LADIES' AND GENT'S CYCLES. BS.A. AND COVENTRY ON VIEW, mlxj"i ,8 Cycle **« Works, Stafford Street, Timaru. LAM BORN (Phone 274). TIMARU. CANTERBURY. BUSINESS NOTICES. TNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY, J OF N.Z.. LTD. WHITCOMBE Cirounistaacea Permitting. Cargo received till noon on day of BUBINESS NOTICES. TOMBS, LTD. OHRISTOHURCH. MEETINGS AND AMUSEMENTS. OF INTEREST TO W^m™ _, . .Now you've ATTRACTION SPECIAL uilON P. CARRIAGE WORKS, 0. & BOOK LTD i HA BtUßn BARGAINS. LTD. r OR market mates connections possible our low price. tiP&^ffl/fflk S b*J5 iflal S* &^ &_ Hl * 1 IJI ifc,£| %$ PRICES." PHONE 661. OBTAINABLE FROM A. «•*«■*!, J. FYFE TIMARU. Winter Sale. 50 DOZEN MISS Hi YOUR TAILOR jeeommodation. FLAVOUR COOL, And the Last Word Satisfaction. You are invited O. STRACHAN'S CLARICE'S Kimutaka 8,898 well'ton Ruahiae 11,000 Well'ton Ruapehu 9,880 Well'ton Remuer* 11,500 I Well'ton 10th Juiv '26+* -T„l At_ Novembe For further particulars aoply: THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY (LTD). TOBACCONISTS' SALOONS, THE FAMOUS LOEWE. 8.88., AND GB.D. MAKES ARE ALSO INCLUDED IN THE PRESENT FINE WNDOW DISPLAYS AT BOTH SHOPS 12 to*2 daily; 3 coufeeß. HOT TEAS FROM 5 O'CLOCK MORNING AND AFTERNOON5 TEA with Home Made Bread. Best American, Australian and Try our minion Confectionery. of Butter Nuggets, 8d Tin. And 2s 6d lb. Milk Chocolate, Try lib of our 2s and 2s It's Delicious. TEA. PIE& with Home Made Bread Strathallan Street, Timarn-, HAW, SAVILL AND ALBION .iss COMPANY (LTD.). H. C. Strachan. The, Direct Line of Steamers to England. VLi PANAMA. The largest passenger steamers in the ■ THE NEXT TEN DAYS ALL TRIMMED MILLINERY Sailings (Circumstances Permitting). Tons. Eteamer. (Late and of Bay) Wel'ton To follow Wel'ton TainuS 10.000 \To follow Wel'ton A FEW BARGAINS [l2.S'' \To follow Wel'ton lonic for Accommodation Ist, 2nd, and 3rd class. SPORTS COATS, Coloured Silk and All Twin Screws, fitted with WireWool. less Telegraphy and C.0.2 Patent Fire A FEW DOZEN COMBINATIONS, Extinguisher. Passages from London Woven, White and Natural to may he arranged here. clear 3s lid 4s lid. MAIDS' and SOMEN'S RAINCOATS For full particnlara apply to the to clear at SPECIAL PRICES. Agents— NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND A DURING THE NEXT TEN DAYS, 00. OF NZ. (LTD.}: DALGETY AND CO. (LTD). BEST SHEET STEEL. ~ . . Ash-pans TO FIT ANY GRATE. Stock, including:— MADE AT SHORTEST NOTICE GUARANTEED. ; [ BUYERS ARESEPARATED OF CREAM. Highest Prices given for DAIRY HOME Butter Fat.' i Pull weights and tests. Railage paid from any Boufch Canterbury. station in F. A. JOYNT. Secretary, Temuka. •A.1.A., N.Z., A.P.A., S.Z., Accountant and Auditor, Secretary, Licensed Sharebroker. HAY'S NEW Lemon, Saxe. V. A NEW SHIPMENT OF MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES. SEE WINDOW. Misses Anderson, THE BLOUSE SPECIALISTS, Opp. Stone Sta'oles. LIVE-STOCK. LTD. ACCIDENT. MOTORCARS. TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, AND AGENTS. TIMARU BRANCH: Rose, Pink, Flame,, PRICES RANGING FROM 29a. ZEALAND MARINE. col-1 Apricot. Sky and Cream. Phone 235. INSURANCE CO.. fIRE. aro particularly dainty, and the ours are:— TIMARU. BUILDINGS, P.O. Box 53 Cre LEABANT POINT FACTORY. CARRIACJIB SECOND-HAND VEHICLES FOB SALE. £2O £lO £l2 £l4 £lO £9O Light Spring Dray, good as new Spring Cart. Double Biijggy, Pole and Shafts. Light Sprng Dray. Rustic Cart. Motor Car. Secure Requirements yptir TOBACCO, of SHAVING REQUIS- ITES. STATIONERY, ETC., from ESTABLISHMENT. Gilbey's Dry Gin. Boord's Dry Gin. 5 STAFFORD STREET SOUTH. Bol's Dry Gin. Wolfe's Schnapps. Schn*pns. Tiner Head DRAFT WHISKY. D.C.L.. Very Old Special, 8s 8d bottl* Very Old Scotch Whisky. 7s 6d bottl* Dewar's Special (Draft), 8s 6d bottle Hollands Geneva Square, from 0s hot. Dry Gin from 9s per bottle. Draft Brandy, 7s 6d per bottls WINES. Port, Claret, Constantia, Fronti 3s 6d per bottle, or £2 per l SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED FOR* CASE LOTS. * C. RQOGERS, PARCELS securely packed and tof warded to any address. Kindly forward Postal Notes with Order as the Prices are bedrock. AdA w MAN'S SOLACE. Tk«j Pipe of Contentment. THE 8.8.8. Cr. Sophia and Church Wreaths, Bouquets « Refreshments Provided. NOTICE. THE Street*. Good Muaio; Grand March at -8 p.m. TO-NIGHT, TJsual Fortnightly Assembly will be held' in the Unitarian £K THimSDAY..Gents -2s, Ladies a Address: DOMINION HILL. TO-NIGHT. jUBLIC LECTURE. Unitarian Hall 8 P.M. Subject: "Some Problems in Arithmetic with Special Reference to Government Finance." & Gents Ticket 4s, Ladies Is. MAN"! C.P.C.A.. LTD. OUEENSLAND INSURANCE Co. Ltd. rSTE havo and ■ are making more" fTfjE HAVE PLEASURE in advisine i CLEANLINESS. VV Progress than any other Offico. VV those requiring a Company of HOME COMFORT. R. OR.WIN. Manager. LOWEST KATES, SQUARE DEALUndoubted Standard to act as— REASONABLE TARD7F. AND PROMPT ATTENTION and Trustees ING. Executors under Wills LIVERY BTABLES to Clients' requirements are three Trustee under Marriage and other 25s FAIRLIE CHARGES. PER WEEK why of the reasons we ' Settlements are BEDS always ahead. HORSE STANDS, Is, after 10 p.m. Is Attorney and Agents for Persons MEALS 3d 1» 2s. Feed, 4s, Livsry, Cash CLASS OF EVERY �xtra. the Dominion. INSURANCE Leaving including LIFE transacted. Hooked ss. Hires as per arrangement. Trustee of Existing Trusts in Plata REFURNISHED. Under New Mas. Agent for Do not forget my 40 H.P. Jeffery of Trustees wishing tt Retire. : agement. H. E. MARTIN. M.R.C.V S. PASSENGER MOTOR, available at That we have been appointed CHIEF Note Address— reasonable charges for all work excurAGENTS for the JUST NEAR POST OFFICE. sions, etc. CUARDIAN TRUST & EXECUTORS, BOURN, W. L. £O. OF N.Z.. LTD. j MRS OWEN, PROPRIETRESS. NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, AND FLORIST- — BESWICK- Phone. 715- * " STREET* -. Secretary.' WELCOME HOME SOCIAL be given to Captain P. Ehvorthy, Trooper TV. Davison Privates R. S. McMillan, and idtken, in the Southburn School FRIDAY, , July 4th, commencing A Ladies a Basket. HILTON SOCIAL will he held in the Public Hall. Fairlie, on THURS- July 3rd, to welcome home the following soldiers—Sergeant; J. O'Neil, A. 'Loomep., H. Valentine, T. Milne, E. Wade J. J Donald, Ellis, E. "W. Coll," J. Mac will Holland, and L. C. Scott. A. Visiting Soldiers cordially invited. and HUsual Charges. on at W. J. ORMANDY, DAY, Private J. Turkington, HALL. G RAN D CONCERT In Aid of Piano and Hall Fund. THURSDAY, July 10, 8 P.M. Under the Direction of Mr James Johnson, of Temnka. Dance to Follow Good Refreshments Provided. AJmission: Concert 2s; Dance, Gents Is 6d; Ladies and Returned Soldiers Fr«e. Hon. See. F.P.S.O. GERALDINE RETURNED SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION. "»HE DANCE OF THE YEAR will be held in the Volunteer Hall July on THURSDAY, 3rd, 1919. Grand March 8 p.m. Excellent music. Double Tickets 3s 6d. C. F. DYER, Hon. Secretary, ST. ANDREWS CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. CONCERT AND DANCE. FRIDAY, 18th JULY; ANNUAL ; Mr Naylor and Party from Timafu •will /render several items. Telephone .:■ /:?• HOUSE' TEMUKA. ■- MARRY THE GIRL and be PHOTOGRAPHED 'J HE EVENTFUL ART PHOTOGRAPHER, by DAY 9 George Street, TIMARU. Who specialises in Wedding and when in Groups, Christchurch photographed Wedding more than any other grapher. Groups photo- Special BackWedding for Groups, and absolutely the Latest Effect. I have a ;^ Nd^:B7. ASOCIAL AND DANCE will be held iii the School House "on B'RIDAY, July 4tih, at 8 p.m., sharp. Gents 2s 6d. MEN'S WILLOW Ladies a Basket.' TAN DERBY BOOTS, English Make, Broad Toes. Proceeds in. aid. of the Piano Fund. SALE PRICE 18s lid per pair. MEN'S TAN SERVICE BOOTS, ARUNDEL. Crockett and Jones' Make. TEMUKA SALE PRICE, 46s 6d pair. BOSTOCK MEN'S Best BOOTS, Quality. All Sizes. SOCIAL in aid of the Sheiltor TEMUKA SALE PRICE, 28s 6d pair. Shed for Arundel School will 'be _J., MEN'S STOUT NAILED SHOOTERS. held in the Howard Hall on JUL¥ A Solid Boot commencing at 8 p.m. sharp. TEMTJKA SALE PRICE., 18s 6d pair. 4th 6d. Ladies Is LADIES' CHROME DERBY SHOES, Admission: Gents 2s made by MeKehlay's, Dunedin. Guaranteed Solid Leather. All Sizes. WANTED KNOWN. TEMTJKA SALE PRICE, 15s lid pair. ANKLE CHILDREN'S STRAJ' SHOES, all Leather. (LATE PURDOM AND CO.), TEMTJKA SALE PRICE, 3s 11 pair. RUBBER HEELS, Shape of Heels.. TEMUKA. Ladies' and -Gents. TO CLEAR 4d per pair, UP-TO-DATE BARGAINS FOR ALL AT FOOTWEAR SALE. C. Davidson, Tailor and Outfitter, ' Telephone 398 for appointment. 'Chairman. UPPER WAITOH.I. ground Ring FENWICK,; /p '■.!..." Stafford Street. THE BRIDAL " ;. SOLDIERS' SOCIAL. , SOIITEBTJRN. S p.m. Gents 2s 6d. Proceeds in Aid of. School Funds. - JAS. STEWART, '•' EUCHRE PARTY and DANCE l -will be held m the School Room on FRIDAY, 4tli July, at 7.45 p.m. Sharp. Gents Is, Ladies a Basket. BOOT IMPORTER ou 'THE LEADING INSURANCE Dressi" THURSDAY, KMdi JITLy, igi . Prizes for Best; Fancy Dresses. "COOKHAM PIG CONSIGNMENT TO HAND. ARTISTS—TWO , Oddfellows' Hall, BARGAINS IN FOOTWEAR FOR ALL; ROWLAND WATSON'S, Chief Agent— B A L L. PLANT NOW—Seeds of Peas, Leti tuce, .Onion and Broad Beans. BEN WADE. SALOON—TWO : at short notice. Phone, 233. Freishfc. Centra! Private Hotel ' Hon. Secretary. PRICKS RIGHT. ROYAL HOTEL, BESWICK ST. mJ&ALB ™ J. W. CHAMBERLAIN, now ready. EASTWOOD'S TOBACCONIST AND FANCY GOODS j J.D.K.Z. A ... ....... Ornamental Trees I have a specially fine stock of the above, Clean, Healthy and Well-grown. Orders by Post promptly attended to. SOUTH-ENDERS. STAFFORD STREET. FAIRLIE LIVERY STABLES, ...... ete., ete. SOTJTH-ENDERS. Case Whipky from Bs per bottl*. Old Draft Brntidv. £2 8? a Gallon CINS (SQUARE). Hollands Geneva. G. FAHAY, Hon. Sec. Moncreiff „ Fruit Trees BEST OF SOLDER AT "WHOLESALE PEICE. Phona 798. Crawford's Special Whisky. Heather Dew Whisky. Canadian CTab. , Bimboula ......'..'.....'.. Florence Young Uncle Noel Jc-libeau John Forde Rosine Eva Webber Simone Oliye Godwin .'.' Madame Bax "WELCOME HOME SOCIAL and Addie Lennard .'.'.'.'. •Teannette Maie Baird PRESENTATION of be held at Cave on FRIDAY, will Dancers Robert Robert MoKinnon Fw±%\ by George A. Highland July 4. fenced The following .Ballets Returned Soldiers will Arranged by Minnie Harper. Medals t—Privates F. Graham, Musical Director E. J. Roberts receive A. Graham. J Graham, and Gunner PLANS AT THE BRISTOL. H. Winter. Prices—DC. and R.S. 6s; Stalls 4s, rib Zs. Plus Amusement Tax. Admission—Gents 2s 6d, Ladies Is 6d, Forest Trees Flowering 1 Shrubs NEXT GLENIE'S STABLES. \berdeen Scotch Whisky. Eijccre Old Scotch Whisky. ■ Barley Bree Scotch Whisky Bobbie Burns Scotoh W-hiiky, 4 Violet Yorke T." CORLET, GENERAL TINSMITH. A .B.C. Gladys Plain and Fancy Now is the time to plant all descriptions of Nursery- . j j CO-OPERATIVE CO.. LTD. , TEMUFA. Mignon AND GAUGE, MADE OF THE VERY I. A. Blackwood Claymore Whisky. ............... N N U- A L Rhubarb Roots WHISKY. ' Alphonse Delphine QUANTITY; SIZE, . Old D.C.L. Special Whisky, £2 8s Gallon. Jameson's 3 Star Whisky. Dewar's Imperial Denar's Special Johnny Walker Square. , SUTHERLANDS. ANY », BRANDY. Hennessey's 3 Star Brandy. Meukow 8 Star Brandy. Rochemont 3 Star Brandy. Roulette Old Liaueur Bc-andy, Case Brandy from Ba. including Waltzing . - WHOLESALE PRICES. 12,231 Bouchotte' ........ PLEASANT, POINT CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. AH Work;~ Done by the Proprietor OLD MATURED LIQUOR m? and Two-Stepping. Jack Ralston Phil Smith ; MORRISON, SACRIFICED AT SPECIAL PRICES. 10 clear direct from bcwtd l**s than 12,045 Athenic Corinthio ' 4d an ...... % Tins Nut STAFFORD ST.. Near Old Bank. Will be Fid port ' cons,ented - give SKATINC, i of Wednesday Basket. Do- ■ fcrawa Date. Butter, 9d. MRS vURING New Zealand Trade. J.TYFE, TOI-TOI 3 COURSE LUNCHEON BniHinasV + ... Miss H, C. Strachan's, (Theatre Buildings and Shepherd's to EXHIBITTrw .... ~ at— HaS kindly ™ • ....... - to inspect ATTRACTION ... Ham Sandwiches Is pet Dbsjeni Luncheon Boxes packed for the TrainThermos Flasks failed. BEEF TEA AND HOT DRINKS. HOT BUTTER CRUMPETS; at the Toi Toi for Tea. For Sale Is 6d '.■"'.per Dozen. HAYU YOU TRIED THE GIVING in Pipe ssjsks „ CORONATToThALiT • ARGE Modern Twin-Screw Passen_J ger Steamers, with unsurpassed \ 10* tO BUSS. RO\AL COMIC OPERA COMPANY, Including WOODBURY FLORENCE YOUNG, In tlie Initial Presentation here of the Stupendous London Gaiety Musical iUJM »^*» Comedy Success, Bth. July, at 8 pTm "OH! OH! DELPHINE!" Admission: Gents 3s, Ladies Is "OH! OH! DELPHINE!',' A RICHES, Secretary. A Ratting, Rollickin" Dashing,' Picturesque Musical in Three BURKE'S PASS. Resplendent Acts, CAST OF CHARACTERS AND MADE TO LOOK EQUAL TO S??/ L ND NEW. (In the order in which they appear): will be Burk e's Pass on FRI/... Orderly t Percy Claridge DAY, Wy,4th 1919, to Welcome Home Colonel Pomponnet Leslie Holland M«,or Hayter, M M Gunner G. HAS YOUR HAT (Felt or Straw) Blum Ro™ Oliver Peacock Rifleman Annus and A Hall Porter Keeffe' Harry Rateliffe Non-Subscribers 2s 6d.Rifleman LOST IT'S SHAPE Music supplied Victor Reginald Roberts by Alaury Band. Louis Gigoux ALL (Silver Mounted) SPBrr?? IS A TRESIENDdUS PRODUCTION. «wnr /t for the bPMJIAL TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) NIGHT PEACE SUIT OR COSTUME TO-MQRROW tePMIEAL (THURSDAY) NIGHT A CHOICE RANGE OP MATERIALS EXPERT FINISH (LIMITED) XcVwnXIAMSON •POTat ' Presents the ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY, *-<"«« " O Y A L„ ...... . Big Winter Sale A. n J.' C. Williamson Ltd. Manager; ...........v.......;.. John FarrelJ BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANUX REBLOCKED HAVE IT Back to Pre-war Prices in oil • DepartGOODS. By the STEAMERS fitted with Wire-is Assorted Ribs, Cotton and Wool. 2s 3u This Sale will be memorable ments. TheService FOR Is lid less Telegraphy. McKITTERICK BLOCKING HAT No 6 ENVELOPES. as a THANKSGIVING LOW-PRICE 2xl Ribs, Cotton and Wool. 2s lid w expected to resume in February. aor AGENCY. J'ri.vate and Commercial Usa. SALS for : two years' miooossf il :wanFOR 2s 6d Through-Passengers from New ZeaQuality. ing in the District. MEN'S FELT HATS CLEANED AND land to Europe can embark or arrival 2 x 1 Ribs, Cotton end Wool. 3s 6d 2s 6d PER Good BOX, OR 4 PACKETS FOR 26 lid. REBLOCKED. ef the last .connecting steamer at SydFOR Is 3d. 4s 6d. 2xl Ribs, All Wool. ney. LADIES' FELT AND STRAW HATS FOR 3s 9d H.B. LEAD PENCILS FOR SCHOOL Don't miss this Opportunity to BUI CLEANED AND REMODELLED. For further particulars, apply to: 2xl Ribs, All Wool. 5s 6d. OR OFFICE. NOW for YOURSELF AND THE 9d Some PER DOZEN. LITTLE ONES. DALGETYAND CO., LTD., Material? we Agents. can now supply tou are quite unproSCHOOL PADS—3 FOR Is 9d. curable in the Wholesale Markets, ana Timaru, Waimate and Geraldine. & other Goods aire rising in price daily. It will repay you to AND COY. NEW ZEALAND SB TAILORS AND MERCERS. COMPANY, LIMITED. 81 STAFFORD STREET. SAVE YOUR TRAIN FARE BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. DRY FRENCH CLEANERS AND STAFFORD STREET. NORTH HATONOMIUM. DIRECT LINE TO UNITED And call at the bTAFFORD STREET. SOUTH.* KINGDOM. STAFFORD STREET. TIMARTJ. CORNER, SHOP. (Nest L. B. James). Via- Panama Canal. LATEST THE IN PIPES Calling'at Colon, Kingston (Jamaica), THE FRENCH -MEERSCHAUM and Newport News. BUST a t:r; e '■■ 'm. iwD»/^ " A SALE NEWS. Stocktaking Sate LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE HOSE he Direction SESSION kTti'nc S TO-NIGHT AT 7W AiTOAouoar To-otght It 7 At the Request of the m v 10* Management BECAUSE IT IS STAINED. Have it - fa 9BJS wsJ a "POPULAR CHRISTCHUBjOH. * FROM £9O SECOND CLASS. FROM £llß FIRST CLASS. SALE. ANNUAL Intimate WH!TCOMBE~rrOMBS AND ORIENTAL THE PENINSULARCO. S.N. - OUR ANNUAL 2s. per lb. lb. parcels 9s 91 stock is unrivalled in the Dominion for Bale. Write for our Catalogue of WAIMATE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM SYDNEY TO LONDON. fare to London from New Zealand: ; ; np it, try It- is customary to get a little more for something better, but we are not doing it. Our price is the same. 5 Wg yearly event our DASH'S STRATHALLAN RTRF-ET. ~ ~ V friends your come here, Things will hum here. Oh! Oh! Delphine!" . OLYMPIA BIG SPECIAL * SPECIAL • ' when nioe TEA?" And the Rules thereunder, bv W- A J Sun (a. .Tiitf™ a of N.Z.). Second Edition ; Cloth 17,s 6d, Half-calf. 22s 6d. on ap- STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NZ, LTD., . that they ask you "whore did yon get this 1908~ CAUSES ACT qpS&aSF O "Everybody's saying it, The Band is playing it; , :--lAL PAPEETE 1 ,-. SPECIAL. -.; THE .DIVORCE AND MATRJMON- SORROWS OF SATAN. PIOTUHESQUE BRITTANY. WRS:DAY T1 COMING ,3? GREAT SUPER-SENSATION—- "0H!: OH! DELPHINE" "OH! OH! DELPHINE." - CAPTURING WILD ANIMALS (Int.) THIS DAY. GLADYS COOPER in Marie Oorelli's Great Play— Emmy Wehlen •Edited by Seymour and Palmer,y v;.; ■■■'■• : ."Well Ulusferated. ■ -;v: Price 6s. Posted. 6s 6di '- , GAZETTI TWArvms BEACH'S ! TEA «> obtainable see her SATAN. CAL TOAmS JWTT RAX ■' NED AY, 2nd July. NEW PLYMOUTH, BUT FROM US FOR WEDNESDAY, 2nd COEINNA Juhr. £l4o—Produce Carrying Foard Car. to WELLINGTON, From LYTTELTON Monday, Wednes- £l2o—Ford Chassis MARAROA, MAORI. Tuesday, £l4o—Ford Runabout. day, Friday Th'ursdav. Saturday. £ls0—Superior Ford Single Seater. 'PASSPORTS. Travellers to any place oatside the £27s—Marathon, 5 Seater. (A Bargain, and Good) to obtain passports, a £22—Spring Dray, 1J Ton. -rigable to make early application £l×Spring Bray, 1 Ton. Government for nTT THE VANCOUVER. ROUTE £ls—Spring Dray, f Ton, HONO-| FIJI and To LONDON via LULU and CANADA, thronch some £l6—Spring Dray, £ Ton. of Scenic Wonders of the Greatest £2l—Governess Oar. the World. £l7—Pony Gig, £ Shaft. MAKURA, about 9th July. ROY AT- MAIL SERVICE AND A arid SHOPFUL MORE. To LONDON via RARATONGA and SAN FRANCISCO, TOFUA, a'sout 3rd July. 'Agents for the ORIENT ROYAL MAIL LINE TO LONDON. BUY, SELL. OR SWAP, Tickets available for stop-orsr or return by Messrs Huddart Parker and Go.'s Steamers. particulars qaP?E ' to - For NELSON. Full ° YoU? I ance «««L.T r-Cli SORROWS OF This, has nothing ■ DON'T BE STUCKr- WKANGAPE, about For AUCKLAND. 10th July For GREYMOUTH KABJKA, MEETINGS AND AMUSEMENTS. THE POPULAR GRAND FU TO-x\IGHT" FINALLY, AT 8. . FULLERS TO-NIGHT is Positively the Final IUJi MOST FAMOUS BEAUTY ACTRESS IN ALL ENGLANDScreening of tlie Great Metro Comedy, S FRAGMENTS FROM FRANCE, FRIDAY, 4th Julv. For WELLINGTON and WESTPORT, EITTAWA, WEDNESDAY, 2nd PUBLISHED DAILY-ONE PENNY MISS ROBINSON CRUSOE, at all to do with OLD ROriNSON CRUSOE -;-'; ./VOL.. 7, ;:■ -/- : It is a Clever Story >of a young Society ; ; JBj- Captainßruce RjurnsfatiM*, Girl who longs for a Romance with a 9 ' nb a Shipment CAVE MAN, and of TEA, which is worth talking MISS ROBINSON CRUSOE about, gets what she wants, and the audience, SiaU thsj'oome, and 3s brilliant an It is one long get,a good laugh. ever. .Ehese new laughter makinc IT is Just the sort offrom start to finish. Charming scream episodes, cover a period in the Great little War not yet Old Bill and Alf : and Berfc aire still fighting and and enduring jesting in the midst ol it adl. Price i s 6d, Posted Is 9d Is positively Delightful as with' that full rich flavour, and nloa MISS ROBINSON CRUSOE. flmh«. i'««or, IHB ROYAL AIR FORCE ANNUAL Altogether a Glorious Picture. that you' hi been looking for. HELP, HELP, POLICE. AIR PIE. '.--■■■ Another Fine Oiristie Corned v. sailing. For AUCKLAND, KOROMIKO, about _ A JVIJY~2Im~- WEDNISSDAT. BUSINESB NOTICES. Herald. . SHIPPING. Timaru I The 16.848 : NO., ! YOL CYIII BOOT IMPORTER. COSTUMES. SMART SUITS. SUITS AND COSTUMES DYED. HATS RE-BLOCKED. REPAIRING, CLEANING. PRESSING done at Shortest Notice. OWN MATERIAL MADE UP. JULY 2 TO HAND! man, and said that it was impossible for liim :to adequaltely express has regret at parting from so good a friend. He couid not imagine a more efficient Vicar and tho very jiarge gathering that night indicated in how great esteem he was BEATH'S, THIS WEEK held. When, it became known thalt lie was going away, people came forward eagerly to contribute to the presentation. They all felt that in his departure they were losing a personal friend; and lie had been asked on their behalf to hand him a cheque with' which to purchase sometfliing that would act as a link between them. Mr Knubiey then handed Mr Rogers a> cheque for a sub- For Smart Winter Frocks, Coats, and all outdoor apparel, Beatri's stand prepared. Scores of different weaves, all colourings. Prices very moderate too—Quality considered •. .. * .. ... .. SILK LOUISETTE. A charming material, with fine taffeta finish. In Ivory, Vieux Rose, Sky, Pale Pink, Navy, and Black. 36in. wide 5/11 yard CREPE DE CHINE. The fabric of beauty. Excellent quality. Injshades of Mauve, Lemon, Shell Pink, Apricot, .. AMERICAN OVERCHECK SUITINGS. These smart two-tone checks make neat 'morning frocks. An excellent cloth, too, for children's dresses and pleated "skirts. Chiefly in coloured grounds of Browns, Blues, and Greens. 38in. ■.'. wide 3/11 yard .. .. touched him intensely. The civio ; .. .. received with deafening applause. When this had. subsided he expressed his heartfelt thankfulness to them for their kindly words and their princely gift. Never had he found it harder to speak, but he wanted, to express his loving gratitude for all the kindness he had received at their hands.' This had Silk Crepe "SOUBISE." Anideat fabric for dainty evening; :wear. In shades of: Lavender, Sky, Mastic, Pale : Rose, Saxe, Aquamarine, and Coral. 40in. wide 8/6 yard .. Coral, Sky,.Champagne, Saxe, Navy, Emerald, Ivory, and. Black. 40in. wide 10/6 yard .. GABARDINES OP ALL WOOL. Much in demand for present wear. This particular cloth has a nice finish. In excellent shadings of Browns, light and dark Saxes, Wines, Moles, Vieux Rose, Fawn and Bottle Green. 46in. wide 11/6 yard Beath's Pay Ifestefe and give a Discount of One Shilling in every £ for Gash VELVETEEN. The soft draping qualities and lustrous sheen of Velveteen make it an attractive material for ladies' and children's' dresses. An exquisite range of colours to select from. 22in. wide 4/6 and 5/11 yard finish.. ..Air. exOVERCOATING. Velour HEAVY ceptionally serviceable cloth, moderately priced. 16/6 yard In Grey and Navy. 54in. wide In these "much-wanted SHEPHERD CHECKS. goods we hold a splendid selection of.both Colonial and imported weaves, ranging from 40in. to 56in. wide-3/11 4/11 7/6 9/11 13/6 16/6 21/- yard .. .. .... Patterns sent to your Address. .. BOGKAERTS Ltd. stantial amount. (Applause.) On rising to respond, Mr. Rogers was Write. Mail Order Drapers, We Pay Postage AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS " Buick Darracq YOUR ORDER FOR FIRST ARRIVALS. SEDAN AND COUPEE BODIES are also arriving for your inspection, BOOKING The much-talted-of THE WELL-EQUIPPED WORKSHOP will be run under the usual Expert Attendance, and Repairs will be made to AH Makes of Cars TYRES PETROL OIL ACCESSORIES SPARES FOR ALL AGENCY LINES. GARAGE ACCOMMODATION NIGHT WATCHMAN. ' BOGKAERTS Ltd., ■c^i^igy REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. GRAZING FOR SHEEP. MENT BUREAU. _!HE Trustees in the Estate of the .late Sir M. Scannell invite Tenders for the right to graze 262 Acres of Grass for six" months, :vfc Ma Waro. the Department look to you for Assistance to RepatriTenders, which close on July 7, should he addressed to: ate Discharged Soldiers. Therefore Register your Vacancies W. BARRY. Ma Waro. at the Repatriation Office, Hunt and Werry's Buildings, Sophia St., Timaru. X EMPLOYERS, LOST AND FOUND. STARTING HANDLE OF OAR. Reward for return to: BOROUGH OF , PPLICATIONS u Town Clerk. WAIMATE. ; 1 1 .'Secretary. LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY SALESMEN. HAY'S BUILDINGS, TIMARU, W. J. ROONEY. Salesman. «EA&" BOYS' HIGH '. Rooms, h. and e; ■ gas,-\-washhous6 SCHOOL.—A water, bathroom, and tubs), ccnCrete" paths and -yard. Nice lovt. C- Section, elo=.e to bus and schoolC Owner left Tiniaru, and we are offering a, nice little- home at s, . Bargain Price—£47s.' : ■- (c. £IOO DOWN.—S-Itoomed House, h. and c. water, plastered,'gas; washhouse (c. and tubs), concrete fence and paths. Small Section, central. A real opportunity to buy on a smait ■ deposit. Price, .£650. .: " A BUNGALOW—o-Rooms. h. and c. hard-wc-TkTard-hythe utmost loyalty to water, bathroom, washliouse, e. Jacob whose place he had and tubs. Small~~"Sectran--close; in, Archdeacon. filled so welT "Mr Rogers had "done Wsii-iti Road Price, £750. WiL work in connection with ■accept small deposit:St. 'BaviourJs-Orphanage, he had" won way to the hearts of all to whoni SCnrERIiOO'gING THE BAY, with he had ministered, and especially had grand view "of town, harboiu;j-> etev 'he become beloved by those who;had 5 Roomed Bungalow, •feeautifully.Tde- suffered bereavement. Mr Rogers signed, with large return, verandah, would be sadly;missed by them all, but suitable for sleeping,in,if necessary. they would wish him every happiness Large .sitting and kit-. in his Shirley. (Applause.) ; chen. /bathroom with porcelain bath. The Mayor-Driest', said a few- words ■■; shbwer,-;h, and .c. ./water,.porcelain He had very great pleasure, he said, in basin, etc:"; large kitchen, -store- being present that night, if only to room.':-.scnllcry,.etc;. wftEbhouse. c. say that it would be impossible for" him .' .and-'txibs, plenty;io£ cupboards, linen to do his duty properly as Mayor,: were 'press,- etc. Nicely-laid but and well it not for citizens like Mr Rogers. kept garden, fowlhbuse;>etc. good a Well (Applause.) -Mr Rogers feheed, stone and paling.. Every citizen in every sense of the word, and good had done no end of for the town; modern; !conveniehce.;^iand:;;_qoinfbi-t.: .'■The.~M.ayor specially mentioned 'what J-Acre Land, comer' 3---A Mr Rogers had done in connection with real bargain. . i£9go. -^: _'-.-~'.^--V" the -irmuenza epidemic, and in connectioiiV.with' .'other patriotic work. ■ His SEPTON would come as a great, Mow depailfcurri' 4-itoomed House;:■',_ with -./.detached in it they were losing washhouse (c; and., tubs), f.woodshed, .was very dear to them all'. etc. -1-A.cre ./Land; (Room /for■■/ an- one.-.'who Mayor assured Mr Rogers that his The other. House). 2 -entrance's, pretty labours: h'ero.'liad heen very much apprecgarden;- A Bai-gaul. /."£500.. iated, and that he would leave Timaru the best -wishes of the wdiole town. CORNER SECTION ;"' •' 1 off North St with Mr Raymond also referred in compli"Close to bus.'route'. £-Rbo"med mentary terms to the great assistance ;■ House, with bathroom- (k.- and c. given by members of the vicar's family, water), scullery, pantrv. efc*~ "De- and assured them that they too would tached washhouse (c. and tubs). -}- carry away with them the thanks Of the Acre Land. A Bargain,.£750 whole- community. (Applause.) ; -- ; t \ '< Archdeacon Jacob. All were Christians of the best type, who taught the word of God in the "bast possible way. The Dean said he, particularly admired the example set by the Anglican Vicars in refusing to he uncharitable even to their enemies. One never heard them pointing:,to the faults or foibles Of their brethren, and if they had not a' good word to say, they would not Bay a harsh o«e. Their broad-mindednesSj their charity, and their God-like principles, : he always, admired. As a Roman Oatho•:lie, he had reason to be proud of the friendship arid companionship of the Vicars of St. Mary's, as well as of the parishioners. The greatest friendship had always been shown him by therii; and; while -he sorrowed .with them in ..the loss .they were suffering, he goiced with them on the return of Archdeacon Jacob. (Applause.) ...The Rev. Evan representing •the Timaru Ministers' Associflition, .voiced some words of farewell to the Re/;. -Mr Rogers. There could be n<> doubt, he'said, as to the regard felt for Mr Rogers in this community. He. had done great work during 'the past three years ..—the .work of three ordinary men. (Applause.) He did not know how Mr Rogers had done what he ihad. - He possessed all ithe vim and fire of -yoiitli with the ripe experience "and Wi'sdorii of age, and was nob at all correctly de.°; cribed as an old man. (Hear; hear.) Often he. (the speaker) had inet Mr Rogers in the public hospital,' and he knew of the -wonderful sympathy which ho showed for all who were 'bereaved "or suffering. They had been told that there were no reirigious distinctions in the trenches, and lie was quite sure that while Mr Rogers was a zealous and loyal son of the Angrican Church, there was no distinction of class or creed with him. Many a heart had lost its burden in his presence. . (Applause.) The i>arisih which was 'to have him iri the. future would be fortunate. Mr Harries made touching reference to the blow which Mr Rogers had suffered in the death of his gallant son, -Major Rogers, D.5.0., at the Front/and in conclusion said thalt Mr Rogers would carry away with him their everlasting- good wishes, 1 '> .Mr Rogers a broad-minded, sympathetic,' and charitable' man, as .were his predecessors—Archdeacon Harper arid (Applause.) Mr J. Maling'added a.further tribute I BE PREPARED FOR THE WET 5 WEATHER. YOU CAN KEEP DRY BY WEARING ONE OF OUR THESE COATS ARE MADE OF VERY STRONG SPECIALLY DRESSED 011,1' DUCK, ARE VERY SOFT AND PLYABLE 1 COMFORTABLE. AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY WATERPROOF. STOCKED IN RIDING CUT IN ALL SIZES ' K^ to -the departing cldrgymam. ■ Ho referred particularly to what Mr Rogers had done for the town When he (the speaker) was Mayor of Timaru, and said that not only w-Quld he he_ remembered hy 'the people of..this parish, but "by-many outside of it. There were hundreds of others who had benefitted by his sympathy, assistance, and advice, and they would always, hold his name in kindly remembrance. (Applause,) '..'.. Mr Simoson said that for some, time pasifc the Rev. Mr Roeers had conducted Bible Class every Sunday morning for a hoys of the Timaru High School, and the boys wished to show their gratitude to him. One of the boys, Gerald Nicholls, then, on behalf of the class, asked-3\fr Rogers to aocept a silvcr-mouinted ebony walking stick,'and he did so in a fitting little speech, (l.pplause.) Mr M. J. Knubley, Vicar's -churchwarden, itheii made the presentation on behalf of the parish of St. Mary's. Iu ?o doing ho-paid, a very warm Mr Ro.gers as a .clergyman and a ! . - ' s 00000000 TEMUKA'S CASH DTiAPEB. ■■ H.P., three seater, Single Cylinder, Rover, in good order. SALE Dress Coat and Vest, FOR late cut little used. Suit smalL gent; £3. Address Herald Office. at in winter. and still the for the Position of ••- 10R SALE- Motor Car, 10 Any trial. "Cylinder," Herald Office. NO FEES. ICIOR SAl.E—Trade Singer Sewing Waiting engagement— JL Machine, in good order- .Price* Labourers, Gardener, Carpenters, £7 10s cash. Apply "Machine," HeMotor-driver. rald Office. CAROLINE BAY J. McAULIFFEy Empire Taxi Stand. SALE—i Acre Section, W»iiti Road, cheap. For full par- ticulars, apply Herald Office. FOR SALE—Potatoes, Table and Small; Onions, and other Vegetables, Rhubarb Roots, Lettuce, "CabTEA ROOMB are WELL PATRONISED bage Plants, etc. J. A. Bott, Th» Gardens, Archer Street. RAILWAY Treasurer, Return- v. MOTOR CAR, A Brisk Walk, and a Delicious Cup Travellers who will be inconCounoil, and Secretary to the "Wai- of Tea with a View of the Ocean awaits you. venienced by the new raihvay armate Domain Board are invited up to rangements, Advertiser wants, known 4 p.m. on TUESDAY, Sth July, 1919. that he has a very good English Car, Salary at the rata of £240 per annum10-12 h.p., 4 Cylinder, 3 Seateiy meFull particulars may be obtained on CONFECTIONERY. chanism to.| application to the undersigned, is in good condition. £330.—whom applications marked "Applica- HOME MADE BREAD, CAKE 4 PIE Apply "Car," Herald Office. tion for Town Clerk" are to he ading Officer to the Waimate Borough TO OPM ALL DAY SUNDAY dressed. (Till 9.30 p.m.) T. G. LEWIS, Town Clerk. Waimate, 17th June 1919. MISS ROSS PUBLIC NOTICE. to notify the Public of Timaru and surrounding districts that I am still canvassing for orders for high class lifelike oil-painted enlargements. These beautiful paintings are the work TBEG ProPriefcreia. Good News lor RENAULT DELIVERY VAN. (HE D.1.C.. Christchurch, have fo Sale a Renault One-ton covered -I. Delivery Van 14-20 H.P. 4-Cylinder, in splendid running order. Eininently suited for and surrounding districts. Apply: MANAGER, D.1.C., Christehurch. of one of New Zealand's finest portrait 10R SALE— artists and are framed in the latest HE PRICE OF TYRES f 3 now aa LPmns Insignus Timber and. Firea styles. No cash required until item, and many a good Tyre wood cut in lengths, 30s a Cord (cash), satisfactory painting is delivered. H. is destroyed through a out, before it on the ground. Timber 12s 6d (cash) GRAND, 41 Evans Street, TIMARU. has FAREWELL AT OTIPUA. seen much usage. ground. Timber cut to 100 ft. on the Then there is many a long life lyr*, order. The people of the parochial: district JTO...THOSE.IN SEARCH OF HOME. the fabric of which it is a pity tfi A. TOZER. ot Utipua, which includes destroy. also FairMillowner, Pleasant Point. will erect a SixA DVERTISER view, Claremont, Salisbury; KingsTO REPAIR THE ONE AND REoil down, Pareora East, assembled in the XjL Roomed Bungalow, Brick, TREAD THE OTHER. Plan Otipua Hall to., hid.. farewell.. to■=• the Section J-Acre, Wai-iti Road. TAKE THEM TO—I,JOR SALE—J S- Rrt gCTS aid family. Mi- (Arclut'ect'sX can be inspected. Cash or ™'VlNY oil oti Claremont presided and a Terms. . TWO MODERN FIVE-ROOMED BUNGALOW; Address: musical programme was g'iven by W HOUSES; .