ECEG398 Quantum Optics Course Notes Part 1: Introduction Prof. Charles A. DiMarzio and Prof. Anthony J. Devaney Northeastern University Spring 2006 January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-1 Lecture Overview • Motivation – – – – – Optical Spectrum and Sources Coherence, Bandwidth, and Fluctuations Motivation: Photon Counting Experiments Classical Optical Noise Back-Door Quantum Optics • Background – Survival Quantum Mechanics January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-2 Classical Maxwellian EM Waves v=c λ E H x E z H E H λ=c/υ y c=3x108 m/s (free space) υ = frequency (Hz) January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University Thanks to Prof. S. W.McKnight 10842-1c-3 Electromagnetic Spectrum (by λ) UV= Near-UV: 0.3-.4 μ VIS= IR= 0.40-0.75μ Near: 0.75-2.5μ Vacuum-UV: 100-300 nm Mid: 2.5-30μ Extreme-UV: 1-100 nm Far: 30-1000μ 10 nm =100Å 0.1 Å γ-Ray January 2006 0.1 μ 1μ (300 THz) 1Å 10 Å X-Ray Soft X-Ray 1 mm Mm-waves Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University Thanks to Prof. S. W.McKnight 10 μ 100 μ = 0.1mm 1 cm 0.1 m Microwaves RF 10842-1c-4 Coherence of Light • Assume I know the amplitude and phase of the wave at some time t (or position r). • Can I predict the amplitude and phase of the wave at some later time t+t (or at r+r)? January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-5 Coherence and Bandwidth Pure Cosine f=1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 0 3 Cosines Averaged f= 0.93, 1, 1.05 5 10 0 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 5 10 -1 0 January 2006 Pure Cosine f=1.05 5 10 0 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 5 10 Same as at left, and a delayed copy. Note Loss of coherence. 10842-1c-6 Realistic Example Long Delay: Decorrelation 50 Random Sine Waves with Center Frequency 1 and Bandwidth 0.8. 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 Short Delay 0.4 0.2 f 0 -0.2 -0.4 January 2006 0 1 2 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 3 7 8 10842-1c-7 Correlation Function I1I 2 I1+I2 January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-8 Controlling Coherence Making Light Coherent Making Light Incoherent Ground Glass to Destroy Spatial Coherence Spatial Filter for Spatial Coherence Wavelength Filter for Temporal Coherence January 2006 Move it to Destroy Temporal Coherence Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-9 A Thought Experiment • Consider the most coherent source I can imagine. • Suppose I believe that light comes in quanta called photons. • What are the implications of that assumption for fluctuations? January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-10 Photon Counting Experiment Clock Signal t Experimental Setup to measure the probability distribution of photon number. Photon Arrival t Photon Count 3 Gate Counter 1 2 t Probability Density 0 5 n Clock January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-11 The Mean Number • Photon Energy is hn • Power on Detector is P • Photon Arrival Rate is a=P/hn – Photon “Headway” is 1/a • Energy During Gate is PT • Mean Photon Count is n=PT/hn • But what is the Standard Deviation? January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-12 What do you expect? • Photons arrive equally spaced in time. – One photon per time 1/a – Count is aT +/- 1 maybe? • Photons are like the Number 39 Bus. – If the headway is 1/a=5 min... – Sometimes you wait 15 minutes and get three of them. January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-13 Back-Door Quantum Optics (Power) • Suppose I detect some photons in time, t • Consider a short time, dt, after that – – – – The probability of a photon is P(1,dt)=adt dt is so small that P(2,dt) is almost zero Assume this is independent of previous history P(n,t+dt)=P(n,t)P(0,dt)+P(n-1,t)P(1,dt) • Poisson Distribution: P(n,t)=exp(-at)(at)n/n! • The proof is an exercise for the student January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-14 Quantum Coherence Here are some results: Later we will prove them. January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-15 Question for Later: Can We Do Better? • Poisson Distribution 2 – =n – Fundamental Limit on Noise • Amplitude and • Phase – Limit is On the Product of Uncertainties • Squeezed Light – Amplitude Squeezed (Subpoisson Statistics) but larger phase noise – Phase Squeezed (Just the Opposite) January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University Stopped here 9 Jan 06 10842-1c-16 Back-Door Quantum Optics (Field) • Assume a classical (constant) field, Usig • Add a random noise field Unoise – Complex Zero-Mean Gaussian • Compute as function of <| Unoise|2> • Compare to Poisson distribution • Fix <| Unoise|2> to Determine Noise Source Equivalent to Quantum Fluctuations January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-17 Classical Noise Model Add Field Amplitudes Im U Un Us January 2006 Re U Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1.tex:2 10842-1c-18 Photon Noise 10842-1.tex:3 January 2006 10842-1.tex:5 = 10842-1-5.tif Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-19 Noise Power • One Photon per Reciprocal Bandwidth • Amplitude Fluctuation – Set by Matching Poisson Distribution • Phase Fluctuation – Set by Assuming • Equal Noise in Real and Imaginary Part • Real and Imaginary Part Uncorrelated January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-20 The Real Thing! Survival Guide • • • • • • • The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics States and Wave Functions Probability Densities Representations Dirac Notation: Vectors, Bras, and Kets Commutators and Uncertainty Harmonic Oscillator January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-21 Five Postulates • 1. The physical state of a system is described by a wavefunction. • 2. Every physical observable corresponds to a Hermitian operator. • 3. The result of a