Obsevation/ Participation Assignments

Obsevation/ Participation Assignments
EPC 315
L. Pugliese
Be sure to use the provided REPORT FORMS that follow these guidelines for each
assignment. For each assignment, discuss how it relates to the specified TPE,
using concepts and terms from the TPE.
OP Assignment# 1: Visit a classroom. Create a visual representation of the
classroom, including where all furniture is placed, objects placed on the walls or hanging
from the ceilings, windows, doors, etc.. Refer to the observation sheet attached to this
syllabus. Write a paper explaining how the layout of the classroom facilitates or hinders
student learning in light of what you have learned about development, information
processing, and language development. (TPE 1A, 5, 6A & B)
OP Assignment #2 : Observe your host teacher two times for at least 1 hour on two
separate days during two separate lessons in two areas (i.e. reading/ math) Complete the
attached observation sheets for each observation period (you should have 2 sheets
completed!). After observing, analyze the classroom interaction style, comparing and
contrasting the two lessons. Be sure to relate what you have observed to what you have
read. Conclude your paper by indicating how you might use this information for your
future teaching practices. (TPE 4)
OP Assignment #3 : Observe at least 1 hour each during two different classroom
lessons (for example, one math lesson and one science lesson) where English Language
Learners are included. Use the attached observation report sheet to compare and contrast
the two lessons. (you should have 2 sheets completed!)
( TPE 5)
OP Assignment #4 : Interview a teacher regarding their assessment practices.
Discuss what kinds of informal and formal assessments the teacher uses. Does the teacher
use authentic assessments, rubrics? What advantages and disadvantages does the teacher
raise regarding these instruments? (TPE 3)
OP Assignment #5 Interview two parents about what they need from teachers and
about the parents’ aspirations for their children. Be sure to include immigrant parents.
Most Parent Centers do have persons who can translate. (TPE 5)
The Classroom Layout and Its Influence on Student Learning
Draw a visual representation of the classroom, including placement of furniture, objects, what
displayed on the walls, etc..
Write a written response to the following:
How does the physical layout of the classroom facilitate or hinder:
1. Students’ ability to see the teacher.
2. Students’ ability to move around the classroom with ease.
3. Students’ opportunities to recall or learn vocabulary or concepts and information in math,
science, social studies, English, literature, art, music, or other areas.
4. Students’ feelings of belongingness.
5. Students’ motivation.
6. Collaboration among students.
7. Access to books and computers.
8. Teacher’s ability to see all students.
9. Teacher’s ability to move around the classroom.
10. Teacher’s opportunities to use the classroom as a teaching tool.
Teacher Classroom Interaction Styles
For the first ten minutes of class just spend some time getting used to the classroom and your
position in the classroom. Be sure you have a watch and a tally form. Tally a different behavior
every 5 minutes.
Date __________
Grade Levels _______________________________________
Type of lesson (e.g. math, reading) _________________________________________
Behavior Tallied
asks open-ended
Tally within a 5 minute period
asks closed question
uses body language
to explain, clarify or
Uses humor
uses manipulatives
or visuals
collaboration among
checks for
has students problem
Describe your general feeling about this classroom. Do students seem to be engaged in learning?
Do they seem to be comfortable? Is the teacher enthusiastic or engaging? Is this a classroom
you would put your child in? Why or why not?
After completing a tally sheet for each lesson, analyze the teaching style in light of the readings
and class discussions. In what ways does the teacher attend to students multiple intelligences
and learning styles? In what ways are students offered opportunities to problem solve and be
creative? What aspects of this teacher’s style are compatible or incompatible with your
personality? Why?
Observation of Teacher’s Strategies in Working with
English Language Learners
Observe the classroom teacher on the following points:
Lesson One
Lesson Two
1. What language(s) does the
teacher use for instruction?
2. What language(s) do the
students use in the class?
3. What strategies does the
teacher use to ensure
students’ understanding of
what the teacher is saying?
4. Did you observe students
helping each other to
understand either the teacher
or written materials?
5. What proportion of the
students seem to be actively
engaged in learning?
6. Do students seem to be
motivated by the material?
7. In what ways does the
teacher check for
8. In what ways does the
teacher review or reteach
concepts, information, or skills
that may have been missed by
9. Who has the floor most of
the time?
After responding to the above questions, write a short analysis of the advantages and
disadvantages of the teacher’s strategies in working with English Language Learners in light of
the readings and class discussions on cognitive and language development. Also include
whether you observed something that was surprising or new.
DATE ___________ GRADE LEVEL _________________-
Interview a Public School Teacher and ask the following questions:
1. What kinds of formal and informal assessments do you use to assess your students’ progress
in subject areas such as reading and math?
2. What kinds of informal or formal diagnostic tests do you use?
3. Do you use rubrics for assessing writing or major projects?
4. Do you use results from standardized achievement tests? If so, how do you use them? If you
do not use them, why not?
5. In your opinion, what is the most important piece of information or skill that a new teacher
should have regarding assessment?
Interview at least one parent who is an immigrant, and one other parent (who may or may not be
an immigrant). Ask the following questions.
1. How many children do you have who attend public schools?
2. What are their (or is her/his) ages and grade levels.
3. In your opinion, what would be the two or three most important things a parent needs to do in
order to help their child/children succeed in school?
4. In your opinion, what would be the two or three most important tasks a school and/or teacher
needs to do to ensure the success of children at school?
5. What do you believe is the most important factor that affects the relationship between a
teacher and a parent?