THE WEDNESDAY, HERALD, BAY POVERTY 1913. 31, DECEMBER 9 GREAT MOTOR SHOW. HUGE INVASION OF LONDON. OUTRIVALLED~HORSE) SHOW. LONDON, November 27. How the motor car has changed our social life is shown by the elaborate prepiaratiions to dead: with the huge crowds up for tihe Motor Show which f* W The chosen ones of all by the girl Iwho is an expert judgeofthe most ' B delicious sweets, are Aulsebrook's Rose Boxes of Chocolates— the only boxed Chocolates with soft, fluffy, creamy centres covered thick and rich and deep with luscious chocolate. Sometimes she chooses Aulsebrook's '' | Chocolate Varieties j because of the mild, delicate tang these chocolates give, and other* — ! hotels. The Motor Show tliis year is one not of novelties, but of scores of examples of steady, common-sense progress upon is at all i.accepted lines. The man who versed m motor lore will say, after a day spent at Olympia, that it is an owner-driver's show. Everything is made as simple as. posj sible for the man who drives and looks There are engineafter his own v starters of several Uiii'r rent types. Prac- The Sign of Quality. NONA/ BEING SHOWN A iii-e simplicity itself button m their manner of operation. Apedal times, Milk Chocolate Varieties. VIRGINIA — Sole Manufacturers : V^vC'^i and Tobacco Factory. SPECIAL VALUE, m a variety of styles. EXCLUSIVE WRAPS Exceptionallyinteresting are the styles this season, and we have a nice collection awaiting your inspection. MILLINERY WHERE 3 tins Jam 3 bottles Worceatei ''auce 4 ,40z. Potted Meats la. Is. Is. Is. 6 Jellies 5 packets Strong Envelopes... \s. 2 100-sheet Writing Pads is. Is. 4 tins Sardines (best) 3 tins Sardines (best), larger... Is. Is. 3 paokets Safety Matches 2 tins Golden Syrup Is. Is. -5 packages Custard Powder Is. 3 packages Sponge Maker .d^^ 1box Beecham's Pills 3lbs Cornflour 4 cakes Sand Snap 9 packets Hudson's Eixtract.... 3 Nice Scrubs 5 Nail Brushes 2 Bannister Brushes 3 Bread and Butter' Plates 2 tins Brass Polish 2 tins Glasaola (the great Window Cleaner) OUR SHOWROOM at present is a particularly attractive place, quite new styles 4 tins Is. HOLIDAY HATS for Ladies and Children m good variety and style. Matrons will be specially catered for Is. Is. Is. Is. bows. AIREY'S The New Draper . GROCER." Corner Gladstone Road and Lowe Street. WELL-DRESSED MEN TELEPHONE . \mmf/' IfV Perhaps the most striking point of the new cars, after their simplicity, is their almost universally luxurious equipment. At any prioe over £300 or £400 electric lighting by a reliable dynamo !system is the rule rather than the ex- mmjA ception. There is scarcely a car at Olympia which costs over £300 which has not got some form of detachable rim or wheel, while practically every one is sold "complete" that is with a full set of lamps, hood, screen, and all the necessaries whicii used to be termed — extras. All told there are 354 exhibitors, of whom 119 are showing motor cars, 38 coach work. 38 tyres and wheels, and the vest components and accessories. " a&xor ' , Union. Speakers declared that 95 per) cent, of the police were favorable to a constables' "union. A wage of £1 7s a week was inadequate to prevent corruption and tyranny being exercised m the force to aii er! Nt which the public did realise. Supr- -t wa$.invited