PLC 931 Syllabus Page 1 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Fall 2013 PLC 931 Skills in Teaching Reading to Bilingual Elementary Students (3 units) “…there are as many ways to teach reading as there are students. It is imperative for a teacher to respect the individuality of every student, to help them find, the “magic way” that works for them. Chris Mercogliano Making It Up as We Go Along, 1998 Instructor: Cecilia Fragoso M.A. Office: West Faculty Building 175 Phone: (760) 768-5576 or cell (760) 890-8437 E-mail: Office hours: Thursdays 12:00-2:00 p.m. or by appointment. Class Time: Thursday 7:25 -10:05 PM Location: N-102 Course Description: PLC 931 is designed to provide a theoretical framework as well as a practical, hands-on understanding when analyzing the written word. Throughout each meeting we want to discover*: 1. Where the reading ability comes from 2. What other faculties are needed to know to support it 3. How fully developed these other faculties are in each stage of the learning process 4. How effectively these abilities are able to contribute to the reading process itself 5. Whether the activity of reading may have the effect of actually precipitating other aspects of development Teaching and Performance Expectations: TPEs During each class we will develop strategies, activities, and lesson plans that comprise the six domains of the TPE: 1. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students (TPE 1) 2. Assessing Student Learning (TPE 2,3) 3. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning (TPE 4,5,6,7) 4. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students (TPE 8,9) 5. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning (TPE 10,11) 6. Developing as a Professional Educator (TPE 12,13) PLC 931 Syllabus Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) This course will provide you preliminary insights of each of the five domains included in the RICA: Domain I: Planning and Organizing Reading Instruction Based on Ongoing Assessment 10% Domain II: Word Analysis 33% Domain III: Fluency 13% Domain IV: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge 20% Domain V: Comprehension 23% Candidate’s Learning Outcomes: 1. Design comprehensive lesson plans that generate transdisciplinary opportunities of Teaching Language Progressive Skills as described by the Common Core Standards (TPE 1) 2. Identify cultural, linguistic, and social needs of each student in order to build a contextualized and relevant learning process when teaching reading (TPE 6, 7, 8, 12). 3. Outline factors that build cognitive bridges between oral codes and written structures. Understand that students control the language when speaking and yet they utilize different thinking skills when reading, writing, and listening (TPE 1, 4, 6, 7, 8). 4. Analyze approaches that define reading as an interactional process. Connect these methods with theories of language and literacy learning (TPE 7,12,13). 5. Build literary environments in the classroom and at home where students can develop natural curiosity for reading. Understand and utilize the natural curiosity phenomenon (TPE 11). 6. Evaluate the positive effect of SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English) strategies on students who struggle on their reading skills and how these strategies generate a differentiated curriculum, a curriculum that meets the needs of all the students (TPE 4,5,6,7,9). 7. Contextualize subskills i.e., distinguishing between letters that are similar in appearance, sound discrimination, pronunciation of specific elements when writing lesson plans that focus on listening, speaking, reading, and wiring (TPE 1,4,5,9,10). 8. Sort different types of language assessment: norm-referenced vs. criterion reference tests; indirect versus direct tests; discrete point tests versus integrative (TPE 2,3). 9. Dissect different materials utilized in reading practices, i.e., textbooks, computer programs, and videos (TPE 9). 10. Reflect on their educational practices in various settings: classroom, university, conferences (TPE 13) 11. Construct and articulate a philosophy of education that compounds accountability of teaching practices as well as equitable opportunities of learning for all the students (TPE 13). 2 PLC 931 Syllabus 3 Required texts 1. Adelman, S. A. & Crawford, J. (2011). Diary of a bilingual school: How a constructivist curriculum, a multicultural perspective, and a commitment to Dual Immersion education combined to … in Spanish- and English children. DiversityLearningK12 LLC. 2. Gibbons, P. (2002) Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning: Teaching second language learners in the mainstream classroom. Heinemann. 