Electrical Potential Difference Across Blood Vessels By David H. Harshaw, Jr., M.D., Howard Ziskind, Roger Mazlen, B.S., and Philip N. Sawyer, M.D. Downloaded from http://circres.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 29, 2016 • Over the past decade, several types of experiments characterizing the electrical properties of blood vessels have been carried out.1' 2 Some of these experiments were done to determine the possible existence, magnitude, and polarity of the normal potential difference across the aortic and vena caval wall using in vivo and in vitro preparations.1"3 The first group of experiments was done in the living dog where saline-filled polyethylene tubes were implanted across canine blood vessel walls for periods up to several weeks. Measurement of the potential difference using these catheters as salt bridges gave values as high as 30 to 40 millivolts (mv.) with the intimal side of the blood vessel ordinarily negative to the adventitial side. We were able to determine, by mathematical treatment of the data at that time, that the potential difference was in large degree produced by tissues surrounding the aorta. This finding has since been substantiated by additional experimental work. Since then, in vitro experiments have been developed to measure the transniural potential difference across membranized aortic wall. As the techniques of measurement improved, it became apparent that if an electrical potential existed across the exteriorized, but otherwise uninjured, blood vessel, it was quite amall. This paper will describe a technique which yielded measurements of the potential difference across the isolated canine aorta and vena cava, reproducible to approximately 50 niicroFroin tlie Department of Surgery and Surgical Kosearcli, State University of Now York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York. Supported in part by Grants H3879, C2 and C3, from tlie National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and the American Heart Association. Beceived for publication January 10, 1962. 360 volts (^V.). The measurements of the vascular transmural potential difference in these experiments appears to be sufficiently close to zero to be considered zero statistically. Methods The measurement of a steady-state direct current voltage is relatively simple until one attempts to measure voltages in the 1-mv. range, or smaller. At about this point, previously insignificant factors become important. Some of the factors which we have had to consider during such measurements include: (1) thermal electromotive forces in the measuring equipment, including galvanometer, amplifier, contacts, and soldered connections; (2) stray currents picked up from power lines; (3) stjitic electricity arising from personnel moving around the measuring equipment; (4) liquid junction and diffusion potentials within the solution; (5) amplifier drift causing the zero or baseline reading to change; and (6) natural variation and instability of standard electrodes. Because of these factors, an in vitro preparation was chosen. This, in itself, imposes certain biological limitations on the measuring technique, thereby restricting the degree of precision of measurement. However, these limitations are inherently much smaller than those which occur during measurement of potential differences in vivo. The potential difference was measured across both aorta, and vena cava from dogs. To exclude the effects of anesthetic agents, the animals were sacrificed by air embolization. The chest was opened, the thoracic aorta and vena cava were removed and the specimens placed in a serum substitute5 at a pH of 7.3 to 7.4. A serum substitute was chosen instead of blood or plasma since these tend to foam when gas is bubbled through them. The pH of this solution was adjusted by the use of a bicarbonate buffer system. Various concentrations of CO2 were bubbled through the solution. The greater the surface area of solution exposed to the atmosphere, the higher the per cent of CO2 needed in the gas mixture to keep the solution pH at a constant level. A pH of 7.3 to 7.4 was obtained in our experimental apparatus by using 15 to 17.5 per cent CO2 and 85 to 82.5 per cent 0 2 gas mixture. The temperature was kept Circulation Retearoh. Volume XI, September ISSt ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE Downloaded from http://circres.