The Post. Evening SECOND EDITION. WELLINGTON, NEW VOL. L. Nc. 37. gEAW, u^^DjJßicn. Will aeapatoh their veaseto as under rgggEl . . -, . 11Comm.nd'rjj^^u^rt £$% M^ISSSS ":^ fe^on !?c% ■ S-: N«a.. 1 COMPANY'S "»-aaaf— Vu. Monti Vidbo, Tenxbimtx,and i*""aer ±_ The Homeward Passage willbeviaRiode Tongariro...«6BMayoßS JaneiroandTeneriffe.andthe tinieocoupied »honia not exceea 40 clays. *Calls at Monte Video instead of Rio de Janeiro. Stbambs ~Fg^ . *""*" A Mußari...3sß3L9T«ok ssa.=gar n fsr Aoto?":::6WaooBSX MoV. |Commaud-r %2?2i »S*- MMH Aujuat aagSStf Sfc The unaeraiitned are 5 Lyttelton Octobers Ku»peim ... «! Findiay 4aoa %?&?"* SSSu*"' SS? wov. SI jo ___ TvTti oS|TRt^HAf^ -^- iSoS|TRt^HAfi empoweredto want WTa S22»^AS« apply , at lowtbst T3oolgaraie.4o; gsfft°"»»^"- ||y|fg^l y SuiUyT^lrll i88: S^S BnffiiSS«.DIBIOT £2^ B HIE j=v«Se^ TBBl^^^ mabit H» niA««Si .=§g . Pitohdu! NABHOHnui,,. Sydney toL6NioN^ paris. SSSSL" 8000 tons 6100 torn 8400 h.p. :.. KtS gfe — -— "^ 00MPErlT ** £ J » GIRLS> ULSTERS 'MjX/ Alimitednumber of the foUowing of 46 days wiU be despatohedat regular m. j— "Si^Sifflfl The above areassorted in all sizes. garments "/« 1M Th Pi ONEEnB Ob Wommbb or and D from Wellington Tickets J< , -^ A* HaM sale op dress goods. g TH thi — , "/" q.gKSSsS* widCalaifl. oonT«' ddfre *££££? rr *New^Zealand. » Wong-ttrough ticketsfrom For further particular., applytoj LEVIN CO., Agent*. " a -- - HPHIS COMPANY'S GOODS are househoia woras AvoMin*alike the heat of the Red Sea and 1 A. &A. ROUTE. S»^ffi comf^ulh Westing NEVER tte most and 'n,«<«- M n,n c Btetmel fl-^ ««« . r 626 g g^» 'Sffi? 2 bourne* ffiS«J HMHiywJ Sept. 80 Oct. 5V Oct. it ejamtoh OTJWn-AT itikUUUJLU "OTi'TYrTni?r» B^iSOLajj Hsmalaya...ra98 AWAa»maon Aug. 6 Aus.lo ?«tSm»tta''..,74001 4W*P. Beevea H^f Sept 16 Sept 21 B«ll»»r«t-4872T.B.Aiigu. BS^St" «72T's'An1ur Oct M Oct Oct .s Not mot 17A"RV!3 FAitKO FROM SYDNEY OR AUCKLAND TO Austria jLrSdta "■"aSoiA'cToVrfa -| " -pAqwNOVR lia 2^ TTATW* ..... (ringlef^ t. Rmton t Saloon SpiciAr. Stiibag* (single) a ... ... __ £?■"*-* "' THOS. COOK ft SON. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY (EnnraDJ ' _—__ ________^ TTVWKTTTVn J.JM \J JlirMIJM VHSI71 JrUOJ. JOB PRINTINGDEPART- MENT. TUntWP sTgatrloch iwm B° tor - oiroumatanooßpstmittißß):— AUGUST AUUU&I «, lol t. 84*7,'^.? 01 IS".*, "Friday, 16th d .. "Friday, 30th ."." "Tuea4iy.2oth & ,„ 10p.m. ° CUBA-STREET. HAVING leading Foundries in Europe and America ATLAN" — SURPLUS — ±%.XJ JJ2A.-L^ ."." ."." 10p!m! FOR -nn"R BEADY TWmsTTi'V t AT OUR SURPLUS SALE. "RT7ATYV MONEY!! Laaiea' Felt Hats FoiPKtionlarß apply to undersigned. LEVIN k CO., Affenta. Itis needless for me to print prioe-liats. Wq La6W Felt Hate asmy atookis wellknown as thelargest and 4/6 Ladies' FeltHats! best in the city. I have juat opened 16 Trimmod SaUors. 2/- Infants' Bonnets *!Z T Tbadb ! THEM TO BE MADE FROM NOTHING BUT ° Laaies' Glaoe ana Patent Pumps, 9 Falrßtlt hed Balmoral8' rom 12i " _ ) '^U nice Youths'" G°Shooting Boots, 6s a^Virs* lid . TWICE RECEIVED i ,>,> t ,^ wA lj R?fts & OC ( O WAK,x,Ji H, T XXU 51, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. .-^s . -- 6a 9d FOR 1/6d „,,. READY MONEY' Fit 9d aiK^d»^r^^^^ CELEBRATED pairs G BOOTS manufactured and sold every 4000 of HANNAH'S week. All kinds of Leather and Grindery inBtook. — --.-rm-r » ---^ AND , « Men's peggea ditto, at10a 6d 3j6d ;10 to 13, Men's heivy WaterHghts, at 9s6d Men'spegged aitto, at 10a 6a Balmorala,nails, at10a Cd Men;Spegged Men's plainBalmorals, no nails, at 8s fid en'B te&,at9siia ** ,/ "T FRENOH BEDSTEADS. m TTTCI GRAND VALUE. 3s 9d ;1and 2, 4s 3d _ *" """" " ml^l^'S^ i»moo n ami CAX.L EABLY CA.L AIX, CALL "£**"' xHK«a, Pamphlets jrampmera,Price-lists rncensra Books. PI ANOS 1 rIAJNU»I Parcels DelivereaFree. Articles of Association Form,of For Sale and To Let — to. * — -VILL.B.STB.BT. OHOP T7OR "PRESENTS, ■*■ o, w 27, WiLws-STBKT, r WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS! Choice Jewellery, including Wedding, Engagement and Keeper Rings, Chain Bangles, Brooches.Pins, Stnda, Silver Pencils, Buokles, Clasps, MatohBoxes, t^^ZgSfi&aSSSSSS?* Spootaolea Fiel a Opera GlMSeB> vvnnwa J"oiaerß Md B Cutlery, SUverand hlectro-plated Novelties HSSSFSSSsasas Antique JewenerlrT-modeller IS NOW ON. " Boon InSides), Rolls and Cuts. "an Wholesale Acent., *" lanoa -~~, T --^ Sbwrlb. Meroer-street. enm part P*ymen " BparknngJCtanoWine. i. Custom^Bu^from^SaveaU Sup«biob JACKETS Abtiol.. At less than half SUJN, MUJM.JQ «. & SON HUME _ . mp LAE GBST ' B ~ S>oi Wklihbhk (Under entirely^ management.) . MR.ROBERT REID (For nine years Steward of the Wellington —jSSHsarWorking M«n !rinM "A fuU .npply of the Finest Brand of Liquor instook. The patronageof the pub- be Vxnaiaasß in Btook "^ney /^a&rwoYffim^tilof 1 _. ,, w " CRESPIN 4 CO.'S CO-OPER4.TIVE STORE, Cuba-stb.kt. " " T< t IRONMONGERS IBON A mSohaNT^ oi/beU'recSargeo^ vaned^importations of the following -— ■ Isintroducing NEW KNIFE CLEANER, "' * "" J-H.J AasortY^ftV.- " r^.° r 0E - TABLE and FLOOR LAMPS, with - Silk It Cheiw gSMSS^Sg "- . , SPRAYING == ,! , THEM _„_. CHEAP o BOUGHT Only100 pairs to sell at thisprioe. mmrp KNAPSACK 1 AllPumpa fitted PLUVIAL "" " .r^" 4T> 0 A TTwraAVto 8, A. lIIJVDSAY 1 frrr AQUARIUS J pEB4TITK BIOIiBS' Tho Bostook's'LLadies' adies^Glaco Shoes, lieeilor14a Shoes,11b for 8a 6d _ ._ Tn n JONES . . nTTTvrt-nr»T & ASHDOWN (GrandDeaxgna) at QQi rfd 3 Per Cent, off original ooat. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, kegs^row ' £310/ . FOR CASH ONLY, £1 pbb JONRS dUWJiO Suit bbinq batto. »& ABITDOWN AOJlifUffll. 2 oases NettlefoWs Carriage Bolts ana Bostock's Glaoe Ladies' LevantBack Bals..9s 6d for 6s lid ChUdron's Strong School Boots,33 9d,4a 9d Gents'Light WalkingBoob,10a 6d for 7slid Nuts °82 baia " Lloya * & LloydGal ana**2;oaa casks . D J vamaedPipe andFittings «f ANT E D KNOWN. 1oaße Vaugh&n's Rim Looks Mangles 6 oases Taylor & Wilson'sRover That a reaUy first-class Gent's Boot,made to 1cask Salter's ad Irons 1 caae and 33 bdls Dennetts Double measnre, at 2la, is superior to those Sweep Springs usually sold at 30a. 1oase Cold Chisels " Gents' Nice Goloshed Bals.,12a 6a for 10s Boatook's Crupp Gol. Bals., 18s 6a for 16s 111 VV , weUOFnown Bluoh«s 48 lid,7s 6d Youthß Nailed Shooters, 6alid "'"' " Boys' Strong Nailed School Boota,4s lid su -.=£=i^sr~ NaUs^sorted 10ft kegs ¥«■»« Wiro 19C Wire Nnila aaaorted —~" illoa 0p WHOLESALEIRONMONGERS.TIMBER AND GLASS MERCHANTS, W.LLINCITON. ■ r te rapialy, but my beat Hand-sewn Boots are Btill BTEWAET&CO, DYE T^°lv'l^ g-m^/^ooj^^ta 4 ° '" '"" H^""^ . = X°lEs£ - ißQ^l^SS^nd — " P«nn!«;t»« Sunitanr Bequuuto., An 40. *n Samtary 4c, a.lo^^^^w.xh jMg^rwork Ts. '^ \SJ J pledge Tjebo'nU <^&2ttJ££s&Z^ £s »-.". 10. Bbandon-stbmt. . a^solid £at .. 100,000 "aavjKs "::rt":V,, ■"- T,»WN ' M«i hT t««j. mj OK'S SOAP WAB,NO „.„,„, EXTRACT. Equal to anyBrand. O SOLE AGENTS A. 4. T. BURT, AUSTRALASIAN°INOANnFHnffNT W.lMKoton, lioisconfiaenUyrequestea.«t PEITCHARD beg. to callthe att.n. Importers and Manufacturers of Jtl. tion of thepublio to the fact that he Whioh gire. treble the light!at half theoort MULTIFORM. CREAMERY. SUPPLIES ia now Selling beat white Sugar, soft or of ordinary burners. This 1b undoubtedly STAPLES' XXXX BEER ALWAYS ON .hebestUght ever introducedinto crystal, 2ja lb;ao a0a0 8a bag: 6rst-olas. AND TAP. -.M-nUT? VOVFTTTF<? r e novelties, DAIRY . . »^>i:im-r "oeu,n«i.j«. " . »,lL WAR . amnriirß Woven Mn^EBS-Ph.mnU '^N^wEwy frSl7to24inrfi Hn«C OnsA-STBIBT and Lambton-quat. . * aPrivatoDair^s Established over 30 years. From these Tweed, at Trousers to measure, 12s 6d, 14. 60, Cuba-stbkbt. Cuba.stb.kt. 3s to 4s inthe off all other gbbds at ELECTRO PLA.TED GOODS, in large Six Copies forOne ShiUing. Come early ' selectionand newestdesigns , and haveyour choice. T TATT4Q A VSI /~iT>-nim -n at t t-vt -r>T»T/rn A JjLJNJJJs'V.I A. H Boys' Ready-made Clothing. FENDERS, CURBS, FIRE IRONS, FIRE GREAT * Maggie, the Cows areinthe Clover," and PRICE Men's andBlankets, Rugs, Ac BRASSES 16 otherPopular SongK ;bypoßt, Is4d CHEAP BOOT SHOP, OF v*u BOYS' BOOTS -rr-r MTt-KTr\rctr>cs BOAP, anAD uv**_wvl». _.. Ex ana SLATE TANDING, WalU, TAINUI- MARBLE NOCK'S 2a "Whisper pTw MANTELPIECES *» « " " ana 16haUHear" TS 4 CO. n n H. J. WALSH 23, p Coba-stbmt, tjj REGISTER GRATES Iola BarnDance, 2a ana FATHERS if yon want " Katoomba," NextTe Aro Houaer ' new Waltz, 2b your Boys ehoa with GOOD BOOTS, Now Season*. Gaafittings TILE HEARTHS, COAL VASFS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SOAP ana COOKING STOVES Chsap, no Bplit leather, JKANGES Tunbd, PrANOS fbom 7s 6a. rtTmivTvn BTTKI fI StnmP' F noh Half"< PUMPS IN THE COLONIES. Galvanised OyUnder. REMEMBER! FairlyKnocked the Yankees ""~in Chicago," ANTI-CHINESE LEAGUE 10,11. 12.13, reducedfrom 7. 6d to 4« lid. FOR FEUIT TREES. Garden Hose N3. Wire MatCOTS, MOTHERS ~~ WhiteLead Maa Axles TT * ESTALL'S Beat Value" Knife-cleaner AND PORTIEBE CURTAINS 50 drums and4barrelsStoror'sLin.eed Oil 10 bdlsTinsmith's Wire, assorted" 1oase Crookett'sDuok 13 WiUiamaon's Anvils, assorted 30 pair Lines, Vernon 4 Holden's Patent ORESPIN & CO.'S, CHENILLE, lTAPESTRT, T0 PURCHASE SUITS '« CRESPIN'S GREAT BOOT SALE. "^""T '"' OF LACE CURTAINS, from 3s per pair Li!IEGE VA-RIETY 2 oMesCono6ntratedSUes, in liband|lb paokots 0F Our . FASHIONABLE FURNITURE COVERINGS Gb.en.Tubk.tUm.ib LAST WEEK gSSEffiS^MSSSSf _. Onoice Uesigns LiIJNULihiUM, inr "..,. WORKS. WARD'S (Patentedj Is eaoh. *a RECEPTION tn oompare with wifh r AS C. None genuine unless made with Oabp.t, Laoe Shades, in great variety DTEING AND CLEANING AT with myname on. Harri'Sn ow C>N and B NOTICE, SHORTEST S I??^T?IS S SALE NOW ON 1 !^^L__J tronK; de; coal vr.O.XXi.n, XVH_IX/ WATER. THE REAL 500 boxes Pure CeylonTeas, at 8s 6a per 10 Guinea SUver-fitted are alittlesoiled, and very oheap. importea to this market, ana prioes are njiHORNHILL'S ' in The nublio neVd taveao hesitation ! rthßnth 86 OhtXgedbyleßß relillble COAL HODS-See whatwe haveat 2s 6a; Wlrt to We TIGHT. Drptag B«, Ho MusW Istinfor 7d ake 68. 14-inoh BestPohsEed Morocco Patent ordinary prioe,Ss 6d. ourselves togive satisfaction. ' J" at i. oi^ttJ^ob''s OH 2a t ' E d«mente, Curtains, Mats Blankets Straw mRE begt WaterH|?ht in the City can , n, w. ^w OTimeaualitv 5d and16d v Hats, Feathers 4040., Cleaned from 12. to , in O.E. FORKS, Prime Lard, nibladder.,«d best fap, double sole, from too to heel tip registered lSok, and ThoAhill's improved and Fiaaie patterns. These g^as. ol' White Leaa,OUs, Paint No. SO COURTENAY-PLACE. „ " -H. Cocoa, amall fans. OJ 8d «Pn,ff v„ " s&js t%rt.isrf ' . ' & O0 KNOWS _. Hanasome Carpet Patterns _„,._,_„. 100 drumsHubbuck'sLinseed Oil 180 kegs Hubbuok's Genuine White Leaa 100 kegs Hubbuck'sRed Lead 120ke g8Hubbuck's PatentDryer. 200kegs aasortea Indian Bid,Vxnmian R*». Oxfobd Ochb«, Bbonzbd A taaies1 Twobar Shoes 6s 6a for4a6a ' * JOHN __ CORK CAEPET, Plainand Printed . Traps a^^bal Ibonhon«bs, ANTED ' will compare favourably with J^^J&SSV^tSff. kn° W BldarWy siderablvbelow cost' lam enabled to sell at intena^pusohasera »«»«-« ADDRESS GOODS the usual wholesale l ""' EQmT^KLE HIRE *SYSTEM' The Equitable Hire System ha. advantages over all other purohase syßtems, and prioes which wiU ao weU to get YOU CAN GET THE BEST VALUE 200Ladies' Jaokete, 5a9a.7s 6d.12a 6d,15s to 47s 6d ; aii worth doublethe FALL IN RRD SIAB biUitK. STORE UUU STAR preBent offered at greatly reduced prioes for the ORG AN S Present month. As I purchased for cash at a figure con. » uiaiiioi/, prioe, are now aelUng for cash- -r- _ =- w*-T-jl Coatuigs. Pilsen Beer HerBrand orana. niaen jjcer^aey « ORGANS pwdattjq inn ptaot;WAIOH AKD OLOCK BEPAIRS. TEA ' WTOIS. ANn AND D No. 11, Cobbtinat-plac, W.LMNOTON THE Material. 4s 6d, 6a 6d,to35a fulldress PROVISION DEALERS INNEW 250 Ladies' Ready-made Costume Skirts,'in DUNEDIN RED STAR ALE, ZEATjAND Tw^asSerg.^ana Cashmeres, 5. 6d. BULLHEAD NELSON ALE, Blouses! BloniesrBlouse.! half-nrioe ZZ^Z a¥"d PxA NO S Bedding at eS> ttttt vtato » TSr-UTT» WILKINS & FIELD, npHE whole of theFirat-olaas Furniture Quat" MUSIC! 'irolrngTtoVeß^ndSfns R watptt ■_ j WALgH &qq H This ±ni3 Teais worthIsper lb more. xeajswormisperiomoro. Bottlers'ofthewell'known CLEARING SALE. JJ L Rep^ringisThorWghly JLJ^STSSok SrTou LTBiosraoN., 343J (PBOPBI.TOB, P. REIMER) ■ Innew andneat designs CTATT a LINLEY favourably known in mnsioal circles, has charge of the Music Department, and he effort to will make eeoure the latest every Upholalerer.andUnderteker, Cabinetmaker, PRYDE, having had 21years' T\AVID Xtr TT OPTTTTfP HAMS! HAMS eznerienoeTmom. iTnlonSari»t andbestnovelties. W. H. SPILIiER, „ 63, Manners-street. Spioial T.BMB to th.Pbomsbion. The FinestHams in the Wor.a— Mild,Lean, auaUfied to oVcM wifah ana WeU-Flavouroa. THE "HALL," BOULCOTT -STREET. Prioesto suit the times. , „*__«.,. «. " Every Ham GuaranteedPerfection. Hunorea. to Select from-English, Irish, I'ulxl1'QTE OPPorito the Ope» House. tudeand care. m DOEg NQT WBAE THE KNIVES. Nulxl PA-R,TTOTTT,A-RTiT xa.i*ilvuiia.JliJJl ~ and Colonial. mHAT 0- SMITH'S SALE rr\ T THOMPSON and o« a Much -REDSTARSTORE, TAYTON lAHUIN & HUftimfP JiJISKINE, BIBCUITS, JJYCROFT'S And take noother.. »r oaahor terms. Perfection in Quality, atPrices hitherto Unequalledfoi! Cheapneaa. teed. NOTEPABTIOITLAELY rj.HAT U. SMITH'S SALE I can sellthese Piano, at averylowprioe, _ Lambton PIANOSI yOM Grocer for , T,„ WAREHOUSE, -t . brilliant tone, and easy touch. BACON! BACON Repairsa specialty. Satisfaction traaran- ~ Requiaite GO-OARTSAND PERAMBULATORS rflftaJU.JJUJja.iUao, AND TAPEBTRY Have secured aconsignment of ■ H ana SEASO NABI.B TWEEDS 2 orates Cane & White's Hoppers ' - ERS, ana HOI/LIS,ana every Sporting "OIANO, ORGAN, AND MUSIC ATT A TWT AjLLIAJN. pvt>ttpttotc ««i v. i a mmifijTnn PIANOS, i.-^ REDUCTION celebrated EMMERICH wiwra handIN PRICES some in appearance, brass pin-plato,overAT strung, trichord,iron frame,and■. newpatent sweUing-board, areally splendidinstrument, HUME & SON'S. r^REMENDOUS mnmJ^S^^^Mßß THE Telephone, 443. ..a ..« attention. FREDERICK JONES &Co mwPTWWKrT».nTT<S ...""" " %^%?""l£l£?k?'-stb.kt Perfect fit and workmanahip guaranteed. r PIANOS! TIAINUB 1 TTVTTnIT | J|'Cll VJ^ TXJUVJJ. I have just opened up a shipment of the Tag ana Luggage Labels Rule,,By.l.wS,Penoe.Cara. &0., A. OTO BUEELUB BALB. « JTJ.AiN U» 1 TOTT T? T TTSfDIWRr Wbonolid*Top CvB ' «J«"^^ -^h . -RTDpurq n UAK^JiIB New Patterns, at very LowPrioes - C v^ffor HASSiffi^ffil^ °* TO 1 CalicoStreamer. 4c.. _ '«"<^K Prospectuses andBalanoe-aheeta , DINN£ R AND TEA SERVICES see the prices. BRUSSELS nTSTOIM'S UiHLUJN B HAWS aAffßl jJ^^^l^iS^ . ". POTTS' IRONS. JT^^M^E^i«iSS StaJ^idrKS^ * IV^W''^ ... * P^ M?N Sffi^&^A" . S^flEt'YmlroirfTd Lakes' ~Z SSSfigß*'** CHEAP WHITE AND GOLD SEE THE PRICES. Mannbbs^tbkbt. IT* §g *%* - NIC TOTLET XUXL.U.L SETS BJJ-1O WRINGERS. "SSf&W "t^tf&K^&ti " TTrT>TTVTm7T>CJ Women's ditto aitto, allsizes, at 4a 3d Women's fine Lace Shoes, at 4s lia SEE THE PEICES. Women's Leather Lace Shoes at 5s lid -npß pnTT aTrATn? IViUJjXjJiivO. Women's high-front Leather Slippers, at 2s OXIAIJJi . xg-.gMj. M^oles, cg*^^ Napkins, I'lß OHIBHOLM. EX 5.3. tokomartj ahd 8.8. C nnTl mm Boot WORKING MEN and SETTLERS in Town and Country should visit thoCashCity. Market,28, Cuba-street. R^H^na^o^can^ff^you^e Bkst Valub in thb Youths' superior Half Watertights, Ito3, Men.Bluohers, nailed orplaio,at>s lid j^J^-^iK-*- __„ Q BRASS RAIL ATtfTl "KT'R'R "U"R,AHB"RS AND , Tnll — CHEAPEST. Vs%n, « G BOOT. R &■ fiO \^VJ., «fc. ITAIVnVTATT JJ-^VJ^ XH JJ. IXt S^ULLAR *^ TVTA"RKET 2R OTT"RA STRTSTIT HASTT UABJI ROOT iSVJV/l. IV±ja.XVI\.XJX, V-lU JJ^\.-Oxn)EiX!jJL. " fALWAYS ffi FACTORY,65, LAMBTON QUAY. „,„. _ Hannah s[G Bluchers, from 4s pK^andGirls' SealBalmoral, 15^ G BOOT. „ „ „ md, J!S^'S&S^^^^^S^ w^t 15paeeDt^^ Extra Tronaera. .„„ AU Goods Thoroughly Shrunk. GOoVboOTS . SSf^l&i^ae^SS ' WEFKLY WEEKLY. FRE.H. REIVED FR^CE " B ARE DOWN. 80 OABES NEW GOODS! 2/6 gSSSItt' SEE THE PRICES and Workmanship Guaban«Bd. M Women's Carpet S.ippers, Ts° 6d and 2a 3d E all the LATEST DESIGNSand INVEN~ W Balm lal8' "■"*" _ AXES AND HATCHETS. TIONS in TYPE and PRINTING MATE- HERE 13 A ObSS* TO BUY DRAIMEAN TO TQ SELL THEM «»„ CHEAP. Special attention paid to all orders PBRY CHEAP. SEE THE PBICES. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. rvrfa bttdtjttto oatt? RIAL, we are prepared to unaertake all ATUUIu SUltrliUS BAiiU. through post. Notk CO.'S CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET n-nnrwra *vt> JjUxtxLS. Addbiss-R. HANNAH & ==^ TJA-Dirß ——=—=—====— THIS AND NEXT WEEK ONLY, SJrUUJNB AINJJ T<? Tnm? ttmw descriptions of GENERAL JOB PRINT- jBnaU offer the wholebalance of my Winter wnw SEE THE PRICES. WILKINS & FIELD, Not. AddressPob 7/6 T aD TEA MART, ING, at LOWEST REMUNERATIVE NOMINAI'pIicES. 9 6 Tweed D?eaa; 611 IOR a p rnp-R CARPENTERS' PLANJSS. BON , XX* .17 Jp- IBifLV\f *J1**. XO/6 TWG6Q DcBB9. till E w PRICES conaistent withFirst-class Work. HflftTy Linn pimnneli sidi Coioured Vel 14m Tweed Dress 8/11 READY Mannses-stbekt. SEE THE PRICES. AT th. _GOODS. ¥ TAILOR ~ RIGHT PRICE " -»ship. Da'lton), MONEY. ARGYLE SILVER (Lato J.H. *, M Arm *~« »~> >» «, o"»«. SPOONS AND FORKS. LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. , Business cards, circulars GENUINE EEDUCTIONS 4343 9,EACH. Men's Shirts. Billh^da,Memo.Forma, Fbom 15 To 50 P« C.N.. Jj ljJi. BTTRPLUB HA SALE -. AT OUit 8U lt±' US B E A M E 8r Statements, Invoioe. Rice,51b Is right through. SIMPLY SLAUGHTERED. o-n/vTinTT^TTXTnTm J* GEORGE WINDER, Letter and Note Headings THURSDAY, 18th, SALE COMMENCES INSTANTANEOUS "TAILOR, Undercio^ng Ladies' Reduced 6d bottles Hose, Large Sauce, IRONMONGER, Customs and Shipping Form. Girls'Woollenette CHEAPEST Very Cheap Hosiery and Gloves at CROCKERY MENDER (Late Cuttor to Jones Ashdown). Tomato Sauce, thre. bottlesIs MercantileandLawPrinting Cobnxb stb«t FOR ' PEAROE'S like grim death. at Of large Home and Colonial experience, Hose, at 8 pairs 3/(Botrom of Cuba-street). Auctioneers', Seea,andotherCatalogue. vaia.10id aoz. 1/9 BOOT ARCADE READY a, CUBA-STREET. that hehas started FriendlySocieties'S^tementaofAccount WIhJjIAM 0AMpBELL S> MONEY. Strong Hair Nets, Id. Posters Handb«eamers.Dodgers, Sd.a.dl/ A RRI V E, ExMAMARI, our own -*" No. 36, WILLIS-STREET, OEIENTAL TEA MART, MART and General Theatrical and Show AS H MUST ORIENTAL manufacture,ana painteaby localartist. O R SALE. ldreel V ROOM M ISH ISHALL T? ASIIMXIST HAVE C G. S 21 -"-» 21 A fewdoors abovethe Empire Hotol. ~ P^CES PORK XVAlll>" Pumps,oheap a " COST PRICE, ' , ana v 1_ FT) fi."R A TTST 1?lii^ CTJUUIVJ! good r ZlOp.m. l^S; And FANCY WORSTED andVICUNA SUITS, Jaokete, 11/ C FOR 15/- Ladies' Jaokete, with Extra Trousers, 12/ C 19/6 Ladies' from JH 15s to £5 5s 25/- Ladies' Jaokete, 17/ C BEADY 32,6 Ladies' Jaokets, 21/' TVRFSS A U!BB HUiIS, SUITS Wltn with 17/(5 Ladiea TniHoa' T«^V B to as/ MONEY Jaokets, MONEY. 37/6 25/Extra Trousers, from iG 6s TROUSERS TO ORDER, U. to 25. "7" °° »i Extra Trousers, from £} 10s to JE4 15s which you have to pay to those bootdabblors who only buy where they can. note the addressSEEGB SUITS( witb HANNaH & CO., Extra Trousers, from ,64 to THE BOOT PALACE. 79 LAMBTON QUAY AVHOLESALE WAREHOUSE j Being greatly inwant of money, I have aeterminedtooffer the whole of my superior .took of Boots and Shnnnto nnWin nf bhoes to th« the pnblio at pairs 100 makxng hb pac Always Doing the TWm SUITSi Q A T l7 SALE. OTTPTDTTTO WE GUARANTEE Norwegian Slippers, la 1000 Ladies' G Wallabi Sewn Shoes, from AwaystothbFbokt, ... 10p.m. rTT T -^. -■——*■"—'— fc SOOO^/Ws "fffcW£W£' CoTp-Set Slippers, 2a. 2a 3d, 2s 6d S % 2 G 1^ uSaUd"* 20003pdairs Carpet Men's K.S. Leather Slippers, 1000 G Indestructible School Boots, from 5s 2000 3alia Ga „.,.,, _, ,, . 6 trunks Patent 1000 G Patent-faoe Balmorals, from5s 6a all sizes 4 trunks Gent's Tan ana Ooze Calf Shoes ,„_ AND PEAROE'S T AEOAI)B' . -"—>-— 8 rnJ DFBELIJ/ \J O rm6r - - GDFBELIJ/G Ils6d 2000 pairs Boys' G ShooHng Boots, 5s ===SXSB=====!==!S=!t^!aß^^ , 600 pairs Ladies' G Kangaroo Balmoral., lid 2000 pairs Boys' and Youths' Laoeßal- TRONMONGERY. TTALUE, QUALITY, AND STYLE sewn, from 12s 6d " 1 -*L morale, 4a lid, 5a lid 1000 pairsWomen's G Dairy Boots, from6a nnAirrT A T» Cove West' Porpoise We are known to c.ccl. IRONMONGERY. VEITCH at ,T,T will welLmnriW BuooeßS, sunoes. Will always alwav« attain well-merited hence for xriTlTm/^TT . . -»-^»-^ ' .o—i^gg-^*oouin^wra. reoently imported from the *°- ======^====================^^ BOOTS AND SHOES &JOHNSTON * CO.,{"K£' Jl^T^V.^aniN^wly^utb mHB Wellington. Onehunga as under (woatLer and other Or *°- GENUINE of SIiPPB PERSEVERANCE' m INDUBTUY, AND SKILL /-ITI^T-rTT*T-r, £10 For further particulars apply to the *°- SALE I - - - 2j Inspect^n-Jnvitea. KAIAPOI SHIRTINGS « un\°onNEW ZEALAND (Limitbd). i&\v^f"i2'nlfntn.-2 S^N\ JBIIO FtrstSaloon '.'. - Of EvbbtDbsobiption *°-> &0 ll^^"COMPULSORY a SecondSaloon _===__ i KAIAPOI SUITINGS KAIAPOI FINGERINGS KAIAPOI KNITTED HOSIERY, ao» MAKE. ======:=^ : S\VR CHRI3TCHURCH BACON-CaRING BUSINESS is increasing so rapialy, 8, <s „ Aff ' cz 4/9^ 6 6 now ■ H SAUSAGES 1 Ladie Sa6deEvening shoeß in ISSS SISS? M.N and Boys 1 ? Watert.ghta, 6d,W» 6d, 10s f3^ pal" Hannah^G 2888 KS Wllw T^ r Teaapoons, E.P. Afternoon Fish Carvers, 30,000 pairsGirls' and Women's Norwegian 200pairs Scate's Waterproof Stuaa a Sole and other uaefularticles. cases Jg^^g^ .^ & bb»«* from 6d 3a cd 4s 6d 5a j^ 10«55as saiSr&^ l^-*«,^ 39 Mi48 uM^a. "' ff° KEPT BY ALL LEADING DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS IN THE COLONY. £B6 to £6T 9b ZA JEIOS ■SSSf* irj^lOok^sVctfA^^ ■"S^r^ R,x ' :srrrr«r^.:* :«atL~jrir Sr"" «S * " * -* " p^ , SW^SSiffiSfl'Sfil" "** ZSOSSZttS?* Pp . INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. — _- — — -— — I"* 1 TAIAPOTAIAPOI BLANKKTS DHESS TWEEDS) ' L^ WW AB Stiibao* (Wellington JBI7 to.'Friwio) Tiokete are eood until used, and Saloon F d — BUY NO OTHER 6Tery Fopr CCr . 10,000 pairs Children's Shoes, from1. Hannah's G Frenoh Calf Balmorals,18s 6a, unequalled for comfort ana wear thrpuj-hout ' the Colony, nd have Sterling Silver Afternoon 9000 pairsChildren'sBoota,from1b 3d,1b 6d, 1000 pairs Hannah's G Duke of YorkBoots, 2s and Cream Seta,BonBonTrayß, Candle- VALUB lIR ■"■/" 1 Tea Sets, Sugar FINISH. oir,tBato arßaT,rl BarßaT,B g $£"**y7> D7 BEATEN J2J a^' V rr\ 500 IN I TE ARO HOUSE. ======= 1000pairs Gent'B Tan Balmorals 2 trunkß the Beotive Shoes, from14s 6d 2000 pairsLadiea* Tan Evening Shoes, from 200 pairs Cove West's Tan FieldBoots sy/~\ I 18/6 to 3/6, 4/6, TO 7/U d " r==========================================: ■ GENT'S DEPARTMENT. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. 4 trunks Ladies' Amerioan Button Boots, 2000 pairs Gent's X Boota 1000 pairs Gent's Pliant X Boots from 16s 6d THE KAIAPOI^OOLLEN JEWEt^_r ROYAL MATT. EXPRESS SERVIOE Juat opened up, -m/r tvtTTTT! A nmTTTITXTrt TrTT» CO., ">. tap*-— travellers, sables MANUFACTURING -Bj-g-a-u-, 1. nndoubteoUy the 10/6, a A T T^ A^T m-CT» SALE, GREAT WINTER OQA AAA WORTH NEW AND FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES TO «3boU,U"" SELECT FROM. iOIiMS' bngland "bttOJ\Ji DAIO. ifeF STEAM ""NAVIGATIONCO. «rf+L?T!n Ste^sbrw^b'e&toh^t^^^^ ""gS^a^Wffil n °aa mekr^ KAIArOI s^s^is&.'^iisi^^fnsx^a Saia.Brinaiai.MalU.Gibr^tar.Plymouth:. jg 4ffi 'Tn, Oomma.a.r. iiFuBDAY. AUGTTBT ». sale ends on 7/11, "/**» P «r-r SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES. »7/« C^neXnoe «o^,ia^ ss^asp . . OPENING UP OF ' 3/11, 5/11, now L . APRONS. WARIVTOrK AFIKTIVr WAKJNUPJl & AJJilliN — "' TT AIVTNT ATT X* * JLI^3L-L\ J3I±\. II Cv CO V>» V-f .^ TT T^ T> i"\ /~\ m TJ A T\ A /^ "C , TJ± Hi JLSUUJL JT AJU A L JCJ 79, lambton quay. so4s4,lambton.quay.4 54,lambton.quay. » PPir to^ uW» nfflOTH ff 300 NOVELTY ROBE LENGTHS, Sale Price, O/i 1 Formerly, 4/9 Passengers bookedtoBombay,Riunion, Managera, _-«.-» ifl A L TURNBULL, MARTIN 4 CO., AtHalf-Pbici. Matoithis,andEastCoast ofAhhoa. By Excellency Fdwt AustralianMutual ProvidentBuilding., 600 yards 42-inoh LADIES' CORSETS (Yatisi), Rated of Passage to London tho Appointment ?T§nfiwC<J Pnnoea-Btreet.Dnnedin. ALL WOOL CHEVIOT TWEEDS, Sale Prioe, Formerly,11/6 Saloon, j66oto Jß7o, inolnding Tabte Winea. toHis Governor. &€Sb!£L£K Price, yara Sale Liberal Conoessionß to Famiies. Bjtubn j/g feß?*2Ssbd outh AFRICA -Passaees by AberJ U 7 Tiokbts, avaiUble for 9or 12 monflu, at S0"/"S0 / rail inland fine to v 4-olasp Tans and Browns, splenaia lot, at —' ...... p^ 19 each department has its tables op STaRTLINQ BAEGAIN3 New «ctt Economic JWOHomo Ststim of Trading, „ Absolutely for Net Cash Only, Gibls' Macintoshes T Fm»-k Dbessinq Jackets and d » 8&A asag^SSaSi '»» tervals. Steamer, are fitted throughout aooommoda-ith tion is provided for 36 Saloon We now for M days throw out Good. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. - - ELECTRIC LIGHT, and Paasensers. MACINTOSHES TEA Reduced . DRESSING GOWNS JERSEYS, a/ nn cd SSSSSIS!" r A ir^L!^f!d*sL2S? gSiSffl.-JSF&AS^'aS: BSMS dSSSs cuAks .Pbic. SW, _' iaaued S£ JS&te S^^!?SSSS3SSm« £ patohedmonthly as follow, s— explanation- —- 5/6 - 12/6 v^^j-"*^ * > to ' '"* aoz 2/6 r -^-swraft-" -fiaaaear 30 a^jackets! GEORGE & KERSLEY, sale Pr.ce, 120 girls' ulsters velvet mixtures FEATHER BOAS. A special lot will be offered, 16,6 reduced to T Our largo stock of Torchon,Maltese,Irish BKAVER TRIMMINGS. All odours. 6d, 1/-, 1/6 per yard Point,'Guipnre, and Oriental Laces, at Usual price from 2o to 30 Per cent.Ruction. Sale oe 6dj» !/. per yard rfQ' DQ faMif CoLTjAKgi for LADIES' UMBRELLiS. n«*«a. UNFLINCHING REDUCTIONS! KID GLOVES. SILENOm 42/6, 52/6, 55/-, 57/6 1 , , l/-yafl ' ogME AND SEE! Sale Prioe, JJ/g I^S^Sk^^lX* j £ «/- ~ go,. 75/ ice> Saleprice, 2/-, now - ' I^ A choiceof 25. ormM 800 yards -VeryChoice Ribbons, KanBine from V.i/6' » nd GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER! ti.t, REALBEAR BOAS. ... 3dy% ... 4| d yd 200 yards Fancy Ribbons, ah colours, ea, now ' colossal reductions 2=ssfia".}& E 1 Navy, 8500 h.p. Steamer.ofeOOO^underpostaroon. ha^aU^^^ fcraotjritb the Frenoh GoTernment, oalling Zealand trade, and make anaveragepassage atM.uiOTJBHX.ADSLAroB.ALBANT.MAjp, Asxn, Suiz, and Pobt Said, will be dia- -> saw pbices. 500 yards Fanoy Ribbon, GA T T7« t SALE ! "- 1/- ~^ the record - beaten. Bmmnta „« cTT Tr«j ' RIBBONS AND LACES. AT\IZ T I^l "IV S Jft. 1 P iiIF fr 00 gECOND BALE 0:P GB COLO^REDJACKETS, |Rduce.a 6/8 °ULSTEUSI & JACKETS. 10 GrBLS ULSTERS and JACKETS, Md OTAOOT-Q-LONPON. 