B e tte r O rg a n iz a tio n s Th ro u g h B e tte r S cie n ce

Better Organizations Through Better Science
Become a surveysage.com Partner
Deliver state-of-the-art online multi-rater feedback services to your
clients without investing in servers or software. Our technology puts
the multi-rater process entirely in your hands:
❖ Your brand
❖ Your content
❖ Your clients
seamlessly supported by a technology platform on a 24 x 7 basis,
and requiring no off-line intervention from PRA.
Gain competitive advantage. Offer global solutions to your clients
without the administrative burdens associated with less capable solutions.
This leaves you to concentrate on delivering high value-added solutions
to your clients.
Contact us at 847.640.8820 for more information on this
unique opportunity.
Personnel Research Associates, Inc.