fromall not Look around the people you knowand see if it police unions. The membership m Lonii not a fact that 90% of"men who drew well don is now 5000. _£___ people. Yet," we hear you are prosperous " they dress well because they ARE "ay, ' BOLTS FROM THE AIR. prosperous." Granted bat it cuts both ways ; they areprosperous because they dress well. NEW GAS GUN SUCCESSFUL. You cannot afford to overlook the important LONDON, December 23. The Lewis automatic machine guv part good clothes play ia yourbusiness interests. was tested at Bisley, Lieutenant-Colonel THE WORLD HAS NO TIME FOR Buckley, of the Commonwealth military THE MAN THAT IS DOWN. It does forces, being among those who were[ not want to deal with him. It prefers doing looking on. The new weapon acquitted itself exbusiness with a well-dressed man every time. ceedingly well, both for rapidity and NASMITH & SON FOR RINGS. 1,- ., . Wholesale only from A. S. PATERSON & CO., LTD. . _"W^__P_fiS___l A lll^^S L T* T P^WwWIH The business man oftKe bis liner E^| Ml^ltt«ll knowshowmanychestsof Ceylon's ■ jf^M^Wg onest teas gointo the vessels holds b| Kl^\WvJfH Colombo consifaed to AMBER P,;| ** plimpfH - Medical and scientific ' M\lktM\M^_i BffiSß^H m^^^^^^S^^M\^Bm -T%v/^ilmwW U9 k IffllHlSll _ffl)P'^lffl-B^yf^'V_n. Rmffi-I^\Ww3 VW\w_lwH MmmMa ¥§mlWism Vm^XV^vffll m\msv[ v!^V^i__l RECORDS BROKEN. The second day of the Axemen's Carnival at Eltham proved another success. Tho results are:— New Zealand Axemen's Cvp C. Voltzke, 1; Poynton, 2; Hicks, 3; Dwyer, 4; R. A. Shrewry, 5; J. NeAvstroski, 6; J. E. Richardson, 7 ; J. E. Shrewy, 8. One Mile Cycle — J^jgftjgif gri__rß-« — ?, v^'' s-l3 ':Jt- rffij-l t?tra experts hare BOt °^y demonstrated that high-grade tea rC C the kut' moreover, that they are almost as c^e*P c mmon tc*»« Indeed the great imrcttig-tion by the famous ** OLIEMTS' CARS CARAGEO FREE OF COST. JOHM H. ORMOND, Proprietor. sub- pq |W 75 x 'Phones: -Day '71, Workshop. ,» Night 223, 710, and «i yV" 771, Goirage. nelson. ,mm, B JBHOWHMm£TT«!*.m --_ ** ° *° Medical Journal "The Lancet." proved that it costs kut morePer y**r drink fine tea like AMBER TIPS 2/- per lb. tea instead of com' mon c^eaP teas» because the fine tea will give *bout 260 cups from each ponnd as against only about 224 from common teas. "The Lancet" investigators reDorted "Good leas Present twice the physiological value oi — — EVERYBODVS FAVOURITB i i| /=L=======>v . TheBachelor's Ideal: . . ?*? and Pwiri." Ah Rood ,A eomforttbl. ,'" , whuky " " ,.,,. 1 -AU hotels stock Puriri Natural MMW-. mm mm. «paw I _ UP— maAmm r^ I .liT IWT H tion have not announced the fact, the I news of which was brought to town by I JL I_4|LJL m^w RAINBOW ! 1 m (Our assortment is the largest and most RAINBOW m unique ever shown). 'Xmas Presents aad CoAda l£xc«llence, for they never fail to please (our %°^i, £3*s^ Paradise for tlie Children, for we have »> on view on our 6d and Is tables abso- ... ■ G« su^^^ ,1, — * ——— — Jor wkwk^^^^^^^ ■_^^"-W^^^s__ --BJ« em «|^ m '^MmmmmW --H ____■ WBMWMm%. i^Bs_-T j^J WB jßf Bflj|fr|B_. jK^m,H^______l ____■ OT Q.AS 9 MB 9H W^ BImIB ilf^^ MmmmmWmW/BMmW. .IHmßk _____R9____ l_n)it___J___f ■_I^BH__H-' District* that we have taken BRITISH EMPIRE STABLES mLmWLWmm^EKmSwAt^^ ~i~-~B~wiws~ws-~wnniiiiiiwriii_uidi iTiT»»^iiii"ii«iwiu _.