-Selwya-Street. co. Herald Office. ' Misses Williams, Robertson, Rogers, Apply:- • ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE ST.," Dawson, Stewart,. Glanviile, and SerProfessional Tyre and Tube ReWESTLAND TIMARU TIMBER AND . pairer and Tyre Rebuilder. geant G. Hutton. COAL COY.. LTD., NOTKgfcT Tho chairman then stated-' that'the' Beswick Street. object of the meeting was 'to sayi A Specially Imported HAYWARL. ■OOR SALE— good-bye to their Vicar (tho Rev. Mr" VULCANISING PLANT used anu Rogers')', and also to express their apwith this plant, the latest in the DoSeveral FOUR AND FIVE ROOMpreciation of his services .to the disall kinds of Tyre and Tube Re- ED HOUSES, in Brick and Wood, all miniu, trict during tho posi bis years. He to the satisfaction of modern conveniences; also BRICK bo done will pairs Proprietor,Crown BERTI, had endeared himself very much to the "O Every job undertaken guar, owners. and DWELLING. Cash or people, especially by his pastoral work anteed, and in fact it is emphasised SHOP terms in each case Hotel, desires io inform Patrons that during the trying period of the war. with this last word in Vulcanisers av. : Air R-. Stewart referred iu complithat from the Ist JULY, -the Tariff for the part affected with the blow out 51 LeCren Street. mentary terms to Mr'Rogers's abilities will be made STRONGER THAN THE 290. Teleohone as a preacher, and stated that he was Board arid Lodgings will be IDs FABRIC. ORIGINAL pet equally successful in his pastoral work, Estimates given for all work under10R PRIVATE SALE—taken. which had beeu much appreciated throughout the various districts. He -200 ACRES FREEHOLD PROthen presented the reverend gentleman PERTY, situated at. Siitherlands. and also with a purse of sovereigns with a travelling rug. For further particulars, apply to: In his reply the Rev. Mr Rogers EXPERT MOTOH TYRE AND TUBE thanked those present for their kindI. TATE, REPAIRER. ness, and said that all the time he had Sutherlands. been in the district lie had been treat, GEORGE STREET: TIMARU. JULY INTO FORCE FROM 1. ed with uniform kindness. The motor COMES CORNEIIUS'S LABOUR EXCHANGE car presented to him had enabled him Opposite Skating Rink. <OME of the increase in wages has to do more visiting, and he had been passed be to to on the General helped hi his work by his own family, Public, and so the Vacancies in all parts of'Cabut he' had not dene as much as ho nterbury and Otago for domestic, S. D U N F 0 R D, workers, would have liked hotel, tea room and restnart desires to intimate to the Resiemployees in any capacity, under of Temuka and District that he ant dents RECTORY BOYS' APPRECIATION best conditions and highest wages. FROM JULY 1 WILL CHARGE has taken over Mr H. Ford's CoronaExperienced laundresses Women Is 6d tion Tea Rooms and Bakery Business, for FOR LUNCHEONS During 'the past three years the Rev. Is 6d day work required urgently. Wait is and now open. Mr Rogers lias conducted a Bible Class ing Nursery engagement— governesses, Even at this price the Luncheons of High School boys who attend St. Bread .Cart .will resume calling on housekeepers, companion helps, rouse' Mary's Church. In the BChool assembly will give about the best value in town. July 1. Price per Large Loaf 10 Each, a bouts and boys for station and farmhall on Monday afternoon he was prelid Booked: work, married couples. ' Furnished AFTERNOON AND MORNING sented with a set of Loewe pipes aud a house and rooms to let. Anyone deThe Tea Rooms are under the manTEAS AS USUAL--Bd. siring to let rooms please send nddress silver tobacco box by the Rectory boys .-.■■■ of Mrs J. S. Parke. agement who attend the class. H. Black, who or call at 3 Barnard Street, or STAFFORD TEA ROOMS. phone 410. Hours. 9 to 12; 2 to 5.30. made JJie presentation, spoke, of the Afternoon Teas a Speciality. Evenings 7 to 2 by appointment. privilege which they had enjoyed in heing guided in matters spiritual by the Rev. Mr Rogers. PROPRIETRESS. Catering in all its'" branches. The Rector, Mr W. Thomas, exPhone 442. pressed the highest appreciation of the SIMPLY rev. gentleman's services to the school, and stated that he was sure that those REMOVAL NOTICE.: boys who had been under him would remember his advice all, the days of their life. STANDARD F. AND M. INSURANCE On rising to reply. Mi- Rogers, who COMPANY. had endeared himself to all the boys, FOR LOCAL INDUSTRY. as he has. to every one in the comOF NEW ZEALAND, LTD. received munity, was with cheers. He said his Bible .Class work in Timaru Offices of the Compauy have FIRST ORDER, 10,000. was the happiest of his fifty-three years been removed from Turnbull's ministry. He thanked the Anglican Buildings to'Hay'B Buildings, corner of boys for the rapt attention and interest and Strftthallan Streets, adPRIME WINTER, BLACKS UP TO StaffordBockaert's they had shown in his classes. In partGarage. ,: is 3d EACH joining ing with them .he hoped the school NEW ZEALAND LADIES WHO would go on building on the same solid HAVE HAD THE PLEASURE E. A. LeCREN. foundation. OF EATING "WLNTER DOES UP TO 4d Manager. At the Rector's request Mr Rogers PRIME * per; lb;';/good; straight lilies can Telephone No. 750. added a few words about the Peace lit average price. be aii bought, wliich had just been signed. ' Prayer and self-sacrifice were the keynotes of his fitting remarks. San Francisco lLM'X4i\iUm ~ ~ - % - - " * ' the New Tea-Rtiom Award HAS Stafford Tea Rooms DELIGHTFUL! Rabbit Skins Wanted date THE i( Now the War is over CEREGEN WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH. After eicKviess-i--when the nerves are .ill wrong"—when body and 'brain are wakened through overwork, build on Ceregen -This all-British l>roteid- MffCTfjgil HIBERNIAN HOTEL, TIMARU. Queen's Hotel. j j l; Q. Evans, which has heen off the N.Z. Market for two years, is again available and is Now PIANOFOETE AND on Sale at all Stores L.A.B M tfHEOBIL Has Resumed Tuition. Address: 109 CHUBCH ST. Special Attention will be given to . are in ecstasies over their FLAVOURS. YES!—"RHINES."' These Chocolates Family Residential Hotel, MISS SUCft'JE, . DELICIOUS food contains over 80 per cent, of proteid—vitally necessary for Corner Barnard and North Streets. the formation of muscle, bram and nerve tissue. The value of Ceregen is proved by the fact that it is used in �Naval Hospitals and Military Convales- ■ ■ 'HIS favourite Hotel has been cent Hospitals in ISngland and Allied JL taken over as a going concern countries. All-British—alwavß has been*, by—Get Ceregen now. 2s 6d3 4s 6d, 6s 6d, 12s. From all chem'sts. 12s size contains 8 times amount of 2s 6d tin. (16) Who intends to run same as an ideal Fhospliate . . quite different are to other makes, and the boxes too are. so Design. Smart in ONLY A SMALL SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED 'RHINES' From Chocolate House. Sold Timaru byMrs Hardwick, Lo Grand Loungo, ■-••-' and G. Hilton, .Confectioner. . St. Mary's schoolroom, Bank Street, to oyerflo\vin£ last . night when farewell Was taken of the actiiigJ, H. Rogers, who leaves Rev. Vicar, for Shirley to-day. During his three years' residence in Tiniaru, as actingVicar of St. Mary's, Mr Rogers has endeared himself to all sections of the community; and probably no more genuinely sincere farewell gathering has ever been held in Timaru than' that which was held last night. Mr R. W. Simpson, ..parishloners' churchwarden, presided, and there were also on -the" platform in addition to the guest of the evening, the Very Rev. Dean Tubman, Rev. E. H. Thorpe, Rev. A. Begg, Rev. 33. R. Harries, Messrs Wm. Raymond. (Mayor;, :W-.D. Revell, A. Latter, R. Morgan, A. "Washer, M. J. Knubley, W. Priest and H. J. Mathers. Apologies for unavoidable absence were received from the Rev. T. Stinson, the Rev. A. H. Nqrris (of Temuka), aud the Ven. Arch. Jacob, vicar of St. Mary's. The latter, who has been on war service for three years, has just returned to the Dominion aud was. to' have been welcomed home last night, but was detained in Wellington. Mr R. W. Simpson expressed their high appreciation of the guest of the evening, who- he said, had been with them for the past 'three years. 'Mr Rogers:Md gained the warm" esteem 'of all with, whom he had come'in contact —and deservedly so. He had iaboufed unceasingly to promote the. welfare! of the parish =.a«d -in -ihis he had succeeded to the full. .As a. minister and" a citizen they had learned to love him. He had made himself beloved not only by members in his own parish but by many people, outside of it. His labours had_Jieem .characterised by unceasingly was filled OR SALE-30 to 35 Gallon Milk Run. Apply Herald Office..' , , BIG FAREWELL GATHERING. FOR SALE. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS* EMPLOY- . : REV. 3V-H. ROGERS. the greatest admiration for the Rev. Mr Rogers. That night they had : "Jittle Ireland in their midst"— tho tear for the departure of their much loved Vicar, and the smile of welcome for his successor. Tho Dean said he thought very highly uf Mr Rogers and had always done so. The longer he knew him ."the better he got to Juke him, and ■lie "deeply regretted his departure,-' r Mv' Rogers was a broad-minded man of deep religious convictions, and he had surprised them all by the great amount'of work which he had managed to do. He looked upon him as a kind of elder brother and a great and sincere, worker for his Church and his God. (Applause.) Dean Tubman said he owed a lot 'to the members of St. Mary's Church. He had -always got on adiiiirably with the vicars arid."-parishioners," arid he felt grateful for the lead they had given to the Catholics in erecting such., a beautiful Church. Their lovely building had set him thinking and longing, arid the result was the .Basilica on Craigie Avenue which they all admired so much. (Applause.) He had found P^ker - ' plauded Tubman, who was warmly apon rising to speak, said lie had H . rflE vices of a Capablo Man to take up the duties of Organiser in the Canterbury Province. Applicants must be Returned Soldiers, and must be competent to address Public Meetings and generally organise the Asociation throughout the Province. Salary £3OO per annum and Travelling Expenses. -All Applications must be in writing July and forwarded not later than 10th. addressed to the Saeretary. Returned Soldiers' Association, Christchurch. W. E. LEADLEY, [ A POPULAR VICAR. Canterbury Provincial Executive of the N.Z. Returned Soldiers' Asociation. require the ser- Dean Chevrolet" " coming to hand regularly, and we will have much pleasure in low ™« ORGANISER WANTED. and " THE 1919 BUTCJiS, 4 AND 6 CYLINDER. AND THE FAMOUS -l-SEATER BUIOKS. 'au- thorities had made him feel that there was nothing he would not try to do to help the town,' and he thanked Mr Raymond and Mr Mailing for their kind words. He also desired to thanii Dean Tubman and the Rev. Mr Harries. Never had .there been, the slightest difference between them. They had never •altered' thair standards, bu/t each had' held his own, worked harmoniously together, and respected each other. It was exceedingly kind of the Dean and Mr Harries to come to the meeting that night and speak as they had done. Referring to His class of boys at the High School Mr Rogers said he had. never had another class wliich had ap'epaled to him so strongly. They were .boys of exceptional promise, and it would be the hardest thing of all to say good-bye to them. He hoped they would still be taken an interest in, and if so they would prove a magnificent .-asset to the town. .He and they: had grown together and he did not like the word farewell in its application to them. As; to the parish, Mr Rogers said that it was impossible for him to say all "that was in his heart. If he had done .tv'ell, as they said, it was because of help they had given him in providing him with a car, and assisting him in every conceivable way. He wished also to say that in the Rev. Mr Thorpe no man had ever had a better friend. He had been more itham a brother to him, ana they had worked together in a way which could not be excelled. He had also to thank God for the help of such a vestry as he had been blessed with. No vicar had ever had a better, if as good. Mr Rogers also returned his thanks to the lay readers, and to all from whom he had received such wonderful sympathy and encouragement in his work. Tnis came from sympathetic and loving hearts, and it was all God's doing. They had been through the furnace together, and their hearts had been knit togethei in a way that would not admit of their ever being sundered. He was deeplv sorry that his friend Archdeacon, Jacob was not witli > them that night. The Archdeacon had helped him in many ways, and he knew that on his reodrn they would give him a warm and hearty welcome. By doing this they would show their love for liim (the speaker). In conclusion Mr Rogers said he prayed God to bless them more and more. He never cease to pray for them, and he knew that in their supplications to God they would not forget him. Again he thanked them from the depths of his heart. (Applause.) At intervals solos were very nicelv given by Miss Isaacs and Smith, and a memorable function Miss closed with the benediction pronounced bv thp departing vicar. " " 9 TWEEDS, in smart diagonal and cheek weaves. In serviceable.mixtures of Green, Brown, Blue and Grey. 40in. wide 7/6 yard ALL-WOOL COLONIAL TWEEDS that guarantee In dependable colours. This long service. range embraces both plain and fancy weaves. The shades are chiefly Browns, Blues, and Greys. 56in. wide 10/6 yard SMART GABARDINE, in a new check effect. Excellent in appearance, and so moderate in price. In Blue, Grey, Brown, and Fawn tones. 38in. wide 4/6 yard Other Shipments following. j Cashel Street, Christchurch Place your Orders Early. i George Street, Timaru, .. WEDNESDAY; . MMARU HERALB ■ -yfeE the Table, ; the Best of Wines .and Spirits will be carried, and Speights' Great For Influorura take Woods' Union and Hole's Ales will be stocked. Peppermint Cure. Never failß. Is 6d, 2s 6d. M . m° ASK TO SEE RHINES fHB TIItAIH? BBRAIIK WED&SSSDAY. JULY 2 1919 3 CK£S^SXS3CO2^^ Realizing every Anticipation. Surpassing ail Expectations Shop Early AVOID AND THUS ADVERTISED THROUGH MENT and until 12th JULY. flpßiSlliliyi DISAPPOINT- LINES BEINQ- SOLD OUT. FURTHER OelerL^^ 1 BE mMMmm ■s&m Shop Early #£TCM| WONDERFUL IN EVERY-; DEPARTMENT;-'""-;'** HERE ARE A ,FEW EXAMPLES Clothing: Dept. GENT'S Dress Dept. 7 Pieces CREPE LUSTRE, for Evening Frocks, in Creme, Nil, Sky, Saxe, Champagne, Facon, NaVy. RAIN COATS. Usual Price, 955. SALE PRICE, 77a 6d: 9 MEN'S SAC SALE PRICE, SmTß^"3^^W; 39s 6^4s^^sos^sss^ 2 Pieces, . CREME CORD VELVETEENS. Usual Price, 3s lid. WOOL AND ->FURJ FELT/ HATS. Usual Price^9s^d :& 145^60l -1 Piece Gacii^ odin ' ~ Doz. :fe;AP™^l*n & '" CAPS. 4s 6d. '■ ■"■' "-v?-;sS;;^^ 10/Pie'ces COLOURED ;SPOT ■ OPEN EACH From 9.30. a.m-. to 5.30 p.m. SALE PRICE, 2s lid. SALE PRICE, 10s 6d Manchester 3 Pieces Habdy. FAWN UNION FLANNEL. Usual Price, 2s 6d. 12 timaru TO-DAY LADIES' and following Q days Watch rarwa "?■*■ HOOKLESS^FASTENERS,:' in' Black ■.■;Ma;..^it^: ;;-;_ :"^.--^raal'-Price,l'.2s : 6d. ;.":':■ , ; r - ;' :-. '■' :'.'>':'" ; ...;'.; Usual Price,;4s"3d:V> SALE PRICE 3dd ;2 S AT BIG ALL MILLINERY WARM & "K''—Pie Apricots, Peaches. Apples, Plums, and Gooseberries. Eraporated—Apricots and Apples, Californian Prunes. and Cooking Figs. AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY SALE PRICE 14s 6d. , DRESSING GOWN. Usual Price, 21s. SALE PRICE, Hfe 6d, ~ GABERDINE *."' •■ mmwmmmmmm momOßm NORTH STREET. TIMARU. AT BEACONSFIELD. PRICE,'' 30s. AND Dewar, and Edginiton being appointed a committee to make arrangeProvan, Before starting' business the National Anthem was sung in recognition of the MOVING IN WINTER. Peace Treaty. being signed. The chairman moved that-the annual Short, cold days and wet weather often report and balance sheet (as published in the "Timaru Herald") be adopjted. unfavourable make it specially importget experts to move your furniant to In doing so he congratulated the club on experienced men economise being able to show such good progress ture. do the work carefully, skilfully, during the trying years of the waiy time, arid inconvenience you as little as poswhen aft sport was practically in abey- sible. The special vans also ance. Bowlers kept going, buit it could the furniture splendidly.—The protect New not be said with very great heart. But Zealand Express Company (Ltd).— now the war clouds had been and Advt. lifted, they rejoiced that > peace had been signed that day. They, with kindred sports, would be able to join in the game with an easier conscience, and a free heart. Numerically their numbers were Just about the same a s last year, A. young mother -worries needlessly when and income has mdb expenditure. Mr E. E. Provan. the treasurer, made she finds that baby has developed a cold. some remarks explanatory 0 f the bal- An experienced mother like Mrs. H. ance sheet, and the motion was nut and Stephen, of 5, Leichhardt St., Waverley, N.S.W., wraps baby in Wawn's Wondercarried unanimously. Officers for the coming Year were Wool—this Magic Wrap soothes and cures elected as follows: —Patrons," Mr Wm" while baby sleeps. She says :—" Your Wonder-Wool is simply splendid. My Thomas, M.A., and Mr J. E. Chiles•" baby (10. months old) had such a nasty president, Mr Geo.- Emmerson; viee- cold which I could not cure. I ÜBed several presidents, Messrs Alex Irvine and Robremedies, but not one seemed to have ent Buxton j hon. secretaiy, Mr Harry cough any effect. Someone advised me to try Edginton; assistant secretary, Mr It. F. your 'Wonder-Wool' and right glad I am Provan,- hon. treasurer, Mr' Wm. Mo- that I did so. It had immediate effect, Giatchy; committee, Messrs Ellis, Hay, loosening the cough and the cold Munro, McLean, Provan, Currie and I,'. right out of the system. driving is really the Dewar; match .committee, Messrs T. most sensible and effective It way of curing a Currie, L. Dewar and A. C. Jones; cold that I have ever yet heard of." green supervisors, Messrs A. Irvine and Wawn's Wonder-Woolis equally effective Jus. Shephard; delegate to Centre, Mr for adults, and acts like magic in cases of C Porter hou. auditor, Miss Jean Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Colds, etc. Munro; refreshment committee, Thurs- Always keep it in the home—you never know when it will be needed. day- matches, Mr H. Edginton; SaturOf all Chemists and Stores, 2/6 a packet, or day matches, Mr A C. Jones: green]pft from V. A. Wawn, ManufacturingChemist, to incoming committee. keener, The following special donations were' 186 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. ' 5 made to the club funds—G. Emmerson, mtm&m L. Dewar. T. Currie, H. Edginton, T. Buxton. J. MdLean, A. Irvine, one guinea each; D. Ashton, R. E. Provan, WSHSS C. ElMs. C. Porter, and Wm. McClatchy half n guinea each. It was agreed to leave this list oppn other members may wish to subscribe. Mr Geo. MiLcto offered to make and vrosent to the club a suitable Honours Board, and Mr A. C. Jones offered to write the winners' names since the j inception of the club. 3 These offers were accepted with ( tbanks. • ! Mr D. Ashton moved a'hearty vote \ of thanks tp the officers, ladies, and all who had helped the club during che |j.a:t season.—This was carried with ap- '-I I I 0 10 10 0 > mmteffiw. :"! [ 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 13 6 2 0 0 i o 0 2 0 6 22 0 2 4 6 1 3 0 1 11 6 18 0 1 13 Thoir combination of Quality and Price makes "DUNLOPS" the ioit valuable Association for the Motorists of New Zei Obtainable from all Reputable Garages. i plause. ; BRITISH THROUGH AND THROUGH. SS Cnim; tlait, Wtlliwto*. US W«rait»r Strut. Orirtciirck. 62 j i j Fwt Slrwt. Awilui • HAS joes£ I -". Usual}Price.'9s 6d". "" 0 SALE PRICE, 7s 6d. ,< - Y ■ * :•"'■ # "-HEAVY*. 72 k36. ■ J Usual Price. 7s lid. SALE iPBICS, :6s lid- \ HAVE BEEi>- DISTILLING FOR 150 YEARS. • «s {*' Usual Price, 3s; 3d. SALE PRICE,'2s 3d. 6d- DOWN" COLOURED"' BEDSPREADS. 9 only SALE PRICE, 2s lid. June was a changeable" month. The opening days'were marked by frost of unusual severity for the time' of the year and some very low temperatures were recorded. . The cold was particularly intense at Fail-lie, where 25 degrees of frost were registered. From the sixth to .the fourteenth somewhat milder conditions ruled, giving place on the latter date to a cold southerly rain. From the fifteenth to the twenty-first milder conditions again supervened. On the twenty-first-a cold north-west storm developed, bringing a heavy snowfall to the Mackenzie Country on the following day. On the twenty-third and twentyfourth a cold southerly storm and general rain swept the lowlands, laying a fairly heavy snowfall on the hill country. On the morning of the twenty-fifth a light snowfall was experienced in parts of the district. The twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth were marked by intense frost and in parts of the hack country the frost registration was only a few degrees above zero. The frost at Waimate on the morning of the twenty-eighth was reported as having been the severest on record. The last two days of the month were marked by north-west conditions;, reports coming to hand of snow falling from that quarter in the back country. The rainfall recorded during the month was somewhat patchy and generally below the average throuchout the distrct. OUTLOOK FOR. JULY. Usual Price, 16s lid. SALE PRICE, 14s, 6d. No Goods Exchanged. The safest, strangest and speediest of all rubber anti-skids, and unrivalled for the driving wheels of high powered machines. especially those used .for heavy side-car work. * - BRITISH THROUGHOUT. \\ m m $m warn >M$! ill mm mmm®* ffcsM:•am SK«. ill FROM ALL GARAGES Wkelwtte.-—MALIHB a 00. LTD, CWtatotmreH '*- The Smart » » m mi Set's ■...;, Choice wm mmm mm There is every indication of severe cold weather conditions ituiiug during the greater part of July. However, in' the matter of precipitation South Canterbury should not experience as much rain or snow as North Canterbury. The Mackenzie Country, however, should experience heavy snow. i^^si *m*m;*n m KRUSAL SALTS—NATURE'S MINERAL SPRING SALTS, is the best Boivent for URIC ACID in the blood, which accompanies GOUT, RHEUMATISM. ECZEMA, and diseases of the KIDNEYS. Ths salt LIVER ANDchlorides and phosphates contains the of sodium, magnesia, and Ijfchia. On* dose first thing in the morning ; ceepg the system in good health. It j s perfect DIURETIC APERIENT, suitable for all persons suffering from GOUT. RHEUMATISM, LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE, and HABITUAL The multitude will have no other! - CONSTIPATION. Manufactured by the Krusal Mineral Spring Salts Co. London. Prioe. Is 6d Jar. Posted anyl vhere in the Dominion for 3d extra Sole Agents for N.Z.. NEIL'S PHARMACY, Chemists, 73 Stafford St. South. Timaru. Centre matches. The club competitions will bo held on Inst year's lines, Champion Sin<rles, Singles-. aaid Handicap H-and'cai> Doubles, the match committee to sw- { ran ere same, and improve where tlievl tlrnk fit. If. was decided to hold an evMiinn for Ihp. Indies as n. com oilmen 1 for work in r-rovidinn" afternoon ■?.'<. evpnin.jr wi"! be. taken up with music ctircls. and danefnp- aid wil ! I_, e held on I "Wednesday, July 16,. Messrs Emmerson, t weather produces SPECIAL OFFER OF »»Kdg. ui-e quickly relieved by "NAZOL.' This remedy is equally efficacious for young, old, or middle-aged persons. (3) lliey Reliable Second-Han J WHITE RICC j i '. TO. 8L A. McCALLUM. LACF * S .8'g ... j j COMMENCED.; "ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED I ~; Pairs 14 ; THE WEATHER. Changeable son, and to pl'ay six rinks in , TKMUKA SACON FACTORY. REASON | m earns. It was decided to issue :i cha'tp-fTje for the Bristol Cup "for tho eomino* sea- THE PIONEER MANUFACTURERS of the PNEUMATIC TYRE iiess9B@stsssa Tlie question of issuing debentures was discussed at considerable longt-h, and it was ultimately agreed to leave this to the committee to look into, uiid report whether the club's liabilities could not be greatly eased by this j , " The Brnilop Rubber Co. of Australasia Ltd. ! 9 10 2 10 12 15 17 5 ! 3 10 10 6 8 6 9 TUBES : 35/4* COVERS j I I i WHITE TREAD GROOVED COVERS and our ALL RED TUBES. v ; j i I And for a Start, here are a few Prices of our ' "AUTUMN LADIES'' BODICES AND S.S. ance. I ALWAYS A-HEAD! £4l7s 6d- The chairman moved a vote of thanks' WEST END CLUB. to the Press, for the great assistance SOUTH CANTERBURY CONDITIONS they always gave in publishing the The sixth annual meeting of the reporting names 'tof players and End Bowling Club was iield in .West the matches. Pavilion on Monday night. Air Geo. (By F. L, Wooles.) A similar vote to the chairman closed Emmerson presided over a good attend- the meeting. | MP 32/3* *** SALE PRICE, Delivery not guaranteed on day of purchase. j t ISB« 33/4 34/4 :' ,- Usual Price,' 9s-lld. SALE PRICE, 32b 6d. ' ■ 30/3* • • SALE SENSIBLE ¥/AY TO CURE BABY'S COLD. vvhere QUAL'TY CQUNi? SIZE COSTUMES. ' T7sual ■ S£i eia^iasr?; 31/4 TO CLEAR, Is. SALE PRICE, 19s 6d pair. Price, 25s 6d. LADIES' P.D. CORSETS. Size 34; Usual Price, 15s 6d. 35, 36. ments., IS NOW 820/120 880/120 920/120 PYJAMAS. '4B WILL BE SOLO iua»2ww:iiMsaa«riYti Usual Price, 32s 6d. BOWLING. IN SHORT SUPPLY, AVE HAVE BEEN FRESH FRUIT IN SECURING FULL STOCKS OF PIE EVAPORATED. ASFORTUNATE 0 10 6 6 116 0 1 2 6 6 1 13 0 6 1 5 0 0 114 1 14 6 0 2 0 0 15 0 1 18 6 5 0 1 19 6 '' ... REGARDLESS OF COST. Doors 9.30 ».au a.m. am. to $m p.m. 10 5.30 p. Using Plenty of Fruit I 0 7 15 12 12 5 15 WHITE COTTON Usual Price, Is 3d, Is 4d. ' SHOWROOM MILLINERY REDUCTIONS. IS GREATLY INCREASED BY 5 5 5 7 6 815/105 8 815/120u-. 10 8 875/105 915/105 9 GENT'S 6 Pairs COLOURED MADRAS CURTAINS. Usual Price, 29a 6d pair. LADIES''MERINO. COMBINATIONS; Long Sleeves. ' GOOD HEALTH 700/85 6 Doz- Furnishing SALE PRICE, 17s 6d. THIS SEASON'S SALE PRICES. 710/90 760/90 765/105 810/90 205.." TIONS. LADIES' '6 TABLE OF MANCHESTER REM-. NANTS, Marked at SPECIAL /#jZWo/» SHIRTS., SALE PRICE, 6s. LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING ;-:SALE PRICE, (6deach." : '■: SALE PRICE, 4s lOd. P.O. Box, 43. Telephone, 65. Doz.. ;KHAKI 'COTTON SALE PRICE, 12s 6d. DELAINE BLOUSE Usual Price. 6s lOd. APPROVAL. ,4 ' da os lid. 6s 9d. SALE PRICE, 4s lid " . * Is 6d.' cirrifuwMi.. CHILDREN'.S' CREAM ALL' WOOL" Usual Price, ODD NUMBERS AND SIZES, in. Ladies' Shoes, at BIG REDUC- ttrvk 9d. \ nu Doz.' HANDKERCHIEFS. SALE PRICE, Is 6d. LENGTHS. 3 / ; with Price, 10s 6d. SALE PRICE,. 9s 3d; LEATHER VLB PRICE, Fancy & SHIRTS,' Usual' Collars. with Collars. Usual Price, »7s lid. PATENT, :: 5 Pieces STRIPED CEYLON A. for Shirts. Usual Price, Is lid. 250 FIGURED 5 Doz. MEN'S UNION LADIES' TAN GLACE COURT SHOES. Usual Price, 22s 6d. Embroidered CAMISOLE LENGTHS. Usual Price, 4s 3d, 5s 3d. ; GALATEA-. PRICE, 6d. SALE PRICE, 14s 9d. TO-DAY , SALE ss: SALE PRICED os lid. \sm -Usual Price, 2s. ■' ] All SizesGOLOSHES, Usual Price, 75.- Usual SALE PRICE, lUd. STRIPED ASSOCIATION. Price,, SALE PRICE, lis 6d. LADIES' SALE PRICE, Is 3d yd. 6 Pieces LIGHT COLOURED PRINT. Usual Price, Is 6d Usual -. THE FARMERS' CO-OP. WAIMATE 1.3. VEILINGS, in Black, Navy, Grey, • Green and Brown. Usual Price, Is 9d to 2s 6d. SALE PRICE, Is lid. Pieces; with more reckless abandon, and the public reap the benefit. Mereery Dept. GIRLS' TAN GLACE BOOTS, 10, 11, Prices STLKtS. 2 Pieces 54in HEAVY COATING, in Fawn and Navy. Usual Price, 14s 6d. DAY Boot Dept. -"Usual. Price, Ss lid. > ' DOORS Usual-Price, 8s 9d. SALE-PRICE; 6s lid. , ls^6d^ ; ' Throw 2s lld- ELACK - ,/COSTUMJO OLOTH. - : PRICE. SALE ; : 7 Doz. SALE 6d' SALE PRICE, 6s Is now in it's middle epoch. Almost coincident with the signing of Peace, the feeling ef Victory has tempted us to i 13 : FOr BOOTS $ FLOORS |"S a Coal that burns with satisfaction. L The repeat orders prove thi&. -Besides the price shows a great saving. Truck lots 29s a ton. If you require half a truck, arrange with friend "to take the other half. A. CRUICKSHANK, Agent fov South Canterbury. 63 TRATHMORE ST. TIMARU 1 1 1 1 jfWO H.P. WCLSELEY, 4 CYLIXDFP b-SEATER DARRACQ, 4-CYH\DFR 8-SEATER STUDEBAKER. 4" CYLINDER 2-SEATER ALLEN, 4 5-SEATER TALBOT, 4 CYLINDER uYLINDER £ Prices from £6O to £535 9 MUST BE SOLD. GARAGE ROYAL, Sophia Sfrpa? R c robihsoh « - ffffE TIMAffIJ HERAXR JULY 2 1919 "OH! OH! DELPHINE." TOMORROW NIGHT.. At-the. Theatre Royal to-mprro.w J..C. Williamson's Royal Comic will stage for .the- first tunc- la Timaru the big London Gaiety musical, comedy spectacle "Oh! Oh! Delphine," which eveninjr Opera Company is generally regarded as being a Jong_ way better work than either "Maytrme" or "Katinka," .and m it every member of. the.Royal Comic Opera Company are at their Owing to illness both,. Mr Reginald iNJRESPoksB TO'NUMEROUS IN NOTIFYING. THAT, Roberts' and Miss Florence-Young were unable to appear in' "Katinka," but they will be both seen in parts which have helped to make 'tJieir names household words throughout Australasia. "Oh! Oh! Delphine" is art exhilarating light ooera in 3 acts,, with libretto "by M. S. MdLennan, a welll known English playwright, and music, by Ivan- Caryll. Report speaks highly as to the brightness and beauity of the music, which in some insitancesi, it is affirmed, soars within the region of grand opera. Again the "book" is unusually racy and uncommonly humorous, the plot of a novel description,.and the general environment of a supremely gay and rol- INQUIRIES WE HAVE PLEASURE OUR WINTER SALE "WILL COMMENCE ONI licking nature. =*•■■■■ IW.I|P« ,,_ r>>vt4..&aT* Three sut/er have been painted for the production by Messrs John Coleman, George ITuward, and Harry Litltle, three famous w^mm^,,-,-; > , * Wm ■£&&£&mzmiimv?sm English scenic artists. These comprise the lounge and foyer of the Hotel Beau ¥m?mta®Jwm&&y®fsim!X!S® Riyage, Brest, France; the verandah and rose gardens of the Villa Primrose,' and the grand ball room of the Hotel Beau Rivage. As to the- costuming of the play it is said that of the many finely . gowned musical. plays that J. C. ;Williamson Limited have prepared for the public in the past, the dressing of "Oh! Oh! Delphine" for gorgeous costuming entirely overshadows in the way of-lavish display any of their previous .efforts. The casffc is a long one and necessitates the employment of more than the usual artists." This being the case the companv has been materially strengthened. Nevertheless the "old favourites are retained in the persons of Miss Florence Young, Miss Gladys Moncrieff, Miss Maude Beatty (who makes her first Australian reaopearance since her return from EnfrlaLud and America) Miss Gladys Moncrieff. Mr C&nrle Mr'Oliver- PpflVock, Mr-Cyril ■Richards.- Mr .Reginald Rob- DRAPERY, CLOTHING HING Liberal at unu As everything points to a serious shortage this Season, clients would do well to buy now. *&,. J erts and Mr Phil: Smith. ..~a.mss!!Trr^M:S^ Saddlery and Tourists Outfitter, Stafford St. North, Tlmaru BKTffiCTI - Will be offered Just landed a few Gross of the Seasons 1919 best Tennis Balls ■■ BACHELORS' BALL. Better Than Lmoieum To have those CARPENTERING REPAIRS DONE GAPE'S AND BEAUTIFUL VALLEYS. OUR PREMISES CLOSED ALL DAY FOR SALE PREPARATIONS. from the Hilltop of -Mackenzie! i to LOOK HERE A very successful bachelors' ball was given m me laapes v uuey Midi! on i'riuay evening iasu. ine evening was a iine biic veiy cihu one. btili. mere .was a very J&rge garnering, peopie coming xrom long cusvaiuces and xrom ail £>urrouintliitg districts. The musicians ■ for the dunce were Messrs. B. Meredith (piano; and G. Fletcher" (violin), and extras were piayed by .several friends. Mr J. Tindali, of Hilton, acted as M.C. very efficiently, things going merrily lihroughout the .eyenrag. liners were 45 coupies in the grand inarch. An excellent Mipper supplied by Mr Bryant; of Geraldine, was round. During the evening songs weie rendered by iMessrs S. Molver, \V. Fawdray, S, Heyder and a returned soldier, Priy.ate P. Ivey, all being well applauded. Amongst /those invited to the ball were a large number of returned soldiers who were made The special committee formed to rum -%e bachelor's hall, were Messrs S. Davie, A. Davie, F. Hall. B. Hall. G. Patrick, R. Tagg, S. Hansen, the hon. secretary being Mr Ted Leonard, of Beautiful The committee and all those Valley. who had assisted during the evening deserve great credit for the maimer in which they carried it'..'through. BE WILE j] /«/" ! Just the Boots fOT the Weather when THE THERMOMETER IS LOW! REMEMBER: We make all these Boots m ?m Therefore, by eliminating man's Profit, the Middle- im 3ti-t we Sell them to you cheaply MEN'S MEN'S KIP COOEHAMS, GREENHIDE Sera CX)OKHAMS. to NOW. THE RETURNED SOLDIER Heel, very Stout Soles SfSl^o^Atry2B^ 8 P °¥' BOOTS**?