St Aloysius’ College Junior School New Student Information St Aloysius’ College 1 Junior School New Student Information Table of Contents Junior School Campus (Years 3 to 6)..................................................................................................... 3 Term Dates For 2015.............................................................................................................................. 3 College Statement on Incidental Leave............................................................................................... 3 Orientation Day Years 3 to 6, 2015 (Students and Parents).............................................................. 3 Booklists/Stationery Requirements..................................................................................................... 5 Uniforms.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Co-Curricular Programme...................................................................................................................... 5 College Code of Conduct for Sporting Events..................................................................................... 7 Travel Passes........................................................................................................................................... 9 Canteen Procedure...............................................................................................................................10 College Diary.........................................................................................................................................10 Home Study...........................................................................................................................................11 Absence & Lateness..............................................................................................................................11 Phone Messages For Students............................................................................................................11 Mobile Phones.......................................................................................................................................11 Liturgies.................................................................................................................................................12 Manresa.................................................................................................................................................12 Daily Notices - Manresa Bulletin.........................................................................................................12 School Fees............................................................................................................................................13 End of Term, 2014.................................................................................................................................13 Map Of College Location......................................................................................................................13 St Aloysius’ College 2 Junior School New Student Information Junior School Campus (Years 3 to 6) 29 BURTON STREET, MILSONS POINT NSW 2061 Telephone: 9955 9200 Office hours:8.00am-4.00pm Facsimile: 9955 0736 School hours:8.35am-3.00pm The College grounds are supervised from 8.05am to 3.30pm Term Dates For 2015 Term I Tuesday, 27 January (Years 3 to 7 and Year 12) – Thursday, 2 April Wednesday, 28 January (Years 8 to 11) - Thursday, 2 April Term II Tuesday, 21 April – Friday, 19 June Term III Wednesday, 15 July – Friday, 18 September Term IV Tuesday, 6 October (10.45am) – Friday, 4 December College Statement on Incidental Leave There will be occasions when prevailing family circumstances may lead to parents seeking some form of approved leave from the College for a nominated period of time. All such requests are to be made in writing directly to the Head of Junior School using the online form “Application for Exemption from Attendance at School” available via the College intranet, Manresa (refer page 12 for further information). These requests will be considered on an individual basis by the Head of Junior School and permission granted based on compassionate, family circumstances. Please note that all such requests are filed and need to be submitted to government authorities, if required. With respect to late or early leave from term, our request is that parents are mindful of the fact that our holidays are consistent with AHISA (Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia) guidelines. In setting our dates, we consult with Monte Sant’ Angelo, Loreto Kirribilli and St Vincent’s Potts Point, as well as Saint Ignatius’ College. Extending holidays to take advantage of cheaper air fares is not a valid reason for a request, given the already generous amount of holidays allowed for our schools. All requests for incidental leave must be made well in advance, in writing, and addressed to the Head of Junior School, for his consideration, using the appropriate online forms. Orientation Day Years 3 to 6, 2015 (Students and Parents) There will be an orientation morning for all new students entering the Junior School in 2015. This will be held on Wednesday, 29 October from 8.30am-12.40pm at the Junior School Campus (29 Burton Street). ◊ Parents are invited to the Junior School New Parents’ Information Session in the College Chapel located in the Senior School from 9.00am–10.00am. After the conclusion of this information session, parents are not required for the rest of the orientation morning. This day provides a good opportunity for your son to meet Junior School teachers, have a tour of the