3. Vasquez, V. M. (2004). Negotiating literacies with young children. Routledge. 4. Common Core Standards for English Language Arts: Suggested books for lesson plans 1. The Upside Down Boy/El niño de cabeza by Juan Felipe Herrera 2. Chato Goes Cruisin’ by Gary Soto 3. The Story of Colors/La Historia de los Colores by Subcomandante Marcos 4. Esperanza Rising/Esperanza Renace by Munoz-Ryan 5. The House on Mango Street/La casa de Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. 6. Questions & Swords: Folktales of the Zapatista Revolution by Subcomandante Marcos Assignments: Testimonio “How did I learn to read?” Students will write a five-page essay answering the aforementioned question. You may include materials you used when you learned to read. Ask your family, friends and relatives for anecdotes on this experience. We want to build connections between your learning process and the learning processes of your students. Please follow APA style (double- space, one inch margins, etc). (10 points). Quadruple entry-journal- Each week you will reflect on a quote from our readings and/or handouts that appeals to your philosophy of education. At the beginning of each class we will discuss your reflections utilizing Socratic Seminar. You are required to submit your reflections online before coming to class. Instructions for this will be provided in our first class. (10 points). Case Study- Students will identify three families with at least one child currently enrolled in an elementary school. (25 points). Steps to follow in this ethnographic research1- Students will interview parents or the person who is in charge of the household. Suggested themes for the interview: a) parents will explain how they learned to read b) parents will compare their experiences with the experiences of their children c) how often they read with/to their children? d) their involvement on the learning process of their children PLC 931 Syllabus 4 e) suggestions to improve teaching practices. 2-Candidates will interview students- Suggested themes for the interview: a) their thoughts on reading (they like to read, they don’t, why) b) when and where they read when they are at home c) suggestions to improve teaching practices d) if they were to be teachers how would they teach other students to read 3-Candidates will conduct running-records with students PAPER STRUCTURE1. Action plan on how to increase parent involvement in literacy programs develop at the schools. This action-plan should include “the 4 components of a Comprehensive Approach to Language Arts Instruction”. Students will think of various ways to incorporate parents as an active component of the learning process. (3-4 pages) 2. Individualized action plan based on: Standards Assessment-driven Research-based, systematic, sequential, explicit instruction Focus on instruction and demonstrates application in classroom and fieldwork Access by a full range of learners You will write an individualized plan for each student with goals, strategies, and activities that may help the student improve her/his levels of literacy. (3-4 pages) 3. Personal reflection on your field-work experience. (2-3 pages) 4. Suggestions for future teaching practices. (2-3 pages). If you have any question on APA style you can check: Lesson Plan to teach Reading K-6- Students will create a Lesson Plan to teach Reading. (20 points) Guideline: See Table-1 1. Read a bilingual book. 2. Identify a Grade level and a proficiency level. 3. Read all the standards for this group. 4. Identify 3 standards: One for Listening /Speaking, one for Reading, and one for Writing. 5. Read Common Core Standards for the grade level you have selected: 6. Identify a reading common-core standard you want to teach through the lesson. 7. Align ELD standards and the common-core Standard you want to target. 8. Create three objectives: Rewrite the standards. 9. Identify three SDAIE strategies that match these objectives. 