University Planning Council Jan. 7, 2009; SL 246 AGENDA

University Planning Council
Jan. 7, 2009; SL 246
de la Camara, Maria; Gibbons, Kari; Gorr, Alan; Hacker, Gilian; Kolich, Eileen (Chair);
Masini, Marco; Mikula, Susan; Seely, Peter; Stoecker, Nancy; Lewis, Jonathan; Robb,
UPC Reports to: President Carroll
1. Future Planning and the Vision/s for Academic Affairs: Presentation by Provost
and Vice President for Academic Affairs: Donald Taylor
This presentation was scheduled as a result of the UPC members’ request for an
update on the Provost’s plans for advancing initiatives for enhancing quality faculty,
student and curricular initiatives in Academic Affairs.
The UPC members will share a draft of their respective strategic goals relative to each
of the AQIP categories in an attempt to coordinate all our efforts in planning for the
future of the institution.