A.,u;;= Physics48 (Fatl201l =::-Chapter27: Circuits " It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is thejourney that matters, in the end. ,' UrsulaK. Le Guin "Nobod1,made a greater mistake than he who did nothing becausehe could only do a little." Edmund Burke Reading: pages705-724 Outline: + emf andterminal voltage = combinationsof resistors series parallel = Kirchoffs rules junctionrule loop rule :+ calculatingpotential difference = ammetersand voltmeters(PowerPoint) = RC circuits chmginganddischarginga capacitor time constant ProblemSolvingTechniques You shouldunderstandthe definition of emf in termsof the work doneon a charseasit moves throughan emf device.You shouldalsoknow that real emf deviceshaveboth erifs and intemal resistances and,becausetheydo, the terminal potentialdifferenceis not the sameasthe emf if chargeis passingthroughthe device.Be awarein eachinstanceif the currentis in the direction of the emf or in the oppositedirection.The terminalpotentialdifferencedependson the relative directionof the crirrent. You shouldbe able to write down Kirchhoffs loop equationfor a singleloop and solveitTor an uknown (the current,a resistarce,or an emf). If the currentis known,you ihould be ableto computethe potential differencebetweenany two points on the circuit. You shouldaisobe ableto computethe rate with which an emf suppliesenergyand the rate with which a resistordissipates energy'Rememberthat for anyelectricaldevicethe rate with which energyis hansferredto or from the deviceis the productofthe currentthroughit andthe potentialdifferenceacrossit. You shouldknow how to write and solveKirchhoffs junction andloop equationsfor multiloop circuits. Draw a currentarrow in eachbranchof the circuit andiabel eacharrow with a different symbol.Write thejunction equationsfirst. The numberof equationswill be onelessthan the number ofjunctions. Thenwrite the loop equations.The numberwill be suchthat the total numberof equationsis equalto the numberof branchesin the circuit. Solvethejunction and loop equationsfor the unknowns. Someproblemsaskyou to calculatethe equivalentresistancewhentwo or more resistorsare connectedin parallel or series.You shouldalsoknow how to useequivalentresistancesto solve circuit problems.Rememberthat for a seriescormection,the currentis the samein all the resistors andis the sameasthe currentin the equivalentresistor.The potentialdifferenceacrossthe equivalentresistoris the sumofthe potentialdifferencesacrossthe resistorsof the combination.For a parallelconnection,the potentialdifferenceacrossall the resistorsis the sameandis the sameas the potentialdifferenceacrossthe equivalentresistor.The currentin the equivalentresistoris the sumof the currentsin the resistorsof the combination. Someproblemsdealwith a resistorand capacitorin a seriescircuit, with the capacitoreither