4r ALL NEW STOCK — btttott of^ackets. - sale batsb, y«d IN THE HALF YEARLY SATV IIcBnE HAuP-IIIbLY Ull SECOND HALF-YEARLY SALE. 5/3 500 yards50-iuoh wide «««» J-/O» I/O *"-* SILK PLXTS -^ CooUr<l A SalePrice, "J TS 00, IT WX 1^ "NT UV;JV H Allll " fancy department. Newshades, 6d, now EOEGE 4 KERSLEY'S VJTEORGE 4 KERSLEI'S 4 KERSLEY'S f^EOROE V7TEOBGE 4 KBHSLEI'S (YW O-OnT)** "n"R"RR«« KXKjyjXJO. KJE UJXriOO K>o DRESS LENGTHS (special) FrOm «» Dre« vt" v . SOME OE TUB BARGAINS nm AT ONOMIoI AT THB economic. SAT.T? OjUXißj Bh Trammed MUlhi!ry 1^ eft 60 FELT HATSI S COMPANY LIMITaD, »— iC c andaU ■ _WTNTER SALE! THE GKKAT TAST U TIAYS economic tII 18 at the YOlame o£ trade that » yearago gave ns andonroustomerssomuch satisfaction. MTLTjTN'P'RY , THE OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST PROCURABLE! followinPlow Pri06 , f wU? B'T8 » «"««* fe»» *» J»»«W inducements we offer in T^ x pnrsuanoe of our determination to make this year's sale surpass the tremendous SALE OF 8f ' THE EVERYONE* IN THE COMMUNITY The Company's Mail Steamers oall at Monte Video on the homewardpassage. For passage or freight, apply to: THENEW ZEALAND SHIPPINS - "ZBfZ SEASON! SEASON!' —— — KNOWS THAT Bept. Burton. .^Bon. „ THERE IS ECONOMY IN KLRECALDIE 4 STAINS' SALE PRICES. ftom o"aer0 „„, PRICE ONE PENNY (Published Daily). AUGUST 12, 1895 . ?; ," SffiSS Iff" semi-annual salei . Plymouth. Btema' 339 292 10 „,„„„. ,^^,Hip».Ha B i>l f of r 6Hgl L.AST JNIINE DAYS _. _* &. STAIjVS Q_,.T T JVIItJKCAjIiDIE .g^ ««. ZEALAND, MONDAY. 8 8Oap. Try their P»le Yellow, Blue Mottled, Golden Crown, Double Crown, HouaehoW (two qualities), " Brown Windsor, Fanoy Soaps. „„„. F0X & UIGG> "* P-M^/' variety ofSheet * — TT strikes me that wo shall have to The beßt andBookMusic in WelUngton. 50&0 assorted Songs andP.F. " Pieces, at 6d per oopy. Come andlook. 1 LEAGUE. ~~" J. D.TUSTIN, 4c &0., utOUKft-iUK, ate, DECOR4.TOR 4o TTAVINGreturned to WelUngton, is pro. Jtl pared to undertake all classestot Tr«w^ V^S?mmISSJSI&' Jff*S&^SSSISSS 3T^3SPjSßfta s^o,. Topa, sterling consisting of oval «osp, tooth brush roller, with two tooth brußhoß, nail brush roller, with nail brush, P owder mr«i nr« tnro went pomado 3 ar> " bottles, with sorow caps, ivory hair brush, in oaae, ivory clothes, brush, aitto glove gtrotohera, aittopaper knife, areeaing oomb in case, writing book, lined.Uk, and fitted "SSST&SS^LfifoS^ As a check to further mjsßioir. T . '. ' ZZ-flfZln^A T^S" 'TTFRKTSH v- - ,nnonnßß,nnonnßß old DiningRooms as a '/- X n<a iO£l fcrn^i^^l * TheSarer Top. row be riohly gUt >-£;== BU. -My**-,-rf lettsw^S.awr^tto^ twoor^SS fe°br£,&toh« IPM instrnmente, and .tamping and four initial. in goldon the bag, 42a. opmpleto. Or only engraving the seven silver fittingß an ' KtiS&K{ift« . *co., '"CONFEOTIONER'S IMILEMENTS A T° PRINTING, with if endles. GOODS. T a S, ,JOHK A CO., WHOLEBAL EAGE N gHOW »PranrsatSo gn^fe S " STORE, WORTH^FANCY O^r^F r -flh ,&tfflß%SSfflSlM WlLtll^DDIJTHIBA STREETS: ' !»—-■ «^—^ g±stf» jSfeS . gjAg^-y ' ' , the addrew- _, Dodgera, and Window Cards, do Beparator do.I.} PERS^L^S^ PERBIAN LOLLY ARE MADE ON plain or Crocodile andLizard Skin.. dairy Bulter, lOd lb«KWf& EatimatesFurnished on applicationto -c\r\T> G i\t*n\ Ds-nrnciirh 0»?/H°D 0 «*» ooMßuax »»«.—**-*-*. a. t.bdm.. jss-wiruairaKt .*»*».-' S3£*as^^^ H»^^^. ..s^sss*.- r s »?/H°? s f; 115 Mo ]« in U n ; .-■ . with pair nail scissors, ivorynail trimmer, fouriWhandl,instaxmenfe,and pair o* tweeiers. raoL^riAN "--rsssaaes For -iltaktar "**»»■ PAPERHANGEB, GLAZIER, PAINTER, start an 2$&J& T^ - THE EVENING GO WITH THE CROWD SHIPPING. A few POST. MONDAY. AUGUST 12, 1895- The olose of the Masterton raurdei trial A company is about to be formedin WelTHE KUCHENG MASSACRE. THE CATTERTHUN DISASon Saturday was watched with an unusual lington to manufacture bioyoles fitted with amount of interest, the SupremeCourtbeing the two-speed gear invented by Mr. H. TER. at the A PUNITIVE AND PROTECTIVE crowded all day. A greatnumber of people, Collier, of Wanganui. The invention is a PORT OF WELLINGTON SALE NOW ON. [ST ILSOTRIC TELIOEAPH.— COPTBIQHT.I EXPEDITION. soverarwomen, i ncluding Btayed ingenious one, rogarded j until tlio most and is with WINTER SALE. PASSENGEBS DBOWNED WHILE jury brought in their verdiot, half-an-honr great favour by many of the leading oyoliata HIGH WATER fPRKBa ASSOCIATION.] ASLEEP. [PBKSB ASSOCIATION.| after midnight. in Great Britain and New Zealand. Its To-DlT— 8.12 am ;8 28pm London,llth August., Wings 3d and 6d INGLES Feathers and London, 10thAugust. to amaohineenables the riderto To-Momow— B 45 am j 9.3 pm Tn oonnootion withthe meeting of repre- application Maori havesettled TEBEIBLE EXPEBIENCES OF THE King The owners of the It has been officially announced that gearing of his bioyole in an instant Opjn psb S.S. lonic Jet Aigrettes 3d, 6d, and lg SUN sentatives of religious bodies mentioned in alterthe BUEVIVOE3. damages to meat resulting stringent orders flavo been issued by the the the olaims for leaving without saddle, changebeing the our lastissue as havingbeenhold in connecBets to-day, 5.1 pm Q([ and Jg FULL EANGE BEIGG'S TEANSFEBS. Flowers by merely touching a small line from tbe accident to the refrigerating ma- Chinese Government to prevent further Hisea to-morrow,6.42 ami lets, 52 pm [(■BIBS ASSOCIATION.I tion with the qnestion of Scriptural lesßona effected Samplz Assortment olose to the handle bar. He oan thenride up ohinery in Sydney in December last, by outrages, and that ISOO soldiers will be public Housemaids' Caps Eaok in the of theEevs.E. schools, naineß Sydney, 11th August. 3d any ordinary hill or travel against a to the missionaries in despatched proteot ABRIVALB Toilet Sets, Duouobs Covers, Table Centres, Brake and H.B. Redstoneshould havebeen heavy wind with infinitely less labour than paying 50per cent. The Catterthun survivors have arrived Euoheng and punish themurderers. Ladies' Morning Capa 3d Eaon included amongst those unable to bo present if he August11— Mawhera, ss, 340tons,'lI'I.ean, from &o , *c., here. &c. Eeporte Washington The barqne Florenoo, which left Newfrom state thatBearwere on oue of the ordinary safety MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1895 Went Coast and Nelson. Passengers: Cabin— bnt named as included in the committeesot bioyoles. Arrangements aro being made by the Fonndation Letters for Embroidery. mechanismis simple, does not castle,New Sonth Wales, as far baok as 20th Admiral Carpenter, of the American warship agents THE Hisses Jacobsen and Louisson. Mesdamea Allen up; and the name printed as the Boy. J. clog, and The of tho company for the accommodaBaltimore, can for the on theAsiatic January, flagship Btation, Chandler, PIE DISH be in the with 1140 tons Duokeasily Panama, Pollock, Taylor, and Messrs manufactured M'Connell, COLLABS. Hey. Gray THE MURDER TRIAL. shouldhave been Guy. SALE, MASTERTON J. M'Mahon,l.uxford;4 steerage oolony. A b'cyole with the new gear only enfield coal, has been posted at Lloyd's as has ordered the gunboat Petrel, with 1000 tion of the orew ata Chinese boardimrhouse. GREAT WINTER tugs The have picked up a secondempty Angnst11 Penguin,ss, 517 tons.Manning,from Mephistopheles Ash Trays, Pen Wipers, marines picked from the United States warThe ketch Firebrand, theproperty of Mr. weighs 311bs. The capital of the company missing. LetterWeights, *c, Ac. liTttelton. Fosaenzera:Cabin— MissesJonkinson TE ARO HOUSE. The Cowley slander caso has beensettled ships Btationedin Chinese waters, toproceed outter, also some wreckage and another If the verdict in the Souebvi'llk case is to E» Harman, is again ashore between Kai- has been fixedat £7500, in £1 shares. (2), Thompson (!!),Captain Anderson,Dr JeCTcoat, Floral Flower-pot Covers, Splash Soreens, privately. to Ping-Yang, armed with Gatling guns, to body Borne distance from the scene. A be accepted as correct, Parliamentshould at warraand Ngahauranga, but has sustained Me-srs M'Hiclde, Hayhurst, Wiseman, MendelThe death is announced in Newcastle, ThaLondonand Australasian Corporation, protect themissionaries and European resi- quantity of wreokage has also been sighted Floral Fire Soreens,Plaques. sohn, Burnett, Wing, M'Kerrow, Kerstin, Hill, very little damage. New South Wales, onco bo asked a vote to convert all of Mr. Shadraoh Jones. for the in the vioinity of Crowdy Head. Limited, is issuing at par .£50,000 worth of dents inShanghai. Bacbley, Heenan, Nicholl, Robertson, Broderich, DBESSING DOLLS. TheGarrison Band gaveaperformance on Mr. Jones was by profession a surgeon, 4Jper cent, mortgage debenturesto r:deem A message from the British residents 1 here seems every reason to believe that Mathias, Murray, Broadway, Thompson, Lvidle, nosuoh gaols into lunatic is asylums. There My Lady Betty ; Winsome the Thorndon Esplanade yesterday after- and a very olever one, but by nature he terminabledebentures. v Banks and son, Clarkson, Earland, Chovannes, Winriie and her andher Gowns Salisbury's demands are Mr. Fraser and Lieutenant Smith were that Lord declares as and are Dolly Delight thing crime, ; so-calledoriminala Wardrobe noon. A collection wasmade in aid of the was a speculator. He waß well known Turnbull, Reynolds,Farley,Knight.Schmaeker; Mr.Mitohell, one of thedepositors with utterly inadequate, and that delay is overwhelmed in their oabins, and were August 11— Kahu, ss, 99 tons, Bomeral, from andher Dresses ;Prince Hyaointh, &0., &o. really irresponsible lunatics. Tho idea ib cost of sending theband to the coming con- in Victoria for somo years, and in 1861 he Goldsbrougb, Mort drowned while they were asleep. None of and Co., declares that dangerous. East Coast to the Otago testat oame and CommerTimaru, bought andrealised £5 10s lO.Jd. the scheme of re-arrangement just agreed to thesurvivors saw them from the time they not altogether new. Heretofore, however, 11th August. August 11— Wakatu, Ss, 95 Wills, from tons.Passengersand Hotel, subsequently oial the PRINGLE'B, leased Lyttelton,'CheTiot, and Kaikonra. for all time the company's finanoial The mission societies will combine and went to their cabins. its promulgation has been confined to tho The steamer Waitapu has brought newsof Provinoial Hotel. To Mr. Jones Otago secures stability. He says the Victorian Ministry wait as a deputation onthePremier demandThe ladies were drowned apparently Misses Button and Saridson, Messrs Parsons, G9, LAMBTON-QUAT. imaginative writers, who havo depicted the a serions accident which befel Mr. J. H. owed tho introduction of barmaids, the has promised Collins,Morris, White to do all iv Kbpower to facili- ing that prompt action be taken to prevent because they were afraid to leave the one of the owners of theHomewood establishment of up-to-date hotels, the visit August11— Waitapu, ss,40 tons. Westrup, from coming race, or dovoted themselves to Bond, tate the saloon when they saw the great inrush of of an Act to enable the arepetitionof the massacres in China. Estate, Pelorus Sound, last Friday. Ab he Nots. Visitors are oordially invited to the first All England Eleven, the first change topassing Harelock. Passenger— Mr Pickering water whioh followed the opening of the be made. attempting to sketoh the oondition of wag felling some bush on the station the of a.m.) (Beoeived August 12, 11.40 August11— Wainm. ss, S9l tons, Lambert, from inspect our stook. Only beat qualities of thoatro (a converted saleyard), the estabdoor by the ohief steward. (Beceived August 12, 10.30a.m.) West Coast and Nelson. Passengers— Misses goods kept, all imported direot. Booiety a fow generations hence. It branch of a tree came down and struok him lishment of Vauxhall Gardens, and a great Sydnby, This Day. A Chinese quartermaster, who took the Canine, Knell. Bonnyman, Erslrinc, Mesdames beeu reserved for a Wellington Couct on the head,injuring him bo severely that many other things. It was he who , London, llth August. Memorial serrioes were held in several wheel at midnight, states that tho second Good, Easton»nd family(9).Tennant, Archbishop I S H has "m. yacht Sholde he will be probably confined to hiß bed for nearly smashed the Bank New The won tha of misCnp yesterday memory reof Zealand Australian ohurohes in the Bedwood, Messrs Craig, Michel, Good. Greene, accopt theory of Justice to the and mate altered the course four points to tho sevoral weeks. S-omo neighbours went to days by his overdraft,and after at Cowes, tho Caress being second. Lord sionarieskilledinChina. Gay,Buine, Scaipo, Owen, O'Connor, Whitelock, eastward. This would show that his duce it to practice. Iftho evidence given Havelock and brought down Dr. Hoadley, initsinfant through the Bankruptcy Court he Lonßdale's Verena wonthe Emperor'sCup, Masters Sutherland (2);9 steerage passing opinion was that the vessel was hogging on Friday and Saturday is to be acceptedin who remained in attendance on sufferer any and tha Prince of is not shown on of tht Kucheng Angnst 12— Aorere, ss. 49 tons. Tinner, from to hit another Bank Wales' the managed (Commercial the. Britannia won land too closely. TTEBBOTAL HIGHNESS thk good faith, then every man who oommits a for some time. Picton, Opunake, and Patea. Fossonger— Mr ordinary maps of China, but the Napier theMr. Zealand) hard with a further over- Meteor Shield. of New Crane, one of the surviving passenDouglas vindictive or revengeful act, who occasion- Mr.B. Logan, The it is a small townof about gers, says draft. Mr. is of guoßt Telegraph Sbadraoh a man of Kaiser the lord Jones was Lonsdale August12— Chas Edward, ss,150 tons,WUdman, of Auokland,has writtento states that Mrs.Mathias askedhim for ally loses command of his temper, or perPRINCESS of WALEShas stampod resource, and very kind-hearted. atLowther Castle, grouse shooting. 20,000 inhabitants from 60 to80miles inland a lifebelt. infinite from NeLjon and Wanganui Wellington contradioting a resident the He went to got it, bnt in ths mits angor or passion to temporarily disideas were magnificent, but unfortuMr. G. F. Morriß states that he oannot from Foochow,and is on the Mm Biver, in darkness couldnot open th)S locker, and b* August 12 Stormbird, ss, 137 tons. Chambers, turb his equanimity and unhingo his report that he has been entrusted with an His withher approval the SPLENDID from WanuiHrai. Passenger— Miss Dunnage advise tha the of Kion. is opening province were Yiotoris. Fo The latter nately thoy always by practicable. not Ho of a wine belt on her. When he judgment,is a dangerous and irresponsible order for a largo yacht for a Southern man. did jDnnectin a. frroat Annast 12— Buahine, 89, 3925 tons, Bone, from situated opposite theisland of Formosa,and fastened his own the AT THE deal of but in depdt in Londonat present. saloon the door was London Tia Teneriffe, Capetown,andHobart lunatic. If this be bo, then assuredly TWEEDS MADS INTHIS COLONT. Complaint is madeof a stout elderly man later years he fell on eviltimes,£°od* Foochovr, its principal port,in inlatitudo 26 attempted to leave Tha and was for shares in the Australian Smelting water, j& whioh was then up to 95 ont of every 100 people in tho com- haunting the neighbourhood of Oriental Bay some time practising as a medical man at Company are being allotted. north and longitude 119 20 east. Fung Fnb, one'skneestho DEPARTURES in saloon. unfit and the largo, to bo at munity aro It is almost unnecessary for us to in the afternoon and evenings,and following Tapanui. His life, if written, would read where the American mission station wfts Angustll— Mahniapna,ss,239 tonsiNewton,for Eomk, llth August. A Chinese steward, after some difficulty, should at onoe be looked up iv order to and aooesting womenand girls. Thepolice like Nelson, Taranaki, and Onehunga. Passengers— a romanoo. Many* old friends will The Correctional Tribunal declares that burned, is close to Kucheng, Branding to it openedit, when the water instantly rushed for tho of the five. provide safety remaining Bohinson, remind the that the publio JeEfcoat, give locality. Missu Oskler and Dr Men's a littleattention to the in somewhat the same relation as Meanee might regrethis death. Messrs judioial compotont the Courts are not to in. He and the Chinese steward left the Buttle, Pears. Mason, Beid, Donaldson. Hodaon, Even at the risk of having our own Banity with Signor Cavalotti's chargesagainst does to Napier. Pitt, Clonston, Kelsey, Franklin, Birch, Booth, saloon, but the three ladieß and the chief Tho ateamors Manapouri, Tasmania, and Tho statntory general meeting of the deal questioned by medical experts, we venture and Boys' Garments manufactured Signor Crispi. Wing; 5 steerage wbioh steward did not follow. They found the Fengnin, that the in left for the Thorndon opinion jurymen Wellington Bowling expreas to an Club (Limited) will be , August 11— Neptnne. ss. M tons, Eckford, for Brussels, llth Angnst. water onthe main dock up to their waists, Souebyille's cose were fairly befogged South on Friday afternoon, had protracted held at the OccidentalHotel this evening. and sold by us ABE MADE OF Blenheim AUSTRALIAN. The Government Belgian has authorised andhadto forcetheir waythrongh it to the I. O. D. Angnat 11— Waihi ss. 63 and bamboozled by a farrago of quasi- andexceedinglyrough passages toLyttelton. North." for tons. the railway companies to live import sheep poop. A number of members of Parliament have Mlenbeim, ftrnmter— MissCcrroll scientific andtheorotioalrubbish, fromeither Their decks were continuously flooded from NEW ZEALAND TWEEDS, and August 11— Hina. ss, 90 tons, Crawford, for Mr. Crane noticedthatthe ship was headsignified their intention of beingpresent at to beslaughtered at Antwerp for export. a technically legal or oommon-senso point of theheavy seas breaking aboard. [PRESS ASSOCIATION ] ing for the land, with the lighthouse on the Wanganui gatheringof the Tailoreßseß* Union view, in a manner which would id thesocial augur famons alike for Durability, Good Sydnrt,11th August. was delivered this morning by in Judgment August 12— Penguin,ss, 517 tons. Manning, for bow, and that the vessel was rapidly for the verdiotif their mental condition was Mr. Martin,S.M., in the case inwhich Mary Thomas' Hall this evening. Wright Brothers' boot factory haa been port liyttelton. Passengers: Cabin— Misses Barker, BRITISHPOLITICS. clown. in its turn made the Bubject of expert Gnilford was obarged Fit,and Moderationin Price. -Dunnage. Wheeler, Buddenklaw, Manghan Barnett's fourth ooncert gutted by fire,and a largequantity settling at the Lower Hutt Mr. partially Izard, MesAfter to the surface subsequent to examination. By the aid of olever counsel, with having committed a breach of the willbe held inthe Art Gallery onWednesdames Elliott and Good, Sir J. Hall, Messrs -De ot machinery and stock destroyed. The the shiprising [PRESS ASSOCIATION.] foundering, Mr. Crane got hold of Jonx,Eobson, Cunningham, M'Kerrow, expertsoientifio ovidenae,and aWellington Licoosing Aot by selling liqnor at her hotel day afternoon at 4 o'olook. The vooalists Boherts, is damage estimated at A peouliar £6000. Long,Hardcostle. Inpscombe,Lark,King,Castle, a meat-safe. He wasthen joined by aChinaLondon,11th August. jury, Somebville haa escaped capital confeature ° 14th July. Defendant was the will be Miss Gwen Davies and Mr. W. the fire is that, while the man, who in a bland, persuasive tone said, viction, but the majority of sensible people on Sunday, Sic Leonard Lyell, Liberal, has been re- ontbreakoftook tUei JOhM n> PearßOn> ■"-" HALLENSTEIN BEOS., Taita, and in May Turnbull, and Mr. A. F. Hill and Mr. elected of thehotel a place top floor, lioonseo at the ou the GoiSTIS will probably continue tobelievethat theac- last sold it to a man named Harnett, who at MaughanBarnett willbe responsible the for the Orkney and Shetland seat by distinot fire was discovered on the ground "More better for yon go catohee another " for piece a majority of781. box." Mr. Crane replied, More " bnttho KNTERID OUTWARDS. cusedwas perhapsono of the sanest mencon- once entered into poasession and gave a instrumental portion of the programme. floor. A firemannamed Lawton fell off the betterofyou NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING ! Celestial declined the sane, Angnat 12— Wainm, 55,"319 tons, Lambert, for noofcod withthetrial. IfSosibrvilleis (Received August 12, 1030 a.m.) ohequo for a portionof the purchaso money. Kirkcaldie and Stainß engine on the wayto the fire, and waskilled. suggestion. The safe, however,amply supNelson. Passengers : Cabin— Messss Permoin, we do not knowthat ho haa gained much by This cheque was dishonoured, and the decirculate with this issue FACTORY, Talbot,Hamilton! 4 steerage August. Melbourne, London,11th Riving particulars an inset of their"semi-annual 10th August. portedboth. They heard shouts andcries confinement for life in a Lunatic Asylum August12— Mawhera, ss, 340 tonß, MOieon,for would not sign the necessary papers popular sole, nhich they describe The Orkney and Shetland return comas tbe biggest The migrationof farmersfrom Yarrawonga distress, adds Mr. Crane, but they were being substituted for tho scaffold. His fendant Branch, proouro a transfer of tho license to Harnett money-savinn opportunity Wellington has ever pletes the general election. The strength and the surrounding districts to New South of Nelson Tia Picton. Passengers: Cabin—Mesto Eetail -» only male voices. condition, if he remains there long until the ohequo waß paid. Thus, hisWor- known." dames Fleming and Clark, Hot Elliott, Messrs of Partiesis -Conservatives,339 ;Unionists, Wales continues. The menarechiefly locatThe Chinese are old servants of the ComWONDERFUL enough, will in the ond probably jus- ship observed, tho liconso was in the de- F. J.Piuny has justopened tip two large ship, 72 ; Liberals, Hanlan, Pickering, Jamieson, Clarkson, Donald$|ORE ; 170 70 Parthemselves SouthernBiverina, Nationalists, ing j in and the pany, and speak English. They had a most 57, LAMBTON QUAY. son,Aitken; 6 steerage tify his detention whether the verdict fendant's name, while Harnott was acting ments of pianosby celebrated makers, notablr by nelliteß, 12. halving system isbeing extensively adopted. thrilling experience. VALUE-GIVING docs soor not. Thoro is one aspect of the as tho owner of the EXPECTED AItKIVALR ontho date of Broadwood und Sons, Cuappell and Co., "and premises, ThubsdayIsland, This Day. Tho boatswain states that three boats which, trial we think, demands most seri- the offenco. From May to July Harnett others. Those lines will he cleared at reduced NepTOn*.ss. from Blenheim,12th AT It is expeoted tho steamer Argus, lately were smashed one after another while being ous attention. It is the action, or rather appeared CHITRAL. Waihi. ss. fromBlenheim,12th selling without a rates. have been to ashore near Cape York, will be ready for lowered,and people in them oarried overW. P. Shortt will sell at his rooms, to-morrow, the neglect, of the Crown. The Crown was license. On the 14th Jaly Harnett sold Wayerley, ss, fromNelson.13th KIRKOALDIE & STAINS' porfectly withont reserve, a lot of furniture sent in from sea in a few days. The damage is not board by tromendons seas. He saw one man Takapuna,ss. from Onehnnra naTaranaki. 13th aware of the nature of the defenoe three bottles of beer to one Foloy without the LOOK OUT ASSOCIATION,j a by gentleman nearly so, great as was supposed. Sixteen crushed against thodavits andkilled before Hutt who AuckLFBESB Australia, ss, from Auckland and East Coast, leaving SALE! is for GENUINE to be Mr.Jkllicoe made this np. perset SALE, the of tho defondant. As the iioense privity C. SMITH'S (Beoeived August 12, 10.30a.m.) 13til horses died, but the most valuable animals his eyes. fectly known by his acknowledgments to the was in the defendant's name she was land. Herald, ss,from Sonth,13th NOW ON. good Francis Sider and Co. will soil to-morrow, are in health. MEN'S CLOTHING" DEPABTMENT. Minister of Justice for allowing Dr. Fooks No.1boat, containing tha survivors,got London, llth August. Omapere, as. from South. 13th The Bench could nothold that Lichtvrork, at 2 o'clock, that valuable work by Professor Pbbth,ThisDat. clear of the steamer as if oy a miracle. As to give evidence. Why did not the Crown, summoned. The proposals of the IndianGovernment Hrao,sb, from Wanganui.13th "Educating the Horso," illustrated nnHIS IS TO CAUTION THE PUBLIO MEN'S ALL-WOOL TWEED SAO tho defendant sold tho She did not liquor. barqne The from May Hill, Middles- it whs being lowered the steamer began to in pursuance of English precedent, itself sell it herself, nor was there tho slightoßt by photo-process blocks. Nearly 400 volumes are for holding Cbitral have been agreed to by Penguin, ss. from Lyttelton,14th brough, with a cargo of iron rails, atrnck a heel, andthe boat, bumping against her side, Connna, ss, from Sonth, 14th SUITS— appoint a Commission of medioal men of evidence that Harnett was eithorher agent for sale. Tho firm will also hold a sale of furni- the Imperial Government. Againstbuying Sewing Machines Gratton, ss, from West Coast and* Nelson, reef two ture, &c. Geraldton, Former Price The miles outside p'rofeasional eminence (including or her servant. 29/G 36/42/admitted British will garrison the country came a total wreck, bho is now and be-_ bad a plank stove in, just managing to 15th On tho contrary, the evi- Lowes and lorns will sell to-morrow, at tho between Chitral and Kala Darosh, " Ekducbd to full of escape from tho whirlpool in which the 23/6 29/G 35/6 especially Dr. MacGbeqob, Inspector of dpnee was perfeotly unless the and a water. The crow landed safely. Manapouri, ss. fromSouth.15th AiiLiOED to be Wertheim," Harnett sold " clearthat Parker, Manaia, dairy cons and garrison will be stationed at Chakdarra. Catterthun Bank, though it was almost ABylums), to examinetho prisoner and give exclusively on his own account, though un- fnrui of Mr. C. Tasmania, ss, from South,15th ■word Wibtheim and the Tb»d« Mabk, YOUTHS' ALL-WOOL TWEED SAC " stock, other &c. Adelaide, Day. This Panjkora The engulfed. The boat leaked badly, andseas Wakatipn, ss, from Sydney,15th evidence on tho whole ease? Why was it licensed to do so. He(Mr Martin)could not route will be kept open for SUITS— (the little man with a ham. a Gnomx strikehas been lumpers' to-morrow, The settled, Laory (Limited) and Co. will soil and both postal Tongoriro,left Plymonth, 13th Jnly; Otonuma, mer), reliefpurposes. were breaking aboard, sovoral occupants Former Price 22/6 29/6 37/6 left to the defonco to-soloct the expert evi- dealwith the license nnder the sectionof the fruit. is Staiipjid and Cast both on tux left London Tia Auckland Btb Jnty; Woiknto, sides making concessions. Vessels were constantly baling. They had a continuous calling only what would tiuit itself, Aot whichprovided that an innkeeperwho Eiduced TO 17/6 22/6 29/6 dence, leftLondonvia PortrChnlmers 16tnJnly ;Gothic, Machine and Stand, WITHOUT WHICH Saturday. loaded as usual on fear thatthe little craft would swamp. and why was not expert evidence called iv permitted any unlicensed person to be in BOYS' BUGBY SUITS (All Wool)— leftPlymonth13thJnly;Hawkes Bay.leftLondon NONE ABE GENUINE. ib one thing in this world on THE The boat pulled round several times in thatgiven for the defence p We effect tho keeper of the lioonsod premises Ik there DISTURBED SOUTHTia Australia *nd Auckland 11th July; Aorangi, 18/6 25/- 29/6 rebuttalof FormerPrioe it which is safe toprophesy with search survivors. While the boatswain not, cortainty, however, blame the Crown Prose- should bo liable to forfeit his license, as the left Plymonth ISthJuly EtDircKD to EAST OF EUROPE. FIRE ON AN ORIENT LINE wasonof Thia caution is neoesßary, as attempts are 14/- 19/- 22/6 do is a it that Te Aro House sale will bo a board the steamer he sawno passenWaitangi, left London Tia Auckland13thMay ; teing any cutor for omission in this matter, bein to city spurious made this foist a not was now the holder of the success. The purchasing public have long Firth of Lorn, loft Glasgow 27th April; West- artiole on the public, using the name BOYS' MELVILLE SUITS, TWEED STEAMER. gers about the deok. cause he was undoubtedly jnstifiod in defendantTho information would be dis- since come land, left LWerpool Uth June; Grace Deering, to recognise that for genuine AND SEBGE— When thelastboatwas ready tohe lowered believing that tho specialist evidence, oven liconse. fPaiSS ASSOCIATION.