83rd MSSA Senate December 2 , 2015

83rd MSSA Senate
December 2nd, 2015
Call to Order by 83rd Speaker Farah
Roll Call
a. Student Events Team – Homecoming update – Rachel Hoehn
i. 2015 recap/video
ii. Over 16,000 attended, more promotion, vendors, etc.
b. RHA voting outcome – Senator De Ruiter
i. Process of approving items requested,
ii. $6 personal hygiene, $3 water bottle, 1 for desk supplies.
iii. Vote took place this past Monday.
iv. MSSA will continue to discuss and vote on at later date.
c. President Haffield – Cultural Diversity Requirement –(handouts)
i. Recommendation came up last year; 8 diff. diversity events students need
to attend, still a lot of questions regarding tracking, etc.
ii. Proposed Steering Committee would include 3 student reps., two phases.
iii. Not credit-based. Separate from purple & gold requirement.
iv. We want your feedback to relay back to Provost and Commission on
De Ruiter: MnSCU requirement or MSU?
Haffield: MSU.
Hunter: Would it apply to all students? (transfer, etc.)
Haffield: Yes, everybody.
Gibson: What is the timeline for implementation?
Haffield: The latest I heard is that it wouldn’t start until next fall.
Farah: If you have any more questions, please get in contact with Mariah. This is an ongoing
d. Karilynn Doffing – Sodexo
i. Any questions?
Sam: Why are we charged for milk?
Kari: We’re the facility that serves the meal, not the item. Serving meals is our primary
Abdul: Could we substitute a slush machine for the ice cream that’s going away?
CJ: We’d have to pay for someone to serve the ice cream. Possibly rotate into the meal plan and
have a staff person serving it. It is not designed to serve it. If slushy machine is something that
res hall students want, we can go through the math and calculate that and then decide on that.
Bui: What kind of feedback did you have this semester?
Kari: There is a lot of one-on-one training. I think we’ll see more theme meals, we also have a
wonderful marketing manager so will see some new things there.
Vash: Are there new procedures about cross contamination?
Kari: There are lots of different procedures for that. Our simple serving procedure training,
daily huddle training to name a couple. There is a lot of education going on. There have also
been a lot of management changes.
Sam: Why no tax on milk at CC?
Kari: Actually, they do tax milk. We all fall under one umbrella.
Paul: Will there be an attempt to provide more with the meal plans?
CJ: The plans get more expensive based on the consumer index. The conversion is built into
the contract. I hire a consultant to find out how to get best value for students. Dining services
is for profit. I’m a non-profit and here to advocate for students.
Ruiz: Residents are saying they’re happier with improvements so thank you for that. However,
int’l students are saying they are not receiving very good training.
Kari: We started working on that and am working with some of the int’l students on that.
De Ruiter: Thanks for coming here and to RHA for feedback and for the improvements.
 Open Forum
 Approval of Consent Agenda
Appointments: Zach Gunby, Student Allocations Committee
Appointments still needed: University Policy Committee, Technology Fee Advisory Committee
(3 more), Elections Commission, Athletic Advisory Committee, CSU Board (1 more), Learning
Technology Roundtable (1 more), Budget Sub-Meet and Confer (1 more), MSSA Budget
Commission on Ethics & Standards: Noah Schumacher, Zana Vejsa, Patrick Riesterer, Aliya
Hussein, Desirae Kramer, Ian Mwangi, Paul Ngumah, Wayland Hunter, Yaya Jabri, Ivan
Recognized Student Organizations:
Student Allocations Committee:
Recommend allocating up to $600 (12 students @ $50/each) for non-food related travel
expenses to NAfME to assist students travel to the Midwest Clinic Music Conference in
Chicago, IL December 15-19, 2015.
Meeting minutes 11.18.15 and 11.19.15.
 Vacancies
o Arts & Humanities
 Officer Reports
o President Haffield
a. Reminder of food drive
b. Letter sent out on behalf of diversity committee.
c. Conversation on Campus Inclusiveness – will be talking more about next
d. Any other ideas for this type of event, let me know.
e. Yik Yak app concern on campus. Will be a motion coming up in New Business. I
understand concerns but will be difficult to limit.
f. M & C tomorrow. Let me know if interested in attending.
g. Three awards for three senators leaving us next semester.(certificate and lapel
pin) (Wes Huntington, Ricky Sargent, Zana Vejsa)
o Vice President Al-Mohamadi
a. MSSA scholarship is something we are trying to bring back as an endowment
fund. The next discussion on this will be with VP Jones.
b. Bullpen event – decided not to pursue as too late. Maybe next semester.
c. More discussion on having MSSA info on all CSU monitors.
d. City/University meeting at Bethany tomorrow, 5 pm. Would encourage any of
you to be there.
