SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015 Department: Graduate Extended Studies Program: Off Campus Program (MS in Software Engineering with Emphasis in Cloud Computing and Virtualization) College: Engineering Website: x Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. Program Accreditation (if any): NA Contact Person and Email: Lee Chang, Date of Report: June 1, 2015 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) List of PLOs (a) Be able to demonstrate an understanding of advanced knowledge of the practice of software engineering, from vision to analysis, design, validation and deployment. (b) Be able to tackle complex engineering problems and tasks, using contemporary engineering principles, methodologies and tools. (c) Be able to demonstrate leadership and the ability to participate in teamwork in an environment with different disciplines of engineering, science and business. (d) Be aware of ethical, economic and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate. (e) Be able to advance successfully in the engineering profession, and sustain a process of life-long learning in engineer or other professional areas. (f) Be able to communicate effectively, in both oral and written forms. Decision on PLO content The PLOs were proposed and approved by the Computer Engineering Department faculty members and the Department Advisory Council. Criteria for assessing levels of mastery Each course is designed to achieve a set of Course Learning Objectives (CLOs). For each course, the assessment of these CLOs is described in a Course Assessment Journal (CAJ). By aggregating the levels of mastery of the CLOs in relationship to the corresponding PLOs of all assessed courses, the Program Assessment Coordinator decides the overall assessing levels of the mastery of PLOs. 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) Specialized Broad Intellectual PLO/ULG Knowledge Integrative Skills Applied Knowledge Social and Global 1 Knowledge (a) X (b) (c) (d) X X X (e) X (f) X Responsibilities X X X X X X X X X X X X 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses PLO 200W (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 202 X X 203/ 277 X X 235 272 X X X X Course 282 281 X X 284/ 298 X X 283 X X X X 295A 295B X X X X X X X X X X X X 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule This is a cohort-style program. The students in the same cohort should take courses together. The instructor of each course is required to generate a CAJ. At the end of each academic year, the Program Assessment Coordinator generates a Program Assessment Report based on the CAJs and other assessment activities, e.g., faculty and student surveys, informal discussion, etc. CMPE 203 will not be assessed after Spring 2015 since it will not be a degree core course effective Fall 2014. Semester Course 200W 202 235 272 281 282 283 203/277 284/297 295A 295B S13 3 F13 S14 4 F14 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 S15 5 5 4 2 3 (Cells contain cohort numbers.) S16 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 F15 6 5 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 S17 7 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 F16 7 6 6 6 5 6 2 5. Student Experience PLOs and ULGs are posted at the website ( For the master project classes (CMPE 295A/B), PLOs are included in the syllabi and students provide feedback to PLOs. Students provide their feedback to PLOs through the discussions with the program coordinator. The feedback will be considered during the next discussion session about the enhancement of PLOs. Part C 6. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions Action 1: Status 1: Action 2: Status 2: Action 3: Status 3: Action 4: Status 4: Action 5: Status 5: Include the course delivery of CMPE 272 by identifying emerging software design paradigms and increasing the coverage of various software architecture models and technologies to design enterprise software systems. Continue to include emerging software design paradigms and architecture models Stop formal assessment of CMPE 203 after it is not a degree core course anymore after Fall 2014. Completed. Propose to improve the lab sessions of CMPE 283 by ensuring the equipment setup with proper configuration parameters the machines, increasing security of accessibility, installing latest software, and software fixes. Continue to ensure the updates and operations of the required lab environments Propose the instructor(s) of CMPE 283 to try the project tasks first before assigning the tasks to students in order to reduce uncertainties. It is the current practice. Propose the instructor(s) of CMPE 284 to devote more lectures on networking protocols, give students more assignments to reinforce the concepts, and adjust the difficulty level of exam questions CMPE 284 will be not offered for this program 7. Assessment Data Each course in this program is required to generate a Course Assessment Journal (CAJ). PLOs are assessed by at least one of these courses. A set of Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) has been assigned to each course. The course instructor(s) generates the CAJ. The data presented in CARs is the main contributor to address the achievement of PLOs. The CAJs collectively address achievement of PLOs and also recommend actions. A sample CAJ is attached as appendix. 8. Analysis Based on the assessment data and summary of the CAJs, all 6 PLOs have been achieved. As shown in Section 6, all actions recommended during last assessment cycle have been implemented. The 3 changes proposed during this assessment cycle are listed in Section 9. These proposed changes will be evaluated and prioritized for the implementation in the next assessment cycle. 9. Proposed changes and goals (if any) Proposal 1: Combine two emphases (Cloud Computing & Virtualization Emphasis and Mobile Application Emphasis) into one (Cloud & Mobile Computing). Proposal 2: Replace CMPE 203 by CMPE 277 (Smartphone Application Development) and replace CMPE 284 by CMPE 297 (Special Topics in Computer Engineering – Emerging Mobile Technologies) Proposal 3: Schedule CMPE 272 as the first class. Strengthen the coverage of operating systems, and database design in CMPE 272. Proposal 4: Add more homework assignments to help students to design and develop mobile-based software systems and commerce applications. [CMPE 235, Fall 2014] Proposal 5: At the end of the course, the students were able to build solutions with software virtualization components, using their own laptops. The WiFi network in the facilities was adequate for general web browsing, but collapsed under the load during lab day. Proposed action: Increase WiFi capacity in the classroom (at least temporarily during lab day). [CMPE 283, Fall 2014] Proposal 6: The students were able to perform hands-on experiments using desktop based