H ence, no s ignificant ne gative impact has b een envisaged o n the surrounding s oil q uality d ue to p resence o f s olid / ha zardous w aste w ithin the plant premises. Necessary m itigation measures to m inimize the l ikely environmental impacts o n soil q uality / land environment d ue t o o peration o f the p roposed u nit is described below : Sr. Environmental No. Attribute 1 Soil quality / Land environment Mitigation Measures There w ill b e a doption o f practice of s egregation and s torage of all h azardous s olid waste ge nerated for the production plant. Regular r ecord k eeping o f v olumes / w eights o f wastes generated a nd d isposed w ill b e maintained for the proposed production. Proper s torage, h andling an d d isposal o f al l t ype of hazardous solid wastes a s p er the g uidelines prescribed will be ensured. Any spillage of hazardous chemicals on land area of plant premises should be avoided. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.19 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 4.3.4 Impact on Noise Environment Vehicular movement for transportation of v arious r aw materials a nd finished products is one of the sources of noise generation during operation phase of the project. Noise generation associated with vehicular movement within the plant premises will inc rease a mbient n oise levels f or s horter p eriod o f time a nd the negative impact g enerated d ue t o this will g et r eversed w ith t he p assage o f time. Operation of manufacturing plant and machineries, will be contributing to noise generation during operative phase. Necessary m itigation measures to m inimize the l ikely environmental impacts o n noise environment d ue to operation o f t he p roposed p roject a re d escribed below: Sr. No. 1 Environmental Attribute Noise Mitigation Measures High noise generating m achines and p rocesses will b e enclosed and insulated. Insulation o f v entilation p ipes a nd u se o f d ampers will be made at all possible places. Implementation o f m anagement c ontrol o n s ite f or limiting t ransportation t iming by a dopting mechanical and technological ideas. Preventive m aintenance s chedule w ill be f ollowed for all in struments a nd m achineries t o m aintain g ood working condition. Enclosures and b arriers w ill b e p rovided to p umps a nd machineries producing hig h no ise l evels, required f or proposed project. There w ill b e p eriodical no ise level measurements for verifying compliance with relevant laws. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.20 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Workers exp osed to hig h no ise g enerating o perations will be provided with suitable ear protection devices. Green belt development will act as a medium for noise absorbance. 4.3.5 Impact on Biological Environment As the proposed project is to be developed near the premises of industrial park, no significant impact associated with displacement of prevailing floral & faunal species is env isaged o n s urrounding b iological env ironment d ue to p roposed project activity. Air emissions generated within the plant premises will be always kept within the prescribed limit a nd henc e no s ignificant im pact o n terrestrial ec ology i s expected. Development of green space / green belt within the plant premises, which leads to r eversing the v arious neg ative im pacts a ssociated w ith p lant operation a s well as it can also help develop terrestrial and avian ecology with positive effect in the long run. 4.3.6 Impact on Socio-economic Environment Unit w ill p rovide em ployment opportunity to l ocally a vailable s killed a nd u nskilled labours within its manufacturing facility as per the requirement, which is a positive impact on prevailing socio-economic environment. Impact in terms o f displacement of ha bitation a nd s ettlements d ue to t he proposed p roject is totally a bsent a s the u nit is to be located near t he industrial park. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.21 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Increased vehicular movement associated with the project operation phase will ha ve s hort term neg ative im pact on no ise a nd a ir env ironment surrounding the plant site. No loss or disturbance of any historic and cultural heritage is associated with the proposed project. Proposed p roject w ill p rovide the s urrounding r egion b usiness p otential a s well as subsequent employment opportunities. Existence of proposed project will lead to increase in the job opportunities for the qualified and skilled as well as unqualified and unskilled people in project region. At a l arge this ind ustrial d evelopment a long w ith em ployment potential p oses long-term p ositive i mpact o n the s ocio-economic env ironment a s i t p rovides benefits in terms of economics to the people employed with it. Actions for Socio - Economic Environment Locally av ailable m an-power w ill b e em ployed b y the m anagement in the manufacturing ac tivity. A f ull-fleged emergency p reparedness p lan will b e prepared to d eal with f ire f ighting, e vacuation a nd local c ommunication. Organization w ill provide b asic a menities v iz. s afe d rinking w ater, s anitation facility & medical treatment for workers of the unit. 4.3.7 Impact on Occupational Health & Safety In t he o peration p hase o f the p roject, various ef fects o n o ccupational hea lth and s afety o f the em ployees working in the p lant a re env isaged. M ajor hea lth and s afety is sues e ncountered w ill b e p hysical ha zards, r espiratory hazards, electrical ha zards, no ise, f ire & exp losion ha zards a ssociated w hile working within manufacturing plant. Also, chemical industry poses risks such as accidents CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.22 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat due to spillage, fire and explosion. Preventive safety measures taken to minimize the risk of accident with respect to chemical handling will be as follows : Sr. Environmental No. Attribute 1 Occupational Health & Safety Mitigation Measures All r easonably p ractical measures will b e a dopted b y the u nit to m inimize the r isk o f a ccidents within t he manufacturing unit. All b uilding p lans and ins tallations w ill b e a s p er relevant l aws a nd will b e a pproved b y c ompetent authority. Trained w orkers w ill be em ployed for all the h azardous process o perations w ithin the p lant a nd will b e supervised by experienced supervisors. Safety f eatures s uch a s f ire ex tinguishers a t s trategic locations and s uitable p ersonal p rotective eq uipments will be provided. Flame-proof el ectrical f ittings, flame a rrestors e tc., w ill be installed . All t he r aw m aterials & s olvents w ill b e s tored in designated s torage a rea eq uipped w ith nec essary safety features . Periodic ins pection & t esting o f p ressure v essels, equipments, machineries will be done. Good house-keeping will be ensured within the factory premises. Training w ill b e p rovided t o the d esignated s taff & workers f or f ire f ighting, w ork p ermit s ystem, f irst a id & safe handling of hazardous chemicals. Incident / accident reporting system will be developed and a ll t he em ployees will be made aw are for the same. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 4.23 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Suitable no tices / b oards w ill b e d isplayed a t designated l ocations ind icating appropriate h azard warnings. Antidotes a s w ell a s MSDS f or a ll t he c hemicals will b e made available within the factory premises. With ef fective implementation o f t he m itigative measures and keeping t he workers w ell eq uipped w ith nec essary p ersonal p rotective eq uipments and training f or the s afety a spects to b e f ollowed d uring w orking ho urs, the occupational health and safety impacts can be controlled. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad CHAPTER 5 5.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER – 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 5.1 OBJECTIVE : Regular monitoring program o f the env ironmental p arameters is es sential t o take in to a ccount t he c hanges in the env ironment. T he o bjective o f environmental monitoring program is : To verify the results of the impact assessment study with regards to new development. To follow t he ev olution o f p arameters w hich ha ve b een id entified as critical. To check the effectiveness of the environment management system in operation. To confirm statutory compliance. To establish a data base for future impact assessment studies. 5.2 ENVIRONMENT MONITORING & CONTROL : To im plement m idterm c orrective m easures a s w ell a s t o a chieve ef fective implementation of the same, environment monitoring and control program is essential. Regular m onitoring of en vironmental p arameters is o f im mense importance to assess the status of environment during project operation. With the k nowledge o f b aseline env ironmental s tatus, m onitoring p rogram w ill serve as a tool to assess any deterioration in environmental conditions due to operation of the project. Generally t he E IA study f or a ny p roject is c arried o ut o ver a s hort period o f time a nd t he d ata generated c annot bring o ut a ll v ariations ind uced b y natural or human activities. Hence, regular monitoring program is essential to take into account the changes in the environment quality. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 5.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Scope of the monitoring program generally focuses on various environmental parameters viz., Air quality, Water quality, Noise, Soil characteristics, Ecology, Land u se p attern and s ocio-economic env ironment. F or the pr oposed project, m onitoring of v arious env ironmental p arameters will b e r equired t o assess proper functioning and efficiency of all the proposed pollution control systems. For the proposed project, monitoring activity is mainly envisaged for stack em issions to a nalyze the performance o f AP C s ystem and to m easure the prevailing noise levels due to plant operation. 5.3 PROPOSED MONITORING PROGRAM The monitoring program for proposed project is shown at Table No : 5.1. The unit w ill a llocate t he budgetary p rovision of R s. 5 La khs towards implementation of EMP as well as Env. Monitoring. Table No : 5.1 Environment Monitoring Schedule Sr. No. 1 Particulars Frequency of Monitoring Duration of Monitoring Parameters for Monitoring Air Quality a. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring within Plant premises Monthly One 24 hourly sample PM 10 , SOx, NOx, PM 2.5, HC & VOC b. Stack Monitoring Monthly -- PM, SOx, NOx, 2 Water and Wastewater Quality Once in three months Grab As per IS 10500 Once in 15 -- Primary 2a. Raw water quality 2b. Wastewater quality (i) Quality of raw effluent CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 5.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat days (ii) Quality of treated effluent 3 Noise Quality a. Within plant premises at identified locations b. At the periphery of plant premises at least 5 locations 5 Work zone monitoring 6 Solid waste generation 7 Employee Health Once in three months Once in three months parameters such as pH, TDS, SS, BOD, COD, Temperature, colour. 8 hourly Leq Levels 8 hourly Day and night time Leq levels 8 hourly SPM, HC, VOC Records of quantity of generation, handling, storage and transportation of solid and hazardous waste will be maintained. Pre-employment and periodical health checkup of every employee at least once in six months 5.4 REPORTING SCHEDULES OF THE MONITORING DATA Voluntary reporting of environmental performance with reference to EMP will be undertaken. The in-charge of environment, health and safety department of the u nit ha s to c o-ordinate all m onitoring programmes at s ite and d ata generated shall be submitted regularly to the statutory agencies. Frequency of r eporting s hall b e once every s ix m onths to G PCB and R egional O ffice of MoEF. 5.5 INFRASTRUCTURAL REQUIREMENT For c arrying out r egular env ironment m onitoring, the u nit s hould ha ve a f ull fledged dedicated environment laboratory. If monitoring / analysis has to be outsourced to o utside a gencies, M oEF / G PCB r ecognized a gencies s hould be deployed. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad CHAPTER 6 6.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER - 6 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT 6.1 INTRODUCTION The s tarting point o f r isk a ssessment s tudy i s t he i dentification o f h azards an d selection of scenarios those are then addressed for further analysis. Hazard is defined as a c hemical or p hysical c ondition t hat ha s t he potential f or causing d amage t o people, property or t he e nvironment i n a n u nlikely event of r elease. A n umber o f techniques are available for hazard identification depending upon the depth and objective of s tudy. T he mos t r elevant t o r isk a ssessment i s t he r eview o f r elease sources of hazardous chemicals. 6.2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED AT PROPOSED PLANT Hazards associated with proposed plant have been identified. Hazardous chemicals to be stored will be flammable, toxic o r reactive in nature. D etails of nature and quantities of hazardous materials to be stored and handled at the plant are given in Table No. 6.1. Table No. 6.1: Storage Capacities of Hazardous Chemicals Sn. Name of Maximum Type of Size of Tank Hazardous Storage Storage (Dia x Height/ Chemicals Quantity Storage Conditions Temp. Pressure Length) 1. Ammonia (25%) 5 MT Container 200 L Ambient Atmospheric 2. Formaldehyde 20 MT Container (920 mm x 570 mm Ambient Atmospheric 3. Vinyl Acetate 20 MT Drum / 1250 L Ambient Atmospheric Monomer Container (1130 mm x 1350 mm) 4. Acrylonitrile 5 MT Container 200L Ambient Atmospheric 5. Methanol 5 MT Container (920 mm x 570 mm) Ambient Atmospheric 6. Epichlorohydrine 5 MT Container Ambient Atmospheric 7. Styrene 35 MT Container Ambient Atmospheric (Source : NPL ) Characteristics of potential hazardous materials to be stored at the proposed plant are d escribed i n f ollowing s ubsections. Haz ardous m aterials o ther t han d escribed CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat below, will b e i n s mall quantities an d Material Saf ety Data Sh eets (MSDS) will b e available at the plant for taking safe measures during handling of these hazardous materials. Acrylamide Acrylamide i s o dorless w hite crystalline solid. It m ay be c ombustible a t h igh temperature. A crylamide is stable b ut u nstable with excess heat, d ust g eneration, incompatible materials. It is incompatibility with various substances and reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis, moisture. Acrylamide is light sensitive and may polymerize on exposure to light. The solid is stable at room t emperature but m ay p olymerize violently o n melting o r w hen heated above 50 oC. it reacts spontaneously with hydroxyl-, amino-, and sulfhydrylcontaining compounds. Acrylamide reacts vigorously with acids, bases producing ammonia salts and acrylic acid. A crylamide m ay p olymerize u pon c ontact w ith o xidizing m aterials e.g. peroxides. Molecular Weight : 71.08 g/mole Boiling Point : 125 °C Melting Point : 84.5 °C Specific Gravity : 1.122 (Water = 1) Vapor Density : 2.45 (Air = 1) Auto-Ignition Temperature : 424 °C Flash Points: Closed Cup : 138 °C Acrylamide is s oluble in cold w ater, h ot w ater, m ethanol. It i s partially soluble in acetone. On c ombustion of A crylamide, c arbon ox ides ( CO, C O 2 ), nitrogen o xides ( NO, NO 2 ...) is released. Acrylamide is slightly flammable to flammable in presence of heat. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and fumes. F or small fire, dry chemical powder CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat is used while for large fire water spray, fog or foam should be used. Water jet should not used for extinguish fire. Ammonia Ammonia water solution is colourless to milky coloured liquid having strong pungent odour like a mmonia g as. A mmonia g as ma y b e g enerated f rom ammonium hydroxide s olutions. H igh airborne concentrations o f ammonia c an b e i gnited an d pose a significant f ire an d ex plosion h azard, es pecially i n a c onfined space. Ammonia g as c an d ecompose at h igh t emperatures f orming v ery f lammable hydrogen and toxic nitrogen dioxide. It ma y be a confined space ex plosion a nd toxicity hazard. However, it will not burn under normal conditions. The odor threshold for ammonia is between 5 - 50 parts per million (ppm) of air. It is recommended that if an employee can smell it they ought to back off and determine if they need to be using respiratory protection. For Ammonia, time weighted average(TWA) limit is 25 ppm, short terms exposure limit is 35 ppm and IDLH value is 300 ppm. Physical characteristics of Ammonia are as given below: pH: : 10.6 Vapour Pressure : 10% (w/w):~15 kPa(~112.5 mm Hg)@20 oC; 19.1%(w/w):29.5 kPa (221.4 mm Hg);28.8% (w/w) 74.2 kPa (556.7 mm Hg) both @21.1 oC Boiling Point : 29.4% (w/w): 27.2 oC Solubility : Soluble in all proportions in water. Specific Gravity/Density : 10% (w/w): 0.96; 20% (w/w): 0.925 @20oC; 30%(w/w): 0.895@15oC (water=1) It is toxic and harmful if inhaled or swallowed and can be delayed causes lung injury effects. It is corrosive t o t he ey es, s kin a nd r espiratory t ract and c an c ause permanent eye injury or blindness, and permanent scarring of the skin. Auto-ignition temperature for ammonia water solution is 651 oC and not flammable under normal conditions. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat It i s c hemically s table at r oom temperature i n c losed c ontainers under normal storage and handling conditions. Contact with high temperatures, incompatible materials should b e avoided. It i s in compatible w ith o xidizers, h alogens, a cids (hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, sulphuric), acrolein, acrylic acid, dimethyl sulphate, silver o xide, s ilver ox ide p lus ethyl a lcohol, hypochlorites, me rcury, r opylene ox ide, iodine, n itromethane, i ron, 1 ,2-dichloroethane, s odium h ydroxide. I t a ttacks s ome metals, s uch a s, copper, t in, z inc, a luminum, s ilver a nd t heir a lloys, i nter-halogens, metal halides, ethylene oxide, chlorosulphonic acid and forms explosive compounds with many heavy metals and halide salts. Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is clear c olorless l iquid. O dor t hreshold value is 1 00 p pm. It i s e asily soluble i n cold wa ter, h ot wa ter a nd a lso Soluble i n d iethyl et her, a cetone. Formaldehyde is i nsoluble i n me thanol a nd n -octanol. F ormaldehyde i s in s table i n nature. It is slightly reactive to reactive with oxidizing agents, reducing agents, acids, alkalis. It is also incompatible with urea, phenol, isocyanates, anhydrides, amines, AZO c ompounds, c arbonyl compounds, ox ides ( e.g. nitrogen d ioxide), p erformic acid, dithiocarbmates, or peroxides. Polymerization can be inhibited by the addition of me thanol or stabilizers s uch as h ydorxypropyl me thyl cellulose, methyl ethyl celluloses, or isophthalobisguanamine. Formaldehyde is non-explosive in presence of open flames and sparks, of shocks. Vinyl Acetate Monomer Vinyl acetate monomer is a colorless to light yellow liquid with a low flash point. It has a c haracteristic o dor l ike sweet-to-sharp. Vinyl acetate monomer is soluble in most organic solvents including chlorinated solvents, but is not soluble in water. It is easily polymerized with acrylate esters to produce polymers. When handled properly, VAM can be stored, transported and otherwise managed safely. However, if VAM is not properly managed, it can pose a serious fire and/or health hazard. Characteristics of Vinyl Acetate Monomer are as given below: • Vinyl Acetate is highly flammable • Vapor may cause flash fire CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat • May p olymerize s pontaneously if c ross c ontamination o ccurs, i f t he polymerization i nhibitor i s d epleted, o r i f e xposed t o h eat, radiation, oxidizing m aterials o r s trong acids o r b ases; m ay r esult in h eat generation, r apid vaporization o f V AM, a nd p ossible vessel rupture/explosion • May cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation • Harmful by inhalation • Possible cancer h azard. L ifetime i nhalation an d o ral ex posures have caused nasal and upper digestive tract (site of contact) cancers in laboratory animals exposed to high concentrations. Tumors can occur when ex posure ex ceeds a t hreshold c oncentration s uch t hat t issue defense mechanisms are overwhelmed. Physical and chemical characteristics of Vinyl A cetate Monomer are as given below: Molecular Weight : 86.09 g/mole Boiling Point : 72.2°C Melting Point : -93.2°C Specific Gravity : 0.9317 (Water = 1) Vapor Pressure : 83 mm of Hg (@ 20°C) Vapor Density : 3 (Air = 1) Odor Threshold : 0.12 ppm Solubility : Soluble in cold water Auto-Ignition Temperature : 402°C Flash Points: Closed Cup : -7.8°C Open Cup: 0.7°C Flammable Limits : Lower: 2.6% Upper : 13.4% Vinyl acetate is flammable in presence of open flames and sparks and explosion. For small fire dry chemical powder should be used and for large fire should be extinguish with alcohol foam, water spray or fog. PPE requirements for VAM will vary depending on possible exposure circumstances and activities. Proper use of PPE requires adequate training. Any garments CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat contaminated with VAM should be removed promptly and either decontaminated by a q ualified i n-house or reputable external industrial cleaning service or properly disposed. Contaminated leather articles s uch as shoes, clothing, b elts o r watchbands s hould be pro perly d isposed a s l eather c annot b e t horoughly decontaminated. If inhaled, m ove t o fr esh a ir. If b reathing is difficult, gi ve o xygen. If breathing h as stopped, give artificial respiration, then oxygen as needed. Contact emergency medical personnel/physician immediately. Respiratory tract irritation, bronchitis, pneumonitis or delayed pulmonary edema may develop. In case o f s kin c ontact, i mmediately r emove c ontaminated c lothing an d s hoes. Wash affected areas with water and soap (if available) for at least 15 minutes. Call emergency medical personnel/physician if irritation and pain persist after thorough washing. In case of eye contact, remove contact lenses if worn. Immediately flush eyes with large amounts o f r oom t emperature w ater f or at least 1 5 m inutes. Contact emergency medical personnel/physician immediately. If ingested, slowly drink a glass (125-250 ml) of water or milk. Do not induce vomiting to p revent aspiration i nto l ungs. Co ntact emergency m edical p ersonnel/physician immediately. In case of thermal burns, immediately cool affected skin for as long as possible with cold water. Do not remove clothing if adhering to skin. K eep individual warm and quiet. Contact emergency medical personnel/physician immediately. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile is a lso k nown a s−propene−nitrile 2 which is c olourless liquid with characteristic smell slightly pungent. It is highly flammable and toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed and irritating to skin. Physical and chemical properties of Acrylonitrile are as given below: Boiling point : 77 °C Melting point : −82 °C Density : 0.8 g/ml at 20 °C Vapour pressure : 20 mbar at 20 °C Viscosity : 0.4 mPa s at 20 °C Solubility in water : 73.5 g/l at 20 °C Flash point : -5 °C Ignition temperature Explosive limits : 480 °C : lower: 2.8 % by vol. upper: 28 % by vol. Heat of polymerization :17.3 Kcal/mole. Vapour density ratio :1.83 (air =1) It is unstable t o h eat an d l ight an d stabilization is n ecessary for s torage a nd transportation. On decomposition it may include hydrocyanic acid. When contact with acids, alkaline solutions or peroxides, it may cause spontaneous polymerization. In the event of fire, water spray, water curtain, foam, CO 2 , dry powder may be used as extinguishing media. When i t r elease, r emove s ources o f i gnition an d c ool en dangered vessels an d containers w ith s prayed w ater. O n h eating p ressure r aises w ith c onsequent r isk o f bursting and explosion. Methanol Methanol i s colourless l iquids w ith characteristic a lcoholic odour. I t i s l ighter than water and miscible with it. Methanol is Class A flammable substance. The consequences of a release would be a pool fire. Boiling point of methanol is 64.5 oC. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.8 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Vapours o f m ethanol ar e ex plosive an d h ave LEL and UEL a re 6% a nd 3 6.5%, respectively. Exposure t o vapours causes ey e irritation, h eadache, f atigue, d rowsiness. Hi gh concentration can cause produce centra nervous system depression and optic nerve damage, 50,000 ppm will probably cause death in 1-2 hrs if absorbed through skin, swallowing may cause death or eye damage. Methanol should be stored away from heat, ignition sources and spark. It should be keep away from heat and flame. In the event of spillage of methanol, shut off leaks if without risks and drench with water. In the event of fire, CO 2 , foam, dry powder should be used as extinguishing media but direct water jet should not be used for extinguish water. Epichlorohydrine Epichlorohydrine is c lear c olorless l iquid having odor like Irritanting c hloroform. It i s flammable in nature. Lower flammable limit of Epichlorohydrine is 3.8% while upper flammable limit is 21%. It is also flammable in presence of shocks and heat. The properties of Epichlorohydrine are as given below: Boiling Point : 115°C Melting Point : -48°C Vapor Pressure : 13 mm of Hg Vapor Density : 3.29 (Air = 1) Specific Gravity : 1.18 Vapor Pressure(Mm Hg) : 12.5 Vapor Density(Air=1) : 3.2 Auto-Ignition Temperature : 411°C Flash Points: closed cup : 31°C On i gnition it r eleases h ydrogen c hloride, c arbon mon oxide, c arbon d ioxide a nd phosgene. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.9 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Acetic Acid It is clear and colorless liquid with strong vinegar-like order. It is infinitely soluble in the water. Hazardous polymerization of acetic acid is not occurred. Acetic acid is stable under normal conditions but heat and sunlight can contribute to instability. It releases heat and to xic, i rritating vapors w hen m ixed w ith w ater. Acetic a cid c ontracts s lightly upon freezing which may cause the container to burst. It i s i ncompatible wi th c hromic a cid, n itric acid, e thylene g lycol, p erchloric a cid, phosphorous tri-chloride, oxidizers, sodium peroxide, strong caustics, most metals (except aluminum), carbonates, hydroxides, oxides, and phosphates. It sh ould be avoided with heat, flame, ignition sources, freezing and incompatibles. It forms c arbon d ioxide and c arbon monoxide when h eated to d ecomposition. It may also release toxic and irritating vapors. Physical and chemical properties of acetic acid are as given below: Melting point : 16.7 oC Boiling point : 118 oC Specific gravity : 1.05 Density : 1.05 pH : 2.4 Vapour density : 2.07 Vapour pressure : 11 mm Hg at 20 oC, Flash point : 40 oC Explosion limits : 4% - 16% Ignition temperature : 426 oC Above f lash po int, v apor-air m ixtures o f ac etic ac id a re ex plosive w ithin f lammable limits. Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. When it c ontacts w ith s trong o xidizers, i t m ay c ause f ire. It r eacts w ith m ost m etals to produce hydrogen gas, which can form an explosive mixture with air. Dry c hemical, f oam or c arbon d ioxide c an b e u sed f or extinguishing fire. W ater spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.10 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Styrene Styrene is monomer which is used as intermediate for the production of plastics. It is colourless liquid and sweet like benzene. Styrene is flammable, harmful by inhalation and ir ritating to eyes and skin. It r eacts v iolently w ith a cids, o xidizing a gents, aluminium, copper, Radical−forming agents, Halogenes and metal salts. It may also form e xplosive p eroxides. It i s unstable to h eat a nd l ight. P rior to s torage a nd transportation, stabilisation of styrene is necessary. In the event of fire or during thermal decomposition, it forms carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and toxic gases. Physical and chemical properties of Styrene are as given below: Boiling point : 146 °C Solidifying point : −31 °C Density : 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C Vapour pressure : 6 − 10 h Pa at 20 °C Viscosity : 0.73 m Pa·s at 20 °C Solubility in water : 0.3 g/l at 20 °C Partition coefficient : log P octanol / water = 2.95 Flash point : 32 °C Ignition temperature : 490 °C Explosive limits of styrene are as LEL : 1.1 % by vol and UEL: 6.1 % by vol. The vapours are heavier than air and creep at ground level. If they are ignited, the flame may c over l arge distances. I f i s exposed to h eat from fire i n v icinity, there i s always risk of bursting, therefore, containers at risk from fire should be cooled with water and, if possible, removed from the danger area. Water mi st, foam, dry powder, CO 2 can be used as extinguishing media but never use direct water jet extinguishing fire. High c oncentrations of i t cause d rowsiness, he adache, d izziness, a nd na usea, disturbed s ense o f balance an d longer reaction t imes. Re peated ac ute ex posure can damage the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. The liquid is an irritant to CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.11 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat the skin and mucous membranes. If inhaled, it can be rapidly re-sorbed via the lungs and damage other internal organs. Formic Acid Formic Acid is clear and colorless liquid with pungent odor. It is stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. It is infinitely soluble in the water. It should be avoided with heat, flame, other sources of ignition. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when it heated to decomposition. It is dehydrated by sulfuric acid to produce carbon monoxide. IDLH Level for formic acid is 30 ppm. Physical & chemical characteristics of formic acid are given below: Density : 1.2 Boiling Point : 101 oC : 1.6 @ 19 oC Vapor Density (Air=1) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) : 40 @ 24 oC Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1) : 2.1 Flash point : 69 oC Autoignition temperature : 601 oC Flammable limits in air % by volume : LEL: 18; UEL: 57 Above f lash po int, vapor-air m ixtures a re e xplosive w ithin f lammable l imits. It is sensitive to static discharge. It is i ncompatible w ith s ulfuric a cid, s trong c austics, f urfuryl a lcohol, h ydrogen peroxide, strong oxidizers and bases. It reacts explosively with oxidizing agents. Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray, or alcohol resistant foam should be used as fire extinguishing media. 6.3 HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS DUE TO RELEASE QUANTITIES In the event of release of hazardous materials, various hazardous conditions, which can occur, are described below: CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.12 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.3.1 Pool Fire The release of quantities of liquid hazardous chemicals like Methanol, Vinyl Acetate Monomer, e tc. w ill r esult i n a n a ccumulation of s preading pool of h azardous chemicals. I f it i s ig nited, the resulting f ire is known as fixed pool f ire. I n c ase any object comes in contact with the flame above/around the pool, it will be severely damaged o r d estroyed an d personnel exposed t o f lame w ill s uffer ex tensive b urn injuries. Objects and personnel outside the actual flame volume may also be affected or injured by radiant heat. The extent of damage or injury depends on the heat f lux a nd d uration o f f ire an d ex posure. If a l arge ar ea o f t he b ody r eceives second and third degree burns, it can result in fatalities. The extent of injury to people depends on the heat flux and duration of exposure. The extent of damage to personnel and property depends on the size of the pool and the duration of fire. 6.3.2 Vapour Cloud Explosion If released f lammable m aterial is n ot ignited im mediately, v apour c loud m ay b e spread in t he s urrounding area. A s l ong a s t he g as concentration i s between t he lower and upper flammability limits (LEL & UEL), the propane gas cloud may be set on fire by an ignition source. In case of delayed ignition of a cloud, two physical effects may occur: • a flash fire over the whole length of the flammable propane gas cloud; • a vapour cloud explosion which results in blast wave, with typical peak overpressures c ircular ar ound t he i gnition s ource. F or g eneration o f overpressure effects, some degree of confinement of the flammable cloud is required. 6.3.3 Dispersion Toxic Cloud In the event of release of toxic hazardous chemicals, cloud of toxic chemicals will be formed and moved towards wind direction. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.13 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.4 EFFECT AND CONSEQUENCE OF RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS 6.4.1 Thermal Effects Thermal e ffect modelling to e stimate t he likely injury o r damage t o people a nd objects from thermal radiation from incident outcomes is the most straightforward of the physical heat exposures referred to above. A substantial body of experimental data exists and forms the basis for effect estimation. Two approaches are used for estimation of thermal effects : • simple tabulations or charts based on experimental results • theoretical models based on the physiology of skin burn response. Thermal effects models are solidly b ased on experimental work on man, animals, and structures. . The following thermal damage criteria have been used for the hazard analysis: Incident Power Radiation Kw/m2 37.5 25.0 12.5 4.0 Damages Caused Sufficient to cause damage to process equipment. 100% lethality in 60 seconds, 1% lethality in 10 seconds Minimum Energy to ignite wood at infinitely long exposures without a flame. 100% lethality in 60 seconds. Significant injury in 10 sec. Minimum Energy to ignite wood with flame, melting of plastic tubing etc. 1% lethality in 60 seconds. 1st degree burns in 10 seconds. Sufficient to cause pain to personnel if unable to take cover within 10 seconds; 1st degree burns 6.4.2 Delayed Ignition & Explosion In case of delayed ignition of flammable vapour cloud, two physical effects may occur: • a flash fire over the whole length of the explosive vapour cloud; • a vapour cloud explosion that results in blast wave, with typical peak overpressures circular around the ignition source. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.14 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat TNO Multi-energy method has been used to calculate the blast overpressure. The f ollowing d amage c riteria i n Table No. 6.2 may b e d istinguished w ith respect to the peak overpressures resulting from a blast wave: Table No. 6.2 : Damage Effects Due to Overpressures Peak Overpressure Damage Type 0.830 bar Total Destruction 0.350 bar Heavy Damage 0.170 bar Moderate Damage 0.035 bar Minor Damage The Table No. 6.3 below gives an illustrative listing of damage effects caused by peak overpressure. Table No. 6.3: Illustrative Damage Effects due to Overpressures Peak Overpressure (Bar) Failure 0.005 5 % Window Shattering 0.02 50 % Window Shattering 0.07 Collapse of a roof of a tank 0.07-0.14 Connection failure of panelling 0.08-0.1 Minor Damage to Steel Framework 0.15-0.2 Concrete block wall shattered 0.2 Collapse of Steel Framework 0.2-0.3 Collapse of self framing Steel panel building 0.2-0.3 Ripping of empty oil tanks 0.2-0.3 Deformation of a pipe bridge 0.2-0.4 Big trees topple over 0.3 Panelling torn off 0.35-0.4 Piping failure 0.35-0.8 Damage to Distillation Column 0.4-0.85 Collapse of pipe bridge 0.5 Loaded Train Wagon overturned 0.5 Brick walls shattered 0.5-1.0 Movement of round tank, failure of connecting piping (Source : TNO) Peak over pressure of 0.1 bar is considered for explosion calculations. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.15 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.4.3 Toxic Release The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) concentration values for 10 m inutes ex posure h as been t aken a s t he criteria f or t he ‘wounded’ category. 6.5 RELEASE AND OUTCOME SCENARIOS The release and outcome scenarios considered for consequence analysis are tabulated in Table No. 6.4: Table No.6.4: Release and Outcome Scenarios Sn. Release Source Failure Mode Outcome Modelled 1. Methanol Tank Rupture of 200 L drum Pool Fire a nd Thermal Radiation 2. 