| Wertheim -with theintentto deceive. missed, left New Tork, 23rd May; Akaroa,loft Barry lit withont oosts. aoted Mr. Wilford value FormerPrioo 15/6 19/- 24/- if unooutradiotod, did not furnish an answer for the defendant, and extraordinary reductions these the captain shouted from the bridge for the June ;OamarnleftLondon13th June :WeathersSofia,11th August. |PKIBB ASSOCIATION.| Bbdtjced to 8/G 10/6 16/sales stand alone. It not at all is, therefore, charge to the crew to clear ont, as the ship was sinking. field,left London17th July j Bells, Tho Criminal Codo defines In an engagement between the Turkish DON'T YOU BE SOLD." leftNewcastle Melbourne,10th August. SBBGESAILOB SUITS— A burglary was committed in Aro-streot surprising that the immense warehouse has troops and Macedonian insurgents The boatswain i* positive that it was the irresponsible iuaanity in these terms : BOYS' 37thJnly at If it is worth while to use Wertheim's Afire broke ont onboard tho Orient Com- captain, as ho conld not mistake the Former Prioe 6/6 8,6 11/6 14/6 "1. Every one shall be presumed to be last night. The premisesof Won?Lee were been thronged ever since the openingof the Kustendil, the former were victorious. voioe PBOJICTED DCPAKTUB.CS magnificent reputationtosell a maohine not pany's steamer Orientin a bunker where tea great winter sale at Te Aro Honso. andhe saw the figure plainly. This is imBsduced to 4/6 6/G 9/6 11/6 sane at the timo of doing or omitting brokeninto botween 7.30 and 8.30 o'olook, The Macedonians lost 200 killed. Meprane,ss. for Blenheim, 12th was stored. havingquality orreputationof its own, chiefly The is that purportant, fact thebefore-mentioned asit was previously stated thatthe any act until the contrary is provod. 2. and about -C7was stolen. An entrance was Wainui, ss, for Nelson, 12th MEN'S TWEED OVEBCOATS— The compartment is water-tight, and the oaptainwas washed fromthe bridge at the IT IS WOET» YOUB WHILE person shall be convicted of an offence offectod through a window at the baok of chasingpublicknow apood chance whenthey fSPBCIALJ Aorere, ss, for Fatea.12th Former Price 28/6 32/G 38/6 No was confined there. At one time the same time aB tho officers and Captain knowthatit fire They see it. is not that day Miiwaera,ss. for Picton,Nelson and West Coast, to. have only the GENUINE ABTICLE. evory reason of an dono or the Some saw neighbours by light shop_. act omitted a Ebducbo to (Boceived August 12, 10.50 a.m.) 20/- 26/6 28/- by him when labouring fire assumed a serious aspeot, through the Fawkes. latn under natural burning in one of the rooms, and asit was a capital knickersuit of Kaiapoi tweedis to Sofia, llth Angust. danger that the walls of the bunker might Wakatq. n, for Lyttalton. Chariot, and KalAgbnts and Vendors of Machines BOYS' TWEED OVERCOATS— or diseasoof themind to Buch an known that the Chinaman had gone ont bo obtained for 9s 6d, or a strong school The boatswain states that if theyhadbeen imbeoihty Sole It is roported that , konrn. 12th Former Prioe 25.'18/6 80/knicker who was and let the flames spread beyond orack, lid, suit for 3s snob as are now Tufckosohoff Adams, extent as to render tuchperson incapable of Mr. Win. tho ownerof the premises, aminute later inlowering the boatnot Bbdtjced to 20,'- 24/6 understanding suspicion of bein? concorned in control. It was, however, soon subdued half OhM Edward, ss, for Nelson and West Coast made by Joseph, Wertheim, Franokfort-on. arrested on offered tbe being great 12/6 at winter Te sale, and made an and one been saved If the weather inspection, the nature found that the quality of the *.<sth the-Maine the murder of M, Stambouloff, has been after a door between the water-tight com- hod wouldhave Aro House. MEN'S WATEBPBOOF OVEBCOATS— been fine all would have been saved, place or and such act omiesion, knowing Foxton, money Uoeeu of the for act that had been broken into. The 12th of CO., 4 liberated. partments, GBAGE CLABKE whioh had been left was open, Wiutajm,ss. for Patea. 12th Former Prioe as there were sufficientboats and they were 40/- 50/- 68/6 or omi-tion ten* wrong. 3. Any person stolen consisted oi silver and copper, the In the men's moroery department, too, Wkbthbim Depot, the bargains are extraordinary. Men's closed by a diver. Waverley, gs. forNelson andWest Coast. 13thT Reduced to ready for lowering. The orew, he says, 32/- 40'- 55/- labouring under Bpeoifio delusions, but in greater portion having been taken from a socks 13, Manners-street.Wellinerton. Most of the cargo Knlin. sb. forEast Coast.13th are in theforehold has being Bold at men's underbeen id, othor respects sane, shall not be acquitted parcel under Wong Lee's bed. simply obeyed orders, and never,attempted Herald, ss, for Grermonth,13th shirts for 9d, men's drawers for Is Gd, HARDSHIPS IN ARMENIA. destroyed, and the intornal fittings of the to save themselves until ordered to do soby on the ground of insanity under the proLUNGS Omapere, ss. for Nelson and Westport, 13Hb vessel been damaged. have muoh WARD'S RECEPTION The Annual report of ths Snn Insurance flannelette shirts for Is lid, cotton working the captain. ■""■;.■ Waihi. Bt. lor Blenoeim.13th make the way for Consumption easy. visions hereinafter contained, unless tho Office, for whioh Messrs. J. H. Jiethune and shirts for 2s Cd, men's braces for 9d", silk VILLAGES DESTBOTED AND THOUThe narrative of a Chinese steward clears Stormbird. ss. Tvantanui, 13th nothing- to oompare with C. If thelungs are strong Consumption delusions cansed him to believe in tho existfor Hum, ss. for for Gd, requisite ties and for men's every are the localagents,has been forwarded up the fate of the ladiesand some other pas14th SANDS OF PEOPLE STAEVING. SMITH'S SALE. will not develop. Scott's Emulsion ence ot Bomo state of things which, if it Co LIFEIN PARAGUAY. Upoln, ts. forWannnni. Auckland, Uth sengers. He states that when he went below existed, would justify or excuse his act or tous. Itshows tho total sums insured to clothing at correspondingly low prices, at SALE NOW ON. makes lungs strong and gives the omission. Penguin,ss. for Picton andNelson.14th Aro great sale, amounted in 1 891 to the winter Te House. —Adtt. after the firstalarm he found all had gone or after have the enormoussum ASSOCIATION.] 4. Insanity before the fPBKSS systemstrength. Taknpnna,ss. for Lyttejton,14th NOTES ON NEW AUSTRALIA EX- baok to their bunks, apparently thinking whenhe committed or omitted the act, of .£393,622,42!). The net premium income Australia, ss. for Auckland TiaEast Coast. 14th timo Without a donbt one of most 10th magniLondon, August. the year was .£959,898, and tho losses PERIENCES. Connna, as, for Sonth. \sth there was nodanger, but when they saw the andinsane delusions, though only partial, for tho Tbe Marquis of Salisbury has received /CONSUMPTION GEEMS ficent displays of Eleotro-plate Goodß ever Wakatipn, ss, for Melbourne, too, Sontb and and outstanding came to .£485,440, shown waterrushing in they appearedto be seized V/ are everywhere, present. The disease may bo evidence that the offender was at paid in Wellington is being made this reports that owing to Kurdish raids in Hobart,15th [PHESS at ASSOCIATION. being exceptionally | the favourable rate with apanic. The ohief Bteward stayed in is contagious,butitcan only become tho time whenhe committed or omitted the of 50 57 on the premiums received. The week by Messrs. Wilkins & Field. Itcom- Malori and Moosh, Armenia, tho sowing of Manaponri, ss, for Sydnos Tia. East Coast and the saloonuntil the water rose breast-high, Adelaide, August. aot in a of mind to render 10th cropß such condition aa been prevented, and 5000 people set of has prisesacomplete samples (amountingto Auckland,15th well-seated where the lining to the him irresponsible for such aot or omission." directors make theusual reserve of 40 per sevoralhundred pounds) from oneof thoboat are on the vergeof starvation. Mr. M'Namara, a Queensland journalist trying to persuade them to come ont, but Tasmania, ss, for Sydney via East Coaßt and lungs is impaired. cent, of the premiums to cover liabilities and largest manufacturers in Great Britain. persistently refused. " Under these provisionsit will bo seen that Auckland,15th A number of add the reports, and a prominent pioneer of New Australia, they Finally thestewards had to leave,to save has returned from that part of the world. in nocense could the prisoner Soiiebville under ourrent policies, and tho balanoo of As theso goods have been purohased at a have been destroyed. GEEMS .£231,069 has themselves. They found thedoor leadingto boen transferred to the credit Ho states when left Paraguay that he four Eight hundred people are said to be living BY TELEGRAPH act in the blood like Consumption be said to bo insane within tho mean- of the profit andloss aocount After paying heavy discountoff English prices, they will deck fast,butafter a greateffort opened Bluff11th August fully 33 per cent, below their incaves,many of them naked, and their only months ago the disorganisation of the settle- thesufficiently Gorms in the lungs, and both are ing of the law. There was no proof that .£90,000 in now be Bold at to pass one leg through, and dividends for tho year,or 7a O'd intrinsic value. Inspootion is cordially food being the leaves of trees and green ment was complete. So long as thesettle- it Sailed. 4.30pm— Star, of Victoria,for London overcome by Soott's Emulsion, tho he laboured under any delusions ; the provisions regarding delusions may, therefore, per share, there is a balance of .£109.913 to invited, and we wouldrecommend intending plants. ment was worked on the linesof Socialism it the forue of tho water then burstit open. Namkr. 10th August Cream of Cod-livor Oil. says that he once more reThe ArriTed-, 9.50 pm— Flora, from Wellington oarry forward, succeeded, and the total funds then but as soon steward be omitted from consideration. If he had as that wasabandoned purchasers to call at an early date, so as to 12th August the difficulties began. He believes all who turned and oalled to the ladies, and Dr. no delusions there was, wo submit, no evi- remlining in hand amount to the very Bolid secure the first selection. See the display EMULSION Sailed,11am— Australia, for Wellington !! THE SINKING OF THE seceded stillohensh their original ideal,but Anderson and Mr. Fraser, who were with in tho window.—Aovr. is far more effective than plain oil. dence of disease of the mind "to such an totalof £1,762,028. „ ,,„pm— Anglian, AnoKiiAKD.10th Augnit they are pretty wellagreed thatsmallvolun- them,to comeout,but they stillrefused. He Sailed, 4A5 PRINCE for Sydney Itis sweet to the taste and easy on oxtent as to rouder" him iuoapable of OSCAR. The Superintendent Eucalyptus.—A of tho Home for the A Word About great tary associations like that of NewAustralia then made for the deok, tfixsoir. 12th Aurutt was wrong. Aged Needy, Adelaide-road, - and tho steamer the stomach. Physioians, tho world thinking that the shooting to deal has ArriTed,9 am— Mohinapua, from Wellington desires been said and written about the cannot solve thesooial problem. Itrequires Bank as he reached it. point. Did he know thank Mr. [SPECIAL. " Andthere is the whole over,endorseit. Loitch for his kind invitation to diflloalty of procuring Tho Genuine the power of theState. Both Mr. JLangfear (seoond officer) and (Received August 12,8 a.m.) whenhe bought the revolver and when he tho inmates Sailed, 1.10 pm— Takapuna and Gairloch, for , There is a Bun onour Blends. of the Home the Opera Article." We wishit to be understood that Withreference to thecliraatio conditions, CaptainFawkes statethat theynever sighted "ThetoLand fired the fatal shots that he was doing House (Limited), London. & York,10th August. New Plymouth SCOTT BOWNE see New to tho drama of the we glad it, While weare to ac» havereceived thehighest awards whereMr. M'Namara says agriculture is so unre- the green guiding light on the rooks, which wrong? We venture to assert that almost I Six of tha orewof tbe Prince Oscar, whioh W«ITK>»T. 11th AtlgUßt 20 everysensible person must admit he know Moa." A number of the inmates availed ever we havo competed—including the sank munerative and uncertain in Paraguay th%t wouldhave warned themof the danger. It For sale by allChemists. 3 am— Grafton, from Nelson. Sho- i! And happy to keeppace with it, Arrited. in themselves of the invitation on Saturday highest award atChicago Exposition,1893— the Atlantic after collision with an people cannot be induced to undertake it is believed that thia willform the defenoe of sailed at 7 am for Grey he was doing wrong. If ho did he should afternoon, We wanttopoint out and returned highly delighted beating nine competitors. Theleavesof our unknown voaael, were drowned. WAKaAirnr. 12th Angusfe havobeen convioted ofmurder. AVhethnr the with tho treat withoutGovernmentassistance. Eventhen the former, who wasin charge of thebridge a ■ * -» ALABM, The others Amrea. IS NO NEED FOB so wererescuedby the shipCapak it thoughtfully 12.30 am-Huia. from WelUneton; THEBE afforded special trees only yield abont six pints of after would result in failure in 90 out of 100 when theship struck. NIOOL, ALFRED last penalty of the la\V should have been them. OretiandManawata, beenin on having open from West Coast boatfor weight oil from 10001b three pioked every of cases. The eoonomio conditions are an inflioted is quite a different matter, and one l l w*tn days without food. JEWELLEE, afternoon), for-WastAND the leaves, insuperable 15 /«>ls while leaves of the oommon to the successof agriAN UNUSUAL CURRENT. T?Jff* which need not be consideredin this oonnoo-. Two firstoffenders werefinod for drunkenport;?J Oreti (thiserening), for Grey It is believed that tho steamer whioh cultural andobstacle industrial enterprise, aa the tion. If our criminal law ia to be altered, ness atthe Magistrate'sCourt this morning, peppermint gum trees and other inferior collided liYTTELTOir,12th.Aufrns* " " with the WILLIS-STBBET, Prince Oscar had a 67, WILLINQTON, crew of settlement is completely isolated from the (Received August 12, 11a.m.) Soiled. 1pm— Omapere, for Wellington and theviewsof mad doctors— specialists and Bichard Tubman, charged with vag- varietios of Euoalyptns yield from tho same 30 or 40 hands, and that all were drowned. THE Tosail, 2.50 pm— Herald, for Wellington Sydney, This Day. world'B markets, the cost of carriage by rail (Eight years with Messrs.Littlejohn & Son), trained in mental diseases— given effect to, rancy,'who hadbeen remandedfor onquirioß, quantity of leaves asmuch as 25pints. For " Angustr. . . BtE^HEiif lath influenza thisExtracti* an absolute and is speoifio prohibitory, ; river and the just expect arriving report that a Btrong Has reoeived the to see a wave of emotional was local conVessels here following may again we remanded for 14 as days, (noon he Neptune Arrired— yesterday); Vfoibx sumptionis insignificant. ourrent is setting northward in the vioinity insanity" suoh aB is common in the United represented that he was ablo to get work. in faot, itacts like magic. Try Colemane's (midnight last night),from Wellington NEW GOODS :— THE SAMPAN TREATY. The country cannot compare with Aus- of theSeal Bocks. States. To such anextent was this plea of The case againstF. E. Martin, for failing to Eucalyptus Lozenges for voioe and throat. Gold andSilver Watohes, Ladies' Gemßinga emotional or impulsive insanity carried that support his wifo, was dismissed, and F. C. Ask for Colemane & Sons' Gold Medal ALWAYS THE SAME. Latest tralia or the Argentine for farming and The ChajEdward fromNelson and Woagwr ,i This is contrary to the general trend of [PRESS ASSOCIATION.] designs in Gold Brooohes, Bangles, in Guitjcad'scase— ho who shot President Millar was ordered Stormhird and take no other. Sold everystock-raising. The climate is intensely hot, the current. All the wreokage found has from Wanganoi, and A<orere boatPie to pay 6s 8d a week for Eucalyptus, Links, ton, Opnnake, andPatea, arrived Berlin, August. &o. whore. Wholesale 10th 40., prolific growth time, and forces a for a but Agents—Kemptborno, beendrifting north. this menune And willbe just as good next week as thia. Gabfield the samo defence was raised. tho support of eaoh of his three ohildren. mo Herman press professes to be scanThe Mahioapua. uhioh New patterns in Electroplate and Silver And, reading the two oases, there is no An applicationon Prosser & Co., Sharland & Co., and P. from Onelntr ,«. the crops wither before they come to any Another boat, the captain's gig, has been the part of the defondant Hayman andTaranaki on Saturdayarriredat the Powers upholding an agree- good. afternoon, oroSSvthe' Goods, direot from tha manufacturers, doubt there was far more evidence of company, dalisod & Maize is about Co.—Advt. the grain piokedup off Cape Hawke. only followingpassen«ers :-Misses for a re-hearing in the case of ThonscnV^i ins beat at moderate ment whichis a of quality, priooß producing very state anarchy crop to maturo, and even it is inferior. Oakley,M&WS Wylie, Phelps, insanity in Guitbatj's case than in Soiieb- Godden v. the Union S.S. Company, was Captain Fawkes states that landcould be iv Samoa, and urges thatif the treatybe not Insect pests are terrible, and locusts de- seen occasionally. He cannot understand We hold an imminsi stock, and thereis tille's. We have been in the. habit refused, with £2 2s costs against the appliInspection Invited. onght cancelled the natives disarmed, AT to be i shaHnddart-Pork»r liner Angßanleft Aw *iand SUICIDE THE HUTT. vastate the orops. in thisand other colonies of sneering at tho cant. Mr. Wilford appeared for the comhow the wreok occurred, as the trip was for Sydney on Satnrday oftenoon "with V J9«as*^ ■NOTJGH FOB KVIETBODT. of the oriminal law in the pany, and Mr.Hindmarsh for Godden. only an ordinary pices of navigation. The administration qspgen andajair cargo Watoh Jewellery Bepairs personThe and United States. The sneer in unnecessary rooks are well known, and vessels are An on the body of James Begg, FORGERY BY A LADY OF inquest The topsail schooner CISo, bound Sew «, P ",t ally attendedto. meeting A the OF THE PRISON of creditors of Charles a pensioner of the 9th Regiment, who CRITICISM naturally on the look-out for them. The when Buch a verdiot as has been given in '»toWo«er BaythißaftenSnrw&dWad' TITLE. thia one has been recorded. The evidence Collier, wool-claeser, was held in theOfficial was found dead on Thursday, was held wind, inatoad of blowing the vessel on the The Stormhird's OTexhanlhasbetnpar tponea Please keepcalm, WE WON'T FAIL YOU. SYSTEM. Assignee's offioo this there morning, being rooks, was in the opposite direotion. showed that juat Somebvillb was as intelliKIRKPATRICK'S on Saturday, before Mr. J. Cudby, tho and 12 inpresent bankrupt creditors, [PKISS and as a as oneDr. Copeman sticks to his statement that BUAHINB,FBOM XOITOO ,v. gent just good ASSOCIATION.] memory had J.P., Aoting-Coroner, at tho Lower Hutt. GOLD MEDAL fPBXSS ASSOCIATION.) half of the workmen working on our publio cluding Mr. Wylie, solicitor for the Melroeo Evidence was given that the deceased oame tho captain was London,10th August. " washed off the bridge. The N.Z.S. Co/s ss Knohio*, dtp taiQ Bone. Yours faithfully, Sydney, "X" Council. After some 10th Borough August. discussion it to Wellington to draw hia pension on tho Ist and local works. Nor was the hereditary He Bays :— The skipper went on the .fromLondonTiaTenenffe, Capetown^ ndHobart Lady Frances Gunning has been comby was moved Mr. and Mr.F. in another artiole oritioisTame, Abigail, was sighted from the signalstntioa aa we went to seoonded by taint in his family whioh was s?t up, of bridge and left me in the chart-room. That JAM. July last, and while in townspont or lost all mitted for trial on a charge of forging her ing theprison system, deals with the nross. Her cargo for New ZcalaW consist, of ques- was the last I Afbicot Conokrvi, in glass jars (21b net much importance. He hod lived a long Mr. Tow«3ond, "That the offer by tho the money. Mrs. Mary Coleman,his grand- fatbor's name to bills of exchange. saw of him. When climbing 3300 tons, of which 2500 are for WelU ngtooHe? EMPIRE TEA OOMPANY. tion of eolitary confinement. He states the of Isin the £ by way of composi- daughter, said she andher hnsband left bankrupt no delusions had weight) bridge he oalled out to the thirdoffiaer, and insane dehas admitted while, She the offence. ' the "" dates ore— London, 27th June; Plymonth" 29ththat tion there are few men through go <a l< be accepted." The whole body of the deceased in their houeo on Thursday evenwho this " to the lady passengers.' Pbacb Consbbvb, in glass jars (21b net veloped, nor was there any proof of any- oreditora Capetown,19th Jnly -Hobart.Bth.toist treatment,*however Btrong at starting, but Look present, with the exception of tho ing, and onreturning about10o'olook found The next thing I weight) noticed was that the thing save fits of anger. There was no out more or less affectedin mind. It port lifeboat,which I come BabpbebbtJam,inglassjars(2lbnetweight) proof of anykind thaton the day hokilledhis Melrose Council, voted for the motion, his bodyhanging W. & G. TUBNBULL & CO., THE WARRIMOO hadmade np my mind ASHORE. is only when they develop dangerous tendfrom theroof with a cord COMMERCIAL. was washed away. Ithen BbdCukrant Jbllt, in stone i»ra (lib net late employer hedid not knowit was wrong and though the Borough Connoil was the around the neck. The deceased, who was to jump into, encies that prisoners are put under observa- began to look to my life-belt,but Icould tokill, and this theCodemakes the test of largest oreditor,*the motion was oarried by 75 years of age, hadbeen brooding over the Proprietors.. weight) IPEIBB ASSOCIAIION.| EVEBiira Post Office, tion whenthey getnoisy and scream out, as yet the jury have tho majority in alue. It was then moved lo3s of his money,anddrinking. Dr. Purdy's above are made with this Season's oriminal fix the shoulder straps properly, and liability. And Monday Aftenon Vancouver,10th August. many do. Men who are doing their nine not Mr. Townsond, and seconded by Mr. evidence showed that the consequently it slipped off. By Uub time FbebhFruit, and boiled withina few found averdict of insanity. Life in sooiety by A. Q. Taiitx aito Co. report on their mealy of death oauto was The Canadian-Australian liner months' confinement in the samo Taylor, solitary "That bo recomWarrimoo bankrupt Saturday and retain the bad a heavy list to Btarboard. Owing being gathered, ship : hours after the is not safe withsuch verdicts. This is, we tho strangulation. The jury, of which Mr. W. went ashore at horse sole on to the verr inCormanah Point in adense wing have to listen to the orieaand shrieks clement weather webad onlya Tery small e«txr in beliove, the seoond case inNew Zealand in mended for immediate disoharge." This Lorton was foreman, returned a verdiot that fog. full flavour and coloub of the fruit. "Seeing a starboard"lifeboat full of motion was of the unfortunate madmen quality yards, onr and the was Tery indifferent, carried with tho dissent only of the deceased had died from hanging while below. He They arethamost dklicious and whole- which insanity has been successfully set up, j sprang into her. Inorder tokeep I and the soles made noguide to the market*Tnere The weather was calm atthe time. regards itas true that many menare forced people, soirx preservesin thamarket. and in which webelieve the defenoe didnot Mr. Foster, of the Melroso Council. Tho temporarily insane. her balance— seeing that Iwas on my feet was a butter attendance than we expected aouThe has been crime adjourned then sine die. vessel re-floated without into and criminal associations the meeting by POTTS EOBINSON, prove the aot was done without knowing theboat wasswaying abouta good deal siderinir the weather. Bayers were aeain.present having reoeived injury, and is being towed first unjust charge, andsays that many men and Agents, that doing it was wrong. In tho other —I gothold of the span betweenthe davits, for really good hones, particularly big hearr The opportunity recently given by tho to port this told him how injustice the first plunged draughts, wecan onlyrepeat former quotations Johnston-street. FOOTBALL. case, after he had served somewhere about New Zealand Candle Company for school kepta firm grip of it. " The All the passengera have been landed them into wrong-doing, and how the gaol and for W(r hea»y yonntrsound draughts, £U to.£3O ■ ten yeara, we are informed tho present children to inspeot their works was takon officer was still standing up, ap" " THK SPIDKK ATTACHMENT! medium, £16 to £20 ;young horses, safely. associations crushed of their nature all for out parently awaiting orders. Isaid to him, The followingtable shows the positionsof would guess its use:it is a olavar Government set tho insane murderer at fall advantageof. More than 2000 ohildren express purposes, with some weightinsuitable The wasright and good, and also said that mishap them, £12 occurred on at that spot the whioh on; ldwer away,' but hardly hod the large. visitod the works, and more than 400 essays the clubs in the Asiooiation Senior Cham- theDuchess of Argyle was wreoked. to £16; good light harness horses, to £15; attachment for the Rotary Shuttle while they live they will, so far as they are 'Go words escaped my lips when a great wave aged sorts, £5 to £8. Next Saturday£10 are now being reviewed by the two judges. pionship. Twelve matohoa woreplayed: Standard, and when slipped into plaoe at hope to we [The , steamer left 18th the it has Sydney ablo, punish July, wrongs Booiety_ on for supplywitha consignment from the South. clean overthe ship,and the boat was Tho results will be announced in onr onoe oonverts it into a perfect ohainstitoh withCaptain E. V. Arundell, ohief officer, done them. The writeroontinues that from came o POST OFFICE SECURITIES. carried away from under me, leaving me columns assoonas the prizes are awarded. machine. As a lookstitoh itezoelsallothers. " in charge, Captain MASBAGKE. 