^_|^!__H_^_M_. -_-_--■ "■- . MASONIO HOTEL *— -■' ££[* £*£ *£* 4 °^!^o. ",^i^.iii^w^-i_i^^^^^ mmmmmmm""*""^^ M^TT* L : ■lji_.. from SATURDAY, the 15th of No- Iby an up-to-date, modem, Steam vember, 1913. Laundry. CABS, BUGGim GIGS AND Our methods are exact, scientific, HACKS and hygienic. There is absolutely no Can he had at all times. possibility of your clothing being other than sanitary when returned from our «T^U«-n«.,«vs »,„ -.«c«, ~* * «« FIRST-CLASS PADDOCKING AND plant. considering. STABLING. And this is well Hones broken to single and double i^q safety from having your clothes harness, saddle, eto. handled by careless, unclean hands amid Horaea Bought, Sold, or Exchanged, insanitary surroundings is worth more -. CHARGES REASONABLE. than the slight extra cost over washerwoman services. 'Phone call brings our E. J. GILLffiS AND F. BUTTON, Pr 941. Phone 7B LOWER ABERDEEN ROAD. Phone 6?7' ",«"« DtPOTS " Bell's Store, Mangapapa. _, Tramway Store, Gladstone Road. OXmuxiig _oj_._u._.\, ftPViTGTTT'R RFjET. 1. O, Taylor's Store, Whataupoko. F. Lowndes and Son, Lowe St. Ie -.Obtainable Obtainable C Jones, Victoria Township. Shop next Royal Hotel. At the following Houses ONLY:— : ai . .HHSS-H jjngines. undersigned, beg to inform WE,thethePublic of Gisborne and sur- rounding -_j_^_.^....8.---H.H HhhJJHHHH_|^|^^H^^^H^Hl s^____- B_p._Bp OOAPHBTTIT-DERS fANont __3£ — JL i^J%r W^"PRESENTS and TOYS OABDS, and lareest collection of I lutely the finest JLJI JL 1 Toys and Dolls ever displayed m GriaI borne. Ask us to prove that we can ' ll| Igave you, money and give the best value ■ — _ | AUDITORS, COMPANY SECRETARIES, INSURANCE k GENERAL AGENTS. "orthod-nfi*!* — GUABDIAN JOHNSTONE , . Storage and Insurance arranged. Ladies' waiting-roonw with aU modem and power throughout, washing-down floor, eta> conveniences. Electric light Everything' up-to-date. Inspection respectfully invited. ■ ■■■ ■■■■■ Making good cough mixture at home II „..,»«" by paying us an early visit. Our address isnow a simple process. Obtain from 11 ; Sole Importers. is— RAINBOW (for Toys), 179 Gladstone GISBORNE HOTEL. your chemist or store abottle of Hean's -r Assurance Co., Ltd.- Road. Essence, and add to it the necessary t Fire, Personal Accident, Employ- , water and sweetening. The resulting Potatoes» any RATK —Nw New J;°*r"" y cough mixture ii the fineit you can a_?d T^OW SALE "*? New SMTm TOHNSTONE few tons of also, quantity, cheap; possibly saving obtain. There is a clear for JO.i New Tennis & SMITH and Onoketiiig, Bowling, Lawless, Chief J prime Old Potatoes -D. D. Orr. at least nine shillings for your current rates. -T. Q. Velour Hats, m brown, green, *ni of ITPOuaeri, m iannel and serge. pocket. Hean's Essence, all Chemists, is Agent, Giaborne. bleek, from 111 6d. WELLINGTON * ,» Purser recommends II «ISH^The WW % ACCOUNTANTS, Amber lips lea Pu AXEMEN'S CARNIVAL. Napier visitors.