Faical: Any discussion on the bikes-share program?
Sam: This is a very big idea for Mankato. They would love to see it but would be a lot of things
associated with it. Invite you to come and share input on it.
Speaker Farah
a. Diversity training – need to be sure you want to go. (Jan 20th, and January 31st
session is mandatory. More info coming.
b. One-Drive – now have groups set up. Can share documents, etc. Please take a
look at it.
c. Stipends: Senators need to be in good standing and will be decided by Ethic &
Standards. Paper
d. April 6th Budget Hearing – attendance is required.
 Senator Reports
o Senator Abdulaziz and Senator Schmidt
 Some new ideas: (suggestion slips distributed), will let you know.
o Senator Krueger and Senator Ututalum
 SAB lesser known majors known in depts.
 Ideas: Include summer orientation: have reps come speak about what is
offered, tabling, partnering with CDC.
o Senator Callais and Perez (PPT)
Sam: What are you actually saying that you’re wanting?
Perez: I feel that we don’t get enough attention, like the residence halls. For example, new
washers and dryers.
Abdul: Do you feel students are willing to pay more?
Perez: No, students wouldn’t want to pay more but could be included in next year’s lease
with the contractor.
Sargent: Have you talked to management about this?
Perez: That would be the next thing we’d be looking at.
o Senator Smith
 Diversity justice committee in res halls. Focus on leadership, programming and
staff dev. Working on diversity of CAs who work in the res halls and
broadening our reach for opportunities.
o Senator Martin
 One item in last report was to approach COB RSOs. Decided to do at the
beginning of next semester.
 Working with COB leadership and Dean Flannery for plans for 1st floor
renovation of Morris Hall. Looking for feedback from senate about what they’d
like to see in that space. (i.e. COB entrepreneurship program space, etc?)
 Would like the space to mirror 2nd floor but at the same time be its’ own space.
o Senator Bui – CSU Board update
 Shaping up the budget.
 Thanks to Mark, previous board for renovating CSU #253/4/5. It is now a
fantastic space.
 Losing two members due to graduation. Let me know if interested.
 Last meeting this Friday.
o Senator Schmit – Have been promoting MSSA at RHA every meeting.
o Senators Gumah & Hunter: many complaints from CSET students in ford hall. Lab hall
reports due and can’t do because only two computers and often times GMWs are on those.
On social media Request is to add computers and remodel so can add.
Hunter: I recommend that GMWs not be allowed on the computers.
Farah: feel like IT may be your best answer to start with.
Sadeghi: I made a template so senators can put photos, info on it and send it out to your areas
so people know who you are. Also, this is my last senate meeting as I’ll be graduating.
o Old Business
83 MM# - Gender neutral bathrooms Smith/de Ruiter
Whereas: There are currently family and unisex restrooms in various university buildings;
Whereas: MSU has a high rate of diversity and is a supporter of campus equality and inclusiveness:
Be it resolved: The MSSA supports changing the signage of some or all of the family and unisex
restrooms so that they reflect a gender-inclusive verbiage. This could include, but is not limited to,
verbiage such as “restrooms”, “gender-neutral restrooms” or gender-neutral and family restrooms.”
Be it further resolved: The MSSA recommends to Facilities Management to implement a more genderinclusive restroom signage. The exact wording of the signage would be determined with involvement
from the LGBT Center, Non-Traditional student office and members of the student senate.
Motion passes.
Aye: 17 Nay: 1 Abstain: 5
Smith: I think it should be one of our first priorities.
Riesterer: I am for this but also want everyone considered in this (families, younger siblings, etc).
Abdul: Are we thinking then just signage?
Farah: Yes, this motion will just change signage.
Haffield: I like this and think it is something we’re looking for. Would be done with the LGBT Center.
Smith: The motion states some or all so believe in the heart of motion says that some would be
changed to be more inclusive.
Ruiz: I think we should also keep non-tradtional students so move to amend motion.
Ron Fields: Just to give some clarification of preferred names. We find that just plain “restroom” is
preferred with symbols of a man/woman. These would also include the ability to lock door, single stall.
We’ve begun to do this in Political Science Building and the new Dining Hall. Won’t be a massive
conversion but will do here or there for now.
Haffield: The point of the motion isn’t the name but will have this discussion at a senate meeting later.
Hunter: Has there been enough concern expressed from the entire student body?
Farah: There was a petition on it with numerous signatures.
Riesterer: The VP of Facilities just told us that they’re changing it. So, it is already done so we don’t
need more discussion on it.
New Business
83 MM# - MSSA Name Change -- Schmit/Ruiz
Motion for open discussion about MSSA name changed.