5 Bird his tho having remained own observation above terrible ins ■3 ""2 s and one of the Chinese orew clinging to the WEATHER FORECAST FOR 24 HOURS The bobbinholds 100 yards, and tha rotary behind to put inacourse of drillin oonneo- diotment is the absolute truth. The last " performance of "The Land of span. (3 v FROM9 a.m. TO-DAY. tion with the Boyal NavalBeserve.] both, motion ia so quiet, easy,andsmooth that it In Parliamentary Paper F. 2— a return the Moa on Saturday evening was well ;\fE. (Beoeived August 12, 11.20 a.m.) This was the sea that swept the captain makes 100 stitohea whileothers do 65. For giving securities, &c,standinginthename attended. Amongst the audience were the Wmb— Between south-east andsouthand west andhisofficers from the bridge, for the next Stdnbt, This Day. at all places these reasons, and the faot that it works of the Postmaster-General on account of the Premier and the Colonial Treasurer, who Swifts 8 1 3 33 15 19 SPECIALIST, MASSAGE looked at thebridge they had gone." In oonseqnenoo of statements published time I Bibomtm— Further rise atall places THE PACIFIC CABLE. black cotton better than any other,alldressG 1 S 29 15 17 congratulatedMr. Leitoh on the success of Thistle Sea Increase oneastern,moderate on western rigorous the treatment Appointed to G»JJA£jt& Sanatoriumand makers should uss it. To persons who have Post Office Savings Bank Fnnd on 31et his about of youthful Borers C 3 3 25 17 15 drama. A Prodigal Fon"is to be subthe Baths, prisoners,Governmenthas obtained areport SPLENDID DEVOTION OF A QUETTA only used tho reciprocating and vibrating December,1891" the followingitem occurs : stituted 5 3 14 Tides— Moderategenerally 20 11 evening. "A Prodigal Son" Thorndon... 4 [PRESS ASSOCIATION^ " Imperial Immigration Publio Workß is, we arothis Government «ap%2iS§i Botorua. from its medical adviser,,Professor Anderson SUBVIVOB. machines, a trialof the Standard ie Telegrams to expect strong southerly shuttle Diamond 4 5 3 12 19 11 , informed, to be mounted strongly -winds London, 10th August. Stuart, who Bays the evidenoe on the whole , arevelation. It is tha only realimprovement Loan 1870 Guaranteed Debentures, 4 6 special attentionbeing given tosoenio offeot. Queen'sP'k 2 mntto Pisces on theeast coastof the ! CAN BE CONSULTED FBEE 18 21 10 5*T2^S?? per is reported It here that Mr.J.W. Mackay is in favonr &i the present system. There HEROES IN YELLOW SKINS. NorthIslandsouthwardof East Caps made in Sewing Machines during the last 30 United withdrew afterseventh match. Arthur Clint has painted the scenery, (who is a direotor of tha Canadian-Pacific is.oertainly noofipmediateneed of an altera3?rom 11until 1o'clock any day atPhoanix ' years. All dnplimto parts and noodles for cent ,£321,000." The same item appeared Mr. ■Tiiorsts or list 48 «on»s. and the triumph achieved Ecsnicaily and SCHOOLS HATCH. inF.— farther Kailway Si, Lambton-quay. l of last session. A return and a Chambers, Company) (Received August 12,noon) tion, number of Sau andthere ia no Bepairs this and other machines in stook. snffioient reason to conNorthward of East Cape, Tanpo,..nilGisborne similar to B. 10of last session, showing the mechanically in "Tho Land of the Moa" The followingteam has been seleoted to Francisco capitalists will co-operate to lay sider it injurious to the health the barometer has risen steadily,hui there haa a speciality. F. J. W. FEAB, Mechanist " developSydnby,This Day. or Bhould guarantee regard. be in this securities held inthe and The the colony represent in Engthe Wellington publio shools in Pacific cablo. beeu butlittle morement in other parts ot the Pbivate Addbeiis— Occidental Hotel. andImporter Willig-straat. Eatab. 1830. ment of thoprisoners. The quartermaster who was steering at country,hut there hate been strong southerly landon behalf of the Government," has not drama has an elaborate plot, the working tho annual match with the Wairarapa Ministers propose to oarry- out a sugges- the time thevessel struok was aSouth Sea winds inOtago, andsnow onthe highcountry NEW AND GOOD FOE yet, we think, been published this Bession. out of whioh ia said to give wide scope for sohools, to be played in Wellington shortly: MASSEUSE FOB LADIES. tion of Professor Stuart that in order to Islander, and not a Chinaman, as at firßt WELLINGTON. have, however, the assurance of the the members of the oompany, and to contain —Pnll-baok, Hales; three-quarters, Carter, THEREVIVAL OF BRITISH set the matter U. A. EDWIN We Mr. Roth's book on "Massage," Ac, oan at rest the weightsof the stated. He wasseen at the wheelup to the HEALTH CAKE. the usual DIGESTIVE elements of love and and crime, position Smith, Cobham j five-eighth, Sharp ;half, of the be hadat auy Chemist's or athis rooms HEALTH The HomeandColonial CAKE Colonial Treasurer that the prisoners be takon for the next six months. very last, and went down with the vessel, TRADE. guaranteed dobonturos is unaltered. Now, sensation, with a happy de'nonomont. Mr. M'Goldriok ;wing forwards, Tingey and gratis. MAIL NOTICES Rtill holding on to the wheel. Bakery Co., HEALTH CAKE Leitohis to a Larry Meeliah, year, appear B.— last in its as one lo of list of Post Wright; forwards,Minifie,Stitt,Woodman, [SPECIAL.] Subjecttoneoeuaryalteration!, nuila will ou»t HEALTH 109, Lambton-qnay, CAKE Offloe securities, does not makeany mention faithful and fun-loving Irishman, and Mr. Campbell, Carlay, Cross, Biddiok. This manwasonthe steamer Quetta when NEW Bheumatism, the ChiefPott Offloo ai ZEALAND'S LATEST gout, lumbago, sciatica, »S under:— she w»3 wreoked. He was then rescued (Beoeived August 12, 8 a.m.) ',hysteria,spinal diseases,neuralgia, dyspep- Ace nowsupplying anew article of food(as of the .£324,000 guaranteed debentures Cathoart has asuitable part MoHCiT. 12th Anguiti CRITIC. after having floated for manyhours onsomo Nelson and Elmslie'l Bay, per Woioui, 6.20pm sia, flatulence, constipation, insomnia, above). Experienceand good alike always amongst the Post Office securities, but the The foljowinsr is the Petone team toplay London, 10th August. There was a very large attendancein the wreokage. PioLon,Nelson, and West Coast,per Uawhers, sprains, all shows. The first and bestwealthis health. imports guaranteed total amount of the The British against exports debentures social hallof the Wellington Working Men's Linwood on Thursday :—Slater, De and tor the nervous and joint diseases, are Soldat 6d andlOd per lb. Note theaddress spi» |PUCSB ASSOCIATION | A man who wasfounddeadin a boatdied " Deputy Joux, is oortified the six months ("£800,000) by past Chief exceeded thoso the Boberts, Banmbsr, only permanently Tong, not relieved but cured. Club lastnight, when a vocaland orohostrol for Wynyard, Knikonra, per Wakatu,5 vm at his post,having stuck by her while she (BeoeivedAugust 12, 11.40 a.m.) nomples 109,Lambton-qnay. Cashier of the Bankof England tobo in that sacred M'Kenzie, corresponding period ot 1894 10 Hagger, King, Lark, by per Nelson and West Coast, per Chas Edward,' Massage not only treats the effects, but andsee the oent. Hardoastle, concert was given by .the olub's wasbeing launohed. establishment, hold "on aocount of Sir orohestra Sydney, This Day. 3pm :xemovesthe oause. and members. Messrs. Wood- Woods, Berntsen, Lipsoombe, and Pringle. "»/|"B. W. GODJfKBY MAJNTKLL P. Others of the Chinese orew who had to Toisdjit.13th August G. Julyan, K.C.M.G, C 8., William cook, Frankel, Carr, Sevenof tho team leave to-day, thereßt on The Bey. Joseph Cook, of Boston, inter- attend has had a- very wideexperience Mr. Both and DransHenderson, to the launching of the boats also Auckland nnd Fiji, also Sandwich Islands, in Germany, America, England, and Scotonhis return fromNew Zealand,said Kennaway,CM G., andSir W.B. Perceval, field supplied vooal MANCHESTER AND THE viewed Wednesday. DENTIBT, perished at their posts, some being dashed Mr. "Fairplay" Canada, United States of America, for specially :land; contributions, There ia he was muoh struok withthe extentto which something verymysK.C.M.G." pointing has been writes PRODUCE attending Hospitals O'Kelly he in a banjo solo, and Mr. Chose a out that TRADE. addressed correspondence,per TTpoln Oehstebt Gate, Sidnbt-btbbbt. to death by floating wreokage. Theystood teriouß inall this. The whole of theguaran- recitation. State Socialism had gone in that oolony. unflinchingly Satnrday's win doesnot entitle the Swifts to New Plymouth and Auckland, per Uonawatn additionto privatepractice, and had opporThe oroheatra played TelephoneNo. 554 by throughout. » accept' teed it The are, seems, working using political dobontures held by Sir able man was his tmin,5.40 am tunities of working with thebest Surgeons IzardChallenge Cup, as tho season selections from "La Souveraine," holdthe [PBKSS ASSOCIATION.] " Penrose to and utmost, power Nelson and Wcetport, per Omnpere :*nd Physicians of tho world. Mr. and the does not till not it altoJulyan, Kennaway, doing Any CUBE FOB oloao September. .the olub oan Faust," and other pieooa. Mr. E. J. Dr. Copeman, who was on a tour round Greymouth andBokitika,per Herald Agent-General, according to one rotuni, King London,11th August. gether wisely. Thereappearedtobe tooBtrong HEAPACHE was oonduotor. The concert was a challenge the Swifts for the oupby giving Heis recommended by following : Nelson, and Weat Coast, per WaTerly, the world, went direot fromWellington, and S pm The directors of ' aooording to the rely other 14 tho a to on the for .£324,000 days' notice, disposition and whioh tho Manchester Canal Government " very Queen's Park enjoyable one and greatly appreciated. Club Wkdhksday,Mfch August Sir George M'Leod, Knight, M.D.,LL.D., the Catterthun at Sydney. He is a Company are conferring with the" Agent- help whioh ought to berenderedby theindi- joined of worth of them are standing in the has already done. Southern Offices of Now Zealand, per Takupnnn, ' BEITTAIN'B oousin Mr. G. F. C. Campbell, of this Begins Professor of Surgery University namo tho We havereoeived from of of Postmaster-Goneral the Tho General Victoria to the vidual. This hadtheeffect of making capital (Association) 2.20pm HEADACHE POWDBES on acChriatohuroh Excelsiors proposed defeatedthe relative of Glasgow, and Surgeon in ordinary to city. line of Bteamers Picton, Blenheim, and Nelson, per Penguin, ' Savings Bank." Press offioo a oopyo£ tho New Zealand Turf Golden Stars by two goals tonil. Cloke and count of the Post Office direot from Australia and it from the It driving oolony. Afford almost instantaneous relief tor to scarce the Queen, in Scotland 12.20pm ' Manchester. would require all the wise guidanoo oE tho Hbadachb,Bilious Hbadaohb, Evidently some of these debenturespossess Register for the season1894-95, publishedin Cnrtis soored. Nelson and West Coast, per Wainui Sir Anthony Colling Brownless, K.C.M.G., Nibvoub the quality of übiquity, and can be in Christohuroh ontlio morning' of' the Grand best men of the oolony iC the resources of GENERAL TELEGRAMS NbubalgicHsadacex,MKamrj, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, per Australia, 8.C.P.,K.G.Gr., M.D., LL.D..FJS.C.S. Andall onoe. THE Meeting, separate Tbuplbb. two oustodies at As there National and in time for .. New Zealand were to be properly developed. Pains in the Hbai>and therefore AUCKLAND EEPBESKNTATIVES. General Booth again 4.20 pm England, Senior ConsultingPhysician to starts for There oonld be no doubt capital was now you area martyr to anyof theseafflictions is only £800,000 of these debentures, we the first meeting of the Beaspn A new J. HOGGABD.ChiefClark St. Vincent'sHospital,andChanoellorof [ PRESS ASSOCIATION.] utterly fail to understand how the total sum featurein tho work ia the inolusion in the [by tbmjoraph.—press association.'|,' injuriously cautious about launching into the Colonies. try | the University of Melbourne. enterprises What the colony wanted was index to raoing of pedigrees, while the Manaia,10th August. oan stand in the Bank of the England BBITTAIN'S in HEADACHE POWDEBS Auckland, This „ _. Sir Donald Matheoon,K.C.B. Dat. population. It could stand 20,000,000, yet Three amateur mountaineers attempted (somewhat TELEGRAPH MAIL NOTICES names of three gentlemen unconnected with racingreports havebeen compiled They will give you relief iv a few " The following players '-And many of the best physioians andsurbeen [Special. 12, have selected 8 Angußt j Received a.m. the workingman would not have any more to climb Mount Egmont onThursday, and Miuls for Australian Colonies, United Kingdom the Post Office if £324,000 of them stands on the lines of the English Huff's Guide." by thaAucklandUnion to go South':—Baoks, moments. geons of tha world, also testimonials and Continent of Europe, yia Sydney, close at fiC somewhere elsa in the name of the PostLondon.10th August. if he oould help it. Hewanted to put apoll- succeeded in getting almost to Fantham's Is Sd PEE PACKET. F. Snrman, W. T. Wynyard, Masefiold, A B. given from Borne of the euocessful entertainment was LeadingPhysicians by Auckland onTuesday, 13th inst., at 1pm of GeneralBooth has sailed for and 5 master-General to a spooifio aoaount. We the StarMinstrelß Africa taxon people arriving,instead of encourag- Peak, D. W. Clayton, Absolnm,A. E. Braund, F. in coming back overasteep plaoe Prepared only, and sold by at Johnsonvilleon Friday Edmonds, Wellington, testifying to his successful ing themtosettle on the land and develope two ofbut are tempted to ask whether the Post Office Australia. J. them slipped on the ice and were O'Eiloy, Bonayne. BRITTAIN, of H. evening, Stephentreatment of in aid theCatholio Church Fund. patients under them. H. ever had of its irreat resources. possession has its £324,000 MARRIAGE held by the third man,allbeingtiedtogether son; forwards, Brady, Gittos. F. Murray, The minstrel performance was greatly ap- O. CIEMIST MANNEB3-STBEBT. worth ofdebentures P Have they ever Btood preotated with the climbing rope. Speight, Clarkin, M'Millan,Brown, Kvitt, UOMMKKCTALdb SHIPPING. Brtast— Stoke.— On 18th January,1895, at St.E 'will the of Messrs. Barnes only Mr. Both be in nntil items and Wellington v in the name of the Postmaster-General or London being John's Church, 'Willis-street, Wellington,by the 6 Martin, Green, Mills, Whiteley. Oliphant, Auckland,10th August. ♥ especially amusing. Loan and Mercantile Botorua, ?ongs Agency whenhe returnsto and Paterson, November; Bar James Thomas Pascoe Brjsnt, f transferredtoitP Are they ear-marked were also given by Mn. H.Bod,tho Gage, andElliott aro unable to getaway. T I L L E B, been Tho looal Labour Bureanagent is sending of Ohoriu. to Annie Oeorgina, daughterof the fi :anyone wishing to take advantage of his Missos [PUKSB ASSOCIATION.] to Company. " any way in so as be identifiable? It ■ Dunidin, tenmen to the 00-operative road works at andKilleen,andMessrs.Bould,Better, late fhomasGhrilt Stone, of Petone V treatment shouldmake arrangements aasoon ThisDat. surely cannot be thatthe Post Offioe autho- Orr STDtrcT, 11th August. Galatea. -as possible. Sufferers need have no hesiTho OtagoFootballAssooiationlhas decided UNDERTAKER, DEATHS paid for the debentures withont andMoore. Miowara, ritieshave Arrived from Vancouver j At the preliminary enquiry into the Lpbkbs association.] The shield of photographs and looal not tosend a team to the Auokland Tourna, Tarawera, fromAuckland. getting delivery of them, or,having bought Stocxi».— At Littlehumrton. Arundel, Maria "~tation inplacing themselves underhis oare, the Melbourne,10thAugust. Btranding of the steamer Kiripaka, Wiadm, relictof the late Dr Stacker,astist&Dt -■-ashis ability in this speoial formof trsat67, UPPEB INGESTBE-STBEET, them, haveleftthemin the possessionof the marine scenes,' whioh the Wellington Bow- ment. (Baoeived to the 12, August oaptain a.m.) 10.20 attributed the aooident Chbtstosubch, at GnyHospital, and sitter of B.W. -ment is recognised. an action Zealand againßt snnreon TbisDat. In the Now vendors, for the that they ing trustees so oan Club intends to present to Mr. A. S. ■The following team has Clayton,ofPiria-street;aged58 yews Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, beacon being obscured by rain. London,11th August. been seleoted to Telephone716. stillbeused as a generalseourity, and have Paterson, late oaptain, at the "sooial" in Dlay Jeffxbis.— On the 10th August, 1895, at The At a meeting of the Workers' Political against Wellington on Saturday at The English wheat market is steady, the defendantsol*imod thattho company was raißed them for other money upon than Thomas' Hall Wednesday on will resolution evening, Ann, Garden*. K»rori. * Flog relict of John Jtfferia, Insist on having Park :—Pull-back, S. Orohard; the Continental firm, and tho Amerioan domioiledin England and had been recon- Boform League, tha following Swunp,Otago,and mother of Mrs W. A. Post Officepurposes f The transactiondoes form a very fine souvenir of his longconnec- Lanoaster carried: "That, while not »(free\ng ,was three-quarter declining. J. structed under the Joint Stook backs,* O'Brien, Hobbs, English A. Young,K»rori ;inher80th year aspeot. bear abusiness Two years ago, tion with the olub. The photographic work with theproposedSnppreiision ofImmorality BISCUITS, BIR JOHN POWER'S not F. I. Cowlishaw; five-eighths, A. E. Atthe tallow sales800 oasks were offered, Companies Aot, and that tho plaintiff Eliwood.— On the 10th Angurt, 1895, at Cabsin theoriginal B. 10laidbefore Parliament, has been done by Mr.Kinsey. and theletter- and " had BUI, this League asks the Government to street, Welliiwton. WillUm Ferois, only child White; half-back, A. E. Cook; wing for- of whioh 600 were Bold. Medium mutton consented to the arrangement. £324,000 ing of debentures were returned by And Take these Mr. W. B. while Mr. Book, No Othsb. W. G. wards,L.Oram ond A.Johnston; forwards, bronght 21s 6d;and mediumbeef, 20s 3d. of John and Nellio EUwood; aged 1month. ' in a The plaintiff denied thathe had consented see thatthe polioeenforce theirpowers certified a? being in the Pott Offioe safe. Bakerhas painted themarine views, and Mr. WHISKY, Safein the arms ofJean* STILL manners" rigorous A. At the eale of to the and more Lynskey, Frost, Fanning, Kerr, sheepskins, arrangement, DOT M. H. H. 3778 urged A were that the FOX BIGG, The Postmaster General was compelled A. J. Bishop has made the frame. The J. Soffe, J.I>. Frasor, and Geo. Duke Bpekcxb.— On fcho 11th August,at Wright-street, offered, of whioh 361G were sold. The English Aot could not be made to apply EtholMay, tho beloveddsUßbtor ot Eoook aud Wholesale Agents, to admit thai this was a mistake, and presentation will be made by Mr. M. F. A SPECIALTY. market showed a general advanoe of id outeide Great Britain, and that the plea of Harriet Spencer; aged5 months. Gone to join Mercer-street. to withdraw the paper, snbstitntinjj a oor- Marka, one of tho Vice-Presidents. little Albert in thehomeabore to }d, while good short wools sometimes the English arrangement oould not prevail fOur Oton Corrtspondent.J reotod return, at the debentures were then, T. & W. YOUNG. againßC an aotionbronght in the colony Gade's oanttta "Comala" has been id more. THE WRECK OF THE for Mabtkbtok,This Dat. brought as now, in London. But why, we ask, are seleoted Australian bntteris quoted at 85s to 90s. money deposited in the colony. as the first performed work to be championship these debentures still returned as The matches in oonneotion THURSO. belonging FIREBELL SIGNALS. ARE YOU GOING Hit. A of oattle On law by portion by points judgment the Queensland the was for Maughan given THE LEADING FIBK OFFIOK IN THE to the PostOffioe if the Post Offioe is not in Barnett'B new musical with theBubU Kugby Union were concluded ' Cook W«a \ 1stroke the Eohuoa the brought plaintiff. riohneaa 5\A society. TTIO C. SMITH'S WOBLD. Ita inmalechoruses voice possession of them, and as standing in the is SALE onSatnrday, wben EketahunabeatPahiatua, Britain willrequire 24,000,000 quarters of PBEBB ASSOOrATION.] Te Ato „ 2 JBT TILIQBAPH.— considered to make it especially suitable and ofthePostmaster-Generalonaoaountof won the banner. Geitmouth, 11th August. Lambton „ ROYALINSURANCE 00. name wheatbefore September of next year. This to a sooiety constituted as Mr. Barnett'B SALE NOW ON. Bankfund Savings thePostOffice when they „ Thorndon is twioe the quantity WAIRARAPA. NEWS. The positionof the barque Thurso ib unAmerioa oanexport to members " really form part of a sum of £810,000 in the ii-outof a totalof over 160 " now all oountries. < Capitaland AooumulatedFunds exceed changed. The Harbour Board has notified enrolled,there are58 men* -" Comala will THE VOLUNTEERS. 'I fTIAKE WOOD'S GBEAT PEPPEB of the of England, disposition Bank at three £11,000,000. Captain Standardtoremove the wreok. The be put in rehearsal on Thursday, and is ex.j X LANDIN ttHj MINT CUBE » gentlemen inLondon who represent,not the pected (Our Owh Correspondent^ magisterialenquiry is to be held on ThursTha Wakatipu left Sydney at 6 a.m. on production to be for in ready Coughs Colds. Post Kifles this Office, City evening, " j Fob and or the but October. The meet after Saturday, with a large complement of.pasHtTNTBB ST. EXTENSION, WELLINGTON. Postmaster-General Masteeton,This Dat. iday. the generalTreasury of the oolony P, "ASCOT," parade to elect their Shooting' Committee for sengers f and1000 tons of cargo. Of this410 Soldby all Grocers. Is 6d and 2a 6d bottle. The shop of Mr. John Watt, stationer, W. M. BANNATYNE CO., j appeal to those interestedin thepro- the coming season. As the corps has now tons, An inolnding 1140 oases fruitand was, 2horses, burglarised on Saturday night, but The Greymouth Star says it is rumoured District Agents. j for Wellington. posed formation of a Wellington Proyinoi&l received suffioient Martini rifles to enable is She is due here on only 2sGd in copperß wasremoved. Ctmeron's latest and best Dark Aicmatfo< 1 that" the orew of the Thurso, with but few to be ' , wejmblish Onthe fourthpage our reports Industrial Association ia published in our all the members armed with that Thursday morning. FOR "~"~" A Bhipment of 100,000 trout ova is to bo exceptions, had no,experience of Beafaring * 'interest in shooting TT NCL.E SAM'S ] of the conclusion of thetrialof Somerville advertising oolnmn* by Mr. Callis, the weapon, an inoreased sent to Tempo Lake to-morrow. and could soaroely tell the bow from life, matters during the next season may 'he 'Samples of coal found at Mauricevillo |tho stern. The iwcident could have been A! for theMasterton murder, and of the Coun- convenor of to-night's publio meeting. looked for. The menwill this evening retain COOKED CAUTION. analysis. prevented by the importation of a really j sent to Mr. Skey for JOHNSTON:&-CO. ties' Association Conference, also sporting The "aooial" whioHis being organisedby into store the obsolete Snidert, whiohhave Lt youreon,inhis tenjleVyeafs',*evinoes a havebeen A peouliar disease haa broken out among <good tow-rope. ths Naval Artillery in aid of the funds of done service so long The arming $f the cdesire to smoke, and thus risk tp injure his the and footballnews. "GQPFEE, A number of rabbituin this district. injuries The to Mr. M'Farl»n«, ohief the Garrison Band, and is to take plaoe in corps with tha- now weapon will giro jan;may notalways be wjsa ROLLED OAT?, to,thrash rabbitskilled havebeen found ' ' to be oovered (officer, who was struck very heavilyby the BISCUITS, We are requestedto statethatthe evening Thomas' Hall on the 22nd insfc., shows signs impetus to volunteering. ] ,] he ,to up .till stop? him makes his mind In with running sores. iwirerope whenit parted, were very serious, Innet weight Fancy Canister*. receptionat Government House, whioh was of being a huge success. The tickets ore For Infantsand Invalids. most-.caies an,excellent' remedy js an old ■The Fernridge oreamery reoomnienoei inolnding j considerable dimageto.the right ' The Best and Chbanst in the to havebeenheld on 3rd August, from 9 to being disposed of freely. Thomas' Hall is pipe,! soured .by long, experience, -and' next operations eye idmonth. « and fraotureof the bridge of the'nose. market. p m., will now be held on Wednesday, being given free by the proprietors,and'tha 11 WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS ministeredwithoutpity,but withvery»tr< ng At theannual meeting of the North"WairrfiiKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPEE 14th August, from 9 30 to 11.30 p.m.-half mnsio is being providedgratif, ; DON'T FORGET, FOX BIGG, .tobaooo.(Aboveall things.' avoidto let.him 'rarapa Bine Club on Saturday, Mr. Hugh MINT CUBE an hour later. cever geta tasteof Frossard's Cavour Oigirs, Williams was eleoted President, and Mr. WholesaleAgents, /^ * SMITH'S SALE A oonoert is to be at the to I purest dUtjillatipnfree held Sailors'' Is the known snienoa. Poar sausage*, 6d per lb, made from " FokTsOPOhs and Coldb. meat Bast to-morrow evening. An Itreward*allwho fake'it by asaistiDgTlijfes- I(for then he -will fuvtr* fHtpn'giy» it url— The Conference in regard to frozen advertisement W. J. Weloh Captain. It was decided■ to Igrain-fedpork;order early. WardellBros, Mswer-streaft. j " "-" ■ , , ■ "» September ■and Co., 51, Willil-itrset.— Adtt. glve».par|iottUra.., Sold by'all Grocers. 1* 6d and 2a 6dbottle is nottoopen tillthe 87th inst. .' , tionand'keeping thebody in health, j iafti j NOW ON. "■..-■, open the'seaionon 12th' 4 ' npo C. SMITH'S Q-REAT — PR ODDMENTS SALE. ... ... TO CORRESPONDENTS. "Johusonville."— Tciere 9, wo lielievc, CABLE NEWS. 1 i a machine which nfrips tho corn in tho flold nnd ba^B it. Tt is, however, only fit for use in vere bot climates. It inuseil in Soutli Australia, bnt to whnt extent we do uot know, uor cnu we (rive youauy further particulars aboutit. Evening Post. — — PURN — — _ stt?° FOB ...... ...... ...... ...... " " " " " — ...... ...... ...... — WEAK WAS SCEOFULA gTEADY . . SCOTT'S ,~ V^-ATCHMAKEB . . QUALITY . — BtaekluXo.ous: — — THE * FEW - — heb"m~ann . — " — — — li ... i j 1 ...... ... " " 5 — SOMETHING - — ' — WONUtfiitfUL jni n n nu .t. ."_. nj .« _ t. — . - p ' — "■ . .ISYCROFT'S ...... „ - . rpHE ::: I :: J^OW J * — "tobaccoT" — — , i _^^^^ BYOxtOITS * _^___ ± i - ""' t iI I it .-. "'■ i iv,' Ml! „.., - - '/ —— THE EVENING POST. MONDAY, AUGUST 12. 1895. SECOND EDITION. PARLIAMENTARY NOTES. THE WINTON MURDER -— THB GREAT WINTER JOTTINGS. - «B^S^ jTNIO_N QPEEAHOUSE. «„■»„„* "w-^^ SALE, ._ -^ STEAM? SHIPi 00. TUESDAY, 13th AUGUST, "=* «"■ i ~ TO BUTCHERS. U2 F ob b 1 i-JtSftSSW There is a rumour to the effect that Government is considering the appointSECOND GRAND PRODUCTION a Bp,Beaidea pi>s, Ac., per Comma Thursday, August 1| 3 p.m. ment of Sir Patrick Buokloy to the vacant BIDEY 4 CO. have received it Offioe up toWedneaday, the21st inst.:ma mawii/D ROOM Jiuum. I^RANCIS XTEW AND FASHIONABLE ofc at valuation;small amount for goodWakatipu Thursday, August 15 TO-NIGHT. Judgesliip. F inßtruotions from the BaUiff of the lately imDorted EXECUTION OF MINNIE DEAN. AasiatantMaster Min!rat«nnkaa nhoollo1fc MILLINERY The Local Government Billis not oxpected [BT TBLIOEAPH.