College, participate in a variety of activities and see how the College functions. ◊ Students are to wear their current 2014 school uniform. They may either bring a snack for recess or buy it from the canteen. If students wish to stay for lunch they may either bring their own lunch or order it from the canteen. They will need to submit their lunch order in a paper bag with money inside and present it to the canteen on their arrival at 8.30am (online ordering is not available for new 2015 students on Orientation Day). The Canteen Menu is available for download. ◊ Sometimes new parents are anxious about travel arrangements for their sons to their new school, and they like to know if other students at the College live in their area. A list of students’ names and the suburb they live in will be put up in the playground on Orientation Day. Addresses and telephone numbers will not be listed - only your son’s name and suburb will be listed. If you do NOT want your suburb listed please notify the Registrar, via email: by Monday 13 October. St Aloysius’ College 3 Junior School New Student Information Mr Mark Tannock Principal Fr Peter Hosking SJ Rector Mr Joe El-Khoury Deputy Head of Junior School Director of Religious Education and Curriculum Years 3-6 Mr Martin Lobo Head of Junior School Mr Trevor Dunne Junior School Sportsmaster St Aloysius’ College 4 Junior School New Student Information Booklists/Stationery Requirements Mr Joe El-Khoury, Director of Curriculum Years 3-6, is responsible for the Campion booklist which itemises the required texts and stationery for your son. Years 3 to 6 booklists will be available late in Term IV at: (your 4-character code will be EAMC). Please peruse the booklist very carefully and make sure you tick all the required items (ensuring you include any compulsory levies to be paid to Campion ie compulsory Mathletics levy and compulsory Department of Education School Magazine levy). The College encourages booklists to be submitted online. The College’s preference would be for you to order the package as this ensures that your son arrives at the College with the correct items for his grade level. This is very important as it underpins all his academic tasks, activities and challenges. Having the correct texts and stationery ensures a smooth, efficient, relaxed start to the school year for your son. Perhaps, even more importantly, is the covering, naming and marking of personal items, textbooks, exercise books and stationery. It is very important to label, mark or name all of your son’s stationery and items of clothing so that all lost, dropped or misplaced items can be returned to their owner. We advise students to bring in their covered texts and exercise books over the first few days of school. There is no need to bring all books on the first day. Uniforms New students need to make an appointment with the Uniform Shop on 9955 4193 for the fitting of their uniform. Information regarding the Uniform Shop as well as a price list is available at: Co-Curricular Programme The academic programme at St Aloysius’ College is supported by a strong co-curricular programme to ensure that every student has a holistic education. All students are expected to be fully committed to the co-curricular life of the College. Sport is the main co-curricular activity and an important element in the overall curriculum of the College. Students are also encouraged to participate in a wide range of cocurricular activities which complement the sporting programme. All members of the College teaching staff are involved in sporting and/or other co-curricular activities. St Aloysius’ College is a founding member of the Associated Schools of NSW (CAS), an association of six private boys’ schools, founded in 1929 to provide sporting and co-curricular competition. The College, through membership of the CAS, is committed to field teams in all mainstream CAS sports and co-curricular competitions. The Junior School is a member of the Independent Primary Schools Heads Association (IPSHA) which provides sporting and co-curricular competition. St Aloysius’ College 5 Junior School New Student Information Sport Students in Years 3 to 6 are required to participate in both summer and winter team sports that are played throughout the year on Saturday mornings. Summer sport options in the Junior School include Basketball, Cricket and Tennis. Water Polo is also on offer for those boys in Year 5 and 6 only. Cricket is played in year groups. For Years 3 and 4 combined there will be two basketball teams which the students may trial for and if not successful they may trial for Cricket. Please read the attached letter from Mr Trevor Dunne, Sportsmaster and follow the link to make your son(s) selection. For detailed information regarding tennis please refer to our Tennis Information Package which includes a link to complete the Tennis 2015 entry form. Students will also have the opportunity to trial for College Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country teams. Students are encouraged to play either Rugby or Football throughout the winter season and all team members in both summer and winter sports must attend weekly before and/or after school training sessions as well as the Saturday match commitment. Students who have prior commitments in club Cricket may choose to continue to play club Cricket instead of Cricket for the College should they wish to finish out the season with them but it is important to remember that those students who do not play Cricket for the College in Term I cannot play for the College in Term IV as it is a continuation of the season. Students in Year 3 are given the choice to play Cricket in Term I and IV for the College but may