^' ?t TSSf" MflrimTpmrS" lUßj Heavv Thre ~ 26s 6d' ' IS F.O. BOS 77. TEL., sSil - ay reg-y. a at,. x J! i *i. 692 * SSkWSSajSi. m that the DODGE STANDS UP TO THE SEVPREST TEST OF CLIMATE AND TERRAIN. m <S&>M 1 : &** **=n- -33?S $S$ in W£**l% S?^ 3k- BUILT TO REPUTATION. Its sweet lines and LOW RUNNING EXPENSES IN PETROL and Oil make it the ideal medium car. THEN .THERE'S THE PRICE. w&% IF INTERESTED, MODERATE CONSULT- ; unm\m\ JK SUB-AGENT. ST. GARAGE TIMARU. TAKE CAKE OF YOUR q WHEN ■INEXPENSIVE HOUSEHOLD ABTIGLES, GIFTS, -■.iDSEFUL AND OENASIENTAL of Oar Windows. r8 a Featur e .We Respectfully In/ite Yenr Attention T, u;, -. fc>.. ±Ucnuiaaun .-saia:—-Of■-.-«M1: ;.the oyersea-s : amiuuioas; iioiio had taJseii a greater snare or :Te's»onsibility. tHad is<ew Zealand, and"'its share' would-be iiandett uown to posterity : as, one ©fythe greatest acluevemeiiits .of tlie ,jvar. Still, it must be acKno>Vi.e;dgeu lihat the greatest burden of "the,, war had ■beeii borne by tlio Old Country..' When he landed atr Gallipoli tie was Informed: that:;ihe New Zealanders were' ''just -it," They were the best ineii.on the Peninsula* It turned out tha't his informant was •No doubt a man from Paekafc'ariki. the New ZealaM men'' had 'done well; but the problem, he was friosfc concerned about was the rehabilitation 'iof our men.: He spoke as a. soldier." lihagino ,*he difficulties they, had lived unider at-;ihe front, putting up with conditions which,; befoi-e the war, ' would have been con-, sidered impbssiWev and with the prospect that next day tihey migbib \be dead! In sucK circumstances it'; was absurd to suggest notions of thrift. ,i If they could now be settled down to work in civil life there was no doubt they would be better men.: They had a better knowledge of human nature, and there had heen a .levelling down rof social ranks to one kindred imderstaindin'g. ( A common brotherhood ha*! been established, a feelhig of 'confidence and; regard had been created between offic-' ers and msn- and 'they were all going to stick to one another. It was no wonder, therefore, that they came together gliadly under the auspices of the Returned Soldiers' Associations. These men had gone forth' to fight-" -hoping that there would be an ideal world at the end. Had what they fought for been realised? This was the: question they now asked.' "What was wanted was a reconstruction of the concTLtions labour of which would make this world better living in tluai before. Business men and all sections of the community should realise the difficulties the soV diers bad passed through,, and be prepared to overlook delinquencies in view: of tlhe sacrifices they had made. The' disabled soldier problem was a great one. Ir was not limited to the man who had merely lost a limb. Many mental cases required compassion." They must be afforded opportunities and good advice. As to the future, notwithstanding Leagues of Nations, there must be the insurance of a. good. navy, and it would be well to- Save provision made for a sudden expansion of the Army, as had been accomnlished at the; commencement of this wan GROWING CHICKS are newly hatched every care a taken V them and as likely as not a coorl Zml mal,y Chicks are killed by But when the Chicks grow and appear to be looking afterfeithero tW selves the tendency it to let *L™ Be advised by Poultrymen who profits from Poultry—DON'T while your Stock is growing that ft» need the best attention and good they kindnefs mX food! WE ARE POULTRY EXPERTS and Guarantee OUR "A.8.C." CHICK FOOD "Defer no time—delaya have dangerous CORN CRUSHING AND GRINDTNrr: ends."—Shakespeare. ™ A SPECIALITY This man realised that. Thus lie writes to Mr Baxter: "Enclosed find 12s for some Lung Preserver. The local no more. I have tried a good GENERAL PRODUCE, COAL , AND Btore has many remedies but got more relief from FIREWOOD MERCHANT. yours with one small bottle." Mathew STREET, BARNARD TIMARU. Talboy, Elathorpe, Hawke's Bay. Telephone 421. All the year round Baxter's Lung Preserver is a friend—but Extra Strong Re„ u especially now when the weather more ia «o lating Pills are reliable Those changeable. who use them recminend them, 5s 6rl handy. Big so Have Baxter's bottle 2a ' ,6d. Caemigt* mi Store*, ' PRIEST AND HOLDGITE (Arcade and Stafford Street^ TiAXGETY BUILDING, FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON Write, for beautiful free 'Pattern Chart and name "f f-ntnleum Service Sfare*. I®tW atettuu m& £s mm mm SE CR. COLLEGE AND OTIPUA ROADS ■: ' And get and suggestions frek. \. price expedition. " reliability, j-;. TIME WASTED lY Inefficient Clocks' and Watches is a, real waste. � ,-, Gold and Silver bought, at highest prices. All work promptly attended to. Address: Arcade, ffOBD DEALER, Tfl.M DKA. PHONE 49. BDB-D&ALER: E. UNO RILL, (iIuBALDUCBB. m m. B3 w&m •m m mW m " WESTOBY. ARCADE, Will do,your Timepiece Repairs to your satisfaction -full at moderate cost. Old HALLY W, ■ ■,:'■ finish; Work undertaken any part of town or country. The Congoleum Company ' tta _„ Materials ave down. CONSULT ~~~CLUB Timaru. HOTEL THE FAVOURITE CENTRAL HOSTELRY Has been taken over by MRS KENNING (Formerly of the Empire Hotel, • ' " Timaru), '. Who will supervise the Business. SPEIGHT'S ALE and all the BRANDS of Wines, Ales, and Spirits will be stocked, and the Table Accommodation will receive special attention* S8 personally THE EXPRESS from the South Btops 8 Minutes in Timaru, and the 8 Minutes; The 1 ,*<*,,j£f Wait! gssSgg^S«Ss**?<■ Speaking at a iuhelrtbn teader&i to iiim ui v> euuigvoii ' ja'&o weeis, Uehexai £? iSOOTMAKERS) &m#m£&h&zm?<3&-. Arrive in August. PRICE OF TIMBER little difference, and besides other one from the North * mmaM W/L %&g&& Stocks REMARKS BY GENERAL RICHARDSON. • 1 same kind as the Diggers wore. MEN'S BEST KIP PEGGED SHOOTERS, and Plates. m BY-THE-YARD "Congoleum" is resembled by Linoleum, but it is more durable, sanitary, satisfactory—and costs less. Requires no fastening. Beautiful- Designs. Two Yards Widev Just MEN'S BEST CHROME TERRITORIAL i X. [HE ■ WHEN OUR HIGH CLASS McINTYRE'S -. " " <22 Club Hotel with ample Bar Accommodation, is only HALF A MINUTE'S WALK from the Station. FN city and country the Ford One-Ton Truck is L displacing horse-power because of its superior speed, dependability and economy. You need one. In the Ford Truck you buy no unnecessary weight. The Ford is built like a steel bridge—rigid, enormously strong, yet light. It is a splendid truck. Let your Local Ford Dealer demonstrate its suitability ior your business. Look at the Price STAFFORD RIGHT PROPORTIONS GRACEFUL OUTLINES Are Characteristic F.0.8. of the Wellington : ANTS GEORGE ST* CORNER. AVork of" Solid Rear Tyre Equipment, 32 x Pneumatic Rear Tyre Equipment, 34 x 3lin.\f% 4Jin. J Upnonal i4;Mlßi]».i;i»l*l THE COLONIAL MOTOR CO., LTD. THE MOTOR BODY BUILDERS. CAR PAINTING BY EXPERTS to any Colour Scheme. . ~• Auckland Timaru Wellington hikes—so riptioe Literature any SEND. YOUR CAR ALONG . It will be turned out —EQUAL TO NEW-.- ForJ iii^^teii^^i^iilliaß sWisMf.??^;*!? *:■ ■:-•"•■. ' ■■:'«««■' iELEPHONE FORn 337. SUB-DEALERS— IJone Phone t _ - •" »*> Address:' STAFFORD STREET NORTH. -/.-. THE GENERAL IMPRESSION DEALER, isMAHU. Tiu,. Dll J. BRAY, PAIRLIE. R. KNOX, "LRASANT POINIj CASH'S LTD.. WAIMATiU , -r* 8. 17. Is Daily Increasing its Hold in Estimation of the Public. Have you tried the Phone 55. SPECIAL MORNING the AFTERNOON & TEAS AND SUPPERS. •HOT LEMON AND BLACK CUR• RANT DRINKS. From 12 to 2 DAILY. Meat Pies, Beef Tea Juicy ." and Toast. ' MR3 HARDWICK, Proprietress. STREET STAFFORD Near NORTH, Shewan's. A fancy box of Delicious Chocolates will be given Youican get arinking as many boxes as you s£& like! Keep OF THE JHE PATH free in exchange for the White and Gold labels taken from Cailler's Cocoa tins representing four lbs. on ARENTS, your mentg bo procured,, Children's at: XEMUKA, Save the labels! "With the Chocolate Flavour" Save the labels until they represent 41b... then send for the P°" aavinß ' Ask y°u Wend, to too! Sleet, Requir in SCHOOL BOOKS cao JKMUKA, the labels! Save INTELLECX. » Po«t or brins labeU to NESTLE & ANGLO-SWISS CM. CO. S&ortlud Street. Aucklend i B2 Wakefield Street. WeUin," 88 Lower High Street, Dunedia WHEN VISITING FAIRLIE Call at HARPER'S. » LUNCHEON AND REFRESHMENT ROOMS. For all you require. Dainty, Substantial Home Cooking Comfortable Dining Rooms, every attention. . A Large Assortment of Dominion and Home Confectionery in Stock. Fresh Bread, Fruit and Vegetables daily. fHE TOEUnr WmMM* WEDNESDAY. JULY 2 1919 AMUSEMENTS. CHMSTCHURCH, July. 1. The effect of the curtailment of the see a lot mm at public gatherings THOUGHT HOW MANY OF THE SMART HATS ONE EVERSEES AT PUBLIC FUNCTIONS CAME FROM ONE STORE? PROBAELY NOT! YOTJ CAN TAKE IT FROM "US—that you imagine would possibly That is where the Smartest Hats are greater percentage than from comes "H.B.'s." at Moderate Prices too. a Buy the best Hat you ever bought—an H.B. LATEST SHAPES AND IN COLORS TWEED HATS. PRICE/ 9s 6d. PRICE, 12s Sd. 18s 6d. MEN'S FELT HATS. Latest St-vlesPRICE, GOOD QUALITY, MEN'S FELT HATS. LATEST STYLES IN WOODROWS AND BATTERSBY HATS. PRICE, 27s 6d to 355. LARGE SELECTION MEN'S STETSON FELT HATS. IN I^NEWZEALAND Tv-; s'S-il tmi ->*£• Notices of transfers were received from E. L. Barklie to A. A. Eeaddie, from R. Hammond to R. H. Hammond, from S. Pizzey to H. Goodeve, and these were agreed to on the usual conditions. TREE PI/ANTING. GERALDINE ROAD BOARD. MONTHLY MEETING. ?; 53HE GRAND-. H. Allchurch and Co. report ior.„the fortnight ending Saturday, June : 28th. Both Saturdays we had a large entry, of poultry, pigs, etc., and prices were firm, realising as follows: Poultry.—Hens (heavy) 4s 6d to 7s, light 3s to 4s, cockerels (heavy) 5s to 7s 3d, light 3s 6d to 4s 6d, roosters 4s to Bs, ducks os 6d to 7s 6d, all at per pair. Geese 5s 9d to 6s each. Pigs. —Weaners, a good entry realised from 12s to 23s 6d through nearly all intermediate shillings. Calves—3s to 9s each. Produce—Wheat 15s to 23s 6d, potatoes 12s to 15s, carrots (white) ss, red 5s 6d to 7s, swedes 4s 6d to 5s per sack, onions lis per cental hag. Fruit.—Pears (dessert) 3d to 3-Jd lb., cookers 7s 6d to 9s case. Household furniture.—We sold in the rooms a quantity of household furniture and effects on account of Mr G. Annear, also a number of carpets, etc. on account of Mr -T. C. Miller,, every line met with a ready sale. Outside slearing sales.—During the fortnight we had two clearing sales, one on account of the Trustee in the estate of the late Mrs S. E. O'Meeghan and the other on account of Mr F. E. King. Both sales were well attended, and every line was disposed of at very satisfactory prices. The freehold property-in the state of the late Mrs S. E. O'Meeghan was also offered by Bidding auction on the premises. started at £IOOO and rose to £l4lO, at which price the property was knocked down to Mr A. McDufL Letters were received to the effect that the information asked for as to suitable trees to V« planted on tire Rangitata Plain would be supplied on the superintending.nurseryman returnand a list of ing from the West trees and seeds available for distribution was supplied. Mr Charles said it would be best to plough and sow the seed of gum trees as experience showed that only about five per cent, of transplanted trees grew. If they did not proceed with planting they would be up against trouble in years to come. On the motion of Mr Paterson, seconded by Mr Ley, it was resolved to fence, clear, and plant with trees the Woodside reserve of about five acres, v The trees suggested to be planted were gums, nnctoearpa, larch, spruce, and silver pines. It was agreed that planting be gone on with, as soon as information was reMessrs Dalgety and Company have ceived from the Government nursery- received the following cable from their man. London office, dated June 21:—"Wool FINANCE. sales continue with increased competiGENERAL. The chairman said their pay sheet tion. Tone generality more animated, for the day amounted to £263 5s 3d, due to French competition." The clerk reported £75 had partly and their debit balance was £504 loi been- received from thethat Our exports for the first five months Hobson Trust, of the sd, so that their overdraft would total and that £BO was still owing in year, says the "New Zealand re£768 0s Bd. Thc-y were meeting a Trade Review," were valued at the very to-tbe Hilton Hall. It.was.agreed high figure week earlier than'usual'as the overseer spect of £25,767,037-7 and our imthe contractor the balance due had to go to Waimate with the stone to pay complete the payments for ports at £13,904,267, leaving an exand thus crusher. These cess of exports of £11,862,770. the hall. Mr Charles reported that with Mr figures easily constitute records for such CORRESPONDENCE. a given supply short and fair a period, Paterson he had inspected the locality the current The Misses Kelland wrote thanking and conferred with Mr Kennedy. They of shipping our exports for will probably show about ; double members for their expression of svm- recommended that five trees be re- year total year. There any pre-war the of moved and substituted cyclone a pat-hy. fence still enormous stocks of produce The clerk to the Levels County for the existing hedge, so that ap- are we awaiting shipment, hope and to obCouncil wrote that in terms of the proaching vehicles might not be obtain definite figures relating to- _-theseagreement arrived at, at a conference scured from the respective drivers, nest but from know month, what we "the; of local bodies some two years ago to and that Mr Kennedy was willing that value of these stocks must be fully 25 the effect that any further increase in this should be done.—Agreed to. Offers were received for sale of millions. Payments by the Imperial employees' wages should not be made for purchases of our prowithout first consulting the other local steam rollers to the Board, and it was Government date up to are ever 105 millions, bodies, he informed the Board that agreed that Messrs Wilkinson Bennett duce of which 43 millions are for wool, 37 overseer proceed to Christ- millions a petition had been lodged with his and the for meat and about 20 milHons Council by employees, asking for a church when convenient and inspect for butter and cheese. Of course, prefurther increase of ten per cent, owing the engines under offer. sent stocks are largely paid for or adto the high co?t ot" living, and asking vanced against to a liberal extent, and OVERSEER'S REPORT. for the opinion of the Board. He thus the actual shipment will not instated that the present rate of pay to Dyer, The overseer, Mr reported profluence the money market very much. surfacemen was lis per day. gress made on various works. He re- The heavy payments on account of our The Board agreed to reply stating commended that more work produce have brought a large amount of that they favoured a conference on the at the Waihi bridge approach, which money into circulation, and the supply subject. is too abrapt.: Three applications had of funds available is ample for aM purMr G. A. Eridges, C.E., wrote with, been received for permission poses, and the money market _ appears plans of Crown land at Tobmev's willows. The gorse nuisance to cut amply supplied with bridge, and stating that the Chief Sur-:' \had not likely to continue with yet. fund*for some time to come. veyor said that, a title could not be' As: to the approach to Waihi bridge, issued for the closed road unless it it was resolved to write to the was surveyed. This would add con- Council asking the Council to County do this siderably to the cost.—Resolved that a work; and regarding LOOK FOR THE CAUSE. the cutting t' fresh survey be in<\de. willows it was agreed that a rovalty oof A letter from the Public Works De- 5s per cord be charged, you ever thought what it ia fTfive and that all partment advised that applications for rubbish be cleared makes your back acho, your head away to the satis- that votes for roads and bsidges should be faction of the overseer. limbs or muscles ache, that weakens sent in before June 30th. yov.r heart or makes you nervous, The Boai-d then adjourned. It is kidney sleepless, or irritable? trouble, and the above are some of the sy hptoms. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills should be taken at the first They are sign of anything wrong. the reliable kidney and bladder medithey and cine are perfectly safe for ® Tho best f men and women to use. is the statement wh'.eh evidence of this we give "oelow: Mr J. Whitley, Bootmaker, Church Street, Timaru, says: "For some time WARM AND COMFORTABLE, ;ay wife suffered agony from backache and was often so bad that she cotild not move, and was obliged to lie up it's a treat to sleep in them I for days. The pains centred above the kidney's, and were particularly severe —And they'll wear like iron—the ivhen stooping. She was also troubled quality materials that go to their ™-'th bad. headaches, dizzy turns, and making ensure had no energy for anything. She tried all sorts of remedies in the hope of a the time of using Lure, but up to Long Service Doan's Backache Kidney Pills son:o or three years ago. nothing gave two You ought to see our Doan's Pills, her any real relief. however, acted in a wonderful way, a WINTER PYJAMAS. thorough course curing her completely, and she has been free of kidney trouble \ The backaches have gone ever s :nce. Eeal Smart Pyjamas for and The pain in her back has disapocl entirely pear men and boys—and such Two years Isvter, Mr Whitley says. 'My -wife is still well and has had no a tig variety to choose rt'turn of backache and kidney trouble since Doan's Pills cured > her four or five years ago." Doan's Backache Kidney Pillg! are sold bv all chemists ai>3 storekeepers at 3s per bottle (six bottles f6s Gd). or will be posted on Teceipt of price by Foster-McClellan Co., 76 Pitt St., PYJAMAS The monthly meeting of this Board Present: Meesrs A. Kilkinson (chairman), Bennett, Patterson, Ley and Charles. The chairman said that before proceeding with the business he wished to move a vote of sympathy with the family of the late Mr Kelland. As they all knew, Mr John Kelland was a. member of the Board for many years, and its chairman for a considerable time, and nil who knew him recognised He had him as a real upright man. asked the clerk to s?nd a letter to the family exp-essing their sympathy. —The motion was carried in silence, members standing. The chairman thc-n snid that as they were aware the Peace Treaty had now been signed. Thev had been waiting and looking for this for months and he. was sure that that the nenple of the British Empire and of Allied countries would be most thankful. was held yesterday. lOTT'S toes. At the present time there is little business being done between farmers and merchants, in the way of selling The and buying grain and produce. oats market is quiat and the tone of it is a little easier owing to rather lower ciuotaitions being submitted by southern merchants. The of the weajsition a little, ther has also eased oatsheaf chaff. especially in Snpplios are agaij? Altering at £6 a* country stations, but there is little outside demand. '-It is repented that there are large stocks of locally grown oatsheaf in tilie North- Island still to ,be drawn upon- if required, and Mnrlhorough still, has'a considerable tity on hand, therefor* there is not-the demand for southern chaff as is usual at this time of tneyeair. _ gramme. The-potato, market is quiet still, ;;and Fullers' will have a big attraction on the 'price is without change, being £6 Thursday evening in the presentation on trucks. There are few offerintr and of Res Beach's own production of his the demand is at present limited; Y well known story, "Laughing Bill Hyde." The film story adds little PRICE OF SUGAR INCREASED touches to fiction that tend to perfection. The title role is lived by Will WELLINGTON, July 1. The Hon. W. D. S. MacDonald states Rogers, a comedian whose name is ahousehold word throughout America. by that arrangements have been made Having himself passed over the i-ough the Board of Trade with the Colonial places life all of he is peculiarly qualified requireSugar Company to supply ments of New Zealand for the-home eon- to portray the ascaped convict seeking sumption of sugar for the next nine redemption by his own creed of love and months. The wholesale price is £23 los, kindness to. his feilowkind. The grim f.o.b. Auckland, supplies to manufac- humour and ready repartee of "Laughturers £2l los, with the usual addition ing Bill Hyde" are an index to the of 12s 6d in case of Auckland buyers. character of the man, who always smiled The increase for the general trade is 25s his way through adversity. Seats should per ton and is necessary owing to losses be reserved, to-day-to save disappointsustained by the company as a result of ment. the poor crops. THE RIALTO.. CLOTHING FACTORY BUY AT THIS GREAT _ IHOUGH WE CANNOT PUT YOU ON THE PRE-WAR BASIS. WE J. CAN LET YOU HAVE GOOD QUALITY DRAPERY, AND EVEN CLOTHING AT PRICES VERY CONSIDERABLY BELOW PRICES OF . GOODS LANDING TO-DAY. The Great Bargain Centre WINTER; SALE PRICE, 6s and 9s lid. ...""* LADIES' LIGHT FAWN S$M : IP j MEN'S Sydney. But", be sure 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d, l7s;1 BOYS' PYJAMAS, 8s lid CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. ft. G&BITB: Men's Outfitter - - you get DOAN'S. ■■ NAVY AND GREY WOOL JERSEYS, > Suitable for : WINTER House Wear. Usual Price, 27s 6d. SAIJ3 PRICE, 24s lid. Dejpa.r'tnnen-t LADIES' PLAIN WHITE CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, Good Value. .- Splendid Value, LADIES' WOOLLEN .HOSE, Grey, Brown, Khaki and Usual Price, 5d each. WINTER SALE PRICE, 4 for,ls Id. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF MUSLIN ."NECKWEAR,-, Various Shapes. ,•-.■•• Usual Price Is 6d to 2s lid. WINTER SALE PRICE. lOJcl each. Lovet Shades. WINTER S.4LE PRICE 4s 3d pair. .40 Doz. ALL WOOL FINE QUALITY BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, ■•;■■ Great Value. Usual Price. 8s 6d. SALE WINTER PRICE, 6s -3d. ~ HEAVY QUALITY H. BONE U.B. SHEETING, 54 inch. Usual Price, 3s 9d. WINTER SALE PRICE, 2? lid. HEAVY QUALITY H. BONE SHEET-. . TNG, Very Durable. 72 inches Wide. Worth 5s 6d: WINTER SALE PRICE, 3s 6d. 3 Pieces DARK GREY JAPANESE Despite the wintry weather a large audience greeted the programme at too Grand- lasio evening, The opening picture "Capturing "Wild Animals in the Rocky Mountains," the final of a series of splendid educational fums, was well, received, as also was a hilarious Christie comedy "Helpl Help! Police!" The leading picture "Miss Robinson Crusoe" production of the well a known Meltro Company, is a most entertaining and highly enjoyable film. Emmy Wheiten is admirably suited to the part she plays, which is thait of a society girl who craves for excitement and adventure. She finds plenty of both., When her hitherto bashful lover, putting his shyness and good manners behind him, kidnaps her and itakes her to an island where she is compelled t 0 act, figuratively, as Robinson Crusoe's man Friday. The Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence give the picture a pretty background and the production is scintilatting and amusing throughout its entire length. A musical programme, including selections from "Oh! Oh! Delphine" and the latest musical success "Maytime," was artistically rendered TWEEDV 12 Doz. FRILLED PILLOW CASES, Usual Price, 2s 2d. WINTER SALE PRICE, is. lid. ? Keces PLAIN WHITE FLANNEL* ETTE, 28 inches wide. WINTER SALE PRICE, 9s 6d doz. ■-l--> SPECIAL LINE CABLED FOR—2S Pieces. 36 inch LONG CLOTH, Good Value. Usual Price, 2s 6cl. WINTER SALE PRICE, Is 54d. Silghtly Marked, : Usual Price, 2s lid. C WINTER SALE PRICE, 2s -6sd. WHITE WASH. Beau- SHORTiiiLENGTH, ;-INGsSATIN/ :, rtiful vQiialitv ; ? ; HEAVY QUALITY JAP; SILK, in White Spots. Usual Price, 4s fid.. WINTER SALE PRICE, 2s lid VERY PRETTY MERVE SLLK. in I Shad", Double Width, Snort Length only. ;-.. Usual Price, 7s 6d vd. >'■'. - WINTER SALE PRICE, Is yd DAINTY ' in White, Pink. Pale Blue. Lemon and Grey Suitable for Evening Wear. WINTER SALE PRICE. 9s Gd yd. -: witn iiavy. ; --,' ;t ;:^&S 5^1JroA j-'Piioe : ■ 12s 6d yd. WINTERrtSALE PRICEV 6s lid yd. VALUE " IN GREY TWEED. GOODS : "DoubleiWidth Usual Price/ 4s 3d. WINTEiR SALE PRICE, 3s 6d.v Only, HEAVY DOUBLE 2 Pieces WIDTH TWEED, in Dark Green ;: Value. Exceptional " ' " „ J ... and Brown Mixture. Usual Price, 5s 3d. WINTER SALE PRICE. 4s 3d. ° by Violet Capstick's orchestra. SKATING. RIDING A SPECIAL ATTRACTION. A big general session will take placa at Olympia this evening commencing at 7.30, at which the Brass Band will be in attendance. The management, announce that Mr Barrass, at present here with, the J. C. Williamson opera comhas kindly promised to give an exhibition of fancy, trick and two-stepping skating. Mr Barrass is a ska«*r of exceptional ability and will be remembered by many as creating a stir among the Ofynipia skaters some mon'ths ago, when he was here in the Bing Bovs Company. He has given exhibitions in each of the Australian cities, and recently at Auckland, where his services were much in demand during his stay, bv those anxious to.learn tlife fine no ; niu of l-inking. This special item shoiVd' i>ot be missed by devotees of the roller art. TO THE PUBLIC OF PLEASANT POINT DISTRICT. : a"u wrmcung rrom data | \_S will be done on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays each week. Minimum Three Bags. The Handy Man,. Point Crusher and Grinding Plant, and General Builder: A. L. THOREAU. For Stock, Station, or Buckjump • DURABILITY, AND HIGH CLASS WORKMANSHIP QUALITY. yUA GUARANTEED. ' SADDLES. HARNESS TO ALL CLASSES OF REPAIRS STAFFORD STREET. OPPOSITE & BAGS ARCADE. Phone, 299 THE MOST PERFECT FURNITURE FOR YOUR HOME that supplied by Radcliffe's Our claim for supplying the Best Furniture is more than, justified by our „ IS extreme popularity. Expert Cabinetmakers construct ,+he Furniture 'we sell, and every article goes through/ a thorough examination before it is displayed in our Showroom. If you have a particular design you would like, let us know, for we can execute the job at shortest notice and LINES THAT PLEASE. with every assurance of absoluute satisfaction. We offer the BEST FTJRNI Beautiful Gold Bangles, Brooches TURE—built to last a lifetime. Wristlet Watohes, Doulton China, and our always Sterling Value Line—En* gag»ment Rings. HOUSE FURNISHER, TIMARU. J. RADCLIFFE, KEN. MAYO, ENGAGEMENT RING SPECIALIST, '^i^m^^^smmmmmmm^m^&^mmmmxms^^^im^ steadfastly refuse any substitutes. For over 60 years the same Bonnington has stood for the standard family conghremedy. Half a century ago grandmothers proved its efficiency—to-day their children use it with the same satisfaction. "Tis handed down from generation to generation. For coughs and colds 'tis without equal—it contains no opiates or hurmful drugs, and is a safe and sure remedy for both old and young. Make sure you get the genuine Irish Moss—see to it that you are given the original so Kg M Js| 0 m VSR TIMARTJ. |& |ps THERE'S NO DOUBT! £jS| ||| pal p| Ointment'. |P M te THAT & M d. JjS WL IS MJW vm jag MIGHTY HEALER. Especially good for Sore an;d Inflamed Eyes, Sunburn, Chilblains, and Poisoned Wounds. A Household Remedy for upwards of 50 years. Chemists and Stores. ijvgE \m*m@®B£i GOOD STATIONERY PAYS—- whether forPrivate or Business use. Here you will -find— THE BEST OF STATIONERY and Full Stocks of all the Latest Novels and Magazines. We make a Speciality of—SCHOOL REQUISITES Exercise Books, Slates, Pencils. Pens and Rubbers. u' It will pay you to SEND THE KIDDIES HERE. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS - Irish.' Look for the name. All chemists and stores. COLD DAYS —And— FROSTY NIGHTS. WHERE TO GO DAY OR NIGHT. This \a tea great feateua «£ Sivasa OBmSBSSSm famous Reaves. ££S§ They gtwo absolute ©s4issacs»Ba is cszry dteteMf i Choral Billiard Parlors FHcd« wtStj Opes cr Gscts Fi: COMFORTABLE WARM, COSY, ATTRACTIVE. TABLES o NO WAITING. O BBSS 8 Entrance same as WWmg-xK/WikiiiiiWM ■■■'■ Wdmcjo 160 C. W. LADIES, LOOK AT THIS. Why have a pimply or blotchy com« plexion, when after only ten days use of the "Magic Complexion Treatment" your complexion beoomes clear and fresh. The face is cleared of blackheads and pimples, and a complete transformation takes place, the result being a clear, velvety complexion. A full thirty days course of the treatment free to any will be forwarded post address on receipt of postal notes for 7s 6d. This treatment is not a cream, powder or cosmetic. Further particulars, if necessary, may be obtained from Miss Nance Batchelor, Box 182, Timaru, who is the solo agent for New Zealand. '~-. Usual Price, G9s 6d. . L_rf^> " WATER- VERY SMART COAT, in Mole and Black Check, Large Round Collar: with Revers. Usual Price, £7 15s. WINTER SALE PRICE, £4 4s. . „ QO lid, 7s lid WINTER SALE PRICE, 39s 6d. - G€o but tbep're (food BLACK FUR NECKLET, Hound Cape Effect, . Usual Price, 425. WINTER SALE-PRICE, 37a 6d. FITCH NECKLET, Stole Shape, Trimmed with Feet and Tails ■•'-'; Usual Price, 655. WINTER SALE PRICE, 45a. COL'D STRIPED BLOUSES, in the Famous Golfing Material. Usual Price 9s lid. WINTER -SALE PRICE 7s lid. CHILDREN'S NATURAL ' WOVEN SLEEPING SUITS, with Feet. Size 6. . ' Usual Price, 8s 6d. WINTER SALE PRICE, 6s (3dBLACK SILK AND WOOL SPENCERS, Long Sleeves. Usual Price, 5s lid. WINTER SALE PRICE, 3s lid. PROOF TRENCH COAT, Small Step. ~ Collar, Belt and Pocket. -•■■-.-■ THE : LADIES' TWEED COATS, in Brown, Navy and Grev. Usual Price 24s 6d 33s 6d and 39s 6d. ' m \fmmm railway service upon the grain produce trade remains to be seen., At present there is no large quantity being carried, and it is mawdy chaff and pota- ''The Sorrows of Satan," the Samuelson all-British production, screened at the I'nea&re Royal' for the second time last evening, was again accorded liberal patraftage. This dramatisation of Marie Oorelh's well known novel has been very carefully prolueedj the director going to greato pains t 0 choose suitable artists for the leading roles. His choice of beautiful Gladys Cooper—whose fame as an actress is world-wide —to play the part of the girl who is wedded no a wealthy young author so as to gratify the selfish desires of her father, was a happy one. Satan, jg almost channing in 'the person of Prince Lucio, played by Cecil Humphreys. The Story is of a legendary_ nature, opening with Satan being banished from Heaven and taking the form of a wealthy society man. The picture should be of great interest to those who are familiar with the book. Supporting pictures included a tn-etty scenic r film "Picturesque Brittany" and The an interesting Topical Gazette. Royal Orchestral Trio contributed greatly to the evening's enjoyment by their rendering of a well selected musical pro- . (Per Press Association.) LET US LIGHTEN YOUR BURDEN PUBLIC BENEFIT SALE AT . THEATRE ROYAL. FARM PRODUCE MARKET. . COMMERCIAL. Durability. costcSssJ etmceb A Offiaa Raagos k.'S aro ger.sreHy iausid to be is '■&.JH excellentwork- WW* Ssss BOOKSELLER Isls i^gfS GO WITH THE CROWD TO THE TEA j Grand Pictures. AMI) Invisible Bifocal Lenses ' GEO. E. KNOWLES, BEVERLEY NURSERY. 'PHONE 679. LUNCHEON KUOM^ ; APPLESIN ANY QUANTITY APPLES-IN ANY QUANTITY. Street 'PHONE, 116. PAYNE, PRICES TO SUIT ALL. PRICES TO SUIT ALL^. &■ STATIONER Stafford «*fe APPLES IN ANY QUANTITY APPLES IN ANY QUANTITY. WAI-ITI ROAD. MODERATE/ Aziz? 30 years PROPRIETOR. OR SALE— - MAKE. READING A PLEASURE. i TOV NEJIu iNEVER STRAIN YOOR EYES doing Close Work if you will have us fit you with KRYPTOKS. KRYPTOKS will solve your eyesight problem, and still retain your youthful appearance. BE AS SMART IN YOUR EYEWEAR. AS YOU IRE IN THE REST OF YOUR APPEARANCE OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AtfD . " ■■■ a » » h . JEWELLER. STAFFORD STREET NORTH. Is 3d. Is 3d. 12 WN'CHEONS. LUNCHEONS. noon to 11.30 to 2 2 Is 3d. Is 3d. p.m. daily and from p.m on Saturdays! DELICIOUS'MORNING AND AFTER NOON TEA—Rd. With Choice Home rßaking. ■'"' The "Dainty" will close, on and after Ist JUNE, at 8 p.m. THE OAINTY TEA ROOMS, STAFFORD STREET NORTH (Opposite Grand Pictures). MRS If. H. McUiJfFOliD, Proprietress. THE TIMARU HERALB. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2 1919 SHIPPING. BUILDING AND REPAIRS. ENGAGEMENT PORT OF TIHARU. It's Time Sim rises 7.37 a.m.; sets 4.30_ p.m. Moon rises 9.47 a.m. sets 9.37 p.m. High water 7.11 a.m.; 7.35 p:m. ; PHASES OF THE MOON. ; c MRS McCLASHAN, TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE, First quarter, July 5, 2.47 p.m. Full moon JuJy 13, 5.32 p.m. Last quarter, July 20, 10.33 p.m. • ARRIVALS, VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, . DEPARTURES. .*-- Estimates given for all classes Brickwork in Town or Country. Eispaira of all kinds .promptly a attended to: a lot of Engagement Rings at Has Resumed Tuition. ; Terms begins _Easter time; and don't wonder at AND THE BEST TIME TO BUY IS from First Lesson. 't, when joq consider we carry the ADDRESS: 129 CHURCH STREET, NOW TIMARU. LARGEST <fc FINEST ASSORTMENT Address: 155 CHURCH ST., Timaru. IK SOUTH CANTERBURY. MISS AMY SMITH, Jhe Mills are advancing the Assoc. Melb. Univ.. .O-v ; WE EMPLOY prices 20 per cent., June 20. v Pupil Co gate s Talcum Powder of Madame Wiedemann (Melb.),, THE BEST 3d. Is Bouhy (Paris). , Jacques Colgate s Dental Cream (large) Is 9d. '■% SO DO NOT DELAY. ;:^;.:ME€H^^^:::i_. Has Resumed Teaching. Pears' FuUer's Enrth (large) Bd. VOICE PRODUCTION (Diction of Kolymos Tooth Paste (large) ls -fid. '§. :EEfipT ::THfc CbeST' English, French and Italian). AVnhams' Tooth Paste OF FINEST HAVE THE ONE WE VIOLIN (Melb. and Paris). WE KNOW WHAT A RING OUGHT NEW ZEALAND TO PIANO and THEORY. TO BE—We leave the poor class STO<3KS IN f^-f? SELECT FROM. Studio: 37 SOPHIA ST., Timaru.^ of ring for someone else to jeR TO GIVE YOU SERVICE.. OUR 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 6s 6d to 15s 6d. MISS NORRISH, ■*• - 7~ Nil. and the war which was fought national preservation eiiued, the greatest political questioa confronting .British statesmen -.s undoubtedly the Irish questim. It is stated irom London that Sir Horace Plunkett, who was the chairman of the great Dubof liil Convention liekl last year "for the purpose of producing lor MISS HALL HAS COMMENCED TEACHING. New Term Commenced June 4th [7ISHES to announce that he has Pupils Prepared for all Examinations.; Assisted by t V Commenced Business on his own MISS MORGAN, L.A.8., and A.T.C.L. account as a (Pupil of Miss Hall.) BUILDER, AND CONTRACTOR,; . TEACHER WANTS HRB. RING FROM McBRIDE. SOMETHING. Jeyes' Fluid Vaseline Camphor lee Perfumes—Roger ... and Colgate's. Win, Mcßride Sd" 7d! "(large) '"(Jailet's, MR ALFRED W. V. VINE, 6d F.R.C.0., A.R.C.M.. L.R.A.M. and Tuition given 'on Organ and Piano. From 6d to os Gd. fOrto, in Singing, Voice Production, Theory of Music, Harmony, and Coun. terpoint. Elementary and Advanced'. ConTerms begin from First Lesson. Cocoa Nut Oil THE ' STOCKS HELD cessions to Country Pupils. No. 7 SARAH ST. and Materials are scarce. " this day. CHANGEABLE WEATHER MAKE AN OVERCOAT A NECES- Tooth Brushes, 6d, 3d, Is, ]s 3d, TO Is 6d ; SITY, NOT A LUXURY. AND . Is 9d, 2s. BUY NOW IS TO BUY WISELY. Hair Brushes. Is, Is 9d, 2s, 2s' <sd, 3 6d 4s 6d Gs 6d . 6s9d, to 16a6d: PRICES: From 635. •i at Nail Brushes, 4d, 6d 9d, is; Is 6d, to 2s 6d. -n' Brushes Od/ls, 1 6d, 2s to ss. 6d. ,-■.:";,:' Is^a^ls Whalebone- Hair Brushes 3s ff 9dl>;4ss 9d; 1 7s 9d> to tt f*3Mirrors Hand 6d, Is, l s :6df2£:3s r 6d; rHE « Hot Water Bottles lb; The Quality and Style of our Suib3 well known, and will iDe sold (it OUR USUAL POPULAR PRICES. Timaru, mails! For offices in Nortli Island daily, 6 JUST LOOK AT THIS SNAP/!" BEDRROM a.m. SUITE Thursday, July 3rd. For Cook Islands, Tahiti, Honolulu, Penrhyn Island, UnitedSamoa, States of America, Canada, Central America, ACGGGIWAm v AND v AUDITOR! v HAY'S BUILDINGS TIMAEU ~UBLIC UNDERSKIRTS. LADIES' MOIRE UNDERSKIRTS in Navy, Saxe, Old Rose, or Brown. lis 6d EACH BLACK ITALIAN UNDERSKIRTS Heavy Quality, Large Sizes. ' Chief Agent Sua Insurance Office, Fire and Accident. Are making a Fine Display GAVIN ™ _ qualifying. SHAREBROKER, STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU. Insurance and Commission Agent, Telephone No. 747. P.O. Box 136. INCOME TAX Send for Free Copy right a.wav HEMINGWAY aND ROBERTSON'S ; Correspondecce Schools. Ltd. P.O. Box 516. AUCKLjISD. SAVE MONEY AND DECREASE THE COST OF LIVING Regent Soap IT IS ECONOMICAL IN USE AND GOES FURTHER. BOARDING AND DAY Searchlight Candles ARE ANOTHER MONEY SAVER. They give a Pure Steady Flame, and the Maximum of Light. ; ■■■ STAFFORD STREET. (OPPOSITE BESWICK STREET^ lating Pills have IYI market thirty years. 6s and Chemists. SCHOOL Next Shewan, Confectioner fELE. 173. ■BB ■ MONUMENTAL MASON, SOPHIA ST, opp. Wreck Monuments, A well selected ytock of MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. IKerbings, Railings, and Pebbles. Mural Monuments erected to any design. ESTIMATES SUBMITTED. Expert - DE Workmanship and Best Material. LOWEST PRICES, LATOUR-McGLASHAN ORCHESTRA, they clamour for is im- may for intimidation, few Irishmen really can believa use the niame m an independent Ireland as a The end of practical proposal. the most anxious work of the H. B. HALL AND CO your Balls, Socials, etc. Up- MONUMENTAL WORKS, JL to-date Music, Superb Time. Stafford St. South, been on the Peace Conference leaves the way Address: Studio, George Street, op. 6d. Grocers Assembly Rooms, or Mrs McGlashan, TIMARU. comparatively clear—it should Church Street. Direct Importer of Granite soon be quite clear—for consideraand Marble Memorials. tion of. the Irish problem in all its LOWEST PRICES. Phono 404. bearings. The best thought and (A Card). the best spirit on both sides will be required to solve it* At preC. H. BARRIE, there are extremists on both UNDERTAKER. No. 25 Elizabeth St., sent sides who accuse each other of TIMARU, Successor to Meesrs J. E. Beckingharn, the worst of vices, and the faults Limited. which each attributes to the conducted in any part other are the same. That fact of Town or Country. Phone 324. Private Address, Gray Rd. points to unreason on both sides. But there should be reason enoueh amoh|pr all the parties to FUNERAL NOTICE. arrive at a solution of the Irish 1 problem. leave his residence, Pleasant Point, Three years ago today the Battle THIS DAY, July 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. of the Somme, which, began on July for the St. Alban's Church, thence to Ist, 1916, was in full blast. . Until the Pleasant Point Cemetery. then Verdun bad been the greatest W. J. LISTER. Phones 142 and 157. continuous battle fought in the world's The battlo for Verdun was history. not ended when the greater Battle of DEATH. the Somme began. The Russian ofAUSTIN.—On June 30th, at , her fensive under Brussilof had commenced parents' residence, Gleniti, Reta Catherine, the beloved daughter of a month before, and was still advancOf the "Western battle Sir Charles and . May Austin aged 2 ing. 1 TAKE LIFT: HAY'S BUILDINGS. PROPRIETRESS THE MONEY MARKET. behalf of many Investors, the DOMINION TRUST is preto receive Applications for Loans on Mortgage. Borrowers must realise that the raising of a Loan to the best advantage depends entirely upon how the offer is placed before Investors. ON pared THE DOMINION TRUST CO. OF N.Z LTD., 163, Hereford Street, Christchurch. . ' which possible, and thous'h they Managing Director. '.. GOODS ONLY NEED LOOKING AT. DAMASK TABUNGS. FINE QUALITY GENTLEMEN'S REAL VELOUR ; -^:.s':^;K^3^*d^At ( -.SALE—CREY, BLACK. HATS, ■■ HEARTH RVP S » SAMPLE LOT, 25 PER CENT/ OFF- MORNING;AND: AFTERNOON TEAS. MISSDEW, <• Friends of Mr A. J. BR.OWN are respectfully informed that THE the Funeral of his late wife, will HOME-COOKED LUNCHEON, ' -; ■ 12 TO 2 DAILY. Mcßride, ; it, may yet prove a' solution of the diincunty The fcjmn ±<einers, it is natural to suppose, will take what they can get wjien they hud that the Irish .Republic •weeks. Deeply regretted. OTHER WINTER FARE: BEEF TEA, 6d. HOT BUTTERED TOAST, with Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, 7d. ' ';' :r COUGH NORTH tion lor Ireland wnich was taisen as, tne last auront, and the state 01 Ireland lias gone irom bad to worse ever since. x>ut dominion Inome Jttule, or- sometning like- %^EoSie£; ®AiV ;"•£ ENGAGE THE $ The Grand Pharmacy " 12s; 6d DELICIOUS HOT PIE, 9d, at the PROBERT, J1 ... CAMPBELL, FULL COURSE 1 v: 'x1" A TASTY SNACK ISA' CURE promotes a relaxation, of the inflamed air passages, causes the mucous membrane to throw off the phlegm. Is. 6d and 2s 6d PER BOTTLE. The First Few Doses brij PROMPT RELIEF. By using NONE. . , PRICE astoundingly Low ; ADJUSTER. Magic Cough Cure PROBERT'S MAGIC ; -" ; ':-' !■ , "hacking" cough, which interferes with your work and your rest at riijiht, you should take (STREET > , of ' When the Throat becomes clogged with phlegm and produces a STAFFORD ■■ :• Solicitors, TIMARU. RAYMOND, RAYMOND AND EARKLIE, Solicitors, GERALDINE. Have Money to Lend on Freehold /■:'■ .Security, %:'■'.:■■'■ At Lowest Current Rate»; Cures Coughs, CHAS. G WHITEHOUSE, -. MOFFAT F.P.A., N.Z. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR AND SECRETARY, _j z Candidates were successful—26 were our Swidents-62 PER CENT, of the total Passes for all JNew Zealand were prepared by us. The signal success of our Students attlie Examinations is the best possible proof of the efficiency of our Methods. The fact that our Students, in open competition, in all parts of Australasia the majority of the Honours 1 laces and dod so much better in the .Examinations, proves conclusively thatare MOKE. THOROUGHLY PREPARED. W& supply each student with a complete Course of prmted lessens, and he has no'Accountancy .or Law Boots to buy whatever. Coaching continues until success is achieved and in the event,,of failure at any one examination we coach for the nest gratis.' Complete details of the Examinations k Snccesses, showing names and addresses of Students are published in our .;''Accountancy Booklet." A copy sent free to all interested in ;,% ;;::.;! PU^ S.u J?P^cm entary Accountancy Aw *h kaunination, held last March" WELLINGTON. ment upon any soneme, and CHRISTOHLRCH and New Plyrrio-.rb,: Provides Correspondence Tuition in; the tnough tne Sinn ±<'emers liacl no TTMARU. ST., CHURCH following Departments. part in the Conference, did realProfessional H. 11. Cornish, M.A;, ise, it lias been said, a greater and LL.M., Double Firstmeasure of agreement than any Commercial class Honours Law. 0.0. Mazengarb, M.A., Irish discussions had done beThose -who think that --V fore-. LL.B. E ; ,W. "White, If.A, something may yet be made of Bairi sternaHaw. the Convention's findings recall PIPE SMOKERS! Accountancy J. Li Griffin, 8.C0m., •Accountancy and Practical Practical A.LA.N.Z., a-.paxt- with regret the too hasty conalmost B'bokrkseping,-; - nerin tho firm', of sideration which B;Com.v ;.; ; and B;Com. Clarke and Menzies, inevitably, received at the unThis, will interest you. The fortunate tame of their announce ■ Rival to the Best Pipe made. : *: 'v;:;;P. : HaTle, A.A.I. N.Z. v" 7 .^'' ment, wnen the -British lines had :0;i v '[':-. , /Public Accountant : 'i: J-^;fe E. L. Enting, A.1.A.,. just been broken at iSt. Quentm i/ ■•■■'. and the fate, not of Ireland onij-, Each Pipe Guaranteed. feiK,?-ft^fe^p?'.^E.-::'yP. :;.lseale, M.A.,, but of the whole woi-ad hung m The Briar from which it is produced is jourrilrtisrn; the balance. When Mr .Lloyd' : a Jour-' Cieorge announced his intention :'■ ; 20 YEARS MATURING 'if Jt;j|g %?y3IM-P' ;;>?• ?£pertencaf^r;W/;;::^ of introducing a new Home Jttule .. Before oh the Market for sale. Jiill on the lines of the ConvenAwfiii^ctureP '•^■lioWellyn^SvWilliairis^ tion's report, it was coupled with Aisfirtectur& FOR HIGH GRADE SECOND TO 'Xs" ;i'«*?P ?} iiit- tmnounceiuent ©i conscrip- ROWLEY'S BUILDINGS, -OUR SALOON ALWAYS BUSY. , T:'^•:S^'^AinI 3 CHAIRS—NO WAITING. , .' • The Success of our Business—Civility, Professional ft !leis'J'T'B?-' Certificate. Examinations. ;JftE.; "Thwiaites, M.A. and Faithful Work ..P.'L.' Lines which. War Economy precluded > Attention, Combs, M.A. • • in every hranch. you; from buying. Everything.of.the S.riL Jones, Teachers' " 1 BEST, AT MODERATE PRICES with' NEXT TO CRAND PICTURES. /•• • ; .' ■' :: '%" Certificate W. Appleton and J. A. THE FIRM'S GUARANTEE. 'Advertising. Advertising. Harrison, of the Chas'. ■ ~'.'" Haines Advt. Agency THE LEADING TOBACCONIST. For further particulars write to Established 30 Team. H. AMOS, jewellery stones - MISS E. CHRISTIE, majority report, 01 tne Dublin Convention, wiiicli, tlioug'ii it aid not result m complete agrees BANKS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, - '-. FOR GIRLS. 19s 6d EACH CLOVES. United Kingdom, Continent of Europe Fra loi,s co > Der Tofua from 2-DOME . BLACK CASHMERE TiVSr A Wellington. Ordinary GLOVES. "STRATHMORE," TIMARU. letters and 2s 6d PAIR papers 6 a.m. but money-orders newsWOOL ALL KNITTED GLOVES m will close at 4 p.m., and registered Navy, Grey, or Brown. Principal: MISS BLANCHE HALL. letters 5 p.m. on previous day. 3s 6d PER PAIR 2 LARGE BUTTON BLACK OR Pupils Prepared for University and JOHN J. PICKETT, CREAM IMITATION Public Service Examinations. avjuux. tiUEDE New irTerm Commences June 4th. Chief Postmaster. GLOVES. 5s 6d PER PAIR Timaru, July 2nd, 1919. BROWN Tr KNITTED AYMOND, RAYMOND AND . FERGUSON silverware COMPANY. Secretary Soii,th Cant. Development League. STAFFORD STREET Next Theatre Royal). BOWER & - Chief Agent: COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE " JAMES A. CAMPBELL, DENTAL SURGEON, Ben Wade Pipe. 'PHONE, 754. WITH THE ADVENT OF PEACE, '"•■':■:...' * Money orders and registered letters close at 4 p.m r>re vious day. 30-6-1919/ - S For Cliristchurch aud intermediate offices daily, 6 a.m. For Ashburton and intermediate * offices Tuesday and Saturday, 2 p.m. For Oamaru, Dunedin, Invercargill PRICE, £l9 165.. and intermediate offices between Timaru and Dunedin, 6 a.m. daily. For Oamaru, Tuesday, Thursday, and OTHER SUITES at Smaller Priced and some at a higher figure, but all Saturday, 1 p.m. For Fairlie. Pleasant Point. Cave, BEAT THE TOWN FOR VALUE. Call and See us before and Albury, etc., Tuesday, Thursday, Buying elsewhere. and Saturday, 6 a.m. For AVainiate and district, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 6 a.m. Registered articles a*nd parcels intended for despatch in mails closing at THE PEOPLE'S FURNISHER, 6 a.m. must- be presented at public NORTH STREET, counter not later "than 5 p.m. on previous day. TIMARU. PHONE 771. Wednesday, July 2nd, at 6 a.m. Wellington. DIRECT IMPORTERS. (Next Grand Picture Theatre). : Comprising GLASS FRONT TASTY DUCHESS PEDESTAL CUPBOARD BED WITH WIRE MATTRESS. For Australian States, India, China Japan, Straits Settlements, Ceylon' Egypt and South Africa, per from ... STAFFORD STREET. ;•; ... ... McCLELLANB'S -'. TTMARU. ' ... ... Uiiucurt as the problem is it must De iaced. Tuere ai'e leadana lrisnmen ing .tuiyi*iiLiueii wno Dunove tnat, a solution may yet be iouncl on tiie lines- ox tne SaltwaterftJi-eeK. : At the Chief Post Office, subject to any necessary alterations, mails will close as under:—Registered letter mails close one hour and newspapers and parcel mails close 4-5 minutes earlier than ordinary letter Is 9d. Is 95 cn^e . Cuticura Ointment ' 33 , 3a. Vinolia Toilet 6a cake! g<i[ Castelever Brown Windsor 7 for Is". Choice Toilet Soaps, 3, 4 and 5 cakes Is! Finest Quality Hot Water Bag? (heavy British make) 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s and lis 9d. ... are •THE PEOPLE'S FURNISHER, NORTH STREET, ... Cuticura THE STOCKS IN THE RETAIL SHOPS WILL NOT LAST LONG. MAIL NOTICES. Bd. ga. ... ... Cashmere Bouquet (Colgate's) lOd and Advanced Price. The Corinna is due to-day from Dunedin. She will lift cargo for Nelson aud New Plymouth. The John is timed to arrive here on PRESCRPITION. CHEMIST, Friday, and will lift cargo and general produce for Wanganui. TIMARU. The new cargo steamer Wairuna arrived at Antofagasta (Chili) on June 23 TELEPHONE 31. from Valparaiso and was to sail on June 27 for San Francisco, Auckland, BU\ YOUR BEDROOM SUITE Sydney and Melbourne. RIGHT BY GOING TO bar) .... : | Wellington and Greymouth to-day. Only at an (16 ounce .... ail parties. WALTER TAYLOR AND, CO., : lington. The Ngatoro is scheduled to sail for MB, W. W. BURROWS, King St.. TEMUKA, late with Messrs w! F. Evans and Co., Accountants, etc., has BEGUN BUSINESS ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT. Tradesmen's Books kept. Debts colLetters Written and Clerical lected, Work of any description undertaken Highest References Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed. \ SUCH A POSITION HAS NEVER KNOWN BEFORE BEEN and all agree that it will be a, long feme before they will have any, and then Barilla Pears' ALL SIZES; OWING 9d, also THERE IS NOT A SINGLE N.Z. WAREHOUSE IN that has any Stock TO SELL. each FULL STOCKS, 9d^ :Is2s, :'2s : M! ' 8/6 Westport. The Kahika is expected from Westport to-day. She loads for Greymouth after discharge. The Putiki is timed to arrive tomorrow from Dunedin, to load for Wel- Is, Is 3d, Is 6d. BOOK-KEEPING. .:■. :.■.■:■■.-.■■*;,:■. ■''■:.■-. ..•"•••:■■ ... WE CAN RECOMMEND ONE AT VIOLIN", MANDOLINE, and BANJO. Vacancies for a few pupils. FirstOrchestra opeu for Concerts, class Balls, etc. Orchestra meets for pracMondays, 7.45. All interested are tice invited to join. Studio: GEORGE ST. (opp. Assembly Rooms)'. > The Kittawa is due from Dunedin today. She loads for Wellington and .-'. MR B. A. de LATOUR, Orchestral Conductor, and Teacher of , to J.OS. Soap Boxes, : Is Colgate s Sharing Sticks PAREX, and GOODRICH Makes in. Stock. Work on the Timaru waterfront was < ' ' greatly hampered yesterday on account of the shortage of railway coal trucks. Consequently tlic Canopus and the Ngatoro were considerably delayed. Ready-to-Wear ' " ', -> UNIQUE NOTES. Mount Cook Motor Co, Telephone No. 488. JEWELLER. Kauri, s.s., Lyttelton, this day. Corinna, s.s., Nelson,. New Plymouth, 'PHONE, 100. this day. Kahika, s.s., Greymouth, this day. Storm, s.s., Wauganui via Lyttelton, this day. Putiki, s.s., Wellington, to-morrow. Canopus, s.s., Westport, July 3. Calm, s.s., Wellington and Wanganui, July 3. Koromiko, s.s., Lyttelton, July 4. John, s.s., Wauganui, July 4. WTiangape, s.s., Auckland, July 7. Send Your Cars to Us for Overhaul. 1 PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ngatoro, s.s., Wellington, Greymouth, this day. lTittawa, s.s., Wellington, "Westport, *" Chesebrough's Vaseline : : Is 6d. Is ... .... AND Pupils Prepared for Examinations. Adtiress: 12 ELIZABETH ST. I -1 KNOWS PIANO ; CITT"C SHE Euthymol Tooth Paste ~ Of . QTT XT' CMjLJCj a : EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kittawa, s.s., Dunedin, this day. Corinna,' s.s., Dunedin, this day.' Storm, s.s., Dunedin, this day. Kahika, s.s., Westport, this day. Putiki, s.s., Dunedin, to-morrow. Cahn, s.s:, Oamaru, July 3. Koromiko, S.s., Auckland, July" 4: John,- s.s., Dunedin, July 4. Whangape, s.s., Lyttelton, July 7. ( prepared : i. land . . , were fSff ... ; ' No. 2 "Wliarf.—Ngatoro, s.s. No.. 3 Wharf.—Canopus, s.s. No.. 3 "Wharf.—Kauri, s.s. self-govern- to accord to Ire±'he xew years ago. pruxiniity ox Ine uistretysiul country to oueat ajritain, and sentiments tnat nave iound mcreasi ig expression in Ireland, nniKe it diuerence between irisn and dothat can minion; conditionsnuruiy bo ignored. TJi«re is smaK uouut, nowever, tnat if Jiome xvme 01 tne utoinmion type all tne parties woiua suit in Ireland nicy could Have it tomorrow, 'j.lie question is, how uocs it appeal to tne Countess NEW CABS AND ACCESSORIES -ALarJiievjc/., tor example, wlio adALWAYS ON SALE. dresses lnsli audiences as "leilow rebels," and tne "Irish ltepubJicans," hue Bum i-emers, wno at the present time are easuy a majority in tne aoutneru provinces. vvni.e tney ju-uiebs FAIRLIE. to M'ant somctnmg mucn more man dominion nouie itule—complete .separation inoui tlie Lmpire HEAD OFFICE: —tlio unionists wno iorm a maHAY'S BUILDINGS, TIMARU. jority m tne "six counties" of Ulster and the smaller body ot Unionists in tne souui are opposed to it on quite other grounds, and desire merely to to Madame Menere and Co., i'oiaain as tney, are at pie&eni. Manufacturing Furriers, having aua tne' .separation ox tne six engaged our Tannery for their "woric rest, 01 rreiand solely, we are taking no skins to tan counties iro'in tne' is it lor oveiou-iLung from this' date. wwoh uixnouiticfo is seomea by ... VESSELS IN PORT. Irish I ~ ol ' ... Nil!- """ -- scheme ment/ is now forming an Irisn Dominion League, wnich aims at securing a settlement on the lines of .Dominion Home Jia'c.; Dominion Home Kill© is rath ,r more than even .British Liberals JAS, S. DAY, Manager. Raymond, Raymond, and campbell, Local Solicitors. Sale will not be Continued beyond 14 DaysToo much in front of us ! Douglas Haig wrote: "The enemy's power has not yet been broken, nor is it yet possible to form an estimate IN MEMORIAM. DASS.r-In loving memory of our dear of the time the war may last before Ernest, who died of wounds in the objects for which the Allies are Boulogne, July 2nd, 1917. fighting have been obtained. But the He sleeps in a far off land, in a grave placed beyond Somme battle lias we may never see, But some kind hand will surely plant uouot; tne aoiiity of rue Alnes lo gain these objects The .German arm,a flower there for me. —lnserted by. his parents, and brothers. sisters, is the mainstay of the Central Powers, and a full half of that army, TheTimaru Herald. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, supported by the strongest fortifications, suffered defeat -on the Somme this year," It was the first great triumph of the new British armies, to bo followed by the Hindenburg retreat, and though years were r-o elapse before the German armies were 1919. completely broken, they never completely recovered from the Somme. THE IRISH QUESTION. "fhonnson's The Irish problem in the past few months has been too for for discussion discussion, that is, that has no chance of helping- it. It is a problem that must be solved, however, if Ireland is not to continue the weak spot in tl.o Empire's unity, a reproach to its statesmanship, a canker at the root of its contentment, a cut painful * the skeleton at every feast. With the Peace Treaty signed The experience of yesterday, when specially lieavy express train arrived from Cliristchuxchj, following earlier experiences of the same kind, should convince the Railway Department of the necessity of altering its methods for the control of traffic on the Timaru platform. When that narrow place is completely choked with people struggling from the train and others struggling towards it either to get on board or to meet, friends, the would-be departing crowd is faced by wide doors which are marked "exit," but by .which no exit a merly. THE PEACE TREATY PEACE CONFERENCE. CHINA. THE GERMAN HOPES THE ,: INDEMNITY. SHORT OE LEADERS. - FIRST A MISCALCULATION, The births registered at Timaru last month numbered 39, deaths 11. marBy Electric Telegraph—Copyright. riages 15. The figures for June last Australian and JN'.Z. Cable Aean. year were 38, 16, 6. A card party in aid of the funds of NEW YORK,. June 26. the Waimataitai School will be held in The ''New York World's" Berlin corthe Caroline Bay Pavilion to-morrow night, when it is confidently hoped that respondent says that a prominent Centhe tre leader told a correspondent at Weiall friends and well wishers of school will be present. mar that he knew positively that Japan The shooting season opened in Wai- would not ratify the Peace "treaty. Thus mate County yesterday. Some sports- if the United States Senate does not men from Timaru crossed the Pareora, ratify the Treaty it will not be binding* and they as well as residents of Wai- because ihe Treaty only goes into efmate County, enjoyed good sport, par- fect when ratified by three Great ticularly those who visited private dams.. On Lake Wainono game was Powers. plentiful, and though the ducks were THE GERMAN PRESS shy, a fair number fell to the guns, and a good many swans were also shot. By the express yesterday afternoon ON THE VERSAILLES CEREMONY. the following soldiers returned to COPENHAGEN, June 30. Timaru—Captain H. E. Wright, Lieut. Stewart, Rifleman Sapwell, Bombadier I German newspapers, in accordance J. Aitken Privates Bloomfield, A. T. with an agreement, publish remarkably reand Barnes. Private Burmester brief accounts of the Versailles cere-, turned the previous day. The men The mony, 'and also brief editorials. were met by members of the Eeception Committee, and were heartily welcomed ; "Hornden," in an article, asks the tbem to cease, Mayor. convey chattering the Cars Government the by to to their respective homes were lent by about "Germany's honour" and refute, Messrs F. Lewis, H. W. Menere, H. if the it can, Allies' statements conM. Stonver, W. Tavlor, and Adams jCerning Germany's guilt. Ltd. Regarding the proposed conference THE NEWS OF THE SIGNING of Mayors, convened by the Mayor of Christchurch, which it was 'hoped to IN ROME AND BRUSSELS hold this month, Dr Thacker states that the general consensus of replies favours LONDON, June 30. the conference being held after the The signing of. the Peace was receivMunicipal Conference. About oUe-third of the replies received were from ed in Brussels and Rome without • deMayors who would like to come to monstration. Christchurch to investigate matters connected with the hydro-electric inPEACE PROBLEMS. stallation in Christchurch. The conference will probnbly be held after theNewspapers publish numerous special Municipal Conference. —(Press Associa- features dealing with Peace problems tion.) SENATOR LODGE'S Electric Telegraph—Copyright, Australian and N.Z. Gable Assn. PAYMENT TO BELGIUM. By NEW YORK, June 25. Electric Telegraph—Copyright, Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. The "New York Times'' Pekin corre- By Received 8.5 IRELAND. p.m.,, Ist. PARIS, June 25. The Council.of Four signed an agreement to pay Belgium, a priority indemnity of a hundred millions sterling from the first reparation fund received from Germany. spondent interviewed the Premier, who said "that China's future depends on her ability to form a group of Chinese' able and willing to undertake government duties. The present difficulties of China were enormously increased because nobody in China to-day desires to assume high Government posts. STRANGE TURKISH NOTE. RAILWAY DISLOCATION. ARGUMENTS, TIMARU—FAIRLLE MAIL SERVICE, SOME COMPARISONS MADE, / From ;to-day the mail's oil the Fairlie Ime are being i-ediiced to 'three times .week", leaving' Tiroaru on Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday afternoons by By ■ Electric Telegraph—Copyright; the 3 o'clock train... Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. This .'.-curtailment of the .mail services will he particularly felt, and the disconNEW YORK, June 25. tinuance of the trains also affects the The ;New York Times" Washington delivery of the "Timaru Heraiid." To correspondent says that the Senate de- keep the mail services going and at the bated the resolution requesting the same time serve the countryside with the the "Herald" Company Peace Conference to give a hearing to havepaper, arranged wJJtlrthe Posltal authorirepresentatives of Ireland. ties to carry inward and ouWai-d mails Senator Lodge, the author of the re- as far as Fairlie on the non-train days, solution, said: "I don't see why a hear- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from this morning. ing should be given to Poland and Roumania without extending the same PROTESTS FROM WAIMATE. privilege a people who have been a , We remind those interested that Mr John Anstey. M.P., is to give an address in the Unitarian Hall "this evening, at 8, on Government Finance. The Union Company, says a Press Association message from Duhedin, announces that the Maori and Mararoawill continue the ferry service as for- ' China should be permitted to freely contract any industrial loans we plan, and to increase the eight year domestic Jhief structural improvement needed loan to £40,000,000 in' order- to meet to jy the public, if a new station canthe budget defiicit. He expected struggling for 700 years, to establish There was a very large and represerto lot be at once provided. there would bo an early peace between the rights of self-govemnient and inde- ta'tive gathering of business men- of Waimate in the Borough Council Chamthe south and northern sections in the pendence." . ■';■ country. Senator McCormick asked Senator bers yesterday afternoon. The meeting was convened by His Worship the Lodge how about Egypt. Mayor (Mr AV. E. Evans), for the.purMi- Lodge answered that Egypt was pose of protesting against the curtailGENERAL no better. ment of the train and mail services to* Senator Thomas said that there was Waimate. ITALY AND THE ADRIATIC. June 30. LONDON, a distinction between Poland and RouMr Bates advises: —"Present; indicaAfter several of the leading business The Government has introduced a mania and tions are for westerly to south-westerly ROME. June 26 Ireland, since the former men had expressed the opinion tliati extending the income limit of nonthere was no apparent necessity for such' winds, strong to gale, weather cloudy -to said! Bill' ' In the Senate Signor Tibtoni_ nations -were autonomevercast. K,aia is probable generally, the Government remained firm in its annual workers under the' Insurance ous nations, and were members of the drastic steps as were being -taken in rewith sleet and hail in parts and snow gard to the mail and rtrain demand for the application of the Pact Act to £250, instead of £l6O. Peace Conference. services, :n high levels of the South Island, colThe Treasury has agreed to subscribe 'whereby Waimate will only receive of London to Adriatic questions', and three, mails a "week, and. the business .ler conditions following, and a rising would defend Italy's just cause vigor- £ for £ to -charitable funds, to a maxi. MR DE VALERA. barometer everywhere soon." of the itowin would be thoroughly disormum of £200.000, raised in Britain for ously, and- tenaciously. ganised as a result, the following resothe relief of distress in European counMr WooUs forecasts for to-day: ON THE PEACE TREATY. lutions were carried unanimously:— ''Strong southerly winds, weather very tries. Received 0.5 <>m., July 2nd. "That this meeting of business men .old, with rain and sleet/ 3 Lord Curzon states that there is apNEW YORK, June 26. of Waimate emphatically protestsDancers are reminded that the usual palling distress in Poland and Czecho 'Mr De Valera in a' statement against the advertised reduction of mail fortnightly assembly is being held on LETTS CAPTURE RIGA, Slovakia. Servia is faced with destitu- pointed out that Ireland was bound by this district, in first because Treaty. the He sent letter a Thursday instead of Wednesday, in the to M. and tion, disease despair. Unitarian Hall. Clemenceau declaring that since Mr the. business of the district warrants the GERMANS CUT OEF. The English Bowling Association has Lloyd George- did not . represent the full mail service, and second, . because The Customs revenue collected in the arranged for' a New Zealand .team to -Irish people they would not consider •there is no difficulty in carrying-, theBy Electric Telegraph—Copyright. Dominion in .T\me was £282.632, and mails dailly by motor service which is the Treaty- valid.. visit the United Kingdom in 1920. . Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. excise and beer dutv £23,262. The being arranged 't 0 carry the daily papers figures for June, 19lS, were £233,362 LONDON, June 30. .SYDNEY, July t l. '. REPUBLICAN BLUFF from Studholme Junction, five milea The "Daily Telegraph's" Copenhagen The State revenue, for the -year and £19,375. away. The meeting therefore, insists correspondent reports that Lettish amounted' to £23,452,637; compared Messrs Webb and Bruce are publishthait there is no Justification for such a; THE SELF-DETERMINATION troops under General BaUod have cap- with ing in this issue a few of the last PRINCIPLE. drastic reduction, and demands that the £21,567,450 diiring the .previous tured Riga and occupied a bridge over remaining bargains in Timaru town "The Times" rebuilding of the world. Washington correspon- Department make arrangements, acOn Monday and yesterday iih& express and the the Dwin a j and thus have cut off the year. property, and advise prompt inquiry to dent that cordingly. >:'"*;. reports Senator Phelan, and LONDON, June 30. German Baltic militia's retreat. ' A speaking on the Senate's resolution consecure them. Terms can be arranged. trains, both ways, were long ones "That this meeting of Waimate busiAUSTRALIA'S FELICITATIONS. In the House of Commons the Gowed filled. This is understood to be report from the Bolsheviks states that cerning is Ireland, an men attempt against ness emphatically protests Pyne. Gould and Guinness, Ltd., adthey have evacuated Ekaterinoslav and vernment of India Bill was committed by the Republicans to the Department's caution to to embarrass the the curtailment of railway by vertise in this issue a final reminder of due SYDNEY, July 1. people holiday making to gob home beare retreating southward of Tsaritsyn to a joint committee of Lords and President. There is little expectation which Waimate in common' services the clearing sale they are holding to- fore the lang-day journeys commence with the The Governor-General has sent to under pressure by General Denikin's Commons. . Republicans the among of the aiding Thursday, country being rest of the is ford, morrow, very seriat Mil Terauka. to-day. At the .Wimbledon Tennis 1 tourney, Irish Peace con- forces. It has been remarked ithat the King a message of cause. It is claimed that the ously and most detrimentally affected on aT-nmi.f- of ft'ie executors of the 7'ate Fisher and Ritchie beat Dash and Wil- President's many people travel' for pleasure at gratulations, describing the Peace celepolicy of self-determination in its business life, and as the apparent T>. McLfod. The sale starts at 11 a.m. not time 7—5 G—2, the brations cox 6—2. if in Sydney, the and thai and announcing year, of .this should be applied to Ireland, but the position of the country in regard to coal ' sharp and luncheon will be provided. LONDON,' July 1. BEATING THE BOLSHEVIKS. passenger traffic is at all like what has that the whole people of the Commonrefuse to understand that does not warrant snch a Mr Bonar Law, replying to a deputa- Republicans drastic"'"step The executive of the Second "Division been usual,, of people who must travel, wealth rejoice in the event whicli" conthat tion of 150 Coalition members of the the Peace Conference confined itself to as the cultting off of Waimate far threw Advices from Ekaterinodar state League decided to recommend thru; the by the goods traffic is carried on applsjng self-determination only to days a week from the train and firms his victory Majesty's the of arms. thouHouse of that the this Leaeue should be dissolved snid that the Fame trains, two engines will be needed, Ku'oaa Cossacks captured four Commons, denied' those nationalists arising out of the meeting demands that the services, Railway Defunds in hand. £2OO. should he divided therefore there will nob be a great savsand Bolsheviks and many guns, and Transport Bill meant nationalisation of war." partment run at least a daily service to NOT A WEAK PEACE. the railways. The Government was not between the Returned Soldiers' .Associn- ing in coal. that Don Cossacks captured fifteen hunt;ou and the Trentham Scholarship dred prisoners. committed to nationalisation of the' coal connect with both north "and soiith An official message from Wellington M. CLEMENCEAU'.S STATEMENT. Fund. mines. trains and that the members for tliel states that the Government has fixed communique Greek district be requested to urge the DeA issued from The Merchant Service Guild has rethe date of the official Peace celebraSmyrna reports numerous conflicts in partment p.m., July Received 11.30 Ist. to make such an alteration r-ojrnd a letter from Admiral Lord tions for Sunday 3rd, Monday 4th, and tbe hinterland of Smyrna between in the timetable as will allow of such a' PARIS, June 30. .Tellicoe stnting that he would be pleased Tuesday sth August. Mr H. H. Eraser, Greek to further point out that presented Treaty occupation troops' Clemenceau the and Turkish -and service; M. to meet officers of the merchant vessels secretary of the Timaru Peace CelebraDISSATISFIED GERMANS. irregulars. *he Waihao Downs—Studholme railway during his star in Wellington. in the Chamber of Deputies. In a HIS WORK IN PARIS. tions Committee, last evening received speech he said: "France makes is a coal carrying line, and any curLONDON, June 30. Peace In connection with the presentation a telegram from Mr Russell, Minister BERLIN, June 29. The Australian cricketers playing the .' "DAILY tailment of the service, is going to add of "Oh Oh Delphine" to-morrow of Internal Affairs, as above, adding: as she made war, without weakness. InMAIL'S"'ETJLOGY. Herr Helfferrich, ex-Financial Secret West of Scotland made 638 for sir any shortage of coal that may exist, to necessary ternal Peace is well as as ex("Thursday) evening it may he said that "No alteration will be made in the tary of Germany, in an interview de- wickets not out 131), Trenand also (that a local firm is quite preBy Electric Telegraph—Copyright. Miss Florence Young and Mr Reginald celebration arrangements indicated in ternal Peace." clared that Herr Erzberger had done nery 118,(Murray Bull pared Collins 94. to supply the necessary coal at a! 103, Taylor (Official). jr>Rb«>rts._ who were unable to appear my circular of loth March, and the (5. jmore harm to Germany than Mr WilIS THE PEACE WORTHY? reasonable cost to, run the service.." J in "Katiuka" in Timaru a few weeks suggestions therein regarding the obserClemenceau and Mr Lloyd LONDON, Juno 30. British son, M. revenue for the June Mr G. S. Meredith pointed quarter ago, have now both recovered from vances on Sunday, Monday, and TuesGeorge combined. The Germans must Referring to Mr Massey's departure, the total that could be brought out-'that> 00 Eluding Customs MR HUGHES'S OPINION, in from their indisposition, and will positively day, will therefore stand." prepare for a day of revenge and re- £30,315,000. Excise '£20,345.000, the "Daily Mail" editorially says:— the Waihao Downs district qui the'railproappear to-morrow evening. surrection. The coming generation perty and income taxes- £39,114,000 Conference at! The Timber Workers' Massey, June 30. Prime for week under LONDON, "Mr a Minister of New- way the new restrict_ An important sale of a delightfully Wellington has concluded. The Conferexcess'profits tax £63.791,000. Mr Hughes, interviewed by the Aus- would again rouse up the nation. situated residental property in Selwyn ence decided to request- the Government tralian Zealand, leaves Paris to-day on his re- ed services would be 120 tons, and tha-fj Press Association, said: "AH OTTAWA, June 26. his alone was firm sending PROPAGANDA OF REVENGE. turn to fair far Dominion. Street, Timaru, is to he held on Satur- to enact legislation compelling owners A that He de- of coal per week, it was in 150 tons Ihe Government estimates men are asking themseJves, is this quite evident ay the 12th inst., at Tattersall's Sale parts with a creditable record of ser- that the train ai-rangements sawmills to provide bathroom and Peace worthy of the great objects for total wheat area at 16,958.500Canada's acres were Dot Rooms, when the C.F.C.A. will offer of COPENHAGEN, June 29. nnd the probable yield at 320 million vice for the State and Empire as a only inadequate bult absurd for a town room accommodation for workwhich the Allies fought, worthy of the the brick residence of the late Mr John drying Several German Conservative jourthat the bushels. A resolution was passed member of the Imperial War Cabinet like Waimate. critics, great sacrifices made? Some Ivelland and two adjoining quarter- ers. nals appeared in black borders. They Conference was of opinion that the notably General LONDON, June 26. and as New Zealand's plenipotentiary acre sections in Trafalgar Street. PosMr Nash was strongly in favour of condemn the bitterly attacked the Entente and the I'itty thousand Jews time had arrived for the organisation Treaty as unjust Smuts, demonstrated |at the Peace Conference. Those who calling a public meeting to protest! to Germany. I besession of the properties will be given of German Majority parties. The Treaty in London. They marched departments covering all lieve it industrial unjust to the Allies, if to procesin is the restriction. Other businesson the 26th inst. against the workers in the building and wood- anyone. Does the Treaty safeguard the is described as dictated by Satanic hate. sion to the Queen's Hall, where they [are. acquainted with Mr Massey's work men), however, preferred to forward on The papers add that Germans must held service in memory Owing to the epidemic the St. working trades, and that the national world against future in Paris will readily agree that few the of the viSfcfms German aggres- teach their children "Retribution" and ot resolutions and see if anything was Andrews' Caledonian Society had to executive he instructed to call a conferstatesmen have rendered better service done by the Departments concerned to> Germany's sion? Navy destroyed, is "Revenge," before learn they postpone its annual sports last Decemence of all the workers' organisations to say The French traitor, Paul Teulat, an to the Empire. His tenacity of pur- improve matters. "mother" or "father." They must rid ber. It has now been decided to hold involved. It was decided that the her mighty legions scattered, her genepose and sound common-sense have the annual concert and dance on Fri- national executive be located in Christ- rals in exile or disgrace, her great War the country of traitors, namely the aviator, who supplied It was pointed out thnfb there-was? information enday, 18th July. Mr Na-ylor and party church for the ensuing year, with Mr Lord himself a fugitive, but I do not leaders of the Democrats and often the abling .the Germans to train- "Big maintained British interests when any amount-..ofcoal auite,'haridy; to the from Timaru will render several items Hiram Hunter as secretary. The next believe thaifc Prussian militarism is Centre Party. • ■ line filfc Messrs Meredith"' and Go's'ininebeen Bertha" precisely upon Paris has been it would have easier to have weak- at Tva'ha© Porks, and a most enjoyable evening is Conference was set down for Welling- dead. The bes't assurance for the world's and that if' tin's: cord sentenced to death. Teulai in- ened on principle and accepted less wan mixed with sent assured. Any profits will be devoted to ton in June 1920.—(Press Association.) peace is not the Versailles Treaty, but conditions of Recovery coal of.■>;fair formation through a neutral country valuable results. That remarkable quality, it would "another the Wounded Soldiers' Fund. the alliance of Britain, America and be quite,, good enough a pocket'' means of handkerchief The public of South Canterbury have France, under which 'the two former HINDENBURG ON Iby ~',/• the of the WAR, document, report The Government has authorised the es- taken the firm of Thomson at their .SECOND printed in invisible ink, Teulat is. now Respon- to rim the service on. ■■'■'. tablishment of an experimental farm of word and are enjoying to the full the would be pledged to assist France if sibilities Commission, bears the impress in Germany "hiding :By Electric Telegraph—Copyright. 100 acres at Galloway, Central Otago. benefit of the great co-partnery record Germany attacks her. I believe that of his stern sense of justice and un' LISBON, June 29. Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. Arrangements are also being made for bonus sale. Everything in the sale Germany, despite the change in her GoA new Cabinet has been'formed with swervable attachment to the Empire's July Received S.o j.s still the same as the Gerp.m., Ist vernment, on special experimental carrying work bills (which they desire should be kept) Cordozo as Premier, and Barreto as cause. It is in no small measure due to in Central Otago in BERLIN, June 29. connection with is absolutely true and they have some man v of 1914. The Government issued a proclama- Foreign Minister. his statesmanlike acumen that Samoa the regrassing of depleted areas. marvels not even got that length, but "The financial clauses of the Treaty STOCKHOLM, June,2s. One of the scientific If T was ask>d tion to the German people stating:— agriculturists that is nothing! The blankets and are unsatisfactory. Strikes are again ravaging the' Mos- will never again be controlled by a forMi- James Craigie, M.P., left te-day requirement The first who have been engaged for giving down quilts—cheaper than is fulfilment of cow district. eign Power, and he has secured for New for Wellington blankets, whether Australia's share of Germany's to lesuino his du'cies Willi expert advice to farmers is to be the coats, the dresses, double width Is reparation will be substantial I can only the Treaty; the second, work; and tho Advices froin Buda Pest state that a Zealand a, share of the valuable ihe Parlaamentaiy Industries Comphosstationed at Dunodin. His services will to 13s 6d and more. The flannels, the say that I devoutly hope so. The solu- third, faithfulness to duty. The only counter-revolutionary outbreak 'occur- phate island of Nauru, in the mittee. bo available for Otago and Southland 9d way out of the South rep-nrdinrr darkness of this Treaty red, in which some officers seized i a ,warm underwear, the overcoats, German possessions in the tion The death is announced at Mattel-ton, farmers. attention. +he Pac'fic wilT enable Australia, to en- is through the preservation of the Em- Danube monitor while others occupied Pacific. New Zealand and the Empire at the age of £3, of Mi: Charles suits, the ties, command A. The first practice of the cenbined Talk about things dear! Why there is tire her T>si|t«tfnal safetv. protect her pire and the nation by unity and the artillery barracks. The monitor may be well satisfied with his work at Tabuteau., who was at one time manager heirs which are to give a grand con- many a thing just now in that stock r-W'n'niV Interest". tn°.i«'t' i" ii- work. three times shelled the Soviet building. the"Peace Conference, and we wish him of tthe Bank of New South Wales, Hindenburg, to replying got price policy request suppressed, could not be at four times the tact her of White Australia." The outbreak and the cert during the Peace celebrations was a a .' was God speed." Geraldine. t>y the Minister of Defence for a state- leaders arrested. held in Trinity Hall last night under in Britain and ten times in Germany. Mr C. D. Hardie, who has beeii 43 BRITISH DELEGATES. the conductorship of Mr Purcell Webb. Ask for anything. Tons! Thomson ment of his attitude in view of the SAN FRANCISCO. June 30. the the years service of Canterbury in Entente's rejection of the German reCaptain William MacDohald. of MelThere was a largo number of choristers went in heavy; he knew it would be Education Board, has just retired oil WARMLYWELCOMED HOME. prohibitive. servations, said if hostilities were re- bourne asserts that he will be ready Old present and about two hours was spent right. New prices It is stated that superannuation. prices suit the of Timaru. sumed the Germans would be able to Sale, people |to fly 15th He m rehearsing choruses from the pens of August. to Australia on throughout his long service Mr Jlardie conquer the province of Posen and refuses to give details of his plans. Received 9.5 p.m. July Ist. the great masters. Mr Webb, in thank- prices at that. never asked for and was never 'given Soldiers whose next of kin have maintain the frontiers in the east; hut SYDNEY. July 1. , THE TOWNSVILLE mg the members for their enthusiasm LONDON, June 30. RIOTS. leave of absence. Mr Lloyd George and Mr Bonar Law could hardly reckon upon success in The Minister of Health on- the said, judging by the first practice a received word of their early return by Mr Donald McDonald has been apthe west. A favourable issue., was strength of medical officers' reports By Eltjctric Telegraph—Copyright. very successful concert would eventu- the Marama, due at Auckland on the were accorded a great ovation on appointed manager for Messrs 3?yne, Australian and ~N.Z. Cable Assn. Mc- pearing in the House of Commons, the therefore very doubtful, hut c.s a sol- showing a marked decline in the numate. In the absence, of Miss Brown, the 17th inst. are—Sergt-Major A. ■ Gould, Guinness, Ltd., Geraldins, a.nd Mclntyre, Roslyn Terrace, members singiug "God Save tile dier he would prefer an honourable ber of cases in the past few days, exBRISBANE, July 1. through indisposition, Miss Intyre (Mrs Private W. E. Whyte (J. H. King," and cheering heartily. fall to an ignominious peace. The Unionist leaders of the Towns- Mr S. R. O'Oallaghan, assistant, manapresses a belief that the Stato has Werner kindly presided at the piano mother); ger. Mr George Williams returns to "the Whyte, Church Street, father); Rifleat shorb notice. Mr Lloyd George explains the Peace now passed! the crest of the influenza ville rioters appeared before the Courts Timaru office of the same firm. man C. W. Taylor (Mrs A. E. Taylor, Treaty on Thursday, and introduces a The deaths in the and were remanded. ' epidemic wave. At the Police Court i n Timaru veswere They LABOUR mother); Rifleman L. W. CONFERENCE SYMPackman Ratification Bill. metropolitan area in the last two days guarded by police terday Frederick James Bradv with fixed bayonets. PATHETIC. ' "who (Mrs L. Packman, Rathmore Street, Hundreds of congratulatory messages were' 79. was charged with A meeting of the Cabinet decided to was wife). The following are coming by the have reached drunkenness WASHINGTON, June 30. Lloyd George from all Miconvicted and fined 10s, in default 2-1 Chupra, due at Lyttelton on the "22nd "The Times." close all hotels in Townsville until the Senator Borah, during the League of •' LONDON; -ours' imprisonment. A first offender, inst:—Second Lieutenant Louis Kane parts, including Lord Mayors, Mayors, June 26de'vite, declared tint financial trouble is over. bodies. '•harged with drunhf-mvess and with reThe Labour Conference carried a re- Na+ions obviously intended to exof the lStlis; Private A. W. Clare (Mrs and many public interests Proclamation" calls upon citizens A :-ist!n£>; the police, was convicted or. the 11. \V. Clare. Wilson Street, nnd mother); MR, LLOYD GEORGE OVATIONED. solution, on Mr>theRamsay Macdonald's ploit Europe's natural ." KILLED BY TRAIN. ■; iharge of dlunkennesg, and on the other Private S. Clarke, of the 29ths speedy admittance would have the United States under- to refrain from participating in motion, urging (Mrs demonstrations. charge was fm<=-d 20s, in default three A .Clarke, Church Street, mother); of Germany to the League of Nations, investment. Lloyd Georgo proceedWhile write Mr was (Per their Press Association.; days' imprisonment. Hugh Mol.ear, Private S. D. Quick (Mrs A further Proclamation • is being' R. E. Quick, ing from Downing Street in .a car to and revision by tho League of harsh was charged wi/h drunkenness and with Baker Street, mother); Private issued calling on all possessors of-fireJ. Parliament he was surrounded by. a provisions in the Peace Treaty, which TE KUITI, July 1. using obscene language. On the first Waller, Geraldine. Private F. the resolution declares are inconsistent Burarms to hand theni to the Magistrate Thomas Lowrie, aged 55, a married Cheers re- with statements made by the Allies charge he was convicted, and on the mester, who returned to the Dominion vast cheering crowd. FREEDOM FROM COLDS. fecond he. was convk-ted and fined 40s, on the Weimar, which arrived at Auck- sounded inside the House for several when the armistice was arranged. FITNESS THE BEST P&OTKCTION. at Townsville, threatening prosecution surfaceman, was .killed on the railway this afternoon. Deceased and Owen, in default seven days' imprisoment. and on Monday, June 23, arrived in minutes, and the occupants of the pubOver and ofor again, medical, authori- for failure to comnly. The release of the unionist leaders another surfaceman, were on a trolley Isnnc Vincent, wa<: charged -with as- Timaru from Christ-church on Monday. lic galleries joined in singing "God FOOLS VERSUS GENTLEMEN. ties have pointed but that best protecreturning Save the King." after their sarltinc a man bv scratching his facn tion against colds is good health, and a on bail at Townsville had a calming ef- day's work,to andPuketutu Mail order department— Pouter's pay when rounding a bend Sir Donald MacLean • welcomed the language. On „~ and with using Lord Fisher writes to "The Times" robust constitution. If .people only fect. The town is now quiet. freight on all orders for footwear. Premier on his return after as arduous; that they met an up goods train. Owen slid healoh and good for the oharsre of assault he was convicted Money refunded the classic German observed the laws remark adif goods satisfac- and responsible duties aa ever were unoff and was only slightly injured. and fined 10s and on the second charw tory. Shop by post withnot dressed to a British officer: "You kept themselves fift colds would soon be the largest dertaken by any British Minister. Lowrie had no chance as he had his I> P -n-as convio+-pd nnd fined 40s, in de- boot store in South Canterbury. always will be fools;. we never will be a thing of .the past and with tihi>m many AUSTRALIAN SEAMEN'S STRIKE. Try engine. to the The us back trolley/ was days' imprisonment. Mr Lloyd George agreed that it had gentlemen," is applicable to the Scapa of the troubles they bring m their fault for your nest pair. Hundreds of satissmashed to pieces. an anxious time owing to the Flow incident. Received 1.40 a.m;y July 2nd. Lord Fisher adds: Mr Barrass, cnief of the mechanical Red mail order clients. Souter's Boo* been gigantic interests and lest involved, SYDNEY, in case ii prefer the whole be ill-healith some I s ■jjuly 1. Of'course, '"On to a fool, statf ot tiie J. C AviUiamson Opera Store, Box 160, Timaru. any failing on his part should prejudice even as a matter of business. Suppose; chronic, but The position of the shipping;'strike is majority all in the great Company, arrived from Dumeum yesterSend youi exposed films _to us and the country. The Treaty was, the we make the Germans, who have heaps to make one. fit and well ■unchanged. Both sides are marking is needed Out of seventeen Presbyterian day witn some trunks of "properties," you may be certain they will Be develthat and most far of coal, supply the Allies next winter, of reprewinch, ne nas to get iuco position in oped and printed just as you -wish. Our most comprehensive and proof against colds, and kindred time, pending the interview with in Southland!, wh'db in, reever concluded as regards the a longer time." Mr Churches course, of that great sentatives of the seamen for is a invitation, perhaps complaints, sponse the Theatre Royai for Thursday even- finishing department is well equipped reaching or to the (of the Presbynumber of signatories and the future Watt in Melbourne. tonic food, Wilson's Malt Extract. ing's production of "On! On! Delsupplies, cameras, tery, sen!t in the opinion of their respec•n photographic affected. Great and of territories that there is own a reported hopeis It is has been Malt Extract nature's twenty enlargers, albums, eix., you will find promising tive ; Sessions and congregations on phme." Mr Barrass Wilson's experiments were embodied TROOPS IN OCCUPIED TERRITORY tonic ful feeling among the men over, the Church years wixh the firm, and has toured and you are always certain of the best food, restorative and body-builder. probable Union, only two were against in the Treaty, calculated to alter the outcome the concentrated essence of prime New Zealand a greater number of results possible. Whatever you require whole character of the world's affairs, It is the proposal.—(Press Association.) FRATERNISING PERMITTED barley, anJd as such is exceptionThe Kodak times. He states tnat the present Comthe best selection here. malted turn to the destinies The effect of the coal shortage on and new give a Theatre pany has a larger tonnage of scenery Depot, Baxter's Pharmacy. ally rich in strength promoting, properdomestic needs in "Wellington, is indiof mankind. LONDON June 30. of it quickly makes you t:nd stage accessories than any other lluildincs. ties. course SHORT A "WITH HAIR. WOMEN by cated the following Press Association Chilblains are nstantJy relieved and The "Daily Telegraph's" Cologne hale and hearty, and gives you the vir company that has previously visited Anyone who has travelled 'through message received last night:—Following THE EX-KAISER. cured by the use of Baxter's correspondent states that after salvoes taliity to resist the onslaughts of colds thickness, New Zealand, and he in his department promptly fact in many and upon a notice that fresh orders for coal Chilb'ain Liniment. preparation Saturday small parties of British ;>nd" similar troubles. Chemusts and growth has a permanent staff of eleven, which acts like a charm, andTMs who have used it will tell you their would be received by the State Coal Dc ! In the House of Commons Mr on* those who suffer soldiers travelled along the streets stores everywhere, with or w'thout Cod hair lias to be largely added xo by local with chilblains should 'never better than ever before, and partment's local office, a rush set in to is Harmsworh stated that there had been singing. bo . n;i T.,v without its "Wilson s." B© sure hands in every town. This statement it. Bottkg one shilling each at exwhere the hair was previously becoming book up as soon as the office was openno negotiations hitherto for the BaxGeneral Robertson has cancelled the throws an interesting Jight upon one ter's PharmaT, grey the ooilour has also been restored. ed. So insistent was the crowd on' getThe Allies had Theatre Buildings, Kaiser's extradition. prohibiting fraternisation with orders aspect of 'the Opera Company's business. Timaru. allow the Kai- Germans. He trusted to the soldiers' Af a genuine all round hair tonic it ting into the office that the assistance urged Holland not to The total roll of the company on tour MONEY SAVING, HOME-MADE is'undoubtedly without an equal. Its ■of a police constable had to be p'rocnred Rowland Watson. North End Saloon, ser to ejscape. good sense concerning their relations FOR COLDS, merit is proved by the_ steadily inis between SO and 90. REMEDY Mr Bottomley reminded the House with the population. The latter were ito prevent people rushing the doors. nest Dominion, draws special attention BRONCHITIS, ETC. most cases cut short owing to. th© reFrom the hill tops of MeKensiie comes to his fine stock of pipes, 8.8.8. and that "Wilhelin threatened suicide, and interested spectators. At a eonierence of de.egates of local Asthma, of Bronchitis, The treatment of loss from influenan. In some bodies sult would the Government do their and Bell call for Hannah's Order Ben Wade for Saloon asked Herren Muller invited their and Gftambers of Commerce of preference. always the boots. by short cropped Influenza,, and Sore Throats calls in best to expedite this inexpensive solu- three Entente esqortago officers to lun- Coldsso'mething that will destroy disease women with recently cannot hair, Jield. yesterday, it was. repost. Men's whole back, pegged, water- at your service. Wellington, hulp hut for the Dominion (Laughter.) tion. train. strong tight boots, very cheon at the and bronchial have • noticed the endless number of solved that the time had arrived, when soles, tips and Every week-end the housewife finds germs from the throatinflamed price Maker's 19s 6d. the Oovernment should construct the plates. See some article of living increased in mucus instances the scalp is still very bar* tubes, soothe and heal SOUTH AFRICAN DELEGATES. page 4. Timaru and most towns. But C.M.C. Sheep Tongues membrane, loosen phlegm, and tone up and patchy, but among the thousands main arterial roads of the Dominion, prioe. thea view to formation of perliave not increased in price, ibut have who have used Dr Wdson's Regenera- with If you have a cold in the head use the general system. General Botha returns to Africa on some swelling, A tin of these delicious Chilblam's.—Redness, For this purpose money cannot buy a tor there is not one case where the manent highways; tihat all local bodies and itching are the decreased. by adding urged co-operate intolerableof heat than recovered its tongues contains as much nutriment is Wednesday., and General Smuts at the Ito in the work of fully medicine not normal be marked relief. it better hair has up Keep notice a and an unbroken chilblain. Our equal amount features of fresh meat. end of July. for Hean- s creasing sales during the past 15 years, putjting main roads in such permanent (8). HEENZO (registered named sweetening the cold soon vanishes. liniment will at once reduce an Tongues are tasty and appetischilblain water and a hair tonic of condition, with respect to surface and requiring C.M.C. warm Essence) anyone to and the itching, reduce the swelling, and ing on all occasions. Ask your grocer Children like "WADE'S WORM FIGS as per easy directions supplied with sterling value .should try it. It i s pro- width, as to carry with safety the-raMR WILSON AT SEA, (10) effect a cure. Price Is a bottle only for a tin 1 (8) each bottle- 'As HEENZO costs only curable ia Timaru from all high class pidly increasing number of motor—-sure and certain. Price la 6d. from L. B. James, Prescription To young and old, to great and small, 2s and a r-int of a ready-made cough chemists and hairdressers, and also driven vehicles.—(Press: Association.) Wilson wirelessed Chemist. Timaru. President from ills The most common of is prohably mixture would cost at least 12s, it will at. J. R. McKenzie's, Alixs Strachan's Some day there comes a time t 0 all, aboard A concert and dance in aid of the the George Washington, in re- the ordinary cold, and the most suc- be seen that a big money saving is to Indies' depot, Ballantyne's, and the piano When the thermometer is low, you A time of sickness and distress, fund is advertised to be held in want your feet in a. pair of Hannah's When timely aid we grasp and bless. ply to a message from King George. cessful of cures for this common ill ia be effected by making your own cough C.F.C.A.; Timaru and country branches. the Hilton Hall on the 10th inst. possessed strong (Hean's Essence) Wilson said he is Mr a boots. bottles of 60 doses PRICE. poor 4s, In IF Remember make when and "NAZOL." for HEENZO 4s 6d. may mixture, POSTED, watertight we It be old. The Pleasant Point Caledonian of the truth, of the King's Is 6d. or (8). stocked by Chemists and Stores, N.B.—Mr Handy, toilet specialist, Society have tickets out for their 5000 pairs weekly, and pass them out Or maybe when we've cough and cold; convictionconcerning new ties between message post-free 'on receipt of price from Duntfdin. is sole agent for New Zealand animal plain and fancy dress ball on to you at maker's prices* See page 4. But wiiensoe'er it be, we're sure great British people and those of Woods' Great Peppermint Our* Hean's Pharmacy, Wanganui. Get tho and Australia, fronv whom ...wholesale July 10th, Hannah's, Tjmaru*. To Welcome Woods' .Great Peppermint the -■ For Chronic Chest Ooiaplaiata. 12 supplies »ajr be obtained* V (H) tie United States.. genuine every, time* Qjrfc Turks handed a Note to' the It is an amazing Council of Ten. document, containing a startling state. menfc that Turkey inists on complete, unity and independence as before the The Note states -th-it Turkey war. is willing to admit independence to Armenia, but proposes only a partial independence for Palestine under a Turkish Governor. "The _ ■ ~ RUSSIA. 