chargingor discharging.You shouldknow how to solveproblemsusingthe expressionfor the chargeon the capacitorasa functionoftime; q(t) : C6(1 - e-') for a chargingcapacitotand q(t) = qpe-/t for a dischargingcapacitor.Heret = RC is the capacitivetime constant.Also know how to computethe cunent in the circuit andthe potentialdifferenceacrossthe capacitor.Someproblems askfor the time or the capacitivetime constatt.If q and qsaxegiven, write q/qo= e-o"andtake the naturallogarithmof both sides.The result is ln(q/qs): - t/t. You cannow solve for t or t. ,J Questionsand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter 27 Question2 maze.In the figure, al1the resistorshave Res-monster a resistanceof 4.0 O andall tle (ideai) batterieshave an emf of 4.0 V. What is the currenttlrough resistor R? (Ifyou canfind the properloop throughthis maze, you cananswertlie questionwith a few secondsof menlalcalculation.) l-l-;;-/ d'ot1 I L= | 4"oV+ Q.ov+,i"or/ - 4.orl |"oV*i(+.ost).o f D.n " /) >l' = 1.oA Problem1 -f In tfre figure below, , = Dy. andE z.= g v. (a) what is the direction of the crmentin the resistor? (b) which batreryis doing positive work? (c) which point, z or B, is at the higherpotentiar? { I t, i,,C_c,_.r,.l..ti_.,l f r--)4..,r, Lq' -------- ( L,\ ) --i-L/nq .F* .''tr",""*^.1 *j*.-.* ei i, _!i*fi2q /-ko...,-,-",.,o (c) ?-"} B Problem 2 ;y'<p c*ur*l ( rctt'v,,pnJ ;sr:,. -L'- t 11 .,:, _!_,,e,ri* .t*,u"rt*j_ JrJ-r.*_ $r-.,., :,7" ) A 7, 9-r>'u*.,. i;i;-":.--."t-? j 6 -^,-, ! 4!*, Thl figurebelowshowsa portionof a circiit throughrihich therei. u I = 6.ooa. irc resistancesareRq: p, - 2.00R3= 2.00& * +.oo ol ffiat is ",*"rit the equivalentresistance of the four resistors. A,= At= {"o+-r.At- f,r: ; "c'sr'^ = e-6ol)- -p = a-od-L * 41 o",i4.1,.-, -t r,.,L : J* 4"-, = .4=n2,, = l , - o o l r t A " o b , L _ A r," P,A 3,.pM Walf&\ i - -' JA'a n, --L F,2 !_ooa, t q.obiL lJ ^.\ :.. 4,a = A'Do-rL 6,^ Br, -.* >^ yar,aLl-( 1 4,a{ I Aotq -'-F : t) / 11),34 J- 8,^ + -J- f,r, *l ,.oDJL zl"oo1.,r i ti:9 l"33_-L, Problem3 A circuit cqntainingfive resistorsconnectedto a batterywith a 12.0V emf is shownin the figure below. (a) What is the equivalentresistanceof the five resistors?(b) What is the voltageacrossand \-'l the currentthrougheachresistor? I 6.0e2 n (\ '/1 '| ,+H" I 4 h E-axzJLlPf I =-'Lo-L= B,^ e. 3.0e2 n" n R, R^ ' -Ll 6.o-ru' l:rr- 5.0Q A,^= 4,==:. o l *,-- -S Ar^n R, tn,tpt^ta ! R,^z= Ar^* R, B,^, -' 4'oLt+ 4'o-n-= s+ Au+Buu,a:i)cz: 4*s = Bq"Bs ._J--*--l Arr= 3.ol-r s.o.1 . 7+ flesf-l lL----4l ll'l , r--'------------ /,03 + / 4,,,N' \ b-/ Brs * | Fa,\r{-QIsl : = 4't.*, = J,J_ t"o[ v V,,./p . t t\?-, -- rav = t.5A g.OlL Vz- i, Bu = ( t,5,{)(r"oa) Lz= l"5A V,t= i,'8,' = (l.s'n)({"orr)= G.oV L t 2 , =L z -- | = /' . 5F A A t (pz V" = 6:9i V,=Vo=V,a= G . o t f 1',=l"oA i,=V,/R.=9'?u^---.1r',= l.oA/ 6"o-IL " i^=Vy'n*=;*E=r.;t irr- Vry't "/Ar, = lev '/s.or.