3. Vinyl Acetate Rupture of 1250 L Pool Fire a nd Thermal Monomer container Radiation Styrene Rupture of 200 L drum Pool Fire a nd Thermal Radiation 4. Acrylonitrile Rupture of 200 L drum Pool Fire a nd Thermal Radiation 5. Ammonia Rupture of 200 L drum Solution (25 %) 6.6 Toxic Re lease & F lash Fire CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS 6.6.1 Introduction Subsequent the accidental release of a hazardous chemical, the consequence effects d epend o n a l arge n umber o f f actors e.g. type an d quantity o f r eleased hazardous m aterials, presence an d l ocation o f an i gnition source, m eteorological conditions, etc. Consequence analysis for the selected accident scenarios has been carried t o es timate t he v ulnerable z ones. W hen t he v ulnerable z one i s i dentified f or CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.16 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat failure cases, m easures c an be t aken f or risk m itigation m easures an d t o el iminate damage to the property and injury to personal. 6.6.2 Model Used For Consequence Analysis The Risk Assessment study involves a l arge number of c alculations for which established computing aids are essential. PHAST (Version 6.53.1) Software of DNV has been used to perform the consequence calculations. PHAST is a c onsequence and risk assessment s oftware f or c alculation of p hysical effects (fire, e xplosion, atmospheric dispersion) of the escape of hazardous materials. PHAST software allows detailed m odeling an d q uantitative as sessment o f r elease o f p ure an d m ixtures o f liquid and gaseous materials. 6.6.3 Consequence Analysis for Release Scenarios Consequence an alysis f or t he s elected accident s cenario h as b een c arried t o estimate the vulnerable zone. On identification of vulnerable zones for failure cases, measures can be taken for risk mitigation and to eliminate damage to the plant and injury to personal. Rupture of 200 L Methanol drum Outcomes of rupture of 200 L methanol drum are discussed in following subsections. I. UFL & LFL Concentration of Methanol Vapour In the event of release of methanol due to catastrophic rupture of 200 L drum, pool will be formed. Methanol vapours will be generated from pool and vapour cloud of methanol will m ove t owards w ind direction. C oncentration o f methanol vapours within UFL, LFL and LFL Fraction with respect to distance will be as given below: Concentration UFL and LFL Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C 3m/s UFL 0.868232 0.840655 0.873822 1.102 LFL 4.54175 5.07863 6.21705 6.76423 LFL Fraction (50% of LFL) 7.91099 8.37226 7.54025 8.21783 Maximum concentration footprint are given in Figure 6.1. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.17 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Figure 6.1: Maximum Concentration Foot Print II. Overpressure Effect: Early and Late Explosion On release of Methanol, vapours of Methanol will be generated; however, explosive mass w ill n ot b e formed i n a ny s tability c lass and w ind s peed. Hen ce, n o overpressure hazard due to both early and late explosion is possible in the event of methanol release as a result of rupture in 200 L drum. III. Flash Fire Envelope Vapours of Methanol will r esult in f lash f ire o n g etting source o f i gnition. Furthest extent distance of flash fire is as given below: Flash Fire Distance (m) Furthest extent Stability Class, Wind Speed F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C, 3m/s 7.91099 8.37226 7.54025 8.21783 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.18 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Intensity of flash fire under various stability class and wind speed are shown in Figure 6.2. Figure 6.2: Flash Fire Envelope IV. Late Pool Fire Heat Radiation In the event of ignition in pool of Methanol, thermal radiation of various intensities will be experienced at different distances. Thermal radiation level distances are as given below: Thermal Radiation Level 37.5 kW/m2 Thermal Radiation Level Distances (m) 1 m/s - F 2 m/s - F 3 m/s - D 3 m/s – B/C Not Reached Not Reached Not Reached Not Reached 12.5 kW/m2 5.14606 5.89472 6.32033 6.31945 4 kW/m2 10.8125 11.5367 11.7723 11.7709 Late pool fire thermal radiation radii are shown in Figure 6.3. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.19 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Figure 6.3: Intensity Radii for Pool Fire Rupture of 1250 L Vinyl Acetate Container Outcomes of rupture of 1250 L container of Vinyl Acetate are discussed in following subsections: I. UFL & LFL Concentration of Vinyl Acetate Vapour In the event of release of Vinyl Acetate due to catastrophic rupture of 1250 L container, pool will be formed. Vinyl Acetate vapours will be generated from pool and vapour cloud of Vinyl Acetate will move towards wind direction. Concentration of Vinyl Acetate vapour within UFL, LFL and LFL Fraction with respect to distance will be as given below: CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.20 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Concentration UFL and LFL Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C 3m/s UFL 13.0008 6.15433 4.94206 4.48448 LFL 25.7323 16.3275 15.7454 15.4976 LFL Fraction (50% of LFL) 33.9596 24.5258 23.9268 22.9677 Maximum concentration footprint are given in Figure 6.4. II. Overpressure Effect: Early and Late Explosion On release of Vinyl Acetate, v apours of Vinyl Acetate will be generated; however, explosive mass will not be formed in any stability class and wind speed. Hence, no overpressure hazard due to both early and late explosion is possible in the event of methanol release as a result of rupture in 1250 L container. III. Flash Fire Envelope Vapours of Vinyl Acetate will result in flash fire on getting source of ignition. Furthest extent distance of flash fire is as given below: Flash Fire Distance (m) Furthest extent Stability Class, Wind Speed F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C, 3m/s 33.9596 24.5258 23.9268 22.9677 Intensity of flash fire under various stability class and wind speed are shown in Figure 6.5 CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.21 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Figure 6.4: Maximum Concentration Foot Print Figure 6.5: Flash Fire Envelope CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.22 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat IV. Late Pool Fire Heat Radiation In t he e vent of ignition i n p ool of Vinyl Acetate, thermal radiation of various intensities will b e ex perienced at different distances. Thermal radiation l evel distances are as given below: Thermal Radiation Thermal Radiation Level Distances (m) Level 1 m/s - F 2 m/s - F 3 m/s - D 3 m/s - B 37.5 kW/m2 10.5205 11.6605 12.4178 12.4099 12.5 kW/m2 26.1085 30.0251 32.345 32.3287 4 kW/m2 47.8739 50.2841 51.24 51.2145 Late pool fire thermal radiation radii are shown in Figure 6.6. Figure 6.6: Intensity Radii for Pool Fire CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.23 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Rupture of 200 L Styrene Drum Outcomes of rupture of 200 L Styrene drum are discussed in following subsections. I. UFL & LFL Concentration of Styrene Vapour In the event of release of Styrene due to catastrophic rupture of 200 L drum, pool will be formed. Styrene vapours will be generated from pool and vapour cloud of Styrene will move towards wind direction. Concentration of styrene vapours w ithin U FL, L FL a nd L FL F raction w ith r espect t o d istance w ill be a s given below: Concentration UFL and LFL Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C 3m/s UFL 0.427332 0.427493 0.463724 0.5117 LFL 0.914082 1.07176 1.4899 1.53947 LFL Fraction (50% of LFL) 1.14634 1.55234 2.12323 2.33888 Maximum concentration footprint are given in Figure 6.7. Figure 6.7: Maximum Concentration Foot Print CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.24 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat II. Overpressure Effect: Early and Late Explosion On r elease o f Styrene, v apours of Styrene will b e g enerated; h owever, ex plosive mass w ill n ot b e formed i n a ny s tability c lass and w ind s peed. Hen ce, n o overpressure hazard due to both early and late explosion is possible in the event of Styrene release as a result of rupture in 200 L drum. III. Flash Fire Envelope Vapours of Styrene will result in flash fire on getting source of ignition. Furthest extent distance of flash fire is as given below: Flash Fire Distance (m) Furthest extent Stability Class, Wind Speed F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C, 3m/s 1.14634 1.55234 2.12323 2.33888 Intensity of flash fire under various stability class and wind speed are shown in Figure 6.8. Figure 6.8: Flash Fire Envelope CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.25 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat IV. Late Pool Fire Heat Radiation In the event of ignition in pool of Styrene, thermal radiation of various intensities will be experienced at different distances. Thermal radiation level distances are as given below: Thermal Radiation Thermal Radiation Level Distances (m) Level 1 m/s - F 2 m/s - F 3 m/s - D 3 m/s - B 37.5 kW/m2 4.58266 4.81984 5.10808 5.10993 12.5 kW/m2 12.1698 14.7053 16.2477 16.2484 4 kW/m2 23.7888 25.4862 26.1592 26.1607 Late pool fire thermal radiation radii are shown in Figure 6.9. Figure 6.9: Intensity Radii for Pool Fire CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.26 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile drum Outcomes of rupture of 200 L Acrylonitrile drum are discussed in following subsections. I. UFL & LFL Concentration of Acrylonitrile Vapour In t he e vent o f r elease o f Acrylonitrile due to c atastrophic r upture o f 2 00 L drum, pool w ill be f ormed. Acrylonitrile vapours w ill b e generated f rom p ool a nd vapour cloud of Acrylonitrile will move towards wind direction. Concentration of Acrylonitrile vapours w ithin U FL, L FL a nd L FL F raction w ith r espect t o d istance w ill b e a s g iven below: Concentration UFL and LFL Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C 3m/s UFL 2.29924 1.61029 1.78356 1.65371 LFL 8.38954 8.16992 8.34835 8.39675 LFL Fraction (50% of LFL) 12.857 11.8935 11.152 10.5525 Maximum concentration footprints are given in Figure 6.10. CONSULTANT : ENVIRO SERVICES PVT.Foot LTD., Print ahmedabad Figure 6.10:RAMANS Maximum Concentration 6.27 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat II. Overpressure Effect: Early and Late Explosion On r elease o f Acrylonitrile, v apours of Acrylonitrile will b e g enerated; however, explosive mass will not be formed in any stability class and wind speed. Hence, no overpressure hazard due to both early and late explosion is possible in the event of Acrylonitrile release as a result of rupture in 200 L drum. III. Flash Fire Envelope Vapours of Acrylonitrile will r esult in f lash f ire o n g etting s ource o f ig nition. Furthest extent distance of flash fire is as given below: Flash Fire Distance (m) Furthest extent Stability Class, Wind Speed F, 1 m/s E, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C, 3m/s 12.857 11.8935 11.152 10.5525 Intensity of flash fire under various stability class and wind speed are shown in Figure 6.11. Figure 6.11: Flash Fire Envelope CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.28 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat IV. Late Pool Fire Heat Radiation In the event of ignition in pool of Acrylonitrile, thermal radiation of various intensities will b e experienced a t d ifferent d istances. Thermal radiation level distances are as given below: Thermal Radiation Thermal Radiation Level Distances (m) Level 1 m/s - F 2 m/s - F 3 m/s - D 3 m/s - B 37.5 kW/m2 4.68621 5.27598 5.59035 5.58992 12.5 kW/m2 12.2368 14.175 15.1903 15.189 4 kW/m2 22.0742 23.0315 23.6714 23.6695 Late pool fire thermal radiation radii are shown in Figure 6.12. Figure 6.12: Intensity Radii for Pool Fire Rupture of 200 L Ammonia Solution Container Outcomes of r upture of 2 00 l A mmonia s olution ( 25 % ) c ontainer a re d iscussed i n following subsections. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.29 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat I IDLH Concentration of Ammonia from Ammonia Solutions In the event o f release o f A mmonia Solution due t o catastrophic rupture of 200 l container, toxic vapour cloud of Ammonia will be formed and moved towards wind direction. IDLH Concentration distance of Ammonia vapours will be as given below: Concentration IDLH Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 F, 2 m/s D, B/C m/s 3m/s 3m/s 4.5067 17.219 111.264 61.8901 IDLH (300 PPM) Concentration UFL LFL LFL F raction (50% of LFL) UFL and LFL Concentration Distance (m) F, 1 m/s F, 2 m/s D, 3m/s B/C 3m/s 0 0 0 0 0.335496 0.335612 0.335541 0.335483 0.536074 0.536259 0.536146 0.536054 Maximum concentration footprints are given in Figure 6.13. II Flash Fire Envelope Vapours of A mmonia w ill r esult in flash fire on g etting s ource of i gnition. F urthest extent distance of flash fire is as given below: Flash Fire Distance (m) Furthest extent F, 1 m/s 0.536074 Stability Class, Wind Speed F, 2 D, B/C, m/s 3m/s 3m/s 0.536259 0.536146 0.536054 Intensity o f f lash f ire u nder various s tability c lass a nd w ind s peed a re s hown i n Figure 6.14. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.30 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Figure 6.13: Maximum Concentration Foot Print Figure 6.14: Flash Fire Envelope CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.31 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.7 RISK MITIGATION MEASURES 6.7.1 Introduction For risk reduction, attempts should be made to either reduce inventories that could get released in the event of loss of containment or failure likelihood’s or both as feasible. Ri sk A ssessment i dentifies t he dominant risk c ontributors, w hich en ables prioritization of facilities/section that deserve special attention in terms of inspection and maintenance in particular and over all safety management as a whole. 6.7.2 Risk Mitigation Measures Various risk mitigation measures for the proposed plant are as given below: • The S afety M anagement Sy stems ( SMS) f or the p lant w ill b e introduced and followed. • Safety manual for storage and handing of hazardous chemicals will be prepared. • All t he p ersonnel w ill be m ade aw are a bout t he h azardous substance stored at the plant and risk associated with them. • Personnel engaged in handling of hazardous chemicals will be trained to respond in an unlikely event of emergencies. • A w ritten p rocess s afety i nformation d ocument w ill be compiled f or general use an d s ummary of i t s hould b e c irculated to concerned personnel. • The d ocument c ompilation w ill include an as sessment o f t he h azards presented in cluding ( i) t oxicity i nformation ( ii) p ermissible e xposure li mits. (iii) p hysical d ata ( iv) thermal and chemical s tability d ata ( v) r eactivity data (vi) corrosivity data (vii) safe procedures in process. • The p rocess d esign i nformation in t he process safety compilation w ill include P&IDs/PFDs; brief process chemistry; maximum intended inventory; acceptable upper a nd lower l imits of hazardous c hemicals, pr essures, flows and compositions, etc.. • Predictive a nd p reventive m aintenance s chedules w ill b e p repared f or equipment, piping, etc. and thickness survey will be done periodically as per standard practices. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.32 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat • Safe w ork p ractices will be d eveloped t o p rovide f or t he control o f hazards during operation and maintenance such as: i. tagout ii. confined space entry ii. opening process equipment or piping iii. control over entrance into a f acility b y m aintenance, c ontractor, l aboratory, o r o ther support personnel. • In the material storage area, hazardous materials will be stored based on their compatibility characteristics. • Near miss and accident reporting system will be followed and corrective measures will be taken to avoid / minimize near miss incidents. • Safety m easures in t he form of D O and D on’t D o w ill b e d isplayed a t strategic locations especially in local language and English. • Safety audits will be conducted regularly. • Electrical earthing pit will be checked regularly. • Fire fighting system will be tested periodically for proper functioning. • All hydrants, monitors and valves will be visually inspected every month. • Smoke and heat detectors will be provided in hazardous materials storage area and these will be tested and calibrated as per schedule. • Adequate e arthing an d bonding wi ll b e p rovided t o t anks, vessels a nd machineries and structures, electrical motors and other facilities. • Flameproof electrical fitting will be provided flammable gas and liquids storage areas. • Only authorised p ersons wi ll be a llowed t o e nter inside t he f lammable storage and other hazardous chemical storage area. • Adequate lighting in the work place will e provided with due flame proof lighting (FLP) fitting wherever required. • ‘NO SMOKING’ will be declared in the entire premises. • It will be ensured that all safety devices provided are in good condition. • Disaster Management Plan will be prepared and available with concerned personnel department. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.33 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.7.3 Handling of Hazards • Personal protective equipment will be used by the person during handling of hazardous chemicals and these will be replaced after certain time. • If any spillage of hazardous chemicals, it will be cleaned and disposed as per standard practiced and procedure described in MSDS. • Empty d rums/bags of h azardous chemicals will b e neutralized immediately. • Personnel engaged in handling of hazardous chemicals will be m ade aware of properties of hazardous chemicals. 6.7.4 General Working Conditions (a) House Keeping • All t he pa ssages, f loors a nd st airways will be m aintained i n g ood condition. The system will be available to deal with any spillage of dry or liquid chemical at the premises. • Walkways will be clearly marked and free from obstructions. • Precaution and instructions will be displayed at strategic locations on local language and in English language. • All pits and sumps will be properly covered or securely fenced. (b) Ventilation • Adequate ventilation will be provided in the work floor environment and storage of hazardous materials. • The work environment will be assessed and monitored regularly. 6.7.5 Safe Operating Procedures • Safe operating procedures will be formulated and updated, specific to process & equipment and distributed to concerned personnel. • Safe o perating p rocedures will be available f or s torage an d h andling o f hazardous chemicals. • The personnel will be informed of the consequences of failure to observe the safe operating procedures. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.34 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.7.6 Work Permit System Work p ermit s ystem will be followed at the plant. Hazardous work permit will be used for hot work, electrical works, confined space entry, etc. 6.7.7 Emergency Preparedness • On-site em ergency p lan will be prepared a nd r eadily av ailable for an unlikely event of emergency. • Assembly po int, e valuation procedures, ro les a nd re sponsibilities will be defined in the emergency management plan. • Emergency t elephone n umbers will be a vailable and display p roperly strategic locations. 6.7.8 Material Handling • Material handling areas will be clearly defined. • The p ersonal will be made aw are ab out t he h azards as sociated w ith manual material handling. 6.7.9 Communication System • Adequate c ommunication facilities will be a vailable an d s upported with uninterrupted power supply. • Communication f acilities will be c hecked p eriodically f or its proper functioning. 6.7.10 Accident Reporting, Investigation And Analysis The system will be initiated for accident and near miss reporting, investigation and analysis. 6.7.11 Safety Inspections The s ystem will be initiated f or checklist based r outine s afety i nspection a nd internal a udit o f hazardous m aterials s torage a rea an d process ar ea, CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.35 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat periodically. S afety inspection t eam will be f ormed from v arious d isciplines and departments. 6.7.12 Risk Mitigation Measures for Spills Minor spills from drums and Containers Following measures will be taken in the event of minor spills at the plant: ♦ Notify such immediate area. ♦ Limit access, prevent contamination spread. ♦ Survey personnel before exiting. ♦ Cover spill with absorbent material (unless liquid is flammable or oxidizing). ♦ Wipe test or survey for residual contamination as appropriate. ♦ Wash affected areas, then resurvey. ♦ Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. ♦ Package and label clean up materials for disposal. ♦ Record spill details and contamination monitoring results. ♦ Adjust inventory and waste records as appropriate. Major Spills Following measures will be taken in the event of major spills at the plant: ♦ Persons not involved in the spill should leave the area immediately. ♦ Limit the movement of contaminated personnel until they are monitored. ♦ If a spill occurs in a laboratory, leave the fume hood running to minimize release of volatile materials to adjacent rooms or hallways. ♦ Close off and secure the spill area to prevent entry. ♦ Post warning signs. ♦ Select the appropriate PPE, shielding and absorbent spill materials like absorbent paper or spill pillows if the liquid is not a flammable or oxidizing agent. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.36 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6.7.13 Safety Management System (SMS) The f ailure probabilities l argely d epend u pon h ow e ffectively safety i s b eing managed. This in turn necessitates formal documented Safety Management System ( SMS), o ne t hat i s effective. T he features o f a safety management system are described below: Analysis of industrial accidents and disasters has shown clearly that these are not simply a consequence of direct technical failure or operator tasks, which were carried out incorrectly. The underlying causes may be deeply routed in management aspects of the organisation. In some cases, the incidents could have b een prevented w ith a f ormal Saf ety M anagement Sy stem (SMS). In other s ituations, a s afety m anagement s ystem w as i n place, b ut d id n ot prevent t he o ccurrence o f th e incident. Th is s uggests th e n eed for a w ider application of “best practice” safety management system in industry. Moreover it raises the question of the quality of such systems. Safety, He alth and E nvironment ( SHE) s hould b e a f unction r eporting at t he highest m anagement l evel. T here is no thing u nusual about t his suggestion since such is the practice followed by renowned multi-nationals. SHE m anagement c omprises o f a n umber o f el ements. For t he s ake o f completeness, as an example, the contents of the SHE programme covered in the current practice are given below: SMS Elements i. Management leadership, commitment and accountability ii. Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management iii. Plant design and construction iv. Process and facilities information and documentation v. Personnel safety vi. Health vii. Personnel viii. Training ix. Operation and Maintenance procedures x. Work permits xi. Inspection and Maintenance CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.37 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat xii. Reliability and Control of defeat of critical systems & devices xiii. Pollution prevention xiv. Regulatory compliance xv. Product stewardship xvi. Management of change xvii. Third party services xviii. Incident reporting, analysis and follow-up xix. Emergency preparedness xx. Community awareness xxi. Operations integrity assessment and improvement 6.7.14 Occupational Health Surveillance Programme The proposed plant shall adopt medical surveillance program for employees, who ar e o r m ay b e ex posed t o h azardous m aterials. T he p roposed Occupational Health Surveillance Programme are described below: • Identification of occupational health hazards. • 24 hrs Health Officer availability • External Training of Health Officer to handle any emergency. • First aid kits to all employee’s vehicles. • Regular visit of qualified Doctor. • Provision of blood a nd lung t ests for e mployees w orking in process/hazardous materials areas. • Work floor monitoring In ad dition o f above, f ollowing s teps w ill a lso be t aken for elaboration o f occupational health of workers: • Regular monitoring and evaluation of noise levels, illumination, dust, etc., • Use of Appropriate Personal Protective Equipments depending upon • Safety practices f or h andling o f h azards and s pill control w ill b e s trictly followed to avoid entering the hazards into body of workers either through inhalation ingestion or through skin absorption. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 6.38 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat To avoid musculo skeletal disorders (MSD), backache, pain in minor or major joints, fatigue, etc in the employees working at the proposed plant, following steps shall be taken: • Scheduling w orking hours in p rocess and h azardous a rea with t he employee; • Scheduling o f w orkers d eployment i n p rocess a rea b y r otation so t hat exposure to hazards can be minimized. • Regular monitoring of work floor environment • Providing training to employees to handle hazards safely. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad CHAPTER 7 7.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER – 7 PROJECT BENEFITS The s cope a nd n ature of the p otential b enefits varies b etween the construction phase and the operational p hase o f t he p roject. P otential project b enefits s uch a s im provement i n the p hysical inf rastructure, s ocial infrastructure, employment a nd o ther tangible b enefits related to t hese t wo phases of the project are discussed below. 7.1 IMPROVEMENT IN THE PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE The project site is located in the vicinity o f Integrated textile p ark w hich is under developing phase alongwith the necessary inf rastructure w hich may be a dvantegous to the l ocal c ommunity a s w ell a s ind ustries b eing developed. Moreover, AUDA has announced draft T.P. scheme, under which roads are passing near the boundary of the site. The site is easily approached through NH – 8, which is @ 1 Km distance. Hence, considering availability of existing physical inf rastructure there is n o need for a ny im provement in the physical infrastructure by the unit. 7.2 IMPROVEMENT IN THE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE The b asic requirement o f the c ommunity need s w ill b e strengthened by organizing hea lthcare c amp, ed ucational f acilities, skill t raining to th e community, sports activities a nd o ther similar i n the a rea. NPL I ndustries Pvt. Ltd. is a group company of Chiripal Group, which is undertaking various CSR activities as a g roup. Through the s ocial commitment, the g roup intend t o promote ini tiatives, for the ed ucational and hea lth awareness a mongst the weaker s ections o f the s ociety. E very year o n “Director Day”, the g roup organize voluntary Blood Donation drive with the support of recognized Blood Centre, at corporate office and all over the Group units. Keeping in view the Group’s CSR activities, Industry will also initiate such kind of activities either by providing o r b y contributing to l ocal N GOs in the a rea, w hich w ill he lp in uplifting the living standards of local communities. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 7.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Due t o t he increase in u tilizing the l ocal ha bitants there s hall b e s ignificant changes in the socioeconomic scenario of the area. 7.3 EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL Project w ill c reate direct & ind irect e mployment opportunities w ithin the surrounding r egion. Unit will u se g ood f aith e fforts to employ l ocal people from the nearby villages depending upon the availability of skilled & un-skilled man-power surrounding the project site. In o peration p hase, the p roposed p roject w ill require workforce o f no ntechnical a nd t echnical p ersons. M igration o f hig hly ed ucation a nd s killed experience will result in increase of literacy in the surrounding villages. 7.4 OTHER TANGIBLE BENEFITS Assessment o f the potential s ocioeconomic b enefits d uring c onstruction focused primarily on work force requirements, acquisition of supplies, and the temporary increased demand for services related to the construction project like f ood, ho using, c ommunications, l aw enf orcement, m edical c are, local transportation e tc. Due to these, a dditional r evenue t o l ocal s uppliers f or required p roducts a nd s ervices r elated to the c onstruction and o peration phases of the project will generate. Thus, c onstruction a ctivities w ill provide nu merous new , although temporary, work o pportunities f or b oth s killed a nd u nskilled labor, a s w ell a s c ontribute significantly to the local economy. Additional g overnment r evenue exp ected f rom royalty, taxes, d uties an d other fees. An added benefit t o the p roposed project w ill r esult in c onsiderable growth of s timulating the in dustrial and commercial activities in the state. Small and medium scale industries may be further developed as a consequence. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad CHAPTER 8 8.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER – 8 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 8.1 INTRODUCTION An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a project and site specific plan developed to ensure that the project is being implemented / operated in an environmentally sustainable m anner w here all stakeholders inc luding t he project proponents, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants understand the potential env ironmental i mpacts a rising f rom t he p roject a nd take appropriate actions to properly manage the same. Adequate environmental management measures need to be incorporated during the planning phase to minimize any adverse impact and assure sustainable development of the area. This p lan h elps in f protection m easures ormulations, im plementation o f env ironment suggested and d evelopment and m onitoring programme for environmental parameters during the operation phase of the project. 8.2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS FOR EMP 8.2.1 Operational Philosophy : All the a ctivities to b e undertaken a t the p lant shall be in c omplete compliance with all applicable laws, regulation, standards and guidelines. In order t o achieve t his, the u nit will establish a r esource b ase f or the management o f h ealth, s afety, en vironmental a nd s ocial is sues d uring operation p hase o f the p roject. T echnically q ualified a nd ex perienced s taff will be in-charge of this activity. The HSE objectives for the unit will consist of no a ccidents in p lant, no h arm t o p eople o f s urrounding a rea a nd no damage t o the env ironment. Unit will also b e r esponsible t o t he c ommunity regarding environmental p rotection a nd will promote all practicable control CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat measures to ensure implementation of project operation phase in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner. Success o f w ell f ormulated E nvironment M anagement Plan l ies in the following which shall be fulfilled simultaneously: 1) Management support 2) Efficiency of Environment Management Cell 3) Acceptability of resulting environmental quality 8.2.2 Environment Management Cell : To facilitate the E nvironment M anagement S ystem, one o f the m ost important aspect is the organization and personnel. The u nit will form a n E nvironment M anagement C ell f or a chievement o f the following : Collect information from regular monitoring and create a database. Analyze the data and decide the critical areas for immediate attention and corrective actions. Work out action plan for implementation of the recommendations made under Environment Management Plan. Prepare b udget f or env ironment m anagement p rogram and pr oper allocation of the funds for the same. Qualified a nd ex perienced p erson in the f ield o f E nvironment ei ther environmental eng ineer o r env ironmental s cientist will be a ppointed f or overall r esponsibility f or the m anagement o f a ll t he is sues r elated to Environment, H ealth a nd S afety w ithin the p lant. I n c onsultation w ith incharge o f the p lant, he will directly report t o t he Senior M anagement (Director / E xecutive D irector) of t he c ompany for issues related t o t he Environment Management System of the unit. Organogram of the Environment Management Cell shall be as shown below : CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat (Director / Executive Director) Senior Managment Unit Head Manager (Environment & Safety) EMS operation Team EMS Monitoring Team Environment, Health & Safety Statutory compliance Team EMS operation T eam will b e r esponsible f or o verall ef fective a nd r egular operation o f E nvironment M anagement S ystem a t the plant l evel. E MS monitoring team will b e r esponsible f or ef fective im plementation o f the suggested env ironmental monitoring p rogram a t the p lant l evel. It s hall measure various parameters suggested in environmental monitoring program as p er s uggested s chedule eit her d epartmentally o r t hrough a ppointing an external agency, to control the pollution levels below the prescribed limits. I t shall also rectify the problem areas in t he EMS, if any and provide necessary assistance in the f orm o f r eplacement of a ny eq uipment or b y im proving performance of t he s ame. E MS m onitoring team s hall ha ve to w ork in c lose consultation w ith E MS o peration team a s w ell a s E HS s tatutory c ompliance team. E HS s tatutory c ompliance t eam will have to w ork towards al l t he required statutory compliance associated with the plant operations. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 8.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Above d escribed e nvironment m anagement c ell will i mplement a nd c oordinate the suggested environmental management practices for mitigation of v arious im pacts a ssociated w ith the p roject activity o n d ifferent environmental components as described below : 8.3.1 WATER ENVIRONMENT : Optimum use of water will be done for construction activities required for proposed expansion. Any w astages/leakages w ill b e a voided a t a ll p ossible l ocations / opportunities. Proper h andling o f spillages if a ny w ill be ens ured b y in troducing s pill control procedures for various chemicals. Water usage will be carefully monitored and re-use shall be maximized to the extent possible. Proper f acilities f or s torage of raw m aterials ( i.e. w ith r oof a nd p ucca floor) w ill b e p rovided to p revent s torm w ater c ontamination d uring the storage of various raw materials. Monitored d ata w ill be a nalyzed a nd r eviewed a t r egular in tervals a nd compared with the o perating s tandards s o a s to take nec essary corrective actions. Enough c are shall b e taken to p revent a ny l eakages / a ccidental spillages f rom E TP u nits in o rder to a void a ny g round w ater r esource contamination. The r egular env ironment m onitoring shall b e done through es tablished laboratory. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 8.3.2 AIR ENVIRONMENT : Handling of soils and construction materials will be carefully managed to minimize the risk of wind-blown material and dust. For su ppression o f d ust d uring r equired co nstruction a ctivities, water will be sprinkled at regular interval. For proposed project, all transferring and feeding areas will be well covered to avoid any fugitive emissions. For the p rocess a rea o f the p lant, pr oper ventilation will be pr ovided on t he s hop f loor f or pr oper a ir c irculation t o m aintain the work a rea air quality. Proper preventive maintenance of fuel firing system will be ensured. Air - fuel ratio will be optimized. Efficient working of proposed APC system will be ensured. It w ill b e ens ured that the v ehicles to b e d eployed a t the site s hould ha ve PUC certification. 