Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW TPE B Literature Review TPE B Melvin Campbell National University 1 LITERATURE REVIEW TPE B 2 Abstract In this paper I will review an article titled The Role of Assessment in Meeting the NASPE Physical Education Content Standards written by Glenna Dejong, Kokinakis C. Lee, and Charles Kuntzleman and was published in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance. I will begin with a summary of the article and finish with a critique of the article giving my thoughts and opinions on the topic. LITERATURE REVIEW TPE B 3 Literature Review TPE B Summary The NASPE content standards created a vision of the physically educated person and laid the groundwork for setting achievable goals and objectives, for providing quality instruction, and for assessing students on the basis of the objectives. Effective implementation of the standards and measurement of student achievement requires the development of specific instructional objectives, upon which student achievement and legitimate assessment rest. Program effectiveness necessitates a close link between curriculum goals and objectives, instructional materials, assessment, and professional development. The description of a curricular objective includes the desired performance and performance criteria that make up the core of assessments. The selection of an objective is only the beginning of a long process of clearly and precisely communicating the objective and its assessment. Officials must then ask themselves questions such as: What is the scope of the objective? What are the components of the objective? What is the sequence of components of the objective? How is the objective used in the real world, and what criteria demonstrate successful use? The answers to these questions eventually lead to a clearly specified instructional objective, according to which students can be fairly assessed. Once a clear objective is established, an assessment that parallels the objective is easily developed. As part of a multi-year physical education program, Michigan's students progress through many instructional objectives, each with its own performance criteria. As students are assessed on the objectives, they and their teachers may wish to know whether their progress is likely to lead to the eventual attainment of all physical education objectives. In EPEC, there is a benchmark for each grade so that teachers have guidelines on how quickly to move students through instruction on a curricular objective and to assess their progress on a LITERATURE REVIEW TPE B 4 yearly basis. Assessment provides information to students, teachers, parents, and others regarding student achievement of the curricular objectives and benchmarks. Periodically, teachers can use assessments to monitor student progress according to the benchmarks established for each curricular objective. Critique As in any class assessment of student learning is very important, without proper assessment we would not know where our students were in relation to mastering the standards. With the implementation of the national and state standards, we now have a clear and unified goal in the physical education classroom. This gives us the opportunity to develop clear objectives for our students to attain. The use of authentic assessments such as rubrics give our students a more clear goal which “enables a student to know what is expected by the teacher, and knowing the expectations, may even provide an impetus for a student to work toward a higher grade.” (Shpeherd and Mullane, 2008) Rubrics provide an equal assessment, which gives students a clear understanding of the teachers expectations and can also serve as a reminder to help them flow through the process of the lesson. Students, teachers, and parents all benefit from authentic assessments such as rubrics because they provide accurate data that can be used as a learning tool for all. LITERATURE REVIEW TPE B 5 References Dejong, Glenna Lee, Kokinakis C. Kuntzleman, Charles. (2002). The role of assessment in meeting the NASPE physical education content standards. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 73(7), 22+, Retrieved February 26, 2015 from Shepherd, Carol M. Mullane, Ann Mary (2008). Rubrics: The Key To Fairness In Performance Based Assessments, Journal of College Teaching & Learning. 5(9) Retrieved February 26, 2015 from