products, but would have preferred more enterprise class virtualization products on university servers. Proposed change: Upgrade lab computers. [CMPE 283, Fall 2014] 4 Appendix CMPE 235 Course Assessment Journal of Spring 2014 MS in Software Engineering Program Outcomes (PO) Description PO 1 Be able to demonstrate an understanding of advanced knowledge of the practice of software engineering, from vision to analysis, design, validation and deployment. PO 2 Be able to tackle complex engineering problems and tasks, using contemporary engineering principles, methodologies and tools. PO 3 Be able to demonstrate leadership and the ability to participate in teamwork in an environment with different disciplines of engineering, science and business. PO 4 Be aware of ethical, economic and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate. PO 5 Be able to advance successfully in the engineering profession, and sustain a process of life-long learning in engineer or other professional areas. PO 6 Be able to communicate effectively, in both oral and written forms. Course Learning Objectives (CLO) Description CLO 1 Understand mobile computing and mobile cloud concepts, including objectives, markets and business perspectives, advantages, features, and evolution history. CLO 2 Understand how to design and develop mobile-based software systems and commerce applications. CLO 3 Understand the issues and solutions in engineering mobile-based software and commerce applications as well as mobile clouds. CLO 4 Utilize and apply modern technologies and solutions to design and develop mobile-based computing applications and mobile cloud components and services. CLO 5 Work effectively in a team environment for a selected project Course Learning Objectives Support Program Outcomes PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 5 CLO 1 X CLO 2 X CLO 3 X CLO 4 X CLO 5 X Two different approaches are used to assess the student performance based on course learning objectives. They are: a) direct measurement, and b) indirect measurement. (a) Direct Measurement: For each CLO, please set the performance criteria. This is the percentage at which a student demonstrates satisfactory proficiency. The performance criteria should not be less than 75%. The direct assessment (performance) data was collected from homework assignments, lab assignments, exam questions, etc. CLO 1 CLO 2 Performance criteria set at 75%, minimum percentage of students who should reach performance criteria: 75% - Homework #1: 90% of students scored above 75% - Final Exam: 100% students scored above 75% Performance criteria set at 75%, minimum percentage of students who should reach performance criteria: 75% - CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 Class Group Project: 100% of students scored above 75% - Final Exam: 95% of students scored above 75% Performance criteria set at 75%, minimum percentage of students who should reach performance criteria: 75% - Class Group Project: 100% of students scored above 75% - Lab #1: 100% of students scored above 75% - Lab #2: 100% of students scored above 75% - Final Exam: 95% of students scored at or above 75% Performance criteria set at 75%, minimum percentage of students who should reach performance criteria: 75% - Class Group Project: 100% of students scored above 75% - Homework #1: 100% of students scored above 75% - Final Exam: 100% of students scored above 75% Performance criteria set at 75%, minimum percentage of students who should reach performance criteria: 75% 6 - Class Group Project: 100% of students scored above 75% Project presentation: 100% of students scored above 75% 2. Indirect Measurement: This section contains two parts: a) CLO survey results, b) qualitative feedback (e.g. student focus groups). a) CLO Results In the survey, students were asked to give a letter (A to E) to measure how important each CLO was and whether they felt they had learned and achieved the CLO. Please convert the A to E measurement into numeric scores of 5 to 1 (respectively). If there is a difference of over 1 pt, between Part I and Part II, please address in Section 3 (Findings and Analysis) Part I – importance of course topic Part II – portion learned and achieved CLO 1 4.5 4.1875 CLO 2 4.625 4.125 CLO 3 4.75 4.125 CLO 4 4.5 4.125 CLO 5 4.625 4.5625 b) Qualitative Feedback Informal group discussion was held with students four times during the 8-week course. Topics discussed included: course material, pace of course, teaching effectiveness, etc. Students generally felt that 8 weeks was fast and that workload was very large. Majority of students found material to be challenging and relevant to current job or could use knowledge for future projects. A good portion of students appeared to have inadequate preparation in math (more specifically, trigonometry, calculus, vector algebra and complex number manipulations). As a result, the course objective has been scaled down so students would not fall behind in the short 8-week course. 7 3. Findings and Analysis: Provide an analysis of the data collected for Direct and Indirect Measurement. a) Direct Measurement Findings and Analysis CLO 1 No significant findings for this CLO. CLO 2 In Test 2, Questions 3 & 7 indicated that only 60% of students showed proficiency. Many students also commented that they felt this topic was rushed. They did not feel comfortable with the area prior to the exam and that the HW assignments were easier that the test questions. b) Indirect Measurement Findings and Analysis CLO 1 This CLO was rated as Very Important to students (4.8), but the score of 3.7 indicates that they did not learn or achieve this topic adequately. This may be due to the rushed nature of the course. CLO 2 No significant findings for this CLO. c) Other Findings and Analysis (e.g. Discrepancies between a) & b) above) CLO 1 The direct measure found that students performed well in this area, but the Indirect findings suggest that students did not feel they learned/achieved in this area. We did not go into very much depth in this topic. Students may have learned what was taught very well, but wished to learn more, but we did not have enough time. CLO 2 Students only felt this area was moderately important, and so perhaps they did not put as much effort into testing well in this area, explaining the failure to achieve proficiency for some. The CLO survey results do show that they are satisfied with the amount that they learned/achieved. 4. Actions: What actions were planned and/or implemented to address the findings from collected data? Actions taken can include revising course content, test revision, projects CLO 2 Planned Extra homework problems assigned for this area and post solutions onto website. Offer extra office hours for to help students master topic 8 CLO 2 Will be in effect for the next time this course is offered. Implementation 9