NMIMS UNIVERISTY School of Distance Learning

School of Distance Learning
Management of Retail Banking and Consumer Behaviour.
Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Time : 3 Hours.
1. Discuss in detail the roadmap to relationship management with seven steps
which correspond to McKinsey’s framework. Discuss also the process of
relationship management.
2. Discuss the change in marketing scenario from yesterday. Discuss the
concept of cross selling.
3. What is internal marketing ?
What do we do in internal marketing ?
4. Discuss the concept of excellence in service quality and how it is achieved.
What are the factors affecting service quality.
5. Discuss the reasons for brand choice.
6. Discuss the consumer buying roles with illustration. Discuss Marlow’s
hierarchy of needs.
7. What is meant by Personal Selling ?
Discuss the power and importance and various steps for Personal Selling ?
8. Discuss the models of buyer decision making.
customers’ needs are formed.
Discuss also how