Teacher Education Council In attendance 2/14/06

Teacher Education Council
In attendance:
Voting Members:
Anja Bernardy (Undergraduate P-12)
Ginny Donovan (TEAC)
Kim Gray (MGE Undergraduate)
Karen Harris (P-12 Graduate)
Aaron Levy (Secondary Undergraduate)
Beverly Mitchell (Dean’s appointee to
represent accreditation)
Susan Stockdale (Adolescent Education
Janice Traylor (CFEP)
Maurice Wilson (EECE Undergraduate)
Harriet Bessette (Education Leadership
Lynda Mattison, (Alumni/Practicing
John Ouyang (EECE Graduate)
Tracy Wilson (Student Representative)
Chairs & PTEU Administrators:
Toni Strieker (Special Education)
Foster Watkins (Associate Dean for
Graduate Studies
Ike Ujeke (ECE)
Karen Kuehl (Special Education)
Lynn Stallings (M.A.T.)
Ruiqniq Nu
Approval of 11/29/06 Minutes
Motion by Maurice Wilson. Seconded by Beverly Mitchell. Approved unanimously.
Virtual Meeting in January
First reading of MAT TESOL.
Heads up
Elementary and Early Childhood Education will be presenting a program for those who will work with
children from birth-age 5 degree, Ike Ukeje, Emily Schmidt
 This degree is crucial, timely, and innovative.
 The program is aligned with National Association for the Education of Young Children standards.
 The first reading will be in March.
 Beverly reminded the EECE faculty about the importance of the AOL portion of form.
Second Reading
M.Ed. in Inclusive School Leadership
 Toni reminded the TEC that this proposal either prepares principals or special education
 Toni explained that within the past week, the faculty had learned that this degree had three extra hours
and explained a plan to reduce the hours.
 Beverly moved that this be approved on first reading. Kim Gray seconded. Approved unanimously.
First Reading
MAT TESOL, Karen Kuehl, Karen Harris.
 Toni Strieker and Judi Holzman emphasized that the advisory board has helped design the program.
 The M.A.T. in TESOL will build on the M.A.T. for Math/English by sharing EDUC 6100/L.
The program is aligned with exemplary TESOL programs around the nation.
The faculty decided to reduce the literacy component to increase field experience hours.
The goal of the program is to prepare teachers to teach all content areas
The faculty also has the goal of increasing collaboration through offering elective options.
New TOEFL will have spoken English part and will be offered via the web.
The prefix will be EDUC, but the numbers will be selected so that the courses won't easily be confused
with current offerings.
Anja questioned the requirement that all students be employed during the program. Janice agreed that
area counties are hiring fewer provisionally certified teachers.
Beverly asked how hard the transition would be to admitting students who weren't employed in
Beverly explained several comments about the programs.
Anja also asked about minimum of 800 on GRE when 1030 is required to exempt PRAXLIS I. Toni
explained that a variety of types of evidence are reviewed for admissions.
Beverly moved that this proposal be accepted on first reading. The motion was seconded by Janice
Traylor and approved unananimously.
MAT English, Math - Lynn Stallings
 Lynn explained that these five proposals were “housekeeping” changes. Each of the math and English
M.A.T. programs include two methods courses that were originally planned to be offered throught he
BCOE Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education and will now be moved to the
Departments of English or Mathematics (MAED/ENED).
 These proposals follow the precedent of teaching the undergraduate secondary methods courses in the
Departments of Mathematics and English.
 Motion to approve by Beverly. Seconded by Anja. Approved unanimously.
To help programs meet GPCC deadlines the TEC decided to meet on Feb. 28th.
Susan proposed that in April and May we reviewed processes and paperwork.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Lynn Stallings.