Program: Creative Arts
Date: January 15, 2008
Prepared by: Johanna Movassat phone: 924-4481
Where multiple program curricula are almost identical, and SLOs and assessment plans are identical, it is acceptable to list more than one program in this report.
Electronic and hard copy due to your college facilitator January 15, 2008. Digital version of this form available at:
Please report any activity (collect data, analyze data, discuss results among faculty, implement changes) you completed prior to the fall 2007 semester that is not already posted on the
Web ( Please describe the content or results of the activity.
Are samples, results, rubrics, etc for this report archived in the location listed on the Cover page?
_____X________ YES _______________ NO
C= Collect data D= Discuss data among faculty I= implement program changes based on data
Content or results of activity SLO
C, D, or I
D Data collected in fall 06 was discussed in spring 07. Data included an oral final
3 C exam, written assignments, and classroom discussions. The final exam called for contrasting art works from different media. This took an oral format, and students had to indicate the difference in medium, focus, and structure between arts forms. Written assignments in relation to field trips to the King Library and to the San Jose Museum of Art gave the students the opportunity to write about definitions of art and how the limitations of those definitions are broken in contemporary forms. Classroom discussion comparing the blues and jazz musicians to Jack kerouac’s prose style in On the road also addressed distinctions and overlaps between various arts.
Collected data in CA 173 (one section, forty students) to be discussed in fall 07.
4 C Collected data in CA 173 to be discussed in fall 07.
5 C Collected data in CA 177 to be discussed in fall 07.
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Please report assessment activities completed in the fall 2007 semester (collect data, analyze data, discuss results among faculty, or implement changes. This table should match planned activities for fall 2007 in Table 2.
C= Collect data D= Discuss data among faculty I= implement program changes based on data
C, D, or I
Content or results of activity
2 C
3 D
Collected data in CA 100W (one section, twenty-five students) to be discussed in spring 08.
Data collected from CA 173 in spring 07 was discussed. Data included material from written assignments, class discussions, written reponses to the class
D discussions, and the final take home exam. The written assignments included discussions/analyses of the various visiting lectures presenting on such arts as
Taiko drumming, South African Contemporary Music, Silk Road and the
Movement of Silk, African Masks, Islamic Architecture and the Infinite, Modern
Film including Central Station and Children of Heaven, and Chinese Painting, to name a few. One of the written assignments, for example, asked students to explain the relationships of apartheid and the present political situation to the development of music forms in South Africa over the past century, and how it has been affected by international, specifically American, music trends and instrument innovation (the computer and the synthesizer).
Data collected from CA 173 in spring 07 was discussed. Data included evaluations and responses to the various oral presentations made by teams of students. Each team presented on some aspect of the arts and the affects of globalization. The topics ranged as broadly as the evolution of taiko drumming in Japan and its American development, 16 th century woven silk and its affect on the European market, preservation and its affect on local economies of
World Heritage sites by UNESCO, the development of graphic design in Europe and its development in America, art of puppetry from Thailand, and international “food fusion” to name a few.
Data collected from CA 177 (one section, forty students) in spring 07 was discussed. This is the first time that such data collection was done. Materials discussed included written assignments, quizzes and a midterm, group chapter teaching, class participation, and service learning final. The written assignments included the creation of lesson plans based upon identifying the connections between the arts and core subjects taught in California classrooms.
Field trips to visit classrooms and analyze teaching methods were also addressed in the group chapter teaching project, in which students demonstrated effective teaching methods as presented in the visited classroom.
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5 I
Please describe how the activities planned for the spring 2008 semester will be executed.
Execution of plan
2 D CA 100W: Data analysis shows that many students still have difficulties with basic grammar issues and organization of final essays. Faculty will discuss ways in which specific exercises or assignments can address these issues. The class will not be taught in the spring, but will be taught in fall 08.
No changes to be made.
No changes to be made.
No changes to be made.
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