continue to honour club commitments if this is applicable. All players will attend all training sessions, fitness sessions and Saturday games. Winter sport (Rugby or Football) is compulsory for all students, there are no exemptions. Please familiarise yourself with this package before the Orientation Day so that any questions that remain unanswered can be done so on the day. The following link to our Junior School Sports Department will provide you with further information: Junior School Sports Information. Uniforms Uniforms for all major sports are available from the College Uniform Shop. Students must wear the correct uniforms at Saturday games. Students must have the College tracksuit, which they wear to afternoon matches during the winter season. Each student is a member of a House. Students have a House T-shirt as part of their sports uniform, which can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. The Houses are named after four Jesuit Saints of the English Reformation: Edmund Campion (red), John Ogilvie (gold), Nicholas Owen (green) and Robert Southwell (blue). House allocation will be mailed to you later in the year. The uniform price list is available at: Campion House Ogilvie House Owen House Southwell House Parent Co-curricular Involvement Parents play an active part in the co-curricular life of the College. Parents are encouraged to manage teams and sometimes are invited to share their sporting expertise for coaching duties. Please enquire if you wish to get involved. St Aloysius’ College 6 Junior School New Student Information College Code of Conduct for Sporting Events Players Parents and Supporters ◊ Never argue with an official. If there is a disagreement, the captain or coach approaches the official during a break or after the game. ◊ Control your temper. Verbal or physical abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent, or throwing equipment, is not acceptable or permitted in any sport. ◊ Work equally hard for yourselves and your team. Team and individual performances will benefit. ◊ Be good sports. You should cheer all good play whether it be by the College or the opposing team. ◊ Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player. ◊ Co-operate with the coach, teammates and opponents. Without them there would be no game. PLAY BY THE RULES ◊ Promote good sportsmanship by applauding good play by both teams. ◊ Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities. ◊ Never ridicule or yell at a student for making a mistake or losing a game. ◊ Encourage students to always play according to the rules. ◊ Show respect for coaches and officials and acknowledge their value and importance. Never question their competence, judgment or honesty in public. ◊ If a parent or supporter has a legitimate concern, it is raised through the Director of Co-curricula. ◊ Focus upon the student’s effort performance rather than the result. and ◊ While the College warmly encourages the full and whole-hearted support of parents, you are reminded that the sports your sons play are primarily organised for their benefit and enjoyment. Coaches ◊ Ensure that all players comply with the Policy Statement. ◊ Ensure that your own behaviour sets a good example for the students and parents. Legend: CAS CSDA GPS ISDA CIS IPSHA NSWCL Combined Associated Schools of NSW Catholic Schools Debating Association Great Public Schools Independent Schools Debating Association Combined Independent Schools Independent Primary School Heads Association New South Wales Chess League St Aloysius’ College 7 Junior School New Student Information Music Students are involved in concert bands, string orchestras, jazz and rock ensembles and choir. As a part of the class programme for Years 3 and 4, every student learns a string instrument and participates in a string orchestra. The College has an active programme of camps, recital evenings and participation in eisteddfods and all students are encouraged to be fully involved in the programme. Fees apply for instrumental tuition other than involvement in the string programme in Years 3 and 4 or the Brass, Woodwind and Percussion and Percussion Programme in Year 5. Music information can be discussed at the Junior School New Parents’ Information Session on the Orientation Day on Wednesday, 29 October 2014. Private tuition in Music is available through a large number of tutors who visit the College (an Application for Instrumental Tuition form will need to be completed and returned to the Music Department). Fees are payable for private tuition. An Application for Music Co-Curricula form will need to be completed for students wishing to join an ensemble. Detailed information can be found in our Instrumental & Co-Curricular Music Programme. The College has a limited number of instruments for hire. If you have any questions or would like more information please ring Mrs Eleanor Koh in the Music Department on 9936 5680. Debating Year 6 students are trained in debating and may compete in the IPSHA and ISDA competitions. Years 5 and 6 compete in the College in-house debating competitions. Years 4, 5 and 6 also compete in a social competition held after school, this includes workshops and debates. Chess The College Chess Club trains once a week, with eight or more teams competing in inter-school competitions. Students are taught the basics and shown new skills to improve techniques. Extension and Enrichment Programme The Junior School has a wide range of activities to cater for the needs and development of gifted and talented students. These activities include Drama, English, Mathematics and Science competitions, chess and lateral thinking groups, debating, Tournament of Minds and a number of Gifted and