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 29, 2016 constant by using an environment of warm ah' about the cells. An "air bath" decreased static and electric noise levels below those ordinarily present in a water bath. The measuring cell in which the tissue was placed is made of Lucite and is complotely shielded by the "air bath," which in this series of experiments also served as a Faraday Cage. The blood vessel was freed of perivascular areolar tissue after it was removed from the animal. It was split lengthwise between intercostal vessels to form a flat membrane. The membrane was placed between the Lucite cells which were then tightened around the tissues (fig. 1). Paired 3 N KC1 calomel cells wei-e placed across the membrane. Salt bridges connected the calomel cells to the bathing solution on either side of the membrane. In turn, the calomel cells were connected to a very sensitive chopper-type micro-voltmeter* from which continuous readings were run. This instrument in our experimental system is accurate to ± 30 fj.v. Before and after measuring the potential difference across the blood vessel, control zero readings were obtained on the calomel cells alone using the same solution which was used to bathe the tissues. This permitted one to correct for baselino drift duo to changes in the electrodes and the agar salt bridges. Results The potential difference Avas measured across a total of 10 aortae and 10 venae cavae for periods as long as four hours. Potential difference measurements were recorded every five minutes both for the tissue and the control zero readings. A graphical plot of the control readings against time showed that the variation followed a straight line. The zero baseline was then computed by the method of least squares. For every blood vessel reading, the computed control reading for the same time was then subtracted giving a calculated potential difference across the blood vessel at that moment. In table 1, the average value of the potential difference across each blood vessel is recorded along with the number of measurements which that average represents. The overall average is also re- 361 AOAO M L T MtCKJES FIGURE 1 A line drmving of a Lucite cell winch has been separated into tiuo half-cells. The tissue is either aorta or vena cava which has been stripped of its periva'scular tissue and cut lengthwise to form a membrane. The blood vessel is placed over an opening of 1-cm.1 area, thus separating the compartments of each half-cell. t-test for significant deviation of the average potential difference value from zero for each blood vessel wall segment was carried out. It was found both for aorta and A'ena cava that the measurements were not significantly different from zero at the 0.1 per cent level. Discussion Two points require further clarification. The first question which arises is whether the tissues were adequately oxygenated to allow normal metabolism. This has been discussed elsewhere,4 but in brief if one uses Warburg's equation,0 one can compute the oxygen requirement for aorta and vena cava: d = o X D/A. For oxygenated bathing solutions on each side of the sheet of tissue, where d is the thickness of sheet of tissue or membrane in centimeters, Co is oxygen tension in bathing solution in atmospheres, D equals 1.64 X 10"8 cm.3 O2/ min./cm.- at 37 C, and A equals 8 Qoi (in mm. /hr./mg. dry weight) X mg. wet tissue 1,000 mm.ycm.8 X 60 miu./h r. X wet weight/dry weight and wet weight/dry weight ratio is 5.0 for corded for aorta and vena cava, together with the artery.7 The maximum qO? for the aorta the average deviations of these values. A and vena cava is 0.62 and 0.59 mm.8/hr./rng./ dry weight, respectively,4'8 and the average •Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, Ohio. Circulation Research, Volume XI. September 196£ 362 HABSHAW, ZISKDTD, MAZLEN, SAWYER TABLE 1 Average Value of the Potential Difference Across the Aorta and Vena Cava Aorta* Downloaded from http://circres.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 29, 2016 Experiment number 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 Number of determinations of potential Number of determinations of lero Average potential difference (/iv.) Average error of potential difference {fiv.) 25 23 35 29 24 14 20 17 19 21 25 13 13 30 2S 26 26 38 33 30 -101 ± 28 ± 25 ±103 ± 20 ± 87 ± 33 ± 33 ± 65 ± 58 ± 45 +109 — 75 + 71 + 91 + 32 - 23" — 9 -137 — 69 'Polarity is given with respect to the intima. Mean potential difference = —11.2 MV. Average error of mean potential difference = ±71.2 Mv.; P value = 5.20. The possibility that the mean potential difference ia different from zero equals 0.0007. Vena cavat Experiment number Number of determinations of potential Number of determinations of xero Average potential difference (jiv.) Average error of potential difference ((tv.) 20 21 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 21 14 21 13 19 19 18 12 15 18 21 25 31 26 30 31 27 23 29 32 + 120 + 32 + 87 + 35 ±21 ±25 ±31 ±26 ±30 ±31 ±27 ±23 ±29 ±32 — 23 -131 - 18 — 33 + 18 + 32 tMenn potential difference = +11.8 /iv. Average error of mean potential difference = ±50.7 n\r.; P value = 4.02. The possibility that the mean potential difference is different from zero equals 0.0035. thickness of canine aorta and vena cava is 0.10 cm. and 0.030 cm., respectively. The weight of exposed aorta and vena cava is less than 1.0 and 0.1 Gm., respectively. Using this data, the partial pressure of oxygen required to maintain this respiration is, at 38 C, 0.1570 atmospheres for aortae and 0.00143 atmospheres for venae cavae. Substituting these values in Henry's Law and converting the moles of O2 per liter of water at 37 C. to liters of 0 2 per liter of water at standard temperature and pressure (S.T.P.), the calculated partial pressure required to oxygenate the aorta and vena cava equals 3.671 X 10-3 and 3.304 X 10-"' L. of O2 per L. water, respectively. Water saturated with 82.5 per cent O2 at 1 atmosphere will contain 0.7999 X Kh3 moles of O2/L., or 1.766 X 10-2 L. O2/L. water at S.T.P. Sendroy9 has determined that plasma dissolves oxygen 0.9 as well as water. Krebs serum substitute solution undoubtedly dissolves O2 better than plasma since it lacks the protein which interferes with oxygen solution. Therefore, Krebs solution will contain at least 1.5984 X 10"L. O2/L. solution. This is approximately 20 and 2,000 times the amount of O2 needed for maximum calculated respiration of aorta and vena cava, respectively. The second problem relates to the type of Circulation Research, Volume XI, September lQ6t ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL DLFFEBENOE Downloaded from http://circres.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 29, 2016 salt bridge used between the bathing solution and the calomel cells. The type used in this experiment contains agar and a solution very similar to the serum substitute except that it lacks bicarbonate and organic ions. Each of these salt bridges forms two liquid junctions, and these are a. potential source of error. However, it was felt that this was more acceptable than having a KCl-type salt bridge which has one less liquid junction and less polarization. It was feared that the concentrated KCl would diffuse out of the salt bridge and raise the K concentration of the bathing solution to toxic levels. The significance of a zero potential difference across the blood vessel has yet to be explained. It could represent lack of activity in an inert type of tissue whose sole function is to serve as a muscle-encased conduit for blood. On the other hand, it may represent a manifestation of a subtle electrochemical mechauisni which prevents the development of a large potential difference across itself despite ion concentration differences, "injury currents," etc. Recently, in a series of several hundred experiments, small net ion fluxes of Na+ and Cl~ have been reported across a. canine aorta and vena cava.4 Heretofore, demonstration of a net ion flux across a membrane has been accompanied by a potential difference across that membrane. The net ion fluxes measured by Sawyer et al.4 should give a potential difference across the membrane of about 50 mv. This would have been easily detected by our potentionietric technique, and the fact that it was not means that, despite the differential flux, the Cl~ ion activity on both sides of the membrane tends to remain the same. This then suggests that some additional mechanism is operating, preventing ion Circulation Research, Volume XI, September 196S 363 activity gradients from developing. The answer awaits further experiments now in progress. Summary A technique for measuring the potential difference across blood vessel wall in vitro is described. It was found that the potential difference across canine blood vessel wall in vitro is roughly 0 ± 50 /xv. under the conditions of this experiment. References 1. SAWYER, P. N., AND PATE, J. W.: Eloctric poten- tial differences across the normal aorta and aortic grafts in dogs. Am. J. Pliysiol. 175: 113, 1953. 2. SAWYER, P. N., AND PATE, J. W.: Bioelectric phenomena as an, etiologic factor in intravascular thrombosis. Am. J. Physiol. 175: 103, 1953. 3. SAWYER, P. N., AND PATE, J. "W.: Study of electrical potential differences across the normal aorta and aortic grafts of dogs. Bethesda, Naval Medical Eesearch Institute, B«search Beport, Project NM 007 0S1.10.06, vol. IT, Jan. 19, 1953, p. 69. 4. SAWYER, P. N., LEVDTE, J., MAZLEN, B., AND VALIIONT, I.: Active ion transport across canine blood vessel walls. J. Gen. Physiol. 45: 18, 1961. 5. KREBS, H. A.: Body size nnd tissue respiration. Biochim. et biophys. aeta 4: 249, 1950. 6. WARBURG, O.: Versuche an iiborlebendem Careinomgewebe. Biochem. Ztschr. 142: 317, 1923. 7. WESOLOWSKI, S. A., SAUVAGE, L. B., AND PINO, B. D.: Quantitative observations during the freeze dry processing of arterial segments. J. Thoracic Surg. 30: 9, 1955. 8. KIRK, J. E., EFFERSOE, P. G., AND CHIANG, S. E.: Bflte of respiration and glycolysis by human and dog aortic tissue. J. Gerontol. 9: 10, 1954. 9. SENDROY, J., DILLON, B. T., AND VAN SLYKE, D. D.: Solubility and physical stnte of uncombined oxygen in blood. J. Biol. Cliom. 106: 597, 1934. Electrical Potential Difference Across Blood Vessels David H. Harshaw, Jr., Howard Ziskind, Roger Mazlen and Philip N. Sawyer Downloaded from http://circres.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 29, 2016 Circ Res. 1962;11:360-363 doi: 10.1161/01.RES.11.3.360 Circulation Research is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1962 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7330. Online ISSN: 1524-4571 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://circres.ahajournals.org/content/11/3/360 Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation Research can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. 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