1 — CABLES. | TOWN AND COUNTRY , MR MASSEY. GERMANY. nlS^iß^-!95^ 1 I ' ! I i " I i ~ : :. PERSONAL ITEMS. < , j I '-• 1 i LABOUR. CASUALTIES. | l - i ; I ... - - m ... ... . ... I ' Is obtainable. They can only get out by a narrow doorway, which is still admitting passengers or friends To throw open the wide doors, let the others get away with convenient speed, and clear the platform for newcomers, would be to run the risk of losing a few "bhreepennies" from the late arrivals, though, before a. train comes in, the Department will have reaped enough for full hara vest of these from an exploited and The railalways hampered public. way platform would be quite inadeinate under any circumstances, but -it js made worse when it is not allowed k> have its. proper exits. During the ime that services are to be cut down ,he Department might take the opportunity of widening its platform, the JULY 2 1919 ! THE TlMAlltf HIBALB WEBNESBAY ... i - SHE TIMARTJ HSRALBi 8 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 1919 THE RABBIT MENACE. ■■"■■■»■ THE MANUFACTURE OF POISON. that it I- ofLeai'iiing the Department was the intention to manufacture pollard poison for rabbits at a central depots as at. station instead of at local i present, the Fail-lie Rabbit Committee. that the! smaller manufacturing centres be maintained as far as possible, in order that the settlers might get the poison in a- fresher condition than would be possible if the business were centralised. The injurious effect of the manufacture of the poison under present methods at Fairlio and elsewhere was fully-''recognised, but it was considered that even if the smaller manufacturing depots were maintained mechanical aid could be called in, thus minimising the risk to workers. Mr C. J. Talbot .accordingly wrote to Dr Reakes. the Director-General, on the matter and he has just received the j passed a resolution urging '-. SUCH EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. CAS, IS EQUIPPED WITH EVERY MODERN MOTOP, ACCESSORY, EIiECrRIC ELECTRIC LIGHTS, OVERSEZE TYRES (NEARLY NEW), PUMP, TOOLS, TION LAIMP, DICKY SEAT, ETC. \ THE *J> 7, JACK/' INSPEC» • -GUARANTEE: SAME AS NEW. CAR. _' CLEAR SAVING OF £llO of the'Rabbit Committee, and T want to assure you, and the committee, that the last thing the Department desires is to do anything which will in any degree hamper %■ retard the efficient carrying out -01 the, work of rabbit destruction. "The manufacture of phosphorised pollard is, as you know, an occupation detrimental to the health of the men engaged in the work, unless the most careful precautions • are taken, and it is considered that, if a thoroughly efficient and up-to-date "plant is installed in a central factory, the poison can be produced, not only with a minimum of risk to the workers j but also in the best possible condition for giving good results when. ■ used. The time which would elapse between the manufacture poison of the and packing> at a central factory situated, say. at Dunedin, and its delivery to a distributing depot at Fairlie, would be so short that no possible risk -could be incurred of it deMoreover, teriorating in any way. our experience in the North Jsland shows that well manufactured poison will undoubtedly keep fresh and potent for a reasonable time after being properly packed in, hermetically sealed tins. "Personally, T do not think that the settlers need have any fear that they will not get just as good poison under the suggested new arrangement as they receive at present. Indeed, on the contrary, I have every reason to anis found. any change that, if ticipate it will be on the lines of improvement otherwise. rather than "You will quite understand ' that T am desirous of having this business of the manufacture and distribution of rabbit-poison established on the best lines, and carried-out under good principles, both commercially and otherwise, and I would repeat that the last thing in my mind, is to do anything which will in any degree hamper or render more difficult tho work of the settlers' in coping wrwi this extremely serious pest. In any case, the new plant will have to prove its efficiency thoroughly before any of the old ones are done away with, and, in view of the opinions expressed, I am further consulting those responsible officers of tli9 Department who are personally conversant with everything connected with rabbit-poisoning, with a view to obtaining their opinions on the further contentions now set forward." L. Coe, D. Stpwell, W. Cague. and T. Sullivan 67, J; Allan and Miss." W. Arden, 69 "Next week the Club will commence a~-threc-night shoot for a trophy presentsd'By Mr J. White. " -, WELCOME HOME. * AT "WASIEDYKE. On j?i'djj at V isbdjkc™ a'welcome home was tendeied to Corporal Riddell, Lante CcipoiaK MtMuicoie and Harkness and Pirwites Ivellj, Hams, and Uro'Aii. The function, ovei which Mi Mee piesidecl, look the form ct i concert and dance The formei was piovided b\ a paity from Timaru, organised by Mr G. H. Andrews, and was iiiuch ecjojed by an audience that filled the "Washd-ile Hall Almost elrery item was ■encored. Songs were "render ed by Mrs.Rule and Mr Andrews, violin solos by Miss Annett, flute solos bv !>lr Mallei, and ei al' pieces b\ tiifl South Canteibuij Oiche&tia At;the conclusion of the concert the performeis lece'ved a heaity rote of thanks for ' their . services, and then Mr Mee affcei a short address Presented each of the returned men with a, gold med&l. He extended a hearty 'welcome home to eacll soldiei spoke of T.he "great v ork theA had done it tlie front and hoped that tliev woull soci all settle down happily and find a suc(p«fnl caieer I*l fiont of them 11° also uitmated Hint tho Washdvke and Levels Patriotic Committee- •with the hch> of the people of the combined districts intended to make an effort in the-direction of a permanent memorial •to those soldiers who had fallen, and said he w*s csitam T hat the people, when called on, would respond generou=U Each- of the recipients responded, thanking +ho people for their welcome and"-.expressing the pleasure at being homo aaam. An eniovable dance with supper fol1 lowed, iiuisic being; supplied bv Mr and Miss Coupei -*hlle Mr C O Co acted wirh his nsunl pffirjenc- ns M C - """" THE NOVEMBER EPIDEMIC. 'Many people who escaped the influenza 1 -outbreak, on comparing notes, earner-, to the. conclusion r that -nothing "was-sb effective as Fluenzol in warding off .the disease. The daily irrigation of the throat and nasal cavity with Fluenzol is a certain preventive. Insist on genuine Fluenzol. Is 6d 2s M. (5) as. no. , ■ ._ ~ 1 _ •"—* —-■ .„ , *4<fAR — Stafford St., Timaru. s> MISS HAWKEY, PASTRYCOOK CONFECTIONER Hue just added TEA ROOMS, Well Situated and Appointed, to hej Business. MORNING AND AFTERNOON TEAS with privacy and home comfort, will always be obtained there. Best Cake3t Delicious Tea, and Good Service. SOFT DRINKS. Nq Waiting. Civility,, Attention. CENTRAL TEA ROOMS. CAKE CONFECTIONERY DEPOT. & FITTINGS, BATTERIES, ETC. ELECTRICAL OVERHAULED BY AN EXPERT. YOUR HAVE eoflsubT Battery and Self-Starter Specialist. & He is now in a position to undertake all manner of Electrical Overhauling of Cars at a very Reasonable Charge. Any make of «l?*T*ry Electrical System Overhauled. Armatures. Field Coils and Relays Rewound. Electric Lighting System Fitted to Any Make ot Oai Communia Speciality. Cars Inspected and Advice Given Free. cations promptly attended to.' PROPRIETRESS. or ;. for Sale. 1 ""~*IANOS Iron strung Magnificent OverUpright Frame Grand. Beautiful rosewood case, rich; suitable tone; 95 guineas cash or terms. Brunsden's, Direct Street. I Stafford 1 -&i. j^SßaSßs&,^»^^R«;g«?igga HIGH PRAISE. CERTIFICATED PLUMBER AND DRAINER, BELLHANGER, AN" METAL WORKER. GASFITTER, ADIES ARE. CRITICAL—and when she displays her Ring to lady friends it will be "poohed at" if not up to the mark. Purchase, therefore, where only the Finest Rings are offered. PURCHASE AT DUNN'S HERE ARE DELIGHTFUL RINGS, in Finest Gold, set with Flawless, Dazzling Gems, and-priced well within • DEFENCE ORGANISATION OF DOMINION:. -, Tlie following .letter .-has :",beon' received by the Minister of Defence (Sir James Allen) from General Sir Henry Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General , Staff:— •'Dear Sir James,—l am very grate-, ful for yoiir letter of February 8 forwarding the most interesting statement regarding the provision and maintenance of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, n most able and clear document upon which yonr Chief of Staff is to be congratulated. From the point of view of the General Staff here, ■what most strike's the eye is the readiness with which New Zealand responded to all demands made'by'the Imperial Government; and the thoroughness with which all the arrangements in connection with the Expeditionary Force :It is clear that were ■carried out this would not have, 'been possible but for the forward state, prior to 1914. of your preparations for organisation Preparation and coin case of war. operation have been the two watchwords of success in this war, and I r,m glad to' say that .we have always found them, not only on the lips but in the hearts of the New 'Zealand troops. "HENRY WILSON, \ ~ ~ "Chief of the Imperial General Staff. : A further tribute from high authority is contained in a letter, from Sir William Sir James Allen: —"That New Zealand has bec-nable to keep its Division up to strength, and even more than Tip to. strength, is a very great achievement, which is pro-j bably not appreciated by those who do not ' know all the difficulties involved." JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY* STAFFORD STREET SOUTH, TIMARU. Telephone 835. ■ L. Hokin, - l East week the numbers .of. .St. Andrews Sine ClSjCshot for a trophy presented 'liy Mr Ken Mayo. Mi.W W. Arden, L. Coe and 11. Arden tied with their handicaps. The best scores were . ST. ANDREWS CLUB. - because he was present at the turning of the first sod, before the works were built, as well as the opening ceremony, when they were completed; and was one of the speakers on each of these ausPAREORA FREEZING WORKS. picious occasions. Yesterday a compliment was paid to Mr Craigie by asking NEW MACHINERY, . him to start the new machine, and hav"Progress" and "Can'terbury Frozen ing deftly set tho machinery in mo.tion Meat Company," have always been syn- (it ran smoothly as clockwork) ho onymous terms. When the Company addressed a few words to those,present. decided to eredt works in South CanMr Craigie acknowledged the compliterbury fifteen years ago and selected ment paid him, and wait on to say Pareora by the sea as the site for that the new Haslam was '-'the last them, there were those who were dubi- word" in refrigerating machinery. The ous as to the wisdom of the venture. old Hercules had done great and good But those who were timid in the mat- work, having refrigerated over four ter did not know South Canterbury; million carcases, and though is had they watched the new works grow like never yet failed them, the management a p'ltum tree sown in a flower pot, conwould doubtless feel nwre comfortable' stantly requiring more space for ex-' in the knowledge that tlicy had a standpansion, and the last doubting Thomas by. The chief engineer (Mr • Robert .Robertson) was a Scotchman,, and „,he has long since disappeared. To-day the Pareora Freezing Works would appreciate what he (the speaker)' are models of their kind. There are meant, when he said it was "gie riskv." none 'to excel them in New Zealand, Mr: Craigie gave some interesting inforwalk through them shows witih mation concerning the works when and. askill, wlialb celerity, and cleanliness the they were first opened on Aprill 7, 1904,farmers' fat stock is made ready for when a special (train _ had come down human consumption. It is interesting from Christchnreh bringing, representato note too, in these days of hare r>as- tive graziers and farmers from North tures and lack of insulated ships, that Canterbury, and many prominentthe _works have a wonderful capacity, shareholders ini the Company. Some of fewer than 350,000 carcases finding the visitors, he said, were pessimistic, "ice" rind donbited whether their had a safe TeoosJtory in the big "horcsp: The killitifr capacity of the works heen wisely speut, in works an Pareora. But there neither was doubt nor pessiis _SOOO sheep per day, and at tlie present; time 35W sheep and lambs and. mism to-dav, and the success achieved abpui- iirhirtv head of _ cattle are being more than justified 'the erection of these' works. Mr Craigie went,on to speak put v through daily; Por a long time past 'the Company of the marvellous growth of the freezing have been carrying on with a big. Her-' industry and of its value 'to the Domincules engine, capable of freezing. 6000 ion. In 1904 the value of the frozen sheepra'day/ aindnt has done its work meat sent away from. New Zealand was well -without f.ault of amy; kind. But" .-£3,300,000; to-day it was" £6,400,000. in,order,.not .to take the risk of a break- Frozen mutton, and 'the wool and pelts down it'was long, ago determined that from the sheep so treated,-brought in a stand-by plant should "be put in—one* £11,000,000 in 1904. while to-day they that coutd s*tep into the breach should brought in over £20,000,000 per annum. the •monster Hercules: ever go on strike, South Canterbury was a very fine part and one which could he used at a much of New Zealand, eminently adapted for lower cost when there was not very closer settlement and more intense when this came much work to -do> as' for instance in cultivation, aud the early part of the season before the aboiit the national income from our rush, of stock started, and at the tail produce would be increased enormously. end of it.when the season was nearing In conclusion Mr Craigie wished the its close. "With this ivs view a Haslani Pareora. Works long continued and everengine was ordered about three years increasing pi-osperity. The name Pareago, from the makers in Derbyshire, ora, he said, meant, in Maori, plenty; but owing to the exigencies of war it and so he would say: "Kapai Pareora, Ake! Ake!"—Good Pareora has only just arrived and been fitted Ake! up. It is a remarkably efficient engine for ever and ever and ever. (Applause.) and marks ifche very latest and best in refrigerating machinery to be found in NEII/3 NEKVITA.— This fg a any part of_ the world. "When its and NERVE FOOD coat (£5000) is taken into consideration, SPECIAL TONIC suffering NERVOUS it .ought to be all this. There is still 1 for persons When thefrom nerves are overnothing wrong with the Hercules en- DEBILITY. are troubled with gine indeed the piston which was in it strained, and you is the TONIC you FAG, this when, it was originally installed fifteen BRAIN first stimulates yeargrago, is slfcill in it. and working as require.theItnerves with the and then feeds NUTRIwell'as ever, and though it says much they require for repair. For for the engineering staff that they have MENT OF ENERGY, that TIRED, LOSS keen :nble to1 keep the works going durFEELING, LOSS OF ing all these years without a stop, so WORN-OUT APPETITE, and all disorders such as far as the machinery is concerned, they DIGESTIVE DERANGEMENT resultwill doubtless sleep easier now 'that ing from a reduced state of the nervous thev-have a stand-by plant. system, "we can confidently recommend The new machine was started yester- this preparation. It is highly valuable females. Pleasant day in .the presence of the gpneral man. for ANAEMIA in nwr (Mr Ronald Fishery Mr T>. B. to take, and it never fails. Price 2s "Penvson Cocal manaoreri, Mr J. Ornisie 6d Bottle; Posted anywhere in New NEIL'S PHARnumber of the employees. Zealand, 6<J extra. M.P.. Mr Craigie having been asked to attend MACY. Stafford Street South. WHERE THE SHEEP GO. _ ,_.. 6.0. FARMES' AGENC7 LIMITED. reason. V WHICH DID SHE SAY ?—Diamonds alone, or Diamonds and Mixed Gems? faavo pleasure In WE that we have beea AGENTS for. JEWELLER OOMPANIb annonncnigj appointed? 'The f<~V ner .Jewellery Store." iJßl'iiteiA -bui-uX 1 M l-'liiiiMiiuSl'S, fas the Timaru District, and noa esatrol the SOLE AGENCY for these Implement* from Winchester in the North to Makikihi in the South, including Fairlie and Burrounding Districts. We have opened a Branch at No. 10 CHURCH STREET (NEAfI CAIN'S TERRACE, BTAiJ'FOIU) Slßl^M), TIMARU of MR DAVID MOORE, where Full Stocks of EXTRAS can be all times. at obtained We are also maki ri :i Display of tha various IMPLEMENT'S made by tlw KASSBY-HARRIS CO.. and incite th© inspection of all Farmers interested ia Modern Farm Machinery. Ab supplies of Extras are difficult to obtain this season, we would advis® Clients to let us hav9 a note of theif requirements as early as possible We axe al?o carrying; Fuli Stock!) of BINDER TWINE (ANDREWS'S and MADDREN'S) and OILS at onr Tiniaro Branch. in charge ' \ MINIATURE RIFLES. H „ _ , «» *" OUR ANNUAL STOCKTAKING IS AT HAND, AND BEING HEAVILY OVERSTOCKED WE ARE DETHE WHOLE STOCK IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL, AjsT> SP.-CE ALLOWS TERMLNED TO REDUCE. FOR ONLY A FEW ITEMS:— . . in White, Apricot, Cense, and Royal, 27 inches wide. Quality, CREPE-DE-CHENE Good . ' TO CLEAR AT 5s 3d YARD CREPE-DE-CHENE Superior Quality, m Black, White. Cream, Purple, V Rose, Pink, Skv. Champagne, TO CLEAR AT 10s 6d YARD " Sase. Mole, and Brown, 40 inches wide. TAFFETA RADIUM.—Heavy Quality, m Black, Grey, Mole, Navy. Champagne, V Rose, Pink, Skv, Copiu AT 7s lid and 8s Iid'YARD , . per, etc., double width. n 33 inches vnde. FUIJI SILK.-Sn.Hnl Heavy Quality OVew Guaranteed), TO CLEAR AT 4s lid and 5s lid YARD , ■ JAPANEES SlLKS.—Wonderful Values in Black, White, Cream. Purple, V Rose. Pink, Sky, Emerald 27 incheß wide. Bottle Reseda, Sand, Mole, Grey, Brown,- etc. TO CLEAR FROM Is lid to 7s lid YARD Cheaper Silk than Calico 24 inches wide at Is 6d Yard. and 33 inches wide TUSSORE SILKS.—Pure AT Is lid TO 7s lid YARD ALL TO GO AT is YARD FANCY SlLKS.—Check and Stripe Designs. Usual Price os lid to 10s 6d. LENCTHS, in endless varietr. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SPECIAL SILK BLOUSE in viow of the rapid advance in prices ALL THESE SILKS have been bought on the Lowest Market, and -i- „„■*.. r>™„: well .-<**-«*<>~l n he to—-Clients would 1 I INSPECTION INVITED. ' Glass. AND ALL PAINTERS' REQUISITES. Motor Cur Wind Screens V. a Speciality. »- loteale and Retail ■ Suppliers. 'Phone, 82 " ; Chest Complaints, For Chronic Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d, 2s Bd. ... w wmamummßßKOSm BOOTS. FROM 14s' 6d a pair. LADIEb' £P* STOUT GUM BOOTS, Extra Stout Soles. Will last for years. A Grand Boot. PRICE, l)0s a nair LADIES' NORTH BRITISH ARMY BOOTS ; SH]I LAD AU tho Best "Makes Stock. in J^^OI 4s'P lid¥ a panv PRICE, CHILDREN'S GOLOSHES—AII Sizes Stocked. Goloshes that will Fit Children from,--18 months old upwards. MENS RED BALL; STORM KING LONG RUBBER BOOTS. PRICE, 35s a pair. MEN'S THIGH GUM BOOTS "VAC" BRAND. A New Shipment iust opened. MEN'S "VAC" KNEE GUM BOOTS. Extension Soles. Only Best Quality "Vac" Boots Stocked. MEN'S GRIMSBY FISHERMAN KNEE GUM BOOTS White Rubber Spies. Full of Quality. PRICE, 30s a pair. LARGEST SHIPMENT OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR OPENED THE UP IN faOUTH CANTERBURY JUST RECEIVED. Absolutely MEN'S CELEBRATED "MACKENZIE" SHOOTER. Waterproof. Sole Agents for South Canterbury. ■ -'" " MEN'S BEST KIP PEGGED SHOOTERS. "Pioneer" Brand. OUR PRICE, 23s GdMEN'S STRONG NAILED SHOOTER. Pegged. Made by Suckling Brothers. OUR PRICE, 20s. MEN'S O'B. BOOTS, AND MEN'S "DUCK" BOOTS. Both Grand Waterproof Boots. MEN'S LONG LIFE BOOTS, AND MEN'S CROCKETT AND JONES' BOOTS. PREMIER NAILED BOOTS, AND SUCKLING BROS.' NAILED BOOTS. Both Makes hard to 7oeat -for Farm Boots. Full Stocks on hand. OUR POSTAL ORDER, BUSINESS HAS GREATLY INCREASAND TO FURTHER ED DURING THE LAST. YEAR, DEVELOP THIS DEPARTMENT WE HAVE DECIDED TO POSTAGE ON ALL POSTAL ORDERS PAY FREIGHT AND IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY, MAIL YOUR ORDER TO US AND YOU WILL GET YOUR ORDER DELIVERED FREE. CARRIAGE PAID ON ALL POSTAL ORDERS. MONEY SENT WITH POSTAL ORDER RETURNED IF GOODS NOT SATISFACTORY. BOS 160. You TTonld hustle your oar around tracks at 100 miles per hour—stake your very life on the strengthand endurance of the tubes you had chosen Before you started, you would tak* no •baneos on equipment. You'd investigate—and buy the best! You'd find that, regardless of tires use£, practically every race driver of importance nses stock Goodrich Brown Inner Tubes. These men don't guess —they know ! And they have to buy their they tubes. But realise that Brown Tubes are bo tough, so strong and long-lived that they can rely on them ! NORTH END STORE,— Opp. Glenie's Stables. i'IMARU BRANCH: JSAN ACGSDENT GUARANTEE CORPORATION LTD. Insurancsa E&ected: Workers' Coinpenaatiou, Mortgage* 'ndemnity, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guar* antee, Accident and Sickneß3, and Fire insurance. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. GEORGE STREET. Dictrict T. CRONIN. Dkt.riot AgeP*. ( A GENERAL CARRIER AND FOR. WARDING AGENT. \ WM m \ >EGS to notify the General Pub* 9 than he has taken over the Agency of the New Zealand Carrying Company, i TELEPHONE 841. All Work carefully and promptly at« tended to. Goodrich Brown Inner Tubes will do just as much for your customers. SHIFTING WORK done by expert. enced hands. MOTOR LORRY for Parties and Pio. nics and Long Distance Carrying. 1 12 Jame3 Streef, Private Address: . Office. Stafford St. North. Prompt Service. 841. Telephone H. GOULD FAT« RENDERED OR 226 Tu«m St.,ChHetehurcn COOKHAM HOUSE,—. Stafford Street South. HEAD OFFICE, TEMUIiA. If yon were a Race Driver what tubes would you use ? [ -:,S LATE OWNER HAS PURCHASED A LARGER CAR, AND IT IS SELDOM THAT tWE CAN OFFER c sft<J,°> TRT?™ TTVnS, i ; FOT? I - FANCY .<3?LF<-s I <& re- ceipt of your letter of 3rd instant, re the proposal to centralise the manufacture of rabbit-poison at one or two central factories. I note, the feeling Last Year's Me! Roadster CfI£pE^2cHENES , following reply;— "Dear Sir, —I bog to acknowledge LADIES, THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE HIGH-CLASc, SILKS AT RIDICULOUSLY L CHIFFONS, TAFFETA RADIUMS, HABUTAIS, ETC.. FOR SUPERIOR f TAFFETA 56 High St.. Auckland 18 Panama St., Wellington 309 Moray Place (corner Grant King St.), Dunedln TIMARU. FAT. RAW. 1 . Prices given by H. Smallridge, Fair, Drop a Post view Tallow Refinery. Card or Ring up— H. SMALLRIDGE. Direct Exporter, JSAIRVTEW. snd the Cart will call. Address—246. Otipua Road. Telephone No 405, i*HE TIM AJEtU HERALD WEDNESDAY. JULY 2 CORRESPONDENCE. /. ; FEEL INTERESTED. 0 We welcome your enquiries. us a line. The Canterbury Farmers' Co-op. Asscn., Ltd. OME people hesitate many to give a Proprietary Medicine to Very Young Children and, in cases the hesitation is quite justifiable 5 need not have any fear about but the Public HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE This Medicine is Scientifically prepared by Mr. W. G. Hearne who is a REGISTERED CHEMIST of extensive r^n experience, and the Manu* fadhirer is absolutely preT JiniFwi pared to stake every ounce of his Magnificent Repuftation on the fad: thai fi < ■ is equally beneficial J VERY AGED. I) . COUGHS _ FOOTBALL. COLDS LONG B.ANGE HOCKEY. TEAMS FOR THURSDAY. Be in the Fipst Rush for Bargains |OF INTEREST ALl|M TO HERALDING the APPROACH- The needs of the Moment g TJiat..' P '^?n*- £3O Per r20 acres oats part sown down. B |£ tamipsi 1 acre mangolds 6 acres lucerne, Good DJiMjng. 1 acre good orchard, i-mile town and rail etc. ' £ Deposit, £SOO. ..';_., PRICE. 1100. ' - ?i" balance>grass.". 458 ACRES'FREEHOLD—2S acres turnips and'"grass, .25 acres 1 year grass, 50 acres stubble and grasa, 71 acres 2 year grass 271 acres grass in rotation. First class buildings, land in good order, close to'" Cold, stream. PRICE. £l2'lo=. Dsposii, £IO6O. 600 ACRES LONGBSAOS—BO acres oats, in acrea wheat, 200 acres new grasses, 50 acres cocksfoot, 4U acres turnips. 10 acres mangolds. Up-todate buildings and conveniences This property is good and."''cheap PRICE, £l7, and only £750 deposit wanted! :• HONEY . • concon- sist of 110 acres wheat, 'oalance young grass. PRICE, £SO per acre. An-ideal little property —3 miles from Ashburton. CLOVER HONEY, 10d per. lb. In; lib Pats. In Bulk (601b tins) Tn Jars and Bottles . IS VERY THE QUALITY' FINE. , - t ' A WORD ABOUT "OUR OWN , ASSORTMENT." .This has become- \ popular hecause of the Choice Varieties it co. PATENT BARLEY: -HAVE YOU TRIED THEM. J , : ":- SEE US FOR A LIST! w ill make a fitting - token of Peace. '• And wc can iJiow you .wide stacks that reflect good tasto' and value in a way; that is certain to Where to Buy them The Grocers BEAUTIFUL PENDANTS. artistically wrought precious stones.' Stafford Street ■ " — in,.'gold' ' ,' ' - _and • ' DRE S S RI'N G 'S, with diamonds and other' gems.i o- , . . ' • BROOCHES, BRACELETS, and many other appropriate 'gift THE CAR THAT IS RELIABLE, DURABLE, AND ECONOMICAL. AVERAGES 30 MILES TO THJ'J GALLON OF PETROL, AND EXCEPTIONALLY LIGHT ON TYRES. 1 COST A FEW POUNDS MORE THAN THE CHEAPEST OF THE CHEAP. CERTAINLY, BUT: THE MAXWELL IS A GREAT DEAL BETTER AND CHEAPER-IN r THE : ■;"..\ LONG RUN. ANOTHER SHIPMENT NOW ON THE WAY, HALF OF THEM ALREADY goods, to commemorate G. ;J;G. Andrews, Importer, Terriuka Peace! T. YOUNG, LTD & TIMARU. .JEWELLERS SOLD. The waimate Dairy /"\N AND INSTAL. A "Still Better AFTER JUNE Ist, we are buyers of HOME SEPARATED CREAM, Highest-Market Price given*'for. .. fa What if your spark should fail! Think of the expense and V\ worse than that, the annoyance. Both are easily avoided by using the \ Willard Storage \*£\ Battor y* Tell You 7 '( \ ho ''feX He< \ \ - -■„■__ RAILAGE PAID FROM ANY .-...STATION.-...:;..:.... ■"..:■."- In the "Still Better" WilIt-ti. with tlire»ded rub- About It! BUTTER FAT.- .-f Cream weighed to the Half "Pound, and Weights and Tests-guaranteed.; Payments made twice monthly. .; Write or oftll for' our fcarms Fefor« consigning elsewhere. a sparking and better than lighting ALBD aiACK; ability, Manager. before. Vf'A t "^iW -J3. :/i'F% : ii im^i'' ILLARD SERVICE STATIOINX^ i 160 LICHFIELD STREET CHRISTCHURCH \ :: ... Willard Batteries obtainable from all leading Garages, also Williard Service FOR Stations. YOUR ' ■ —-. Flynn, Conroy, Feely, Houlihan, Smith, 'and McGratb. Thirds v. High. School, Athletic Grounds, I.4o—Pearce. Hay, Fitzger- „• ' GERALDINE. . Seniors v. Temuka—J. Br en ton, L. Brenton, R. Eifield, C. Anderson, M. Quirk, W. Quirk, L. Turner, G. Campbell, F. Kennedy, A. Spillane, R. Belgrave, H. Morrison, E. Gaulter, R. O'Neil. D. Bates. All players are requested to be on the ground at 2.30 l \ 1 sharp. Prepaid only by THOKAS BEBCHAM, St Keleaj, fag. Is boxes, labelled IOJd, I/IJ & 2/9. VOU and your family will, anticipate the arrival of tea-time" with a keener than ever pleasure if the tea is RECORD TEA. K * Third Grade v. High School A., at Timaru—Craig, P. Bennett, K. Bruce, G. Turner, R. Hawke, M. Mulhern, J. Wilkinson, N. Mitchell, F. Sherratt, G. Scully, T. Mason, J. Clark, G. Wood, J. Brett, Neutze. Emergencies—G. (Lorry will South and F. Mulhern. [leave Glover's corner at 1 Say mmn ms&mA mm NEXT COSTUME Call on Dwan, Crowley, O'Brien, Dunn, Rvilly, Kyla ' Gawne, Roper, .Toyce, Geaney Tobin, Dickie, Myers, Fox. ARG&DI&. Some. Dainty Article of Jewellery ald, SOS STAFFORD BT.» TIMARU —OPPOSITE iveness! \ BISCUITS ™ Durability and Attract, i FOR THE CHILDREN ' \ SUGAR OF MILK. HORLICK'S MALTED MILK. DUROY'S FOOD, NEAVE'S FOOD. MELLTN'S FOOD. iJ "GLAXO"—drr.l, ; ml'H@^ & , ■ I' I — MANY OTHERS. their Daintiness, k "WINTER NEEDS" SCOTT'S EMULSION. LANE'S EMULSION. EXTRACT OF MALT. EXTRACT. OF MALT OIL. COD LIVER OIL. HEAN'S ESSENCE. I .. ACRES EREEHO3LD—Good heavy land, 6-roomed housa and all JE4 veniences, 12 paddocks, well watered, good outbuildings. Crops . JS"^ Lf ' 76 A G - : iF?' SnSP^ - LEASE 3 ready '« wheat, 85 acres turnips, ploughed, acres rtubblo; , balance 2 and _SO acres 8 year'. Brass.' /First ,JQ swadrng, close to eonvemen ces v class PRICE, £I7OO. '&» pleas©.'., '• V>y please. The following teams have been- selected for - to-morrow's games:— TIMARU CLUB TEAMS. TEMUKA. Seniors (leave post office at 1.30. will represent Timaru's following The D Scott P. Crannitch. A. Fisher,' J. A and B teams v. Te Rangi at the Fisher, Gr. Fisher, A. Scott, F. Webft; Park to-morrow:—L. Storey, I. Aspmall, J. Bennett, A :ceam Oram, Bonis-, Hocking, A. McPherson, W. Larcombe, D. Su- Davies/ Eddingjton, Annear, Palliser, grue, A. Edgeer, A. J. 0. Thomas. Leslie, Ayison, Peterson. Hughes, Juniors (v Star), 3 p.m.—M. HenB team—Tapp, Stonyer, Keay, Soloderson, F. Spring, H. Woodley, C. mon, Cruickshanks, Ellis, Smith, MurFisher, S. 'Douglas, J. Edgeler, C. ray, Taylor, Olliver. Nelson, Patemaiu. Clinch, &'. Scott, W. Tozer, J, ' Elder, A. Hallv, M. Bill, H. Washington, S. Webb. F. Martin. A; FULL FLAVOURED ESSENCE. Third Grade (v. Zingari), 2 p.m.— A dainty •'dish should have a dainty Highct, Burns (2), Evans, Sheen, flavour. Careful cooks select Cathedral Robinson, Cain, Thomas. Williams,' Brand Essence: it is highly concenfull flavoured. Try it; Kahu, Fowler, Hooper, Lamb, Mou1 trated and you'll be surprised how much tou. Watson. nicer your cakes, puddings, and dainties will ZINGARI. Seniors v. Old Boys (Athletic he. Cathedral Essence is New Zealand Grounds No. 2 at 2.45 sharp}, Ward, made and is much stronger and cheaper Parker, Hook, Auld, Triggs, Goodman, than imported brands. The large bottle more Brother, Macdoriald, Lawson, Home, contains two and a half-times Harold, Mason, Ward," Cruiekshauks, than the imported essence at the same price. All grocers. (6) McWhirter, Ritchie, Howley. Juniors v. School (Athletic No-. 1 1-45. sharp), Stevenson, Ferguson:, Martin, Christmas. Watt, Hoare, Ramsay, Bracefield, W. Ball, Guilbert. Herdmnn, Earl. A'dd, O'Connor, C. Fairbrother, ,G. E. Fairbro:tbe,r. Thirds v. Temuka, Stevenson, Davidson. Ashton. Dunn, Trevella, Bracefield, Fail-brother, Ball. Davie, Jones, There fs nothing like making sure Rooney, S- Crearer. Smith.' Ferguson, where one's health is concerned. Hume, Thomas. Wilson. , (Lorry, leaves the Empire corner at I sharp.) Good health is the best guarantee ■_i OLD BOYS TEAM. that Life shall be a success. Now Third grade v. Star on Anzae Reserve it is well-known that digestive at Clavk, E. Ellis, R. orders are the cause of more cases Ellis, T. Ttflis, Shewnm, Cro'sbie, Isaac, of ill-health than any other class of Lawson, Dean, Meikle. Parker^-V Wilailment. The digestive system is liams. Rudnrei. Burns; emergencies, so extensive, so complex and so ' Wakefield, hard-worked, that its liability to STAR CLUB. derangement is not astonishing. Seniors v. ; Celtin (2.45) Happily, however, many digestive Ttitty, ' A linear, Hickev.: Mitchell, ailments can be easily remedied. Stewart;,- Guthrie, Underbill, .GKlhill, Happily, too, many digestionsnced Alls>T<iyc». Lawful, Cooke, Logan, Doull:- Coppin, Cunningham, Dickson, never go wrong. You can make Manning. reasonably sure that your digestion Jrihiors v. Temukn (at T'oini'ko'*— will not fail you, even under Nipp. Tnttv, Porter. Home (2), Cnllen trying conditions, if you get into :<SV; Dnillev. Midget. Gunn, .. Prinve, the excellent way of taking ■O'Rqurke. Stewart- Davidson..., ToneyBeecham's Pills. This Wonderful nliffe, Fncter. R. Watson. (Drag leaves Medicine"—as it has been called BnvlvTir.Z. at 1.15 sham.') does really work wonders with the Thirds r.OM Bov<= R.e=B rre digestive system. Beecham's Pills 43)— Clarke, I. Leopold. Husband. Ellis, (Smth. Dodd. Den'is, Ban-jo. impart tone to the stomach, regunulleu, late the action of the liver and Grnnger. Segar, Head, Roid, Tonevkidneys and gently stimulate the nliffe. How^^i: "uierfoneies—Howard, bowels into healthy activity. Get Wood, Hnwkev. Borrell. THE OELTTC CLUB. into the habit of making sure. Seniors v. Star, Athletic Grounds. Have recourse to Beecham's Pills Boyle ; Kane, Rergiri, Angland, Shea at the first sign of digestive trouble. (2), *Laery, L?igh, D'Arcy, Flett, Nake sure of yourhealth by taking j fclfclrivufctVi - OF PEACE! GIFT GOODS ~" Favourite ! . YOU Oil BUILDING. I k DO PARK To the Editor oAhe ."Timaru, Herald." To the Editor ol' the "Timaru Herald.' Sir, —It was with surprise and indigSir, —Mr Lamborn objects a park nation that I read. in. this: morning's as a war memorial, because to park is. "Herald" the latest 'special advertise- <i playground for children. a Llo also ment of jthe Railway Department that thinks tliat children would not-respect, "beer, wine, andspirits" will be carried the trees planted in mcmorv of our during, the period of the restricted train fallen he-roes. I would ask Mr Laraservice. A day. or so' ago we were in- bai'D. to reflect that it is not a cemeformed that commodities accepted for tery that is proposed, but a veritable conveyance would be confined to "food playground for children of all stuffs and necessary household requis- a place in which tiiey can run ages—about ites." Under which category can "beer, in the fresh air and sunshine, rompwine, and spirits" possibly "come? They ing . and ; shouting and enjoying the are not a food; they do mot add heat to freedom which our gave their the human body; and ithey are not es- lives to .secure for soldiers and where them; sential household requisites. How then older people can saunter and reflect does it come Ithen that "the!-trade" is on unselfishness displayed by the given preference over all other trades? menthe. of Timaru who went abroad to Is it not a scandal fthat the ..Railway De- face untold hardships and meet death partment should seem to have yielded itself so that those left behind might a traffic which is not in any enjoy fuller freer and life. : Ana way a source of strength or happiness would not the children of Timaru re;to the. country? We remember during spect: the trees planted in memory of the war period how abnormal cargoes their own fathers, brothers, and othei spirits came from the of;; Old Land Surely, they would. Bui .while; essential goods were left behind.. -.relations.?. •childhood's days pass all too quickly Are wo going to have a repetition" of| away. Children, grow up./ Their this a scaiidali witihin New -Zealand? minds soon . begin -to deal with., tho Must;the liquor business always receive stern realities of life, and to see "things preferential treatment at the hands of in their' true perspective. : At: tliis i; th£■iGovernment ?