8.3.3 LAND / SOIL QUALITY : The segregation and storage of all hazardous solid waste generated will be done for the proposed project. Regular r ecord k eeping o f v olumes / weights o f w astes generated a nd disposed will be maintained for the proposed project. Proper s torage, handling and d isposal of al l type of h azardous solid wastes as per the guidelines prescribed will be ensured. There w ill b e no d isposal o f u ntreated water o n l and f or the p roposed manufacturing activity. Any spillage of hazardous chemicals on land area of plant premises should be avoided. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 8.3.4 NOISE ENVIRONMENT : High no ise g enerating m achines a nd processes r equired for p roposed project will be enclosed and insulated. Insulation o f v entilation p ipes a nd u se o f d ampers will b e m ade a t all possible places. Implementation of management c ontrol o n s ite f or l imiting transportation timing by adopting mechanical and technological ideas. Preventive m aintenance s chedule will be f ollowed f or a ll i nstruments a nd machineries to maintain good working condition. Enclosures a nd b arriers w ill b e p rovided t o p umps a nd machineries producing high noise levels, required for proposed project. There w ill b e p eriodical no ise level measurements f or v erifying c ompliance with relevant laws. Workers exp osed to high noise generating operations w ill b e provided w ith suitable ear protection devices. Green belt development will act as a medium for noise absorbance. 8.3.5 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY : All r easonably p ractical measures will b e a dopted b y the u nit to m inimize the risk of accidents within a chemical manufacturing unit. All b uilding p lans a nd ins tallations w ill b e a s p er r elevant l aws a nd w ill b e approved by competent authority. Trained w orkers w ill be em ployed f or all the ha zardous p rocess o perations within the plant and will be supervised by experienced supervisors. Safety features such as fire extinguishers at strategic locations and suitable personal protective equipments will be provided. Flame-proof electrical fittings, flame arrestors etc., will be installed. All t he r aw m aterials & s olvents w ill b e s tored in d esignated s torage a rea equipped with necessary safety features. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 8.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat Periodic inspection & testing of pressure vessels, equipments, machineries will be done. Good house-keeping will be ensured within the factory premises. Training w ill b e p rovided t o the d esignated s taff & w orkers for fire f ighting, work permit system, first aid & safe handling of hazardous chemicals. Incident / accident reporting system will be developed and all the employees will be made aware for the same. Suitable notices / boards will be displayed at designated locations indicating appropriate hazard warnings. Antidotes as well as MSDS for all the chemicals will be made available within the factory premises. CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad CHAPTER 9 9.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER- 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION : 1. For growing m arket d emand o f the textile b inders a nd auxiliaries Chiripal G roup ha s in tended to es tablish t he m anufacturing u nit named M/s NPL Industries Private Limited. 2. NPL Industries Pvt. L td. in tends to serve t he customers t hrough production of textile b inders, textile a uxiliaries, a dhesive e tc. through innovative technology. NP L is l ooking f or s ervice d riven b usiness, to work c losely with c ustomers t o m eet their s pecific need s a nd henc e, delivering satisfying and efficient solutions 3. The u nit in tends to eng age i tself in m anufacturing o f s ynthetic adhesives a nd a crylic b ased e mulsions f or the p aint a nd textile industries in commitment to world class standards. 4. The p roposed es tablishment f alls u nder the Item 5 (f) o f S chedule I o f Environmental Impact Assessment Notification dated 14/09/2006 under the provisions of Environmental Protection Act, 1986. The location of the proposed project is not within the any notified industrial estate; hence it will be treated as Category A project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 5. The proposed project is coming up in the vicinity of Textile Park located near village Bidaj, District Kheda, Gujarat State. National Highway – 8 is @ 500 m distance from the project site. 6. The cost for the proposed manufacturing plant will be @ Rs. 1737 lacs, which in cludes cost o f l and, b uilding and m achineries. O ut o f this, approximately R s. 5 0- 55 Lacs w ill b e t oward i mplementation o f E nv. Pollution control measures. 9.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 7. Land a rea a cquired by M /s. N PL I ndustries P vt. L td. f or the proposed project i s @ 950 0 s q.m., o ut o f w hich @1250 s q.m. w ill b e fo r p lant facilities, w hereas @ 2 500 s q.m. w ill b e developed in f orm of g reen area. 8. The u nit in tends t o eng age i tself in p roduction a ctivities o f T extile binders, T extile p olysols, Ad hesives, P aint b inder, Leather b inder, Auxiliaries & Plasticizers @ 5000 MT/M. 9. The power requirement @ 200 KW will be satisfied Captive power plant of Vraj Integrated Textile Park Ltd. There will be installation of D.G. set of 100KVA, w hich will be o perated in c ase o f em ergency d uring p ower failure. 10. The w ater r equirement @ 1 63 K LD f or the p roposed p roject will b e f or process, u tility (Boiler & C ooling), w ashing a nd d omestic p urpose, which will be satisfied through an integrated textile park - VITPL which is being developed just adjacent to the site. 11. As the major quantity of process water goes as part of product, hence, the q uantity of p rocess w astewater g enerated is l ess in c ompare to process w ater c onsumption. T he m ain s ource w astewater generation from utilities such as RO plant, DM plant, Boiler and Cooling is RO reject, DM regeneration, Boiler blow down and Cooling bleed off. 12. Wastewater from p rocess a nd u tilities w ill b e r esorted to p rimary treatment followed by tertiary treatment of two stage Reverse osmosis plant. R eject f rom t he s econd s tage o f R O p lant w ill b e thermally destructed through Jacketed evaporator of @ 300 L/hour. 13. The sources of gaseous emission identified are from the Boiler as well as fugitive emissions from handling of raw materials. No process emissions have been envisaged from the proposed manufacturing facility. 14. Gaseous em ission f rom s olid f uel b ased 3 T PH boiler will be c ontrolled by Multicyclone with stack height of 30 m. 9.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 15. The s ources o f ha zardous w aste generation are p rocess w aste, ETP sludge, used o il, discarded c ontainers which will b e ha ndled a s p er HWM Rules, 2008 and its amendment. 16. The u nit is c ommitted towards the H ealth a nd S afety of w orkers. The unit ha s provided a dequate nu mber o f first a id b oxes a t s trategic locations a nd g iven training to d esignated p erson f or the e mergency purpose. The u nit h as a lso a ppointed part-time m edical o fficer for medical assistance and for ensuring the better health of workers. 17. All t he w orkers a re p rovided w ith r equired p ersonal p rotective equipments as and when required as per the nature of job. BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 18. Study p eriod f or the b aseline data g eneration work Winter s eason (December 2011 to February 2012) and study area was considered as 6 Km radius considering site as center. 19. For Winter season (December 2011 to February 2012), primary data on wind speed, wind directions, temperature and humidity were obtained from the project site by installing Weather Monitoring Station. 20. The m aximum t emperature r ecorded during study p eriod w as in the month o f December 2011, i.e. 34o C, whereas the m inimum temperature recorded was in the month of January 2012, i.e. 4o C. The relative humidity has varied from 15% to 90% during study period. 21. Total 6 ambient air quality s tations were selected in the radius of 6 km from the project site as centre considering the various factors. 22. At a ll t hese s ampling l ocations P M 10 , P M 2.5 , S O 2 , N O x were m onitored to en able t he c omparison w ith a mbient a ir q uality s tandards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). 9.4 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat MINIMUM VALUE MAXIMUM VALUE (µg/m3) (µg/m3) PM 10 39.72 83.02 PM 2.5 28.00 50.50 Sulfur dioxide 9.42 21.64 Oxides of Nitrogen 14.16 35.40 PARAMETERS 23. As per additional TOR conveyed by EAC, Volatile organic compounds were monitored at all AAQM sampling locations and the minimum and maximum result has been presented at below table. PARAMETERS MINIMUM VALUE MAXIMUM VALUE (mg/m3) (mg/m3) < 0.002 1.25 VOCs 24. For c haracterization o f w ater s ources, G round w ater s amples (f rom 4 locations) an d s urface w ater s amples ( from 2 locations) w ere collected a nd a nalyzed f or d rinking w ater quality p arameters i .e. physico-chemical p arameters a nd hea vy m etals. All p arameters were found w ithin p ermissible limit of IS 1 0500: 2 000 (drinking w ater standards). No heavy metals were found in any of the samples. 25. The no ise l evels were m easured o nce during the s tudy p eriod a t all study locations f or d ay time a nd nig ht time. No ise levels were v aried between 56.17 to 71.66 during daytime and 41.09 to 64.33 at night time during the study period. 26. Total 6 sampling locations w ithin s tudy a rea were identified f or characterization of s oil. P hysical c haracteristics o f s oil h ave b een delineated through s pecific p arameters, v iz. p article s ize distribution (grain size analysis), porosity, water holding capacity and permeability whereas d ata f or c hemical c haracterization o f s oil, s elected parameters viz. pH, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and alkali matter and sodium absorption ratio have been analyzed. 9.5 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 27. Land use pattern of the study area have been obtained through LISS IV satellite imaginary. Out of total 31428 Ha land, majority of the land area i.e. @ 39% Crop land, f ollowed b y @ 12.93 % Water b odies inc luding river. Ap proximately 17 % l and is covered with o pen a s w ell a s d ense scrub where as @ 8.8% land is covered with plantation. 28. A detailed on-site survey on flora and fauna existing in s tudy area was carried out. The study area does no t ha ve a endangered species and also does not have any ny id entified designated forest, national park, sanctuaries. 29. The g eneral o bservation o f the s ite v isit i s that n one o f the plant a nd animal s pecies r ecorded is r are o r end angered. T he s pecies o f f lora and f auna f ound in the s tudy a rea a re c ommon a s a nywhere a nd everywhere. 30. Total p opulation of s tudy area is 9 6,683 w ith s ex r atio o f 9 11 a nd average literacy rate of 61%. 31. At present, the s tudy area has an average em ployment of 42.5%. Out of w hich 35.5% are main workers and 7% are m arginal w orkers. Out o f main a nd m arginal workers, 5 0% w orkers d epend o n a griculture a nd cultivation. 32. All villages have electric supply available for all purpose. All the villages are having education facilities upto Primary education. 33. Medical f acilities a re f ound s atisfactory. A ll v illages ha ve c ommunity health workers. Some of the villages have Hospital facility also. 34. Tap and well, Tube well and Hand pump are prime sources of water in all v illages. F or c ommunication p urpose, p ost o ffice a nd p hones a re available in most of the villages. 35. Villages a re c onnected w ith paved r oads. B us is the m ain s ource o f transportation f or a ll v illages. K anij, S arsa a nd G eratpur v illages ha ve availability of railway facility. 9.6 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat IMPACT ASSESSMENT 36. Impacts a re id entified d ue t o p roposed p roject in two p hases: Construction & Operation. 37. Impacts f or c onstruction p hase w ill b e s hort term t emporary i n na ture either positive or negative. 38. The neg ative im pact w ill b e o n a ir q uality a nd no ise l evel due t o identified a ctivities o f p roposed project d uring construction as w ell a s operation phases. 39. Green b elt d evelopment w ill b e the activity revealing b eneficial impacts on surrounding environment. 