—PBKaS ASSOCIATION.] down till Wednesday or Thursday. Mr. O'Regan has presented a, petition ta.^. INVSRCAKOILL, THIBDAY. yds long, and containing over J5,000 Bhapes,largerevers,full skirt, DUNEDIN,VLILYTTELTON,AKAROA, 100 10 doubleA PRODIGAL SON, About 400 books, entitled "Educating TjiOß SALE, orosa-brod yorag Cows jult 7/fi a-vt^TK/ MinnieDean, the Winton baby-farmerandI signatures, asking that Government In68 811 1111111^111111 '/O, 10/« fa, AND TIMARU. AND OAMARTT Applications must b* made on forms to b* which theHorse,"byProfeasorLichtwark, Popular Comedian, the Mr. GEO. calved and to speotors bo allowed to inspeot Romann and large, womens, n child-murderer, was executed at the InverSaturday, Bnnmer 17 11p.m. August obtainedat thia Office. beautifully ; pubHshing'^ v," the wholeof the Dramatio illustrated LEITCH.and o w ' Catholic acboola. eaoh formerly 25/6 flluro Cows and Heifers ; young pure-brod Every Hat or Bonnet offered is oargill Gaol at 8 o'clock this morning. Company will Appear. prioe, 10s 6d per book. HOBART AND MELBOURNE VIA A. DORSET worth at least twice the pries. Ayrshire Bullsby theprizebulls Kilmarnook She walked firmly to the sotffold, andBaid SOUTH Secretary. Blaok Winter Jaokets,latest styles Kyrle Tha " Wakatipu New and Beautiful No Terms Thursday, August Scenery by " "<■ a r and Box Mr. 15 reserve. Cash. 44 Cloths, large Garfield, pPTTr-ATTrvNro and^reßident Nos. and revers, 46, double N.Z. a in answer to the Sheriff—" Ihave nothing IT" UNEMPLOYED RELIEF tosay exoept thatlam innocent." WORKS. There wasnohitoh in the arrangement?, paruouiarson application to Wellington. r and the prisoner'sdeath was instantaneous. 1107 C k Unine and Garden-TheAvenue of Oaks-The Flora 3p.m. be attendedto Friday, August 23 Tho Relief Works Committee met at theBc p „TP' andHoods, g n] were18/6 " Taurangi Hundreds of peopleassembled outside the office of tho Benevolent Heads -Calls Eaat B in thebest the Currogh part bays and Bracken Falls (by Coaat and of New wwirmanle wniti HOnoolOonmuttee, ChairmanTe Institution at noon TDESDAY iffl ahottst TUESDAY, 13th AUGUST, gaol. J? town diatriot,one four and one fivemoonlighH-Colonnade of the Court to-day, whenit was roiolved that the scaleI Ladies' Blaok Mantle9 biiht ,", SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND n MaßtertO°The condemned woman slept for three of At 2 6 house-Interior of theCourt of Morneo'olook. ThuVsday, 0^ 17 Mn Manapouri pay p.m. on the works August15 3 ~ hours last night. She took no breakfast, should beforthemen employed XV as same on the Queen'sDrive WMefoMKuin0 VreduedtoO-,/ and only a sip from aglass of spirits given works— namely, for the oaition of * EANCIS SIDE & «>" sell by No Walhora w-hoh 3s, 4a, and 5a per day; thatb Saturday, August 17 o her by the gaol Burgeon. Don't let them married 2 p.m. L<lMe6t ot o Bay> thebalanoeoan be arranged at from15sto to lend on freehold security, in digal-Manaeand Garden as before. auction in theirrooms" men should in every case have te prekeep me in agony, dootor," wereher parting Tii, e*Be*Bt l week. Apply R. Keene,Exohange sums to suitborrowers;interest Dairy Drosaing Gowna, good French „ , * AUCKLAND DIRECT The furniture and effeote of a three- Oh'mbers, ferenoo of employment, but that no man Flannel Pf words to the surgeon. She marched from should ? Grey-street. City. Inconßequenoeof thelengthof theDrama, Flannel, a few odd..colours at tj ia Wednesday, Auguat 14 2p.m. from per oenl. Baker Bros, bo taken on withouthe presented an roomed cottage, without reaerve 8 ' j the cells, with her arms pinioned behind, were 2!/- to 37/6 the curtain wiU be raiaed at 7.45 o'clock T 4 '/O» NELSONDI2ECT from Mr. A. G. Johnßon, Secretary to» TTOE SALE, in building allotmente or as ■ and up the Bteps of tho scaffold on order P sharp. Carriages, Wainui 10.45. Monday, August12 11p.m. WEDNESDAY, 14th AUGUST, the Benevolent Institution, through which, Flannelette Gowns, gift 7lq jq/q a whole,'that^giand property to the trap door apparently tho most as WBOCK was the case last year, payments will be Ulster, and Coats. self-possessed of the dismal procession. Children's At11o'clock. Secretary pro andIs. made. was further'resolved that any ! It west, " " ' stood hatlcss and facing She erect orohard, well known us in the oaoupation of */11, on the works guilty of misconPICTON AND NELSON while the hangman adjusted the rope and man FURNITURE OF SIDEY order the J.0. duct, (by Cooper. Apply 20, pf or of under FINE ARTS. Mawhera 4 CO. fTIRY being Monday, Auguat Grey-street. pur Hard-wearing 7p.m. the influence1 Lsdies' Jerseys 12 T7EANCIS toPurohase,Housesof FurniShooters, aU placed the whitecap on her. Then her legs et/a Ola V^ Bailiff, under distress warrant;will sell r^OR SALE Self-acting "f^Hm .,MJ J- solid leather, tip and toe-plates, nails. ITK7ANTED Penguin Wednesday, August14 1 ff ture (large or small Iocs) Pianos p.m. wera pinioned, and for the first time the ot liquor, should be discharged with- „„, <a/O» O/O Under patronage by auotion, THIS the and at the We l for Friday, Jp presenoe j out notice SEASON'S in the of Grafton New Zealander Hotel thei hard To the for cash. 4c, Apply toFranoLiSidw Augnat that workmen be 16 V wear. Ip.m. compound should IMPORTATIONS. marvellous will power of the woman to a engaged from day to day, Yards, Mannera-streetGovernor the ■*of ■rod boot, this is the Cnba^treetNorth. and any man1 Ladies' Macintoahes, single 7 toolß, Ac. completed and in certain extent gave way. She swayed back might NEWPLYMOUTH AND ONEHUNGA wf Countesa of m Glaagow. boot whichyou wiU never geta wet foot. leaveor be discharged without,notice; Capes and Frills Friday. Auguat 16 andforward,holdingfirmlythewarder'shand. Takapuno That valuable standard bred entire J. W. Fear,Machiniat, Willfs-atreet. Hlq 3 p.m. CASES 1 CASES' that wages be paid every Saturday, ex-i Mahinapua' Sunday August 18 After her legs were pinioned and she had and 7 p.m GoldenKing,by Blue OT; , WANTED Known-A large number of in SALE, MR. Hay-street, * cept intho case MAUGHAN BARNETT'S Oriental Bay. "piOE of men ■ being Girls' wins Maciutoshca summarily disanswered the Sheriff's question, ehe said, charged wishing Macintoshes a jy± Mfin BPn°e, 9s 6d " Youths',Itos, e « Gown, years 4 old Men " J? a ; House containing four rooms 7s lid W American Wood Cases for Sale. " or to leave voluntarily. FOUETH nm^nnpn CONCERT mm Oh, God, letme not suffer WESTPOET, GEEY AND HOKITIKA Boya',10 to13, 5s lid. *uuiiIH_OONCEKT. aculer,,sheds, &o land,40ft frontageaid „ cheap. Apply atEveningPost Office. by Mr. Bruce was appointed ganger and 30 Ladies' Brown and Blaok j The hangman then drew thelever and all timekeeper, N7N * and it waa decidedto ask Mr. BraidedJaeketMastßeoaona WEDNESDAY AFTEENOON NEXT, was over. The- drop allowedwas 7ft 9in, 7 ,m. and the scaffoldused was the one built for H.M.Hayward to accept theoffice of pay<** whioh ho filled so satisfactorily the exeoutionof CaptainJarvey,ofDunedin, master, whopoisonedhis wife about a quarter of a during the carryingout of theQueen'sDrive one works. *. 4 CO (Limitm) wi]liß acre, buUdingß, fine century ago. Moh The Committee will meet for the future To the Eev. Mr. Lindsay, the prisoner LINDSAY'S Lllil XfOJi. X O every Btreet, Mb. Mauohan Babnett ore now landing 600 Backs prime good investment. Apply on the premises! 3 Opera Cloaks,70/-, for Mesara. Hamerton & Andrew, Phoenix statedthataa far as the evidence was con- ThisWednesday.the Committee, "**GREYMOUTH AND HOKITIKA OR/afternoon with Mr. SH cerned the sentence was justified, but she Mestayer, P> Ladies' Drainage Admission, went to the Blouses eaoh 2s. Adelaide Engineer, Flour, quality guaranteed. Chambers, Lambton-quay. Roller protestedher innocence asregardsintention 23, Cuba-stbkt WESTPOHT VIA NELSON. Boene of the proposed works, with the view A. E. WATERSON, Secretary. Omapere Tuesday, August 13 and forethonght. Sons, &c, 40. F. J. No. Pinny, 7, "» m ManNextTe AroHon«« Aro TTTMTrm mvvv arranging House. JUNIOR for commencement of the work ATTH For sale at specially low rates. CLERK. The only perßonß present besides the gaol of ners-street. TONGA ANDSAMOAFROM AUCKLAND rrr— to-morrowmorning, if possible. The men officers were the Sheriff, the dootor, the are about 28th Ovalau, Wednesday, August SALE or to assemble on To a new SALE, ground Xj-OE the a GREAT Let. five-roomed m., at 8 and Magistrate, and thepress reporters. m," TUESDAY 13th AUGUST, HH nnt8 willbe engagedinthe order of the number SU"- AND LEVUKA FROM d e^f, convenience in * The body has been claimedby the hus- onTAILORESSES' UNION. «d be logt TT? ATM TTHTTHT? Rollestontttr ±l(Jl/Sli. street; their tickets, subject to the preference JLJi AltU Atloolook. small depojit and easy AUCKLAND smart at figures. Apply by letter only to ~ band, and will be buried in the Winton being ft /irYTT? lt given Thuradoy, Auguat to married men. about 15th GOLP the SOCLALinconnectu,nwith the above Cemetery. Qp DAIR SAIE STOCK, SHEEPi Immediately after to-day's meeting Mr. m 1 Passengers HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, &c. Empib. Labocb KxoHAKe. Johnson was beseiged with applications for bookedto WestAußtralian ports. HER STATEMENT OF THE CASE. MONDAY, 12thAuguat -pOR SALE, new five-roomed House in work. Abont 150 men have now obtained B l B Eefteßh >33 " Ladies, Waterproof, & received inFor OWES have Special Reduced over aU the ComItis understood that Minnie Deanleft a orders. D c; p.m. Inhis address at thoForward Movement 8 1»m». ANTED, alLady W OUBB in concert Prinoos-atreet, Price, Vocalist, writtenstatement, whioh will be forwarded with view of h«Cash 12s 2d. W for Secretary. A^WARD, 0 Bell at W« ta fMm' ?OUBB? to the Government, placing a different service last night, the Hey. W. A. Evans to SAILORS' REST. SOUTHSEA against dealing with the unemWehaveiustopTnTdashipmentof EXCURSION.aspecton the case from that inferredfrom protested " I Ovalau will about WednesHis of 21 street. ployed difficulty carefnlly.aeleoted dairy leave Auokland cows merely by -g^ro? the oitt 77PINET'S ANn r»T"rn wwßya negative thetrial. 3 r~ FR E E 00 N C E.R T. During the execution a boy fell from the process of relief. He gave all honour to Also, WANTED, G.FM. tocaUonus; leHer, Lhose who were working to provide this roof of a building to the ground, a distance temporary 1 aid.bnt eaidthatnnless the whole of 30ft, fracturinghis skull. XXAVI.G engaged a thorough (TUESDAY), 13tb AUG., ' problem waa attacked in a statesmanlike before offered. Poultry, pigs^toola, furniture. 4c. Ladies' Warm Slippers, at Is 6d. 111 1 ANTE Servant manner we should havethe difficulty onour ooun Dressmaker from the South, Bells," by hands for years to come, only aggravated 'SvPatorßOnS PatorßOn M No Heßerve 3;%rey-street. POTTER & SON, Importers. M'Beath, Shoe No. as time went on. If the work done v SPORTING. will commence com"*" her h« duties t- on who will O R All seafaring menarecordially invited. __S A L E. was lor the benefit of the public it NEW PLY, Ct"«Bß leave LOWES 4 IORNS, W^TANTEp, a General Servant, for small (weather under should be paid for at tho standard C? as Masterton. Drnmmond-atreet 4 rooms 27x76 £250 T OST, in the Opera House on Wednisonntry. Edwards and 7,',' 7 the14th August. Ibeg to thank the f-PWTWAT MISSION. MRdinw TTNITFD CENTRAL permitting)THE GEAND NATIONAL MEETING. rate of wages. The danger he feared was ._ Featheraton-fraoe 6rooms 35x109 575 JU day,7th,byapoor woman,aPurse oon- M'Beath. No. 1, Grey-Btraet. 1Qn p.m. thatall works for Mahinapua* Tuesday, August improvement the ofoitioß 13 13th TUESDAY, AUGUST, of the 9.45 3 City taining ring's, Ladies andits surroundFlorecoo-atreet... rooma 27x145 310 some sUver, two and other \\JANTED, experiecced Canvassers [bt txlkgbafh. fbiss association.] wonldcome tobe postponed the winter, I 1 Christchukch, This Dat. i'that they might be performedtill TUESDAY, 13th INSTANT, at the reliefingsforthe very Überal patronage <jrey aireei. "»" Itis cold and showery for the second day works rate. The tendency of that would be c N■ Takapunaf Saturday, August 24 noon T AVT?V At 8 p.m,' m (Ttutt^^Trill oaII .t Levy-street 8 rooms 3^x77 ft»n I1 ?" on ?atnrday, between Nairnof the National Meeting. The attendance 1':o reduce wages all round, let New ZeaB A towedonmeinthepaat,a be ndbeg SACRED CONCERT AND SOCIAL is fairly good, and the course heavy. The land not commit the Earns error as theOld 3 1..1 Bewardat Evening Post. first race was run in a blinding hailstorm. <Country had falleninto,of harbouring in the 2s 6d. Edwards &M'Beatii, No.1, Greyat. IKA oasea Hobart apples dayprevious,proceedingthroughbysteamer to solicit a continuance of the same 104 a" n '.. ,». AugustHandicap, six furlongs. Beadon- icitioe menwho might be the very backbone by twoCity Church Asßisted Choirs. to Onehun«ra for Auckland. %,Y Corunna-avenue x Sale TjWUND-Winter 35 108 at Carter 4Co.'s. Known, we still require a 79 %*/ ANTED well, lOst 91b, 1;Marino, lOst 61b, 2 ;Lord <of the country,while there waslandavailable Balance of bananas in the future. Every care and atPiano lent byDresden Company. Hargreavea-street -__ 33x132 116 *?,.Wonderful reduotiona to meet the »» Stamp for reply to letters. EdTrrjisrAT.n?p nrspnrvii of Misrnle, 9st 81b, 3. Won by a head, iforcultivation. It was to the ; of Hopper-street dreßßmaldng discredit &0 [&0-> oharges 8a 6d for warda and M-Beath,No. 1, Grey-Btreet. rpOSYDNEJ.mNAPnEE.GISBOENE 28x100 182 hardtimes Time, lmin 291500. Dividends, £15 18s and <our statesmen that able-bodied men , Oriental Bay AUOJti.AJNi>. tention will be given to secure a 40x330 300 thiß month only; now is your time for DreßS -_ \XTAHOO "ia Coming. £14 9s 64. Vogengang and Mystioal were 1have _to be used in the cities asshonld mere Goods, Waterproof Cloaks, Corsets, Urn- W7ANTED to SeU, a Collection of TO-MORROW, 13th AUGUST, 15th Rolleaton-street 33 132 MANAPOURI, THURSDAY, W AUG. x 116 Everyone Happy scratched. imachines 'for the improvement of public Stamps, numbering 1200; prioe, perfect fit, combined with reasonAt2.30. Somerset-avenue 33x129 83 brellas,Hosiery, and Gloves, at your own '» 1property. ~ __.* GrandNationalHurdles, two miles. FARES (SiMQL«) Wooloombe-etreet 35x100 280 prices; niooWinter Costumesmadeto order, *<>. Address Stampa, Evening Poat. mnTrnw"" .»»rr""». WELLINGTON ATHLETIC Skirts, PARK COMSaloon. SHORTT will at his 30s: Costume prices. Steerage. rooms, 255, 1 able 6s lid to 18s 6d DonaldM'Kinnon, lOst 31b \\T F.57 Willia-atreet-seU BROOKLYN PANY (Limited). warmBUses cheap at Carter's, 77, Willis'- lirANTBD Address of Indent Anni Baraardo,list 101b .„ 2 *..d. JB Harrison-street 60 x201 who todente D.I. bedstead street. Pontmistake the Bpnng ~7T 010 0 0 7 6 and Conranto,12st 31b Napier mattress, 3 ACCLIMATISATION NOTES. entranoe. Address Commercial Evenine Post r . Jaokson-street t,. 66 x165 35 Firet 11 6 dreaaing table, ware, 0^^^?,?^ j OUR 01260 10 0 waahatand and cheat "' SPRING GOODS are Gisborne now Ohiro-road 66x162 Also started— Liberator, 12st 121b; Em? THIS EVEN- Auckland 65 Company wiU be held WANTED, Tenders for Painting two 10 0 010 0 drawers, mirror, 2 s.i. bedsteads and spring pire, lOst 31b; Despised, lOst 21b; Auroa, 1 Taupo Moana, thegreat Maori inland sea w at 8 o'clock,in Room 79x199 75 FURNITURF WANTED iUKNITURE WANTED. labour ING, Houses; and materiala or 10, Exohange opened No. set being "Stresses, case, fire-guard, up, and we ask our violin and lOat lib ; Ylotim, Oat 101b ; Sunspot, 9st. cof the North Island, in the centre of the 0 0 iron puiieV-blockc, b^WTTPATTT Sydney, via Anoklund Bmldmga Auokland 2001 £UU IVY ROSENEATH. labour only. Apply J. Edwards, 86, Taraeasel and blackboard TuaP ea Despised and Victim led for agreatportion itourist traffic, has a splendid river system X Bosiniss: customera to oall and inspect GENTLEMAN just arrived in New naki-atreet. them ,M V a^^~T~t^ c^r ««vr", CTo case, aatobel,kitchen table, easychair, arm r,fR* ,°0 A Zealand of the distance, and Couranto displaced the irunning with it, well Buited for extenToReceive Annual Reportand Balance- BETURNS AVAILABLE SIX MONTHS, chair, 6 Austrian ohaira and folding chair. desires toPurohase the Furni- 4 >/ ANTED, at once, two good young j'6 "5 iV latter near the home turn.' Barnardo and csive trout fisheries. On the eastern kauri ture of a five to Beven roomed houBe, of W lamp, j^lST"}® and avoid disappointment. sheet 14ft oonnter and sholves, cupPlymouth Rook Roosterß ; also Donald M'Kinnon joined issue at the cside five fine rivers and streama ISS permit breaking any journey All tickets at qnaliiy. Terms, oaah. Address to guaranteed Cook CanariesTj. Walker board, gun couch, To two s.b.b.l. and filler, writingg">d Elect Directors ««««, entrance to the straight. Donald won by fthat seem well suited for trout run m 1 n"Jn are avaUablefor returnby any of tables, fender and brass irons, horsehair lntheoOTtreof the Furniture, Box 231, Post Office, WeUington. and port, To Elect an Auditor < Cuba-street Wellington four lengths, with Couranto three lengths down from the back of the Kahnanawa olty> UpperHutt-228 aores,.£257. Company's steamers. the to lot oilcloth and couch, crookery, outlery, Please T. BATE my note AddressA. m^-rLKTu-n »«■ w srri 5-rTime, off. 4min sJsea. Dividends, £6 5s range. i 7 ■« Six very Buitable streams empty BAKER BEOS. a DyEBTISEB Secretory. and£5 13s. UNION STEAM SHTP COMPANY OF cooking utenaila and garden iinto the upper waters of the Waikato, ute Beven roomod * ~ ' (Limited). NEW ZEALAND Hunt Club Cup, two miles and a half.— \while on the western aide there are BUSINESS. ] BUSINESS. House on lease at Lower Hutt or A Hqmn-vr-ci Withont Reserve. a.General Servant, SlUlNJjj, Johnaonville if anyone will build one suit- W/r ANTED, also a The Bug, list,1;Viotor,list 41b, 2; Pas- tthree fine streams, all suitable for trout. THORNDON BOWLING CLUB "^r Nur Robartson, c^ lr Mrs. .TTUDDART,PARKER4CO'S Apply > r LET thoße commodious able. Address time,list, 3. Dividend,£7 <7s Gd and £7 ss. IItis a curious factthat there areno eels in BuaineßS P.O. Box 290. ? (Limited). & JOHNSONVTLLE SALE-YARDS ~ these waters, whiohabonnd with smallfish. DRAPER, IMPORTER, AND statntpry G This is probably due to the high falls inthe alMo6tin of the U*Waikato, preolude THE MASTERTON MURDER wh»oh the possibility of MANUFACTURER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 1895. the eels havingaccess to the sea—a necessity ' ate TRIAL. o'olook, for breeding. Trout have already been to oonsider Report and BalanceApply to JOHN H. MURRAY Wellington (late 62, Ghnznee'street). TO NAPIER,GISBOBNE,AUCKLAND, S " b thr'S° m «» Bential Saleatll3oam U sheet. +1 liberated in some of these waters,and are 6'6' Waituna, Feilding. Cuba.BTß.bt. and SYDNEY (transhipping to Melbourne M TNTTTO „r t T^ENSINGTON HOUSE Hill atreet f-MINTYRE, Secretary. reported to be thriving well. As a rule all principal Auatralian Porta, at very TTIEEEMAN E. JACKSON 4 CO. wiU ANTED Known-That James Smith, PEEBB AND PUBLIC CRITICISMS OF tourists runthrough the greatoentral PwUamentery fnd fares):— blook low JP baa first-clasa Furnished Suites of Apart? J[J Laundryman, has opened at 147. ' sell by auotion, as above— THE VERDICT. SPILLEE'S HALL, oof land in the North Island,whiohpresents menta for families and visitors. House well wioa-street. Everything done in the best 116 fat cattio Tasmania IThursday IAug 15 I3p m. a magnificent field for the acclimatisationof Boulcott-stbibt, BE appointed, with every convenience;central manner Anglian CHAMBER OF INDUSTRIES. ff|3p.m. | 800 fat ewes Thursday Sept game g Corrapondtnt.J /Our Own and fish; andno bettercolonialinvestTelephoneNo.731. ANTED,Engagement in any position Tabmania I 12 3 400 fat wethers rm-tn tet ior ro P°a'tion. Thursday Sept p.m. I ,tmai, ment could be e aft m6e rehearaals, found than to make the Lfcl for h ia meetings, leolan Anglian of trust Hy experienced business Mastkbtoh, This Dat. " Tongarire National --^ DODWELI| gaipinHouse WiUis Thuraday Oot 3 3 p.m. 70 pork pigs Park" (most of whioh A ; the is called THIS tures, Sunday services, stage, finding jury p.m. The of in the case in iiis unfit for close settlement) a maznifioent A PUBLIC MEETING No after2 Ac. cargo Le sfeerf BB -TV-m-rfcJOl XnTTHT < 0 our0 which Somerville was charged with murder ddeer park, fullof game, withitsriversteem***> DI G n nfc and Singing. hYTTE N terms moderate. piano, organ, 4c.; * with trout. Many a tourist and colonist he Chamber of Commerce, when whenn vo ur Anglian |Friday your came asasurpriseto thepublic ofMasterton. ing Aug 30 3 p.m. from JohnsonvUle at12.20 and2.30 p.m. """*? oa9h buyers who require my ANTED Known-TheUnited Asbeato, now running through would spend a week T¥T T TO" m TSi -a TJ X» Tnl? Q W LLL Friday Sept. 6 3 p.m. Both, the local papers speak Btrongly on 0or two for the sake of sport, Presence >s particularly requested, and help Tasmania Stationery, SchoolRequisites,Fancy PRICES. Comp\n>" Suited FBEEMAN E. JACKSON, be removed tempted and Anglian Friday Sept. 27 1 3 p.m. the aubjeot. tto make his home in New Zealand. There is asked in order to form the Wellington Auctioneer. HRO LET, or For Sale, in Hill-street, a Goodß, Toya, Games, Fanoy Needlework, from 37, to corner of ' The Star, after stoutly maintaining the aare difficulties m P andHarria streets the way, of course, but ProvincialInduatrial Aasociation and atart new ten-roomed Honae, with bath,hot sanity of Somerville, says that the finding tthis year a startin OCCASIONAL SUITES. is being made in thisdirec19th A AUGUST 1895 MQWD ay 1 TOUST, 1895, UpOn% B d BOmid andbroadbaßia MONDAY A of the jury will be regarded by those who ttion, theGovernment and cold shower electric light, Venetian packet for Ruled Notepaper worth la 6d ; freights greatly reduced. ani, PLUSH, H in TAPESTRY Fares and having PIECES, agreed to assist rsspeot thelaw asa simpleoutrage. (the Wellington and ai-i^p.m. blinds ;land, 330 x 50, with vinery, fruit, 10 packets Bußinesa Envelopes, Is; Hair *» Canterbury has had the start of Wellingp^!aos,^ atD felnold B Xl 3 and £15 Eaoh. Return tiokefa available for Bixmonths. Hawkes Bay Accli- / " " —^— n matisation Wellington Office-Queen's Chambers. Societies by a grant of £100 for by gALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD and ornamental shrubs. Apply 21, Pipiteaton some da^nS'^ripf,' years, " 16 and their Industrial > PIECES in GENOA IHD PLUSH, vxmrt thepurposeof sendingtrout ovatoTaupo and JOHN MURRELL. R.aid.nt Manager. IN THE TOWN OF street. roll inolndeg 135 me berß> and ettoh man theWestCoastoftheSouthIsland. ArrangeMINING NEWS. <fi@Sfe> splendid Morooco Purses, sd ; large Scrap qnired. raiiaiß.KOiu«jNUMXii. willmost probably be watching thenumbers ments are now being made to send 100,000 ODDFELLOWS' HALL, LAMBTONtrout to ova Lake to be us this The CanterTaupo, put by evening. up MONTAGUE, where R. J.R. Park, ANTED, Carpenters; also, an ad Mr. DININGROOM of Palmerston T»| SUITES. [BT TCLEGBAFH. PBISS ABSOOH.TION.] the n TB SUka, 6d d,jz, Fllol jj Postmaster (an enthusiast in these Box Moist 0EKAIKOUBA AND LYTTELTON WAY. North, Auctioneer, ia favoured with vanoed Improver. Apply |TOET nD ColePIECES in LEATHER, TFATHTO *ob »OK «| J.12 10. in. bury traderß, greatly to their credit, are I* Rbefton,10th August. n via Oh,viot and coast. mattera),has undertaken to superintendthe rk PIECES, ns from J. Herbert ■ Molea.orth-atreet. The following returns are announced :— h for Meet£nga) Sun hatohing out of the ova and distributionof Afc fc to Keop-it-Dark,113oz amalgam from 87 tons; t]the fry. H «WAHOO,,« stufpei> B Heroules, 114oz amalgam from No. 1 box rt.p-. A similar number of tront ova are also olean up, and 430b from lop plates, from Dbeing sent by the Wellington Society to "^thf 45 tons ;Bnller Dredge, 220z gold for 104 Totara TE S S t Flat and Greymouth, to be hatobed ANTED, a good General Servant; IIAHEE rt withoutfurther loss of time. hours'dredging ;CooksparrowDredge, 290z 0out and placed on the West Coast, Hon. Sec 'toT toTrust. t personalreferences required. Apply, SUITES, BEDROOM via coast. W where . afternoon, the following valuable freehold mnn^" Trt 1T 3dwtamalgam for 113 hours' dredging. -" tlthere are many magnificent rivers still unWe shaU be pleased to enroll you osja propertiesinthe townof Pamerston North— rj^O LET, Eintoul-atreet, a five-roomed SiTO081 TAKING" SALE, after 3 p.m., to Mra.A. Danby,Oriental Bay. Containing— Webtport, 10th August. sistooked. EARLY House,withbath-room, Bcullery, washANTED, a Boy, 16 years of age, for Lot I— All that paroel of land being Coal export for the week ended to-day:— Some 71,000 trout ova have been sent to BeveUed Plate Wardrobe. Duohesse Table member of the Wellington Association, and \Tfr allotment No. 1 of aeotion 338, bouse p.w.0., 4c; gas all through house ; VV the printing trade; also, a sharp you to give this matter your earnest FOE Knights of Labour,195 tons; Cardiff L'om- tlthe New South Wales Government, ohiefly with BeveUed Mirror and Tile-baok Wash- beg BLENHEIM M private right-of-way through to RiddifordJAMUS irJCilllH(, r,JaBr*.Kn-n ' Bituatein Main-street and oloae to Girl for.bookbindery. Apply M'Kee and pany, 1008 tons; Westport Coal Company, f<for theMacdonaldRiver ;17,500 to streams stand, two Upholstered Chairs and Towel. nn the railway atation, containing 30 street;oloae to tramway ;capital situation. ' jeiO MMld6rata DEAPEB CuBA-STBiasr, Gamble, 6. Cnatomhonae-quay, WeUington. to matoh. Cheapeat ever Th« « NWPTTTNJ? 3970 tons; total, 5173 tons. the Biy of Islands, and large numbers to raU CHARL tl Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Opotiki 10a. the Auckland, ThisDat. io ' The mining market opened very briskly Acclimatisation Societies. fromschool Roxburgh.atreet. FO«FOZTON. 24, Lambt'on-quay. to-day. Sales Albumin, 4s 3d ;Cambria, > Orders for fry are coming in from the 12th 1895. WeUington, August, To effect c wiUstart tv DUCHESS CHESTS Islid ;Hazelbank, 6s 6d; May Queen, 10s West Coast andHawkesBay Societiesin the LET that commodious in Residence The ..WEEN OF THE SOUTH. Id;Moanatairi,9s ;Victoria, Is 8d; Mono- NorthIsland, andMarlboroughin the South, WITH FOUR DRAWERS SLAUGBTER SALE that pwoel being Kent-terrace,lately in the occupation 0° MONDAY, 12thAugaat, at 4 p.m. "wai, 3s; Waihi-Silverton, 535 ; Talisman, Bso that a good acoount will be given this Ironer. Apply sharp,Empire Steam Laun' BEVELLED MIRROR, AllotmentNo.lof Seotion 309, conON TTTF WVLTINGTON MEAT EXPORT B J! Aruiil season of national work done ; ; Victor, ; 15s Uwharoa, 4s Id 5s 7d Darin the out, _. dry, Kent-terraoe. taining 3 roods and 20 perches, of E. G. Richer, Esq., containing nine SATURDAY, 27th JULY, COMPANY^imitkd) .£2 10s Each ling, 3s ;Kapai-Vermont,6s6d ;Try Fluke, 8skirts, as well as a plentiful supply of fish 13s ;Bunker's Hill,4s 4d. Buyers— Crown, liberatedin localrivers fromtheMasterton ±jJ.iNUij£iUMO aviv/iiiv ouaonawuruii). 425; Woodstock, 325; Waitekauri, 60a; FishPonds. per and every convenience. Apply to For freight or paasage apply to All Idea of Pbofit Abandoned. land, yielding a rental of Manners-Btreet Alphas, 7s, with no sellers. Advances are 'Lli A > I o l HB of recordedin most the cheap stocks. c..k ,d,.t., »i-M, w»i M, w dress i. CASE. THE MANTLE : 'us^sst and^i"^ ' " . Bssks.