

Present: Don Taylor, Eileen Kolich, Jon Lewis, Catherine Arnold, Nancy Stoecker, Marco

Masini, Maria de la Camara, Alan Gorr, Sue Mikula, Pete Seely, Gillian Hacker

Unable to attend:


Kari Gibbons, Mercy Robb

January 27, 2009

Eileen opened the meeting by thanking Dr. Taylor for attending. The following topics were discussed:


Meeting Dates:

Dates for upcoming meetings were discussed and agreed on as follows:

February 10th and February 24th were agreed on by the committee members

Eileen will send out meeting requests and Agendas.


Faculty Assembly:

Pete reported that the Faculty Assembly had responded positively to the plan. There were positive comments. No changes since November meeting.



Eileen mentioned to the group that she had put together a chronology of work done to date by the UPC since October which she had attached to Agenda.


AQIP Visit:

Jon reported that a few meeting room changes to the visitation schedule had been made and that further documents will be sent out by Jon during the upcoming weeks. Jon also mentioned that during the Faculty Assembly faculty were encouraged to attend the February 14 th session.

All University Planning Committee members agreed that they had a good comfort level for the meeting on February 19 th .


Vision Planning:

Two questions were posed: “How can we help Don to connect with the plan and how can we help Don move forward with the plan”. Dr. Taylor responded that he wanted to communicate to everyone so there is total transparency. Meetings will be scheduled to discuss the plan with different groups. Dr. Taylor commented that he saw how the AQIP reaccreditation draft complements the vision. He plans on sending out updates on the progress of the vision twice a year (once the middle column starts to get filled in). Although the vision is organized by short term and long term goals they are not prioritized and help will be need with prioritization. It was noted that as President of the University, Dr. Carroll is the steward of the vision.

The UPC process was confirmed as follows: A task force or focus group to brainstorm on an action project. The outcome is then submitted to the UPC, using the AQIP template. The project , together with funding, is reviewed by the UPC. A recommendation is then made to the

President by the UPC. The strategic plan is the driver for the UPC. The UPC have to hold groups accountable. Periodic updates/snapshots need to be given so that they can be communicated.

Dr. Taylor stated that both existing and new money will have to be invested in order to move forward, at the same time being mindful of the budget.



It was stated by Alan that a mechanism is needed in order to report to the President. Due to an extremely busy travel schedule Dr. Carroll has been unable to attend UPC meetings. Eileen stated that she will contact Dr. Carroll’s office to ascertain his availability for February 10 th .


Data Assessment

Dr. Taylor has a colleague in the IR Center at NIU who will provide us with an intern to assist us with data assessment, survey data. Data will need to drive decisions and the intern will help us analyze the data and determine how it can help us. Once a date for the commencement of this work is known, identified offices will be contacted to determine how best to utilize the intern’s assistance.


Live Text

Jon reported that the overall goal is for everyone to be able to use Live Text and this is being explored. Information becomes more transparent when using this system. Reports can be stored in the system and will build up over time to assist us with historical data. Live Text has the capability to help track AQIP projects.



Dr. Taylor asked for ideas on how he can do a better job in communicating the vision to groups/stakeholders. Recommendations: focus groups, lunches, a task force, interview for a

Candor article, SGA – all members. Further thoughts and/or recommendations to be given to

Don on how to effectively communicate to faculty, staff and students.


Strategic Plan

Eileen reported that she has started to update the 2006 plan but it is not finished. The UPC agreed that the AQIP reviewers should be shown the work done to address the “O’s” and “OO’s” plus be given a copy of each Dean’s college plans. Plans from service areas also need to be included.


AQIP Action Projects

Jon reported on action projects, stating that some had ended/retired and others were being carried over. It was agreed by all that the strategic plan will drive action projects. “Wellness” is current.

Jon stated that he was unsure of the AQIP reaction to projects submitted in September. The

University is In compliance as there must always be three action projects being worked on, which we have. “Benchmarking Student Data” which is survey driven is underway. “Live Text Pilot” is being explored and more participants for this pilot program are being sought. Nutrition and

Business (Masters) have stated their interest. There are questions needing discussion and decisions relating to the license fees and how the fees are to be passed on to students . There is an associated net cost of $80.00 for five years. In conclusion Jon stated that the action project “Planning

Continuous Improvement” needs monitoring and needs to be delegated.

The meeting ended at 12:30 pm.
