Business Statistics I Wednesday 6PM – 10PM, 10 weeks


Benedictine University at Springfield

Spring 2015 (3/25/15 – 5/27/15)



Business Statistics I

Wednesday 6PM – 10PM, 10 weeks

Location: D-103

Instructor: Steven Stowers

Email :

Phone: 217-718-5288

Pre-Class Assignment:

Read Chapter 1 of the textbook (p. 2-27). Make a note of anything you find confusing or have questions about, so that you can ask about it in class.

Look over Chapter 2 of the book.



Course Description

Basic course in statistical technique; includes measures of central tendency, variability, probability theory, sampling, estimation and hypothesis testing.


Required Textbook and Materials

 Required Text: Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods, 10th edition, by Brase & Brase

ISBN 978-0-8400-4838-7

 You will also need a calculator. A graphing calculator (with statistical functions) is recommended but not required. Cell phones, iPods, tablets, computers, or other such devices may not be used as calculators on tests.


Mission Statement

Benedictine University is dedicated to the education of undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. As an academic community committed to liberal arts and professional education distinguished and guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and Benedictine heritage, we prepare our students for a lifetime as active, informed and responsible citizens and leaders in the world community.

IV. Goals, Objectives, and Student Learning Outcomes

Goals: To develop an understanding, appreciation, and competency with the basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics as they are used in the modern world in business and the natural and social sciences.

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course:

• Students will understand the terminology and basic concepts of inferential and descriptive statistics.

• Students will understand the issues involved in the collection, presentation, and analysis of statistical data.

• Students will understand and be able to calculate measures of central tendency, variation, and position for sets of statistical data.


• Students will understand and be able to use rules of probability and probability distributions.

• Students will understand the standard normal distribution, its properties, and its uses in calculating probabilities, finding confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.

V. Teaching Methods/Delivery System

The teaching method will primarily be in a lecture format, supplemented by discussion, demonstration, and in-class work. The beginning of each course will always start with questions and answers about material we covered earlier, and we will always go over any questions regarding homework or assignments that were assigned.

VI. Course Requirements

Attendance Policy:

This course is highly accelerated, and students will need to take a great deal of responsibility for their own learning outcomes. Attendance is required in each class meeting for the full period of time. Any absence must be due to extraordinary circumstances and will require documentation for it to be considered excused. Documentation must be provided immediately in order to determine what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or possible. Class attendance will directly impact your final grade, and each undocumented absence will be considered unexcused and will result in a 20% reduction in the final grade for the course.

Due to the accelerated nature of the course, should you experience a medical condition which prevents you from attending any class(es), appropriate medical documentation must be provided immediately so it may be determined what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or possible.

Benedictine University at Springfield Student Academic Honesty Policy

The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university.

Benedictine University at Springfield pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman

Catholic tradition and our Benedictine heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all

University students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community.

Student’s Responsibility

Though there is no formal honor code at Benedictine University at Springfield, students are expected to exhibit academic honesty at all times. Violations against academic honesty are always serious and may result in sanctions which could have profound long-term effects. The final responsibility for understanding the Academic Honesty Policy of the institution, as well as the specific policies for individual courses normally found in syllabi, rests with students. If any doubt exists about what constitutes academic dishonesty, students have the responsibility to talk to the faculty member. Students should expect the members of their class to be academically honest. If students believe one or more members of the class have been deceitful to gain academic advantage in the class, students should feel comfortable to approach the faculty member of the course without prejudice.


Violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Along with a verbal warning, the following are consequences a student may face for academic dishonesty:

 a failing grade or “zero” for the assignment;

 dismissal from and a failing grade for the course; or

 dismissal from the Institution.


Means of Evaluation

Tests: We will have three or four chapter tests, as listed in the Course Outline, and a comprehensive final exam at the end of the course. The average of those exam scores will be 85% of the final grade.

All tests must be taken when scheduled. In case of emergency, other arrangements can be made, but you must contact me before or immediately after the test (before the next class period).

Otherwise, you get a score of 0 for the missed test.

During a test, you are not allowed to use electronic devices of any kind other than an approved calculator; to use your book, notes, or other aids except where specifically permitted by the instructor; to give or receive assistance from anyone else; or to look at or copy from any other student’s test paper. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a score of 0 for the test.

Tests may have both an in-class component and a take-home component. Take-home tests are subject to the same rules as in-class tests, and they must be turned in when they are due in order to receive credit.