— ' bSmD^LJriSlJhaS^fl"": 15/-. '000 conv^in W Tl7T m^ * «HBW^ti^J?SS-SS £10 UUU J^ o/d —*" Frices-45,1572a, I^l-ALLERY Cnl^nfm - Jb Hill^ ° " s^g J^T^^S^ . . y. WINTER meXro^ __ - anf!nIat| F^s ISLANDS DRESSMAKING. gU Recitation! *if — . £S S^ug^fJpS. n^JI" "' "* .. _,„_ T^E .. . = fc'oS L«i»£SSTi^SL* oi!SSSd*SSIU . —— . _ . W s/d. THE A^^Sl^^SSSgW (Weat^^c^umgs^S)- " 1 ■ *!J^L.J3IiKS " XX ofcomn^rce IYV INTER —— * - °° — J^ 9 9 ""-^Aaaisss: J^ SL^liSta^ irmPn^mtliW * * IXOOECLOrHS Mr. JohnHolmes wasfined40s this morn- °- . GroS" M ' B&l^d W^MKto „, . ° ",PO* ' "Jn „ J- rf£^Z'j£??£Ei ZgZ - &,% °?" * W . " \\T onf£^ \\ Feathiraton-atreet,havl . W"^ S> S"23b F*C^Hein^s Infill iZ i^raT T 7f Ix. &^ongea,6^7"hluT Ba^kete, & W*S'MaSf R^en^re! — V\f \\ selle^lsdoz afta^SZE.g^,aSajg: . andforgSißit? w ff- K5s, &&sta ßSft WAHOO ===== _ W ,, Hankms^, sf*K»;.ff&fts jl fffiSSl«Af "ffl &&^S"ffi J^ *"" — E±L',f Silr . .„„„, ... .„„ T hSr *ttr oSg' wuf"b; ) j ! 1 »t r i ? s a N^ Grf^^ *\ £^ o^£»tikW'&fi &S« mhSatVrenffof^JLW?,S . * -- .,. - W^ I .-*- ANd'IaRGE J* .A?" ° .\y X adSug M LIS,^ "*"" W l^fl^^\*lr£*£ f**SSG^'^~'*» 7fhJ2?S K^iflas^ntS PRO^RTIES «» OlWlSoßfflilD ""^ . » .. .n^«^ ss^s: "^ o.««iss.-^aa BSM^ih^^ToS „„„„,„ J^}^"S^£'sS3£ = offered? ßetterqualitieaf,l3los,,l7lo^nd " '"^H—SS&a affa ' & -&5&& L „ G*SS3SSsffig£ rjno "p^loV W zfafa^write^ Xm^DaSr (LimitedhXt good^Sd, U^on SP*iS2 f"° _ ; 7 PIECES^in^ENOA^ani, * . W Dutl&y Go^s! .^TwTn Z. Z■ . A. f "* *° ?'^? W"' *" —-* Secret P.0.80x . g — — . .... . tools*' S . _ Stt'SSE. Wh^S,feX infi^#» La"rßoardinil. , thi tl^ f\t Sbo.vill,. gt£Mi*^%2s^ " ... . — , bT" ZT " ° iSlll I ?*K «Wffi '^o^m W^o^^aTe/^iA i 1 0 4 1 S^ ... W^htogton-avenue „ mS^""',."i . . TiJ""^* ...... — .. \ *"' " ggfett ::: I *" . » TflE "" "^^SS^UJS: SSW.'SXr-^^^'^ — - _ u^iu«ua. „ *^^' - .?¥T If fP APPLICATIO^ m^ n^romnL^ ffifer 1 tl!. 5^°i preSexneriencf jg^jM^ £^^^OSffSA "^T ° F^alu^nthfmwketTßroalwood w'd — MOU^H — fiT«*** """^^rfSSkSgai IJNITED - L Z **"*" lORNS^Yo l^n^ diltriT Manai.-? WUti'sthoolCommittee — a&^_" BOOT, efery ctv^et °fUo^^n^roo^ — te£s&^gffv>&ffi Fo^^^^^!,^^ Sng anfDreaa^oea,^ 3'" X"%^Ss%^*2; A &gs%£&*& _ *"*** „ ?d? .. — **^'SSWISSSj ° ° — READ THIS . alideTeSf'odT , £ A . irfi^wei "uttog . GSMOUTH^^OKmKAI^ MlGw^-Daviks £a. ?0? .-■- Maw^ " f^T^^^l^JS&rSS^Si "^ ?1 T^ --oKLtfcJtnPWrii Cravenette^loaka,^-^, ... — wSSSS^^SSm %£ST lit * »» F J? Nowreduoedto2l/_ " — 10/ __- ., »"— pu^eSlvr " "'"" "" w^. . — Jb ,*„„ JN -~ -j»S»4iS:a=: xßrfSßm -ssS^Ms-ir c J» 12/ i^»* 0^"/.?* ?IS. TT°? SAI^ . .. week! as s» sessatfAtetw &i«svt.*«s-k i^ads&t oalve^ lfr 10/6 " i|*o Je °^?? Z3£&&r? v^- _ ~ "^&S£ff~- r£O "■"??;'"; , iu*S3Sitat*»« thi7r W S^^S^A^ W^SEifSfSJSS SSi Sy ifnm. wm^i ing for failing to obey his jury Bummons, (Our Own Correspondent.) ".subject, however, to hisbeing able to satisSection 337, and Allotments 16 and next, at 2 o'clock p.m. FOR OPUNAKE, WAITARA, AND LET,fonr briok Shops.central posi- Blaok and Navy Serges, former prioe 255, WANTED, strong Lad, to drive horse ft a- Is, n Is 2d, Is6d, 2s, and JO explain his absence. This afterHavblock?This Dat. factorily 17 of Seotion 324 situate inDavid- (rpo To 3s yard. and dray ;only those uaed to dray now 17s 6d Froxies mu B t be lodged at the Company's ONEHUNGA. Post Offioe. JL tion; nearly opposite Gorge The work at the Wakamarina is noon n William Elder was fined 40b for nonstreet. Upon this property are Apply W. ' Fanoy Tweeds, former prioe workneed apply. G. H. Bayhs, Hanaon-st. office not later than forty-eight hours before a^, mHE Favonrite Steamer B. Masterton. Meltons and Chennells, mCT progressing well. Pumping operations will aattendance. cottages, yielding -WJL three substantial CARPETS 8s lid to 14s 9d, now 4a lid to 8alid Boy Apply Barretts Appy p the time of meeting. Barrett's «»rANTED a Boy. begin on Wednesday, and' the permanent 8b r annWn a r6Dtal f Tbe de' *«-« Prioe Blair has been appointed a monthly and all in course of LET, dams will be forthwith ereoted, all the r1 Mr. J.ofB.the rw.O Gear director Meat Company, in materials being on theground. erection in Victoria-street. Apply a Situation by competent ShouldlotßNos.2and3notßellasawhole, DRAPERY FURNISHINGS Velveteens, former jiAiMji The prospectus of theWakamarina Flat Bplace of thelateMr.B. M. Greenfield. „„-«. T^mot " tvt^tvit Gardener; no objection to looking the cottages therein referred to, with a suit- J C. Brailßtord. nwrvTrnnn tto/%». nrioe la now lOd AlluvialGoldMiningCompany,Canvaßtown, Another old identity has passed away j has beenissued. Jefferis, mother of Mrs. Tonng, of Mrs. 1 Karori, who died at her grandson's resiC *M'» CO^T SXEAMEB.. denoe, Young's.Gardens, on Saturday afterTOI H ±l±(lxUJiitß, The title to each of the above-mentioned Hunt, Chairman, or to Mr.Hali;Secretary. M. SUPREME COURT. noon. The deceased, with her late husband worth from 15s 9d to exchange for Bicycle. Addroaa Typo, and young family, landed at Dnnedin on the ■ NATURAL USE OF THE VOICE. OF STEAM T' MANNERS-STREET ONLY. 2tth May,1858, and settledatNorth Taieri. a CRIMINAL SITTINGS. PACKETS are appointed All the above are the season's goods Adelaide-road,nice five-roomed CotBuy, a Safety Bicycle b^bppt .aSSeS^^*ANTED to *»7 y wawtmq the w.« Flag Swamp, In1870 family removed to J- HbHBtKI HANKINS Esq., l<Sg tage,bathroom(hot andcoldwater), soullery, (Before His Honour theChief Justice ) JOHN W. HILL. W (pneumatictyres) ;must be ingood MILLINERY, Half-Pbicks. near Goodwood, whioh farm is still carried r'£S? fepAPT rifvvxrnrrTn fcOrIW copper large garden, fowUiouse ;rent,10a. Richly-trimmed Hate, la to 7s 6d " order. Reply, stating terms, 4c, to Alpha, , Spboulist This Day. on by Mrs. Jefferis' son. Deceased BurSquare bPKOULIBT xne PalmerstonNorth aortn HOKITDXA— The CHAS EDThe' and Apply John Boyd, Wellesley Blook,or New- Children's HatsandTarns, worthfrom 3alid Ngahanranga P.O. bquar^ralmerston vived her husband20 years,and leaves two BBBAKING AND INTIRING. rt THE AUCTIONEERS. town Agency. (In VoiceProducUon and Singing). to 8s 6d now Is, Is lid,2s 17d daughters andfour sons. Mrs.Jefferis was to Let, Unfurnished Rooms, .D.O.XVD.UA D BARBER'S WANTED The trial of the lads Brown, Conroy, and much beloved with fireplaces, with use ofkitchen by sorrowing r|W LET, comfortable Residence, Cler- Children's Coate Fawn, Grey Cream worth many friends. Fanlmier,obarged with having brokeninto APPIyH tham funeral took plaoe at KaroriChurohMr HUI, hisßtudies inLondon and on the factory of Charles Cathie and stolen a The DYE WORKSyard this morning. quantity of olothing, wasresumed. The oase for the prosecutionwas finished «.o^ m Owing to the steamer being the te last Tuesday, and the acoused were now Auckland football teamcannot detained leave before W. 4 4 called up, paying «<« called by Mr. Wilford to give evidence in Thursday. The Union is arrangingto Blaok Kid Gloves, wortn4a 6d, now of London Vanucinni), George Thorp, E. have > theirown defence. f matches with Hawkes Bay and South on one production reoogThe aocount given was that Conroy and the No.226 on voice ia Chemiat. Telephone (whose Consulting LET, House, work rriO seven-roomed Ladies' Cashmere Gloveß, worthIs, now 6d "MrANTED Caroenter to fix outting Canterbury probably on Saturday and the Brown, while taking ashort ont fromKarori following Wednesday, instead of on the y J. Wiener, nised by contemporary singers), and W.H. FOE NAPIER VLICASTLEPOINT AND AJWT^ sBI le,' E Bedbton into town one morning, found the olothing, dates arranged. LW * J. MITAVISH4CO.,M ITAVISH4CO., 4c, lovely view. ApplyH.Fielder. , „ r together withseveral pairs of boots,in two Cummingß, the weU-knownprofessor at tho v i ld Grand valae v m > +.h t> saoks under a tree intheBotanicalGardens. J\., Accountants, ,*o*U» „ Mr. D. A. Baxter, the newly-appointed HTIHE s.s. KAHU, LET, off Tinakori-road, one eight- A Special Line of Petone Tweedsfor Bovb, *»o» jfc m -jgb Royal London mo w«> Aoademv Musio «a^^. mnSf y Academy Music, of London. arni B £ They divided the articles with Faulmier, accountant of theNapier branch bouse, ao On TUESDAY, at 5 p.m. worth 3s 6d, nowIs lidper yard Land,Estatk, and Financial Aonts, every convenience,rent of the New roomed o Jj ? andleftthe samenight. They didnotmake Zealand Loanand Mercantile Agenoy Comany effort to findthe owner oE the property, pany's business, w»a at St.Peter's beoanse they were in a hurry to get away. Chnroh this morning,married by the Eev. E. J. As regards the articles found by the polioe Windsor, to Miss Bertha Hand, youngest in the back yard of Paulmior a premises, daughter of the late Captain Hand, of the Faulmier said they must havebeen planted P. and O. service. The bride wag married there by someone who wanted to get him inher travelling dress, and was attended into trouble. by Miss Eglington. W. M'Cutoheon The jury retired at 1.15, and had not acted as best man. Mr. At the conolußion returnedup to the time of going to press. of the service the bridal party drove eßtablishmente that possess neither the AXTANTEDKnown,thatGeorgeSnaddon, «g^^-*- ooßpatohed vnnder, weather Salisbdbt-avenub—Five-roomed Cottage, npo LET, in Ghuznee-street, asix-roomed "1 rprvT^ "REFORE a\j « X\JU 80 yy Licensed Plumber and Drauilayer, J-0-"1 YOTT with conveniences. Easy terms FALSI FBITXNOIS. to the residence of the bride's mother experience or applianoes neoessary to give 3J^"- v ttlJ1 DECIDING ' nnd oiroumstanoespermitting :— Houbo, newly painted, with bath, Valentine Verne, olfa«;Ch»a Wynward, in Majoribanka-street, where breakfast was you satißfaotion. For WANGANUI— The s.s. STORMBIRD, CLirrON-TKBBAOK— New nme-roomedResi- p w,0., copper, 4c, suitable for boarding- Before, in a recent advertisement, that I gives estimates for aU Sanitary Work in pl« abb inspect denoe, with every modern convenience, oUße.' Apply Ed. Banks, Buokle-stroet. on TUESDAY William Charles Hazel, and several other served. The newly-wedded couple left for made tneprices, and that othersoould only oonnectton with Corporation By-lawB ; all Tn nnr -xfjmo!" "«.. h«« ««v d names, was charged with having, by false Palmerston, enroute for Napier,by the1.20 *. Willia-sW, five-roomed SOHNE PIANOS mo train. The LIPP bridegroom p.m. was presented pretences,obtained various sums of money thiß morning by the Btaff of the Wellington from Chas. Wainwright, Win. Burnett, and branoh of the with a company's and business WelingG. B.Knapp, at Christohurch roomß, ongoodBeotionof land, adjoining npo LET,afive-roomed Cottage inBolton- p Known, that Law4Andrell Our maohinery ia themost improved and ton, on six separate occasions. Hepleaded liqueur stand and averyhandsome pipe. rofeas tobe VI7"ANTED r|IHJ3r Bowling Green derfeot in the trade, and superior to that X street. Apply Evening Post. 1 |IHJ3 undermentioned steamers have opened as Hairdressers and Not Guilty, and was defended by Mr. WilBROADWOOD 4 SONS' PIANOS ATTirAVa UHii^r niTWAPTRST »» «S&3>>. The is a of the JIOJ. following prizeA_LWAX» list Seofaon,84x79; jgji^l will bo deapatobed as EMMBTT-STB«BT-Bmldin B ford. Mr.Jellicos appeared for the Crown. winners who are to figureat the Wellington dosseßßed by any other firmin the oolony. Tobaoooniste in WilUs-street. in premises npolet anew six-roomedHonae Apply 86 Mr. Arthur Fern was foremanof the jury. Bowing Clnb's social" on Wednesday The best dyes only are used, and goods foUowa (weather permitting) .— ERAED PIANOS Mr.W. Park, May-street,Thorndon. to beat them if they oan. The foUowing adjoiningHoffman 4 Son Every attention Mr. Jelliooe, in opening the proseontion, evening:—Season 1894.—Junior said theprisonerhadputan advertisementin Fitzgerald (bow), J.E. CrawfordFours—F. (2), W. H. soawEoaira piano 3 a Christohurchpiperasking for ayoungman Jaokson (3), j!ui: « B and A. Minogue (stroke). with quarteraore,inPetone. A. J. M'TAVISH 4 CO. aIBO, a Cottage, togo withhimto Coolgardie. Wainwright Senior Fours—H. Hon to always keep. Please to note our T a n ga E. A. (bow), Gamble Apply Qeo. Tattle, 3, Lipman-stre.t. 4 advertisement, prianswered this and the Goodsoolleoteaand of COLLAED COLLAED PIANOS oharge. TH;E ; deliveredfree addresa-Willis-Btreet. door) Bni ainß Bwkof Australasia. (3), Heise C. Poll and 0. Hooke fnext (2), induced to withhim £25. E SALE. in houae deposit private LET, ~ ~ soner him O rilO on Apartments «M7 ANTED to Purohase. House and Cot Junior Pairs—F. Boss (bow) and TT>rk-NTII/rrkXrr<l?W ; Later on the prisoner, by means,of repre- (stroke). J? magnifioent ; JL view IRONMONGJiII byDiatingniahed Wellington-terraoe Andother Pianos 7 Makerß. B taffTPronertiesfew «ood S/t.ppwff Advertutsenting himself as Charles Wynward, who A. M'Laren (stroke). Club Fours—B. J. Particulars and prices in catalogue post kitchen, for «mttnuoHon rooms, bathroom, of ONE TWOFEEDER WHARFDALE or four three suburbs' Strange-Mure (2), lutfirrfpoo*. MACHINE, with two sets of p.w.0.; no ohUdren;rent moderate. Ad,OTOT was enquired for in the Australasian Finncane (bow), W. m«if PRINTING . « n TTTT Poll (3), and B. A. Heise (stroke). 41 nITITITV mJ nnder the heading of "Missing Friends," C. 11"--* 08 11 W-X., ore of Box 92, General Poat All Double Sculls -B. J. Finncane (bow] NOW ON and as bein<?farther, entitled to a legacy of £700, Junior and J.E. (stroke). Plate, Crawford Ladies' *,«*.. obtained a sum of £25. By similar Wellington Eegatta—J. W. Nioholson(bow), To prevent mistakes and disappointment comealongand buy. FUNERAL_NOTICE. four.roomed Cottage in methods he also obtained sums from Bur- J. Naylor (2), H. S. Wooloott (3), and J. J and Harriett nett, and after coming to Wellington he i friends of Enook by praotioaUy leading npHE every my Speoial Lines, by Broadwood, Lipp, oustomers shouldaddress HENRYKEMBER PTATJOS M WoVlUiv (stroke). Junior Soulia, Fioton BeriAJNUB, maker in Ac world, ?> TxrWTVnTP'RH WRIJS GliilS, ChappeU, and others, Pianos and Organs. Spencer are reapeotfully invited to obtained other snms from C. B. Knapp. M'Kee <a>, LanAton-quay. namDion quay. 28 gatta—C. House, 21, Poll. Exoelsior 21 Ghnznee-streot. M Season1895.—Junior Pain 1 ; 3,125; 4, 14s 6d p. j.*Pinny. Eureka,2, 8s 6d Mr. Jelliooe undertook to satisfy the jury —B. F. Hepworth(bow) attend the funeralof ffieir infant daughter, "W P.AP."RI?.P. *HO n. S3&.JXDEISX Ob \J\J. and H. M.Rosen reßidenoe, t rooms, May, SON, that the wholeof theprisoner'srepresenta- burg (stroke). Senior ON Ethel ri^O LET, Houae containing six ROUSE, BLACK 4 whioh willleavetheir 5. 18b6d TKTANTFn tivtha advertiser Situatien Soulls —F. B. „„ „„„ ,„„„ Tabanaki-btbmt, Wright-street, To-morrow (Tuesday), 13th bathroom, hot and oold -orviimQi IJiOJNB, tions were false. X aoullery. andGordon-street, teWn rX «onnJ^T TTirYNTa W ,Ttr,!,.A^»r Tonng. Club Fours—H. Goodall (bow), CLEANERS, Newtown, STEAM DYERS AND POTTS Cemetery. superior p.m.,for oheap-1 TOOK at 2 Karori in sitting.] PAYMENTS, August, 1895, SALE, water, Left TIME 20sMONTHLY. AYE FOE sitnated I TJ E«ntoe Pmt H. Gamble (2), W. H. Jaokson (3), 14s rent, (3) per per of third house from 5s set by Morgan, Long Aore, , „ j JQLandau tramline JIJN., Tp ■ iCompult E MOKRIS. n and F. B. Young (stroke). Junioi : 46. os3i-sxM*pANTED Known-Pearoes handsome and equal to new; 1 superior week. Key to be had from Mr.M'Kenzie, na Tn?V»H OTjASSPAP'RR " Undertaker, xaranam unaenaKer, Taranald-street. WijAOBrArJIXV, ATHLETIC PARK COMPANY Double Soulls— 0. Graham (bow) and W H and oom Sinclair, sory bjf of Newtown. OAJi-Jil V»' Saleof Boota Shoei Biddiford-Btreet, Grocer, new Double-seatSd Buggy MTTRYfi Shilling (stroke). Kempthorne Fours— C " Thursday, MUBIU.— Songs and 18th. Arcade, ; N ldo«ensheets mences Cuba. English s.h.; i°; quae 1 9d Boot Waggonette, _. PianoforteHeces. Q LET or f()r s>l at Orofton| t, Graham (bow), T. M'Farlane (2), F. E t mftM T T N L E V ldo,d Anglo American, s.h.; 1 I«P«>bb MONEY. EGG-BEATERS, gtr6et The firstannual report of the Wellington Curtis (3), and J. E. Crawford (stroke) doublebay-windowedHouses, con- DOVER V U m gOod taintnewdrawing-rdi > «-h « 2B*ker C rt« Ws n AthletioPark Company, to be presented to Junior Outrigged Fours, Fioton Begatfadinin four g-room, ANTED to SeU. alargeassortment of ng fg° TNVFSTMFNT<?"oFFFmNa NFLSON TTTVTm?T? W A TTTJTJ aoh OFFERING NELSON UNDERTAKER, consifaon. to-night'smeeting of shareholders,is as fol- J. E. Crawford (bow), J. Swindley (2), A " TNVESTMENTS Gas Fires, from 19s upwards;als,, bed-rooms, kitchen, bath-room and washmußiuruttiu.iiiHoißUjaMia INSTRUMENTSTriifumuo ■*DISTRICT. lows : The oompwiywas-authorisedto raise Sargeant, substitute F. Wolff (3). and C Gas Chandeliers, Braokets. Globes, 40. TO CHEMISTS. house, wifi allmodern conveniences. Apply CHENEY'S HAMMERS, ' ' Mannbkb-btbbxt ' £5000 in£1 shares. Of this amount .£1763 Poll (stroke). Lady Stout has kindly con WANTED-JE3250, at 5J per xent.;seouThomas BalUnger 4 Co., Ltd.,33, Victoria. A LARGE STOCK. SAT.TC. anold-established Chemist's A.H. Gibson.Crofton. No.7, 25;No. 5, 2 a3d J?nv. lias been takennp,.£1622 of which hasbeen sentcd to make thepresentations. ;Btook at valuaBusiness atWeßtport a Houaein Subbbx; 2144 aores freehold land valua-*? six-roomed rity, LET, u.;,.^-».=!/»«««„ t—tA "NTf T.T7H paid up, leaving .£l4l outstanding. The Private SesidenoeTAJjIjEi TUT UrlJJiO, JSa.A.J> ANTED Known-At Pearoe's Comtion, on easy terms; low rent: goodreasons rPO X sqnare, with aU convenienoeß. Apply mA-nT-i? tion, JE5500. «7" goodwill of two half-sections which werenot Mr. W. W. Collins leotnred in thi ? WANTED— splendid chance for an BrookfieldHouse, Snaaex-aquare. roUers, 32s 6deach you can get 80s worto A 24in TT Sale Cuba-street). selUng. pulsory per seonrity", at for wC6OO, oent.; (off THE Tonks' Grove 51 .£25, required has been sold for the pur- Criterion " Theatre last evening, the subjeo t energeticnun with emaU oapital. Forpar444 aorea freehold land; valuaUon, of Boots for 20s. Boot Arcade, Cuba-street. LET & oommodioQflgontlaman'sResi- MTNCERS chaser also taking np J325 in shares. being Swallowing the Camel." funds the directors the available have With PIANO WHISKY. RT TAYLOR, 5005OO at 5i per cent.; .ecubeen able to fenoe theproperty and to form Mr. John W. Hill, specialist in voio c and lay down in grass an areaof 3 aores 2 production and singing, has deoided t Manners-street. F.J. Pinny. at, La Kbto W N W.LLINOTON. roods, whioh gives room for one football remain in Wellington for some time. 1 0()K OVT FOB WAHOO! WAHUU! h Carpenters' benoh, 3d eaoh na thi?'gnti>*: EvenKnown-14 Days' Sale at apply For address, ground, with a grass bioyole and running will be «een from bis announcement in thi ■s m^VS£ i m t nunmrwH X^ M.J.BROOKES, * SALE. SgPost. Great Reductions of Furniture and traok of 4} laps to the mile. A rollerr issue that Mr. Hill had for 8} years th WANTED -.ei300, at 5Jr per cent ;good XT'OE T *. v t h has also been purohased. The ground advantage of studying the art of voice pro will be available for football nextt duorion and singing from suoh eminen season, and possibly may be fit forr authorities as Herr Torsliff, of Leipzig ( orioket before the end of the gammer. pupil of Vanncinni), George E. Thorp, o f NeW usual conveniences. in Fruit Market, andFanoy Inspection ri^O LET, an Office The directorshavebeen mnch hamperedbyy London, and W. H. Cummings, the well!f J. M'LEAN,» JtTN., ■" rent, 15s per week. oomparißon invited. "Abdlv Yod'llLinaH Whin You Sn J- Harris-atroet; Profpssor wbtttn/j s known f TiiTi' up. Bpl jr to the difficulty ingetting oaUs paid Itis at the Royal Academy c >f TWAnHTHw THB WJilllNG MAOiilNi!.. 4 Co., George Thomas or Townsend Apply IRONMONGER. R. HERRON, s# WATERS. apfpanl neoessary to get more shares floated tocon- Musio, London. Mr. Hill requests us t WAH ' 65, CU-street. tinue the work. A moderateextensionwill U mention that his methodof tesohing voia ingenious, and give room for two footballngrounds and a a produotio'n applies also to clergymen an d B S HOMPS OXIOI better track. This extension, with a dress- publio speakers. TX OTE L S FOR SALE. REFLECT STOp ingBhed, will cost abont.£7OO. IftheshareNotwithstanding!all the oounter, ■ ZEALAND .TURF REGISTER, holders support the directors in theirf tractions, SMITH'S Midhurst, 0 tho Sale at Mr. C. Smith's, to ' SALE endeavours to dbpoie of shares, there At GreatlyReduced Rates. Draper, is Cuba-street, Cash a having cash IS NOW ON. . should not be any difficulty in getting thorough good run. The oußtomers ai " MdelNO 4Y0 the work done during the coming spring. PRICE: CASH. EREX, just as keen after the Bargains to-day i YOTJ QOING The direotors anticipate that during the they were the first day the Sale atarte< TT at Pearoe". Compulsory Sale of ensuing season, after allowing gate-money1 Hotel( Makuri, PUBLIC NOTICE fTI O C. SMITH'S SALE? expenses paid, to be sold on the 16th, at cash OHRIBTOHUKCH PRESS OFFICE, ionß ri onßBr oonneoted with th* firm some most extraordinary ba fnoon. to the uaers of the ground, there will be a" To-morrow ,43 800 s and Shoes. 'BootAroade.Cuba-street, trading in tHtfpaame in Courtenay-plaee, Also, nnmerons other Hotels inallparts Lambton-qttat. X ' TTTTTrrcmirna r blankets, umbrellas, gains mantles, in mi neoessaty available for short upkeep oolony. revenne and dividend attention having beendrawn to the SALENOW ON. of the Persons of ' have for Sale, he«having joined Messrs. Black 4 TOT-■ ANTED Known, that I dress materials will be offered fonnoxeeper. < ..DWAN BEOS. of between £500 and £600. In the mean-' finery, and . .Twakiiner \J fact thatsome unscrupulous firms and papttal assisted. those.- commodjons premises vaoate.4 | per \sell them 20 oent. nnder in bales Tf and wiU sheeting slightly also, two of damagei - T f\f\V inTrm ar they are buildinc time it v necessary to sell more shares to , I0nf»«> » eUsnir inferior seeds as YaW fcb XfTAHOO."" Spellit backwards. and Bakery price, Waggonettes, Buggies. Dog.' " at 6d per yard. In the Clothing Depar t^ EEargeUable rrmAKE A1 WOOD'B W GREAT PEPPEB- TjIOB SALE, snug Grocery r by the?«imjr, where ]-- 90fit, continue theextension.' As an auditor was■. ment, Seeds, webeg to notify th. pubUo TAT and with cornerquarterLOOK-OUT ' Oarte, Gigs, Phaetons, Bntehersf,Bakers, and repairing vehicles m that style Wahoo." boys' and overooats are MmT CIMB gettit men's ■*appointed meeting not at 'the flrrt ot the a start, that our Garden andFlower Seeds "» sold 1 easy. , J7\OT3. Q. SMITH'S -SXSIE and Spring Carte of a\l designs, Expresses sound manner thathas earnedawidereputaaore terms and you can get one less than ha m Ooujb. akd very FobCoxtohs ■ ! for company,the directors obtained the services prioe.—Advt. ThanMng ourpatrons Tip _" in "oal'd PMkete bearing our name tion. tte $ with, fingfish foreoarriage .id seats, W. COURTNEY,-, "■»" NOW WOOD'S GREAT PEPPERPEPPEBofMr. A. S.BUs toauditthebalance-sheet. to M during th. support and^dress. |j Spring tfrays, andcontractors' Tip Dtsjs; Überal New Plymouth. ~ Is 6d and 2s Odbottle. wbriUanimn. " The retiring directors are Messrs. H. D. months, are, truly, Eons*, " " yours last we „ ■ :: ohoose W»lsix Apply jKOO ARTHUR YATES &CO x-.'. i ....' worth to from. at n rr^" " FoB St Bell and J. Firth, who are eligible for re-; for continuationo] roaavngmatMr v*Jour, IK OouaHS *?P? CoLDB CENT) Hf'TO Ungton Coach Factory, ViotorSt-sW, off Black 4 Son. Praofaoal Carnage Builders, , Seed Merchantoand Growing IT TO BHOETT'B. WHISKY QBND BHOBTT'Pv fileotion. TkEWAR'S , 'j I 'SS '-y>jj, ITaranaki-street. f^nJVy^rKO vrxi.iDJ».i. Cuba-stfeet;M.^Bohan,Proprietor. goldby aUGrooers. Is6dand2s6dbottle. AnokUnd. J ,o^fflYo . — U&Jb I^ ' **SLA ofAng\it"Lc& ° KaNIErT frtpT^ove-named Jgj&V ,^. SSrir t" MEIER'S % ME. gTEAM . - . - ' fUKwUk ICTO^rrTrff Th? PHA^ fndHOKITIKA-WeWAVBRLEY ="^.*g^ [ -*— ° * "' : »££HE: Wff ,' VIEW^^. — I ° - "and^ST . " ° f * j " ° "Abr^tAi^^ l'lJ& — — DREBBEN ., CO., '" * | THOMPSAr?SeST Ar?SeSng° " Af^S^JSTJSSJ^g&i w^^et^wnic^.^u^w^fs *iESS^*Mtt2SE£SSF' S^Mr^'"' -. H0.M.Y *"J 11 f\VR , £g _ o^ VV 1! ryAKE L <( ,, k— °° „ „ -- "" * 'X .. SsKiiwjs SSSiSSiS " "" . [ . VV S|l,fgSf§; Goods^S,.' Sms an! - AN^ l^P^ffi^WS J^EW £S g^ g^— -J^-IJga Hot^ W|ra^.,a^.J^eash , THAT A 10^ " . W^^£ZZ&2SE3i SS"^:"ftfcilSß* 85 SSSSSafSTSs^ \^ SonJ i J^ Business/toWner andsho" . — offiSe T W^pL^a^Or^^XT. STooash^ .mST/tatthi %2S£&3SZ< W 4^^^^^^^."' ' "\X7 im, Ta-^jg^^ f .; Sso sSndp^- Vacant SMtfonsoi^o? K« A W»S gfegSSgT Ada".^ Af^T Vtf V nZZ2Z . - £^W£"?%** itnli DEWAR'BDEWAR'B S£SiSSSBiSS W v^JFnZ" GhJznJe ste'eo? "' "D^ RELIABLE , re j£ Sfii ~*« A«a- "P «X*it ■£??£** «^!-«7 ?!°S" ,2^"^ ' g^&iTl." "^^S^."— rf^^^S =========== gSaaSSSSS^ - * °° °c AM.|TTpewriter7~are LEt/o. -■- r^LINLEY,P^ _ .W ± " "" "^ £ 1 s 5?"15!? -*- P? "^;*^ Jfr? T° ============ —— - I!!! . .- * W".^ JftiSSSfS« ""^^ — X "%8253& j,^- WA»D-^1 Vi7-ANTED, ** '"" "", X <SlT\S^^&~tX"t "Srttft.'Sf 1 LadiM^Maotatoshes J^^X !* ,„ — "ft*^ Blm^^'^oTouwd \V , ° J^jg^^^g-Oj^ JMiggS^ SH^ u^^^&S^^ :^^^":z?t ;S^:;r '"-^ * TURNB^ CO.,^ f^>^l^^^^ wssass <n|^&f& g^l^p^ani^ Ladies' fS&^SSSS^SSS&f&SAp^ ,JL^^'ttMSSK^SS &-£ SSTiSD Cuatomi .. S . .-^J.^ °^ f^fi^^JtMS - __ "T" " *¥^££%^*s%&£ - - " " JEfSSFIFSJ 1 . *\ RANTED, ""*fc6i£Jz ATfM ... a<»o£ed POST. MONDAY. THE EVENING THE MASTERTON MURDER CASE. Menthey must acquit him on tbe ground of COUNTIES' ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE. vsanity. The jury retiredat 11 p m ,andreturned it half-past 12 with a verdict of Not Guilty, ,11 thoeround of insanity. His Honour You say the prisoner was a lunatic at thetime of the oommiaaion of the offenceP The Foreman replied, Yes. HisHonour— And yon acquit him on that groundp The Foreman— Yes. HisHonour The Courtorderstheprisoner to be kept in Btriot confinement in the Terrace Gaol until the Colonial Secretary's pleasure is known. — SOMERVILLEFOUND INSANE. At the trial of Andrew John Somerville in the Supremo Court on Saturday afternoot forthemurder of Arthur Herbert, at Mas. terton, on the 6thJune last, Dr. Teare, continuing his evidence,saic the prisoner'sbehaviour before and eub3e quent to the commission of the act indicatec "nssnity, perhapß with some idea of thi consequences,butwitness hardly thought h( could have a full idea. In a case of thii kind recognition of a crime after its com initial was no criterion of its recognition before it was committed. Cross-examined— Taking into account thi whole oironmatances, witness came to thi conclusion thatthe prisoner was insane. Hi consideredthat at the time of his examina tionthe prisoner was partially incapable o distinguishing right from wrong. He though he was capable of understanding what wa meant by murder,buttaking the factsalone without considering the man's previous hie tory, he wonld prefer not to express ai opinionthatheknew whatwasmeant by mvi der onthe 6thJuno. Somerville's utterance after the committal of the murder migh have been a real recollectionof the crime or might have been otherwise. He migh havebeen ins&ne at the timehe firedthe shot andbecome sane whenhe usedthe expressio: afterwards that "it served himright," &c Witness had no special experienceinmenta soience; the bulk of it was obtained froi reading. Assuming every other fact exoep the killing ofHerbert on the 6th June, pei haps he would not have been prepared t certify that the prisoner was insane. I similar oases a man's condition varied h wassane at one time and insane at anothei .