UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX HEALTH AND SAFETY GROUP Tuesday 07 October 2015 (11.00am to 1.00pm) MINUTES Chair Mr Bryn Morris, Registrar & Secretary Present Mr Oldham, Ms Morgan, Miss Manning, Ms Saunders, Ms Carmel, Mr Crust, Mr Couch, Mrs Hardy, Ms Seabrook, Mr Wakeman, Mr Vinter (standing in for Mr Neale), Mr Wilding, Ms A Fletcher Secretary Health & Safety Assistant 1. APOLOGIES & ANNOUNCMENTS Apologies Mr Neale, Mrs Provan, Dr Carrington Not in attendance Miss Lucas, Mr Awil, Mr McAuley, Mr Samuels 2. STARING OF AGENDA ITEMS Agenda item 3 MINTUES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 28 APRIL 2015 was starred. KW 77/15 KW 78/15 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 28 APRIL 2015 Paper HSG/15/13 received. In reference to agenda item 8 (Health and Safety Key Performance Indicators). Mr Wilding reiterated that he believes the subject of stress at the University should be a KPI monitored issue. The group agreed to cover the topic of stress under agenda item 13 of this meeting. 79/15 Minutes approved 80/15 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT APPEARING ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA Paper HSG/15/14 received. None. Paper approved. 81/15 5. UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT ON HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING PERFORMANCE 2014/15 Paper HSG/15/15 received. The group discussed sections of the University’s Annual Report on Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance, prepared by the Health & Safety Advisory Service; 82/15 Mr Wilding commented that section 1.8.2 (Staff survey) of the report should be KW reported on through HSG however, the group agreed that the HSG was not a suitable group to perform this function. 83/15 Ms Seabrook commented on Appendix A1, page 17 of the annual report (University Health and Safety Performance Targets) and provided an update on outstanding targets from the Faculty of Science and Health. PAT test training has been arranged for 28 October 2015 and improvements have been made to PAT testing. The outstanding inspection action plan will also be forwarded to HSAS before the end of October. AS 84/15 Section 2.4 (New Builds) of the report was raised by Mr Wakemen, who emphasised the importance of a pre-occupation health and safety inspection. JW 85/15 Ms Hardy commented on section 1.11.3 (Departmental record keeping). EH 86/15 The group agreed that: The annual Health, Safety & Wellbeing report will be updated with the latest performance indicator information before being sent to USG for approval. ACTION, CS 87/15 Inspections by the Health & Safety Advisory Service will be carried out in new buildings before staff members begin cleaning or portering activities. Union members will be invited to join inspections. 88/15 Record keeping practice for health and safety related processes will maximise the use of existing software where possible e.g. i-HR (iTrent). 89/15 Paper approved for USG. 90/15 6. DETAILED STATISTICAL REPORT AND SIGNIFICANT HEALTH & SAFETY AND FIRE SAFETY INCIDENTS 2014/15 Paper HSG/15/16 received. A verbal update was provided by Ms Saunders covering the most significant incidents that have occurred since the last HSG meeting. A discussion was also held on the statistics provided in the report which covered the academic year 2014/15. Mr Wakeman commented on the number of ‘dangerous behaviour’ incidents in the 2014/15 report. Ms Saunders explained that dangerous behaviour incidents are a new category for 2014/15 and cover such incidents as throwing glass bottles, 91/15 JW 92/15 tampering with fire equipment and assisting intoxicated individuals. The group agreed that: A breakdown of the ‘dangerous behaviour’ section of the detailed report will be circulated to members of the HSG before the next meeting. ACTION, CS,AF 93/15 Occurrences of ‘dangerous behaviour’ incidents will be monitored by HSAS to detect patterns and highlight areas of concern. ACTION, CS, AF 94/15 Incidents of tampering with firefighting and detection equipment will be removed from the dangerous behaviour section of the detailed report. ACTION, CS, AF 95/15 7. STUDENTS UNION ANNUAL REPORT ON HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING PERFORMANCE AND UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX CAMPUS SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT ON HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING PERFORMANCE Papers HSG/15/17 and HSG/15/18 No comments were made on the annual reports provided by the Student Union and UECS. The chair thanked the Student Union and UECS for their reports. 96/15 8. REVIEW OF UNIVERSITY HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING POLICY, MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE OF PRACTICE AND TERMS OF REFERENCE TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY GROUP Papers HSG/15/19, HSG/15/20, HSG/15/21 and HSG/15/22 The group agreed to co-opt Mr Steve Couch, University Insurance and Risk Manager to the Health and Safety Group for 2015/16. This has been reflected in the revised Terms of Reference for the Health and Safety Group which will be presented to Council for approval in July 2016. 97/15 Papers HSG/15/19, HSG/15/20, HSG/15/21 and HSG/15/22 approved for USG. 98/15 9. REVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY COMPETENCE TRAINING MATRIX Papers HSG/15/23 and HSG/15/24 received. No comments were added to papers HSG/15/23 and HSG/15/24. Papers approved. 