Homework will be assigned each for each section covered, to be turned in at the beginning of the following class period. Any homework turned in late will receive half credit. The homework average will be 15% of the final grade.

On the homework, please write neatly and show all your work. Homework will be graded on correctness, completeness, and clarity—not just on what your final answers are, but also on how well you communicate those answers and how you got them.

When doing the homework assignments, you are allowed, and even encouraged, to work together, compare answers, or seek outside help, if this helps you in learning the material. You are not allowed, however, to merely copy someone else’s answers. If I become convinced that you have merely copied the answers to any of the homework problems (i.e. from another student or from the back of the book), without working them out for yourself, I will not grade the rest of your paper and you will get a

0 for that assignment.

In addition to handing in the assigned homework, you are also expected to read each section of the book as it is covered in class, and do as many additional exercises, other than those assigned to be turned in, as you need to for extra practice.

Some in-class work, such as minor review quizzes, review problems, or group exercises, may be graded and their scores included in the homework portion of your course grade. These may not be made up in the case of absence.

Tests (including final exam): 85%; Homework: 15%;

Grade: 90-100% = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; under 60% = F


Grade Appeal Process:

If a student believes that an error has been made in reporting a grade, an appeal must be made in writing to the instructor and must be initiated within 60 calendar days after the end of the term for which the grade in question was reported. The appeal should contain specific information about why it is believed the grade reported is inaccurate. See the Student Handbook for additional details.

Add/Drop Dates: Please refer to the current academic calendar for add/drop dates

Incomplete Request:

To qualify for an “I” grade, a minimum of 75% of the course work must be completed with a passing grade, and a student must submit a completed Request for an Incomplete form to the Registrar’s Office.

The form must be completed by both student and instructor, but it is the student’s responsibility (not the instructor’s) to initiate this process and obtain the necessary signatures.

Student Withdrawal Procedure:

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course by completing the appropriate form, with appropriate signatures, and returning the completed form to the Advising Office. Please refer to the

Student Handbook for important financial information related to withdrawals.

VIII. Topical Course Outline:

(This schedule may need to be adjusted slightly. Any changes to test dates, etc. will be announced in class.)

Week 1: March 25

1.1 What is Statistics?

1.2 Random Samples

1.3 Introduction to Experimental Design

2.1 Frequency Distributions, Histograms, and Related Topics

2.2 Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, and Time-Series Graphs

2.3 Stem-and-Leaf Displays

Week 2: April 1

3.1 Measures of Central Tendency: Mode, Median, Mean

3.2 Measures of Variation

3.3 Percentiles and Box-and-Whisker Plots

Review Chapters 1–3

Week 3: April 8

TEST over Chapters 1–3

4.1 What is Probability?

4.2 Some Probability Rules

—Compound Events

4.3 Trees and Counting Techniques


Week 4: April 15

5.1 Introduction to Random Variables and Probability Distributions

5.2 Binomial Probabilities

5.3 Additional Properties of the Binomial Distribution

5.4 The Geometric and Poisson Probability Distributions

Review Chapters 4–5

Week 5: April 22

TEST over Chapters 4–5

6.1 Graphs of Probability Distributions

6.2 Standard Units and Areas Under the Standard Normal Distribution

6.3 Areas Under Any Normal Curve

6.4,5 Sampling Distributions; The Central Limit Theorem

6.6 Normal Approximation to Binomial Distribution

Week 6: April 29


Estimating μ When σ is Known

7.2 Estimating μ When σ is Unknown

7.3 Estimating p in the Binomial Distribution

Week 7: May 6

Catch up if we are running behind

Review Chapters 6–7

TEST over Chapters 6–7 if we are ready for it this week

Week 8: May 13

TEST over Chapters 6–7 if we did not already have it last week

8.1 Introduction to Statistical Tests


Testing the Mean μ

8.3 Testing a Proportion p

Week 9: May 20

Catch up if we are behind

TEST over Chapters 8 (maybe—if we are on schedule and time permits)

Final Review

Week 10: May 27

Final Exam


IX. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Benedictine University at Springfield provides individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in educational programs, activities, and services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in campus-sponsored programs, activities, and services, or to meet course requirements, should contact the Resource Center as early as possible:

or 217-717-9253.

X. Assessment:

Goals, objectives, and learning outcomes that will be assessed in the class are stated in this syllabus.

Instructor will use background knowledge probes, one-minute papers, reflective essays and/or other

Classroom Assessment Techniques as deemed necessary in order to provide continuous improvement of instruction.