Talented workshops offered by the University of NSW and IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads Association). These programmes are conducted both during and after school hours. St Aloysius’ College 8 Junior School New Student Information Travel Passes A change in school, including moving from St Aloysius’ Junior School to the Senior School in Year 7, necessitates a new travel pass. An Application Form for Subsidised Travel and Update of Student Details will need to be completed and returned to the Registrar. Please note the form has only one part (Part A) and that an original printout needs to be returned to the Registrar (emailed or faxed versions are not acceptable). If in doubt as to which mode of transport your son requires, you can ring: Transport infoline: 131 500 (6.00am–10.00pm) 7 days or The correct information as to bus, train and ferry routes and timetables can be obtained from this number and website. For school buses, please use the website: or alternatively contact your nearest bus depot. The bus depot telephone numbers are: Brookvale Burwood Kingsgrove Leichhardt Mona Vale North Sydney 9941 5816 9582 4444 9582 3015 9582 5950 9997 1257 9245 5260 Port Botany Randwick Ryde Waverley Willoughby 9582 7614 9298 6711 9941 6814 9298 6623 9941 9214 Private Buses Forest Coach Lines TransdevTSL Veolia Caringbah 9450 2277 9457 8888 8700 0555 9524 6636 A separate form is required for each leg of the journey and mode of transport, eg if your son will travel by bus and ferry, then you need to complete two application forms, or if your son will travel by private bus, or a government bus to catch a train, then you also need two application forms. The afternoon journey must be the same as the morning journey. You cannot apply for two modes of transport for the same leg of the journey, ie if you have a CHOICE between two modes of transport, you may only choose one. So compare timetables. Applications will be returned to parents if you apply for both. For any activity before or after school, if the normal mode of transport is not available, your son must pay his fare if travelling by a different route or different mode of transport. He cannot apply for a travel pass for a different route for these days. If your son catches a bus other than the one his ticket is programmed for, he must pay the fare. Ferry applications: Check ferry timetables morning and afternoon. Co-curricular activity often makes the bus/train option more suitable. To apply, attach a letter of justification to the ferry application form. The Ministry of Transport takes approx three months to approve or reject ferry applications. Meanwhile, unless you intend paying the ferry fare, apply for the alternative bus/ferry passes as well. Note: If you have another son who is a CURRENT 2014 St Aloysius’ College student, his travel pass will automatically be renewed, so no need to complete a new form for him. However, current St Aloysius’ Year 6 students do need to apply for a new travel pass and information regarding this will be handed out to them at the College. If parents live at separate addresses and you wish to apply for travel to both residences, Transport for NSW requires a copy of the Family Law Court ruling or if the matter has not gone to the Court a statutory declaration from each parent specifying the time share arrangements for the student (for more information refer to Additional Instructions - Joint/Dual Custody on the Application form). Otherwise the application will be rejected by the Ministry of Transport. Completed and signed application forms need to be sent back to the Registrar by Monday 13 October 2014. If it is left until the Christmas holidays your son’s pass may not be ready for the commencement of 2015. Travel passes will be sent to the College and distributed to the students early in Term I. For the first few weeks of school in Term I, students can travel without a pass, as often there are processing delays due to the large number of applications at the beginning of each school year. However, if your son has not received his pass by mid February, he should carry some money with him in case he needs to pay his fare until his pass arrives. St Aloysius’ College 9 Junior School New Student Information Canteen Procedure The Junior School canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and is run by Mrs Mary Vevers, Canteen Manager, with assistance from parent volunteers. If you wish to volunteer please read the attached letter and follow the instructions to volunteer using our online roster system. Students may purchase directly from the canteen snacks, cakes and drinks for both morning tea and lunch. Please refer to the Canteen Menu for a detailed pricelist. For those who prefer, parents can pre-order on a daily, weekly or term-by-term basis by accessing our online ordering system available at: www.flexischools. (online ordering is not available for new 2015 students on Orientation Day). Morning Tea Break:10.15am-10.35am Lunch Break:1.00pm-1.50pm 12.20pm-1.00pm Friday only, then to College Oval and other venues for Sport Students are asked to place their orders for hot food, rolls and sandwiches in the colourful container at the front of the canteen before 8.30am. Please include money in the lunch order bag and change will be returned in the bag when applicable. Special diets are catered for – please see Mrs Mary Vevers for details. Please note that the Junior School Canteen is nut-free. Special theme days occur throughout the year (eg St Patrick’s Day, Halloween, etc). All items at the Junior School Canteen conform to NSW Healthy Schools Canteen Guidelines. Note: Canteen price lists are available from the canteen each term and these