President’s Cabinet April 12, 2005 Minutes

President’s Cabinet
April 12, 2005
The Cabinet met on April 12, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. Present were Bird, Burke, Clark, E.
Davis, H. Davis, Gregory, Henry, Hoppe, Jackson, Loos, Meningall, Pelham, Rayburn,
Robinson, Speck, and Struckmeyer. Joe Mills and Kevin Kennedy also attended the
1. Old Business
a. Smoking Policy
Mills distributed proposed changes to the current smoking policy. Cabinet
approved the following statement:
Violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate
supervisor. Continuous violations should be reported to the
appropriate vice president or president. Student violations should be
reported to the Office of Student Affairs.
The policy will be revised and sent to Cabinet for final vote. The changes
will become effective July 1, 2005. Hoppe will include information about
the revised smoking policy in her annual policy memo.
Henry reported that smoking signs on buildings are hard to read because
of the black lettering on clear background. Robinson will work with Pratt
to improve smoking signs.
b. Code of Computing Practices/Web Cam Policy Addition
Jackson distributed a revised draft of the Code of Computing Practice and
a checklist given to housing students that includes items to bring to
campus. He stated that the Code of Computing Practice should become a
policy and should be revised to include the following statement:
10. In using university computer resources, you are not permitted to
use electronic or other devices (i.e., web cameras, video cameras,
phone cameras, etc.,) to make or transmit an audio or video record
of any person while on university premises without his/her prior
knowledge, or without his/her effective consent when such a
recording is likely to cause injury, embarrassment, distress or
infringe upon the intellectual work or property rights of others.
This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking and/or
transmitting pictures of another person in a gym, locker room,
restroom, or residence hall.
Cabinet approved. Henry noted that the reference to Computer Services
throughout the document should be changed to Information Technology.
Jackson also noted that the Student Code of Conduct will need to be
revised, and that process cannot be completed until Fall 2006 since
approvals are required from the TBR, the Legislature, and the Attorney
2. New Business
a. Proposed Changes in THEC Formula
Hoppe provided an update on the new THEC formula model. The new
enrollment base calculation will use a three-year moving average of actual
fall enrollments plus supplements. Any enrollment generated after 14th
day will be added to the next year at 100%. With this, APSU can consider
open enrollment for Web classes. Hoppe will meet with deans and
directors to discuss creative ways to meet the needs of our diverse
b. Faculty Senate Approval of Handbook Changes
Rayburn stated that the Faculty Senate scheduled a meeting to consider
changes presented by the Faculty Handbook Committee. The changes
submitted were categorized as (1) General Personnel Issues, (2)
Construction of Dossiers, and (3) Personnel Processes. All items were
3. Monthly Reports
a. Open Positions
b. Construction Updates
APSU Phys Plant
Project Status Rpt 03-31-05.doc
c. Policy Updates
No report
d. Sub-Council Reports
No report
e. Faculty Senate Report
No report
f. SGA Report
Pelham reported that the newly elected SGA officers were Kevin
Kennedy, President; Nick Pitts, Vice President; and Allison Lambert,
There were a record number of votes in this year’s election.
Interviews for Chief Justice will be held later today.
Interviews for new members of the Tribunal will be held tomorrow.
Applications for Mister and Madame Governor are due today.
SGA members will attend a retreat at Paris Landing.
SGA will work on Standing Committee appointments.
g. Staff Council Report
Staff Development day is scheduled on May 19 with two speakers, a
representative from the Better Business Bureau and an Army
representative. Two sessions will be held. The first session begins at 9
a.m. and ends with lunch from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. The second session
begins with lunch from 12 – 1 p.m. and the meeting follows from 1-3 p.m.
All staff members are required to attend unless they are granted
permission not to attend from a vice president or the president.
h. Strategic Planning Committee Report
The committee is currently working on setting targets for initiatives. The
strategic plan is due May 6.
i. Student Issues
 Concerns have been expressed about the disciplinary process as it
relates to groups of students. Meningall noted that all students go
through the same disciplinary process.
 Calls have been coming in about how some articles get printed in the
Allstate. She stated that the student newspaper cannot be censored.
 Complaints have increased about cheating and classroom violations.
j. ERP
 Equipment is being received.
 The training schedule is being set up.
 Notebook computers will be placed in the training room.
4. Announcements
 Hispanic Cultural Center Opening, April 13
 Student Leaders Award Program, April 15
 Plant the Campus Red, April 16
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.