-/'5A Lq-- L9 = Lq5 -3lV,- ?"5V/ V, =,r4, = (r.s*)13.orr-) =-l& V,=isA, = (t.5N)(s.orr-) = ?.1 ,1,* -i Br, 4,.r", ' Q,osl^ t,osL r=vs=il"ov - rea - t = /" 54 :rs Problem4 (a) what arethe sizeand direction of cunenl i1 in the figure below?(can you answerthis making only mentalcalculations?)@) At what mte i, ti" tutt#ropplying energy? \-/ t\t l---1 I a/1. r---t t, r4^ 4.0 Q l).v 12V A^ | t) /'\ | 4.0a II tt ? " tl p lxv =-z ?8'^ , I l;.3 ti tt A,oB^ a^4w) po.,o-t&-{ A ,r,' ?.o-tr 4o + B u aJ@)r\ -4r;4rr i A,^" . P,,^.A.-- !,.o-ru o/.2rL6.0sr_ V,^.A - Jlv = t,^r?3 " / H,^z : e.oA 6_oJL -\ 7 *Y: .l- )v\ .4uri4.4 9^"re ,Vb _4_.{iryv;-uaud = (X-on) ( a"a,sr)= V^ =/''o4,* oe A""t ao a-D4 ; zt-oV : q"oY (b) J}to ^rili ^t ,tU' \ pp $"tr? v f) Y= A4 Aa Irl"pr+inga,pffi ),Dh\j'w t ,u W.ct'-.l^*"J fr"b'I\ / \ \ att \/,^rr\ ",-"fr,/( t). v ) *_-) pv !r.fr0^y ;" Wr*, .UZ. (|,n =e"o*) Problem 5 In the figure below, the ideal batterieshaveemfs E r : 10.0V and E: = 0.5008 r, andthe resistancesare each4.00 O. What is the currentin (a) resistor2 and(b) resistor3? __-J rz. tr[1 tl f ' /i.r I L, /{i 4, Ilr ls, C) (r) + + C)- h"')'1) -toa : t,-/,8,*i"A"--o + i. (9,oorr)= a loV- c',(4.oorr-) 'gwn ual* -l-rp : - i"Bo - /nA' - t^ --o t 3 (u""ust-)*/..(t,o.n-) + S-oV --o ,\Do (lJ \ro. )6^Dn lI) --a L1+[a=La 1r) (a) lo - 1t,+fl t^ =o "; a,*r;t L7-1, tr; =o lo-'ltr+q(i"-ir) Et4iat{i.=o iB - ir- t, -f-+ Lg= (t) lo+qi*-Di,=6 5+ ri i^' 4 U^-C,) = o (:) 5 r 6c'a- 1t, =o \ ) 9-'-,- ,.,- '-::::- prd (E) --Ur) fo-t{"'^-(lo+lLa*)=o -4 4t^-16c"=O +\D\ (q) 16* 4 [t-8;, --O ---) t, (S) l 19*,,o/" lD -8.', =6 t L4=o o,,| =)g! 8.oJL = 1.a54 -t.)54 L ^ n^"1 L W@,Y L | . 15 A t i "fi;,fr )^^;&-, ^auur*"a ) Problem6 Y: E, :.1.9ov, n' = 5.00o,,Rz =2.00dt,tu = 4.00o, andborh 3-1-ll^ry:,1"]:'ll3 :.: 3..,00 enerry is dissipated in(dnr,.@j n:.mdGftszwhatis :r1Tl::T,111T"H,1,^*X,:::1":l the power of (d) battery 1 gnd (e) bauery2? &^, *af nep : /^ C,-Lzhu1Lt. 1 1t = o 3"ooV_ i= (+.oa_rr_) + c", {9-oo-tl) = d 1 -/, B,- c"" A. - e, =o - z, ( 5.uc-n) - c'*(aaorr-)- i " o o V = c i '' 3atzfr^. *1 J ct *4...c:,1= d (3) t:. --l L "'/ .' F^f ,LtrvrO t aJ 3-4(ir.i,)n 5,",=o 3- 4;^+ 9 c",=g ----a i,= I (.r)-', (:) E ItlJ]*t;"+ *t*^,=, l=o Ao/, ia. ?;. = l/q - | \\-l- C,=-0,^(a3A |l = 0.l5? - (-o.ar.:A)-: ir''t', ). aiArlr^od dt l^-a4142i, )a "4Y/w\p is = o,vrtA f\ -t nA \, ) O. l5F\^l Problem7 What arethp sizesanddirectionsof cunent(a) i1 and (b) h in the figure below?At what rateis energ/ beingtransfenedat (c) the 16V batteryand (d) the 8.0 V battery,and for each,is enerry being suppliedor absorbed?The batteriesareideal. 