Theatre 130 - Fall 2015 Syllabus and Outline Class Meetings: Monday & Wednesday 10:00 AM – 11:15 PM Location: DA 102 Instructor: Randy Reinholz Office: DA 205 Office Contact: (619) 594-0229 Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 11:30-12:30, 1:00 - 2:00 or by appointment Required Texts: An Actor Prepares by Constantine Stanislavski ISBN 0-87830-983-7 Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare ISBN 0822210347 Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley ISBN 9780822202509 The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman ISBN 9780822217800 Speed the Plow by David Mamet ISBN 0573690812 Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller ISBN 0140481346 Savage in Limbo by John Patrick Shanley ISBN 082220990X Stop Kiss by Diana Son ISBN 9780822217312 Rez Sisters by Tomson Highway ISBN 092007944X Proof by David Auburn ISBN 9780822217824 Two Trains Running by August Wilson ISBN 0452269296 ALL THEATRE DEPARTMENT STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BUY SEASON TICKETS FOR THE SDSU PRODUCTION SEASON Sylvia - September 25 – October 4 Into The Woods - October 30 – November 8 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights - December 2 - 6 COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES: An exploration of the self through the “observation of human behavior and response” coupled with the development of the actor’s imagination as it relates to basic storytelling skills. An examination of the actor’s role in making compelling Theatre (communicating ideas & emotions to an audience) realizing that “both the initial idea for a creation and the work involved in the process of creating spring from a profound urge to find expression for a particular point of view.1” Students learn a basic understanding of an actor’s vocabulary and task, through observation exercises, theatre games, improvisation, text analysis, and scene work. By semester’s end, students shall be able to: 1. Memorize and perform text before a live audience 2. Identify characters’ dramatic struggles within texts. 3. Demonstrate a range of dynamics in relationship to voice and movement. 4. Display plausible behavior in response to imagined scenarios. 5. Illustrate the ability to respond spontaneously to other actors. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Two unexcused absences will result in the reduction of the student’s grade by one full letter. Additional unexcused absences may result in the student receiving a grade of “F” for the course. 1 Challenge For The Actor – Uta Hagen 1991 Page - 1 2. Lateness: Lateness is not tolerated in the professional Theatre and is likewise unacceptable in this acting class. Class will start promptly. Actors on performance days are expected to be warmed up and ready to perform at the beginning of class. Students repeatedly late (twice) can be denied admittance, and the absence recorded as unexcused. If you expect to miss or be late, please call me before class. 3. Class Participation: Students are expected to participate fully in all discussions, class activities, exercises, performance days, out-of-class rehearsals, and SDSU production critiques. This class functions as an acting company, which can only thrive through mutual trust and support. Please keep in mind that acting involves risk taking and that it is up to each of us to create the world of possibility when we are together. 4. Assignments: No late assignments accepted. All assignments must be turned in the day they are due. Sloppy or illegible handwritten assignments will not be accepted and will result in the grade of “F” as will assignments not received, ill prepared (exercises, monologues & scene work), or incomplete (journals & playcards). Reading Assignments: All assigned texts are to be read by the due date listed in the Course Outline. Performance Assignments: Performance assignments will be made in class and will include exercises, open scenes, and final scene work. Performance Assignments cannot be rescheduled. Assignment dates may be exchanged, but only by agreement of all parties involved and only with the prior approval of the instructor. Written Assignments: Described below. Due as noted in the Course Outline: Playcards: It is required that a student read 9 of the 10 plays listed. (See outline) Identify the play’s theme, conflict, and action, as well as roles you could play and page numbers for scenes/monologues you might use on one or two 3x5 cards, along with a brief plot synopsis. Detailed notes should be kept in your journal. No substitutions from this list for the 9 required plays. Extra credit will be equal to one half of one letter grade & can only be obtained the following ways: By reading and writing play cards for 13 plays - including SDSU production texts or by attending and writing about 3 professional productions. The extra credit is worth one half of a letter grade. Your Journal: You will keep a journal throughout the course. Purchase a small bound journal with 50-100 pages (or more) to use this as your daily journal or on your computer. The journal will have three distinct sections - described below: a. Chronicle and reaction to each day’s work in class - Listed as “Daily Entry #_____” and the date. This entry should consist of (1) a description of the day’s activities, (2) your thoughts, notes, and reactions to the activities, and (3) how you can use this day’s work in your acting. Please include a response to all discussions, warm-ups, activities, exercises, and performances. Notes taken during class do not count as your daily entry but do belong in your journal. b. Notes from Stanislavski should be taken and listed under the chapter titles. These will be used during class discussions. c. Reactions to and assessments of SDSU Productions - You are required to see all SDSU Powell and Experimental Theater productions and write a two-page assessment focusing on the acting performances as they relate to the play’s theme, conflict, and action. These entries should be listed as follows: The SDSU Production of _____________ and the date. Page - 2 5. Class activities & discussions. We will perform exercises, improvisation, and scene work in class. Please wear comfortable clothes you can move in and come prepared to work each day. Participation in all class activities (including class discussion) is crucial to your progress (and success) in this class. Final Scenes: Each student will select a scene partner and together they will choose a two-minute scene from one of the required reading scripts. Students are expected to rehearse outside-of-class. We will workshop the scenes in class the last five weeks prior to their final performance. 