may vary in pricing and offerings. College Diary Each student will receive a College diary on the first day of Term I. All major dates are in the diary as well as general information. The diary is designed to help students organise their homework and study time. In it they must keep the details of all homework. The diary must be with students at all times when in the College and must be produced when it is requested. The College diary serves many purposes: 1. It is the prime means of contact within the College for messages between teachers, Year Co-ordinators, etc; 2. It is the prime means of contact outside the College for messages between the College, parents and students; 3. It contains a record of all absences, late notes, etc. As the diary is readily identified as an official publication of the College, and out of respect for the many persons who use the diary as a means of communication, it is important that it be maintained in excellent condition. St Aloysius’ College 10 Junior School New Student Information Defacing the diary in any way is not permitted. In particular: 1. No inappropriate pictures are to be stuck into diaries; 2. No graffiti is to appear in diaries. Messages to teachers can be directed through the diary. Home Study Good study habits are not acquired overnight and regular home study is one way of developing a student’s ability to use his study time constructively. Sound study skills lead to self discipline and organisation. Thus, the College has developed a policy to ensure there is adequate attention paid to developing these skills. It is the expectation of the College that all teachers will set homework on a regular basis. The form this will take may vary according to the skills and content material being assessed at the time. Each student is issued with a College Diary. In it he must record the day and date for submission of written homework and for the checking of assigned revision. Parents are encouraged to check the diary and make comments in the space provided. Homeroom teachers will monitor diary use often and use it to communicate with parents. The role of parents is an important one. They should see that the student is working towards setting good home study habits. A quiet, well equipped place, free from interruptions and distractions, coupled with enough quality time, should be conducive for developing these good habits. Below is a schedule of approximate daily home study times for various years: Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 30 minutes written work; 15 minutes learning & reading 40 minutes written work; 20 minutes learning & reading 45 minutes written work; 30 minutes learning & reading 50 minutes written work; 30 minutes learning & reading Absence & Lateness School starts at 8.35am. Students late to the College must report to the receptionist, Mrs Debby Edwards, and present their diary for signing. For absences, the College needs to be notified by phone by 9.00am. Upon return to the College, students must present their homeroom teacher with a written note explaining their absence. Phone Messages For Students Phone messages for students should be for matters of great importance only. Students are allowed to use the College phone located at reception in case of emergency. Mobile Phones The College asks students to minimise valuable items brought to the College to ensure they are not lost or misappropriated. If students do bring these items to the College, they need to acknowledge responsibility for them, both in ensuring the manner in which they are used is in keeping with the College’s defined expectations, and secondly that they take care of those belongings to ensure their safety and security. In regard to mobile telephones, while we acknowledge the need for students to possess them, as with most schools they are not to be used during the school day, and will be taken by teachers if seen. It takes only self discipline and care to place phones on silent or switch them off and access messages at the appropriate time. Parents can certainly assist in this regard by not telephoning students directly via their personal mobile phone. St Aloysius’ College 11 Junior School New Student Information Liturgies Parents, relatives and friends are most welcome to attend Junior School Masses and liturgies. Details appear in the College Diary. Mass is celebrated daily in the College Chapel in the Senior School and on Wednesdays at 8.05am in the Junior School Chapel. Manresa The use of mobile technology in the College has given rise to a more powerful information source in the College’s intranet, known as Manresa. It is essential students and parents familiarise themselves with Manresa and access it regularly as it stores so much relevant material for both Curriculum and Co-curricula activities and events. Daily Notices - Manresa Bulletin Throughout the College Campus there are display screens which provide daily student news for all year levels. These may also communicate last minute training changes. The digital displays are referred to as Manresa Bulletin. St Aloysius’ College 12 Junior School New Student Information School Fees School fee accounts are emailed prior to the first week of each term. Payment options will be listed on your statement. End of Term, 2014 Teaching staff complete the academic year on Friday, 4 December, but administration staff will be available until Thursday, 18 December. Administration staff will return to the College on Monday, 12 January, 2015. Junior School parents are asked/advised to contact the Senior School Reception on 9922 1177 during the holiday period if required. Map Of College Location St Aloysius’ College 13 Junior School New Student Information