40. Employment g eneration w ill contribute p ositively to the l ocal people due to proposed project. 41. As the amount of ground water to be withdrawn for proposed project is ins ignificant to the a mount w ithdrawn b y VITPL f or i ts textile p ark, there is no adverse impact anticipated on ground water quantity. 42. The anticipated quantity of effluent generated from the industrial plant is @ 57.5 K LD, w hich w ill b e treated in Treatment plant h aving p rimary and tertiary t reatment t o achieve t he quality of t reated effluent so a s to r ecycle / reuse in t he p lant. As the treated ef fluent w ill b e r eused / recycled in t he p lant, no d irect im pact o n a ny env ironmental s ink i s anticipated. 43. Stream c ontaining high T DS (reject of s econd s tage R .O.) w ill b e thermally destructed in evaporator. 44. The a ir q uality w ill b e a ffected m oderately d uring c onstruction p hase of p roposed p roject. The u nit h as p roposed to ins tall lignite / a gro briquettes based boiler of 3 TPH capacity, Hence, for the control of flue gas emissions, m ulti – cyclone will b e p rovided. No p rocess emissions have been envisaged from the proposed production facility. 45. There w ill b e minor s ignificant a dverse i mpact on a ir q uality during operation phase of the project due to material handling, operation of 9.7 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat utilities. Development of Green belt of different species will absorb and confine the pollutants within the premises. 46. The d ispersion m odeling was done a s per the g eneral g uidelines o f CPCB vide their publication “Assessment of Impact to Air Environment: Guidelines for conducting Air Quality Modeling”, 1998 and using ISCST-3 model o f U SEPA. F rom t he d ispersion model, it is observed t hat t he predicted ambient air quality due to proposed plant operations is well within limits specified by the CPCB. 47. Incremental increase within the study area due to proposed project will be as follow : a. Particulate matter : 0 – 1.97 µg/m3 b. SO2 : 0 – 1.77 µg/m3 c. NOx : 0 – 0.66 µg/m3 Thus i t c an be c oncluded t hat p roposed p lant operations w ill no t adversely i mpact the a ir q uality. Further, i t is em phasized t hat a ll t he emissions have to b e s trictly c ontrolled as m entioned in the m itigation measures and summarized in the Environmental Management Plan, to maintain ambient air quality within norms in the future. 48. The proposed project land has been taken on lease from the VITPL, for industrial p urpose, henc e, there w ill no t be a ny c onflict in c hange o f landuse pattern. So, there is no impact envisaged on existing land use pattern of the project site. 49. Placement a nd f ixation of hea vy m achineries a nd v essels w ill ha ve moderate impact on noise for particular time period only. There will be continuous g eneration o f no ise d uring plant o perations, o peration o f boiler having minor significant impact on the environment. 50. As the p roposed p roject is to b e d eveloped nea r the premises of industrial p ark, no s ignificant im pact a ssociated w ith d isplacement o f prevailing floral & faunal species is envisaged on surrounding biological environment due to proposed project activity. 9.8 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 51. The p roposed p roject is a nticipated to have p ositive s ocio-economic impact as i t w ill g enerate em ployment during c onstruction as w ell a s operation p hase. T he g eneration o f employment w ill improve the Quality of L ife (QoL) o f p eople o f the r egion d ue to im provement in income. RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY 52. Risk assessment study has been carried out for the storage of identified hazardous and toxic chemicals which will be used for manufacturing of proposed p roducts. T he c haracteristic o f the p otential ha zardous material t o b e s tored a re id entified f or deciding p reventive m easures required during storage, handling and transportation. 53. The c hemicals t o b e ha zardous o r toxic in na ture to b e u tilized a re identified and are acrylamide , ammonia, formaldyhyde , vinyl acetate monomer , a crylonitrile , m ethanol, E pichlorohydrine, Ac etic Ac id, styrene , formic acid. 54. Effect a nd c onsequence f or the ha zardous c hemicals a re carried o ut specifically f or t hermal r adiation, o verpressure ef fect in case o f explosion and for toxic release scenario for IDLH concentration. 55. Most of the c hemicals s tored in container o r d rum a nd the consequence a nalysis is carried o ut f or r upture o f 2 00 l iter d rum o f methanol , 1250 liter container of vinyl acetate monomer, 200 liter drum of styrene and rupture of 200 liter drum of acrylonitrile and the pool fire and thermal radiation distance are calculated based on the available software o f P HAST(Version 6 .53.1) S oftware o f D NV. T he v arious concentration foot prints are plotted and shown in detail in report. 56. For the worst case scenarios and Maximum credible accident scenario, rupture o f the d rum/ c ontainer is c onsidered a nd t he d istance f or thermal r adiation c oncerning f irst d egree b urn, s econd d egree b urn and t hird d egree b urn a re ev aluated. This w ill he lp in d eciding t he 9.9 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat appropriate control measures to be provided for minimizing the effect in case of emergency. 57. The maximum damage distance for various chemicals is summarized as follow. Sr Name of chemicals Atmospheri Maximum distance in m no and condition c condition 37.5 12.5 4 kw/m2 kw/m2 kw/m2 Not 6.32 11.77 1 Rupture o f 200 l iter 3 m/s – D drum of Methanol reache d 2 Rupture of 1250 liter 3 m/s – D 12.41 32.34 51.24 l 3 m/s – B 5.10 16.24 26.16 Rupture o f 200 l iter 3 m/s – D 5.59 15.19 23.67 vinyl a cetate container 3 Rupture o f 20 0 styrene drum 4 acrylonitirle drum 58. However in event of release as a result of rupture in drum /container of above chemical, explosive mass will not be formed in any stability class and wind speed. Hence, no overpressure hazard due to both early and late explosion is possible in any case. 59. Statutory g uidelines ha ve b een f ollowed f or p reparation o f r isk mitigation measures on basis of risk analyzed. Fire fighting system as per guideline will be installed and maintained. 60. The m anual ha ndling o f c hemical will be a voided a s f ar a s p ossible and r equired s afety m easures w ill b e p rovided f or ha ndling a nd transportation of this chemical. Risk mitigation measures are specifically provided for major and minor spills from drum and containers. 9.10 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 61. Occupational hea lth s urveillance p rogram will b e planned a nd implemented during operational stage. 62. DMP will b e prepared f or the p roposed m anufacturing p lant a nd implemented. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 63. Optimum use of water will be done for construction phase as well as for labours w ith a dequate w ater s upply t o labours f or d rinking water and sanitation facilities. 64. Dust will be the main pollutant affecting the ambient air quality during construction p hase alongwith g aseous emissions d uring transportation of r equired m aterials. F or s uppression o f d ust d uring c onstruction activities, water will be sprinkled. 65. The p erformance of E TP will b e monitored continuously. A ny d eviation in performance will be subjected to corrective measures through rootcause analysis. 66. The regular environment m onitoring shall be done through established laboratory. 67. For p roposed p roject, a ll t ransferring a nd f eeding a reas will be w ell covered to avoid any fugitive emissions. For the process area of the plant, pr oper ventilation w ill be pr ovided o n the s hop floor f or proper air circulation to maintain the work area air quality. 68. The s egregation an d s torage o f al l h azardous s olid w aste generated will be done for the proposed project. 69. Proper s torage, h andling a nd disposal of a ll t ype of h azardous s olid wastes as per the guidelines prescribed will be ensured. 70. Regular maintenance o f eq uipments / m achineries will b e done b y application of proper lubricating agent. Enclosures and barriers will be provided to p umps and m achineries p roducing hig h no ise l evels f or proposed project. 9.11 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 71. There w ill b e practice o f pre m edical checkup and regular m edical checkup of em ployees a nd p eriodical training w ill b e imparted for better occupational health of workers. 72. Trained w orkers will b e e mployed f or a ll t he ha zardous p rocess operations w ithin the p lant a nd w ill b e s upervised b y exp erienced supervisors. 73. Antidotes as well as MSDS for all the chemicals will be made available within the factory premises. CHAPTER 10 10.1 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat CHAPTER- 10 DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANT ENGAGED (A) Name : Ramans Enviro Services Pvt. Ltd. (B) Address : 23 & 24 , SF ,Camps Corner , Nr. Auda Garden , Prahaladnagar, Ahmedabad - 380 015 Gujarat INDIA. Telephone : 91 – 79 –26937472 Fax : 91 – 79 –40064440 E mail address : (C) Company’s Capabilities : The company deals with the issues related to environmental pollution control and also provides better options/solutions for effective control of environmental pollution i.e. air, water and solid waste disposal. The company has sufficing infrastructure of its technical staff and has its own laboratory for analysis of water, wastewater, and solid waste and gaseous emission. (D) List of Laboratory Equipments : Sr. No. Name of Instrument Sr. No. Name of Instrument 1 Monopan Balance 13 Heating mantle 2 Magnetic Stirrer 14 Hot Plate 3 COD Apparatus Spectra Lab of M/s 15 Distillation apparatus. Mumbai capable to carry out COD of 15 samples at a time using air condenser columns 4 Refrigerator 16 Muffle Furnace 5 Oven 17 Imhoff Cone CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 10.2 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat 6 pH meter 18 Stack Sampling kit for PM & gaseous emission (2 Nos.O 7 Conductivity meter 19 High volume air samplers / Respirable dust samplers (3 nos) 8 TDS meter 20 Automatic Sampler for Analysis of CO, O 2 & CO 2 in combustion process. 9 Spectrophotometer 21 Two handy Air Samplers 10 BOD incubator 22 Weather monitoring station 11 Jar apparatus for the 23 Integrated noise level meter treatability studies 12 Kjehdal Assembly 24 Fine particle sample PM 2.5 (Envirotech APM 550) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad 10.3 EIA STUDY REPORT : MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TEXTILE BINDERS AND AUXILARIES BY NPL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. AT VILLAGE : BIDAJ, Dist. : kheda, gujarat (E) Details of Technical Persons : Sr. Name No. 1 Mr. Samir Choksi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ms. Shah Qualifications C. B.E. (Civil), M.E. (Env. Eng.) Prakruti M.E. (Env. Mgmt.), Diploma in Env. Management & ISO 14000/1, Diploma in Industrial Safety Ms. Bhavisha B.E. Shah (Env. Engg.) Ms. Krupa OZa B.E. (Env. Engg.) Prof. A. B. Vora Ph.d. (Botany) Mr. Ajay Mishra B.Com, Masters in Sociology Mr. Sanket Patel M.Sc. (Env. Science), Masters in Information System Mr. Jaivik Shah B.E. (Chemical) PDIS Ms. Hiral Mehta M.Sc. (Env. Science) Associate Team Members 10 Ms. Hetal Patel M.Sc. (Env. Science) Empanelled Experts 1 Mr. Vinay kumar 2 Mr. B. S. Lole Responsibilities in Total Experience EIA report EIA co-ordinator, 20 years with GPCB FAE – AP (1978 – 1998) Since 1998, working as Technical Director of the company FAE – WP 8.5 years FAESHW(associate) FAE – SHW 12 years FAE – AQ FAE-AP(associate) FAE – EB FAE – SE 6.5 years Land use Pattern, Baseline data generation work 5 years FAE-RH 7 years Associate FAE- EB Baseline data generation work 2 years Baseline data generation work 4 years 56 years 15 years FAE – NV, LU (applied) FAE – SC (applied) CONSULTANT : RAMANS ENVIRO SERVICES PVT. LTD., ahmedabad Annexure A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE A Annexure B ANNEXURE B lO.OO.000-l:'200a A1 Rl!r (G. P. \1.)-\.2015 c R R D. No RA M 102006_12ll l- ddled r4rr. .il. er rr. 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