ENGL 3553: Writing for the Workplace: Digital Tools & Practice Frederic Murray, M.L.I.S. Reference Librarian Al Harris Library 580 774 7113 NEA Study 2007: To Read or Not To Read • Americans are spending less time reading • Reading comprehension skills are eroding • These declines have serious civic, social, cultural and economic implications To Read or Not To Read • More than 60% of employed Proficient readers have jobs in management or in the business, financial, professional and related sectors • Only 18% of Basic reader are employed in those fields • Proficient readers are 2.5 times as likely as Basic readers to be earning $850 or more a week -U.S. Dept. of Ed: Nat. Center for Education Statistics 2005 Employers now rank reading and writing as top deficiencies in new hires. • “Written communication” tops the list of applied skills found lacking in high school and college graduates alike. • 38% of employers find high school graduates “deficient” in reading comprehension… • One in five U.S. workers read at a lower skill level than their job requires. • Remedial writing courses are estimated to cost more than $3.1 billion for large corporate employers and $221 million for state employers. To Read or Not To Read • Employers now rank reading and writing as top deficiencies in new hires Writing Process Compose Inven t Revise Writing Process • Invent: Brainstorm • Compose: Who Is Your Audience • Revise: Writing is….Rewriting Focus and Purpose • Business writing is action-oriented and user-centered. It aims to effect positive change, through both persuasive and informative strategies. • It is essential that you have a clear understanding of the purpose of your document. Class Activities • Break into groups with an assigned site…critically deconstruct a job website • Use bubbl.us concept mapping software – What is the company looking for? – what skills, qualifications etc…are needed? • Brainstorm ideas & create a cover letter, present cover letter, create resume using emurse Decoding a Web Site: eurasia group • Evidence • Viewpoint, biases, insights • Audience Evidence • • • What is the subtitle of the site? What is the stated goal? Skim the front page and the site map to determine the topics covered by this site. Viewpoint, biases, insights Audience • Information about • people associated with a site is usually contained in a section called • "About." Who might be interested in the information on this site? Look for the Career link Decoding a Web Site: eurasia group • Evidence • Viewpoint, biases, insights • Audience Mind Mapping: bubbl.us • Concept mapping is a brainstorming strategy to help you generate ideas, visually organize information, and make connections between different concepts. • Decode a website Class Activity • Break into groups with assigned websites…deconstruct a job website – Worksheet • Use bubbl.us concept mapping software – What is the company looking for? – what skills, qualifications etc…are needed? Company Assignments • • • • • • Alaska Airlines Integris Health CIA Dillards Google UMaine bubbl.us • Company • What they do • Why do I want a job there? • How do I get a job there? The Cover Letter • "I expect the position to pay commissary to that of its value, as well as to the performance completed." Or, decode this: • "It is my desire to develop and generate the revolving scheme to filter to the consuming public in." Cover Letters • Imagine, if you will, two roommates at Thesaurus U.: "I aspire to obtain a beverage. The vending machine is where my path leads." "I wish to accompany you, since I have assembled a myriad of coins." "I possess coins, as well. Let's embark." Clean Prose! Higher Order Concerns • What is your purpose in writing the document? • What purpose should the document serve for your reader? • Is your main point stated early in the document? • What do you want your reader to do when s/he finishes reading the document? Audience • Have you done enough research about your audience and the organization to which they belong? • Is your document tailored to the needs of a specific audience (user-centered)? • Are your tone and language appropriate for your audience? • Will you have persuaded your reader by the end of the document? Creating a Mock Cover Letter • Open up Word-download template • Use Decoding Worksheet & bubbl.us • 10-15 minutes • Present to the Class Creating an Online Resume • E-murse – http://www.emurse.com/ – store up to two Emurse resumes, pick from two professional templates, and host one resume on the web. Research: Web 2.0 • My Yahoo • I–Google • RSS • Indeed.com RSS • A web application used to publish frequently updated content such as news headlines, podcasts, or job search. • RSS content can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader" or an "aggregator" Indeed.com • Job Search Engine Digital Tools & Practice • • • • • • Decode a Website bubbl.us Emurse.com My Yahoo/I-Google RSS Indeed.com Thank You Frederic Murray, M.L.I.S. Reference Librarian 580 774 7113 frederic.murray@swosu.edu