Schmit: This came up during our PR discussion to change the name as it isn’t familiar to most students.
Ruiz: I feel like a name isn’t recognizable to many of the student body.
Haffield: I personally don’t want a name change. However, if you read our Constitution, we are more
than student government, we’re an association. I think it would be a lot of money, time, etc.
Callais: I don’t think a name change would do it but the way we approach the marketing of it.
Sam: This would be history-changing and also would cost a lot of money.
Faical: Do you have alternatives for a different name?
Schmit: Student Government of Minnesota State, something like that.
Abdul: I think since the Student Events team changed theirs’ it is more recognizable.
Martin: Instead of the entire name, could we just look at a tag line instead of rebranding and all of the
costs associated with that?
Farah: This would mean a change to our constitution in the spring election and all of the student body
needs to vote on it. This is a very weighted discussion.
Sam: to get approved would take up to a year., however, understand if you think it should happen even
if it take a long time, you can start working on it.
Hussein: I don’t think the name means as much but it is more about what we do.
Sam: What would students say about us spending $10,000 for a new name? Feel we need to focus
more on marketing and PR.
De Ruiter: I do know that the Student Events team spent around $7,000 on theirs. As far as calling it the
student government, I think it has a negative connotation to it.
83 MM Yik Yak Social Media App
Whereas: Students have expressed concerns about some use of the social media app, Yik Yak. Some
individuals have used Yik Yak in such a way that it expresses and promotes racist, discriminatory, and
marginalizing statements;
Whereas: Several students have expressed concerns about the presence of Yik Yak representatives on
our campus promoting the use of the app;
Whereas: The promotion of the app on campus is of concern because of the above mentioned use of the
Whereas: The concerned students have asked that University safeguards are put in place to prevent
organizations from promoting in the CSU services that are used for racism and discrimination;
Whereas: There may be laws and regulations that relate to such safeguards that could make such
safeguards illegal (for example, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution);
Whereas: The Yik Yak app has implemented safeguards in an attempt to minimize this behavior;
Whereas: The MSSA does not tolerate racist, discriminatory, or marginalizing behavior and does not
condone such actions;
Whereas: More research and discussion would need to be had concerning the permissibility of such
University safeguards as well as research and discussions about other potential solutions. If safeguards
are deemed legal, there would need to be research done and discussions held about the structure of the
Be it resolved: The MSSA charges the Centennial Student Union Board with researching and discussing
safeguards and other potential solutions;
Be it further resolved: The Centennial Student Union Board will provide the MSSA with a
recommendation(s) after thorough research and discussions are conducted;
Be it further resolved: The Centennial Student Union Board will work with members of Student Affairs
and other appropriate departments or university entities to conduct the research and, if need be,
participate in discussions and/or help provide MSSA with the recommendation(s).
Motion passes.
Aye: 19 Nay: 0 Abstain: 3
Haffield: There has been a lot of concern expressed so feel that this would fall more under the CSU
board and they should be the ones to investigate as there are a lot of implications about it. They can
take as much time as needed to research.
83 MM MSU Hosting of Res Hall Conference
Smith/de Ruiter
Whereas: A conference team is in place to bid to host a Midwest Affiliate of College and University
Residence Halls conference at MSU;
Whereas: Other schools in the region are also bidding;
Whereas: A letter of support from the MSSA President would strengthen the bid and show university
Be it Resolved: President Mariah Haffield will write a letter of recommendation I support of our
residence halls hosting a conference.
Motion passes.
Aye: 21 Nay: 0; Abstain: 0
Smith: There is a group of very excited individuals in the res halls to put on a conference and are bidding
on it for Feb. ’17. We believe a letter of support from President Haffield would strong support.
83 MM Mandatory Senator Tabling in CSU
Whereas: There was a discussion about MSSA name change and there seemed to be agreement that we
need more marketing;
Be it Resolved: One office hour out of three should be for the purpose of lobby tabling or anything else
deemed appropriate by the PR Committee, and then added to the Operating Policies.
Motion fails.
Aye: 9 Nay: 5 Abstain: 4
Sam: We need constant tabling so students see us there every day so students do begin recognizing us.
There will be a sign-up sheet. Instead of doing office hours we should spend one of those hours tabling
on Mav Ave.
Smith: I think it generally to be a good idea and what better way than to be there and talking to
Fred: I feel this needs to be referred to the PR committee.
Riesterer: I second that as there is more to figure out before we vote on something like this.
Farah: Most of you have all been put on E & S. as most of you don’t even do your office hours so now
we’d be adding another thing. I believe the sentiment of it but contingency on it isn’t a good idea.
Sam: This is very frustrating as once again we’re tabling an issue before we finish business
Roll Call
Meeting adjourned @ 6:17 pm.