measurement is an eigenvalue of the corresponding operator. • 4. If we obtain the result ai in measuring A, then the system is in the corresponding eigenstate, yi after making the measurement. • 5. The time dependence of a state is given by January 2006 h y y i = i = Hy 2 t t Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-22 State of a System • State Defined by a Wave Function, y – Depends on, eg. position or momentum – Equivalent information in different representations. y(x) and f(p), a Fourier Pair • Interpretation of Wavefunction – Probability Density: P(x)=|y(x)|2 – Probability: P(x)dx=|y(x)|2dx January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-23 Wave Function as a Vector • List y(x) for all x (Infinite Dimensionality) • Write as superposition of vectors in a basis set. y(x)= a1y1(x)+a2y2(x)+... y (x) 1 y x1 y = y x2 ... January 2006 y2(x) x x Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University a1 y = a2 ... 10842-1c-24 More on Probability • Where is the particle? x = P( x )dx = y ( x ) xy ( x )dx * • Matrix Notation x = y † Xy x = y * x1 y * x2 January 2006 X Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University y x1 y x2 10842-1c-25 Pop Quiz! (Just kidding) • Suppose that the particle is in a superposition of these two states. • Suppose that the temporal behaviors of the states are exp(iw1t) and exp(iw2t) • Describe the particle motion. y2(x) y1(x) x January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University x Stopped Wed 11 Jan 06 10842-1c-26 Dirac Notation • Simple Way to Write Vectors – Kets – and Bras y |= y 1* y 2* • Scalar Products – Brackets • Operators January 2006 y 1 |y = y 2 y |y = y 1* y 2* x = y | x |y = y 1* y 2* y 1 y 2 x1 0 0 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 0 x2 0 y 1 y 2 10842-1c-27 Commutators and Uncertainty • Some operators commute and some don’t. • We define the commutator as [a b] = a b - b a • Examples [x p] = x p - p x = ih xp h/2 [x H] = x H - H x = 0 January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-28 Recall the Five Postulates • 1. The physical state of a system is described by a wavefunction. • 2. Every physical observable corresponds to a Hermitian operator. • 3. The result of a measurement is an eigenvalue of the corresponding operator. • 4. If we obtain the result ai in measuring A, then the system is in the corresponding eigenstate, yi after making the measurement. • 5. The time dependence of a state is given by January 2006 y i = Hy t Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-29 Born: 12 Aug 1887 in Erdberg, Vienna, Austria Died: 4 Jan 1961 in Vienna, Austria* Shrödinger Equation • Temporal Behavior of the Wave Function y i = Hy t – H is the Hamiltonian, or Energy Operator. • The First Steps to Solve Any Problem: – Find the Hamiltonian – Solve the Schrödinger Equation – Find Eigenvalues of H * * January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-30 Particle in a Box • Before we begin the harmonic oscillator, let’s take a look at a simpler problem. We won’t do this rigorously, but let’s see if we can understand the results. 1 2 p2 mv = 2 2m Momentum Operator: p= i x January 2006 2 2 H= 2m x 2 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-31 Some Wavefunctions 1 Shrödinger Equation y i = Hy t y 2 2y i = t 2m x 2 Eigenvalue Problem Hy=Ey Solution 2 2 nh En = 2 8mL January 2006 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 y n h Temporal Behavior i = y 2 t 8mL Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 2 2 10842-1c-32 1 Pop Quiz 2 (Still Kidding) • What are the energies associated with different values of n and L? • Think about these in terms of energies of photons. • What are the corresponding frequencies? • What are the frequency differences between adjacent values of n? January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-33 Harmonic Oscillator • Hamiltonian 1 2 1 2 H = mv kx 2 2 1 p2 1 2 2 H= w mx 2 m 2 Potential Energy • Frequency k w = m 2 January 2006 x Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-34 Harmonic Oscillator Energy • Solve the Shrödinger Equation • Solve the Eigenvalue Problem • Energy H |y n = En |y n H | En = En | En 1 1 En = n w = n hn 2 2 – Recall that... h = 2 January 2006 w = 2n Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-35 † Louisell’s Approach • Harmonic Oscillator – Unit Mass 1 2 H = p w 2q2 2 • New Operators 1 wq ip a= 2w 1 wq ip a = 2w † a, a = 1 † January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-36 The Hamiltonian • In terms of a, a † w 1 † † † H= aa a a = w a a 2 2 • Equations of Motion dq H = =p dt p da 1 = a , H = iwa dt i January 2006 dp H = = w 2 q dt q da † 1 † = a , H = iwa † dt i Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-37 Energy Eigenvalues • Number Operator 1 1 N= H w 2 N =a a † • Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian H | E = E | E N | n' = n ' | n ' 1 En = w n 2 January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-38 Creation and Anihilation (1) • Note the Following Commutators a, a = 1 † a, aa = a • Then Na = aN 1 † † † Na = a N 1 † N a | n' = (n'1)a | n' January 2006 a , aa = a † † N a † | n' = (n'1)a † | n' Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-39 Creation and Anihilation (2) Eigenvalue Equations N a | n' = (n'1)a | n' N a | n' = (n'1)a | n' January 2006 Energy Eigenvalues a | n' 1 hn n ' 2 | n' N | n' = n ' | n ' † States † a † | n' Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 1 hn n ' 2 3 hn n ' 2 10842-1c-40 Creation and Anihilation (3) N a | n' = (n 1)a | n' a | n ' =| n '1 N | n'1 = (n'1) | n'1 N | n' = n ' | n ' N a † | n' = (n 1)a † | n' † a | n' =| n'1 N | n'1 = (n'1) | n'1 January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-41 Reminder! • All Observables are Represented by Hermitian Operators. • Their Eigenvalues must be Real January 2006 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University 10842-1c-42