2.0 3 iul A,^= 1.0e)< A = -&;o' -J.,=*)- + '5 8.0c): - ---J iA .,3 + Ll.rrqArl\,rr.a '1I 8.0() 8.0v t,-i^ 8,2-'4"o1Y Brrz, = B,r' B,, ff,, Avzq = 4.olr* )..olt-+ a.oll * g.oru .l -----' 1?.3'1+5h WM 4nzqs ^^ 1l 12.0a x2 >8.0 Q - *p^",/.ed l+)'-^^ (J )_ A,ry *J = -_l__ + _lv'asL 7'Drr As = 4'oJ\ +6 ; )?.395 -= L1'oJt+4'ott- = 3'os)A.o^;-'--> Artzqsre 4rr:cs +Av Wu*P ^^*'LM 8,ov l.0sr : 'w lt,V-l;(r,o-L)--a * 8,oV + l b V -i*(:'ao) - f.(lon1 --J z'" (z"ost+1"d_D) b4 t,= tp*tu= 4"o* ---> ( b') A,^uuu+ R* n^^';er V"rr" ---> /rrur" = L", - d' eU l\ = tausfirz,t5= (A.oA)("r,drr) = 7.oV --> -- V,..rr, = 8.oV Abz,1+Bu h WAAlfuL Vru, V. I ozt= v,^,'/ nor,: t'oYz,on= lra\ :,. *1 A,n+ 4o * B, .;u,,.avv-u gn V12'=114611 (.) ?=i? - = t,^= iu = t, = a113q l.oA = (1.o4)(4"oL) -* 4.ort > 4.ov= __:-.-i^--vy'B^= 7,Dlt cl (d-) ? =cre--- (a.on)(r.ov) V = {u = = I Problen 8 h the figurg below, if the potentialat poht P is 100V, what is the potontial at point Q? -- v'i rzt-+Al 5.() Q | "]'Tl?tror'/ n io\IY rurt'ff 1\-/f tl't't'(1 /sov-;(a.or) -sov-i(z.oIz)=6 rooV=I(t.os,-*3.o-n) ,";P! r.lJif-J,, 2.0 Q i I t\ (a.or.')= Vr V" * l5oV- (xoA) f:&.:" rc.:lact*tt't/- j&p '. ( I i + lsov-4ov: V, ---+ V; = V, - lrov I Vq= (toov)-traV:l-t"il ,.rodhr*; h-p : r/ /n-a\/?.-\. * ra,r 5oV -- Vp v. '(0'on)(3'orr') Vq + 6or,/t5ov -- V, --:) ! \'l t I V. = 4 _1toV: Problem 9 _ ,"y_ In anRC seriescircut, 6: 12.0V , R =1.40 Mf), andC = 1.80pF. (a) Calculatethetime constant. (b) Find the naximum chargethat will appearon the capacitorduring charging.(c) How long doesil takefor the chargeto build up to 16.0ltc? 6 = 1r'or/ A = l'9o'lotrr- _ \-- I I | (o) 't---AC = ( f.roxro'*) (r.so*1o*opy / = ,..51. Arys l2= c=r.'o'ro-"; (t) | I %=CL(t-Ct/^")=.b"(1-;t/a.S g.=Ct ,g"=(r.fo).ro-bF)(rr.ov) --. 9. = A;;l W; Al. Q4 (.) q =%"(t-€.'t*1: 6o(t-€*/"1,n q/%"-l-;'/' er/o = l-Vq" - -c/e =9""(t-Vg,)u I I I I t= - ? U(r-UqS I = 3.1os '^.(| *H) _-_ f t __(a.Srs) lt=,1"t I Problem10 What multiple of the time constantr givesthe time takenby an initially unchargedcapacitorin an RC seriescircuit to be charged lo 99.0%;o of its final charge? q c'a+D"r:f'oy ) %= Ct q"=cCv ( t - €*/"-) z=Ac q=?"it-;"/") I\ \ ;r*-,rr-n** %=O"q9%" o.e9x" = %"( t- {t1") --.--,0"?q = l-e-'/' dt/'= l-D.11 - o"ol 't/z = J'" (o"or) -A7'1( ;*/') -!) t I t = tl"u!z Problem11 A 3.00Mf) resistorand a 1.00.pFcapacitorareconnectedin serieswith an ideal batteryof emf E= 4.00 V. At 1.00s afterihe connectionis made,what arethe ratesat which (a) the ciarge of the capacitoris increasing,(b) energyis being storedin the capacitor,(c) thermalenergr is appearingin v the resistor,and (d) energris beingdeliveredby the battery? A= 3,oo"lDo-rr- ^ rn1,"c,,/,ot: % C=l,oo'ro-6F e = Q,ooV .L =Ac = 3,60, (u) .- t=AX/lt=7Bp1t/xe (aJ o* t=l.oo:, [ = (\iill'n) !.4 \ - *t "- : t (/.) P= ;V = Ct (t-s*/a'1 - 9.55^1d'7 n*t=ro,,.&=cr (l-uqa) /^ -r ,)11-rr l^1.33^lD9-l Q= (t'oo"ro*r)(q'oov)lf- ;,o*"1 P= l.og^lo"W (c) (d) ro'-u)=F.r,.rc-"q P = ;'B = (q.s5^1d1c/e)'(u.oo' P=;L = (t.55^lo1c1s)/a.oov)= rnab-: t==z) 3.tra*lO-bVi/