£lO £10 £10 £10 JEW £10 JCIO £10 £10 ° T TTGKI ANT) f^* FEEE I^JFREE ! |}o » AUGUST 12. 1895 — .^ oi«» Messrs. G"^^ SPORTING. 'S s night, andhe had therefore decided toput £10 "field's slhVoturne » '"Ine one aw £10 " the Conference off until the 23rd instant. raaaeß> w^ Wre^4?° Telegrams were sent to the delegates noti- i\l £10 WiU be given FREE to anyone i\l £10 fying them of tbe adjournment, but the a y O 2 rrms, 6 messages did not reaoh some of them in £10 rhe foCnB / or o°n fo time to stop them coming to Wellington. the following artioles, any * 4e," Bhiibmib, fioia b ocq iioocurue, Aiu [PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Melbourne, 10th August. AttheV.A.T.C. Winter Meeting, the following was theresnlt of The Grand National Steeplechase, abont four miloß.-Dairaio, 13et 31b (Barbour), 1; Romßdal, 9st 121b, 2 ; Geometry, lOst, 3. Fifteen horsea started. Betting 2 to 1 against Daimio,6 to 1Baltoro,10 to 1J.0.1. "md Highborn, 16 to 1Geometry, from 12 to 20 to 1the others. Won easily by two lengths. Besides the placedhorses,Highborn, <Jampaspe,and Songster weretheonly others to finish, the remainder falling, but fortunately none of the jookevs were injured. Baltoro palled up lame. Time,Bmin 16seo, whichis the record for four miles. Erection of Butinesß Premises for CO. (Limited), Post), Willis- . Tenders to Btreet TL>ILLIAUD TABLES i^WS fg^PT*^PgHW^^^a^^i^^^ !^^^^^WF MANUFACTURERS, MELBOURNE nnd Firewood(ci " L^^^^S^Hlfc^^^MH^^^^^° CardYff,'' KBHW9H|^SBP\S , — W^^^^W^^^WTW^t^W' — '" — B^^^m^^ "***Z£^=r-^~Z^ * Colonialßanl£ Buildingß,Laiubton.qua y Wellington. - BALLS, CUES, CLOTH, Ac., Always in stook. g" JAMES HISLOP Arohiteot. COALBROOTfDAT.'R COAT, i"^^n i/UALHBOUKUALb OOAL. i Wilmnqton. 40, -mWimis-stmet, m CHEAP MANURES. " fTIENDERS areinvited till noonof Thurs- fTVffE Dublin am ndnHrmod n.a«'n»f inf»i,» ft day, the15th August, for tho Erection ,T _„. betas; add n This Meat A HPHE Prices of the Welhngton M f a Four-atory Warehouse in Victoria and be tha A Export Company's Manures havebeen owilleston streets, for Messrß. Kempthorne, lf\^—^ "duoed,and wenow as follows:/pZW/Z/^K Pro Beri & Co.'s New Zealand Drug Comw t'T specifications P»»y (Limited). Plans and On Trucks atNgahauranga,or f.o.b E ».munffiaw *?„ n^T may beseen at their Warehouse, Lambtonlh~^6ma^Z\\ X^7C:^M/^iA\ P«Ve A Hughes „ Wellinirton— Wged. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. * REQUISITE ALCOOK & CO., Coke' J Ma«h«u.« to any »ng be deposited and plans and Hare od Bale I" --j jp^dSclnBfljMmlCTjMMWJRjBMBjH apeoifioations seen at thooffice of g^ Coalbrookdale, W. C. wiw r HATPn?Tn WM. C. p CBATFIELD, " Newoaiitle, AO^ u l: Arohiteot. Westonrt J^SSm&^SS^^lmfSimMSS^BSmW^f^im' GASQUOINI *-ocl Man^c mENDKU-* are invited till noonof Thurs- m««lr *»'» Telephone 22! JL day, 15th August, for the Kreotionof »nd Business Premises in Victoria -street, for Greymonth WB^i^^j^^ *'** nin *^^j ■ 1) Plans Co&l PO Box 171 ' Alcaara li&niamin & Co and = Bpeoificationß may be seen at the offioe of D. Benjamin Co., with whom tenders are to THE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY (Lnnrart. be lodged. UMBEE CYOI E DEPOI j . , fil W\ tiro'liles, »oonof Blundell Bros. (Evkninq WORTh'oF— " , THE GOLD MINES, rpiroraswe in^ted The annual Conference of the New ZeaMUSICAL £10 Ctanids Pkooiss extracts 90 per cent, of npHE TRIAD land Counties' Association was resnmed in £10 ALBUM, £10 assay value. £10 A Thomas' Hall on Saturday afternoon. Proofs, 33t0_65 per cent. o'Sly. Old Mr. M'Gowan, M.H.R. (Coromandel), atMUSIC, 410 lAI tended for the first time. as follows: £10 £10 ' gohumann'B Traumerei Sohu. £10 SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD Mr. Yon Reden (Wairarapa North), the £10 lA*/~ President, who was unable to be presentin £10 mann s Mumber bong, two of £1U Latest Market are advised to me Quotations the morning, explained that the Conference Gmg's Lyric Pieces, Simon the £10 Tki,eobam Dailt. * Speciai, by had been adjourned until Friday last in £10 Cellarer, Mendelßßohn'a Funeral £10 consoquence of tbe Local Government Bill endelß8 bn Pamphlet on the Goldfieldsfree. fZlS i\° not being ready for circulation. Last week, £10 Without Words,No. ISbnS 'S1 9 "Jfb.6 £10n however, it wasfound that the Bill was not * elw Tr et VICTOR M. BRAUND, T?. ?7?«1" iWhesi Whe %\n likely to be brought down for another fort, %\% &£ JlO - BUILI>EE' S £10 of £10 PHILIPrf 4 PIKE The delegates had now met and decided to £10 during this month:£10 Sole Agents, Wellington. go on with the business, and consequently £10 or £10 pieoe (a The Dresden Song the notice adjourning thoConference until £10 ofMusio) £10 the23rd had beenoanoollod. £10 Suratura Teas (anyGrooer) £10 The President delivered his annual ad- £10 WardellBros, (try their Baoon £10 dress,andonthemotionof Captain M'Mahon £10 and Sausages) £10 (Waitemata), seconded by Mr. Coleman Nelson Moate's Teas (any £10 Phillips (Wairarapa South), a vote of thanks £10 £10 Grooer) £10 waspatsed to him for his services. £10 -. J.F.Sutherland, Chemist, 2o9, £10 M^'pSfSL,, Ml(linwfcm quay, where tenders are to be g It was decided,inconsequence of someof £10 Lambton-quay 2 1 JAMES HISLOP, Arohitoot. §* £10 MixedManure 2QnaUty " £3 10aper ton t , , J.CarroU G.J.PhilUps V the delegatesnot being present, to defer the £10 S. 4 W.Maokay, Booksellers £10 Robtr Clarke election ofofficers for a few days. 8 9 £10 TeAro House, (Glores,2/«) £10 The deputation appointed to wait on the £10 E. Pearce,Bootmaker MuwFt?,,,-."", £10 Ordersaddressed to the Secretary,Waterw-r r>neroe Premier reportedthat there was no hope of £10 ,£10 100-qnay, WeUington, will reoeive prompt J.B.Innes,Bookseller The Fastest Mile ever ridden in Austral ww"5» M wit.flo^S^ getting aoopy of the Local Government Bill £10 waa accomplished by Mr. RW. L«wis, « Cigars (any Tobaeoo- £10 attention. Cavour w WnH»» t a untilit hadbeenlaidbefore the House, pro- £10 nist Sydney, in the marveUous time of 2mi -Jp' t £10 Samples, and copies of analyses, on apM" <S,7?ff bably onFriday next. 4 l-sseo, ona Mr.T. Mackenzie (Clutha) regretted that Bros. FOOTBALL.the Premier had not seen fit to allow the m IS EVERYTHING EIBT TMB PiTMKKTB> Sm Dmoßl, Conference to see the Bill. The GovernWELLINGTON v. MANAWATU. he fit to send ment, pointed out, had seen Balance ml 2 Montflt Patmkkis. [Established1865.] Grocer) £10 On Saturday this match came off at copies of various Labour Bills to certain £10 1Empire Blue (any V rL. Young J7 (.Empire Teas (any Grooer) £10 12 Months' Guab^ntee. A- Marshall Petone, and was wonby the looalrepresen- organisations before they had been brought £10 £10 D. D. Hyde, Tobaooomst £10 UESBEY STOOK ■\T OTT?AT? TIT UMM ATTIVT'S a precedent 8 14 to nil. The was and with suoh WEAR BIhNBAUM by points ground House, tatives beforethe on & W stock. CWie> The principal reason for his thinkin AnEeqniaiteßinStock the Premier could very well have given the the aot of the 6th June was the act of a invery fair condition, but a high windmili- Conference aoopy of fileLocal Government SpeciaUt ft DTD G er CnbVßtr6et insane man was because of the apparei tated to a large extent against a high-class Bill. COOPER TeMGM absence of motive. Witness thought th exhibition of football. There was only » Mr. R. " M'Nab, M.H.R. (Southland), pro- £10 Wrigglesworth&Binns,Photo- £10 Begs to announoethat he has one of the motive slight and not likely to weigh with S INGITS RRO^ handfnl of spectators. The Wellington posed That, with tbe view of affording man of sound mind, though it was quit mere immediate relief tolocal bodies, tbeGovernlikely the loss ofhis wageswould exaaperat men, captained by Crawfurd, looked very ment be requested to amend 'during the aman like theprisoner. He thought the at natty in their new jerseys. W. Shannon present aosßion of Parliament dwW°tpq The Looal £10 ' E. J. King,Music Warehouse £10 Of the above in New Zealand, all in good skippered the Manawatu players, whose was committed under an uncontrollabl Bodies Loans Act, 1886,' The Government ' £10 Wilkins & Field,Ironmongers £10 healthy condition, FOR SALB in large or a impulse— hedid not know entirely what t names have already been published. W Loans BROOKDALE," Tbe not merely Westport v. Aot, to LocalBodies N 1886,' and g --(^^^l^^^^^^ W g. £10 Veitoh.4 Allan (Cashmere £10 small quantities, at the most reasonable Smith (Falmerston North) and W. M. Smith wagdoing at the time. M Act, 188li,' bo as to empower £10 Stockings 1/6) prioes consistent witha first-class article. m2(5 £10 W iri.' n iFeilding), who had beenoriginally ohosen, Counties His Honour— How muchdidhe knowP n v The have COALrepistered the to be done :— 1. following things Company S. Cimino, Music Seller, &o. £10 W\ /^6juJ^\ THADEjyMARK^ Our motto is, THE BEST OF EVERYwere absentees,andthe vacancies worefilled That a looal body Bball be permitted to £10 Witness— lcan't say. Purchase 2/6 worth from any £10 THING, and our seleotions are altogether J| ij&§> and Keeling. Mr.J.P.Firth borrow money under 'The Government £10 fe S«" His Honoursaid theLegislature hadlai by J.Johnson arßon nBmB B-S-? We in keep § as and Messrs. G. £10 of the and wifl £10 to appointed above, particularise. referee, you too numerous S downthat inorder to constitute insanity tt acted th- namewithout their authority. O the 1886,' in order £10 be presented with a MUSICAL £10 atook Loans Local Bodies Act, to g^| \MW§/~ W7yTY suitable to this climateeverything 0. and F. to act as touch line Seager Faohe actmnst be donewhentheperson was actin w 4 ITANNAM'S-'Patent^rheChoapest. r to pay off its overdraft. 2. That as £lo ALBUM worth 10,-, and have a £10 needful, useful, or ornamental-from the WM. SCOTT, " V>'gr^-^<li«i--«*^«^ j^s^SftteH^-^S^^p "* "* '" ""^"y^ o"» , n frimplast, Most Perfect, mid Best " under a delusion, or in such a state of mm judges. * as body paid any Agent. soon local shall have £10 ohanoo in the £10 herb root to the regalorchid. <3 ? Shannon won the toss from Crawfurd, and that he did not know the nature or qualif Means of Heating Water ever invented.— manner, off its overdraft in the above M 0FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES of all J. B. GROVB, hveryona who sees it working expresses of the act. Witness said— ltmight beano eleoted to defend the eastern goal. Camp- it shall not be lawful for such looal 10 TRIAD WELLINGTON C*OLE WORKS. kinds, by the single plant, dozen, or hundred. amazement at tlio result. Six gallons of development of mental soience that it wi bell commenced operations by kicking off. body to incur new liabilities as overdraft COMPANY npHE WESTPORT COAL WATERPROOFS. £10 UIA nr\ll/r-DT?mTrrTriXT The the first play dnring spell very was scalding hot water in a few minutes by an irresistibleimpnlse, when the person di COMPETITION. HEDGE AND SHELTER PLANTS.(Loutud). which shall at any time exceed the amount slow and conuninteresting, being chiefly burning a handful of sticks ;and by adding not know entirely what he wasdoing. of unoolleoted rovenue at that particular 1. Get a receipt for your 2/6. jeio All the bestandhardießt. varieties. a fow moi c stinks as the prev'ona lot gets Witnosß, continuing, said he thonght tl fined to the touch lines The Wellington date." He said thatif theAct wereamended £10 JL BEST IJNUJL£t UM. £10 2. Write on CHOICE CONIFERS. paper down the £10 burnedup, thehot waterkeeps pouringoutso prisoner mußt haveknown to alarge exlei backs did a little passing, but it was of a aB he suggested, many counties would be Th«t Will Pbuvent You Taking Ornamental,Foliage, andFloweringPlants what he was doing, and was led on by a very reokless charaoter. Shortly before assisted to plaoe their finances in a more £10 names of whom youconsider the £10 rin a t t>t>r»riirT\ at 17 nr» AT longas there is any cold coming in Suitable (JUA.L±)JK.UOJiLUAJj v greatest description? £10 six £10 UAJLii out, livingComposers. every half-time Crawfurd sent theball andit of for supplying baths and general household impulse. The prisoner did not remembc satisfactory statethan they werenow. oeip t COtD hands of fclia dr « through Kelly, Baumber, passed the for2 Bhip's supply,caterers, coafeotionets,botelkeeperß, the occurrences of the 6th June, but 1 '.°» Dunedin, and £10 Full side by the cartload. RODGERS' Delivered from „„* t, Mr. Praaer, M.H.R. (Lake and Vincent £10 tto Editor Triad, .»" a—r aa SeedandPlant descriptive prioed owTYnrTpT* and —in fact, everyone who wants dairymen recollected havingbeen broughtnp in Com and Roberts, the last-named stopping when Counties), dut"o REDUCED PRIChS seconded the motion. Cataloguespostedfree to all £10 the £10, inseven prizes (£3, £2, £10 surrounded by his opponents Kelly, who ojxsjaj i afterwards on the charge of murde plenty of hot water at a moment's notice, SALE' OAi/xa SALE! (Ohinemurii Mr.Edwards said that as tha Cash (Net Dkliyebt) £10 and five of will on : prizes £1), applicants up, received the ball revenueof the goldfields counties was flucbe £10 following and at almost no cost. Always ready, day Prisoner's family history only went to tl had been HOSIERS, given to those whose lists are £10 t j^> / or night— any time. Price, *44s. Can be extent of showing that there was a pose from Koberta,and after goinga few yards, tuating, such an amendment of the law as £10 Unscreened For on# £10 nearest to the list chosen the £10 by he to whoscored near ns in Galloway, thirty years' experience places v3£jHa§£!s''~~'s transferred Over ! seen in operationdaily at the Showroom of S«*"^3S!!s bility of there being something wrong wit l/>' ths corner. Campbell was unable to in- Mr. M'Nab proposed would not be in their £10 Editor of the Triad, and lytag £10 a foremost position to give advice on all HATTERS, {I .- w ffl the Wellington Agents— CAMERON and him. I^BiSmi^.EtirHftl^L favour. undoubtedly £10 sealed in the safe of Mr. T.S. £10 Hortionltnral matters, which willbe freely threw Mr. Per Ton. CHRISTIE, Lambton-qnay, Wellington. Bist Screenbd Dr. Fookes, Medical Superintendent < orease the score. Roberts >m/CanW^L^ifls«^Mr it thonght was ! (Westland) Grimmond —<vi was £10 the Dun£10 Graham, given onquirors. iyrapvpo theballforward toKelly,butths referee well known toall lK9un#AJ the Wellington Asylum, said that he ha, unfair to discuss large questions when so r J^*^T/IMmihSi^^ _-^"l» yMwmMß* edin Acoonntant. If you send £10 beenin asylums for about five and a ha not in a good position to see the infringe- many delegates were'unable to be present. £10 Per Ton# SmAll ment. Wellington 3 points, Manawatno. On He moved as an amendment the adjourn- £10 reoeipt for 5/- you may send in £10 -p years, and during that time had becou POOPPIP ■*" ■* VyUV^rJJiJK, and £10 twoliets, 7/6 threelists, and 10/- £10 changingends the gamelivenedconsiderably. T^il!pCo*^{^P^l^lip familiar with the habits of the insane. . of the Conference until Tnesday £10 fonr lists. To ■which has to b» added wharfage(Is per VJRBP^yZ3jM4' The play for a time was oonfined to th* ment £10 SEEDSMANANDFLORIST, wai a common thing to find that morning, in order thatthe absent delegates ton) andoartage. 25's, visitors' andM'Kenziehad no difficulty STOREKEEPERS patient who had committed an ove No. 80, MANNERS-STREET, No. SO, FOR ONE MONTH OR. Eczema, DUNCAN'S SKIN OINTMENT running ronnd and scoring behind the might beable to attend. aot of insanity had been really insai in Skin Eruption*,Irritatto.i, L'uuplcs, 'Ihe amendment was seconded by Mr. £10 AND {Ssj^S^S^T Cures (ton" t»mi £10 Attention is speoially direoted to above posts. Banmber converted. Wellington, 8 for months or even years previously. Wi nMT v Blotches,HadLe£», Oldborca, BruUnClmbliuus, &c o«re» num. South). (Wairarapa Coleman Phillips VJiNJUX. the BEST COAL IN HUTT, prioes, whionplaoe points; P^>||^|MyA\BsMg^^^a £10 BIJOU NURSERIES, LOWER Manawatn,0. On resuming, Swindness had examined theprisoner, who durii PiilCE Is. 6d. P£R POT. Mr.M'Gowan, M.H.R. (Thames) saidthat THE COLONY^ within thereach of all. te 8 Ipj andRoberts obtained tries in rapid sucthe interviews had an incessant habit < Tenminutes' walkfrom Railway SUtion. »OLI AOINT, get £10 it not that able to they if were were Mf HANDSOME bat and MUSICAL £10 cession, Campbell Swindley were overdrafts, many goldfields counties would peering about him, as though he feari yourorder through anydealer men839. Send Teliphonb, No. G. FITZGERALD, WILLIAM unable to increase the score. Wellington, something. His demeanour varied, and tionedin aboveadvertisement, who delivers __JIJ COSSULTISG CHEMIST, WILLIS ST. not be able to proceed with tbe making of *|" y 0. 14; Manawatn, Rookley "* Bichards and these with added. prices, get cartage was difficult to anything definite fro Inspectioninvitedallthe year round. ® and were roads and tracks until therevenuecame in. £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 him regarding his own life. He said h broke away after these reverses, The amendment was carried, and the Conmates looked down on him because he wi not checked by Robetts until they bad in- ference adjourned until Tuesday. Agent' vadedtheWellington territory. -Hewittand no goodat blasting. Indescribing the ao ABOUT CASH REGISTERS. Bichards maintained the attack, but Kelly which lednp to his claim againstHerbet I ! I F cased the pressure by a strong inn downthe prisoner said that Hartness and Herbe NEW PLOUGH. 1. The National Cash Register is adapted "TO"l7QrppnT?n» nAT?T.TT?I? touohliue. Roberts after a dodgy ran cot A W "*" were going against him tokeephim out Ju forcredit as well as for oaahtransactions. W JdH1 JrL/xt1 UAXi XJI.X |j" within two yards of ihe Manawatu line and his money, and he supposed Herbert hi I—"31 "3 2. A onstomer coming into your shop does nn i£L^n,»^giJL— wmSI '.vT*" We havepleasure in advising you that wn i t passed to Galloway, who knocked the ball UAJj paid Hartness, and they were workil [W.E.Redstone. tobuy for or tobuy some. A. J. M'Tavish.J something cash, havebeen for the so appointed -^-^ppffiwßw/ii Agents on. 'Ihe visitors shifted the play to neutral together to keep him out of his'nioney. " IB thing on credit, or to pay something on ao* ' x \^&3t4'j£ssm*Scm > COCKSHUTi' PLOUGH CO. (Limitkd) connt, «-»-nom «-kt»% t".oi" COAL IN TXT territory, and noside wasthen calle.l. was common for insane persons to imagii or toreceive money from you,or to AND CLbANEST \x/v&s<i'/2yjfc PTi A T IJEST "HT«Ti A '. VTQTT L Each of the Wellington foiwardsplayed The Ploughs and Cultivators manufacj that others were going against them. '. ■fl JU-J-a.VJ.OXI 00 \j\J., m I> NEW ZEALAND. well, but collectively the combination was tured by this Company have been eminently merely get change (note,sovereign, cheque the middle of witness' examinations pi weak. The scrimmages were not properly successful in England and Sootland, and transsotionß. Itbeats a >>««*'' "ft"'"'"""''"'"' soner wonld get np and talk about tl packed, FOR STEAM it is nnsnrpaesed, being all live oashier. ACCOUNTANTS O A II1/^l^ and the ball did not come ont as whilst theyareas light asnecessarystrength Shirts 2s 6d for Is i weather. There was nothing to she from and other in.sulphur pure Menja National will tell the free ooal, you {AAAJftAj 3. A total nnmI" well as if Poland had been playingin the and durability will permit, tbey are stayers berof customers thathaveentered your Bhop is bd for ii1 that he was feigning insanity. Witne destroy fireboxes or bats, Men sblurts «u«>e« does not puritios; l^ V* ANT) U! 'WVVV* " centre. Campbell played in this position of the first water, and will go far toward TArn ESTATE> v<?TATF AND PINANCTAL WTNATSTPTAT 3s lid for 2s1 askedhim why he got up in Court on t] %. ohoke up flues with dust or soot ;gets Men s Flannels thenumber of cashand XJ J*n,„ nilI "^| on Saturday, andagninst New South Wales initiating tbe New Zealand farmer into a during the day, also rNFLUCNZA nor 4s Cd for 3s1 [Id first day of the trial, and the prisoner i SB op Bteam very rapidly, and maintains it Men aDrawew credit oußtomera, separate. A«pwr<3 last season, AGENTS, but another man will have to 4s 6d for 3s1 \ pliedhe thought he heard someone say 1 be class of implements which excel all others 4. Itwill tell you whattimeyour shop was Men s fcmglets steady with little or no and etoking, conBRONCHITIS fonnd for the BORE THROAT place if the for6d for Wellington lightness ] mad— he for of and altMen » Drawers 5s 4s druugbt, finish, taing Was was not mad. Healso said solid ieB ieBB BBh than any other coal, as shown openedin themornins and closed at night. VALUATOBS VALUATORS AND ARBITRATORS, wardb are to be seen at their best. ,Kelly, roundutility. ARBITRATORS Men'sMole 8s 6d for 6s I by theMuseum Analyst :— COLD on the CHEST {understood some of whathadbeengoing < as 5. I tell you,gentlomcn, when you've got " usual, "was brilliant in the open, and Tbe following testimonial, fromone of the un Court. Witness told him the positii 0 W h yy aYe! lt>atbßboßt Coalbrookdale uk 351 Wellington. M'Kenzie 33, Lahbton-quat, passed shielded"well. Crawford largest implement manufacturers in Scotlaybetween his being hanged and going WHOOPINQ COUGH v.v» ' " j' K0I)GBR8 & CO.,> nicely, but had to alter his tactios before land, adds its own tribute to the general inVeose A tfio Asylum. He replied "Is that it? -h ~ Typewritersmay come, and the game was very old, on aoconnt of the excellence of theplough :— ASTHMA & ALL BEONCHUL STBBBT|' I thdught I AITECTIOH3 MANNBES might get off." Asylumpatien JSationalMutual Bmdings. __.. , , Itis not mined from a platean with a cover Typewriters may go, aggressive play of Shannon, who was hamMaybole, Ayrshire, 18th Maroh, 1895. ay a rule strongly objected tobeing oalli poring NextWinders. pure vogetabla The remedies ma3B letrain Bnt enoughto through. thin well, the passing. Kellyplayed wvr bax.l!,. catv but H. Cockshutt,Esq., Prisoner always attributed hisknv up by jjotjjer jjary joßepij08epij Aubart will, The YOSTgoes on for ever. did notalways pass with judgment. BaumFOR HOUSEHOLD it is superior to aU Seoretary Cookshutt Ploagh Co., Ltd. ledgs of the ooenrrenoes on the day of tl g* h& -^^ By ber showed up prominently, and Boberts Mxoellenoy HAWKER-STREET— Seven-roomedHouse, f properly adroinistered, faithfully per- others, igniting quiokly, burns with a Dear Sir— We have pleasure inconfirming murder to subsequent conversations wi steady contmuous heat, does not go out, played brilliantly at times. Galloway telegramsentyon on Saturdayreporting tho Appointment fTIHENo. 4 is thelatestin the procession, evexy" thepolice andthe proceedings inthe Magi two bay formall that is THE 401118 does not dirty grates, gives a bright olear several rnshes, bnt at times did not great sucoess of the "Dux" (or Fnnoh) j^^^Z^K. QQ00 8 10'Land, 40 x 90. Price oonvenienoe. andhas no equal. trate's Court. Witness arrived at the co stopped ooal; any T7fiiril\yn7 ?„„ VnStnmn»mpZ nre at less cost than other no take IBM /"VISIT kicking theballwell. Davidson's was Plough ingaining the first andsecond prizea B l£* \* >T' Aubert perV TI7TTr»T low, and terms easy. ~M elusion, as a result of his examinatio Mother WJtIUJbIiSUMJb or sulphur fnmes;almost as clean (JJNJbY dust,dirt, well judged, andhe was not called to EMORANDUMS os ASSOCIATION upon and without reference to the history of tl at the largestcompetition ever held in ScotNOTICE WUIIUJ!. OFREMOVAL 1309 I BCnally supermtenda tha as gks stoves, and more healthy,therefore for pnblio companies, Bank Work, manor his family, fhatthe man was insan do mnoh taokling. The Manawatn forwards land, viz., that under the auspices of tho -RArON suitable for or drawing-room, office, manufaotureandpacking moat worked hard, bnt are not a clever lot. Dumfriesshire and Kirkcudbrightshire Road Board and County Council Forms and _"' J. CJJRTIS, PIRIE 9-REET-House containing seven Taking all matters into consideration tl Vonohers, Pamphlets and Leaflets of any Elliott,Sarmon,and Le,Cren were the pick Ploughing Association onSaturday, the 16th man had always been a congenital imbecil CnsTOMs and Shipping Agent, ,?.