10. Include an activity that promotes study skills. PLC 931 Syllabus 5 11. Create two authentic assessments: one authentic and one formal This lesson plan is evaluated using the PACT RUBRIC for Biliteracy in Elementary Schools. Lesson plans developed in other courses cannot be used in this course. Lesson plans developed in this course cannot be used in used in other courses. RICA Binder. During the semester you will organize a binder that will include articles related to the 5 RICA domains, reflections, handouts of different EBP, a list of favorite websites related to Literacy. (15 points) Analysis of student learning outcomes: Write a three-page paper analyzing at least three learning outcomes listed in the course syllabus. Explain how you learned them, why are important for your teaching career and how you will implement them in your classroom. (10 points). Active Participation on each session-: I expect you to be actively involved in our classrooms activities as well as to be prepared to discuss any theme related with our readings. (10 points). Grading: 100- A+ 99-95- A 94-90- A- 89-85- B+ 84-80- B 79-75- B- 74-70- C+ 69-65- C 64-60-D 59-0- F 1. Class Preparation and Participation 10 points 2. Testimonio 10 points 3. Quadruple Entry-Journal 10 points 4. Case Study 25 points 5. Lesson Plan 20 points 6. Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes 10 points 7. Rica Binder 15 points TOTAL 100 POINTS Class Attendance: One (1) unexcused absence will be accepted – each subsequent unexcused absence will result in a 10 point reduction from final points (that’s 10 points PER absence!). Please be on time for class. Any combination of two (2) tardies or leaving early will be counted the same as 1 unexcused absence and will result in a loss of 10 points from final total points for every combination of two. In case of justified absence, students could complete make-up assignments determined by the instructor. PLC 931 Syllabus 6 PLC 931 * Tentative Schedule Session Dates Topic Readings Assignments TPE 1 08/29 Overview of the syllabus Article 2 09/05 Adelman Introduction Ch. 1 & 2 Quadruple-Entry Journal 3 09/12 -Making sense of the words -Principles and Practices Narratives Adelman Ch. 3 & 4 Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-8.1-8.6 4 09/19 Adelman Ch. 5 & 6 Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-5.1-5.5 TPE-6A.1-6A.7 5 09/26 Adelman Ch. 7 & 8 6 10/03 Quadruple-Entry Journal TESTIMONIOS Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-6B.1-6B.11 Comprehensive Literacy TPE-7.1-7.13 7 10/10 Gibbons Ch. 3 & 4. Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-3.1-3.16 8 10/17 Gibbons Ch. 5 & 6. 10/24 Quadruple-Entry Journal Quadruple-Entry Journal ELD Presentations TPE-3.8-3.15 9 Narratives Reading in a second language Outcomes Teaching Activities Scaffolding Language and Learning From Speaking to Writing in the Content Classroom Reading in a Second Language Developing an Integrated Curriculum 10 10/31 Halloween TPE-1A.14-1A.18 TPE-8.1-8.6 11/07 12 11/14 Constructing Activities Sharing Articles for RICA Binder Vazquez Introduction and Chapter 1 Vazquez Chapters 23 ELD Presentations 11 Organizing for Literacy Instruction Critical Literacy Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-7 13 11/21 Extending Literacies Vazquez Chapters 4&5 Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-1A.6-1A.10 Educational Globalization 14 11/28 HOLIDAY THANKSGIVING BREAK 15 12/05 Using Social Critique Vazquez Ch. 6 & 7 16 12/12 Review RICA Binder Quadruple-Entry Journal Student learning outcomes Case Study Presentations Foreword Gibbons Ch. 1 & 2. Gibbons Ch. 7 & Glossary of Teaching Activities RICA Binder Quadruple-Entry Journal TPE-12.1 TPE-13.3 TPE-11.1 TPE-7.2 TPE-7.13 TPE-1.A.1 TPE-6A.2-6A.6 TPE-9 Review of all TPE Review of all TPE PLC 931 Syllabus 7 Note: *This syllabus represents a tentative plan and is subject to change in content of schedule at the discretion of the instructor. TABLE 1INTO/DAY 1 Standards: ELD Listening/Speaking: Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important details and concepts by using both verbal and nonverbal responses COMMON CORE STANDARD THROUGH/DAY 2 Standards: ELD Reading: (Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development) Use content related vocabulary discussions and reading COMMON CORE STANDARD Writing: BEYOND/DAY 3 Standards: ELD Use more complex vocabulary and sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas (e.g., math, science, history-social science). COMMON CORE STANDARD Objectives: Write objectives that “amalgamate” (multidimensional) the three standards. Objectives: Write objectives that “amalgamate” (multidimensional) the two standards. Objectives: Write objectives that “amalgamate” (multidimensional) the three standards. Strategies: SDAIE Activities: Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: Materials: Realia: Vocabulary: Homework: Strategies: SDAIE Activities: Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: Materials: Realia: Vocabulary: Homework: Strategies: SDAIE Activities: Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: Materials: Realia: Vocabulary: Homework: