CP 660 – GIS for City Planners Fall 2014 Professor Sherry Ryan Office: PSFA 161 Telephone: 858-349-5330 - email: sryan@mail.sdsu.edu Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30PM, or by appointment OVERVIEW This course is the first of a 2-part sequence of courses intended to introduce graduate City Planning students to long range community planning, specifically in the preparation of a general plan. CP660 and CP690 teach students how to prepare a long range community plan, perhaps the most fundamental exercise planners engage in professionally. In CP660, we will focus on preparing an Existing Conditions Report for a community of your choice within the City of San Diego. The Existing Condition Report is typically prepared as part of the earlier tasks associated with any long range planning process. Preparation of an Existing Conditions Report necessitates accessing, analyzing, and presenting key attributes of your community in a professional, easy-to-read, and appealing report. One of the basic ways planners uncover and communicate opportunities and constraints related to a particular community is through mapping information related to land uses, demographics, and the transportation systems. In this class, we will begin to learn about where to access publically available data for the San Diego region, how to analyze that data in a very basic manner, how to map that data, and finally, how to prepare a report that communicates key issues and opportunities related to your community. In CP690, we will continue the long range planning process for your community and prepare a full community plan update. We will be using a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software called ArcGIS 10.1 which is a product of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). COURSE REQUIREMENTS ArcGIS Assignments: There are 11 ArcGIS assignments due during the course of the semester. These assignments are due at the beginning of each class. Existing Conditions Report: A final Existing Conditions Report for your community will due on Dec. 15th and will include a written report and an in-class PowerPoint presentation. I’ll provide a handout describing the required format for the report and presentation. The final Existing Conditions Report allows you to apply your GIS mapping and analysis techniques to a long-range community plan update effort, as well as provides you the opportunity to practice your presentation skills. Participation: I will take roll every class. This course requires consistent, weekly work, which cannot be accomplished if you miss class. To help discourage you from missing classes and leaving your work until the last couple weeks of the semester, I will be taking attendance. People who don’t attend class won’t be given extra help outside of class. Page 1 GRADING 11 ArcGIS Exercises (10 points each): Final Existing Conditions Report Final Presentation: Participation: TOTAL 40% 40% 12% 8% 100% 110 points 110 points 35 points 20 points 275 points TEXTS Law and Collins; Getting to Know ArcGIS, 3rd Edition (2013) City of San Diego Community Plan Preparation Manual November 2009 (http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/genplan/statusreports.shtml) City of San Diego General Plan (2008) (http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/genplan/statusreports.shtml) State of CA Governor’s Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines (online) Source: City of San Diego Community Plan Preparation Manual, 2009 Page 2 COURSE OUTLINE Week Date Topic Reading Assignment 1 8/25 Course Overview - - 2 9/1 Labor Day – No Class 9/8 ArcMap Interface Chapters 1, 2, 3 (Law & Collins) Chapters 1 – 5 (Plan Update Manual) 4 9/15 ArcCatalog Interface Data Sources Getting Data Into ArcView Chapters 4 & 5 5 9/22 Creating Layouts Chapter 10 6 9/29 Classifying and Symbolizing Data Chapters 7, 8 & 9 7 10/6 Map Projections Chapter 6 8 10/13 Querying Data Chapters 15 & 17 9 10/20 Joining Tables Chapter 16 10 10/27 Feature Relationships – Dissolving, Appending, Clipping, Buffering, Union, Intersect Chapters 18 & 19 Assignment 7: Tabular and Spatials Joins 11 11/3 Creating Your Own Data Chapters 11, 12 & 13 Assignment 8: Geoprocessing I 12 11/10 13 11/17 Geocoding Chapter 14 14 11/24 Suitability Analysis Chapter 20 15 12/1 16 12/8 Finals 12/15 3 Assignment 1: ArcMap Interface Assignment 2: Data Sources Assignment 3: Creating Layouts Assignment 4: Classifiying/Symbolizing Assignment 5: Projections Assignment 6: Querying Data Veteran’s Day – No Class Class time for Final Project work Class time for Final Project work --- Assignment 9: Creating GIS Data Files Assignment 10: Geocoding Assignment 11: Suitability Analysis -- Final Assignment / Presentations Due Some basics for success in the class – 1. Read the assigned chapter(s) in the Getting to Know text before coming to class. Click through each chapter’s GIS exercises before coming to class each week and especially before attempting to do the assignment due the following week. 2. Purchase some significant memory and always back up your assignment work. The computers in the lab get “cleaned” every once in a while. Create a folder on the lab harddrive and keep all your classwork in that folder. At the end of each work session, copy your class folder to your back-up. Page 3