—I am" stage of budding youth what could :be more appropriate than- that the- laris and lasses of town should repair To,the;Editor of the "Timaru Herald." i. from time to the to such a place Railway Department's ad- and sit, book in.time hand, reading. ot\ tlni vertisement in -your Monday's issue noble and the deeds. heroic sacrifices caused considerable; anxiety ia the made, by departed -heroes whose tfdddng-community." The ; list of goods spirits livethe the-trees in around , them? that would be carried clearly Several other writers favour mestated, ~but the remarkable thing abouli? ':"i'b'.; was that beer, wines and; spirits were morials in the form of buildings, or the type of Nelson's the only goods specially 'named that monuments inafter Trafalgar Square, Lon-wouSd-'nofc be carried. It required butt Monument don. This is following the old orthoa moment's reflection -w realise what dox idea, which people in the older the restricted traffic meant to hundreds'of the, world are beginning to parts of men engaged in sawmilling, building discover has long outlived its useful and allied: Itrades, in addition to the such. buildings and monumunber of casual railway hands who ness) for are .memorials in name only. ments would be thrown out of employment, as They do not impress those who see materials required for buOdinig purposes' them with their meaning, and would not be handled by the Depart many people nevertrue It is see them. ment. The shortage of coal is doubtless- estimated that not the reason for the alterations, and busi- grown-up people of more than half the London have ever ness people are prepared to put up' with set eyes on the Nelson Monument; ■some inconvenience until a sufficient and. not Jialf.: of those .who -have stock can be secured to warrant a re- seen that it know what it stands fori turn to normal conditions. The ink, it has been noted that however, was hardly dry before wire Furthermore memorial buildings do not serve their pulling commenced, and behold the re- purpose because, people as a. rule never sult in this morning's paper! Beer go near. them. HoWj could they be wine and spirits may be carried, but expected toThe buildings are in material for soldiers' houses will be re- the where the> people are enfused. How long will the neopl© of gagedtown in various pursuits. They have this far land consent to be dominated not time in the hurry and scurry and by "the trade" ?—I am. etc. bustle of life to. loot at such buildNEW ZEALANDER. ings, although they may pass them Tiniaru, July 1. many times a day. And monuments and statues become to the ordinary citizen familiar as and aa devoid of PLEASANT POINT BILLIARD meaning as so many lamp-posts. BeSALOON. cause this is tlie case the tendency is to gather jail these togeEditor of*the "Timaru Herald." nowadays ther into parks and squares, where bir,—ln a recent issue of your paper people relax for a | time their strenuous there appeared an article written by "Parent" with regard to the billiard pursuit of the almighty dollar. As saloon recently opened at Pleasant proof of what .is here' stated true I venture Point. At present this constitutes the will to say that not half of only form of amusement for the men in the people of Timaru, ever look -at their spare times, but like many other some of the mohum&nts already How many, for. instance, things it is quickly denounced by ted here. people who have no love of sport. When know who erected that on© opposite or. what it commemapplying for a license the present hol- the .Post orates? der was supplied with one which comAnother, serious objection to such pels him to close his saloon at 9 p.m., but if "Parent" were to visit this memorials, is that a large jiart of the. place of amusement and make himself money subscribed, for. their erection is acquainted with the game, he would wasted in the. purchase of sices. Jf a ball is. to ;be erected in Timaru it see how unfairly the possessor is being treated in not being allowed to ought, I think, to occupy the sito keep open after nine. In speaking of behind the Post--Office.' If a- monu-. youths being fleeced ,he is evidently ment-is decided--upon,- a good site'* fori thinking of his own sons, and I must it would be that ' piece of ground besav that if, at eighteen years of age, tween the railwav bridge- and .the; Bay they cannot decide whether it is right pavilion. Mr Orbell's suggestion is but I think that the or wrong to visit a billiard saloon, a good one, take them'jfby - museum v eta., -, misrht' be <■ accommodthen "Parent" ought to of the show them few ated a in and the limits of the triumphal the hand New Zealand towns to- enlarge their arch proposed for the entrance of the etc., _ Soldiers' _ Memorial Park. Such mumemories.—l am, "INTERESTED." are .to be-seen occupying somemat similar positions in monuments in the Old Country .—I am, et-c.. ! )K at a Hudson Owner, and you see a man "stamped with prosperity. TALK -with him and you talk with a man .satis, fied and proud of his purchase. HE is not only sure of the quality of the service : *he has bought, but he is sure of the policy • ofc -.-..;:'^:~,;;--;(#■ :^ the firms behind it. WAR has tried the Super-six even more thoroughly peihaps than- the Speedway hill climbs and cross country tours, but always the same result, begetting an increased confidence. If so, drop 9 THE WAR MEMORIAL. BEER ON THE RAILWAYS. HUDSON SUPER, 1919 " RECORD Grocer. (' " MISS PERKINS THE PEOPLE'S DRESSMAKER, 45 MatUda Street. HOURS: 5.30 to 5.30 week days; 8.30 to 12.30 Saturdays. Best Finish, Siyie, Satisfaction, -at MODERATE PRICES. ,1 Js SAUNDERS AND C Gentlemen's and Ladies' Tailors. FAIRLIE. ". CUT, STYLE, FINISH. Big Range of Finest Suitings and Costume Materials to choose from. cINTYtfJE'S Extra Stron« Regulating Pills are invaluable. ■ Hecommended by hundreds of lbde«. 6d. Chemieti and. Grocers* Os OTEE TIMABU HERA.LX), 10 WEDWESBA3'. JULY 2 1919 ale OF INTEREST TO TIMARU LADIES. A GENUINE SALE OF SEASONABLE CYCLE AND MOTOR APPAREL. Offering Remarkable Values ia following lines: the — WARM UNDERCLOTHING DAINTY BLOUSES M H EAI EVENT BIGGER AND MOHK E^SvS?n SATISFYING -SJ NOTE THIS TYPICAL SELECTION. THAN ?r^ E\ ER. ; . COSY JERSEYS TI DRESSING GOWNS & JACKETS RELIABLE HOSIERY -^ TrTO¥,„ „ LADtES' LEADING ENGLISH MAKERS. THE PROM, NEW GOODS DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY <C*>C»©<>©o COATS afford to neglect this opportunity to REPLENISH ,HER WARDROBE at the minimum expense. CALL IN TO-DAY 1 Only LADIES' PAWN ALL WOOL SPORT COAT, with : Belt and New Shape Pockets. Usual Price, 90s. SALE PRICE, 57s 6d. 3 Only LADIES' PADDED SILK |No Lady . . TYRES SPORTS 3 Only LADIES' GREY WOOL SPORT COATS, with Belt and Pockets. AT 13s 9d. 6 Only-LADTES' GREY ALL WOOL SPORT COATS. AT 23s 6d 4 Only LADIES' WHITE WOOL SPORT COATS. AT 23s 6d. 9 Only LADIES' HEAVY GREY WOOL SPORT COATS. WE HAVE JUST LANDED EX S.S. lONIC -V LARGE SHIPMENT OF WOOL can DRESSING JACKETS. 3 M TJstial Price, 22s 6d. SALE PRICE, 17s 6d. Ladies' Ontfittei ANYONE REQUIRING A REAL GOOD TYRE SHOULD CALL AT Dispensed with Gare Febaat STAFFORD STREET. And Tried and. Tested for years, our COMPOUND SYRUP OF WHITE PINE. With Tar, is a Sure Specific for COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS. Also—Loss .of Voice - and vThroat and Chest Affections. ■■■'"-■'•%- MjMijaiwifejU||j| Timaru and Geraldine ©pctei* WANTED- WANTED— A Smart Bodice Hand and a Skirt Hand. Also an. Improver in her third year. Applv Miss Ross, Stafford Street North. .. To^Da^ Ml B S9I mHi HURRAH WANTED dress apply This Office! For ad- [7 A NTED to Buy own'; Rooms, North End. FACTORY, I to build or :fLeCren —Order early. TIMARU . . place in private Cook Same Jkouse; ' Cornelius's Labour Exchange; . 3 V Barnard Street \' ! Phone 410. Our Motto:SMALL PROFITS QUICK RETURNS. YOUR ORDERS TAKEN AND FILLED IN WE GUARANTEE YOU' SATISFACTION Boys' have a Sale oh. Men's Fteecy Lined Shirts and Pants. 3s 3d. Navy "and Marsden's. WANTED. Jerseys Grey ' 103 Write.for labels and consign to: ,:~^mkm^£'-^^^«»^9m^ms^^^imm: Merchants, Timaru. _ i Is Phenominal—ai*d thus fresh customers and looking uo daily. House, nortli Make HEREON Your Baker. w;anted/-to ;"Bona: Fide/' j Delivery carts to all parts of town. Orders left at office, Church Street, ! ;\ Promptly Attended To. 'PHONE 471. .: • 7ANTED—>:;.';•:; " to Assist > :; - ' I've just Average 20s' weekly, 'COUNTRY Herald Office. ■ •'"-.' i Applv: --'HOME.// • \GIRL : COMPETENT Bookbinding Department. . AVASHING - UNDERTAKEN IN OWN '- • t 411 centra!.. conveniences. Apply Herald' Agent. Temnka. "-. . MANAGER. . maru; - AMATEUR .. % MARRIOTT, MAGHINISTS and FINISHERS niso APPRENTICES and"others willing to learn the trade. Apply -. K.AIAPOT "WOOLLEN CO., Chnrc-h and Theodocia. Sts., Timaru. £3 0- Od BONI T! XTT ANTED WITH about Five ''No CiiiTdren/' Herald Office. Apply: week.. - •■...- -• MRS UNWIN. Church Street. BEDROOM SUITE, ON SHERATON LINES, ROSEWOOD FINISH. ALL FURNITURE FOR THE AT— dearie me, Bess, your sole j OH, holy. Sure, Mummy, you dio. SHORTHAND Arcade.:' _ ■'.-■•■'"'.■ Le! 1 S. LAiB 4 CO., BUINiNIE ™ Q Xlf waste j I tu into* cash" Starsmeare, b^^ellfni' ITT that m THE LAW OF" THE GUN. : Ridgwell Cullum. their hair (or at least a b-g part of it) as a rtwnlt : but there is no or influenjsa, need ha A PHANTOM LOVER. discouraged. In almost every tocasn it is only a temporary lapse—and with care and attention the hair will MR LESSINGHA.M GOES HOME. Meanwhile we aave' +h r Phillips Oppenhehn. again. 6 quisites to dress your hair just as^p or even more attractively than OF THE LADY THR CROSSING. befor PLENDID Selection'Choice ,Vccal Switches, Toupees, Temple Wavuc Frederic Ntven. f and Piano Music. Songs to suit Ithat will be a big help to yo -J voices ill from the latest Revues, pearance. We can match your h Also Kipling's N,ew Book of Verse: lagnus Albums. Best value in town. ij perfectly, and will be pleased to &i, "THE YEARS BETWEEN." ?runsden's, Direct Importer, Stafford advice. 'treet. / < A. IS TO many- STAFFORD STREET NORTH. (Opp Maiming and Dawson Ltd.). THE POPULAR VERDICT; la CAKES ARE DEPLORED BE. ladies have lost OWING ANNOI'N C E M E N T THURSDAY'S ' 'HERALD. VV Singlets, 2s 6d. Woven NightdChildren's Fleeev ,9s 6d. resses loomers 2s lid, at Marsden's. /ECombinations, have a Sale on. Ladies' Woven winter weightj Address -. * 'ET, Pat? ' as -li, MClogs, i| cSmith's i?ik " D!'y hand a bone - HTu'sh tie hem pan- of his unbreakable laces. wid s a'« P Smith's Leather Shop. most _ mornings TOILET ROOMS STAFFORD STREET NORTH. TIMARU. / STAFFORD STREET SOUTB,' Opp. Shamrock Hotel. KNOWN-A WANTED forting breakfast dish these comcold Couple of >rown, Telephone, 671, UNEQUALLED. to the demand you require to book your orders for his delicious COFFEE CAK™ --■"»-* FRUIT CAKES. _ ° I AGENCY, 'Phone 457. 'econd intZt tZ eivl HOMEJ LABOUR STAFFORD STREET CENTRAL. Second-hand Dealer. Highest given for ail kinds of Ladies' an ™,f -THE WICKEO M-VKQTJIS: ; -••>'Gonts' Apparel. -/Phillips Oppenlieim. Call a H i„ 'l' splendid, collection-of clean nd hand clothing, before orderim, -.'•-.'•'. THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, times of high price. Ruby Ayres. You will Woollcoinbe Street. money. MARRIAGE WHILE YOU WAIT. J. E. Buckrose. Va£ FURNITURE ARCADE CENTRAL MR STANDFAST, by John Buchan. ■ Author--of * And the Price is RIGHT. 10 RENT—. MODERN HOUSE, close in: Apply:" BUILT N "EEP on Singing till the Mornra JlA.Comes-" The best song and bes * tonic these cold alights. Get a copj Music now and trv it. Brunsden's . Stores. Stafford Street. " I DON'Tturn Mrs them SHOE NEWS. J5 can practically make new shoes out of vour old cues for very Jttle \\hat money, :>ud you couldn't teil they had been repaired either. )ld 0 shoes leave us looking like- new. S hoe mending is our business. USING SUN BOOT REPAIRING CO. Stafford Street, Timaru. A GOOD PLAIN COOK-GENERAL. I Wages 30s a Are showing a Perfect Gem of A Draper. 7 HOLMES and SONS - '• Shetlan I ot _Set Smith's Leather last time. No, E have a Sale onIs gtl yard 'Creai- n Duckie, go you straight doon a VV Flannel, Last and Sole now. Flannelette 31-inch wide,. Is 3d, ai t a ''.*',. ; ;'..:.:"" Marsden's. '■ ,» A'""'SUIT Case for use, a Music Case ANTED—Jr\. for pleasure, a Morocco Hand•VTTANTED TO -BUY—bag for. Mann,, and Lasts for wholo r.FiorrSknJ?try*TTwo Da>nestics, One RABBITS m ANY QUANTITY. darn family; Soles, good, reasonable—> Look £2 One Housemaid 27s 6d: fetation RouseaDout £2 and Found.also Highest prices given. Clieques • weekly.. 180 Stafford Street, Tmaru. The Indispensabla Apply: :,-^^E.,CANDY. Apply: a. THOREAU, adjunct to a successful commer. cial Private Merchant, Eabbit and careejr. Wholesale Tuition. / V Telephone 427. R. J. CUDDON.LARGE, Class Central LaAgency. hour -. TIMARU. 457. Phone 3l|jameoj;St.. Kb HUTT M Dressmaker, wishes to I\L inform Customers she otherwise; has removed to premises, No. that IALSE Teeth, &ound or i Tt General Station Hand, and a top market price to trade andI j. Cren Street, opp. Church Street44 Co.. 168 W Queen! Competent Gardeuer to interview at others. Pearline 11.20 am. to-day. Saturday. Fencer Street, Auckland. d GIS.H. interview 11.30 a,m. to' uay. Two men for Gorse Outtirif ( Contract to interview at 2 p m to day Married Shepherd (wife cook" and bake for men). Cowman-Gardener THE TAILORS, for Station 255. Under-Gardener 35-.-, CHURCH STREET, General Roueeabout 355. Cook and TIMARU. Housemaid (same place, near township) 40s, 27s Gd. Oook-Genera)s for Wee Leather (urgent) Shmw Town 30s. 27s 6d. pi Hotel ■ Silent Salesman, » !j Cooks. Housemaids. Waitresses. Kitf Street, will give von a 180 '■chenmnids. and all other grades of ? enjoyment and education. Sec iJi .Hotel and Domestic Helps for Tows L Want Stitcher Country. turn j Apply personally or by letter to » {and - COMPCTFXT I.\DY FOR READ POSITION IN SHOWROOM. Sale oh. Doyleys," Tra: 'E have Supper, and Table Cloths, Toile:!Ct v Cushion, Covers Sets and Runners, etc., at Marsden's.. Special Sali Price. :''.., I ; ust receiv( d a large consig, XJ.ment of Men's and Boys' Stylis Overcoats, bought direct from the he1 mg Colonial Manufacturers, at 1 -usual low prices. Over 80 Stylish 1- "J nt Bos Sluts choose from, at pn 9 from 69s 6d to 90s. The latest in Boys' Suit*, New H Caps, Winter Underclothing, Umbr las, Sox, Trousers, and General !• quisites, for Man and Boy. WE STUCK NO SHODDr. -' ' "*" , j ~. lb.; Id per lb reduction on. slb parcels.—' Kernohan, McOahon and Co., Ltd"Where Quality Counts." ' [7E have a Sale on. Fine Ribbed Timaru Herald Co. : p: ' l\ Ladies' Stockings, Is 3d ' with photographers, send me rood house wear, at Marsde yollr Fl!,ns years' experience, desires' position b • , to e developed and Apply "R.5.," He- printed. Best possible results, .enas Bookkeeper. ",. "; : Office. ■■ j larging and copying done. Dbuelas Private , Hospital., COOK-Rodgers. Outdoor Photographer, opp. For GENERAL. „Post Office. "ISS THORNTON. Claino OUSEKEEPER nnd Mother and. Daughter or two friends and P.syi-hic: , Reader. 2G Sophia, References. > preferred. .-~rre«t. Last v.e?k. Hours -2r,to 8 p.m^ CHARM IN. FURNITURE —. | BOX 43. Applv: S?eond Kitebeun 7ANTED—A Temuka. Apply Mrs: VV TTuioi. v.n<re'.? paid. Edge. Stafford Tearooms. x t ' ? end preferred. 'Apply stating locality '- Is JOd, 2s, 2s 2d. and 2s 4d per OUTL'ITTE) PAREORA BUILDINGS. . THE DEMAND FOR—ii r» for Cash, Ofeeei THE PEOPLE'S - "YET ANTED to c.o. Herald stil I ¥ V selling our own Bulk Teas, specially imported at the former prices- ~-; THE TRUE TEST Of Anything i s the Public Demand. TEW Songs,' New Waltzes, New ■±:H Piano. Solos, just arrived direct from London. . All the latest hits at .Brunsden's Music Stores, Stafford St., Timaru. ■■ a and price 'ANTED KNOWN—We are ROTATION. ' is a Rashers of McCallum's Mild Cured Dairy Fed BOOKBINDERS, Bacon and a Couple of Nice Fresh Eggs. We can supply both. han McCahon au d Co., Ltd., Kerno where MANUFACTURING STATIONERS. BOOKSELLERS, , Skin . CO. . Rvffl have a Sale on. Ladies' Fleec„ Lined Gloves, all sizes, 3 colour! Is 3d pair, at Marsden's. STREET, (Next Theatre Royal). ' Good Six Rooomed . ' I .-*- STAFFORD - ■ Temuka ! G^'SWW "IT. FLAT -CORNETS £lO 10s, with ,_O. ..Case. P,: Concert Flutes with Case £sja Splendid : tone instruments. Highest grade makers. Records 3s 6d. Needles is box. Stafford iSireet?;:. STORES, Wilkin Street, Furniture .. .:; WANTED— CUSH SUPPLY . i \ * Young. Lady,, ALSO FRESH STOCKS OF CREAMOATA, GERSTINA, OATINA, ,"',. OATMEAL, ETC. at : Complete Outfits from. £3 MANNING'S SILVER FERN FISH SUPPLY 10? i Bows from 8s 6d. Splenquality did Strings. Our. celebrated FISH of all kinds to" hand THRESH J. daily. Lowest town prices. Veritona E.,'complete sets. 3s 9d. Silk Orders taken for Dressed Poultry E. . 6d. Brunsden's Music Stores, • Oysters Oysters, Rabbits Rabbits' Stafford Street. WELL dressed man j.-L attention. But to ae thoroughly spic and span his hair needs to be in If an eldei-ly keeping with his attire. gentleman, and he wears a beard, his trimmed. If neatly should-be beard Address— clean shaven he needs to appear so. fresh, daily. smart a constitute These attentions STAFFORD STREET NORTH, opp. T and J. Thomson's. and ambitions man. For all these, variTelephone 814. ous styles -you need to choose your now hairdresser^" You should .do so "bus)-' without further delay. Leading ness of Timam prefer Geo; WTiitehouse, For there nest to Grand Theatre. they"' nave" found by experience;-.that A FORTUNE IN THEM. all three experts in attendance arn Consequently no preferexcellent. ence is-desired by customer'Sj and furJust a. word no waiting. £2 PER 100 GUARANTEED of advic«£- Remember 'the....public ate the' iuii{*e"; .and- their verdict is", der For cidedly in'v favour of Geo. "Wliitiehouse's 0 win. saloon. Hence it has become the popu- \J» lER SKINS Landed Timaru lar one in Timaru.-■■•' \r . Cash by return. (Poisoned Ski* . preferred).0 LET for Term—s Roomed House. This Offer holds good for two months. J. furnished—l 3' Nelson Terrace. ; A Foiir arid LET, for a'ferrn a Five-rdpmc'i ,'House, iri Tv- - These are the reasons- for the immense popularity [7E - 2 ; Cakes Goodwin's English Toilet Soap for■'. Is. : "■'■;' 2 Tins Zebre .Stove Polish Is. Wx-J .:'.:.-. • Jib Tin Choice Sardines for Is 3 lbs Finest Split Peas-for Is. Finest Lentils, per lb 3d. 4 Cakes Sand Soap for Is. *lb :,Tin of Salmon for Is. ' . Street. Waiinate. 7" ANTED—For £2, housemaid, £1; 7s 6d. ' rO Builders, and' Contractors, . J-Tin Fry's Breakfast Cocoa Is. Stock of Red, White and fARGE Blue Bunting, at Miss Strachan's !#?^Mfl^iP>^ -, . 2 pkts. Tucker's Soups for Is. 3 lbs Pearl Barley, for Is. use the Best Material N employ the Best Tradesm sell for Spot Cash only make no Losses give you the benefit of the savings effected '■ are out to Save you Money • "SHILLITO BROS.. Phone 29&.'}/: PHONE 823. wanted at fOLTSEMAID-Lnundress once for Country. Five guineas per month Apply No. 2, Herald Oi-. fice. :..:■■■■■ But we'll give you Full Value for Your Money We make up Fupnitupe in oup own Faetopy, to your opdep, in any design repair/ ■■'HE Skilled Mechanic is coming to A -his own. again- Shillito Bro3 have had six apprentices who all commanded full award .rates on completion of apprenticeship ■They have now a vacancy—a rate chance for a respectble boy to learn theVtrade of Carpenter ,' and Joiner. ' ■ Apply: You get Nothing fir Nothing in this world Some reasons why it will pay you to do so- i ■ about THOSE ../would ESCa^X (ROBATIONER-Nurse wanted • for,: small Country Hospital- Apply i. £ No. 1. Herald Office ■., Specialists BTAFFORD ST., OPPOSITE CAS CO. OFFICE. "-'•_'■.■"•_■: Miss Strachan's qS TIMARU. .... ■ (OOOCOOO Fireworks and Fancy FLAGS?, tumes for fPeace Celebrations,Cos-I at I *. WANTED. BROS number; ;^State tireed,. price and • NOW IS THE TIME TO LOOK OUT YOUR DISCARDED TYRES. Many otherwise sound Tyres have been cast aside owing to a blowbut have out, while others have worn down to the canvas, thousand miles Them in if RETREADED several If you want to save your money by cutting down the purchase of new tyres, let me have your damaged or worn covers for Repair or Retreading, which will only cost you a fraction of the price of new Punctured or 'blown-out tubes Vulcanised or inserts fitted, rres. new valves supplied and fitted—in fact ANY POSSIBLE TYRE REby— PAIR can be ; 800 l WORKSHOP, AND SHOWROOMS: Repair MnnETUTTC CHARGES. ZROMPTNKSfI AWD THOROUGHNE SS. APPRENTICES. ;-. '.ATEOPPBNEOSE I any! to BETTER THAN TAKE SAMT. TO. :-.■■•-.'- the :' /'Gontiacb' 6v Day Work. Apply "Reasonable Prices" Herald Office..' ; i DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. WOOLLCOMEE ST., TIMARU. Ii Ap- AT Miss Strachan's . all kinds of jnk. Patriotic Decorations for the Peace Celebrations;- ;^ : < commands YOU CANNOT DO design.-;;.'S where ..seen, ."to '"p.Y,/|-:..Herald Office. J GOLD BANGLES LITTLE BE ITER. GOLD, WORKMANSHIP the Nicest in Town. THE LAST MINUTE. ■ PUMPS ply "Accommodation," Herald Office- A FRASER'S SUPERIOR NICER DESIGN. A A LITTLE SUPERIOR Are offered vou in these Bangles CALL DON'T LEAVE IT UNTIL li. Church Street ' :; to WANTED \ EITHER FOR THE HEAVY WORKING, LIGHT SUNDAY, OR LAD [lis Fitted with Second-hand FOR BLUSHING. BRIDE OR DAINTY BRIDESMAID, A NICE GOLD BANGLE WOULD BE ONE Of THE NICEST GIFTS. You sir. who are "about to be,'' should examine— l Hygienic, Long Or you ; can Have' a Pram v ;i:huilt ; to : your . ' Board for Couple and two 'Children attending school; or Furnished De- ; the Plunket ■ Hood. re- family; no;washing. The Gift of the Bridegroom' 1 !«Sfe a Splendid Selec- Lasting. fice, Timaru, Y V Gramophone Disc. Apply "Phone," c.o. ■• Herald!. Office. JEWELLER, Phone. 567. Have tion. signs, Young Lady -wishes EXPERIENCED position Companion-Help in fined Herald Of- &323*k&& v»l CHEMISTS Timaru b^rfS44WW«SsSiav«?Aw?-'.Ws;'^si?i J A NTED—Experienced Gardener, t T single man, £2 week. Also House-1 maid, 22a 6d. Apply Mrs Herbert i Ehvorthy, Craigmore, Timaru: i m LITTLF, DISPENSING The Pharmacy. Sell—Gentleman's to Evening Suit, Cheap. apra*s m m «sfiij 7E have a Sale-on. Men's Hard Wear Trousers, -123 6d pair. Wool Sox Is 9d at. Marsden's." 133 m»e« r / . (Above Excelsior'). A DIAMOND SHAPED BOTTLE. mistake this Specialitj of ours. r Apply 7ANTED—Experienced Waitress, Union wages given. : Apply Mrs Edge, Stafford Tea Rooms, RAZOR THE KING STAFFORD STREET IBS . Saw IT FIRST CLASS ARTISTS m You cannot :. Housmaidw'or: [TANTED—Good Housemaid' i Laundress. Miss Shand, Craighead School. Bough to do South Canter! rms Celebrated Brand was the favourite in the Old Lnd, and got them for him here. m mm THE •***- A Housemaid-Latin' dress; wages 255. Cook kept. Apply Mrs J. Cleland, Totara Valley. THE BOYS COME MARCHING HOME, and right into FIRKIN'S Who have just landed a supply of JOHN PLAYER AND SON'S NAVY CUT CIGARETTES. SI IN ANTED ■ M raW JaS^n^ '-&r " THE TIMARU MMRALR WEDNESDAY; JULY 2 AND ESPECIALLY COUNTRY RESIDENTS TO ATT ATVT OBJECT, 96 m ( And enables the Thrifty Sewer *o naturedly vith sock darning, THE ACME OF §{ ~ PERFECTION ' ' Supersedes all other Lights, AND MOST ECONOMICAL. 250 Candle Power, F. EVANS ACRES, Government leasehold, about ten miles from Timaru; rental £IOO per annum, divided HEAD OFFICE: LONDON, 8 GREAT WINCHESTER ST. E.C. CO & J Coloured " j Complete £3 !2s. 6d Th9 STORM KING LANTERN as is a WE a Stable orOuthouae lremendous Boon to the Farmer AXSO'GIVE QUOTATIONS FOR acquisition INSTALLING THIS WONDERFUL "NULITE" LIGHTING SYSTEM. WINTER COMFORTS, HOT WATER BAGS, BOTTLES AND THE ACME OF PERFECTION HEATERS. " b^s/A^ge^Teas^S The People's Popular Ironmongers Phone 215. Stafford St. Timaru. Box 17. SHEEP ACRE.?, 70,000 RUN.' sary buildings. "AVING secured the services of Mr J. A. SMITH, I have much in notifying the MotoringPublic of Mackenzie County that I am now in a position to UNDERTAKE ALL CLASSES OF PRICE. £22,000. OPP. BANK fejK'. other WEALTHY. COAL. "10AL is difficult SUIT EVERY UndriU. Gerstill we tions as follows:—Messrs R. Knox, Pleasant Point; Customera. aldine; He was for a CF.C.A., Timaru. In Quantity, Gum, Willow, Pine. EYE. Delivery Prompt. ALLAN CRAIG. CHURCH ST. (Late Whyte's). Telephone 409. BOOTS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE. BOOTS TO SUIT EVERY POCKET. LADIES'AND GENT'S BOOTS IN ALL THE XATEST FASHIONS ALSO—GUM BOOTS, GOLOSHES, AND FOOTBALL BOOTS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. iREPARE for the Future.—The Na- number of years_ with Messrs Wallace and Cooper, Engineers, Timaru. Mr Smith's ability to undertake all classes of Motor Work needs no further commendation, and I can confidently undertake to pive every satisfaction to all Clients leaving their work in my hands. All Classes of Motor Accessories kept in Stock. tional Electrical Correspondence School can train you in every branch of Electrical Engineering. Full particulars free without obligating FAIRLIE MOTOR GARAGE, FAIRLTE, your- Make uee or J"our spare time. self. Write to us. BiRLOW'S BUILDINGS. CHRISTCHURCH. "THE MAN WHO SELLS GOOD BOOTS,". STAFFORD STREET NORTH. Phone the satisfaction of all concerned posi- COAL. to get, manage to serve our Place your Orders Early. FIREWOOD. J 856 FOR MOTOR PHONES: Garage 8, Residence 73. INTERIOR REPAIRS. DECORATIONS ~ -lAKEN C. MURDOCH, IPha.trffl conduct well-knoW same under the old title, on the GOOD SERVICE AT MODERATE CHARGES CLEAN, Thoough and Reliable Workmanship, at Prices ofte» Lower than Ordinary House Painters THE LATEST DESIGNS in Wall Papers for this Spring just to hand MOTOR MECHANIC, COUNTRY WORK by Special ArStafford Street, opp. MoGruer, Davie* rangement. Only Address:and Co. C. H. Sloacombe, dnrinj v' bS%f™ Public for the support given him EARS m business and announces that the Business has OVER as a Going Concern by his Son I>f lines %6ED REPAIRS A « D E PHOf F, A. SPECIALTY. * . . i , . , „ * . * . . . ARCADE, TIMARU. V QUOTATIONS FOR ALL CLASSES OF WORK TN BIG STOCKS OF THE LATEST IN rE ARE BUYERS OF:— WALL* PAPERS CARrS?I ft tawv nr, m vYOLISTS (Scoter or PusJn [■} L TAKE YOUR REPAIRS LINSEED, ' TO PARTRIDGE PEA'S;-"T" Chas. POTATOES, THE 'OATS. OATEN SHEAF kept constantly busy. Estimates ETe, ETC. ;.-'■:■•■ %U Cycle and factor Works, CHARGES EXPE^TS REASONABLE. . W Cooper . & iawe's Dips. l Whisky. Globe Separators, and. .•.■■&.' Churns.;: - ;;•"' .; :.S£ndpif,'' arid ■'■/. Doual& Wool PressesT'"' ' — Golden Bay Meggitt's Kennedy. Tenroka— NOTE.—On our register are many places that can be We can offer to intending buyers properties that are on the market for good and sufficient and Furthermore, when we sell a pronot at inflated values. perty to a man, we stand to him. We assist him to stock the place and carry on. Onrßusiness is a genuine farmers' trading concern. Those on the look out for their advantage to give us a find it to new, will pastures I' ; call before Calf Food., "National"} Garton's & (Hirst's) bought right. R. G. Kilgour, St. Andrews—: : < Cement. — f. Seeds. Fertilisers. National they buy. TO CAR OWNERS Income Tax I Ledger. DIFFICULTY OF INCOME RETURNS SOLVED. TAX LOOK WHAT THE COMMISSIONER. OF TAXATION SAYS ABOUT IT: • ■■■■,'■*/•■■ ■-: Dear Sirs,—l have liad an opportunity of looking through your book, "The Farmers' Income Tax Index," and must compliment you upon the arrangement and, general get up of the work. The book admirably fulfils its purpose in every way. and greatly simplifies "the preparation of the Income Tax Returns, a hitherto troublesome job for the man on the land. Further, the figures obtained by keeping the took muse be of material assistance:?'v. to the farmer in the conduct of business. A 'book of this ; V; description supplies a long felt want, and should-find a ready sale at the reasonable price you are asking for it." T 11l SOLE II M AGENTS. CAR AND .CARRIAGE PAINTEE, Pleasure iu announcing' that tJifJ'I*s 5 started business in aAS LARGE T 1 * AND COMMODIOUS PREMISES. the Theatre Roval STAFFORD STREET. Having been for the last 14 Mn HEAD PAINTER at TrengWa Motor and Carriage Works, gf 3 GUARANTEE ALL WORK EN Opposite , , <lu . TRUSTED TO HIM. :,. OLD CARS MADE LIKE NET?, .Note Address: ' Stafford St., opp. Theatre Roya], " _ ~ ■ IN 250 Pages Well-Bound Ledger, Scientifically W orked out. Protected by Copyright Act throughout New Zealand. CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED FROM THE UNDERSIGNED AND AGENTS. THEIR s 5 WITH FULL INSTRUCTIONS WAITAKI TO RANGITATA- 'LOVELOCK'S GARAGE, TEMUKA. W. KELLAHAN, Desires, to announce that he has' taken over the above centrally-situated and well-appointed MOTOR BUSINESS and GARAGE as a going concern. The AGENCTEB include— OAKLAND SIX i MAURICE COWLEY CHEVROLET THE WORKSHOP is under expert charge, -and REPAIRS can" b& expeditiously executed to all makes of Cars. ACcf£ STAFFORD STREET, TYRES, OIL, PETROL, SORlES—everything for the Car . TAXI ON HIRE DAY OR NIGHT. TIMARU. LOVELOCK'S CARACE. PROPRIETOR. PHONE. 19. "■,■•■:; PHONE—House 30. M W. BELLAHAN. m BUILDER, Schemes mitted for all classes of work. try Work catered for. , A REAL OPPORTUNITY i *'J '-r TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES- SUITS, COSTUMES, COATS, sub- Coun- Dyed, Pressed, „' Renovated, is offered bi Address: TEMUSCa Moody, Annand & Co BBSWISK STREET, TIMARU. QNLY ±EEnm*m*s Vastly Improved Flushing ieihod NORTH STREET, TIMARU, PROFESSIONAL PRESSER VICTORIA INSURANCE CO ARCADE. Fire, Marine, Employers' LiabiHty, Personal Accident, Plate Glass, Motes Cars, Live Stock, Public Risk, Mortgagee Indemnity, and Personal AoctU dent an*3 Sickness Insurance, TtMARTT COLD STORES. ICE AT LOWEST RATES. AND DAIRY COMPANY, "£°* J.'«Kb« A KNO] an efficient stream of water issues. 0i-Se no Rumbling no Ruttli of Chains. ?Loud away with, and a source et nient removed. The "Edina" is Strong, ReJiable, Simple, Neat in Appearance, doesn't get out of order and up . Tittle room. It; is a Big Advance on ÜBual methods Glove, fiat and also undertaken. DALGETY AND CO.. LTD.. XIMARU. Wtfmate. and Gerald^ THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER FAT. ARCADE. AND ARCADE. perfectly ■'■■■} Feather., Gleaning . ....',, ... On* address Chief Agents, Are prepared to .gi&i DYER, Every Article turned ©ut finished and equal to new. FINISHES Dairy Farmers! THE ■ «P°r^ given and . Thdm and 'Cameron's ,: Works on the principle of a fair price for the best work. Hence his staff is] CHAFF;" ] . — ? EXPEDITIOUS Coy.. Ltd. Lloyda National InsuranceCo., of N.Z., Ltd. • . . „~ '' ~ * , . , & : :. -■■■ . BUILDING AS AN ART., NOT AN EXPERIMENT. ' ■-■ :: 'iww^<M.a^trai^<agw<«j;^a;i&^ lANGER, AND GENERAL HOI iißhasr . , . . AGENTS,. FOR: Savill Albion' . » «, . HOUSE DECORATOR & GLAZIER, Church Street (Next to Dr Unwin). Telephone 586. ALL SPARES CARRIED. Telephone 604. V . . AS WANTED MATTER OF BUSINESS PROTECTION. ASK THE OPINION OF YOUR ASK THE BANKER! FIRM YOU ARE DEALING WITH! ,. PAPERHANGER, AF3 HOUSE DECORATtHi THANKS the LAND! ! "WILL SAVE YOU MONEY BY PREVENTING MISTAKES YOUR, INCOME TAX RETURNS." V PAINTS INCEKiSLY LAND ! MOTOR REPAIRS. Mr SMITH is well known to the Motoring Public aa a first class mechanic and engineer, having filled to ! TO N.Z. OPPOSITE BANK N.Z. BOOTS TO SUIT THE WORKER, BOOTS TO SUIT THE WEARY. LAND 261 AGUES L.1.P., annual rental £124 16s, with 12 paddocks. G-roomed House, scullery and, ,bathrooni,. ]>.. and c. 58 water. Good Outbuildings. BRANCHES: wheat, 14 acres oats and grass. ]2O acres new grass. Chris-tcJraroh. GOODWILL £4OOO, Terms: arranged. >?V" S:^ Ashburtoa ( 121 ACRES L.1.P., rent 3s 10id per acre. 6-roomed House Timaru and Outbuildings, 15 acres in wheat,' 9 in-: oats, 10 acres fallowed. Handy to school and rail. Waimata GOODWILL, £I3OO. Government Mortgage, £350. Oamaru ■, 340 ACRES-Renewable Lease, 26 years to-, -:run>s;^:.^Rent Gqre 10s 6d less 10 per cent.. Buildings are:'H'ut/Stable, |. Invercargill Chaff House and Sheep Yards. 285 ewes 2, 4, 6, . and 8-tooth, 284 ni.s. .hoggets, 3 head cattle, 3 horses, harness etc. Plough/ Drill. Hal Tows-,,;. .and Sledge. Stack oat sheaves. 150 sacks oat sheaf chaff, REPRESENTATIVES tools arid sundries. AS A GOING CONCERN—£27OO. IN . £IOOO Cash Balance, 5 years at 6 per cent. South CANTERBURY: 930 ACRES Renewable Leasehold. 26 years to run. Rental £206 lis. -Subdivided into 11-^paddocks;, all Fsirlie Carrymj* sheep, well watered. TiOOO of. which,''9oo' Munro. .H v A. ."are 2, 4 ; 6-tooth" ewes, and 20 head -of" cattle. Pleasant Point Homestead, and good steading. Full set of Splendid J. R. A., Htarie. 4 stacks Implements. 