San Diego State University Course Syllabus Instructor:

San Diego State University
TE 902 * 3 Semester Block II * Spring 2014
Course Syllabus
Bonnie Telfer
Office EBA 217
Office hours by appointment
Class Information:
Tuesdays 7:00-8:45 PM
NE 85
Course Description:
This one unit course is designed to:
1. Support students in their understanding of the Performance Assessment for
California Teachers (PACT).
2. Support students in developing the skills necessary to complete and pass the
PACT Science and Math CATs.
3. Prepare for the PACT Teaching Event as required for recommendation of a
California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential.
Required Reading:
Telfer, B. (2014). TE 902 Readings. San Diego, CA: Montezuma Publishing.
CCTC Teacher Performance Expectations
PACT Science and Math CAT materials
Other readings as assigned
Course Assignments:
1. Context for Learning: Students will complete the Context for Learning for their
current CFE placement. Students must bring a copy of the Context for Learning
to class on March 4 and after receiving peer feedback, will submit for grading on
March 18. (25 points)
2. Academic Language and Assessments: Students will look for three examples of
instructional practices and resources to support effective language development
during their CFE experience. Students will also look for three examples of
effective assessments used during their CFE experience. Examples will be shared
in class on April 22. Written descriptions of the examples will be turned in
during class. (25 points)
3. Videotaped Instruction: Students will work in pairs/triads to videotape each
other teaching a lesson. The pair/triad will analyze a video clip (5-7 minutes of
teaching) on April 22 with an introduction describing the context and
commentary identifying the instructional practices used to engage students,
further their knowledge and skills, support language demands, and monitor
student learning. This will be followed by a discussion about technical and other
issues encountered during this process. Students will submit a reflection of their
lesson (25 points).
4. Class Participation: In addition to the above assignments, class participation is
required. (25 points)
Class Participation and Professionalism: You are beginning your work as a teacher—a
professional in the community. Being a professional comes with many responsibilities.
Two responsibilities you have related to this course are to thoughtfully participate in our
classroom community and to critically examine your and others’ ideas and assumptions
about teaching and learning. To thoughtfully participate in this class, you should:
 Attend all classes
 Arrive on time and remain for the entire period
 Be prepared for each class by having thoughtfully completed assignments
 Share your ideas and listen respectfully in class sessions
 Remain on-task during class sessions
 Respect others' opinions in the class
 Be curious about ideas different than your own
 Keep me informed of any extenuating circumstances in your life that may hinder
your ability to succeed in this course.
Attendance is mandatory. While certain circumstances may warrant an excused
absence, students are required to inform the instructor in advance if unable to attend
any class; designation of absence as a legitimate excuse is up to the discretion of the
instructor. Failure to participate in class activities and discussions will result in the
deduction of points. Tardiness will result in a deduction from the Participation grade.
Cell phones may not be used during class. If an emergency situation exists, the student
must alert the instructor before class and should keep his/her phone on silent mode. If
accommodations are needed for class note taking, confer with the instructor beforehand.
Due Dates: Assignments are due on the assigned day. Difficulties with this policy
should be discussed and negotiated well in advance of the due date. Late assignments
will only be accepted if such arrangements are agreed upon before the due date. If
accepted late, the assignment grade will drop one letter grade per week after original
due date.
E-mails should be written professionally, appropriately, and respectfully. Please note
that all correspondence may be shared among the 3SB teaching team.
Grades: The total points earned through assignments will be combined with your points
in Classroom Management for your total grade.
Class Meetings: (Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the schedule)
What’s Due
PACT Overview/Context for Learning
2/18/14 Context for Learning/Planning
Differentiation/Monitoring Student Progress
Draft - Context for Learning
3/18/14 Assessment/Reflection
Context for Learning
Academic Language
4/22/14 Small Group Sharing
Video assignment, academic
language samples,
assessment samples
Wrap Up/Prepare for Fall Semester
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this
class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To
avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student
Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have
received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is