6. Course Grades will be determined as follows: Class Participation and progress The Journal (Collected 3 times) SDSU Production Responses (in Journal) Playcards Final Scene 40% 92 -100% = A 18% 83-91% = B 12% 74-82% = C 15% 61-73% = D 15% 60% or below = F 100% Possible All grades are interdependent on the others -- you will continually build on each assignment. Please keep up with all readings, playcards, play attendance, and journal responses. Monday, August 24 Assignments: Course Outline First Class Meeting - Introduction to the course Write Journal Entry #1 Read Chapters 1-6 in An Actor Prepares for the next class meeting Wednesday, August 26 Actors attend General Auditions August 27 or 28 – Experimental Theatre Monday, August 31 Discussion: Assignments: Acting exercises Stanislavski 1-6 Write Journal Entry #2 Read Chapters 7-8 in An Actor Prepares for the next class meeting Wednesday, September 2 Discussion: Acting exercises Stanislavski 7-8. How To Read A Play: Theme, Conflict, & Action Write Journal Entry #3 Read Chapters 9-10 in An Actor Prepares for the next class Assignments: Monday, September 7 Off Wednesday, September 9 Assignments: Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #4 Read Play 1. Write playcard for the next class meeting Stanislavski 9-10 Discussion: Labor Day Monday, September 14 Acting exercises Discussion: Play 1. The Value of playcards -- How to write them Assignments Read Chapters 11-12 in An Actor Prepares for next class Write Journal Entry #5. Rewrite play cards Wednesday, September 16 Discussion: Announcements, Acting exercises Discuss playcards and possible re-writes if needed Page - 3 Assignments Write Journal Entry #6 Read Play 2, Write playcard for the next class meeting Monday, September 21 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #7 Wednesday, September 23 Assignments: Announcements, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #8, Acting exercises Read Play 3. Write playcard for the next class meeting Sylvia – September 25 – October 4 You must see it and write a two-page response for class in journal Monday, September 28 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #9 Read Chapters 13-16 in An Actor Prepares for class Wednesday, September 30 Discussion: Assignments: Announcements, Acting exercises Play 3, Stanislavski 13-16, Acting exercises Read Play 4. Write playcard and Write Journal Entry #10 Monday, October 5 Discussion: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises The SDSU Production of Sylvia Turn in paper for Sylvia Daily Entries 1-9 with Stanislavski Notes for Chapters 1-16 Stanislavski 1-16 Write Journal Entry #11 Collect Journals: Discussion: Assignments: Wednesday, October 7 Discussion, Assignments: Announcements, Acting exercises Play 4, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #12 Read Play 5 Write playcard for the next class meeting Monday, October 12 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #13 Wednesday. October 14 Assignments: Discussion, Play 5, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #14 Read Play 6. Write playcard for the next class meeting Monday, October 19 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #15 Wednesday, October 21 Discussion: Assignment: Choose play for Final Scene Announcements, Acting exercises, Play 6 Write Journal Entry #16 Read Play 7. Write playcard for the next class meeting Monday, October 26 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #17 Page - 4 Wednesday. October 28 Assignments: Discussion, Play 7, Acting exercises Write Journal Entry #18, Read Play 8 Write playcard Into The Woods – October 30 – November 8 You are required to see it and write a two-page response for class in Journal Monday, November 2 Assignments: Announcements, collect playcards, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #19 Wednesday, November 4 Assignments: Collect Journals: Announcements, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #20, Read Play 9 Write playcard Daily Entries 1-19 Notes for all reading assignments to date SDSU Production Responses Monday, November 9 Discussion: Announcements, collect playcards, Rehearse scenes The SDSU Production of Into The Woods Turn in paper for Into The Woods Journals returned Write Journal Entry #21 Assignments: Wednesday, November 11 OFF VETERANS DAY Monday, November 16 Assignments: Collect playcards, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #22 Wednesday, November 18 Assignments: Announcements, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #23 Monday, November 23 Assignments: Collect playcards, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #24 Wednesday, November 25 Off Thanksgiving Monday, November 30 Assignments: Announcements, Rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #25 Wednesday, December 2 Randy Reinholz in New York Announcements, rehearse scenes Write Journal Entry #26 Assignments: Guest teacher in class Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights – December 2 - 6 You are required to see it and write a two-page response for class in Journal Monday, December 7 Collect Journals: Wednesday, December 9 Announcements, Rehearse scenes Turn in paper for Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights Daily Entries 1-26 Final Scenes, Present & Rehearse scenes Page - 5 Monday, December 11 Final meeting - optional 10:30 – 12:30 Meet to return Journals and present remaining scenes Page - 6