6 stacks oaten sheaves, £6600. PRICE, as a going concern: clover hay. Geraldine—- Lt pleasure H. INNES-JONES, IS STILL SELLING GOOD BOOTS CHEAP LOW PRICES AND NO BAD DEBTS KEEPS HIM BUSY You pay for your own Boots-and not for the *** A Canterbury-North Fuller Particulars apply— BOOTS Ss&£ i. J. 'S'towell. Otago district, carrying 5,500 sheep, and 500 cattle. All neces- BOOTS TO SUIT THE HEAD OFFICE IN NEW ZEALAND: DUNEDIN. WE | RELIABLE, SAFE, RUNS - ARE A GREAT BOON TO DEFEG. TIVE SIGHT-SEERS, good SHEEP have for disposal a large selecinto 6 paddocks. well watered, tion of all kinds' of properties, 6-roomed cottage, 8-stalled stable Town and Country, including many • (stone floor), loft, feedrootn, granary, implement shed, waggon sned, very desirable investments:— and. loosebox etc. Largo orchard 8-Roomed PRICE.. £9OO. 1 ACRE, WINCHESTER, Residence, hj: and c. water, bathroom, scullery, washhouse, copper, 187 ACRES, heavy land and very dean, situated Winchester district, tubs, every convenience; grounds divided into 9 paddocks, suitable well laid out,, garden, orchard, tennis courts. for either dairying or mixed farmA NICE HOME. ing. 25 acres now in wheat, 25 acres in oats, 50 acres excellent 24 ACRES, L.LP... fii-si-class land in young grass. Very well watered. excellent condition, close to Temuka 8-roomed house. 6-stalled stable, 4-Roomed House and all necessary large implement shed, granary, outbuildings. A GOOD CHANCE. and all necessary farm buildings. 60 acres of river-bed given in. 2 ACRES, TEMUKA, 5-Roomed ConPRICE, £3O per acre. crete House, in good order. Firstclass land. ACRES, 838 near St.- Andrews splendid land, very eleaji arid well 6 ACRES very best land, new Sfarmed. Good 6-roomed house Roomed House, bathroom, with every town convenience, scullery, h. and c. water pantry, everv washhouse, dairy, storeroom, or.aiodern convenience, washhouse, copchard and garden, 6-stalled stable, ehaffhouse, implement shed, motor per, tubs, under one roof. Detached stable, trapshed, wood and coal shed, granary; woolshed, sheephouse,, fowl house and run and pigyards, dip, cowshed etc. Farm is gery. Close to town. divided into 8 paddocks, and well 80 fruit trees, and over 1200 small fruilfc trees, watered. PRICE, £24 per acre, A really nice home, with excellent prospects of large profits from small SPLENDID WARM SHEEP fruit growing. COUNTRY. Full Particulars on Application. 820 ACRES, aDom; fnlf ploughable, We are prepared splendidly grassed in Heavy cocksto conduct the foot, running water in every pad- Land Business in all its branches, in' Carrying °R 1300 SELL sheep and 70 dock. EX The owner can head of cattle. work this property without employing outsido labour. Comfortable 5-ro_omed house and necessary at a minimum cost. farm buildings. This property is only ten miles from Timaru, by excellent road. PRICE, £l4 per acre. TEMDKA that The "Nulit©" Favourite Table Lamps proceed AND 1 FARMS 11 W. F. EVANS AND CO. FOR SALE. «.iveryone knows that to have a home look Hj bright and cheery these winter evenings, a good light is necessary. therefore "the people's popular ironmongers" are prepared to assist you 1010 — OPP. CAFE." „ ill %iiiinmiHiuiaaiiiuuitui«r ""■'"liii«l"~" 11 111111» umiiiiraiinnmmm-iraKi t- of >. Price m - a mmm « * £3 10s. A. &T.BURT,Ltd. MANUFACTURERS PLUMBERS TIMARU. ALL PARTICULARS GLADLY SUPPLIED. ; FREIGHT PAID from any Part South Canterbury. HAVE immmmmmmmmm TRIED THE COM- PANY'S CAROLINE BUTTER DELICIOUS IN TO DAIRY FARMERS. E are CASHJPURCHASERS of f PRIME BACON PIGS, either Correspondence indead or alive. T. H. GREEN AND CO., LTD., Cliristchurch. Special Hot Luncheon SATURDAY'S from 10 30 to 2 p.m., ONE SHILLING. Morning and Afternoon Teas, to your choice —9d. Hot Teas from 6 p.m. to 6.30—15. m. ready I K. J. GORDON, COACHBUILDER, WAIMATE. Next C.F.C.A. Implement Department, v LANDSCAPE GARDENING. (Late !HE PLACE where you gst a real good HOT LUNCHEON well served for ONE SHILLING, 12 to 2 p.m. daily. vited. FLAVOUR OFFICES AND WORKS:. FRASER STREET. J. CAITHNESS, Manager. & ' YOU of EH I CLE 9 R. J. Bone tS. FOR Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Dancefl etc., catered for, to suit any order required. SALE. Publio Hall Licensed for Meetings of all kinda. MISS MACLEAY, Proprietress Phone 388. mm Christohuroh, with thirty years' experience), '--..'"" Three Spring Round Spindle Trav Gic J Bhafter, Rubber Tyres. PAS now commenced business an a Three Spring Tray Gig, 5 Shatter, Rubber L LANDSCAPE GARDENER in Two Spring Tyres. Gig Rubber Tyres. WAI-ITI ROAD, near GLEN-ITI. Three Spring Gig, Iron Tyres, Basket WSTTMATES River, nt»4 PT.AMO pared FREE OF COST for every de- Longat Back. Shaftar Gig. scription of Landscape Gardening. ny , Gieß and «*eral other*. J sold, Now is thb time to have your PRUNVehicles bought, or exchanged. ING and SPRAYING DONE. No reasonable offer will be refused for above vehicles, as I can do with the Address correspondence (for the time floor space. Call early and secure one being) to— of the bargains. J. BONE, i . iradlfe. I jtinuiinnni—■iiitniimniiiiiW JS , Flushing ' "THE GARDEN BEAUTIFUL. _.^ THE DELCO LIGHT. T^#\ d. DONNELLY. , LANDSCAPE GARDENER. 28 Years' Homo and Colonial ExperJ. •nee. Gives expert advice on all matters pertaining to Horticulture. GLEN-ITI. SIMPLE BOONOMIOAL-bringß this Id has saver to the most remote district. Post yoor orders at ones to: Convenience and Labour that Einntri« ■ Bht multiples Man Power saves Ti »"« proved nntil X2 and Power on tha Farm and Labour. IT IS USED TO-DAY on more than 60,000 FARMS—rf n | them in South Canterbury. IT IS A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT, for it actually 1 J DONNELLY. LANDSCAPE GARDENER, • « , payß of Autopine Cough fo Lozenges IT FURNISHES POWER to operate the Fanning Mm Btone, or Washing Machine; t> Milk the Govs, on*;.* Cream Separator, or tumble th- Churn; to P "he m ru& mng water to all parts of the Houso or Barn. HmD I fT RUNS ON KEROSENE— A CHEAP AND EASILY PROCURp. h ~ (STOCK UP FOR H2GHFIELD. THE WINTER WITH DM CHRISTCHURCH AHanholme, . anfion and MOD 1 I * - 1 SPIRIT. IF TtNTERESTED, KINDLY COMMUNICATE WITH—- SOUTH CANTERBURY AGENT. DESIGNS, ESTIMATES, ETC. TOWN AND COUNTRY. . *" For COUGHSi COLDS, INFLUENZA, AND ALL THROAT TROUBLES. THE BEST THE MARKET. LA. Crawford KEEP A BOX hi your Pocket. ONE SHILLING A B0& Obtainable from the & TUS-' well subdivided. Money assured. Co., 2550 ACRES FREEHOLD SOCK COUNTRY. 6-ROOMED HOUSE, GARAGE SHEEPYARDS, DIP, Etc CHEAP. WHOLESALE AGI4NTS, CHIMNEYS NEED SWEEPING. TIMARU. U.F.S. Dispensary <T. G. VANGIONI. Manage.) INEXT GRAND PICTURES. aTAffirORD ST. ON '-■•'■■ ' CARPETS Extra Strong Retmlating Ml* 6a 6d. McINTYRE'S Your Chemist .Grocer will for . or extra* "-.v.. post in NEED GEO~CHAPMAN, riALL VV Clean and H. M. STONYER, BEATING, SKnY th* CUJM.IANX. Cleanly Contractor i 0 •*N,Z. Government, Country Chimneys; CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANERS, twopencs ETC., ETC., . Address, Citv Dininfi a Speciality. v ';-.r~:*>« £*"«v*t Qp,po*y* gfc. Map*'* WY.OOLLCOMBJB ST. A TIMARO, I Arcade. SWEIM(i wuuoa. ft fid ess box. 12 PDC TOUXB WESiAIM WEDNESDAY. JULY 2 1919 ?.i ASSN, M.W. AND A. SALE. ANDREWS NEAR MAKIKIHI. ■'.., THURSDAY. 10th JULY. At 11.30. FRIDAY, JULY 4% MILFORD., TEMUKA. Folio H-245. ' FINE GOVERNMENT LEASE, TO-MORROW, 70-1 ACRES. ANNUAL RENT, £227. THURSDAY, 3rd JULY, >; TO CARRY 1000 EWES and 30 . CATTLE. A/c EXORS. McLEOD-LATE D. Timara in property is This situated District. 6-Roomed Residence, with SHEEP, HORSES, CATTLE. IMi , bath, hot and cold water, VbA Ml • HOUSEHOLD PLEMENTS, modern conveniences. Oatfßned, teleshop s FUBNTTURE, ETC. phone, sen's hut, carpenter and storeroom, 6-stalled stable ana SALE AT 11 O'CLOCK. implement shed and large shed, land; it PYNE, GOUiLLY GUINNESS LTD. S ■ Auctioneer!!. '"»'" WAQIATE LAND , have received instructions from MR'A. i S. JONES, who' has sold -Ms Farm, t known as. CARTER'S FARM, NEAS, to hold a COMPLETE ' ;, MAKTKTHT, CLEARING SALE of STOCK AND as follows: PLANT, y : :' -:V :. ■''. '■'. SHEEPv! -,.,-:.v> '•'.■■-'- :; AND 100 'A, 6, and 8-TOOTH X-BRED ■•'■"• .•■■-EWES (Rams in Ist, April)'ft'-ft 115 S.M; f-BRED JBWES (Rams in ( :.■■"■•■ 18th April) < A. WASHER AND CO. 100 HOGGETS .:*.., B;L. ' '-: -:>j ft v RAMS 4 ..-'•■■: FAT WETHERSMIXED SEX LAMBS 2-TOOTH EWES ■'. ■:■>"• M.S LAMBS. 2-TOOTH EWES ' FAT EWES FAT WETHERS 6-MONTHS STEERS HEIFERS - ' HORSES. _, , ,-: " _. „ •*- -. -*- ' - A, Wasfssr r CATTLE. 3 YEARLING HEIFERS 1 S.H. HEIFER, springing 1 COW in calf t. -581 ACRES L.I.P. Rental, 4s Id. situated 6 miles from Waihao Downs Railway Station Practicaly all warm, sunny lying oplendidly war- land and flats, 'aru town j An undoubted bartram—practically sub^ s' country. 000 acres English grass a having grown ou urban land Rent onlr £65 vearlv bushels wheat and 90 bushels, oats per y* 7 A good and cheap farm. acre. Well subdivided and watered permanent springs. PRICE. £2OOO by Clean and in splendid heart. Carries 900 ewes or Folio H-2SI. tfi-y sheep. 1400 Buildings are new CREAP ™ Q & nAXGITATA. m easily plougiiable, and very complete. 6-Roomed House with h. and c. water. Large Stable Granary, Implement Shed, Woolshed] Sheep Yards. Dip. Plantation, Orchard, etc 15 acres Turnips and 40 Office and School Snall } BtaJled Stable and Sheds Nnw ' .*" acre Dun Oats go with the property s Pr°Pertv is &"• definite sale, as rving 350 ewes, also d£ Mr Thomson dry sheer), vrit-h 75 Acrp ,sT ha« bought a larger farm. B^J° Ltmbs C S - it " K eood Place. Will sell below cost, PRICE, ONLY £ls PER AORJS Potatoes., out. PRICE. MANUFACTURERS f £S ooo. CLOSE TO TIMARU. '5 ACRES, Government t-o„« hold. Rent 10s. 5-Roomed Dwelling.,less 10 per fWshed, concrete floor, looseW hark ness room, carshpd w»Vif' washnouse, "•, «■ store dj etore. miles from Timaru andS acres young trees, 6 rears nM ° "nar rymg 25 cows and B horses wheat and oat ' 4 acres MATIONAL FERTILISERS. LARGE SECTION, running - of" Pyne, Gould, Guinness D. C. Tumbull Co. Mixtures' MACHINERY. church. D. G. OTNEBULL CO at.v. Valua:' ;,t<3OMPLETE CLEARING SALE. MR FOR J; A: McGILLIVRAY. i 'rFAIRVJEW ROAD;- SALTWATER •■; CREEK. ?HE CANTERBURY . FARMERS 231 ACRES, L.I.P. Rent 9s per aero less 10 per cent, rebate if paid promptly. Situated 6 miles from railway by good metalled road. Subdivided into 6 i>addocks, well fenced and i»fttered. Grows good grain and root cropsj and carries 2£ sheep to Imptwements consist of the acre. Dwellinghouse 4 rooms, iron granary, sheep yards, etc. PRICE for Goodwill and Improvements. £2500. Easy Terms arrangpd. Folio 123 WE HAVE FULL STOCKS OF 200 ACRES FREEHOLD, situated about 3 miles .from railway station, about 15 miles from - TJmarii. All splendid wheat growing downs, sub-divided into 7 paddocks, all well fenced and watered. A CHANCE FOR SOLDIERS. Grain Mixtures PRICE, £lB PER ACRE. , have WECLASS a Client with a FREEHOLD FIRST- FARM, comprising 380 ACRES, situate within 6 miles of Timaru, who is desirous of negotiating with a SYNDICATE OF SOLDIERS for the purchase of the Property. The Land is all in young grass, and Grows excellent grass in good heart. and root crops, and is admirably adapted for Dairving. GIT OUR QUOTATION EX STORE Good Farm Braidings, well improved. OR DELIVERED YOUR TIMARU DAIRY FARM. SIDING. PRICE, £25 10s PER ACRE. ACRES FREEHOLD, situated | just outside town boundary; very dairy little farm all handy well fenced and watered, with boundary to permanFurther particulars, on application to ent creek. AH splendid root and grasing land. ) LAND VALUATORS, AND COMMISSION AGENTS. Dalgety PRICE, £SO PER ACRE. & Co., Ltd., Terms: £650 Cash.. Balance 5 years .'.■•': at 5£ per oent.: :: ::FOR, SALE> : -f; ; W«' stock this Favourite -Dip in Well-huilt ■ 5-Roomed House, LIQUH) BLOOM (NONtOR SALE—dairyy" good .cowshed, stable, LIQUID, loose-box, and cart" shed. cut- POISONOUS), and ARSENIC ROAD.-6 Rooms, plastered, horse SULOTIPUA power. ter with ;; 5 ROOMS, 5 .Minnas; from Town " house, " ■■'.-. , Suit Business £1050.-Terms, Man. PRICE—- Arranged. ;' ; ••' electric light, hot and cold water, .-■'■' wash-house, with tubs and .copper. Good sunny section; laid out in * lawn. £720. SEFTON STREET.—S Roomed House, THE BEST. ALL ROUND DIP FOR plastered, gas, hot and_ cold water, EXHIBITOR OR GRAZIER. and all modern conveniences. Very handy to Bay. £730. CRAIGIE AVENUE.—6 Rooms, plashot and cold water, tered, gas, wash-house, tubs and copper Only a few minutes from Post Office. The -above is> a apleiidid'bpportuQily PHUR PASTE (POISONOUS). forXanyone to start d^ 5 ROOMS;; All, Conveniences; i-Acre :; Beautifully Laid Out. Good IrriiV. .~v the town. ■■ -;'./- .v V-.Q'-'-.. s< BHEEP FARM. 5 ROOMS, All Conveniences; Electric Light; Beautiful View. PRICE—°.7'2o. Terms Arranged. ' i(\C\ ACRES, _UU splendid low Further Particulars on Application. FREEHOLD, all lying downs, lying N.Z. L. & well to the sun, watered by permanent streams, carrying 650 sheep and 60 head large cattle, situated about 8 Morton & Pearson, FAIRLIE. divided into 20 paddocks, all well fenced- New 4-rpomed House, plastered, h.c. water, dairy, large stables, Bam, cowshed, young orchard. '. AUCTIONEERS. - CAIN'S TBRRACI!. T. FRISBY, 66 6AMMACK ST., TEMUKA. CO-OP. arranged. mRET at Reasonable Charge. PROMPT SERVICE. LAND AGENT STOCK AND SHARE BROKER, Member of Christchurch Stock Exchange. '"■■-'■ "■;.; -A.-' SEASON. Undersigned are prepared to the THE undertake and of Fruit Trees in Small 6rv Pruning Spraying Large Gardens throughout the district. J. SIMMONS AND SON, Gardeners, Geraldine. O.S. CHAFF, TOP THAT WASTE of heat up the STOPSKAL is guarchimney. all HOURS. anteed to remove scale and thus save 10 to 80 per cent, of fuel. Non-poisany boiler. imous and harmless to Manning and Co.> 188 Cashel Street, 'PfiONIi 90. OR P.O. 6TJITO. Christ-church, AXI FOR PARTRIDGE PEAS, ■'■•.'■'■•'' OATS," "'■■'■ ASSN.. LTD. GEORGE BOWKER, THE SPRAYING AND PRUNING BUYERS OF ;C PRICE £l3 PER ACRE. Terms JIA. Co. Ltd PLEASANT POINT. Station, close to miles from Railway turnips and grass, 30 Acres school. 20 Acres rape, 10 Acres swedes, sub- •.. -. ANDREWS. _ MORTON AND PEARSON, llMiilIaSI»«IO " PT., ST. ACRES FREEHOLD, rich have 'CO-OPERATIVE ASSN:, LTD., limestone Farm, situated con- Publioireceived instructions to Sell by Auction, as. above, WITHOUT Wellvenient,.-,,t0. Pleasant Point. . built -6-Roomed House, bathroom, h. RESERVE— 22 FIRST-CLASS PICKED YOUNG and c, windmill and tanks, dairy, COWTS, just calved and duo 5-stall storeroom, and washhouse. September and October. stable. loose-box,_ granary, shearing shed, trapshed. implement shed,, moFull .Particulars' later. tor shed, men's whare, pigstye, cowshed, yards, and dip. Subdh-ided into CANT. paddocks, all well fenced and FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., 12 waEasily carries 1000 ewes. tered. Auctioneers. 151 ACRES, L.I.P. Rent 9s per PRICE, £2O PER ACRE. Acre, less 10 per cent, rebate if paid on due date. Subdivided into 8 padTerms: £3OOO Cash, oalance arranged The above is a rich limestone farm docks, well fenced and watered. 60 N.Z. LOAN AND M.A. CO. under cultivation, balance warm and sunny situation; no place acres English grasses. Buildings comwhere stock do better. Dwellinghouse prise 4 rooms and shed. conveniences., chaffhouse., sheep yards, etc. Water laid on to house. Situated 4 miles from railway station, 2_ miles from school. Dailv Mail service. HANDY FARM. PRICE for Goodwill and Tmprovements, £2OOO. Folio 114 The above Farm grows heavy crops of Wheat, and is splendid fattening Anyone looking for a cheap land. farm should inspect without delay. from ', PLEASANT Auctioneers. "-:,a^-'^ AND ACINCY CO., OF M.Z. LTD ..■■■■■;■.-.Wilson" Street to Hugh' .Street, 475 ACRES, £lo.los per acre. Terms, say £7OO down. 15 acres Italian; rye, 15 acres oats and grass, 25 acres turAUCTIONEERS, TIMARU. nips and balance in grass. 12 padLICENSED LAND AGENTS,' docks, well fenced and watered. Grows VALUATORS. ETC.. good crops of oats, rape and turnips. Now carrying 520 sheep, 11 cattle, an<i BESWICK STREET, TIMARU. horses. House 2 4 rooms, washstubble house, dairy, granary, shearing shed, PRICE, £14 50 trapshed, stables, yards, etc. Onlv -jARE YOU WANTING A NEW ---njile from station, 1 mile from sonooi, ...-.' CICLE? "■ ■ .-.•.-3 miles from saleyards, and .handy to Ckristchurch. Owner been on the If you are, get in quick now, for the BUYERS wanting Farms farm 12 years, and will give real good Prices tend to skywards, and our onoe rehable lnfomation on. inquiry can tei-ms. Write or call for further parLarge Stocks get Low. ticulaTs. LAMBORN'S CYCLE WORKS ASHBUR.TON DAIRY FARM. Stafford St. (Phone 274). LTD117 ACRES, 2 miles from school and factory, daily mail. Well fenced and watered, 7 paddocks. 20 acres, oats and & grass," 14 acres stubble. 20 acres old grass, and balance in last year's <ras& MANURES. i. Grows 45 bushels wheat and 50 "bushels oats per acre. Carrying 30 cows GOVERNMENT WHEAT BROKERS Use "REX" Brand for up- 3 horses, and 100 sheep. First-Class to-date Farming, BUYERS OP Buildings, consisting of good 4-Roorned House, bathroom, pantry, scullery, hot FOWL WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, FENCING/MATERIAL. and cold water, verandah, washhouse and coalhouse. and barn. £32 PEE. RYIX3RASS.■:'■ .; -;'" .We are' in a position^to quote' Black, ACRE. £9OO down, and balance on Galvanised, and .Barb WIRE at terms. As owner wants to sell good MUCH REDUCED Prices. might be a close - offer : '/f : considered. FOR SALE. "Write or call. EVANS AND BULL. SEED; GARTONS, Chief Agents Yorkshire Insurance Co Our Chests and Half Chests are of the 63 CATHEDRAL SOUAP.E. AND DUN OATS. Best Quality, and our Prices are CHRJSTCHURCH. (1) Most Reasonable. ;*'.! NEW and good OORNSACKS. We also carry Full Stocks of USED—FOR SALE—CHEAT. MOTOR OILS. Petrol, Kerosene. Oil and Gas - Engines, Sutton Gas Agricultural and Curing; SALT. Plant, Steam Engines, Boilers. TracHARDWARE AND GROCERIES of tions, Electric Motors. Manning Ma& chinery all. descriptions, WAIMATE, GERALDINE, FAIRLIE, OANT, FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., - ONLY £SOO CASH necessary. Well-built 6-Roomed House, Stable, Granary, Sheep Yards, etp. and Successful and Reliably consequent; on /. Stock and \: Auctioneers.^; p;-'f •:■ :iK::;mcH : farm. proved DALGEI? ANr CO., LTD. TIMARU. ■■ LAND. 'with two frontages each; of 74ft. ...'.- high, sunny site. PRICE, £350. LJ ACRES, Marchweil. Close to bus terminus and 5 chains frontage. PRICE £230. J. R. EVANS, ROLAND BULL The above properties are for absolute Licensed Land Broker). sale as Mr Edwards intends to retire (Established 1881J from active business life. The firm will be pleased to show intending SHEEP AND CROPPINC FARM. clients over the property at any time. o-bai&f "; Have CLEAPJNG SALE account of MR JOHN/WHITE, "Ocean TJHE View," Rbsewillj. WILL NOT BE TUESDAY, 15th JULY. r "D.A.L." MANURE AND BASIC PHOSPHATE 'WHITE: ' . PRICrSW EVANS AND BULL. n MrMERS' MR,/;JOHN OuO SPECIAL GRAIN, RAPE, TURNH; AND GRASS MIXTURES. BENZINE. We have Large Stocks of BIG TREE. SHELL. PLUME. OILS. W© Stock all FARM AND MOTOR OILS. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS LTD., absolutely sound, the plans of which may-be seen with the agents. DALGETY AND CO.,LTD., LAND, Otipua Road, _ high level section and a perfect building ..Joint Auctioneers. : site. PRICE £125. ' /"SALE- FOR ;.. OUR //.'Auctioneers../ '' -Plant having/•■been; taken tion. ■ ; '■ ■'.:: '■"': /y'/./ RUBBER-TYRED DOG-CART (in .■■ good order) 3 Sets Collars, Fames and Winkers. ; '-'f'fi 2 Sets Trap Harness. :-.;; OF '.'. LAND, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES, EX STORE OR DELIVERED at Country Stations. -■/ 00ANB.;. FARMERS' CO-OP;; ASSN.,; HELD, -2 LIGHT SPRING DRAYS CANT. WE ARE BOOXLVG TO-DAY FOR ALL CLASSES OF GRAIN on HORJSfc SATURDAY, sth JULY. have been appointed GOVERNMENT BUYERS OF WHEAT for the £4500. The buildings are quite new SHAREBROKER DALCETY AND CO., LTD., 1 BAY PONY (quiet in saddle or harness), and Harness. 1 HALF DRAUGHT FOAL 1 Good Cattle Doe, about 300 Empty Sacks, Laying Fowls, etc. * 'Also— HARNESS and SUNDRIES. A/c Mrs E. McDonald, Waimate—- IMPORTANT We " CANTERBURY MARKET. ' mmmi -' ASSN.; Auctioneers. . CATTLE—4 ter). ; "TATTERSALL'S" AND AGENCY C0» OF N.Z., LTD. ~ B o^d win&.iS ■ ~[■■ NATIONAL MORTGAGE ; SALE 11:30. CANT. FARMERS' NATIONST, MORTGAGE *■ AGENCY CO. OF N 7... LTD.. WAIMATE, Auctioneers. 11. LUNCHEON, YOUNG DAIRY PROVIDED. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE, )UTH » inspec- LAND AGENT. due to calve June and July, others in full profit. AH 2nd and 3rd'Calvers. 1 HEIFER due lst*Sept.; 1 Heifet, 18 months; 1 Heifer, 12 months; 3 Calves (one week old). ■■.-^.■'■• 1 BROWN MARE, 7yrs (good hun- FURNITURE. QUANTITY LUNCHEON PROVIDED. whole of South Canterbury. .15 Large • 8 dams and Sheep. Feeder, Water Trough. Grain Crusher', Blocks and Chains. Roofing Iron, 10 coils Wire Netting, Stakes. ( Posts. Ladder Separator, Churn, i> Ban-els and Water Tubs, Emery Grinder, Coons. Lawn Mower, and numerous Sundries. Also 20 DRAT LOADS of Yellow Globe MANGOLDS, on. Hook Farm, at per load on ground. .' " Folio H-266. . ,™ Full particulars from and tion arranged by THE '• There is great activity in the Propery Market. BUSINESS IS BOOMING'. Call and see what we can offer you. We have some really attractive places on our books, and the TERMS EASY. ALLCHURCH AND CO., ARE AGENTS have received for Private Sale Cooper's and Lawes' FOR: Dips. the Property of Mr Richard Edwards, Vacuum Oil Company. comprising the following:— Shaw. Savill, and Albon Co., Ltd Union Steam Shin Co. of N.Z., Ltd. UP-TO-DATE SHOP AND DWELLNational Insurance Co., Ltd. ING in Stafford Street North, Thorn anu! Cameron's Whisky. opposite the Grand Picture Globe Separators and Chnxns. Theatre. 31 Perches of land, Sandow and Donald Wool Presses. Frontage of 38ft. and 165ft. deep Golden Bay Cement. with shop of ground floor area of Meggitt's 'Calf Food. and 7-Roomed Gafton's and "National" 94ft. by 28ft., (Hirst's) Dwellings over (separate stair Seeds. entrance); also Bathroom, Pantry, Lined Porch, Scullery, Cupboard and Brick Outbuildings and Yard, h. and c. Water and Gas through- H •-: ; , Auctioneers. CJLEARING SALE OF DAIRY IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Combined Drill (ft. and D), Grain Drill HERD, ETC. (R. ad G:'), Lime Spreader (P.'and FOB, Grass MR JAMES DUNNV Stripper (P. and D.), GLENHT. Grass Box, Duncan Cultivator, Discs (McC.), Cambridge Roller (R. and G.) FRIDAY, 4th JULY, 12 Noon. Drill (B and McD.), D.F. Plough (P. and !>.!>.), Dray and Frame, Planet CANTERBURY FARMERS' Jr., Sledge, 3 sets Tine., Drag and CO-OPERATIVE ASSN., LTD., Tripod Harrows, Spring Trap have received instructions from MR (Roomy . Dog-cart), Gig, Long JAMES DUNN (consequent on having Shafter, Plough Blocks, Trees, sold his "Milk Run") to Sell by PubChains, 1 McOormick Binder, 1 lic Auction, as above, WITHOUT D.F. Plough (B. and McD.),, 1 SERVE— . ■'% ,-,;,' Seed Cleaner. IMPLEMENTS. 15-coulter Duncan Drill (spoon feed), Manure, Grain, and Peas, Turnip, Rape; 15-coulter Duncan Drill (force feed), Manure, Grain, and Seeds; Duncan 3-furrow Plough (Riding), new pattern, not done 50 acres; R. and G. 2-furrow Plough, Sunshine One-Way Disc (10 blade), 2 Farm Drays and Frames, P. and D. Duncan Disc Harrows. Roller, Duncan Grubber, MeC. Reaper and Binder and Extras, 4-leaf Harrows IMPORTANT and Bar (heavy), 4-leaf Harrows 10 coils Netting, SUNDRIES. • Posts, Bluegum "-'■" and Bar (grass). Planking, £-inch Piping, Chaff Sacks, 4 Drums Tar, Seconds Oats SUNDRIES. and Wheat, Cocksfoot Seed,. 4 and 6-horse. Blocks and Chains; Collars. 5-hiorse Trees, Grindstone, Harness Hames and "Winkers, Covers for all for' all Horses, Riding Saddles horses, 2 Cart Saddles and BreedSide Saddle, 2 sets Gig Harness' ings, 2 sets Leading Chains, 140 sets Leading Straps, Spare Har3 sks Feed Oats (heavy). 50 sks ness, 5 pairs. Plough Chains, Straw Chaff, 20 sacks Algerian Scythe, Garden and Stable Tools Oats. 40 sks Carrots. 9 sks Italian Fowls, "Alfa Laval" Separator' Jt.vecrrass (dressed), 3 sks Per. and Churn, 1 Singer Sewing Machine' Clover mixed, Seed and Table ■. etc. • .. ■ ' , . "-,\, \ . FARM—- Possession July. CANT. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., -; ■ ■■■" - - | _ , ft BLACK GELDING "Punch," exfra good, 5 years old . BAY GELDING "Baldy," syrs old BAY GELDLNG "Jock 5 V? BAY GELDING "Duke" BLACK GELDING "Darkie" ft: 1 SPRING CART MARE, in foal,t<» Lord Kitchener CATTLE. 1 DRAUGHT MARE, in foal to Lord -3 COWS in profit Kitchener ':? COWS calf in 2 •■ 2 DRAUGHT FOALS,, hy Lord ;1 HELPER, 6 Yearling Cattle -4 "'■ '■'.■■. chener v-rftft ; 1 PEDIGREE SHORTHORN BULL ■ VALUATORS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. DISTRICT AGENCY N.Z. GOVERN- - • •' . RENEWABLE LEASE. ' Good 9-Roomed House, Lawns, and Orchard, Outbuild- BUILDINGS: Stable, Garage, Large Woolshed, X-BRED ings., Motor Shed, Loose Boxes, ana dens, ; 247 and all conveniences. Property beautifully laid out in Gar- 342 4, 6, and 8-TOOTH EWES (Rams in 16th April) Loft. S 2-SHEAR ROMNEY and BORD. Also—HACKS, COWS, ETC. LEIG. RAMS -i 80 X-BRED HOGGETS i-ACRE situate TRAFALGAR ST with House of 7 Rooms, gas, h. and ■■'■' ; c. water, and all conveniences, with HORSES. ■': 3 DRAUGHT MARES (5 to 9yrs) / Outbuildings. Also— 2 DRAUGHT GELDINGS (5 to 7yrs) PRICE, as a .Going Concern—Walk 1 CARTER in, Walk out—£3o,ooo. J-ACRE, adjoining above, in TAFAL1 DRAUGHT COLT, 2yrs , ' GAR ST. 1 YEARLBJG FILLY ' A/c EXOBS. THOMAS NEAL, DECEASED. - „ Electric Light (Raims in 16th April) - ".■ _ „ ( AT Vl3O 2-TOOTH X,BRED EWES - ; ' Folio H-43. Modern RoagaVV the Public Trustee; as Executor 3054 ACRES, with MENT STATE FIRE cast Residence 6 Rooms, «as, hoft in the Estate of the LATE THOMAS INSURANCE OFFICE. PRICE, with I**o LEAL, to offer for "Sale by Public and cold water. Auction, in our Land"Sale Booms as FOR SALE. Ewes, 2S E.L. Rams. 800 La.ribs ioD'K) v (72) 7-ROOMED DWELLING, with all above— conveniences. Fine appearance and , Folio H-S3. 247 ACRES RENEWABLE LEASE, . high, corner section, North End. Five Ew« Good FREEHOLD ACRES walk Settlement, 2520 AUanholme~ Rental minutes' from Caroline Bay. Ail; Well subdivided. Countrv. 8s 6d per acre, being Section 6, PRICE £775. Or with Splendid ?lieer> carrv 1400 ewes and 400 drv Block XVL, Waihao Survey DisSection adjoining, £IOOO Wooi-n=sd, Cottage, also' Cattle. (471 with 6-ROOMED trict, ' 2-Roomed Dwelling, V AVelWbuilt DWELL*™m 19 mjes ACRE, Stable, Yards. Stable, Granary, etc. ING, gas, verandah, etc". Concrete RaH. Price. £4 10s PER foundations, steel ceilings. Nice adjoining 8000 ACRES LEAESHOLD Subject to lease to John Shannon Section. PRICE. £BOO. Easy terms, can be secured with this Block. 5-ROOMED WOODEN HOUSE, expiring March 12th, 1920. h■■■; (oOV North End. overlooking: the Bay. . Folio X-2491. Full PRICE.' £525. Terms arranged. Kent arranged 16,200 ACRES at Benmore. -'_ (3oß> '■--'■ 5-ROOMED BUNGALOW. (new), .-;7. 5 7- ,\:^ ' '■-'".'?^■/<-l : V it-u and Rates £l6O per annum. North : End. A few minutes' walk House and Farm Buildings Games "PYNE, froin the Bay. Electric light ,ind Cots, 15 2250 Sheep, 50 Rams, 75 every convenience. PRICE, £620. Young Cattle, Horses, Implaiaet-t*. (341) New 5-ROOMED Waimate, Auctioneers. BUNGALOW, off Church Street. All modern conPRICE, £9OOO as a Going Concern. veniences. PRICE, £SBO. CLEARING SALE--AT GERALDINE. (355) Nice Up-to-date BUNGALOW of . ' Folio H-311. 5 Rooms, situated off Wai-iti Road. 13.000 ACRES,- Small Grazing Sun. Good level Section of 30 Perches Rental £450 yearly, 16 years to THURSDAY, 10th JULY. Together (high and sunny). With 4000 Sheep. PRICE, £9OO. run. and possession. 1400 Freehold "Immediate with ACRES T>YNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., . PRICE, £24,000 6 ROOMS, well-built House, Oti(472) 1009 .Sheep. have received instructions from pua Road, large sunny section; elecMR D. MACGREGOR to hold an UNtric light. Immediate possession. RESERVED CLEARING SALE on £725. PRICE, NEAR GOOD FARM CHEAP AND (705) LARGE STONE HOUSE, close V above date of the whole of his CAVE. in. gas and all conveniences; J-Aore ISG AC7R.ES, L.I.P. Rent 5s lOd. New HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND Section Good garden. Very suitDwelling 6 Rooms, Stable, Sheds, . . . EFFECTS. Fowlhouse, able for a Boordinghouse. Chafihouse, Sheep yards, £530 (Terms.) garden and and Pig-stye. Good Full Particulars later. (506) 284 ACRES, with good New orchard. 1-V miles from railway and Rich land. suitable for Dwelling of 4 Rooms, hot and cold school. PYNE, GOULD. GUINNESS LTD., wheat, sheep fattening and dairying water. All flat land. One mile . Easy £1550. Auctioneers. Bargain land. at from railway station and school on A Terms. main line, South Canterbury. £l4 10s PER ACRE. £2700 may remain on at Mortgage 5 per cent. Folio H-269. GOOD LaNO, CLEARING SALE AT GERALDINE. (422) J.2S ACRES 27 PERCHES', subA HANDY FARM. divided into 6 paddocks. Land is 22S ACRES. L.I.P. 3* miles from undulating ana all ploughable (no railway arid school, with 5-Roomed stones), and is well watered by dams House. Dairy. Washhouse, Stable,. 17th JULY. THURSDAY, Good and well. land. Live and wire fences in Loose-box, and Shed. 5-Roomed House good repair. has yielded 45 bushels Wheat and carries 250 sheep in addition to cropPRICE, £26 10s PER ACRE (clear ping. A cheap property. PRICE, title); £soo_ deposit, and balance can £I7OO. Terms. remain at oi per cent, fbr 5 years have received instructions from (115) 16 ACRES, subdivided iato 6 ME, A. HERON to hold a COMPLETE Watered by dam; wire paddocks. Folio H-298. SMALL FARM NEAR ST.ANDREWS CLEARING SALE of his \. and live fences. House of 5 Rooms 21 ACRES trapshed, etc. " PRICE, £IOOO. 40 ACRES Freehold. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND (116) 6 ACRES, subdivided with 5-Roomed House, L.1.P.. into 4 .EFFECTS. Washhouse. and Dairy, Iron Shed. paddocks. House of 4 rooms", motor Carrvins 30 Cattle in addition to shed, stable, etc. PRICE,' £750crop'. PRICE, £650 for L.1.P.. and Full Particulars later. £250 in cash and balance at 6 per £27 per Acre for Freehold. cent. We have a number of inquiries from PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS LTD., Folio H-309. bona fide purchasers . for Houses of 4 DAIRY FARM AT TEMUKA, ■ and 5 Rooms, situated within 20 min40 ACRES, with Dwelling and Buildutes walk of town. ings. PRICE. £6O per Acre. FURNISHED HOUSES. Terms, £SOO Cash. Place your House on our register. WAIMATE LAND AUCTION. good Clients waiting. We have Folio H-236. SATURDAY, 12th JULY, 2.30 p.m: VERY RICH DAIRY AND CROPPING LAND AT TEMUKA WAIKAEAHI L.1.P., 581 ACRES. 150 ACRES Farm, with Fine stead, handily situated. One of the* RENTAL, 4s Id. 'PHONE 365, PROPERTY DEPT. best farms in tfae district PRICE. £42 PER ACRE. Tpl NE, GOULL\ GUINNESS, LTD., **• in conjunction with DALGET'i" H. ALLCHURCH AMD CO., AND CO., LTD., have been instructed Folio H-285. by MR W. G. THOMSON to offer for L.I.P. FARM CLOSE TO TOWN— .sale by Public Auction in Pyne, A BARGAIN.. Gould, Land Salerooms Li]J;MWAfi WAIMATE, liis FINE WAIEAKAHI r "TATTERSALL'i" SALEROOMS SATURDAY, 12th JULY, 2.30. " THE CANTERBURY FARMERS' __..'. CO-OPERATIVE SOME BRICK RESIDENCE ASSN., LTD., 8 ROOMS, situate SELWYN ST.. AREA—29,OOO ACRES LEASEHOLD have received instructions from MRS ofn^^? and 1200 ACRES 'FREEHOLD.) E. A. ALEXANDER -(consequent on TIMARU, on having sold her Farm) to Sell by Pub1 ACRE and 38 PERCHES. lic Auction, as above, "WITHOUT REWITH 11,000 SHEEP.' SERVE— , AUCTION. SATURDAY-JULY sth ."; At :2.30:p.mV v.';:r. '-v■ CANJ^GTON—CAVE, MONDAY, 7th JULY. 11.30 a.m. ■ . _ LUNCHEON PBOVIDED. HE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND ■ AGENCY CO. (OF N:Z:V LTD., SHEEP RUN FOR SALE. IN ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN KELLAND (Decsd). FOR MRS E. A. ALEXANDER, ; • Folio H-248. with fine 795 ACRES at Milton, Homestead. 3 miles from town, 3 100 acres very miles from school. rich land, 540 acres good tussoc*. Carries 1400 wethers or 000 ewes Fattens and 800 to 900 wethers.. inis all lambs, besides cropping. oat* bushels 100 Tear's crop over per acre. S-Roomed Dwelling, telephone, connection, gas lighting, garage, and complete faim buildings PRICE, £6 15s PER ACRE. 50 250 200 :' 240 100 100 100 6 CANTERBURY FARMERS' CO-OP. IMPORTANT SALE OF RESIDENTIAL TIMARU PROPERTY, j Good quality yards. sheep v 150 FATXAMBS CO-OP. COMPLETE CLEARING SALE.. . „„ has grown 45 bushels wneat and Jo PRICE, £3250 bushels oats. CANTERBURY FARMERS' COMPLETE CLEARING SALE CLIMBING SALE. LTD. WAIMATE. C, LTD., : Pyne, Gould, Guinness S.C. STOCK AUCTIONEERS' FINAL BEMLNDER. i CU INN ESS LTD. PYNE, COULD, : PYNE, COULD, tUINNESS LTD. AT TOP MARKET RATES. Printed aad Published by Edward of Nelson Terrace Timaru, for the "Timaru Herald" Company, Limited, at their Registered Offioe. Soohia Sweet. Timaru, George Kerr, S'X.ediae.sdayj July 2nd, 1919.