— Napier Telegraph. , no Lubricating oils, benzine, grease, horns, bulbs, lamps, plugs ,wire, coils, magnetos, volt and lamp meters, accumulators, dry batteries, pumps,repair outfits, grease and oil guns, steel balls, jacks, switches, spanners, tool-kits, generator tubing, C and A washers, etc., etc. Huge stock of Michelin, Continental. Dunlop, and other tyres m all sues. Sole A*61 for the Overland, Hupp, Chalmers, Halladay,Napier, &««», Siddeley, Ifeasy, Scat, etc.; also the Thorneyoroft and iAa-eOmnmerdalMotorfc ' "■' the Swife Cycle Cars, etc. everlasting. Will pay for itself Vulcaniser, cheap, efficient, Get a dot Repairs, painting, upholstering, and Tenovating by onlyExpert Mechanic*. OFFICE: 70 BRIGHT STREET. Telephone 512. — MANURE DEALERS oomplete Motor-car can be obtained. atitttteß. oham Handicap— Griffin, Ij. Wells, 2 ; Wallace, 3. Three Mile Cycle Handicap Wallace, 1; Hiunm. 2; Hill, 3. Half Mile lat Handicap— Gates, 1; E. Tayt LAND! lor, 2; M'Caul, 3. Double-handed Sawing— Sullivan and Dwyer, 1. One mile and a half Cycle Handicap Hurnm, 1; Even poor ao'fL beoomes rich Griffin. 2; Jones, 3. New Zealand andprolific when judiciously Championship Chop Pretty, 1; Pech, treated with thfc valuable Shrewry, 3. Single-handed Sawing I2;Sullivan, fertile*. 1; C. Voltzke, 2 ;Poynton, 3. Time, lmin. 9 3-ssec. Sullivan BILSTON BASIC broke the world's record, previously put PHOSPHATE up by himself, of lmin. 14 3-ssec. Two ofl Phosphate contains more Mile Cycle Handicap Jamieson 1, Lime, m a highly soluble Jones, 2; Wallace, 3. Underhand Wholesale Agents: MUR RAY AND CROMPTON. form, than any other make of1H Choj>— 'F. L.. Johnson, 1; Miley, 2; , J?!STr?TS!SSr.'y.J mmmammmtmmiomKmamommmm*mmmimmmammmmmmm*mm v ,>m aiiiiiiH»MMM»ißiM««»»j r " KIRKPATRICK SARTORIAL SERVICE BasicSlag. Itis more finelyR Dwver, 3. Iv the Kaiwhaka TimberExground,operatesquicker,andI hibition Standing Cho^, Miley beat his is of incalculable value m owu 'previous record of lmin. 24sec. 'by converting heavy, light, or 4 2-ssec, while Pech m ' the Underhand sour soil into record crop- Chop beat Weston's record1 of lmin. bearing land. Contains the lOsec, doing it m 64 l-6sec. highest percentage of beneficial constituents. Don't be Miss Maud Allan, tbe celebrated penny-wise andpound-foolish classic danceT, who has been appearing BUY BILSTON BASIC recently m India, will visit Australia PHOSPHATE, andreapthe and New Zealand next year. I bigger m harvest benefit a It is stated that a case of suspected smallpox haß been discovered m the STOREKEEPERS and vicinity of Rotorua. The Press Associa- JOfa PI H- O-Tl'YtOl'lCl S TVJEW, Commodious, Fireproof, and np-to-date Gaxage m Bright Street ie now jy\ op^n. where everything^ a Motorist requires, from a ralTe-popper to a m no time SRS"' Ask for "X" and take — ■ ■ ■— | 1 ■ ' 11 IA W "X" PLUM PUDDINGS. "X" LEMON CHEESE. "X" CANNED FRUITS. k cANNEDjEAs This is one reason why the Sartorial Service accuracy of fire. Used from an ae<roplane, with a white sheet on theground shouldtailor you. They will make you acredit as a target, a high percentage of hits to yourself; and again no business man can was recorded. obtaining the afford' to resiA -the chance of It is undoubtedly a very simple gun, finest suit thathe can bay m the Dominionfor can be taken to pieces quite easily, the three guineas upwards FOR CASH a suit feeding arrangement works quite smoothly, and there is no Teason to to your special order, tailored throughout. that it would not survive the Every man should call m or write us to send suppose strain of the knocking about that it supply juft you with the would get on active