Board of General Studies Committee April 2, 2015 Minutes

Board of General Studies Committee
April 2, 2015
Robin Love, Peggy Plato, Simon Rodan, Birsen Sirkeci, Jon
Hendricks, Matthew Spangler
Apologies: Andrew Fleck,
Melinda Jackson
Start: 2:05pm
1. Approval of Minutes
**Action- Approve Meeting Minutes with adjustments from March 19th: 5-Yes, 0-No,
2. Matters arising
a. Document location is getting difficult. Want to make sure notes are located.
3. GE Program Review process and language
a. A and B courses were reviewed on the same report. We should be asking them to
review each separately, in order to provide the assessment data for each.
b. Clean slate, starting from here forward develop a schedule and plan for assessing
going forward.
c. We might want to consider bringing department into the discussion at some
point as we tend to make assumptions based on the documents we are given,
which is not always the true story.
d. New process- Review materials, meet with department chair to discuss possible
slip ups (if necessary), then prepare official letter and process for continued
Add to our review form, check box for whether a meeting is required with
department before letter dissemination. Meeting would be slightly
informal with the Department Chair and course coordinator and/or
assessment coordinator and one to two BOGS members.
4. WLL
a. Will ask for updated syllabi by Fall
b. Submit Assessment Schedule
c. Request additional assessment data in next report
d. German program is an issue, but if they are discontinuing program it is not a
large issue.
**Action- Approve letters for World Languages- 6-Yes, 0-No, 0-Abstain
7. HUM Distribution
8. AOB
Adjourn: 4:05pm
Future meeting dates this semester: Apr 16th, 30th, May 14th