Council 20 July 2009 C/09/46 Agenda Item: 13(c) UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT TO COUNCIL 2008-09 1 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE (EADC) EADC has the following membership and revised terms of reference. Recommended to Council that the revised terms of reference be approved. Membership Ex Officio Members Vice-Chancellor: Professor Colin Riordan Director of Human Resources: Mrs Sue Endean Academic Registrar: Dr Wayne Campbell Director of Student Support: Ms Rachel Fletcher Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability): Ms Angela Jones Equality and Diversity Officer: Mr Syd Kent Equal Opportunities Officer, Students' Union: TBC Nominated/Representative/Elected Members One representative of the Joint Trade Union Committee: Ms Natalie Gray One student member elected by the Students' Union Council: TBC Appointed Members One External Member of Council Mrs Rosy Stamp (Chair) One Dean Dr Leon Burnett One Head of Department Dr Peter Martin Terms of Reference a. To agree policy in relation to equality and diversity issues, consulting students, staff and external interest groups as appropriate, and to make recommendations to Senate and to Council as appropriate; b. to monitor key performance indicators in accordance with an agreed schedule; c. to monitor the implementation of requirements and recommendations that arise from the introduction of new policies and procedures or the review of existing policies and procedures; d. to review existing policies, procedures and service provision in relation to equality and diversity; e. to receive and advise on action arising from external consultation exercises; f. to decide on the programme of Equality Impact Assessments EIAs), to receive final EIA reports and monitor the implementation of any recommendations arising from final EIA reports; g. to submit an annual report to Council. 2 APPROVAL OF POLICIES Following approval by USG on 8 June 2009, it is recommended to Council that the following revised Policy Statements and Codes of Practise be approved:-161- 1. The Policy Statement and Code of Practice on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (appendix 1) 2. The Policy Statement and Code of Practice on Religion and Belief (appendix 2) Note: With effect from 2008-09, EADC is an Advisory Group to Council. 3 TWO TICKS DISABILITY SYMBOL The University was formally accredited with the Two Ticks Disability symbol in July 2008 and with immediate effect started work on implementing the five commitments: 1.Interviewing all applicants with a disability who meet the essential criteria on a person specification and considering them on their abilities. 2.Ensuring there is a mechanism in place to discuss, at any time, but at least once a year, with disabled employees what can be done to ensure that they develop and use their abilities. 3.Making every effort when an employee becomes disabled to ensure that they stay in employment. 4.Taking action to ensure that all employees develop an appropriate level of disability awareness to make these commitments work. 5.Reviewing the commitments each year to assess what has been achieved, plan ways to make improvements and to let staff and the Employment Service know about progress and future plans. 4 EQUALITY DUTIES Disability Equality Scheme - In 2006 the University developed its first Disability Equality Scheme to outline how it intended to meet with general and specific duties outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 2005. In November 2008, EADC received an annual report giving details of progress made against the Action Plan in the second year as well as outlining procedures for information gathering and providing details of how the scheme has developed. EADC noted that significant progress had been made and that the Scheme is due to be reviewed in 2009. Gender Equality Scheme – The Scheme was agreed by EADC in November 2007, by Senate in January 2008 and by Council in March 2008. The scheme was published on the Equality and Diversity web site in April 2008. In March 2009, EADC received an annual report giving details of progress made against the action plan. EADC noted that progress had been made in some areas but one action point – to introduce a pro-rate charge for purchasing an annual parking permit – had been unsuccessful. The Gender Equality Scheme is due to be reviewed in 2010 Race Equality action plan - The Policy and Action Plan on The Duty to Promote Race Equality was originally produced in 2002 and was subsequently reviewed and amended in 2006. Progress on the action plan was reviewed in November 2007 and in November 2008 EADC was informed that work was ongoing, particularly in the areas of training and statistical monitoring and that the Policy and Action Plan are due to be reviewed in 2009. 5 STUDENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STATISTICS EADC received reports from the Academic Section (student complaints and Student Satisfaction Survey), Admissions, Student Support, the Counselling Service, the Careers Centre, and the Student Disciplinary and Membership Panel. No significant equality issues were identified; however the high number of disabled applicants rejected by East 15 was noted by EADC and referred to the Equality Impact Assessment looking at Student Admissions. -162- 6 EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (EIAs) Two EIAs were completed in 2008-2009. The first looked at Staff Recruitment and Selection and the second at Student Admissions. Although no significant equality issues were identified, a number of recommendations arose from each EAI. The policy-holding Sections involved, Human Resources and External Relations, are currently working through the recommendations. 7 OTHER BUSINESS 1. Access Forum – EADC received two reports from the Access Forum who provided comprehensive information about their activities including their involvement in, arranging provision of a ‘changing places’ toilet, under-podia redesign and new traffic management system, the design of the new Lakeside Theatre entrance and conducting access audits. 2. International Minority Ethnic Staff Forum – EADC received minutes of their meeting held in October 2008 at which the Vice-Chancellor’s dignity and respect programme and the aims and objectives of the Forum were discussed. 3. DisabledGo audit – Disabled Go have completed their audit of selected venues on all three campuses and the details for publication are currently being finalised. 4. Equality and Diversity events week – a successful week of events was held in November 2008 to mark Dyslexia Awareness Week, National Stress Awareness Day and Ban Bullying at Work Day. The highlights were two special theatre workshops by ‘Theatreand’, a creative training and communications company who use professional actors within their training workshops. They explored equality and diversity issues around the theme of bullying and harassment. Karen Bush Policy and Projects Officer, Human Resources June 2009 -163-