Evaluation from Area Principals Secondary Principals Rate how well prepared you feel teachers who completed the licensure program at Austin Peay State University are in the following skills. Rate each item on a 4 point scale with 4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, and 1 = Strongly Disagree. Teacher Skills Average Standard Deviation Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. 3.6 0.548 Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years reflect a thorough understanding of pedagogical content knowledge. 3.6 0.548 Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years reflect a thorough understanding of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills. 3.4 0.894 Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years reflect the dispositions expected of professional educators. 3.6 0.548 3 0.816 3.4 0.894 3.4 0.894 3.5 0.577 3 0.707 3 0.707 3.4 0.548 Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years accurately assess and analyze student learning and make appropriate adjustments to instruction based on these assessments. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years have a broad knowledge of instructional strategies. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years present their content in clear and meaningful ways. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years integrate technology into their teaching. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years create learning experiences based on the developmental level and prior experience of their students. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years design instruction that addresses the needs of students with diverse cultural and language backgrounds and different learning needs. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years uses classroom management techniques that foster self-control and self discipline. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years demonstrate productive leadership or team membership skills that facilitate the development of mutually beneficial goals designed to make the entire school a productive learning environment. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years organize systematically and maintain useful records of student work and performance. Teachers who completed their education program from APSU within the last five years communicate student progress knowledgeably and responsibly to students, parents, and appropriate others. Note: Five people responded to the surveys. 3.4 0.548 3.4 0.548 3.4 0.548 What do you consider to be the greatest strength of teachers who have completed their education program at APSU within the last five years? They are well prepared regarding incorporating state curricula. Knowledge of current educational procedures. I have hired some great young teachers who graduated from APSU. However, I have had some who were less than stellar. The good ones all possessed a work ethic and natural talent for teaching. What do you consider to be the greatest weakness of teachers who have completed their education program at APSU within the last five years? They are not well prepared to handle discipline of students. They do not want to spend any extra time on school activities. Classroom management skills. It is hard to point to one thing but I don't feel they are very knowledgeable about assessment and appropriate strategies. On the other hand, teachers I have hired who attended MTSU and Murray State have excellent preparation. What suggestions do you have to improve the education program at APSU? Spend some time preparing teachers to deal with all the non teaching tasks, ie. school improvement plans, extra duties, handling classroom discipline, ect. It seems to be doing well but not sending out surveys would be good. What does MTSU and Murray State do so radically different? Maybe it's the lack of the dream and I have just been very fortunate with hires from those schools. If you have not retained teachers trained at APSU within the last five years, please provide information about problems the teacher or teachers encountered? How could APSU have helped to prevent this problem? I had the opportunity to hire a Spanish teacher form APSU's student teaching program but she had exhibited some irritations in dealing with other staff members during her ST. I hired one this year that I will not retain because he used poor judgment in professional conduct. Most have been excellent though. I have not retained one due to lack of classroom management skills and failure to work well with others in the department. Classroom management, appropriate strategies. The one I have non-renewed, recently, from APSU could have graduated from any school and been the same. He was one of the worst hires I have ever made - I am at fault for that one!