Utilizing the IHOP 2002 data to study variability in surface water cycle and precipitation process F. Chen, M. LeMone, T. Horst, D. Yates, S. Semmer, S. Trier, K. Manning, M. Tewari, H. McIntyre (NCAR) R. Grossman (Colorado Research Associates) R. Cuenca (Oregon State University) D. Niyogi (North Carolina State University) P. Blanken, J. Alfieri, J. Uebelherr(University of Colorado) Motivation IH2OP surface, vegetation, and soil observation network Preliminary results Scientific Issues How does land surface (soil moisture, vegetation, terrain) contribute to the amount and variation of water vapor in PBL? How well the BL structure reflect the underlying surface conditions Under which condition do mesoscale circulation occur How is BL depth affected How do the above influence convection initiation and evolution IHOP Surface, Soil and Vegetation Network URL:http://www.rap.ucar.edu/projects/land/IHOP/index.htm Part of IHOP network to support the ABL mission Nine NCAR surface-flux stations provide: Complete surface energy budget, near-surface atmospheric conditions, precipitation Soil moisture/temperature only at 5 cm depth Enhance the NCAR surface stations by adding soil and vegetation instruments Supported by NCAR Water Initiative (purchase soil and vegetation sensors, field trips) Nine NCAR Surface, soil, and vegetation stations. Plus one (site 10) from CU Central Leg Sites 4, 5, 6 Eastern Leg Sites 7, 8, 9 ABLE Network Western Leg Sites 1, 2, 3 CU station 10 OK Mesonet Methodology IHOP No 1 Land Cover WW Fetch Lat Long 10 36 28.370 100 37.075 Elevation (m) 871 2 CRP grass 9 36 37.327 100 37.619 859 S55 B10 HT and B Survey (Texas) SW¼S19T2NR23E 3 9 36 51.662 100 35.670 780 N ¼ S32 T5NR23E 4 Sagebrush mesquite cactus Grass 7-8 37 21.474 98 14.679 509 SE ¼ S12T31S R9W 5 WW 10 37 22.684 98 09.816 506 W ½ S2 T31S R8W 6 WW 10! 37 21.269 97 39.200 417 NW ¼ S16 T31S R3W 7 Grass, grazed 8 37 18.972 96 56.323 382 NE ¼ S36-T31S R4E 8 Grass, May be burned Grass, will graze cattle. Heavily grazed 9 37 24.418 96 45.937 430 SW¼ S27 T30S R6E 8-9, rolling 9+ 37 24.618 96 34.028 447 E½ S30 T30S R8E 36 53.544 100 36.202 9 10 + + Legal NE ¼ S19T5NR23E (CU site) Strategically place ten surface stations along the flight tracks and over different landuse types (range grass, wheat, sparsely vegetated) Single profile of soil moisture and temperature sensors at seven stations: measurements centered at 7.5, 15, 22.5, 37.5, 60, 70-95 cm Three profiles at Sites 1 and 9 ‘super sites’ Expected Data Near-surface weather conditions, PAR, surface incoming and net radiation (full component at sites 1,8, and 9), precipitation, surface heat fluxes, ground heat flux CO2 concentrations at sites 1 and 8 Soil moisture content, soil water tension (potential), and soil temperature profiles from the surface to a depth of 90 cm (about seven weeks). Three profiles at sites 1 and 9 Soil bulk density, soil texture, saturated hydraulic conductivity, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function, thermal conductivity, and the soil-water retention function. Weekly vegetation data: NDVI, LAI, stomatal resistance, transpiration Diurnal cycle of stomatal resistance and transpiration for a few selected sties Rain accumulation (mm) West leg Sites 1, 2, 3 Central leg Sites 4, 5, 6 East leg Sites 7, 8, 9 Latent heat flux (W m-2) Weather Research Forecast(WRF)/ LSM coupled model verification (with 10-km grid spacing) 31 May 2002 Sites 1, 2, 3 Sites 7, 8, 9 M. Tewari and F. Chen WRF/LSM coupled model verification Sites 1, 2, 3 Sites 7, 8, 9 M. Tewari and F. Chen High-resolution land data assimilation system (HRLDAS) Multi-resolution (4, 12 km) Utilize: 4-km hourly NCEP Stage-II; 1-km landuse type and soil texture maps; 0.5 degree hourly satellite derived downward solar radiation; T,q, u, v, from model based analysis; To simulate the evolution of soil moisture and temperature, evaporation and runoff. Hourly product (Jan-July 2002) 4-km surface soil moisture Valid at 12 Z May 29 2002 Impact of soil moisture on QPF 3-h rainfall ending 18Z 19 June 1998 (dryline case) MM5 using soil moisture from HRLDAS S. Trier, K. Manning, and F. Chen MM5 using soil moisture from NCEP EDAS coarse resolution and too wet Important BL processes for convection initiation and intensification for the 19 June 1998 dryline case Quasi-stationary convective rolls formed at the dryline seem critical for CI S. Trier, K. Manning, and F. Chen Mesoscale circulation formed as result of differential heating in the morning may be responsible for CI in OK Summary Comprehensive atmospheric, soil, and vegetation data set from IHOP surface/soil/vegetation network Allow a detailed analysis and improvement of LSM components Verify couple model simulation Study relationships among S-pol water vapor (Roberts and Wilson), King Air fluxes and water vapor (LeMone), and HRLDAS soil moisture and surface evaporation Investigate the role of convective rolls and mesoscale circulations in CI and QPF with IHOP data