„?" roo bathroom, and washhouse. Seey,.A fmm Qt,,-n a oMo rmm._, ...i I xs-r of nilher remedies, and iirrT Ti ..TTBV C kind,printedin the bestof styles atEvening pack forwards, of the P Maroh, , A. Johnson showing 1895, atKigghead Farm, Backs, near FORWARDING* GENERAL CARRIER, pubho and witness' opinion was that he was i warns the it 33x120. tli I"* *'1 to advantages the loose The backs Dumfries. Tour plouehbeat ploughs by all Post office. sane at the time of the commission of tl CuBTOMHot,8«-Q8«-QrJAT Welmngton. I*"!n" ^'"*1 1311 none M-o genuine withoutthefacile Asonredfor wore weak and displayed no combination. the leading makers, including Kansome, offence. Had he been called upon to c h b0 J. VILE'S ' Podevin wasoverweighted, andShannon was Sims & Jefferies (Ipswioh), J. & T. Howard LONDON V"*"'* KET amine this man as a probable patient fi 2 3 family and «"«P BEETto show his capabilities. Hewitt did (Bedford), " rTIELEGRAPH LINEOF ROYAL MAIL E. & H. Koberts (Stouey Stratan asylumhis own examination would hai nnable Scene, B«s T notplay with any judgment and was con- ford), the Oliver," and others, ttansoine 25s JCOACHES justified him in signing a certificat Run as follows: In tha Wellington Distinually tunning into the opposing forwards took Hiiro!prize. pmahli Prisoner probably had a consciousness i and trainsreoeive i/s prompt attention. trict Between Woodville and Pahiatua. &>n B\ his act, butnot an appreciation of what 1 Kichards put inseveral{rood runsandkicked We have received considerable orders by aTO Vfl Goods and parcels forwarded to all parts i<inr fi "&gyP JwBM wonderful H. E. HARGREAVES, Thrice Daily, and between WoodviUe and bJI was doing. Prisoner was a congenib fairly well. Rockloy fumbled a lot, and this morning's post, and are just about of the world, cheap through at rates. \*^ Tonio, Co., Eketahuna, Daily. In the Taranaki DisSeoretary M'Minndid a CardiffCoal prove very gives not reliable full- oleared out of the 1160ploughs receivedfrom " imbecile with a melancholy temperamon TARANAKI-STREET-Nine-roomedResiW tOl 9t0119 tJ tila Chnstehurch. trict Between *■aweraandOpunake,Daily, you,and we anxiously await the arrival of denoe, with convenient ofPoes. Land, ; andin cases of this kindimpulsive acts wei hack. w„. » DWtQSOKsssW. n WeUm andbetween New Plymouth and Opunake The teams dined together at the Oriental the 150 orderedon the 27th ulto. Stomach, strengthens tbe Berves, removes very common. It was impossible to so; HYDROLEINE SOAP oan ,M,M122liai' SAMUJiJj BKOWN. BROWN Thrice Weekly. The time-table for thes " assuming amanhad a homicidal tendenc] Hotel after-the match, and subsequently the causes of Headache, oto. Invaluableffr Yours, truly, 1291 ttDWWBM^ beused in hot or cold water lines of coaches are published in theCoach " when the explosion would occur, or whe witnessedthe performance of The Landof Alex. Jack A Son. rostoring vigour and strength after attacks = Tn.viKnn»fr».»o» ■vfraHflui^sm Service Tin.e-t.ible in theN.Z. Government the Mba." thenormalcondition wouldbe restored. Sti (This letter was followed by a coble order MACDONALD CRESCENT-New eleven- of fever. Influenza. Diphtheria,oto. Railways Time-table,tobehad atallrailway Wellington and Manawatn have played for 500ploughs, andby a letter ordering1000 J ANDERSON k CO., tistiea relating to the asylums showed tht J. roomed House with all modern convenr\ ATS ■ssUmAB^H iffln maMt■ Btationß, price one penny. Kj\JJi.U!S. it was at about the age of 40that the large five matches, and Manawatn haß been de- more for delivery lßt September. Wholeßale Agents. MUM VUNHUH nienoes, oommanding a magnifioent JOB VILE,Proprietor. We will supply the Dux at i6los, and tho number of melancholies were admitted featedon each occasion. m 'M Twin Dnx or double furrow at ilO 10s, Between 16andIS wasalso a oriticalperioi »■"«" CO.'S TELEGRAPH thbwelukotonsocbttt.oh", WELLINGTON v. f.0.b., CANTERBURY. Dunedin. Witness wouldkJI prisoner'sdisagreemei LINE OF COACHES PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO with hismatesa delusion. NEWCASTLE TheSelection Committee(Messrs.Nicholls, BUCKEYE HAEVESTER CO. Leave for Pahiatua twice daily Woodville ANIMALS COALBROOKDALE Cross-examined Any delusion Bbowed Faohe, and Gamble) have chosen the followWEBB-STREET-Ten-roomedßesidenoeon eaoh way, at 9.40 a.m. and 1p.m., after """- S*» flaw in the mind as a whole, andhe woul ing team to represent Wellington against & 00 arrivalof Wellington train, returning from Tl is requestedthataUcommunicationsfor above. ' classify such aperson asinsane He though CanterburyatChristohuroh on Saturday:— ' COME At Prices n"BU Pahiatua 8 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., in time for society, which will beregarded as 1302 prisoner's conduct after his arrest showe Full-back—J. Bourke. Three-quarters—W. C. SMITH'S SALE. JL_ the confidential, M^Vki^DS trains for Wellington and Napier. Coaches rpO be addressed to the strjotly he did notrealisehis position. All along i Boberts, J. Baumber, F. Galloway. FiveCHAFF ZHZ W '■»»nt'» leave for Eketahuna daily at 9.40 a.m., in Hon Seo.j City Corporation Offices, Bran- SCARBORO'-TERRACE, Cottage of four OATS, whom AND CBDfHED badbeen the same. Hetold witnessthat b eighths-H. Kelly.. Half-back—Crawfurd. *^V»V SALE NOW ON. time for Wellington train, returning from aon-street. withconveniences. Land,33x99. thought be might get off, andhe also Bail Wing forwards-J. Kelly, W. M'Kenzio. POLLARD Reoistebed Brand. Eketahuna daily at 1.30 p m., after arrival J. S. JAMESON he had no intention of killing Herbert,be Forwards—J. Swindley, A. Campbell, Cal- W ANTED KNOWN. of trainfromWelhngton.— cause he likedhim. Witness thonght at th nan,F. Youne, Pauling, Prinsle, andHardBAIRI*- Proprietors,WoodviUe. HUNTEß &CO.. 1 Cottage, very low rates. time of theshooting Somervilie was not in i castle. Emergencies.—Backs—ifoach, De MARTIN-SQUARE-Foar-roomed W. Gregg & Co.'b Essenco of Coffee ib Apenta Cook &Son.. Wellington. scullery and oonvenienoe. Seotion2ox S condition to appreciate his act. Joux, and Pudney. Forwards—Johnson, Tfc¥f-WA-R»S WHTUTTV 70. Easy terms. aVARB WHISKY. H The cose for the defence closed at 5.45 M'Anally, and M'Lean. Bourke has taken unequalled for Purity, Strength, and iMa SAMUEL Each Ham is Bbanded OLE and theCourt adjourneduntil 7 pm. Davidson's place,as the latter is nnablo to Flavour. Please ask your Grocer for it, BARTLET T and produce importer. TurnTnypnTfir coal Bus Pbopkiesobs, On resuming,Mr.Jellicoe commenced hi obtain the necessary leave ;and Pauling " JM.UIUirUJiJV. ONE? offioe Tei 88. eph ono, TO LEND ROLLESTON STREET-Three roomed ]%/T address to the jury. If they were eatisfie< has been selected in place of M'Anally, and take no other. Masterton. -"■*" Section, 20 x 101. Terms, / a YRES' BALSAM OF HOREHOUND . Bussee meet every train ;fare, 3d. that the crime waß committed when the vri who played agaicst Manawatu on S-atnron JjAitli > -PTmv MOBhJ'OJSJI *10 oaßn > halanco MniiVPORK LARD PURfc rental terms. Horses broken into saddle and harness. MUTUAL PROVIDENT -nmc.^ ~~ soner was in such a condition— whethei dav. Pauling will play as centre forward. J\ wC AND ANISEED FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITY, SOOIETY. InBladders and lib packets. drunken ornot was immaterial -as was thi Surprise has been expressed at the nonNEVER PAILS —** , up to outcome of natural imbecility, they wen inolußion of M'Anally, especially after his To giverelief inallaffeotionsof the Thboat, , MONKY TO LEND. THE <"£- »v& Jtli\£ZK i&,CKz;«■'«■"* >&&i< sli'l ■?V>s* Boldby all Grocers, PorkButchers, and bound toacquit him of the charge of murder fine display on Saturday. Certainly his form -.r^^-m^ —v Chest and Lungs Sooiety has Money to Lend onFirstThis MONET TO LEND. THREE-FIFTHS OF VALUE The evidence of Dr. Fookeß, Medical Snper was superior to that of several other for- olasß Freehold City and Country Seouritieß, BALL Cough. LAOK COAL fc most intendent of the Asylum, was that thi wards on the ground. A radical ohange is atsfc per cent. m T« B"r":B aot was the impulse of a brain which was ilso necessary in the backdivision. THE IS BRIGHT AND CLEAR anD G!VES J Apply direotto the Sooiety. already unsound— that he did notappreciat< Slowestcurrent ratesofinterest. £10,000, TO OHEISTOHUBOH MEAT CO A CHEERFUL FIRE. EDWAED W. LOWE, that the aot was wrong. If they believed AUCKLAND v. WANGANUI. Resident Seoretary. (Limited) family for many years, and have always Dr.Fookes there was an endto the oase. At the following exceptionallylow ratesof |BT TILIQKAPH.— PRESS ASSOCIATION.) « m His Honour— Why should the jury neoes found it an exoeUent remedy for the throat Price Peb Quabteb Ton interest vi» SOLE PROPRD3TORS. Y/fl Auckland, 10thAugust. , „.„,„ ,^C andohest. Onlylast week I had avery sore sarily believeDr. Fookes? A .T M'TAVTSTT Sr CCi MTAVISH &C The football Auckland v. Wanganui n IELS' PBIO,P810 Mr. Jelliqoo— The jury may if they like was played match COLLEGE, P. B HaM Ton at Potter's Paddook, Epsom, disbelieve him. The Crown Prosecutor has & CO., toask the jury to disbelieve Dr. Fookeß in to-day. The weather was fine, and about DKNHAIIL' """ MELMERBY F P HOUSE, people 2500 wero &"* m B ToN present. Welmngtom The game,which andup to' 5 Per Cent! Old Customhouse-street, order tosucceed in this case. Johnsonville,10th June," 1895. \ HisHonour— The jury neednot disbelieve was an evenand well-contested one, ended Wholesale' Agents. Brougham-stbiit. Screened, Double For formsof appUorfdon applyto theGovDr. Fookes, but they may disbelieve that in favourof the Auckland team by 6 point* R Chehist to 3. Morton touohed down for Wanganui I his is theright opinion. INTO COAL BINS. 1 WITH Mr. Jellicoe,continuing, argued that there Absalnm and Whiteley scored for Auck- Vaoanoies for Boarders. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS Agenoies ofthe wasnoprovedmotive for thecrime ;further, land. q± bk oh Delivbet. 10th „ Stdnit, prisoner thatthe was mentally incapable of August. ' t it » GOVERNMENT INSURANCE CBND IT BHOETT'P. Inthe football match New South Wales forming an intention to kill the deceased, E. M. G.HERING,B.A. (Oxon.)takes O PRINTING MACHINERY. STEAM COAL SCREENED NUTS DEPARTMENT andin the absence of positiveintentionthey v. Viotori*, New South Wales won by 25 in French and German;also Pupils Couldnot conviot him of murder, though it points to6. them for Teachers' Certificates, throughontthe Colony. prepares I< Always Brisbane, 10thAugust. might be a question of manslaughter. Civil Service,Matriculation, ScholarProprietors of the Etening Post » , FOUN D R A Queensland team boatNew Sonth Wales «ship, and other University Junior J. H. RICHARDSOIV, S JKBmSSmHSSSSiRvII § His Honour said there"was nothingin the Examinations x by points ] GovernmentInsurance Comnissionor. having purohasedtwo ofFoster's fast 26 to 16. Night classes for boys and yoing men. evidence to justifyhimin direoting the jury H) uTxtir.-n-n c-n *nx -n O v*u* "W' TURNEKi P toreturn a verdiotof manslaughter. It was Avoca House, Buckle-street, close toBasin Webb Printing and Folding Machines, have Agent, murder or insanity. Reserve. P B SALB ASSOCIATION. VEET LOW PBICES Engineer, Ibon and Bbass Founder, * Waterloo-quay (oppositeRailway Wharf.) Mr. Jellicoe, in conclusion, reminded the FOLLOWING TESTIMONIAL THE DECIDING MATCH. DANCING. B0B01""""*. *»"> Genebai. Shith. P.O. Box 117. TelephoneNo. 936. jnry that a verdiot of murder meant the FROM A WELL-KNOWN CITI2 Dawson's Foub-medm Whabf~~ The Swifts v. Thistlematch, to deoidetho Lessons in Danoing. death of the prisoner, whereas if thej For <■. ZEN'S WIFE SPEAKS T Hall, , for FOR »a« Pbintino premiership terms, &c, Maohinis; the ITSELF:each season, Spiller , played t{m was address s W acquitted himit meanthis being confined in ' at ] t I? .xM n nrf H S Is and Bay. The Swiftskicked >*■& sssfl ssV Bm lsß HI3 *♥* print, at therate of 6000 perhour an asylumduring Her Majesty'spleasure. fast Bouloott-street. The Crown Prosecutor argued that the following ,np by the forwards enabled GAUDIN, W. inompson to Bcore almost immediately ANCING.— Mrs. Dodwell'e Class for Pn> whole facts showed the Dresent caso was Children is held at tho Masonic Hall l 0' one of deliberate murder. The eiroum I—o. Even,play for some time followed: VICTORIA AND STREET, ByB stances, apart from the medical evidence, Cowden, Hailwood, and Pettigrew, for the on Saturday Afternoon,oommenoingat 2.30. Weimngton. per hour Ghuznee-stbeet. Til VERY MOTHER should call at B ■ Thistles, nullifying the dashing play of fAdult Class onMonday Evenings. Minuets t>«^ <!" v , , pointed only to one conclusion— that for a Thompson. -v v pleased to hear JCi Glover, Heather, and Heafford, taught. Private lessons given if required. Dear Sir— You will be grievance which rankled in his mind the of Coals, i These the Swifts. Address— Kalnlu ihat M » ollin e8 are in ON SALE House, good working Long my littleGirl has rid ARNOLD'S kicking got Aboadb, 90, Willis-btbeet Williß-street. of no less prisoner conoeived the idea days before of by Courtney " Jaoks, and assisted . t: « aer and by Show, magnificent on ian 114 of Dunedin Winter worms, dUposed play by end to the deceased, and be Heafford after treatment with your »«^ as AT WARDELL putting bato» fifty Over Perambulators to ohoose from carried out this idea withgreat deliberation, balance, and Heather, at last turned the c Chocolate *allowed the latter to add a Go-Carts, single and doub!e seated,ingrea, andunder circumstances whioh Bbowod that notch to and the score. 2-0. Play quickened he knew what he was doing The medical variety. Bioyole and Rooking Horses, al (A-t advertised Reduoed Rates) j^g L' ing Post. considerably after thin, the Thistles asHAMS, against all-oomers. evidence upon whioh the defence mainly up »J and defend your home against the's suming the BY THE USE OP Pettigrew, Fergusson, relied was that of l'r. Fookes, who looked attack. Basket Furniture made in oane «cd 1 C,J virulence of the dread attacks of P«tieular. may b9b 9 obtained at the Pbices :-Hams, Company) per W lb M the npon the matter from a strictly scientific Hailwood, and Cowden being especially Paper box, post free M conspicuous. For a time the wiUow BambooFurniture, very cheap. Eveninfir Post offioe. point of view. That was not the point defence Sides, 6d perlb Nnta,Coke, and Charcoal ~ " of Smith, Courtney, Jacks, Deighton, The Wire Mattress Factory will be worth view from which the jury ought to look ot at Mrs. 81. T7~~— Dry Firewood, lengths dimming, ~ A. . all (Fora of Yarraville, thematter. The expert was alwaysprone to and Hen ' was too strong to admit LOANS AND MORTGAGES. ■ inspeoting. Victoria, Three different kinds of Mat- ' Australia, says : Produce re DIPHTHERJA, TYPHOID FEVER, take a too strictly scientific view of tbos- which E°°i « the a PMsin S rosh, in 0 i.- nearly o"^0 tresses madeand kept i,stook. all a forwards participated "About year ago,Ihad a severe attack arrayed on Freehold and cases. The jnry were not there toconsider proved irresistible, Influenza, of '"? Ccwden registering the whichleft me very weak, and all other Infectious whetherfrom amerescientificpoint of view Mo e°a'- B—l. Thompson,Glover.and Heather, <out energy,appetite, or Interest Inlife.withEIN the prisoner was insane. Many men who assisted > -^ ?A M by Helford, were not to bo denied <talning littlo or no relief liom doctors Ob( CA 1 were walking about the streets if sub- and or 80 yO Barley. Straw, Onions &e*c ffrom themany remedies l and make jour owr arrange- X" IZAIji*NOT a Coal Tnr Product,being*v ARNOLD'S mitted to such strict tests as those Ihe Heather placedaveryprottygoal. 3—l ecommemted to e me, ( » « . : " , ( oilirtly discovery. S hen IS; on now It is more V ] finally tried Aycr's BB u and Blenheim menta spell ended with play in the Thistle I m 4 ::v< easily di«tr!bntcrl lliroußh water applied by Dr. Fookes would come within Sarsaparllte, and from fc I thnn Vi t that ni time,I began to galiihealthandstrength. ;♥; Acid,andis far morepowerful his definition of insane men; but it would quarters. Carbolic *J«; TllmTS.eir?nd Ipellpell was ereatly in favour of ,J witlioutanyinconvonicncoordanger.;J' not follow that his opinion would settlo tbc n. 1 1 speoiauy aaaptea lonng lor the 271 Thistles, Talephone the SwiftB dashes being few tinned suooess is a matter of interest to S"»v question. The other medical evidence did A A BARNPTT AU hOnla "THE MOST POWERFUL CERH-DESTROYER not go nearly so far. Under Dr. Fookes' andfar between. Fergußson, Millward,and Dairy this year tte Cowden, the latter of whom pKyed Thomas lholn B 4 Co' 's8 Bn"«MB«i» first prize for the cow Show 18, Lambton-quay. definition anyone who displayed marked splendidly the AT PRESENT KSOWH TO SCIENCE." $ giving largest from first to last, constituted WeUtogton eccentricities of oharao'er was not fit to be & (&k llepurtol Imeatlsatlom lit SI.Hartbolomol TtZ**. >» CAMPBELL, Ho?[ill»l|. "*;J< at large. Eecognition by the prisoner themselves a very formidable trio of forE to PMt 4SON S, ** ward., and with C. M'Leod and Hailwood WCRABTREE Jaanager. q s0 cheap that in ovory that he had committed a reckless aot and put waß fea onth8 WaterlooRound Cakes. in endeavouringto exponse in alot of solid hardgraft. It was only no make "£t'i" \\ TZATi P nWTIf\W taaxt a TkT-rv i position that his washopeless,would account the cool correct play of At the Norfolk and Norwich Oluistmaa [jVi^JLJUIi JLUAJN "OuschoM. school.Institute Enginsebs and Boimbmakebs. .; AXTrv ,„ ~r AND Ti onr Beer sooond to none in New Zealand, VSmith, Jaoks, cstabhs,liment,Biuks. nni,WBnr o y andbusiness traps, vj« for his demeanour when examined by the Courtney, w.c.s,anoallhourccsotoffensive odours, ?'■ doctors. Drunkenness was no justification savedmanyHenderson, and Heafford that «—* ««. we have sue- :.,( W flushed at a fractional cost, a 4s. sW „fc np asoore. Cramp, M'Donald,and >J« can bo nink-ng for orime; if it were permitted to be so Sf oeededlndoiBgso.__0 bottle leather, '/■ 3O cnUons ot powerful .*■*'" too, were all doing they knew human life would not be safe. If the mere ;e resist Destroying Disinfectant. Germ ,j. £j3 the Thistle invasion, but at suggestion that aman wasinsane was in all ost, ll 1 < " from good lookingby Pettigrew and C. n p,?JsoPouß Wsinfectant, cases toensureanacquittal, it wonldweaken WeinviteaU who enjoy a Good Gl«. of Shaftings '*♥ d lIir?.. 0 i Hiilwood bo M'Leod, pnt by tles in a Bplendid and aU Chemists. Storein an extreme degree the protection tho f v ■t keepers. i &c. at Is. 9d., ;,j 45., 6d., :v\ law was supposed to afford to the public snooessful Bhot. 3—2. The Swifts made an JlO *. £I0 J '< and the pleasure of In eallon tins nt Us. 7r toce4.t«4.t«i O,e«te attaok, but it was transient; and for the Sc lin ■M generally. BsTERUITGBEB e To ask for uUk analysis by the result >.* all a Wholesale Chemists. ffl of an hour the Thistles monoHis Honour said the whole question which last quarter ofy"" whwh Ag6ntforThos. Broadbent & Sons'sdireot the play. Their aoore. toreit, STAPLES' BEST, urooon shortanu THE however,was Soleitanufactnrcrk, r*, NF.wrov,CnAJiBiBS&Co. O long .enod. on w for andlon* o» per a ot oneMn* 8 WaterlooRoundCt.kes. the jury had to consider was not whether pohsed :J d gg 6W T" 6 0 0 , " Ltd., Extractor Hydro , obtained in a steam-driven suitable for quite , Tliornclijfe, Eagltad. VERY WEALTHYPROPRMTARY unexpectedandunorthog , theprisoner wbbinsane, but whetherhe was T nnnrMl hf fm S. af „wf fu PiK 11 dox manner, Jaoks, ij > bo insane at the time of the committal beset by his torSou Zealand Representative: w i) O of the mentors, putting thewhen ball >' through his aot as not to understand the nature and goal. 3-3. own JOSEPH COOUER, CHRIBTCHURCH ' "re«, DuiMW» di , The resnlt of the game,adraw, I llg>4o t continued 0002 quality of the acthe was doing, and did not plaoeß treatment until fully reeovt-lo# And confidently anticipate their verdiot fully confirms me in thehinh oßinion whioh the Swifts in possession of the oham- erwed, and thehave *^,* «*. nrrv FnnwnßV know that it was wrong. Inorder tooonviot pionship. very great pleasure in npw theprisoner, they had tobesatisfied thathe played so It would be invidious where all tetellingmy friends of themerits of Ayei's Sarto single out any for dißtjnceither meant to cause death or to inflict taon; butwell Ilia, and the happy results of its use I Cowden, of the Thistles, and saccsapai " MnMl bodily harm which he knew was likely to Heather, notbebrewedinWellington. oiyonroake.senttomebyoonsumers,and t,,", of the PFIOPB P.»»". ". m„Swifts, should be mentioned mJotiMderit the best blood-purifier known QJBJ-TIOEB Paß»mi,rtroet, cause death. There didnot seem tobe any for LEVIN tc m CO., Agents. " Wellingtoir exception; single _.„,, wi&out I have found »J1 their play brilliant right through the other conclusion openbut murder bo far as game. Mr. Leslie ' the«amplesoftte same exoeUentquality »s rpAKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPERfTIHE NORTH acted BRITISH MEB J. STAPLES 4 CO. (Limited), as I" AND v question referee. the of drunkenness wasconcerned. that of the oake wluon y° u Ben me for X MINT CURE -■- OANTILE INSURANCE Address— THE MANAGES THE RKR7ES AND THE BLOOD Diamonds and.Thorndons wonby default " As to the question of insanity, it Mdbpht Streets. days a few and1 Moleswobth ano lay with against analysis ago, Coughs am satisfied COMPANY Fob and Colds. ~ the Qneen's Park and the prisoner to make out his defence— not HERR RASSMUSSEN, Says ' that you make the Waterloo Round Cakes „!,,,,„ " London iNnEnnnnromi <as cured others, will cure you. TheCelebratedDanish Herbalist for the Crown to provethat he was a sane _— »lways fromthe samekindof feeding mate- Soldby .11Grocers. Is 6d and 2s 6dbottle. Snbioribed P«d-ii »xj> D man. There must be proved to exist suoh Cmctainlt the best medioine Pwlaian GoU Mrtaiiut, or si? OeoKto Street, ladebyDr.J.C. ASor& Co..Lowoll,Mai..(U.S.A. Bydney, ""'l9l lambtoa Quay. WelUnirtoD. known N.Z.: ' is insanity asrendered theperson incapable of Sander and Sons' Eucalypti no greater tenth haa«»tr teen ullcrrd, ju<le,nB from th^ and Extract Teat thew 8doin Eng'ishJudgea its eminently powerful effects thoOSA&dS of testimonials sentto lum by grateful cured in ~Wi wT3S?w ?v oouehs hadheldthatsomething morethan an"irre- jolds,inflnenia— the reliefis la instantaneous' NOTICE. surtible impulse"was required to justify a m serious oases, andaocidontaof cntortu to Permanent Health. allbruige»' kinds' For «ample, fcls Celebrated AJJTAIINB TITAIJTT It must be shown je they wounds, burns, scoldings, «,« Fo: PILLSarea Certain Cure for Weak Nerres, tW the act committed was that DoDrcS'iM iprains,itis the Bafeßt remedy— no swelling spirits, DoblUty,.no Weaknois ot the BpinoTßr*S a done A %NY Person Posting found a time when the aocused person was 10 inflammation. Like surprising Bills on the and Merres. Speel.lPo»«rfal Courx, «3t fil.i OrdSSf '^^ ~*~* Smallerßoxea >13a.ud(U.; potted. Couru,9Sa,B4U effeots ; " HiiPurelrHgrbU ALFALINH BT,OOD "*$*ag the >roduced in oroup, diptheria, bronchitis, EVVENING POST HOARDINGS ay. 5* PILLS 88 *0 twaS matter for <*"> nflammatipnof the lungs, swellings, *o. " without ■nsurpaa^ a.a BloodPnrlher and Blood Tonlaand ■-"" aparticleofnay Brood Uiacaie jnry to decide whether theaprisoner willnotpermit lemaio In^i ID tb. totemala »rmig«ion will be proaeon Tfrlce, recog- liarrhoßa, dysentry, diseasesof the kidneys Der Vitality "j.Um. ism. a> Plltf. 6« jusedJhejaturo and quality.o£ his Warehousuw Co..Limited. HifALFAUrnj I?HIVESSAuMILSanunnrened art! urinary organs. Innse athospitalsand ~ »»ny«ldress,«tlowesttiE, 1UMBO BRAND BAKING POWDER Court. Wellington, on the 6th day of Sepm°tiv(!leßSm tiv(!leßS urn*u n MURRAY aon a » Tiolenee. but the globe ;patronised G( oedioalolinius »11 over N m *. 2;Vc "Ueged + S?pltotsp^nitoti"SSauS to be the revengeful aot of the CROWD ijj His Majesty fifeKingof Italy; crowned rr B C. SMITH'S SALE. nth medal and diploma at International I PTOfiSTANDBEST m deal Wlth in certain monetary inhibition, Amsterdam. ICTOEIA NY" CB °"OMPAOMPANY ATO W^ d6M Trust in this ap. feVn.» transactions. Havirg reviewed the nTedical rovedartiola. and SALE NOW Otf. ' all othors. reieot Advt. hw HoW Baid tha Jn»y must pom pb. WI nM *»-». Vf form their own opinion of its weight. The IT """~ "»U ' TO SBOKXT'f. Sohoitors for Applicant, Wtwasdonein toe presence of a. *t theEVENING Conrdeutlol. Wm« withoutdelarTuitl addrrai— rtyleiand designs newest WAnnpil « wim LETTERS-PATENT FOR INVENTIONS? -^ 8808 4 *co CO., WARDELL BROS. **-, g pQ 11 *> I B m . 1 qnite D«K>ription s T Fire, *tohaT Marine, .t,^. T ephone 860. of Offloe Bm HERR RASSMUSSEW. ""Possible for anu ' "if "V rßaU« ed ' I to witndraw VI.! Larabton^nar. tMU» l» amHamT' ; |-y heads, BallPrognnnmes, Cards, Cat»loirue» advertisements Guarantee"Risks .effeoted " at the -.i, S"\60*"86"86Sh?oleatlyhave 81 Willis-street imo in great 61, wims-street. » vanetj, CARDS, "j! columns of the from-t^e Lowest »v kindsof EMORL4M ' r_ known he f EVENING ---i: Rates! Coloured Work, Cheque Books, T|f that HASELDEN, fJUBt MB. WM. REEVE POB>ST mustbetorwarded in writing to this H ■"■*.,,. LEVIN 4 CO.. Agents. of To Deliver*Books,DayBills, _^ loe not later than1-J^jn. daily, otherwise ' they >y cannot b« token on PATENTAGENT and PROGRAMMES at EteningPost offieo. DAJRYMAJSr. °,ABDS tttatil the following WOOD'S GREAT PEPPERPrinted and published daily for th» proo r. Advertisements sent hk without the MINT CURE ShowOardi,Pamphlets, Programmes, prietors by JohnBlundell and Louis bought he was incapable of understanding '24, Feathebston-stbiet, Weilington, Sii of written the>«nv will be Spec Kujndell, at their registered offios S»eHrtona DeliTeri..,of Mart; tSwan Butter, Fob Cottghb and OoimJ fttT* innnbl orde ed ont SgOBTTt, oauauf, <,B»lMM U TO W Willis-street, Wellington. Monday, 12O» <BND IT Direot fro*th» E» jtory. Soldby »U Grocers. Is 6d.nd2s 6d bottl* Post offio.,on the most reasonable terms. Aturust, , — " A""S; S^J^S?!'^ „ < tt%2E2Sr** J!°o Jio J:^l ' SS «ri k° r — , f"*.*. 5 S!n/lin SS -'M^^^K g 3£ <^^v - "^,Jhs r£Z^tffi . _Repairsa ?X-— /^'M\?/H^m£& «!& grSl P^^^^l^^) r^o Pgog * — . - ,- /5 . ... i§ |Jg i\°c 3J2 J "' 17/" sT\l WS^^^P^^cWw^^m /£>/. I l^^^^SS^^f JS^~ Uffln^tear^^^^^^^JTSljr EBrjlC^K^J^J3 M9 lirffl M. hi iC X - — iV^^srsT^TPTi'"^!!^ .„,. JAMES ,| ., «■' l^kforthem f. K^ «»»/ U UJBJ4J-..MUVAL. g^ an^hnTpo D «& - — 'J^, widows, baloonyT^na *J££^*StZ££. M'LEOD'S V^f^/r J\lfi«i^i^hs\ , * lrousers^... 0-62 „«»'" g»^^ —— .. ebi^d °"***' JiMuiL . _ MILDUXJEJi. MSHS^ . — — — «^". sffMfffck &^ RM » %>U\ Jb* Jl'fl - - *" j^pA.jli lu^ShSrl^ W«gBB« - *" — theSLd mm BinSssff ■- R«»^"»I Uol oT^%"& EABLT . . . . _ fi ? «!f fS?ZiW *^'"*" llthvhlrZ" " ' "^ "* tfiZ^Jffl^ r^si- C^moa^ous a^T^M^iSSsß J^^'^^V'^WrV^^lffirV sLenlreVermJe^ ""^NationafMntualßuidin^ —— iTl^S»ll '?"■„.* llfl Mil k Tj . tfTßHill JWfllßri ** - "" V-&md_ _ , - " _ HUMBLE. 110 Jin i\°* 3^°! — « . w°h^ „„.. \? Sk. n,nn»tL^»= ttfilf -- X'^S^a^^ >4!$«VMHtfSS»iw £ %10% *Jg £10 .. _ \^7\V^/ It^^^dl VC^/V^7 \CV/ """ V^/ &T^re^°tf ffilSS +-^m* t^^S^^^^^E: g g Tntnmffiifi'"*? - I^S^S\//^^i TM^rVhTll _nursert £?o £S . /^^ /ZcVrrzS Wgt***nKg. Jo^ wwfe". v«°«- JJEALTH - /^==^-^^*^ ===^ £^0?^ 1Coa? cSaJbrookdale celebrated had'o? ISssAoldCorioM f^Wr^CoriMTrchantß.d*Ya^«*T »; S^uVm M'Clu«Le " fe^ I J^T? '" - fllS!Se^S ~ f& *^ EuSntes'.Sei^rr < IIS — , * HUNTER «»bil7^SL ad?irtoed KNlfc-V D - * £100 — „ - ° Woolcombe^eet , *c b2* ' - , Priee,l,6dpe7b"oxpostfr , "lowS^cu^^^^oll^ 800111^ Mercantut^dF^Slgent, * * 'ANDREW — — Hovers" . fn^tn.^ !- i 2wJ "I* ° 1- S^Sf*' 52"? L"& t6t * * »- —"" — ~' actwaT — K> WITH THE [10 gBND ■JBBERS fumber of £hathewas J^EOISTEEED J^ gS^fc , . . &tt - £ ?n° ?- . . . ... ,, "" ss£»^a^<s " — J - ss-asusa*-— WEW — --« " ** """* »~« C?>< ?1 """' — |J J?i „,"» , a^xss: -' "" .„,,„»,..,. l.~ GUARANTEE TO 00l _ D ewAk.B whisk.. ss^si: S»^-"» ssss J "ag^at&as^ ' % .fr»ln^o . -— .s3&sjgp&K. u&?&*BS3i S3sas*:r2 Isrsss --° stter^»to«f a: ttiMfeu^^ °' , Mtethday,of^m^ VICTOEIAV W «CB« ffls ,. . «— — "^.r*...^AS: _J ,s w^^a.rffi \. — * . oughSSw j| Diseaseß?'s '4 '"* .__ * "M^iaaSlgr a*«iKS3R£ »»»« .. IMS&S^.'IS^^-'" Oapitoir^WOOoT, -T^r~~~ SSISr T/ # 0^ *"SSSS^SSfIffiS" — , !INF!.UEMZA,o | &£s2?* gyS$XXoft£ I Non-Poisonous.* I i IDISINFECTANT j "" (Sat" te?ms Z2Z "St^^Si. «S£S^'^^ M^IONP^UNDS car/ful ° * TOLoSsTERUITGBE8 mßrfffiiDEI ThißComDM^W \ nature Tnd fJtrf>i&Z3R£jL We^tportcardiff "" , L^l^SuSc^C^M^aA^ t^iL3&IS;£%. S&1S& mvestefrrr^:::l^^^ SS^Sfi. fl:I SSSK%.« hfs^*^ » Wro^ffl^es, * ",r:r Sarsaparilla B^ 3 *Z 3 '^^ KD^KjOX — UiutS /^f^\ iPW^fflwSSlO — ffiT r^J^"&*t£ ooo^v - —— « g „ R£l7a ffiiris I. ; _ ' *?*«? Jtdeli^ _ „ "^£ENRYBO>DLEY, mAKE X ** I y^.. , Form? _ _„.„„..„ . y I Lef t^JKSSSkffvSSm!hJaSvi& Viritl Siitt^ftaffiS MKrSSffi «»UJ^««>>><>«'o«o».F«>n«otuse *** * SBL^f^ lPPPf^lfffrWsiPf/'/ iflHSBv « " "^ gg^ftSS,. W"^^!^ W^S^/SSH^ ADVANCES ; K^sahKr---" 3? TAf»«.:", S.tb^b.r J-000000 iJSS&IS^'? T^^T* ;;: * ' ? 0^lXsXLTandwWohw s^iMS^^Sfts^jttSsssS .iS^tllSlJdß^tS^&^taS — I ftyer's SE" o°^ "°IS£U "MANNAS Mi | ", ££JP£SS. iinr s\ P-3 f^ r - , s^^Z3ttTJt2 "——-°*"- DISOOTOT - BANK. _ . . - RESTORED TO HEALTH " JSi EDWAE.D SEAGAR, I^S2TSS?,'S3ri£S!I * Ayer's Sarsaparilla — Ml£»~t. — VICTORIA ** ... ,... throat.whentwoor^o^^edi, . - ' THE "r": Storekeepers. B , AYRES*^SS^S SW^WSLtteJSffi PRIVATE , Cx^X oTtinat. &SSFj£&S$£* ft gJJSg ' ' * aniTsTd. BROWN, i "« fJIHE — jS^ilß GoodTl^anV,! * S??"^ AUSTRALIAN offfand |^^^^^ gS W»fP|@^^PW * 1?^ £3m,Jul f«t^A n^Hn^wn^"rh,S 1895