SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY College of Engineering ISE/COMP 270 Information Engineering / Computer Engineering – Spring 2013 Professor: Ammar Rayes Professor’s Home Page: Course URL: Email: COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. To give the student a solid foundation on Information System Devolvement Methods including systems analysis process, software development process, some basic concepts about hardware implementation and their implications for information engineering. 2. To give the student a solid foundation on Information Engineering: networking fundamentals, network management fundamentals, formulation of informational needs, ERP, big data, cloud computing and Internet of Things. COURSE CONTENTS – – – – – – – – – – – The Context of System Analysis and Design Methods Info System Development Project Management System Analysis Methods Requirements / Fact Finding Techniques Data base modeling and design System design methods Life Cycle Planning Computer Communications and Network Fundamental Network Management Fundamentals Recent Advances: Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, Machine to Machine, etc. Lecture Topics: Technologies, strategies and systems for planning, analyzing, designing and implementing data resources in order to satisfy the information needs of an enterprise and to support continuous improvement in process efficiency and product quality. Individual Projects: A main project will be assigned. Each student will be expected to complete the project alone, without any collaboration with fellow students or any other people. Each student will be expected to select a topic related to the course as the subject of a final project. Different students may work on the same or similar subjects, but, again, the final projects are “individual” projects, with no collaboration with fellow students or any other people allowed. PRE-REQUISITE: ISE graduate standing, MSE graduate standing or instructor consent. COURSE CONDUCT: One 2-hour-and-45-minute lecture per week. Reading assignments will be made, and the reading should be completed prior to the corresponding lecture. Exercise problems will be assigned for homework. TEXT: Systems Analysis and Design Methods (7th Edition), J.L. Whitten, L.D. Bentley and Kevin Dittman, McGraw-Hill. Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach (5th Edition), J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Addison Wesley. GRADING Homework - 15%: Homework will be checked for completion. No late homework will be accepted. Mid-term examination - 20%. Final Examination – 20%. Final Project (Required- Cannot pass without the final report) – 45%: Its evaluation consists of three independent components: evaluation of technical contents, evaluation of presentation and assessment of competency in technical writing. Technical contents - 10%: The value of the technical contents will be evaluated, and it accounts for 10% of the course grade. Presentation – 5%: 5 minutes will be allocated for the presentation of each final project. The score will account for 5% of the course grade. Competency in technical writing as demonstrated by the final report – 30%: This report summarizes the results of the final project. The student’s competency in technical writing accounts for 30% of his or her grade for this course. This 30% is allocated exclusively to the technical writing of the report. The performance in presenting the final report to the class will be assessed as an additional and independent component and will account for the 5% of course grade specified in the previous bullet. This competency will be assessed based on this final report. This is a major report, with a minimum-length requirement of 10 single-spaced pages. More precisely, the main body of the text of the final report must be 10 pages or longer on 11-inch by 8.5-inch paper, with a 1-inch margin on all four sides and with a font size of 12 or smaller. The title page, coversheets, references, bibliography, acknowledgement, tables and figures are not considered as part of the main body of the text. This is also an individual report, to be authored by only one student and not to be written by a team of multiple students. It must be written without any assistance from any other people. Before submitting the final report to the instructor, the student must submit it to “” Submission details will be announced in class. Important (Final Project Report): 1. All References must be listed according to IEEE standards. 2. You MUST put citations if you are quoting or paraphrasing from other material in the TEXT. If you look at any IEEE article, you will see that it is full of them (ie: According to [7]...... or APA style: according to Gao(2007).... 3. Wikipedias are not acceptable References/Sources. POLICY STATEMENTS Academic Integrity Statement (from Office of Judicial Affairs) The University’s Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty are required to report all infractions to the Office of Judicial Affairs. The policy on academic integrity can be found at . Collaboration with fellow students or any other people on any of the examinations or individual projects is prohibited, and all violators will receive an F as the course grade, regardless of the roles as an assistance seeker or as an assistance provider. Plagiarism, as defined on Judicial Affairs website at, will not be tolerated. If you would like to include in your paper any material you have submitted, or plan to submit, for another class, please note that SJSU’s Academic Integrity policy S04-12 requires approval by instructors. University Policies and Procedures You are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, withdrawal, etc. Details can be found at Office Hours Mondays: 5-6PM or by appointment (Please email for confirmation). TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR Class 1 Date 1/28 Chapter Whitten& Bentley Chapter 3 Whitten& Bentley Chapter 4 Whitten & Bentley Chapter 5 Whitten & Bentley Chapter 6 Whitten & Bentley Chapter 7 Whitten & Bentley Chapter 8 2 2/4 3 2/11 4 2/18 5 2/25 6 3/4 7 8 9 10 3/11 3/18 3/25 4/1 11 4/8 12 4/15 13 4/22 Computer Networking 14 4/29 Computer Networking 15 5/6 Computer Computer Networking Computer Networking Computer Networking Topics Introduction, Information Systems Development, Fundamental underlying principles, CMM for quality management, 10 principles for sys development. Project Management: Definitions, Process Tools, PERT vs. Gant, Project Management 8 activities. System Analysis: Scope definition, problem analysis, requirements analysis, decision analysis phases. Project Presentations. Functional vs nonfunctional requirements, Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, Fact-Finding Techniques and Requirements Discovery Project Presentations Use-case modeling, steps for preparing a use-case model. Project Presentations Data Modeling, DBs, Define data modeling and explain its benefits, basic concepts and constructs of a data model, entity relationship data model. Project Presentations Mid-term Exam No Class Spring Recess (March 26-30, 2012). Intro to Networking Project Presentations Computer Communications and Network Fundamental Project Presentations Computer Communications and Network Fundamental Project Presentations Reports Due Date Network Fundamental, network management fundamentals, formation of information needs, ERP, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and IoT. Project Presentations Network Fundamental, network management fundamentals, formation of information needs, ERP, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and IoT. Project Presentations Network Fundamental, network management fundamentals, Networking 16 17 5/13 5/20 Monday formation of information needs, ERP, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and IoT. Project Presentations Course Review Final Exam (5:15-7:30 PM)