Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda
Thursday January 13th, 2011
Call to Order:
Vice President of Community Service and Philanthropy, Mr. Daniel Lein: daniel.lein@mnsu.edu
(612) 366-9177
Dance Marathon Details- Yield to Ashley Portra
Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Michael Paul: michael.paul-1 @mnsu.edu
(651) 252-4384
Roundtables- Risk Management Chairs to email VP of Risk Management
Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Steven Yetter: steven.yetter@mnsu.edu
(612) 306-6933
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Membership Development, Mr. Matthew Lexcen: matthew.lexcen@mnsu.edu
(763) 226-7871
Phired Up-Important to members at large to see this program, looking to bring them. Looking for a March 26 th social excellence seminar.
Scholarship Roundtables –Would like scholarship chairs to email VP of academic affairs to set up a roundtable.
Grades – community grades yet to be determined, should be announced around midweek next week
Pie for Pi – First All- Greek will have Pie for Pi on January 25, 2011 (in Ostrander)
Vice President of Recruitment and Public Relations, Mr. Erik Heller: erik.heller@mnsu.edu
(651) 246-0642
Greek 101- Four scheduled for next week they are:
Tuesday 7:30 in the Heritage Room
Wednesday at 12pm in CSU238
Thursday @ 7:30 heritage, 9pm in Gage 45
Roundtables – weeks from now
Chapter Recruitment Events – Let VP of Recruitment know what your chapter is up to.
Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Jeremy Simmons: jeremy.simmons@mnsu.edu
(507) 382-9246
Minutes will be mailed out to chapter presidents at the end of each IFC meeting, same day
AFLV Packets were finalized and sent to judging over winter break, we will be utilizing the same
AFLV packets to further our Greek community in this council’s term. The
Budget- to be proposed to the council next week.
President, Mr. Cody Buechner: cody.buechner@mnsu.edu
IFC will meet in CSU 202 every week as of now unless we can get it switched over
All Greek will take place Tuesday, January 25 th in Ostrander Auditorium @ 9:30pm
House Tours will start next week, it will be themed and at Sigma Nu. Come IFC to meeting in themed attire if so desired.
Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock: john.bulcock@mnsu.edu
(507) 389-6076
Rosters, Officer Report, Programs (Risk, New Member), and Grade Report Discrepancies due
Set up 1-1 meetings if not done
Availability needed for setting up President’s Meeting
Survey at All- Greek – was scheduled last semester but was held over until spring semester. This survey will be conducted on the first All-Greek of the Year (Jan. 25
AFLV Trip Feb 10-13 th )
Community engagement/RSO Fair on 1/25. Contact Micheal.Sanford@mnsu.edu
for tables
Greek Community Awards will be due next month, look at the presentation criteria for COTY because criteria has changed since last year.
UIFI- We will be sending two people from the Greek Community to this institute; applications will be made available soon. In addition check with your headquarters for scholarships, or your educational foundations to seek funds to go.
Congratulations to Joe Cherney and Christina Miller for being selected at AFLV interns
Old Business:
New Business:
Whereas: The Interfraternal Community is consistently seeking ways to give back to others
Whereas: In past years, the Interfraternity Council has sponsored non-profit organizations in the past
Be it Resolved: The Interfraternity Council budgets $50 to co-sponsor this semester’s Vagina
Monologues (during women’s history month, February 11 th - 12 th )
Greg - great idea, a good way to support womanhood
John- PHC has approved up to $125
Move to Vote- 7-0-0
I move to open discussion on the time of IFC for the rest of the semester.
Cody- lacking VP of Community Service looking at moving the time
Lexcen- I wish to push the meeting time back to 6:30 for parking accommodations
Shane- This will not remedy the situations as the meeting needs to be moved forward.
Greg- This places conflict on a couple other members of the community. I think we should keep the time the same.
Discussion closed
Applications due Feb 1 st at 4:30 pm for Orientation Assistant. They are available in the FYE office. You must be in good standing with the university, and there are several benefits to being selected for a Orientation assistant.
8PM Tracy Ashley the comedian in the Ballroom tonight.
Eric is a great snowboarder
We are going to do a human gavel
Meeting Adjourned at 6:32