Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda Thursday February 13th, 2014 I.

Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda
Thursday February 13th, 2014
Call to Order: 5:00pm
Roll Call:
II. Approval of Minutes: 2/7/14
III. Approval of Agenda: 2/13/14
Officer Reports:
Vice President of Community Service & Philanthropy, Mr. Izzak Bloch:
Izzak.bloch@mnsu.edu (515) 203-9704
Be ready for basket auctions at All Greek coming up
o John: Basket auctions March or April All-Greek?
o April
Looking into a possible All-Greek philanthropy called “Pack the Plane”
o Working out long term goals and details
Klips for Kids
Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Ian Elhard:
ian.elhard@mnsu.edu (763) 742-3595
Social Planning forms
o All Electronic
Post-Event Forms
o Need back from chapters
o Don’t need them filled out, just need to scan them/document them
Sober Monitor Training
o Can do individual or chapter training if needed
o Full IFC attendance
Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Cody Malone:
cody.malone@mnsu.edu (952) 452-1937
Held sorority roundtables, need to do another for Fraternities
Trying to set up an etiquette dinner along with roundtables
Vice President of Member Education & Development, Mr. Carl Vagle:
carl.vagle@mnsu.edu (218) 343-7695
New member workshop February 19th and 25th
o 19th: 5pm Armstrong 209
o 25th: Ostrander after All Greek
Scholarship roundtable and member education round table
o Scholarship February 19th Greek Office 6 PM
o Member Education March 5th 6 pm Greek Office
Looking for speaker for banquet and GLC
o Will be decided by next Tuesday
o Any input, contact me
Split up this office? Or add a committee?
Vice President of Recruitment, Mr. David Schieler:
david.schieler@mnsu.edu (608) 387-3584
Roundtables in Morris Hall 213, March 5th 7:00pm-8:00pm
o At 8:00 Bro Chi recruitment event
o Anybody interested, send them, along with recruitment chairs
SAE Expansion presentation will be March 18-21
o Need to set times, not too early on the 18th or too late on the 21st
o Must meet with IFC Council, IFC Exec, and IFC Expansion Committee
Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations, Mr. Zach Ritter:
zachary.ritter@mnsu.edu (651) 503-1550
PR Roundtable March 5th CSU 204 7:00 PM
Klips for Kids posters going up
Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Cody Nickel:
cody.nickel@mnsu.edu (507) 676-1052
All chapters have paid – Well Done
Need monthly reports from some of you
o Those should be sent to me
New SP 14 budget proposal in New Business
Would like to visit every chapter meeting so please let me know when your meeting is and I, or
another Exec member will visit and discuss some key points with your chapter
Meeting next week is in CSU 204 – Nichols Room
COTY Attendance – I have SP 13 still need FA 13 from Plombon
President, Mr. Ray Wheeler III:
raymond.wheeler@mnsu.edu (773)704-9950
President Roundtables
o Doodle will be sent out soon
Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock:
john.bulcock@mnsu.edu (507) 389-6076
Treasury Assistance
o If chapter Treasurers need assistance/recommendations due to poor transitions
Recruitment Assistance
o If recruitment chairs need assistance/recommendations I am willing to sit down and talk to you
Greek Awards Reminder – Due Friday at 4 p.m.
o Need 3 copies of individual awards
Office Access Reminders
UIFI Full Scholarship Application
o Available on Maverick Greeks portal on MavSync
o May be funds available for travel
o People who have been, Jake Moe, Jolissa Yonker, Nikki Kramer
o Application due March 21st
I will be out of office next Thursday and Friday along with March 6th and 7th along with all of Spring
Greek Graduate Intern, Ms. Sarah Schliesmann:
Old Business:
New Business:
Amended SP 14 Budget Proposal (attached with minutes)
o Moved By Mr. Nickel, Seconded by Mr. Wheeler
o Postponed until 2/20
Greek Week Co-Chair
o Nominations:
 Taylor Bergstrom (accept)
o Taylor Bergstrom is new Greek Week Co-Chair
Fraternal Values Society – 2/21
o Need Men
o Apply ASAP
o Fridays at noon for 5 weeks
o $70 Registration fee
Congrats PHC for winning AFLV awards
Congrats Grant Smith for first place in Order of Omega Case Study
Presidents, we need polos with Greek Life logo on it!
o Only have 1 out of 11
Klips for Kids
o Manicurists, Hair Stylists, 100% of proceeds to Dance Marathon
Anything in Newsletter for Jan/Feb give to Mr. Ritter or Ms. Igbo
Meeting Adjourned at: 5:27