INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS & LIVE BINDERS DR. JILL CONLON DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCE MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, MANKATO Keeping Students Engaged Are your students saying…. Are we doing anything today??? This is boring… I can find my homework… I didn’t do my homework… Try Interactive Notebooks or LiveBinders! INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS WHAT IS AN INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK? A working portfolio – containing notes, classwork, quizzes, journaling, drawing, foldables….in one convenient “package”. A personalized “textbook” Helps students organize Greatest asset : A way to engage with content ! PURPOSE OF INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK Organizes notes, classwork, and homework Involves students in “making sense” of their notes and content Develops visual aids for learning, engaging, stimulates pride Creates a personalized “textbook” Teaches students “approaches to learning” that lead to success LEFT SIDE VS. RIGHT SIDE The Left Side is for “Learning” For the Student Warm-ups Webs, Diagrams Poems Reflections Cartoons, comics Illustrations Other “Reflective Information” The Right Side is “Restricted” For the Teacher Notes Handouts Foldable Graphic Organizers Study Guides Vocabulary Other “New Information” MATERIALS USED Mead 5 Star Notebook, Composition Notebooks, 3 -Ring notebook, Plastic Tab Erasable pens, Colored pencils, Highlighters Glue Stick (2/month) or Double -stick tape Scissors Colored Paper Templates, Foldable, Diagrams ORGANIZATIONAL TIPS & GRADING Make sure students understand it is important to date and label each page – teacher needs to not have to search for assignment. No writing on “backs” of pages as these become the “left” side. Notebooks need to be in class everyday…may want to keep in classroom! Some teachers choose to do a “Master Copy” or “Systems” or “Centers” Have Rubric, Expectations Clearly Identified Have “Introductory Pages”, Personalized Covers RESOURCES: Do Your Homework Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest… Oh MY! Favorites FACS Website Elementary – Core Classes Teacher Pay Teacher Pinterest Blogs, Social Media Internet Searches: Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN) Interactive Notebooks (INB) Foldables LIVE BINDERS WHAT IS A LIVE BINDER? Virtual Binders They are literally binders that allow you to store information in the cloud . View links like pages in a book instead of URLs on a page Update easily, edit anytime, anyplace All documents are organized by tabs Works well with smartboard or classroom technology or laptop presentations Can make LiveBinder private or public Multiple Applications FREE! (100 MB Storage or 10 Binders) CONVENIENT IDEAS FOR USE Student Portfolios Student Assignments Substitute Information Parents Profile FCS Program Administrative Work Find Resources, Create Resource List Student Organizations, Extra - Curricular Activities Many Possibilities FACS LiveBinder (Jackpot!!!) AAFCS Webinar QUESTIONS? OR WHAT ARE YOUR EXPERIENCES USING INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS OR LIVEBINDERS? THANK YOU !