service. patterns. We can material you like befi. The new weapon is a gas gun manufactured by the B.S.A. Company.' It is the invention of a Mr Lewis, of the United States Ordnance Department, weighs 26_jlb, fires 500 rounds a minute, -LTD. and costs .It is specially adapted ' £100. DLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNB. for use from aeroplanes and motorcycles, and has already been adopted by the War Departments of Russia, Austria, Italy, and Sweden. ,. I «tt"d incliide tne the iouow followlhings uiciuue Good ThliW "«- , J C 1 ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF GARS. "X" JAM. "K." MARMALADE. "X" TOMATO SAUCE. — \| FOR C IMPOVERISHED | £ !____-_._■— i^ Overland Model 69tR The "X" brand is a guarantee of the best m quality and the finest LONDON, Dec. 23. A mass meeting of 10,000 police was held m Trafalgar Square on Sunday night to support the Metropolitan Police " " PRESERVES and DELICACIES. MASS MEETING OF POLICE. BILSTON Basic Phosphate No. 931. I chairs, surrounded by every luxury human ingenuity can devise. mf _■ "with large butterfly Is. Is. Is. W. M. VAUTIER AND CO., "YOUR the way of Style, Fit and Comfort. 'v.',..'- *IOTE THE ADDRESS: GIVEN TO m For the young lady who likes simplicity there are some very pretty tulle Hats, finished Is. 4UI GLADSTONE ROAD, being displayed. It would be difficult to conceive a more varied or comprehensive collection. Is. la. la. Is. la. Pineapple 21bs Wax Candles Is. 9 cakes Brown Windsor Soap... la. Is. 9 packets Mixed Spice Is. Is. Ib. 90 Hours' of Light for Is. (Famous Night Light.) 31bs Dates 3 Radium Polish 7 pairs Mohair Boot Laces 3 Buttermilk Soap 3 bars Household Soap 1 day Cold Cure (60 doses) ■ STRUCK. ARE BARGAINS m White Muslin and Voile. Extra FROCKS -* VAUTIER'S, Stotiegs). \, /feo££ Scr/C «3S6\y^ Cigarette latest style and superior make. Particular Bargains STRIKE STRAIGHT FOR ' .. Britain* Greatest High-Class V Is^S gv SPECIAL VALUE, m value m Silk Shirts. ARDATH TOBACCO CO #LTD., LONDON, ENG. JL .f """ Summer, bought for prompt cash from the best Manufac- LADIES' BLOUSES Plain or Gold tipped y^ life us though by magic. Then the worries of the owner-driver when he suffer- from tyre troubles are most carefully considered. JSvery im. aginable kind of quickly detachable wheel and rim is shown, together with jpombinations of both. There are rims which are contractable as well as being so that the business of fit4 I detachable, CHRISTCHURCH. ting a freeh tyre or inner tube is shorn of nearly all its terrors. It would be too much to say that the perfect tyre has been invented, but it is the barest justice to say that the average tyre, and more especially that made by the Insist on Stevens' pal- M J^^ leading British firms, has improved imIThere's no other Fruit SalineA«o glass mensely m the past few years. )V Istable or mote beneflcial. right ana IT* yon I overymorningsets ! CLUB ARMCHAIR. CARS. m. keep* youso by gently »timulai- V_»» There are some beautiful examples ofl 31ingnatural functions. th© best modern practice m coachwork to be seen. Motor bodies for 1914 show an immense improvement m all the points which make for true comfort. There are types shown which would be Y^sjM&M^ 1jpleasant,appfctisingrsJid r»- V more suitable m a museum of inlaid j \m_fll_Brv\. freshint.