99/15 10. STAFF SURVEY UPDATE (VERBAL REPORT BY KAREN BUSH) A Staff Survey Group (SSG) has been created to work on results of latest Staff Survey to help engage staff through new communication efforts such as the monthly questions email and HR blog. A new ‘staff survey’ email address has been created to allow staff to comment and provide feedback to members of the Staff Survey Group in HR. KB 100/15 So far there has been good engagement and feedback to the staff survey monthly questions and email with around 250-500 responses per month. The main engagement is coming from Professional Services staff members with a limited but important number coming from faculty staff groups. KB 101/15 A project to assess the workload of staff in faculty departments across the University is underway and being led by members of the HR team. Departmental Administrators within the faculties are the main focus of the review which aims to improve workflow and reduce stress on staff working in busy departments. Alongside this review of workload there is an assessment being carried out on the software currently being used by staff in administrative roles. KB 102/15 The University’s action plan on stress at work is progressing and developing with the feedback provided by staff. Departmental level stress risk assessments are being worked on with the target to complete departmental risk assessments by the end of September 2016. KB 103/15 The chair updated the group with feedback from the USG meeting of 5th October 2015, regarding the agreed actions of the Safe Overseas Travel recommendations presented to USG in early October 2015. BM 104/15 USG approved the following: That a communication be issued making clear the University’s expectation that staff and students intending to travel to high and extreme risk areas complete a travel application at least two weeks prior to departure and, where required, complete University risk assessments and training before travel. BM 105/15 11. SAFE OVERSEAS TRAVEL Paper HSG/15/25 received. Continued use of AIG online travel training for staff and students visiting high / extreme risk locations. 106/15 Provision of staff training on the completion of overseas travel risk assessments. 107/15 Investigation of the provision of travel health advice by the University’s Occupational Health Service. 108/15 USG did not approve recommendations for: Bespoke online or face to face training for experienced travellers; on the grounds that the University should not allocate funds and resources to duplicate what service is already available from AIG for free. The ongoing maintenance and development of bespoke University software would not be fit for purpose. BM 109/15 Compulsory completion of the AIG online travel training for all students, as it felt that the same standards should be applied to staff and students (i.e. only required for those travelling to high / extreme risk locations). However USG did state that attendance at the Essex Abroad conference should be compulsory for all students. 110/15 The use of personal tracking alarms for those visiting extreme risk locations. 111/15 The group discussed the current online Overseas Travel Security training provided by AIG and the current number of university staff members completing the course. Compliance with the online training is not at a sufficient standard and requires improving to 100% adherence. The group went onto discuss the number of staff completing the required travel insurance and risk assessment documentation that is required before travel to certain overseas locations. Adherence to this protocol could also be improved. It was felt inappropriate to add now requirements until an appropriate level of compliance has been achieved in relation to existing requirements. 112/15 The group agreed with USG’s decisions in relation to the Safe Overseas Travel paper. 113/15 12. CHANGES TO FIRE EVACUATION POLICY (JOHN CRUST – FIRE SAFETY OFFICER) Papers HSG/15/26 and HSG/15/27 received. Mr Crust provided a verbal update on the key recommendations and changes within the Fire Evacuation Policy. JCr 114/15 The revised Fire Evacuation Policy is to contain guidance on assisting those who need help during an evacuation. JCr 115/15 Many buildings at the University have now had fire alarm ‘zoning’ applied to allow for smaller areas or just a single floor to be evacuated when the fire alarm activates. JCr 116/15 Personal Evacuation and Escape Plans (PEEPs) are currently administered by the University Fire Officers. It is recommended that this function be shared with departments who are directly involved in the welfare and management of individuals who require a PEEP. More complex PEEP cases will still be administered by the University Fire Officers. JCr 117/15 The Health and Safety Advisory Service is to engage with the Academic Section and develop a working PEEP process to improve capture of students and staff who require an evacuation plan. ACTION JCr 118/15 Papers HSG/15/26 and HSG/15/27 approved. 