Transistors. Small-Signal Models Small-signal operation Small-signal parameters Small-signal models hibrid Necessity for dc transistor biasing transistor utilization as amplifier (CS, CE) in active region (aF), the transistor operates around the dc operating point (OP) VPS – dc supply VI – sets the OP: (VO, IO) vi – input voltage (to be amplified) vo – output voltage (amplified voltage) • superposition of the variable signal over the dc voltage Small-signal model (linear model) is necessary to deduce vo as a function of vi Small-signal operation The transistor for the small-signal regime: small-signal parameters (differential parameters) small-signal equivalent circuit of the transistor. the values of the small-signal parameters depend on the OP (they are calculated in the OP) • transistor model for low and medium frequency: input resistance output resistance controlled source showing the input-output transfer • the model for high frequency will be enhanced with parasitic capacitances between its terminals T – small-signal model • two-port network input resistance transfer: a controlled current source (by a voltage) - VCCS output resistance Small-signal MOSFET CS topology - linear model The full circuit of the amplifier with one MOST (dc biasing + small signal) The small-signal equivalent circuit results by setting to zero all dc voltage and/or current sources Small-signal parameters • Transconductance (it shows the transfer from the variable input voltage to the variable output current) i D gm vGS vDS cst id v gs ( (vGS VTh ) 2 gm vGS Q iD vGS VTh vDS cst 2 (VGS VTh ) 2I D g m 2 (VGS VTh ) 2 I D VGS VTh integrated transistors: id g m v gs W g m 2K I D L MOSFET: voltage-controlled current source for small signal 2 • Input resistance the gate is electrically insulated from the rest of structure: the input resistance is infinite (open-circuit) • Output resistance the output characteristics are not perfectly horizontal, the drain current slightly increases with the drain to source voltage at vGS=cst. iD (vGS vDS VTh ) 1 VA 2 VA – Early voltage 1 v DS ro go iD vGS vds cst id vGS cst VA ro ID dc regime MOST: small-signal regime id g m v gs g m 2 VGS VTh 2I D 2 I D VGS VTh I D (VGS VTh ) 2 VDS RO ID id 2 (VGS VTh )vgs VA ro ID Small-signal model of the MOSFET • low and medium frequency: g m 2 VGS VTh 2I D 2 I D VGS VTh VA ro ID • high frequency: the parasitic capacitances appear between terminals; typically pF or fractions of pF linear models (valid around OP) hibrid Small-signal parameters of the BJT Transconductance iC gm v BE ic vCE cst vbe vCE cst iC I S evBE /VT • Current gain VT 25mV @ 20o C IC gm 40 I C @ 20o C VT g m [mS] I C [mA] KT VT q temp. g m iC i B ic vCE cst ib vCE cst Even if some differences can appear between in the values of dc current gain and small-signal current gain, for the first order analysis, we will use the same notation and the same value (e.g. β =100) Small-signal parameters of the BJT – cont. • Output resistance vCE ro iC vBE cst iC I S e vBE VT vce ic vCE 1 VA VA ro IC vBE cst • Input resistance v BE rbe iB rbe vbe vCE cst ib gm vCE cst Small-signal model of the BJT (low and medium frequency) g m 40I C rbe gm VA ro IC hybrid-π models simplified hybrid-π models linear models Small-signal model of the BJT (high frequency) hybrid-π model parasitic capacitances between the terminals the effect of the capacitors: decreasing the gain at high frequency one can also use the model with the CCCS Numerical example for MOSFET MOSFET : K=100μA/V2 , W/L=1, VA=100V ; biased at ID=100μA. What are the values of the small signal parameters at low frequency? g m 2K W L I D 2 100 1 100 0.14mS VA 100 ro 1MΩ I D 0.1 Numerical example for BJT BJT biased in OP at IC=100μA, VA=100V, β=100. What are the values of the small signal parameters at low frequency? gm=40·IC=40·0.1=4mS 100 rbe gm 4 25KΩ VA 100 ro 1MΩ I C 0.1