— especially htam-A f^my^^y\. flcial beforebreakfast, j* cabinet work than m a motor show,i rVfV^->££.\. Abie bottleof 64doaea/ but the sensible bodies are a great ad>>_X but1/6. ''^^fSX. ooita \/ vance on their predecessors. AdjustTryit! J* ; V-1 able seats (a device used m dog carts for the past 50 years or more) are quite I a common feature. There is no longer inin—.f any need for a purchaser to have him-j self and his coachworkmeasured so that both may coincide with comfort. Tho best-designed cars have driving seats which can be shifted backwards or for-1 wards and which can be tilted to anj' desired angle. In the matter of prime cost, too, the Olympia show has a most catholic display on view. There are cars costing m the neighborhood of £150 and the most luxurious travelling carriages imanything aginable for which up to j £1600 or more can be paid. Elngines ranging from 6 h.p. to 100 h.p. are to ba found m every kind of car, from the ■ « exiguous two-seater to the sporting __»^_i^_. "Continental" 70 miles an hour type and the family Pullman, which accommodates six or more people m club arm- \ J CI Q ARET TES. to to press, a lever to pull, a kick, and the most formidable engine, even engines of six cylinders developing something like 100 h.p.. will start into Again she wants Aulsebrook's Chocolate Chips or Figs or Dates. because of the centres all coated with rich, thick chocolate, deliciously flavoured. . GREAT EXHIBITION of Choicest Novelties for turers, and marked at LOWEST CASH PRICES. -"■ tically all of them Items of Interest to Ladles f* flavour. opens at Olympia to-day. The Horse Show used to provide London's busiest week, but the remarkable popularity of th© Motor Show as ia. social attraction reflects the altered habits and interests of the nation. Last year 255,000 people visited Olympia, and the record crowd not only embarrassed the organisers of the show but also taxed the accommodation of the principal hotels. It is feared that again there will be overcrowding not only at Olympia but also m the leading Proposed amd Accepted *s Unrivalled (LONDON)M Aroma. Unlqu* CDC|(| HE'S l-illl_fl%ll~laV J «#a «n__i ■ l__S ___l IC 6TV" .7^ . TTTTHOLRSOM* BREAD W eui be made only m a clean, sanitary shop. thought of the danger you ever eating Bread made .nnd** insanitary conditions m a shop where ele4nline_» , fl m stranger! Safest.plan ie, io ¥my Bread that you know to be made m a CLEAN. SANITARY BAKERY, \V Have van^ GISBORHE LAUNDRY LTD. Q«Uty (§nd.Perfect^Whole_om.n-..y .. .. . SUCH IS IRSKINI'S BREAD, m the^ Bert -ade ** a Bakery that v always open Giaborne ,«»■» tnaD«e_i___. # £or 7°** B lo^ OUR WEDDING' CAKIS r delightfully good, because wa ■§" JJ beS oW^^wgredicnta. No j^ or Baking Powder find tliaif iray. into them— only the Richest Creat-wry Butter and:.-hteah Mtgf- Piter/, ms< fAJL^ Bcwtd-TTCSUce^Te^^NU,:"9|^,?^.l^^* JAMES TAIT GARDENMI, is now 'fiafej^BßK^ T^ANDSOAPE _U Engagement (Day or Oonopen Fweh-baked CaKT "««»»*■-■» for tract). Expert m growing Sweet Peas, Roses, Ohrysanthemums, and 'flowers. every dea- <*iption of Pruning and Spmy-. ing. "**♥, Preeent addiwiNo. i, Wainui1 tl* it, X» R<> d K '' ... .^— /Tarttj . ■«__■_-_> f _FAtll#iill? JAI_flE.-_l tnOHint. MfllfltW E.KSIIIIII--L. PROPRIBTOR.