119/15 13. STRESS (JOHN CRUST – UCU) Paper HSG/15/28 Paper HSG/15/28 received. Mr Crust summarised the UCU paper submitted to the Health and Safety Group adding that he believes stress is an issue that needs to be tackled at the University. Resources are required to reduce stress and are required within a reasonable time frame. The group discussed the current project underway with the i-HR software system that will allow for accurate data capture on causes of illness and absence relating to JCr 120/15 121/15 work related stress. The group also discussed the current holiday and sickness absence systems used by the faculties and what improvements can be made to this process to capture relevant information relating to absence and illness caused by work related stress. The University’s strategy for handling stress in the workplace is being led by the Head of Workplace Health and Wellbeing. A verbal update was provided regarding the progress of this project: LC Resilience training for staff, supervisors and managers continues to take place throughout the University Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) services are present and are being successfully used by staff members A review of the workload on faculty Departmental Administrators continues to produce useful findings that will be turned into actions points for departments to take forward A review of stress within the Essex Business School is underway using the HSE stress management guidance. Mental Health First Aid training courses are being delivered to managers and front line staff. Trained members of the Occupational Health team are coaching managers of effective mental health first aid skills. Mental Health First Aid training has also taken place for members of the Student Resident Life team. 122/15 123/15 124/15 125/15 126/15 127/15 128/15 Mr Crust commented that the measures delivered by the University Occupational Health Service sit outside of what the HSE requires to tackle stress. Results obtained from the Validium service used by University staff members show that workload is not the main cause of work related stress at the University. Mr Crust went on to add that Stress Risk Assessments have been requested from the University by Union Representatives but none have been received to date. JCr 129/15 Mr Wakeman added that ‘back to work’ monitoring for staff members following sickness absence only appears to be taking place in the Accommodation Essex department of the Professional Services section. Other departments within Professional Services do not perform this function for their staff members. JW 130/15 On behalf of the Health and Safety Group; The Chair requested that Mrs Carmel and Ms Saunders produce a formal response to the UCU paper and recommendations, which should address the following: ACTION LC, CS 131/15 We have a Stress Policy and need to focus on implementing the Policy. Information gathering: We need an evaluation of what comes out of the Department / Section risk assessments. Incremental approach: There should not be an institutional survey / audit until we have looked at results from the Department / Section risk assessments. We also need data on stress related sickness absence. Training: should be targeted and linked to risk. Ongoing reporting to line mangers and groups such as HSG (inc KPIs to be considered). 132/15 133/15 134/15 135/15 136/15 Mr Crust stated he and UCU were disappointed with the response to the paper submitted and added that postponing any action for six months is a poor response. Mr Crust reiterated the legal entitlement of Union Representatives to be involved in departmental and sectional risk assessments. Requests by Union Representatives to obtain information relating to illness and absence caused by stress need to be acknowledged and actioned. JC 137/15 The Chair advised that an incremental and staged approach to implementing measures to tackle work related stress remains the focus of the University. Data Protection measures as well as, in some cases, individual consent need to be considered when responding to requests for confidential information from the University. Certain individuals may be recognised even if data is anonymised. A short term solution was suggested whereby Union members who have suffered work related stress are able send individual reports to Unions Representatives rather than obtaining this information through the University. BM 138/15 JW 139/15 14. DANGEROUS WORK PRACTICES (JOHN WAKEMAN – UNISON) Paper HSG15/29 received. The group discussed the paper submitted by Mr Wakeman regarding Dangerous Work Practices at the University and what reporting mechanism is suitable for witnesses of unsafe working practice. The group agreed that; when witnessing an unsafe work practice by staff members or contractors the incident should be reported to Patrol Officer staff. Once the incident has been resolved an incident report form is to be completed by Patrol Officers and submitted to the Health and Safety Advisory Service. A health and safety bulletin is required to communicate the Dangerous Work Practice reporting protocol. 140/15 ACTION, CS / MV 141/15 15. RISK ASSESSMENT AUDIT (JOANNA CARRINGTON – HEALTH AND SAFETY ADVISER) Papers Papers HSG/15/30 and HSG/15/31 received. No comments were added to papers HSG/15/30 and HSG/15/31. 142/15 16. HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARD IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW: LASER SAFETY AND ARTIFICIAL OPTICAL RADIATION SAFETY (JOANNA CARRINGTON, UNIRPA) Paper HSG/15/32 received. No further comments were added to the paper. 143/15 17. GETTING IT RIGHT HEALTH AND SAFETY FORUM 2015 Paper HSG/15/33 Paper HSG/15/33 received. No comments were added. 144/15 18. MINUTES FROM SUB COMMITEES: No meetings have taken place for sub committees of the Health and Safety Group since the last meeting. 145/15 19. ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS None. 20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26 April 2016 at 2pm to 4pm in room 4SA.6.19 (HR Training room) Colchester Campus. Abigail Fletcher H&S Assistant October 2015 146/15